Κατάλογος Εγκεκριμένων Σχεδίων Βασικής Δράσης 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ∆ΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙ∆ΕΙΑΣ, ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ Κατάλογος Εγκεκριμένων Σχεδίων Βασικής Δράσης 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019


© Ίδρυμα Κρατικών Υποτροφιών

Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: Οκτώβριος 2020

Επιμέλεια Έκδοσης: Εθνική Μονάδα Erasmus+

Η υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για την παραγωγή της παρούσας έκδοσης δεν συνιστά αποδοχή του περιεχομένου, το οποίο αντανακλά τις απόψεις μόνον των δημιουργών και η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή δεν φέρει ουδεμία ευθύνη για οποιαδήποτε χρήση των πληροφοριών που εμπεριέχονται σε αυτή.

ΙSBN: 978-618-83417-9-1 ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ

1. Το Πρόγραμμα Εrasmus+ ...... 07 2. Βασική Δράση 2 / ΚΑ2: Συνεργασία για την καινοτομία και την ανταλλαγή καλών πρακτικών - Στρατηγικές Συμπράξεις ...... 07

2.1. Συμπράξεις ανταλλαγών μεταξύ σχολείων (ΚΑ229) ...... 08

2.2. Προτεραιότητες των Στρατηγικών Συμπράξεων στον τομέα της Σχολικής Εκπαίδευσης ...... 09

2.3. Δραστηριότητες που υποστηρίζονται στο πλαίσιο μιας Στρατηγικής Σύμπραξης ...... 10

3. Εύρεση Εταίρων / Τρόποι Δικτύωσης ...... 11

Α. School Education Gateway ...... 11

Β. ήλεκτρονική Αδελφοποίηση (eTwinning)...... 12 4. Στατιστικά Στοιχεία Εγκεκριμένων Σχεδίων Κινητικότητας ΚΑ2 στον τομέα της Σχολικής Εκπαίδευσης (ΚΑ229)...... 13

5. Περιλήψεις Σχεδίων Κινητικότητας Erasmus+ ΚΑ2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση (ΚΑ229) ...... 17

SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT HORIZONTAL: Sustainable Investment, Quality and Efficiency of Education, Training and Youth Systems

4o Γυμνάσιο Λιβαδειάς, Walking the Talk ...... 19

Γυμνάσιο με Λυκειακές Τάξεις Ιτέας Καρδίτσας, Παίζω και Mαθαίνω για τους Nέους ...... 20


4ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Λαμίας, Stand by me ...... 22 1ο Εσπερινό Γυμνάσιο Πατρών, Πέρα από «Τελικές Λύσεις»: Η Διδακτική της Ευρωπαϊκής Ιστορίας και του Ολοκαυτώματος Μπορεί να Προάγει την Κοινωνική Συμπερίληψη και την Εξάλειψη Διακρίσεων στις Τάξεις ...... 24

Γυμνάσιο Κανήθου Χαλκίδας, The Others and Us - Bridges Between Us ...... 26

Γενικό Λύκειο Γόννων Λάρισας, Educating the Democratic Citizens of Tomorrow ...... 28

Ενιαίο Ειδικό Επαγγελματικό Σχολείο Γυμνάσιο-Λύκειο Μεσολογγίου, Art Journeys in Europe ...... 29

Γυμνάσιο Σκάδου Νάξου, Culture by Photographs - Digital Students ...... 30

Δημοτικό Σχολείο Σαγέϊκων Αχαΐας, Inclusion Through Arts ...... 32

2o Γυμνάσιο Ρόδου, Integration by smart strategies ...... 34 LANGUAGE TEACHING SCHOOL EDUCATION: Promoting a Comprehensive Approach to Language Teaching and Learning Γενικό Λύκειο Προαστίου Καρδίτσας, English Radically Unifying Didactics In Teaching In-Formally or Not ...... 40

ESL SCHOOL EDUCATION: Tackling Early School Leaving and Disadvantage

Γενικό Λύκειο Βαλτινού Τρικάλων, Be Cool Stay at School ...... 43

DIGITAL ERA HORIZONTAL: Open Education and Innovative Practices in a Digital Era

12/Θέσιο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ορμυλίας Χαλκιδικής, European Food Adventures ...... 43

3ο Γυμνάσιο Καλαμάτας, Les Fables, Miroir de la Vie ...... 45

10ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ελευσίνας, Let’s Go Cultural! ...... 46

2o Γυμνάσιο Κέρκυρας, ERA+: Integrated Learning Challenges ...... 48

Πειραματικό ΓΕΛ Μυτιλήνης του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου, Energy Resources for Sustainability ...... 50

Γυμνάσιο Ζηπαρίου Κω, A School 3.0 ...... 51

CULTURAL HERITAGE HORIZONTAL: Social and Educational Value of European Cultural Heritage, Its Contribution to Job Creation, Economic Growth and Social Cohesion

1o Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο Γέρας Λέσβου, Let’s Open a New Window Into Cultural Heritage Consciousness Through Digital Technologies ...... 54

Γυμνάσιο Παραλίας Καλαμάτας, European Heritage Builds European Identity ...... 56

3ο Γενικό Λύκειο Θήβας, Η Ιστορική Μνήμη ως Εφαλτήριο για την Ευρώπη των Λαών ...... 58

Γενικό Λύκειο Θεσπρωτικού Πρέβεζας, Artistic & Religious Culture & Heritage ...... 60

21ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αθηνών «ΛΕΛΑ ΚΑΡΑΓΙΑΝΝΗ», Myths, Tales, Art and Games for Intercultural Cooperation ...... 61

Γυμνάσιο με Λυκειακές Τάξεις Ασωπίας, Cultures on a palette ...... 63

1ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αρχαγγέλου Ρόδου, Τοπική ιστορία, το πρώτο βήμα προς μια διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση ...... 65

8ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ευόσμου, N.H.M.A. - Noesis. History. Memory. Action. “You and Me in Time...” ...... 66

2ο Γενικό Λύκειο Γέρακα Αττικής, European Cutlural Heritage and Identity - Sharing and Cherishing Cultural Heritage as a Way of Learning Democratic Values and Strengthening European Social Links and Identity through Film Making ...... 68

1o Γενικό Λύκειο Ναυπλίου Αργολίδας, Industrial Heritage: a Cultural and an Economic Challenge for the Future ...... 70 Δημοτικό Σχολείο Παλαιφύτου Πέλλας, On the Wings of Legends ...... 71

Γενικό Λύκειο Αρφαρών Μεσσηνίας, Innovate Sustain Preserve Intangible Roots in Europe ...... 73

Γυμνάσιο Ελευθερούπολης Καβάλας, Back To The Roots-Back To The Future ...... 75

BASIC SKILLS HORIZONTAL: Supporting Individuals in Acquiring and Developing Basic Skills and Key Competences 1ο Ειδικό Δημοτικό Σχολείο Βόλου «ΚΕΝΤΑΥΡΟΙ», SCALES-Stop Canned food And Learn Eating Smart ...... 78 1o Πειραματικό ΓΕΛ Θεσσαλονίκης «ΜΑΝΟΛΗΣ ΑΝΔΡΟΝΙΚΟΣ», Totalitarian and Democratic Present in Europe: Lessons for our future ...... 79

7o Γυμνάσιο Ρόδου, Theatre Around and Inside Us ...... 81

Γυμνάσιο Περάματος, Living Beside The Water ...... 84

Διαδραστικό Ευρωπαϊκό Σχολείο, Eco Child ...... 86 4o Γενικό Λύκειο Αλίμου «ΜΑΚΡΥΓΙΑΝΝΕΙΟ», Cre@t1ve Conflict Resolution and Peer-to-Peer School Mediation ...... 88 7ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αλίμου «ΜΕΓΑΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ», Let’s Sharpen Our Minds and Enrich Our Lives by Creating a European TV Channel! ...... 90

ΕΠΑΛ Αγριάς, Publicity and Nutrition ...... 91 7ο ΕΠΑΛ Θεσσαλονίκης, M.E.T.E.C.& C.W.: Meet Europe through Educational Comics & Creative Writing ...... 93

TEACHING PROFESSION SCHOOL EDUCATION: Strengthening the Profiles of the Teaching Professions

Μουσικό Σχολείο Κομοτηνής, Digital Competences ...... 96

EARLY SCHOOL EDUCATION SCHOOL EDUCATION: Increasing Access to Affordable and High Quality Early Childhood Education and Care 1o Νηπιαγωγείο Αγίου Μηνά Νεοχωρείου Χίου- Κουτσουράδειος Σχολή, Ανακαλύπτοντας τον φυσικό πλούτο της Χίου και της Κύπρου ...... 99 1/Θ Νηπιαγωγείο Ριζαρίου Τρικάλων, ICT and Robotics in Pre-School Education: A More Attractive Way for Learning! ...... 100

23ο Νηπιαγωγείο Λάρισας, “Prevention is Better than Cure”, as Hippocrates said ...... 102


1. Το Πρόγραμμα Erasmus+

Το Erasmus+ είναι το πρόγραμμα της Ευρω- Βασική δράση 3/ΚΑ3: Ενίσχυση σε θέματα παϊκής Επιτροπής για τους τομείς της Εκπαί- Μεταρρυθμίσεων Πολιτικής δευσης, της Κατάρτισης, της Νεολαίας και Το Ίδρυμα Κρατικών Υποτροφιών/ΙΚΥ αποτελεί του Αθλητισμού για την περίοδο 2014-2020. τον εθνικό φορέα διαχείρισης των αποκεντρω- Θεσπίστηκε με τον αριθ. 1288/2013 Κανονισμό μένων δράσεων ΚΑ1 και ΚΑ2. του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμ- Η παρούσα έκδοση αφορά στην παρουσίαση βουλίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και αποτελεί των εγκεκριμένων για χρηματοδότηση σχεδίων τη συνένωση των προγραμμάτων που υλο- για τη Βασική Δράση 2 (Στρατηγικές Συμπράξεις ποιήθηκαν από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή κατά μεταξύ σχολείων) στον τομέα της Σχολικής Εκ- την περίοδο 2007 - 2013: το ολοκληρωμένο πρόγραμμα Δια Βίου Μάθηση - LLP (Erasmus, παίδευσης για τον κύκλο υποβολής αιτήσεων Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig), το 2019 στο πλαίσιο του ευρωπαϊκού προγράμμα- πρόγραμμα «Νεολαία σε Δράση», πέντε προ- τος Erasmus+. Αποβλέπει στην ανάδειξη του γράμματα Διεθνούς Συνεργασίας (Erasmus έργου που επιτελείται μέσω των Στρατηγικών Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink) και τα προγράμ- Συμπράξεων στον τομέα της Σχολικής Εκπαί- ματα συνεργασίας με τις βιομηχανικές χώρες. δευσης, ενώ παράλληλα φιλοδοξεί να αποτε- Επιπρόσθετα, μέσω του προγράμματος υπο- λέσει πηγή έμπνευσης για τη δημιουργία νέων στηρίζεται ο τομέας του αθλητισμού και η ειδι- συμπράξεων. κή Δράση του Jean Monnet που ενθαρρύνει τη Η παρουσίαση των σχεδίων είναι δομημένη διδασκαλία, την έρευνα και το δημόσιο διάλογο σύμφωνα με τη βασική προτεραιότητα, οριζό- στους τομείς της ιστορίας, της πολιτικής, της οι- ντια ή τομεακή, στην οποία απαντούν. κονομίας και του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου. Το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ στοχεύει στη βελ- τίωση των δεξιοτήτων και της απασχολησι- μότητας, καθώς και στον εκσυγχρονισμό των συστημάτων εκπαίδευσης, κατάρτισης και νε- 2. Βασική Δράση 2 / ολαίας. Σχεδιάστηκε για να στηρίξει την εκπαι- ΚΑ2: Συνεργασία για την δευτική κινητικότητα, την ανάπτυξη της συνερ- καινοτομία και την ανταλλαγή γασίας μεταξύ ιδρυμάτων/φορέων/οργανισμών καλών πρακτικών - Στρατηγικές και την ενδυνάμωση των εκπαιδευτικών πολιτι- Συμπράξεις κών των χωρών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

Το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ διαρθρώνεται σε Οι Στρατηγικές συμπράξεις αφορούν στην ανά- τρεις βασικές Δράσεις (Key Actions), οι οποίες πτυξη και ενίσχυση διακρατικών συνεργασιών καλύπτουν όλους τους τομείς της Εκπαίδευσης, μεταξύ φορέων/οργανισμών που δραστηρι- της Κατάρτισης και της Νεολαίας (Ανώτατη Εκ- οποιούνται στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης, της παίδευση, Επαγγελματική Εκπαίδευση και Κα- κατάρτισης ή σε άλλον κοινωνικοοικονομικό τάρτιση, Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων, Σχολική Εκπαί- τομέα, με σκοπό την προώθηση της καινοτο- δευση) και είναι οι εξής: μίας και την εφαρμογή καλών πρακτικών στον Βασική Δράση 1/ΚΑ1: τομέα της σχολικής εκπαίδευσης. Στις στρατηγι- Μαθησιακή κινητικότητα ατόμων κές συμπράξεις ενθαρρύνεται η συμμετοχή φο- Βασική Δράση 2/ΚΑ2: Συνεργασία για ρέων από διαφορετικούς χώρους, ώστε μέσα την καινοτομία και την ανταλλαγή καλών από την αλληλεπίδραση σε επίπεδο δεξιοτή- πρακτικών των και εμπειριών οι συμμετέχοντες φορείς να αυξάνουν την ικανότητά τους για διεθνική συ- για διασυνοριακή συνεργασία και της ικανότη- νεργασία και να παράγουν υψηλής ποιότητας τάς τους να αντιμετωπίζουν νέες προκλήσεις. καινοτόμα προϊόντα. Μέσω της οργάνωσης δραστηριοτήτων κινη- τικότητας για μαθητές, οι εν λόγω συμπράξεις Ανάλογα με τους στόχους και τη σύνθεση της στρατηγικής σύμπραξης, τα σχέδια μπορούν προάγουν επίσης τις αξίες της ανεκτικότητας και να είναι δύο τύπων: της αποφυγής των διακρίσεων, όπως επισημαί- νεται στη Διακήρυξη του Παρισιού. Στο πλαίσιο I. Στρατηγικές Συμπράξεις που υποστηρίζουν των συμπράξεων ανταλλαγών μεταξύ σχολεί- την καινοτομία: ων μπορούν να υλοποιούνται διάφορες δρα- Τα σχέδια αναμένεται να αναπτύξουν καινο- στηριότητες για την ανταλλαγή προσωπικού και τόμα προϊόντα, ή/και να προβούν σε εντατι- μαθητών: κές δραστηριότητες διάχυσης και διάδοσης των υφιστάμενων και των νέων προϊόντων Ανταλλαγές ομάδων μαθητών μικρής διάρκει- που θα παραχθούν, καθώς και των καινοτό- ας (3 ημέρες ως 2 μήνες): μαθητές από διαφο- μων ιδεών. Οι αιτούντες έχουν τη δυνατότη- ρετικές χώρες μπορούν να συνεργάζονται σε τα να αιτηθούν χρηματοδότηση για την πα- δραστηριότητες που συνδέονται με τους στό- ραγωγή πνευματικών προϊόντων, καθώς και χους της σύμπραξης. Οι δραστηριότητες των για πολλαπλασιαστικές δράσεις, προκειμέ- ανταλλαγών μικρής διάρκειας είναι σχεδιασμέ- νου να απαντήσουν ακριβώς στην καινοτόμα νες για να προσφέρουν στους μαθητές διεθνείς διάσταση της δράσης. μαθησιακές εμπειρίες, να τους βοηθήσουν να κατανοήσουν καλύτερα την ποικιλομορφία των II. Στρατηγικές Συμπράξεις που υποστηρίζουν πολιτισμών και γλωσσών της Ευρώπης, καθώς την ανταλλαγή καλών πρακτικών: και να αποκτήσουν τις κοινωνικές, πολιτικές και Ο πρωταρχικός στόχος είναι να επιτρέπει διαπολιτισμικές ικανότητες που είναι απαραίτη- στους οργανισμούς να αναπτύξουν και να τες για την προσωπική τους εξέλιξη. ενισχύσουν τα δίκτυα, να αυξήσουν την ικανότητά τους να λειτουργούν σε διακρα- Κινητικότητα μαθητών για φοίτηση μακράς τικό επίπεδο, να μοιράζονται και να ανταλ- διάρκειας (2 ως 12 μήνες): μαθητές ηλικίας λάσσουν/υποστηρίζουν ιδέες, πρακτικές και τουλάχιστον 14 ετών μπορούν να φοιτήσουν μεθόδους. Τα σχέδια μπορούν, επίσης, να για ένα χρονικό διάστημα σε σχολείο υποδοχής παράγουν απτά προϊόντα και αναμένεται να και να φιλοξενηθούν σε οικογένεια υποδοχής διαδώσουν τα αποτελέσματα των δραστηρι- στο εξωτερικό. Τα σχολεία αποστολής και υπο- οτήτων τους, με τρόπο που να είναι ανάλο- δοχής αναμένεται να διασφαλίζουν μαθησιακά γος του σκοπού και του πεδίου εφαρμογής αποτελέσματα υψηλού επιπέδου, να παρέχουν του σχεδίου. Τα αποτελέσματα και οι δραστη- την απαιτούμενη αναγνώριση των μαθημάτων ριότητες διάδοσης θα συγχρηματοδοτηθούν στους συμμετέχοντες μαθητές και να τους στη- μέσω της βασικής κατηγορίας προϋπολογι- ρίζουν συνεχώς κατά την διάρκεια της περιόδου σμού που αφορά τη διαχείριση και υλοποίη- κινητικότητας. Οι υποβάλλοντες αίτηση για τις ση του σχεδίου (project management). συμπράξεις ανταλλαγών μεταξύ σχολείων μπο- ρούν να εστιάσουν αποκλειστικά στην οργάνω- 2.1. Συμπράξεις ανταλλαγών μεταξύ ση δράσεων κινητικότητας μαθητών μακράς σχολείων (ΚΑ229) διάρκειας ως εργαλείο για την ανάπτυξη του δυναμικού διεθνούς συνεργασίας των συμμε- Συμπράξεις ανταλλαγών τεχόντων σχολείων. μεταξύ σχολείων Κοινές δραστηριότητες κατάρτισης προσωπι- Ο κύριος στόχος των συμπράξεων ανταλλαγών κού μικρής διάρκειας (3 ημέρες ως 2 μήνες): το μεταξύ σχολείων είναι η ενίσχυση της ευρωπα- διδακτικό και μη διδακτικό προσωπικό μπορεί να ϊκής διάστασης των συμμετεχόντων σχολικών συνεργάζεται για την ανταλλαγή εμπειριών και ιδρυμάτων, η ανάπτυξη της δυνατότητάς τους τεχνογνωσίας ή για από κοινού κατάρτιση.

