THE WEATHER (NET PRESS RUN Forecast br V. S. Weatkar Bareaa, a v e r a g e d a il y circulation New HaTea OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of May, 1927 Showers tonight; Saturday clear* 4,995 Ing; Sunday fair.

PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1927. VOL. XLL, NO. 215. Classified Advertising on Page IS large CROWDS WARSHIP THAT’S BRINGING LINDBERGH HOME LINDY NEARING HOME; AT LAWN FETE ATim iHEND BERLIN’S BIG OVATION <$> Gaily Decorated Grounds, Thousands Line Sidewalks BYRD TO FLY Memphis Within Sight ol 17 Booths, and Novel In Germany’s Capital As TO PARIS AND Land— Washington Ready Games Amuse Throngs; Chamberlin and Levine For Big Reception Tomor­ 2,700 Paid Admissions. Are Made Honorary Citi­ THEN RETURN row -85 Airships to Es­ zens; Presented With Med­ cort Cruiser Up the Poto­ Despite cautious predictions by Plans to jltop Just Long ;he weather bureau and threatened als— S ip City’s Golden mac— To Land At I I Ehowers yesterday afternoon, a Enough to Fill Gasoline large and appreciative attendance Book. O’clock. assembled at the “ W hite House Tanks; His Machine Ready grounds, at 7 9 North Main street, Berlin, June 10.— Thousands Washington, June 10.— The last evening, at the formal opening drone of motors of a great air ar­ lined the sidewalks of Unter Den For Hop. of the three-nights’ Lawn Fete of mada, music to every aviator, will Linden tod.ay and cheered vocifer­ the Manchester Community Club. herald the nation’s Joyous home- ously as Clarence Chamberlin and The Lawn Fete is the fifth an­ New York, June 10.— Naval Com comiDig for Charles A. Lindbergh Charles A. Levine rode in state nual of this kiud under the direc­ mander Richard E. Byrd, the only today. with United States Ambassador tion of the Community Club, and aviator who ever flew a plane over While the sleek cruiser Memphis the larare attendance last evening Schurman to the City Hall, where the North Pole, plans to outdo Col. was speeding in a smooth sea with gives proof anew that the workers the two fliers were made honorary behind these events know their Charles A. Lindbergh and Clarence the youthful hero of the New Manchester and have a pretty good citizens of Berlin. D. Chamberlin in the way of trans- York-to-Parls flight, the welcom­ idea of what attractions to offer in A warm sun shone down on the Atlantic flights, it was learned to­ ing vanguard composed of the giant Above is the U. S. S. Cruiser Memphis now off Cape Henry with Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh aboard. It was sighted fliers and the reception they re­ order to bring together 2,000 or 3,- day. ‘ dirigible Los Angeles, a dozen air­ 0110 people nightly from this '■om- early this morning by destroyers sent out to meet it. Latest reports say that the cruiser will reach Washington shortly before ceived from the crowds was as en­ planes and six destroyers planned munity and neighboring territory. 11 o’clock tomorrow morning where the nation’s capital has arranged the greatest reception ever accorded an American. It thusiastic as any given them since Byrd Intends to fly to Paris in to set out to meet her off the Vir­ Treasurer Charles B. Loomis re­ is estimated that more than 150,000 persons are now in Wash ington. The inset gives a closeup of the famous Lindbergh their arrival here. his tri-motor, Fokker monoplane, ginia Capes. ported receipts last night showing Mayor Boess received the fliers then immediately fly back again. At Vice-Admiral Burrage wirelessed' 2,700 paid admissions. smile. at the City Hall and offered them the most his stay in the French the Navy Department that Lind* Opens With Music an official welcome. He paid them capital will be scarcely more than bergh soaring the horizon from th« Band selections ajong Main high tribute for their feat in es­ twelve hours, just enough time for bridge of the Memphis, would street and on Depot Square from tablishing a new long distance the American and his fellow fliers sight land early in the afternoon. 7:00 to 7:30 p. m. followed by con­ DRY AGENTS 420 Chinese Drowned ‘HORSE SENSE’ flight, and then presented them to take a restful sleep and have AVelcome by Boats cert numbers at the “ White House with medals from the City of Ber­ the “ America’s” gasoline tanks fill­ Before sundown he will be well grounds gave public notice that the lin commemorating the event. ed up again. within the waters of Chesapeaka ■i^awn l-'etc had formally opened. Both fliers were then called upon Will Have to Step Bay with hundreds of small water The music at this stage of the pro­ KILL CHILD Fleeing After Fight IS POLICY OF to sign the Golden Book, adding Hence, if Clarence Chamberlin craft joining in the welcome that their names to a long list of names and his flight companion, Charles will precede official reception by ceedings was provided by the Cen­ President Coolldge on behalf of ter Flute Band, of the South End. which rank high in history. A. Levine, expect to be the first to fly from. Continental Europe to New the nation on Saturday. Chairman R. K. Anderson aud his Shanghai, June 10.— About 420 northern army defending the place. NEW DRY HEAD The spick and span uniform of ANMATHER York, they will have to “step out” committee leading the band to the Chinese were drowned in a little Nationalist chiefs announce that the new colonel in the Missouri Na-* grounds. aJ&aitle for possession of Llnchin is speedily. Chamberlin and Levine tlonal Guard will be dropped lake west of Peichiu, Anhwei prov­ Berlin, June 10.— The Munici­ now have under consideration an When the Lawn Fete got into imminent. pality of Berlin opened its arms to aboard the Memphis from the Los full swing, after the daylight sav­ ince, while in flight before the Na­ The municipality has begun the offer of $100,000 from William Angeles, while the first actual Treasury Department Prob­ Seymour Lowman Arrives In the American fliers, Clarence Cham­ Randolph Hearst to fly from Berlin ing hours and twilight had given tionalist army, whicli occupied the removal of the barbed wire barri­ berlin and Charles A. Levine, today contact will be established when way to night, and the illuminatiiips town, according to a despatch from cades within the international set­ to New York. Richard R. Blythe, a St. Loula and offered the two permanent hon­ Meanwhile, Commander Byrd has were shining at their best, tl.e ing Story Told By Ex-Offi­ Nanking today. In addition to the tlement and along the boundaries. Washington To Get Ac­ orary citizenship. friend, leaves a destroyer to Join spacious “ White House” grounds capture of the town the National­ They had been erected several completed his final tests. His great “Lindy” aboard the cruiser. presented an animated scene of ists claim to have taken many pris­ months ago when an anti-foreign Berlin is not unmindful of the Fokker plane has responded to a Within Schedule gaycty and merriment. With strains cer— Not Engaged In Rum oners and much booty, routing the outbreak was feared. quainted With Job— For honor extended Dr. Eckener when load of more than 14,500 pounds. Well within her schedule, the he arrived in New York, having of' orchestra and flute band com­ So spectacular was this achievement Memphis will steam up the hlstor- flov/n the dirigible Los Angeles to Byrd and his kthat th o - dc Potomac-at a leisurely pace to- bining with the chatter and impor­ Law Enforcement. across the ocean,'*

.BOOXJS GOUXX JGSU 1-- Billings — OYER 100,000 PERSONS STREET CAR STRIKE Billings Spencer pfd . — UN&Y NEARS HOME PRINCE CAROL SOILCONGRESS Bostopi Mass.* June — Nlfe- Bigelow Hart com ... 8c olas |‘‘CouA” Local Stocks Bristol Brass...... 7 LEFT WITHOUT WATER IS NEAR IN CHICAiXi Montff, bice promlheiit In Noi|tb Collins Co ...... — ON U. S. S. MEMPHIS TO FIGURE OUT Shore and Staten Island, N. Y. Colt Firearms...... 28 HOPES TO SEE clety hi wertile- 15,000 Employes Want Wage man was helA '(qr the ..^Federal (Fiimlshed by Putnam & Co.) Eagle Lock ...... 100 (Continaed from Page 1) Bid Asked Fafnir Bearing ...... 83 Explosion Wrecks Mains; Increase and Threaten to Grand Tlhry wheSAarraiiSP^ i Bank Stocks Hart & Cooley ...... 170 Three Cities Have to Depend CROP CAPACITY Quit if Refused. Federal' Court tbdhy charged "with tenant Jams A. MacReady, famous DYING FATHER imper.souating a Unite^y States Se­ City Bank & Trust. . tifiO — Inter Silver com ....1 70 cross country fiiers. Robert Nun- On Water From Springs. cret Service' dperaio^ « • Capitol Nat Bank ...265 2S5 Int Silver p f d ...... 116 gesser, brother of Captain Nun- Chicago, June 10.— A street car Conn River ...... 300 — It is'alleged that Wdsman ob­ Land’ry Fray & Clark88 gesser, pilot of the ill-fated ‘■‘White Pawtucket, R- I-. June 10.— Ex­ strike In Chicago appeared immi­ tained $2 2 5 from James and Irv­ First Bond and Mort . 53 57 Mann & Bow A ...... 18 Bird” , will be.a member of the re­ Agricolture Scientists nent today with the announcement First Natl (Htfdl...300 325 Friends In Peasant Party plosion of a thirty-six Inch water ing S. Field, brothers of MatU- do B ...... 12 ception committee. supply main in Central Falls, cut of union officials that the 15,000 pan, under the pretense that as a Hart Natl Bk & Tr . .450 470 N Brit Ma pfd A . .. . 104 employees of the Chicago surface Hart Aetna rts ...... 6 2 0 3 off 100,000 residents of that city, government officer; he w.duld save do c o m ...... 18 ON THE MEMPHIS Urge Ex-Crown Prince To Pawtucket and Uie town ol Cum­ Study Productivity lines had voted in favor of a walk­ them from' pi^ecution dn 'hbnilec- Htfd-Conn Trust Co . 650 — Niles Be Pond new .. 17 out unless their demand for a wage Laud Mtg Title .. 59 G4 berland without water today. tion with a liquor raid on a Boston & J R .Mont p f d ...... ' 50 On Board U. S. Cruiser Memphis, Carboys of spring water were increase is met. ■; Morris Plan Bank . . . 125 — Whole Earth. Union officials said 98 per cent of' North & Ju d d ...... 25 June 10.— (By Radio to I. N. S.) — Go To Bucharest. rushed in for hospitals, housing and Testimony'offered at the hear­ Park St Trust ...... 480 Pratt, Whitney pfd .. 80 Exactly five years two months and the workers had voted and that less 415 drinking. The fire hazard was great. ing today described aii elaborate Phoenix St Bk Tr . .405 Feck, Stow & Wilcox . 20% tw’o days from the day of his first than 200 ballots were cast against story told by: Welsmam of his con­ Riverside Trust...... 450 All fire departments were ordered the strike. The men are demand­ Russell Mfg C o ...... 40 flight, col. Charles A. Lindbergh is to use chemicals promptly but for Washingto^n.— To figure out the nection with federal officials in Bonds Smyth Mfg C o ...... 3o0 Paris.— Prince Carol’s desire to ultimate agricultural productive ing a fifteen per cent increase in returning to the United States ac­ see his slowly dying father before New York and bis ability to assist Htfd & Conn West 6. 9 5 Scoville Mfg Co new . 57 hours following the bursting of the capacity of the earth is just one wages. 102 claimed the world’s greatest flier. it is too late may be realized water main no fire alarms were the Field brothers. East Conn Power .. 99’ Stanley Wks com ... 64 “ I made my first flight on April of the stupendous problems scien­ Officials of the surface lines have Hart E L 7 s ...... 355 365 through the good offices and loyal Stanley Works pfd .. 27% 9th, 1922,” Lindbergh told the In­ sounded. tists of the soil are seeking to solve stated they would resist the wage MOTHER ON W.AY Conn L P 4I0S ----- 98 U 100 efforts of his supporters in Rou- A small reserve reservoir— the Standard Screw . . . . 100 ternational News Service correspon­ that will receive consideration at increase, even a few cents. At Washington, June 10.-—Appar- Conn L P 7 s ...... 117’ 120 mania— the young leaders of the Stump Hill reservoir— was tapped present, both sides to the contro­ Torrington...... 71 dent today, consulting a little back peasants party. the First International Congress of ently desirous of escaping the capi­ Conn L P 5 U s ...... 109 110% but sent only a small stream trick­ Soil Science to be held here June versy admitted, there appears very Underwood...... 5 6 note book in which he keeps notes Carol's announcement in an ex­ tal’s attention until the arrival Brid Hyd 5s ...... 104 105 U S Envelope pf . . - .112 ling through the pipes in Central 13 to 22. little hope of a compromise settle­ Insurance Stocks on his flying experiences. clusive interview granted this cor­ here tomorrow of her son, Mrs, Uoion Mf.g Co...... 25 ‘‘With my landing outside of Falls. It was estimated that 100,- This meeting, which will bring ment. Aetna Insuranc . . . . 545 respondent last February that he 000,000 gallons, sufficient to last Evangeline Lindbergh, mother o! Whitlock Coil Pipe . . — Cherbourg I have flown 1,835 hours together scientists from approxi­ It la believed if the surface line .\etna Casual Sure ..775 •wanted permission to return to mately 40 countries to be fol­ the trans-Atlantic flier, "disappear­ and 55 minutes. This is as nearly Bucharest and visit King Ferdi­ ten days, was on hand. workers go out, the elevated em­ Aetna Life ...... 545 lowed by a month’s transcontinen­ ployees will strike in sympathy, ed” today enroute from Detroit to accurate as I have been able to es­ nand was followed by a deadlock Fires in both the Pawtucket Conn General...... 1500 1 tal tour of the United States. On thus causing a complete tie up of Washington. timate, but it is not always possi­ between father and son. Memorial and the Notre Dame Automobile...... 200 hospital in Central Falls were this trip the foreign visitors will the city’s transportation system. Mrs. Lindbergh was on a Wash­ Hartford Fire ...... 54 5 N.Y. Stocks ble to keep a flying table to the ex­ The king and Carol’s mother. have opportunity to observe first­ ington-bound train due here at act minute. Queen Marie, informed the run­ drawn for fear of a blow up.. Hart Steam Boiler ..62o Industrial plans in both Paw­ hand the varie4 agricultural inter­ 8:30 a. m.‘ but she left the train Lincoln Nat Life . . . . 9ti Over 85 States away prince that he must agree,to forsake his red-haired lady-love, tucket and Central Falls used the ests and methods practiced in this AMERICAN PIONEER hurriedly a short distance outside National Fire ...... 7 9 0 ‘‘I have flown over 35 states. country. of Baltimore, entered a waiting High Low’ 1 p. m. Mme. Lupescu and become recon­ small reserve supplies on their Thoeiiix...... Oi'ui Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ire­ premises. If the main break Is not To Visit Farms motor and vanished. It was not a Travelers...... 1220 1 All Cham .108% 108% 108% ciled -with his wife, Crown Princess land, France, Belgium, England Helen. Otherwise Ferdinand .v’ould repaired before tomorrow a shut­ Government and State experi­ IS DEAD IN LONDON White House car. Public Utility Sti'cks .Am Can 51% 50% 51 and Mexico; that is, the Mexican ment stations and demonstration 105 106 decline to ask the Rumanian for down may be necessary in several The White House was in the dark Conn L P 798 ...... H 6 .Am Ca & Fdy 106 border in 1924. I started flying at farms will be visited. They will concerning her plans, it was said .All Chem ... 142 44 14144 14? a modification of the ten years ex­ of the big plants. Mrs. Victoria Martin Was Once Conn L P 8% ...... 120 the Lincoln, Nebraska, flying ile imposed on Carol at the time see the various soil types of varied although she will be a guest there Gretn Wat & Gas ...106 .Am Smelt . . . 163% 160V4 ISl High and Hunt streets, Central sections end learn of the crops school and expect to continue flying of his second abdication. Falls, scene of the explosion that Nominated For President of over the week end. It is understood Hart El L ight...... 375 .Am St Fdy. . . 45% 4434 4444 for many years over many places. to which they are best adapted. Prince Refused ripped open the water main were the United States. Mrs. Lindbergh planned to spend Hart El Lts r t ...... 46 .Am Sugar ... 89% 89% 89% “ I have been asked many times They will make excursions Into Ir­ Carol flatly refused to give up veritable canals today. The pave­ the day in Baltimore with friends. Hart Gas c o m ...... 82 .At & T ...... 167% 167 167% what 'V’ere the most unpleasant mo­ rigation, reclamation and drainage Hart Gas p f d ...... 54 Am Woolen . . 17 % 17% 17% Mme. Lupescu. He respectfully ment was lifted for some distance areas to get the benefit of the London, June 10.— Announce­ ments of my flying career. I think ment was made today of the death So N E Tel C o ...... 168 .Anaconda . . . 45% 45% 45 % replied that he merely wished to by the explosion, the cause of which experience of this country in such MRS. FULLER DIVORCED. I might say they were during the of Mrs. Victoria Claflin WoodhuU Conn El Serv pfd ... 76 .Atchison .. ..181'fe 180% 181 see his father before death from was undetermined. enterprises to reclaim and make Bridgeport, June 10.— Katherine times I was forced to jump from cancer came. He Intended to make Martin, an American woftian, at Ivjr Manufacturing Stocks Bald Loco ... 224% 222% 223 my airplane with a parachute. It is productive ■waste soils. Bonties Fuller, of Greenwich, wai American Plard...... So 118% 119 his visit short and non-political; he The general pui^ose of the con­ home. Bredons, Norton Park, near today granted a divorce from Hom­ B & O ...... 120% not the sudden jerk; it is not fear Cheltenham. She died last night. American Silver . . . . 25 Beth St ...... 50% 50% 50% would return to Mme. Lupescu gress and the tour Is to obtain In­ er A. Fuller, of St. Louis, on th( that makes it so unpleasant. afterward and if he saw his ■wife BERLIN GIVES TWINS Mrs, Martin was a native of Hom­ Acme W ire...... 10 Corn Prod ... 55 % 55 55 ‘‘It is the launching into the un­ ternational accord in the study of ground of desertion, and was given 26% at all in Rumania, it would be to soil problems including classifica­ er, Ohio, where she was born Sept. CM&StP pfd. 26 44 26% known that is so disagreeable.” the custody of their 11-year-old 243 % 243% demand a divorce from her. A GREAT OVATION tion, terminology, mapping, etc. 23, 1838. She was one of the daughter. Judge, Isaac W’olfe issued Du Pone . . . . 245 % Keynote of Career Subsequent messages were re­ pioneers in the woman suffrage Erie ...... 54% 53% 53% This meeting is the outgrowth of the decree in Superior court. This last statement is the keynote ceived from Queen Marie advising soil conferences held In Bucharest movement and in 1870 memoralized Gen Elec . . . . 105 % 104 104 14 (Continued from Page 1) Fuller i.s named as the president 203% to Lindbergh’s career. He has al- her son that he had broken his in 1909. Stockholm in 1910. Pra­ the American congress for the bal- | j Gen Mot . . . .204 % 203% ■ways prepared carefully for his father’s heart in his dying days of the Mid-West Steel Co., and ol 71 71 gue in 1921 and Rome In 1924. lot for women. Two years later ! I Int Nickel . . .71 flights apd considers his trans-At­ and had ‘‘disgraced the royal fam­ Ghiseppe Bellanca, builder of the the H. A. Fuller Iron & Steel Co., 15 15 The world war Interrupter the con­ she was nominated for President of I both of St. Louis. The couple were ! Inspira ...... 15 lantic flight a meticulously planned ily before the Rumanian people plane which Chamberlin flew acioss the United States by the Equal 63% 63% ferences, one scheduled for 1914 I married in March, 1913, and the i Kenncott...... 63 % affair. He 'went on; and the whole world by continuing the ocean. Rights party. She had written .a 128% 129 at the then St. Petersburg, now I desertion is alleged to have dated i Le Valley-----131 % ‘‘I have found flying above •water to live an open sin.” But Carol's number of books on social and po- I 1 Mack Truck . .112% 112 112 Leningrad, having been necessari­ from January, 1923. smoother and frequently speedier loyalty to Mme Lupescu was un­ §1,000.000 IN OFFERS ly cancelled. litical subjects and at the time of j I Mo Pac com . . 58 % 58 58 V4 shaken. Berlin, June 10.— Offers from Depositions from Henry F. Woer- 151 than above land. I have been asked AVorld Delegates her deatah she was editor of the 1 , . ; N Y Central . 15114 150% Then the lears of the peasant European concerns, exceeding |1,- a St. Louis insurance man, 51% why I flew so low over the English Countries to be represented at the Humanitarian magazine in this cit.v. j : New JIaven . . 52 51% party stepped in. They sent a con­ 00 0,000, have been received by red F. Bixby, of Webster 88% 88% channel when I was on my way to Washington meeting in addition to Mrs. Martin was married twice, her i i North Pac ... 89 fidential emissary to Carol in de­ Clarence Chamberlin and Charles 1 Grove, Mo., were introduced into 63% 64 London from Brussels. My opinion the United States include England, second husband being an English Art v s . ■ Penn R R ... 64 % is that it makes no difference fiance of a government manifesto A. Levine. Scotland, Wfles, Belgium, Holland, man. the case. Pullman . . . . 186 Vi 186% 186 V4 prohibitin,g Rumanians from com­ 89 89 whether the aviator is 2,000 feet or Levine said that it was impossi­ Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Fin­ Chemistry I Press St Car . . 89 municating with the ex-Crown STATE’S ALFALFA The average number of children 49% 48% 49% ten feet above water if there Is no ble to estimate the extent of the land, Esthonia, Poland, Rumania, Rad Corp . land in sight. It you are bound to Prince. This messenger remains American offers. Rusisa, Latvia, Germany, Hungary. in the families of the president has GOOD chemist can an­ ; heading . . ..121% 12-0% 120% in Paris, after urging Carol to re­ fall a long fall will not help any. One offer of ?500,000 for a Czechoslavakia, France, Spain, Por­ New Haven, Conn., June It).— I been 3.7 6. President Tyler, who A alyze some liquids and R Is com . . . 110 108 44 109 turn to Bnchi'est at all costs be­ i “ So far as flying above water or single appearance and performance tugal, 9^’ltzerland, Italy, Pales­ Connecticut's alfalfa hay crop, j married twice, heads the list with tell you exactly what the ’ Sear Roe . . . 58 4i 57% 58V4 fore his father's death. anywhere else is concerned I have in a Berlin stadium has been re­ tine, India. Australia, South Afri­ which is expected^ to he worth at i fourteen, Washington, Madison, component parts are. But I 3 O of N J . . 37% 37% 37% Peasant Party .Aid Polk, Buchanan and a cup of coffee will puzzle no superstition.” ceived, Levine said. ca. Soudon, Japan, Canada, Mexi­ least $3,000,000 this year, has ad-j Jackson, I Couth Pac . .114% 114% 114% Carol was told that if he would co, Nicaragua, Cuba, Columbia, vanced so far that the New Haven t Hardin.n had none. Buchanan was the greatest chemist that ! Studebaker . . 50% 5034 50 "4 Lindbergh continues to be flood­ ask Premier Averescu for permis­ ■‘We are rejecting all offers of a ever lived. He cannot tell ed -with invitations from all parts purely commercial cbai'acter.” >;ald Chile, Argentine and Brazil. It County Farm Burea\i will hold a| a bachelor, ; Tob Prod . . .102% 102% 102 4i sion to make a brief visit to the will be world-wide in fact. hay-cutting demonstration at | you where the beans grew, 176 of the United States- In discussing Levine, ‘ fo;- we want it underst»od j Un Pac ...... 176 % 176 king’s bedside, the peasant party Foreign delegates to the number .Barnes brothers’ farm, Wallingford, w'hat their names are, and 40% deputies in the Rumanian parlia­ that we didn’t risk our lives for in what proportion they’re I F S Rubber . 41 ”4 40% this situation he said; of 125 are expected. AJready more next Tuesday. That hay will be the I U S St com . . 123 % 12 3 123 His Message ment were ready to insist that this money. It*wa» sport for us- We than 100 have been registered. An blended. permission be granted. The sym­ might accept some of these offers, first to be cut in the state, the LAKESIDE CASINO 1 Wabash Pfd A 100% 100^4 100% ‘‘Please tell the American people equal number of United States Farm Bureau reported today, and Coffee blending is more i Willys Over .. 18 34 18% pathy of the entire country -.vould however, and turn the proceeds than a science, it’s a fine I appreciate the many invitations delegates Will attend. Russia alone indications are that a record hay So. Coventry force the government to yield and over to charity.” will send 17. They will come as art. YUBAN is an expres­ sent to me, but it is impossible to crop will be harvested this ;.'ear. a delegation of peasant party individua's and not as official rep­ sion of that art in its high- answer them all now. I have re­ members would meet Carol at the Connecticut farmers are buying $6,- DANCING SATURDAY EVG. MAY PURCHASE SITE resentatives of the Soviet govern­ est development. The GOMEZ RESIGNS ceived-.hundred^ of toem while .t

^ArTvr%mEfiV MOTHBSTER W NN.) evening herald, FRIDAY, JUNE 10.192t.

