ILCA Manual No. 3 Veterinary Epidemiology and Econo-M.Cs In
ILCA Manual No. 3 Veterinary epidemiology and econo-m.cs in Africa A manual for use in the design and appraisal of livestock health policy S.N.H. Putt, A. P. NI. Shaw, A.J. Woods, L. Tyler and A.D. James International Livestock Centre for Africa , , " " - .. ............ I/I 7FA ,, ,- • .,. ..IL+L'.. ; ;Uj.r. ", I'+++ + :.. .,,+ _ . + .......... ..::''!:l,-Flt+ -+,+,,,"S,+)"-'++-'-.+++ +fli..P ....".. .."' ':........; 'Is' I / +++ A+-' . +.- I, +-1 I_..+:-;: P4 AM ---+ +.__..__. " _.. -'//j.. Al = "Up - Veterinary epidemiology and economics in Africa A manual for use in the design and appraisal of livestock health policy S.N.H. Putt, A.P.M. Shaw, A.J. Woods, L. Tyler and A.D. James Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit, Department of Agriculture, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, England First published in January 1987 Original English Designed and printed at ILCA Typeset on Linotype CRTronic 200 in Baskerville I lpt and Helvetica ISBN 92-9053-076-6 Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDG MENTS This manual was prepared largely from notes on lectures given by the authors. Many ofthe concepts introduced in the manual are not new and can be found in most standard textbooks on epidemiology, economics and statistics. The authors wish to acknowledge in particular the contribution of Schwabe, Riemann and Franti's "Epidemiology in Veterinaiy Practice", Leech and Sellers' "StatisticalEpidemiology in Ve*orinaryScience" and Gittinger's "EconomicAnal )sis ofAgriculturalProjects",which provided inspiration for certain parts of this manual. iiiU Foreword FOREWORD The value ofepidemiological investigation as a basis for the treatment and control of animal disease has been recognised for many decades, but the need to apply economic techniques to the formulation afd assessment of disease control activities only became apparent about 15 years ago.
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