IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

IBM Worklight V5.0.6 Technology overview

IBM Worklight—Overview Contents IBM® Worklight® software helps enable organizational leaders to extend their business to mobile devices. This software provides an open, 1 IBM Worklight—Overview comprehensive and advanced mobile application platform for smart- phones and tablets, helping organizations of all sizes to efficiently 2 IBM Worklight—Components develop, connect, run and manage mobile and omni-channel applications. 3 Development tools Leveraging standards-based technologies and tools, the IBM team has created Worklight software that provides a single integrated platform. 8 Runtime server environment This platform includes a comprehensive development environment, 9 The IBM Worklight Console mobile-optimized runtime middleware, a private enterprise application store and an integrated management and analytics console—all supported 9 IBM Worklight Device by a variety of security mechanisms. Runtime components 10 Security and authentication Develop. The IBM Worklight Studio and the IBM Worklight software mechanisms development kit (SDK) simplify the development of mobile and omni- channel applications (apps) throughout multiple mobile platforms, includ- ing iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows 8, Windows Phone and Java ME. The IBM Worklight optimization framework fosters code reuse while delivering rich user experiences that match the styling requirements of each target environment. With such code reuse, IBM Worklight reduces costs of development, reduces time-to-market and provides strong support for your ongoing management efforts.

Connect. The IBM Worklight Server architecture and adapter technol- ogy simplifies the integration of mobile apps with back-end enterprise systems and cloud-based services. The IBM Worklight Server is designed IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

to fit quickly into your organization’s IT infrastructure and is Console. In addition, administrators can access usage informa- designed to leverage your existing resources. The standalone tion about the installed app base and its users, using built-in back-end integration layer can be customized and shared and customized reports. Usage data can be exported and fed among multiple applications. Furthermore, IBM Worklight into analytics platforms such as the IBM Cognos® platform Adapters support two types of data-delivery mechanisms: device and the IBM Coremetrics® platform. requests and push notifications. IBM Worklight—Components Run. The IBM Worklight Studio prepares application files for The IBM Worklight architecture consists of five main upload to public app stores and to private distribution reposito- components: ries. Active mobile apps communicate with virtually any enter- prise back-end systems and cloud-based services through the ●● The IBM Worklight Studio—the platform’s Eclipse-based IBM Worklight server. This server optimizes data for mobile integrated development environment (IDE). delivery and consumption, and is supported by a variety of ●● The IBM Worklight Server—a gateway between apps, security features that help to protect sensitive user data in back-end systems and cloud services; this gateway handles transit on device. virtually all mobile specifics including application manage- ment and updates, push notifications, user authentication Manage. Once the software is deployed, administrators can and device authentication, and synchronization of security manage registration and authentication for users and devices; and data. monitor and control the access of different apps to back-end ●● The IBM Worklight Application Center—a cross-platform, systems; directly update and disable apps based upon predefined enterprise app store that helps organizational leaders to rules or custom rules; host and manage a production-ready, govern the distribution of apps throughout the enterprise. cross-platform mobile application store; audit and manage ●● The IBM Worklight Console—a web-based administration mobile data synchronization to enterprise back-end systems; interface. and control virtually all push services and event sources from ●● The IBM Worklight Device Runtime Components—mobile one centralized web interface called the IBM Worklight device implementations of the server’s functions.

IBM Worklight Components

SDKs Worklightlight Studio iOS Workliglight ApplicationApplication Device Runtime Android Center HTML5, Hybrid, Cross-Platform Compatibility Layer and Native Coding Blackberry Development Te am Provisioning Server Integration Optimization Windows Enterprise App Provisioning Phone Framework Framework and Governance Windows 8 Encrypted and

Integrated Device Build Engine Build Engine App Feedback Management Syncable Storage SDKs Java ME

Third Party Mobile Web Runtime Skinning

Application Code Integration Public App Stores Application Code Desktop Web Reporting for Statistics and Diagnostics

Worklightlight Server

User authentication and Client-Side mobile trust App Resources Worklightlight ConsoleConsole Mashups and service Direct Update composition Reporting and App Version Mobile Analytics Management

Web Apps cloud services cloud cloud services cloud JSON Translation Push / SMS Management

Adapter Library for Unified Push

Stats Aggregation Enterprise back-end systems and Enterprisesystems back-end Enterprise back-end systems and Enterprisesystems back-end backend connectivity Notifications