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Αναθέσεις καθηκόντων διδασκαλίας ή κατάρ- βελτίωσης των διοικητικών ικανοτήτων των τισης μεγάλης διάρκειας (2 ως 12 μήνες): μέσω εκπαιδευτικών. ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ της απόσπασης σε συνεργαζόμενο σχολείο για  Προώθηση της απόκτησης βασικών δεξιο- μεγαλύτερο χρονικό διάστημα, η εν λόγω δρα- τήτων και ικανοτήτων, όπως για παράδειγ- στηριότητα παρέχει στο προσωπικό τη δυνατό- μα: την αντιμετώπιση των χαμηλών επιδόσε- τητα να βελτιώσει τις γνώσεις του και να κατα- ων στα μαθηματικά, στις θετικές επιστήμες νοήσει καλύτερα τα συστήματα εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης άλλων χωρών, ενώ παράλληλα και στην ανάγνωση, με αποτελεσματικές και συμβάλλει στην ανταλλαγή και την απόκτη- καινοτόμες μεθόδους διδασκαλίας και αξιο- ση επαγγελματικών ικανοτήτων, μεθόδων και λόγησης, την προαγωγή της επιχειρηματικής πρακτικών. Τα συμμετέχοντα σχολεία σε όλα τα εκπαίδευσης, την ενσωμάτωση των ψηφι- σχέδια ενθαρρύνονται ιδιαίτερα να χρησιμοποι- ακών δεξιοτήτων σε όλα τα προγράμματα ούν τη διαδικτυακή πλατφόρμα eTwinning, προ- σπουδών και την κατάλληλη προσαρμογή κειμένου να συνεργάζονται για το σχέδιο πριν τους σε συγκεκριμένες ηλικιακές ομάδες, από την έναρξη, κατά τη διάρκεια και μετά το την ενίσχυση της κριτικής σκέψης, ιδίως πέρας των δραστηριοτήτων κινητικότητας. μέσω της διδασκαλίας θετικών επιστημών σε περιβαλλοντικό και/ή πολιτισμικό πλαί- 2.2. Προτεραιότητες των Στρατηγικών σιο, την υιοθέτηση μιας ολοκληρωμένης Συμπράξεων στον τομέα της Σχολικής προσέγγισης στη διδασκαλία και εκμάθηση Εκπαίδευσης γλωσσών, με βάση την πολυμορφία των όλο Η συνάφεια των σχεδίων Στρατηγικών Συμπρά- και πιο πολύγλωσσων τάξεων. ξεων με τις ορισμένες ανά τομέα (Ανώτατη Εκ-  Υποστήριξη των σχολείων για την αντι- παίδευση, Σχολική Εκπαίδευση, Επαγγελματική μετώπιση της πρόωρης εγκατάλειψης του Εκπαίδευση και Κατάρτιση, Εκπαίδευση Ενηλί- σχολείου και της μειονεκτικής κατάστα- κων, Νεολαία) προτεραιότητες είναι προαπαι- σης στην οποία αυτή οδηγεί, καθώς και για τούμενο για την έγκριση της χρηματοδότησής την παροχή ποιοτικής εκπαίδευσης, ώστε η τους. Σύμφωνα με το πλαίσιο του προγράμ- επιτυχία να είναι εφικτή για όλους τους μα- ματος, οι στρατηγικές συμπράξεις πρέπει να θητές, από το χαμηλότερο ως το υψηλότερο καλύπτουν είτε: α) τουλάχιστον μια οριζόντια άκρο του ακαδημαϊκού φάσματος, συμπε- προτεραιότητα είτε: β) τουλάχιστον μια προ- ριλαμβανομένων των παιδιών μεταναστών, τεραιότητα σχετική με τον τομέα της σχολικής εκπαίδευσης. που ενδεχομένως αντιμετωπίζουν συγκε- κριμένες δυσκολίες (π.χ. στη γλώσσα). Πιο αναλυτικά, για τον τομέα της Σχολικής Εκ- παίδευσης οι προτεραιότητες των Στρατηγικών  Υποστήριξη των προσπαθειών διεύρυν- Συμπράξεων συνίστανται στις εξής: σης της πρόσβασης σε οικονομικά προσι- τή και ποιοτική προσχολική εκπαίδευση  Ενίσχυση του έργου των εκπαιδευτικών, και φροντίδα (ΠΕΦ) και ειδικότερα ενίσχυ- μέσω δράσεων που στοχεύουν στα εξής: ση της ποιότητας των συστημάτων προσχο- ενίσχυση της ελκυστικότητας του επαγγέλ- λικής εκπαίδευσης και φροντίδας και λήψη ματος του εκπαιδευτικού, υποστήριξη των μέτρων για την κατάλληλη ηλικιακά ανά- εκπαιδευτικών στην προσπάθειά τους να αντιμετωπίσουν την πολυμορφία στις αί- πτυξη των παιδιών, ώστε να επιτυγχάνονται θουσες διδασκαλίας (π.χ. μαθητές από οικο- καλύτερα μαθησιακά αποτελέσματα και να γένειες μεταναστών), ενίσχυση της ηγεσίας διασφαλίζεται μια καλή αρχή στην εκπαίδευ- και της κατανεμημένης ηγεσίας στην εκπαί- ση για όλους. δευση, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του ρόλου και των ικανοτήτων των διευθυντών και της 2.3. Δραστηριότητες που υποστηρίζονται στο Ενδεικτικά, αναφέρεται ότι πνευματικά προϊό- πλαίσιο μιας Στρατηγικής Σύμπραξης ντα στο πλαίσιο μίας Στρατηγικής Σύμπραξης Οι δραστηριότητες που υποστηρίζουν οι Στρα- αποτελούν: Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, Προγράμματα τηγικές Συμπράξεις χρηματοδοτούνται από μία σπουδών, Έρευνες-Μελέτες-Αναλύσεις, Ανοι- λίστα επιλέξιμων δαπανών, που έχουν τη δυνα- κτοί εκπαιδευτικοί πόροι (OER), Εργαλεία διδα- τότητα να επιλέξουν οι εταίροι της σύμπραξης σκαλίας με χρήση ΤΠΕ, Μέθοδοι μάθησης μετα- για το σχέδιό τους, ανάλογα με τα αποτελέσμα- ξύ ομοτίμων (peer learning activities) κ.ά.. τα που επιδιώκουν να επιτύχουν. Οι δραστηριό- τητες αυτές είναι: Multiplier events

Project Management (Πολλαπλασιαστικές Εκδηλώσεις) Οι Πολλαπλασιαστικές Δράσεις μπορούν να δι- οργανωθούν από τους συμμετέχοντες σε μία (Διαχείριση και Υλοποίηση του σχεδίου) Στρατηγική Σύμπραξη υπό την αίρεση ότι συν- Ένα ευρύ φάσμα δραστηριοτήτων, όπως η εκ- δέονται με συγκεκριμένο/α πνευματικό/ά προ- πόνηση σχεδίου ποιότητας (quality plan), εκθέ- ϊόν/τα. Στόχος των ενεργειών διάχυσης (τοπικά σεων προόδου (progress reports), ενδιάμεσων και διεθνικά συνέδρια, σεμινάρια, εκδηλώσεις (interim reports) και τελικών εκθέσεων (final re- ports), η πιλοτική εφαρμογή, η οργάνωση τοπι- κ.ο.κ.) είναι η διάδοση και η γνωστοποίηση των κών δραστηριοτήτων κατάρτισης και διάχυσης, πνευματικών προϊόντων σε δυνητικούς χρή- η δημιουργία ιστοσελίδας, η έκδοση φυλλαδί- στες, μεμονωμένα άτομα και οργανισμούς εκτός ων, η δημιουργία μικρής κλίμακας εκπαιδευτι- εταιρικής σχέσης, πέραν δηλαδή των άμεσα κού υλικού, κ.ά. καλύπτονται από την κατηγορία επωφελουμένων του έργου. project management. Transnational Training, Transnational Teaching and Learning Activities Project Meetings (Διεθνικές δραστηριότητες μάθησης, (Διεθνικές συναντήσεις για το σχέδιο) διδασκαλίας και κατάρτισης) Συμμετοχή σε διεθνικές συναντήσεις μεταξύ Στο πλαίσιο μιας Στρατηγικής σύμπραξης μπο- των εταίρων που διοργανώνονται από συμμετέ- ρούν να διοργανωθούν Διακρατικές Δραστηρι- χοντες στη σύμπραξη φορείς για σκοπούς δια- ότητες Εκπαίδευσης, Διδασκαλίας και Μάθησης χείρισης και υλοποίησης του σχεδίου. με την προϋπόθεση ότι προσδίδουν προστι- θέμενη αξία στην ευόδωση των στόχων του σχεδίου. Οι διεθνικές δραστηριότητες μάθησης, Intellectual Outputs διδασκαλίας και κατάρτισης πραγματοποιούνται στις χώρες, στις οποίες εδρεύουν οι δικαιούχοι (Παραγωγή Πνευματικών Προϊόντων) και οι συμμετέχοντες στις δραστηριότητες αυ- Στο πλαίσιο μίας Στρατηγικής Σύμπραξης επι- τές είναι άτομα που συνδέονται άμεσα με το δι- χορηγείται η παραγωγή πνευματικών προϊό- καιούχο-σχολείο. ντων, απτών δηλαδή παραδοτέων του σχεδί- ου. Τα πνευματικά προϊόντα θα πρέπει να είναι ουσιαστικά σε ποσότητα και ποιότητα, να απο- Special Needs δεικνύουν τη δυναμική τους για την ευρύτε- ρη αξιοποίηση τους και τον αντίκτυπο τους σε (Επιχορήγηση για άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες) περιβάλλοντα διαφορετικά από αυτό που ανα- Η συμμετοχή σε μία διακρατική συνεργασία πτύχθηκαν και μετά το πέρας του σχεδίου, δι- ατόμων με ειδικές ανάγκες ενθαρρύνεται με ασφαλίζοντας έτσι τη βιωσιμότητα του έργου. την επιχορήγηση πρόσθετων δαπανών που

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σχετίζονται άμεσα με τους συμμετέχοντες με μπράξεις που οργανώνουν δραστηριότητες μά- ειδικές ανάγκες. θησης, διδασκαλίας και κατάρτισης μπορούν να ζητούν χρηματοδοτική ενίσχυση από την γραμ- Exceptional costs μή του προϋπολογισμού «έκτακτες δαπάνες» (μέχρι και το 80% των συνολικών επιλέξιμων (Ειδικές κατηγορίες δαπανών κατ’ εξαίρεση) δαπανών), συμπεριλαμβανομένων των περι- Οι ειδικές κατηγορίες δαπανών κατ’ εξαίρεση πτώσεων όπου οι συμμετέχοντες επιλέγουν αφορούν τη συγχρηματοδότηση δαπανών που καθαρότερα μέσα μεταφοράς με χαμηλότερες σχετίζονται με υπεργολαβικές αναθέσεις και την εκπομπές άνθρακα (π.χ. τρένο), γεγονός που συ- αγορά αγαθών ή/και υπηρεσιών απαραίτητων για ντελεί σε υψηλότερες δαπάνες μετακίνησης. την υλοποίηση του σχεδίου. Η υπεργολαβία αφο- Αυτό θα επιτρέπεται με την προϋπόθεση ότι ρά υπηρεσίες που δεν μπορούν να παρασχεθούν οι αιτούντες θα μπορούν να αποδείξουν ότι οι συνήθεις κανόνες χρηματοδότησης (με βάση από κανένα μέλος της Στρατηγικής Σύμπραξης το μοναδιαίο κόστος ανά ζώνη απόστασης ταξι- για λόγους που αιτιολογούνται δεόντως. διού) δεν καλύπτουν το 70% τουλάχιστον των δαπανών μετακίνησης των συμμετεχόντων. Έκτακτες δαπάνες για την Από τη στιγμή που απονέμονται, οι έκτακτες κάλυψη υψηλού κόστους δαπάνες για την κάλυψη υψηλού κόστους με-

μετακίνησης τακίνησης αντικαθιστούν τις συνήθεις δαπάνες Οι υποβάλλοντες αίτηση για στρατηγικές συ- μετακίνησης.

3. Εύρεση Εταίρων /Τρόποι Δικτύωσης

Α. School Education Gateway Ως δημόσια ιστοσελίδα είναι προσβάσιμη απ’ όλους στο διαδίκτυο (π.χ. ακόμα και από χώρες Η ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα School Education εκτός της ΕΕ). Οι χρήστες έχουν τη δυνατότητα Gateway, που υποστηρίζεται από την ευρωπαϊκή πρόσβασης σε επίκαιρα θέματα που αφορούν επιτροπή, τέθηκε σε λειτουργία τον Ιανουάριο στη σχολική εκπαίδευση, αναζήτησης καλών του 2015 και αποτελεί το χώρο δικτύωσης για το πρακτικών από επιτυχημένα Ευρωπαϊκά σχέδια, πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ στο χώρο της σχολικής περιήγησης σε δημοσιεύσεις, ανάγνωσης άρ- εκπαίδευσης. Είναι διαθέσιμη σε 23 γλώσσες θρων από αναγνωρισμένους ειδικούς του τομέα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και σκοπός της είναι να της σχολικής εκπαίδευσης και αναζήτησης εταί- παρέχει οτιδήποτε χρεάζονται οι εκπαιδευτικοί ρων και φορέων στο εξωτερικό. Αναφορικά με και αφορά πληροφόρηση, μάθηση και επαγγελ- την αναζήτηση εταίρων από το εξωτερικό για τη ματική ανάπτυξη, καθώς και ευκαιρίες κινητικό- δημιουργία Στρατηγικών Συμπράξεων, υποστη- τητας. Εκτός από την εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα, ρίζεται η λειτουργία βάσης δεδομένων όπου οι η ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα School Education ενδιαφερόμενοι φορείς αναρτούν ιδέες για τη Gateway επιδιώκει να συμπεριλάβει στην υπο- δημιουργία νέων συμπράξεων και ανακοινώσεις στήριξή της όλους τους συμμετέχοντες σε δρα- για την εξεύρεση εταίρων. στηριότητες στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus+, όπως: σχολεία και άλλους εκπαιδευ- Χρήσιμοι Σύνδεσμοι: τικούς, καθώς και οργανισμούς, υπεύθυνους χά- School Education Gateway, ραξης πολιτικής και εθνικές αρχές, μη κερδοσκο- http://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/en/ πικές οργανώσεις και επιχειρήσεις. pub/index.htm 12 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 Οι περιλήψειςτων σχεδίων είναι στη γλώσσα μετην οποίακατατέθηκαν στην αίτηση.   Ηλεκτρονικήπροσφέρει: Αδελφοποίηση Όσον αφοράστιςΣτρατηγικές Συμπράξεις, η Erasmus+. τόχρονα όλες τις ευκαιρίες που προσφέρει το αυτόνομη δραστηριότητα, βελτιώνοντας ταυ- Aδελφοποίηση eTwinning αποφέρειοφέληως οποιονδήποτε θεματικό τομέα. HHλεκτρονική ξεις και να συμμετέχουν σεσυλλογικά σχέδια σε ευκολύνει τα σχολεία να αναπτύσσουν συμπρά- ρέχει συμβουλές, ιδέες και εργαλεία ώστε να δι- πληροφορίας και των επικοινωνιών (ΤΠΕ). Πα- Ευρώπη μέσω τηςχρήσηςτεχνολογιών της νεργασία και τηδικτύωσητων σχολείων στην Η Ηλεκτρονική Aδελφοποίηση προωθεί τη συ- (eTwinning) Β.Ηλεκτρονική Αδλ

εταίρων καλύτερη αξιοποίηση της συνεισφοράς των περισσότερο στρατηγικών σχεδίων και την στο πλαίσιοτου σχεδίου γιατην υλοποίηση τη χρήσητων εργαλείων πουδιατίθενται του αντίκτυπουτων σχεδιαζόμενων έργων σης, με στόχο τηβελτίωσητηςποιότητας και πριν απότην υποβολή αίτησηςεπιχορήγη- στο εξωτερικό και τησυνεργασία μεαυτούς την εύρεση εταίρων/οργανισμών υποδοχής φοπίηση htm https://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/index. Χρήσιμοι Σύνδεσμοι: επίπεδο. νικής αδελφοποίησηςσεεθνικό και ευρωπαϊκό ρέχουν οιυπηρεσίες υποστήριξης τηςηλεκτρο- τιση, την αναγνώριση και τα εργαλεία πουπα- να επωφελούνται απότιςυπηρεσίες, την κατάρ- ών υποστήριξης. Όλοιοι εκπαιδευτικοί μπορούν σε εθνικό επίπεδο, μέσω των εθνικών υπηρεσι- της κεντρικής υπηρεσίας υποστήριξης, όσοκαι στα σχολεία τόσο σεευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, μέσω Η ηλεκτρονική αδελφοποίηση παρέχει στήριξη τούν και να αναζητούν σχολεία-εταίρους. μπορούν να ανταλλάσσουν πόρους, να συζη - στην οποίαοιενδιαφερόμενοι εκπαιδευτικοί νεργασίες. Λειτουργεί, επίσης, ωςπλατφόρμα αναζητούν εταίρους και να αναπτύσσουν συ- οι εκπαιδευτικοί μπορούννα εγγράφονται, να λεία και υπηρεσίες συνεργασίας και στον οποίο λυγλωσσικός ιστότοπος, οοποίοςπαρέχει εργα- κτρονική αδελφοποίησηείναι ένας πλήρωςπο- Η ευρωπαϊκήδιαδικτυακήπύληγιατην ηλε πύλη γιατην Ηλεκτρονική Αδελφοποίηση. φή του σχολείου στην αντίστοιχη διαδικτυακή ποίησης. Μοναδική προϋπόθεση είναι η εγγρα - την ανάληψη δράσηςΗλεκτρονικής Αδελφο- Δεν απαιτείται ηυποβολήεπίσημηςαίτησηςγια - 13

4. Στατιστικά Στοιχεία

Εγκεκριμένων Σχεδίων Κινητικότητας ΚΑ2 στον τομέα της Σχολικής Εκπαίδευσης (ΚΑ229)

στρατηγικεσ 434 Συμπράξεις Συμπράξεις αποκλειστικά μεταξύ σχολείων (σχέδια με ελληνικό σχολείο 44 ως εταίρο) Συμπράξεις αποκλειστικά μεταξύ σχολείων (σχέδια με ελληνικό σχολείο ως συντονιστή)

13 Διευρυμένες Συμπράξεις 14 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 Διευρυμένες Συμπράξεις 1 Πάροχος δημόσιαςυπηρεσίας (1.08%) Μη κερδοσκοπικοί πολιτιστικοί οργανισμοί (1.08%) Ερευνητικό Ινστιτούτο /Κέντρο (1.08%) Σχολείο-γενική εκπαίδευση(Προσχολική) (2.15%) Οργάνωση κινηματογραφικής παιδείας(2.15%) Σχολείο-επαγγ. κατάρτιση (ΔΒ’ βάθμια) (2.15%) Σχολείο-Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων (3.23%) Εθνικός δημόσιοςφορέας (3.23%) Μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις (4.3%) Τοπικός δημόσιοςφορέας (5.38%) Περιφερειακός δημόσιοςφορέας (7.53%) Σχολείο-γενική εκπαίδευση(Α’ βάθμια) (8.6%) Ίδρυμα Ανώτατης εκπαίδευσης(9.68%) Μη κυβερνητική οργάνωση (21.51%) Σχολείο-γενική εκπαίδευση(B’ βάθμια) (26.88%) 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 7 3 4 1 3 3 8 3 3 3 Τύπος Οργανισμού 2 1 2 4 2 37 9 1 Γεωγραφική κατανομή - 1 1 5 1 1 6 Γεωγραφική κατανομή - 1 3 6 20 25 10 7 Πελοπόννησος (Peloponnisos) (7.69%) Βόρειο Αιγαίο (Voreio Aigaio) (7.69%) Νότιο Αιγαίο (Notio Aigaio) (7.69%) Κεντρική Μακεδονία (Kentriki Makedonia) (7.69%) Θεσσαλία (Thessalia) (23.08%) Ήπειρος (Ipeiros) (7.69%) Δυτική Ελλάδα(DytikiEllada) (7.69%) Aττική (Attiki)(23.08%) Aνατολική Μακεδονία, Θράκη(Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki) (7.69%) λαδα(.3) Βουλγαρία (3.23%) Γερμανία (1.08%) Ιρλανδία (2.15%) Τσεχία (2.15%) Ολλανδία (3.23%) Ρουμανία (4.3%) Κύπρος (6.45%) Ισπανία (7.53%) Ελλάδα (39.78%) ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΕΣ +ΕΤΑΙΡΟΙ ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΕΣ Μη Κερδοσκοπικού Χαρακτήρα 93 77 56 Ναι (60.22%) Ναι (82.8%)

