THEUNIVERSITYQ/ or CHATTANOOGA ^ 236th Commencement Spring 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011 Ten O'Clock in the Morning

The McKenzie Arena 125

UTC 125 University Mace Chancellor's Chain of Office

The University Mace and Chancellor's Chain of Office are significant icons of the institution and stand as impressive symbols on permanent display in the Lupton Library when not in service.

Creation of the mace and chain was commissioned to New York artist and professor of silversmithing at State University of New York Kurt J. Masdorf in 1977.

The University Mace and Chancellor's Chain of Office are emblazoned with the institution's name along with symbols of Tennessee, the state whose citizens we serve. Borrowing from ancient traditions, these hand-crafted ceremonial pieces create interest and respect by both participants and observers. They have become important representations honoring and identifying our educational personage.

UTC 125 Faculty Marshals

Faculty Senate President Victoria Steinberg

Faculty Secretary Marcia Noe

Head Marshal Deborah McAllister

Assistant Marshals Valarie Adams Margaret Kovach Janetta Bradley Stephen Kuhn Pam Carter Gary McDonald Roland Carter Lyn Miles Ethan Carver Vicki Petzko Stylianos Chatzimanolis Gretchen Potts Linda Collins Lynn Purkey Lisa Cothran Manuel Santiago Kay Cowan Charlene Simmons Gail Dawson Joanie Sompayrac Amy Doolittle Patrick Sweetman Tammy Garland Larry Tillman Matt Greenwell Shela Van Ness William Harman Randy Walker Lee Harris Sandy Watson Jamie Harvey Cindy White Linda Johnston Joe Wilferth

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action/Title VI/ CHATTANOOGAOr UTC Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution. E040221-002-11 125 Academic Regalia

The origins of academic dress date back to the 12th and 13th centuries, when universities were taking form. The ordinary dress of the scholar, whether student or teacher, was the dress of a cler­ ic. With few exceptions, the medieval scholar had taken at least minor orders, made certain vows, and perhaps been tonsured. Long gowns were worn and may have been necessary for warmth in unheated buildings. Hoods seem to have served to cover the tonsured head until superseded for that purpose by the skull cap.

A statue of the University of Coimbra in 1321 required that all "Doctors, Licentiates, and Bach­ elors" wear gowns. In England, in the second half of the 14th century, the statutes of certain col­ leges forbade "excess in apparel" and prescribed the wearing of a long gown. In the days of Henry VIII of England, Oxford and Cambridge first began prescribing a definite academic dress and made it a matter of university control even to the extent of its minor details.

The assignment of colors to signify certain faculties was to be a much later development and one which was to be standardized only in the United States in the late 19th century. White taken from the white fur trimming of the Oxford and Cambridge B. A. hoods was assigned to arts and let­ ters. Red, one of the traditional colors of the church, went to theology. Green, the color medieval herbs, was adopted for medicine; and olive, because it was so close to green, was given to phar­ macy. Golden yellow, standing for the wealth which scientific research has produced, was assigned to the sciences.

European institutions have always had great diversity in their specifications of academic dress, and this has been a source of confusion. In contrast, American colleges and universities opted for a definite system that all might follow. A significant contribution to the development of this system was made by Gardner Cotrell Leonard of Albany, New York. Mr. Leonard designed gowns for his class at Williams College in 1887 and had them made by Cotrell and Leonard, a firm established by his family in Albany, New York. He was greatly interested in the subject, and following the publication of an article by him on academic dress in 1893, was invited to work with an Intercolle­ giate Commission made up of representatives of leading institutions to establish a suitable system of academic apparel. The Commission met at Columbia University in 1895 and adopted a code of academic dress, which besides regulating the cut and style and materials of gowns prescribed the colors which were to represent the different fields of learning.

UTC 125 In 1932 the American Council on Education authorized the appointment of a committee "to determine whether revision and completion of the academic code adopted by the conference of the colleges and universities in 1895 is desirable at this time, and, if so, to draft a revised code and present a plan for submitting the code to the consideration of the institutional members of the Council." The committee reviewed the situation through correspondence and conference and ap­ proved a code for academic costumes that has been in effect since that year.

A Committee on Academic Costumes and Ceremonies, appointed by the American Council on Education in 1959, again reviewed the costume code and made several changes. In 1986, the committees updated the code and added a sentence clarifying the use of the color dark blue for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree.

It is customary at many colleges and universities for the tassel to be worn on the right side of the cap by degree candidates. Upon conferral of the degree, the tassel is then moved from right to left. For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctoral gowns and edging of hoods, the colors associated with different disciplines represented at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga are as follow:

Art: White Music: Pink Commerce, Accountancy, Nursing: Apricot Business: Sapphire Blue Oratory (Speech): Silver Gray Economics: Copper Philosophy: Dark Blue Education: Light Blue Physical Therapy: Teal Engineering: Orange Public Administration, including Fine Arts: Brown Foreign Services: Sapphire Blue Journalism: Crimson Science: Golden Yellow Law: Purple Social Work: Citron Library Science: Lemon Theology: Scarlet

Excerpts from: An Academic Costume Code and An Academic Ceremony Guide, by Eugene Sullivan, American Council on Education

American Universities and Colleges, 15th Edition. New York: Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 1997.



Lookout Mountain o'er us guarding Ceaseless watch doth keep. In the valley stands our college Where the shadows creep.

Chattanooga, Chattanooga Loud the anthem swell; Sing, O Sing of Alma Mater, All her praises tell.

UTC 125 THEUNIVERSITYQ/TENNESSEE or v->rrA.1 1ANUU\JA. 236th Commencement Program

Dr. Phil Oldham, Presiding

Academic Processional Dr. Deborah McAllister Head Marshal Invocation Reverend G. Keith Moore The Wesley Center / The United Methodist Student Center

National Anthem UTC Wind Ensemble Dr. Stuart Benkert, Director

Greetings Dr. Phil Oldham Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Remarks and Introduction Dr. Roger Brown Chancellor

Commencement Address Mr. Zach Wamp Former Member of Congress 1995-2011

Conferring of Degrees Dr. Joseph A. DiPietro President, The University of Tennessee

Remarks Mr. Andrew Clark President, Student Government Association

Welcome and Induction Mr. Tom Losh President, UTC Alumni Board of Directors

Alma Mater UTC Vocal Ensemble Dr. Kevin Ford, Director

Academic Recessional UTC Wind Ensemble

The audience is asked to stand for the processional Your cooperation is appreciated in silencing and recessional and to remain in place until the cellular phones and other electronic recessional is concluded. devices during the ceremony.

UTC 125 Commencement Address

Zach Wamp Former Member of Congress 1995-2011

Zach Wamp represented Tennessee's Third District in the from 1995-2011. He is presently engaged as a consultant in the energy, transportation, national security, and workforce development sectors for some of the most prominent companies in the world.

In Congress, he served as the ranking member of the Military ConstructionA/eterans Affairs Subcommittee and prior to that as the ranking member of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee on which he served for fourteen years.

Among his notable achievements in Congress, Wamp helped establish the Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force, The Tennessee Valley Technology Corridor and the United States Department of Homeland Security. He wrote and enacted into law legisla­ tion to expand the Trail of Tears, establish The Moccasin Bend National Archeological District, replace the Chickamauga Lock on the Tennessee River, name Emancipation Hall in the United States Capitol. He also wrote and enacted into law landmark energy efficiency legislation in The Energy Policy Act.

While in Congress, Wamp chaired the National Prayer Breakfast, the weekly bi-partisan Prayer Group, the Renewable Energy Caucus, the Robotics Caucus, the TVA Caucus and founded the Congressional Fitness Caucus. He also served on the Transportation Committee, the Science Committee, the Small Business Committee, the Steering Committee, the Commerce/Justice/State Subcommittee, the Interior Subcommittee and the influential Energy and Water Subcommittee for twelve years.

r^Sbi UTC 125 Commencement Address

Wamp was a regular panelist for four years on The News Hour with Jim Lehrer and appeared on virtually every major news show and in every major publication in the United States over two decades. Prior to his service in Congress, he was the national sales su­ pervisor for Olan Mills Portrait Studios. He established the Wamp Alliance architecture/ development firm with his late father and his brother where he was engaged in putting together multi-million dollar, multi-family apartment and retirement center deals in Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee.

