A concerted team work needed to tide over the current crisis in sector...... 2

The way of presentation is what ultimately matters in the market ...... 4 Deepthi Nair. S.

Natural drinks in the natural way ...... 10 Vijayakumar Hallikery

Thengu Mane- a treat to the palette ..... 12 Business Opportunities ...... 33 Vijayakumar Hallikeri &G.M. Siddarameswara Swamy News ...... 34 Tranquebar Whiskey from ...... 14 Project Approval Committee cleared 18 projects Sasikumar C International tech expo held at Kochi ILA-Coconut Soda ...... 15 Hospitality World Mridula K Prizes of Literary competition distributed Virgin is not a medicine, .... 16 but a functional food Monthly operations in coconut gardens - August ...... 37 Prospects of market development for non- Market Review - June 2012 ...... 39 traditional value added coconut products in & around National Capital ...... 18 Kumaravel S, G.R. Singh, Ravi Prakash & Jayakumar S

Unlocking the potential of Nature’s ...... 22 Super Market- the Coconut M.A. Salam, Alvira D’Souza & Mridula K

Copra Procurement Under Price Support Scheme ...... 26 Deepthi Nair S.

Import of vegetable oils an outlook ...... 29 P.O. Baby Vermicompost production, from ash to cash ...... 30 G.K.Girijesh, T.S. Vageesh, R. Nagaraj, A.S.Kumaraswamy, M.Dinesh Kumar Chairman’s Page

A concerted team work needed to tide over the current crisis in coconut sector

Dear Coconut Farmers, almost doubled during this year. The recent ban on export of coconut oil adds fuel to fire. Coconut farmers are reeling under a severe price fall in coconut, and coconut oil. PSS operations The country is having restriction on the export of by NAFED are going on. But unlike the previous years, all edible oils and coconut oil is one among them. The the PSS operations could not make much positive impact ban on export of coconut oil, which is used as edible on the price trend. No doubt, but for PSS operation oil only in seems to be little irrational. price fall would have been more severe. In India, in Unrestricted export of coconut oil is allowed only the southern states which are the major producers of through Kochi port. The restricted export of coconut coconut, the price of coconut is directly linked with oil permitted earlier through other EDI ports is banned the price of copra and coconut oil. Only a fair and with effect from 1st August 2012. If the export of reasonable price for coconut oil can, in turn, assure a coconut oil in bulk packing is allowed atleast through reasonable price for coconut. In order to identify all the South Indian Ports, we could have garnered the solutions for the price fall we have to analyse the sizeable market for coconut oil in the Middle East reasons for price fall. After understanding major countries. At present this market opportunity may go factors contributing to the price fall, we have to initiate to Sri Lanka and Philippines. measures for arresting this trend. Urgent policy The huge ethnic population of South Indian people decisions and Government interventions on a war in the Middle East countries offers great scope for the footing is necessary to help the Indian coconut industry penetration of Indian coconut oil in their markets. It is to tide over the crisis. estimated that around 50000 MT of coconut oil is The international price of coconut oil is an important annually used in Middle East markets. The ban of export factor in deciding price coconut of coconut oil in India. from India opens up avenue for Sri Lanka and Since domestic as well as international prices of Philippines. This may again affect the export of Indian coconut oil are now almost at par, export of coconut coconut products. This calls for a situation wherein oil is possible. Other factors like the prices of other the farmer collectives and representatives of people edible oils, its availability, shortage, import of various must intervene to convince the government to lift the edible oils to India, export of coconut oil from India ban on export of coconut oil. and PSS operations based on MSP are having their Acceleration of MSP procurement by State level share in deciding market prices of coconut oil. procurement agencies and strict monitoring of the Normally lesser rain fall might have spiked the price procurement process by state governments are other of agricultural crops; especially oil seeds. But coconut important factors that can help farmers. Procurement oil is the only edible oil in India, still reeling under very must be based on definite targets in close association low price. with farmer collectives. Transparency must be ensured We have been facing shortage of edible oil during in the procurement operations with procedures made these years. The anticipated decrease in the production more logical and simple by state level agencies. There of edible oils due to delayed monsoon and the shortage are complaints that some state level agencies are even of rain may aggravate the situation. Keeping this in enforcing conditions not stipulated by NAFED. mind, edible oil importers already hiked their stock of Considering the severe fall in the prices of copra, edible oils. The country has already imported around State Governments must consider extending additional 12 lakh tones of RBD palm oil and 34 lakh tones of support to farmers. The State Government of crude palm oil (November 2011-June 2012). At present, Karnataka has already sanctioned an additional crude palm oil has zero import duty and refined palm incentive of Rs.700 per quintal of copra apart from oil has an import duty of 7.5%. Import of palm oil is the MSP of Rs.5350/- per quintal for ball copra offered

Indian Coconut Journal 2 August 2012 Chairman’s Page by NAFED. This additional support has created very for establishing coconut processing units. CPS, their good impact in the ball copra market of Karnataka Federations and Producer Companies can take up such and the price has reached at par with the MSP. Board initiatives by availing the financial assistance of the has solicited the Governments of Tamil Nadu and Board. Along with Board, State Governments must Kerala to extend similar support in their states too. also undertake intensive promotional campaigns to Creation of additional infrastructure for copra increase the consumption and utilization of various making is another area that needs to be explored on a coconut products. war footing. Board is extending 50% financial Policy interventions both at the central and State assistance for installing modern copra dryers with a Government level are now vital for protecting the minimum capacity of 10,000 nuts per batch to coconut sector of our country. It is the responsibility Federations of CPSs. The State Governments may also of the concerned state governments to ensure that mobilize funds for creating modern dryers for copra these policy decisions are reaching the grass root level, making. Similarly local self government institutions through various programmes and projects. The through their plan funds for production sector may Government of India had declared the MSP for copra encourage farmer collectives like CPSs and and designated NAFED for the procurement Cooperative Societies to establish modern copra operations. But the responsibility lies on the state level dryers. A uniform rate of 50% subsidy for the copra designated agencies and they must ensure that the dryers may be thought of by all agencies. The procurement process is hassle free. Coconut Producers immediate need of the hour is a policy decision at the Societies have to take the lead in the supply of FAQ government level for this purpose. copra to procurement agencies. Thus the national level Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices agency, state level procuring agencies and the farmer (CACP) has initiated action for deciding the Minimum collectives must work in tandem for making the national Support Price for copra for the next season. The policy of MSP functionally benefitting coconut farmers. committee is planning to visit Tamil Nadu and Kerala Effective teamwork is needed for this purpose and for collecting information from the farmers and the this is the right time to invigorate such teamwork. farmer collectives. Coconut farming community must Neera tapping is another area which needs to be make use of this opportunity for appraising the explored. All the major coconut growing countries are commission for fixing a fair and remunerative price effectively utilizing the potential of Neera both in their for their products. domestic as well as in international markets. It is high Tender coconut marketing is another avenue that time that in our country also, State Governments must needs to be exploited fully for arresting this price trend. take policy decision for issuing license for producing None of the coconut products other than copra and coconut neera to farmers’ collectives thereby enabling coconut oil are affected by this declining price trend. the coconut farmers to get steady revenue. Tapping Maximum tender coconut harvest must be made during of the inflorescence opens up still larger avenues for September-May season. This will ensure early and other products like coconut flower syrup, honey, better income to the farmers and also will arrest the coconut palm sugar etc. excess inflow of matured coconut and copra to the As adversities are the right time to bring out the market in the next season. best in everything, let us positively hope that this period Product diversification, value addition and by of price crash would inspire the farmers to diversify, product utilization are the other key areas that must be would motivate the policy makers to make structural attempted on an emergency basis. Coconut does have changes and finally educate the consumers and bring a product basket with an array of value added products about an attitudinal change towards effective utilisation like virgin coconut oil, desiccated coconut, coconut milk, of coconut and its products. coconut milk powder, milk cream, ball copra etc. It is With regards, high time that our farmers through farmer collectives T K Jose venture into processing for value addition. Coconut Development Board under the Technology Mission on Coconut is extending technical and financial assistance Chairman

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 3 The way of presentation is what ultimately matters in the market Deepthi Nair. S.

India takes pride in being the Indonesia, Phillippines and Srilanka. changed to suit the requirements of nation in third position in area under The branded coconut powder that the consuming market, whether coconut behind Indonesia, second is consumed here is produced in domestic or global. in production next to Indonesia and Srilanka. Coconut cultivation is being first in productivity. The recently It is high time that we change undertaken on a traditional basis in held technical seminar of the Asia our attitude towards marketing of most of the states and production Pacific Coconut Community, coconut products. The price of is not suited to market wants. Cocotech was an eye opener to coconut, copra and oil has been Agriculture is considered as a way India. We are miles behind other dwindling since September 2011 and of life rather than a source of countries, even countries like has gone below the Government of income. In today’s globalised world, Malaysia, in processing and value India declared Minimum Support what we produce should not only addition, packaging, highlighting the Price (MSP) from the beginning of suit to the market demands, but also nutritional and health attributes of 2012. Even eight months after, the be properly presented before the different coconut products. We prices have not increased or consuming world in the best have been idling our time away stablised. The Price Support manner. Consumers are not coming during the years since globalization Scheme for procurement of copra to buy commodities, instead they concentrating on copra, coconut oil under MSP was initiated under the want differentiated products. The and to some extent desiccated auspices of NAFED in the major new marketing concept is to coconut. We never bothered to coconut growing states, but the undertake speciality marketing of catch up with the other countries procurement process has not gained the differentiated products. Farm and if we don’t act even now, our momentum and the procurement marketing has evolved from country will turn out to be a volumes not adequate to create an subsistence farming through self consuming market for the products impact on the market prices sufficiency farming to farming for from other countries. Even today, resulting in stabilization of prices. marketable surplus. Food marketing our capital city has shopping malls Our marketing strategy has to be doesn’t begin now at the farm gate, with coconut milk from Thailand,

Indian Coconut Journal 4 August 2012 Theme Article it begins right from the decision of price for the product. There are causing any kind of damage to plant what to cultivate. innumerable plantations in the life, animal life or mankind are traditional coconut growing states marketed as “Healthy grown” in Marketing strategies for a and in Lakshadeep and Andaman the global market. An organic or particular product is usually planned and Nicobar islands where certified coconut plantation can based on the 6 P’s of marketing. cultivation of coconut is undertaken undertake marketing of their tender The product should deliver the in the organic manner without the coconut, mature coconut and benefits at the right cost. The application of chemical fertilizers. processed products under the packaging should be appropriate for On one side, the farmers are not organic label. Though a niche the product and the targeted aware of the market prospects of market in our country, the organic/ customer group. The price should organic certification, or those certified market is growing at an be apt to create and extract real aware do not take certification. increasing pace. The world over, value. The promotion of the product There are others who have got their people believe that organic foods should be considered and farm certified but do not market the are healthier. The market share for perceptions should be framed and produce as organic. For a grower organic food is also increasing day conveyed to stimulate buying. The who is not adding any chemicals to by day. Ensuring quality of product place is of utmost importance and the crop, getting organic through certification of the crop is it should provide access, availability certification is just a matter of a marketing strategy that is gaining and support to the customers. The documentation. prominence in this world. overall objective always should be to attract, acquire and also retain good consumers. Marketing strategies are developed concentrating on one or more of the above attributes. The major attributes that form base for the marketing strategy for agricultural commodities are discussed below. Organic/certified produce The quality conscious consumer sees everything from the quality point of view in these days. When the talk is always around endosulfan and pesticide residues and aluminium phosphide, ensuring a quality process of production of the product will aid in promoting the product and assuring a premium If not organic, the grower can Natural products go in for certification under Good When world over the cry is for Agricultural Practices (GAP), conservation of nature, anything which will give an added advantage directly from nature has a premium to the produce. The farmers in place in the quality world. Coconut Growers Associations can even opt is a totally natural product whose for Group certification thereby taste and flavour cannot be made reducing the costs of certification. synthetically. For instance, tender Crops grown in an environment is a nutritious, friendly sustainable manner, without nourishing, health drink rich in

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 5 Theme Article electrolytes. There is considerable Coconut Producers Society, Coconut chips is a snack food which sale of tender coconut being Muthalamada, Palakkad who are provides a variety of options for undertaken along the highways and operating tender coconut outlets flavouring. Even multinational dusty paths along the roadsides. within the IT hub in Kochi, central snack giants are found to move the The premises are open and exposed bus stations etc. They introduced a way of natural flavours. Kurkure, to the dust from the highways. Still sticker on the tender in the for instance, advertises its products the consumers are attracted to the bunch depicting the name of their as Taste of Home instead of its vendors as a thirst quenching drink federation. The sticker was a token earlier slogan describing the even without promotion. A of the freshness of the tender different tastes. Flavours like mint, marketing strategy highlighting the coconut and direct sourcing from ginger, pepper, lime, tulsi, cardamom drink as an undiluted, unpolluted, the farm. If apples with stickers etc can be used in coconut chips unpoisoned drink is bound to could fetch higher premium price, and tender coconut water. Its adds increase the proportion of health to the variety and taste of the conscious consumers. A natural product and opens a new world of product without any added natural flavours before us. The substances, directly from the farm network of tender nut kiosks called will attract the elite consumer Nature Nest in Bangalore has opted group. The marketing strategy for this marketing strategy by should highlight specific attributes offering tender nut in different of the product targeting specific tastes. customers. Nutritional content A drink direct from nature will The consumer world is getting attract the middle aged and grown more and more conscious of the ups, but to target the youngsters, nutritional content of the food they teenagers and kids, an aerated drink consume. Exhibiting the nutritional to compete with the soft drinks in content on the package is the market is inevitable. Aerated mandatory in our country too. For tender coconut and mature coconut instance, tender coconut water is water are already in the market. A why not tender coconuts? The not only a nourishing drink but is also little promotion of the product will tender coconuts supplied had good rich in the essential electrolytes like increase the market value since they were sodium, potassium, magnesium, marketability of sweeter and tastier than the normal calcium and phosphorus. People the product. tender coconuts in the market consume tender coconut water not Marketing which are often 10-15 days old. The because it is nutritious, but strategies like product should be marketed in such traditionally they are used to Direct from the a way that the speciality of the consuming it in hot times. The basic farm, Produced product is high lighted. nutritional facts about coconut can locally etc are be taken as a marketing strategy to Diverse tastes used in developed increase consumption. Tender countries for the Coconut water, whether tender coconut is introduced as a health marketing of or mature has a specific taste. drink by a major multinational agricultural Adding flavours to coconut water company in the United States. They products made which blend with its natural taste recommend it as a sports drink for locally and will provide a variety of options for sports people. The fact that the the consumer. To maintain the medium chain fatty acids in coconut sourced directly from the farmers. natural status of coconut water, we oil do not cause health problems A similar strategy was adopted by can go in for natural tastes instead in humans and the positive health the farmers of Federation of of the artificial man made flavours. attributes of the products have to

