Title the Lower Triassic Kurotaki Fauna in Shikoku and Its Allied
The Lower Triassic Kurotaki Fauna in Shikoku and its allied Title Faunas in Japan Author(s) Nakazawa, Keiji Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of Citation geology and mineralogy (1971), 38(1): 103-133 Issue Date 1971-08-15 URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/186575 Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher Kyoto University MEMOrRs oF THE FAcuLTy oF SalENcE, KyoTo UNTvERsrry, SERIEs oF GEoL, & MrNERAL. Vol. XXXVIII, No. I, pp. 103-133, pls. 23-25, August 15, 1971 The Lower,Triassic Kurotaki Fauna in Shikoku and its allied Faunas in Japan By Kelji NAKAzAwA (Received April 8, 1971) Abstract This article treats with the description mainly of the Lower Triassic fosslls from the Kurotaki limestone in 'Shikoku, southwestJapan, which have long been left undescribed.' Ofthe Kurotaki fauna, ten species of bivalves, two species of gastropods, and one sepcies each of amrnonite and brachiopod are discriminated. The Kurotaki limestone is considered, frorn these fossils, to be Mid-Skythian, probably early Owenitan in age. The presence of "Streblochendrki" matsushitai n. sp. and Pticatifera? sp. indicates a survival of the Paleozoic elements in the eraly Triassic. Re- examining other lower Triassic faunas, taxonomic emendation has also been made. Lastly the middle Skythian transgression in Japan has been suggested by reviewing the lower Triassic Systeni in Japan. Introduction and Acknowledgements It was as early as in 1883, when the German geologist E. NAuMANN, one of the pioneers in the study of the geology ofJapan, made a geological reconnaissance in Shikoku and noticed the occurrence of the Triassic fossils at Izumigatani about 6 km north of Ryoseki, Tosa Province (Kochi Prefecture) (NAuMANN and NEuMAyR, 1890, p.
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