2 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

Development tools Application developers can directly access the application The IBM Worklight Studio programming interfaces (APIs) that modern devices offer, and The IBM Worklight Studio is an Eclipse-based IDE that makes can more-easily integrate publically available or customized it possible for developers to perform virtually all the coding and third-party libraries, frameworks and tools. The result: integration tasks that they require to develop rich employee- advanced mobile applications that are built according to the facing and customer-facing applications. The IBM Worklight unique and specific needs of your organization. Studio augments the familiar tools of Eclipse with a wide variety of enterprise-grade features that are delivered by the Because developers are not dependent on an intermediary IBM Worklight Plug-ins, enabling IBM Worklight Studio to build-time or runtime layer, such as a cross-compiler or inter- streamline application development and to facilitate enterprise preter, native APIs are accessible upon release of new mobile connectivity. operating system (OS) versions or third-party libraries when IBM Worklight is used. Furthermore, the app’s web code is The following are some of the main features that are supported executed directly by the mobile browser, so developers have by the IBM Worklight Studio: direct access to the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) and are free to use any JavaScript API or third-party JavaScript Cross-platform support toolkits and frameworks. The IBM Worklight Studio enables the development of rich web, hybrid and native mobile applications on iOS, Android, Hybrid coding BlackBerry, Windows 8 and Windows Phone tablets and Facing the constantly evolving fragmented ecosystem of mobile smartphones. devices and operating systems, application development has become a costly, yet unavoidable, endeavor. This challenge Using its optimization framework, IBM Worklight differenti- has created a market for cross-platform mobile development ates itself from other technologies in the market that deliver a solutions that is rapidly growing. lowest-common-denominator solution. With IBM Worklight, developers can share the majority of the application code However, to achieve cross-platform capabilities, many solutions across multiple environments, without compromising platform- in the market rely on limiting proprietary tools, form-based specific user experience or application functionality. Developers IDEs, what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) tools, or can share the common app code among multiple environments, simply prepackaged apps. Without the capability to fully while isolating environment-specific code in designated folders customize the code, these solutions result in an unavoidable that can overwrite or augment the commonly shared code. As a tradeoff between user experience and multiplatform coverage. result, application logic remains consistent among the different Using IBM Worklight, developers can choose between using environments, while the user interface (UI) behaves natively pure native code (Objective-C, Java, or C#), standard web tech- and adheres to user expectations and the unique functionality nologies (HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript) or a combination of and design guidelines of the device. both within the same app. Developers can strike the desired balance between development efficiency, app functionality and user experience.

3 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

The IBM Worklight Studio supports three main hybrid able to use the same mobile platform to develop, connect, run scenarios: and manage a variety of mobile application types based on the specific needs of the project at hand. 1. HTML can be used to call native code using the Cordova plug-in (previously known as PhoneGap). The native code can be either “UI-less,” for example, reading the compass, or can actually display a user interface (UI). This UI component will be overlaid on top of the browser, so that the user sees a native component blended with the HTML UI. 2. Developers can decrease the size of the browser so that the browser occupies only part of the screen. The rest of the screen can be used to display native UI components. 3. Users can implement complete screens natively and can switch between native and web screens. The transition between the screens can be animated, as in regular screen transitions.

Furthermore, the IBM Worklight Studio ships with a WYSIWYG drag-and-drop UI tool for design and develop- ment. These editing capabilities enable developers to create pure HTML or HTML and JavaScript files by dragging HTML5 and Dojo Mobile components from a built-in palette to the HTML canvas. Developers can use property sheets to Runtime skins control HTML and CSS properties. At the same time, these Further optimization of apps is possible within the editing capabilities make possible direct editing of HTML and IBM Worklight Studio by using runtime skins. These skins CSS files, updating the graphical canvas so that developers can are packaged with the app’s executable files and are applied to visualize immediately the impact of their changes. These edit- the mobile app during run time. This makes it possible for the ing capabilities are integrated with the optimization framework app to automatically adjust to different devices from the same of IBM Worklight, making it possible for developers to view a OS family. Common scenarios that benefit from runtime specific application environment or skin. skins include:

No single development approach offers a complete solution to ●● Different screen sizes the larger challenge, but by using the unique support for hybrid ●● Different screen densities coding provided by IBM Worklight, organizational teams are ●● Different input method ●● Different support levels for HTML5