Indian Coconut Journal 6 August 2012 Theme Article

Phillippines etc undertake commercial production of coconut flower syrup, palm sugar, honey etc from the immature coconut inflorescence. The low glycemic index of palm sugar makes it an ideal sweetener for diabetic patients. Marketing of these products can be undertaken targeting specific communities, thereby developing speciality niche markets. Normal sugar is decolorized using bone char. Palm sugar can even be promoted as a “Vegetarian sugar” which further increases the marketability. Marketing strategies should be adopted in accordance to be popularized and taken as a wars. When tender coconut water the product in question, the attributes marketing signal to increase the is marketed for hospitals and of the product, the target group of consumption of coconut oil. Virgin patients, it is this attribute that needs consumers and the market they coconut oil possess inherent health to be highlighted. In New Delhi, cater to. attributes which can be used for some hospitals are recommending “So delicious dairy free” is increasing the marketability of the packed tender coconut water to coconut ice cream promoted as a product. patients. Virgin coconut oil dairy free ice cream in the United increases the good cholesterol, ie., Health attributes States. Consumers who are allergic HDL ratio which means less prone to milk and milk products and health All products from coconut to heart disease, making the conscious consumers are the target possess many health attributes. subjects profile less atherogenic, group. The success of the product Tender coconut water is not only a less prone to cardiovascular or made them to move over to dairy health drink but is also a product cerebrovascular insult. This is a free yoghurts, dairy free beverages with zero fat, zero cholesterol and message that can be intelligently etc. Coconut milk as a beverage zero added sugar. It has been propagated among the consumers. and coconut milk used in place of known from time immemorial as an It also reduces triglycerides and milk in corn flakes etc brought the effective rehydration drink and is Very Low Density Lipoprotein coconut milk to the dining table known to have been given even (VLDL or bad cholesterol). every day, thus creating a regular intravenously during famine and Countries like Indonesia, bulk demand for the product. The way you market, the way you place a product in the market determines its acceptability, however good the product is.

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 7 Theme Article

Attractive prices three round tables and chairs which be highlighted apart from the will provide the customers with statutory details. The packing Any product has a reasonable space to sit and have the drink and should also suit the particular maximum price. If the price is relax. More investment will bring in category of consumer. For instance, higher than this level, the consumer much more consumers. Added coconut chips will be attractive to will either substitute the product services can be charged in kids, when it is marketed as a snack with another or reduce the accordance to the service paid and drink related to animation purchase quantities. For instance, the customers are not going to be characters. The mode of packing when coconut oil purchased for bothered. is also important and has a specific edible purpose turns too costly, the market value. Tender coconut consumer will go in for other Coconut Development Board is packed in PET bottles, tetra packs, cheaper edible oils or will reduce promoting the establishment of cans etc offer different features. the consumption of coconut oil into tender coconut outlets across the The acceptability of the product is half the quantity. Another dangerous country in order to promote the in accordance with the consumer situation is, when prices go high, the consumption of tender coconut. group. With each type of packaging, traders adulterate coconut oil with More outlets along the highways the investment varies, so does the other cheap oils. The value of shelf life of the product. Packaging product increases with the value should be selected in accordance addition undertaken in it. The price with the market we aim at, the quoted should also be on par with customer we target and the shelf the extent of value addition life we require. undertaken. The vital point in evolving a marketing strategy is do Mind catchy slogans and logos we want a high priced product with Whatever the quality of the a niche market or a global product product, a good backing with a in wide demand across the world. catchy commercial will make Attractive market places or wonders in marketing. Remember outlets Amuls slogan “Utterly butterly delicious”. In an era when A congenial, hygienic and advancements in information homely atmosphere itself will technology is progressing at lightning attract consumers. The road side pace, marketing strategy should be vendor selling tender coconut may capitalise whatever options not attract a great section of the under a common design will available, both in the print and customers who prefer hygienic increase the visibility of tender electronic media, for marketing of places and do not like eating or coconut thereby providing room for the product. Slogans in drinking in the outside. Heaps of increasing the marketability. The advertisements can talk of the waste materials generated from Board is extending a support of attributes health benefits or any tender coconut sale, buzzing bees financial assistance of 50% subject other speciality of the product. For etc will drive interested customer to a maximum of Rs. 1.5 lakhs. instance, tender coconut water was away. People don’t prefer going to promoted as a sports drink by a such outlets with family. But if the Attractive packaging multinational in the United States, same were sold in a small outlet The society is not even aware while it came up as a natural with a semi permanent structure, of the numerous products from energizer in the eyes of another equipped with a counter, the total coconut. Packaging has to be really firm. A third firm concentrated on ambience of the tender coconut attractive and catchy if the products the nourishing effect of outlet changes. An entrepreneur are to be visible in a rack of similar consumptioning of tender coconut with more investment capacity can products. The packing can include inviting consumers for a rehydrating go in for a small space with two or the additional features that are to holiday.

Indian Coconut Journal 8 August 2012 Theme Article

Branding proportion of the Producers Share Each Malaysian consume 15 of Consumer Rupee, often as low No product can establish in this kg of coconut a year as 30%. Efficiency in the supply globalised market without a brand A study conducted by the chain management by reduction in name. Branding generates an Federal Agriculture Marketing the number of intermediaries itself identity for the product and helps in Authority (Fama) showed that each will make marketing more creating a loyal customer base. A Malaysian consume 15 kg of remunerative to the farmer. Though branded product with good quality coconut cultivation is occurring in coconut a year. According to can get established in a better way. more than 18 states and selected Ahmad Ishak, Director-General Getting a brand established in the Union Territories, bulk of the 700 million coconuts are consumed market need much concerted production occurs in the four per year while Malaysia’s annual efforts, but more efforts are southern states. Coconut oil is production was only 400 million essential to sustain the brand. Only consumed as edible oil only in coconuts. “So, we have to import a production system with good Kerala and adjoining regions of the rest to ensure enough supply of production practices in place can Tamil Nadu. In all other areas, coconuts for domestic consumption assure better quality of product, that coconut oil is used for topical including during the fasting month too in a sustained manner. People applications and as hair oil. Tender and festive seasons,” Usually are going in for more and more coconut, mature coconut and temple during every month, Fama imports specialization in products creating coconut are consumed in large one million coconut but during different brands. Virgin coconut oil numbers in North India. Truck loads Ramadan and the festive season, is branded with addition of of tender coconut are moving from the import would increase to three ayurvedic ingredients to create a the South to important supply points million nuts. specialized market. Fractionated in the North. The traders source the ( coconut oil is offered with more coconuts at a meager price from the health benefits. farmers and sell it at exorbitant different angle. In marketing, a When we are in the process of rates in the consuming point. slogan that says that coconut oil has establishing coconut farmers’ Producer Companies formed by the following beneficial attributes to societies and federations and federating the coconut farmer health has a greater impact than a Producer Companies, we can associations can take up the supply slogan denying the ill health factors. create a common brand for the of coconut directly to the In this globalised world where products developed by the Producer consuming points thereby reducing free trade agreements are making Companies. The brand will aid in the length of the supply chain. the economy and our products more creating an identity that it is Logistic cost can be minimized to and more exposed to the open produced by the farmers directly. the bar minimum by utilizing the market, coconut and its products Brands indicating the geographical facilities for transport of agricultural will be able to establish in the identity or place of origin like cargo like the Kairali Queen in market only by adopting a different “Produce of India” will also increase Kerala. The farmer thus earns a approach. For this we have to think the marketability in the export greater share of the retail price. differently, have the urge to try out market. Since the consumers come to new ideas and the commitment to Efficient supply chain buy food in this modern world, our follow the ideas and put them in management marketing strategy should be to place. We should have a mind which dreams and an effort to achieve Being a small farmers crop, offer a wide range of food items staring from the nil processed those dreams. There are three coconut marketing is undertaken categories of victorious people in the through a long supply chain with through the minimally processed products to the semi and processed world – those who succeed in life, innumerable intermediaries those who achieve in life and those comprising of farm gate traders, products. Quality, product, packing, price, promotion and market who create history. Let us strive commission agents, wholesalers and forward to create history. retailers. The grass root level influence the marketability of a farmer realizes a very small product. We have to picturise Marketing Officer, CDB, Kochi-11 coconut and coconut products in a

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 9 Success Story

Natural drinks in the natural way Vijayakumar Hallikery

‘Eat your food as your largest private Indian retail entity in expertise in various management medicine otherwise you have to natural and healthy food and areas and scope for expansion into eat medicine as your food’. This beverage industry. It took more than other retail streams. slogan conveys what Girish year for the conceptualised idea of Chowdappa Taladummanahalli (27) natural drink to turn into reality. According to Girish Chowdappa has in mind. Girish, hailing from a in a country like India, with a traditional coconut growing family Nature Drink Retail (India) Pvt. population of about 110 billion offers has a sentimental attachment to Ltd., is a company that envisions a vast scope for marketing nature coconut. He was fascinated by the healthy lifestyle and aims to provide drink as the entire population richness of coconut for its health a good retail platform for farmers including the infants would be the attributes, medicinal qualities, who produce tender coconut and potential customers. He foresees culinary qualities, multifaceted uses provide natural treatment that the naturalness of the product as a health drink, natural drink and (medicine) for all kind of minor and the abundant health benefits the what not. He dreamt high that he ailments. The company is offering product offers will accelerate the wanted 10,000 retail tender coconut a natural drink that can avoid demand in tune with the growing kiosks in different parts of the excess of heat, acidity, gastric population. Eventhough tender country. He started putting his problems, headache, fever, cold, coconut water is widely consumed dream into action and that is cough, tiredness, stomach pain etc., the lack of flavor and the traditional ‘Naturenest’. He is materializing his This drink can also be taken as just way of serving keeps people away dream taking one step at a time and a refreshment drink. from this wonderful drink. in a year he has 5 kisoks and 4 retail The company is providing Nature drink brand of coconut outlets functioning successfully. employment opportunity for those water is served with hygiene, Girish, a native of who wish to make a career in retail comfort and ambience. The product Chikkaballapur dist, is a post industry. He has with him a team is available in 25 flavors catering to graduate with over 8 years of who come from different ethnic and the different customer needs. Girish experience in sales. marketing and professional background, who bring Chowdappa’s mission is to create retail industry. Naturenest is his diversity to this business and strong natural food and beverages brand dream made true of having the organisational support along with in Indian market, to help people to

Indian Coconut Journal 10 August 2012 Success Story naturally prevent their health diseases and to create brand new land marks in India. Girish is now bringing coconuts, fruits and vegetables from Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Goa and other neighbouring areas. He has designed an electrically operated and patent registered special featured machine to open and cut coconut. The company is using freezers in all their kiosks to keep tender coconuts, fruits and vegetables fresh. The company ensures that the place of kiosks, machinery and all other things conform to hygiene and health standards. farmers thus ensuring a outlets and kiosks thus retaining ‘Nature Nest’ fresh tender remunerative price to the farmer. freshness and naturalness of the coconut water is available in mint, His intention is to give natural and product. He is planning to export ginger, cardamom, jeera, lemon, quality drink with a different taste his products to Srilanka, Malaysia, wheatgrass, tulasi, orange, peach suiting to the customer’s choice. Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, and sugar candy flavours. The Since he has already entrenched his USA, UK, UAE, Australia, Canada product is available at residential products in the market, he is looking and African countries. cum commercial areas, IT parks, for further expansion on a larger scale. Nature drink retail (India) Pvt. tech parks, shopping malls, Ltd, India’s largest retail entity in hospitals, airports, railway stations, Nature drink retail (India) Pvt. Natural Food and Beverages bus stations, amusement parks, Ltd caters to the health and beauty segment, is on it way forward for multiplex theatres, school-college consciousness of the people by providing a permanent and largest campuses, and SEZ’s. The adding natural foods and beverages retail market for the Indian farmers company does have corporate tie- instead of junk foods an artificial thereby assuring a valuable, ups with retail chains in India like soft drinks to their daily diet. As profitable and regular income for Future Group through its Big there are no established players in their raw material and at the same Bazaars, Total Malls, Reliance this segment, the company is trying time creating employment Malls, and Metro Cash and Carry. to establish themselves as the opportunities for the people looking Presently five kiosks are market leaders. to make a career in the food and functioning in Big Bazaars and the beverages and retail industry. company is planning to open 25 Girish Chowdappa has adapted kiosks in Bangalore. Fresh fruit the sales strategy of targeting each For more details Contact: salads, vegetable salads (fresh and and every human being with Nature Drink Retail (India) Pvt. boiled), vegetable sprouts (fresh and different types of products for Ltd., # 866, 9th cross,Dr. M.C. boiled), vegetable soups (hot and different group of people and thus Modi Road, West of Chord Road, cold), natural ice creams like, fruit, trying to make the product’s 2nd stage, Opp-Modi Eye coconut and vegetable ice creams, presence everywhere. He is Hospital, Mahalaksmipuram, and Nature Nest’s special Hareera planning to install machines Bangalore - 560 086, Karnataka, along with flavoured fresh tender developed by himself for punching India., coconut water are available in and cutting the tender coconut at Phone: +91 - 80 - 42351727 these outlets. 70% of his targeted all the ‘Nature Drink’ kiosks. He is Mobile: +91 - 98860 40894 markets are corporate sectors. also planning to introduce the E-mail : [email protected] Dabbawalla concept at all of Nature Website: Girish Chowdappa purchase Nest corporate outlets so as raw materials directly from the everything can done instantly at the (Deputy Director, CDB, RO, Bangalore)