Δημόσιος Τομέας 2.817.215 € προϋπολογισμός Συνολικός εγκεκριμένος Βέλγιο (1.08%) Κροατία (1.08%) Νορβηγία (2.15%) Αυστρία (3.23%) Τουρκία (5.38%) Πορτογαλία (6.45%) Ιταλία (10.75%) συντονιστές +εταίροι Συμμετέχοντες φορείς Όχι (39.78%) Όχι (17.2%) 37 16 ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 15 Όχι (7.16%) Όχι (8.78%) Όχι Ιταλία (10.75%) Ιταλία (6.45%) Πορτογαλία (5.38%) Τουρκία (3.23%) Αυστρία (2.15%) Νορβηγία Κροατία (1.08%) Βέλγιο (1.08%) Ελληνικά σχολεία Ελληνικά + εταίροι συντονιστές Δημόσιος Τομέας Δημόσιος

27 33 Συνολικός εγκεκριμένος Συνολικός για προϋπολογισμός σχολεία ελληνικά 12.645.596 € 350 343 Ναι (92.84%) Ναι (91.23%) Μη Κερδοσκοπικού Χαρακτήρα Μη Κερδοσκοπικού 376 ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΕΣ ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΕΣ + ΕΤΑΙΡΟΙ ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΕΣ Ελλάδα (39.78%) Ελλάδα (39.78%) Ισπανία (7.53%) (6.45%) Κύπρος Ρουμανία (4.3%) (3.23%) Ολλανδία (2.15%) Τσεχία (2.15%) Ιρλανδία (1.08%) Γερμανία (3.23%) Βουλγαρία Aνατολική Μακεδονία, Θράκη (Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki) (7.69%) Thraki) Makedonia, Θράκη (Anatoliki Μακεδονία, Aνατολική (Attiki) (23.08%) Aττική (7.69%) (Dytiki Ellada) Ελλάδα Δυτική (7.69%) (Ipeiros) Ήπειρος (23.08%) (Thessalia) Θεσσαλία (7.69%) Makedonia) (Kentriki Μακεδονία Κεντρική (7.69%) Aigaio) (Notio Αιγαίο Νότιο (7.69%) Aigaio) (Voreio Αιγαίο Βόρειο (7.69%) (Peloponnisos) Πελοπόννησος 7 10 231 6 3 1 Γεωγραφική κατανομή - κατανομή Γεωγραφική 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 Γεωγραφική κατανομή - κατανομή Γεωγραφική 37 17 4 1 3 27 Τύπος Σχολείου Τύπος 3 3 1 3 102 2 2 Σχολείο-γενική εκπαίδευση Σχολείο-γενική (60.31%) βάθμια Εκπαίδευση) (Β’ εκπαίδευση Σχολείο-γενική (26.63%) βάθμια Εκπαίδευση) (Α’ κατάρτιση Σχολείο-επαγγελματική (7.05%) βάθμια Εκπαίδευση) (Β’ εκπαίδευση Σχολείο-γενική (4.44%) επίπεδο) (προσχολικό (0.52%) δημόσιος φορέας Τοπικός Ίδρυμα (0.26%) (0.26%) διαπίστευσης Οργανισμός (0.26%) δημόσιος φορέας Εθνικός (0.26%) Ενηλίκων Σχολείο-Εκπαίδευση 1 1

1 1

2 1

υμπρ Σ ς ξει ά ά αποκλειστικ ύ μεταξ ων ί σχολε Γεωγραφική κατανομή - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΑ

Γεωγραφική κατανομή - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΑ 62


71 55

71 55 1 5 7 1 105 48 7 13 10 13 48 13 17 30 13 18 26 17 30 18 26 Κεντρική Μακεδονία (Kentriki Makedonia) (18.88%) Aττική (Attiki) (16.49%) Θεσσαλία (Thessalia) (14.63%) Κρήτη (Kriti) (12.77%) Aνατολική Μακεδονία, Θράκη (Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki) (7.98%) Κεντρική Μακεδονία (Kentriki Makedonia) (18.88%) Aττική (Attiki) (16.49%) Θεσσαλία (Thessalia) (14.63%) Δυτική Ελλάδα (Dytiki Ellada) (6.91%) Νότιο Αιγαίο (Notio Aigaio) (4.79%) Πελοπόννησος (Peloponnisos) (4.52%) Κρήτη (Kriti) (12.77%) Aνατολική Μακεδονία, Θράκη (Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki) (7.98%) Βόρειο Αιγαίο (Voreio Aigaio) (3.46%) Στερεά Ελλάδα (Sterea Ellada) (3.46%) Ήπειρος (Ipeiros) (2.66%) Δυτική Ελλάδα (Dytiki Ellada) (6.91%) Νότιο Αιγαίο (Notio Aigaio) (4.79%) Πελοπόννησος (Peloponnisos) (4.52%) Ιόνια Νησιά (Ionia Nisia) (1.86%) Δυτική Μακεδονία (Dytiki Makedonia) (1.33%) Extra-Regio NUTS 2 (0.27%) Βόρειο Αιγαίο (Voreio Aigaio) (3.46%) Στερεά Ελλάδα (Sterea Ellada) (3.46%) Ήπειρος (Ipeiros) (2.66%) Ιόνια Νησιά (Ionia Nisia) (1.86%) Δυτική Μακεδονία (Dytiki Makedonia) (1.33%) Extra-Regio NUTS 2 (0.27%)

Ιταλία 235

έ ια Ισπανία 192 ΤουρκίαΙταλία 180 235 ΠολωνίαΙσπανία 144 192 ΡουμανίαΤουρκία 138 180 σχολ

ί ροι ετα + ΠορτογαλίαΠολωνία 131 144 ΡουμανίαΓαλλία 80 138 ΠορτογαλίαΓερμανία 74 131 ΒουλγαρίαΓαλλία 58 80 ΛιθουανίαΓερμανία 54 74 ΒουλγαρίαΛετονία 41 58 ΛιθουανίαΚροατία 39 54 ΛετονίαΤσεχία 4139 ΚροατίαΒρετανία 3938 ές συντονιστ ΦινλανδίαΤσεχία 3439 ή ΒρετανίαΚύπρος 26 38 ΦινλανδίαΣλοβενία 23 34 ΟυγγαρίαΚύπρος 2226 ΣλοβενίαΣουηδία 2321 ΟυγγαρίαΕσθονία 2221 ΣουηδίαΑυστρία 1821 Δημ. της Βόρ. Μακεδονίας 17

κατανομ Εσθονία 21 ΝορβηγίαΑυστρία 1817 Δημ. της Βόρ. ΜακεδονίαςΣλοβακία 1717 ΝορβηγίαΒέλγιο 1716 ΣλοβακίαΟλλανδία 1317 ΙρλανδίαΒέλγιο 916 ΟλλανδίαΙσλανδία 139 ΙρλανδίαΔανία 97 Σερβία ή Γ εωγραφικ Ισλανδία 59 ΔανίαΜάλτα 3 χουν ελληνικ ά έ χουν συμμετ που σχ έδ ια σε 7 Σερβία 0 5 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Μάλτα 3 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225

16 5. Περιλήψεις Σχεδίων Κινητικότητας 18 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 T and Efficiency of Education, Sustainable I HORIZ INVESTMENT SUSTAINABLE raining and ONTAL: Y nvestment, Quality outh Systems ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 19 -

Γυμνάσιο Λιβαδειάς Γυμνάσιο o 4 prispevkova Hradiste, Uherske okres Banov, Bublika, Josefa Zakladni skola ORTAOKULU, FENER RUM ÖZEL organizace, Sant’Agostino Fondazione Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062507_1 Walking Talk the Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής ophy and local conditions of each country, factors that will be taken into account in this program. in this program. account into be taken that will factors each country, of conditions ophy and local a wide covering and cultures, countries different schools from different involve to So it is necessary on what students can do and not on and focusing in Europe that is present the diversity of range is created experience and developed & soft) are skills (hard both types of they need, what materials learning. experiential into which is transformed programme, by the Erasmus+ empowered uniquely such an endeavour, dimension of The European - communi develop, to in order but is essential terms in financial is implementation ensures not only at education only about developing that when it’s in a context and results know-how and share cate and policies among member-states: experience common create to it can be in order level European future. generations’ future common our for η Σχεδίου Περίληψ - environ to compared much different is undoubtedly and classroom The 2020 school ebooks, projectors, whiteboards, interactive and tools, and cutting-edge materials ments: innovative addressed “in symphony”, these work all that can make and teachers staff course and of multimedia, the approaching The need of life. everyday in their in technology immersed fully students that are to brings to reality virtual such as 3D simulations and tools sophisticated more using even world real with reality; by getting in touch the world: learn to methodology natural, though so a revolutionary, outside the classroom. by living and learning the the boundaries of to only when it is limited that teaching, has shown experience teaching Our in lead to risks - techniques teaching possible the all of use good make we if even - classroom With this program in learning. interest of loss and gradual fatigue of feeling monotony, stagnation, a combination by suggesting learning, students towards attitude of a positive cultivate to want we theo- learning of elements employing and discovery-experiential) methods (traditional teaching of and game based inquiry embodied learning, learning, challenge-based learning, ries (experimental in class. which is provided supporting knowledge with the aim of learning), the the- provides background, besides its philosophical education, outside the classroom The use of through tools, with educational techniques, designing and implementing for background oretical and beyond. located participating schools are define in cities where will paths that we educational activate live, the students the experience 1984), (Kolb knowledge to a holistic approach Through and they receive the knowledge of perception Students acquire and feelings. logic senses, their with the teacher it, building of in the process and participate creators as they become in it, reflect matters. practical for the facilitator of the role having philos by the culture, influenced with practices education is differentiated Outside the classroom SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT

Κωδικός 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062513_1 Τίτλος Σχεδίου Παίζω και Mαθαίνω για τους Nέους Συντονιστής Γυμνάσιο με Λυκειακές Τάξεις Ιτέας Καρδίτσας OOU «Metodi Mitevskl-Brico» Lozovo, Sredno uchilishte «Nikola Εταίροι Vaptsarov», Istituto Comprensivo Bosa, Escola Secundária Dr. Joaquim Gomes Ferreira Alves, Valadares, Vila Nova de Gaia Διάρκεια Σχεδίου 24 Μήνες

Περίληψη Σχεδίου

Having to deal with difficulties facing our students in game organising and bullying, inside or outside schools, we have decided upon cooperating with educational units from abroad to discuss the issue in common. Our project, Play and Learn About Youth, will bring together educational units from five different countries. Cooperation and communication through ICT are bound to stimulate the participants’ in- terest and enhance teaching practices on the basis of diversity and exchange. Although the project will be officially carried out in French, we have decided to encourage communication in all languag- es of partner countries. It is a sad truth that students worldwide may share common needs but, at the same time, they lack interest in team work and creativity. Children foster many virtual relationships, thus facing problems in shaping their personalities. A nice way to prevent this is by discovering and playing essentially fair traditional games, where fair play becomes an advantage and develops into an interest in cooperation and participation. Exchanges through the eTwinning platform will shape the project, thus building Game Museums in each school and a CD recording of relevant poems and songs. Actions will culminate in the organisa- tion of the Games Olympics and the Games Festival with the aim of enhancing the value of fair play and the importance of respecting the rules. Making a trip down memory lane with old traditional games will function as a time machine that will revive the eras and the societies that invented each game. All European partners unanimously agree to involve all students, regardless of their participation in mobilities. Activities have been exclusively designed in this direction. Coordinators will involve part- ners in designing a website, through which products will be made available to the public to celebrate

2019 diversity in theory and practice. υ ση Σ χο λ ικ ή Ε κπαίδε σ η 2 α σ ική Δ ρά Β

20 ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 21 : ONTAL HORIZ Ιnclusion Social SOCIAL INCLUSION 22 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 ple, Sports, Education, Nature andScience. The FLAMEwill spark inIceland inOct2019andwill run Sea.The “Volunteer’s FLAME” will focus on6 aspects of volunteering thatcontribute to Culture, Peo- ism across 6countries, through 6schoolsandlocal communities from Arctic Ocean to Mediterranean Just asPrometheus brought thefire to thehumans, our project aims to bringthe FLAMEof Volunteer 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PROJE volunteering, encouragement for actionandmotivation. ers andcommunity. Our project seekswithasimple way to actasastarting pointfor reflection around be accomplished notonly byorganizing TARGETED actions, butmainly byEDUCATING pupils- teach- STAND byMEproject empowers these values focusing increating active volunteer citizens. This can ple are called volunteers whenunselfishly offer time, knowledge or services. Volunteering is defined as volitional provision of services without beingpaidor rewarded. Thus, peo- teachers andpupils. work inmakingitworldwide andsustainable byforming aEuropean networking group of passionate Thematic Network, tryingto give aholisticapproach andcover thisgap. STAND BY MEproject, will active citizenship andsupportingpupils’involvement in volunteering, joineda Volunteering Greek active European citizens. Greek school recognizing theneedto improve thequalityof educationin skeleton thatcanserve asanantidote to thecrisisandsocial inclusion. Also, asafactor increating from Godsandgave itto humans, bringingknowledge andartto theworld. Volunteering isthe According to Greek Mythology, thefirst volunteer was Prometheus, the Titan whostole thefire Περίληψη Σχεδίου SOCIAL INCLUSION

Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός

reduce the early school leavers develop thedigital, linguisticandsocial skillsof our students form aNETWORK of European schools/associations promoting European identity tion ities thatwill make themable to convey the values of volunteering, equalityandnon-discrimina- strengthen teachers’ profession, providing themwithnonformal methodologies, regarding activ acquire knowledge abouttheways of volunteering sary tools encourage pupils-communities to beengagedin volunteer actions, providing them theneces active citizenship familiarize studentsandteachers withtheconcepts, values andprinciples of volunteering and CT’S OB JE CTIVES: 24 Μήνες Gimnaziala ARON DENSUSIANU, Istituto Comprensivo A.Leonori Grandaskoli, Bercsényi Miklós Általános Iskola, Itälänkoulu, Scoala 4 Stand byme 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062447_1 ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Λαμίας - - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 23 - unteering and support disadvantaged pupils/ immigrants or with health problems to be involved in be involved to problems with health or pupils/ immigrants and support disadvantaged unteering be: 4560 will groups Target -esteem. self improve and get socialized responsibility, over take to order clubs. institutions and youth parents, 6 schools, from teachers students and 585 Science, History, Language, subjects: Maths, of variety a through be developed will The project maximize to order in Education Physical and Music Art, Studies, Environmental Cultural, Social, ICT, impact. get more to be used in order will activities curricular and extra non formal formal, of range wide A presentations, seminars, laboratories, STEM Workshops, tolerance. schools and stimulate inclusive world discussion, Group brainstorming, role-play, eco-games, workshops, trips, field simulations, be Activities will fun! having interact, to be able Pupils will sports. drama, films, image-making, café, and groups social EURODESK, Platform, Results the Erasmus+ website, our through disseminated the project. phases of be used in all will platform eTwinning Moreover, media. soci- civil pupils to and sensitization of volunteering of the importance of awareness raising Through improvement English, of knowledge benefits as: extended term long expect we ety support activities, leavers, school the early of reduction competences, key of development skills, linguistic and ICT the of discrimination exclusion, social of prevention in schools, Europass introduce changes in the curricula, and school in the social poverty with people of integration thinking, critical of encourage racism, and will project, Our groups. social pupils with similar of and communication contact direct environment, the the links between strengthening to approach a strategic developing sustainability, be a basis for identity. and European local of deepening concepts environment, six schools and its local and commitment. involvement underline deep style, aims to Vision and life is a VOLUNTEERING sup- will by ME project, STAND worldwide. volunteers millions of to and motivation inspiration Gives be will generations the future so grow, to the movement enable to set the scene vision to port this life! a better live to able all over Europe inspiring volunteering in many fields and conclude in May 2021 in . Within Romania. in May 2021 in conclude and fields in many volunteering inspiring Europe over all acting. thinking and of ways languages, cultures, 6 experience will team, the FLAME’s these 2 years, understanding a deeper gain opportunity to a unique have will groups target the travel, of In the end citizenship. and active solidarity mutual the ideals of of vol mainstream aims to Citizenship, Active and Solidarity Inclusion, of lies at the roots This project, 24 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 democratic coexistence, withoutdiscrimination. policies withinitself, andto apply in their environment, e.g. theclassroom, principles and values of a to learn asignificantchapter of History, now thatEurope is beingthreatened byextreme rightwing of discriminationinclassroom andto social inclusion. The project’s objective isfor thepupilsto get strategic partnership thatleads hopefully, thoughthestudyingof theHolocaust, to theelimination This year, the1stEvening Highschool of Patras istakingover for thefirst timethecoordination of a social groups (ex drugaddicts, Romaandimmigrants). of age, coming, moreover, from different nationalities, different learning backgrounds, and vulnerable Highschool of Patras, for example, people of different agesattend lessons, ranging from 14to 71years zation or marginalization, although theseschoolswork through inclusive education:atthe1stEvening been considered asschoolswithpupils of alesser quality, somethingthatmaylead to their stigmati- not completed their basiceducationor fail to dosoinmorningschools. For thisreason, theyhave Evening HighschoolsinGreece provide educationto working pupilsabove 14years of age, whohave labour market”. skills thatenablethemto participate fully insocietyandmanage successfully transitions inthe quality andinclusive education, training andlife-long learninginorder to maintainandacquire ed theEuropean Pillar of Social Rights, thefirst principle of whichisthat“Everyone hastherightto religion, economic condition, ability. InDecember 2017, theEuropean Commissionof theUnionadopt to, educational opportunities onthe basis of differences, such as sex, ethnic/social origin, language, sco Convention Against DiscriminationinEducation (1960) prohibits anyexclusion from, or limitation the war, bespeaksthenecessity of thesocial inclusion of disadvantaged groups of people. The Une- The educational system that Europe isputtingforth nowadays, seventy-four years after the end of putting forth. of agroup of people thatwas spoilingtheideaof ahomogeneousGermanythat Adolf Hitler was “final solution” becauseitsolved once andfor goodtheproblem of coexistence, withinapure nation, camps, where, till theend of World War II, six million Jews had been massively killed. Itwas named as necessary backthen, publicopinionwas convinced of theneedof their expulsion inconcentration policy of propaganda, stigmatization, isolationanddeportationof them. For reasons that appeared The “final solution” to physically exterminate the Jews arose gradually intheNaziregime after a Περίληψη Σχεδίου SOCIAL INCLUSION Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες Stadtteilschule Poppenbüttel ISTITUTO TECNICO ECONOMICO STATALE «JACOPO BAROZZI», Colegiul National, Ady Endre -BayZoltán GimnáziumésKollégium, 1 και την Εξάλειψη Διακρίσεων στις Τάξεις του Ολοκαυτώματος Μπορείνα Προάγει την Κοινωνική Σ Πέρα από«Τελικές Λύσεις»: Η Διδακτική τηςΕυρωπαϊκής Ιστορίας και 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062458_1 ο Εσπερινό Γυμνάσιο Πατρών υμπερίληψη - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 25 - - cism and violence from local newspapers and a reading club of books documenting experiences from from experiences books documenting of club and a reading newspapers local from violence cism and and crossdisciplinary, crosscurricular, are been compiled activities that have the survivors, Holocaust English, Geography, Studies, Social History, They involve learning. experiential - based on team build visits out study and combine creative, student-based, they are Technology, and Information Drama timelines inside classroom. / maps / / questionnaires / reports with projects side the classroom opening up character, its democratic consolidates and profile its international unit revives The school of the profits reaps community The local partnerships. European future for cooperation channels of the run, In the long is tolerated. difference where environment a multicultural and of learning lifelong equality, freedom, human dignity, and thrive: reinforced Union are the European of values founding we where to attention loving with more return and teachers citizens Pupils, human rights. democracy, education. school, from: started Four different schools have been chosen on the basis of their historical and geographical relationship relationship and geographical historical their on the basis of been chosen have schools different Four and on the basis interest teachers’ the participating the basis of on Holocaust, II and the War World to in a Highschool are These pupils). isolated geographically or classrooms (inclusive profile pupils’ of Technical and a Germany, in Hamburg, a Highschool Romania, in Iasi, a Highschool Hungary, Sarkad, Italy. in Modena, School fas on news of archiving the to relating etwinning, on posted has been that project the Starting from 26 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 minorities, people with special needs, Romaandthesexes (male, female). rejection and social seclusion. Such groups include, apart from immigrants and refugees, religious The project will beintended to beextended to every minorityor “weak” group whichexperiences eliminating discriminationamongsensitive groups, to participate inthis Erasmus+ Project. us- the4Balkan, Mediterranean countries all facing thepressing reality of integrating refugees and All thatismentionedinthebackground andobjectives sectionsabove hasacted asmotivation for Profile ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ § This project aimsathelpingstudentsto: Ob ments, protests, embarrassment andscaremongering. country. The main features of arguments were discrimination, social seclusion and isolation, disagree- been a constant source of conflict not only among host countries but also among the citizens of each better financial conditions but mostly for decent survival conditions away from war zones. This has war zones to northerncountries where refugees –notimmigrants –have soughtnotsomuchfor however, humanity hasexperienced massive relocations of populationsmoving from Mediterranean migrate to countries offering ahigher income andbetter everyday livingconditions. Inrecent years Humans have always beensearching for better livingconditions andtheyhave beenforced to im- Background Περίληψη Σχεδίου SOCIAL INCLUSION ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός nize unfair practices suchasprejudice anddiscriminationstereotypes identify their own attitudes, feelings andbehaviour towards whatisdifferent andlearn to recog- their everyday contact withdifferent individuals adopt andusewhattheyhave learned andexperienced aboutequal treatment andrespect in learn andrecognize other people’s pointof view learn to recognize thenegative consequences of stereotypes andreact to them learn how to getinsomeoneelse’s shoesanddevelop empathy prejudices andontheother handtheir consequences comprehend ontheonehandmeanswhichfacilitate thedevelopment of stereotypes and recognize similaritiesanddifferences amonghumanbeings je ctives p ar ticip 24 Μήνες Campanillas, Colegiul Tehnic ConstantinBrancusi Petrila Angel Kanchev Third Secondary School, Cemil Atlas Ortaokulu, IES ΓυμνάσιοΚανήθου Χαλκίδας The Others and Us-BridgesBetween Us 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062468_1 ants /C ontext of the proje ct ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 27 y active involvement of all participants in the process of realizing the differences of minorities as minorities of the differences realizing of participants in the process all of involvement active them in the community incorporating need of as the pressing well accepted help them feel and inferiority sense of eliminating minorities’ and/or decreasing that can be im- Tools expectations. intentions, fears, with the Roma people’s getting acquainted as: assessment such methods of and indirect using both direct assess outcomes to plemented case-studies questionnaires, assessment), method of (indirect / survey research the assessment plan. developing when criteria/standards established accreditation g /Methodolo ctivities ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ - guide the following based on tools methodological of a number be carried out using will Activities lines: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ A 28 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 willingly accept their responsibilities ascitizens. in thecountryside will feel thattheir needswill berespected andtheir opinionsappreciated and they senting arguments andrespecting people’s rights. Inthelong term, schoolsandcommunities situated The local community will benefitfrom those future citizens interested indiscussing, negotiating, pre- societies.man skills, share their knowledge ondemocratic institutionsandunderstand thepolitical evolution inhu- project. Byparticipating indifferent activitiesthestudentswill improve languageandcommunicating active skills. The students, teachers andthelocal community will benefitfrom theoutcome of this The methodology will beacombination of theoretical research anddevelopment of social andinter advantaged. ing opinions that flourish in a society and the competence required to use them in favor of the less individual andsocial interest. All theactivitiesare designed to present thedifferent andoften conflict roles of legislators, leaders, warriors, women, slaves immigrants to understand theconflict between presented. Role playingcould cover asignificantpartof theactivities. The participants could playthe Rhetorical speechesoncontroversial issuesandstrategies usedto influence the voters could be their leaders, thanksto thedemocratic freedom of speech. issa, where poets and play writers of the 5th century A.C freely expressed their beliefs and accused citizens discussedinperson every issueof citylife, theGreek Parliamentor theancienttheater of Lar involve visits to places where democracy was born, like the ancient Agora in Athens, where Athenian same concerns onchildren’s needs, early school dropout andpersonal evolvement. Activities could are 30pupils, somecoming from less advantaged family environments and12teachers sharingthe The participantsovercome 50%of studentsand staff ineachschool. The participantsineachmobility agreeable andstimulatinglearning environment, thatfavors autonomy andcreativity. The activitiesare basedontheprinciple thatevery pupil candevelop hislearning potential in an institutions. We took into consideration that school projects should activate even the less advantaged. we decided to run this project. We aim to help the pupils have a different approach of the democratic jor risks moderndemocracies are facing, asitcould pave theway for various authoritarianideologies, Since we strongly believe thatthesystematic rejection of thedemocratic institutionsisoneof thema- project hasn’t changedtheir view towards thedemocratic institutions. importance of thefreedom of speechinmoderndemocracies. Despite theacademicknowledge, the tional Parliament. The studentshadpreviously studiedthetypesof democratic government andthe of government canimprove people’s lives. The initial ideawas bornduringaschool visit to theNa- Our project isaboutdemocracy, itsmultiple transformations throughout timeandtheways thistype Περίληψη Σχεδίου SOCIAL INCLUSION Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες IES JOSEP SUREDA IBLANES, GymnasioL.T. KallitheasElassonas Ludwigsburg, 42 Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. A. Mickiewicza wKrakowie, Agrupamento deEscolas HenriquesNogueira, Mathilde-Planck-Schule ΓενικόΓόννων Λύκειο Λάρισας Educating theDemocratic Citizens of Tomorrow 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062500_1 - - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 29

χολείο Γυμνάσιο-Λύκειο Μεσολογγίου Γυμνάσιο-Λύκειο Σχολείο Επαγγελματικό Ειδικό Ενιαίο w Zamosciu, Sienkiewicza Henryka 2 im. Nr Podstawowa Szkola ALDECOA JOSEFINA IES Pio, Vittorio-Padre Di Comprensivo Istituto Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062957_1 Europe Journeys in Art assist SEN pupils to achieve to their full potential, potential, full their to achieve assist SEN pupils to and Math- in Speaking and Listening skills key develop pupils to assisting our of a way Art as use ematics, - con global skills within our important social develop pupils to assisting our of way Art as a use text, their with work countries, other to travel to pupils disadvantaged and SEN opportunities to give heritage, cultural of and understanding knowledge their and enhance peers within the play an important role to be able these activities SEN pupils will that through ensure society, future our of context challenging independent learners, and become learning engage with their pupils to our motivate pupils, SEN and disadvantaged from leaving school early tackle that through curriculum a reformed attempt with SEN pupils to working colleagues other inspire potential, full their to achieve Art assists SEN pupils to high- as to as well projects, the Erasmus of the benefits and promote community local help our Union. the European light the benefits of Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής Εταίροι ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ η Σχεδίου Περίληψ - pedagogy and the promo and inclusive an innovative promoting of Art as a way uses This projects closely working be schools will four the project As part of heritage within Europe. cultural tion of pu- and disadvantaged assist SEN to practices and learning teaching identify innovative to together conducted already have schools participating all from Teachers potential. full their to achieve to pils much pupils respond SEN and disadvantaged that their identified and have based research evidence Art. on that focuses curriculum an adapted to better help them develop that will projects be participating in common pupils will all the project As part of exchanges be participating in short-term Pupils will the curriculum. of areas and basic skills in all key - be fo will Art project The the schools. in each of Art projects on small together be working and will SEN pupils that the project so by the end of the countries, each of heritage of cusing on the cultural countries. different all visited have will exchanges in the short-term participated schools can work the different each of from so teachers mobilities, staff also involves The project de- the can facilitate Art Art and how in practice and learning good teaching and exchange together main we the project As part of pupils. SEN and disadvantaged for curriculum innovative of velopment aim to: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 30 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ At thelevel of teachers, theproject aims to: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ OB determined to overcome themtogether asateam. learn aboutEuropean cultures. We are aware thatthere will bechallenges along theway, butwe are tions, hobbies, passions, theywill develop common work together, will communicate withthem, and all students are united inthesamedesire to meetother students, share common interest, preoccupa - enable themto develop while doingsomethingfor whichtheyare passionate. Whether highor low, participate inextracurricular activitiesto engage themmore actively intheir own learning pathway to We are all familiar with the requirements of modern education systems that encourage students to natives, to improve their skills, to motivate themandto increase their creativity and selfexpression. We are five European schoolsunited bysuchneeds. We want to offer our studentsthebestalter CONTEXT Περίληψη Σχεδίου SOCIAL INCLUSION ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός enhance their level of knowledge aboutdealingwith various kindsof photo software facilitate transfer andexchange of bestpractices andpedagogical approaches intheschools facilitate collaboration aswell as cooperation amongmore European teachers boost their motivation to give themchance to scrutinize theworld from different perspectives. to boostthe self-awareness andimprove thelevel of self-appreciation to facilitate creativity, imagination, estheticsenseof beauty, self-expression to enhance socialization, communication andinter-personal skills to improve their linguisticaswell astheir digital skills acceptance, non-discrimination, tolerance etc. to achieve 21stcentury European values like unbiasedattitudestowards people andcultures, to improve their intercultural awareness andraise their senseof self-identity to improve their functional, practical skillsbymeansof photography velopment to enhance their motivation for studyingandto increase their everyday enthusiasmfor selfde- JE CTIVES 24 Μήνες prispevkova organizace Zakladni skola amaterska skola Ostrava-Zabreh, Volgogradska 6B, Gymnasio Skadou, LICEUL TEOLOGIC ORTODOX «N, STEINHARDT», OPSHTINSKO OSNOVNO UCHILISHTELIRIJA TETOVO, 3. SelimIlkokulu, Γυμνάσιο Σκάδου Νάξου Culture byPhotographs -Digital Students 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062991_1 - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 31 ANTS TICIP ACT Improve their skills in implementing Erasmus projects - improve their social, communication and communication social, their - improve projects Erasmus skills in implementing their Improve skills. interpersonal AR ƒ IMP this implementation. of as a result and knowledge experience precious receive schools will partner All the good and posi- and observe each individual from learn knowledge, transfer ideas, share will We - Eu of about the cultures learn will We schools. in our that can be accepted any system aspects of tive experienced be more will we Therefore, dimension. schools a European our and give countries ropean a by creating cooperate to Schools can continue projects. future other for in applying and confident We countries. other or countries schools in our other to that can be extended clubs photo of network occasions. special various schools for among pupils in partner photography for contests organize will more become school our help will project the That is why practice. regular a this make to want We stage. on the European and operative active S RESULT to strive we Secondly, goals. the stated all of the achievement concern primarily results concrete Our stu- reports, photographic student materials, workshop like materials material all and collect produce papers, feedback self-assessment, for used forms student student’s topics, on exchange dent photos eTwinning site, web exhibition, photo bulletin, like dissemination materials tools, evaluation different etc. certificates, presence each exchange, for reports evaluation space, platform Students who are our primary target group are students with ages between 6-14 years old in each old years 6-14 with ages between students are group primary target our Students who are from advantages and indirect direct take activities and will our all be at the heart of They will school. get will country), per (24 each exchange for them,6 of Some the project. of the activities and results - be accom They will in the activities. directly and participate countries partner to travel to the chance also 40 and 100 children of That is why a total / country). (8 on each exchange panied by 2 teachers in the implmentation. participate directly will teachers P VITIES ACTI the project, of component intercultural a stronger provide to these goals and all achieve to In order views their problems, their culture, their life, daily with the pupils’ photography combine decided to we 1 -one on the project: 5 student exchanges organize to intend That is why we and artistic perceptions. 3 -My light and design techniques; - color, 2 - My school photography; of - the basics day in my life to – Learn My Europe 5. Motion in Photos; 4 - My Region - Capture composition; of City - Principles with the topic accordance tasks in receive students will these meetings, each of Before edit photos. these each of for a picture draw will work, for be set up in teams They will each exchange. assigned for by attended be and will advice receive will be evaluated, will works their During the exchange, topics. job/task as a result assigned a new They were advice. by specialists in which they teach led seminars the seminar. of ƒ 32 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 target groups. All Timetable activitiescombine specific aimsof LanguageLesson andSocial aims. The benefitsof the Trainings are goingmake teachers designmore interesting activitiesfor partners All thesetheoriesare presented insix Trainings meetingsare orginised to take place inspecificdates. Learning, CLIL theoryaboutbillingual students, Art-based approaches andOutdoor Learning theory. Scientifically, our project’s objectives are basedonMultiple typesof Intelligence theory, Project based the cultural variety of Europe (Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic, Spain, Latvia, Finland). and outdoor learning will make achannel of communication for Romaandnonstudents ance of their mother language. Our project through narration, digital narration, music, theatrical play school andthestrong needfor theself -stem anddevelopment of thebilingual person of theaccept Also, scientistspointoutthe importance of incorporation of mother languagefor bilingual studentsat Many research studiesprove thebenefitsof oral narration for thedevelopment of oral speaking. Digital narration andoutdoor learning alsoimproves very muvhstudent’s impact andinterest! for theprocess of teaching andlearning of thosesubjectsandfor theintercultural awareness them. bilities andcognitive difficulties canhave equal school opportunitieswhichwill prove beneficial both lems andsolutions inboth verbal andnon-verbal ways. Through artsstudentswithlearning disa- From our experience, Narration and Arts encourage children to communicate ideas, feelings, prob- part of it. sic, fairy tales, language) canbeincluded socially andfind a reason whynotquittingschool, bybeing and communication andbyfelling accepted through the incorporation of their culture (traditions, mu- Through thismethodwe strongly believe thatstudentsbydeveloping social skillsof collaboration personal expression, andpersonal experiences. manage to bridgetheir oral tradition andspecial characteristics of their originwithschool knowledge, with oral traditional fairy tales narration, musicanddrama andoutdoor learning to Languagetheywill artistic expression and creativity. Especially Roma children by being connected through our program school to improve oral and written speech in Language Subject. All children love activities involving the early school leaving (ESL)and disadvantage andthesupportof the “target groups” of eachpartner Main prioritiesof our project are: social inclusion of thestudents, thesupportingconfrontation with of Language subject. digital narration, music, drama andoutdoor learning) intheprocess of learning andteaching mainly with special social andlearning needs. Itisbasedontheideaof integration of arts(oral narration, of our project isthatmanyof theparticipatingstudentsare Romastudentsor bilingual or students Our project involves sixschoolsonprimarylevel andtargets studentsof age6-12. Maincharacteristic Περίληψη Σχεδίου SOCIAL INCLUSION Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες Grande, Upeslejupamatskola, Nummelankoulu organizace, Osnovna skola Tomasa GoricancaMalaSubotica, Beato Juan Zakladni skola MladaBoleslav, Komenskeho nam. 76, prispevkova Δημοτικό ΣχολείοΣ Inclusion ThroughArts 2019-1-EL01-KA229-063009_1 αγέϊκων Αχαΐας - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 33 Furthermore through the project teachers of all schools will exchange and share their knowledge and knowledge their share and exchange will schools all of teachers project the through Furthermore - pro through Evaluation schools. their of the reality to and ideas answering material produce they will and personal fatigue stress, on work be the answer will work, and team research ject and personal are we that a blog the project, of Twinspace on the be posted will material The produced frustration. educators. interested other be used from media so as to Social and other create going to 34 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ OB solutions to thesefour problems andreal opportunitiesfor their behavior. We will practice new typesof linksbetween formal andnon-formal educationto offer our students activities. to findmethodsto encourage theinclusion of disadvantaged studentsincommunity andlabor market out through ajointinternational partnership basedongoodpractice ineachschool. The project tries We intend to develop new strategies for these schools to improve their ability to prevent school drop- the success, thepartners will continue to usethesestrategies andmethodsintheir schools. riod, 5strategies will beimplemented andevaluated. According to theobservation andtheresults of be discussedbyall partners andwill bepassedonto eachother. At theendof the2-year project pe- their school environment, monitor andevaluate theresults. Duringthesemeetingsresults will we identified5new onesto beusedinour project. Eachpartner will apply oneof thesemethodsin Before we created this project, we had a preliminary period for analyzing new strategies and finally cles. different schools, monitored byteachers, andamajor studyisconducted to assessthesefour obsta- skills, 3 - Lackof parental support4-Lackof socio-economic needs). Needsanalysis isdoneinfive problems thathave amajor impactonstudents’ success (1-Lackof social inclusion, 2-lackof basic This isdueto thespecificneedsof pupilsfrom eachof thepartner schools, basedonfour common we will apply new strategies andteaching methodsboth durngschool andleisure time. problem of social exclusion (interms of lackof basicskills). Inorder to achieve thisgoal of inclusion, This project includes five schoolsof GR, IT, PL, RO, TR withpupilsaged9-13. The project focuses onthe Περίληψη Σχεδίου SOCIAL INCLUSION ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός to give teachers and different learning methodsandto share their goodpractices practical training materials for pupilswithspecial educational needs introduction of new methodsinthefield of emotional andsocial development of children inthe school implementing new strategies to tackle social exclusion, lackof basicskillsanddropping outof cial needs, stimulatingtheir integration into primaryeducationandsociety encouraging theinclusion of excluded students, thosewithalackof basicskills, pupilswithspe- JE CTIVES 24 Μήνες Zespol Szkol wPrzyborowie «SANTA CHIARA -PASCOLI - ALTAMURA», SultangaziIstiklal Ilkokulu, Scoala Gimnaziala«Nicolae Tomovici Plopsor», ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO 2 Integration bySmartStrategies 2019-1-EL01-KA229-063034_1 o Γυμνάσιο Ρόδου ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 35 - ANTS TICIP AR THE P S ACT IMP F FILE OF AND PRO - approxi project, part in the take head will and deputy The head/chairman staff: Administrative affected. be indirectly will staff 36 administrative mately of in the preparation participate They will 300. total will members family of The number : Families with the familiarizing to contribute and will evening cultural the international for food traditional the host country. of and traditions culture the national the municipality, press, the local including community, The local : community Local - com a wider to be important in disseminating the project will and the PTA, education directorate, munity.

