THE WEATHER (NET PRESS RUN Forecast br V. S. Weatkar Bareaa, a v e r a g e d a il y circulation New HaTea OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of May, 1927 Showers tonight; Saturday clear* 4,995 Ing; Sunday fair. PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1927. VOL. XLL, NO. 215. Classified Advertising on Page IS large CROWDS WARSHIP THAT’S BRINGING LINDBERGH HOME LINDY NEARING HOME; AT LAWN FETE ATim iHEND BERLIN’S BIG OVATION <$> Gaily Decorated Grounds, Thousands Line Sidewalks BYRD TO FLY Memphis Within Sight ol 17 Booths, and Novel In Germany’s Capital As TO PARIS AND Land— Washington Ready Games Amuse Throngs; Chamberlin and Levine For Big Reception Tomor­ 2,700 Paid Admissions. Are Made Honorary Citi­ THEN RETURN row -85 Airships to Es­ zens; Presented With Med­ cort Cruiser Up the Poto­ Despite cautious predictions by Plans to jltop Just Long ;he weather bureau and threatened als— S ip City’s Golden mac— To Land At I I Ehowers yesterday afternoon, a Enough to Fill Gasoline large and appreciative attendance Book. O’clock. assembled at the “ W hite House Tanks; His Machine Ready grounds, at 7 9 North Main street, Berlin, June 10.— Thousands Washington, June 10.— The last evening, at the formal opening drone of motors of a great air ar­ lined the sidewalks of Unter Den For Hop. of the three-nights’ Lawn Fete of mada, music to every aviator, will Linden tod.ay and cheered vocifer­ the Manchester Community Club. herald the nation’s Joyous home- ously as Clarence Chamberlin and The Lawn Fete is the fifth an­ New York, June 10.— Naval Com comiDig for Charles A. Lindbergh Charles A. Levine rode in state nual of this kiud under the direc­ mander Richard E. Byrd, the only today. with United States Ambassador tion of the Community Club, and aviator who ever flew a plane over While the sleek cruiser Memphis the larare attendance last evening Schurman to the City Hall, where the North Pole, plans to outdo Col. was speeding in a smooth sea with gives proof anew that the workers the two fliers were made honorary behind these events know their Charles A. Lindbergh and Clarence the youthful hero of the New Manchester and have a pretty good citizens of Berlin. D. Chamberlin in the way of trans- York-to-Parls flight, the welcom­ idea of what attractions to offer in A warm sun shone down on the Atlantic flights, it was learned to­ ing vanguard composed of the giant Above is the U. S. S. Cruiser Memphis now off Cape Henry with Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh aboard. It was sighted fliers and the reception they re­ order to bring together 2,000 or 3,- day. ‘ dirigible Los Angeles, a dozen air­ 0110 people nightly from this '■om- early this morning by destroyers sent out to meet it. Latest reports say that the cruiser will reach Washington shortly before ceived from the crowds was as en­ planes and six destroyers planned munity and neighboring territory. 11 o’clock tomorrow morning where the nation’s capital has arranged the greatest reception ever accorded an American. It thusiastic as any given them since Byrd Intends to fly to Paris in to set out to meet her off the Vir­ Treasurer Charles B. Loomis re­ is estimated that more than 150,000 persons are now in Wash ington. The inset gives a closeup of the famous Lindbergh their arrival here. his tri-motor, Fokker monoplane, ginia Capes. ported receipts last night showing Mayor Boess received the fliers then immediately fly back again. At Vice-Admiral Burrage wirelessed' 2,700 paid admissions. smile. at the City Hall and offered them the most his stay in the French the Navy Department that Lind* Opens With Music an official welcome. He paid them capital will be scarcely more than bergh soaring the horizon from th« Band selections ajong Main high tribute for their feat in es­ twelve hours, just enough time for bridge of the Memphis, would street and on Depot Square from tablishing a new long distance the American and his fellow fliers sight land early in the afternoon. 7:00 to 7:30 p. m. followed by con­ DRY AGENTS 420 Chinese Drowned ‘HORSE SENSE’ flight, and then presented them to take a restful sleep and have AVelcome by Boats cert numbers at the “ White House with medals from the City of Ber­ the “ America’s” gasoline tanks fill­ Before sundown he will be well grounds gave public notice that the lin commemorating the event. ed up again. within the waters of Chesapeaka ■i^awn l-'etc had formally opened. Both fliers were then called upon Will Have to Step Bay with hundreds of small water The music at this stage of the pro­ KILL CHILD Fleeing After Fight IS POLICY OF to sign the Golden Book, adding Hence, if Clarence Chamberlin craft joining in the welcome that their names to a long list of names and his flight companion, Charles will precede official reception by ceedings was provided by the Cen­ President Coolldge on behalf of ter Flute Band, of the South End. which rank high in history. A. Levine, expect to be the first to fly from. Continental Europe to New the nation on Saturday. Chairman R. K. Anderson aud his Shanghai, June 10.