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 11 Thengu Mane- a treat to the palette Vijayakumar Hallikeri &G.M. Siddarameswara Swamy

fresh and hygienic coconut water jelly, coconut apple, coconut apple along with a range of coconut shake, coconut burfis, coconut products which they may not have holige, coconut roll, coconut finger tasted before. His objective is to chips, coconut pani puri, fresh deliver the major products of grated coconut powder, desiccated coconut at a reasonable price to the coconut powder, coconut milk Calling itself India’s first consumer and to provide the farmer powder, etc. made in Thengu mane coconut pub for the health- with a reasonable price for his are available to coconut lovers. conscious, Thengu Mane located at produce. Coconut apple locally Chilled fresh tender coconut water Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore provides known as Goobu is one such is served in glass by cutting the coconut lovers with a range of product. Coconut apple is the kernel fresh tender nut from a specially coconut items’ starting from tender of sprouted coconut, a very designed machine. coconut water to delicious coconut common product to coconut ice-creams. The mantra of the Vinod has also designed a coconut pub is nutrition. Whether it is coconut flavoured ice-cream, soufflé, jelly, burfi, shakes and lassi, and even pani puri, all prepared from organic products are available at Thengu Mane. Even the copra chips and coconut rolls make nutritious snacks here. Conceptualised by M Vinod and N K Anita, a couple from Rajajinagar, Bangalore. Thengu Mane offers coconut in every conceivable form. The water is removed from the nut, with the aid of a machine, which is designed by Vinod himself and comes with an innovative cooling system. Vinod knows that Bangaloreans are not just growers, but a rare item for those machine to cut open the coconut fashionable, but extremely health who have not seen it. Varieties of apple from the sprouted coconut. conscious. items like chilled fresh coconut He has also designed a tender Immediately after his water, tender coconut lassie, coconut opener which is in great graduation, Vinod sailed through his coconut ice cream in various demand. Further, he developed ambition of providing people with flavours, coconut soufflé, coconut coconut apple shake from coconut

Indian Coconut Journal 12 August 2012 Success Stories apple. Two to three month sprouted coconut is ideal for edible purposes Coconut water crowned and provides better taste. According to Mr. Vinod one excellent sports drink coconut apple costs Rs.20/-. Vinod’s wife Anitha a housewife is an expert in preparation of coconut milk ice cream and coconut soufflé. In order to make their coconut products more popular, the couple frequently participates in exhibitions and fairs. The response they receive from the consumers are overwhelming and the products are getting innumerable enquires for the product. The taste and quality of the products are appreciated by all. Coconut water known as high in healthful antioxidants, added Mr. Naveen Kumar S.N, Mother Nature’s own sports drink Bhattacharya, who is with Indiana Executive (Marketing), Café is confirmed again as excellent University Southeast in New Coffee Day who tasted the sports drink. Chhandashri Albany. products once, opines that “I Bhattacharya, Ph.D, who conducted Bhattacharya’s team analyzed appreciate the taste of the natural a scientific analysis of coconut coconut water, Gatorade and products. The place is very hygienic water opines that coconut water is Powerade and found that coconut and exclusive”. Veeresh Kumar, a a natural drink that has everything water contained up to 1,500 mg/liter regular at the place, says, “I really that an average sports drink has appreciate this place as it is truly and more. “Whenever you get of potassium, compared to up to 300 one-of-its-kind. I strongly cramps in your muscles, potassium mg/liter for Powerade and recommend the ‘Cardamom ice- will help you to get rid of the Gatorade. Coconut water, however, cream’. The place as such is very cramps. It’s a healthy drink that had 400 mg/liter of sodium. It had hygienic and I come here almost replenishes the nutrients that your comparable quantities of every alternate day. This makes body has lost during a moderate magnesium and carbohydrates as Thengu Mane really exciting. It workout,” she stated. the other drinks. Coconut water’s introduces a coconut lover to a lower sodium content is where it The typical American diet is low range of products that are a treat fails as a good sports drink for in potassium and high in sodium, to the palette. people who engage in strenuous which is found in table salt. Another exercise that produces a lot of Thengu Mane, Kissan Agri research has shown that such an sweating, Bhattacharya said. Products, #387, 19th Main , 1st imbalance is unhealthy. In one Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560 study, people who ate foods low in Chhandashri Bhattacharya 010, Phone 080 2332 8875, 99725 potassium and high in sodium had presented her findings at the 244th 56749, email: thengumane twice the risk of death from heart National Meeting and Exposition of disease and a 50 percent higher risk the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific Deputy Director & Senior of death from all causes. Other society. Technical Officer, CDB., RO., analyses indicate that a 12-ounce Bangalore serving of coconut water has more Source: potassium than a banana. It has

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 13 Success Stories

The Christening Tranquebar Whiskey In 2004, he offered the samples of the product to his associate and friend, Mr. Bent Christine, an engineer from Coconut Milk from Denmark. He was the chairperson of the Sasikumar C Tranquebar Association, an outfit of Danish people in Tranquebar. The whisky made from coconut was given to Mr. Bent Christine and his guests. They tasted the whisky and were highly impressed by the taste and quality of the product. The christening of the product occurred then and there as TRANQUEBAR COCONUT WHISKY. The Honours His efforts did not go without a reward. In the year 2006, the patent right of the product was accepted and granted by the International Patent Office, Vienna. In continuation of development of the product, he The history presented the research paper on coconut whisky at A fascination for science and a determined urge to the General Body meeting of the Coconut Growers follow the reasons behind science was the leading light Association, Palladam, Tiruppur District in the year for Mr. Aditya Sundara Padya Raj that led to his 2008. There was an overwhelming response for the discovery of Whiskey from coconut. This youth hailing product and its process. The coconut growers were from a farmer family from Parayar in Nagapattinam greatly impressed and were encouraged by the District in Tamil Nadu belongs to the traditional toddy wonders that this revelation could do for them. In 2010, tapping community. His family migrated to Kerala the Nadar Mahajana Sangam honoured him with the before independence and had distilleries at Devikulam Young Achiever Award. The research efforts also and Pallivasal in Kerala. Later on, in 1984 they moved attracted the attention of the media since this was a to Porayar near to Karikal in Pondicherry UT. novel approach to the coconut crop, though toddy was Disciplined research and follow up a well known product. The media in Tamilnadu, especially leading journals like Nakkeeran and Pasumai Pandya Raj’s fascination for coconut started during Vikatan appreciated his research findings on coconut his school days itself. He had a never ending quest whiskey. for knowledge and never accepts anything unless and until he gets satisfied with valid reasons. His research In 2011, he received the accolades and appreciation in coconut whiskey started in 1998, while he was doing for his product from Thiru. K.A. Sengottaiyan, the plus two. He was supported in his research by his Honourable Minister for Agriculture in Tamil Nadu and chemistry teacher Mr. Vaseegaran Williams. Toddy supported by a big farmer group at Vellakoil, Tiruppur tapped from coconut and the coconut based products District. These encouragements made him to venture formed the very basis of his research. He carried out into commercial manufacturing of coconut whiskey an intensified research for four years to find out the either on his own or under business partnership. possibility of manufacturing an alcoholic beverage from The methodology and the product coconut. The final product derived from research was Mr Aditya acclaims that his product Tranquebar of whiskey quality. It was finalised as coconut whisky coconut whisky is coconut based pure whisky and it is and patent was filed in the year 2003. The quality and a best value added product from coconut. He is alcoholic content of the product was analysed and confident that the product will definitely widen the certified by the MICAL (The Chennai Industrial Co- industrial use of this multipurpose crop and will bring operative Analytical Laboratory Ltd., No/IND 686. in newer horizons for the crop. Tranquebar coconut GUINDY, CHENNAI – 600032.) whisky’s maturation takes 6 months similar to Owl (Continued on next page...)

Indian Coconut Journal 14 August 2012 Success Stories

ILA-Coconut Soda Mridula K Wonders can be made from The unit is a licensed coconut, the wonder fruit of one and complies with Kalpavriksha. Ila Coconut soda is such quality certifications. a wonderful drink made from coconut Shri. Sasikumar is water. When the price of coconut is having a partner Shri. falling day by day and the farmers are Sajit and he is availing not getting a fair price for their crop, the assistance of 10 diverging to value addition is the best women of Kudubashree alternative to make better prospects units in running the unit. from this crop. If the farmers can change their stereo Future Plans typed attitude and think differently like Shri Sasikumar from Kozhikode district in Kerala, different products He is planning to make his unit of coconut shall be introduced in the market. semiautomatic. He has approached several financial The Concept institutions and Coconut Development Board for financial assistance. Ernakulam Marketing Group and Shri Sasikumar has introduce the product in 2009 Malappuram Marketing group have already placed under the name ILA-coconut drink in Kozhikode export orders. He has applied for railway pantry markets. The raw materials are collected from the license for supplying Ila Coconut Soda in railway nearby copra making units. He is using his own canteens. He is also getting product queries from the technology which includes filtering of coconut water, neighbouring states, mainly from Tamilnadu. boiling, chilling, sterilizing, carbonating and then finally bottling. He is making 600 bottles per day with 300- Shri SasiKumar’s advice to the newly formed 400 liters of coconut water. The expenditure for making Coconut Producer’s Societies is to change their 600 bottles per day is Rs. 2500/. The product is packed attitude. Instead of sticking on to copra and coconut in 200 ml and 500 ml bottles which is sold @ Rs. 10/ oil, they must venture into product diversification, value and Rs. 25/ respectively. The products are supplied in addition and by product utilization for making better Kozhikode city in cool bars and bakeries. The product revenue from this crop. He shares this experience in is also available in Kochi. the ongoing leadership training for the CPS leaders at Kozhikode. His example is instrumental in making a The shelf life of coconut soda is three months change in the mindset of the coconut farmers. without refrigerated condition and without exposure to light. The quality test of the product was done at (Technical Officer, CDB, Kochi-11) CFTRI, Mysore and also at the Technology Development Center of Coconut Development Board.

(Continuation from the previous page...) distillery’s Owl whisky, which is shorter than Scotch use of coconut are getting diversified each day with whisky’s maturation period. products emerging in almost every category like snacks, drinks, beverages, ice creams, sugar etc apart The dreams from the traditional products. The crop is indeed a Mr. Aditya is very optimistic about his product. He wonder crop and may be man has just scraped the tip foresees a revolution in the industrial demand for of the iceberg with many more products to come out. coconut. The product has market potential in the global (Technical Officer, CDB, Kochi-11) market and he expects a boost in the economy. The

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 15 Success Stories

Virgin coconut oil is not a medicine, but a functional food

Coconut oil and virgin coconut production capacity of both the unit more than one year. This VCO is oil have a significant role to play in is about 6000 M.T per annum. very light and mild having a clean a well-balanced, nutritious diet. taste and aroma. The product Abandoning unhealthy lifestyles and The hurdles reverting to natural foods can help MAXCARE brand virgin to reverse many of the diseases that coconut oil, a product of Mahavir The manufacturers of virgin have manifested in our bodies Coconut Industries is the healthiest coconut oil are facing many through our highly refined diet. and most versatile dietary oil. The problems in the marketing of virgin processing of VCO is developed by coconut oil. The consumers are Research shows that replacing Mr.Anil Porwal, Director after his aware of coconut oil but are mislead other cooking oils with virgin continous endless efforts and in by the myth created over coconut coconut oil generally creates a house research and development. oil that is bad for health. Even the more favorable HDL/LDL ratio. medical fraternity advises the This oil has antiviral, antibacterial, MAXCARE virgin coconut oil patients to avoid the use of coconut antimicrobial and antiprotozoal and coconut oil. Unstinted and properties and like all the whole concerted efforts are essential to foods, contains nutrients for a weed out this myth. healthy food. Apart from coconut oil, the only other source of lauric Doctors, dieticians and acid found in such high consumers must be educated with concentrations in mother’s milk. facts, figures, scientific reports, and Tropical oils and mother’s milk are clinical reports on the positive by far the richest food sources of effects of coconut oil. By adopting medium chain fatty acids available. aggressive awareness campaign, a The closest other source of these potential sound market can be vital building blocks of immune established for virgin coconut oil. system are the milk fat and butter, Once the demand increases there comprising around 3% of its content is hygienically made from fresh will be large scale production of than any other vegetable oil which mature coconut kernel by cold virgin coconut oil and the increased is completely deficient in these pressing. The extracted coconut output will lead to reduction of cost MCFAs. milk is centrifuged using a unique of production and the benefit will method to obtain 100% pure natural be passed on to the consumers by The company virgin coconut oil with out the use way of reduction in selling price. Mahavir Coconut Industries, the of heat. MAX CARE virgin Unavailability of organic certified leading and reputed company was coconut oil contains no coconut is another problem faced promoted by LAL & MALL group preservatives, is chemical free, non by the virgin coconut oil during the year 1983 for the hydrogenated, unrefined, manufacturers. manufacture of ‘MANGAL’ Brand unbleached and non deodorized. It was under this background desiccated coconut powder. Today The VCO produced by this unique that Mahavir Coconut Industries the group is the largest method is of pharmaceutical grade entered into the manufacturing and manufacturer of desiccated with a very low moisture content marketing of virgin coconut oil in coconut powder in the country. The which gives longest shelf life of

Indian Coconut Journal 16 August 2012 Success Stories

2001. Initially it was a very big and buy the product using the credit class, best quality brand of India . challenge and very difficult task to card and net banking facility. Mr. Anil Porwal is a recipient of the promote virgin coconut oil in a national award of Coconut For the tech savvy consumers market ruled by olive oil and other Development Board for the Best Mahavir has advertised in Google. oils. Anil Porwal put a lots of effort Research work for developing A product page is created on face- and time in developing suitable fastest coconut de-shelling book and tweeter with lots of marketing strategies to promote machine. The entire desiccated information for the benefit of virgin coconut oil. He himself coconut industry is using his de- consumers. The company is also worked to develop the marketing shelling machine. He has also regularly participating in trade strategies for the product. developed a coconut skin paring shows, exhibitions, conferences, machine with which entire coconut Branding and packaging seminars and meetings. white ball can be made after Advertisements are regularly given The product was launched under pairing. The fine tuning of the in various news papers and the brand name MAXCARE. The product was then packed in attractive food grade pet bottles which is well accepted in the market. Good quality packing materials with proper cushioning is selected to pack and despatch the product to the consumers and distributors.

