Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Scotland

Reading and activity ideas for your Chatterbooks group

Publishing Scotland: Chatterbooks Activity Pack

Here’s a brilliant variety pack featuring children’s from five of the publishers in Publishing Scotland, the network, trade and development body for the publishing sector in Scotland. For more information about this network have a look at Publishing Scotland. Here are picture books, longer fiction, books for young children through to teenage, several of them inspired by Scottish places, Scottish people and Scottish history and traditional stories. You’ll also find discussion and activity ideas, linked to the books, and some suggestions for further .

Publishing Scotland is a member of the publisher partnership Children’s Reading Partners, coordinated by The Reading Agency, and this pack is brought to you by The Reading Agency and the following publishers in the Publishing Scotland network:

 AILSAPRESS  Curly Tale Books  Floris Books – Kelpies  The Gresham Publishing Company – Geddes and Grosset  Serafina Press

Chatterbooks [] is a reading group programme for children aged 4 to 14 years. It is coordinated by The Reading Agency and its patron is author Dame Jacqueline Wilson. Chatterbooks groups run in and schools, supporting and inspiring children’s literacy development by encouraging them to have a really good time reading and talking about books. The Reading Agency is an independent charity working to inspire more people to read more through programmes for adults, young people and Children – including the Summer Reading Challenge, and Chatterbooks. See Children’s Reading Partners is a national partnership of children’s publishers and libraries working together to bring reading promotions and author events to as many children and young people as possible.


3 AILSAPRESS 7 Curly Tale Books 9 Kelpies 12 Geddes and Grosset 13 Serafina Press

2 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland


Bramble and Coultoon: Their Hebridean Adventure Catherine Wilson & Ruth MacLean 978-0955565625 This story is a delightful blend of fact and fancy. Two Highland ponies using their wits, kettle, peat and tent set off to explore what happens on the other side of their home island of Islay. They take a ferry, which lands them in Oban, and then another ferry, which lands them in South Uist. After a stormy crossing they are very glad to pitch camp for the night. The next day they learn about the Prince’s Cave, and off they go! They meet Bonny Prince Charlie, and together they all return to Islay on his sailing ship. The illustrations are full-colour paper cut-outs, and provide clear and inventive images that lend themselves to detailed investigation. The text is simple and fun. Catherine Wilson and Ruth MacLean are friends. Like the two ponies, they also made a voyage across the sea by ferry. Ruth now lives in Canada and Catherine lives on Islay Coultoon was born on the moss at Coultoon, which is why he was called Coultoon. Bramble was also born on the moss at Coultoon but he couldn’t have the same name so he was called Bramble. Coultoon is on the island of Islay. They make whisky on Islay and there are lots of sheep.

Be an explorer Have a look at the map at the beginning of this book and as you read this story, track the journey which the two ponies make in their exploration of the other side of the island of Islay. Be a researcher Using this fact-finding sheet, and researching in information books and on the internet, see what you can find out about key things in the story and the pictures in this book. Your findings  What are the Paps of Jura?

Find out more about the ferries on which Bramble and Coultoon travel. See What is the Lord of the Isles?

What do the letters RSPB mean on the T shirt of the man with binoculars?

Find out more about Bonny Prince Charlie.

3 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

Be a good sailor! What does this rhyme mean?! If you’re below decks in a gale Your breakfast will up in a pail!

Where’s the best place to be on a boat when the weather and the seas are rough? And which way should you be facing? Talk about any journeys by sea, river or canal, which people in your group have enjoyed – or not!

Be a Celtic artist Have a look at the picture of a horn at the end of this book, beautifully decorated with scenes from the story and Celtic patterns. Here are some more Celtic designs for you to colour in, or use in a picture of your own. You can find more of these patterns at which you could copy or print out.