of the Center Congregational church of South Manchester will GRAHAM WAS DOOMED, ACCLAIM WATKINS FAILS TO S0PPORT 1 address the graduating class on the ' la R o c k v i l l e occasion of the class graduation on IN PHYSICIANS’ BELIEF June 22. FATHER OF HOSPITAL Miss Hale Valedictorian FAMILY; BUYS CAR Ml Miss Dorothy Hale of Ellington Brain Tumor W as Incurable is to be the valedictorian of the CITY DISPLEASED graduating class of the Rockville and Surgery Would Have High school and not Miss Beatrice Had Little Chance. •Trustees, In Resolution, Call Burns, as has been stated. Miss Maachester Man In Court To­ Burns is to be the salutatorlan, The condition, a tumor of the . AT TAX INCREASE there being but 20-100 difference in day— Must Pay $14 a brain, which caused the sudden Retired President First to An Unusual Opportunity the standing of the two for the' death of George F. Graham of Wel­ four yeai-i. ^ come street on Wednesday evening, -IN- Week, Judge Orders^ was one which medical skill could Vitalize Vision. Plummer— Coughlin i not have helped, it was said today Residents Thought 91*2 Mill The marriage of Miss Margaret by one of the physicians who had Mary Coughlin, daughter of Mr. been in attendance upon him. C. Elmore Watkins, who recent­ and Mrs. M. J. Coughlin of Harri­ Thomas Humplirey of Birch Mr. Graham, it was said, had Dining Suites Rate Would Stand— Seek son Plate, Hartford to Francis Mountain road was brought into ly resigned as president of the/ been ailing for a long time, but the Boa»d of Trustees of Manchester} .Norton Plummer, son of Mr. and court this morning on a charge of ailment was brought to the atten­ $1,000 Sewer Fund. .Mrs. Lawrence Plummer of Rock­ non-support. Humphrey has a wife tion of his family only a week or so Memorial hospital after eight years’ I ENTIRE LINE OF FLOOR SAMPLES MARKED DOWN ville took place Wednesday morn- and four children, the oldest being ago. At that time he had had a I service, and who was largely re-1 ins at St. Joseph's Cathedral, Hart­ a little over five years. From the bad spell and a local doctor was sponsible for the erection of the Here is value. Get your dining room suite while they ai'e priced low. All our ford at 9 o'clock. Rev. Andrew testimony of both Humphrey and called. Although at that time hospital, was paid a warm tribute sample suites to be moved out to make room for new arrivals. You have a whole year (8(>ecial to The Herald) Kelly performed the ceremony and his xvife in the police court this the tumor had become serious, it by the members of the board at a was the celebrant at the solemn to pay at these reduced prices. Rockville. June 10.— Tlie an­ morning their marital relations was said that the case was extreme­ meeting held at the hospital yes­ nuptial mass. The church was terday afternoon. The following nouncement that the tax rate that have been anything but pleasant. ly difficult to diagnose and al­ decorated with ferns, palms and Humphrey left his family on Mem­ though physicians suspected the resolution was adopted; ■\ the common council will recom­ spring flowe s. Miss Pena Baldwin orial day without any visible means condition, they could not make a "The Trustees of the Manchester sang during the ceremony and Miss mend to the city meeting on Tues­ of support. It was necessary for t're positive diagnosis. Memorial Hospital accept with the day of ne.xt week will be 11 mills Gladys Lilly played the violin. town to give them aid. His wife lo­ The attending physician said al­ greatest regret the resignation of is not pleasing to the residents of The bride, who was given in cated him in Holyoke and when sh''^| so that there are only two or three Mr. C. Elmore Watkins as Presi­ Rockville. Last year the tax was marriage by her father, wore a threatened to bring him back, lie surgeons in the country who would dent of the Board. 9 mills and at the regular city gown of bridal satin trimmed with ’-2 returned to town. have had more than doubtful suc­ “They recognize that he was meeting the budget presented gave princess lace. Her veil' was of cess in the performing of such an Humphrey is employed by L. T. among that small group of public the impression that the tax rate tulle and princess lace beiu,? opeisiiion. for the procedure des­ spirited citizens who realized that caught with orange blossoms. She Wood the ice mam The fact that would be sufficient and correspond troys a great deal of the brain tis­ a hospital was needed in the town with the old tax rate. carried a bouquet of roses and lil- he had a wife and four children to I support did not stop him from bor- sue. of Manchester and that he was the A. In addition to this tar there is ies-of-the-valley. Miss Ann C. People along Mr. Graham’s roxs'lng the money to buy a Ford first to translate that vision into also the town tax of Vernon which Coughlin, sister of the bride, was route, some of them his bakery the maid of honor. She wore a automobile. His te.stimony in court action. He took an active part iu comes upon the city tax for customers, were aware of his sus­ all the initial work which preceded living in the city limits, which will dress of green georgette over pink that he stood ready to support liis ceptibility to bad headache spells. and a large pictu hat to match. familv d'd rot tally with his ar- the actual organization of the Board bring the total tax rate that the The funeral will be held tomor­ of Trustees. residents of Rockville will have to She carried an arm bouquet of i tions. row afternoon at 31 Wadsworth Judge Jolii.'nin found liim guilty "For the first eight years of the pay to 2-1 mills, it is expected that premier rosebuds. Miss Margaret street at 3 o’clock and later at St Plummer, sister of the groom and ant! sentei'.ced him to jail for 3'' hospital's existence he has acted as the city meeting will be, largely at­ .Mary’s Episcopal church. The Miss Esta Clair Ramsey who were days, lie then suspended the jail president. He has given generously tended. service at the home will be private the bridesmaids wore dresses of sent-jnee on condition that he pay and Avill be attended mainly by of his time to the problem of edu-| In addition to thi.s the council is flesh colored georigette with large his wife ?14 a week for the support eating the public to the needs of the a. = king for an appropriation of ?!.- members of the family. At the picture hits to match and carried of his family. The money is to bo church the service will be in charge hospital. Exact knowledge of exist-} ■'MiO for the work that .s to be done arm bouquets of Ophelia roses and paid through Probation Officer Ed­ ing conditions, combined with a| an the filtration .system. The metli- of Rev. James Stuart Neill, rector, See this bargain tomorrow! It is an amazing value. Walnut over gumwood i n ­ sweet peas. ward Elliott. A bond of $200 was and Rev. Robert Johnson, former- clever vision as to the future needs } ad of sewer disjiosal is one that has Following the ceremony a recep­ and policy of the hospital, has char- j struction, perfectlv matched veneers with a delightful finish in walnut. The eight i : ceti long under consideration be- required for the ‘'.arryin,g out of the erly of this town, but now of "West tion was held at the home of the order of the court. Huraohrey was acterized his administration. I 'ause of claims being made that Haven. pieces to’ go at S99.50, regular price ?145. China extra at $28.00. bride's parents, after which Mr. detained at the police court until “ He deserves and has earned the j the septic tank that i.s used is not The bearers will be William and Mrs. Plummer left for their bonds could be secured. Stevenson. Clarence Laking. Hen­ thanks of the Trustees, the Staff, | 'ufTicient to take care of the work wedding trip to Thousand Islands, the patients and the public.’’ 1 •xpccted, due to the gum and dye- ry Weir, Peter Wind, Leslie Robin­ EIGHT PIECE SUITE Another Good Dining Suite Canada and New York. They will son and Walter Walsh. Other business of the hoard in­ bluffs that are disposed of through be at home after June 2 at No. 150 WATER AND SEWER PIPES cluded the appointment of Dr. Ed- ihe mills. The state is conducting Yance street. New Britain. xvard C. Higgins, M. D., heretofore $ 129.50 $ 149.50 s general campaign against the po­ The groom’s gift to his bride a member of the hospital staff, as Regular price $215 rtion of streams and the money Regular Price $172.50 was a purse of gold and to his best FOR HOIL’S TWO TRACTS a member of the active staff in the A very popular suite all season, that has sim­ 6 pieces. A real fine suite at a very low which is being asked for will be man a white gold cigarette case. He department of surgery and the ap­ price. You cannot afford to pass it up. presented the ushers with sterling plicity and charm. China extra at $40. used in the general cleaning up of pointment of Dr. Howard Boyd as he sonic tanks and for the survey- silver cigarette li,ghters. ^ The Half Mile of Trench Being Dug bride presented her maid of honor an assistant in the department of Don't Forget Our .June Offer on ng of the conditions tliat now ex- In Two Subdivisions Here; surgery. bt which will give to Rockville a with a white gold bracelet set with Parlor Suites! "letter sesver system. This work sapphires and to each bridesmaid a Recent Sales. beaded bag. The soloists were pre­ ■\ .Set of Slif) Covers Free With Each will be clone by an out of town The South Manchester Sanitary Suite Sold. nan to be recotnmended by the sented with gold brooches. Notes and Sewer district and the South Mate commissioner, who is experi­ Manchester Water Company are COLCHESTER’S D. A. R. 9 THREE PIECE SUITE IN MOHAIR enced in this work. Yincent Finley of Chestnut street is ill at the Rockville, hospital. laying water and sewer mains .$211,50 Cliaiige in Bond Issue through the Hollywood tract on bonds Harry C. Dowding has purchased The monthly meeting of the coun­ SEAT NEW OFFICERS When Rockville issued its Porter street. The work will be (,\ Full Yetir to Ihij.) ago it a Buick sedan. cil was held at the new Girl Scout for sewer work thirty years completed within a very few days .\nd a -Set of .Sli|i Covers I'ree. iirovided for a sinking fund to re- Mr. and Mr.s. Walter Daniels camp, June 4th. have returned to their home in and then the new trench digger will Following this meeting, the coun­ If you pay too little for your suite you are tire the bonds at the end of the be removed to E. J. Holl's Bluefield Meeting of Col. Champion j pa.' iug too much. You will find that by addin,g :hirt’- years, iti additioit to CP pin ^ Philadelphia after spending several cil entertained the Brownies’ and days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. subdivision on the West side where Chapter Held at Home of the| a little more money and buying a more expen­ ip the interest payments such, it the same xvork will be done. It is Girl Scouts at a picnic. sive set that the cliarm of the furniture lasts TOW appears, was not done and Hugo Gross of Windermere avenue. About 175 attended. Everyone Misses Dav. i Mrs. John Wilson and daughter, estimated that about half a mile of many years. .More thought is given to con­ when the bonds are paid in Jul.v sewer and water mains will be in­ had a glorious time In spite of the struction and the hidden details, unseen in the there will he but J15.000 Ir the Doris, of Broad Brook were the rain late in the afternoon. All the Special to The Herald. guests of Mrs. George Herzog on stalled in both tracts. finished piece, are worked out almost to perfec­ b. nkiug fund to pay thi.s with. Manchester has reason to feel girls were delighted with their Colchester, June 10.— The regu-i tion. ' The new bond issue of .'>54,000, Wednesday. lar monthliy meeting of the Colonel I Miss Imelda Spurliug was given proud of the Hollywood tract, its camp and are already looking for­ if vhich amount ?4h,000 is b.eing attractively laid out streets and re­ ward to hikes this summer. Henry Champion Chapter of the "iffered for sale, will not be the a miscellaneous shower on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Alice stricted one-family dwellings. Blue- The drum and bugle corps will Daughters of the American Revolu-} = ame kind of a bond, but musf be Hammond on Grove street. There fields will be an equally desirable meet every other Wednesday night tion was held at the home of the| :n serial form, payments being were sixteen of Miss Spurling's residential section. These attrac­ at 7 p. m, at the Franklin school Misses Elizabeth and Susan Day in G. E. Keith Furniture Co., Inc. made over a period of years much friends present. During the even­ tive liome sites which abound basement beginning this week for Colchester, Wednesday atternobu. shorter than in the past. In fact, it ing a social time was held after throughout the confines of the town all summer. On this occasion the newly elected CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. is expected' that the bonds when is­ which Miss Spurling was presented should prove a strong inducemept Monday, June 6, a home nursing officers assumed their positions ana sued will provide for a payment of with many beautiful gifts. She will to city-employed men to establish course of three lessons for second the meeting was presided over by about J3.500 a year and this will be married to Clarence Neff of suburban homes here. class scouts was started at the Mrs. Frederick Bock, the new re­ clear this issue up in about half Yernon avenue June 14. Recent sales of lots in the Holly­ gent. of the time that it was expected hospital under the direction of Miss The Ladies’ Auxiliary, A. O. H. wood tract reported by Edward J. Ogden. Any Scout who missed the The presence of several visitors the first issue was to be paid for. will hold a meeting on Saturday Holl are: Lot 68, Wellington Road, from various state organizations iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiinimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHi In order to have this change legal first lesson can make it up and start evening in Foresters’ hall at 8:15 tp William and Anna Waddell; Lot next Monday night. added interest to the occasion. Af­ HURLEY IN CONFERENCE he agents have had the matter and all members are requested to ' 49, Scarborough Road, to Sherwood ter the close of a short business brought to the attention of the bs present for the transaction of The following have passed the H. Goslee; Lot 48, Scarborough First Aid Course which was given meeting Mrs. Clarence H. Wickham, "'ouncil and they will recommend important business. Road, to Earl Goslee; Lot 47, Scar­ by Dr. Knapp and have received former regent of Ruth Wyllis Chap­ WITHNOONEONMURDERli -hat this particular change be Miss Mary Evelyn McCarthy, borough Road, to Collis Goslee; ter, Hartford, and state correspond­ their National Red Cross certifi­ FRADIN'S iiade. The Legislature, is no longer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Autumn street, to Gustave Johnson; ing secretary, gave a short address, cates; Captains Shaw, Jamroga, granting to towns, cities or dis­ McCarthy of West Main street, will Lot 67, Wellington Road to Robert bringing greetings from her chapter Jenson and Stave; Lieutenants, tricts a right to issue bonds unless graduate from Mt. St. Joseph's Gordon. and telling interestingly of the Cline Case Subject, But Neith- (hey are to be in serial form, which Academy in Hartford on Friday. Emily Smith, Ruth Cheney: Scouts, work of corresponding secretary,. er Makes Statement For June Stock Reducing will be the form of bond that is Genevieve Eddy, Bessie Forbes, James A. Galavan of Rockville Miss Florence M. Crofut, also of the . Publication. I: being issued in the refunding of received a special prize at the Gar­ Grace Giglio, Ellen Rieg Ruth Wyllis chapter, and state the sewer debt. Had this method den Club Flower Show held in the ABOUT TOWN Troop 6 chairman of National D. A. R. com­ been followed in the past it would Center Congregational church in Last Saturday eighteen girls hik­ (.Special to The Herald) S a l e mittee for the preservation of his­ Rockville, June 10.— There was have made it possible to have the Manchester this week. The prize Stuart J. Wasley left this after­ ed to camp. All had a jolly good toric spots also gave an interesting jio comment to be made today as a lull issue paid for by this time in­ is’as awarded for the collection of noon for Storrs to attend the ban­ lime. quet this evening of Theta Sigma address In which she made a plett result of a conference held yester­ Now in Progress stead of requiring the issuing of a pansies on exhibit. The troop registered this month for the instilling of reverence to-1 refunding bond issue as is the case Porter Blinu, for many years Chi fraternity, which is part of the day afternoon between Robert T. with twenty-two girls. Margaret ward all places and monuments as-! Hurley, head of the state police now. novelty barber of Rockville and commencement events at Connect­ Waterman Is the new second lieu­ icut Agricultural college. soclated with the history of our department and his assistants, held Pierson Leaxe.s Tomorrow John Loalho. famous clarinet play­ tenant. Coats And Dresses A t Senator Martin Pierson, who has er. will operate the new filling sta­ country. She urged that each chap­ at the office of State’s Attorney Manager .Jack Sanson of .ha So far two of the girls have ter should appoint a chairman to 'Thomas Noone late yesterday aft­ •l>een in charge of the highway work tion being erected at Leonard's registered for W’inchelo Camp this corner. Both men are spending State theater announced today that serve locally. Mrs. Bock accordingly ernoon concerning the killing of in the city of Rockville and who re­ summer. signed at the meeting of the council much of their spare time grading he had secured ac an added feature named Mrs. Harriet Day of East William Irwin in which Leonard Real Savings off the property. for the program on Sunday and The following girls have passed Hampton to serve in that capacity. Cline, now in jail in Tolland is held Monday night is to leave his the bed making test: Alice Fred­ j'resent position on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. James Dick of High Monday "Lindbergh’s Race to She was followed by Mrs. John awaiting the decision of the grand -this week. .street will spend the summer i'n Paris ’ a picture showing every step erick, Yirginia Baldwin, Ellen Reig, C. Gallup of Moosup, state counsel­ jury which convenes here on Mon- ".\ot Employed Here" Katonah, N. Y. of the famous hop. Ella Peckham, Sylvia Smith. lor of the Deborah Avery Putnam dav. Yesterday's issue of the New Hartman Schmidt, instructor in The following girls have passed Chapter, Plainfield. Mrs. Adams of ■ Sheriff Vinton of this county York Journal of Commerce in com­ the Lowell Textile school of Low- John Gibson, who makes his the obse’’vation test: Virginia Bald­ the same chapter also spoke brief­ has selected the men to serve on menting upon the resignation of ell. Mass., was a visitor in town on home with his daughter, Mrs. Ralph win, Olga Hubbard, Alice Neil, ly. Letters of regret were read by the grand jury and it is expected HATS Prederick Norton Belding as vice- Thursday. Rockwell of 8 6 Oakland street, left Violet Philips, the secretary from other prominent tliat Dennis J. McCarthy of Rock­ Jiresident and a director of the Kiowa Council, Degree of Poca­ this morning for Old Orchard, Marjory Kelsey passed the health members of the D. A. R. in differ­ ville will be the foreman, he being Hcmingway-Belding Silk Company hontas, will hold an important Maine, where he is accustomed to test. ent parts of the state who were un­ a lawyer and in all cases of this Special Tomorrow; sa.'s that .Mr. Belding in his resig­ meeting on Friday evening when spend his summers. The troop had ten visitors. Mrs. able to be present. Mrs. Robert S- kind where a bill for murder in the installation of officers will-be held. Edward AYeeden and four girls Brown, secretary, reported that first degree is asked for the grand nation did so because he nor his Mrs. Charles Jondrow of Er.-.t brother, who resi.gned a year ago, The service at the Salvation from Vernon ■were among the num­ Revolutionary markers would be jury is headed by a lawyer. Main street has entere* the Kock- Army citadel this evening will be ber. Mrs. George AATIcox also visit­ placed on the graves of three Revo­ ' In his cell at Tolland Cline Is xerre not in accord with the policies ille hospital where she will under­ of the Heiningwa.t-Belding Com- conducted by Rev. J. A. Anderson ed. lutionary patriots of Colchester, being allowed the use of a type­ $ go an operation. pany. of the Swedish Congregational Gad Worthington, Joseph Day and writer which he is using under 2.00 •..r. and Mrs. Walter Braman of It fiinlirr throws light on the church on Spruce street. The ser­ Gamaliel Tracy. This will take place guard while he is pounding out a Thompson street have returned vice will commence at 7:30. on the third Sunday of June and story. There is more or less interest .situation of the proposed actions of a week's motor trip through JITNEY PLAYERS OPEN New Summer styles in a va- J will be observed with proper 'cere­ being shown in the story that he is tlie Hcmingway-Belding Company the state. in slating that it did not have any Mrs. G .E. lYillis of East Centei- monies. Louis Day of Hartford, a xyriting as it may have some bear­ riet.v of styles, sizes and col- * The Luther League of the First street who was removed to the IN NEW HAVEN MONDAY descendant of Joseph Day has been ing on the story that is to be un­ bearing on the jiroposed merger of Evangelical Lutheran church will folded in the trial when it is pre­ Ol’S. a number of large silk manufac­ Memorial hospital last Tuesday for engaged as one of the speakers. go to Broad Brook tonight where a serious operation, is making fa­ Other speakers will be secured if sented to a jury in this county. The turers around which the Belding- they will present the play "Get­ name of the book is .«aid to be Hemingway Company was to be the vorable progress toward recovery. Mrs- Cheney Recovered From possible. Regular $4.98 Values | ting Acquainted With Madge.” Illness— Booked Through to VThe Dark Chamber.” bjisic comitany. That the work of They will repeat this by request At the close of the exercises the this consolidation has been under TRUE.MAN AND BAUSOLA company adjourned to the dining for ’the benefit of the Young Peo­ HIGH GUNS AT TRAPS Middle of September. consideration for some time is evi­ ple's society of the Congregational room where they were served coffee, dent by the statement of the New tea and cakes. A visit was made to church of Broad Brook. Joseph Trueman and John Bau- Contrary to an impression gained iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiimimimiiiiiimiimiiinniiiiiiimiimmiiLi York" paper and it also says that in Manchester the Jitney Players, the Nathaniel Foote Chapter house JENSEN A DELEGATE brokers and banking interests who sola were high men in the weekly where the interesting collection of trap shoot of the Manchester Rod originated by Bushnell Cheney of arc behind the project admit that this town will play this season. antiques was inspected. A visit was through public gatherings. ; Lite work of a big merger is under MILL WORKER BURNED and Gun club at the Rainbow Inn also made to the spacious gardens ■ AT REALTORS’ MEETING at Bolton yesterday afternoon. Nine Their engagement in Manchester Miss Eunice Porter who is taking consideration and that the plans was cancelled because of the Illness of the Misses Bigelow. HEBRON a course* of training as i nurse at have not been dropped, but that it members of the club participated It was announced that the July AS HE "PULLS” FUSE and some good scores were record­ of Mrs. Cheney (Alice Keating) but ■Middlese'x hospital: .Middletown- xvill be several weeks before the en­ according to an announcement meeting would be one of particular John Jensen, of the Green, was spent Tuesday night and Wednes tire merger is completed. ed. interest. At this time Mrs. Freder­ made by General Manager Richard a delegate at the gathering of Con­ J. E.anks Jones, health officer and | clay at the home of her parents, Mr call at the office of Belding- These shoots are held on Thurs­ ick Latimer of the Ruth Wyllis necticut Real Estate Men at the day and Saturdays and are open to S. -Aldrich the Players will open in Miss -Margaret Danehy, school j and -Mrs. Tl. Clinton Porter. Hemiiigway office in this place this George H. Carter, an engineer New Haven next Monday and have Chapter will speak on the subject Hotel Bond in Hartford yesterday. The Rev. T. D. Martin was morning brought the information the public. Shells and clay pigeons of Ellis Island. Miss Elizabeth Day nurse, met Dr. C E- Pendleton of ' employed by the Orford Soap Com­ engagements for every night There were sixteen state organiza­ present at the graduation e.xercises are sold ; the Inn by the club at of Colchester, will speak of the life Colchester at the Center school \ "Mr. Belding is not employed pany, was badly burned while at through to the middle of Septem­ tions represented. After the busi­ at Berkeley Divinity School in Mid‘- here." He has moved out all his the same prices as they may be pur­ and times of Thomas Jefferson. 'i^'ednesday forenoon to investigate 1 work at the plant on Hilliard street ber. ness meeting iu the afternoon and a dletown on Tuesday. belongings and following a tip that chased for in stores in Manchester. Day has made a study of this sub­ 'several cases of suspected whoop- ' about midnight last night. Carter Alice Keating, Frances Simpson, banquet those present listened to •Mr. and Mr.s. D. Kellogg ol he might be found at the postoffice was pulling a fuse on a switchboard In addition to Trueman and Bau- ject and has visited the locality as­ an address by Harry P. Turner, of iug cough. The urchins affected the reporter went there, but learn­ sola. the following men took part; Arthur Sircom, Richard Skinner sociated with the life and times of were invited to cough for the visi- , Saybrook were guests ot tlieir sis­ when he formed an arc through and Joaquin Souther are with the Lynn, Mass.. New England Regional ter, Miss Caroline E. Kellogg on ed that Belding had gone and that contact with "live” parts on the. Alfred Graezel, Howard Smith, this great patriot. Vice President of the organization. tors and did so to the best of thei'- ' he liad just rented a postoffice box Clarence Smith, George A. Johnson, Jitney Players again this season. ability. It was decided, however, : Wednesday.' board. His arm and face were badlj^ Newcomers in the cast will be Her­ Mr. Jensen was mads a member I for his .own persoHal use and was burned. He was taken to the hospi­ Charles Robbins, Dr. Sch'reiber and of a committee, to arraqge for the that the cases were probably not not to have his mall placed in the Edward Elliott. Jr. bert V. Gellendre, who has played TO HONOR CH.AMBERLIN whooping cough. Health offict'f tal and he was resting as comforta­ in repertory in Philadelphia during annual outing which will b'e held at drawer of the Belding-Hemingway bly as can be expected today. Storrs on June'22. Over.H,6l)b in­ Jones thought it wise in spite oi STEEL ORDERS Company any longer. RE.MOVALS the past winter, Gene Mafnus, who Washington, June 10.— Clarence vitations to real estate men of the that fact, to warn parents who fear Hoard of Relief .Meets Tonijdit ! has just arrived from Australia D. Chamberlin may Be made a brig­ the contagion to remain away from , ! where she played with the Sydney adier general in the Iowa National state will be sent out for this out­ New York, June 10.— Unfilleii ■ The city board of relief will be ISSUES REQUISITION Only six removals were reported graduation exercises which will ! orders of the United States Ste6l in session thl* evening for the fin­ here today; Mrs. Ellen Modeau re­ Repertory Company, and Kii'by Guard. ing, the local man announced to­ Gov. Hammlll of Iowa, after a day. take place next Wednesday eve-j Corporation decreased 405,191 al hearing of the year to hear such Hartford, Conn., June 10.— Gov. moved from West Center street to Hawkes, of Cambridge University, ning'or at least to keep children conference at the Whi'e House to­ tons in the 'month ended May 3l, omplaints and requests for reduc- John H. Trumbull today issued a 25 Trotter; David Galligan to 5 England and who has been assis­ away. Though the cases in the cen­ tant director at Hart House Thea­ day said the question was being the corporation stated in its month­ fons in the property valuation as requisition on the governor of Orchard street; J. D. Glldersleeve, ter may not be dangerous there ly report today. hose who feel that they have Pennsylvania for the extradition 207 Center street, to Saybrook; ter, Toronto, Canada. considered but’ some special act may have to be passed as Chamber­ are in other parts of the town Forward orders on May 31 to­ •ause in asking can appear. of Frank Babanec, who is wanted Fred De Hope, 80 Main street to 30 taled 3.050.941 tons against 3,- Colt's Band at Lawn Fete Satur­ lin is not a member of the Iowa genuine cases of whooping cough. 'Will .IddresB Graduating Class in Bridgeport n a theft charge. He Alton street; Frank Bokus, 198 Read Herald Advs This disease is often snread 649.250 on May 31. 1926, Rev. Watson Woodruff, pastor in being held at Lansford. Pa. Middle Turnnike East, to Rockville. day night.— Adv. Guard. r IPAGEFOUR MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1927. w - Mark Bass of New York is hav­ Herbert Thompson and Charles Mohammedans began the year Macedonians in September, Per­ Aren’t We Progressing ing a bungalow built on the Hebron Backus were among those who at­ on July 1, Athenians in June, Ro­ sians, August 11, and the ancient ANDOVER road near his sister, Mrs. Edwin tended the services of the North- mans in March, later in January, Mexicans on February 23. Cook. field Seminary Sunday. Mrs. Edward Nicollne of Hart­ Among the visitors at Mrs. Jan- There will be a special business meeting of the local Grange in the ford is spending a few days with IK 1 0 0 0 A B c y f ett Smith’s Sunday were Mr. and her mother, Mrs. Ellen Jones. Mrs. Tryon Smith and three chil­ Town hall Thursday evening. ABIGiaiD A GAL dren. also several of Mrs. Smith’s The Ladies’ Benevolent society Charles Phelps who has been cousins from Rockville and Hart­ will meet Thursday afternoon at spending a few days at home re­ Notice To Housewives ford. • • the home of Mrs. George Stanley turned to Yale College Wednesday There was a large audience at instead of at Mrs. Emily Cobb’s. morning. Afternoon Riding Lessons at Special the Town hall Monday, it being Rev. John H. Fitzgerald of Bay- Miss Sallie Newton has returned Housewives Rates. children’s night in the local ridge, L. I., spent Monday night from the Western University in Grange, the school children pro- with her mother, Mrs. Helen Fitz­ Oxford, Ohio and Carrol Wright Saddle Horses to Rent viding the entertainment, After gerald. from Newcastle, Indiana where he the entertainment ice cream and has been at school the past year. wafers were served to the chil- At the business meeting of the Silver Lane Riding Club dren. Christian Endeavor society Sun­ Marvel Hunt is at home from Mrs. Frank Hamilton was in day evening, it was voted to invite Hartford hospital. He is getting SILVER LANE ROAD Willimantic Tuesday. Mrs. Hamil­ the Mansfield Endeavor society along quite nicely now but still has Telephone 95-4. Opposite Hillstown Road ton has been having trouble with here June 19 and to take charge of his leg in a cast. He will go back her teeth for some time. Drs. the meeting. to the hospital for treatment in Hendry and Jones are treating her. Mr .and Mrs. Ward Talbot, Mrs. four weeks. IN 1 92 0 Aiiwre-B ^ ( 4 . ‘ / AfCDA It’s the End— The Climax— The Finish!! Economy’s Drumbeats Summons All Thrifty People!! TOMORROW, SATURDAY AT 9 a. m. HURRY, FOLKS HURRY!


i'flUST TO THE BE BARE WAPPING AMERICAN ELECTED BOLTON STORE EMPTIED WAUS Ralph F. Baker of Waltham, HEAD OF ROTARIANS Children’s Day will be observed Mass., and Miss Ida D. Soar of Bos­ Sunday at the Center church. There ton, Mass., were married at 7 p. m. will be special music by the choir. Saturday, at the home of Mr. and Arthur Sapp, of Indiana Chos­ Miss Janet Hoyt of Pennsylvania V at 9 a. m. MEYER-HARRISON BOOTERY Mrs. Gray Churchward of Laurel en President of International is a guest of Miss Ruth Jones. Hill, Wapping. Rev. Truman H. Organization In Belgium. A picnic party from Hartford Woodward officiated. The bride is a was entertained at Alvord Acres We say it boldly for the native of Sydney, Austra^a. Ostend, Belgium, June 10.—Ar­ Tuesday evening. The Blue Triangle club will hold Airs. R. K. Jones and son, Jun­ Its meeting at the parsonage on thur Sapp, of Huntington, Indiana, values are here to back today was elected president of the ior, spent the week-end at North- Tuesday evening. There are to be field Seminary and attended the jevcral new candidates Initiated. Rotary International without oppo­ sition. The balloting lasted from graduation of Miss Ruth Jones. it up. There is to be a baseball game eight to eleven o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Strong of between the Wapping and Buckland “ I feel that the highest interna­ Manchester spent the week-end boys at the Wapping grounds next tional honor has been conferred up­ with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Friday afternoon. on me,” President-Elect Sapp told Frank Strong. Going Out ’The Y. M. C. A. held a meeting International News Service. "The John Massolini has returned at the parish house Tuesday e.’eu- Ostend convention is the greatest from the Hartford Hospital after Positively Yes! ^ * B ing to discuss plans for a lawn fete. ever held up to date, but we hope having his tonsils and adenoids re­ They now plan to have it Friday that next year’s will be even better. moved. evening, June 24. I expect fb push the extension of Games of baseball were played U1 c The. Harmony Whist club held the Rotary movement, particularly at the center Field Day. Center and sa ^ its last meeting until next fall, in Germany, as hard as possible North school won. at the home of Mrs. Wilbur C. Hills during my term of office.” There will be an outing for the on Monday afternoon. The gather­ At the first meeting of the new ladles Friday under the direction w e Quit! ^ ing took the form of a party. The board of directors on Friday, Pres­ of the Farm Bureau. They will in­ Business] tables were decorated with yellow ident-Elect Sapp will make a spect the home of Mrs. Frank Col­ iris with favors and jokes, after speech in which he is expected to lins in Bolton, Mrs. Charles AVright IF THE TONGUES OF YOUR SHOES COULD SPEAK THEY WOULD &.VY JUMP IN WITH BOTH which they all had their pictures voice the hope that the Rotary pro­ and Mrs. Benton in Andover and FEET. BUY NOW and SAVE SHOES for the WHOLE FAMILY. NO MATTER where you LIVE MAKE taken. gram be internationalized. Mrs. AA’elch in Columbia. EVERY EFFORT to get to this SELLING OUT SALE BECAUSE we are OFFERING INDUCEMENTS so EX­ Mrs. Mary Pasqualini of Avery Those favoring internationaliza­ Miss Dora Pinney of South Man­ TRAORDINARY that no EFFORT SHOULD BE TOO GREAT FOR ECONOMICAL BUYERS to COME and street, South Windsor, returned to tion point out that, if the Rotary chester spent the week-ead with her home from the Manchester organization’s activities are really Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pinney. PROFIT by THE SENSATIONAL BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING TOMORROW, SATURDAY, AT 9 A. M. Memorial hospital last Sunday, to become international in scope, it Mr. and Mrs. Harold Griswold of where she has been for over a is necessary that the program Hartford spent Sunday at their cot­ week. "should meet not only the views of tage. The graduating class of the Wap- the majority of Rotarians, who are Children’s Boys’ Crepe Men’s Oxfords Ladies’ Pumps P’.ng Cent:- school wih hold their now unquestionably Anglo-Saxon, The motor car will eventually for the young men that de­ The latest creation in class party at the home of Mr. and but also the other races and na­ drive people underground,” says a Strap Pumps Sole Sneaks mand the utmost in style Summer Footwear at the Mrs. John W. Watson of Vernon tionalities that go to form the traffic expert. It does now if it hits i street, Manchester Green, on Satur- great family of Rotarians through­ An ordinary sale means wear and appearance can Jowest possible price will be a man hard enough. Mothers and the little | 3ay evening, June 11. out the world.'' price reductions. But on buy a good pair of Oxfords, the by-word with us for Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dewey ones Avill marvel at this of­ now for a small price. tomorrow. ind Mrs. Henry Nevers motored fer. NeAv summer style] this selling out sale you will lown to their cottage at Camp find the prices smashed to A record-breaker for price. Pumps for children. Bethol, Tylerville, last Wednesday atoms. GOODYEAR WELTS. ind spent the day. SELLING OUT Mrs. Susie S. Waters has been OUT THEY GO OUT THEY GO a guest recently at the home of SELLING OUT her cousin. .Air. and Mrs. Charles G. K cjx C o . fkci SELLING OUT SELLING OUT OUT THEY GO Lon.g at Bolton. The Federated Workers served Hartford a dinner to the Duncan Phyfe club % of AVatkins Brothers. South Man­ Free Telephone Ser\ ice from Manchester, Call 1500 chester on AA'ednesday evening at $1.25 S5c $2.95 $2.45 the AVapping Center school hall. Delano AVheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph AAUieeler and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Grant of this place, read the class will at the Our June Sale of class night exercises of the gradu­ ating class of AV'eaver High school f of Hartford. The officers and entertainment committee of the old North School association, held a business meet­ ing at the home of their president. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Collins last WaD Paper Saturday evening to plan for its fifth annual reunion, which will be held Saturday afternoon, June 25. SpeddhSatuii^ Offers Unusual Values It is a radical move to cut prices as Ave have but must is master Lloyd Hevenor has been ill with the grip this week at his home now: here. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Collins ROOM LOTS, of all netv papers from our regular stock The biggest bargain day of the sale aAvaits you. The Price Bai'- and son Ralph were Sunday Enough for a room 12x12 feet square. 10 rolls of pa­ riers are Down Ladies! It Avill be a wise move on your part if you guests of Commissioner AA'hittlesey per and 20 yards of border in the lot. ^ i A€\ Avill buy every dollar’s worth of these bargains that your purse will at his summer home at Morris, FoiTnerly $3.60, per l o t ...... V ^ • T fJ / permit. We will guarantee that tomorrow there will not be a custom­ Conn. er in our store who Avill not be highly elated with the savings they will HIGH GRADE PAPER, in a very good selection suitable enjoy without any frills. We are going to give you the greatest val­ for any room in your home. Formerly ues ever placed before you. TEST ANSWERS sold from 35c to 49c a r o ll...... 29c 1500 Pairs of Ladies’ Brand New Summer

1— "None,” contraction of "no All Our Best Quality Paper Reduced Footwear Going a t ...... one,” should be used with the singular verb “ was.” 25 to 50% 2— "He don’t” is Incorrect. "Don’t” Is a contraction of “do MEN’S O’DONNELL’S AND A BIG GROUP OF not.” You would not say, “ He do not.” Say, "He doesn’t.” WALL MARK 3— The principal parts of lie Prepared Iron Last Boys’ Shoes are: infinitive, to lie; past tense, Black and Brown! lay; past participle, lain. Oxfords and High Shoes 4— “ The hen has lain an egg,” House Paint are world renown for their style; com­ Good strong, sturdy shoes for real is Incorrect. It should be, “ The fort and lasting qualities in brown and American boys’ best quality calfskins, hen has laid an egg.” In all the Avanted colors. black. Values up to $8.00. leather, rubber heels. 5— The sentence should read SELLING OUT. A t t “ Everyone should mind his own ' Noav, a gallon...... $1.98 SELLING OUT Q g business.” OUT THEY GO OUT THEY G O ...... V i 6— The Aztec Indians lived In Inside and outside gloss Avhite. ancient Mexico. N oav, a gallon...... 7— Mavourneen means “ my darl­ $2.39 ing.” 8— Rome Is on the Tiber river. 9— The Colorado river empties We carry a full line of Rogers Brushing Lacquer in all 863 Into the Gulf of California. colors. Enamels, Varnish, Floor Paint, Roof Paint, 10— The Eskimos live in houses MAIN ST called igloos. Roof Paint, Shingle Stain and Brushes at greatly reduc­ ed prices. MEYER-HARRISON BOOTERY “ Are you from Alaska?” “ No, what makes you think so?” Wall Paper and Paints— Seventh Floor “ Just wondered; you dance like you got snowshces on.” MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1927,

h ■ for Scout work and sports and Sun­ 1. M. E. SCOUTS ALL day morning the troop will go to FIVE RING CIRCUS church in a body. A program of water sports will be held Sunday RE-REGISTER FOR YEAR afternoon. The return trip will be POSITIVELY COFilLNG made Sunday night, without any stops to camp on the way. It is a fifteen mile hike and several rests Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Troop 6 Passes Sixth Birthday will be taken. With Waiting List and Full I Bailey To Bring Sacred Of Plans. White Elephant and Other BASS CLUB GETTING I Bis: Features. With a 100 per cent re-registra- Yep. youngsters, it's really truel •ion. Boy Scout Troop No. 6 of the READY FOR SEASON Moaning that a rumor lieard South Methodist Episcopal church, sometime ago is now confirmed by r,'ill begin its fourth year of organ­ Anglers Must Have Joined a! the official announcement that the ization, it was stated today by Ringling Bros, and Barnum & HERRUP’S announce a spectacular one- This merchandise o.n £7^ a while they Week Before Entering Fish Bailey Combined shows will posi­ Scoutmaster Raymond Mercer. In day floor sample clean-up in which a spe­ last. A one-of-a-k^E sample clean-up tively exhil)it at Hartford, Wednes- Is three years of existence, the In Comnetition This Year. cially selected group of fine living room, that wili long be r.jffiiabered by thrifty troop has never failed to hold it.s t'.a.v. June 2 2. buyers. If you anticipate the purchase of At that lime the world's first dining room and bedroom suites will go at weekly meetings. This is considered Tlie 19 27 Manchester Bass Club discounts ranging from 2 5 to 50 per cent. a suite or a complete home outfit it will be 1 remarkable record. The weekly is gettin.g under way at its liead- and only five-ring circus will lie decidedly to yoiir advantage to avail your­ within c;;sy rc;ich of local savedust It is a wonderful opportunity to purcliaso meetings through the summer qiiarters at Barrett t Robbins furniture of quality at a decided saving self of this wonderful opportunity. 'While months have also been marked by fans. l\itii it will come file only sporting goods establishment on and on easiest terms. they hisrf good attendances. genuine wliite elephant ever SAVE! Main street, in anticipation of the SAVE! There are 33 boys in the troop opening of the bass fishing season brougiu to America. He is “ Pa- ivith three more on the waiting on July 1. There was a lot of in­ wah," the world-famed sacred while pachyderm from Burma, who 'ist. The latter, however, will be terest in the competition conduct­ will I.'-.' the foremost feature of a rnable to join the trcop until such ed by this club last year and it is :ime as permission is given to en- menageri:> compo.sed of more than probable that there will be more a ibousand animais. arge the troop, which now has a members and a larger mimher of naximum enrollment. The troop Tile big siuiw is jvnv a t l i i i ' d fish entered this season. l:irger tlian it w a s w iien it l;ist vis- :ommittee is composed of men. cnn- Every angler who a h;g r.ected wiih the church. Rev. Jo­ i iieii iliis loc.ili'i:'. E n e r m o u s iv w bass likes to have his catch othcial- seph Cooper, pastor, is : c.isphiys have been introduced sucli and the other members are M. ly certified and alequatcly admired. I as nin h " zebra.:, cam els a n d horse.s Ferris, Louis St. C. Burr and G. E. It is part of the game. The B:iss I p e r f o r m .■.'1 at om' time on a m am - Reith. club provides opportunity for both ; nioiii iieib'sia!. O n :i sim ilar s.nhes Three assistant scoutmasters, all these satisfactions and in addition i of circular raised pi itforins thin.i'- well advanced in scout work, assist offt=rs a means of commemorating i tw o of tile siiow's foriy-tiiree elc- scoutmaster Mercer in supervis- outstanding hit.s of luck and skill j phanis (lane... run and porforni in ng the troop. David Hutchinson, by the giving of good pri:ms. A ; luiii-on w ith tiie top m ost of the im n- who has been with the troop since number of these will be awartlod at ’ (b-rons a'-’' is iwei'ty feet a b o v e Tiie Ts organization, is the most expe­ the end of the season to anglers , ground, ibnor to ti'.is gigantic dis­ rienced of the three and has done who have turned in the fincsc speci­ play live Inrd.s of clepliaius appear much for the welfare of the troop. mens of littie mouth bass of tlmir in tiie fiv.i separate rings. ' A t an- Ronald H. Hillman, well known own catching. oGif-r tim e the ri:u.s are g;\en o\’er Manchester taxidermist, has been Any angler may become a mem­ : to five cc:np;’n!''S of litierti' liorses. with the troop for a year and has ber on payment of ilie 81 fee which, ,\t slip aur>ili,n' junetiii-.: of tiie pro- organized a bugle and drum corps in total, provides for the payment ; gram two lurmlred of tiie show's in the troop. Robert Burr, the for the prizes, which will be pur­ . :hiii hoix-es, eacli ridd.n by an eex- youngest of the three assistants has chased and awarded by a commit­ I pert, arc seen in the briliiarit ma- worked himself tnrou.nh the ranks tee chosen by the club. All en­ I 1K‘UV.TS. of scouting to a commissioned of­ tered in competition must be weigh­ : Of the sixt.'on hundred peoide ficer. I caiTiei; oa tour tiii.s season m ore ed and di.splnyed at tlie club's he:iil- i The re-registration of the troop quarters. A new provision, made for j than ei'-i,: liundr d are tie.' w orld's finds it divided into the following obvious reasons, is that no fisli m:iy ' fo i'em o; t at :'iaiists, Iir.reliacit rider.s. patrols with the first person named be entered by any person who lias 1 ground and ioft.v gymnasts, !ii-Ii- in each as the leader: not been a member of the club for vviie arlis-s ami super alhle!, s. prrP ; 'i'hi se are i>o\v pn in ext.msivt' Eagle Patrol: Carl Anderson, seven days. George Cone. Herbert Carlson, El­ I gronii.-; a n 1 Iroup. s each display bsl i mer Borst, James Metcalf. Aldred ; by its pi'Mieiiiar cliainidons. a m \v Borcella, Ralph Nyman, Stillman I in.etiuul of pr.-s euatioii ti'at it- in Keith. BRITAIN IS TESTING , iw I ping witli ii’e RiirPiing Pros. Flyinft Eagle Patrol: Russell and iiarnuiii A Pailey l:i27 plan of Reming, Francis Lewis, ' Wilbert ' txtt’nding acts iu (I'Hial numlier Tedford, Sinai De Mars, Jaffe De METAL FLYING BOAT over tiie ‘ I.lire length e.f Pm' mam- Mars, Earl Smith, Irving Prentice, I moth mailt tent. Little folks will he Stewart Vennart. I r.e'.iglitetl to lotirn tiitit the Irriiig- Wolf Patrol: Robert Dickson, London— A new all-metal flying j ina of a score' of European clowms Herbert McKinney, James Lewis, boat, driven by two Napier engines I to America has increaseil the fuii- Edward McCaughey, Russell Stev­ totalling 1,000 horsepower, and I inalters to more than a liundred. enson, Dana Cowles, Walter Lisk, constructed mainly of stainless Howard Holman. steel, has now completed tests at the British Air yiinistry's Secret Panther Patrol: Thomas Cord- Avoid Imitations Lining Hoorn Floor Sample Suites! aer, Herbert klaguire, Herbert Marine Air Station at Felix.siowe. Blevins, William Mack. Fred Bie- This hying boat is intended for ber, Vincent Lennon, Richard Nich­ use at the new Singapore Air Base, .$59— 3-Piece Leather and Mahogany ...... $25 $249— 3-Piece Cut Velour Suite— Reverse Cushions ...... $145 ols and Frank Pearson. and has been designed to operate in g275— 3-Piece .Jacquard— Reverse Tapestry Cushions ...... $W9 Safe $95— 3-Piece Velour Suite ...... $55 Among the most important activ­ tropical and semi-tropical climates. $298— 3-Piece Mohair— Reverse Silk Damask Cushions...... $199 It is a development of the South­ Milk ities planned for the month of June $9S— 2-Piece Combination Jacquard S u ite ...... $6S — 3-Piece Mohair— Reverse Frieze Cushions...... $199 Is the “ Covered Wagon hike to ampton Napier flying boat which is and Food now standard equipment of t'.ie $138— 3-Piece Queen Anne Velour S u ite ...... $85 $495— 3-Piece Mohair— Mahogany Frame— Reverse Marlborough’’ which will be under­ For Infants, taken on Friday, Saturday and Sun­ British fleet air arm. Invalids, $198— 2-Piece Jacquard Suite ...... $95 Frieze Cushions...... $249 day, June 17-18-19. Twenty-four A number of those are to leave All Ages members of the troop have already England early next year to fly to ricnified their intention of going. Singapore and Australia, and will The troop will leave the terminus be permanently stationed in the Far at 7 o'clock tliat Friday ninht and East for the defence of British Em­ Msoouuts Hang® from 25 to 5®% all Floor Samples hik'e for a hour and a half at the pire communications. end of wiiich time it will pitch camp for the night, next morning resum- MANY PLAY H.VRMOMC.V € k i£ € 0 ie a ii'.g Its trip to IMarlborough, where The delicious food-drink that camp will be made near the lake. Philadelphia, Pa.— More Uian children like, which also gives The tents and ether paraphernalia 60,000 Americans aro adept at tlie CLEAHAMCE! f.tiwitfiTil will be carried in a small xvagon ^ mouth organ, according to a re- them the valuable muscle and / drawn by one horse and driven by I port of the Nationa. Federation of bone-forming elements found in Tir 4 -4 relays of two scouts. Any Scout j Music Clubs. Fifty harmonica en­ tlie grain and whole milk. caught “ hitching” a ride will be thusiasts in Piiiladclphia have Instantly prepared in water or o f Oar Entire Stock of placed on K. P. wlien camp is formed an orchestra wliicli plays milk-SST Take a package home. reached. Saturday will be set aside even classical symphonies. SAMPLE mmiNG Hefrigerators H0 OM BEDHOOM / NASH li SUITES Leads the World in Motor Car Valae r-- ^ SUITES ‘■'-‘'A'’. .. A Beautiful sample bedroom suites— Apr; ?3x7M.Ty(i: ivi'IsagiiA -c .A woiiderlul .selection of one-of-a-kiml L.1 sample dining I'oom suites ;it drastically 2, :i and 4-piece outfits. New styles in icdiieed prices. i’lneliaso tomorrow tlie very latest woods and effects. Pur-/] and save ;m onon iciis sum of money. chase early: I OIl.MEU \ VLVE S.VLE BRICE 1 OR.MER VALLE. S.ALK PRICE Walnut 1 Q Table ^ 1 C/ $ 5 5 Chifforette, 3 fine pieces in American walnut . . China Cabinets— in beau- $ 3 3 liful walnut —- glass Q 3-Pc. Suite, Bed, Dresser and c p i/t / Chifforette in the new d*./?C ; rt nch Walnut...... ^ O O 2 Price 1 O 2-Pc.’ Bed and Chifforette China Cabim.t in walnut ... ^ A A ^ ^ A A U in Huguenot $ 0 9 A ^ DO\V.\ delivers this line 3 door side-icer model R ;- Walnut Suite— Buffet, table, ieJ) A frigerator—airtight construction tliroughout. com­ ^Buy this Nash! 6 cltairs, China' Cabin J pletely insulated to save your foods and ice. Specitil $ 1 9 8 •l-r’c. Suite, Bed, Dresser, Vanity and Chiffo­ and Server tf* I 7 0 only. f- rette in WWalnut Search as 'you may among cars selling ator— and GO! The soft even flow of $119 for or around this price. Nowhere else power is due to the ultra-modern DOWN Dclivcis any suite you se- DOWN delivers any snifo you se- lect during this special sale...... will $1485 buy such VALUE, such crankshaft. It has 7 main bearings— lect dining this siiecial sale. costly, LUXURIOUS quality. three or four MORE than most other cars. A bearing at every possible place N O N E have the style. NO N E have such EISK to hold the shaft firm and rigid. high character in finish and fittings. Step into the front seat and SEE the It has BIGGER bearings too— wider luxury. A cosdy walnut effect on the and stronger ones. M ORE bearing sur* OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS instrument board before you, on the face than any other Six in its price class. [Supreme $6.50 Weekly Payments on Purchases door panels beside and behind you. $1 Weekly Payments on Purchases Try a long steep hill and feel the up t o ...... up to .. •...... $500 Choice Mohair Velvet upholstery all E X T R A power. Nash straight-line $2.50 Weekly Payments on Purchases $12 Weekly Payments on Purchases around, cushioned deeply on the seats, dritje sends the power D IRECT from oHsh Mop up t o ...... $200 up t o ...... $1,000 tailored smartly on the side walls. motor to rear axle— no energy wasted —Ul, Monthly payments if desired. No extra charge for credit. by angles or curves along its route. And when it comes to performance, Evening Appointme its. Phone 2-7922 N O T O N E comes even N E A R this Bring inyour old car as part paymenton spirited Nash. There is absolutely no a new Sfjccial Sedan. Among fine sedans OIL 4IOP comparison! at this price, there’s nothing to equal Step on the starter, then on the acceler* this Nash.Com ein—T O D A Y — andsee. OUTFIT Radio Tables

