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Teeninksample.Pdf 30003003030000B BusinessBusiususisinesn sssP ParkParkaarrkk Dr.DrDr..S Ste.Ste.tete.e. A PRESTPRERERESTST STDTDD Norcross,NorNoN crooss,ssss,s, GAGA 3007130300710707711 USS PostagePosPoP tagagge PAIDPAPAIAID ChangeChC aanngege ServiceSerervivicec PerPePermitmitmmi # 35935925992 ReRRequestedeququesesteted Atlanta,AtlAlantan a, GAA SUMMER PROGRAMS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WASHINGTON, D.C. 1-WEEK INSTITUTES | 3-WEEK IMMERSIONS | COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH INTENSIVE COLLEGE PREP | COLLEGE CREDIT COURSES Priority application deadline: April 15, 201820 summer.georgetown.edu/teen1817 30003003000 0 BusinessBusiususis nesneess ParkParkarark Dr.DrDr. Ste.Stete.e. A PRESTPREPRERESTST STDST Norcross,Nororcroc oss,ss GAGA 30071303007107171 USUS PostagePosPoPostagt e PAIDPAIPAPA D ChangeChChanangege ServiceSere vivicece PPermitermit # 359359292 ReRRequestedeququesesteted Atlanta,AtlAtA anta a, GA teen ink Fall News Contests: Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction & Art Contests: $25 Amazon gift card awarded monthly in each category. All submissions to Teen Ink are considered. r Su ons! Call Fo • Impeachment, Politics, & the 2020 Election Help other teens make sense of it all. What are your views and why? • America’s Got Talent … and So Do Teens! What is your talent? What is your passion or hobby? Share your stories and experiences with Teen Ink. • Visiting a College or Writing a College Essay? Send us your essays and impressions of colleges you’ve visited. Looking Ahead … • Food! This school year, Teen Ink will be Share your favorite food stories with Teen Ink. Does Grandma’s publishing four double issues. chicken soup feel like love? Is there a special dish you’ve mastered with your dad? Go ahead … make our mouths water! Our next issue, in time for the holidays, will have a special focus • Sports Stories on Food & Family Traditions Whether it’s passing for a touchdown, mastering a pirouette, or spiking a volleyball, Teen Ink wants to publish your sports stories. Submit Now What were the challenges you faced? What was your proudest accomplishment? Tell us about it! www.TeenInk.com feedback Dear Teen Ink … one tells their parents and their parents From Nobody The Value of Money deny one’s symptoms. If parents were I wholeheartedly agree with Drew Yea- more open with their kids on these issues, to Somebody ger in his article, “The Value of Money”. teens, as Clarence said, would be “more The article, “From Nobody to Some- As kids, we don’t understand a lot of comfortable talking with their parents and body” by Noah Fisher is very inspirational. things, the value of money being one. Like telling them more personal things.” This, in Noah Fisher is running one of the biggest Yeager, I would always ask my parents turn, could possibly decrease mental health races of his life, and he feels very confi- for toys or snacks when I was younger. issues worldwide. It’s an issue that cannot dent. He has been preparing for it and he I didn’t quite understand how difficult it necessarily be solved overnight, but by just really wants to win. During the race he was to make enough money to support spreading the word like Clarence did we tripped and fell but he didn’t give up; he your family of five and still have money can begin to move to a better place with kept running. This makes me never want to spend freely on the side. When Yeager our understanding of mental health issues. to give up in life because you never know said that he valued money so much more Thank you, Clarence, for speaking up on what’s going to happen. Noah ended up because “[he] was the one working for it”, these issues that continue to afflict teens of wining the race because he didn’t give up. I completely understand and relate. You today. I’m thinking about running track this year, value your property over others, so when and I hope that I can be successful as he is. it’s someone else’s money, you don’t quite Noelia Arroyo, Phoenix, AZ see the value, but when you have to work Anonymous, Phoenix, AZ to make the money, you begin to see its value, and become more responsible of it, Dear Teen Ink for the most part anyway. Thank you Drew Learning to Drive Yeager, for sharing your relatable story. Dear Teen Ink, This would be a great story to read to kids You have changed my life. You’ve given a Stick Shift who have yet to get a job, or fully under- me a place where I can share my writing The article titled “Learning to Drive a stand the value that money has. abilities with no filter. I’ve never been able Stick Shift,” written by Allie, talks about to share my work with friends and family her journey through learning to drive. Her Kianna Melvin, Phoenix, AZ while I was in the room because I was writing left