4 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

Bramble and Coultoon: Their Sky Dragon Adventure Catherine Wilson & Ruth MacLean 978-0955565632 Bramble and Coultoon are two fire-making ponies. In this, their second adventure, they get lost in a mist. No matter where they look, they can't find anything familiar. Then they meet two sheep who tell them they have reached the Edge of NoWhere. The sheep warn them not to go any further. But of course they do and so they meet the sky dragon. The dragon's fire has gone out and without fire she cannot return to her home in the sky. The rest of the story tells how the ponies make fire for the dragon with help from an eagle and the peat men. It is not easy going but they receive a wonderful reward - a ride on the sky dragon's back! The ponies halted. In front of them was a huge dragon with bulging eyes, pointy teeth, and a forked, red tongue. ‘Oh dear’, said Bramble. ‘We didn’t know we were running up and down your back!’

Create your own collage dragon The pictures in all the Bramble and Coltoon books are full- colour paper cut-outs. Using both plain and textured papers, and pages from magazines, cut out paper shapes to create your own collage. Assemble your cut-outs into the shape of a dragon and glue them on to a piece of card or paper.

Words, lovely words! In this story there is a great description of a bog: Syrupy, slurpy, smudgy bog! You can really enjoy saying this! Try gathering some strong-sounding words to describe these. Find words which really sound like the thing they are describing – e.g. flaring flames; muzzling mist  Rain  Mist  Waves  Flames

Sky dragon At the end of the book you can read about the stars in the sky which form the dragon-shaped constellation called Draco (which means ‘dragon’). Find out more about Draco and how you can find it in the night sky. On a clear night you may even get to see it!

5 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

Bramble and Coultoon: Their Bolsa Cave Adventure Catherine Wilson & Ruth MacLean 978-0955565663 Bramble and Coultoon are two fire-making ponies who love adventures. By now their fame has spread before them and a certain Mr McEnvy is anxious to get rid of them. He cunningly lays them a trap knowing their keen sense of adventure. He tells them about a cave far off on the rocky wild coast of Islay and of a piper who can still be heard playing his pipes in the cave. Of course the ponies cannot resist. When they get to the cave, they are told by a friendly stag that the piper had a dog who came out of the cave with all of his hair burnt off. They almost give up but curiosity gets the better of them. They discover the piper who asks for their help. They all come out of the cave alive, and there is a funny and happy ending which involves the Islay Pipe Band. The ponies were tired. So they got everything ready to make a fire and some tea in the morning, then they lay down and went to sleep inside the mouth of the cave. Suddenly, Coultoon awoke. He could hear the pipes.

At the beginning of this book there’s a maze game – help the ponies to find the piper. The piper’s pipes This book is dedicated to the music of bagpipes, played in many parts of the world, including Scotland. Find out how they are played – here’s a clip from YouTube where someone is playing these pipes. And in this clip the tune is McCrimmon’s Lament, which is the tune the piper plays in the story.

Quick Quiz Here are a few questions about the story – with each question see if you can pick out the right answer – then talk about how it fits into the story.

1.Look at the picture on the wall of the envious man’s house. What does it say? a. Welcome Home b. Home Sour Home c. Home Sweet Home

2.What kind of animals are hinds? a. Secretive creatures which hide b. Deer c. Foxes

3.What is peat? a. A boy’s name b. A fruit c. Soil material, formed in bogs, which is dug out in blocks, and used as fuel for fires

6 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

4.How do Bramble and Coultoon light a fire? a. By rubbing two sticks together b. With sparks from rubbing their hooves together c. With matches

5.What does the envious man keep saying? a. You could knock me over with a feather b. Blow me down c. Tip me over in a wheelie bin

Curly Tale Books

Big Bill’s Beltie Bairns Jayne Baldwin & Shalla Gray 978-0957640221 Come over the hills to meet Big Bill the Bull’s Beltie Bairns. There’s a spring surprise in store for Bertie and Buntie of Benyellary Farm. Will it be frightening or friendly? Find out by following them on their first trip out into the fields. Jayne Baldwin lives near Wigtown, Scotland's National Booktown. She worked as a newspaper reporter before turning to freelance writing. She writes a weekly column for The Galloway Gazette and is also the Literary Animateur for Wigtownshire. She has written three children's books The Belties of Curleywee Farm, Big Bill's Beltie Bairns and Maxwell's Mega Mission, and is a director of the children's publishing company Curly Tale Books. Jayne regularly holds fun packed events for children about her books and also gives illustrated talks about her non-fiction titles. One Winter night Bertie and Buntie were born at Benyellary Farm in a wild snow storm. They snuggled up warm with their mum in the barn, outside the wind whirled, but inside all was calm.