Anil Porwal receiving the national award of CDB from Shri. Sharad Pawar

magazines on periodical basis. The pairing machine is under process. company has appointed many Contact address: reputed and sole distributors for promoting the sale of Maxcare Mahavir Coconut Industries Virgin coconut oil. Many reputed Office:“Chandan Chetan” Sadhana manufacturers of hair oil and Road, K.R. Extension, TUMKUR medicated hair tonic are making – 572101 (Karnataka-India) bulk purchase from Mahavir. Marketing Factory: 9th K.M, B.H.Road, Keeping in mind the high end Recognitions Mallasandra, Tumkur – 572107. (Karnataka-India) Tele-Fax : and educated consumers who The company acknowledge with +91-816-2206505/2206555 would buy online using credit card proud Mr. Anil Porwal’s unique skill Contact Persons:Anil Porwal, and net banking facilities, a web site of innovation and research. Single Hand Phone:+91-97415-76054 is created with the details of the headedly he has designed developed Email:[email protected], product and manufacturer. In the implemented and successfully [email protected], same web site shopping link is given executed the marketing strategies so that the person who visits the to promote and make MAXCARE web site can click on shopping link virgin coconut oil one of the world

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 17 Theme Article

Prospects of market development for non-traditional value added coconut products in & around National Capital (Kumaravel S1, G.R. Singh2, Ravi Prakash3 & Jayakumar S4)

Coconut, the Kalpavriksha is country, coconut oil is used for propaganda will prove instrumental known for its great versatility as topical applications, as hair oil and in popularising coconut among the seen in many domestic, commercial in toiletries. About 50% of the consumers in the non traditional and industrial uses of its different coconut produced in the country is states. Entrepreneurship parts and it forms the most used as such for culinary and development in coconut has been important source of food and religious purposes. About 35% goes promoted by the Board and financial nutrition for millions of families in for the production of copra and assistance is provided to interested spread across the wet tropical low 15% is consumed as tender coconut. entrepreneurs at the rate of 25% lands of the world. Indonesia, India Though coconut has multifarious assistance. Many manufacturing and Philippines possess the first uses, there are only a handful of units have been established three positions in terms of coconut products manufactured on a undertaking production of value production with 16,498, 15,730 and commercial scale by processing added products like packed tender 15,668 million nuts, respectively, units. Dessicated coconut is an coconut water, desiccated coconut contributing about 74 % of world important product from coconut powder, coconut vinegar, coconut coconut production (Table 1). widely used in non-coconut growing chips, jam and other coconut based food products apart from non-food Though India is one of the States in different dessert preparations and in bakeries. products made from coir, shell, etc. leading coconut producers at the The overall progress of the coconut global level, the coconut cultivation Though tender coconut is consumed raw, processed and packaged industry in India during the past 20 and usage is not similar in all parts years is noteworthy with various of the country due to diverse tender coconut units are not common. developmental activities and culture. All through the country, initiatives taken by CDB, mature coconuts and edible copra CDB conducts campaigns for Government of India and State is used for religious purposes. creating awareness about the health Governments of major coconut Coconut is used for the production and nutritional benefits of coconut growing States and active of coconut oil for edible use in the and varied uses of coconut & involvement and enthusiasm of the Southern states of Kerala and versatile value added/ convenient progressive farmers and Tamilnadu. In the other parts of the products made from coconut. This entrepreneurs. As in the case of other agricultural commodities, the extent of processing in coconut in the country is negligible. In comparison to other major coconut producing countries like Indonesia, Phillippines and Srilanka, India’s export of food products from coconut is meagre. Even countries like Malaysia with less plantations are exporting significant quantities of processed products from coconut. It is high tiem that we venture into production of more value added products from coconut.

Indian Coconut Journal 18 August 2012 Theme Article

From the producer’s point of projected population of the region manufacturers. view, the cost of cultivation has by the year 2021 will be 6.96 crore. Though the increased due to increased cost of Of the total population, 2.06 crore people in NCR inputs like fertilisers, labour, etc. On million (55.55 per cent) are urban appreciate the the economic sides, with decreasing while the remaining 16.45 million nutraceutical productivity and prices, the returns are rural. The Class-I towns (17) benefits of are not remunerative. The main accommodate 91 per cent of the tender coconut, factor in case of coconut is that a total urban population of the Region the packed major portion is mainly consumed (Source: Report of the Study Group TCW is less as tender coconut, raw matured on NCR policy zones, demographic known to them. coconut and coconut oil. Coconuts profile and settlement pattern, Even the when supplied for manufacturing National Capital Region Planning traders in few value added products like packed Board, New Delhi, December elite localities tender coconut water, virgin 2001) are not aware coconut oil, coconut milk, milk of the product. The purchasing power of Delhi powder, desiccated coconut, nata population is much higher than the de coco, etc. fetch higher prices to It was also found that this product national average. The territory the farming community. Higher finds a mention in the diet menu of houses population from all across remunerations encourage the patients in reputed hospitals and the the country migrated and settled farmer for intensive cultivation of stockists also confirmed regular here for generations, thus having the crop in an extended area, which supply of packed TCW to few varied cultures. Further, this serves enhances the productivity as well reputed hospitals in NCR. The as a hub/ passway for many north as the production. On the other convenience, time savingness and Indian States/ cities like, Punjab, hand, the enhanced production space requirement of packed TCW Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, would ensure regular supply of raw vis-à-vis fresh tender coconut Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal materials to the manufacturers and would attract the consumers Pradesh, parts of Uttar Pradesh, they can upscale their activities to towards the packed TCW, which Rajasthan. either product diversification or also eases the waste disposal from increased production. A preliminary survey conducted households. Imported product in Delhi and NCR during February containing packed TCW with pulp Though the manufacturing units to April 2012 for first-hand from Indonesia was also found in a of major coconut products are information on the marketing chain of retail market. The habitated in Southern part of the potential for different value added increasing population in NCR, high country, the north Indian urban products derived from coconut tourist turnout, scorching summer packets always serve as major indicate several opportunities as well would add the demand further for domestic markets. Delhi, the Capital as threats for the manufacturers/ this product. of the country, is one of the fast marketers/policy makers in India. growing cosmopolitan cities in the Desiccated coconut powder: The north India. The National Capital Packed tender coconut water: major share of the arrival is from Territory (NCT) of Delhi has 9 Three popular brands of tender Tumkur region of Karnataka Districts and the National Capital coconut water packed in supplemented considerably from Region (NCR) encompasses a total polypropylene containers are area of 30,242 km2. shared by NCT available sparsely in Delhi markets Delhi (1,483 km2), Uttar Pradesh @ Rs.22-30 per 200 ml. However, (10,853 km2; Meerut, Ghaziabad & the availability is nil in case of Bulandshahar), Haryana (1,3343 shopping malls, except one. The km2; Panipat, Faridabad, Gurgaon, product has very high demand Sonipat, Rewari & Rohtak) and potential which is evident that the Rajasthan (4,493 km2; Alwar). As stockists/ traders expressed their regards the population of the region, concern about the irregular and it was 3.70 crore in 2001 and the inadequate supply from the

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 19 Theme Article

Erode area of Tamil Nadu. The about the product coupled with the chinese food items wherein vinegar main wholesale market for usage is the prime reasons for less is an important ingredient, can be desiccated coconut is Kari Baoli demand for these products. very much harvested to include Market near Red Fort, where Potential for these products are coconut vinegar in the market mix different brands of DC with varied abundant in hotel/ catering sector. of vinegars in Delhi & NCR. fat contents in varied granule sizes Coconut Milk Powder: This is a Coconut chips: Retail general/ to suit the need of health conscious viable product for marketing in Delhi grocery stores, whether small or people as well as the bakers. The and NCR. The Indian as well as big, whether in hitech cities or product is widely available in foreign brands are available in malls remote villages, it is quite common grocery shops as DC is commonly and south indian stores. The south that snacks pouches hang used by North Indian flocks in burfi, indian population and the hoteliers everywhere. It may be a local made ladoo and kheer preparations for are the current customers. or popular brand roasted groundnut, taste & flavour. However, there are However, if popularised among the chips, mixtures, other fries which is no consumer packages of small Delhites about the usage in different a favourite for all age groups for quantities available in retail markets, preparations like kheer, curries, etc. timepass or for inter-lunch snack. except a few in modern shopping the product would invite more However, no coconut chips are malls. Small consumer packages of customers. found in any shop. It is a daily scene Delhi made DC was also observed, in Delhi and other north Indian cities which might have been repacked Nata-de-coco: Philippines made that matured fresh coconut kernel out of bulk supply down from South. fruit cocktail containing coconut gel cut in to pieces is sold in almost all () is placed for sale in Coconut milk/ cream: Indian traffic signals just like a time pass few malls. Other brands are also brand of coconut milk is found only snack along with other packed marketed in limited places. in south indian run stores that too snacks. Further edible copra cut However, the shopkeepers scantily, which has a very little into pieces form part of ‘Prasad’ informed that they are seldom sold. consumers. An array of coconut offered in worship places. This reveals that eating matured coconut/ copra is not a new thing in these areas, which the coconut chips manufacturers can reap. Steps to go ahead: For better popularity and awareness about these value added coconut products which have higher potential of marketing in Delhi and adjoining regions the following steps may be explored. The manufacturers may go for Brand promotion in Delhi and major cities adjoining, participate in different national & international milk/ cream imported from Vinegar: Apart from synthetic fairs & exhibitions organised in countries like Thailand, Indonesia, vinegars, vinegars prepared from these areas. The Board’s financial Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc. hit fruits like apple, etc. are imported assistances for advertising and the racks in many of the malls in from other countries and participation in major fairs may very NCR, however the Floor Managers showcased for sale in the malls. well be utilised by these expressed that they are seldom However, the coconut vinegar could manufacturers for popularising their demanded due to limited usage by not find a place along with them. product as well its brand and for consumers. The non-awareness The passion of the youngsters over identification of marketers. The

Indian Coconut Journal 20 August 2012 Theme Article manufacturers may also enhance and adults would certainly add the Board may undertake a their production capacity with the marketing value of the products comprehensive survey for collection assistance of CDB’s schemes for where similar products are available of scientific data on actual supply, saturating atleast the current in competitive prices. Improving availability & demand for coconut demands of the market, as the the quality standards of the products, products in Delhi and NCR to help distributors/ traders are not getting packaging, labelling, organic in planning by the Board for the required quantities of products certification, etc. would increase strategies of coconut production from the manufacturers. consumption markedly. The and marketing. The study may also accreditation for maintenance of include assessment of awareness The existing network of outlets quality standards and the about coconut products among the of NAFED, Kendriya Bhandar, functioning of the manufacturing Safal, State Agricultural Marketing consumers, traders and other people units have significant credibility for Boards and other private chain of related with the industry so that choosing their product(s) by the wide market network could be retail sales may be appraised about consumers. established. The survey may also these products. Systematic and assess the systems of marketing of proactive service like regular Possible models of Public Private coconut products in Delhi and NCR supply of agreed quantities of Partnership, involvement of NGOs/ with reference to arrival, prices, products by the manufacturers to communities like SHGs, price spread and marketing the distributors/ dealers/ traders will convergence with similar efficiency; analyse and estimate the increase the demand for these government schemes in production, market demand potentials and products. The Board’s intervention distribution and awareness creation factors affecting the demand of in this area would be of great of coconut products may be coconut products; analyse the significance till these products have explored and encouraged for wide perception of users and potential established markets in northern adoption. States. Buyers-Sellers meet may customers towards marketing mix The Board may take necessary of coconut products; and identify be convened at regular intervals in steps for establishment of new firms the problems impinging on the different cities in the northern manufacturing these products and States. marketing of coconut and coconut upscaling the production of existing products in Delhi and NCR and At the same time, the units to cater the prevailing suggest workable solutions for awareness about these products, requirements and demand potential betterment of the entire coconut their health & nutritional benefits, these products have. The import of industry. convenience in handling, etc. are to foreign products is to be monitored In a nutshell, the increasing the be enhanced. The misconception regularly and caps may be imposed awareness on different value added prevailing among the consumers as and when need arises. about the preservatives used in non-traditional coconut products Researches on compounding and increasing their production are these products & their health different product lines catering to the urgent needs for successful hazards have to be clarified. As special tastes and requirements by coconut is not a regular culinary entry and sustainable marketing of different consumers (sports item in northern States, the coconut these products in the non-coconut persons/ patients/ children, etc) in growing States in North India. The recipes are to be popularised. different parts of the country would studies on market analysis, These can be achieved by rigorous benefit the coconut industry. Efforts awareness campaigns through inventing newer products, for bringing down the production advertisements, TV shows, etc. The improving the quality standards cost and thereby the MRP of the would ascertain a prosperous future social network websites will marketable products would help the for the value added products made complement to a greater extent in products to compete successfully from the ‘Kalpavriksha’. this regard. with parallel range of products. Convenient retail new 1. Technical Officer, 2. Dy. Director, So far no authentic survey on the technology packaging attracting 3. Field Officer, CDB, MDIC, Delhi; 4. demand and supply of these different categories of users like Registrar, Protection of Plant Varieties products in northern part of the children, school/ college going youth and Farmers’ Rights Authority, Delhi country has been conducted. The

