Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 Quick Start Guide

VnmrJ 3.2 Interface 3 Overview 4 Prepare Sample 5 Load Sample 6 Enter Sample Information 7 Build Study Queue 8 Run Study Queue 8 Process Data 9 Plot Data 10

This Quick Start Guide describes how to acquire NMR spectra using Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 software.

Agilent Technologies

2 Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 Quick Start Guide

VnmrJ 3.2 Interface

VnmrJ 3.2 Interface

bar system command user toolbar line vertical panels

graphics toolbar

graphics canvas

hardware message toolbar box acquisition status

Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 Quick Start Guide 3



Collecting an NMR spectrum requires just a few quick steps: • Prepare Sample–dissolve the sample then transfer the sample to an NMR tube. Position the NMR tube at the appropriate depth in the spinner turbine. • Load Sample–place the sample into the magnet or into a location in the robot tray. • Enter Sample Information–fill in sample information, including sample name and solvent. • Build Study Queue–select experiments to be run on the sample. • Run Study Queue–run selected experiments on the sample, or on multiple samples with a robot sample changer. • Process Data–use the data processing tools to optimize the spectrum display. • Plot Data–use the plotting tools and Graphics Toolbar to adjust the displayed spectrum for the desired output.

4 Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 Quick Start Guide

Prepare Sample

Prepare Sample

1 Prepare the NMR sample by dissovling the analyte in a deuterated solvent. Use a concentration that will completely dissolve the sample, usually between ~1 mg/mL and ~50 mg/mL. 2 Transfer between 600 µL and 750 µL of the solution into a 5- mm NMR tube. 3 Positioning the NMR tube: a Insert the NMR tube into a spinner turbine. b Carefully place the spinner turbine into the top of the sample depth gauge c Carefully push the NMR tube through the turbine until the NMR tube slightly touches the bottom of the depth gauge. Depth gauge d Remove the spinner- turbine from the depth gauge. This step insures that the sample is positioned in the probe coil after insertion into the magnet.

Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 Quick Start Guide 5

Load Sample

Load Sample

4 Load the sample into the system. a Click Eject on the VnmrJ Start > Standard parameter panel to lift the current sample to the top of the magnet bore. b Carefully remove the current sample and replace it with the new sample. c Click Insert on the Start > Standard parameter panel to lower the sample into the magnet.

5 For systems with a robot sample changer: a Load your sample into the robot tray and note the location. Avoid blocking the location of the sample currently in the magnet. 7600- AS: The current location is displayed on the LCD information panel. 7510- AS: The location directly over the magnet bore is reserved for the sample currently in the magnet.

7600-AS robot tray 7510-AS robot tray

6 Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 Quick Start Guide

Enter Sample Information

Enter Sample Information

6 Select New Study in the Study Queue. Submit Queue will display in the Study Queue.

Select New Study

7 For systems with a robot sample changer: Click After New Study is selected, the sample tray tray display will refresh and display in the location Graphics Canvas. a Click the tray location associated with the inserted sample on the sample tray. The selected sample location shows a flashing highlight ring. To the right, the 7600- AS, Zone 1 tray display has the A1 location selected.

8 Fill in sample information on the Start > Standard parameter panel.

Sample Name and Solvent are required fields. Sample Name is used in the automatic data saving routine. Solvent is used to set the spectral . Filling out additional sample information is good practice.

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Build Study Queue

Build Study Queue

9 Select the Protocols vertical panel to access the Experiment Selector.

10 Select Experiments from the Experiment Selector tabs to run on the selected sample. Each experiment will be added to the Study Queue displayed as a node.

Run Study Queue

11 Click to run the Study Queue. The Acquisition Status display on the hardware toolbar shows: the task being performed, time left for the task to run, Idle when waiting for a process to complete, or Inactive when no process is being run. The Study Queue experiment nodes appear green if completed, blue if active, and yellow if queued.

NOTE For systems with a robot sample changer: The same Study Queue can be submitted to multiple samples by: changing the sample information, selecting a sample-tray location, and clicking Submit.

8 Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 Quick Start Guide

Process Data

Process Data

12 Select and drag a completed experiment node to the Graphics Canvas to automatically process and load the data set. In the example to the right, “Ethylindanone_Proton_01” has been selected from the Study Queue and is being dragged to the Graphics Canvas. 13 Click on the Process to display the data manipulation tools. Basic processing tools are available on the Process > Basic parameter panel.

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Plot Data

Plot Data

14 Click Process > Plot to display the plotting tools. Basic plotting tools are available on the Process > Basic parameter panel. 15 Use the Graphics Toolbar to adjust the displayed spectrum. Hovering the mouse over the icons displays tool tips.

16 Click Plot Preview to render a duplicate of the displayed spectrum in Adobe Reader. The Plot View appears. a Review the formatted plot and readjust as needed. 17 Select one or more check boxes on the Plot View dialog box to print, save as a PDF file, or email the plot.

10 Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 Quick Start Guide

Plot Data

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In this book

This Quick Start Guide provides a step- by- step overview of how to use Agilent VnmrJ 3.2 software to collect an NMR spectrum on NMR systems with or without a Robot Sample Changer.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc.

April 2012 *G5028-90018*


Agilent Technologies