Nash price range on 26 different models extends from $t^65 to S2090,f. o. b. factory This complete Oil -Mop Outfit ^ I delivers this strong radio — the fine quality IMop—bottle A table, in < walnut finish, of Oil and handle with shelf for your batteries. Special only ...... Cor. Main and Morgan Sts., Hartford. Open Saturday Nights onfy'1^ $ 4 . 4 9 q MADDEN BROTHERS Only 1 to a Customer. Mailt St* At Brainard Place So* Manchester ■Jt'


CARROLL FEELS BEfTTER IS LEGALLY DEAD THE GREAT WAR TEN STOCK SUBSCRIPTION W. H. PEASE NAMED BIG WILD WEST YEARS AGO TODAY COVENTRY Corbin Red Sox Atlanta, Oa., June 10.— Rested New York, June 10.— For then the side seaui.s of yellow cloth. Straw Hats Third Elo:)r BUS LINE WAR Get under one of these hats and know that you have one of Hartford. Conn., June 10— Indi- the best. ratior.s that the bus transportation War is to be resumed were seen S a ilo rs...... $2.45 to $5.00 here today when applications for T o y o s ...... $2.45 to $3.50 SKETCHES BV BESSEY routes between Hartford and Wa- P anam as...... $5.00 to $8.00 THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: (2) The Story of the Rocks terbury were filed by both the New SYNOPSIS BY im .‘\DCHEe England Transportation Company, ^ New York, New Haven & Hart­ ford Railroad Compaivv ubsidiary, ind the Waterbury-Milldale Tram­ way Co. The Milldale concern wish­ es to extend its lines from .Milldale to Hartford through Southincton, Farmington and West Hartford. The New England Company asks for 8r certificate over the same route and along the tramw = y com­ pany’s lines through Milldale into Waterbury. Both petition.? will b? heard at the Capitol at 11:15 a. m., June 17 th. Underwear APPLICATIONS DENIED Knitted Unions $1.00, $1.50 •=vr and $2.00. , Hartford, Conn.. June 10.— Two Athletic, B, V. D„ Rockin- ipplications of the Central Bus chair and Varsity Underwear Riyers flowing down from the mountains ages and Two birds fought a' Ther ages later a fish­ Finally the bottom of the sea h.-.s risen so high it has corporation of Bridgeport for become dry land and men have built a city on it near outes from that city to Fairfield $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 ages ago brought mud and stones with them as they fierce battle for su­ erman’s harpoon was tave been denied by the Public flowed to the sea. Gradually this dirt and sand part of premacy. One was broken and sank. The the river. Digging for coal and metals, men find the Jtilities Commission. The request the ocean bed, rose and hardened. A huge fish lizard, killed and fell into the river kept growing wider, head of the spear, the bird and the monster lizard. Ter. If Prank W. Decerho for a route living in the sea, died and mud and stones gradually sea to sink and be buried the ocean bed rising rific pressure and chemicals, have changed aH three to ihrough the same territory has also SYMINGTON SHOP piled up over his body and formed a hard crust. 6-9 in the mud. higher and higher. e9 stone. «t.«zA 8eayiCf;(NC. ^ 0 Be Continued) leen denied. A t thfi Center MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1927,^ ^ . - . r ■ . . . . r . • • - - < . .C..1 , . . .7

Celebrate Norway’s 4th of July CONDITION OF LIBERAL CREDIT

STATE ROADS For an Evening Appointment Phone FRTOAY, June 10, 1937 fiXRTFOftD'S LEADIMQ FaRNITORE iSTORi Road conditions and detours in the State of Connecticut made nec­ 2-7279 essary by highway construction and repairs, announced by the TRUMBULL, Between Pratt and Asylum State Highway Department as of June 8th are as follows: Route Xo 1 Branford-East Haven road is under construction. No delay to traffic. A FEW SAMPLE SUITES East Lyme on the Post Road, bridge near Golden Spur is being reconstructed. Open to traffic. Fairfield-Mill River Bridge is under construction. No delay to traffic. AND ODD PIECES REDUCED New Canaan-Poundrldge road is under construction. No delay to traffic. Sale Limited to Present Stock Only Route Xo. 2 Berlin, Beckley Crossing is un­ der construction. No delay to traf­ fic. Enfield, Enfield street is under construction but road is open to one-way traffic. Windsor Chair Newington avenue is under con­ struction, but open to traffic. A dozen Windsox chairslairs to Route Xo. 3 choose from and one. Ridgefield. Main street and Dan­ a.s illustrated but bury road. Shoulders completed. without panel back, 3 ^ Manchester, Manchester-Hart- specially priced at ford road is under construction. Through traffic from Hartford to Rockville should use detour at Love Lane. The anniversary of Norway’s independence brought 10,000 Americans Route Xo. 8 of Norwegian descent to Humboldt Park, Chicago, where an Impressive Thomaston, approaches to Rey­ pageant was held. The children above, garbed in Norwegian costume, nolds Bridge are under construc­ gave the native folk dances. tion. No detour. Route Xo. 10 Middletown-Haddam road, grad- detour around bridges. West Woodstock, South Wood- irug is under way. Slight delay to Tolland, Tolland-Vernon road is stock road is under construction. traffic, where shovel is working. under construction. Short detour. Open to traffic. Route Xo. 12 Norwi(;h-New London road in Beautiful Jacquard Velour Living Room Group towns of Waterford and Montville iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii is under construction. Open to traf­ Anyone "who understands furniture can see right off that fic. Through traffic will avoid this this suite is an unusual value. The luxurious all-around Jac- tf work by using the Norwich-Groton guard covering gives a decidedly rich appearance. The fine ^ road on the east side of the Thames Spinet Desk workmanship and the high quality of the hidden materials as­ river. sure a long life of beauty and usefulness. Route Xo. 17 MURRAY’S The spinet desk is both useful and Norfolk-Norfolk, W. Norfolk I decorative, which 5 “Correct But Inexpensive” road is under construction. No de­ accounts for its tours, one-way traffic. popularity. O n e «p 1 2 B. / «) Route Xo. 108 Somers-E. Longmeadow road is in mahogany finish, 19^ under construction, but open to I MILLINERY as low as traffic. And Up to Rockville-Somers road is under I Every One a Smart New Summer $89.75 construction, but open to traffic. Route Xo. 110 I Style at From Bloomfield Center road north, road is under construction, traffic passing through. Windsor and Windsor Locks, Hartford-Springfield road is under construction. Through traffic from Hartford to Springfield detour at Windsor goiag through Poquonock and Suffield. Route Xo. Ill Marlboro-Hebron. six miles und­ er construction, open to traffic but practically impassable. Meriden-Middletown road. Grad­ ing is under way. road open to traf­ fic. Short section with one-way traffic. Through traffic advised to detour via routes 346 and 319 through East Berlin. Refrigerator Route Xo. 112 New Haven-Middletown road is Iner-Chll Refrigerators are real under construction. No delay to ice savers because of their supe­ traffic. rior construction and insulating Route Xo. 114 materials. Seventy- A Bedroom of Charm and Dfstinction Durham-Northford road is und­ $1.95 A I.vrge, cane seat, maple porch five different styles $ *| er construction. No delay to traf­ rocker with broad t OC and sizes to select If the refined elegance of mahogany appeals to you, here is a three-piece suite fic. and up 10^ that will surely strijee your fancy. It is finished in genuine mahogany in combi­ flat arms. Sturdy *r Route Xo. 116 from. and comfortable. Farmington-Alsop’s corner to Large Milans, Smart Ribbon Models, Felts, Straws nation with other hard woods. The dresser is considerably larger than it appears Country club, road is closed. De­ and Combinations. -4nd Up to in this illustration. This same group may also be had in walnut finish. tour posted. $ 150.00 Route Xo. 121 Small, medium and large head sizes. Salisbury, Lak'ville-Millerton road is under construction. Road open to travel. No detours. Route Xo. 122 Big Values in Hosiery for Saturday Bridgeport-Newton road, steam shovel grading is under way. No BLACK BOTTOMS detour necessary. I Route Xo. 125 Roxbury-Depot Bridge, work on the new bridge foundation under $1.85 i $1.00 way. No detours necessary. Route Xo. 126 Norwalk-Danbury road. Con­ crete completed from Norwalk to Wilton where by takimg the State Aid road through Ridgefield the steam shovel grading In Wilton and MURRAY’S concrete construction with one-way I I traffic north of Branchvllle are r Millinery, Hosiery and Novelty Shop. - avoided. r 741 Main Street. State Theater Building. = Rout© Xo. 183 Hartland. East Hartland Moun­ Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmimiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu tain road is under construction. Present road is open to travel. No detours. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiir*^im Route Xo. 134 Canaan, South Canaan-Llme Rock road is under construction. Road open to travel. No detours. Rout© Xo. 141 Scotland, Canterbury road is un­ der construction. Open for travel, very rough. W a tc h Route Xo. 142 Woodstodf, Mass. Line. Road Is under construction. Impassable. For Our Announcement of Putnam-Woodstock, Little Riv­ A Graceful Dining Room Suite Reed Chair or Rocker er Bridge is under construdlion. Numerous requests for this leader causes No detour. The dining room group, similar to the illustration, is composed of a large buffet, us to offer two dozen more of these smart Rout© Xo. 176 extension table, server, covered seat armchair and five upholstered seat straight reed chairs and rockers. Upholstered back. W'estport-Wllton, Westport - Wil­ chairs—nine pieces altogether, all finished in genuine walnut in combination 'with Loose auto spring cushion seat. Large and ton road is under construction. No other hard woods. delay to traffic. Gas Fired roomy. Xo Rout© Xunibere Burlington Station, Burlington Center road is under construction. Open to traffic. No detours. Bolton, Bolton Center road is under construction but open to traffic. Falrfleld-Old Kings Highway. Refrigeration Road is under construction. No delay to traffic. FarmlDigton, Scott Swamp road Is under construction. Farmington end of the road is closed. Refrigeration that is noiseless, that Harwinton, Burlington road is under construction. No detours. Hartford-Newlngton road is un­ requires no maintenance, that costs der construction, but open to tral- !lc. Newington, Newington-New Brit­ less to operate than any other. ain road is under construction. Road is open to traffic. Short de­ tour at Ne / Britain end. Newington and West Hartford, Willard street and Newington roads are under construction, but Smaurt Hammock Is open to traffic. From Newlngton-Clayton road Is under A good quality, substantial hammock, construction, open to traffic. Old Saybrook-Essex cut-off. without stand for $7.95. Other samples An Attractive 3-Piece Reed Set Road Is under construction. Detour The Manchester Gas Co. Dver Saybrook Junction road, with canopy tops, gliders acd standards at Genuine reed, w’alnut finish. Loose auto spring cushions. routes 1 and 10. reduced prices. ' Up to $59.75 Upholstered backs on all three pieces. An especially good value. Plymouth, Bull Head road. Brldg- »s are under construction. Short iin»imiiuuiimuiiiiiuiuiuiHiiniiininninninnninmmmmmmmmiiimml r MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY,'JtTNE 10, 1927. PX(?E EIGHT' JHattflfrBtn EnenittQ UtraUi I'UBUSHED By THE HERALD PHtNTlNG CO. FoanCad by Elwood -L Ela Two Important Features of the Oct. 1. 188V V Every Evening Except Sundays *.nd Holidays. •; Entered at the Poet Office at Wan- ibltester as Second Class Mall Matter. SDBSCRIPTIO.N RATES; By Mall ANNUAL JUNE BRIDE SALE six dollars a year, sixty cents- a month for shorter pertoiia. By carrier, eighteen certs r, week. Single copies, three ceota 1 jiorary one-leased •>' the Associa- SPEXllAL ADVERTISING REPRE- | BY DON E. .’MOWRY F7RST— BERKEY & GAY WEEK SENTATIVE. -Hatnllton-Do Llsaer, I lion of Commerce until such time as Inc.. 285 Madison Avenue, New York Secretary, the .Vmerican t’oiiiimini- a permanent satisfactory field could and 612 North Michigan .^Avenue. Chicago. -- _4 y. Advertising Association be secured and properly equipped. The Manchester Evening Herald Is Then they secured an eighty-acre on sale In New York City at Schultz’s Travel by air and shipment of tract. This was equipped and light­ News Stand. Sixth Avenue And 42nd. merchandise by air is increasing in ed with a two-million-candlepower “Street and 42nd. Street entrance of 15*1^1' Grand Central Station. volume steadily, as indicated by the beacon li.eht, boundary lights and a "International News Service has the rapid growth of the air mail ser­ battery of flood lights to illumine i?L exclusive rights to use for repuhllca- vice. Cities which liavc realized this the ground when the pilots land at tlon In c,ny form all news dispatches and have already made provisions night. credited to or not otherwise credit­ If ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively for landing fields and air ports aro The Departin-ent of Commerce entitled to use for republlcatlon all the cities which will loom large on has lighted the Illinois highway be­ .J-4J-J the local or undated news published the air maps of tlie future. tween Chicago and St. Louis by way herein." H.:' -I- How American cities can make of Springfield and Peoria, placing K the most of their air assets is in- | L'4 beacon lights at an average dis- FRIDAY, JUNE 10. 1927. dicated by the air-minded activities j tance of ten miles apart. An cmer- of Peoria, 111. goncy field has been leased in the The landing field used in Peoria | vicinity of each one of these beacon I'U. - 4 i GR.YTl ITOI S ASS.\ULTS. for the operation of mail planes for j lights, making night flying safe for Assaults on Governor Trumbull, the first few months was a tern- i pilot.s. from Republican sources, because? he did not appoint three old mem­ requisite of a system of Inter-ton­ ers. When that is done with stock bers of the Board of Finance to the tinental aviation is a series of nrtifi- i market gamblers perhaps it will be new State Board of Finance and cial islands, not more than a few ; (pme with farm gamblers. It isn’t Control, seems to us to be prompted hundred miles apart, big enough to i likely to he done earlier, by a spirit of deliberate and gra- provide refuge for planes and pas- sengers, equipped with repair and tuitous fault finding. B () RDER AN NOY'A NCE. Nationally Advertised supply facilities and permanently | , John M. Y'adhams of Goshen, F. Ever since 1794 residents of the stationed along the lanes of travel. ' Kent Hubbard of Middletown and Canadian and American border- Byron D. Bughee of Putnam are Such artificial islands would have to he capable not only of withstand­ I lands on cillier side of the northern AVON SUITE indeed gentlemen of unusual ability boundary of the United States have and have rendered to the State of ing any conceivable Atlantic storm ! but of being kept in fi.xcd position. I moved freely over the line without Eight Pieces Connecticut services of the greatest being regarded by the government 9 pc. Spanish Suite $4t9 Naturally Lindbergh, being an value over a long period of lime. of either country as Immigrants, so The “ Avon” advertised in the Saturday Evening Post out yester­ aviator and not a marine engineer, Lacquered and decorated china cabinet doors and arched buffet They have participated ably in the long as the domiciles of the indi­ day, is now on display at our store. It is in Jacobean style. Every furtherance of the pay-as-you-go passes the buck of this sizeable doors mark this as a Spanish suite. The pieces are constructed of viduals were not changed. This was piece typifies 17th century English taste, but it is modern in conven­ policy which has put Connecticut in problem along to whoever may have straight grain and crotch walnut and American gumwood. Table, under the Jay treaty, which provid­ ience and comfort. Table, buffet, arm chair and 5 side chairs, buffet, china, arm chair and 5 side chairs sketched, formerly the front rank of American com- the temerity to tackle it. He has ed as follows: "It is agreed that it monweaUhs so far as financial man­ done his part in making the bald sketched $303. China $84, Server $38. $525.00. shall he given at all times to his agement is concerned. They have .declaration that no safe ocean trav­ majesty's subjects and to the citi­ earned the gratitude of the state. el by airplane will he possible until zens of the United States and also .4.nd they have it. No group of men the island requirement is met. till' I’ldians dwelling on either si !■; In Connecticut is more fully appre- Perhaps engineers may find, in of the bouudtiry line freely to pa-.- SECOND— GLENWOOD COAL AND GAS RANGES tiated. this problem set for them by the _j ’ll d repass by land or inland navi- Columbus of the air, opportunity I But the soldiers who stopped the '.iralioii into tho respective territory'! for the employment of some of Germans at Chateau Thierry, to I am. countries of the two parties on those hundreds of war-built cargo their immortal glory, were not call­ , the continent of North America." ed on to remain on the firing line ships still in the possession of the j Under this practice a great many PHENOMENAL PRICES without relief till the end of the United States government, which I persons living on the Canadian war. Campaigns are not won that nobody knows what to do with and I side, partii'ularly at Windsor and Two fortunate purchases of Glenwood ranges make these tremendous reductions possible. Always look­ way. In the midst of the great bat­ which some persons insist ought to thereahout.s, have been crossing the ing for exceptional values we consider ourselves fortunate indeed to be able to offer these reductions to our tle they were sent to the rear and he taken far out to sea and sunk. I line daily to employment In Detroit many Manchester custoniers. These prices are so low that you cannot fail to examine our display. New, reserves took their places— fresh, Perhaps a hundred or two of them and other American communities. latest model ranges— and plenty of them I rested troops eager for their part could be used as pontoons on which Recently the Department of Labi r ' in the "big show." to float some acreage of platform determined that under the iinniigr:i- i Governor Trumbull, as a wioe to constitute a way station for the tion law of 1924 this historic privi- ' commander, is simply calling re­ ships of the air. After which the lege wtis no longer admissible, and ^ No. 916 $39.50 No. 418 $84* serves into action. The men who are engineers could tackle the further j made a ruling to Uiat effect. Th.- This 1? tho same range described The range for the large family, put into active service on the Board problem of successfully anchoring !( anadinn government has been try and illu.^Lratod to the left, excepting having right hand elevated oven of Finance and Control are of the such a contraption in a couple of , ing to get a mollification of the rui- that in addition it has combination and broiler with a -warming cab­ pick of the state.' Senator’ Samuel thousand fathoms of \vater. I ing pendum action by Congress, h;i! ovcu-broilcr. List Price $62.00. inet above. Also roomy shelf un­ On the surface, it would look as R. Spencer of Suffleld is a citizen has tailed so far. der open burners. List Price unsurpassed in Connecticut for a if Col. Liiuihergh had set the engi­ ; The ruling m.'iy he technically $ 112. 00. plain, common sense understanding neers just a hit of a stunt to do in just :t n;,:y he economii ;;lI\ of state problems or in the vital as short a time ;is ten year.s^ con ­ f — lair tu.Uie .Xmi'iican niuMiiploycd No. 416 $59. quality of the highest personal rec­ sidering that the manufacture of ihc Detroit'Hr.ea, of whom there a; ■ Glenwood cabinet range with titude. Representative Elwyn T. floating islaiuLs on a scale much No.Sl 18 $129.50 •t good many. Hir-ii is.certainly r-.- right hand elevated oven and broil­ Clark of Haddam Is another of bigger than a bathing raft is an ac­ gi'c! table. l)ccau.1 CiAMPr.ING. tl'.e I imed States have sat .side .i > with the governor on his selection, No. 418 Nine out of ten of the argumen'.-^ side l:>r sn long a lime. It wnu,.| $55. for the executive’s pick is obviously Glenwood Cabinet Range, illus­ on corn-belt farm relief are pred' nimo.-;[ seem as if the situati'.-, made with the single view to nam­ trated above, comes in black with cated on the fact that a farm whicl. nityd.t liave been left alone for a No. 916 $37.50 A Glenwood elevated o\en model, No. S118 $149. ing the best possible material for white porcelain. Left hand elevat­ a very few years a.uo wa.< held at lew more months, after having 1,0^., Tliis Glenwood Gas Range has the same as No. 4 16 described Another Insulated Glenwood the job. model. The same as above ex­ ed oven and broiler with 4 open $200 an acre now goes begging at IK'rmitted to exist for nearly thre three oiien burners and a large above, excepting it is in semi-por­ In a democracy as genuine a> oven. Finished in black with oven cepting finished all over in gray burners. List Price $74.00. $110 an acre. McNtiryites cite sucli years since the passage of the i;;i celain finish-—gr.'iy and black. List and white porcelain enamels. List Connecticut there must be some door and high mantel in white por­ figures to show the low estate into migr.ition latv. celain. List Price $54.00. Price $111.00. Price $199.00'.' recognition of the principle of ro­ which midwest agriculture has fall-1 tation of service in public office, en and the desperate strtiil.s of the i else we shall develop a bureaucracy farmer. The anti-McN;iryite au-- — government by an office-holding swers by asserting that if the farm-i group; and that of all things must WBBING» ■WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. are not paying it is because t!;e be avoided. farmers have ceased to work and i Not the smallest shadow of a CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES have permitted their methods to 1 ItllE slight is put upon the citizen mem­ fall behind the times. I bers of the old Board of Finance by As a matter of fact the corn-belt ; the fact that they were not carried Lv ROD.NTIY DITCHER farms do pay. Agriculture in the over to the newer commission. It midwest is profitable. The ’woe Wiishiiigton, June 10.-—Foreign Is merely a case of their having economic ojipres.don and drainage comes from the fact that tho farms completed their work, splendidly, of the island's resnurces is the are not profitable enough to pay I and of being relieved by replac-2- menace which has stirred up the interest on their value and then in- | people of Porto Rico. the big town. His stores had ap­ baseball, to anything and every­ ments for the next phase of the con­ governor Porto Rico would be shape, but Porto Ricans say that thing. terest on another value, equal or In ^ Until recently, this menace has peared In leading magazines and, in stant battle for good government pushed from the frying-pan Into foreign interests are paying wages Hundreds upon hundreds of been the concern only of the Porto of from $2.50 to $3.50 a week to the west, he was pretty much of a and economy. excess of the real value, which sec- j the fire. anonymous folk make a comfort­ Rican labor party, a minority, but The basis of Towner's present the Inhabitants and taking every­ figure. ond value is entirely fictitious and it now nppear.s that the conserva­ Jle had been in New York but able living catering t» these...... popularity with Porto Ricans and thing else out of the country, leav­ and it is the same in the fields ot wa.s hitched onto the farms through' tive leaders of this A’lUerican pos­ a couple of months when he came his unpoiiularity with the corpora­ ing nothing for Porto Rico. Under music, business, theate^ and all KIAIATING ISLANDS. the farmers themselves when Ihev session have come th;it the welfare tions Is said by the former to be the Jones organic act for the is­ back to Frisco just as suddenly as of the Porto Rican people is very the trades and arts. Col. Charles Lindbergh’s contri­ engaged in a wildcat orgy of specu-, his advocacy of adequate taxation land, no corporation can own more he left. He was bitter and cynical Success and despair walk hand seriously ihroatencd . than 500 acres of land, but the cor­ i about Manhattan, making speeches bution to the guessing contest on lation in land, based on excessive, for the interests which are taking in hand down these streets and if The first evidence of this was everything out of the country and porations are alleged to have grab­ New York, June 10.— Most of the about its lack of artistic apprecia­ the imminence of remoteness of war-time profits. The farm fails to i bed thousands of acres with Impu­ you can survive the first disen- apiiarent recently when the con­ not putting anything back in. world appreciates that whatever tion and all that. We listened sym­ chantments. there comes the satis­ transoceanic flight ought to be as bring $110 an acre now simply be­ servative speaker of the Porto Ri­ nity, driving the people into the pathetically— then! Now, of course, President Coolldge was not ex­ else New York may be, it’s a glori­ faction of just being able to be can House of Representatives and I know just about what happened convincing as any opinion, even cause it Isn’t worth $110 an acre actly cordial in greeting the dele­ cities. fied market place. there at all and grow mellower the conservative president of the Porto Rico is not interested at to him. Accustomed to applause, he that of l(lr. Wright. Wright has now, never ■was worth $110 an acre', gation when it presented its long If anyone has anything to sell, through the experiences of others. Porto Rican Senate protested the and encomiastic legislative resolu­ this time in becoming an American found himself just another writer. said he feared commercial aviation and never could be worth $110 an from brains to paste diamonds, GILBERT SWAN I attitude of foreign-owned corpora­ tion asking for Tow'ner’s retention. state, but like our other possession Manhattan is the place. Talent Is a Thousands of others were here to over the Atlantic would not come acre. The fact that some money-mad ^ tions to Secretary of War Dwight He told newspaper correspondents and territories, desires more auto­ "crack” the big magazines and nomy as a means of permanent re­ drug on the market and, perhaps, about for a "long time;’’ which of farmer refused $199 an acre for it ^ F. Davis at a dinner in his honor afterward that he didn’t know why one of the most fascinating things many were succeeding. Everyone at San Juan, it was necessary for these officials lease from economic oppression. course may mean one thing to one at the height of the speculative I about this city Is Us capacity for was too busy to give him any more to come to Washington to tell him Senator William H. King of attention than he deserved. person and another to another, but frenzy affects its true worth not one ! Porto Ripans subsequently sent Utah, who is in sympathy with this putting even the greatest reputa­ , . J. ■' many iiamphlets containing these they were satisfied, but assumed tions on their merits. In the world of writing, music, which ■we suspect means a consid­ whit. It should affect its true worth j pppochos to the United States in an that some officeholders in Porto aim, will Introduce another bill In the Seventieth Congress providing Most towns have a "shining painting— any of the arts— it is the erable string of Fourths of July to not a whit it he had refused $.100 effort to tell their story to the Rico had thought they would enjoy i for popular election of the Porto light’’— at least one literary figure same. Thousands have gone back Ami'i'ican people. a trip to Washington. The presi­ home bitter and discouraged, cry­ Over the broad hill creeps a beam. Wright himself. Lindbergh hazards an acre, or $3,000 an acre. Rican governor. to whom the town bows; one musi­ Like hope that gilc’a a good man’! A few days ago a delegation of dent cautioned them against rais­ cian looked upon as a "master” : ing to any one who will listen of a more definite guess by putting the The fortune.s that corn-belt farm­ ing too much money for ambitious brow; island loaders called on President one artist who Is properly lionized the city’s callousness. In a few in­ limit Inside of which there will be ers have been losing are imaginary Coolidgp. It included tho speaker road-building and educational pro­ Tomorrow's dispatch will consid­ And now ascends the nostril steaii grams, but urged all Porto Ricans er tho case of Alaska. hy all and sundry. But once they stances they are right. Some very regular air transport to Europe at fortunes. None of them have lost of the Porto Rican House of Rep­ great people have gone unrecognl.';- Of stalwart horses come to plow. to study the English language. arrive in Manhattan they become ten years. resentatives, Jose Tous .=lnto, and all but lost in the shuffle of assort­ ed but, on the other hand, thou­ money at farming— they have lost Some of the more rabid Porto Ye rigid plowmen, hear, in miud tho Senate jiresident, Antonio R. ed talent. Here, indeed, survival of sands have learned the difference But Lindbergh, whose head is as packs of it gambling. The farms Bnrcelo. Most significantly, as in- Ricans Immediately pointed to Mr. Tour labor is for future hours! the fit reaches its highwater mark. between talent and art. level as his nerve is good, antici­ are still there; they produce profit­ dlealing a united front, it included Coolidge's attitude as evidence that Di Advance— spare not— nor look be- Santiago Iglesias, Senate minority he had decided to replace Towner The "unappreciated talent” of pates that by that time the engi­ able crops ■when they are tvorked; every cross-roads gets here sooner Ijlnd— leader, and Rafael Alonso, minori­ and that he had disapproved this Blow deep and straight with all neers will have solved a problem they cannot produce crops fast ty loader of the House. unexpected flank attack from dele­ or later and, pitted against the And yet there is constant In tens of thousands of other talented your powers. which, though intimately tied up enough or rich enough to pay the Mant Governor Uetnlned gation. spiration to creative talent. The — Richard Hengist Horne: Th« This di’legatlon had been Inspir­ Absentee Laiidlonl Problem ones, soon learns that what was with aviation, is as different from fiddler for the speculative dancing Feast day of St. Getulius, martyr outlets are countless. You may Plow. ed to come here hy rumors that Foreign corporations and absent­ taken for quality elsewhere be­ range through a dizzy list of anything in aviators’ experience as done by their owners. the siizai-. tobacco and other big ee landlords with holdings In Por­ of the second century; St. Margaret, comes little more than common­ Queen of Scotland, eleventh cen­ periodicals and publishing con­ CHOOSE OWX REWARD day is from night. The conqueror The only kind of farm ndii'f that Ainoricau interests in Porto Rico to Rico have been fighting increas­ place or mediocre in the welter of cerns, watching new names flash ed taxes for a long time, although tury. Amsterdam.— A Dutch gyps; of the air is under no such delusion would really meet the situation had been trying to persuade the competition. Therein He the bases across the scenes and realizing that, and his wife who found and return president to replace Horace M. the Porto Ricans pointed out to Anniversary of tho birth of for thousands of tales of heart­ as a good many aviation boosters would be to pass an cnforcible law- Prince James. British pretender. even for the mediocre, there is a I'd a $20,000 string of pearls re Townoi', governor of the Island. Coolldge that the combined state break and disillusion. great market in the "fan maga­ appear to be— that all that needs to compelling the winners— who are and federal per capita tax in the Anniversary of the death of Em­ cently, were asked by the Insur The Porto Ricans want the privi­ zines,” the trade publications, the ance company to name their owi be done, In order to fly to Europe, mostly retired and living on their lege of electing their own satisfac­ United States was $S3, as compar­ peror Frederick Barbarossa. Wyoming territory act, granting I recall a young writer who left organs that cater to clothes, to ’ eward. Their choice was a horse Is to do it. His knowledge of the tory to all of them^ hut privately ed to but $10.58 In Porto Rico. winnings In California resorts— to they expressed the thought that if The financial structure of the is­ women right to vote and hold office, San Francisco— where he was quite ! music, to hats, to umbrellas, to a nev,- wagon, and a new scissors game tells him that an absolute .gi-ye back the money to the suck- the coruoralioDS oolalncd another land government is in excellent passed in 1S69. a "writino; guy”— to cui a swath Lb radios, to bridees. to skvserauers. srindina vnaxihiri«.


50 seconds to study this phenome­ Love’s Old Sweet Song ..Molloy Duet— Then You''ll Remember Me'from Sing to Me ...... Denza non. That's the longest the eclipse Misses Nary and St. John will last in totality. In England, "The Bohemian Girl” ..Balfe June An Unusual Month Today *s Best Arthur S. Cann, tenor Contralto— where British scientists will study Sleep.Little Tired Eyes .Spear the eclipse, it will last only 22 sec­ Laura C. Gaudet, accompanist 9:15— Violin Selections— To a Hill T o p ...... Cox For Phenomena in Skies onds. Radio Bet Miss Nary But enough material, it is hoped, Mazurka ...... Mlynarski Soprano— will be gained to reward the scien­ Cavatina ...... Bohm The Cuckoo ...... Lehmann tists for their long preparations. Serenade ...... Carter The Piper of Love . . . .Carew Hoping that it’s a clear day! SEA SONGS BY Danse ...... Sanger Miss St. John QUARTET— WRVA i Dance of Marionettes ...Sanger Duet— L_- Edward L. Pettenglll, violinist Serenade ...... Schubert d The Mariners' Quartet offers | Edwin- Green, accompanist Misses St. John and Nary GILEAD 9:30— Vocal Recital with Marga­ 10:00—Hotel Bond Orchestra. "Sea Songs" in a program from I ret St. John, lyric soprano and WRVA at 10 p. m. eastern time Fri- ! Emil Heimberger, director. Zeal Mary, mezzo contralto; 11:00— News and Weather. day, June 10. Roma Desrochers, accompanist Children’s Day will be observed Other picks are: Contralto— at the church next Sunday, the WTIC, 9 p. m. eastern time— Laschla Cr’io Pianga from HONORS REQUISITION 12th, at 11 o'clock a. m., standard Dance orchestra. "Rinaldo” ...... Handel I time. WCAE, 9 p. m. eastern time— Goodby ...... Tostl Hartford, Conn., June 10— Gover­ Miss Lizbeth McDonald of the ex­ Beaver Falls High School Girls’ Miss Nary nor Trumbull today honored a tension service from the Connecti­ Quartet. Sopr.ano— requisition issued by the governor cut Agricultural College will give a The Road to Spring . . ... Cox of Rhode Island for the extradi­ health talk at the local hall Wed­ ,J Look Into Your Garden tion of Lucius Babbitt, of Thomp­ nesday afternoon...... "V^ood son, who is wanted in Rhode Island Mrs. Elizabeth Hills, Mrs. A. H. WTIC Miss St. John on a charge of burglary. Post and Mrs. Charles Fish were vi.sitors at Mr. and Mrs. E^rl Post a iu East Hartford, Monday. Travelera Insunince Co.i iiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mrs. Louise Tufvander of Phila­ Hartford, Oonn. delphia, Penn,, is the guest of her 407. daughter, Mrs. Karl Links. I ALEXANDER JARVIS, Jr. ^ Elon Randall of Rocky Ford, I SAND, GRAVEL, STONE Colorado, and his mother, Mrs. Pi'ogram for Friday Mary Randall of Willimantlc were E. D. S. T. I CINDER FILLING | guests last Friday at Mr- and Mrs. 6:00 P. M.—Road reports. S Loam and Grading. Ashes Removed. = .1. B. Jones. They also called on 6:10—-Skinny and His Gang. other local friends. 6:30— Dinner concert. Hotel Bond 5 Moving and Trucking Recent guests at Mr. and Mrs. Trio. Emil Heimberger, di­ rector— 5 Now is the time to have your lots graded at the m Norman W arner’s were Mr. and = Cemeteries by = Mrs. Fred Fisher and Mrs. Calef Romance Sans Paroles and her son and daughter from ...... Van Goens Excerts from “Samson and Del­ I ALEXANDER JARVIS, JR. I Middletown. C o a t s O f f ! ilah” ...... Saint-Saens I 416 Center Street, Phone 341 i Mrs. Clara Hammer of Wethers­ Indian Legend ...... Baron field is at the Wells-Way Home­ 6:50— News and Baseball Scores iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Coatless days are here—the shirts that could “get by” stead for the summer. 7:00—Dinner concert continued. when mostly hidden are out of the wearing now. You Mrs. Lucy Milton of Hartford Hotel Bond Trio. and Mr. and Mrs. Jules Ruberlaid Polish National Dance, ...... want shirts that fit right, set right and are right in style. and children of New Britain spent — Kuyawiak . . .Scharxvenka the xveek-end at Merton W. Hills’. The Broken Melody . .Van Biens House’s shirts are carefully sized and shaped—and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish and Valse Suite ...... Brahms daughters, spent Sunday at the 7:15— Piano Selections— sleeved! Full enough, long enough. Perfect clear to Devil's Hop Yard. Curramda ...... Albeniz I Toilet Necessities Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrison Foote Love ...... Grieg FOR YOUR VACATION OR the clear pearl buttons. A beautiful array of fast color of Colchester spent Sunday eve­ En Route ...... Godard ning with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote. Laura C. Gaudet, staff pianist WEEK-END TRIP fabrics in the new designs and colors. With or without Several bundles of clothing have 7:30—Austin Organ Recital— collars. been sent to the flood sufferers Chanson de Matin ...... Elgar Tooth Paste Sunburn Lotion Chanson de N uit ...... Elgar .\bo\o— The sun's torona, sliooti iig inillions of miles Into space, vis­ from this place through the Hebron Shaving Cream Mosquito Lotion ible only when the sun is comiilete- ly eclipse them. 4 The Pons-Winnecke comet is .i p- proaching tts at the rttte of 24 75c Each 35c Each mile.s a .secotul, faster tbait the Copies' ( arth is trtivelitig, and on Jttne 2G Hard to beat— il xxnll romc nearest to its—a di.s- 2 for $1 3 for $1 tance of 2,1100,000 miles. $1 UKULELE SPECIAL It xve stay up untii 2 in the $3.75 ntorning of June 2fi, eastertt time, New Hits Good Rolls New Hits In Regular $5.30 Value. Not very many at this price. Easy to break in we mav see tht' comet i)erlt:ii)s with­ 1 Come in eaiiy. out aid of a tcleseoiie, Imt btiridy j ■ Summer oxfords, sturdily built, all leather, all- visible iti the sky altitost directly above tts. It will be movitig soitlh- through. Uppers and soles are light weight. Yotl eats almost as last, tts the moon should wear them for the same reason you wear a straw seems to move, but the |ircs:'nce of ^ a waning moon at the same time GET SOME J iiif may drawn out the xiew of the hat in hot weather—smart comfort. come



iniiiiCTPWiniiaiiiwinfflHiiHniiiwiiBiww amiuiyi ETHEL G o a y»' !

