The Haverfordian, Vols. 34-35, 1912-14
STACK. C CLASS ^ A^, BOOK ^ TiL ^P THE LIBRARY 34-35* v . OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE (haverford, pa.) THE GIFT OF 1 Kjl j^-P^>e A^jhr\^ b MO. T 19\5"" ACCESSION NO THE HAVERFORDIAN Volume 34 Haverford College 1913 The Haverfordian Joseph Moorhead Beatty. Jr., 1913, Editor-in-Chief ASSOCIATE EDITORS Norman Henry Taylor, 1913 Howard West Elkinton, 1914 Francis M. Fkoei.icher, 1913 Jesse Paul Green, 1914 Stephen Warren Meader, 1913 Douglas Waples, 1914 Eugene Morris Pharo, 1915 BUSINESS MANAGER Rowland S. Philips, 1914 Price, per year $1.00 Single Copies $0.15 The Haverfordian is published on the tenth of each month during College year. Its purpose is to foster the literary spirit among the undergraduates and to provide an organ for the discussion of questions relative to college life and policy. To these ends contributions are invited, and will be considered solely on their merits. Matter intended for insertion should reach the Editor not later than the twenty-sixth of the month preceding the date of issue. Entered at the Haverford Post-Office, for transmission through the mails as second-class matter Vol. XXXIV HAVERFORD, PA., MARCH, 1912 No. 1 CONTENTS Page The Reproof Valiant, article CD. MORLEY, '10 —- 1 Graduate Interest, letter C. Linn Seiler, '02 — 3 Triolet, verse Douglas Waples, '14 — 5 '15 The Spirit of the Night, verse . George Hervey Hallett, Jr., — 6 '12 — On the Border, story James Mc F. Carpenter, Jr , 7 Faunus Nocturnalis, verse Leonard B. Lippmann, 14 — 9 It Was Leap Year, story ....... Howard West Elkinton, '14 — 10 Reminiscences of a Maine Winter Stephen Warren Meader, '13 — 12 Loose Leaf — 16 Editorial.— The Undergraduate Point of View 17 Exchanges 19 Alumni Department (Norman H.
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