Students / teenagers: 180 of them will be actively involved in the project activities. We hope that about hope that We activities. project in the involved be actively them will of 180 / teenagers: Students affected. be indirectly will / teenagers 1200 students an take them will so 30 of 5 teachers, of teams have will organization partner Each / adults: Teachers - pedagog a teacher, ICT an teacher, math a teacher, English an be will There project. the in part active affected. be indirectly will / adults About 150 teachers teacher. and a science counselor, ical ❱ ❱ ❱ S AND RESULT and material and long-term both short-term create to intend partners the five project, our Through stu- and processes: projects impact on future possible the greatest and achieve results nonmaterial un- provide will website the project role, a leading and have self-esteem low overcome dents will publication of and results, progress activities, on project information general to access interrupted the main project about people other inform to leaflets panels or of and creation articles newspaper partner effective of the cultivation at risk, students skills for and cognitive communication outcomes, and public organizations. lecturers trainers, ships between NUMBER 36 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 T Approach to Language Promoting aC SCHOOL TEACHING LANGUAGE eaching andLearning EDUCATION: omprehensive ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 37 - Γενικό Λύκειο Προαστίου Καρδίτσας Προαστίου Λύκειο Γενικό liceo FEN LISESI, HATAY de Diseño de Corella, y Superior Arte Escuela de Galileo Galilei scientifico Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-063013_1 Not or In-Formally Teaching Didactics In Unifying English Radically oped during the project in order to spread the impact of the method and the opportunities offered the method and the opportunities offered the impact of spread to in order oped during the project program. by the Erasmus+ and media and the creation social through level the method at international of The promotion learning. as a support for device mobile an application for of development The involvement of 120 students from 4 countries in developing and implementing a method for a method for and implementing in developing 4 countries from 120 students of The involvement exchange. and intercultural cooperation participation, based on active English Literature learning the realization for 4 countries from 4 teachers of practices of and the exchange The cooperation on the individuality of shaped on the needs, English Literature of the teaching a method for of technologies. by new each student and on the opportunity offered devel and the tools the results of communities local organizations’ partner the in sharing The Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής Εταίροι ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ the of the analysis from developed was the project of the implementation The method outlined for an- method is a outcome The 2018. December in students and teachers both by filled questionnaires enhancing the of objectives the common and aiming to and school, each country the needs of swering connected specific topics to in relation students participation of and the active the interest motivation, English Language and Literature. to η Σχεδίου Περίληψ technologies innovative of society and the introduction of the globalization XXI century, of The advent and as Internet In fact, and educators. teachers schools, of the roles change of a meaningful to led instructors teachers, of the role the community, to available the information all mass media offer the talents where environment the first schools are particular, In is changing shape. and mentors old today However, and developed. recognized inspired, are generations the new of and potentialities countries. in different schools of number a large the basis of be still methods and curricula seem to study units of organization meticulous subjects and timetables, of subdivision inflexible Rigid books, XX). 2012: (Serres the text” through self-learning support to fundamental “a as defining the school are a frontal idea of the is outdating strategies methods and teaching new of the proposal Conversely, incli- students as individuals with unique attitudes, and promoting teacher centralized with a lesson subjects. the to emotions and approaches preparations, attention, of levels nations, Spain Greece, that is Italy, countries, four schools from four situation inspired the current of The analysis E.R.U.D.I.T.I.O.N., entitled a project of realization the for start a 24-month-cooperation to , and Commission. European the of program be funded by Erasmus+ that will the for method a of dissemination and implementation definition, the is project the of goal main The curricula and methods of and the comparison English Language based on the analysis of teaching techniques. educational alternative of and the experimentation countries in different grounded the project: of group each target one for objectives, smaller in four is structured The main goal ƒ ƒ ƒ 38 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 international communities. ance with the4partner schoolsandinvolving students, teachers, organizations, authorities, local and In general, thepromotion of theproject andof themethodisarranged byaplanagreed inaccord- of social networks. by theopportunitiesoffered bytheinnovations brought aboutbynew technologies andthediffusion that is held in the Follow-up phase of the project. In particular, the promotion of the project is ensured mus+ envisages thegeneral visibility of theproject through anactivityof disseminationof theresults The impactof theproject involves students, schoolsand communities. The European program Eras Trello. Prezi, Voicethread, Genious and on online working platforms such as Moodle, Slack, Socrative and slides andpresentations, thatisSldeshare. Furthermore, teachers will plantheworking together with specific subjectsor to research material, that isOil Project andEdTed, andonewebsite thatcollects team-building intheclass. Finally, teachers will plantheuseof material andonlinelessons to review In addition, workshops of video recording andfilm-makingare introduced to foster cooperation and presenting intense imagesandsounds, involving studentsinanexperiential learning introduction. nary lesson, evident in the warm-up, where the topic of the unit is introduced by the vision of a video cation technologies, involving the use of interactive devices and multimedia as a support for the ordi- Adding to that, theactivitysupportsmutual training of theteachers ontheInformation Communi- - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 39 : EDUCATION eaving Leaving School ackling Early T and Disadvantage SCHOOL ESL 40 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 detailing thesteps to implement thepractices to beadopted. Belgium, will betheone whowill actas naires for evaluating the results of the activities. Italy will bein charge of the guide for each school, evaluation, will take care of blogging andcreating aFacebook, make evaluation sheetsandquestion- on theformer experience (as aschool andaspersons) andwill beincharge of thedisseminationand which will beusedandthetypeof theresults which will be produced. Portugal will baseitsactivities agement andteacher trainer for theabove topics, will beresponsible especially for the methods seling andisalsopsychologist withalarge work experience inprevention, non violence conflict man- The Greek school of Valtino, inwhichbelongs ateacher of greek languagewhoisspecialized incoun- accordance withtheir competences shown duringthepastproject. students andteachers. Inadditionto all activities, there are alsoshared onesamongthepartners in workshops butfrom aspecificpointof view dependingontheir humanresources –combination of will carryoutcommon activities, between themobilityeachof themwill hold more or less thesame activities more easily withrespect to their interests. All thecountries together duringthemobility nying school principal every time. All studentswill bebetween 14-17 years of ageinorder to organize modated. Twelve studentsfrom eachschool will take partintotal withtwo teachers or theaccompa- Each school will bethehostorganization once andall theother four partner countries will beaccom- and alsoasadisseminationspace (twinning live). dent’s interaction andcollaboration, asa virtual store for theactivitiescarriedoutduringproject shops andactivities. Also we will useeTwinning platform asa virtual space (TwinSpace) for our stu - change their practices through five transnational meetingswhere will beappliedseminars, work The project involves four countries andfive schools(Grece, Portugal, Italy, Belgium) whoaimto ex the practices to beadopted andaportfolio withtools suchasactivities, posters, slogan, films, songs. spread theseideasintheir schoolscreating aguide for eachschool, detailingthesteps to implement restoration of relations rather thanpunishment. Also we intend to helpthemembers of theproject ing thestudent’s awareness of thepeaceful resolution of conflicts andcreate theconditions for the develop policiesandstrategies thatcreate inclusive andpositive climate inour schoolsthrough rais with thosethatemphasize thebuilding andrepairing of relationships. The aimof theproject isto are ‘profoundly relational’ andsetasagoal to replace punitive, managerial structures of schooling In BE.COSTAS project we adoptthephilosophy of approaches thatemphasize thebelief thathumans students andlead to disciplinaryproblems andbullying situations. classrooms every dayfor example alot of problems inrelationships thatdeveloped inschool among support thantheyneedto betheir best. Educators face theconsequences of thissituationintheir Young people live inincreasingly disconnected societies, withoften far less family andcommunity Περίληψη Σχεδίου ESL Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες DI ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE«G.LA PIRA» Escola SecundáriadeSãoPedro daCova, Gondomar, ISTITUTO Ελληνικό Λύκειο Μονάχου, Αcademie provinciale desmetiers, ΓενικόΒαλτινού ΤρικάλωνΛύκειο Be Cool StayatSchool 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062496_1

- - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 41 an example “a good practice” lightening our path to create a positive clime in our schools and will be will and schools our in clime positive a create to path our lightening practice” good “a example an - cre be will that songs, films, slogan, posters, activities, as such tools with portfolio the for responsible a lot. have teachers but its projects in Erasmus+ has no experience in Munich school Greek The ated. knowledge create and live) e-twining TwinSpace, (the e-twining platform the for be responsible It will the website. and quizzes a guide of the creation be will implementation project the two-year the activities after of The results with tools and a portfolio be adopted to the practices implement to detailing the steps each school, for and all TwinSpace on the placed be will These material songs. films, slogan, posters, such as activities, and climate. environment school enrich and methods will practices new to be able will students climate and peaceful with a positive environment school And in this healthy is what Also such an environment academic goals. their abilities and achieve cognitive their develop be rejected. to threatened adjusting or difficulty pupils who have and include contain will their but also to school the adapt to help them not only skills will and education in life Awareness and ICT of in the field primarily competences, key their improve mobility participants will All life. later stages at all be carried out regularly activities will project of Dissemination in English. communication and at the local staff the teaching public and motivating the informing aim of with the the project of community. in school interaction of way adopt new to level national 42 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 Practices inaDigital Era Open Education andI HORIZ DIGITAL ERA ONTAL: nnovative ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 43 χολείο Ορμυλίας Χαλκιδικής Ορμυλίας Σχολείο Δημοτικό 12/Θέσιο Lucac, skola Osnovna Τσερίου, Σχολείο Δημοτικό Α’ L’AMISTAT, CEIP Mehmet Cekic Ortaokulu de Barroselas, de Escolas Agrupamento Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062400_1 Adventures Food European Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής Εταίροι η Σχεδίου Περίληψ They carried something Turkey. Ankara, in course six girls met at a training day upon a sweet “Once guided and hosted Turkey from The girl dressed. strangely with them and they were food to related and time together and they had so nice country so much about that They learned friends. new her invited Croatia friend from their leave, time to When it was friendship”. of “contract that they signed the were They all friendship. their strengthen and to that better know get to to country own her to the rest countries. the rest to journey this continue to idea great a be would it thought that and excited very opportunitythe give and to alive adventures their keep to diary a write to they decided Furthermore, it...” read would who people other to places, these beautiful experience to the six schools between project Erasmus years the two of story the real it’s tale, not just a fairy It’s thein cooperate to going are and met that Croatia and Portugal Spain, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, from project. Adventures” Food “European early from adopted eating habits are The health. people’s which affects Diet is an important factor have partners All is needed in this area. the school of awareness This is why particular childhood. worried eating habits and are with their important problem less or a more that pupils have noticed unhealthy of advertisements messages through many wrong receive Children health. about pupils’ overuse to sedentary lives.due and have and junk food food fast of eat a lot they Furthermore snacks. as they conscience European a little that pupils have also noticed Teachers devices. technological of Union. and European Europe of no knowledge or little have habits and happy lifestyle about good eating awareness raise to project this of objective a main It’s Union, the European of knowledge a better involves the project Concurrently activities. with physical such as respect values children’s instilling into and exercise food healthy through traditions European - and tradi cultures foreign to respect of promotion symbols, national heritage, culture, the national to humans. tions and the equality of skills and research. presentation ICT, English, improve pupils the opportunity to give will This project Students and teachers work. and interdisciplinary open learning is based on the idea of The project with be in touch to together, there work to each other, know get to to countries partner to travel will ideas and experiences. and exchange one another from learn to and education systems, culture their cook they will etc, fields gardens, visit farms, growth, their watch plants, grow a garden, build They will habits and the about healthy community the local to campaigns and presentations organize and play, the project. dimension of European mentioned above the story and games, food books about traditional be: two will Common products and many events. organize to be seminars will There games. card and two the text at the begging of give and life vision of a better reach trying to playing, cooking, families, Happy moments with pupils’ 44 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 time, after theproject remains available for useful guidance inthefuture, for theonlineaudience. is alsoanendless opennumber of possible indirect beneficiariesthatcanlearn from theproject in having access to theinformation provided bytheproject results andactivitiesof dissemination.There munity, other schools, the onlineaudience, will beindirect beneficiariesof theproject activities by 4000 indirect participantswhowill learn abouttheproject: parents andmembers of thelocal com - The main target groups are the teachers, pupils and their families. We estimate a total number of tools for thedisseminationof our project, itsprogress andresults. fairs, carnival fests, promotional material andproducts, theproject website are themostimportant Networking, social media, newsletters, flyers, presentations atmeetings,conferences, onexhibitions, be strengthened, too. teaching more attractive. The European dimensionof theparticipatingschoolsandtheir profile will methods inpedagogical approaches andschool managementandasa result theywill make their to lead ahealthy life, increase theuseof foreign languagesandICT anddiscover different teaching European colleagues andeducational systems, develop their awareness andknowledge abouthow it canbereached. Besides, theteachers will discover other European countries andcultures, meet their teaching methodswith non formal practices andinclusive approaches andwithinthisproject like beingatschool andtryto avoid learning. Becauseof thisall the schoolshave decidedto enrich All theschoolshave studentswithspecial needsandthosewhoare marginalized. Manyof themdon’t responsible, withconfidence. allow pupilsto develop other importantcitizenship skills, helpingthembecome sociable, tolerant, pupils strength inmindandbodyknowledge, too. Working inteams withplannedobjectives will DIGITAL ERA ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 45 - - Γυμνάσιο Καλαμάτας Γυμνάσιο ο 3 GIMNAZIALA SCOALA CAMPCLAR, INSTITUT Saint Benoit Maupertuis, Wentzinger Lyceum, Haarlemmermeer SANTIMBREANU, MIRCEA Realschule Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062417_1 Vie de la Miroir Les Fables, Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής cu and Leen Valkenier to produce 24 video capsules as well as the worksheets that they will then that they will as the worksheets as well video capsules 24 produce to Valkenier cu and Leen methods pedagogical other with combined class flipped the of practice The teaching. their in integrate direct have to pace, own at their work students to allow method will “Think-pair-share” such as the The peda- equity). (inclusion, obtain the best results to help each other and to knowledge to access project Erasmus+ this of years during the two drawn and the conclusions used approaches gogical the through practice their diversify institutions wishing to in partner teachers all to be available will and seminars. platforms Twinspace and Erasmus thepupils give will project the of mobility the after and during before, out carried activities many The - Eu of heritage: the fabulists European the common an important aspect of discover opportunity to Particular morals. and their fables their origin, of country their day, the present antiquity to from rope important current to relate that the pupils will the fables of on the morality be placed emphasis will by lives own their and to and the environment) nature for respect social, political, (economic, topics good of list a write will they case, second the In them. for useful very find they fables the choosing and society. in family better become to adopt in order habits to be invited the students who will of the creativity to importance also attaches great The project become sing and finally recite, artistic works, produce fables, dramatize to the project throughout by each and written invented best fables The two competition. by participating in the fables fabulists, il will The students this partnership. of the languages English and all into be translated will school then will each country by the students of produced fables these illustrated 12, them.Totaling lustrate the book Then during the mobility phase in Romania, published in Romania. a booklet into compiled an of with the presence Romanian Literature Museum of at the National launched be officially will be distributed will this booklet Copies of critic and Romanian journalists. a literary a publisher, author, schools. other students from but also to students participating in the project to through the students participating in the project, of the portfolio through the fables, through Finally, the open to events various the and through etc sites the project such as eTwinning, the platforms the present the past and of the societies of show the opportunity to have will team the project public, tomorrow. the society of build to In order as mirrors, η Σχεδίου Περίληψ educational as an Europe of the fables use to is project life” of mirror “Fables, the of main priority The in the 6 schools of the flipped class of the practice by introducing teaching in French-language tool Aesop, 6 countries: their of fabulists the major of the works promote will The teachers the partnership. Alexandres Grigore Iriarte, de Tomas Samaniego, Maria Felix Lessing, Ephraim Gotthold Fontaine, La 46 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 age ranges between 8and12. There will be anumber of 120teachers who will participate andcon- There are different groups whichwill take partintheproject. The studentsare about200andtheir cultural heritagewitheducation. which will include samples andacollection of examples with Active learning activitieswhichcombine a travel guide, 1EUhistory festival, 5culture games, 2e-newsletters, ane-Twinning project, aDVD dictionary withour languages, 1digital graffiti wall with ART, 1project website, aFacebook group page, logo, 5 videos whichwill deal withthelocal cuisine, crafts andtraditions, 1Recipee-book, 1picture project will be: five presentations “Let’s getto know eachother”- introducing eachother, our project Our project invites studentsto experiment, create, be innovative. The final tangible outcomes of our 6th: 5th: 4th: 3rd: 2nd: 1st: The objectives we want to reach are: comes. processes. We planonkeeping our studentsmore involved andenhance learning andteaching out and societyneeds. To thisend, we intend to incorporate the useof ICT into our learning andteaching the fact thatthere isagreat needfor theschool curriculato bechangedinorder to meetstudent teams andstudentminoritieswill beintegrated. The participantteachers are knowledgeable about protect, preserve andspread outour EUcultural heritage. Studentswill cooperate inmulti-cultural At thesametime, theywill beopenandreceptive towards EUcultures andfeel thatitistheir dutyto their own culture, accept andadoptits values andbecome reflective towards it. fostered andthequalityof educationwill beimproved. Through theactivitiesstudentswill delve into the fact thattheuseof ICT ineducationwill beincreased, thelearning for foreign languageswill be assist themindeveloping 21stcentury skillsand competences. The innovation of our project lieson “LET’S GOCULTURAL” intends to involve studentsaged6-11 from the5different partner schoolsand Περίληψη Σχεδίου DIGITAL ERA Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός Achieve inclusion andacceptance of studentsof different cultural backgrounds Improve studentsICT, language skillsandstudentsschool performance Form aEUcommunity consisting of teachers andstudents al heritage Create anddevelop activitieswhichcombine learning, languagelearning withEuropean cultur Encourage anintercultural dialogue amonglearners andteachers ber 2019 until August 2021 serve andsafeguard theEuropean culture andcultural heritageduringtheperiodof Septem - Promote andadvance studentresponsibility of about250studentsof theEUschoolsto pre- 24 Μήνες CEP ANTONIO DEULLOA, BAHATTIN OZYAZICI ILKOKULU Whitehouse CommonPrimarySchool, Volksschule Wildbach, 10 Let’s GoCultural! 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062446_1 ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ελευσίνας

- - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 47 - thermore, the students will wear and present the traditional costumes of their countries. countries. their of costumes the traditional and present wear will the students thermore, the of variety The countries. European other of and traditions them with costumes acquaint This will inno- project our and this renders and preferences styles students learning all to activities responds both at school learning and active interaction collaboration, spirit of the for the way paves and vative place. and in the work participants and all set objectives clearly have planned, events training joint staff 5 short-term We be a It will aims. the the appropriate reach to the activities involved for in order initiatives take will will analysis and fears each meeting a needs and expectations Before all. for experience meaningful and focused adequate creating assist in will The results questionnaires. be carried out by means of will they the activities and throughout monitored be will behavior Students’ the project. for activities and experiences. feelings their share to also be encouraged we project, our of as implementation layout and design as well the whole consideration into Taking and schools. members participant all for results far-reaching have will project that our believe tribute to the project, members of the staff (librarians, school counselors, accountants), 250 families, families, 250 accountants), counselors, school (librarians, the staff of members the project, to tribute and clubs, library Local media, local communities, local the City Hall, of 150 representatives and about 60 teachers. are in the mobilities participate who will teachers of The group etc. and society and on community open to a school of the belief on rests project our of The philosophy approaches. and informal be formal will There people. of number possible the greatest of involvement and stu- colleagues with their experiences their share will mobilities attending teachers end, this To and classes. groups focus sessions, dents during information at the same while, students in participant schools, with and interact work will teachers partner All will Materials countries. partner other the students from be online meetings with will there time, student into be integrated Student minorities will collaboration. and interaction through be created first- gained form information shared regard We the teams. parts of equal become and will groups Fur cooperation. and the atmosphere the school important both for as extremely hand experience 48 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 academic development andtheir future incorporation into the professional world. evolution of thesepersonality dimensionsandacquisition of skillswill contribute to personal and through awiderange of activitiesandproject initiatives.This will meanalot to studentssince the of intelligences (linguistic, musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, logical –mathematical) during theunfolding of thewhole project. We will aimatfocusing ondeveloping themultiple forms an dimension. They will enrichtheir social skillsthrough cooperative work insmall andlarge groups historical aspects of the partner countries andof Europe in general, thereby increasing their Europe - This project will helpstudentsacquire amore thorough understanding of cultural, geographical and ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ students’ developing of thefollowing abilitiesandcompetences: tation through various control levels. International meetings, real and virtual ones, will contribute to organization together withthecontinuous eTwinning publicizing, will guarantee effective implemen- and Spain-sciences, Bulgaria-languages, Slovakia-arts, Romania-sports.This kindof structuringand trate andberesponsible for oneof themaccording to individual strengths andorientations:Germany who isthegeneral coordinator), will work on4domains(Science-Language-Arts-Sports) butconcen- tional point of view studiedinamultidisciplinary andtransversal way. Eachcountry (except Greece Our project draws from thegeneral theme “Physical andcultural resources”, dealt from aneduca- native methodologies. as eTwinning, give the opportunityto cross virtual and physical boarders andexperiment withalter Strategic partnerships between schools, aidedbyEuropean funding and educational platforms such in theinternational jobmarket. Rapidtechnological changesimposecompetitive educational models. dents. Suchanapproach doesnotmeetwiththekindof challenges youngpeople are goingto face ascertained knowledge inanumber of isolated subjects, to bedispensedbytheteachers to thestu- ERA+: Integrated Learning Challenges. Education is a life long process still largely perceived asan Περίληψη Σχεδίου DIGITAL ERA ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός Math/science/tecnology (digital) Communication inmother languageandforeign ones European identity Cultural awareness Environmental conscience andsensitivity Social conscience andciviccompetencies Learning to learn 24 Μήνες Herderschule Giessen, InstitutCamarles, ZakladnaSkola 88 School «Dimiter Popnikolov», Colegiul National Militar Stefan cel Mare, 2 ERA+: Integrated LearningChallenges 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062470_1 o Γυμνάσιο Κέρκυρας - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 49 The main directions the project follows (Arts, Science, Languages and Sports) will give each partner each partner give will Sports) Languages and Science, (Arts, follows the project directions The main Universities, Museums, Associations, with Sports partnerships local having of the opportunity school itsand project the of framework the enlarge to and approaches of range the extend to attempt an in en- working with different familiarize to students the chance the give will partners local These impact. collaboration international Through in. they live the realities aspects of various and with vironments schools and teachers, Furthermore, level. at a global upon these aspects, view get a larger they will gain benefits as well. will as a whole communities educational - educa the international with stay in touch English and use it to their improve to be able will Teachers - in develop not only factor be a key will Portals Education is finished. project the once tion community as applied to tools and ICT resources methodology, skills, teachers’ keep but also to ing the project from with colleagues experiences also share will Teachers date. up to process the teaching-learning projects. via eTwinning schools European other and prestige their see will them of all since impact positive a receive also will institutions, as Schools helping to thereby programmes, in European participation their to thanks increasing, consideration educational that favors and experience knowledge which provides learning shared for a space create in schools. excellence may be used in materials the resulting time since over be long-lasting to The impact is expected be will these materials to Access is completed. the project after and classrooms experiences similar be published at our will These materials use them. to be able schools will so that other (OER) free Portal. Education for such as centres communities educational other to and disseminated be extended will The effects muse- galleries, and (national)art libraries sports associations, universities, education, envinmental Families and publicising. communications activities, through schools philarmonics and dance ums, from resulting and products initiatives activities, the dissemination of for audience also be a target will get in to children their allow as it will be significant, the impact on them will Nevertheless, this project. trust that We countries. European different from families other of and culture with the lifestyle touch parties involved. all for be beneficial will hosting and be hosted be guaranteed will competences and developed outcomes learning the project’s of evaluation Lastly, YouthPass. with the use of and certified 50 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 responsible andinquiringgeneration. support schools and teachers, parents and the community in educating an open-minded, creative, languages. This will contain useful information andinnovative methodsaswell assuggestionsto together into atool-kit called “The school thatyouare looking for”, whichwill betranslated into eight and school managementwill work together andselect experience andsamples whichwill beput The international team of teachers together withschool psychologists, social pedagogues,parents solutions. reveal common issuesyoungpeople across Europe have andwill offer eachother widerange of The young people will have meetings with representatives of local authorities and campaigns will fortable environment for thechild’s welfare. and situationsthechild encounters and offer aprofessional assistance for ensuring asafe and com- We hopeto strengthen cooperation between theschool andparents, learn more about theproblems others leading to tolerance andrespect for difference. principles, cultivate aspiritof patriotismandengender respect for thehistory, traditions, culture of Working inaninternational team theywill getabetter understanding of theessence of democratic citizens isimportant. press their views andletting themknow that their input(opinions, decisions, andparticipation) as The project aimsto promote citizenship through activitiesandcampaigns, encouraging pupilsto ex open-mindedness andpositive thinking. professional skills and knowledge, but alsofoster values suchas care andcommitment, creativity, each child’s initiative and ensure his/her prosperity. Today’s teachers must not only develop their that promotes citizenship andEuropean values, respect for ethnicandcultural diversity andpromote day’s education system. Schools have to adapt with these changes and develop a social environment A more diverse multicultural environment andchangesinsocieties, are thefactors whichaffect to- Περίληψη Σχεδίου DIGITAL ERA Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες de Arouca Escolas Aρσάκειο Λύκειο Πατρών, I.E.S. Camposde Amaya, Agrupamento de Πειραματικό ΓΕΛΜυτιλήνης του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου Energy Resources for Sustainability 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062472_1 - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 51 - Γυμνάσιο Ζηπαρίου Κω Γυμνάσιο Ksztalcenia Szkol Zespol Righi», «Augusto Istruzione Superiore Istituto ARAD, GOLDIS» «VASILE NATIONAL COLEGIUL w Krosnie, Ustawicznego High School Technical and Vocational Akin Haydar Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062930_1 3.0 School A ct aims: ct tions, peer assessment, collaborative work, etc work, collaborative assessment, peer tions, engage stu- to Thinking in order Computational Coding, Robotics, technology relevant Use of process dents in the learning and this practices teaching and learning innovative introduce to a at schools framework Create ap- teaching innovative implement to competences teachers’ improving be done through will and skills) (both knowledge learning assses students’ to teachers and also prepare proaches Develop in students basic knowledge (based on national curriculum) and a set of skills necesary skills of set and a curriculum) national on (based knowledge basic in students Develop students for self-reflec learning, based on self-regulated approaches centred learners’ at school Implement Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής 3. 4. Organizing training workshops, materials, services and resources to assist teachers design learning design learning assist teachers to and resources services materials, workshops, training Organizing and opportu- affordances skills using ICT goals and assessing transversal aligning learning tasks for meth- and teaching learning new the development to in relation practice Sharing professional nities. skills. transversal ods and assessment of Outputs: e Proj 1. 2. η Σχεδίου Περίληψ applica- robotic growing that rapidly and training during education partners our by all observed It was participate the students and helped them to of and attention the interest tions in education attracted educational requires students today’s Preparing enthusiastically. more and effectively more classes theAt the same time skills neede. as a set of as well knowledge body of a core provide to systems 21st of The high exposure nowadays. of challenges the increase available tools digital of growth rapid affordances, new of opens a window environments and devices, tools, 2.0 students in web century and assessment. learning/teaching and skills for opportunities, challenges, in on pedagogy and innovation and lasting impact a fundamental have to is expected The project many motivating and relevant more making modernizing and Europe, across teachers of practice - poten has major The project technology. new use of the through activity, the teaching aspects of the creation to contributions and collaborative reflection enhancing student understanding, for tial (and students’ influence also aims to The project subjects. different across in school knowledge of change and climate issues such as global major of awareness their particularly attitudes, teachers’) and knowledge their improve and to world, the natural observing and monitoring of the importance the environment. for respect 52 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 between partners, managenecessary changesto theproject andexploitation of common results. by onerepresentative from eachpartner. Itwill definethestrategic objectives, solve anyconflicts the project activitieswe create aProject Executive Board (PEB): maindecision-making board, formed To guarantee that theproject is executed within scope, time and budget, assure the effectiveness of ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ There will beorganized 5LTTs (one per country) lasting5working days: (using robotics, coding, etc) The materials will beinown laguageof theparticipantsandinEnglish. A website withten learning practices bycountry ready to useattheclassroom ondifferent subjects DIGITAL ERA ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ Greece- OpenSource Coding:Scratch andMblock Programming Languages. Romania -Owndesignedrobotic projects; Poland -Circuit drawing, simulation, animationandPCBdrawing: Proteus; Turkey -Useof 3Dprinter; Italy -Computational thinking; ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 53 eritage, eritage, ultural H ultural Growth Economic ob Creation, J ohesion : ONTAL ontribution to to ontribution ts C HORIZ C European of Value and Educational Social CULTURAL CULTURAL HERITAGE I C and Social 54 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Ob manage andquerymultimedia databasesinanefficientandeffective (i.e. accurate) manner. automated multimedia retrieval systems thatcan operate onalarge scale. The maingoal isto create, collections, journalism, advertising, andhomephoto archives. As aresult, itisnecessary to design timedia collections increasing rapidly, including digital libraries, medical imaging, artandmuseum formation andlarge repositories for multimedia storage atlittle cost. This hasled to thesize of mul Moreover, advances incomputer andmultimedia technologies allow for theproduction of digital in- places we live in. project will bringcommunities inpartner countries together andbuild shared understandings of the rope andtheEuropean cultures have beendeveloping inthepastandwill develop into thefuture. The heritage is essential to the development of a genuine openness of mind and to understand how Eu- The diversity of our heritage will illustrate the diversity of European. Understanding cherishing our the European Unionasawhole. heritage isnotonly importantto thempersonally, butalsoto their community, region, country and many borders. According to arecent Eurobarometer survey, eightoutof 10Europeans thinkcultural of thecontributions of manydifferent cultures. Itwas built over along periodof timeandalsoacross Cultural heritageisthefabric of our lives andsocietiessoour European heritageis, infact, theresult to preserve andpassonto future generations. Europe isacontinent whichhasarichcultural heritage. Cultural heritagehasauniversal value for usasindividuals, communities, andsocieties. Itisimportant Περίληψη Σχεδίου CULTURAL HERITAGE ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός to bringpeople together andmake acontribution to more cohesive societies. and museums; verse cultural heritagereaching manifestations of cultural institutionssuchasarchives, libraries, to encourage more people discovering andexploring theopportunitiesof Europe’s richanddi- jects; environmental and physical pressure onheritagesites, andtheillicit trafficking of cultural ob- to draw attention to the challenges cultural heritage faces, such as the impact of the digital shift, to raise awareness of common history and values; to encourage thesharingandappreciation of Europe’s cultural heritageasashared resource; age intheir neighborhood; to discover andengagewith Europe’s cultural heritageandatthesametimepreserve theherit je ctives: 24 Μήνες Mehmetçik Anadolu Lisesi, Smáraskóli IES SANMATÍAS, St Bede’s andSt Joseph’s CatholicCollege, 1 Digital Technologies Let’s OpenaNew Window Into Cultural HeritageConsciousness Through 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062130_1 o Επαγγελματικό Γέρας Λύκειο Λέσβου

- - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 55 - ants: ticip ar p ct y learning and educational content; and educational learning documentaries; applications; tourism games; animations; design tools. ings, contact between staff, students of participating schools students of staff, between contact ings, - integra a better them for preparing and pupils, teachers mobility of Participation in transnational citizens. tion as European Study of relevant bibliography, from the Internet, school libraries, magazines, documentaries magazines, libraries, school the Internet, from bibliography, relevant Study of strategies approach school Whole approach and hands-on Group activities cultural extracurricular the project, of on the topic lessons Classroom and information the outcomes share to in each school wall or Corner Setting up an Erasmus project multicultural about our and customs based on tradition booklet electronic WEB, a Creating greet Skype, E-mail, English, through evaluation dissemination, implementation, Cooperation, ong Term Effe ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ L human activity of areas all in practically today produced information digital of This enormous trove and policies are specific techniques unless may be lost on computers be accessed and designed to an online database that create is to the project of primary goal it so as our conserve to developed to a chance have participants will museums and libraries, archives, from materials housed digitized generations. future for heritage information cultural preserve s Result culture the about information new getting spoken, less or more languages, modern use to Learning curiosity, education, for motivation stimulate will the project countries, European and civilization of environment. cultural our for awareness sensitize to the classroom in developed methods and materials use the pedagogical will The teachers - Euro a new for issues, these intercultural to in general and the community the parents pupils, their pean dimension. the most achieve to institutions diverse enabled and online collaboration face-to-face describes how Heritage project. Cultural the Digital salient goals of Approach g Methodolo education such as: in school institutions cultural from the digitised material develop to want We ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ 5 European secondary schools from 5 countries in Greece as a coordinator and Turkey, The United The United Turkey, and coordinator as a in Greece 5 countries schools from secondary 5 European for programmes extra-curricular and/or curricular have to wishing and Spain all Iceland, Kingdom, education. cultural digital of and profile Number ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 56 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 tives: debates, creative writing, photos, videos, role-playing, lectures, drama, dance, quizzes, contests, website of theproject. We intend to use different ways to motivate thepupilsandachieve our objec groups, explore, study, present theresults of their work, upload theresults onthetwinspace andthe historical, archaeological andcultural sites. Duringthemobilities, thepupilswill work intransnational The program includes field tripactivities, participationinart, musicandcultural activities, visits to antiquity inGreece andItaly, Venetian occupation (Cyprus), baroque (17th-18th century inGermany). in order to explore different aspectsof European cultural heritagethatcreate theEuropean identity: groups of pupils, one (six pupilsandtwo teachers from eachcountry) ineachparticipant’s country, used inour schoolseven after theendof theproject. We are planningfour short- term exchanges of one attheendto useall thegainedexperience andresults to create amini-curriculum thatcould be ning of theproject focused onnew methodologies thatwill helptheimplementation of the project and We are planningtwo Joint staff training events for two teachers from eachschool, oneatthebegin- ums, archaeological sites) will beinvolved intheproject andbenefitof it. more competitive. Members of thelocal communities (parents, authorities, cultural institutions, muse- will bedisseminated to theschool community andaffect other teachers aswell andmake our school and tools theoretically andpractically through the JSTE andshort-term mobilitiesof pupils. All these within thecontext of cooperative learning, blended learning andacquire new educational methods cooperate withpeers andcreate new friendships. To theteachers: to explore thecultural education realize thatcultural heritagecanbeafield of entrepreneurship andprofessional employment, to informal andnon-formal educationandbemotivated, to changetheir attitudetowards school and of European citizenship, to improve their languageskills inEnglishandICT, to learn through formal, culture andeveryday life of other European countries, to realize how theycontribute to thecreation whole andour local communities. More specifically: to the pupils:to learn their culture better andthe The objectives of our project are extended to our pupils, to teachers participants, to our schoolsasa oureducation. us andcreates linksthathelpuslive together soEuropean heritageshould beanimportantpartof and thefocusing ontheeconomic aspects. We believe thatculture, beyondlocal differences, unites Europe encounters seriousproblems anditscitizens are skeptical towards theEuropean unification through thedeeper knowledge of their national culture andto make our pupilsEuropean citizens, as arelli” (Tarquinia, Italy). The motivation of theproject isto build theEuropean identityof our pupils nasium (Neckarbischofsheim, Germany), GymnasioLatsion(Latsia, Cyprus) andIIS” Vincenzo Card- schools participate: Paralias HighSchool of Kalamata(Kalamata, Greece), Adolf-Schmitthenner-Gym- The project “European heritagebuilds European identity” isanErasmus+229 project inwhichfour Περίληψη Σχεδίου CULTURAL HERITAGE Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες Neckarbischofsheim HIGH SCHOOL OF KALAMATA, Adolf-Schmitthenner-Gymnasium Gymnasio Latsion, IIS» Vincenzo Cardarelli» Tarquinia, PARALIAS Γυμνάσιο ΠαραλίαςΚαλαμάτας European HeritageBuildsEuropean Identity 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062439_1 - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 57 - the project, we hope that our pupils will be more aware of their European identity. European their of aware be more pupils will hope that our we the project, ing in groups, educational games and generally activities promoting better mutual understanding understanding mutual better promoting activities and generally games educational ing in groups, participation active used is aimed at be that will The methodology and partners. cultures between and practice. theory combining approaches and experiential interactive through and understand countries, different in sites cultural visit important will teachers and the pupils The cultural social, personal, for opportunity the have and heritage cultural of value unique the protect different visit form they will places the cultural that all realize will They growth. and professional between partnership a learning can create The project the European. civilization, the same aspects of society. the civil institution and schools, colleagues their of rest with the and communication access maintain to expected participants are All individual via e-mail, and platform classroom virtual the discussions through in useful and participate follow-up, effective an get to aim we tools, these all of means By WhatsApp. or telephone calls, Skype for and practices experiences, opinions, share and to in touch keep to networking, peer stimulate to time. unlimited curiosi- students’ that help stimulate lessons design creative to be able will teachers term, In the long At the end history. and European culture thinking towards and critically read observe, ty and ability to of team building activities, project-based working, multimedia and web resources, brainstorming, work brainstorming, resources, and web multimedia working, project-based activities, building team 58 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 used inthefuture intheclassroom: worksheets for theuseof Excel for analysis andthedrawing of tiple levels andwithanevaluation of activitiesandself-evaluation. The material to be created canbe The qualityassurance, monitoring andevaluation of theproject activitieswill becarriedoutatmul stages andina variety of ways. plement theactivitiesandcommunication of pupilsandtheprogram, eTwinning will beused at all theatrical performance inspired bythework of B.Brecht “Fear andMiseryof the Third Reich”. To im- actors, directors, soundengineers, stagedesigners, musicians, costumers andwill bringuptheir own cerns and visions inspired bythepastfor thepresent andthefuture. InGreece theywill become sculptures, photography, video, music, poem, shortstory, novel, collage to express thoughts, con- to major problems theEUfaces. InItaly, theywill showcase their artistictalents, creating paintings, will beable notonly to reflect onthepresent andthefuture of Europe butalsoto propose solutions newspaper witharticles, interviews, testimonies, puzzles, crossword puzzles, comics, etc. where they measure pastandpresent behaviors andattitudesof theEU. InPoland, theywill create anelectronic tionnaire, process the questionnaire answers using graphs and draw up a final report which will project, accompanied bytwo teachers duringthe TLAs. InSpain, theywill prepare acommon ques In all four participating countries, a group of 24 students aged 15-17 will be selected to work on the relations between peoples. devastating consequences andto understand the value of theUnion, creating trustandreciprocal historical experiences of eachpartner country, studentswill beable to detect their mistakes andtheir expand theideaof ​​ school open to thenew challenges of the21st century thatwill spread thetradition of Erasmus +and we aimto keep our historical memoryalive andto useour European coexistence andenvision a Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1, asecondary school located inBusko-Zdrój, Poland. Through thisprogram, b) TITUTO DIISTRUZIONE SUPERIORELEOPOLDO PIRELLI asecondary school ​​ 3rd Senior HighSchool of Thiva istheprogramme coordinator andpartners intheproject are: a) societies tend to be multicultural. other countries, we seek to create a climate of moderation and respect for the different, at a time when of citizens withhistorical consciousness. Butmostof all, through communication withcitizens from the historical thinkingandjudgmentof theinvolved parties, whichare essential for thepreparation peoples’ relations. Through theprogram, we believe thatwe will contribute to thedevelopment of en theworst nightmares in theOld Continent, aspasthatreds are raking upandreviving thusmining alism thatisnowadays afflictingEurope’s states, andfrom theincrease of racist ideologies thatawak The need for the implementation of the programme stems from the upsurge of the intolerant Περίληψη Σχεδίου CULTURAL HERITAGE Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός IESEmilio Alarcos, general and vocational highschool inGijón, Asturias, Spainandc)Zespol Szkol international cooperation. Byexamining thepastof theOld Continent, through the 24 Μήνες Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazjalnychnr 1, IESEmilio Alarcos ISTITUTO DIISTRUZIONE SUPERIORELEOPOLDO PIRELLI, 3 Η Ιστορική ΜνήμηωςΕφαλτήριο γιατην Ευρώπη των Λαών 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062445_1 ο Γενικό Λύκειο Θήβας based inRome, Italy;