^ ..f, | ACCOf?PuiO- ID Hit «D C'- ■ . lyf, •: wiiEn you "Pur OUT TO'otA © 1927 by NEA Service Ben Lucien Burman THIS HAS HAPPENED favorite pipe, a Phllipplna pipe LINCOLN M ’NNALLY, cldfrly > ‘ / r ‘ Amerirnn chenilMt. !• auminnncd carved in the shape of a clutched ■’ ?nif >■»» to the little junsle-bordered t(nvn hand, and filling it 'with the curious of PORTO % EllDE, in Tvest cen­ mixture be used In bis cigarets, be­ tral llrnzil. b j bin youn;; friend. .V ! I wrote a little piece yesterday VILAK, T%ho It concerned for the gan to smoke. The room soon filled ' about the modem single woman mnfety of hit beautiful cousin. with tho pungent vapor; the air who takes her independence, her ELISE >lAnilEnRY, owner of n coffee plantation and other prop­ gave place to a purplish haze; the ' equal rights with men, and her con- erty near I’orlo \ cede. tiny lamp resting on a table seemed j ceded and accepted right to “liva Several myttcriou* deathii have shining through a fog. For hour occurred, Includlnir that of TONY I her own life’’ so much for granted B.ARBETT.A, one of Elite'* fore­ after hour he lay outstretched with I that it is difficult for her to imagine men. and the jrlrl hertelf ha* re­ the pipe at his lips. The thin film i that unmarried women ever had ceived wnrnlng:t to g^et out of the resembling a bird’s inner eyelid be­ country. less free lives. I learned at lunch to­ Vilak, who po«e* at time* a* a gan to draw over tlfe lower comer day that I seem to be in error. I barber and at othert a* ATTOR­ of each eye again while the pupils lunched with Marie, my knock-’em* NEY DWIS. bcllevct GAYLORD PR|]\TIS.'<, a reticent and forbid­ dulled until they appeared the eyes cold friend who has the unique Job > vcffl ding; lunn, known to be an enemy of a mummy rather than a man; of traveling the country over for a vow? Tiwt OH VtCA<^ of Elite, may be involved tome bis swarthy skin became bloodless; national bankers’ association. Marie • way In the dentht. Accordlnply, LOhf he and Nunnally tot out for Pren- his breath came stertorously talks before clubs of one sort and' houto. which It f;unrdcd by through bis open mouth. another on the joys of savings. barbed wire fencet and a viclout doff. Elite intltf* on Jolninff them. A murky dawn began to streak Prentit* tett the doff on them and the sky. He arose, threw open the Still Declasse. Vilak tave* hit compnniont' llvet by eliloroforminff It Into uncon- window to breathe great gusts of But this little piece was to be tcioiitnett. the morning air and began to make about what Marie thinks rather Returninff to Elltc't plantation, than about the personal wonders of they run ncrott two notortout a tour of the house again. He had character* of Porto Verde In the gone around the flower-banked sides n»y friend Marie. Because she is midtt of a violent quarrel. Roth and rear without seeing anything kind enough to be interested In men tnntch off tbclr hntt and bow politely at \ link'* party np- unusual and had begun to think ’’the pieces I write for the papers,” pronche*. that the grounds were exactly as I took yesterday's brain child along. NOW REtHN T in : STORY they had been the night befope. Marie read it between gulps of her CHAPTER XII when on reaching the screened creamed mushroom soup. Then she front of the building he saw some­ commented— ■y/ILAK saluted them amiably. J 9 ^ c o OP thing white fluttering on the frame "Its an interesting idea, only "You still look at the moon. of the door. your contrast << the single woman Detto, Pasquale?” be queried. He drelv nearer. It was a sheet then and now is all wet. ’Where do "Si, si, Mccstcr Davis,” they of paper, pinned to the wood with a you get this Idea that the modern women Is any more accepted than chorused eagerly. thin bladed dagger. He scanned It h!ie was a generation ago? Let me "But there Is no moon." Intently, then carefully removed tell you a few things, old dear. I’ll the blade and, holding the paper In begin right oft the bat by telling They looked at each other In be- his hand, tor a second time read ■wilderment. then at \'ilak, and you that the world at large, the the single sentence Inscribed upon male part of It, at least, no more ac­ grinned shoopishiy. "Mcester It. It was In Portuguese, written In cepts no.- honors, nor rr&pects, n:r Davis, he like.s makka da joke," a scrawled, uneven hand. ‘‘'Walk likes onr v.ori of womae than they said Pasquale, the grin making the once more In the moon and you c’ld in Elljii Diuy’s tiitic. (Ellei,. great gap in his teeth more ap­ shall He forever In the sun." you niav rememotr, was r.u’oine oI parent. "Pasquale and Detto Ilka Vilak thrust the dagger and the Helen HuM’s n.'w bool:. "Island­ make joke, too." letter Into his pocket. “Pleasant ers," ab-.iut which I wrote yester­ 'Fl^YlHGr — Vilak gazed at the Italians quizzi­ morning greeting,” he muttered to day. ) cally. "Laugh and grow fat, and himself. "Intended for Elise un­ "Maybe you have to travel to get live a long time. And sleep, also doubtedly.” what I mean B’hich is just why you . . . at nights, Detto. This also His eyes roamed quickly over the should know. You gad about tl\» helps to live longer. Much, much ground In front of the door and on universe about as much as I do and longer, Pasquale." the single wooden step which led you must get iL" A few moments later they turned to It. The step was covered with HOW YOU All TUM 'fiPnCTLY Into the driveway which led to mud, and the soli so cushiony with I Came Down OOOP TlWb in YOU'e with the usual mob of iust- SOFTENED FLANNELS You’re making me be feminine In the barber shop, ate frugally of ■Washington— The restricted im­ I for you? This was really nothing. character of the occupant so here oi’f-tne-tralners. I dlstlnetly heard spite of myself. You’re getting | naon cher. some mangoes, filed a piece of steel migration policy of the United If you stay In Porto the bizarre, exotic side of his na­ the (lerk give the man Just ahead When laundering tha smart 1. If walking with a friend drenched while I calmly wear your for some minutes,- then made his States is ipaking itself felt in the Verde a few days, judging by the ture had taken full possession. .lit a r )cm. When it ecme iny flannel skirt or sleeves Jacket, who stoips to speak to an ac­ raincoat. Take the blessed thing. % way to the town. homes, especially the homes of the way things appear, 1 think I can turn he looked me over appraising­ one-half t^aspot^n glycserlnc to a You’ve let me keep it just to hu­ The draperies were tho most He spent the day In his usual rich. It is creating a shortage of quaintance . should , a.womsdi;, lisd.; safely promise you a few hours that ly, asked if I had a reservation and gallon of^rinse water will keep ma­ miliate me." vivid his cousin’s ample supplies duties, shaving now the Portuguese household servants that Is reaching terial soft. stop to be introduced or just even a hardened sinner like myself afforded; the furniture was Spanish when I said ‘No,’ curtly Informed "I don’t desire to humiliate you, proprietor of a neighboring fazenda, serious proportions. saunter on? will call exciting." His face grew of the flamboyant type with heavy me that they had no rooms left and my charming cousin. But I must now a bronzed trader on his way to Senator Edward I. Edwards of serious again. "Don’t forget, Elise. carving around all the edges; here passed on to the next one. 1 left the 2. In a grand march- on which Insist that in a pouring rain It sell glass necklaces and other atro­ New Jersey is authority for the Whatever happens that’s unusual, a monster with a tiny body and a line and listened. He asked the ma.a RUST PROOF side of her partner does a wom­ seems a little more sensible that cious jewelry to the Indians of the statement that meny persona in I call me. No matter how slight or great howling head, there a fat­ if he had a reservation, heard ‘no’ you keep on the coat.” She at insignificant it may seem. Your forest, now a young South Ameri­ Washington and other large Ameri­ an w'alk? -1 bodied devil stretching out his and without hesitating called If new tin utensils are greased tempted to remove it. He checked 1 life may depend on it. Good night.” can dandy who kept him busy for can cities have been forced to sell 3. If a man accidentally claws to rend some unseen enemy. two hours with shampoos and mas­ ■front’ and gave him a single. I step­ slightly and warmed slowly with­ her. She resisted. \ ery well,” he | Affectionately he watched the old ped back and inquired ‘How come?’ or lease their homes and move Into out burning, they will not rust. meets a girl lunching at the For decoration he had set around sages. apartments or hots." because they said at last. "Take it off and give man and the girl disappear into He even liad Hie audacity to tell the same table, should he offer to It to me. Anything to make you Idols which his cousin had obtained He had just finished with the lat­ were unable to obtain servants to another part of the house. He ter and was breathing a sigh of re­ truth. We lake care of men here pay her check? happier." from the neighboring tribes of In­ first; if there’s anything left when keep their houses in order. He lays I turned out all the lights except one, dians and which he had speedily lief, when a rider whom he recog­ CLEAN BREAD BOX The Answerf She tossed It over his shoulders. the line’s finished you can have it!’ the responsibility directly to the a dim hooded candle over the fire­ claimed; green idols in the shape nized as one of Elise’s laborers curtailment of immigration from 1. Stop, unless in a terrific hurry. "Thank you,” he said. place, and began slowly pacing up The bread box should be washed 2. Right. of fish, ebony Idols In the shape of drew up before the shop and, hastily j Sassed Back Europe, whence formerly came In a moment the torrent had and down the brilliant carpet. dogs. Here a mere stick uucouthly dismounting, hurried Inside. He most of the laundresses, cooks, and dried in the sun twice in the 3. No, why should h6? drenched her to the skin. But she 1 " ‘That’s veiy kind of you to be summer time to prevent mold on The Chincsj cast of his eyes be­ carved into some semblance of a gave the barber an envelope. .so condescending.’ I said, ‘but I parlor maids, butlers and other rode on smilingly. They halted be- came accentuated again; slowly he man’s body showed undoubted “Senhorita Marberry she say take household servants to those sec­ bread or a stale taste. fore the door of the dim-lf^hted ! took out a pellet of betel nut and think I’ll find a hotel in this city African influence. It very fast," he mumbled. "The which is modern enough to give tions depending upon white help. veranda, gleaming white in the ' began chewing it. He walked to a One of the rugs on the floor was Senhor Nunnally has sent It." Senator Edwards is lending hla rain. \ ilak wiped off water which women an even break. If your dark corridor, took his raincoat of a brilliant Mexican pattern, the Vilak tore open the envelope. It plumbing’s as archaic as your Ideas, support to a< movement sponsored had dripped onto the holster of his from a hook, put it on, turned off other an old Spanish weave depict­ contained a brief note which he by wealthy women of the fashion­ g pistol. ”I was going to see Nanny I’ll pay no $6 a night here for a the light in the living room, and ing two knights rescuing a gold­ read at a glance: “Come as quickly room.’ I knew he didn’t know what able Long Island section of New Beauty Hints § back to his hotel," he said. "But went out into the rain. haired maiden from a many-tur- as you can without creating suspi­ Y'ork to obtain a modification of Protect your beauty in all kinds of g perhaps under the circumstances ‘archaic’ meant, but I felt better. He directed his steps toward the reted castle of the Moors. Near the cion. Something dreadful has hap­ "Two nights later I was In one of the immigration restrlctlon’a as they weather with this new face powder ~ we’d both better stay here tonight. stone shed where the guns had window was a gold-striped cot. pened. Elise needs you—Nunnally." apply to the domestic servant — MELLO-GLO. Does not give the i " OT MIKI 1 Nanny won’t object, I’m sure. I’ll j been kept, flashed his electric torch the best hotels In this country. I Bizarre decorations, yet by their (To Be Contlnaed) went down to the dining room and classes. skin a dry feeling; does not clog' for ^ Eta> in my regular room. If you I on the door and the ground about very violence composing into a har­ found a line waiting. I patiently The difficulty. It is claimed, .does the pores; Is not affected so muen I don’t mind. Call me if .vou hear or | it again, then strode back through monious whole. r A new nijaterj confriniln (link. waited my turn, but when my turn not lie altogether in the fact that by perspiration. Stays on longer. So g see the slightest thing suspicious." | the beating rain, and keeping well Ivldnoperii have been at wark. Read Here he stretched out, took his the next chapter. was ignored and several parties fewer domestic servants are com- pure and fine. MELLO-GLO Is madoj SiiBffliiiiiiiiiimiiiiHilHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiHiiiiiiHHiiiilHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii which arrived later than I were es­ ipg, over from Europe. Thousands by a new French Process. It’s truly Afternoon, Evening iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiBinwiiiuiHjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiijtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiituiiiiiiyiiiiiuiiiiHiiii corted to tables, my ‘dander began of servants already in this country, wonderful. The J. W. Hale Co.— to riz’ and I said to the he^ wait­ adv. er, ‘one, please.’ He gave me n Street smd Sport aluminum and enamel and oven- withering look and said. 'I have n-o single seats for ladies,’ and in the Home Page Editorials .glas.-!?’’ Ii looked beautiful (and so did Hie old Spode planters) but next breath walked a man down to GOOD LOOKING SHOES TH^t' AHE CX>MF0KTABLB Good N ature tliink of the work! a vacant table for two. .00 a n d THE GOOD OLD No water, of course! Out to the Sizes pump for that. Nothing to hum Did Her Duly 14 DAYS—IN THE hut wood. There was no coal or "I could have wilted then and to oil or gas— no railroads to get any- there, but I was mad. I resented ba- KITCHEN Hiiii.g there anyway. And no elec­ ing forced to leave the hotel for my 44 Gcod tricity. Wood meant business, too. dinner. I resented being forced to WHY INIllllES TO THE EYE- “DAPHNE” the wound be senoirs enough to By Olive Roberts Barton Hewing, sawing, caopplng, drying take time and energy to expostulate, i No Higher No Lower B.\LL \Ei:i) iHto.Mrr a t - permit any of the interior contents — all sorts of Uiiugs, But I felt It a duty to all women to rE .vnov to iirotrude through, the re.sults The whole magnificent place expostulate. I hied me to the hotel spelled work, bu. il.-^ kUchen most manager and demanded to know niav 1)0 s 'ldnus. riiysicians know In an old colonial mansion we Why not prepare B> DK. .MOKBIS 1 ISMBEIV that inflaminution ot one e>‘e ma}' of all! And in that house had why It was any more difficult to find were permitted to see the old kitch­ been entertained princes of Europe, have effects on tho other eye, the en. a seat in the dining room for a now for Fourth of The eyeball may be i:ij.ir_d liy presidents and diplomats. It was woman alone than for a man condiion called sympathetic opli- always full of company. lienetration into it of bif.< of dubt. thaliiil.T. ’I’he.v tlierefore urge the Never again will I talk of the alone. He hemmed and hawed and July or your sum- good old days! Oh, yes, it looked There were no grocery stores for sand, iron, eiri*.’!'.' ,v':- ,>r siiiiilar most careful consideration of any said that at a busy time it was nec­ m e r wardrobe? matrial. Either tlie material flies lovely! Romance and sentiment miles. Everything was raised on essary to use all table; that twr eye injury because of the possibili­ hung from every spit, and dresser the place except sugar, coffee, into the rye and siick.s in the .sur­ ties of complete loss of sight. men.could be put at one table, but Youth in shoe boxes Think of it, buying face or the ai.i.atpui' firsiaid man hook, but any 192 7 cook would go spices and tea— even their own that a woman might resent a seat Sometimes an eye Is injured by no farther than the second flag­ meat. rubs it into thi .^;urfai'c of the eye­ at a table with a strange man. I the season^s newest y ', ball in lii.s awkward aitcmi'ts to re­ splashing of caustic acids or alka­ stone, if indeed she recognized ev­ But that kitchen. The Declara­ tion of Independence should have laughed in his face an(l told him move it. lies. !)>• lime, hot steam or powder en then the fact that she stood in that most professional women met e r e are rows of boxes— *ot Just creations and colors If a foreign e i< not re­ cxplo.sions. The most severe effects the holy-of-holies that one of the had an amendment by the cooks of full of shoes, but full of new P\ F. ^■.’s called a kitchen. She ’76! more difficult situations than sitting at such a low pried moved immediaiely it is usually of such injuries are the secondary at a table with a man to whom they H vitality. Cantilevers, with the surrounded jiromptlv ’by a grayish infections and the formation of would, in good high school vernac- flexible arch that puts spring In your ular. "heat it.” had not been Introduced. Every dress is a white rin*g indicating tliat inl' scar.s which cause the lid.s to stick feet— the smart roomy toe has .set in, the end result sometimes to the eyeball. Such an injury 'What kind of a stove did they SIEVEK JACKET makes you want to walk— the snug, washable crepe. have in the good old days of ’76? Righteous Wrath being an ulcer. An ulcer badly should have iiiiniediate attention of "To put it commonly, old dear," well-fitting heel. They take off the a iJiysicidii who will first anply an j None! Merely a great caunt fire­ treated re.sults in a scar on the sur- i Lanvin’s latest gesture to fashion Marie summarized, "Impossible as frowns, the years, the ounces...... aiie.'^thctic to l elieve the pain. A I place hung with kettles and forti­ they're the best road back to youth! face of tlie eyeball may inter-] takes the form of a trickly little sil­ it may sound, men still classify tho Our Guarantee! D'i fere seriously wi'h eyesight. I wash can tlien be applied to neutra­ fied with hooks on which to hang ver jacket of lace for wear over col­ more kettles! .At the sides were unescorted woman as a baggage and If any dress purchased If pain, tear of liglu and con-i lize such of the offending material ored chiffon frocks- a trollope. They have heard of busi­ stant watering aie present the i>cr- as nia\- still remain in the eye, us­ iron supports for spits. Spits of in this shop is elsewhere ail sizes, kinds and conditions. Bib ness women, doing tho work of son may- be assured that the foreign ing a mild soda solution for an acid men, but they don’t recognise her at our price we will re­ material is still in the eye and burn, or otlicr cncmical antldote.s enough to roast anything from a COMFORT turkey to a cow. I guess they for what she is when they see her. fund your money. should seelv competent medical as­ according to the substance concern-| TORTOISE BUCKLE thi;ougli ed. Gold ai>plications and regular' didn’t have chops in those days— She Is the :ame declasse creature sistance. The physician cati use a or sweetbreads or chicken a la she ■would have been 40 years ago.’’ FLEXIBILITY local anesthetic to deaden the sense washing witli antiseptic solutions A tortoise shell buckle on a *1 will inevcnt secondary infection. king. 1 didn’t see a frying pan brown suede belt with matching She’s right. I’ve suffered, too! in the of pain and tlie reactions of tlie aro und. m o t eye and can then remove the for­ tortoise buckles on brown juede The use of a proper oil or grease Well, to leave the spit-fire end pumps set oft a beige costume. eign material with special instru­ will relieve the pain and a suitable approach one of the dressers! BRIDE'S SLIPPERS ments that have been designed for bandage will act as a jirotection. In Flapper Shop this purpose. There were three of these. A dres­ this way serious secondary compli-! ser means a sort of shelf with cup­ MATCHING JEWELS A small wound of the surface of cations are avoided, since such in­ Porcelain shoes are the Iqtest for 57 Pratt St. < ; ,the eyeball will usually heal as it board above. Pewter and copper the bride. But the name Indicates The CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP jury as may come after the first ef­ . ■ ■ t Hudson nidg.t Third Fl«wr would anywiiere else in tlie body, and copper and Pewter and back Paris says hat pins must be real the new opalescent shade of kid— fect of the burn i.s frequcntlj' more again. "Shades of Mother Hub­ jewels and must match (he emerald a pale, subtle color, combining Hartford Comer of Church and TrumbuH Sts., Hartford Hartford. Cpnn* provided it be piven prompt and dangerous to eyesight than the bard," sai'l I. “AH this to polish and diamond or other rings worn ^omgetent attention. HL, hoB-ever^, white, faint gray, palest of beige bura itself. every day? Where is the tin and at the same time. and pink. —

,:.V. ■-•i ■ *-•.*•. r« ^ • ‘ IMANCHESTEiR (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1927, ‘ .. PAGE ELEVEN

Mrs. H. F. Barber, Mrs. E. A. Pot- regular monthly supper this even­ and a social time engaged in. Lillian E. Grant, Miss Irene Buck- M.orrig and Mrs. William Ayers, Jr., lan(j. Miss Annette Burkhardt, wine^ Harold Allen, Mrs. W. S. wfere Appointed the committee and ing at the church. - Eldred Doyle has returned from an automobile trip in northern Ver­ WAPPING Mi8s Eleanor Stoughton, Miss Ma­ Bissell, Mrs. H. B. Roe, Edward BAKER^DONAHEY TOLLAND they,.in turn are to select six .^pthev MtaS Lav-'is B. Price has been 'Woolam; historical: A. E. Pot- spending a.‘f ^ dayS in Burlington, mont/ ■ . bel L. Wetherell, Mrs. Ettrel T. ladies ito perfect plans and arrange- Boody and Mrs. Florence Wheaton. wine. F. A. Hamilton, Mrs. J. E. mgntslj'tfop''wliist, Euefire an4 500 Vfeimij^t. I ,u Tlpe annual roll, call of the mem­ -Next Sundav. June 12, will be bers of the Federated church will It is to be an open meeting. Thompson, Miss Mary Bartlett, C. SCRAP IN OHIO The officers of the Tolland Fire benefit at the Town Hall in the af­ Miss Thelma Price, a student at observed as Children’s Day at the W, Hudson, and Mrs. Fitts; decora­ Department believe that the mean­ ternoon. William Senk, Jr , was ap­ the Vermont University returned to. be held in. the church Wednesday Federated church. The service in The Parent-Teacher Association will hold its regular monthly meet­ tion, Miss Dorothy Cox and Girls’ ing of the words Fire Protection is pointed chairman of the athletic her ^home today. evening, June 29. the morning will be carried on by Club; transportation; A. B. Phelps Mrs. Nettie Darby has been en­ ing at the school hall, next Mon­ Fire Prevention. So with this in committee with the privilege of se­ Miss Lucile Agard has returned the children with a talk to the chil­ and Boys’ Club. FOR 1928 FAVOR mind Chief Wochomurka had the lecting his aids, who will tertained with friends in Central dren 'by the pastor, Rev. Truman day afternoon, at 3 p. m. This will from Rutland, Mass., where she has be the last meeting before the sum- department called to headquarters for the baseball game betweSn the been the guest at the home-of Rev. Village. tt. Woodward. There will also be DIES AGED 103 last evening and with the assistant Mrs. Maud Steele and son Mason several little children baptized. iner vacatiqn. married and single men, and other Robert French and Mrs. French. Everett, Mass., June 10.— Mrs. Howard W. Ayers and Captain of Ellington, were recent guests of The regular meeting of the Ever^ i The -tollowing committee has out of door features. William Ayers Miss Alice E. Hall, a student at Abby Loveland Tnller, 103 years of Meachani put the boys through a Jr., chairmaji of the department Mr. and Mrs. John H. Steele. green Lodge of Masons, No. 114, A.j been appointed to prepare for the State Party Leaders Are Get- fire drill. The object of this drill college has returned home Mrs. Charles H. Daniel? enter­ F. and A. M., will be held at their 175th anniversary of the East age, who in her girlhood was one was made general director of tho for the vacation period. of those to greet Marquis Lafayette was to acquaint the members with entertainment and musical show of tained friends from Hartford, Wed­ temple at East Windsor Hill on Windsor Congre.gational church to divers methods of "Fire Control" Rev. William C. Darby attended, nesday. next Monday evening, June 4. be held next September. Invita­ when he visited Hartford, Conn., ting Ready To Back a the evening which is to be follow­ died here today. She was a native which is really the aim of the de­ ed with a dance. The program for the Preachers' meeting in Daniel­ Frank A. Newman is driving a The regular meeting of Wapping tions: L. Stoughton, F. A. Hamil­ partment. It can be said without son iMonday. new Buick c4r. Grange will be held at the Wap­ ton, J. S. Allen, G. S. Phelps and of Hartford. the day includes a parade by the Until the end, Mrs. Tuller retain­ 'favorite Son ” hesitating that everyone did his bit department Which will start front The Tolland Grange held its reg­ ping Center School hall on Tues­ H. J. Allen; program: G. S. Pot- admirably. After roll call at quar­ The number of automobiles day evening, June 14, at 7:30 p. wine, Rev. W. W. Evans. Mrs. E. ed her faculties and was an inter- the^-caurt house at 1 p. m. ular meetii^ in the church vestry ters the much discussed Fire De­ Tuesday evening. After a fine pro­ made in the United States has in­ m. It will be observed as Children’s S. Stiles, Mrs. Ida Woodbury. .Mrs. I estecl follower of the trend of wefld N4ght and the following committee Mrs. I events in the century which she Cleveland.—^Will Newton^ P, partment Day, August G, was taketi T^ie'; i-adjl|i^''iAld Society of ■8» gram prepared by several of the creased from 4 in 1895 to 3,950,- Walter; entertainment: up. Mrs. I. Tllden Jewett, Miss M. 000 in 1926. have arranged the program: Mrs. S. W. Bissell, .Mrs. A. D. Ellsworth, I lived. Baker, secretary of war. jo fere^-, FederaWd *.c3iurch will serve bhetiv ladiqs, refreshments were serveed 1 dent Woo'irow Wilson's ;eabiH5t,..or A. X. Donahey, governof of OWo, by the Buckeye state choice tfor Democratic nominee tni- 1928? With reports trickling in froin the east that William G. ^IdAdoo might withdraw from the race for the nomination, and - pronounced opposition from national dry or­ ganizations to the candidacy of Governor A1 Smith, of New York, the possibility of an Ohio "dark horse" is being seriously consider­ ed by state party leaders, who are therefore putting forth added ef­ forts to bring next year's conven­ tion to Cleveland. Nothing is be­ ing left undone to welcome dele­ gates if Cleveland is chosen. While this article is being written ground is being broken for a new wing to the public baji where the Republi­ can convention was held in 1924. Smith Well Liked Waiving the chances of the for­ mer secretary of war and Onio's. chief e.xecutivc, it is known that Cleveland is not unfavorable to New York and Tammany Demo­ crats. A1 Smith is well-liked here, ranking second only to Ohio's own sons. Dispatches from Washington have quoted Senator Pat Harrison of Mississippi, keynoter of the 1924 Democratic convention, as be­ ing favorable to Cleveland. National party leaders have al­ ready conceded both national meet­ "Kane pays the rent!” These are tlie as- ings to the west. Detroit and Cleve­ .toiimliiig words on die tongue of every Here is our RENT FREE offer: On any land being most prominently men­ vTuno Bride and Home-iiiakei': The news three or more room outfit you are tioned fer the Democratic pow­ Is traveling Itke wildfire: From all over entitled to a niontlrs rent ERFI';! Nevv England people arc taking advante.go No re.l tape— tio cmb.ari'assiiig quos- wow, with Republican possibilities l;o;u-— elioose your outfit— Iiring your running further west, even to the of this great K.VXE offer! Nowliere, ever jbefon?, has a furniture store atte;n])!ecl rent receipt., and we’ll arrange a momii's coast. IKUch a thrilling offer! It's K .W E ’S gift to FREK RENT for you! Offer applies to An important meeting of the iihe canse of Better Horac.s— our wry '’{ K\'ERY liome outfit in onr ntoek! No lim­ o I d M E E K Ohio Democratic commltiee ap­ ■Inducing people to enjoy beautiful farjil- its as to rent either. Witedier yo’i live in pointed here some time ago, is *turc on easy credit terms! a flat or a palace, you can have a month's > KITCHEN IHCWDEOmILLUSTRATED rp;it FREE! But H U RRY! The offer for a scheduled for„the near future, wlien bhoia time only! pledges will be asked toward ac­ The Outfit Sensation of 1927! commodation and entertainment of See this outfit on onr floors— just ns Illustrated, convention delegates in order to with -ALL THE EXTRAS— then you will sec Ilf permit presentation of the Cleve­ what KANE’S} 8-storc buying power saves you. land invitation to the national 4 Rooms of beautiful furniture! A living room tliat’:. a dream, a botlroom that's a delight, a committee which will name, the dining room of dignity and a complete Kitcfien, time and place for the big event, foek Conv^tlon ail foi Month's Rent FR EE ! So far,* four cities, have been $4 A WEEK DELIVERS mentioned as possibilities. In ad­ Other Home Onlfits ni) to 524fl.'> dition to Detroit aand Cleveland, ROOMS CAN BE BOUGHT SEPARATEI.A ! already mentioned, Houston, Texas and Miami, Fla., are said to have 3-Piece Fiber Suite offered $20,000 each for the con­ $37 vention. f.\mazing! Very smart Fiber Suite, wllli With the south assuming a so- jSofa, RtKker and .Arm Ciiair! Soft eusli- [ions and backs in brilliant CRETONNE, called "coor attitude toward Gov­ 1.51 Week. Double Day Bed With ernor Smith, however, it is the be­ lief of Ohio Democrats that the Mattresses IICLLVWOOD 17-PC. LH ING “astern powera-that-be_ will swing Smart CRETON'NF-crfYrt'ed -’ lounge by day, rc.stfi^,.doLOile-’oed. at']>y?l'"l''OTnp!cif- ROOM their infIu%ncd 'loVard- the norths wall two doei) ^hiattre.sses and (P'S which would dispose of Houston CRETONNE coverings ...... tBi * ot>0 and Miami angles. t) I V e.'U WING (HAIR AR.n CHAIR It is too early for aany definite DAVENPORT T.ABLE LONG ^OFA MANTEL CLOCK conclusion. Even Baker's candida­ EM) TABLE 3 PIITI RES cy is in doubt. Spokesmen for the FLOOR I.AMP SHADF. former war secretary have repeat­ :k - 2 ROOK-ENDS T.ABLE LAMP edly denied that he will enter the TAPESTRY' SCARF FERNFRY race. It is difficult to believe that S.VK^KKR SILK PILLOW he would refuse to answer if the opportunity called, however. Axminister Rugs $29.75 Fvery cxtr.a As for Governor Donahey— he 81 Week- included that a Benutlful new iiattei'iis in brilliant and hostess could has twice been elected Ohio's chief quiet effects. New England's most marvo;- vvitnt. Suite eti.-- c.xecutive. while Republicans were oup collection— prices lower than ever—■ t u in I) n I I t running away with other slate of­ 1LLU.STRATED, s..'5xl0.(; .V.xminster, that throughout, with fices, therefore his chances are not others would ask 51j for— only ....530.75 deep, wide pieces $2 W EEK to be tossed into the political yielding the last word in comfort. waste-basket wlliiout sincere con­ Luxurious .TACXJUARD oovcriiigs over N.ACIIM.AN cushion springs! sideration. 3-Piece Bed 5 Pieces— Decorated BOUGHT SEP.AR.ATEI.Y! A big bargain in Decorated LEGION PLANS FOR .. , ^ Outfit Broakfa.‘ t vSultcs. Droplcaf Table with straddling legs, and 4 Wlnd- 17.45 Bor TyiJO Chairs. Brightly enrmel- HEALTRlfBURANCE ; ; $ ed and gaily $19.95 5l WEEK decorated WALNUT $1 WEEIv ! on“ TRIP t o PARIS metal bed with 2- Inch continuous posts crnuitATieN CKAnte« and heavy fillers. ^AMITAfr — ^0 ov Ai% Indianapolis, Ind.— A policy m Spring and mattress HAnowoot that is unique in the annals of life included! tx-rinio Lr^fon insurance is not designed to build up an c.stale for Wall Clothes Dryers the veteran but to protect him, up A durable, handy Wall Clotlies to the sum of $250, from the time Dryer made of fine hardwood. he start from home for Paris and Needed* ip every home. And yr.u until he again arrives at home, in will nevcT be able to buy it a.gain no instance to be more than -three at this price 39el Only one to a Hollywood Dining Room mouths. , The cost of the insurance customer. 12 UNUSU.AL PIECES— C.AN BE BOUGHT SEP.AR.ATELY is a flat fate of ,2.75 per person. Large Buffet China Cabinet Extension Table Buffet Allrror The insurance arranged for the GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES—CASH OR CREDIT Host Cliair 5 Side Chairs Legionnaire Ig considered sufficient 20-Pleoe .Set Rogers Sliver Plate to insure medlc4l,:surgical, and 42-Picce Set Dhiucrwarc hospital treatment in event of in­ 3-Piece Velour Suite 9'i >> r.r. K jury or .sickness. Under its pro­ SAVE big on this Overstuffed Suite! Three A dining room of dignity at a price that challenges belief. Includes visions, a^man will not have to.lose large ' pieces— long sofa, wide everything PICTURED, besides 2G-piece Set of ROGERS famous ^IL- jarm chair and massive wing I’1,.\TE and a 42-piece Set of Dinnerware. The beautiful WAI.NL i an eye or limb to collect but will be r.h.ndlng shows to striking advantage on the stately taken care of if he is sick for a ’chair, covered in fancy ve- ilour. Spring filled cushions. & Alary design. few days. Adjusters of the com­ iBirch frames, ' MA,HOGAN^T t pany will have offices at the tflnish. »1 w e £ k France convention office of the Legion in the French capital and empowered to make immediate ad­ (Free Delivery— Free Storage—*-Frto R. R. Open Saturday Evening Until 9 o’Cleck justments. [Fares to Out-of-Town Customers. No Other Evening Appointments Any Week Day. Phone 2-92S1. (Extra Charges. 1092 Main Street Hartford The custom' of a man walking on the side near the street v/her f •*1 with a woman arose trom the fac ttat in former times water and ref a I i .-J use fell from roofs and upper win dows Intb an open ditch between aUaat ana aidawaUt.