Later he entered the commercial real estate sector becoming an industry leader and was named Chattanooga Small Business person of the year and served three terms as the Vice President of The Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce.

Wamp currently serves on the board of directors of Oak Ridge Associated Universities, the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, THANKS-USA, a 501(c)(3) organization providing scholarships to children of our nations soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, the Interna­ tional Conversation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) and the board of Genera Energy LLC.

He graduated from The McCallie School, attended the University of at Chapel Hill and The University of Tennessee. He later received honorary doctorates from Lincoln Memorial University and Carson Newman College.

Wamp and his wife Kim have a son Weston, who is in business for himself in Chatta­ nooga, and a daughter Coty, a senior at The University of Tennessee. They actively attend Red Bank Baptist Church.

UTC 125 A Note to Our Guests

Today is a milestone day in the lives of our graduates. Our administration, faculty, and staff join in recog­ nizing and congratulating each of today's honorees. We want today to be special, and we want each of our graduates to receive the recognition and the attention for which so many individual families have sacrificed. Each of our graduates deserves his or her moment of recognition. For that reason, please do not celebrate so exuberantly preventing the next graduate's name from being heard. Thank you for helping us to celebrate the accomplishment of each graduate. — Your Commencement Marshals

Thank you to the members of the UTC GOLD Council who served as hosts for today's ceremony.

This program lists candidates for degrees anticipated to have completed all requirements for graduation prior to the date of commencement. Inclusion of an individual's name in the commencement program does not commit the University to grant a degree to an individual who has not completed the degree re­ quirements.

The University has arranged for a professional photographer to be present who will capture the moment for each family. Complimentary proofs will be mailed to your home within one week. Images will also be posted online at the photographer's website and should be available to view within about 48 hours. Inexpensive, quality enlargements may be requested online or by mail, phone, or FAX. If you should not receive your proof in the mail within two weeks, you may wish to inquire directly. Graduates are under no obligation to order any enlargements.

Gradtrak Toll-free customer service: 800-261-2576 View images or find more information at:

P-3U UTC 125 10 History of Advanced Degree Programs at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

The first advanced degree program, theology, was offered in 1886 when The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga was known as Chattanooga University. The degree in theology was followed by advanced degrees in medicine and law. In 1910, advanced degrees were discontinued at the institution.

It was not until 1942 that the post baccalaureate degree as we know it today was of­ fered. The master's degree in music was approved in 1942 and was followed in 1948 by a master's degree in education. After this modest beginning in the 1940s and 1950s, the University added four or five graduate programs each decade until the 1990s when it added six new programs. Currently, there are 12 graduate certificate programs, 18 master's degree programs, an educational specialist program, and three doctoral degree programs.

When the University of Chattanooga and City College merged with The University of Tennessee in 1969, the merger agreement stated that UTC would "become a doctoral- granting institution as soon as practicable." In December 2003, UTC awarded its first Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.ET) degree. In December 2004, UTC awarded its first Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Computational Engineering and in August 2008 UTC awarded its first Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree in Learning and Leadership.

UTC 125 Honors

Graduation with Distinction

Based on a grading system of "A" as 4-0, three designations of graduation honors are recognized.

Summa Cum Laude With Highest Distinction (white tassel)

Magna Cum Laude With High Distinction (gold tassel)

Cum Laude With Distinction

Honor designations at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga are based upon a student's entire academic career and are not finalized until grades for the final semester are posted to the student's record. Due to the deadline for submitting the program to the printer, changes in a stu­ dent's honor designations or membership in an honorary society may not be reflected in the Com­ mencement Program. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga regrets any inconvenience that this may cause and assures those students and their families that the correct information will be recorded on the diploma and the official transcript. Honors

To Be Commissioned Second Lieutenant, United States Army

John Wesley Dennis Joshua David Standifer Randall Wayne Kizziar

University Honors Scholars

Anne Beebe Bertolini Jessica Mi McKinney William Reid Bolus Lauren Michelle Milleville Christina Renaud Brosius Bethany Erin Moore Chelsea Lauren Cooper John Edgar Moser Alexander Hylton Craw Jessica Tereasa Ornsby Kenneth Wayne Dickson III Vijay Mahesh Patel Audrey Elizabeth Glor Heather Diane Scholes Virgilio Palma Gozum, Jr. Kelcie Lane Sharp Monika Loren Groppe Natalie Nicole Talbott Jacob Michael King Cheryl Ann Toomey Kimberly Irene McDonald Hitesh Vikram Vashi

Associate Honors Scholars

George Edward Campbell Benjamin D. Fleenor

^JSG, UTC 125 Honors

Elected to Alpha Society

Courtney Ann Barnes Jessalin Rhea Hughey Anne Beebe Bertolini Samantha Jo Hughey Emily Michelle Bland Amy Renee Johns Kristen Michelle Bohannon Jennifer Nicole Manning James Wesley Brett Meghan M. McDonald George Edward Campbell Katherine Rose McKillop Sarah Ann Candler Jessica Mi McKinney Bailee Kathryn Chastain Alison Jennelle Miles Thea Raquel Clark Lindsey Brooke Narramore Chelsea Lauren Cooper Sarah Ann Nelson Matthew Taylor Crawford Jessica Tereasa Ornsby Susannah Rae Crawford Anders Christian Ravenholt Rachel Elizabeth DeBerry Eliezer David Rodriguez Lindsey Allison DeLoach Heather Diane Scholes Kayla Megan Dugger Jessica Ann Scott David Michael Durham Mallory Renee Seaton Walter Fayette Eddy Emily Gwinn Smith Benjamin D. Fleenor Miranda Diane Solomon Terri Lynn Floyd Katie Joy Strickland Robert Andrew Foster Katie Marie Taylor Katelyn Elizabeth Hicks Hitesh Vikram Vashi Elizabeth Anne Hofer

UTC 125

14 Honors

Departmental Honors The Departmental Honors Program allows exceptional students to receive special recognition for their academic achievements. Departmental honors are bestowed upon students who have maintained high academic standards in their course work, completed an acceptable two-semester, four-hour honors project, and passed an oral examination.

Anne Beebe Bertolini Highest Honors in Foreign Languages: French Project Title: Speaking Between the Lines: History, Culture and Structure as Franco-American Communication Barriers Project Director: Dr. Victoria Steinberg

William Reid Bolus Honors in Biology Project Title: The Function of Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 (PMP22) in the Context of Tissue Development and Cellular Differentiation Project Director: Dr. Margaret Kovach

Christina Renaud Brosius Honors in Chemistry Project Title: Determination of a Broad Range of Selected Pharmaceuticals in the Southern Ocean by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography—Tandem Mass Spectrometry Project Director: Dr. Steven Symes

Jordan Lee Buecker Highest Honors in Chemical Engineering Project Title: A Cost Analysis of Heterogeneous Catalyst Choice on Biodiesel Production Project Director: Dr. Tricia Thomas

George Edward Campbell Highest Honors in Biology Project Title: Searching for Genetic Control: A Closer Look at Microsatellites and Methyation Patterns in Colon Cancer Project Director: Dr. Margaret Kovach Departmental Honors cont.

Chelsea Lauren Cooper Highest Honors in Humanities Project Title: Foray into Pain: What Becomes of the Self in Chronic Illness? Project Director: Dr. Talia Welsh

Alexander Hylton Craw Highest Honors in Business Administration: Marketing Project Title: Scale Development: Maturity and Performance Outcomes in the Workplace Project Director: Dr. Keith Richards

Kenneth Wayne Dickson III Highest Honors in Religious Studies Project Title: Londonistan or the Mecca Tube Stop: The Formulation of a British Muslim Identity Project Director: Dr. William Harmon

Benjamin D. Fleenor Highest Honors in English and American Language and Literature Project Title: In Such Moments Project Director: Professor Earl Braggs

Audrey Elizabeth Glor Honors in Anthropology Project title: Sustainability in Practice: A Study of the Sustainable Behaviors of Students at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Project Director: Dr. Zibin Guo

Virgilio Palma Gozum, Jr. Honors in Chemistry Project Title: Going Green: A Neat and New Salutary Synthesis of Nitriles Project Director: Dr. Robert Mebane

Monika Loren Groppe Highest Honors in Humanities Project Title: Female Self-Perception, A Cross-Cultural Comparison Project Director: Dr. Zibin Guo

UTC 125 Departmental Honors cont.