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 21 Theme Article

Unlocking the potential of Nature’s Super Market- the Coconut M.A. Salam*, Alvira D’Souza** & Mridula K***

Among the oilseed palm trees, coconut palm hardly mixed with water and kept in vessels in sunlight and needs any emphasis on its multi-utility significance. The the oil is then separated. Pure virgin coconut oil is mainly economic importance of this tree crop is evident from used for toiletry purposes. The major socio-economic the fact that it is grown in more than 90 countries across feature of this plantation crop is that it is predominantly the world producing about 10.52 million tones of copra. cultivated in small and marginal holdings with medium Even though India is the 3rd largest coconut growing resource to poor farm environment having less country in the world, its contribution towards marketable surplus. international market is negligible. Preface The Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) Islands also known as the Island of Marigold Sun has the longest history of coconut cultivation possibly only next to Kerala state in the country. The total area under coconut in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is about 21,800 hectares with a production of 105 million nuts. In Nicobar district coconut is cultivated in about 9090 ha. It is mostly grown as a self-propagating crop rather than planned plantation. Coconut is an integral part of the day-to-day life of the tribes of Car Nicobar. It is learnt that coconuts were bartered with foreign ships Retention at Farm Level since the 7th century in exchange of cereals, pulses, iron and steel implements. The Nicobar district has Farmers are not selling their entire produce in the coconut plantation owned by integral head of the market. A portion of their produce is kept apart for community known as Chief or Captain. The Tsunami seeds, household purposes and for paying the climbers of 2004 destructed the Island very badly especially wage. The quantity of coconut converted to copra for the Nicobar groups of Islands and this has drastically milling purpose varies from Island to Island depending reduced the area under coconut. upon the consumption pattern of coconut and its products. It may be 80% in these islands where Age-old practice of copra and virgin coconut oil coconuts are exclusively harvested for conversion to production copra for extraction of coconut oil. Post harvest processing of coconuts in A&N Islands Storage is confined to primary processing of copra and manufacturing of coconut oil by using traditional tribal The storage practice for matured coconut differs techniques. Copra is manufactured on home scale basis from place to place. The coconut farmers store with sun-drying and with local drying during the rainy coconuts in their houses. In markets, coconuts are season. Apart from copra making the tribals especially stored in godowns owned by the commission agents. Nicobarese produce coconut oil using traditional Since matured coconuts are meant for immediate method. The scrapped coconut kernel is squeezed and consumption or crushing for oil, they are not the milk is boiled to obtain the oil or milk or the milk is warehoused for longer period. The matured coconuts meant for copra making, are stored as unhusked nuts

Indian Coconut Journal 22 August 2012 Theme Article

2012 Name of agency Particulars 2008 2009 2010 2011 (upto July) Qty. (in Qtl.) 2153.88 22948.54 28624.28 3276.48 21907.37 ANCOFED Value 3660 4450 4450 4525 5100 (per qtl) Qty. (in Qtl). 2365.82 18459.34 15635.24 - 3910.70 EHL In value per 3660 4450 4450 - 5100 qtl) Qty. 700.43 8902.48 17910.67 - - (in Qtl.) TDCS Value 3660 4450 4450 - - (per qtl)

Table-I: Purchase of copra (quantity and value) under minimum support price from 2008 to 2012. immediately after harvesting, and undergo further of copra of the Islands under the Minimum Support ripening to improve the copra quality. Price fixed by the Ministry of Agriculture. The purchases are effected through local designated Marketing of Copra agencies like A&N Co-operative supply and marketing In this UT, normally cultivators are not making Federation Ltd. (ANCOFED)- authorized copra. They sell the coconut. However, in Nicobar implementing agency for price support policy for South, District, the plantations are owned by the tribals and North, Middle, Little Andaman and Campbell Bay; the captain of the village makes copra and sell to the Ellon Hinengo Ltd. (EHL) for Carnicobar and Tribal tribal societies, which is exported to the mainland. Development Co-operative Society (TDCS) for Approximately, 46% of the total production of coconut Nancowry group of Islands. (There is no APMC is converted into copra in Nicobar, 35% in North and market in this UT for free sale of Copra). The copra Middle Andaman and 35% of total production of produced is purchased directly by the agencies like coconut is converted into copra in South Andaman. ANCOFED, EHL, and TDCS. (Table-I &II) Ball Copra is not produced in this U.T. The estimated Copra is procured from farmers from different annual production of copra (milling) in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is around 9000 MT. places like Campbell Bay (Little Nicobar), Hut Bay (Dugong creek), Neil islands, Havelock, Kalapahad In this UT of Andaman and Nicobar Island National etc. These places are cut off by the sea and the copra Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation is transported by Pantoon, Canoe, Dinghi and other (NAFED) has been entrusted with the procurement

Name of 2012 (Jan. 2012- Particulars 2008 2009 2010 2011 agency March 2012) Qty. in Qtl. 982.65 840.65 - 1153.43 425.78 ANCOFED Value(`/qtl) 2465 2472 - 4490 3523 8577.50 Qty. in Qtl. 10184.66 13243.15 - 13806.30 (upto May 2012) EHL Value(`/qtl) 3064 3889 - 6557 2766

Qty. in Qtl. - - - 8254 4250 TDCS Value(`/qtl) - - - 4000 3600 Table-II: Purchase of copra (quantity and value) under commercial operations during 2008 to 2012.

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 23 Theme Article water transport for which the farmers/agents are processing 10,000 nuts/day/unit. Desiccated coconut shouldering the expenditures due to multiple handling. powder is produced at this unit. The unit is also planning to start the mechanical production of virgin coconut The scheme of procurement of raw coconut is not oil. implemented in this UT. Government of India, in 2008 for the first time announced Minimum support price Diversification efforts made by coconut oil industries for de-husked coconut @ 988/-per quintal and it is being have limited success. Strategic market research is implemented in Kerala. This UT has recommended essential for bringing in product diversification and value the Commission of Agriculture Costs and Prices addition. Besides coconut oil and coconut oil cake, (CACP) to consider the possibility of effecting direct coconut processing industry traditionally is confined to purchase of dehusked mature coconut from the copra production, desiccated coconut, coir and coir farmers under PSS. As most of the farmers are not products only. Since the coconut-processing sector is having infrastructure for converting coconut into copra they are selling the dehusked nuts directly to traders. Run by Therefore extending MSP for dehusked nut will benefit Unit Product Regd Govt. Total maximum farmers and will also account for more value Deptt. addition. Integrated Coir Curled Coir 1 - 1 Industry The coconut oil produced is consumed locally and Integrated Coco Coconut Oil is not exported from this UT. The price of coconut oil 17 2 19 Oil industry Production is expected to remain at Rs. 12000/qtl. As the cost of Integrated Desiccated production and conversion into coconut oil is likely to Desiccated Coconut 3 - 3 increase due to upward revision in minimum wages Coconut Powder and inflation. The price of coconut oil is expected to industries increase to Rs.12500/qtl to Rs.13000/qtl. (Table – Integrated III) edible Copra Edible Copra 9 - 9 Development of Coconut Processing Industries industry in the Islands Integrated Coco Carbon and Charcoal 1 M/s Integrated Coco Carbon and Agro Products Agro industries Pvt. Ltd. have established Integrated Coconut Coconut oil & Oil and copra 1 1 2 Processing Complex in the island by availing the copra financial assistance of the Coconut Development Board under its TMOC programme at South Andaman, confined to these traditional products, it is observed Little Andaman and Campbell Bay with a capacity of that in spite of the commendable achievements made in enhancing the production and productivity of Months 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 coconut, the processing sector could not make much January 6800 6950 10700 11700 12000 progress in product diversification and value addition. February 6800 6950 10700 11700 12000 Traditional products made out of coconut viz. brooms, March 6800 6950 10700 11700 12000 ropes, yarns, coir, coconut utensils etc. have been April 6800 6950 10700 10700 12000 replaced with its synthetic substitutes. The coconut May 6800 6950 10700 10700 12000 growers of the island, especially the tribals must be June 6800 6950 10700 10700 12000 motivated further for adopting the latest technologies. July 6950 6950 10700 11000 12000 August 6950 6950 10700 11000 - Progressive approach made by the Agriculture September 6950 6950 10700 11000 - Department October 6950 6950 10700 11000 - November 6950 6950 10700 11000 - The Agriculture Department is making unstinted December 6950 6950 10700 11000 - efforts to improve the livelihood of coconut farmers of the area .The development witnessed under coconut Table-III: Wholesale price of coconut oil (Rs.per Qtl) in mission especially in Nicobar Group of Islands is the Port Blair market from 2008 to 2012

Indian Coconut Journal 24 August 2012 Theme Article result of these efforts. In order to improve the quality of farm level processing, involvement farmer groups, of copra, copra dryers, coconut harvesting pole, association and societies must be encouraged. dehusker and coconut climber were distributed to the Introduction of warehousing facilities, coconut park, coconut farmers under the coconut mission. Under the access to price risk management like future contracts pilot project on demonstration of copra dryer, 3 copra dryer units were installed at Carnicobar. Though the coconut plantation is in plenty and plays an integral part in the day to day life of tribes, they are encouraged to grow intercrops and mixed plantation in coconut gardens. The common intercrops grown are country vegetables, tuber crops; pepper, papaya and banana. Production, utilization and diversification of coconut and its value added products is the main objective of the Department. Conclusion Coconut to holding the key in unlocking the potentials for reducing poverty in rural farm of coconut, coconut oil, copra and oil cake should be communities. Farmers are exploited due to the encouraged for the sustainable livelihood. intervention of middle men at different levels of *Director, *Agriculture Assistant Department of marketing. There is a necessity of a system that Agriculture, A&N Admn, Port Blair,***Technical mediates between the farm and the firm. Adoption Officer, Coconut Development Board, Kochi CDB executed MoU with CARe KERALAM for product development and value addition The Coconut Development Board executed an MoU and rendering services to the cluster of ayurvedic with CARe KERALAM Ltd to associate together for companies in the State. the implementation and promotion of projects on The Board is associating with CARe-KERALAM coconut. CARe KERALAM will act as a facilitator for research studies/product development, validation of the projects on coconut oil, virgin coconut oil and and commercialization in the areas such as clinical coconut water. studies on use of VCO as oral application to infants to CARe KERALAM Ltd is a Special Purpose develop immunity and pharmaceutical studies to Vehicle (SPV) for providing a centralized infrastructure develop a product based on Tender coconut Water for standardized manufacture of ayurvedic medicines against urethral stones, production of antibiotic using TCW and preparation of RTS Products against diarrhoea, etc. and validation/patenting. Acting as a facilitator, CARe KERALAM Ltd. will source research projects to be submitted to Coconut Development Board under TMOC. These research projects will be based on themes of interest to Coconut Development Board. CARe KERALAM Ltd will identify entrepreneurs who are willing to invest in technologies developed by Coconut Development Board and submit bankable Detailed Project Report’s for availing assistance. Accordingly CARe Shri. Karimpuzha Raman, MD, CareKeralam exchanging KERALAM Ltd will act as one of the focal point of the MoU with Shri. T.K. Jose IAS, Chairman, CDB. Dr. K. Coconut Development Board activities on a national Muralidharan, Director, CDB is seen basis.

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 25 Procurement

Copra Procurement Under Price Support Scheme Deepthi Nair S.

