For Home Laundering R

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For Home Laundering R / Home and Garden Bulletin No. 49 w iswi for Home Laundering r UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE f^' L^ontentà Page Detergents available to homemakers 3 Soaps 3 Unbuüt 3 Built 4 Synthetic detergents 4 UnbuUt 5 Buüt 5 How a detergent works 5 Using detergents 5 Suiting the detergent to the water 5 Softening the water 6 Types of softeners 6 Amount of softener to use 6 Suiting the detergent to the fabric 6 Wool and silk 6 Ootton, linen, and manmade fibers 7 Suiting the detergent to the washer 7 Soaps 7 Synthetic detergents 8 Pointers on detergents 8 ¡■^repared otA Margaret S. Furry, Textile Chemist Clothing and Housing Kesearch Division Agricultural Kesearch Service United States Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C. 20250 Issued July 1956 Slightly revised October 1963 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C, 20402 - Price 5 cents Oéte/tûeidÂ' o for Home Laundering Good results in laundering depend the Clothing and Housing Research largely on the correct use of deter- Division, Agricultural Research gents—both soaps and synthetic Service, United States Department detergents—in relation to the na- of Agriculture investigated the abili- ture of the fabric being washed and ty of detergents, of types widely the amount and kind of soil to be available for household use, to re- removed. Stores offer many clean- move soil from various kinds of ing agents of these kinds, but little fabrics under different conditions. specific information is available as It also investigated the effects of to their suitability for different the detergents on certain properties kinds of fabrics and various types of the fabrics. The results of these of soiling. investigations are given in the fol- To help supply such information, lowing pages. Detergenfs available fo homemakers SOAPS The detergent probably most Unbuilt. Unbuilt soap products familiar to everyone is soap, made consist of 93 to 97 percent soap. from fat and lye. As soap dissolves They also contain a little moisture in water, the solution becomes alka- (water), a small amount of sodium line; and any acid present from soiled chloride (common salt), and some- garments reacts with the soap, times a "brightener" (a fluorescent thus reducing its effectiveness. To dye) for whitening clothes. Such a provide greater alkalinity to coun- dye becomes fixed on fabrics during teract both this acid and the effect washing; then in sunlight, the dye of minerals in hard water, manu- gives off a blue fiuorescence which facturers often "build" their soaps makes white fabrics a brighter, with alkaline products. Home- bluer white. makers may purchase either "light- Unbuilt soaps are intended for duty" (unbuilt) or "heavy-duty" laundering fine fabrics and lightly (built) soaps in retail stores. Both soiled garments (lingerie, stockings, types are alkaline in solution. blouses). They are recommended A partial list of brands ' of laundry for cotton, linen, and manmade soap on the retail market in 1963 fibers; they are relatively safe for includes— most dyes and are mild on hands. Light-duty Heavy-duty Ivory Flakes Duz Ivory Snow Instant Fels Naptha Lux Flakes Rinse 1 The mention in this publication of any commercial product does not imply its endorsement by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture over other products not named. 695-446°—63 from 10 to 30 percent builder, about 5 percent moisture, and usually a fluorescent-dye brightener. Built soaps are general-purpose soaps for the family wash and for laundering heavily soiled cloth— rugs, grimy play clothes, and greasy overalls. They are less mild on Built. Built soaps contain at hands and may be harder on some least 50 percent soap and varying dyes than the unbuilt soaps. The amounts of alkaline chemicals. The increased alkalinity makes them chemicals, or "builders," increase hard on wool and silk. sudsing, improve the cleaning action Other mixtures of soap and of the soap, and help to soften hard builders are soap powders or wash- water so that less soap scum forms. ing powders which contain only 10 Chemicals used as builders include to 15 percent soap. These should sal soda (washing soda), borax, so- not be confused with powdered dium silicate (water glass), triso- soaps, which are true soaps in dium phosphate, and various other powdered form instead of bar, chip, phosphates. flake, or bead. Soap powders are Common brands of built soap sometimes used for laundering but contain from 55 to 80 percent soap, more often for dishwashing. SYNTHETIC DETERGENTS Synthetic detergents (often called others clean with little or no suds. "syndets") are made from such Many of them contain large materials as petroleum, and animal amounts of neutral salts—sodium and vegetable fats and oils, by sulfate and sodium chloride—which chemical processes