Julia Scott Hunter Highest Honors in English and American Language and Literature Project Title: Rejecting Illusion, Surviving Catastrophe: Modem and Postmodern Narratives in Mrs. Dalloway and The Hours Project Director: Dr. Gregory O'Dea

Jacob Michael King Highest Honors in Anthropology Project Title: The Scientific Interpretation of Myth Project Director: Professor Warren Roberts

Kimberly Irene McDonald Honors in Biology Project Title: Analysis of Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Study of the Implications of Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Sustainability Efforts Project Director: Professor Linda Collins

Jessica Mi McKinney Highest Honors in Psychology Project Title: Sleep, Depression, and Olfactory Functions within the ESRD Population: A Review of the Current Literature Project Director: Dr. Irene Ozbek

Lauren Michelle Milleville Highest Honors in Biology Project Title: Exploration of Muscle Development in Zebrafish Project Director: Dr. Ethan Carver

Bethany Erin Moore Highest Honors in Economics Project Title: The Economic Costs of Xenophobia: A Case Study of Johannesburg, South Africa Project Director: Dr. Michael Bonnal

UTC 125 Departmental Honors cont.

John Edgar Moser Highest Honors in Theatre Project Title: Social Change and Performance Art: A Critical Assessment of the Process of Writing and Producing Quagga Project Director: Professor Gaye Jeffers

Sarah Ann Nelson Highest Honors in Mathematics Project Title: Euler E271: A Link Between Mathematics of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Project Directors: Dr. Stephen Kuhn and Dr. Joshua Davies

Vijay Mahesh Patel Highest Honors in Chemistry Project Title: "Green" Fragrance: A Novel Method of Ester Synthesis Project Director: Dr. Robert Mebane

Eliezer David Rodriguez Highest Honors in Chemistry Project Title: Effects of Divalent Cations on the Rate-Limiting Steps in the Pyrimidine Metabolic Pathways of Pseudomomas mendocina and Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes Project Director: Dr. Manuel F. Santiago

Heather Diane Scholes Highest Honors in Humanities Project Title: The Experiences of Guatemalans in Chattanooga, Tennessee Project Director: Professor Vivian Anderson-Barrera

Kelcie Lane Sharp Highest Honors in English and American Language and Literature Project Title: An Evaluation of Transformational Grammar Project Director: Dr. Katherine Rehyansky Departmental Honors cont.

Natalie Nicole Talbott Highest Honors in Chemistry Project Title: Ligand Effects on Titanium Aggregations Analyzed by Diffusion-order NMR Spectroscopy (DOSY) Project Director: Dr. Kyle S. Knight

Cheryl Ann Toomey Highest Honors in English and American Language and Literature Project Title: Vamps and Victims in Vampire Fiction: A Rhetorical Analysis of Gender and Sexuality in the Modem Vampire Tale Project Director: Professor Rebecca Jones

Hitesh Vikram Vashi Highest Honors in Chemistry Project Title: Advancement in Self-Assembly of Molecular Rhodium (III) and Cobalt (111) Cubes and Sqaures Project Director: Dr. Gregory Grant

UTC 125

19 Students Graduating Summa Cum Laude


Chelsea Elyce Burroughs, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Biology: General

George Edward Campbell, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Biology: Molecular; Chemistry: Biochemistry Minor, Business Administration

Sarah Ann Candler, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Biology: General Minor, Chemistry

Evan Robert Collins, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Biology: General

Chelsea Lauren Cooper, Summa Cum Laude B.A., Humanities Minor, Biology

Susannah Rae Crawford, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Psychology Minor, Sociology

Kenneth Wayne Dickson III, Summa Cum Laude B.A., English and American Language and Literature; Philosophy and Religion: Religious Studies

David Michael Durham, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Political Science: International and Comparative Studies Minor, Religious Studies


2C Students Graduating Summa Cum Laude cont.

Candace Faye Elsea, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Criminal Justice

Benjamin D. Fleenor, Summa Cum Laude B.A., English and American Language and Litetature: Writing Minor, Humanities

Jessica Marie Howard, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Biology: Preprofessional Minors, Chemistry and Psychology

Samantha Jo Hughey, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Chemistry: Biochemistry Minor, Biology

Jacob R. Johnston, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Political Science: Legal Studies Minor, Philosophy

Margaret Ruth Jones, Summa Cum Laude B.A., English and American Language and Literature: Writing Minor, Spanish

Jennifer Nicole Manning, Summa Cum Laude B.A., English and American Language and Literature: Writing Minor, Classics

Michelle Dianna Martin, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Psychology

Jessica Mi McKinney, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Psychology Minor, Biology

UTC 125 Students Graduating Summa Cum Laude cont.

Lauren Michelle Milleville, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Biology: General

Cody A. Mohon, Summa Cum Laude B.A., Communication Minor, Promotion

Bethany Erin Moore, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Economics; Political Science: American Studies Minor, Mathematics

John Edgar Moser, Summa Cum Laude B.A., Theatre Minor, Business Administration

Sarah Ann Nelson, Summa Cum Laude B.A., Humanities B.S., Applied Mathematics: General; Secondary Mathematics

Gregory Alan Norris, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Sociology and Anthropology: Sociology

Vijay Mahesh Patel, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Chemistry Minor, Biology

Brandon Jay Peterson, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Criminal Justice; Psychology

Heather Diane Scholes, Summa Cum Laude B.A., Humanities: International Studies Minors, Public Administration and Nonprofit Management, Spanish

UTC 125

22 Students Graduating Summa Cum Laude cont.

Kelcie Lane Sharp, Summa Cum Laude B.A., English and American Language and Literature: Writing Minor, Communication

Natalie Nicole Talbott, Summa Cum Laude B.A., Humanities B.S., Chemistry: Biochemistry Minor, Music Performance

Hitesh Vikram Vashi, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Chemistry Minor, Biology

Lindsey Kaye Woodburn, Summa Cum Laude B.A., English and American Language and Literature Minor, Anthropology


Andrew Scott Arbuckle, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Business Administration: General Management

Amy Elise Clift, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Business Administration: Finance

Gabriel Wilson Glass, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Business Administration: Finance Minor, Economics

Jessalin Rhea Hughey, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Business Administration: Accounting Students Graduating Summa Cum Laude cont.

Brittany Leigh Justice, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Business Administration: Accounting, Finance

Krystal Manning Van Horn, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Business Administration: General Management


Wade Chester Gasior, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Computer Science: Information Security and Assurance

Kevin Barry O'Brien, Summa Cum Laude B.S.Ch.E., Chemical Engineering

Jessica Ann Scott, Summa Cum Laude B.S.C.E., Civil Engineering


Emily Rebecca Beuster, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Early Childhood: Early Childhood Education: PreK-3

Thea Raquel Clark, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Middle Grades Education: Natural Sciences

UTC 125 ^CEUjMWTwij 24 Students Graduating Summa Cum Laude cont.

Rachel Elizabeth DeBerry, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Early Childhood: Child and Family Studies

Terri Lynn Floyd, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Early Childhood: Early Childhood Education: PreK-3

Katelyn Elizabeth Hicks, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Human Ecology: Early Childhood Education: PreK-3

Brenda Gail Holder, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Early Childhood: Child and Family Studies

Carri Marie Jewett, Summa Cum Laude B.S.N., Nursing

Erin Christine Kennedy, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Early Childhood: Early Childhood Education: PreK-3

Sarah Ann Nelson, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Secondary Mathematics, Applied Mathematics: General B.A., Humanities

Carla Rae Scarbrough, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Secondary Natural Sciences: Biology

Ashley Marie Smith, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Human Ecology: Early Childhood Education: PreK-3

Charity Rose Wickersham, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Human Ecology: Early Childhood Education: PreK-3

Daniel Paul Woods, Summa Cum Laude B.S., Health and Human Performance: Exercise Science: Applied


25 Candidates for Undergraduate Degrees


Bachelor of Arts: Art Sarah Elizabeth Beeman Sarah Catherine Thames

Bachelor of Arts: Chemistry

Vijay Mahesh Patel, Summa Cum Laude

Harrison Adam Herron, Magna Cum Laude

Hailey Elizabeth Richie

Bachelor of Arts: Communication Cody A. Mohon, Summa Cum Laude

Siobhan M. Rahilly, Magna Cum Laude Rachel Jo Sauls, Magna Cum Laude

Mallory Elizabeth Darrohn, Cum Laude Peyton Ashlee Rudolph, Cum Laude Shanee Monique Driver, Cum Laude Hattie Louise Stubsten, Cum Laude Chandler Gordon Charles Gilbert, Cum Laude