— About 420 northern army defending the place. NEW DRY HEAD The spick and span uniform of ANMATHER York, they will have to “step out” committee leading the band to the Chinese were drowned in a little Nationalist chiefs announce that the new colonel in the Missouri Na-* grounds. aJ&aitle for possession of Llnchin is speedily. Chamberlin and Levine tlonal Guard will be dropped lake west of Peichiu, Anhwei prov­ Berlin, June 10.— The Munici­ now have under consideration an When the Lawn Fete got into imminent. pality of Berlin opened its arms to aboard the Memphis from the Los full swing, after the daylight sav­ ince, while in flight before the Na­ The municipality has begun the offer of $100,000 from William Angeles, while the first actual Treasury Department Prob­ Seymour Lowman Arrives In the American fliers, Clarence Cham­ Randolph Hearst to fly from Berlin ing hours and twilight had given tionalist army, whicli occupied the removal of the barbed wire barri­ berlin and Charles A. Levine, today contact will be established when way to night, and the illuminatiiips town, according to a despatch from cades within the international set­ to New York. Richard R. Blythe, a St. Loula and offered the two permanent hon­ Meanwhile, Commander Byrd has were shining at their best, tl.e ing Story Told By Ex-Offi­ Nanking today. In addition to the tlement and along the boundaries. Washington To Get Ac­ orary citizenship. friend, leaves a destroyer to Join spacious “ White House” grounds capture of the town the National­ They had been erected several completed his final tests. His great “Lindy” aboard the cruiser. presented an animated scene of ists claim to have taken many pris­ months ago when an anti-foreign Berlin is not unmindful of the Fokker plane has responded to a Within Schedule gaycty and merriment. With strains cer— Not Engaged In Rum oners and much booty, routing the outbreak was feared. quainted With Job— For honor extended Dr. Eckener when load of more than 14,500 pounds. Well within her schedule, the he arrived in New York, having of' orchestra and flute band com­ So spectacular was this achievement Memphis will steam up the hlstor- flov/n the dirigible Los Angeles to Byrd and his kthat th o - dc Potomac-at a leisurely pace to- bining with the chatter and impor­ Law Enforcement. across the ocean,' o.r.fi*<Bday’3 cere­ tuning of the booth attendants, the Running When Shot. immedlately decided to risk an ad­ night and deliver Col. Lindbergh at monies were partially as a return ditional 100 gallons of gasoline, laughter of the young folks engag­ the presidential dock in Washing-* LINDBERGH TO LAND SENATOR IS KILLED of this compliment, but chiefly an weighing 600 pounds. Thus, when ton Navy Yard at eleven o’clock ed in “ heaning” the monkAj'S and enthusiastic effort to demonstrate the America dashes Into the eastern Saturday morning. While he la ims.«y-cats with baseballs in the Washington. June 10.— The ruth­ Washington, June 10.— “ No just how greatly Berlin admires haze, she will carry a weight of 15,- whisked off for a parade and the less and murderous tactics of gov­ Fireworks— no sky rockets— just throwing games, and beneath all AT MILLER FIELD BY IRATE HUSBAND these pioneers of the air. 500 pounds— something hitherto presentation of the distinguished the hub-bub tlie murmur of con­ ernment officers enforcing the pro­ plain horse-sense enforcement.” The Ciithusla.sm for tiie two fliers unjieard of in trans-Atlantic avia­ Flying Cross by President Cool- versation by friends and neighbors, hibition law were unveiled here to­ That will be tlie policy of Sey­ does not seem to recede, and Berlin tion. idge, a dozen skilled mechanics many of whom had not met in day when a former agent of the mour Lowman, former lieutenant which is naturally an unemotional Lindbergh’s Load. will begin to re-assemble the stur­ public since the last Lawn Fete, city has been marked with con­ dy plane which carried him across Treasury Department related how Not to Fly to New York Mon­ Found Dead In Womap’s governor of New York, who August Lindbergh flew off in a plage there was plenty of indication that tinued displays and demonstrations weighing gross 5,130 pounds.
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