Department of the Interior
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Interior Building, 1849 C Street, NW., 20240, phone (202) 208–3100, KEN SALAZAR, Secretary of the Interior; born in Alamosa, CO, March 2, 1955; education: J.D., University of Michigan Law School; B.A., Colorado College; professional: United States Senator from Colorado, 2005–09; Attorney General of Colorado, 1999–2005; Executive Direc- tor, Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1990–94; chief legal counsel to Governor Roy Romer, 1987–90; Natural Resources Lawyer, Small Business Owner, Farmer; member, Colorado College Board of Trustees; chair, Conference of Western Attorneys General; chair, National Association of Attorneys General Environment Committee; chair, Colorado Peace Officers Standards and Training Board; chair, Rio Grande Compact Commission; chair, Sangre de Cristo Land Grant Commission; chair, Great Outdoors Colorado; religion: Roman Catholic; married: Hope; children: Melinda and Andrea; granddaughter: Mireya; nominated by President Barack Obama to become the 50th Secretary of the Interior, and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on January 20, 2009. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Secretary of the Interior.—Ken Salazar, room 6156, 208–7351. Special Assistant / Director, Scheduling and Advance.—Joan Padilla, room 6154. Special Assisant.—Terri Johnson. Chief of Staff.—Thomas ‘‘Tom’’ Strickland, room 6144. Deputy Chief of Staff.—Renee Stone, room 6140. Senior Advisor for Economic Recovery.—Chris Henderson, room 6120, 208–7471. Senior Advisor to the Secretary.—Kenneth ‘‘Ken’’ Lane, room 6142. Director of External and Intergovernmental Affairs.—Ray Rivera, room 6212, 208–1923. Senior Advisor for Alaska Affairs.—Kim Elton, room 6020, 208–4177. Counselor to the Secretary.—Steve Black, room 6130, 208–4123.
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