Kacie Rae Baker Davaunte Leon Dotstry Lauren Denise Bear Karen Andrea Doyle Mariah Ann-Jeanette Brooks Catherine Clark Eck Martha Rebecca Acuff Brown Brooke Allison Fuchcar Mallory Ann Browning Desiree Rochelle Garza Stacie Charmaine Calhoun Anne Victoria Green Chelsea Reanna Crouse Alexander Parks Gwaltney Nicholas Ryan Doss Katherine Blake Harden



Bachelor of Arts: Communication continued Susannah Dale Harris Mary Louise Smith Jonathan Westley Higdon Carmen Maria Stephens Chaz Joseph Holley Elizabeth Ann Zipperer Amanda Lea Reno

Bachelor of Arts: English and American Language and Literature Kenneth Wayne Dickson III, Summa Cum Laude Jennifer Nicole Manning, Summa Cum Laude Benjamin D. Fleenor, Summa Cum Laude Kelcie Lane Sharp, Summa Cum Laude Margaret Ruth Jones, Summa Cum Laude Lindsey Kaye Woodburn, Summa Cum Laude

Carla Marie Fulgham, Magna Cum Laude Hanna Lynn Meyer, Magna Cum Laude Amanda Kelli Hand, Magna Cum Laude Rachel Jo Sauls, Magna Cum Laude Julia Scott Hunter, Magna Cum Laude Cheryl Ann Toomey, Magna Cum Laude

Gregory James Baker, Cum Laude Hattie Louise Stubsten, Cum Laude Jennifer Blair Long, Cum Laude Isaac Benjamin Thompson, Cum Laude Mollee Kaitlyn Shannon, Cum Laude Jessica Joy Walker, Cum Laude

Carrie Lynn Besser Matthew Robert Harris Alissa Michelle Browning-Couch Erin Elizabeth Hazard Benjamin Douglas Butler Bethany Lynne Johnson Brittany Lashun Byrd Brandie Yvonna King Danielle Dawn Cemel Lance Andrew Lauda Evan Andrew Coley Ashley Meredith Leitner Dandridge Joseph Conard Lilibeth Leon Emily Louise Deakins Stephen James Mayes Ashley Ann Graham Iris Negrete-Regagnon Samantha Katherine Griffin Amanda Caitlin Rogers Matthew Michael Haines Jennifer Lynn Smith Samuel Creech Hardee, Jr. Samantha Lauren Wesson Kevin Lee Hargis

P5G, UTC 125


Bachelor of Arts: Foreign Languages Anne Beebe Bertolini, Magna Cum Laude Robert Andrew Foster, Magna Cum Laude

Christina Elisabeth Golson, Cum Laude

Benjamin Dakota Arnold Brandi Battista Travis Tabitha Rena Foster Nathalia Vargas Kaitlin Nicole Jones Alysse Nicole White Candyce Leshaun Tinoco

Bachelor of Arts: History Robert Andrew Foster, Magna Cum Laude Julia Scott Hunter, Magna Cum Laude

Joshua David Standifer, Cum Laude

Katie L. Bailey Chaz Joseph Holley James Nicholas Currie James Michael Holloway Carlos J. Gates Mason Russell Kehoe Robett Phillip Hartsig James Edward McKenzie IV Edward Zachariah Hitchcock

Bachelor of Arts: Humanities Chelsea Lauren Cooper, Summa Cum Laude Heather Diane Scholes, Summa Cum Laude Sarah Ann Nelson, Summa Cum Laude Natalie Nicole Talbott, Summa Cum Laude

Emily Michelle Bland, Magna Cum Laude Abigail Marie Hyde, Magna Cum Laude Katharine Leila Clem, Magna Cum Laude Whitney Steele Meredith, Magna Cum Laude Monika Loren Groppe, Magna Cum Laude Nathan Ray Quinn, Magna Cum Laude

Chassey Elizabeth Foster, Cum Laude

PM-?\ UTC ^125


Bachelor of Arts: Humanities continued Robert Macaulay Bass Lindsey Taylor McNutt Megan Katherine Coleman Ryan Patrick Shanahan Taryn Evans Ferguson Alysse Nicole White Jonathan Randolph Hoffman

Bachelor of Arts: Philosophy and Religion

Kenneth Wayne Dickson III, Summa Cum Laude

Benton Crisler Torrence, Cum Laude

Brandi Nicole Drown

Bachelor of Arts: Psychology Evan Andrew Coley

Bachelor of Arts: Sociology and Anthropology Benjamin Campbell Morgan Miranda Diane Solomon

Bachelor of Arts: Theatre John Edgar Moser, Summa Cum Laude

Jamie Johnson Harkin Emily Rachel White

UTC 125



Bachelor of Fine Arts: Art Darana Virginia Ratledge, Magna Cum Laude

Catharine Suzanne Coll, Cum Laude Amy Colleen Rackl, Cum Laude Emily Denise Mancuso, Cum Laude

Lyndsey Elyse Coles Sarah Nicole Leon Olga de Klein Jessica Yoriko McGhee Mathew Aaron Deal Austin Richard Reed Casey Lyn Graves Audrey Browne Robertson Edwin Blake Hampton Carla Elizabeth Shoopman Suzanne Dorothea Heartfield Michael Antonio Woods Elizabeth G. Jones Elizabeth A. Wright Regina Elizabeth Joseph Daniel Stephen Wroe Sarah Elaine Kyle

Bachelor of Music: Music Alexandra Kathleen Bryant, Cum Laude Patrick Ryan Wood, Cum Laude

Joshua Keith Henley

Bachelor of Music: Music Education Jessica Tereasa Ornsby, Magna Cum Laude Jonathan Ryan Wysong, Magna Cum Laude

Denise Adeniyi, Cum Laude Sarah Genevieve Marczynski, Cum Laude

Marcellus Barnes, Sr. Jonathan Russell Elliott

UTC ^125



Bachelor of Science: Applied Mathematics Sarah Ann Nelson, Summa Cum Laude

Nicholas Randall Lockhart, Magna Cum Laude

Kennedy D. Berresford Robert Earl Nabors III Phu Le Ho William Lawton Shoemake

Bachelor of Science: Biology Chelsea Elyce Burroughs, Summa Cum Laude Evan Robert Collins, Summa Cum Laude George Edward Campbell, Summa Cum Laude Jessica Marie Howard, Summa Cum Laude Sarah Ann Candler, Summa Cum Laude Lauren Michelle Milleville, Summa Cum Laude

Lindsey Allison DeLoach, Magna Cum Laude Nilamben Mahesh Patel, Magna Cum Laude Kimberly Irene McDonald, Magna Cum Laude Jennifer Mae Woosley, Magna Cum Laude

William Reid Bolus, Cum Laude Keaton E. Hughes, Cum Laude Channing Elise Cantrell, Cum Laude John Donald Kotval III, Cum Laude

Jason Aaron Bankston Kurtis Alexander Kilbourne Ariel Dominique Boddie John Wesley Kite Jessica Rena Boehm Amanda Caitlin Lemacks Jarred Edward Bowden Whitney Richalena McKinney Brett Nicholas Burns Ashley Nicole Norman Jessica Bea Carlisle Genevieve Ailie Ojala Jennifer Elizabeth Curran Kevin Suresh Patel Brooke Jeanette Dunahoo Munir Samir Rahbe Stephen Erich Eichler Navia Janay Stephens Justin Ryan Ellis Sarah Marie Taylor Erin Elizabeth Felty Marquis Paige Tinius Kaitlin Marie Johnson Jacob Michael Whitt

UTC 125


Bachelor of Science: Chemistry George Edward Campbell, Summa Cum Laude Natalie Nicole Talbott, Summa Cum Laude Samantha Jo Hughey, Summa Cum Laude Hitesh Vikram Vashi, Summa Cum Laude

Virgilio Palma Gozum, Jr., Magna Cum Laude Lindsey Brooke Narramore, Magna Cum Laude Jordyn Leanne Johnson, Magna Cum Laude Eliezer David Rodriguez, Magna Cum Laude Nicholas Randall Lockhart, Magna Cum Laude

Christina Renaud Brosius, Cum Laude Stephanie Nicole Rollins, Cum Laude Lelee Narie Neou, Cum Laude