Introduction Table 1. Comparison of MSP of copra and the market price (1986-2012) The Minimum Support Price (MSP) for copra, both Yearly Yearly edible ball copra and milling copra, has been introduced average average since 1986 for ensuring a remunerative price to coconut wholesale Year MSP wholesale MSP farmers for their produce. It is a policy decision of the price of price of milling Government of India to announce the MSP for milling milling copra as well as ball copra for every season on the copra recommendations of the Commission for Agriculture 1986 1200 1422 ND 1688 Costs and Prices (CACP) with the guarantee to 1987 ND 1991 ND 2170 purchase the copra at the pre-announced price, in the 1988 ND 2104 ND 2830 event of a fall in market price and thereby ensuring 1989 1500 1605 ND 2498 reasonable price for the produce of the coconut farmers. The procurement at MSP has been 1990 1600 1799 ND 1988 instrumental in stabilizing the market prices during the 1991 1700 2660 ND 3053 previous years. A comparative statement showing the 1992 ND 2993 ND 4499 Minimum Support Price (MSP) for copra (milling and 1993 2150 2580 ND 3700 ball) vs. the actual market price ruled over the years is given in Table 1. 1994 2350 2165 ND 2619 1995 2500 2316 ND 2596 NAFED is the national level agency responsible for the PSS operations in the country. State designated 1996 2500 2982 2725 3352 agencies are appointed as nodal agencies of the states 1997 2700 3484 2925 4921 by the respective State Governments who are 1998 2900 2928 3125 4675 responsible for the procurement operations in that 1999 3100 3506 3325 3850 state. The details of procurement under MSP since 2000 3250 2335 3500 3738 2007-08 is given in Table-2. 2001 3300 2046 3550 2558 MSP in 2012 2002 3300 2871 3550 3583 Government of India had announced a Minimum 2003 3320 3861 3570 4482 Support Price of Rs. 5100/- per quintal for milling copra and Rs. 5350/- per quintal for ball copra. The MSP 2004 3500 4397 3750 6383 are computed by CACP based on the recommendations 2005 3570 3768 3820 7238 of Coconut Development Board submitted in August 2006 3590 3313 3840 5078 2011. Board had made a recommendation of Rs. 5500/ 2007 3620 3285 3870 3714 - per quintal for milling copra and Rs. 5900/- per quintal for ball copra taking into account the cost of cultivation 2008 3660 4057 3910 4216 of coconut (in August 2011) and in consultation with 2009 4450 3361 4700 4406 State Governments. Procurement operations have been 2010 4450 4009 4700 4516 initiated in the different coconut growing states since 2011 4525 6188 4775 6482 March 2012. The details of procurement are given in 2012 5100 6101 5350 5645 Table-3.

Indian Coconut Journal 26 August 2012 Procurement

Table 2. Procurement of prices have turned competitive for increase in the import duty of Copra under MSP 2007-2012 coconut oil. Considering the huge refined palm oil from the existing ALL INDIA ethnic population of South Indian 7.5% would prove beneficial to the YEAR ( IN MTS) people in the Middle East countries, coconut farmers. The Board has 2007-08 12010.000 there is scope for penetration of already taken up the matter with 2008-09 490.000 Indian coconut oil in the Gulf the Ministry of Agriculture, 2009-10 61281.000 market. Permitting export of Government of India. 2010-11 30600.000 coconut oil in bulk packing through Restriction of incentive for the 2011-12 343.000 all the South Indian ports will be export of coconut oil 2012-13 33369.405 beneficial to the coconut farmers, Though coconut oil is eligible for 5% (as on 21.8.2012) since as an edible oil, coconut oil is of the FOB value under the export The procurement quantities are consumed only in Kerala and incentive scheme “Vishesha Krishi not large enough to make an impact adjoining parts of Tamilnadu. on the market prices and stabilize Grameen Udyog Yogana them. Moreover there has been Import of palm oil : Palm oil is (VKGUY)”, citing the reason of manifold increase in the prices of the major competitor for coconut oil ban on export of edible oil, it is denied agricultural inputs especially in South India. A ban on the import at present. Extending VKGUY fertilizers since then (Table-4). of palm oil through the southern benefit to coconut oil exports in bulk Considering these factors, the Board has already taken up with the Table- 3. Procurement of copra during 2012 season Central and State Governments that State/procuring agency Quantity procured MT Total the MSP already declared itself is Milling copra inadequate to protect the risk borne Kerala Kerafed Marketfed by the coconut farmer. Policy 4769.792 3590.287 8360.079 decisions and Government Tamil Nadu (Tanfed) 16151.278 intervention is crucial in this Andhra Pradesh 5507.950 circumstance, that too on a war (AP Oil Fedn) footing, to help the farmers to tide Lakshadeep 3350.098 over the grave situation that they (Lakshadeep fedn) are in. TOTAL 33369.405 Ball copra Constraints in assuring Kozhikode 1.950 remunerative price for coconut Karnataka 1577.720 and possible solutions ports will result in increased packing through southern ports Restriction on export of consumption of coconut oil. The would definitively improve the coconut oil : The prices of coconut current import duties are also export of coconut oil thereby oil in the country, which is the major congenial for large scale import of causing an impact on the market product from copra, was always palm oil for instance, at present, prices. found to rule above the international crude palm oil has zero import Excessive dependence on copra prices of coconut oil. Hence, the duty and refined palm oil has an and coconut oil export market and the prices in the import duty of 7.5%. Import of The Board has been taking global scenario were never palm oil has almost doubled during concerted efforts to reduce attractive for coconut oil. Currently, the last six months. dependence on copra and coconut when the domestic prices of A hike in the import duty of crude oil. This dependence is the major coconut oil and international prices palm oil to 10% and appropriate cause for the fall in coconut prices are almost on par, the export market

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 27 Procurement in response to the undercurrents in price fall of coconut and copra, prices and low procurement under the price rates for edible oils in the products from immature coconut PSS can be solved to a great extent international market. Coconut being inflorescence holds much potential. and the farmers could realise a a crop with multifarious purposes, When a certain proportion of the remunerative income. Mobilisation promotion of product diversification inflorescences in a palm are marked of funds of the Local Self will prove beneficial in ensuring the for production of Neera, coconut Government Institutions through the coconut growers a stable price. sugar, honey and other products, it concerned departments and not only earns the farmer more Planning Board and exploring the Increasing consumption of returns and diversified products, but potential for funding of driers tender coconut will not only provide also reduces the arrival of coconut/ through RKVY, ATMA, SHM etc a nutritious, natural health drink, but copra in the open market thereby will enable the provision of more will also aid in increased and increasing demand and price for infrastructure for copra processing sustained returns to the coconut coconut and its products. Policy which is the major stumbling block growers. Production of Neera, a decisions at the Government level in the procurement operations. The non-alcoholic and nutritious drink Table- 4. The cost of Table- 5. Comparison of import of vegetable oils (2010-2012) fertilizers (2011-2012) % Import in MT Import in increase Price per Price per from Nov MT from Product over the Name of kg in kg in 2010 to May Nov 2011 to previous fertiliser August August 2011 May 2012 2011 2012 year Urea 6.19 6.53 RBD palmolein 5,51,327 10,84,933 97% Rajphos 5.15 7.03 Crude Palm kernel oil 35,564 64,692 82% MOP 7.14 16.69 Crude Palm oil 26,39,124 30,14,253 14% from the immature inflorescence of are essential for the production of coconut can be promoted due to its these products since it involves infrastructure can be created by potential for value addition, tapping of the inflorescence. providing financial support to the employment generation and better farmer producer organisations so returns to the coconut farmers. All Lack of rural infrastructure for that the benefit of the project the major coconut-growing copra making reaches the targeted end user. countries of the world like A major handicap towards the Assuring a remunerative price Phillippines, Thailand, Indonesia etc production of Fair Average Quality for coconut will motivate the have exploited the potential of this copra for supply to the procurement farmers for better management of product in the domestic and export agencies is the lack of infrastructure gardens and for that, product market. Products like coconut for copra making. Creation of a diversification is a must. Creation flower syrup, honey and coconut community based infrastructure for of infrastructure in organized mode palm sugar produced from copra making will aid in enhanced like establishment of coconut parks immature coconut inflorescence sap production of copra thereby will increase the processing of were displayed during the recent supporting the procurement coconut. This combined with Cocotech seminar conducted at operations. If the provision of copra appropriate policy decisions will take Kochi and have consolidated niche driers to the farmer growers the coconut sector to newer heights. markets in major consuming associations, producer societies etc The sky is the limit for this crop, countries. Coconut sugar with low can be effected through the only hurdle is that we should strive glycemic index can be consumed schemes of the different hard to reach it. even by diabetic patients. It is also departments under the State rich in nutrients. In the context of Government, the situation of low (Marketing Officer, CDB, Kochi-11)

Indian Coconut Journal 28 August 2012 Import

Import of vegetable oils an outlook P.O. Baby

in quantity imported. price. Huge import of During April 2011, the price of vegetable oils copra in the domestic market adversely affects opened at US$1353 per MT and the price of coconut closed at US$1038 in December. oil in the domestic The yearly average price was market. To improve US$1310 per MT. The maximum the domestic price of US$1539 was attained in coconut oil price, the May. The price of copra in the custom duty on international market opened at US$ import of vegetable 1354 per MT during April 2011 and uring the year 2010-11 India oils needs to be re- imposed. closed at US$875 per MT in Dhas imported 69.14 lakhs tones The price of coconut oil opened December 2011. The yearly of vegetable oils valued at at US$1981 per MT in April 2011 average price was US$1139 per Rs.2991972 lakhs. When compared and closed at US$ 1520 in MT. The yearly average domestic to the previous year this shows an December 2011. The yearly price of coconut oil was about 15 increase of 16 percent in quantity average price was US$ 2018 per percent higher than that of the and 13 percent in value. During the international price. year 2011-2012 (up to October 2011) 48.37 lakhs tones of The price of coconut oil in the vegetable oils worth Rs.2658387.3 domestic market during April 2012 had imported to the country. Among opened at US$1500 per MT the vegetable oils imported, palm oil (Rs.74060) and closed at US$1120 and its fractions accounts for about per MT (Rs.62070) in July. The 77 percent in quantity and about 73 price of coconut oil in the percent in value. Palm kernel oil is international market in April 2012 increasingly being substituted in the opened at US$1451 per MT and place of coconut oil for industrial MT. The highest price of US$ 2251 closed at US$1040 per MT in July. was reached in May 2011. The price applications. It is also reported to During April 2012, the price of of coconut oil in the international be used as an adulterant in coconut copra in the domestic market market opened at US$2067 during oil. Among the other vegetable oils opened at US$1025 per MT the month of April 2011 and closed imported, soybean oil and its (Rs.50610) and closed at US$753 at US$1350 in December. The fractions accounts for 13 percent per MT in July while in the yearly average price was US$1740 in quantity and about 15 percent in international market, the price of per MT. The highest price of US$ value. Sunflower oil is another copra opened at US$865 per MT 2117 per MT was reached in May. major oil imported which accounts in April 2012 and closed at US$680 The yearly average domestic price for about 8 percent in quantity and per MT in July. about 9 percent in value. Palm of coconut oil was about 16 percent CDB, Kochi-11 kernel oil occupies about 2 percent higher than that of the international

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 29 Study

Vermicompost production, from ash to cash

G.K.Girijesh, T.S. Vageesh, R. Nagaraj, A.S.Kumaraswamy, M.Dinesh Kumar

Abstract and frond is being burnt annually in of valuable natural resource is being A study was conducted at the state. This huge quantity of bio annually burnt to ash. Instead, it ZARS, Navile, Shimoga for resource can be converted into can be converted into useful organic recycling dried coconut fronds good manure which can partly manure, if it is composted properly. through vermicomposting. Around substitute part fertilizer nutrition of In this regard, a study was 5.58 tones of vermicompost can be the crops grown in the region. conducted at ZARS, Navile, produced out of coconut fronds Dried Shimoga, to produce vermicompost from one ha plantation per year Coconut coconut out of coconut fronds. Particulars area fronds having nutrient composition of 1.38, (000’ha) biomass Material and Methods 0.31, and 0.24 per cent of N, P and (m.t.) The studye analyzed the K, respectively, and N-fixing and P Karnataka 405 3.64 solubilizing organisms. India 1903 17.13 possibilities of production of vermicompost out of coconut Introduction Among the by products coconut fronds available right in the farm. Coconut is one of the important fronds form the major share of the The dried coconut fronds were commercial crops of Karnataka total biomass produced by a coconut collected as and when fallen and State. It is not only a source of food tree. On an average each frond subjected to chaffing through a 5 and drink but also provide raw weighs about six kg. Similarly, HP chaffing machine (shredder) material for coir industry. In rural average number of dry fronds fallen (Fig.1) into small pieces. areas, particularly in Southern and from individual tree is 10-12. Based The chaffed material of around Central Dry Zones of Karnataka on these figures and @ 150 trees 400 kg was put into compost pit of mainly in Tumkur, Hassan, per ha, it was worked out that nearly size 7.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 m (on an Bangalore, Mysore, Chitradurga, 17.12 and 3.64 m. t. of dry coconut average 70 kg of material can be Chickmagalur and Kolar districts. frond biomass is available for put into one cum). On this material, It is one of the main sources of fuel. composting in Karnataka and India, cow dung slurry (10 kg of cow dung Tones of dry coconut shell, husk respectively (Table-1). This much

Feeding Coconut Fronds to Shredder Chaffed Material from Shredder Outlet

Indian Coconut Journal 30 August 2012 Study

Vermicompost Pit Filled with chaffed material Chaffed Coconut Frond being subjected to action of Earthworms

Semi Decomposted Material Final Product of Vermicomposting in 100 l of water) was sprinkled and slurry was sprinkled twice in a Results and Discussion kept for 8-10 days. After the week @ of 5 kg per 50 litre of The vermicompost production incubation period, 2.5 kg of water. At the end of 14-15 weeks started from 45-50th day and earthworms were released in to the the vermicompost was analyzed for completed by 14-15th week. The pit at 3-4 spots. Later on cow dung its nutrient content and for the results showed that around 248 kg microbial load. Table 2 . Extent of vermicompost produced and estimated production potential per ha frond biomass Quantity of material used Extent of final product Estimated Raw Estimated for From sample production from material to Raw material (Kg) For sample pit available frond pit (5.62 cum) one ha frond compost (5.62 cum) biomass (kg) biomass/annum ratio /annum (tones) 1.Coconut fronds 400 9000 248 5.58 0.58 2.Cow dung 28** 630** (140)* (3150)* * Wet weight of cow dung ** Dry weight of cow dung

