9780521850131 Index.Pdf
Cambridge University Press 0521850134 - A History of Central Banking in Great Britain and the United States John H. Wood Index More information Index Accord, Treasury-Federal Reserve, on lender of last resort, 69, 75–77, 89–94, 236–238 109, 112, 115, 202 Acheson, Dean, 266, 296 Balderston, C. Canby, 356 Ackley, Gardner, 357 Balke, Nathan S., 144, 200 Acres, Marston, 1 Bank Charter Act of 1833, 68, 398 Agricultural Adjustment Act, Bank Charter Act of 1844, 21, 24, 86–87, 213–214 276 Ahearn, Daniel S., 254 as base rule, 80–81 Aldenham, Lord, 306–307 purpose of, 101 Aldrich, Nelson, 160, 161 relevance of, 89, 93, 107–108, 114 Aldrich plan, 160–161, 163–164 suspensions of, 99–100 Aldrich-Vreeland Act, 162–163 Bank for International Settlements, Alexander, James, 179 319 Althorp, Viscount, 29–30, 67–74, 230 Bank holiday of 1933, 209–210, 213 American Bankers Association, 164 Banking Act of 1933, 357 American/British loan, 293–297 Banking Act of 1935, 2, 196, 218–222 Amiens, Peace of, 12 Banking School, 77, 81–85 Amory, Heathcoat, 305, 313 Bank of England Anderson, Richard G., 7 and American loan, 295–297 Andreades, A., 1 under Bank Restriction Act, 9–12 Angell, Wayne D., 188–189 and Bretton Woods, 267–270 Appropriations Act of 1881, 149 before Bullion Committee, 8–9, 14–20 Ashley, W. J., 364 and the City, 301 Ashurst, Henry, 215 charters of, 2, 37–41, 67–69, 75, 86–87 assignats, 218 as commitment, 390 Astor, John Jacob, 130 compared with Federal Reserve, 94, Attwood, Matthias, 79 277–280 Attwood, Thomas, 49–50, 80, 87 and Competition and Credit Control, 323, 326 Bagehot problem, 112 and controls, 299–300, 306 Bagehot, Walter, 2, 32, 113, 114, 159 directors of, 5, 9, 37, 73–74 on Bank governance, 73, 75, 109 establishment of, 2, 32–38 on Bullion Committee testimony, 13 and economists, 281, 287 425 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521850134 - A History of Central Banking in Great Britain and the United States John H.
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