# '3 v . -//U ./■ . ■ , ■ ■ , , ^ - >AGE TWELVin H 'NCHESTER (CONK.) EVEND^G HEJRALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1927. TWO HOMERS BEAT S. M. H. S. 4-3 TIME U M T FOR TRADING National League BASEBALL GAME ON LAWN FETE At Pltt»bur»hi— , IWILEY ALLOWS 3 HITS; GIANTS 12. PIRATES 1 NEW YORK PROGRAM OVER NORTH TONiGHT PUYERS IS NEARING END AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Jeanes, If ...... 5 2 3 2 0 0 Lindstrom, 3b ...... 5 2 3 1 1 0 Farrell. 3b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Harper, rf ...... 3 1 0 3 1 0 Golfers You Have Met Commonity Chib and S. N. L American League AO Kinds of Gossip Around FALTERS ENDHornsby, 2b ...... i ? ? ,$ ? S Terry, lb ...... 5 1 11® 1 ® by Kent.Straac Jackson, ss ...... 3 3 2 2 2 0 RCO. U. t, PAT. OFT.T. At Netv Yorkr— Roush, cf ...... 3 1 3 6 0 0 T. Co. To Play; Pospisil Y\NKS 8, WIIITK SOX S Major League Camps On O’Neil. 0 ...... 3 0 2 1 0 0 N E W Y O R K Cummings, c ...... 1 ® ® ® ® ® AB. R. H. PO. A. Fitzsimmons, p .... 6 0 1 0 1 0 and Barrett With Visitors; ...... 4 1 0 5 0 rr. Combs, cf Changes Soon To Be Morehart, 2b ...... 4 3 2 2 40 12 16 27 9 0 Ruth, rf .. . . 1 2 0 PITTSBURGH Gehrig, lb ...... 4 0 0 10 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Game Starts at 6 OXIock. Durst, If ...... 3 0 1 1 0 Made. L. Waner, cf ...... 4 1 1 3 0 0 I.axzeri. ss ...... 4 1 1 1 .) Barnhart, If ...... A 0 3 2 0 0 Dugan, 3b ...... 4 0 0 - P. Waner, rf, lb ...4 0 2 3 0 0 Collins, c . . . 0 0 3 % Wright, ss ...... A 0 0 2 1 0 Rudy Pospisil, former S. T. S. Wera, xx ... . . 0 1 0 0 0 By D.WIS ,T. WALSH *4 ft Grantham, 2b ...... 3 0 1 3 2 0 pitcliing sensation, will essay to si­ Grabowski. c ...... 1 0 n 1 0 Traynor, 3b ...... A 0 0 0 2 1 Pennock, ji . 1 1 0 3 Harris, lb ...... 2 0 0 1 A 0 lence the bats of the Community I. X. S. Sports Editor. Sjnn Brlckell, rf ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 Club team tonight at the Commu­ 31 8 9 27 13 ■ f Gooch, c ...... A 0 0 10 0 1 nity Club grounds at 6 o’clock. He ClilCAG 0 New York, June 10.— It the boys Bush, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 will be on the moqnd for the South­ AB. R. H. PO. A. plan to better their hands— and it Y’de, p ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 Mctzli r. cf ...... 4 0 0 3 0 Cvengros, p ...... 2 0 0 1 3 0 ern New England Telephone Com­ Hunnefield. sis ...... 4 n 4 is suspected that some of them ' M t m pany of Hartford which will have Clanci’. lb u 0 0 0 wouldn’t object witli great firmness ' V 31 1 8 27 12 2 Billy Barrett, another local favorite Barrett, rf ...... 4 0 0 3 1 Score by innings: 0 they will have to start dealing them New Y'ork ...... AOO 602 000— 12 in its lineup at second. The game is Falk, If ------...... 4 0 0 out of the cuff within the next five Kainm, 3b 1 \ fl Pittsburgli ...... 000 001 000— 1 part of the Lawn Fete program. Ward. 21i ... n 0 0 1 days. For on .tune 15 the Major Two base hits, Lindstrom, P. Crouse, c ...... 1 1 4 0 Ijeague trading dead line goes into W aner; three base hits, Jackson, Berg, X ...... 1 0 0 0 effect and after that you couldn’t iM Grantham; home run, Roush; sacri-| Blankenship, p .... 3 1 0 1 flees. Harper, Hornsby: double play. she'd rather B6 the Cole, p ...... 0 0 i) 0 1 trade Nick Altrock for George H. Harper to Terry; left on bases, New Ruth, even if Clark Griffith waived York 8, Pittsburgh 7: base on balls, BEST DRESSED GilRL AT 31 3 7 24 8 his natural prejudice like a good off Bush 1. off Yde 3, off Fitzsimmons Score by Innings: 1, off Cvengros 1; struck out, by Yde THE CLUB than THE New Y'ork ...... 000 002 60x— S sportsman. 3, by Fitzsimmons 1, by Cvengros 3: Chicago ...... 002 100 000 2 The Carlson-Cooney-Kauffman hits, off Bush 2 in 0 innings, (none CHAMPJON OF THE COUNTRY Two base hits. Blankenship: tliree deal of the Phillies and Cubs is out in first), off Y'’de 7 in 3 innings, base hits, Kamm, Durst, Ruth; liome (none out in Ath), off Cvengros 7 in run, Morehart; stolen base, Ruth; the only mid-season trade to h? 6 innings; losing pitcher. Bush; um­ sacrifices. Clancy Ward; double plays, closed to date but there is back­ pires, Wilson, Pflrman and Quigley: time, 2:05. A t St. I.out.s!— Hunnefield to Clancy, ilorehart to stairs gossip to the effect that a lot C.VRUS 6, B R A V E S 1 Lazzeri to Gehrig; left on bases. New of the boys are in there trying. ST. LOUIS Y'ork 2, Chicago 5; base on balls, off At Cincinnati I— .AB. R PO. A. E. Pennock 2. off Blankenship 4; struck They say the Boston Braves have P H IL L IE S 0, R E D S 5 Douthit, cf ...... 4 1 z 0 0 out, bv Pennock 3. by Blankenship decided to obtain a legal separa­ PHILADELPHIA Frisch, 2b ...... 2 2 0 1, by Cole 2: hits, off Blankenship 7 AB. K. H. PO. -A. E. Bottomley, lb ...... 3 2 10 0 0 tion from Dave Bancroft, their 0 O in 6 1-3 innings, off Cole 2 in 1 2-3 Sand, ss ...... 5 2 2 3 Hafey, It ...... 2 0 n 0 0 player-manager and are inclined to o innings; wild pitch. Cole; losing Spaulding, If ...... 5 0 0 U Holm, If ...... 1 h 0 0 Pictured above is the South Manchester H igh School baseball team which yesterday lost io ti pitcher, Blanke:tsliip; unipires. Geisel, offer him about for what he might AA'illiams, rf ...... 5 2 2 0 0 Southworth, r f ...... 4 0 2 0 u Unnsb>' and Owens; time. 2;10, be worth, which is plenty. Bancroft the C. C. I. L. championship to East Hartford High in a gruelling 4 to 3 struggle. Front row: AA'riglilstone, lb . . . 5 0 3 5 1 0 Bell. 3b ...... 4 I 1 0 0 X—Berg batted for Crouse in ;Rh. may have been unable to make the “ Pop” Winzler, "Lefty” Wiley, Captain “ Ding” Fan-, Jerry Holmes and Willard Hills; second Loach, cf ...... 5 0 2 C 0 0 Snyder, c ...... 4 il 1 XX— AVera ran for Collins in 7th. Thompson, 2b .. . . . 5 1 2 4 2 1 Thevenow, ss ...... 4 0 4 o (1 2 Braves win in four years but he row: A1 Peterson, Ab Lupien, Jimmy Foley, Billy Dowd, Nino Boggini, Ty Holland, Ernie Jonnard, c ...... 4 1 0 (1 0 Haines, p ...... 4 0 f) o 0 1 At Boston:— still is quite a shortstop and would Dowd and “ Whity” Bycholski; back row: Franky Busch, Dick Kerr, Ben Radding, manager, Friberg, 3b ...... 4 0 1 1 2 0 TIGERS fl. RED SOX I make a great man for an outfit like Ulrich, p ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 6 2 7 12 0 A DETROIT the Cubs. He isn’t hitting this year Luddie Hansen, Tommy Kelley, coach. J. Scott, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 BOSTO.V AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Willoughby, p . . . .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 PO A. E . 1 0 but probably would start as soon 3, 3 Warner, 3b ...... ! 1 2 0 0 Moore, 2 b ** i Geliringcr, 2b ...... D 1 o 2 4 0 as they took the managerial sur­ 40 6 15 27 8 3 Riclibourg, rf 0 0 0 1 JIanush, cf . . 2 1 ■> 0 0 CINCINN.ATI Welsh, cf 1 0 0 i cingle off his breast done. 2 7 ^ Folhergill, If ...... 4 1 4 3 0 0 Brewer Fans 12 But Allows AB. R. H. PO. A. E. High, 3h 0 1 1 o Game of ShorteChange Manchester Had Chances 0 Ruble, rf .... 0 0 0 0 1 Dressen, 3b ...... 3 1 U 3 1 0 Fournier. lb 7 0 ! AVingo, rf ...... 1 0 n 1 0 0 There is also a moderate possi­ Christensen,cf . . . . 4 1 1 0 0 0 Hogan, o . . s 2 0 ' Rudy Pospisil o Blue, lb ...... 4 0 0 10 1 0 bility that the Yankees and Sena­ 7 Hits; Faulty Fielding I’ipp, lb ...... 4 0 1 9 2 0 Brown, If 0 0 Tavener, ss ...... n 0 0 4 1 1 E. Bressler, If ...... 1 O 0 0 0 0 Bancroft, ss 3 1 0 Pospisil won every game ha tors will attempt to short-change But Mr. Brewer Said *No ’ 2 Heilmann, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Zitzmann, If ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Robertson,' p 0 0 pitched for the Trade school last 0 each other. The Yanks are under­ Walker, rf ...... 5 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 Devivicros, ss ...... n 0 0 0 u Edwards, p y year and was the main reason why Bassler, c ...... 3 0 2 4 1 0 stood to have asked waivers on Spots East Hartford Two Hargrave, c ...... 4 0 1 4 0 0 Hearn, p . . II 0 0 Carroll, xx ...... 0 1 0 0 (1 0 Mike Gazella as a “feeler” for a First Inning Ford, 2b ...... 4 1 1 5 2 0 Burrus, x . . 0 n 0 his team went through the season Woodall, c ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOO MUCH BREWER Wanninger, ss ...... 4 1 2 1 7 1 J. Smith, x.x 0 0 0 0 trade and several American Leag::e undefeated for the first time in the Holloway, p . u 0 f) 4 0 Manchester; Holland struck on*. Rons; Pilkien and Strong Donohue, p ...... 2 1 1 1 1 0 school's history. Neun, XXX ...... (J 0 0 0 0 (t clubs indicated more than a nomi­ E. Dowd singled to right field and Lucas, p ...... 1 0 0 0. 3 0 31 2 1 10 1 0 0 1 0 Manchester’s lineup tonight will Hankins, p ...... 0 nal interest in the matter. Wash­ stole second. He took third on a Score by innings; S. (3) 36 5 8 7 17 2 St. Louis ...... 01 3 020 OOx— 6 be: 'WalleU c, Genovesi, p, Mc­ 34 6 n 27 12 2 ington could and will use a short­ sacrifice foul fly by Winzler to the S. M. H. Smash Out Homers; Hec­ Score by innings; Boston ...... 010 000 000— 1 P 0 A E Laughlin, lb, Linnell, 2b Partons. Bf'^STuX stop— as soon as it gets one. catcher. Farr grounded out short A B R H Pbiladelpliia ...... I ll Oil 001— 6 Two base liils. Frisch, Hogan. Bell, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Holland, cf . . .4 0 1 1 0 0 Cincinnati ...... 000 041 000— 5 Bancroft. Douthit, Bottomley, High; ss, Edgar, 3b. Mantelli. If. St. John, o o Then there is the sad case of to first. No runs, one hit, no errors, Regan. 2b ...... 4 0 .) 3 John McGraw, who became highly E. DoAvd, rf . . .4 0 1 4 0 0 tic Seventh Inning. Two base liits, Williams, Sand, Zitz- three base liit. Bell; stolen base, Bell, cf and Kotsch, rf. Hartford will Jacobson, zzz ...... 1 0 ft 0 0 0 one left. mann, Spaulding; three base hits. Friscli. Bottomley. Southworth: sacri­ o Winzler, Sb . . .3 0 0 4 0 1 use; McKonklin c. Pospisil p, Quinn Mver, ss ...... n 0 1 3 0 indignant at Hugh McQuillan in East Hartford: G. Stangle filed to Sand, Wrightstone: stolen bases, fices, Burrus, Holm, Welsh; left on ...... 3 1 o 0 0 Fnqr, s.s ...... 4 1 1 0 4 1 lb, Barrett 2b. Islieb ss. Rondeau Tobin, rf . . . . 1 Cincinnati because he disobeyed or­ right. F. Stangle popped up to the o I Dressen, Christensen; sacrifices, Plpp, bases, Boston 6, St, Louis li; n Carlvlc. If ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 ders and threv,' a high ball at one I AV. DoAvil, lb . .3 1 IS 0 0 Wrightstone, Dressen, Williams: left balls, off Edwards 2, Haines 1 ; struck 3b. Imney If, Kehoe cf, and Hag­ Todtf lb ...... 3 0 1 X 0 0 catcher. Martin worked Wiley for Lupien, If . . . .4 0 1 0 0 0 BY THE SPORTS EDITOR on base, Phlladelpliia 9. Cincinnati 9; out, by Rob' rtson 3, Edwards 2, gerty rf. «l 0 o 0 0 of the Red hitters. Hugh usualiy , Hofmann, c . a pass. Waterhouse grounded out Foley, 2b . . . . .3 0 o 1 2 0 In much the same manner as It base on ball.s. off Ulrich 2, Willoughby Haines 3; liits. off Robertson S in 4, Hanev, z ...... 1 1 1 ft f) 0 doesn't throw them. Foley to W. Dowd. No hits, no runs, 1; struck out, by Lucas 2; hits, off Edwards, 2 in 3, Hearn 1 in 1 ; losing Bhaner. cf ...... 3 1 2 4 0 0 Anyhow, he tried to interest the ♦Kerr ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 lost the stale basketball champion­ Ulrich 5 in 5, Willoughby 3 in 4, pitcher, Robertson; umpires. Jorda, Rollings, 3b ...... 4 1 1 2 o 0 no errors, one left. 0 0 4 0 0 Rigler and Hart; time, 1 ;34. o Reds in McQuillan for either Adolfo Boggbii, c . ship at Yale, Dlanchester High Donohue 11 in 5 1-3, Lucas 4 in 3 2-3; -A deputy rlerk in New York Welzer, p ...... 3 0 0 0 0 Second Inning . . .3 0 0 0 3 0 winning pitcher, Willoughby; losing X—Burrus batted for Robertson in {) 0 0 Luque or Carl Mays but the.imme­ Wiley, p . . missed a golden opportunity to car­ City performed 85,000 marriages Rothrock, zz ...... U 0 u W. Dowd fanned. Lupien out on pitcher, Lucas; umpires, Klem. Mc­ 5th. — ■--- — — — — diate silence was almost deafening. •> ry off the baseball honor.s in the Cormick and McLaughlin: time, 2:13. XX—J. Smith batted for Edwards in in five years. 9 - 2 7 24 9 4 10 9 McCraw’s real need, as a matter of a grounder, short to first. Foley 31 3 Central Connecticut Interscholastic X—J. Scott batted for Ulrich in 6th. Sth. Score I'V innings: singled down the rirst base line into East Hartford (4) 000 001 014- fact, is a Major League catclier and League yesterday afternoon on the Detroit ...... —6 A B R H P 0 A E At ChlengO!— Boston ...... 000 021 001-—4 he may try to swing a deal with richt tieicl and stole second. Boggi’ii' Burnside Playgrounds when East niiiiiiiiiiiimiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiimiminiiimmimnn Two liase hits. Manush. Fothergill, walked but Foley was trapped be­ G. Utaiigle, 3b .3 0 0 0 1 0 Hartford made four runs on only C L B S 4, R O B IN S 8 tlie Dodgers for Charley Hargraves. 2 2 CHICAGO Rollings: liome run, Fothergill; sacri- tween second and third and put out. F. Stangle, 2b .4 0 0 ft three hits, two of which were liome 2 nces. Warner. Fothergill, Holloway, He could look further and do AB. R. H. PO. A. E. iNo runs, one Ijit, no errors, one Martin, If . . . .1 2 1 1 0 0 runs. Manchester tallied three times Adams, ss ...... 4 1 1 3 3 0 JJJ N'eun, Jl.ver, Rothrock; double plays, worse; in fact, he has done that al­ 0 0 9 1 s left. Waterhouse, lb 2 0 0 8 on seven hit.s. The game was cram­ Beck, 2h ...... 1 0 3 8 II jehringer to Tavenrr to Blue, Myers ready, to his subsequent regret. Scott, rf ...... 0 ;o Todt; left on bases, Detroit ?, Bos- East Hartford: Strong and True."; Strong, ss . . . .4 1 1 1 ,5 0 med with exciting moments and a ... 4 1 1 1 0 Not Progressing. 4 0 0 O 0 AVilaon, cf ...... 3 1 n 4 0 1 ' “ ;nn 0; base on balls, off Holloway 2. stnu-k out in succession and then Truex, rf . . . ft crowd of 500, many of which were Stephetison, if 0 2 o n tVclzer 4: struck out. by Holloway 4, The Giants have won their last Pilkien, cf . . .4 1 1 2 0 0 ... 4 0 ; £ Wclzcr 2; hits, off Holloway 8 in 8 Pilkien hit a liner into right field . S. M. H. S. rooters, was in an up­ Grimm, lb ...... 4 fl 1 0 0 1 s two and may like themselves a lit­ Powell, c . . .3 0 0 12 1 0 Hartnett, c ...... 4 0 o ■S n n linings, Hawkins 2 in 1: winning whicli Ernie Dowd misjudged, the . . roar several times, especially to­ ! = Announcing | tle better but even a confirmed op­ 2 1 Prague, 3b .... 2 pitcher, Holloway: umpires, Mc- ball going over his head for a home Bretver, p . . . . 1 0 0 1 ward the close of the contest when ... 4 fl a 1) I 0 .'lowan, Evans and Hildebrand; time, timist would know that they are Osborn, p ...... 3 n 1 0 fl 0 ■ S run. Powell flied to right. One run, both Buddy Brewer and Lefty Wil­ Roy, p ...... 2:07. going nowhere very fast with the J 526 27 11 1 ... 0 0 « 0 1 0 1 s one hit, no errors, none left. 4 s ey weakened. With the victorv, ' s X— Heilmann liattcd for Tavener in kind of catching they have been o o Sth. Manchester . . .000, 000 201— 3 went the league title. ■1 10 27 11 1! * getting. Third Inning BROOK LY.\ XX —Carroll ran for Bassler in 9th. East Hartford .010 100 02x----i Heady and Lucky xx.x— Neun batted for Holloway in Speaking of the Dodgers brings Manrlrester; Wiley hit a fly to East Hartford won mainly be­ .Sta tz, cf ...... 2 9th. I to mind the fact that they have talk­ center. Holland slapped a line drive 0 1 fl Home runs: Pilkien, Strong; cause it took advantage of every Partridge, 2 ii ...... 1 1 1 2 z— Haney hatted for Hofmann In ^ single into right field and prompt­ ft 5th. I ed more trades and made less of Hits off Wiley 3, Brewer 7; Sacri­ opportunity and played wide awake Hendrick, rf ...... 1 1 0 The 1927 ? zz—Rothrock batted for Welzer in ' them this year than any club in ly stole second. E. Dowd’s ground­ fice hits Waterhouse 2, Winzler; Herman, lb ...... 1 1 1 ball. But Dame Fortune also smil­ Meusel, If ...... 9tb. I baseball. They think they are going er to short was turned intq ,a put- , 2 0 1 1 II .Stolen bases: Martin 2, Pilkien, ed gently on East Hartford. Man­ Butler. 3b . . i ...... 3 0 1 fl 2 zzz—Jacobson batted for Regan in i to get either Sand or Cooney from out at first and Winzler was'called Brewer, Hollaj.d, E. Dowd, Foley, 9 th. chester earned two. of its three tal­ Flowers, ss ...... , 3 0 1 4 3 tile Phillies for a pitcher and may­ out on strikes. No runs, one hit, no.|-v^'ood; Left on bases: Deberri’, c ...... 4 0 0 1 lies but the same cannot be said for Petty, p ...... 0 0 0 fl -Yt AVnnhington be they will. The Phils need pitch­ error.s, one left. Manchester 5, East Hartford 6; the winners. To begin with, Pil- Ehrhardt, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 INDIANS 7. NATIONALS 1 ers, among several thousand other East Hartford; Brewer popped to Plrct base on balls off Wiley 6, Foley at second. Wiley threw out kion’s homer in the second was a things, and the Dodgers need a Brewer First base on errors: misjudged line drive which Ernie 33 3 7 24 10 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. G. Stangle at first and F. Stangle Score by Innings: Jamieson, If ...... 4 1 2 (1 shortstop who will guarantee to get East HartfoM 1; Hit by pitcher Manchester 1 0 Dowd ordinarily would have spear­ was out on an infield pop to Winz­ Chicago ...... 200 000 (52x- Eichrodt, cf ...... 5 1 1 2 1 n a hit at least every other day. They Boggini by Brewer; Struck out by Brooklyn ...... 9 ed. The second run was the result 000 001 020- Fonseca. 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 0 also have talked up a straight trade ler. No runs, no hits, no errors, Brewer 12, by Wiley 3; Passed _ Two base hits, Burns, lb . . of poor headwork on the part of Adams, See ...... 4 1 1 11 1 0 to Buzz McWeeny for Jake May, none left. balls Boggini; WUd pitches Brew­ Grimm, Herman; three base hits' J. Sewell, ss ...... 4 1 2 3 3 1 Winzler, the Manchester third Hodapp, 3b of the Reds. But maybe Cincinnati er. Umpire “Winy” Murphy. Osborn: stolen bases. Partridge, W il­ 1 i 1 0 0 Fourth Inning baseman. With Martin on first, Wa­ son; sacrifices. Beck. Wilson; double Suinma, rf 9 9 0 1 0 0 is a little hard of hearing. Manchester: Farr struck out, W. * Batted for Foley In 0th. L. Sewell, c o terhouse bunted down the first plays, Adams to Beck to Grimm; left 0 0 0 0 It was said, and subsequently Dowd flied to left and Lupien w;is on bases, Brooklyn 9, Chicago 7; base Uhle, p ...... 4 0 o 0 1 0 base line. Martin raced for third on denied by George Moriarty, that tlie out On a grounder, second to first. on balls, off Osborn 4, Roy 2, Petty balls. Wiley fanned and Holland the play. Wiley fielded the bunt 1; struck out. by Osborn 6, Petty 5. 3 4 7 8 27 4 1 Detroit Tigers were tryinf to make No runs, no hits, no errors, none grounded out, short to first. Two Bass Club and threw to Dowd at first. The R oy 1; hits, off Osborn 7 In 7 in­ AVASHINGfON a trade for Harry Heilmann. Later, left. runs, four hits, no errors, two left. latter then-pegged quickly and ac­ nings, (none out In Sth), off Rov 0 In AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 2 innings, off Pettv 10 in 7 2'-3 In­ Rice, rf ...... 4 1 2 (1 0 1 the Tigers were involved in a ru­ East Hartford: Martin drew his East Hartford; Truex skied to curately to third base in time to •> 2 nings, off Petty 10 In 7 2-3 innings, Harris, 21) . 0 1 4 0 mor with the Athletics, but if there second base on balls off Wiley and Holland for the first out. Farr boot­ ca.tch Martin by a wide margin but off Ehrhardt 0 in 3; winning pitcher' Go.slin. If ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 ever was anything to it, the thing was sacrificed to second by Water- ed Pilkien’s carpet roller and the Winzler was among the missing Roy; losing pitcher, Petty; umpires, Speaker, cf ...... 3 0 n 3 1 1 probably is off now. RULES Judge, lb ...... 4 0 0 13 1 1 house, Wiley to W. Dowd. On the latter stole second. At this stage of and the ball rolled wildly past L 4 9^ "’ Reardon; time. Tate, c ...... 3 0 1 3 I 0 The Athletics finally are winning play, Martin did not stop at second the game, Wiley blew up and walk­ third, Martin scoring. Bluege, 3b ...... 3 0 0 o 4 0 and, when you get that way, you but kept on for third. Dowd made Wiley Blows Up Reeves, ss . •) n o o ed both Brewer and G. Stangle on 0 0 lose all interest in your neighbor’s a perfect peg to the sack only to eight consecutive balls, filling the The other two East Hartford tal­ No, 1— Entrance fee $1.00. Open to any one. Johnson, p ...... 1 0 0 fl 1 0 retired nearly 150 batters on Crowder, p ...... 1 0 n 0 0 chattels. find no one there to take the throw. sacks. He pitched three more balls lies came in the eighth Inning 1 strikes in twelve games, would Burke, p ...... fl n ft 0 n 0 Martin scored. Inasmuch as Wiley to F. Stangle and time was called Martin’s third pass and a home run AA'est, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 fl HUNT NATIVE ELEPHANT. fielded the bunt, Winzler was cred­ to deep left-center by Strong did emulate Wiley, but he didn’t. No. 2— Fish must be small mouth Black Bass. MeXeely. zz ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 out. It was apparent that Wiley was ited with the error as Dowd’s play on the verge of exploding complete­ the trick. However in the previous Earned Our Runs 30 1 Washington.— Hundreds of thou­ was perfectly legitimate. Parr threw inning, Wiley faltered after pitch­ 5 27 16 6 ly. He finally succeeded in getting Successive line-drive singles by No. 3— Fish must be weighed and displayed at our Score tiy inning-.s- sands of years ago, elephants roam­ out both Truex and Pilkien. One the next two pitches across the plate ing brilliant ball for six innings. Cleveland ...... 200 300 110— 7 ed this continent, savage beasts of run, no hits, one error, none left. With one batter out. Ding Farr Billy Dowd, Jimmy Foley and Ab Wa.chington ...... 100 000 000— 1 and then forced the batter to S. store. twice the bulk of any living ele­ booted Pilkien’s grounder and the Lupien accounted for Manchester's Two base hits, J. Sewell, Goslln, Fifth Inning ground to Farr who made a pretty two runs which tied the score In Rice, Harris: tliree base hits, Jamie­ phant. But they became extinct af­ play, throwing out Stangle at first. latter stole second. Then Wiley lost son, Hodapp; stolen bases. Burns; ter glacial period and now the Manchester: Brewer struck out the seventh inning. The other came Foley, Boggini and Wiley in one- No runs, no hits, one error, three all control and threw eleven con­ No. 4— Member may enter any number of fish but only •sacrlfire.s. Harris, Jamieson, Fonseca, Smithsonian ^ Institution is sending secutive balls, passing both Brewer in the ninth. Billy Dowd walked Ij. Sewell; double plays. Eichrodt to two-three order. No runs, no hits, left. and took second on a wild pitch. Burns, Burns to J. Sewell, Speaker searchers through Florida and Ok- and G. Staggle filling the bases and the largest one will be considered as his entry and each la homa to try to find a complete no errors, none left. Eighth Inning He went to third on a fielder’s to Tate to Judge, Bluege to Harris; East Hartford: W. Dowd scoop­ making the count three and noth­ left on bases, Cleveland S, "Washing­ fossil. Manchester: E. Dowd fanned, ing on the next hitter. choice and raced home when Brew­ ton 4: base on balls, off Johnson 1. ed up Pilkien’s grounder and step­ member may win but one prize. Winzler popped to second base and Farr Helps Out er missed a return throw from the I'rowder 2. Burke 1; struck out, by ped on first for the putout. Powell Farr was out on a grounder, second catcher while pitching to Boggini Johnson 6 in 5 innings, Crowder 1 in out on a fly to right field. Brewer Twice Coach Tommy Kelley was with two outs. 3, Burke 1 in 1; hit bv pitcher, hy 2ND SILVER WEDDING to first. No runs, no hits, no errors, at the point of benching Wiley in No. 5— All money received will be used for prizes Johnson, fSumma), by Uhle (Speak­ walked and took second on a passed none left. er); losing pitcher, Jolinson; umpires, ball. G. Stangle struck out. No favor of Jerry Holmes but each The Victim List which will be purchased and divided by a committee of N'ailin, Dineen; time, 2:00. Baltimore.— Married 50 years East Hartford: Martin worked time decided to give the veteran runs, no hits, no errors, one left. Brewer struck out twelve batters z—West batted for Crowder In Sth. Mrs. F. A. Broadsent has had two the already wobbly Wiley for his southpaw another chance to regain zz— McNeely ran for Speaker in 9th. Sixth Inning third free pass of-the matinee and yesterday, getting Holland 2, E. three. These three will be selected from the club mem­ silver weddings. She married in Manchester: Holland struck out. his true form. Wiley was all excit­ 1867, when 15 years old, and cele­ pilfered second. Waterhouse filed Dowd 1, Winzler 1, Farr 1, W. At Philndrlphlni— E. Dowd flew out to center and ed and repeatedly crabbed at decL Dowd 1, Foley 1, Kerr 1, Boggini bership. A'S B, BROWNS 3 brated a silver wedding in 1892, to right and then Strong clouted a elons made by the umpire. His as Mrs. B. H. Morgan. Her husband Winzler hoisted an Infield fly to home run Iritro- deep left center scor­ 2 and Wiley 2, or in other words, PHILADELPHLA Brewer. No runs, no hits, no er­ teammates found it Impossible to everyone on the team at least once AB. R. H. PO. A. E. died and she married again in 1902. ing Martin ahead of hlm> Both cool him down. However, he man­ Collin.', 2b ...... 4 2 1 1 3 0 rors, none left. except Ab Lupien. Wiley fanned No. 6— No entry will be accepted until a member has Bisliop, 2b ...... 0 n fl 0 1 0 Now she has celebrated a second sil­ Truex and Pilkien popped up to aged to get the next two balls over ver anniversary. East Hartford: F. Stangle out on Dowd at first. Two runs, one hit, three, G. Stangle, Strong and Truex Wheat, if ...... 4 0 ,3 1 0 0 a grounder, ’Wiley to Billy Dowel. the plate and finally forced Stangle but passed six. Brewer walked but been in the club 7 days. Anyone entering fish between Cobb, rf ...... 4 i 2 .3 0 1 no crror.s, none left. to ground out, Farr to Dowd. It Simmons, cf ...... 4 1 l 5 o 0 Martin singled to left, took second two, Billy Dowd and Boggini. He The Corinth Canal was started was a pretty stop and peg. While July 1st and 22nd must have been a member for at least Cochrane, c ...... 2 1 1 3 0 0 by Nero about 2000 years ago. The on Waterhouse’s sacrifice hit which Ninth Inning also hit Boggini. Many local batters Dykes, 3b ...... 5 1 4 1 2 0 was fielded Wiley to Dowd. Martin Manchester: W. Dowd worked no runs had been scored, Wiley’s were called out on strikes which Poole, lb ...... 5 1 2 13 0 0 project was abandoned and »flnally was plainly very nervous and he one week previous. Rolet, ss ...... 3 1 1 0 4 0 completed in 1893. stole third. Foley threw out Strong Brewer for a pass and took second spoiled several chances to score. Walberg, p ...... 3 1 1 0 1 0 at first. No runs, one hit, no enrors, on a wild pitch. He went to third blew up completely «s soon as the Both teams fought hard and de­ one left. when Lupien grounded out short to next inning got under way. serve credit. It would have been a 34 9 16 27 11 1 S. M. H. S. Outhlt Them No 7— Contest will close October 1st. ST. LOUIS Score by innings; Seventh Inning first. Foley, the next batter, swung tough game for either to lose. Un­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Philadelphia ...... 010 022 04x— 9 Manchester; Firr singled cleanly at the first pitch against orders, it It was a tough game for Man­ til the seventh inning, Wiley had O'Rourke, 8b ...... 4 0 1 1 3 1 St. Louis ...... 010 000 101— 3 to center field and stole second. Bil­ is understood, and Dick Kerr was chester to lose, also a tough one the edge on Brewer but the latter o:- Mellllo, 2b ...... 4 0 1 4 4 0 Two base hits, E. Miller, Poole: sent In to bat for him. Foley was for Wiley to lose. He set the East gets the decision because he was Sisler, lb ...... 4 0 0 10 0 0 stolen bases, Walberg, Boley, Collins; ly Dowd singled to left scoring E. Miller, If ...... 4 1 2 3 0 0 .sacrifices, Boley, Cochrane. O’Neill; Farr. He took second on the play the cmly player on either team to Hartford team down with but three able to weather the storm without Rice, rf ...... 4 0 1 1 1 0 ciinilile plays. Dykes to Collins to to the plate. liUpien lined a single make two hits. Kerr struck out. hits and with airtight support becoming as unsteady. Schulte, cf..4 2 2 2 1 0 I'oole, Melillo to Gerber to Sisler; left into center field scoring Dowd with Dowd scored on Brewer’s error. would not have allowed but two Manchester has two more league Schang, c ...... 4 0 1 0 1 1 on bases. St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 10; runs. Manchester nicked Buddy games with Middletown and needs B A R R E n & RORBINS Gerber, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 2 0 base on balls, off Nevers 5, Falk 2: the tying run. He was out stealing Boggini struck out to end the game Nevers, p ...... 2 0 1 n 4 0 ■struck out, by W alberg 2; hits, off second. Foley found Brewer for an­ and assure East Hartford of the Brewer for seven clean singles and to win one of them to get second 913 Main Street O’Neill, X 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nevers 11 in 6, Falk 5 in 2: losing other clean single to center field. Central Connecticut Interscliolastic during the closing stages of the place in the league. Rockville Falk, p . .. 0 0 0 1 0 0 pitcher, Nevers; umpires, Rowland. game it looked as if the famous High plays here Monday. East Vxngraflan and Connolly; time, 1:54 The crowd was in a frenzy of ex­ League championship. One run. no .,'t- , 14 • 14 n O’NatU far Navaxa la 7 th. citement. Boggini draw a bua on hlu. one error, none left. East Hartford moundsman who hajj Hartford's season ii closed. imiijJ

I \ Ma n c h e s t e r (c o n n .) e v e n in g h e r a l d , f r id a t , t o n e lo , i< m . PAGE THIRTEEN

out of Us particular world Into the built of steel and wire, soon will ally both. Department records show partment has ask«d the State Po­ hazards and change of another. write apother book bn his Haiti ex­ MUST STOP MOTORS that while accldeijts occasioned by “One year I go upon an expedi* lice to check' UP Ob the praetice at periences. 2:Ibanwhile he is going this sort "of negligence are rare, filling stations. Immediate prosecu­ Believes **Man Petty Fears ” tlon. At a dept of so many fathoms, over the severtl hundred strange when there Is a mishap the results tion of all persons responsible trill at a pressure that makes certain specimens he gathered for the AT GAS STATIONS are always serious. Several casual­ follow violations of the regulation. rigid demands upon the things that American Museum. Then be will be ties from this cause convinced the live there. I find a fish. off again, on what bome will be Legislature of the necessity for pre­ Strangest Thing In The World “A year or so later I go back to pleased to call a bajardous exploit. State Law, Requiring Idle En­ ventive measures and the regula­ the same neighborhood, and there, Which, of course, will cause him gine When Gas and Oil Are tion was put in force. A maximum WHEAT CHOP PQOB near shore end toward the surfaca to smile. Supplied, To Be Enforced. of J50 may be Imposed for viola­ of the water, existing under entirely tion. Both the person allowing his Washington, June 10—The Amer­ different circumstances, I find the Complaints have reached the engine to run and the person filling ican wheat crop this year will fall TX same species. How many have died ONLY U^.S. FJiYERS. state motor vehicle department of the car while the engine I* running considerably below recent years, trying to make this change? What repeated violations of a law, com­ are liable to prosecution. Secretary of Agriculture Jardlne will the change produce in the pliance with which is a simple mat­ Several filling station owners told President Coolldge today at species eventually? Washington, June 10.—All non­ government aviators will be barred ter, while failure to obey occupants have complained that certain pat­ the White House. “And how is one to speak of a from the air over Washington on of cars In a dangerous position and rons will not comply with this law fish family that makes an ocean subject to horrible accident. This even on request, but go to another Jardlne, who has Just returned trek just to Jag its eggs in a cer­ Saturday and Sunday during the is the regulation providing that the station when It Is Insisted that the from a swing around the wheat belt tain spot on the American coast Lindbergh celebration, under an engines must be shutoff while gas­ motor be shut-off during the filling said the government report to be line? They will never go ba(dc. They executive order issued today by oline or other fuel is being put In process. Issued late today would show an President Coolldge. even greater reduction than the will plant* their eggs and Insure the tank of a motor vehicle. Results of violations of this law It was the first order of the kind Failure to comply creates the thirty-three million bushels shrink­ their offspring life— and they will issued under authority of the Air are so serious, when accident oc­ age estimated In the last govern­ be done! Commerce Act of 192^ hazards of fire and explosion, usu­ curs, .that the motor vehicle de­ ment report. Lessons In Values Ail .government planes'win have “Man iieeds to contemplate more to get specific authority to take the : closely these simple epics of change air. % ...... of hazard...... of instinct! It would help him greatly in adjust­ ing his values and his compreheu- Luscious strawberry short-cake sion.s.'’ in Japanese Garden at Eawn Fete Ecobc, a slender man who s?ems 25o.—Adv. ,^yf, Hartfjid Hartford

ii A % $9Dress Sale-Downs tairsShop

William Beebe aud some of tue stra nge things he has seen—strange, b ut not as strange as man's petty fears. Upper right, an armored lizai-d; below, a tentacled “sea cucumber’’ (left), and a small ferocious Millinery sea devil.