4 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

IBM Worklight further augments these capabilities with enterprise-grade utilities through an application container for Browser access Hybrid apps - web Hybrid apps - mixed Native apps on-device encryption and offline user authentication. Written in HTML5 HTML5 code and User augments web Platform-specific. JavaScript and Worklight runtime code with native Requires unique CSS3. Quick and libraries packaged language for unique expertise, pricy and Support for third-party JavaScript toolkits and UI frameworks cheap to develop, within the app and needs and long to develop. but less powerful executed in a native maximized user Can deliver higher In addition to its support for HTML5, IBM Worklight pro- than native. shell. experience. user experience. vides integration with the growing ecosystem of UI frame- works, such as jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch and Dojo Mobile. Mobile browser Native shell Native shell Native application

Web code Web Native Developers can pick the JavaScript UI framework of their Web code choice and use it to develop their application within the studio. WYSIWYG tools are available for HTML5, jQuery Mobile, and Dojo Mobile. Device APIs Device APIs Device APIs

Browser access Downloadable Downloadable Downloadable Native-device SDK integration The IBM Worklight Studio also integrates with the software development kits (SDKs) of the mobile devices that Worklight supports including Android, iOS, Windows 8, Windows Phone and Blackberry. This enables developers to take full advantage Support for HTML5 of the native code capabilities and the best-in-class development IBM Worklight leverages a standards-based approach, enabling tools, testing and debugging mechanisms that are native to the developers to write HTML5 code directly into the develop- mobile SDKs, without leaving the development environment. ment environment without the use of cross-compilation or To further streamline the iterative development process, the transcoding. This circumvents the limitation of proprietary studio enhances preview capabilities for iOS and Android interpreters or code translators. You can benefit from capabili- hybrid apps. An in-browser simulator makes it possible for you ties that include: to define the form factor of the target device, concurrently dis- playing multiple devices on the screen and simulating Apache ●● A cleaner, more readable and consistent HTML code. Cordova APIs (an open-source framework for bridging calls ●● Access to rich media types (audio and video), available between native components and web views). previously by way of native code only. ●● Use of advanced UI components, such as data pickers, sliders Standardized data retrieval and edit boxes that automatically support ellipsis and The IBM Worklight studio enables developers to use XSL others—implemented natively by the browser. transformations and JavaScript code to convert retrieved hierar- ●● Use of Cascading Style Sheets 3 (CSS3) styles and chical data from any back-end system to JavaScript Object CSS3-based animation to reduce app size and to improve Notation (JSON) format, thus preparing the data for delivery app responsiveness. and app consumption. Developers can invoke back-end services ●● App distribution channels that go beyond the different app directly from within the studio and can receive raw results in stores and their time-consuming and limiting restrictions. Extensible Markup Language (XML), or processed results ●● Support for geolocation services. (after having converted to JSON using Extensible Stylesheet ●● Offline storage capabilities. Language [XSL] transformations and JavaScript) in JSON format.

5 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

Developers can perform server-side mashups in JavaScript to collect data from various back-end applications and streamline them to the device, thereby reducing the number of requests that are made on the slow mobile network and greatly improv- ing app responsiveness.

In addition, developers can choose to implement server-side, back-end integration and authentication code in Java, rather than in JavaScript.

Unified push notifications In the process of creating the integration adapters, developers can leverage the IBM Worklight uniform push architecture to preconfigure automatic alerts from one centralized interface. Using its unified push API for its supported devices, IBM Worklight makes the entire process of communicating with the users and devices completely transparent to the developer.

Apple IBM Worklight Polling Notification push iOS client-side adapters state iOS dispatcher servers push API push services database (APN)

Unified push Back-end API systems Google IBM worklight Message-based User-device Android Android push client-side adapters database dispatcher push API servers push services (C2DM)

Administrative console

6 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

Collaboration and distributed development Enterprise mobile development is rarely a simple process that is conducted by one developer. Most commonly, the complex enterprise development environment consists of multiple devel- opment, testing and quality assurance (QA) teams all working on different portions of the app, sometimes even from different Customizable native shell code geographical locations. IBM Worklight is designed to support Mobile browser such scenarios through a variety of features and functions, including integration with other IBM collaboration tools.

Centralized build Inner-app The IBM Worklight Builder is a stand-alone application that web code can be more-easily integrated with common central build services, such as IBM Rational® Jazz™ Builder, Hudson and Luntbuild. Leveraging the centralized build functionality, the Customizable different teams involved in the development, testing and web shell code QA phases can work off of one common version of the code, effectively enhancing the collaboration and automation of the internal application development process.

The shell approach Most often, enterprises employ multiple development teams with different skills and expertise. The “shell” approach enables Device APIs leaders of such companies to reduce the internal barriers of mobile development, making it ubiquitous throughout the organization by compartmentalizing skill sets and responsibilities.