Beltie.. …is the familiar name for Belted Galloway cattle. Why are they described as ‘Belted’? Do you know the story of the pig called Saddlebottom, by Dick King Smith? This is about another animal who is called after the markings on his body! Winter and spring Look at the pictures of the farm in winter and in spring. Choose a place near you – it could be your garden or a park – and draw or paint two pictures, showing it in different seasons.

For extra inspiration, below are pictures of a scene in Yorkshire painted by the artist David Hockney. Which seasons do you think he is showing?

7 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

I Spy Can you spot these animals and plants in the story? Tick them off when you’ve found them, and write a short sentence about each one, looking up any that you don’t know.  Linnet Song thrush Pied wagtail Starling Peacock butterfly Red admiral butterfly Small tortoiseshell butterfly Snail Wild strawberry

The Galloway Chilli Shalla Gray 978-0957640238 In Green Galloway, where fields are so hilly… On a farm, on a bush, grew a Galloway Chilli! Meet the Galloway Chilli! She’s fearless and feisty; and she DEFINITELY does not want to be eaten by the farmer, the cat, the dog and the cow; who all want her for their tea! (Look out for the wee ant on every page!) Shalla Gray lives in rural Galloway where she runs the Post Office & Shop with her partner Steve. She is also a director of Curly Tale Books with her friend Jayne Baldwin. The story of The Galloway Chilli was inspired by Galloway Chillies’ Chilli Jam, of which the author is a big fan!

Chillies! Find out more about chillies – do people in the group like them? Talk about spicy food: pickles, curry, salsa, chilli jam. What are people’s favourite spicy foods?

The Gingerbread Man This story has similarities to the tale of The Gingerbread Man. Have a look at both stories and compare them. Which do you like best?

8 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

The Quite Big Rock Alan Grant & Shalla Gray 978- 0957640207 Follow the journey of a (quite) big rock who wants to be ‘huge and very big’. On the way he learns the truth of the saying “Be careful what you wish for”. Alan Grant has been at the forefront of classic comic book writing for decades. He is widely regarded as one of the definitive writers of Judge Dredd and Batman, amongst many other characters for mature readers. He has also adapted classic novels Kidnapped and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde for a younger audience. The Quite Big Rock was written for his daughter when she was a baby. He lives in Dumfriesshire. …the quite big rock decided to go and live by the seaside. But he had a problem: rocks can’t move, can they?

Talking about the story What do people think ‘quite big’ means? Why is it strange to see a seagull on a snowy mountain top? In the story lightning hits the rock and makes it move. Talk about other ways it could get down the mountain – e.g. earthquake, glacier, flood. Have a look at these books which are also about rocks and stones and how they can change shape or size: The Big Ugly Monster and the Little Stone Rabbit (Chris Wormell) Two Monsters (David McKee) The Pebble in My Pocket (Meredith Hooper – non-fiction)