BY GENE COHN hiding, for the chances are that I things— but tomorrow, there Is just have returned from the pleas­ another one! New York— Most of William antest kind of au outing. “Are any of these things less odd Beebe’s life has been a hunt for the “Let me tell you th’s: my closest than to return to New York and The season’s newest and smartest Sum­ strange things of land, sea and air. approaches to death have been find five million human spe«jmens He has e.xplored and studied that caused by men, and not the crea­ firmly believing that they live in mer Hats in light colors, in a wonderful fantastic realm that lies upon the tures encountered during an ex­ security? Or, looking in upon ’dost ocean's bottom; he has gone to ploration trip. And yet men, who cities, to find that the dwellers con­ display are priced for Saturday selling at .strange jungles and islands and are daily menaced by other men, sider themselves safe and secure mountains to bring back for science will whisper their fear of a bug, a and shudder at the insecurity of $ 3-98 the rare and unusual in plant, in­ reptile or a fish. It’s the strangest junkie or island or sea bottom? sect and reptile life. thing imaginable. “I never feel quite so insecure as So, when he returned from his when I am going about New York. latest searchings among the coral Oddities, Including New Yorkers One lot of Hats including Felts and “As for Individual specimens it is “I retur; to this human world to reef.= of Haiti, I asked Beebe this pretty hard to single out a rarest, find it buzzii^g and excited over the Straws, values up to ?5.00. question: “Just what is the strang­ intrepidity of a young flier— a glori­ est thing you have even seen.’’ an oddest or a most singlar. Such considerations are so relative; one ous flight, a beautiful exploit. I as­ His answer was; “The many pet­ expedition will develop a fish that sume men would find it annoying to $1.00 ty fears of mankind, which are the learn of the analogies to such an first thing I notice when I return carries lights; the next a strange little lady who changes her dress exploit that run through the lower to what man is pleased to call forms of life. But they exist. security. twice each evening as she swims This and That Bugaboo about, or a transparent fish that is The Lure of the Unknown ALICE F. HEALEY sort of a traveling hotel, holding “They fear this and they fear “One is always finding food for some 300 tiny fish about an inch Millinery Shop, Park Building that. They hear of some of my de­ wonder in observing the instinct long. Dozens and dozens of strange lightful adventures, and they say— that sends an individual specimen ‘You wept to the sea bottom...... now weren’t you afraid of sharks?’ Or they say, ‘Weren’t you afraid of .snakes?’ And sometimes I answer, ■You crossed the street yesterday, weren’t .you afraid, of taxiosJjB.?’:)-. . “Of course sharks hit a man now and then. But so does lightning strike. And because lightning does strike, is a man going to put on rubber boots and jump into a feath­ CLOSING OUT OUR er bed every time it storms? “I actually have heard a crowd of people laud me as a hero, or com­ ment on bravery—-and I feel like I MANCHESTER STORE New Dresses for Saturday We are planning to open up a new store in Hartford soon carrying a full line of Electrical Fixtures and supplies. MM, Shoppers—In the Astonishing ling Must Go By July 1 st Our entire stock of fixtures, appliances and mateiial to go at reductions ranging from SALE OF 30% to 50 % If you want fixtures it will pay you to visit us now. COATS ai’e still Simplex Flatiron Westinghouse Waffle Irons Vibrators Season’’ Hotpoint Flatiron Westinghouse Table Stove G. E. Vacumm Cleaners Sensational Sizes 16 to 20 Men’s Top Values at A nd 36 to 46 Sunbeam Flatiron Curling Irons Simplex Heaters Coats Electric Fans Light colors and light Percolators Radio B Batteries weight a necessity for good dressers. Radio Tubes Bracket Fixtures Flashlights Georgette Fresh lots of siffairt summer White $ 18.75 Frocks go on sale to-morrow! In the already famous $9 Ladle’s Coats Dress Sale that all Hartford Orchid including large sizes for Veiled the “hard to fit” in fine A Large Assortment of Hanging Fixtures is talking about! Famous for Prints value, for style and quality. Poiret Chene, Crepe lined Mostly 5 light candle or drop by nationally known manufacturers—Riddle, Lightolier, etc. This is an opportunity Amber $ 21.50 for home builders to secure fixtures at very low prices. Featuring every fashionable fabric, color and style at only Crepe de $9—a price every woman can Coral Good Clothes Chine afford to pay. By all means, One Dollar see them! Nile Suede Note: Extra sale^ople, extra fit­ a Week ters and dressing rooms to assure Navy JOHNSON’S ELECTRIC CO. Crepe prompt service. Dresses may be ex* changed wlthip three days after pur­ So OAK STREET, SOUTH MANCHESTER chase. No approvals or refunds, plea^. Green s a r M t s c h S t o r e Wash All sales flnaJ. 240 ASYLUM ST. We will continue our electrical contracting business in town and hope to serve you in the future as in the past. Crepes Stelcer’s—nowMtalrs Shop Black A few Lionel Train Sets to go at less than cost. HARTFORD PAGE FOUlClUlir MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 192T. Hi goes lAto restricted territory. LAST TRAINING CAMP Batsman thrown out trying to RAILROADS IN U.S. m make third should be sent back to GEO. A. JOHNSON secopd. PAUL CALL ISSUED TODAY Additional Sports 2. Umpire should rule it a ADAMS strike regardless of the batter’s BEST INVESTMENT Civil Engineer and Sorveyer y . KUL a*rvioi actions. fcFKANCE ^ 3. In 1920 the ban was placed Tel. 299. South Manchester New England’s Quota Over- on the spitball delivery. Pitchers 1 3 YESTERDAWS RESULTS Recruited But Room Is Found Eastern League in the majors at that time, using Head of Big New York Bank For More Citizens. New Haven 7, Hartford 4 (11). Hartford Game It, were permitted to continue do­ Sp'ringfield 2, Waterbury 0. At Hartford I— ing so the rest of their career. Albany 7, Providence PROF’S 7, SENATORS 4 4. Such action is permlssable. The last call for enrollment in NEW HAVEN 5. It Is possible to substitute Gives That Advise At Na­ the Citizen's Military Training Others not scheduled. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Typew riters the proper batter, the only penalty Camps was issued today at the American League Martin, cf ...... 4 2 2 4 1 0 State Headquarters when Judge Hartford, ss ...... 6 2 1 2 3 1 being that he take the balls and tional Convention. AU makes. Sold, rented, e x * New York 8, Chicago 3. Griffin, rf ...... 5 1 3 4 0 0 strikes on the improper batsman. Gilson, the civilian aide announced Detroit 6, Boston 4. Bowman, l b ...... 4 1 2 9 2 0 changed and overhauled. that reservations for the camp to Philadelphia 9, St. Louis 3. Montague, 3b ...... 5 0 1 2 3 1 be held at Fort Adams at Newport, Fuller, 2b ...... 5 0 1 3 3 1 Special Discounts to Students* Cleveland 7, Washington 1. Lerlan, c ...... 4 0 0 6 0 1 Atlantic City, N. J., June 10.— R. I., were rapidly approaching National League Kemner, p ...... 5 1 1 1 2 0 GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS ’The greatest opportunities for the the quota. New York 12, Pittsburgh 1. use of American excess investment Telephone 821 The New England camps this Chicago 4, Brooklyn 3. 43 7 12 33 14 4 funds are in the financing of Amer­ year will be held during the month HARTFORD St. Louis 6, Boston 1. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. PLEASED WITH SHOW ican railroad system, Charles E. of July and although a quota has Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 5- Krahe, ss ...... 5 0 0 0 Kemp's Music been assigned for the First Corps Mitchell, president of the National Morrissey, cf ...... 5 1 1 6 City Bank of New York, told dele­ Area of 3,000 students, to date Butler, 2b ...... 5 0 1 5 3,690 students have been assigned THE STANDINGS Keesey, lb ...... 6 1 1 8 Manchester Garden club mem­ gates to the convention of the Na­ to the camps, Maine and Massachu­ Eastern League Hermann, 3b .. . 6 1 3 1 bers and exhibitors feel gratified at tional Electric Light. Association House W. L. Schinkel, If ...... 5 1 3 4 here today. setts having recruited far in ex­ Heitman, rf ...... 6 0 2 1 the widespread Interest taken in cess of their allotment. Pittsfield ...... 24 17 Niederkorn, o .... 0 1 3 the first hower show of the club Need of Expansion. iiiiUltff^^ iJB Applicants are being received Albany ...... 25 19 Loftus, p ...... 3 0 1 0 which was organized only last fall. Mltcbell pointed out that, while Bridgeport ...... ,21 20 Morrison, x ...... 1 0 0 0 The two-day exhibit ended Wednes­ the United States has never possess­ from many industrial organizations Miller, p ...... 1 0 1 0 Symbolic as its name, Regi-et, tlic town that once stood here, in the who are extending vacations to ■Waterbury ...... 23 22 day evening and the choice of Cen­ ed better and more efiicient trans­ SUMMER Verdun area, was practically oblitcr ated by shellfire. their deserving employees to per­ Springfield ...... 24 23 48 4 14 33 ter church with its central location portation than it has today, it is im­ mit them to attend the Military New Haven...... 20 21 Score by Innings: proved a good one. perative that expansion and better­ This is Chapter 53 in a series I II\P CriDWrE Training Camps, and consider this Providence ...... 22 24 Hartford ...... 010 000 011 01— 4 Spectators who have been in the ing of tliat system be undertaken articles written by a former dough- jt i l t l l L t attendance when making promo­ Hartford ...... 12 25 Two base hits, Keesey. Miller, Grif­ habit of attending flower shows in with a view to the future require­ VIOLIN boy who is revisiting France as a tions. American Lea^e fin: three base hits, Moore; stolen other places commented on both ments of the country. Throughout New England, relig­ bases. Bowman; sacrifices, Griffin, the beauty of the flowers and the “We should and must have the correspondent for The Herald. W. L. Morrissey; double plays, Hartford to ON MOON’S ECLIPSE ious, civic and labor leaaers are New Y o rk ...... 34 15 Fuller to Bowman, Krahe to Butler unusually good looking containers most modern, efficient and flexible SCHOOL CHAPTER LHI among the hearty sponsors of the Chicago ...... 31 20 to Keesey, Hartford to Bowman; left which raised the effectiveness of the transportation plant in the world, camps, and recognizing the educa­ Philadelphia .27 22 on bases. New Haven 11, Hartford 15; display materially. The committee, and it is not in sight,” said Mitch­ tional value of the camps, a num­ bases on balls, off Loftus 3, Kemner ell. For Beginners Just a simple journey of four Washington . . . . .22 24 2, Miller 3; struck out, by Loftus 3. headed by the president. Miss Mary hours, from the gare de I’Est in Northwest Mounted Police and ber of leading colleges throughout Cleveland ■;...... 23 Kemner 4; hits, off Loftus 9 In 8, Mil­ O. Chapman, spared no pains to Good Investment the country have offered their 27 Paris to Verdun, is impressive. Trappers to Make Observa­ St. Louis ...... 22 26 ler 3 In 3; losing pitcher. Miller; um­ make the exhibit one that could not During the past five years, said VIOLINS FURNISHED scholarships to the finest types of pires, Summers, McDonald: time. 2:05. fail to delight everybody. It also af­ the head of America’s largest bank­ Meaux— the furthest point of tions In North. Detroit ...... 21 26 X—Morrison batted for Loftus in the German advance on Paris in youths attending the camps. The Sth. fords pleasure to the members to ing institution, the railroads spent young man w'ho begins his training Boston ...... 13 33 1914. National Leajfue know that their donations of flow­ an average of three-quarters of a Cambridge, Mass'.— Radio is to is under no compulsion or obliga­ ers are doing double duty for the billion dollars for capital improve­ FREE Chateau Thierry— where U. S. W. L. play an important part in obtaining tion for future service in any part local W. C. T. U. who held their an­ ment. In that same period, while infantry and marines stopped the scientific observations on June 15 of the military establishment, it Pittsburgh ...... 30 15 CLASS NOW FORMING Germans in 1918. Chicago ...... nual flower mission today, took the public utilities sold over seven of a total eclipse of the moon, which being both free of obligation and .27 19 over all that remained fresh for Mezy - Dormans - Jaulgonne — St. L ouis...... billions of securities with nearly APPROVED METHOD will be visible over the whole of free of cost. .26 19 the Memorial hospital, and the sick thirty per cent in stock, and the in­ here’s where the regulars of the America. Railroad fare to camp and re­ New York ...... 26 20 2Sth Infantry crashed the German and shut-ins of the community. dustrials close to ten billions with ENROLL NOW Most important observations to turn is paid for by the government. Brooklyn ...... 23 29 2 6 per cent in stock, the railroads pontoons and defeated the thrust Uniforms and medical supplies are be made are in Canada, below the Philadelphia .19 25 issued only three billions of securi­ across the , which, with its arctic circle and so far from civili­ furnished. Wholesome food in Boston ...... 17 24 scant 7 5 feet of breadth, still flows ties, of which only 5 1-2 per cent zation that it has been impossible abundance is provided. Athletic Cincinnati ...... 16 33 was stock. swiftly on to the Seine. to send an expedition from Har­ equipment, such as baseballs, bats, ATHOUGBT Epernay — where the Germans vard College there this year. So gloves, basketball, and boxing GAMES TODAY > f drank the champagne, and, ac­ the aid of trappers, missionaries gloves is furnished. Eastern League cording to some authorities, lost and the Royal Northwest Mounted To enter the camps the appli­ Hartford at Waterbury. Unto you that fear My name Paris in 1914 because of a four- police has been sought to make cant must be between 17 and 2 4 Bridgeport at Springfield. shall the Sun of righteousness arise. day debauch. the scientific observations wanted. years of age, an American citizen New Haven at Pittsfield. — Malaehi iv, 2. of good moral character, and in * • * Chalons— where Attila, the Hun, It is in this region that the light Providence at Albany. 1. Ground rules give batsman who made the first German invasion sound physical condition. Blank rays passing from the sun to the American League two bases on balls hit into restrict­ Fear, either as a principle or a of France in 451, was defeated. forms for enrollment may be ob­ moon will just graze the earth’s Chicago at New York. ed territory. Ball bounds out and motive, is the beginning of all evil. Red Hot Specials Chalons is on the Marne, also. tained upon application through surface. Detroit at Boston. batsman is retired trying for third — Mrs. Jameson. The train takes another direc­ Judge Gilson at the Probate Court on play. What is decision? ■Pv’orking in co-operation with in New Haven or to Captain J. G. St. Louis at Philadelphia. AT OUR tion out of Chalons. Dr. R. Meldrum Stewart, director 2. If batsman is hit by a pitch­ SE.^T BRINGS $220,000 — in the Champagne. Mahoney, 229 Woodbridge street, Cleveland at Washington. of the Dominion Observatory in National League ed ball which would otherwise There was Somme-Suippes, Somme- Manchester, Conn. New York, June 10.— The New Canada, Dr. Willard J. Fisher of Boston at St Louis. have gone over the heart of the Py, Suippes, Blanc Mont and St. plate, what is the ruling? York Stock Exchange seat of the observatory staff of Harvard Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Etiennes, where the Americans 3. What was the ruling made by Leonard D. Newborg was sold to­ Early Summer Sale College has arranged for 12 helped the French in the drive up Brooklyn at Chicago. the major leagues some years ago day to Paul R. Bosten for $220,- groups of the white inhabitants of GETS A YEAR New York at Pittsburgh. the eastern side of the Argonne the Canadian wilds to make the relative to spitball pitchers? 000, a new record high. Philip Forest in 1918. This drive made it 4. Can a batsman be removed Lehman’s seat was transferred to High Grade Bamboo Fishing I'.ecessary observations, the most Bridgeport, Conn., June 10.— ANOTHER REVOLT possible for the Americans to join Judge Arthur F. Ells of the Su­ from the game for a pinch hitter at Robert Lehman for a nominal con­ important of which w'ill be in the Paris, June 10.— The Portuguese L A W N IMOWERS Poles the French at Grand Pre. General vicinity of Baker Lake. perior Court, today imposed a one- any time, regardless of the balls sideration and that of R. Townsend government forces have quelled a and strikes on him? McKeever deceased to Oliver J. Gouroud staged his “ Elastic De­ JIany of the places from which year jail sentence upon George revolution in northern Portugal, 5. Two strikes have been pitched Anderson for $220,000. The last fense,” which was the French an­ observations are to be taken are Gallo, 21, of Stamford, after the 19c swer to the “Von Hutier” tactic, at youth had pleaded guilty to a sta- according to advices received here to an improper batter, when the previous sale was at $215,000. two months travel by dog teams, from Spain. mistake was discovered by the Navarin Farm, not far from and because of the short summer tuatory charge involving a young Strainer Suippes. girl. James Herbert, IS, also of team at bat. What can be done A cool drink on a hot day makes it is not expected that all the data Portugal has undergone numer­ about it? for greater family happiness. Ask Sanitaiy— White Enameled St. Menehould— where Louis the will be collected until the summer Stamford, who pleaded guilty as Sixteenth and Marie Antoinette an accessory, was given a suspend­ ous revolutions during the past two your grocer for Williams’ Root Wood Handle. of 1928. years, and northern Portugal but THIS TELLS IT Beer Extract. Pure and economical. spent a night before they drove on The only means of communica­ ed sentence to the reformatory and Fine Mesh Wire Cloth. placed on probation. recently had an attempted uprising. to Varennes and were captured by tion between these outlying posts 1. Ball Is dead the moment it — adv. Twisted Wire Stem. the Revolutionists to be beheaded and the United States is the pow­ ■ J 0 - later in the Place de Greve, which erful broadcasting of the West- was later called the Place Louis Six­ inghouse stations at Springfield, Regular $12.50 9c teenth and is now called the Place Chicago, Pittsburgh and Hastings. de la Concorde and is in front of So for the last month a regular Cook Knife the Crillon Hotel. feature of the Saturday nigl;l $9o95 Convenient size. Handle Les Islettes— just at the edge of broadcasting of these stations has the Argonne near LaHarazee and been the text of instructions 'o shaped to fit hand. Good Vienne-le-Chateau — on the line trappers, missionaries and the I'o- Sprinkling Can steel. Sharp and stays where the Americans jumped off in lice of what to watch for during 10 Quart Heavy Sheet Steel sharp. September, 1918. There are ruined the eclipse. Galvanized after making. houses still, and shattered walls. Because Baker Lake is the only Removable head. Dead-shell-killed trees show stark spot on the North American con­ HOLLYWOOD 29c above the dark line of the forest. tinent where the eclipse can be There are trenches, overgrown with observed properly. Dr. Fisher is 79c Mop grass, shell-holes filled with water, depending greatly upon the dafa 4-Ply White Cotton. No. 116 and caved-in dugouts. On a side­ collected there for a scientific re­ Prices to Advance on Unsold Lots tracks is a car loaded with bales port of the event. « Vacuum Bottle Standard Length Handle of rusted barbed wire. Some juiik The last eclipse of this nature One Pint Bottle dealer is still making money out of was in 1S92, but because the place Black Case, Aluminum Cup. 39c the war. where the eclipse could be best Then Verdun— Map of^ Keeps liquids either hot or observed was then in the Atlantic POPr e m And all this in a ride of four ocean, it was impossible to collect cold. Broom hours out of Paris— at a cost of much data. Now Only Long Broom straw. Stand­ 110 francs ($4.40). South Manchcstep.Cohn. ard length. Well made. 5 \ \ properly string. TOMORROW: Hail: The Snail. LICENSES SUSPENDED of] 89c . I ' EOWABDXJ-WOlT^, Nest of 5 Mixing 49c Scale \ • aa O ecem ber'^ei'^ COLUMBIA The weekly list of operators Bowls whose licenses to drive automobiles 4 ■ A,, ec *SO b C t Potato Masher in Connecticut have been suspended IMade of Genuine Bowl Clay White Enameled Handle, Miss Adella Badge entertained for one year for driving while un­ Light and durable, flat bot­ several of her friends Saturday der the influence of liquor was giv­ Easy to Clean. ^x4 in. base. evening in honor of her birthday. tom. Size 0-6-7-8-9 en out today at the state motor ve­ 7“ — Games were played and refresh­ hicle department as a part of the or S(i.CC®wCm ^ ments served. effort to reduce this highway men­ "A 98c 9c Dorothy LaBonte the little daugh­ ace. There are twenty-eight names ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles La­ on the list. One case was appealed. Baseball Bonte is suffering from scarlet fe­ The department statement advised Paring Knives ver. The West street school which i Official League people to notify the department or Assorted sizes and styles Horsehide cover, guaran­ she attended was closed a few days ' the police In case they should see of handles and blades. Se­ and fumigated. i any of the suspended drivers oper­ teed 18 innings. It was thought best to postpone ating motor vehicles. lect vour pattern until fall the Field Day which wa.^ Harry G. Beaumont, New Bruns­ \ to have been held by the town wick, N. J. 98c schools Friday. James Bergin, Forestville. 8c Mrs. Julia Little, Horace Little, Lester J. Cefaretti, New Britain. \ Padlock Mrs. William Lyman and Mrs. May Robert Cox, New Haven. Bay State Nail File Get One Now. Smith motored to Amherst recent­ Neil L. Coyle, Hartford. ly, to call on Mrs. Carrie Lock. They John F. Cummings, New Haven. Brass plated, large steel also visited Northfield, where Miss John J. Daly, Hartford. Has many uses on farm, in shackle. 6 levers Eleanor Frost is teaching. Thomas Dee, Dayville. so , * i shops and for household Mrs. Emily Randall of Rocky James T. Dowd, Bridgeport. You Need One Ford. Colo., has arrived in Colum­ Chas. A. Ehmann, Seymour. s® , \ \ - 19c bia :o spend the summer with her Frank W. Heidel, So. Norwalk. mother Mrs Lucy Clarke. Gustaf Hull, New Britain. 10c Baseball Glove The Well Baby Conference was Chas. A. Johnson, Unionville. 1 i $5 value. Genuine cow­ Walter Kennerson, Montville. s held at the Town Hall Wednesday Sponge and Chamois hide. Oil dressed. Pro­ afternoon, with Dr. Haskins in David H. Knapp, Bridgeport. i { i .'barge, assisted by Miss Margaret Louis Kostkiewicz, Naugatuck. t First Quality fessional model. Lewi.= , nurse. Otto E. Lawrence, 5Ieriden. 1 Very useful in home and for Wm. Luddy, Naugatuck. * sa 1 Mi'S Anna Dart of Providence ar­ *E- auto. $ 1 o 9 8 Francis T. MacCormack, Hart­ ’ i; ___ JM__ rived Wednesday to spend the sum­ ford. mer with Mrs. C. A. Holmes. Harry S. Moore, Middletown. 1 89c Square Grater Rudolph Koenig cf the Old Hop John 0. Pearson, E. Haven. River district, accidentallly shot Albert Rogers,- New Haven. Complete your kitchen himself in the arm Wednesday Edw. M. Seery, Waterbury. Thrift Jug with one of these handy noon. He was taken to St. Joseph’s Llnwood E. Snowman, Stamford. 1 The ideal hot and cold jug graters. Get one now! hospital, Willlmantic, for treat­ Wm. Stine, New York City. for your summer outings. ment. Oscar Storen, W. Hartford. "Wm. H. Vangasbeck, So. Glas­ Now selling at the low price 9c MELLON’S VACATION tonbury. Only Thirty-five (35) lots left in this most attractive development and for the month of June we shall hold to the of Washington, June 10— Secretary Wm. J. ’Wall, Hartford. original prices— on July 1st all imsold lots will be advanced ten per cent. of the ’Treasury Andrew W. Mellon Boys’ Attention Baseball Bats. Your announced today that he will spend DAM DYNA>nTED Thirty (30) houses already built, sewers, water, gas, sidewalk, curb and gutter, graded streets. A host of satisfied $1.49 the summer months cruising in Eu­ Favorite Style. purchasers together with a premier location and strong financial backing will surely make your investipent secure in ropean waters on a vacation. Houma, La., June 10— The emer­ Air Rifle Shot White ash— carefully se­ Mr. Mellon, who Is seventy-two, gency dam thrown up In Bayou Hollywood. said he had chartered a small priv­ steel Shot. Uniform size lected. Assorted lengths. Black a week ago to protect Houma In handv tube. Full burnt finish. ate yacht, the Venetia, which he from flood waters, was dynamited Several finished modem English and Cokwiial houses for sale. will board at Gibraltar early in early today by a party of 200 farm­ July. He will be accompanied by ers. Four charges of dynamite 5c 98c his son Paul, a student at Yale, and completely wrecked the dam. Mr. and Mrs. David K. Bruce, the Houma was thrown into a state latter his daughter. of panic when the four explosions "I •want to get a rest and become were heard. Crowds rushed to the EDWARD J. ROLL reacquainted with my family,” he edges of the lower Bayou Black BAMFORTH BROS. said. "I plan to avoid all official and Bayou Terrebonne to learn Tel. 560 865 Main St. contacts abroad." He will sail for of the danger, while others busied 691 Main Street. Johnson Block Europe on the Leviathan July sec­ themselves in preparing their ond. soods lor flUlit from the tfi.wn. M WW HIM WW > OK I

f Manchester (conn.) evening herald, Friday, j u n e lo, 1927. MFTEEN The Best Places to Shop MARKET PAGE The Best Stores Advertise

is under the charge of Aldo Pagani, ertson. corn machine, and the captain and of the "World war. ] the deeds. The main ldea„ however, and rider ■will be finished sufficient­ LARGE CROWDS ATTEND Andrew Pagani, :di.=s Ruth McLa- The home-baked foods booth his assistants, M.lss Margaret Gil­ This tribute will take the form is to Increase the interest in the ly to distinguish it. It will be com­ gan. Miss Barbara Lawrence, Miss was conducted adjoining the gar­ man and Aliss Ellen Neilson had STONE MOUNTAIN of au avenue of trees which will Stone Mountain monument among plete, except tor the finishing NORTH END’S festiv a l' Ruth Cose, iUiss Ruby Trouton, den, presided over by Miss Robert­ plenty to do last evening. lead up to the face of the moun­ organizations such as the American touches. Miss Margaret Burke, Miss Mildred son, Mrs. Clifford Keif, Mrs. Alex Beetliovcn Club Tonight tain, on which are depicted an Legion, "Veterans of Foreign Wars, Laureston, Mrs, \ViRiam McGoni- Shearer, Mrs. Mark Holmes, Mrs. The notable attraction for this equestrian group of confederate Boy Scouts and others. gal. Its next-door neighbor, tlie MEMORIAL WILL (Continued from Pago 1) James \A*. Foley, Miss Helen Alori- evening at the Lawn Fete will be generals, including Generals Robert BREAKS PRECEDENT frankfurter booth, under the di­ arty and Mrs. Hayden Griswold. the concert by the Beethoven Glee E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jef­ To Dedicate Trees number of booths gives greater rection of Joseph Wright and as­ -More Games Club, of the South End, Helge E. ferson Davis. Any of these organizations de­ variety in pastimes than at any sistants, was also a i■)us,^■ and popu- For the young folks who like ex­ Pearson, conductor. This will be BE WAR TRIBUTE Natural Beauty siring to purchase a tree could Hot Springs, Va., June 10—Jos­ previous Lawn Fetes. ' kir point, especially as r'l e evening ercise, there are other games, in­ the first opportunity to hear at a The suggestion to bring the dedicate it to some particular sol­ eph W. McIntosh, comptroller of wou. on and th“ out-dorr air gave During the course of the openin.g ! cluding the following: ‘‘Crack-the-i public event like the Lawn Fete World war into the memorial was dier they are interested in, and in currency, told the District of Co­ rest to tlie ai'.oriito. Bottle,” which consists of milk- these forty trained singers who made by Augustus E. Lukeman of this way the Avenue of Trees, as lumbia Bankers’ association con­ evenin.g those present had oppor- ! a memorial to heroes of the vention here that the call for tunity to hear one of the town's : 'Fhe Miti-Way Row bottle targets: just hit the bottle have a more than town-wide repu­ Idea Broadened So That It New York, the sculptor who suc­ Tlie “Mid-wa>" row of booths and you get a prize. This is on the tation for their concert work. ceeded Gutzon Burglum in the task World war, would become a public condition of national banks would promisin.g youn.g musical organiza- ' undertaking without any additional be issued as of June thirteenth. tions, the South Manchester High ! alone the eastern border of the order of the old doll-throwing There will also be music by the which may not be finished for an­ Center Flute Band tonight, and to­ other five years. His suggestion is expense to the management of the School Orchestra, under the direc- l .crounds olfers man>- humorous game, where a good pitching arm Includes Avenue of Trees This is the first time in history morrow evening Colt’s Band, of well taken because the road leading Memorial. tion of their leader. Miss E. Marion | .games and much sport. Beginnin.g counts, and is popular. Those iu that advance Information as to the at the southeast corner, the first is charge include: AA’illiam Brennan, Hartford, will give a two-hour con­ to the mountain Is drab and bar­ By the first of September, Luke- date of the hank call has been offi­ Dorward. The young musicians ] cert. For Heroes. ren and trees and foliage would be man predicts that the first horse cially divulged. .gave a very pleasing program, and ! the “Drive-a-Xair' booth. The pat­ Charles A’arick, Richard Edgar, ron three tries with a hammer an appropriate approach as well as their performance a real i Peter Parton, Samuel Kotch, at dri\ ing ar nail full-length into a Luscious strawberry short-cake add a touch of natural beauty. future in the licla of music for ; “AA’oody" AA’allett, John Hunt, Vin­ block. Full-length brings a prize, in Japanese Garden at Lawn Fete, Each three, according to Luke- these youn.g people. i cent Ferrand and James AIcLaugh- Atlanta.—The Stone Mountain but half-length or a bent nail lin. 25c.— Adv. Alemorial, originally designed as a man’s idea, would be planted in Vocal selections by members of j brings only heartless lau.ghter from “Ring-a-Cane” appeared to have memory of the deeds of some the Community Club and their ! The menu of a sixteen-da.v jold gigantic monument to heroes of th ^ w orld ‘warsoldTerTn^ booth att:^iulants and spectators. It its old fascination last evenin.g and wherever friends were interspersed with the j looks easy hut try It once. Ray­ robin consists of about 70 earth­ Confederacy, has been broadened to necessary markers will be placed at tlie booth presided over by James worms. i include a fitting tribute to victims selections by the school j mond Reid and V. Francis are in Gilligan and G. Trouton had plenty the root of the trees, describing orchestra. The band liad a very : charge . to do. The “monkey-ball” game, busy. , . evening.... and kept lively ,! Next comes the home-made under the direction of Herbert Al­ EASTERN V ith Us music both before and after j candy booth, with Mrs. James I ley, gave opportunity for marks­ t!.e piogram, occupyin.g seats of | Phearer, ?drs. Charles Imomis. Mr.=. manship at the expense of the an­ vantage on the lar.ue open-air AVilliam S. Hyde. Mrs. tV. A. cestors of all mankind. a: the extreme north-east section of Strickland and Mr.s. John Gleason t:ie grounds. Of course a Lawn Fete would in not be complete without Robert AL Kailroad AVreck Jam Adjoinin.g thi= booth is one for I PROVISION CO IS one Reid's dart game, and the booth is Three out ot four Right at the highest point of testing one's skill at baseball right near the main entrance with the automobile traffic over the throwing, the targets being pussy.. Robert AL in charge, assisted by Main street railroad crossing those 1 cats of all descriptions, colors, sizes George Grazadio, Frank Linnell entrusted with keepin.g the traffic ! and even the iong-whiskered ones and Stanley Jamroga. Aladam Lam­ I 127 State Street 129 moving had an unforseen obstacle prefer the A»P of tb.o cartoons in tho comic slicets. bert, of Troy, N. Y., daughter of arise. A wreck on the Shore Line Three ha.=eballs are offered each Prince AA'illiams, of Hartford, lias Of 1151 women recently asked about their made it necessary to divert through I’atron, witii gifts for .successfully a fortune telling booth nearby. -Manchester the heavy trains ordi­ demolishing a cat. Howard Gates Balloon Booth buying preferences, 860 say that they are cus­ I HARTFORD, CONN. narily .going east over the Shore and Richard Keeney direct the pas-j Line route. The present intense interest in tomers of the A & P. ^ In other words, 75% time. aviation helped out business at the As a ‘result, in the midst of the •lapaiiese Ganleii balloon booth, the attendants say, PREFER THE A & P. . T. and they give as the Lawn Fete congestion, along came A particularly attractive nook at and scores of brightly colored All Cars from the East Start from our Store. the crack train of the New Haven ! reason for this preference the QUALITY and the L:iwn Fete Is tb.e Japanese .clobes were liberated from this road, the Knickei’bocker Exi.iress, ' Garden, which consi.sts of a section booth. The attendants are Aliss followed closely by the splendid ECONOMY of the merchandise sold at the Evelyn Jones, AVilliam Foster, F. on the serving strawberry sbnrt-cak'e and AIcAIenemy, Aliss Shirley AA'rlght, I CLOSE AT 6:30 P. M. OPEN UNTIL 9 :00 P. M. ON SATURDAYS scene, and to the credit of all con­ other good things to tlnur guests, Aliss Bernice Lydall and Aliss Agnes j Friday & Saturday cerned, the traffic was moved so under the direction of Airs. G. H. Jordt. Not far away is Captain i safely that not a fender wa.s AA'asliburn and Marion Rob­ Joel AL Nichols’ brand new pop- i scratched. Through misunderstanding, a We invite you to come into our store and was made for parking of automdbile.s t'arly la.^^t evenin.g. ^ - . ______look around. We want you to see that we This has been discontinued. Free m i Ci^eamery B u tte r parkin,g will be allowed, and hile i the Communi'y clu'i doc.', not ;is- p iilJ take every sanitary precaution in the han­ sume responsibility, police super­ vision will give all the protection dling of the meats that we offer you. possible. The Stage Number.s Selected Eggs dox. In addition lo the .^elections by the High Scjiool Orchesira pre­ viously referred to, the foIlowin,g numbers were given on the open- Try A Roast Of Pork air stage ami were received with much tiiipiause: Band Box Dance, Sunnyfield Bacon J-ciu Castile and ' Betty Sycke: Irish Jig. Marcella llalloran and For Dinner Herbert Wall; Ilighhind Fling, John Cowans; song “Give hie a Lit­ tle Kiss." Billy Shea; Dance. Betty It satisfies—yet costs so little, and has that meat fla­ Forman; Scho( linaster's Dance. Pauline Emonds and Francis Wat­ Seeing is Believing lour $ 1.19 vor which pleases the palate and satisfies the appetite. ers; Son,gs. Corwin Grant, “June Brought the Roses.'’ “M'hen Irisli FRESH PORK FOR ROASTING Eyes Are Smiling." and “Little You have got to see for yourself the values we are of­ Gold Medal or Pillsbury’s, 24V2 lb. bag Town in the Old Country Down.'’ fering in new and up to date furniture. We want you LEAN FRESH SHOULDERS ... -■V. Busy isceiie to come and be convinced that our merchandise is first 16c lb . When the crowd.s of visitors pas­ PORK CHOPS...... sed through the entrance to the quality and our prices as low as the lowest. “tVhite House" grounds at the s utheast corner of tlu' tiudosed A few IMohair and Jacquard living room suites that we M r e L a rd area an exceedingly busy scene must close out at a big sacrifice. Also some good buys met their gaze. Almost entirely cir­ in Dining and Bedroom Suites. Daisy H am s...... 24c lb. cling the area bordered by the six- foot high canvass was an orderly Our Bedding Department will surprise you. A June Sugar Cured Smoked Picnics .. .. 17c lb. array of booths. Each booth was suggestion CAKES appropriately decorated in wh.ite A good Cotton Mattress for . .»...... S8..50 &#iiebuoy 9oap and gold, and electrically lighted. Sugar Cured Bacon...... 20c lb. The booths were poiiulated by num­ Seven inch box Mex. Floss...... S23.60, regular S29;50 « M | 24'/2 LB BAG 12V^ LB B.BAG erous workers who used humor, Felt M attress...... $18..50, regular 825,00 e 5 LB guile, loquacity and j.iersuasion to 85 lb. Refrigerator...... 823.50 net BAG induce the visitors to invest in 40 11). Refrigerator...... 813.95 net Pastry f lour 89‘ 45 their merchandise or play their respective games. Buffet and Console Mirrors suitable for June gifts 82.95 Perhaps the first point which at­ and up. Pure, snow white tracted attention was the large The best shortening LB Economy Beef Cuts open-air stage, the attention being \our Credit is good at Benson’s. PureLard drawn there chiofl. by reason of Expenses Low, Prices Just as Low. BONELESS RIB ROASTS the music from the Center Flute Lb...... ■...... 20c Band stationed on the high eleva­ BAKING LB tion. Thi.s stage i.s solidly l)ui!t. POWDER TIN SIRLOIN SHOULDER is thirty-two feet long and thirty i Rumford’s ROASTS .... 2 2 c " ’ CLODS .... 20c "■ wide, and i- five fec-r from the Benson’ s Furniture Co. BOTTOM ground. It is decorated in white A&P fancy sweet corn • C NO. 2 ROUND CHUCK and .gold. Tel. 53-3. 649 Main Street CANS Hoo])-T,a— It's a Game Young and tender CAN ROASTS .... 20c ROLLS .... 20c In the center of the enclosed ‘ ^ Corn POT ROASTS SOUP area on the Lawn F^te grounds is a large s(iunre bon;h wiiicii made Lb...... SHANKS, lb. .. . 5c A&P NO. 2 12c lots of fun last ni.clit. Ti'.e booth CAN houses a game designated as ^liDmimmiiiiiiimiimiiimimiiMiimiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiimniiiiiii Sliced ■'Hoop La", the feat bein,g to throw PineappleU large hoops a distance of several Lamb Legs ...... 25c lb. f-.-et to hit the jiroper mark. Good LARGE Boneless Roasts...... 23c lb. I-rize.s were awarded where gotid. Helps make washday easier PKG s:;ots were made, the gifts includ- I Bedding Plants | i:.g little clocks, .gold pencils, belt Rinso buckles and cigar lighters. Thj booth is in charge of Arthur St. I Now is the time to get your flower beds planted.' We | 8 U N 8 W B E T 2 LB John, Al. Jamroga and Airs. AVil- Sanitary package PKG liam Brennan. I have a large supply of well grown plants which we list | Prunes Fresh Spring Veal Anotlier busy booth which also occupies preferre d s|iace in the cen­ S below. = ter of tlie area is the “Grain-o'- Hurts CAKES Boneless Veal Roasts ...... 22c lb. Corn" booth. The amusement at = Geraniums, all colors in large and small sizes; Petun-. = Dirt this booth consisted of arranging K ir k m a n ’s kernels of corn in the proper way, I ias, Lobelia, Marigolds, Heliotrope, Draecenas, Dusty = Breasts of Veal...... ,14c lb. rh'u r ti’.e cross-word puzzle fas’ - ion. and the winnt-rs were given » ^lillei, Coleus, Cigar Plants, Lupines, Fuchias, Single and ~ BOTTLE Shoulders of V eal...... 18c lb. sifm .such as serving trays, Japa­ I Double Verbena, Yellow Primrose, Begonia, Cosmos, | Hires* Root Beer Extract nese frays, jars of jam, jellies, etc. Sealed fresh Veal Chops...... 20c lb. Tim booth is tinder the direction of s ILdiangeas, Larkspur, ^Marguerites, Pelargonium, Pan- = at the factory Josepl; Moriarty, X-elson Smith Crisco nr.d Mervin Batch. VANILLA or LEMON BOTTLE 3 j . s sies, Haidy Phlox, Salvia, Scabiosa, Stocks, Vinca Vines, E EXTRACT Handsome Flower Booth E Single Dahlia. E Baker’s CREAMERY BUTTER...... One of the most beautiful booths ^ FOR L O * Cut from tub. ■ on the grounds Is the flower and Big Banker Candy Bar ...... 44c plant booth. This is located ad­ Don’t forget a package of our special fertilizer for = FRESH EGGS...... joining tho refreshment booth, at n .b .c . PKG X 9 ^ the right of the entrance, parallell­ flowers. Crusader Biscidt Every egg guaranteed. .... 26c ing North Main street, and displays a fine variety of plants and flow­ Porch boxes called for, filled and delivered' GRANDMOTHER *8 LARGE LOAF ers. It is under the direction of The real loaf Full'wdaht members of the Home Garden for every purpose X lb 4 ex Fresh Dressed Fowl...... 20c, 25c lb. Club, and those in charge are Mrs. Bread R. K. Anderson, Jliss Mary O. Shnpman, Tlrs. F. A. Niclcerson, Roasting Chickens______25c, 30c lb. '. C. R. Burr, Mrs AM. AV. Eells. I Anderson Greenhouses | TEA -Airs. C. AV. Blankenburg The refreshment booth, west Phone 2124 i| I SPECIAL PRICES AT OUR BAKERY DEPT. of the flower and plant bootli, was E 153 Eldridge St., South Manchester, Conn. | ! a popular place evening, with '.ce cream and drinks in demand. It luiummiiiiiiuiiiiminmuuiimminMmMmmiiniimiiimmimmnminumiii FAGfE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. FRIDAY, JUN£J 10, 10Z7.