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 31 Study of compost (on air dried basis) was and 25.5 thousand tones of nitrogen, 0.8 to 1.05 % of K in frond 17 of produced from a pit of size 7.5 x 1.5 phosphorus and potassium, mature oil palm. Based on this and x 0.5 m (5.62 cum) by filling chaffed respectively, at the national level nutrient content of vermicompost coconut fronds fallen @ of 71 kg/ (Table 5). The coconut fronds prepared out of coconut fronds, it cum. The estimated quantity of which were used as base material is possible substitute 100, 36 and vermicompost that can be produced for preparation of vermicompost 7.44 per cent of recommended N, from total frond biomass available had a nutrient content of 1.06, 0.08 P and K through recycling of this per annum per ha on air dried basis and 0.85 per cent of N, P and K, huge biomass (Table 6). was 5.58 tones (Table 2). Table 4 Microbial population Conclusion Quality of the compost in vermicompost and coconut Coconut fronds fallen from one produced fronds (cfu/g) ha of coconut garden can be The nutrient value of the Microbial Coconut Vermicom converted in to 5.58 tones of group fronds post vermicompost produced is given in vermicompost. Under the given Bacteria 17 x 104 218 x 105 Table 3, which contains 1.38, 0.31, 2 3 situation of environmental pollution, Fungi 9 x 10 44 x 10 and 0.24 per cent of N, P and K, Actinomycetes 5 x 102 28 x 102 high prices of fertilizers, soils losing respectively. The microbial N-fixing their fertility and productivity due Nil 57 x 102 composition is given in Table 4. The organisms to lack of enough organic matter, total microbial population (Bacteria, P-solubilizing scarcity of organic manures as a Nil 25 x 102 fungi, actinomycetes) was higher in organisms result of poor resource base at the vermicompost prepared from farm level, conversion of crop by coconut fronds than raw coconut respectively. Vageesh et al. (2010) products/residues is only the option fronds. This may be attributed to reported that the compost prepared to maintain soil organic matter. As higher nutrient contents of from primary ETP sludge and press there is a greater thrust for organic vermicompost and addition of cow mud (1:1 proportion) had a nutrient farming in recent years, residues of content of 0.94, 0.40 and 0.52 per coconut plantations like dry fronds Table 3. Nutrient composition Table 5 Estimated nutrient production potential of of vermicompost prepared out vermicompost out of dry coconut fronds of coconut fronds Million tones 000’ tones Coco End Boundary nut product Vermicompost Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Nutrient frond (Vermico India 10.62 146 32.92 25.49 s mpost) Karnataka 2.34 32.2 7.25 5.62 Nitrogen(N) % 1.06 1.38 Phosphorous (P)% 0.08 0.31 Table 6 Extent of nutrients recycled back through Potassium (K)% 0.85 0.24 vermicomposting of dry coconut fronds Quantity of dung which can act as starter Recommended Extent of nutrients culture for these microbes. The N- Nutrient quantity (kg substitution supplied through fixing and P-solubilizing organisms ha-1) (%) recycling (kg ha-1) in vermicompost, which were not Nitrogen 75 77 100 present in the raw coconut fronds. Phosphorus 48 17.3 36 The vermicompost production Potassium 180 13.4 7.44 potential through utilization of can alleviate the pollution problem coconut fronds available is around cent N, P and K, respectively. Elinthamby (2010) reported a and sustain soil productivity in the 10.62 and 2.34 m.t. in India and years to come. Karnataka, respectively. In terms of critical concentration of 2.5-2.6 % nutrients, it is equal to 146, 32.92 of N, 0.17-0.18 per cent of P and College of Agriculture, Shimoga

Indian Coconut Journal 32 August 2012 Opportunities

Business Opportunities

CRUDE COCONUT OIL GRATED COCONUT Registered company; KATTNA Agency Fiji Ltd. A trade company, who deal with import export of specializes in the importation of copra from Kiritimati different raw materials, is looking for grated coconut. Island in Kiribati planning to crush the imported copra Interested parties (exporting companies) contact in Fiji. They are seeking interested buyers for their directly: crude coconut oil. Interested parties may contact: Mr. Carlos Marin Ms. Sue Director of NISA S.A. de CV Director, KATTNA Agency Cancun-Quintana Roo Mexico Email: [email protected] Tel: 52 998 886 88 96 COCONUT SHELL CHARCOAL AND Email: [email protected] VIRGIN COCONUT OIL EXPORTER Office in Uruguay Production capacity of coconut shell charcoal is Montevideo 100 tons per month or more with the quality of 5-6% Tel: 00 598 2 901 06 36 moisture content and 3% ash. Virgin Coconut Oil COCONUT WOOD production capacity is 100 tons/month. A company is looking for suppliers of wood of red Contact person: coconut and black palmyra (black palm tree) as Mr. Joseph Jupiter Pardede lumber/timber/ squares/logs/planks with specification Kepala Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri of the thickness: 20/30/40/50 mm, widths: 5 – 15 cm Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (may be 20 cm), or square: 5x5 6x6 8x8 10x10 cm, Industri Lengths: 1m+, high + medium density, best quality, and Departemen Perindustrian dry (AD+KD). Interesting parties may contact: Jl. Diponegoro No. 21-23 Mr. Mathias Pfeifhofer Manado 95112 Email: [email protected] North Sulawesi Email: [email protected] ORGANIC COCONUT MILK REFINE COCONUT OIL An Australian buyer has approached Pacific Islands An ice coating producer from Poland is looking for Trade & Invest, expressing interest in importing Refine Coconut Oil. They annually use approx. 1000 certified organic coconut milk from the Pacific islands. MT. Interested parties may contact: The buyer is currently buying in 20 litre containers from Thailand. Product must be certified organic. For further Mr. Dorota Hoffmann details contact: Import Department Terravita Sp. Z.o.o. Mr. Jeremy Grennell ul. Szarych Szerega 48 Pacific Islands Trade & Invest 60-462 Poznan P.O. Box 5407 Poland Sydney, NSW 2000 Tel: 48 61 66 88 315 Australia Fax: 48 61 822 19 31 Tel: 612 9290 2133 Mobile: 609 479 239 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Source: The Cocommunity, August 2012

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 33 NEWS

Project Approval Committee cleared 18 projects

A view of the 39th PAC meeting. Seen are Shri. T.K.Jose IAS, Shri. Karimpuzha Raman, Dr. George V. Thomas, Dr.M. Tamil Selvan, Dr. M. Aravindakshan, Dr. D.M.Vasudevan

M.M. Jose, Senior Marketing The 39th meeting of the Project Shri. T.K. Jose IAS, Chairman, Development Officer, Directorate Approval Committee (PAC) on Coconut Development Board and of Marketing & Inspection, Technology Mission on Coconut Chairman PAC chaired the Kakkand, Shri. Sugata Ghose, Chief (TMOC) cleared 18 projects worth meeting. Coconut Development Officer i/c., Rs. 27.49 crores. The subsidy of The cleared projects include four Coconut Development Board & the Board is Rs.3.37 crores. The projects on Research, thirteen Dr. K. Muralidharan, Director 39th PAC was held at Coconut projects on Adoption of Technology Coconut Development Board Development Board, Kochi under for Processing and Product attended the meeting. Dr.M. the chairmanship Shri. T.K.Jose Diversification and a project on Aravindakshan, Co-ordinator, IAS, Chairman, CDB on 17th Market Promotion. Dr. M.Tamil Amritha School of Environmental August 2012. Selvan, Additional Commissioner Studies, Ettimedai, Coimbatore & The 39th meeting of the Project (Horticulture), Ministry of Prof. D.M. Vasudevan, MD, FRC Approval Committee (PAC) on Agriculture, Govt. of India, Dr. Path, Co-investigator, Amrita Technology Mission on Coconut George. V. Thomas, Director, School of Medicine, Amritha (TMOC) was held at the Board CPCRI, Kasaragod, Shri. C.P. Institute of Medical Sciences, Room of Coconut Development Appanna, General Manager, Kochi attended the meeting as Board, Kochi on 17th August 2012. Technical Services, Bombay, Shri. invited expert. Technology Development and Organic Exhibition 2012

Coconut Development Board, exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. copra, branded coconut oil, virgin Regional Office, Bangalore M.R. Ravi, KAS, Assistant coconut oil, packed tender coconut participated in Technology Commissioner, Department of water in cans and pouches, Development & Organic Exhibition Revenue, Government of desiccated coconut powder, – 2012 held at Cavari Hall, Madkeri Karnataka, Madkeri on 18th May coconut milk powder, coconut from 18th May 2012 organized by 2012. Board showcased different biscuit, coconut based vinegar, the Natural Resources varieties of coconut bunches and coconut water concentrates, shell Development Centre, Madkeri. The value added products like ball and wood based handicrafts and publications of the Board.

Indian Coconut Journal 34 August 2012 NEWS International coir tech expo held at Kochi Coir Tech Expo, an international exhibition of machinery and other related products of the coir sector was held at Marine Drive, Kochi from 12th to 16th August 2012. Shri. Oommen Chandy, Chief Minister, Kerala inaugurated the expo. The event showcased the latest developments of the coir industry. National and international experts participated in seminars held as part of the programme. The expo attracted the entrepreneurs and industrialists of the sector. The expo was a convergence of Shri. Oommen Chandy, Chief Minister, Kerala inaugurating all the technologies developed by Coir Tech Expo the research institutes of Coir Board diversified products required for the coir jackets, umbrella, bags, slippers and the technologies evolved under coir industry. The expo provided the and ornaments. Delegates from the collaborative projects by opportunity for stakeholders in the abroad, from Tamil Nadu, Andhra national level institutes for the coir industry to understand the Pradesh, Odisha and Karnataka benefit of coir industry in India. The technological advancements made participated in the exhibition. expo provided platform for the in different areas of coir production. Coconut Development Board had machinery manufacturers to A five-day exhibition displayed its display cum sales counter in the showcase all their innovative coir tech expo. technologies, equipment and other various coir products ranging from Hospitality World Coconut Development Board, Regional Office, Bangalore participated in Food and Hospitality World - 2012 exhibition, held at Tripura Vasini, Palace Grounds, Bengaluru from 21st June to 23rd June 2012. Shri. Shrikantadhatha Odayor, Maharaja of Mysore inaugurated the exhibition. Board showcased various value added coconut products like coconut oil, virgin coconut oil, packed tender coconut water, desiccated coconut powder, coconut milk powder, coconut based vinegar and coconut water concentrates. Handicraft items made out of coconut wood A view of the Board’s Stall in Hospitality World and shell were also displayed in the Board’s stall. NEWS Prizes of Literary competition distributed

Master Devadarsan, 1st prize winner receiving the certificate from Shri. Chemmanam Chacko Prizes of the literary IAS, Chairman, Coconut Smt. Mini Mathew, Publicity competitions conducted by the Development Board presided over. Officer proposed a vote of thanks. Coconut Development Board in Adv. Varkala B Ravikumar, Competitions were held in essay association with Akshshaya Book Member, Coconut Development writing, poetry and short story on Trust were distributed on 28th July Board and Shri. Payipra coconut for public, teachers and 2012 at SR V H S Auditorium, Radhakrishnan former Secretary, students. The first, second, third and Kochi. Shri. Chemmanom Chako, Kerala Sahithya Academy spoke on consolation prizes comprised of Rs. eminent Malayalam writer the occasion. Dr. Remany 4000, Rs.3000, Rs.2000 and Rs. inaugurated the talent meet and Gopalakrishnan, Deputy Director 1000 respectively. distributed the prizes. Shri. T K Jose delivered the welcome address and Coconut seedlings planted at Kerala House To commemorate the Farmers Shri. day on Chingam 1st, coconut Mullapally seedlings were planted at the Ramachandran premises of Kerala House on 17th who spoke on August 2012.Chingam 1st is the occasion observed as farmers day in Kerala. requested the Shri Mullapally Ramachandran, government of Minister of State for Home Affairs, India to declare Shri K.C. Venugopal, Minister of tender coconut State for Power, Dr. K.S. water as the Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Kerala national drink of Public Service Commission, Adv. the country. Shri Mullapally Ramachandran, Minister of State for P.T. Thomas, MP, Dr. Charles Dias, Adv. P.T. MP and member, CDB and Shri Home Affairs, planting the seedling at the premises of Thomas, MP in Kerala House K.P. Dhanapalan, MP planted his welcome address spoke on the coconut seedlings in the Kerala tender coconut water was importance of the crop in Indian House premises. distributed on the occasion. culture and economy. Packed