Floris Books – Kelpies

The Mixed-Up Summer of Lily McLean Lindsay Littleson 978- 1782501800 Lily's already got plenty going on living with a moody teenage sister, two feral brothers and a messy baby sister. Mum and Gran are stressed to the max, both dads are out of the picture and the cats aren't exactly pulling their weight. But when she starts getting mixed-up warnings not to go on holiday to the tiny, safe Scottish island of Cumbrae, her summer just gets weirder and weirder. The thing is, whoever's talking to Lily doesn't even seem to know she's doing it. If she's a ghost, she's not a very good one. And there's something about her that Lily finds awfully, spine- tinglingly familiar... Lindsay Littleson is a primary school teacher in Renfrewshire, Scotland. Since taking up writing for children in early 2014 she has published a short story with Walker Books, in addition to winning the Kelpies Prize with her first children's novel, The Mixed-Up Summer of Lily McLean. Things I will miss about primary school  Golden Time on Friday afternoons. I don’t think they do that at high school so much  duty with the little ones  Surprisingly. Mrs McKenzie

9 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

Family things Have a discussion about families – what people are there in a family? Are families the same? What kinds of different families can there be?

Ask people to think about their own family and then write about them. Set the scene – eg. by describing everyone at the breakfast table:  Who is in the family?  What are they like?  What does everyone like doing together?  What objects would you put in a time capsule to remind you of your family?  Does your family have any funny ways of saying things - or funny stories about things that have happened to you all?  Have there been difficult times that your family has got over?

If you could choose story book characters to be your brothers and sisters, who would they be – and why? Would you like to have Lily or Summer in your family? How would you like to be in their family?

Here are some more stories about families: Binny for Short (Hilary McKay) Perfectly Ella (Candy Harper) The Great Ice-cream Heist (Elen Caldecott)

The Nowhere Emporium Ross MacKenzie 978-1782501251 This book has been shortlisted for the Blue Peter Book Awards 2016 and the Scottish Children's Book Awards 2016. When the mysterious Nowhere Emporium arrives in Glasgow, orphan Daniel Holmes stumbles upon it quite by accident. Before long, the 'shop from nowhere' -- and its owner, Mr Silver -- draw Daniel into a breath-taking world of magic and enchantment. Recruited as Mr Silver's apprentice, Daniel learns the secrets of the Emporium's vast labyrinth of passageways and rooms -- rooms that contain wonders beyond anything Daniel has ever imagined. But when Mr Silver disappears, and a shadow from the past threatens everything, the Emporium and all its wonders begin to crumble. Can Daniel save his home, and his new friends, before the Nowhere Emporium is destroyed forever? Ross MacKenzie unleashes a riot of imagination, colour and fantasy in this adventure, perfect for fans of Philip Pullman, Cornelia Funke and Neil Gaiman.

Ross MacKenzie is the author of the fantasy adventure Zac and the Dream Pirates, winner of a Scottish Children's Book Award in 2012. He lives in Renfrew.

10 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

The shop from nowhere arrived with the dawn on a crisp November morning. Word travelled quickly around the village, and by midday the place was abuzz with rumour and hearsay. “There were four shops in the row yesterday, today there are five!” …”The brickwork is black as midnight, and it sparkles strangely in the light!”

Their eyes grew wide as they became aware of the treasures within the Emporium… As they walked, they passed several customers chattering excitedly about rooms that contained impossible things: oceans and deserts and windows to the stars.

The Emporium has Wonders in every room – talk or write about the Wonders you would like to find.

Here are some more books like this, that you may want to read: Lilliput (Sam Gayton) Madame Pamplemousse and the Enchanted Sweet Shop (Rupert Kingfisher) The Accidental Time Traveller (Janis MacKay)

Thorfinn the Nicest Viking and the Awful Invasion David MacPhail 978-1782501589 Prepare yourself for the wrath of the Norsemen! That is, if you don't mind and it's not too inconvenient...Everyone knows Vikings are ruthless barbarians whose idea of a good time involves pillaging, plundering and feasting. But Thorfinn is no ordinary Viking! He is always polite and happily offers to wash the dirty dishes. Too bad his dad is Harald the Skull-Splitter, Village Chief and the roughest and toughest Viking of them all. Tired of Thorfinn and his too- nice ways getting them into trouble, his dad decides it's time for Thorfinn to earn his gruesome Viking name. Stuck on a longboat with a ragtag bunch of adventurers who'd like to throw him overboard, how will the Nicest Viking cope with a dangerous voyage to Scotland? David MacPhail has worked as a ghost-tour guide and a waiter on a tropical island, and he now has the sensible job of writing about yetis and Vikings. He lives in Perthshire, Scotland, and is the author of Yeti on the Loose and the Thorfinn the Nicest Viking series. Richard Morgan has painted backgrounds for Disney TV and now writes and illustrates children's books. He lives in Cambridge, England.