♦:vrA:»5=»*»^!S3 > ■ ■ ■

The Best Places to Shop |V| ^ R |^ K T P A The Best S t o r e s Advertise fllHtfl^fei fllHkfllHk sHlfeifllii^^HMil nBsifi mHb

,r appetite 'chool Assemt)!'' hall at S o’clock. effect. ranged a program which she expects ate from Abbot Academy in An­ is another producer claiming tlie i many evoiit.s oa liociiester’s muni- and digestion tnai a restaurant Miss .Mar\' Burke, freshmen Eng- will prove very entertaining. One same honors. This newcomer in 1 cipal iiro'zraiu this: month. During j h-h t(a. who will he .starred witii The ])i-ice of both new and old potatoes has gone simply ont Edna Marion has been working ! I'airixink.s ill “The Milk Fed V e a l...... 35c lb. freight cars of a klidway, Conn., to in the movies for two or three : Bon.'.'.las of siglit. Please cut down on the number of potatoes you use I Gaucho.’’ during' tlie next two weeks. .About June 2:?i'd. or perliaiis a Boston freight train, were derailed i years and has proved to he a pret- ! Small Lean Fresh Shoulders...... 25c Ib. leiv days before, potato crojis from a new serfion are exiieeted at Shannock, five miles out of King-j U. S. UNIVERSITIES ty good actress. Hal Roach, how- | _ on the market, and tliis will send the price down to projier level ston today. | ever was the first producer to con- j Fresh Pork to R oast...... 28c=30c lb. again. The main line of the New A'ork.; GET 24 HONOR MEN ceive the idea of putting her into | Coif ; Land at I.r.wn Fete .-^atur- New Haven and Hartford railroad ■ a bathing suit. Edna was given a ! (■ lit.— -\.d V. DO YOU LIKE CHICKEN? for the xveek end we will liave was tied up. | contract just a few weeks ago. i SPECIAL some \ciy fancy tender killed fowl weigliing from 4 I3 to All trains were detoured, the j FROM GREAT BRITAIN 7y lbs. eacli. These aro not wasteful, and you can use iiji every Knickerbocker Express running over bit for salad after cart ing a Sunday dinner from them. the Midland divisio;.. Prime Rib Roast Beef . . . .And we Will have Roasting Chickens about o to 5^2 lbs. in Cambridge. Mass.— Harvard Uni­ w eight. TOOK A CHANCE versity will receive four of the Boneless Rolled Roast B e e f ...... 38c lb. Here's something gooti in the Chicken Line— Native Milk Fed twenty honor men graduates- of MOTHERS, TAKE CARE! little Broilers— jilease order e.arly if you want Broilers. A Scotsman paid his taxi fare Boneless Pot Roast B e e f ...... 30c-35c lb. and gave the driver a penny for a British Universities who liave been .Mr. Nelson will have the nsua! supply of Fresh \'ege(ables lip. awarded Commonwealth Fund fel­ 2 lbs. Pickled Pigs’ Feet ...... 25c ready for your order. New Cahbaue is roming in liard now- — Insist On “ What’s thi.s?” growled the driv­ lowships entitling them to two 2 lbs. Pocket Honey Comb T r ip e ...... 25c and is just right for C-old Slaw.. . Did you ever (ry Cold Slaw es, poising the penny and glaring years’ study in American universi­ I made willi Boolh's Russian Dressing? We expect lioth Native at it in disgust. ties. Lean Rib Corned B e e f ...... 12c lb. raid Jersey .Si raw berries, large ripe Pineapples, Green Beans, “ A’e’re a sportsman,” said the Three of the graduates will go Fancy Boneless Brisket Corned B e e f ...... 25c lb. •Nali'.e Asparagus, fireen Peas, Carrots, Beets, nice head Lettuce i Scotsman, beaming at him. to Columbia, two each to Princeton, and ".lean" .Spinach from Peterson’s; also Ctdery, (Jrecn Peji- “ TailsI ”— Tit-Bits. Pennsylvania and John Hopkins, Our Home Made Sausage M e a t ...... 30c lb. [icrs and I’arsley. and the remaining seven will go to Small Link Sausage...... 40c lb. Tile I'riiit .Association is still advertising sometiiing like this— seven different American educa­ “ Iniy a dozen of liananas, hold liicm until tlie little brown specks tional instructions. ajipear on the skin; then they are just at tlieir best point and Fellowships have been awarded SPECIAL you get tlie tine Iianamt flavor."...... AtC.H.Tryon’s to three women this year and two . .Emit Salad will go good these warm days. Our Pratt Low will go to Yale and the third to Emit .Salad in cans is a most delicious comhination of Peaclics, Clark Univer.sity. Sperry & Barnes Rindless Bacon 49c lb. I'ineaiiple, .Apricots, i’ears and Cheri'ies. Add a few bananas Sanitary Market The awtirds tills year, as pre- if you want to “strefeh" it out a little. v;o';.-i.y. v,, I'e made b\ a committee Ripe <'.'intalonpes are in season. Order a dozen of Ginger .Ale of K:::’.l. g British educators, with D r assorted .Soda. Phones 441-442 His Ruy:i! Highness, the Prince of Home Cooked Food Specials Wales, who has from the beginning PATS AA'e will make iiji fresh Pinehurst Sausage .Meat early Satur­ day morniiig and it will sell at 32c lb. tomorrow. j .Strictly Fresh Eggs from .Atkin taken a deep interest in this pro­ Baked Chickens, stuffed and buttered i Farm 38c dozen. ject, as honorary chairman, and Pure, nourishing oats with NOTHING ADDED to inter­ Fancy Sti'awberries 25c basket. Sir Walter Buchanan-Riddell, prin­ .^L50, 82=00, S2.50 each Pure Lard 11c lb. cipal of Hertford College, Oxford, fere with the remarkable protein, carbohydrate, vita- A 15y Bottle of Tolc|)lione Seii ice Nathan Hale Collee 49c lb. as chairman. Apple Pies from Native Baldwin A p p les...... 35c each until nine tonight. If iv Pillsbury Flour, 1-8 barrel sack This is tlie third annual group of mine and laxative “food balance” of strengthening oats. Home Made Coffee Nut R in g s ...... 25c each is convenient and you a •SI .29. Commonwealth Fund awards. B'j> Tki* 6 ('‘‘ B'ttt'e and jet iKv iS- want your order early, Royal Scarlet Corn 18c can. Counting the new students with the Baked B e a n s...... 25c qt. !t- FRF.a ! ’.b* am.)!! Bottle itrid if give 2000 a ring a’ C r •■' h'r. :Vct.’v Dci;i;htfn return tne A'irdcii Peaches, large size, 29c forty Commonwealth Fund Fellows Brown B re a d ...... 10c-15c loaf R-..t:c muH Gcr Vo;,: tonight. This special can. now ill this country, the total num­ r t ” . S i A Strawberry Layer Cakes from Fresh delivery leaves tlio 2 rolls Scott Tissue Toilet Paper ber is sixty-three of whom ten have store, just as soon as 2.5c. elected to work at Harvard, eight Strawberries ...... 40c each our vegetable truck re­ Premier Salad Dressing, large at Yale, eight at Columbia, six at Chicken P i e s ...... 25c each turns from Hartford— 33c. and fresh bakery, Cornell, five at California, four at Lemon Meringue Pies. Pineapple Meringue Pies, Squash Carnation .Milk 11c can. Chicago, four at John Hopkins, crcain, milk, etc. comes Occident Flor, 1-8 barrel sack Pies. Rhubarb Pies. .\!I kinds of Salads. I in. If you want three at Princeton, three at Penn­ •51.39. sylvania, two each at Wisconsin, JUUL’ S CASH .Sti'awlierry Short Cake 2 lbs. Lima Beans 25c. Stanford and Michigan, and one I and Cream, please re- lbs. Wliite Beans 25c. ] HARRY .HJI L. Pi op. For Y'our Picnic Li'.nch try our Home Baked Ham. I MAKBb OLD each at Illinois, Minnesota, Clark, THINGS NEW memlier you can get Try our Old A'ennont Cheese 48c I 539 Main Street, Next to Gas Ofilce. Tcl. 3339 V.1-- the best Berries and X’orth Carolina, and the .Massa­ Soeciai for S a tiu d a v ...... 79c lb. : ; Fiir.ts Ib. I 1 i ruRN'TUfiC chusetts Institute of Technology. ■ I »-'*cs«aa!L tS the finest of heavy 3 packages Corn Starch 25c. I o eam to whip at Pine- 3 jiackages Corn Starch 2 5c. ' One is carrying on special research hurst. at the United States Bureau cf 1 V-.,.. Edgemont Crackers 22c pkg. i Royal Scarlet Coffee, 1 lb. can |Standards. Quality Meats Grocery S p e c ia ls 42c lb. ! The first twenty Fellows appoint­ ed in 1925 will finish their studies r . and return to England this sum­ Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb & Poultry Finest Fresh \V estern E g g s ...... 32c dozen Meat Suggestions mer. Wedgewood Butter...... 46c lb. .\:i(l !:?;-e again, you will find QU.ILITY comes first RIB ROAST ...... 35C-33C Meats I i Best Pure L a r d ...... IS '/jc lb . H A.MS PIXEHXTRST QU.\LITY TREES AS FOREC.ASTERS BONELESS V E A L ...... 33c Kellogg’s Corn F la k e s...... 7c pkg. Native Fowls, 4 to 5 lbs. each 45c Brut Ends to boil or bake. CORNED BEEF. FRESH F O W L ...... 43c Confectionery S u g a r ...... Sc pkg. lb.I, Tuscon, Ariz.— Climatic cycles of .siiaiik Ends to iKiil. 14 lbs. (Granulated S u g a r ...... $1.00 ■Scouli Ham. \ ii-ginia Ham. Briskets. Native Veal Cutlet 55c lb. variations In the ■weather are re­ POT R O A S T ...... 3.')C-;;;)C Cloverleaf Pineapple, S liced ...... 25c can ( iU'adian Bacon. Lean Rumps, Briscuits, Ribs A’eal Patties, 3 for 25c. corded in the trunks of trees. Dr. CORNED BEEF ...... !-■?, 15c, ’Me Legs of Lamb 45c lb. A. E. Douglas, astronomy profes­ Libby’s Crushed Pineapple, large c a n ...... 28c can Boiled Ham. I)ai--y Hams. .(♦ Bi'.ncles.s Hams. Sirloin Flanks, Thick Ribs. Pork to Roast 29c lb. sor at the University of Arizona, SAUSAGE M E A T ...... 3:)c Lion Brand Malt and H o p s ...... 79c can Rib Roast Beef 33c. says. By “ reading” the rings In Fowl for Fiicas.see, Native Broilers, Roasting Chickens, Pot Roast 28c lb. trees, he believes he can make a FRANKFORTS ...... Pilscr Malt and H o p s ...... 79c can tinned and rolled Shoulder of lean, tender genuine Spiing Lamb, Home Made Sausage Meat 33c lb. general forecast of the weather for FRESH E G G S ...... -iJe 3 Ring .Malt and H o p s ...... 59c can liaked with browai poLitoes and served with brown gravy or Small Link Sausage 42c lb. years to come. Puritan Malt and H o p s ...... 59c can mint sauce. .Cnd these shoulders of lamb make a nice sliced FANCY LOCAL EGGS ...... 45 c Smoked Shoulders, short cut 27c Canadian Cream Malt and H o p s ...... 79c can cold meat. Shoulders of Lamb special 29c to 31c lb. lb. Tastie Meats, a small ham, similar to Daisy Ham 14c ii). Small leg.s of Genuine Spring Lamb. Boneless Boasts of Veal. Rib Roasts Pot Roasts IP S O P GROCERIES Honeycomb Tripe Calves' Liver a - *u5 Fruits And Fresh Vegetables Chicken B r o t h ...... 10c Lean Pork to Roast or Lean Pork Chops Fruit Headquarters for the finest Strawberries at the right Pinehurst Round Steak Ground 40-50 Prunes, California, 1 lb. package, 2 f o r ...... 29c price. Plnehurst Hamburg 25c lb. Strawberries 25c basket. ,| M | A aJV a


The Best Places to Shop The * Best Stores Advertise * "

MARKET PAGE •tipi'*”- *■ i. •. • -. - - - . 'V - P 'V '^ ’ S . ______'.....riwxirvrrinri'TimnrrrmrTTr n > ii ...... im M > ...... ' ...... i i iim-- • > rr i ...... •...... i ii.....n n Comet On Way Here If Old Fritz Only Knew- Free Read Our PHILADELPHIA WOULDNT BE SUFFERING SO But Don *t Be Scared Parking Ad ou Space in London.— Never mind making a^^ aware of it. The tail is made up of the Back will, putting on a life preserver, or highly tenuous, highly nebulous Rear of hiding under the bedsheet when the gas stretching tor millions of miles. Page Pons-'Winnecke comet comes close "It is quite conceivable that if Store ' to the earth June 29 next. Nothing we hit a big comet square on in its §T PAYS TO WAIT ON YOURSELF is going to happen. solid nucleus something more seri­ I get this straight from Pons- ous would happen. It’s conceivable Winnecke’s nurse, the distinguished some people would be hit by mete­ astronomer. Dr. A. C. Crommelin. orites and killed. By “” it is not meant that “Even when we are closest to MANCHESTER'S PUBLIC PANTRY Pons-Winnecke is washed, combed, Pons-Winnecke on June 27, the fed, and put to bed by Dr. Crom­ comet will seem only a luminous melin. He simply knows more about ts'isp of cloud. Our moon is 240,000 Pons-W’innecke than any other liv­ miles away from the earth. Pons- , ing astronomer. Winnecke will be over 14 times a THREE GOOD REASONS greater distance away— an enorm­ Got The Dope om Halley's ous margin of safety. He is retiring from the Royal For the Success of the Most Talked of Food D epartment in the State Greenwich Observatory after ofi[ Thinks Them Eniptions years’ continuous seiwice as comet i “The real nature, origin and : expert. Ho is the head of the comet - characteristics of comets still are • 1. Quality—the best. 2. Cleanliness. 3. Price—lowest average in town. section of the British Astronomical | matters of dispute. Personally, I j Association. think they are results of eruptions of matter from the planets around Seventeen years ago he achieved which they revolve. They presuma­ Sugar—Finest American Granulated, fame by mathematically working bly are shoals of meteorites and ^ out the prediction that the mysteri-1 Flour—Gold Medal, Pillsbury, bag $1.24 ether solid substawes. We don’t ■ 100 lb. b a g ...... $6.50 ous Halley’s comet would appear in j know what the solicLs are. When our orbit on April 17, 1910. It ac-j these come near t’le sun, gases are tually appeared April 19. This gave | released by the heat. These gases , Crommelin lasting renown in as-1 are mainly hydrogen, hydrocarbons' tronomical annals. 800 POUNDS SHOULDER HAM, lb...... 16c and cyanogen, the latter of course Pons-Winnecks is now in our or- j being a poisonous gas. It is these ‘ Especially selected—fresh from the smoke house. Ham sold in Health Market and Self Serve.______bit and there have been various ; gases t’aat form the tail of the com­ yarns to the effect that there is I et streaming behind. dire danger to the earth. | “Each time a comet goes far ; Closest? 3,500,000 Miles! away from the sun, it loses its tail, Butter Meadow Gold, 2 lbs...... 99c "Stuff and nonsense,” said Dr. and gets a new one when it comes Pure Lard—Swift’s, lb. pkg. 13V2C Crommelin to me. “The comet -will near the sun again. The comets 1 lb...... 51c be closest to us on June 29 and which come frequently soon have Fresh made. even then it -will be 3,500,000 miles no tails at all any more. Pons-Win- away. uecke, which belongs to the group “The thing to remember about of comets that revolve around Jup­ comets is that most times the earth iter, makes its appearance in our 39c is between the sun and the comet, heavens about every five and a Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen . .. so that there is no chance of run­ half or six years. It was discovered Fancy large white and brown eggs. ning into its tail. But even if we by J. L. Pons in 1819 and rediscov­ did run into and through its tail, _ ered by Winnecke in 1858. Hence Tlie Philadelphia foundeil hy Fieointing to the town. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii All for 95c Ohio Blue Tip Matches, 6 boxes...... 25c 1 Ten Qt. Galvanized Pail By JOHN' GRAUDEXZ Pure Cider Vinegar, full strength,. . . . qt. 19c, pt. VZhe 6 Cakes P. and G. V\Tiite Naptha Soap 1 Package Chipso (large) Berlin.— From Berlin to Phila­ SPAIN DROPS ARMOR I WARANOKE RESTAURANT | 1 Package Ivory Flakes delphia— one hour! But the Phil­ Sunbeam Fancy Tomatoes, large c a n ...... 23c i 805 Main Street. J. J. Williams, Prop. E 3 Cakes Guest Ivory adelphia in question is not in the Gold Dust, large package...... 25c U. S. It is a little village in the WORN BY HORSES IN 2 Cakes Ivory Soap (medium) suburbs of Germany's capital. I SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS | Fairy Soap, 5 large bars ...... 25c After Frederick the Great had' = Roast Turkey or Chicken...... $1.00 = •won all his battles he started to BULL FIGHT ARENA Sunbeam Pure Jelly Powder,3 pkgs...... 25c Rinso, large pkg...... 19c colonize the Mark Brandenburg, 5 Roast Beef or Chicken a la K in g...... 60c = i\Iakes a delicious dessert. u'hich had been devastated through Hale’s^m ous Morning Luxury the results of the many years’ last­ Madrid.— The steel “corsets” I ^ $1.00 DINNER " I ing battles. which were tried out on the horses = Fruit Salad = Frederick the Great T\'as a great used in Spanish bull-fights proved Evaporated Milk, Van Camp’s, Coffee, lb...... 38c admirer of the United States and to be a decided failure and the gov­ = Creme of Chicken Soup = (Freshly ground.) especially of the .growing city of ernment has prohibited further use = Combination Salad = 3 tall cans...... 29c Philadelphia. Pa. So he named one of any metal armor. S Roast Stuffed Chicken or Turkey = of the colonies after that city. Instead of serving to protect the = Cranberry Sauce = Fresh Walnut Meats, lb...... 39c One good hour's ride by motor horse in even a small way, it made car towards the southern part of matters much worse for the poor S Green Peas. Mashed or Boiled Potatoes. = Greater Berlin there is a sign on a beast- The bull’s horn pierced the E Strawberry Shortcake = Tomato Soup, Campbell’s, ca n ...... 8c MANCHESTER’S COOKIE HEADQUARTERS narrow road pointing to Philadel­ metal -with about fs much ease as = Tea Coffee i Featuring N. B. Cookies phia. Thirteen houses in all, some if it had been a rubber balloon and old and crestfallen and some gaily the result was much more disas- (66 Vaiieties) painted up in read and blue and I BLUE PLATE SPECIAL 60c | Fresh from the oven. yellow— that is the town. terous. For it left a horn as rough E Creme of Chicken Soup = Your Choice, c a n ...... 10c as any grater to make any wound Crusader Biscuits, lb. pkg...... 19c The oldest inhabitant, Ferdinand = Combination Salad = Sugar Coni, Silled Sweet l’e;i.'^, Stiiiigle.-ss Cut Ceans and which the horse might receive in­ Solid Pack Tomatoes. Bouquet Sandwiches, lb...... 35c Graef. tells that his grandfather finitely more painful. E Roast Beef or Chicken a la King = bought a small house in the year Numerous small inventors have 18U9 from the original colonist, = Green Peas Mashed or Boiled Potatoes E who himself settled there in 1771. been scratching their heads over E Pudding or Pie i Since then the Graef family has this problem of some kind of pro­ = Tea Coffee E been living there. Graef is 8 7. His tective armor for the horses. One daughter Minna lives there too, of them has hi.t upon the idea of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimmiMimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii FEESM FEUIT AND VEGETABLES with her husband and their daugh­ two layers of heavy blanket felt, ter, which makes five generations tightly compressed together, with Sunkist Valencia Oranges, dozen 39c Extra Fancy Native Head Lettuce, head 7c Ell told. hemp between and covered with a ii’iiiiiiiiiiniinmiimiiimimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiimiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiHin Altogether Philaaelphia counts fine netting of tough rope. Prepara­ Ebout thirty souls, most of whom tions are being made to try this out fire living a quiet and poor life, within a short time. If the bull is 500 QUARTS EXTRA FANCY STRAWBERRIES. none of them possessing sufficient unable to push his horns through land to grow enough to live from. the felt, the horses will not be rip­ I CLORENGE’S I These strawberries are really the best berries we have had this season. In many cases they are sold as nati've But they have troubles other ped opeu as often as in the past, beiT’ies. We also have a limited supply of native East Hartford Strawberries. than poverty, old Ferdinand told and even if they are the sight will E “The store that holds faith with the people.” 5 me. be less disagreeable, for the armor During the time of the inflation will keep the wound together. But = Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006 = a Berlin banker bought the big they will very likely be lifted into E F. Kelley, Prop. = We have just received a fresh supply of large Sunkist Grapefruit, fancy Florida Valencia Oranges, Watermelons farm which joins Philadelphia and the air, corset and all. (whole or half), extra large Jumbo and medium size Pineapples, fresh Cocoanuts, Ripe Cantaloupes, Native fresh clean Is trying to swallow all the land So it is very probable that the there. To crush the townsfolk he Spinach, beet Greens, fresh Maryland Peas, New Beets and Carrots, Radishes, Stringless Green Beans, Golden Wax poor horse of picadors will go on Beans, Hot House Cucumbers, Native Fresh Cut Asparagus (from Olcott’s farm) and fancy Washed Celery Hearts. makes life hard for them, for in­ suffering as long as there are any stance by barring a pathway lead- bull-fights in Spain. in,g through a small forest to the fields of the colonists, forcing them I When Everyone Else Is Playing to make long detours to get to their work. I A Texas woman has asked news- Free “This pathway has always been j papers to help her find her hus­ Read Our open as long as I can think.” said band, -who last was heard of when I W hy Not Play Yourself. Parking Graef. adding with a sigh. “Oh, if he enlisted in the Confederate ar- our old Fritz only knew this!” • mv. Ad on E Enjoy those hours you used to spend in the kitchen, Space in i Days like these are made for play—for rest and recrea- the Back E tion and relaxation out of doors. You can do this by ^ Rear of = purchasing your foot^stuffs at Florence’s. = Page Store Specials for Saturday I Large Assortment of | Fresh Shoulders 19c | Legs Lamb...... 42c I Home Cooked Foods | Quality Meats at Prices That Pork R oast...... 25c | Shoulders ...... 32c I With Specials Changing Daily | Pot Roast... 25c-35c Veal Cutlet .... 48c I SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY | Save Much Rib Roast ...... 35c | Veal Chops ..... 38c I ROAST NATIVE CHICKENS | Just take home a roast or some chops for tomorrov/’s dinner when you pass the Health Market tomorrow. Our E Full line of Cooked and Smoked Meats including our E meats are not only the tenderest and tastiest but lowest in price. Phone 403 and place your order and it will be ready E * own baked Ham. i S . Full line of Elizabeth Park Brand Canned Food Pro- 5 when you call. Fruit and Vegetables s f i ducts. s Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, Sweet Potatoes, Rad­ = '' Pickles, Olives, Onions and Relishes. = PORK BEEF POULTRY ishes, Beans, Aspai'agus, Carrots, Spinach, Lettuce. = Imported and Domestic Health Bread. = = - Imported and Domestic Canned Fish. S Fresh Broilers, Ib...... 45c Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Grapefruit, Lemons, Pine­ Best Boiled Ham, lb...... 70c Lean Fresh Ground Hamburg, = ~ Imported and Domestic Cheese. E Baked Ham, lb...... 78c ...... lb. 18c, 2 lbs. 35c Fresh Killed Fowl, lb...... 40c apples, Strawberries. Milk Fed Chicken, lb...... 42c = - Imported and Domestic Jams and Jellies. E Lean Pork Roast, lb...... 27c Tender Pot Roast, no w aste.. lb. 25c S ^ Mayonnaise, Sandwich Spreads, Tartar Sauce. S Small Lean Fresh Shoulders, lb. . .19c Tender Juicy Rolled Roast, lb. .. .32c E,_-^Potato Chips in bulk. Pretzels. S Shoulder Pork Chops, lb...... 26c Sirloin Roast Beef, lb...... 35c E KnorFs Soups and Boullions. = Fresh Link Sausages, lb...... 28c Juicy Pot Roast, lb...... 22c VEAL E ' Large assortment of Imported and Domestic Bever- = Hale’s Sausage Meat, lb ...... 25c Fresh Ox Tail, Ib...... 5c Boneless Veal Roast, lb...... 34c Reymander’s Market S ta g e s . I Fresh Beef Tongue, lb...... 28c Best Cut Top Round Steak, lb. .. 39c No waste. 1071 Main Street, Opposite Army & Navy Club S ^^Heavy Cream, Strictly Fresh Eggs, Brown’s Butter, E Brown’s Butter, lb. ... 55c Best Cut Shoulder Steak, lb...... 27c Native Veal Cutlet, lb...... 48c Phone 456 We Deliver Fresh Oysters. E Lean Rump Corned Beef, lb...... 22c Loin Veal Chops, lb ...... 35c i U U1 M ANCHESTER (CONTN.) HEKALD, FKIUAY, JUISE 10, 1927. XK- PAGE EIGHTEEN' Many Of Your Household Problems Can Be Quickly Solved Through Herald W a n t A

