Iowa Bandmaster Magazine Deadlines Winter Issue ................................ January 6, 2012 Conference Issue ............................ March 2, 2012 Magazine Staff Editor Advertising Dick Redman Chad Allard 1408 W. 3rd St. 3060 24th Avenue Pella, Iowa 50219 Marion, IA 52302 641-628-9380 (H) 319-550-6109 (H)
[email protected] 319-377-9891
[email protected] Festival Results Denise Graettinger District News 1307 Country Meadows Dr. Elaine Menke Waverly, IA 50677 1130 Rolling Hills Ct. 319-352-4003 (H) Norwalk, Iowa 50211 319-352-2087 (S) 515-953-6214 (H)
[email protected] 515-685-3330 (S)
[email protected] H Do you recognize the five IBA Hall of Fame members on the front cover? Go to the IBA web site for their names. H The Iowa Bandmaster 1 Iowa Bandmasters Association, Inc. World’s Finest Bandmasters Organization PAST PRESIDENT PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT SECRETARY ROBERT MEDD TONY GARMOE PATRICK KEARNEY STEVEN COOK 4701 STONEBRIDGE ROAD 4821 TWANA DRIVE COMMITTEE CHAIRS MAGAZINE EDITOR W. DES MOINES, IA 50265 DES MOINES, IA 50310-2916 TREASURER MAJOR LANDERS DICK REDMAN AARON NUSS JIM DAVIS ELECTIONS IBA MAGAZINE-OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IOWA BANDMASTERS ASSOCIATION JERRY BERTRAND vol. 70 published by Pella Printing Co., Inc., Pella, Iowa 50219 NO. 2 PUBLIC RELATIONS MARY ANDERSEN CONTENTS HISTORIAN President’s Message . 4, 6 MARY CRANDELL-GARRELS President-Elect’s Thoughts . 5-6 PARLIAMENTARIAN FRED STARK Meet the IBA District Presidents . 8-11 WEBMASTER Barnhouse Publishing – Part I . 12-15 ELIZABETH FRITZ In the Spotlight – Lewis Central Community Schools . 17-22 CONFERENCE EXHIBITS DAN STECKER Band Talk with Brian Stevens .