Indian Coconut Journal 36 August 2012 Management

Monthly operations in coconut gardens - September

Andaman & Nicobar year along with the organic manure; per palm per year along with the Islands: Plough in the green and (4) provide drainage during rain organic manure during the post manure crop and incorporate it into and irrigate during summer. If the monsoon period; and (4) regulate the soil. Apply organic manure such attack of the mite is noticed, spray optimum field moisture by providing as dried compost /cow dung/poultry neem oil - garlic - soap emulsion 2 drainage during rains and irrigating manure @ 25 kg/tree in the basin percent (20 ml neem oil + 20 gm the palms during summer. New taken around the palm. Cover the garlic emulsion + 5 gm soap in 1 planting of selected quality seedlings manure with soil. New planting of litre water) or commercial botanical can be continued during this month. quality seedlings can be undertaken pesticides containing azadirachtin Support the newly planted seedlings now. Prevent accumulation of rain 0.004 per cent @ 4ml per litre of by providing suitable props. The water in the seedling pits. Clove, water on bunches, especially on the gaps caused by the death of nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper and perianth region of buttons and seedlings of previous/current year banana can be planted in the inter affected nuts or root feed neem planting should be filled up spaces. Control rhinoceros beetle formulations containing azadirachtin preferably with polybag seedlings. by adopting IPM package consisting 5 per cent @ 7.5 ml with equal Chhattisgarh: Drench the basin of of extraction of beetle using a beetle volume of water. the transplanted seedlings with 0.05 hook from the affected palm, proper Assam: Apply the second dose of per cent chlorpyriphos twice at 22- disposal of breeding materials of the fertilizers @ 334 g urea, 666 g single 25 days interval against the attack beetle and biological suppression super phosphate(SSP) and 666g of termite. Remove excess soil using microbial agents like muriate of potash(MOP) with from the collar region of the Baculovirus of Oryctes and neem cake @ 5 kg/palm/year in the seedlings for preventing collar rot. Metarhizium anisopliae. coconut basin. Remove If the palm shows the symptom of Incorporation of the weed plant ungerminated nuts and dead sprouts stem bleeding, (a) remove the Cleodendron infortunatum in the from the nursery. Slow growing and affected bark tissues on the stem breeding grounds has been found late germinated seedlings are to be and apply 5 per cent calixin on the effective as it disrupts larval removed from the nursery. Apply wound and also apply warm coal development and finally reduces vermicompost/cowdung @ 25-50 tar, (b) root feed the affected palm pest population. Fill the youngest kg for each adult coconut palm. with 5 percent calixin @100ml three leaf axils with a mixture of Gap filling can be done during this solution at quarterly intervals, (c) 250g powdered marotti/neem cake month. apply 5 kg neem cake per palm per with equal volume of sand or year along with the second dose of deposit 10 gm naphthalene ball (4 Bihar / Madhya Pradesh: Search fertilizer ;and (d) provide drainage balls) per palm and cover with sand. for bud rot disease. If found infected remove all the affected tissues in during rainy season and irrigate Andhra Pradesh: Plough the land the crown and apply bordeaux during summer. Mulch coconut and sow cowpea or any pulse crop paste. Check for the incidence of basin with coconut wastes and or vegetable crops. If stem stem bleeding. If stem bleeding green matters. bleeding disease is noticed: (1) disease is noticed: (1) remove the Karnataka: Ideal time for planting remove the affected bark tissues on affected tissues on the stem and of new seedlings, opening of basins, the stem and apply 5 per cent calixin apply 5 per cent calixin on the digging of pits and gap filling if any on the wound and also apply warm wound and also apply warm coal in the existing plantation. Mulch coal tar, (2) root feed the affected tar, (2) root feed the affected palm coconut basins with suitable green palm with 5 percent calixin @100ml with 5 percent calixin @ 100 ml leaves. Continue to procure quality solution at quarterly intervals, (3) solution per root at quarterly seed nuts from the identified mother apply 5 kg neem cake per palm per intervals, (3) apply 5 kg neem cake palms and sow in the nursery.

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 37 Management

Intercultural operations have to be sulphate @ 500 gm per palm along cent @ 4ml per litre of water on undertaken to keep the plantation with second dose of fertilizers and bunches, especially on the perianth free of weeds. Suitable intercrops cover the basin completely. Dig out region of buttons and affected nuts like banana, vegetables, tuber crops or plough the garden. Fill the or root feed neem formulations etc. can also be raised in the coconut youngest three leaf axils with a containing azadirachtin 5 per cent gardens to increase the income per mixture of 250g powdered marotti/ @ 7.5 ml with equal volume of unit area. Search for bud rot neem cake with equal volume of water. disease and remove infected tissues sand or place naphthalene balls 10g/ Tamil Nadu/Pondicherry: Start in the crown and treat with palm and cover them with sand intercultural operations like taking bordeaux paste. As a prophylactic against rhinoceros beetle and red basins, ploughing etc. Apply second measure spray 1 per cent Bordeaux palm weevil. If the attack of the dose of fertilizers, 500 g urea, 800 mixture on the healthy palms in the mite is noticed, spray neem oil - g single super phosphate and 800 g vicinity of affected palms. Apply garlic - soap emulsion 2 percent (20 muriate of potash per adult palm Phorate 10 G @ 100 g/ palm or ml neem oil + 20 gm garlic emulsion under rainfed conditions. If the drench the root zone with + 5 gm soap in 1 litre water) or attack of the mite is noticed, spray chlorpyriphos 20EC @ 2.5 ml/litre commercial botanical pesticides neem oil - garlic – soap emulsion 2 to control white grubs in case of its containing azadirachtin 0.004 per percent (20 ml neem oil + 20 gm incidence. Control rhinoceros beetle cent @ 4ml per litre of water on garlic emulsion + 5 gm soap in 1 by adopting IPM package consists bunches, especially on the perianth litre water) or commercial botanical of extraction of beetle using a beetle region of buttons and affected nuts pesticides containing azadirachtin hook from the affected palm, proper or root feed neem formulations 0.004 per cent @ 4ml per litre of disposal of breeding materials of the containing azadirachtin 5 per cent water on bunches, especially on the beetle and biological suppression @ 7.5 ml with equal volume of perianth region of buttons and using microbial agents like water. affected nuts or root feed neem Baculovirus of Oryctes and Maharashtra/Goa/Gujarat: Apply formulations containing azadirachtin Metarhizium anisopliae. second dose of fertilizers in basins 5 per cent @ 7.5 ml with equal Incorporation of the weed plant dug around the palms. Apply green volume of water. Strengthen bunds Cleodendron infortunatum in the leaves at the rate of 25kg per palm. of the pit of the newly planted breeding grounds has been found Give a third round of prophylactic seedling to avoid rain water effective as it disrupts larval spraying with bordeaux mixture to accumulation in the pit. Take development and finally reduces all palms. Remove ungerminated adequate care of the newly planted pest population. Fill the youngest nuts and dead sprouts from the seedling by providing support/ three leaf axils with a mixture of nursery. Discard seedlings irrigation etc. 250g powdered marotti/ neem cake exhibiting poor growth and delayed with equal volume of sand or Tripura: Clean the crown to germination. deposit 10 gm naphthalene ball (4 protect the palm from any pest/ balls) per palm and cover with sand. Orissa: Sow green manure crop disease attack. The entire crown seeds in the coconut basins. Keep should then be sprayed with one per Kerala/Lakshadweep: In low the nursery free of weeds. Clean cent bordeaux mixture. Second lying areas, plant coconut seedlings the crown from pest/ disease attack. dose of fertilizers should be applied in shallow pits or on raised mounds. Undertake all plant protection during the month. After application Apply the second dose of fertilizers measurers. If the attack of the mite of fertilizer if there is no rain, in rainfed garden and one-fourth of is noticed, spray neem oil - garlic - irrigation should be done. the recommended dose in irrigated soap emulsion 2 percent (20 ml gardens. Apply cattle manure or West Bengal: Hand-weed the neem oil + 20 gm garlic emulsion+5 green manure @ 25-50 kg to each nursery and provide partial shade gm soap in 1 litre water) or adult palm if not done during to seedlings. Continue harvest of commercial botanical pesticides previous months. Apply magnesium matured nuts. containing azadirachtin 0.004 per

Indian Coconut Journal 38 August 2012 Market Review

Market Review - July 2012 Highlights at Rs. 5100/- per quintal for 2012 season. A total quantity of 14059 ! The price of milling copra, ball copra and coconut oil expressed MT of copra was procured by a downward trend at all the major markets during the month Nafed through Tanfed in Tamil under report. Nadu and 6727 MT was procured ! The international price of coconut oil expressed a downward in Kerala by Nafed through trend during the month under report. The domestic price of Kerafed and Marketfed. Around coconut oil at Kochi market was about 8 percent higher than 5508 MT of copra was procured in that of the international price. Andhra Pradesh and 3350 MT in Lakshadweep. The prices of copra and coconut Alappuzha market and Rs. 6367/- ruled below minimum support price at Kozhikode market. The prices at The monthly average prices of in major producing states and Kochi, Alappuzha and Kozhikode milling copra at Ambajipeta market procurement activities were markets were about 2 to 3 percent in Andhra Pradesh was Rs.4180/- initiated by the government higher than that of June 2012 per quintal compared to Rs. 3880/- machinery under price support MILLING COPRA recorded during the previous month. schemes. The monthly average prices of EDIBLE COPRA COCONUT OIL FAQ copra recorded at Kochi The monthly average prices of The price of coconut oil quoted market was Rs.4175/- per quintal. Rajapur copra at Kozhikode market at all the major marketing centres The monthly average prices of Rasi was Rs. 5269/- per quintal, which in the country expressed a steady copra at Alappuzha market was Rs. was marginally lower compared to trend during the month under 4157/- per quintal. The prices at the price of the previous month. review. Kochi, Alappuzha and Kozhikode The monthly prices of ball copra at were about 3 to 5 percent higher Kozhikode market averaged at Rs. The monthly average price of than that of the previous month. 4685/- per quintal. coconut oil at Kochi was Rs. 6207/ The procurement operations under The monthly prices of ball copra - per quintal. The price of coconut Price Support Scheme have already at APMC market Tiptur, in oil at Alappuzha market also moved been initiated in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka averaged at Rs. 5313/- in tune with the price behavior of Kerala by TANFED and NAFED per quintal in July 2012 while it Kochi market. The monthly average respectively. The minimum support was Rs 5329/- in Bangalore and Rs. price was Rs. 6227/- per quintal at price of milling copra has been fixed 5254/- in Arsikere. The Minimum 6500 support price of edible copra has 6450 been fixed at Rs. 5350/- per quintal

6400 6383 for 2012 season. 6375 6375

6350 6350 6350 6333 DRY COCONUT

6300 The monthly average price of 6258 6250 dry coconut was around Rs. 4824/ 6200 6200 6200 6200 6200 - per thousand nuts at Kozhikode 6175 6150 market which was marginally lower than that of the previous month. 6100


6000 The monthly average price of 7-7-12 14-7-12 21-7-12 28-7-12 31-7-12 Rs.5508/- per thousand nuts for Kochi Alappuzha Kozhikode dehusked coconut at Nedumangad Price behaviour of coconut oil during July 2012

Indian Coconut Journal August 2012 39 Market Review market was marginally higher than 4400 that of the previous month. Arsikere APMC market recorded an 4350 average of Rs.5594/- for thousand 4300 4300 4267 partially dehusked nuts which was 4250 marginally lower than that of 4200 4200 4200 4192 4183 previous month. 4163 4150 41504150 41504150 4142 4133 4133

The monthly average prices of Rs./Qtl. 4100 4092 partially dehusked coconut at 4075 4050 Bangalore APMC market was Rs. 5820/- which was about 6 percent 4000 4000 lower than that of previous month. 3950

Date 3900 The monthly average price of 7-7-12 14-7-12 21-7-12 28-7-12 31-7-12 partially dehusked coconut Grade- Kochi Alappuzha Kozhikode Ambajipeta 1 quality at Mangalore APMC Price behaviour of milling copra during July 2012 market improved to Rs.9493/- per thousand nuts which was marginally was Rs.14 per nut while it was month and about 59 percent lower lower than that of the previous Rs.16 in Tripura. than that of the corresponding month. The monthly average price INTERNATIONAL PRICE month last year. The domestic price of coconut in Assam was Rs.20 per of US$1120 for coconut oil at Kochi The monthly average price of nut while it was Rs.21 in Tripura market was about 8 percent higher US $1040 per MT for coconut oil and Rs.25 at Dimapur in Nagaland. than that of the international price. in Europe (C.I.F. Rotterdam) for The Government of India has the month of July 2012 was The domestic price of coconut declared the Minimum Support price marginally lower when compared oil during the month of July 2012, in of dehusked mature coconut with with the price of the previous month Philippines was US$11033 per MT water at Rs. 14/- per kg. and lower by about 37 percent and in Indonesia; the price was TENDER COCONUT compared to that of the US$938 per MT. The international corresponding month last year. The price of palm oil, palm kernel oil and Prices of tender coconut at soybean oil were US$1020 Kochi market ranged from Rs.15- monthly average price of US$ 680 per MT for copra was marginally US$1086 and US$ 1243 per MT 25/- per nut. The monthly average respectively. price of tender coconut in Assam lower than that of the previous Market Price Coconut Oil Milling Copra Edible Ball Copra Dry Coconut Partially dehusked Copra coconut coconut Rs. / Qtl. Rs. / 1000 nuts Date Kochi Alappu- Kozhi- Kochi Alappu Kozhi- Karkala Kozhi- Kozhi- Tiptur Bang- Arsi- Kozhi- Nedum- Arsi- Bang- Mang- zha kode (FAQ) zha kode kode kode lore kere kode angad kere lore alore (Rasi (Grade -1) Copra) 7-7-12 6258 6333 6383 4192 4192 4133 4200 5254 4625 5320 5280 5287 4783 5583 5683 6000 9500 14-7-12 6200 6200 6350 4150 4142 4092 4300 5192 4583 5281 5280 5258 4778 5958 6333 6000 9500 21-7-12 6200 6200 6350 4150 4150 4075 4267 5146 4675 5358 5487 5263 4975 5833 5454 6100 9500 28-7-12 6200 6200 6375 4183 4150 4163 4133 5367 4742 5304 5300 5260 4833 5167 5500 5500 9367 31-7-12 6175 6200 6375 4200 4150 4150 4000 5388 4800 5300 5300 5200 4750 5000 5000 5500 9600 Average 6207 6227 6367 4175 4157 4123 4180 5269 4685 5313 5329 5254 4824 5508 5594 5820 9493 Source: Kochi: Cochin Oil Merchants Association and Chamber of Commerce, Kochi - 2, Kozhikode: The Mathrubhumi daily Alapuzha: The Malayala Manorama daily, Arsikere : APMC, Arsikere Price quoted for office pass copra at Kozhikode and Rasi copra at Alappuzha markets. NT : No transaction

Indian Coconut Journal 40 August 2012