Apartments— Plats— Apartment Buildings for Sale 09 Honse* for Sale MoTlng-Tnicklng-Storage 2 0 ' Want Ad Information Announcements Tenements for Rent 68 ______i DELMONT STREET— Beautiful 10 ON CENTER STREET attractlj^ix PERRETT AND GLENNEY—Local | room bungalow In >w f«ct connltltDit. CITY SHOE REPAIRING FIVE ROOMS—New five-room tene­ room flat, always rented, nice shrubs SHOE SHINE PARLOR and long: distance moving and truck- ; and trees, two car garage. Price and Oak floors, flreplaci. Vtaacli.SUffra Manchester ing. Daily express to Hartford. Llv- ment. all improvements, garage. In­ large porch, fine shade trees, < located at 31 Oak street. Let me quire 22 Summer street. terms of Arthur A Knofla, 875 Main ';ike care ot your dress shoes and yo,. erv car for hire. Telephone T-2. ; street. Telephone 782-2. shrubs, good large lot, owhfr wislfe* Evening Herald to selL Tel. 685. will be satisfied. A Remedy JOHNSON BLOCK, Main street. > SALVATORE REALE Painting— Papering 21 Classified Advertisements room apartment, all modern Im­ Farms and Land for Sale 71 SIX ROOM COLONIAL ibouse, all line. STEAMSHIP TICKETS to and from j provements. Apply to Albert Harri­ modenr with more than.'1-2 acrejol Count six average '°,a,,ong all parts of the world—Cunard ; pylNT’ NG and paperhanging. VTork son, 33 Myrtle street. Phone 1770. land, good location. Price 'jn4et \nchor. White Star. French, Ameri­ done neatly and reasonably. Ted NINE ROOM HOUSE with all Im­ 86000. See Stuart J. W»^'ey,t827 Main can. Swedish. North German Lloyd LeClair. Tel. 3377.______For Household Worries 456 MAIN STREET—6 room tenement provements, seven acres of land, street. Telephone 1428-27 and several others. Assistance given A-1 condition, all Improvemeiits, chicken house, cow and horse, farm Is price of three lines. in securing, passports. Robert J WANTED—Painting done reasonable readv June 15th. Apply to Benson's and stable. For information tele­ ■W.ASHINGTON STREBT'.— Nice air liy dav or job work. Phone 2414. B. When go wron.g or your servants leave on short Furniture Co. Telephone 53-3. room single, fire place. Steam beat day foi transient Smith. 10u9 Main street. Phone. phone Manchester 1465-5. Line rates per !■' Green, 1S2 Spruce street. notice or don’t show up at all— don't worry but just re­ lot 65 feet, by 155. A nice hdipe. Terms. Arthur A. Knofla, 876 Male ads. member that a Want Ad in the Herald will quickly do house ON PORTER STREET—corner lot. Effective Sl.nrch 17, 1827 The Manchester Upholstering Co. the replacing and often within an hour or two after the 0.\KLYN STREET— 6 room ideal location for business, will sell streeL Telephone 782-2. Cash Charge is now located at Repairing near paper mill. Tel. 5-1GS6. reasonable if taken immediately. 9 CIS paper is off the press. 6 Consecutive Days .. j ^ cts 1 1 S Spruce street In emergencies like this just reach for your telephona ON C.AMBRTDGE ST.—Flat of six Box M. Herald. Lots for Sale 73 8 Consecutive Days . ' cts 11 cts South Manciiester E.NPERT KEY FITTING. Lawn mow­ 13 cts ers sliarpened and repaired, also and tell the Herald Want Ad Taker what you wish aud rooms, all modern improvement.s, ^ £>ay ...... I scissors, knives and saws sharpened. also tyvo garages. Inquire at 16 Cam­ Honses for Sale 72 JUST THE OPPORTUNITY you havi \11 orders for Irregular Automobiles for Sale Work called for and delivered. the rest will be easy. bridge street or telephone 504. been looking for! Two very desirabU wiil be charged at the one-time rate Harold Clemson, 108 North Elm and valuable lots on Cambrldg' Special rates for long term every Buick 1937 Master ''6” Demonstra­ street. .Manchester, Conn. Telephone ON CENTER ST.— Five room flat, all BUNGALOW— 5 rooms, all improve­ street. Must be sold Immediately. d.av advertising given upon ^equesL modern improvements, r’so garage. ments, garage In basement. Imme­ Splendid InA-estment, In beautiful tor. ' 4 6 2 . ______Have You a Vacant Room? ,\ds ordered for three o. six days Buick. 192.". Brougham. Inquire 147 East Center street. diate possession at $5500. Apply E. residential section. Fine oppprtuni; and stopped before the third Buick, i;‘25 Standard Sedan. L.vWN-MOWERS put In proper order, A Herald Want Ad Will Rent If. J. Holl. Tel. 560. tv for the person who acts now. Ual- dav will be charged only ior the ac phonographs, clocks, electric clean­ O.N DELMONT ST.—Five room flat, 245-3. Buick, 1924 Touring. first floor, all modern improvements, fual dumber of times the ad appear- Buick, 1923 Touring. ers irons, etc. repaired. Key making. BUNG.ALOW of five rooms, garage, 5 Pd charging at the rate earned, but Buick. 1923 Touring "I". B-aithwaite. 150 Center street. ready about July 1st. Inquire at 37 acres of land. Plenty of Avood, gas Resort Proiierty for Sal© 71 ,o'allowances or refunds can be made Hupmol.ile. 192.'. "S" Sedan Want Ads Are Cures for Household Worries. Delmont street. engine saAv and tools. Price reason­ ■>n six time ads stopped after tne Hupmobilc, 1 925 "4'' Touring. able. Phone 1932-2. Chevrolet, 1922 Sedan. Private Instruction 28 RENTALS— Several desirable rents COTT.AGE witli garage ani drive ^‘n o '^-tTu forbids"; display lines not with modern Improvements, Inquire PORTER STREET—Desirable loca­ Avell, West Side. Columbia Lake, fac-' .1. M. SHEARER PHONE 664 Edward J. HolL TeL 560. tion, attractive Colonial house. 11 Ing water front. Walter E. Critten­ ’ °The Herald will not be responsible | CAPITOL BUICK CO. TEL. 1600 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION given in all ; rooms, arrangei . for one or two den, Y. M. C. A., New Haven, Conn. tor mofe than one ^correct Insert.on grammar school subjects by former ■ 6 ROOM TENEMENT all modern im­ families, substantially good condi­ Df anv advertisement ordeied tor Dependable Used Cars grammar school principal, for rates provements, with garage, 52 Russell tion, water, gas, elf-ctricity. furnace, Legal Notices 71 more Ihau^one tune. or incor- .Manchester Motor Sales Co. call 215-5. street. Phone 303-2. price and terms reasonable. Walton The Inadvertent , Ini;9 JIain St. So. Manchester! W. Grant Realtor 75 Pearl street. -ect publicatioi. of advertising .vll.vill be TENEMENT of four room.s yvith all Hartford. 2-7584 or Manchester 221. -\'r A COURT OF PROB.ATE HELP hv cancellation of the yipfii Eves & Sundays. Tel. 740 Improvements. Inquire 132 Maple at Manchester, within and for th' f^r r render- 43 ■Apartments— Flats— district of Manchester, on the 9th Ford Coupe ■'i.'dk Poultry and. Supplies street. SEVEN ROOM COTT.AGE, convenient 1-" PER CENT FIRST MOFTG.AGE Tenements for Rent 03 to school and trolleys, garage. .All dav of .Tune. A. D.. 1927. 8d. Ford Sedan J7,''. LOANS i’rcscnt WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq. p'oid Touring Car $3: GREENAVAY F.A^’.M—We have a sur­ THREE ROOMS— Heated apartments modern improvements. Price \‘cry Ml ad--ertisemenls must conform Building loans or permanent mort- with bath. Apply shoemaker, Trot­ reasonable. .Apply to owner. Phone Judse. plus ot milk, cream butter, and milk .\r.\RTMENTS—Two, three and four Estate of Benjamin F. Beckmai in s vie copv and typogpphy with fed broilers. Can he obtained by- ter Block. 631-2 after six o'cloak. SII.K CUT OAKLAND CO. FIRST BO.ND A- MORTG-^GE CO. OF room apartments, heal, janitor ser­ late of Jlanchestcr in said district eguVattins enforced by the pubUsh- K'.'i Center St. Tel. 21G9 HARTFORD. INC. sending to farm. Tcl. Dairy 164., vice. gas range, refrigerator, In-a- fi-s and tt.ev reserve tbe ngnr to , Poultry Dept. 609. Houses for Kent 0.5 deceased. S05 Main St.______Phone 3- dQ.- door bed furnished. Call Manchester Upon application of Charles B edit, revise or reject any copy co Studeliaker 1 924 Big 6 Sedan. Construction Company, 2100 or tele­ HathaAvay praying' that he may b' sidered objectionable. -ac I Studebakcr 1»'24 Big "6" Touring. 45 BROILERS FOR SALE Cl SsING HOURS-Classified ads , Help Wanted— Female 35 Articles for Sale phone 782-2. COTT.AGE at Lake "Wagaumbaug for authorized to settle a claim In favb’r .ldsmnljile 1 925 Sedan maid for the summer, .\ugust at the R. AV. tiarrard, 37 Edward street. application be heard and determined seasliore. two in family. .Mrs. .1. D. garage. Inquire 161 Oak street, '--ill NEW HOUSE at 117 1-2 Prospect Oakhurst Poultry Farm, at the Probate office in Mancheste: Telephone Your Want -Ads Buii-k 192 1 .Master Six Coupe Telcplione 715. telephorie ('heney, Hartford Road, Tel. 14". b 1 0 *■ o. street, four rooms, two on first floor Rockville R, F. D. i, Tel. 74-5 in said District, on the ISth. day„q) Nash 1923 Sedan and tyvo on second floor, all improve­ .lune. A. D., 1927, at 9 o’clock in th* W h ^ pi- f' R-\TE given ibove WANTED—Stenographer with sev­ ments, sliades on all windows. Rent a co^i^en'Jtn^e to advertisers, out UUNKEY AUTO CO.MPANY M^'carpets?^W■ite f^r^lar^i‘eu- j FIVE ROOM upstair tenement, all forenoon, and that notice be given to St. Tel. 810 eral years business experience for $2!.uu. Tel. 185-2 after five. all persons interested in said estate the C.^SK RATUS will be accepted as 2" East Center general bank work, .\ddress Bank, P i c-wrt.1. ... I of the pendency of said application, PI-LL'i-'v^MENT if paUi et the busn i> O. Box E. South .Manchester. Rockville. Conn. i •is-.- SIX ROOM HOUSE with Improve­ and the time and place of hearing ments. garden and garage if desired. USED CARS— tliereon, by publishing a copy of this AVOM.iyN to do house work at shots Household Goods 51 Plinne 2309. 21 TA'arren street. DOUBLE FEATURE BILL order in some noAAspaper having a each ad. °fberwise -.he for niontlt of July . rite Box H, : FIVE ROOM FL.AT with all modern circulation in said district, on or be­ RATE will be collected. .No respon Overltiiid Sedan 1 92 6. i improvements. Inquire Wm. Kanehl, ; I’leveland Touring Car 1922. Herald. Wanted to Rent 68 fore June lOth. 1927, and by posting, ■Vilitv tor errors in telephoned acs ! 515 Center street. | a copy of this order on the pnblig xiU’ be assumed and their accuracy Essex Coacli 1 924. under 17 ! DINING ROOM and living room suite. _i . AT STATE ON FRIDAY Buick and Maxwell Tourings 1 922, YOUNG GIRL yvanted not sign-post in said toAvn of Manohesten tannot be guaranteed. vears of age to assist in work, Call at 49 Elro street. i R003I FLAT— Ust. floor. S3 AA'alnut : at least six days before the day ot street, steam Iieat. ntlier con\ en- ; .ypypTA 1 ST.—Six or seven room house CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY 0'i._ i'all Mrs George Cheney, 21 Harl- .said hearing, to appear If they se# Phone 664 fi.rd Road. 'J'el. 791. Fl.ORENCE four burner oil_ stove if'iu't'.s. adults only $:I5. Inquire .'^•7 | in gnofi location. Telephone 2354. cause at said time and place and be Center A- Trotter Sts. Tel. 1174 Avitli AvhitP mantel, $1.3. AVatkins Walnut street'. I’lione 482-12 after Tom Meighan and Mary Astor ASK L r) WANT A I' SKK^ICE heard relative thereto, and return t^ Oldsniobile and Marmon Sales and Brothers Used Furniture Store, 17 5 P. -AI. Divide Honors on Program: this court. Service Help Wantefl— .Male 30 Oak .street. Index of Classifications Easy term.s—One year to pay ______I •I,E.\PING LEX-V’ HERE; WILLIAM S. HYDE ------j 5 ROi >M FLAT nearly new on Ridge- j Clara Bow Due on Sunday. Judge. ' Avntid street, all improvements, J35 ) STORY OF HER LIFE TOLD H-6-in-27. Fvpnlnsr Her-ld Want Ads are now Auto Accessories— Tires G L.ABORERS FOR SALE — -A nice china closet.^ Call j -avitli garage. Phone .861-5 or inquire ; 341 East Center street. Tel. 1618- Judge, the comic magazine, grouped reference _ ...... ' of Eliiiore llolienthal, 9 Ridgeyvood , says that “Blind Alleys” with below and for hanay ical order ndi- street, i’iione 1 567. AUTO VICTIM DIES appear in the numeri 20 -AIEX LABORERS TO AVORK Thomas .Aleighan, is one of the best NEW CORD TIRE 34-4. J15.00, Apply G.AS STOVE—A’ulcan, smooth top. | “ Leaping Lena” an erratic Ford rated: 207-207 School street. Tel. 2055-2. ) ROOM FL.AT—New lionsc. all im- pictures of the year. Judige rarely Lost -inJ Found ...... O.N ST.ATE RO.AD. .AT THE tliree burner in excellent condition. \ ju'o vemcnt.=. $30. inquire 161 Eld- car is the main factor in a used car gives ci'edit to anything unless it is Middletown, Conn., June 10.— Announcements ...... reasonably priced. Call 1877. j ridge street. promotion scheme being used by Personals ...... Auto Repairing— Painting CRUCHER PLANT. LOCATED of the very best, so “Blind Alleys" ■Victor Gorvatz, 45, of MoodiiS, Autoniolillcs LENOX G.AS R.ANGE, .sliglitly used I k iv K KOO.AI FI.A'I' at 3.3 Oak street AV. R. Tinker, Jr., in boosting his must be good. It is one of the two struck by an automobile driven .\utomobiles for Sale . - . four burner model. $22. AA'atkins moilcrn j mprovcinents. rent reason- used car sale. re 5 1 Pi-'RSON.AL ATTENTION given to ail , ON A'ERNON .A\ E. AT T.ANZ features at the State theater to­ John Zambardi, of Deep River, !aot .\utomobiie3 for Exchan 6 rcimir tvork. Superior brake re-lin- | Used Furniture Store. 17 Oak street. aide. Inquhf -Aliinz's Bargain Store, The “ Leaping Lena" contraption day and tomorrow, the other being .\uto .Accessories— n res 7 ing and greasing service. All vork : CORNER, ROCKVILLE. 3.7 Uak street. Sunday, died suddenly at Middlesex .Auto Reimiring—Painting ...... REFRIGER.ATOR in good condition. i.s a flivver educated away beyond the “ Sunset Derby,’’ starring Mary hospital here today at a time he was A fullv guaranteed. Schaller’s Garage. the intelligence of ordinary every .Auto Schools ...... 8 634 Center street. Tel. 1226-2. Will s( 11 reasonalde: 2 porcli 3 ROOM TENEMENT, ail Improve- Astor and William Collier, Jr. believed to be recovering. Coroner Autos—Siiip by q ruck ...... ^ AV.ANTEi.) BCtA'S to work in llie screens. Call 205S. nieiits, near .Alain street. Inquire 58 day Lizzies, and can perform a num­ “Blind Alleys” deserves a place Autos—For 1-ire AUTHORI-.ED i, SERA’ICE—Chevrolet. nursery Saturday. U. E. AA'ilson & .Sclioul street. Rent $1S. L. A. Smith immediately ordered Garages—Serv_ice—Moiage ...... ^ A'ULI'.AN G.AS RANGE four Iniriicr. In ber of unique feats-. It has been ap- right at the head of Thomas C'akland and Pontiac. Flat rate or Go. Meighan's many starring vehicles. an autopsy performed to determine Motorcvcies— Bicycles ...... straight time. Prompt service, t'.iree gor.ri condition. Price reasonable. Tcl. 5 ROO.Ai TE.VE.MEN'i’ at 92 AVeiis pearing On Manchester streets dur­ ca'iise of death, and ordered Zam­ Wanted Autos—.Motorcycles ^ . . - 2 3 5 1. st root. all modern improvements. In- ing the past feAv days and has been In it, Tommy takes a crack at fast Uuslncs.-! anil Profcssioiial Seriloes service men. .All work guaranteed. Situations Wanted— Female 38 bardi held to answer a charge of Catlin’s Service Station. 255 Center iiuirc 94 Wells street. the cause of much comment be­ melodrama; the result, as might be Business Services Offered ...... street. Phone 669. i homicide by motor vehicle. a Wanted— To Buy 58 cause ot its novelty. expected, is darned entertaining. iouschold Services Jffewd ----- AAUANTED—Married woman desires Gorvatz, a farm hand, ■was struck Building-1 ontracting ...... ^ . Avork in private liouse in tlie eve­ “ Lena” has a past, according to Owen Davis and Frank Tuttle •’lorists—N'C-series ...... | | Garages— Service— Storage 10 • ning. Is good Avaitress. .Apply No. 6 “ Dick.” Tinker. She started out in had a lot to do with the success of while walking in the road. Zam-- •■uneral Directors I lU.XK—I will pay highest prices tor SHRINERS TO MEET bardi was arrested at the tlm©, -Icating-Plumbing—Roofing .. II i Ford street. all kinds ot Junk; also buy all kinds the Avorld just an ordinary respec­ “Blind -Rileys." The former Avrote 3 G.AR.AGES—For rent, at $3 per | the story and Mr. Tuttle directed. charged with driving a car .'wh.lla nsurance ...... - q of chickens. Morris H- Lessner. tele­ table Ford, but has been traded )iinntli, eacli. Free rent to Sept. 1st. Live Stock— V'etiicles 42 phone 982-4. Millinery—Dre.ssmak ing ...... ^ ' .Also a fcAv furnished rooms, all im- I IN ATLANTIC CITY in so many times her neryes have Evelyn Brent and Greta N'lssen in he was under influence'bt liquort iloving—Trucking—Storage .. .. f y the featured feminine leads, give provements, $2 per Aveek each. .Apply j J. I R.AGS, MAGAZINES—Bundled paper ______j gone to pieces. She has suffered With a more serious charge against ■'Hinting—Papering ...... -J H. .Mintz. CoAvIes Hotel, Depot I PIGS. SIX weeks old: all Kinds of, benight at highest cash Mr. Meighan capable support and Professional Services ...... from every known nervous ailment him bail was sate at $1,600. Square. Manciiester. j floAver plants. Peter Miller. Tolland ! prices. Phtre 849-3 and I will call. 1. the audience many heart throbs. Repairing ...... • ...... J, Turnpike. Telephone 364- “ .’Moving Picture Pageant” To I for years. She has survived scores Gorvatz was a widower. His wife I'ailoring—Dyeing—Cle’unlng .. ;; Eisenberg. “ The Sun.set Derby’’ is a story drowned herself in a mill pond in Toilet Goods and Services ...... Wanted Autos— -Motorcycles 12 Feature 5-Day Program— 25|p.f fiuch of the race track, but unlike most times, and once was left in a ditch Moodus fifteen years ago. Wanted—Business Service ...... co Poultry and Supplies 43 I Rooms Without Doard 59 : Stars In Parade. motion pictures dealing with that Eilucaflonnl ^ .AUTOS—AA’ill buy cars for junk. I a total loss after three pounds of subject, the story casts no reflec­ Courses and Classes ...... ,I Used parts for sale. General auto re­ New York City has a one-armed pairing. .Abel’s Service Station, Oak dynamite exploded in her rear. This tion on the sport. There is no Private Instruction ...... ox??' DRESSED POULTRA' nice plump , ! New A’ork. June 1.— More than and many other harrowing tales are paper-hanger. He is 60 years old D ancing oo' street. Tel. 780. FURNISHED ROOM private family. suggestion of a “fixed” race or dressed broilers, milk and grain fed | Inquire 86 Bisseii street. jfu.ouu Shrinei's and members of .and has followed his trade for 4S Musical—Diamatic ...... now ready for "tliat good fried | told about “ Lena” at Tinker's gar- dishonesty of any sort and conse­ Wanted—Instruction ...... Business Services Offered 13 chicken dinner." Special delivery of | tlicir families will descend on .'At­ age. quently, Rogers felt the fact de­ years. - .J' Financial lantic City from all points of the Bonds—Slocks—Mortgages ...... 31 tAVO or more to you on either Wed-' FURNISHED ROOM in private family The unique car twists, and served recognition. Business Opportunities ...... c- .ASHES REMOA’ED and moving done. nesday or Friday each week. Re- , at 73 Pine street. cojitinent June 12 tor the five-d.ay shivers, and goes In several direc­ quire days’ notice. Phone 1063-3 Fred ! The picture therefore Is dedi­ Money to Loan ...... Robert Creighton, 16 Knighton St. liolid.ny and convention of the or­ tions, and rears up on its hipd legs cated to the ancient sport of horse Monev Wanted ...... Teleplione 105-5. .Miller's Coventry Poultry Farm der the official program for which Help and Situation* (.Also wholesale quantities). and does many other stunts not racing in general and the jockeys FURNISHED ROO.AIS. 205 Center 18 announced in the June issue of Help Wanted—Female ...... Florists— Nurseries 15 street, corner Rosemary Place. ordinarily seen in motor cars. and horses who make it one of ( Help Wanted—Male ...... ■••• tine Shrine magazine, official pub- I AA'herever it is seen in Manchester the most thrilling sports man has FOEJ5^ Help Wanted—ilale or Female.. 37 B.ABY CHICKS. Smith Standard Cert- ’ \ licalion ot the national organiza- it creates a sensation. Lena is at ever invented. .•\gents W-.iited ...... ,•••••,...... BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds, j o-culd thoroughbred from free range CHANG TO REMAIN , lion. once one ot the oldest cars in cap­ During the filming of the pic­ Situations TV’aiued—Female ... geraiiiuins. vines, ivy, flowing plants : stock. Chicks on hand at all times, l I.,ondon, June 10.— The flag of| Gathcriiij; Situations Wanted—Male ...... 3J including asters, zinnias, verbenas, , Manchester Grain and Coal Co. -Apel tivity and one of the most interest­ ture much of wliicli was made at MANCHESTER'; Gmplovment .Agencies ...... 4b snap dragon, many others. WaA sido i P ace. Tel. 1760. till' Kuor.H.-'-ang (Can’ones,; Par • Tlie convention, formerly tlie the famous Tiajuana Jockey club Live Stock— Pets— Poultry— V ehicles Giirdcns. near Rockville. Plione ------ty). Avill nev’.-r fiv over I’^kinc.'' fifty-tliird Imperial Council session, ing. MOTOR SALES GO. Dogs—Birds—Pels ...... 41 just across the border in Lower 'l-l--- ______.1 B.ABY CHICKS—Ducklings, Cert-0-I Alarslial Chang Tso Un, cominan- I is e-xpccted to set a new standard California, Rogers received many CARS TRUCKS TRACT^S Live Stock— Vehicles ...... - Culd stock; popular breeds: guaran­ ’ , < Poultrv anu Supplies ...... 43 SI’ECI-AL S.ALE ON FLOAVER AND | der in chief fJ the .Xorlhrrn Chin-, for accommodation of such huge compliments from prominent teed live delivery; free catalogue. ere Army, ’.vas quoted as saying in'national gatherings, the announce- XVe have a large stpok Wanted — Pets— Poultry—Stock 44 Apgetable plants, pansies, sAveet Wil- j Clark’s Hatchery, East Hartford. sporting men for his handling of Ford parts and attcewH^les' For Sale— Jliscclinneous liam. Delpliiniums, .Snapdragons. I Inm j Conn. an intervle-iv cabled Peiiitig to nient points out, because of .Atlan- the subject, and James J. Coft- ■We hg.v:iLPOsitlvely the'twst And .Articles for Sale ...... 4o I'alendulas. Zinnias, asters. straAv- ; the Dallv E.vpress todav. ' tic City’s character as a protes- • GILLROY IS IN TOWN Boats and Accessories ...... 46 floAvers Marigold, Petunias and , rotli. head of the Tiajuana track most modern equipment ^bthin- Building Materials ...... 4i Burning Bush. 25c. per dozen: A'inc.s I The correspondent quoted sional entertainment center, with! and one ot tlie most prominent able for any and every kina ofrie- WHITE LEGHOR.N PULLETS shal Chang further; j its 1,200 hotels and numerous thea- I pair work on a Ford car. l-Iiamonds—TVatches—Jewelry .. 48 A'ines and .Ageratums 20c. eacli. I eight weeks old—75c. sportsmen in .America, gave him Ulectrical .Appliances—Radio .. 49 Heliotrope and Coleus, 15c. each. “ I am esiaitiished here wliere >ou ; ters. piers and other sea-side play | CALL IT YOUR l'’uel and Feed ...... 49-A Hollyliocks 50c. per dozen, gerani- fullest cooperation in filming the Garden—Farm-Dairy Products 50 inns 25c. eacli and $2.75 per dozen: MILK FED BROILERS find me and here 1 purpose to re-i Piaf?s. racing scenes. USED CAR BARGAp^S Household Goods ...... 31 Manila AA'ashington geraniums 4uc. 40c per lb. by Aveiglit main. There, is no posi’bility of a j Special train.s starting from Pa-' OWN “ The Sunset Derby" boasts an Machinery and Tools ...... 32 each, Dracaenas 30c. each. English coup d’etat. .Nothing cm haiipcn in i eif'e coast cities three days ahead I unusually large cast of well YOUR OWN TERMS; Musical Instruments ...... 73 ivy; lemon A'erbenas, Salvia, large ] , of the convention opening, from Office and Store Equipment ----- 54 Powering cannas. Boston ferns. Har­ BOLAND and GI'.EENE i’eking wliicn I do n-oc expect, THAT CAR YOU H.AVE -A.L I known players, headed by Mary 1923 FORD COt/PE 805 Middle Turnpike East am verv much awalie.” I Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 35 dy Phlox. Hardy clirysanthenninis. : WAYS WANTED AND I .\stor and William Collier. Jr., in 1922 FORD RLTNABOCr Specials at the Stores ...... 35 grapevines. Barberry. California Phone 477-5 i and other distant points ivill con- ! the featured roles. Ralph Lewis, 1924 OVERLAND SEDAN* AVearing Apparel—Furs ...... 37 Privet. Catalpa trees, ever-blooming ( 1 vey the fezzed thousands to the THOUGHT YOU COULDN’T i Lionel Belmore, David Kirby. Burt 1924 FORD TODKING- CAlf Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 roses and evergreens, tomatoes and j I'lNEDO HOPS AG.MN I .New Jei'sey resort city, stopping to 1922 FORD TODRING CAI^ Ilooms— Uonril—Hotels—Resorts caulifloAver 15c. per doz.. $1 per 100:l NARROW ESCAPE. GET, FOR AS LITTLE AS ! Ross, Henry Barrows, Michael Vis- 192.3 CLEVELAND TOURING Restaurants j)ick up the members of temples cabbage. Broccoli, lettuce 10c. per | Horta, .-Azores, June 10 --Com­ alfni.g their I'outes. Unique among i aroff and others are in the cast. 1924 FORD HtrXABOUT ' Rooms Without Board ...... 59 doz.. 75c, per 190. .All at low prices.; mander Francesco D ; I’iucdo, (Pickup body) . Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A .Always open. Alichacl Pinatello. 379 . Greenwich. Conn., June 10.— .A. | t!ie spectacular features of the five- i .$25.00 ian inter-continental flyer. left DREW H.\S RELAPSE Country Board—Resorts ...... 50 Burnside A\e. Greenhouse, Station west-bound passenger bus of thei da.v program Avill be the “ Moving Hotels—Restaurants ...... 31 22. East Hanford. Horta at 6:20 o'clock today on the Picture Pageant” on the evening YOU CAN DRIVE IT HOME TVe are open evenings _Sund||ys Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 New York-Boston service was guid­ continuation of his fliglit bac'.t Real Estate For Rent ed out of trouble successfully by | of Thursday. June IG. in Avhich 2.A San Francisco. Calif., June 10.— 1069 Main street. So. Manch«*ter Insurance 18 home to Italy. CASH John Drew, dean of .\merican ac­ Opposite Army and Na-vy C|Rb .Apartments. Flats, Tenements.. 63 Morris E. Barney, 4 Hayden ter of itic nation's favorite motion pic- Business Locations for Ren. ... 64 „ , . . , I De Pir.edo planned to return to',,,,.p c;tar‘ will appear. tors was making a valient battle Tel. 74». , race IF YOU HAVE IT Houses for Rent ...... 65 Ta'se an accident policy at 25c a Roxbury, Mass., today when, An.-atic ocean AVill See Movies Alade for his life here today. Stricken at Suburban tor Rent ...... 66 da.v before you go cn your A'acation, a rear tire blew out and its rim Summer Homes for Rent ...... 57 from Stuart J. Wa.sley. S27 Main St. eral liundred miles (iff Uis .Azor’ =. .A special trainload of motion CREDIT Portland, (ii'egon. two weeks ago, -;V Wanted to Rent ...... 6’. broke aA\ay and crashed through a j.jg forced dewu and li'.'p picture equipment and extra play­ drew was brought here and has Real Estate For Sale ' garage windoAv. Barney, the bus I off ... from there., for Ponti D“lgada lo _ ers from Los Angeles will be un­ IF YOU WANT IT been confined at Dante Sanitarium • '■< < iMIllinery—Dressmaking j that -Apartment Buildings for Sale... 69 19 driver, controlled the car so i take on fuel; then continiu; on his loaded near the Boardwalk where suffering from arthritis and rheu­ Business Property for Sale ...... 70 ------I several passengers escaped w 11 h Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 Avay to Lisbon. sets Avill t>e erected and part of a ! matic fever. A t BoltonFItStth House.s for Sale ...... 72 HEMSTITCH WORK — F. DIO.N, ! merely a shaking up. though the Weather condltioi’s Imre avi ro feature iiiclure made before the W . R. TINKER, Jr. I --Apparently on the road to recov- Lots for Sale ...... 73 235 SPRUCE ST. TEL. 131)7-12. i bus seemed likely to upset. perfect. audience of Shriners. On the same I ery. Drew suffered a relapse and On State road nice sin^e ol Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 evening a parade of 25 electrically 120 CENTER STREET Suburban for Sale ...... 75 I his doctors are much concerned six rooms, 2 car garage,. IVa Real Estate for ...... I® 76 Canada is surpassed only by the ' Luscious strawberry short-cake Railroads of the United .^ttates illuminated float.s, each bearing a SO. MANCHESTER, CONN. over his condition. Wanted—F.eal _ Estate ...... 77 : United States and Great Britain in in Japanese Garden at Lawn Fete. use T25.000,000 neAv Avood lies current star, will lie staged along Mr. Dre-w's nurse, early today acres of land set out to all^kinda Auction-Legal Notices the gaily lighted thoroughfare. -Auction skYes . 7 . .'Y ...... 78 per capita wealth. ( 25c.— Adv. every year. said the actor spent a “ comforta­ of bearing fruit trees. An Legal 1 otices 73 ' ble night.” ideal place for potilt^. Never GAS BUGGIES—What Others Think By Frank Beck offered for sale before. East Side, 2 family 12 roo>ms, WELL'. PET,’ THE POOH!* BOSCO DOESN’T tw' >IM THROUGH IF YOU HAD ONLY comer lot, walk and curbing, 1 I AFTER TALKING WITH BIG-MOUTHED WELL--DON'T YOU LISTENED TO ME, m il k is SPILT, DESERVE ANY SYMPATHY. ARGUING WITH YOU. ' l e t ’s STOP CRYING rents for $840 year; Sail Y /| HEM TODAY, I'M MORE CONVINCED SAY ANYTHING TO LABRADOR, WE- WOULDNT^ Insurance BEEBE IS THE ONE TO YOU WONT LISTEN price only $8,000. Small casft THAN EVER THAT. BOSCO INVENTED EITHER OF THEM, HAVE SLAPPED A BIG a n d ta k e A LITTLE FEEL SORRY FOR. HE i \TO LOGIC. ALL YOU LONGER RIDE EACH THE COMPRESSED AIR CAR . ALL THE HEARTBURN.' TILL m o r tg a g e ON THE HOUSE pajment. ^ ^ COULDN'T KEEP HIS TRAP I W ANT TO DO IS Nearly t-wenty-five (25) TIME HEM WAS TALKING, HE ITS ALL SETTLED, TO BUY TH IS BUS, AND day. th e r e 's no SHUT TILL THEY HAD • START SOMETHING Nice single on Haynes stree^ KEPT BANGING i HIS FIST ON WE WANT TO BE HAVE IT DEPRECIATE USE OF LIMITING j ears experience in Insurance THINGS SEWED UP WITH BUT I WILL SAY six rooms, nearly nfew, well ar­ THE DESK AND RAISING HIS VOICE FRIENDLY . WITH THE AWAY IN UNDER OUR OURSELVES TD TEN A PATENT. THATS THE THIS ___IF THE and kindred lines is at your ser­ MEAT£D HIGHER AND HIGHER. HE SOUNDED WINNER SO'WE^ FEET BECAUSE OF MILES WHEN THE ranged rooms, 2 car garage; t h a n k s sh e GETS FOR WOMEN WOULDN’T BUS 15 GOING TO DISCUSSIONS EXACTLY LIKE THAT AUCTIONEER CAN GET THE THAT CAR HEM^ vice through this office. $500 down buys six room tofc AGENCY FOR THE SLAVING AWAY TO MAKE WASTE SO MUCH THE DOGS ANYWAY. 1 At-tONG . TH E WHO SOLD US THOSE ANTIQUE INVENTED. tage, brand new with modpill COMPRESSED AIR CAR. HIM A SUCCESS. OH, ITfe .TIME TRYING TO NEIGHBORS, CHAIRS, WE FOUND TH E conveniences. lYice only WHY TOSS AWAY A AN OLD PROBLEM AMONG GRAB CREDIT FOR CONCERNING "m a d e in MICHIGAN' US^WOMEN-I KNOW WHAT US MEN DO, THE O-VNERSHIP SIGN ON WHEN FORTUNE FOR THE Keeney street, well built si& SAKE OF SAYING HOWj SHE FEELS. THEY MIGHT GET OF T H E WE GOT HOME. SOMEPLACE Travelers of Hartford gle, seven rooms, steam . h e ^ COMPRESSED AIR SOMETHING bath room, oak floors, etc.^, i SNAPPY? CAR ID EA , Life, Fire, and car garage, poultry house, HAS . CAUSED A; acres. A real bargain for M.ORE ■ TROUBLE one. - t s T H A N T H E ere VOW ' 1/^ •'/ Casualty Lines PRINCIPALS TH EM SELVES ARE HAVING IN Robert J. ESTABLISHING TH E IR T CLAIMS EDWARD J. HOLL 1009 Main Slare^ TO Real Estate, ’ " INVENTION, lel, 560. 865 Main St. Steamshio Ticlceia. laW/liiMh r/\ii HMTCffeSTER (COOT.) STOOTG HEUALO, FRIDAY, JUNE 10,1927. FACE NINETEEN by P^fey Cw»by FLAPPERt FANNY SAYS SENSE and NONSENSE SKIPPY NOW WHAr To Do

Maybe you too have noticed that toJYH M 6 SuSP€tJO€Rr one’s usefulness is not gauged by Soue - o h - wkat^ the amount of newspaper publicity H A T T b he gets. i _ r r ) “ Clothes give a man a lot of con­ fidence.” J “ Yes, they certainly do. I got a lot of places with them that I wouldn’t go without them.”

“ Poor brutes, are very commonly so known Because they’ve little they can call their own; A silkworm hasn’t anything but silk. And what has a poor cow butter­ milk?”

‘Don’t you think I sing with feel- inf 'Xo, if you had any you wouldn’t RC& U. 8. M T. o r r . sing. Copyright. P. L. Crogby, 192?, Johnson Pe&tufftS, Ine- L 01827 BY N U BOtVICE. MC.; 6 ■“ AVhat’s the use of being young if you have to go to bed Summer Sport Notes The Village Half Wit By Fontaline Fox WASHINGTON TUBBS U at 9 to keen vour youth? Golf— A pastime invented by a Scotchman whose wife objected to By Crane his drinking at home. I Yachting— A form of recreation I usuaily practiced by those who A C W Y X 3 know nothing about water, save as -T he. V il l a g e H a l f W i t g o t h o l d o f a n o l d ME Too. OBOVI ICMOVIO. Bozo, 'S VUHKr a "chaser.” gommn M f t lA O O A N N . S I L K S , Surf Bathing— A diversion which Fo r c e p u m p a n d h a s r ig g e d u p a d e v ic e T o m a k e KlSiD OF L'\1>N6 OUARTCRS 'peevA 'Thp.o 'MevJPR'STmKiG'. d m consists in clutching a rope while vAJt'tU HPamE vmFTvA 'Th6 A i U t h e a c t o f TRo W in g B a i l o u t t h e Bo a t . (X \NiMDOW , Gte GOSvW This'll HOWS YOUR ENfH.lSH? wetting the feet and ankles. O R C U S , j — ----- Fishing— the business of sup­ CeVi’ PI KID B6 c e e p T The first five of the questions be­ porting a rod. to which a cord is OUT low deal with points of English attached, which idly dangles in the grammar. Answers to all the que.s- water. Bait is sometimes used. 9 9 tions are found on another page. Motoring— the device Imstomari- 1— fVhis is correct: “ X'one werely employed to get to the station or “cRle^’fevT there;” or “ X’one was there?” the nearest roadhouse. 2— Correct the error in the sen­ Shooting— An excuse to sta>"up •0 tence, “ He don’t like me.” sufficiently late the previous ni.ght 3— “ What are the principal part'^to obviate the necessity of rising of the verb “ to lie.” meaning to lie the next day. down? Polo— A pastime which consists 4— In the sentences. “ The henin cliansing, on horseback, a ball has lain an egg,” and “ The lieu that is occasionally hit. has laid an egg.” which is correct? Tennis Tournament— A collec­ 5— Correct the error in gram­tion of weary onlookers, who chat­ mar in the sentence. "Everyone ter inanely among themselves, should mind their own business.” while two perspiring unfortunates 6— In what part of North Ameri­endeavor to bat a hall across a net. ca did the Aitec Indians live? Horse Show— polyglot gatlicr- 7— What Is the nieaning of theicg, many of whom have never l;c- Irish word. “ Mavourneeii?” fore soon a horse, assembled for C'MOM) I'LL / THERt* S—What famous river flows the purpose of discovering what not SHOVU XOO GUNS Bo Th im ThpT through Rome, Italy? to wear by viewing the clothes of MOU'LU 9— Into what gulf does the Colo­others. su eap T o p b u m k . rado river empty? 10— What race of people live in “ What is the smallest room in houses called igloos? the world?” mushroom.” It isn't that people like chop "What is the largest room in the Buey, but It’s some place to go. world?” "Room for improvement.” About all some girls seem to leara »t finishing school is that they 1 Surgery will cause a wo:nan to Ere bettor than their old friends I die happy when religion won't. back home. I Editor's Assistant: "Boss, here’s Customer: "What became of I a story for you. It fairly makes the your new delivery clerk? ” I b'ood run faster!” Grocer; "Well, he usedto be a ! Editor: "We'll accept it. .Any­ chauffeur, end the idiot crawled un- thing to increase the circulation!" 4er our horse to see why it wouldn't go.” About the host thing any man can do for posterity is to set a good Femi’iine Voice: Your husband example. Fontaine Fox. 192^, Tht Bell l»^# seems to have a large circle of friends. I The first symptom of appendici- Wife's Voice: Yes. aien't they a 1 Us is an enlarged bank account. lot of rounders? The latest wedding ring is very FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS An Extra Passenger Holds It Back By Blosser There mry be no such thing as a tliin and narrow. The old-fashion­ new joke, but an old joke in new ed. cumbersome affair, of course, AOAO-XSA.OOLD SAV clothes will sometimes get by. was made to last a life-time. /AY.' VJA&RE DID 7MS? VDAV 1 m a d e /lO O'ZAER KIDS AAS eEE.'VoU irALL BYAVSELF AAiVTA/N© LIKE7I\IS= /OOr.'.' VKATCA M E f a s t ? TAAT you SET SAV.'?A/S SO FAS’?; m VWAEA3 yo u vxiAS JXDL.D QM /UOUJ S O 60 AROUND /AIS OORUER* \jkiOS NUTAyN’ = yo u OSSIB'^ IS /OlOE - IT DurzN'nrMAKE Do n T / A \W A V-C’/W

r "

RLG. U, S. PAT. off. 61927 BY NiA SCnVfCC. INC. C,-/0

SALESMAN SAM We Hppe He Does By SmaE CAlGOSH, cesM'T HOLD ou r TILL \F THp\T \ S ^ 'X Pi ^LLecToR,\TS VlEtU, WHer’S TH’ ) TH’ DOC 5a \D \ (K)OC> OR /C xQXt a qo\t , VjOe. (jET EKOU&H Ck5U9oMS FOR TH’ OocToR\ \ H09E t h e r e 's KOTHIK’ (jo T T (^ L e H OFFfr THE^A GToGlES THfsT ORlEMTeiL T-V M e T T E R VJITH VoUR. HEPiRT' O G P iR G '? 9 y IS STRAHGERG MEW S'? SN^OK^M’ IT S F^OtA HOVjO OfA\ P^FFECTlM (AV LOMGSl

E 1.^1



Sw3//— 1'

5=^ ___ . . ,r _ UC1927 by iNEA SCTVICa INC- REG. U. S. PAT. yi yfo

(Read the Story'. Then Color the Picture) Jack Lockwill’s Police Dog by Gilbert Patten Poor Scouty sure was scared to are. I’ll bet they all are worried death. Why he could hardly catch ’cause I've stayed down here so his breath. The swordfish kept on long. Wee Clowny told me not to coming till 'twas close as it could come down here. He said he he. “ What can I do,” wee Scouty | thought it dumb. And, after all, he thought. “ If I should stop I’ll sure sure was right. The chance I took be caught, and if I am. I’m certain was wrong.” that 'twill be the end of me.” Just then the swordfish swooped He reached a rowboat near at down low. Poor Scouty didn’t have hand, an old one buried in the sand, a show. But wait— he found a long and downbehind the boards he iron bar and seized it in his hand. dropped, and ducked 'most out of Upon a rock he quickly jumped. My = 1 ^ight. The swordfish swished gracious how liis poor heart thump­ around above; then gave the boards ed. But Scouty knew he had to flgut a sudden shove. Of course this so I'ravely took his stand. startled Scouty, adding greatly to The swordfish charged— thc;i his fright. swished his tail, and Scouty swung, •ifp! '•xvv: y- “ Oh, me, oh my, I guess I ’m to no avail. It surely was a thrilling Choiiced with amazement and alarm, Mrs. Lockwill recognized the done,” said he. “This sure will end fight, with both sides missing blows. V boy who was being so hotly pursued by the mounted constables. my fun. I wi^A^that I was back on Then once again wee Scouty swung. The country was wildly picturesque and beautiful. Southward The pursuers ware state troopers, as their gray uni­ It was Jack— Jack, her own son! Astride his caRco broncho, he shore with Clowny and the bund:. This time the poor swordfish wls rose blue, blue mountains, clothed in spring verdure. The Canadian Far down the road, rose a reined into the yard and sprung from the saddle before the pony, I’ll bet I look just like a treat the stung, for Scouty caught liim line was not far away,, to the north. Here, on ‘-‘The Old Montreal tiny cloud of dust. Watching it, forms -showed. With a great came to a full stop. His n\other, her eyes wide with terror, ran swordfish would be glad to eat. It’s squarely and he nipped right off his Trail," stood the ancient Colonial house known as ‘‘Ivor's Loss.” A Mrs. Lockwill soon saw a horse­ clattering of hoofs, the ohase forth and placed herself between him and the “ Gray Riders.” just my luck, most likely that he nose. mother— Jack Lockwill's .mother— leaned .against a pillar of the man riding madly toward her, drew near. "Stop!” shouted with two riders pursuing him. one of the troopers. ’ (T o Be Continued) hasn’t h^d his lunch.” main porch, waiting impatiently for her son. L - ______^ t -9 Cie27 BY nu scnvicc. in c . ______^ ^ His poor thoughts quickly drift- (King Roar brings news to the •d far. " i Ts^phder where the Tiniea Tiules in. the next storx.i FRIDAY, JUNE 10,192?. *!Pa g b t w e n t y

MOONLIGHT DANCE Tomorrow afternoon at two Miss Bertha Henry of Glaston­ o’clock a rehearsal will be held at bury, a teacher at the Nathan Hale Given by P olish A. C. Saturday Second Congregational church tor school, and Miss Ruth Hesselgrave A'ight, June 11, 1927 the Children’s day exercises Sun­ of Bridgeport, formerly of Man­ day. The children are asked to chester, are among the teachers TURN HALL, MANCHESTER bring flowers for decorating the chosen as delegates by the Con­ auditorium. necticut State Teachers’ Association GOOD TIME FOR ALL New Summer Frocks to attend the convention of the Adm: Ladies 33c, Gents 50c Miss Margaret Vennard of IVest National ' Education Association at Warren, Mass., was a visitor yes­ Seattle, Wash., July 3 to 9. terday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ABOUTTOWN Robert Cordner of Center street. Noble Grand Mrs. Minnie Weed- er of Sunset Rebekah lodge, and Georgettes, Printed Silks, Flat Crepes The Graduate Miss Leora Hibbard has return­ Vice Grand Mrs. Frances Chambers will be delegates to the home day Miss Evelyn Clarke, daughter of ed to her home on North Main street for the summer vacation. She exercises tomorrow at the Odd Fel­ Mr. and Mrs. Fayette B. Clarke of lows home in Groton. Past Grands Graduation Spells Main street and a freshman at Con­ has completed her freshman year at Connecticut Agricultural College ■Mrs. Abigail Knov.Tes and Mrs. Iva necticut College, Xew London, re­ Ingraham will accompany them. One and Clothes for the turned home today for the summer where she is specializing in house­ Sizes hold economics. vacation. Gibbons Assembly Catholic Ladies Two Piece Young Miss of Columbus will hold its regular $15.75 16 to 46 meeting in K. of C. hall this eve­ Models Frankly and without hesitan­ ning, when plans will be made for the annual outing. cy, we can say that never have we presented a finer assortment Everybody is welcome to attenC. for the June Graduate. the special meeting this evening at Dresses' for every occasion. Georo’ettes, chiffon, flat crepes, wash­ 7;4a at the Gospel hall, 415 Center able crepes and radiums, all are here. Every new color is represented, I Istreet. Mr. Bridges, who has labor­ = ^ a r tf o r d ^ | ed in China for the past twenty from delicate pastels to brilliant shades. Dresses that are unsurpassed years, will tell an interesting story for style—stamped with our quality and our value. White of his work there. New Frocks For Summestime | I A new fire alarm box is being Hale's Dresses—Main Floor. Dresses installed at the corner of Cottage I Wear With Smartness In | and Birch streets. for Edwin S. Culver of Meekville, Graduation I Every Line | who has been employed at the Un­ derwood Typewriting works for i Every wanted material is embodied in these delightful s the past 25 years, returned to hi.s I Dresses. Crepe de Chine, Chantungs, Tub Silks, Linen, | after lunch yesterday and $i5.75 i French Voiles, Pongees, Prices = found a basket of 25 roses and a purse of gold. / i Eacli model cx- (]uisiteely defining I $6.95 “$39.50I Mothers’ club members are re­ the new styles for i Size range for IMiss or Woman. All the new colors in | minded to provide cup, fork and summer wear. Most i exquisite shades, so moderately priced, you \yill want = spogii for the picnic supper at Cov­ of them are devel­ entry lake this evening. Colors oped from soft, = several Two special groups offer excellent value for = dinging crepes and Russell Pratt, flve-year-old son Cameo Pink georgettes. Clioo.-e I $9.95 “"'$14.95"''' I of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pratt of your frock tomor­ = Readv to Wear—One FlcMir Lp = 194 Center street, celebrated his Dew Kiss row. birthday yesterday afternoon at his Maize i FOR SUMMER OR CAMP • = iionie by a party which was attend­ ed ny about 20 of his little friends. White I ROGERS TABLE WARE | Mrs. Pratt had the table beautifully Orchid Silk decorated in pink and blue and I SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY ONLY | served all the things that children Bluebell = iS'io Nickel Silver base, substantial silver plate, the = delight in, together with the birth­ Nile i f Frocks = following pieces are extraordinarily priced. = day cake with five candles. Games were played and everybody had a i Teaspoon.,...... 1“' I merry time. Russell was remember­ for Class = Tablespoons...... ' “ [j E ed with many pretty gifts. = Dessert Spoons...... 19' S Night : Dinner or Salad Forks...... J9' ' “'h | Mrs. David Hopkins of Russell SPECIAL TOMORROW! = Hntter Spreaders...... , 9 ' each ^ street left today for Newfoundland, where she plans to spend three $15.75 to = Dinner Knir e s ...... '4,;...... = i Bargain Tables—Mam Floor = months visiting relatives. $2.98 Mr.= . August Bose of East Center $29.50 [ SILVER FOR BRIDES | •street was 70 years old yesterday and a number of her friends and Fluttering geor­ = Casserole Dislies. silver plated, pyrex, oval shape, cut = relatives helped her celebrate the gettes, s m a r t event with a birthday party. jirints and plain - cover, special S').00 each. r, 4.4. — = IS 17 Rogers Bros. ’.^9 pieces, in buffet tray, 3 patterns = Cuest.s were pre.sent from IVater- Silk SUps colored flat crepes biiry. Meriden, Portland, Hartford in tlie very latest and tills town. Refreshments were styles. Dresses $15.75 to liiat can be worn : ' "canVesticks, sterling silver, 8 inches high, hammered E .served and a social time enjoyed = or plain design, special S7-")0 pair. = by everyone. Mrs. Bose 1 .. Ived class night and at a niimlier of beautiful gifts. $2.59 all parties and I SUMMER HAND BAGS | dances this sum­ V-3 mer. Heavy silk slips fashioned of a “ Smart Panama Bags, white, black, white with gieen ^ O REV. DAVID KELLY TO new material— Batina—whicli is S and Ollier summerv sliades Slo.OO each. = Snappy llannel coats in White S Wliitc Kid Bags, washable in pouch or underarm £ similar to a sport satin. Tailored GIVE FAREWELL TALK top. Shadow-proof. Non-cling- new and different stvle 5 effects S.7.00. . r 1 F 1 ciQ-n i treatments—some liave Fiamiel = Snake-skin Hand Bags, choice of several styles S19..)0 ^ able. All the wanted shades. Buy a few slips now to wear with your diagonal tucking in the — eacii. . , — Re\'. David Kell.v, curate of St. back, others have deep V i Silk Underarm Bags, safety pocket, back strap, special = .Mary’s chui'cli, will make what light summer frocks. Special will jirobably be his farewell pub- while they last— $2.59. yokes, and a few in the Coats E SI.9."). = lie appearance here on Monday plain wrap-around Riodcl. E Hand Bags—Street Floor. = wlien lie will speak to the Men's Slips— .Main Floor White, blue and pink. Friendship club of the South Meth- Just what .vou will want JEWELRY FOR GRADUATES | odi. I SUNDAY DINNER I'ointex Hose, p a h -...... $1.83 :o:- I’hoenix Hose, pair. . Jjt.OO to $2.00 at the Stamped Unbleached Cotton Aprons I Arthur L. Hultman I HOTEL SHERIDAN 25c Kotex § = 39c box E 917 Main Street. = Turkey, Duck or Chicken (Art Dept.) SO UTH 'MR NCHESTER ' CONN ' Notion Dept. I Visit Our Boys’ Dept. Down Stairs [ with all the fixings, $1 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. «H iiiiii|||||||||||||||i|||||||||||||||||||||llllllllU U lliillU iU im uujliiium iuuuuiuu
