Kohn Et Al. [45] Sept. 25, 1973
“9-25-73 i'XR 367616718. _ , UnIted States Patent 1191 ~ _ 1111 3,761,718 Kohn et al. [45] Sept. 25, 1973 [54] DETECTOR APPARATUS USING 2,949,498 8/1960 Jackson ........................ .. 250/212 x SEMICONDUCTOR LAMINAE 3,324,298 6/1967 Waer . _ . .. 250/211 ‘3,191,045 6/1965 c61man..... 250/211 [75] Inventors: Alan N- Kohn. Brookline; Jack K. 3,473,214 11/1969 Dillman ............................ .. 250/211 Lennard, Framingham', Jay ,1. ' ' Schlickman, Lexington; Robert A. FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS weagan" Chelmsford, 3“ of Mass- 629,924 10/1961 Canada ............................. .. 250/226 [73] Assignee: Honeywell Inc“ Minneapolis’ Minn. 1,043,662 4/l959 Germany .... .................... .. 250/226 [22] Filed: Sept- 7. 1972 OTHER PUBLICATIONS [21] Appl' No'i 287’l94 Marinace; IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin; Vol. 1 1; Related US. Application Data No. 4; 9/68; p. 398. [63] Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 855,9l8, Sept. 8, 1969' abandoned‘ Primary Examiner-Walter Stolwein AtI0rney—Charles J. Ungemach et al. [521 U.s.c1 ........ ..250/211R,250/226,3l7/235 N, ‘ 356/99, 350/316 [51] Int. Cl. ............................................ ..G0lj3/34 , [581FieldofSearch ................... ..250/211J,211R, [571 ABSTRAQT 250/212’ 226; 317/235 N; 350/316; 356/99’ ‘00 A new multi-layer semiconductor photo detector ar rangement, and scienti?c instruments embodying the [56] References Cited underlying novel principle. UNITED STATES PATENTS 2,896,086 7/1959 Wunderman ..................... .. 250/211 14 Claims, 10 Drawing Figures 3,761,718 1 2 DETECTOR APPARATUS USING similarly illuminated, the output may appear as at B in SEMICONDUCTOR LAMINAE FIG. 2. _ If such a lamina 20 is overlaid with another identical ' BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION lamina 23,‘ as shown in FIG.
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