John Michael Bennett Dariona Lynette Middleton Matthew Nicholas Brown Zak Oberholster Kunj H. Dholakia Joseph Raymond Pendley Kelly Madison Ferris Matthew Daniel Stephens Samantha Elizabeth Guess

Bachelor of Science: Criminal Justice Candace Faye Elsea, Summa Cum Laude Brandon Jay Peterson, Summa Cum Laude

Charles David Goforth, Cum Laude Tenika Yvonne Lee, Cum Laude Demetrius Edward Johnson, Cum Laude Daniel J. Minter, Cum Laude

Jessica Suzanne Birkhead Christopher Michael Harris Samuel Sungil Booker Justin Thomas Henderson Marquez Dewayne Brown Kelly Holland, Jr. Michael Derek Cathey Rikkee R. Lee Austin Brice Clark Keosha Micole McKeldin Laura Kristine Craig Sean Dewayne Nix Robert Michael DeBarge April Ann Odom Ashley Elana Dorsey Chaz Michael Pace Jerwin T. Farmer Christopher David Payne Shamira Floretta Freeman Jeremy Scott Poteet UNIVERSITYofTENNESSEEatCHATTANOOGA PT COLLEGE 0/ARTS and SCIENCES

Bachelor of Science: Criminal Justice continued Eric Jon Rogers Alexander Benton Tedrick Jeremy Austin Saffore Jerry Wade Thomison Spenser Chase Smith Ashley Elizabeth Turner Jennifer Nichole Stein Erin Elise Walker Nikcole Marie Stout Kelly Christine Warden Larry Neal Swaggerty, Jr.

Bachelor of Science: Economics

Bethany Erin Moore, Summa Cum Laude

Thomas Anders Cable, Magna Cum Laude

Alexandra Kathleen Bryant, Cum Laude

Micah Ian Cross Matthew Charles Rutt Alkarim Gillani

Bachelor of Science: Environmental Science Maria T. Cooksey, Magna Cum Laude Carolyn Sue Hoagland, Magna Cum Laude

Olivia M. Lee, Cum Laude

Ongeleigh Vanessa Gipson Carrie Danielle Pope Mary Eileen Hanrahan Tyler Christian Pullen Jessica Marie Hubbuch Colin Joseph Ross Bethany Chantel Hyatte William Jacob Wilkins Matthew Adam Jones


Bachelor of Science: Geology Steven Eugene Farmer, Magna Cum Laude

Phillip Michael Van Winkle, Cum Laude

Andrew Houston Gamble Alan Robert Lewis Roger David King Steven Thomas Pierce Richard Price Lechleiter III John Frederick Rech

Bachelor of Science: Legal Assistant Studies Chabrelle Christian Haigler, Magna Cum Laude

Holly Nell Bentley Kari Leigh Lucas Wesley Anders Doll Shonda Marie Rutledge Laura Marie Galbraith Christian Hannah Thomas Rebecca Michael Hill

Bachelor of Science: Physics William Lawton Shoemake

Bachelor of Science: Political Science David Michael Durham, Summa Cum Laude Bethany Erin Moore, Summa Cum Laude

Jacob R. Johnston, Summa Cum Laude

Walter Fayette Eddy, Magna Cum Laude

Jamie Lyn Faber, Cum Laude Phillip Charles Leamon, Cum Laude Gary Michael Askew Lynley Brooke Bynum William Louis Bernitt Christopher B. Cahill


Bachelor of Science: Political Science continued Chantel Yvonne Daunielle Christian Melissa Danielle Lawson Joshua Lynn Cook Michelle Renee Mink John Wesley Dennis III George Sloan Patton Phillip Michael Duggan Jonathan Lee Scott Jonathan Adam Evans Chad Richard Staples Johnika Nichelle Everhart Karen Dianne Stevens Savannah Lea Knuettel RaDonna Ailene Still Zachary David Kolp

Bachelor of Science: Psychology Susannah Rae Crawford, Summa Cum Laude Jessica Mi McKinney, Summa Cum Laude Michelle Dianna Martin, Summa Cum Laude Brandon Jay Peterson, Summa Cum Laude

Brittany Diane Brown, Magna Cum Laude Katie Marie Taylor, Magna Cum Laude Megan Nicole Grant, Magna Cum Laude Megan Davenport Tucker-Hall, Magna Cum Laude Elizabeth Anne Hofer, Magna Cum Laude Kelsey Ana Villamarin, Magna Cum Laude Sonia H. Rippe, Magna Cum Laude

Kathryn Marie Dillard, Cum Laude Kelly Nicole Tyda, Cum Laude Kimberly Nicole Edwards, Cum Laude Laurene Mattice Walker, Cum Laude Miles Lewis Oakley, Cum Laude Hillary Jo Warrington, Cum Laude Gregory T. Tate, Jr., Cum Laude Devin Jamaal Washington, Cum Laude

Christina Marie Allen Christine R. Diwan Jasmine Renita Banks Sherry Michelle Dixon Matthew Isaac Bennett Lora Elizabeth Dudley Louis Patrick Brewer Brittany A Eason LaTroya Nicole Butts Carolyn C. Edwards Erica Renee Cade Amber Aleice Fields Stacy Lekeisha Carter Kimberly Diane Gouge Emily Kate Cecchetti Bobby Lee Graham Cassie McCrea Conner Jeffery Allen Green Tamra Marie Craft Ana Paula Machado Helland UTC 125


Bachelor of Science: Psychology continued Emily Jo Hogle Zachary Paul Augustus Peters Kimberly Knicole Horton Fredrik Qvicker Brittany Sayne Jones Jonathan Charles Riner Tamera Cheree Jones Thomas B. Roberts, Jr. Michelle Marie Kelley Christy Sue Roddy Jessica Ruth Kozelichki Melissa Nicole Smith Jennifer Nicole Lehberger Elizabeth A. Tarvin Stefanie Anne Macey Thomas Brandon Taylor Meghan M. McDonald Lauren Robbins Underwood Alicia S. McPherson Tanya Dawn Vasbinder Brandon Arthur Perea Lindsey Nicole Wagoner

Bachelor of Science: Sociology and Anthropology Gregory Alan Norris, Summa Cum Laude

Jacob Michael King, Magna Cum Laude Britney Lynn Meredith, Magna Cum Laude

Audrey Elizabeth Glor, Cum Laude Laurene Mattice Walker, Cum Laude Elizabeth Ann Jordan, Cum Laude Margaret Bruen White,Cum Laude

Dirria Elaine Bell Torre Alexander Hargett Tia Joelle Blosser Danielle O'Shea Jones NaTasha Denise Brewster Rebecca Anne Love Monica Latoya Brown Christopher Scott Marshall Troy Tytrail Cage Jack Vernon Moore Chantel Yvonne Daunielle Chtistian Heidi Louise Punch Niccole Faerber Rebecca Anne Reeves Candice Ranee Hannah Jillian Michelle Smith UN-VERSITYorTENNESSEEatCHATTANOOGA Or COLLEGE of BUSINESS

Bachelor of Science: Business Administration Andrew Scott Arbuckle, Summa Cum Laude Jessalin Rhea Hughey, Summa Cum Laude Amy Elise Clift, Summa Cum Laude Brittany Leigh Justice, Summa Cum Laude Gabriel Wilson Glass, Summa Cum Laude Krystal Manning Van Horn, Summa Cum Laude

Katie Brianne Christie, Magna Cum Laude Rebekah Noelle McCallie, Magna Cum Laude Alexander Hylton Craw, Magna Cum Laude Rachel Catelyn Morton, Magna Cum Laude Matthew Taylor Crawford, Magna Cum Laude Heidi Jo Newman, Magna Cum Laude Nathan Jerome Drolet, Magna Cum Laude Katie Joy Strickland, Magna Cum Laude Kathleen Elizabeth Harris, Magna Cum Laude

Brandon Hunter Barnes, Cum Laude Deja Monique Hundley, Cum Laude Justin Paul Bivens, Cum Laude Matthew Ryan Kennedy, Cum Laude Laura Caitlin Cagle, Cum Laude Mallory Ann Long, Cum Laude Zakary Clift, Cum Laude Cameron Brent-Allen McCanless, Cum Laude Lindsay Michelle Green, Cum Laude Jasmine Elise McGee, Cum Laude Joshua Craig Henderson, Cum Laude Ross Ketner Proffitt, Cum Laude Mark Christian Holden, Cum Laude Kelsey Layne Stokes, Cum Laude