more compli- are byproducts of the manufac- cated than the reaction of fat and turing process. These salts are lye which makes soap. The result- somewhat helpful in cleaning, but ing chemicals are complex; each has they have no effect in softening a value as a cleaning agent, distinct water as do the alkaline salts and and different from that of the the complex phosphates used as others. The synthetic detergents builders. are neutral in solution, and they do Like soaps, synthetic detergents not depend on alkalinity for their packaged for the retail trade come cleaning ability. in two types—light-duty (unbuilt) Synthetic detergents dissolve and heavy-duty (built) in liquid, readily in water, hot or cold, soft powdered, and tablet forms. Some or hard. They do not form scum powders are also available in pre- in hard water. Their pronounced measured packages. A partial list ability to emulsify oil and grease is of brands of synthetic detergents on an advantage in getting clothes the retail market in 1963 includes— clean. In hand laundering, how- ever, this property may become a Light-duty disadvantage—the detergents tend Chiffon (liquid) Octagon (liquid) to remove oil from the skin and so Dreft Swan (liquid) may be drying, or even irritating, Gentle Fels (liquid) Thrill (liquid) to the hands. Glim (liquid) Trend (liquid and Ivory (liquid) powder) Some synthetic detergents form Joy (liquid) Vel (liquid and suds readily, like soap, whereas Lux (liquid) powder) Heavy-duty rics. Their efficiency with heavily High-sudsing Low-sudsing soiled clothes is limited. Because Breeze Ad they are non alkaline in solution, Cheer All (liquid, powder. they are safe for dyed fabrics and Dynamo (liquid) and fluffy) for wool and silk which an alkali Duz Dash Fab Salvo (tablets) might harm. Felso Vim (tablets) Built. Built synthetic detergents, Oxydol like built soaps, contain alkaline Rinso Blue salts that increase their cleaning Silver Dust Super Suds ability. These added salts make Surf the products alkaline in solution. Tide The built synthetics also contain a Wisk (liquid) fluorescent "brightener and an addi- tional product, such as carboxy- Unbuilt. Unbuilt synthetic-deter- methyl cellulose, that helps prevent gent products may contain only 30 redeposition of soil. to 40 percent detergent. In addi- Manufacturers recommend built tion, the powdered products have synthetics as general-purpose de- from 50 to 60 percent neutral salts; tergents for washing heavily soiled the liquids may be 50 percent clothes. Both high-sudsing and water. Both contain a fluorescent low-sudsing products are available. brightener. The latter are produced especially Like unbuilt soaps, unbuilt syn- for use in certain types of automatic thetic detergents are intended for washers where high suds interfere washing fine and lightly soiled fab- with mechanical action. How a Detergent Works The essential steps in cleaning a wetting power and its suspending fabric are wetting the material and power. When soiled fabric is agi- the dirt, removing the dirt from the tated during the washing process, fabric, and holding the removed oily dirt is broken up into small dirt in suspension—that is, keeping particles, each of which is sur- it from redepositing or settling rounded by a film of the detergent back on the fabric before it is rinsed solution. As the dirt is lifted off the away. fabric, the detergent holds it sus- Water alone has little cleaning pended in the solution so that it ability. The addition of a soap or does not settle back and make the other detergent increases both its cloth look gray. Using Detergents SUITING THE DETERGENT TO THE WATER The type of detergent to use the "hardness" minerals—calcium depends in part on whether the and magnesium compounds—to water for washing is soft or hard. form soap scum or curds that stick In soft or softened water, soap— to washer parts and settle on either unbuilt or built—does an clothes in gray specks that are excellent job of cleaning and is almost impossible to remove. economical to use. Hard water If used in sufficient amounts, syn- wastes soap. The soap reacts with thetic detergents cause no such hard-water difficulties. For similar synthetic detergent is needed in cleaning jobs a greater amount of hard water than in soft. SOFTENING THE WATER When hard water causes a laun- Amount of softener to use. To de- dering problem, the homemaker termine the amount of softener may either select a synthetic deter- necessary for a particular hard gent, or soften the water and use water and a specific kind of soap, soap. In the latter instance, it the following test may be used: pays to soften both the wash water • Put 1 gallon of hot (140° F.) water and the water for tlie first rinse. in a pan. A water-softening system installed • Add K teaspoon of softener, and in the water-supply line is a great stir until dissolved.
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