The shell approach breaks down the development of the app into two portions: an external shell and an inner application. required to focus on the user interface, the business logic and, The shell consists of a customizable container that provides potentially, data integration. Distribution of the app or apps can JavaScript access to the native capabilities of the device. be achieved by way of three different channels: A devoted team of expert developers are responsible for its branding, security configurations, audits and authentication ●● An inner app can be fused into a shell by the centralized build frameworks. The team can create a variety of shells, each carry- server and uploaded to a private or public app store, while ing different policies and branding, forcing inner apps that are new versions of the inner app are sent and updated directly running within each shell to automatically comply with its (subject to the vendor’s terms of service) on the user device. parameters. Such parameters could include restriction of access ●● A shell can be packaged with a directory of corporate- to data, use of certain APIs, different branding and so forth. sanctioned applications, enabling users to choose a different inner app according to their needs. With the corporate policies enforced by the shell, the inner ●● A shell can be distributed empty to the user, who will then apps can be more easily built by departmental development access a repository of applications that are stored on the teams, using nothing but web languages. Such teams are only server.

7 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

Runtime server environment ●● Enable developers to add custom server-side logic that is The IBM Worklight Server necessary for delivering back-end data for mobile consump- ●● The Java-based IBM Worklight Server is a scalable gateway tion. This helps distribute processes between the client and between apps, external services and the enterprise. The server and helps address data-security regulations within the server helps facilitate encrypted communication, back-end organization. connectivity, data manipulation, authentication, analytics, ●● Provide flexible security architecture with server-managed private cross-platform application store and operational security challenges, delivering more-robust protection. management functions that are supported by a variety of ●● Integrate with the corporate authentication infrastructure security features. Server-side entities that affect the behavior to help secure application and data access, in addition to of the IBM Worklight server are represented in the studio’s transaction invocation. The IBM Worklight authentication project tree, including configuration files, authentication infrastructure is flexible enough to support different types of integration code and more. From the IBM Worklight Studio, authentication—from multifactor or multistep login processes developers can save under a unified project all inter-related to non-interactive single sign-on (SSO) integration. You can client and server code and resources in their source control also expect offline authentication of users to increase app system. Server configuration artifacts are automatically built availability. Furthermore, the IBM Worklight Server simpli- by the Worklight Studio in to a web archive (WAR) file. This fies the integration with HTTP-based services that require file can then be deployed on a standalone server for collabo- authentication. Integration with Kerberos, Windows NT ration or test purposes. LAN Manager (NTLM), Basic and Digest authentication ●● The IBM Worklight Server can be deployed to a wide can be more-easily achieved by simple configuration of the range of hardware and operating system environments. HTTP adapter, without the need to write server-side code. Organizational teams that deploy the server to an The server also supports device-based application SSO, IBM PureApplication™ System on Intel or Power can enabling apps to be automatically authenticated if an existing apply patterns of expertise. Use the IBM Mobile Application authenticated session is already available through the same pattern for PureApplication System to configure and manage mobile device. a scalable and cloud-ready mobile server infrastructure. ●● Integrate with IBM WebSphere® security functions by providing authenticators and login modules to leverage The IBM Worklight Server can: WebSphere security configuration and settings. ●● You can employ standard and proprietary security ●● Provide adapter technology that connects to a variety of mechanisms to help prevent attacks. enterprise information systems over widely used integration ●● More-easily scale to support hundreds of thousands of users technologies, such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and multiple applications through physical clustering. representational state transfer (REST), Structured Query ●● Provide app-deployment and version-control features that are Language (SQL), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol managed and accessed by the IBM Worklight Console. (LDAP) and more. In addition, IBM Worklight provides a ●● Be integrated with IT monitoring and performance manage- special IBM Cast Iron® adapter. ment systems that verify the vitality of the IBM Worklight ●● Enable multisource data mashups to efficiently integrate Server and the services that it provides to applications. several data into one and serve it to the application ●● Automatically collect user-adoption and usage data for user. Multisource data mashups are not only an effective way auditing and reporting purposes and gain access to custom of optimizing data delivery to the mobile user, but also configuration of reporting metrics. Raw data can be more- reduce overall traffic in the system. easily exported for further analysis by the different business intelligence tools used by the organization.