Regina Lynn Alton James Wesley Brett Lauren Michelle Anderson Robert Andrew Brewer Jesse Levi Andrews Emily Ruth Briggs Ahmad J. Aouje Susan Delories Brown Krista Gabrielle Ashton Cesar Jesus Caceres Jack Lane Berry, Jr. Kevin Reed Cardin Sarah Joanne Bible Curtis McMullen Carpenter Emily Rose Biddison Crystal Lynn Cattwright Stephen Edward Blix Michael Paul Chang Rebecca Shannon Boyd Heather Renee Clark THt UNIVERSITYo/TENNESSEEatCHATTANOOGA OT COLLEGE 0/BUSINESS

Bachelor of Science: Business Administration continued Meghan McCray Clarke Daniel Terry Hunley Mindy Lee Coggins Martin Zachary Hurley Chase Ellis Cook Eric Curtis Inman Matthew Allen Cox Tabitha Onita Jackson Micah Ian Cross Leoma Marlene Johnson Johannes Jacob de Wet Ross Lee Jolly Cody James Disney Kaitlin Nicole Jones Kevin L. Dodds Randall Wayne Kizziar Justin Michael Dorris Ashley Danielle Kyle Erica Lauren Fancher Elizabeth Ann Lantz Brian Gerell Franklin Brian James LaRocco Tiffany Renee Frederick Zachary T. LeQuire Charles Samuel Fussell Matthew Scott Lettner Scarlett Rose Gamble Jiyeon Lim Ryan Matthew Geist Rachel Marie Lindberg Jeremy David Giesel Julien Adam Loeffler Tara Lillian Gietema Pedro Luis Lopez James Irvin Gilliland IV Robert Casey Macyauski Arleatha Renee Gipson Paul Pierre Magill, Jr. Alisha Jo Goddard David Lee Matheney Charlisha Elaine Grandberry Kristen Anne Miller Pauline Rucker Green Thomas Alan Minwell Johnathan David Grills Clay Leonard Moerland, Jr. Ashley Brooke Hale Brandon Scott Moore Amanda Meaghan Hall Lauren Elizabeth Muck Hasan Ahmad Hamadeh Nicholas Hayden Murray Jacob Thomas Hanson David Negrete-Regagnon Matthew Alexander Haughee Joshua Michael Parrish Laura Katlin Hearn Allison Kay Paryse Tanner Lee Hively Aayan H. Patel Elizabeth Hok Dilesh Kiran Patel Lawrence David Hopkins Don Brandon Pendergrass

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Bachelor of Science: Business Administration continued Leng Cheu Phou Traci N. Stokes Margaret Virginia Pope Siyun Sun Heather Michelle Prater Christopher Alan Taylor Nicholas Lee Pratt Charles Benjamin Trapp Whitney Blake Ramsey William Dickson Tutton Zachary Kenneth Rannick Nathalia Vargas Charles David Rash Sara Lauren Vidrine Anders Christian Ravenholt Daniel Zachary Waddell Austin Joseph Reese Andrea Lauren Wakefield John Cole Reynolds Jacob Daniel Walling Sydney Nicole Richardson Sarah Hattie Weber Andrea Denise Rogers April Nicole Williams Karla Veronica Salinas DeAngelo Williams Takira Shabrae' Sanders Heather Pearson Williams Gregory Hamilton Shoup Christine Wolf Jeffery Lauren Smith Matthew Cody Woodward Mike Dewayne Smith Gregory Robert Wrenn Kimberly Michelle Speciale Victoria Leigh Yazzie Julie Michelle Standifer Brittany Lynn Stapish

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Bachelor of Science: Computer Science

Wade Chester Gasior, Summa Cum Laude

Robert Lee Tugwell III, Cum Laude

Sterling Richard McAfee Tsung Han You Jonathan Gregory Wright

Bachelor of Science: Engineering Technology Management David Seth Castleberry, Cum Laude William T. Creagh, Cum Laude

Ahmad J. Aouje Adam D. McElhaney William Denver Eshee III Alison Jennelle Miles Todd Allen Higdon Lorraine Michelle Norris Jared Andrew Law Kevin Michael Reece Robert Michael Mazza Wade Donelson Thomson III

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Kevin Barry O'Brien, Summa Cum Laude

Jordan Lee Buecker, Cum Laude

Christopher Michael Burns Hemali Dholakia



Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Jessica Ann Scott, Summa Cum Laude

Trisha Sen, Magna Cum Laude Jordan Marvin Thacker, Magna Cum Laude

Ellyn Lindsey Dean, Cum Laude

Stephen Daniel Btady Arsenio La Von Moulden You Gao Clayton Alexander Short Ismet Said Ghazi Dustin Murphy Stevenson Eric David Littel Richard Tyler Worley Drew Alan Loizeaux

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Vipin Puthuparambil Joseph, Cum Laude

James Jonathan Ashmore Christopher Eric Lamb Stephen Andrew Barber Jonathan Avery Long Corey Douglas Bush Jason Matthew Satterfield Matthew Thomas Carroll Emily Lois Dennis

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Jonathan Wayne Brown Gilliana M. Rampersad Katharine Elizabeth Davis Emily Hana Watanabe Joshua Ryan Holland Jared Chase Wycuff Timothy Ryan McAleenan UNIVERSITYafTENNESSEEa CHATTANOOGA OT COLLEGE of ENGINEERING and COMPUTER SCIENCE

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Roger Lee Pierce, Magna Cum Laude

Jason Paul McCroskey, Cum Laude

Christopher Wilson Brown Daniel Lee Stoker James Alexander Campbell Jered Richard Swartz You Gao Troy Garner Tallant James Galen Hix Brian Michael Thompson Randall Wade McCallie Bradley Eric Turner William Barnard Newell, Jr. Ashby William Ward Andrew Tyler Pace THE UNIVERSITYo/TENNESSEEatCHATTANOOGA Pr COLLEGE 0/HEALTH, EDUCATION and PROFESSIONAL STUDIES

Bachelor of Science: Early Childhood Emily Rebecca Beuster, Summa Cum Laude Brenda Gail Holder, Summa Cum Laude Rachel Elizabeth DeBerry, Summa Cum Laude Erin Christine Kennedy, Summa Cum Laude Terri Lynn Floyd, Summa Cum Laude Ashley Marie Smith, Summa Cum Laude

Catherine Elizabeth Ellison, Magna Cum Laude Bonnie Reeves Holmes, Magna Cum Laude Amanda Sue Haley, Magna Cum Laude Kristi Kaylor Reese, Magna Cum Laude Anna Walker Harris, Magna Cum Laude

Christine Marie Quillin, Cum Laude Mary Ann Young, Cum Laude Danielle Lakesha Williams, Cum Laude

Laura Elizabeth Burnsides Carol Mclntyre Lauren Jill Davis Kathleen Kendall Robbins Amy Renee Johns Deborah Diane Rosenbloom Tenika Sa'mon Langston Emily Elizabeth Stephens Kimberly Rachel Lawrence Catherine Ann Tiedt Heather Evelyn Lee Kaylin Annette Vetter Leisl Marie Lee

Bachelor of Science: Exceptional Learning K-12 Rebekah Esther Cordes, Magna Cum Laude

Serena Ann Bautell Megan Denise Rodgers Camaiya R. Hylick Caitlin Leigh Smith Kristi LaShon Morrison Rhonda Faye Thomas Kyle Hamilton Reid UNIVERSlTYaTENNESSEEatCHATTANOOGAPT COLLEGE "/HEALTH, EDUCATION «ni PROFESSIONAL STUDIES

Bachelor of Science: Exercise Science, Health and Leisure Studies Danielle Denise Mask

Bachelor of Science: Foreign Language Education Hailey Johnston Whitaker

Bachelor of Science: Health and Human Performance Daniel Paul Woods, Summa Cum Laude

Tiffany Nicole Baker, Magna Cum Laude Dana Grace Robinette, Magna Cum Laude Courtney Ann Barnes, Magna Cum Laude Mallory Renee Seaton, Magna Cum Laude Chelsea Kae Dinger, Magna Cum Laude Emily Gwinn Smith, Magna Cum Laude Lee Michael Emmons, Magna Cum Laude Jennifer Ann Tong, Magna Cum Laude Amy Elizabeth Hauth, Magna Cum Laude Mary Elizabeth VanDeven, Magna Cum Laude Megan Kay McDonald, Magna Cum Laude

