» Hugo Harrisson sends Diagonal Gully while filming for Warren Miller Entertainment in 2011. Brian Post Dana Allen Mahoney; of Kevin courtesy left: Brian Post; From

58 || 12.2013 Brian Post

From left: Brian Post; courtesy of Kevin Mahoney; Dana Allen 1 ing anew route onAlaska’s Mooses and otherfar-flung spots, includ- new alpineroutes inNepal, Alaska, Denali’s south face. Andclimbed attempted thefirst descent of also guided theHaute Route. And Washington countless times. He’s King Pine.Mahoney hasguided they runasmallski area named a few milesdown theroad, where ing guides. Hisfamily grew upjust UIAGM-certified ski-mountaineer- vetted; he’s oneofthecountry’s few away ourcrampons. Mahoney, 44,is strip skins, holster axes, andstuff rofoam inthepredawn hours. We feet ofwater, ice,andcrunchy Sty havingand Itop out, eased up1,000 corn whenguideKevin Mahoney have aguide. entrance. Not abadlineonwhichto and slopesupto 55degrees at its cal ice-climbing pitch at itsoutlet is no-fall terrain, withatechni- Northeast’s highestpeak.Diagonal Hampshire’s crown jewel andthe aspect ofMount Washington, New of Huntington Ravine ontheeast slot that obliquely slicestheface requires focus. It’s a15-foot-wide The plodupDiagonalGully The sun is starting to cook the The sunisstartingto cookthe 2 3 4

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the most popularmonths. but avalanche conditions often prohibit midwinter trips.March andAprilare Hampshire, isthepost-Washington tradition amonglocals. Drink Season Equipment mond, Vermont, homebase. [from $300;] Guide IF YOU GO… Weather can beharsh, avalanche more Teton thanNew England. The environment isuniquelyalpine, of neighboring . eering toy box that lacks thecrowds It’sthe parkinglot. aski-mountain- skin upestablishedfire roads from by athree-mile, 2,100-vertical-foot down. Skiers approach the ravine tion Gully, withitsiceflow midway narrower, steeper oneslike Damna - Moderates like Escape Hatch. And gullies like Central orSouthGully. steep, classic lines:lower-angled slip into thecouloir, Ifeel confident. tensions therope between usasI climbing awards. SowhenMahoney Piolet d’Or nomination, theOscar of Tooth, anascent that earnedhima AT ortelemark gearisappropriate. ax, harness, andcrampons, are neededfor most linesinHuntington. Either Huntington is striped with Huntington isstripedwith 2. T » » he Bottom ofSouthGully The Moat Smokehouse andBrewery inNorthConway, New » Kevin Mahoney guidesskiersofallabilitylevels from hisRich 6 You canskiHuntington most ofthewinter andallthrough spring, 7 » 7. Avy gearandbasicmountaineeringequipment,includingice Damnation Gully Damnation Gully 5. DiagonalGully 1. 3. O’dell’s Gully 4. Central Gully E 6. Yale Gully scape Hatch

Be sure to catch Ben Leoni skiing hisfavorite East Coast backcountry inthe Above Left policies atU.S. skiresorts onpage 16. writesBrian Irwin aboutuphillaccess climbs DiagonalGully. can betaken from me…” echoes inmy ears: “Nothing Isee drifts, thevoice ofTrey Anastasio bottom, shinsslicingthoughslabby As Ithread thetrees intheravine’s ume for therun-outbackto thecar. some earbuds, andturnupthevol - I stashmy technical gear, pushin andrappelit, onto theslopebelow. We thread therope, gingerly weight ascent waits intheiridescent ice. An anchorMahoney leftfrom our we’d climbed to access theline. glide to thetop oftheicepitch Mahoney dancesdown. reverberate from thegullywalls as carefully down theline.Our hoots The slopeangleeases andwe arc reassuring tugofMahoney’s belay. ing my sloughasIfeel thegentle, hop-turn down thepitch, manag- ing granite. Thesnow softens asI and tailsinchesfrom theflank will achefrom smiling. right day andpartneryour face conditions touchy. Butchoose the At Diagonal’s terminus, we I slideinto Diagonal’s portal,tips » Lines ofHuntington Ravine. » Guide Kevin Mahoney new web series Working for theWeekend

- - big storms orhighwinds. your brain. Stay away after have your safety gear and serious avalanche terrain, so offer long descents. This is in thecirque are exposed but the Gulfof Slides trail. Lines From the visitor center, follow , Gulf of Slides FAVORITE LOCALES. STAR DISHES ONHIS THE MEATHEAD FILMS Haunts Backcountry Right Coast Leoni’sBen » » Resources Northeastern Avy the area. with someone whoknows lost in these woods, so go Peak Resort. It’s easy to get just down theroad from Jay wood glades can befound Deep snow andprime hard JAY, VERMONT Big Jay Colorado. runs reminiscent of lines in Hog’s Back haslong,steep Mars offers quality glades. de laGaspésie. Champs de entrance to Parc Nationale Route 299 south of the Chic-Choc terrain right off Hog’s Back offer accessible Champs deMars andMount DES-MONTS, QUEBEC SAINTE-ANNE- Chic-Chocs Drop intheafternoon. toward north-facing Dodge’s in themorningandwork Start oneast-facing Hillman’s bottom of Hillman’s Highway. the SherburneTrail to the Shelter. Hangaleft onto trail to theHermitLake Follow theTuckerman Ravine NEW HAMPSHIRE PINKHAM NOTCH, Hillman’s Highway mountwashingtonava

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