me feeling determined that I afraid of criticism. I was afraid to share can accomplish a lot in life. I totally agree my pieces with my parents because I can with the author – driving a stick shift takes Parents Need to Take write very maturely and I didn’t think they a while to get used to. I had the same issue Their Teen’s Mental would approve. Now, I have a place where when I learned to drive older, smaller trac- others can read my writing and I don’t tors. This article uses many descriptions to Health Seriously have to be present. add to the drama of the piece. For example: I completely agree with Clarence S. in Words don’t describe how much Teen “I’m a lifelong competitive figure skater his article “Parents Need to Take Their Ink means to me. It’s opened up a world who has mastered the death drop spin.” Teen’s Mental Health Seriously.” Teens of opportunities, and I hope to one day be She also has some comical lines to help today are very vulnerable to depression published in the magazine. Thank you, make the article enjoyable: “I was finally and anxiety. It’s not easy having to grow up Teen Ink. able to pull out of my driveway (rather in the conditions teens have been present- than roll) and drive all the way to school.” ed with today, social media being one of Katherine Cornell, Hartland, WI them. Mental health can even worsen if Luke Schroeder, Defiance, OH We want to hear from YOU. Submit your feedback today: www.TeenInk.com For Teen Ink’s submission guidelines, go to: www.teenink.com/submission-guidelines – or – SCAN here Subscribe to Teen Ink! Visit www.teenink.com/subscribe Call 617-964-6800 – or – SCAN here 5 teen ink On the Cover … Cover art by Iman Zadrozny, Winter Garden, FL 4 22 Teen Ink News College Contests & Call for Submissions College Articles … p. 24 Billionaires Gift Hints at Solution to Student Loan Debt 5 In Wake of Scandals, College Worth Comes from Within Feedback College Essays … p. 28 Dear Teen Ink … A Night with the Sea Readers tell us what they think Reconciling Pieces of My Identity Cover art by College Resources … pp. 22, 26, 32 Hailey Shi, College Guide, Timeline, Stats, & Facts Walnut, CA 8 School August Heat and October Hail Sitting in Sixth Hour 34 22 College Bound We Changed Travel & Culture Stop, Drop, and Give Optimism a Try A Traveler’s Take on Journaling A Letter to My Of Starlight and Solitude My Grandfather’s Voice 14 Younger Self My School Uniform All You Really Need in Life Castillo de San Marcos The New Age 44 of Slacktivism 14 Memoirs 42 51 The Evils of Vaping A Letter To My Younger Self Points of View The Only Good Thing The Problem With Sophie Turner’s Juul My Grandmother’s Bones The Missing Ninth Saving Dexter Why Low-Income Families Need Litany Access to Books A New Age of Slacktivism SCAN Why Isn’t Lobbying Unconstitutional? Video Game Loot Boxes Should Be Illegal More Content! Fall 2019 • Volume 31 • Issue 1 Photo by Kala Herh, Art by Celena Dong, Briarcliff Manor, NY Gainesville, FL 36, 68 58 80 Art Galleries Fiction Movie & TV Reviews Photography, watercolors, A Raven’s Message Aladdin charcoal, oil paintings, & more How to Lie Get Out The Creature in the Cage Legally Blonde 48 Evan’s Every Day La Case de Papel Skipping Stones Killing Eve Health I Want to Walk Like You The Promised Neverland Will I Become an Alcoholic? Spider-Man: Far From Home Yellow Vans Migraines vs. My Life When My Trust Went Up in Smoke 74 Music Reviews 84 Conan Gray Video Game Reviews 52 Beck Middle Earth: Shadow of War Sports Ozuna Celeste Dead Last Kanye West & Kid Cudi I Took a Bow 86 54 77 Poetry Free verse, haiku, sonnets, & more Identity Book Reviews Not Man Enough A Stranger in the House do i have a voice? George and the Blue Moon 95 I Am Autistic The Man in the Rockefeller Suit Trapped in Society Fahrenheit 451 Contributors Brown The Chocolate War See the list of this month’s The Eye of Minds authors and artists school FALL ’19 August Heat and October Hail by Martha Schaller, Dowagiac, MI t was the kind of cold that made you won- marched tickled my nose, and I could hear en- ing in the entire arctic tundra, and every breath der if you had any body parts below your tire armies of insects attacking every inch of I took after that was like inhaling a glacier. Iknees or elbows, the kind of cold that exposed skin. Later I learned that the wind had been blow- ripped apart your skin, the kind of cold that “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and back! 2, 3, 4, 5, ing at a whopping 30 miles per hour during our made you consider starting a fire using the 6, 7, 8, and forward! 1, 2, 3 …” Kylar’s voice performance, and it was a miracle that the sou- technique you saw on TV one time when you pierced through the muggy August air, and saphones didn’t drag their players down with were five.
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