Jennifer Nicole Dorman, Cum Laude Eamon Patrick Hosey, Cum Laude Andrew Scott Hedges, Cum Laude Tonya Nicole Rhodes, Cum Laude

James Lee Allison Janel Elise Gaston Sascha Sabrina Aref Kymberly Renee Gibson Courtney Eastwood Berg Laura Jane Home Kerri Lynne Bowman Shannon Midgett Houser Cleve Clark, Jr. Ashley Elizabeth Hughes-Manning Meredith Lee Davidson Lindsey Mae Jones Alicia Janeann Deimling Vasil Kuchma Manfredo Nicolas Del-Pino Lindsey Michelle Large Kelly Leigh Downs Chelsey Evette Lay Christopher Adam Fesmire Katrina Shandrell McLean Nathaniel Andrew Figaro Jessica Janine Meldorf Paul Joseph Fuerst Nathan Lain Miller


Bachelor of Science: Health and Human Performance continued Crystal Faylea Motley Joseph Alex Schnitzer Zachary Northcutt Myers James William Steele Robert E. Nix Regina Danielle Tinnon John Daniel Puckett Katelyn Elizabeth Waggoner Jazzmine Shaniece Redden Tameka Janay Watson Jamala M. Sampson Erin Rae Wehde

Bachelor of Science: Human Ecology Katelyn Elizabeth Hicks, Summa Cum Laude Charity Rose Wickersham, Summa Cum Laude

Bailee Kathryn Chastain, Magna Cum Laude Katherine Elizabeth Lanham, Magna Cum Laude Kaylan Michelle Cline, Magna Cum Laude Alyse Noel Minter, Magna Cum Laude Kayla Megan Dugger, Magna Cum Laude Laura Ashleigh O'Dell, Magna Cum Laude

Amanda Kathryn Brown-Tanner, Cum Laude Jennifer Louise Jordan, Cum Laude Janie Elaine Busey, Cum Laude Shaina Lauren Manning, Cum Laude Lindsay Brooke Davidson, Cum Laude Megan Nicole Massengale, Cum Laude Amanda Shealeen Hudson, Cum Laude

Michelle Nicole Canup Collette Nicole May Jaya Lyn Cookston Danielle Marie McBath Rebecca Lynn Crabtree Shirley Ann Lawrence Moon Jennifer M. Edge Brittney Diane Nichols Ashley Kay Farmer Katherine Kirk Patrick Maegan Danielle Harris Sarah Elizabeth Patterson Tammy Markea Ison Katie Nicole Phillips Kelli Marie Kay Jillian Dorlen Teder Christina Marie Kinzer Lauren Louise Thompson Ashley Renee' Martin

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Bachelor of Science: Middle Grades Education

Thea Raquel Clark, Summa Cum Laude

Emily Marie Hutchins, Magna Cum Laude

Melissa Ann Gaier, Cum Laude

Stephanie Rochelle Chandler Mytra Victoria Layne Alicia Nicole Dundan Marissa Cage McCroskey Melissa Louise Griswold Jordyn Leigh Medeiros Courtney Michelle Jernigan Kenneth Patrick Stephens Emily June Krause

Bachelor of Science: Rehabilitation Science Leah Kathleen Skinner, Magna Cum Laude

Hannah Elizabeth Doyle, Cum Laude Ben Askew Hoagland, Cum Laude Joshua Aaron Fogleman, Cum Laude Haley Danielle Pukenas, Cum Laude

Bachelor of Science: Secondary English N'Keesia Tiffany Morgan, Cum Laude

Pamela T. Blackmon William Bishop Graves John Samuel Cunningham David Alfred Lyons, Jr. Eryn Lindsey Garcia Mary Lynn Thornburg

Bachelor of Science: Secondary Mathematics Sarah Ann Nelson, Summa Cum Laude

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Bachelor of Science: Secondary Natural Sciences Carla Rae Scarbrough, Summa Cum Laude

Bachelor of Science: Secondary Social Sciences Carol Raven Cleveland, Cum Laude

Justin Michael Galyon Glenn Lawrence Rowe Justin Reid Keating

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Carri Marie Jewett, Summa Cum Laude

Judith N. Brown, Magna Cum Laude Anne Renee Goethe, Magna Cum Laude Rebecca Lynn Ford, Magna Cum Laude Erica Ashley Stull, Magna Cum Laude

Samantha June Bryant, Cum Laude Michelle Devon Adcox Revis, Cum Laude Kayla Tanyee Cates, Cum Laude Diane Marie Shelton, Cum Laude Brenda Michelle McMillan, Cum Laude Malori Leanne Vickers, Cum Laude Rachel Christina Reed, Cum Laude Corey McCane Weldon, Cum Laude

Victoria Anne Abercrombie Lisa Puanani Kahana Catherine Denise Adams Megan Dawn Kimsey Nicholas Jacob Bettinger Erin Grace Lay Allison Schoolfield Burk Brittney Sue Owens Kristen Elizabeth Garton

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Bachelor of Social Work Katherine Rose McKillop, Magna Cum Laude

Retha Ann Chapman, Cum Laude Angel Marie Hampton, Cum Laude

Kristen Michelle Bohannon Andrew Jacob Wilkerson Kristin Brooke Dagnan Brittiney Denise Williams Tiffany Danette Kirkpatrick April De'Andrea Marie Wilson Jade Jamilia Pankins

UTC 125 VeOMy Candidates for Graduate Degrees COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES

Master of Arts: English (M.A.) Jeanne Martin Alley Healther Louise Nation Hess Lauren Olivia Burleson Brown Stephanie Haun McKenzie Joseph Clinton Clark Lauren Elizabeth Rogers Kevin Daniel Gleason Laurie Perry Vaughen

Holly Suzanne Cowart Thesis Title: Hypertext, Narrative, and the Future of News Writing Chairperson: Dr. Joe Wilferth

Sevan Michael Paris Thesis Title: The Rhetoric of Superman in Action Comics Chairperson: Dr. Lauren lngraham

Master of Music (M.M.) Matthew Duane Broom Justin Colby Hipp Tiffany Marie Feltner Gerald Denson Peel

Master of Music: Music Education (M.M.) Richard Lamont Chambers

Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) Mark Alan Harvey Caroline Elizabeth Sherbesman David Walker Hixson Charlotte Marie Maisie Smith Meredith Rielly Lewis Adrienne Leigh Teague

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COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Master of Science: Environmental Science (M.S.) Shannon Lyn Cagle Elizabeth Ann Shutters Archanaa John Jacob Samuel-Jameson Slack Virginia Anne Richardson Ian Michael Cohen Thesis Title: Testing the Utility of the Consortium for the Barcoding of Life's Two Agreed Upon Plant DNA Barcodes, "matK and rbcL" Chairperson: Dr. Joey Shaw

Curtis Cole III Thesis Title: Co-op Internship for the City of Chattanooga Water Quality Department Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit Implementation Chairperson: Dr. Henry Spratt

John Richard Evans Thesis Title: A Contribution to the Vascular Flora of the Sequatchie Valley Within Sequatchie County, Tennessee Chairperson: Dr. J. Hill Craddock

Jennifer Marie Sexton Thesis Title: Feasibility Study of Carbon Offsets as a Source of Revenue for a Land Trust using the Climate Action Reserve's Avoided Conversion Protocol Chairperson: Dr. Sean Richards

Master of Science: Mathematics (M.S.) Jason Robert Holcomb



Master of Science: Psychology (M.S.) Matthew Rice Armstrong Emily Lauren Kneisley Ashley Jared Brown Joseph Warren Newton Zhuo Chen Sharon Saleh-Tehrani Beverly E. Hairston Ethan Louis Salk Anna Kathleen Henley Jason James Siska Morgan Blair Hill Chantrese Danielle Smith Tiffanie Elyse Joslin Karen Lyn Sullivan

Greg Thomas Houchin Thesis Title: Authentic Leadership in Sports Teams Chairperson: Dr. Bart Weathington

Courtney Michele Kneip Thesis Title: The Effects of Body Characteristics on Perceived Competence Chairperson: Dr. Bart Weathington