8 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

The IBM Worklight Application Center ●● Assign device-specific security IDs to support installation of The IBM Worklight Application Center enables company business applications on sanctioned devices. teams to set up an enterprise app store to help govern the dis- ●● Manage multiple versions of the same application and tribution and management of pre-release and production-ready remotely disable applications by version and mobile- mobile applications. Administrators can make the most of operating-system type. existing authentication frameworks, including ACL and LDAP, ●● Access built-in and custom reports of application adoption to manage app distribution by department, job function, geog- and usage using Eclipse’s BIRT plug-in. raphy and other schema. Employees who access the Application ●● Define device-based access-control policies to control access Center from their mobile devices will only see the mobile apps of apps. that they are allowed to download. Employees can rate apps and provide feedback that can be considered for future IBM Worklight Device Runtime Components enhancements. IBM Worklight provides client-side runtime code that services HTML5, hybrid or native apps. Capabilities include: For development teams, the Worklight Application Center provides a convenient way to distribute pre-release software to ●● Access back-end data and transactions. API for the developers and testers. Feedback can be organized by device invocation of IBM Worklight services, retrieval of data and and by version to quickly isolate and resolve defects, whether execution of transactions against back-end systems. those defects are device-specific or version-specific. The ●● Authentication and security. API and code for managing Application Center can also integrate with software-build the authentication sequence and for securing the application processes to automate the distribution of the latest releases to data and its link to the IBM Worklight Server. project teams, accelerating the develop-test-debug cycle. ●● Offline access. Local JSON database for data persistence with back-end synchronization; supports encryption and large The Worklight Application Center provides: data-sets. ●● Application Management. API and code for applying new ●● Administrators with improved governance over the distribu- application versions and for disabling applications in accor- tion of mobile apps throughout the enterprise; dance with policies that are defined in the IBM Worklight ●● Employees with easier access to the latest apps that are Console. needed by their department or job function and that are ●● Troubleshooting. Code for detecting runtime connectivity optimized for their device; problems in the app and for collecting troubleshooting ●● Developers with an easier way to distribute mobile builds information about the app and about the device. and to elicit feedback from members of development and ●● Usage reporting for audit and analytics. API for collecting test teams. built-in and custom data from apps, to be recorded by the IBM Worklight Server for audit and analytics purposes. The IBM Worklight Console ●● Cross-platform compatibility APIs. Uniform API for The IBM Worklight Console is a web-based user interface device features and useful UI tasks, hiding the differences that is dedicated for the ongoing administration of the across different environments. IBM Worklight Server and its deployed apps, adapters and ●● Skins management. Enables developers to adjust the push-notification services. Through the console, features and functions of the app to the device’s form factor administrators can: in run time, optimizing the app for different versions of the same OS family as smartphones and tablets. ●● Access administrative dashboards that monitor virtually all deployed adapters and applications. ●● Control and monitor virtually all push-notification services, event sources and related applications.

9 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

The runtime client environment consists of the following ●● Native libraries for native apps. A set of native libraries components: for iOS and Android that provide access to IBM Worklight Server functionality for natively written apps. ●● JavaScript libraries. These libraries, which are used for ●● Native code templates. For iOS, Android, BlackBerry, JavaScript API implementation, are available in most runtime Windows 8 and Windows Phone devices, native-code environments (with the exception of native iPhone and templates encapsulating a browser that runs the web code Android apps, which are written in Objective-C and Java, provided by the developer. respectively, and which do not require JavaScript libraries). ●● Native libraries for hybrid apps. A set of native libraries Security and authentication mechanisms (for iOS and Android) that provide access to device-specific IBM Worklight provides multiple mechanisms and tools that features. Apps written in JavaScript do not access these help to support the creation of secure applications. libraries directly, but rather through the relevant JavaScript APIs. In some cases, native code runs the web code provided The following is a list of the main security features by the developer. of the platform:

Mechanism Benefit Details On-device Help protect sensitive information from malware attacks • Uses AES256 and PCKS #5-generated encryption keys for encrypted storage and from device theft storing app-generated information on the device • Allows offline user authentication • Implemented in JavaScript (highly obfuscated) with optional native performance enhancements Direct update Take action to ensure timely propagation of updated hybrid • New versions of the code can be distributed without requiring app versions to the entire install base the manual update of the app (applicable to web resources) Remote disable Enforce timely adoption of critical security updates to the • Server-side console allows configuration of allowed app entire install base versions. Administrator can force users to install security updates to the native code Authentication Reduce overall cost and complexity of integration with • Server-side architecture designed for integration with framework authentication infrastructure back-end authentication infrastructure based on Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) concepts, with authentication realms • Specify one SSL per HTTP adapter for enhanced flexibility and security • Ready-to-implement integration with Kerberos, NTLM, Basic and Digest authentication • Ability to encrypt server-to-server SOAP communication with X509 certificates, following the Web Services Security (WSS) standard • Client-side framework for asynchronous login requests on session expiration Server-side Help prevent SQL injection and help protect against • Prepared-statement enforcement safeguards cross-site request forgery (XSRF) • Validation of submitted data against session cookie Enterprise SSO Leverage existing enterprise authentication facilities and • Client-side mechanism obtains and encrypts user credentials, integration user credentials and enable employee-owned devices sends to the server with requests • Encryption incorporates user-supplied PIN, server-side secret and device ID • Credentials cannot be retrieved from lost or stolen device