nation- IS- - - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 59 - which must be primary goals of each education system. which must be primary goals of e, values ​​ values e, ents will be informed about Erasmus + first hand, making our schools more attractive, more open to to open more attractive, more schools our making hand, first + Erasmus about informed be will ents education. dimension of the European and increasing internationalization Its young people. of and worldview in shaping the ideology is the most important factor Education the of the coexistence of a guarantee provides bringing the nations together to contribution effective through Therefore, civilization. of and the progress cooperation peace, in a society of generations next nations, other of achievements with the cultural touch pupils in bring our to aspire we the program, andhumanity them and teach prejudices nationalist and perceptions stereotypical eliminating thus peac conclusions, the theatrical performance in History, Sociology, Literature, and the artistic creations as the artistic creations and Literature, Sociology, in History, performance the theatrical conclusions, - a re as newspaper the electronic continue seek to partners All humanities. for inspiration of a source post to together working continue will countries students in the The beyond its end. the project of sult partner adding further Union by the European of and the future the present ideas for views, articles, year. every students more and even countries community, the local students, to the project of the results promote to be used channels will Various websites, such as school community, school the within and parents staff community, the educational with experiences their share + students will Erasmus 2021, after Also, press. local Linkedin, Facebook, par this dissemination, Thanks to Open Days School. at the annual parents students and their future 60 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 but theacceptance of diversity, even disagreement andyetlove inall things. tions, for our historic resentments andhatreds. Itisnotagreement onall things, for thatisimpossible, drive socio-economic development inEuropean cities. Finally, we expect itto beajourneyof genera- stakeholders and organizations. All together will work inorder to save RHandharnessitspower to The impactof theproject involves theparticipantschools, thelocal population andother relevant gious traditions are expected results. dialogue between religious communities, cognitive skillsandtheopennessof school to different reli- national level. Additionally theinspiringof theyoung generation, theexchange of goodpractices, the raising awareness, protecting andpromoting RHsoasto bringsustainable development of alocal/ The results of theproject have to do withtheengagementof participantsandinterested partiesin and workshops will activate students’ interest andraise their awareness onreligious heritage. and experiential learning. Educational visits to sites of great religious interest combined withseminars The methodology appliedthroughout theproject will involve bothformal andnon-formal/informal to religion andsocietyto promote thehumanitarianaspectof theproject. held aboutreligious artandtraditions/festivals of eachreligion. Last, we will examine issuesrelated view. Participants will spot local/regional religious buildings and monuments. Also, activities will be During the project there will be activities that will discover the RH of Europe from different points of Közgazdasági Politechnikum. Gymnazium Aloise Jiraska, theFrench Org. degestiondulycée privé BahuetandtheHungarian Margherita Hack, the Turkish Sehit Halil Ibrahim Yıldırım Anatolian Imam Hatip High School, the Czech Six schoolstake partinthisproject. The Greek SHSof Thesprotiko Vasileios Zormpas, theItalianIIS may bewhotheyare, butwhere diverse communities are brought together to flourish. reconciliation. When this opennessisachieved, schoolsbecome places where notonly anyindividual ers between religions/nations andleads to divisionsandfall of civilizationswe mustcall for thegiftof pean societies, religious diversity isoneof the giftsof theEU. Since thefear of theother causesbarri- and boundariesof stereotypical, fixed identities. Intheconstantly changingreligious makeup of Euro- On theother hand, goodeducational practice will always bethatwhichmoves beyondthebinaries knowledging themtherefore helpspeople to bethemselves. are importantfor how people publicly definethemselves, andidentifywithagroup or atradition. Ac contents andall thearchitects, artistsandmusicians, festivals andother markers of cultural heritage and itsimpactonsocietyatlocal/national/European level. Religiousbuildings, together withtheir ARCH (Artistic&ReligiousCulture &Heritage) project aimsatenhancingtheReligiousHeritage(RH) Περίληψη Σχεδίου CULTURAL HERITAGE Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες Hack’, SehitHalil Ibrahim Litomysl, T. G. Masaryka 590, Istituto d’IstruzioneSuperiore ‘Margherita Organisme degestiondulycée privée Bahuet, Gymnazium Aloise Jiraska, KOZGAZDASAGI POLITECHNIKUM ALTERNATIV GIMNAZIUM, Γενικό Λύκειο Θεσπρωτικού Πρέβεζας Artistic &ReligiousCulture &Heritage 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062454_1

- ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 61 - χολείο Αθηνών «ΛΕΛΑ ΚΑΡΑΓΙΑΝΝΗ» Αθηνών Σχολείο Δημοτικό ο 21 Detski Svyat, Kindergrten Claudia Russo”, “Madre Didattico 48° Circolo Lasteaed Lohkva “Buratinas”, lopselis-darzelis Kursenu Siauliu r. Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062457_1 Cooperation Intercultural and Games for Art Tales, Myths, Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής Εταίροι tural skills necessary to achieve intercultural cooperation. intercultural achieve to skills necessary tural (5) European five of is a project Cooperation) Intercultural Game for Art, (Myths and tales, M.A.G.I.C. run for to intended and Lithuania) Estonia, Italy, Bulgaria, and Primary schools (Greece, Kindergarten 2 years. - organ the participants and their amongst awareness on enhancing intercultural focuses This project in the modern workforce. be successful skills to and the knowledge have izations ensuring children one’s of and gain an appreciation cultures diverse of and respect an understanding promote It will as as well culture a European to belonging a sense of create ambition is to Our and traditions. history Europe. in a United responsibly and consciously live students to prepare to This heritage. games and cultural Art, via cultures European about other be informed Students will - com their develop ethnicities and different from children between understanding mutual foster will in interest children’s increase to intend we Moreover and artistic skills. musical digital, munication, and use extracurricular based content ICT innovative of support the development and writing, reading ”by and learn in teams work think creatively, practice, with them as an opportunity to work of forms and linguistic language learning competiveness, creativity, promote wish to In addition we doing”. inno- and share create and to results the best use of encourage good practices, exchange to diversity, 12 years 3 to from with children be realized activities will The project products. and meaningful vative community. local from and members parents teachers, old, - com Each LTT Activities. and 5 LTT Study Projects 5 eTwinning are project our The main activities of those who to the chance and gives eTwinning through exchanges virtual mobility with bines physical Games and Tales, “Myths, mobility”. “virtual part in a take in the mobility plan to cannot participate with along a website including the project of year the first planned for are my country” of traditions competition. and a logo named M.A.G.I.C one in E-twinning and History Arts”. my home through “Europe on focus will we work common our of year In the second participants. by all and shared be exchanged will and crafts dance music, traditions, η Σχεδίου Περίληψ societies multicultural interconnected, digitally complex, in the increasingly effectively participate To - communi think critically, students need to world, today’s that characterize economy and globalized problems, complex solve skills, cross-cultural develop peers, with diverse collaborate effectively, cate technologies. and communication and engage with information mindset, adopt a global years. school the early from and counteracted be recognized these tendencies vital it is As educators, develop to environment the necessary create skills and 21st century of awareness raise to have We the cross-cul student with every provide to have also We possess. learning childhood them in early 62 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 century andbecome anactive European citizen. school’s populationandwould beanopportunityfor every participantto cultivate theskillsof 21st parents’ associations. The useof various teaching approaches andstrategies will motivate thewhole support andinvolvement of other local stakeholders: local andregional authorities, companies and es of other cultures. The project will alsocontribute to their opennessto others andto anincreased Schools will have amulti -motivating learning environment andabetter comprehension of differenc discussed inthisproject. partners involved butalsoto anyetwinningmember interested inthe various aspectsof thecultures The results of theproject will beuploaded intwinspace aswell givingthusfeedback notonly to the ECAS disseminationplatform, videos andcrafts. ed results of theproject include aweb site, ane-bookto beuploaded on YouTube Education andon the knowledge of how to interact withall theauthoritiesinvolved inthelearning process. The expect alternatives for lifelong learning. The local community will begiven thechance to getacquainted with also intend to contribute to theteachers’ professional development and via teacher mobilityto offer European culture, accept diversity, respect other cultures anddevelop 21stcentury competences. We At theendof our project we hopeto have helpedthepupilsacquire asenseof belonging to awider CULTURAL HERITAGE - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 63 - -