Sara Michelle Martin Thesis Title: Factors Contributing to Young Worker Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use While On and Off the Job Chairperson: Dr. Christopher Cunningham

Sara Ann Terlecki Thesis Title: Individual and Organizational Level Antecedents of Experienced Workplace Incivility Chairperson: Dr. Christopher Cunningham

Cherise Nicole White Thesis Title: The Influence of Identity Salience on Cross-Generational Perspectives of Work Life Balance Chairperson: Dr. Christopher Cunningham

Raven Lynnette Worthy Thesis Title: Faking in Personality Assessments: An Investigation of a Method Factor Measure of Faking Chairperson: Dr. Michael Biderman

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Master of Science in Criminal Justice (M.S.C.J.) Lisa Suzanne Cohen Jonathan Alexander Grubb Kimberly Anne Gregg Susan R. Thomas



Master of Accountancy (M.Acc.) Anil Babu Keiji Sato Sean Anthony Dye Whitney Erin Sauer Angela Deniece Key

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Thomas Price Baker Virginia Elizabeth McKenzie Douglas Gerald Bassett David Andrew Newsom Christopher Jason Beechwood Nickson Owino Odeny James G. Belitz III Phillip Drew Pongratz Ryan Tyler Bishop Natalie Cook Roberson Matthew Howard Boerschig Clarissa Ann Rodda Benjamin L. Broome Mark William Sheehan Melissa Joy Brown Brent Heath Shrode Alyson Paige Chelsey Jonathan Eugene Spurling Ashley Lynn Darnell David Edward Stinson Johnny Franklin Ewton III Vadim Vitalyevich Strelkov Kevin Douglas Faragher Elsa Susan von Peters Ashley Brooke Huffstetler Casey Blaine Wagner Beata Knizat Lea Marie Whitson Abby Leigh Lockerby Ben Eugene Wisenbaker David Eagleton Marks William Jeremiah Womack

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Master of Science: Computer Science (M.S.) Aniket Salver

Robert Brian Fletcher Thesis Title: Efficient Compressed Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks Via Random Walk Chairperson: Dr. Mina Sartipi

Master of Science: Engineering (M.S.) William Emerson Brock V Andrew Griffin Frye James Andrew Burran Shane Edmund Sawyer Adam Lee Cofer Jason J. Smith

David Edward Norwood Thesis Title: Thread Management Modeling for Precision Timed Processors Chairperson: Dr. Stephen Craven

Alexander Richard Saputa Thesis Title: From Well to Wheel: A Comprehensive Comparison of Traditional and Alternative Vehicle-Fuel Systems Chairperson: Dr. Frank Jones

Maysam Sarfaraz Thesis Title: Educational Applications of Partial Reconfiguration of FPGAs Chairperson: Dr. Stephen Craven

John Lloyd Steffan Thesis Title: Calculating Sinkage and Trim Chairperson: Dr. Robert V Wilson

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Master of Science: Engineering Management (M.S.) Fahed Hamed Alsider Candice Marie Jackson Robert Wayne Baker Robin Kimberly James Marcus Christian Chisolm Mark Edward Maharrey John Paul Chrnalogar Timothy Maurice Manley Rebecca Denise Crowe Osiris G. Martinez Sridivya Ganduri Jaroslav Novak Alexander Gomez Nicholas Mark Scotch Avani Gupta Jamal Shahid Choudhry Miroslav Holan

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COLLEGE OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Education Specialist: Advanced Educational Practice (Ed.S.) Kristy Gail Albright David Anthony Lee John Houston Aranjo Jeanna Wyatt Lee Michael Scott Ballard Melissa Anne Looney Jamie King Brennan Kevin Nicholas Roberts Jessica M. Golburg Jenny Lankford Shell Kimberly Sharnique Hines Sallie Adell Slatton

Master of Education: Counseling (M.Ed.) Christy DeAnn Belew Joan Stewart Mickles Nicole Marie Blalock Jennifer Lee Prewitt Tracy Dominique Carter Joel Matthew Russell Megan Allyce Cooper Annette G. Segura Cassie Nicole Jewell Heather Shea Townley

Master of Education: Elementary Education (M.Ed.) Erin Marie Bishop Veronica Venezia Herrera Kimberly Ann Boggs Britta Kristine Jones Susanne Michelle Bostick Teresa Lynn Justusson Jananna Mclnnis Cornett Tiffany Danielle Kay Cortney Leah Cutcher Ashley Becton Latham Lindsey Beth Dennison Abby Odom Martin Kessala Katrice Dorsey Claire Elizabeth Mott Rachel Elizabeth Eaves Denetra Deshun Royston Doris Kell Haston Allison Jessica White UNIVERSITYofTENNESSEEaiCHATTANOOGA OT GRADUATE SCHOOL


Master of Education: School Leadership (M.Ed.) Jasmine Sashae Farrow Yalila Lourenco Jennifer Lynn Jones Laura Virginia Pierce Ellen M. Leamon Carrie Broome Willmore Charlene Latonya Lewis

Master of Education: Secondary Education (M.Ed.) Charles William Arnold III Larry Lee Price James Clifton Beeler, Jr. Erin Marie Segroves Justin Richard Brown Brian Christopher Smith Jennifer Lynn Daugherty Christopher Trey Stanford Joshua Lee Daughtery Tanya Tarver Kristopher Davis Jennifer Marona Taylor Sandra Dawn Fairchild Leigh Ann Thibadoux Andrew Michael Forrester Kendall Mize Thornton Rachel Wailes Gray Ryan Matthew Wadley Mary Meaghan Kelly Kandy Lynn Williams Jaime Nicole Lackey Jessica Suzanne Wilson Richard Eugene Parks

Master of Education: Special Education (M.Ed.) Shonda Elizabeth Caines Grace Marie Monk Toni Terese Carrigan Regina Sunny Rae Preston DeLawrence Clark Brooke Bishop Stovall Emily Marr Molly Marie Wilkins Karin Renae Maucere

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Master of Science: Athletic Training (M.S.) BranDee Nicola Allen Marjorie Margaret Leahu Joe Casey Baugham Andrea Kay Michel Crystal Lynn Clark Kenta Miyazaki John Faltus Meredith Marie Reinecke Sara Nicole Henley Stephanie Amanda Rynas Janet Elizabeth Hess William Donald Wilson Erin Rebecca Karch Joshua Ray Wright

Master of Science: Health and Human Performance (M.S.) Grant Hamilton Davis Amanda Jo Gundrum

Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) Leslie Ann Bauer Rebekah Ruth Harris Julie Elizabeth Carr Terry Bunn Hood Terri Frazier Dunn Clifford Louis Huffman, Jr. Patricia Beth Elliott Jessi Marri Steve Shannon Higgins Faires Christopher Brian Walls

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Doctor of Education: Learning and Leadership (Ed.D.) Nicole Adrienne Cobb Dissertation Title: Progressing Towards the Implementation of the Tennessee Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs: A Study of School Counselor Priorities and Practices Chairpersons: Dr. Valerie Rutledge and Dr. David Rausch

James Vince Witty Dissertation Title: Tennessee Practitioner Perceptions of the Construct, Content, and Utility of Exemplary Practices in Alternative Education: Indicators of Quality Programming for Use as an Evaluation Instrument Chairperson: Dr. Ted Miller

Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) Schaefer Michelle Abercrombie Ashley Janeen Kinser Jena Florence Beise Lori Layne Kinzalow Rachel Frances Carter Nathaniel Walter Lay Haley Michelle Comola Ashley Michelle Long Douglas Taylor Daniel Jennifer Loraine Lutmer Laura Frances Davies Christopher Calvin Mathews Michele Dawn Dillon Jennifer Diane Morrison Karin Anna Cox Downs Ann Renee Royal Tavis Lee Gibson Jerris Lynn Schmidt Chad Edward Grisham Courtney Beth Smith Matthew Thomas Grubb Aren Swogger Sarah Kate Harding Margaret Lea Thompson Cara McKenzie Hauk J. Tyler Charles Tucker Jessie LeAnn Higgins Sarah Elizabeth Williams Sarah Jessica Kile GRADUATE SCHOOL

Candidates for Doctoral Degrees


Doctor of Philosophy: Computational Engineering (Ph.D.) Leiji Dissertation Title: Unstructured Grid Technologies for Hydrodynamic Applications with Bodies in Relative Motion and Mesh Deformation Chairperson: Dr. Robert V. Wilson