‘But Dad, it’s hard work looking after Viking families,’ Thorfinn replied. ‘O mean, all that eating meat with bare hands and beer splashing all over the place. No wonder the poor woman is tired.’ Harald saw the kindness and gentleness in his son’s eyes, and all of a sudden his anger melted away.

There are three more books about Thorfinn the Nicest Viking:

The Disgusting Feast 978-1782502319 The Gruesome Games 978-1782501596 The Rotten Scots 978-1782502296

11 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

At the end of this book there are lots of great activities:  Top Trump cards to collect, with scores for weapon, Viking spirit, cleverness, height – and smelliness!  ‘Vicious Viking’ Pocket Phrases – with no word for ‘please’!  Secret messages to decode  Viking jokes  And a great Viking Name Generator!

And here are some more stories about Vikings: The Littlest Viking (Sandi Toksvig) The Saga of Eric the Viking (Terry Jones) Viking Boy (Tony Bradman)

The Gresham Publishing Company - Geddes and Grosset

Susie and Sam Stay with Granny and Grandpa Judy Hamilton & Mimi Everett 978-1910680582 The Susie & Sam series is a of illustrated stories about the new events and first experiences that most young children encounter in everyday life. In Susie & Sam Stay with Granny and Grandpa the twins go to stay with their grandparents where they dress up, help wash up, go to the park to feed the ducks, listen to bedtime stories, and also play with a train set and doll's house, and have a lovely time with their grandparents. The story is presented in a helpful, positive and reassuring way with bright, fun pictures. Judy Hamilton is a teacher and has children of her own. She has written many books for children and young people. Susie and Sam were going to stay for the weekend with Granny and Grandpa Walker. It was the first time that they had stayed away from home without Mum and Dad, so they felt very grown-up. On Friday morning they packed their bags. They put in their nightclothes, their sponge bags and towels, and some clean clothes for Saturday and Sunday.

Susie and Sam Learn about Road Safety 978- 1910680520 In Susie & Sam Learn About Road Safety the twins go with mum to the shop and on the way mum teaches them the principles of road safety. The story is presented in a helpful, positive and reassuring way with bright, fun pictures. ‘No, Susie,’ said Mum, taking her hand, ‘Don’t run across the road. If you fall you might not be aqble to get up again before a car comes along. Walk!’

12 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

Susie and Sam Learn to Swim 978-1910680544 In Susie & Sam Learn to Swim the twins go with mum and dad to the swimming pool, where they have a swimming lesson. They wear arm bands, and learn how to kick with a float and practise swimming. Julie got into the water beside the children to show them how to kick properly. Then she gave everybody a float to hold and they set off across the pool to practise. It was hard work!

 Go to the Museum  A Day at the Zoo Park  Have a Birthday Party  Visit the Dentist  Visit the Doctor  At the Hospital  Go Shopping  Have a Wonderful Holiday  Make New Friends

Visit the library In your group write a new Susie and Sam book – all about a visit to the library! In your group collect ideas for what you want to say in the book and decide what you will have on each page. Then create a storyboard presenting your new publication.

Serafina Press

The Mouse of Gold Jennifer T Doherty, Gerald Goldin & Cara Lockhart Smith 978-0955269615 When his whiskers tingle, the dormouse finds himself with mysterious powers. How will he use them? Jennifer T. Doherty owns The Smokehouse Gallery in Eyemouth in the Scottish Borders. She has also written The Treasure at North Berwick. Gerald Goldin is an award-winning physicist. Cara Lockhart Smith is a children’s author and illustrator.