10 IBM Software Technical White Paper WebSphere

Mechanism Benefit Details Device SSO Enables a mobile user to authenticate one time in order to • Upon successful login, the authentication state is saved in the integration gain access to multiple mobile applications from a single database and used for validations in subsequent sessions device. from the same device Mobile users get a more-seamless experience without • No credentials are stored in the on-device database; only the having to explicitly log in to each application. state of the authentication is stored, for improved security Enterprises can integrate authentication services under single umbrella, streamlining governance and reducing help desk costs that are related to password resets and security. Developers can eliminate redundant development effort; they are no longer required to build authentication into each application independently. Virtual private Enable delivery and operation of mobile apps for employee- • Client-side and server-side frameworks act as secure socket network (VPN) owned devices or device types that are not allowed on the layer (SSL)-based VPN alternative corporate network, and enable delivery when installation of • Network access control and policies are preconfigured in the VPN client on mobile devices is not possible or is compli- client-side framework layer cated to manage • Network access and security measures are updated using server-side framework • On-device encrypted storage to help prevent compromise of sensitive data

IT system security involves protecting systems and information ●● through prevention, detection and response to improper access ●● Server from within and from outside a client’s enterprise. Improper access can result in information being altered, destroyed or mis- The server requires the following databases to store metadata appropriated, or can result in misuse of systems to attack others. and cached back-end data: Without a comprehensive approach to security, no IT system or product should be considered completely secure and no single ●● Derby product or security measure can be completely effective in pre- ●● Oracle venting improper access. IBM Worklight systems and products ●● MySQL are designed to be part of a comprehensive security approach, ●● IBM DB2® which will necessarily involve additional operational procedures and may require other systems, products or services to be most The IBM Worklight server can run on the following effective. IBM Worklight does not warrant that systems and application servers: products are immune from the malicious or illegal conduct of any party. ●● Apache Tomcat ●● IBM WebSphere Application Server (and Network System requirements Deployment) version 7.0 and higher (including the provided Production environment WebSphere Application Server v8.5 Liberty Profile) The IBM Worklight server can be installed on the following operating systems: The IBM Worklight Server can be clustered to achieve high availability and scalability. In such cases, a load balancer is ●● AIX required. This can be any commercial load balancer, software ●● HP-UX or hardware, which supports “sticky” sessions. The load bal- ●● Red Hat Enterprise (RHEL) ancer can optionally act as a reverse proxy and as an SSL ●● SUSE Linux (SLES) accelerator.

11 Development environment The IBM Worklight development environment includes the IBM Worklight Server, database and the Eclipse-based IBM Worklight Studio. The development environment is supported on the following operating systems: © Copyright IBM Corporation 2013

●● Windows (32-bit or 64-bit) IBM Corporation ●● environment Software Group Route 100 Somers, NY 10589 For development purposes, the following databases are supported: Produced in the United States of America February 2013

IBM, the IBM logo,, Cast Iron, Jazz, Rational, Tivoli, Cognos, ●● DB2 Coremetrics, DB2, PureApplication, and WebSphere are trademarks of ●● Oracle International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions ●● MySQL worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is ●● Apache Derby available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at The IBM Worklight Studio can be installed on Eclipse and Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, Rational Application developer (RAD). other countries, or both.

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Supported application servers: Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered ●● IBM WebSphere Application Server Base and trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment including the Liberty profile Worklight is trademark or registered trademark of Worklight, an IBM Company. ●● Tomcat This document is current as of the initial date of publication and may be changed by IBM at any time. Not all offerings are available in every For more information, please visit the following website: country in which IBM operates. It is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any other products or programs with IBM products and programs. For more information THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR To learn more about IBM Worklight assets for mobile IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES application development, please contact your IBM marketing OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR representative or IBM Business Partner, or visit the following PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. IBM products are warranted according to the website: terms and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided.

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