A long time ago, where the deep wood meets the meadow’s edge, a baby dormouse was born. He lay beside his mother, sound asleep. The mother saw how her baby’s fur shone in the light of dawn. ‘I think you are a mouse of gold,’ she whispered.

In this story a baby dormouse sleeps through the day and explores at night, when he finds a silver ring. This is a family ring belonging to the dormice - it brings kind weather, and helps him to find things that are lost. His whiskers tingle when he finds

13 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

something lost, and the most beautiful thing he finds is the song of the nightingale, lost in the river when the nightingale was sad. ‘Sleep well, my beautiful one,’ his mother said. ‘You are a mouse of gold.’

Think of more stories about magic rings – such as The Hobbit. And write your own magic ring story. What power could your ring have? And have a look at this lovely story about a nightingale: The Emperor and the Nightingale (Hans Christian Andersen)

The Fierce and Gentle Wolf Jennifer T Doherty, Gerald Goldin & Cara Lockhart Smith 978- 0955269646 In a magical Scottish forest, Margaret sees the Wolf. But no-one believes her, until…. One afternoon, Margaret saw the wolf. It stood on a distant hill, holding its shaggy head high, white as a cloud against the reddening sky. Her heart pounded, and her whole body trembled. She could not look away.

Margaret lives in a cottage with her parents and her dog Gryphon. One day she sees a wolf. She finds a silver ring – which belongs to the dormouse, who lends it to her. It gives her the power to talk with the animals and understand them. And then, when she is stranded in a snow storm, the wolf saves her.

Think of other stories about wolves – there are many traditional tales such as Red Riding Hood, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Three Little Pigs. And have a look at the trilogy The Dark Wild (Piers Torday) – another story where humans talk with animals.

The Unicorn of Holy Island Jennifer T Doherty & Gillian Stewart 978-0957230934 The unicorn is weary. After working very hard in the mainland cities, he wants only to enjoy the great Gathering of unicorns on Holy Island. But a little boy needs his help. What will he do? The latest gorgeous picture book from Serafina Press features images of Lindisfarne, the river Tweed, and the coast from East Lothian to the Northumberland castles. Gillian Stewart is an illustrator and printmaker and prize-winning graduate of Glasgow School of Art. This was no ordinary day. This was a day for celebration. So he forgot his niggling feeling. He set off at a gallop, happy to feel his hooves land on Holy Island soil.

14 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland

We can see into the deep shining heart of every one of you. If you let us in you will feel sparkles upon sparkles of joy. Because you will realise – even if it’s just for a moment – how GLAD the whole world is that you have been born into it!

The journey to Holy Island Get a map of the North East England, going northwards to Scotland. Look for the Pentlands, the Lammermuirs, the Cheviots – all hills! And then find Lindisfarne, the Holy Island, and the Abbey on the island.

And here are two more lovely stories about unicorns: I Believe in Unicorns (Michael Morpurgo) The Little White Horse (Elizabeth Goudge)

More books by the above Publishing Scotland authors…..

AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER ISBN Jayne Baldwin The Belties of Curlywee Farm Galloway Books 978-1872350691 Maxwell’s Mega Mission Curly Tale Books 978-0957640269 Jennifer T. Doherty The Eyemouth Mermaid Serafina Press 978-0955269622 The Lion of St Andrews Serafina Press 978-0957230903 The Treasure at North Berwick Serafina Press 978-0955269677 Alan Grant Kidnapped Barrington Stoke 978-1842995013 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll Waverley Books 978-1902407449 and Mr Hyde Shalla Gray Big Bill the Beltie Bull Curly Tale Books 978-0957640214 Ross MacKenzie Zac and the Dream Pirates Chicken House 978-1906427160

Zac and the Dream Stealers Chicken House 978-0545401067 David MacPhail Yeti on the Loose Strident 978-1905537631

15 Chatterbooks Activity Pack from Publishing Scotland