Γυμνάσιο με Λυκειακές Τάξεις Ασωπίας Τάξεις με Λυκειακές Γυμνάσιο EPISCOPAL COL·LEGI Basic School), (Saverna Põhikool Saverna Kiz Umitkoy College Gutenberg, L’ACADÈMIA”, “MARE DE DÉU DE Okulu Proje Bilimler Sosyal ve Fen Imam Hatip Lisesi Anadolu Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062492_1 on a palette Cultures Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής ing and understanding our partners’ heritage, will lead us to a better understanding and perception and perception understanding a better us to lead will heritage, partners’ our ing and understanding social, teachers’ and the students’ developing benefit from us will of all In the meanwhile, alterity. of elimi- project, it in our by involving community local to closer come skills, English language and ICT out. drop and early xenophobia racism, nating incidents of twins on the projects’ started already the activities that have these goals through all achieve will We during countries meetings in the 5 different during the LTTAs and bones” “flesh take and they will pace interested are who total in students and teachers 100 about a us, of All the project. of 2 years the on different work will Heritage, in Cultural interested skills and are kind of different in developing country’s each discovering Heritage by Natural on work will we First Heritage. Cultural of aspects protected Wonders Architectural go on with Human will we Then, and fauna. flora wonders, natural to the guided tours and organize information for search those who will students are Our by Unesco. wonders. these architectural Heritage; Language, Cultural aspects of go on with the intangible will collaboration wonderful Our us thanks of in front be developed will each country Codes of Social Body Language, Clichés, National in each country‘s role played a critical have personalities Important done by the students. the work to our culture; each country’s to contribution find out their to it is crucial why ’s heritage that cultural be based on them. will activity a Day” for ”Teacher by the students on the plans implemented lesson with work us will of all project; our not be absent from could and customs traditions Last but not least, η Σχεδίου Περίληψ e-twinning schools’ the dynamics our of continuation and logical is a natural on a palette” “Cultures an encounter it’s and innovative; different it really activities makes the project’s of variety The project. The observation. via an interdisciplinary the present, of the lens the past through from with the topic even cultures, different of a canvas are schools partner is innovative: partners the school synthesis of own. on their outstanding results. produce that will mixture “explosive” these schools is an all of The combination - experi school multicultural is a small partnership, this project of coordinator the school, The Greek in bigger and Spanish schools; although the French of is the case Similar projects. in Erasmus+ enced - The Estoni multiculturalism. from arousing the same problems they face potential, student and staff school, Turkish The traditions. honoring local in interest but with great all of is the smallest an school improve tolerance, develop has identified the need to city, in the capital although hand, on the other inclusion social attitudes, interdisciplinary skills, communication language skills, and foreign digital children. their in education of involving and parents’ community sense of a high-level foster to together work schools will different totally of This canvas explor while heritage is in its diversity, what our and understanding Exploring diversity. of inclusive 64 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 extra-curricular courses aboutculture. other teachers will beable to useour lesson plansaswell astheproject’s activitiesincurricular or schools are goingto continue cooperating ondifferent Erasmus+ ande-twinningprojects. Moreover, remind theneedof preserving our culture inthecourse of years. Ontop of that, teachers of our Our project will be sustainable as we intend to hold an annual Cultural Heritage Festival so as to the schools’ libraries, Town Halls’ libraries informs of brochures, leaflets, CDsandDVDs. to use and can findthem online on our project website, twinspace, partner schools’ websites and in cultural heritage andfindthe ways to preserve it. All projects’ products will be available for everyone goals andmake our schoolsandlocal communities become aware of our own andof other countries’ ties aswell, since theywill bedirectly or indirectly involved inour activities. Our wishisto achieve our The impact of our project will be direct not only to participant schools but to local and regional socie- parents, local authorities, special scientistsaswell astraditional dance, musicandfood clubs. tivals andopenseminars will take place duringtheLTTAs meetingsinvolving thelocal community, press articles, interviews, andcommercials to foster eachcountry’s cultural heritage. Cultural fes LTTA meeting. Studentswill actasjournalists, directors, actors to create shortfilms, digital magazines, tions ondifferent sub-topics, anonlinegameandmapthatwill befilled inwithnew dataafter each All theabove mentionedactivitieswill lead to wonderful creations; onlinecompendiums of presenta- dances, traditional costumes andstories, fairytales coming from our pastbutaffecting our present. great joyandenthusiasmto getthebestpresentations of our traditions, traditional foods, musicand CULTURAL HERITAGE - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 65 χολείο Αρχαγγέλου Ρόδου Αρχαγγέλου Σχολείο Δημοτικό ο 1 TABLERO, EL CEIP w Iskrzyni, Marii Konopnickiej im. Podstawowa Szkola «G.Moscato» Comprensivo Istituto Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062522_1 εκπαίδευση προς μια διαπολιτισμική βήμα πρώτο το ιστορία, Τοπική this collaboration was born because of the particular needs of our school. Our student Our school. our of needs particular the of because born was collaboration ​​ this Ceip El Tablero in Spain Tablero Ceip El in Italy G.Moscato Comprensivo Istituto w Iskrzyni in Poland im.Maria Konopnickiej Podstawowa Szkola the teaching transform to steps practical and b) proposals a) a guide containing of the production classroom the into history of approach and program and transformed a cross-curricular through history to adopting a didactic approach classroom. a modern school use the game music arts, visual theater, art: literature-language, use of creative the museum of training ICT use of Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής Εταίροι ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ η Σχεδίου Περίληψ of idea The an in- provide needs to countries, and non-European European from derived as it is largely potential, works articles, projects, of number seen the great have e-twinning we Through education. tercultural and the study of approaches teaching of the transformation propose They all interest. intercultural of each place. heritage of and cultural history the local are: is centered teaching cross-curricular which innovative around axes The four ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ - crea exploration, by is conquered so that knowledge is transformed is that teaching The main goal . the future” of “the school to and development,according presentation, exchange, interaction, tion, Archangelos. of 1st Primary School Coordinator: in the proposal. involved Schools are Primary Four Primary schools as partners: european Three 1. 2. 3. actions: two include the project of The objectives 1. 2. 66 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 men andform desirable practices. tools and practices thatwill helpthemembers of theschool community to understand their fellow In that respect: the respect of knowledge – of interpretation – of action, we want to co-modify those level, isobvious. The school community, asacell of our society, cannotbeabsent. the necessity to manageandunderstand whathappens onanational, European andinternational borders amongpeople andtakinginto consideration themulticulturalism of theEuropean countries, Besides, new technologies andthemigration of populations, either voluntary or not, have widenthe European countries to correspond to thediversity andmulticulturalism thathasalready beenformed. and collective story of each and every one of us. Thus, it is necessary for the modern needs of the with today. The life of people andof communities isnotformed inthe void butrather bythepersonal – ΝΗΜΑ”, whichmeansthread. The thread, thehistoric time, thatconnects theinhabitantsof anarea The acrostic of theEnglishwords Noesis–History –Memory Action formword theGreek “νήμα first time(European integration, terrorism), emerge onadaily basis. have either lived inthe past(immigration, racism, xenophobia, social exclusion) or getto know for the History withacontemporary view becausepractices andperceptions thatEurope anditsinhabitants the sametimeisalsoaffected bythem. We believe itisimportantto examine thecourse of European to social phenomena. All of theabove form anetof concepts thataffects people and societiesandat and different notions. At thesametime, actiondepictstheway specific communities or people react Finally, Action place or apersonality cannotbeperceived withoutit. lective or personal, thoroughly penetrates thelives of people andcommunities, asthedepictionof a and theformation of ideas, butalsoinone’s personal actioninsociety. Memory(Μνήμη), either col History (Ιστορία), either asamotive or asafact, playsaspecial role notonly intheanalysis of events actions andbeliefs of theschool community. analyze thesocial reality isanimportanteducational goal for theformation of attitudes, perceptions, and affect bothour personal andcollective attitude. As aresult, theacquisition of interpretive tools to ena. The processing andreflection (νόηση –Noesis)of social andhistorical developments canform ucation, motivated usto thinkaboutthecontemporary dimensionsof thehistorical facts andphenom- The 100-year annivers ary since theendof the1st World War andtheProgram “Europe 2020” for- ed Περίληψη Σχεδίου CULTURAL HERITAGE Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός (Δράση) exists asa dominant practice that forms and isformed bysociety, facts, people 24 Μήνες Χρυσοχούς, Upeslejupamatskola, IIC.D. “GIOVANNI XXIII” PATERNO’ (CT) Escola SantaMarina, Ecole Bouchesèche, Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πόλης 8 N.H.M.A. -Noesis. History. Memory. Action. “You andMein Time...” 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062592_1 ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ευόσμου - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 67 - - w they are interrelated and they will improve their ICT skills. ICT their improve and they will interrelated w they are egies of planning, control, feedback and corrective intervention and corrective feedback control, planning, egies of society and linguistic identity within a multicultural cultural their strengthen cultivate respect towards Human Rights and towards the values of the European civilization the European of values the Rights and towards Human towards respect cultivate dignity human of and the safeguarding peace world towards students our sensitize assumptions and values information, process to skills and ability critical their reinforce at risk children of groups strengthen and goals interests and educational learning expand initiative encourage ethnicity, groups, social different students of other skills with collaboration students’ our develop teamwork promote and ultimately abilities learning beliefs, religious skills and strat the necessary of the cultivation capacity through problem-solving their develop ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ profile the learning and reinforce highlight the potential to aspires program The above-mentioned social and learning educational, of co-modulation and production the through participants the all of (from 2.000 be around will in the Project participate actively The students who will actions/ practices. they because been selected 6 participating schools and they have all from coming old), 12 years 3 to each heterogeneous pupils are of the groups Since levels. on different the Project can benefit from activ the proposed of sharing the results way, unique in its own the Project to contribute will school ities along with their personal experience and creativity. All the teachers involved in the project are are in the project involved teachers the All and creativity. experience personal their with ities along and motivated. educated highly used in carrying out the project in and the methodology be involved The activities the participants will cards letters, emails, writing by other each with communicate will students The following: the be will - listen language (writing, linguistic skills in a foreign their practice will so they via Skype sessions, and five the other of as the history as well history about their also learn They will reading). speaking, ing, and ho countries perative learning, interdisciplinary approach of knowledge and the theory of of the theory and knowledge of approach interdisciplinary learning, perative coo empathy, Through try to: will we intelligence, multiple ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 68 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 European HeritageandIdentityasthey will have experienced itthroughout their interaction. value of unity, record andpresent itto their peers intheform of short videos showing aspects of the and theywill beinvited to collectively research, choosetheir own topics thatconvey thissymbolic torical andcultural significance. They will take anactive role inteaching their history to their partners riencing or feeling our common heritage:hiking, tastinglocal cuisine, dancing, visiting areas withhis contact withtherichcultural background of eachcountry visited ininnovative ways byliving, expe- diversity; forming aEuropean identity;envisioning acommon European future. They will come into about eachother’s cultural identity;realising thedifferences butfocusing onthesimilarities; valueing past hasshapedour future; mistakes notto berepeated; understanding eachother through learning opinion, consists theEuropean HeritageandIdentity. We will focus onlearning from history: How the Emphasis isgiven onstudents’ active participationandmotivation to search andanswer what, intheir students’ transnational group work andutilizationof filmmakingtools andskills. decision-making processes andastudentconference, photography, active learning techniques in The project usespupil-centered methodology including field research, involvement of studentsin they all find their countries belonging to theEuropean Union. which have followed different historical pathsover thetime, especially inthe20thcentury, before The four schools are located in four different points of Europe: central, southeast, southwest and East and historical backgrounds, financial opportunitiesandthepromise of acommon prosperous future. it. This project will beahands-on experience ontheEuropean mosaicof cultures, different natural visiting European places (cities, towns, etc.) andworking withour studentsinsituonthediversity of justifies thetransnational frame of theproject. Actually, we only learn aboutEuropean Heritageby peoples together through themobilisationof secondary school students(14-18 years old). The topic Our priority is theteaching of European values and the appreciation of thelinksthat hold European the Year of European Cultural Heritage. address atopic thatmeetstheEUobjectives andaims to highlightthesustainabilityof theresults of rise of populism andeuroscepticism amongEuropean people, especially theyoung, we decidedto Spain, the Liceul Tehnologic Costesti, RomaniaandtheISIS Valdarno, Italy. Greatly alarmedbythe four European countries: The 2ndGerakas Senior HighSchool, Greece, theIESFernando Savater, through filmmaking” isatwo-year partnership amongfour schoolsof Secondary Education from itage asa Way of Learning Democratic Values andStrengthening European Social LinksandIdentity EUCHI -- “EUROPEAN CULTURAL HERITAGE AND IDENTITY -Sharingand CherishingCultural Her Περίληψη Σχεδίου CULTURAL HERITAGE Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες ISIS VALDARNO, Liceul Tehnologic Costesti, IESFERNANDOSAVATER 2 European Social LinksandIdentitythrough FilmMaking Heritage asa Way of LearningDemocratic Values andStrengthening European Cutlural HeritageandIdentity -SharingandCherishingCultural 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062792_1 ο Γενικό Γέρακα Λύκειο Αττικής - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 69 - - ct: ct: e our proj ipating teachers views of and the exchange partners school the four between partnerships of The development and good practices. The realization of the common values and features shared by the European peoples the European by shared and features values the common of The realization European different four in heritage cultural and history European of knowledge of acquisition The countries its development origins to first very its from democracy of values of The appreciation people among European collaboration future and better understanding mutual of The promotion the partic of practice teaching in the daily the project methods of innovative of The incorporation ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ve Citizenship, Film making Skills. Citizenship, tive rds of wo Key Ac Identity, European Links, Social European Strengthening Values, Democratic Heritage, European ❱ European their strengthen is to this Partnership of the main goal the participating schools, As for cooperation cross-border capacity for up their build to internalisation, quality of dimension and their these students, our mobility activities for By organising challenges. with new cope ability to and their and tolerance. inclusion of values the also promote will partnerships will be expected to express their views both in audiovisual messages by the creation of their their of creation messages by the in audiovisual both views their express to be expected They will - stu in a brief in speech by participating the media and language of using the international short films and views their present will In this they era. our of “lingua franca” the English, using dent-conference future. European a better suggestions for their being“What does the question answer to be able students to our want we the project At the end of by created short films documentary several the outcomes, the final Hopefully, mean?” a European on what the European remark be a fresh will the conference, from resolutions the students and their generation. this young identity means for are: results The expected ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ 70 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 their school, their cityandtheir own life inEurope. that theybecome disseminators of these values intheir peer environment andwill tryto improve After theendof theproduct we seekto have influenced atleast 20persons ineachschool inaway, piece together theprofile of theoneEurope. history, life andunderstanding amongparticipantsandfinally to acknowledge how different cultures and values such asrespect andtolerance towards other civilisations, to detect thecommon places of The impactof theeuropean character of theproject contributes to promote thecultural awareness, heritage andputforward theideaof creating acity-museum. documentary shall beusedinorder to influence thelocal Authorities abouttheexistence of industrial in use. New businessideascanbesuggested. The endproduct of theproject in theform of adigital This interaction hasasresult to propose ways of utilizingindustrial buildings whichare nolonger learning method. enhance the group and team-based learning and the actual visits to the sites promote theexperiential students exchanges, sothisapproach resembles alot to theblended learning one. The WebQuests The three partners will have to conduct sixactivitiesthrough theinternet andrealize three staff and Thus, we seekto give aeuropean dimensionto aconcern thatseemsto belocal inthismoment. that causedthechangeof theworking conditions indifferent timesanddifferent regions inEurope. raise questionsabout thecircumstances of theeconomical development of acityandthereasons background. We thinkthattheseacquaintances will broaden our perception of therecent past, will well. That iswhywe found three schoolsinEurope whichare situated insmall citieswithasimilar industrial onetends to be neglected notonly bythelocal authoritiesbutintheschool curriculum as heritage thatithides. Whereas thecultural heritageof acityismostly promoted through tourism, the The maininterest of our project isto explore therecent history of our cityandidentifytheindustrial Περίληψη Σχεδίου CULTURAL HERITAGE Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες 18.Rigas vidusskola PUNTA LARGA, Zespol Szkol CentrumEdukacji im. Ignacego Lukasiewicza, 1 Industrial Heritage:aCultural andanEconomic Challengefor theFuture 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062966_1 o Γενικό Ναυπλίου Αργολίδας Λύκειο ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 71 - - χολείο Παλαιφύτου Πέλλας Παλαιφύτου Σχολείο Δημοτικό Privée Ecole és Ovoda, Atalanos Iskola Reformatus Tapioszolos-Ujszilvas Anunciata Dominíques Privada Educativa Fundació Janson, La Chapelle koulu ala-asteen Keinutien E Primary School, C of Margaretting Coll, Pare Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062970_1 Legends Wings of On the History/Mythology Romance/Love Origin/Tradition activities over of timetable help us with our to categories use these and we Geography/Nature, Palai- schools, the six primary partner from Students and teachers project. our of years the two de Prats (Hungary), Tapioszolos (France), Janson Chapelle La (Finland), Helsinki (Greece), fyto objectives: the following towards work will (U.K.) and Margaretting (Spain) Lluçanès skills, speaking and creativity writing, skills and reading, multiliteracy Improving the literature, through particularly heritage, cultural European of Raising awareness skills, and communication social Developing ap- pedagogical student-centred and innovative using teaching high-quality effective Delivering proaches, language skills in authentic interactions, foreign Practising skills, thinking skills and media literacy developing and at home for at school reading Promoting learning, of in the processes children Engaging bilingual/multilingual - with specific needs in de children including the children, all for Reading inclusive Making Early ICT-skills. veloping Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ tural heritage simultaneously. We wanted to combine digital education with some activities to make make education with some activities to digital combine to wanted We heritage simultaneously. tural own their pupils can create our starting point, as their Using legends fascinating. more even learning original the know to have they that, do to be able to but legends, of products and versions updated stories. is a multilit Athena) Goddess mythology Greek of symbol - the bird (OWL Legends Wings of On the from legends at different view eye a bird’s take We pupils. primary school designed for project eracy students to Besides introducing country. to country from fly wings to and use their cultures different countries. in other those to they compare how they see and legends, tales traditional categories: different four into down project our break We ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ η Σχεδίου Περίληψ in pupils our and engage reading promote to was main interest our collaboration, When starting our exploring of idea the got we theme, our processed we As skills. multiliteracy their enrich and reading cul European of arise the knowledge via them to and countries six partner all of and legends tales 72 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 in theconsider local authoritiesandcommunity, will improve theknowledge of theEuropean dimensionof education, the regular updates of eachpartner school websites andtheproject blog, theinvolvement of families, teachers andfamilies, local andnational institutions, thegeneral public. The disseminationactivities, Our dissemination aimsonthree maintarget groups where theproject will spread itsimpact:pupils, features societal value promoting intergenerational dialogue andlifelong learning. relates more directly withchildren’s reading scores thananyother single indicator. Cultural heritage pupils since manyactionsare supported bythebudget(such asmobilities). School performance cor vide to thesegroups of pupils. The project itself alsohelpsto raise theequality value amongthe school dropouts. We have beendiscussingthesedifficulties together andthesupportwe could pro- and obstacles, suchassocial or cultural obstacles, economic difficulties or learning challenges, even Our core principle is to involve pupils who have fewer opportunities and face different difficulties spot corners inevery school disseminate theproject activities. culminating inLTT-weeks. These themedaysare analysed inthe project’s timetable. Dedicated OWL- to 06/2020andfrom 10/2020to 05/2021-withspecial events andactivitiesinall partner schools OWL-Theme Daysare essential partof thisproject. There isonedayineachmonth-from 11/2019 mutual daily reading routines withtheir children, helpsreaching thegoal of reading for pleasure. 16 learning or linguisticdifficulties together withteachers. Encouraging andeducatingparents intheir arts andmusicwhenexploring thestories. Readingsupervisors, asthepeer support, helppupilswith and illustrating. We will studysubjectareas like literacy, history, science, Englishlanguage, visual this process we will usereading workshops containing storylines,drama pedagogy, creative writing Before creating anyproducts children will read onelegend story per month, 20stories altogether. In and individualisethelearning processes, andeveryone canparticipate fully andchallenge oneself. lyrics, poems, movies, animationsandgames. Twinspace offers versatile possibilitiesto differentiate uted amongstudents. Our project blog will bepublished at Twinspace. Itconsists of our pupils’ rap of four chapters (one for eachcategory) will bepublishedat Twinspace andalsoprinted anddistrib- cate with outer world (parents, associations and local community). The OWL-magazine which consists created. Our outputsat Twinspace will be seen for anyoneinterested andasawindow to communi- We use eTwinning as our main platform in our collaboration. Our eTwinning project has already been CULTURAL HERITAGE ation thatschoolsneedto beopento dialogue andcooperation. - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 73 Γενικό Λύκειο Αρφαρών Αρφαρών Μεσσηνίας Λύκειο Γενικό de Agrupamento Zlatarov”, “Asen Tourism for High School Professional CARLO Statale Tecnico Istituto Mesquita do Cartaxo, Marcelino Escolas Lisesi IMKB Fen Corlu CATTANEO, Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062976_1 in Europe Intangible Roots Sustain Preserve Innovate to develop awareness for foreign cultures foreign for awareness develop to heritage cultural and regional local our and divulge transmit preserve, to aspects and cultural values common find out and share to and regions towns our schools and cities and promote our internationalise to generations the next and pass it on for heritage) past (cultural our and promote value to cohesion and social dialogue intercultural diversity, cultural promote to Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ η Σχεδίου Περίληψ Innovate for stands and project our of acronym the is INSPIRE generations. future our INSPIRE us Let promote to do a lot can we believes strongly team Our Europe. Roots in Intangible Sustain Preserve need We generations.How? future heritage and pass it on to cultural and intangible tangible local our traditions, and oral arts,clothing,language performing dances, (music/folklore, have we all collect to and flora landscapes, spaces, cultural festivities, practices, social craftsmanship, traditional artwork, - within a commu generation to generation from and skills transmitted knowledge gastronomy, fauna, - a DIGITAL library school a digital create collected, and information the materials nity) and with all libraries. network municipality and national school, enrich our consequently - and BOX HERITAGE and local among the educational interviews make testimonies, collect to be encouraged Students will - and leg stories collective - individual, tradition oral practices, social about past habits, community and resources tools and ICT modern technologies the making use of name some, just to recipes, ends, (photos, research their of materials and the results All gathered. information and store register to generations. future for them available make be scanned to will scrolls,...) texts, videos, a sense of promoting and thought of cultures of the interdependence of became aware Then we cultural in rich are that countries with partnership a creating thus and culture and Identity European values human common have who Europe, of history long the behind are offer, to lot a have and roots and creative and digital literacy digital the and schools who promote exchange aspects to and cultural performing organising to used are and projects international in experience large a have who citizens, events,..), gastronomic arts, performing music, folk on (dance, work to want we areas in crucial events that may be useful outcomes our all and divulge promote to tourism section of vocational a who have careers. their and soft skills for and gain hard way in a sustainable regions our to tourists attract to a unique experience and offer values sharing common with each other, be learning could we Together manage- and catering hotel tourism, computer, like study areas different from students coming our to 21st the with them enable and and technology science humanities, arts, like areas and general ment, goals in mind: the following Having skills. century ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 74 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 civilisation. diences thatwe would like to INSPIREthemto cherishEurope asaholisticideaandtheEuropean In respect to our main aim, we decided to meet and share, work together and to embrace our au- ƒ ƒ ƒ CULTURAL HERITAGE ƒ ƒ ƒ to meetfriendsinforeign countries (with different cultures) to seesightsandgetto know culture andheritageof aforeign country rope to create responsible andengagedcitizens/cultural enterpreneurs inbuilding thefuture of Eu- ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 75 - Γυμνάσιο Ελευθερούπολης Καβάλας Γυμνάσιο Djakovo, Matosa G. A. Gimnazija Mazzarino, “Carlo Maria Carafa” I.I.S.S. Kisakurek Necip Fazil conquero, secundario alto de enseñanza instituto Ioan Sfântul “ Ortodox Liceal Teologic Seminarul Lisesi, Bilimler Sosyal Doro Iacob” Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062999_1 The Future To The Roots-Back To Back EU citizen and EU democracy consciousness, and EU democracy EU citizen entrepreneurship, of and implementation knowledge their capacity, cooperation international their values, cultural shared about European awareness their values, and historical about cultural be creative to and students motivation teachers language skills, foreign tools. digital the usage of Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ tance to European integration. integration. European to tance activities It includes activities. and industrial economic of a wide range covers sector The cultural sector. media and the audiovisual arts, entertainment music, press, literature, with heritage, connected an area represent industries the context and demand, production in cultural increase the recent Given Europe’s Union. the European of concept activity in the present economic and interaction social of It industries. and creative cultural our for inspiration and provides lives enriches our heritage cultural cohesion. and social employment growth, economic enables countries. Europe heritage of and historical cultural of the importance to pay attention will The project then regions local at first So, find out the job opportunities about culture. to be able will people Young heritage. and historical based on cultural jobs innovatively new can create the youth Europe, around 100 students At least, and Italy. Croatia Spain, Romania, Turkey, schools; Greece, 6 partner are There will teachers 1000 students or main activities and at least part in the project take will and 65 teachers the lead planned activies to be 6 LTT will There activities. project activities and other part in local take and the others training joint stuff one is short term The first objectives. the project’s of achievement a have will the participants activities, LTT During the all pupils. of groups of exchanges short-term are and the host countries heritages of some intangible heritages and experience visit tangible to chance and for-profit consciousness support and increase activities will promotion.The for tools use digital and historical cultural to related and communications marketing business management, non-profit the activities. students for based activities plan for task/project prepare will The teachers values. increase: will in this Project The schools involved ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ η Σχεδίου Περίληψ the for identity and the setting European of be both a source to has the capacity sector The cultural authori- political and national European that boost job creation. activities innovative of development impor vital of which has become problem the unemployment resolve to the need of aware ties are 76 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 guard of bothcultural andhistorical heritageusinginnovative ICT’s. this strategic partnership, we will beable to present andsupporttheentrepreneurship for thesafe- The partnership of thisproject involve 6partner schoolsfrom different countries of Europe. Thanks to CULTURAL HERITAGE ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 77 cquiring A ndividuals in ndividuals ompetences : ONTAL HORIZ I Supporting Basic Skills and Developing C and Key BASIC SKILLS BASIC 78 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 exploitable byadditional relevant stakeholders. target groups atregional/municipal andEuropean level, sothatto make project outcomes visible and Expected impactishighandsustainabilityensured through theevents andaddressing specific line withindividuals’ needsandexpectations. al management, leadership and internationalization as well as in the area of training competences in CD-ROM, leaflets, tshirts, logo .The project alsostrengthens our capacityintheareas of organization- Tangible outcomes: Virtual museum, Project broshure,a leaflet on how to read food labels, a website, cific groups. monitoring plan for the process assessment during its lifetime and a dissemination strategy to spe- national project meetingsfor thetrainings elaboration andtheproduction of tangible outcomes; a The methodology includes three training activitiesbasedonnon-formal educationtools, onetrans practices andoutcomes takingalsointo account anapproach outsidetheEU. and staff specialties –provides added value anditseducational outcomes byintegrating different The transnational andinterdisciplinary dimensionof theProject -through thepartner organizations Mediterranean DietandOutdoor activities. special needs, teachers, physical educationteachers, regional stakeholders andExpertsinthefield of ropean CommissionaboutHealth and Wellbeing. The process engages 8 students, 2 studentswith Mediterranean Diet and outdoor activities in students in the age 6-12. The project is in line with Eu- The Project “SCALE”, isacommon effort byfour partners (TR,GR, SP andCR)focusing equally on Περίληψη Σχεδίου BASIC SKILLS Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 12 Μήνες OZEL CAMLICA UGURPRIMARY SCHOOL CEIP San Xose Obreiro, Osnovna skola Horvati, 1 SCALES-Stop Cannedfood And LearnEatingSmart 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062406_1 ο Ειδικό Δημοτικό Σχολείο Βόλου«ΚΕΝΤΑΥΡΟΙ»


ΑΝΔΡΟΝΙΚΟ Σ «ΜΑΝΟΛΗ ΓΕΛ Θεσσαλονίκης Πειραματικό o 1 CANTEMIR-VODA, National Colegiul Falco, Giulio Cesare IT 5 nr Ogolnoksztalcacych Szkol Zespol IES Newton-Salas, Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062430_1 future our for Lessons in Europe: Present and Democratic Totalitarian to help students discover basic knowledge about totalitarianism (causes, impact on individual impact on individual (causes, about totalitarianism basic knowledge help students discover to them), against resistance methods, propaganda and public life, and students think by making teachers competences civic and intercultural social, develop to is concerned, as totalitarianism as far present about our - com facing still and are faced have all we citizens that as European help participants realize to against struggle to – so the effort dangers by common threatened are and that we mon problems too, them must be common lives, their for its role and re-estimate school of value the pedagogical help students realize to and so that they can be motivated methods, innovative through learn to students encourage to school. love to inspired 1st Experimental Lyceum, Thessaloniki, Greece Thessaloniki, Lyceum, 1st Experimental Italy Capua, Falco”, “Giulio Cesare Tecnico Istituto Poland Wroclaw, 5, nr Ogolnoksztalcacych Szkol Zespol Romania , CANTEMIR-VODA, National Colegiul Spain Torre, de la Villanueva IES Newton-Salas,

Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής Εταίροι ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ sonal development, in contrast to totalitarian regimes, whose existence in the past caused nothing whose existence regimes, totalitarian to in contrast development, sonal other schools from with a cooperation through This can be done only chaos. and social but political regimes. totalitarian in the past under who lived countries European the following: are the project of the main objectives Therefore, a) b) c) d) e) 5: are education, secondary type of different to which belong The participating schools, ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ education democratic for interest special show in the past and still showed these schools have of All in the past in dif participated also all They have activities. and participating in relevant by organizing Erasmus+ in an participate to time first their be will it them of some for but Programs, European ferent KA2 project. η Σχεδίου Περίληψ populism, rise of is a great there countries, European as in other as well The last decades in Greece, among specially appears This tendency values. democratic to contrary and ideologies radicalism something that can ideas, political populist and radical to close themselves feel who often teenagers, just a mechanism which gives school because they consider leaving, school early to them even lead decided that school we this problem, consideration into Taking values. them nothing but theoretical and per social ones that can assure the only are values them that democratic persuade must try to 80 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ The mainimpactof theproject to school/local community will bethefollowing: ƒ ƒ ƒ The mainimpactof theproject to teachers will be thefollowing: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ The mainimpactof theproject to studentswill bethefollowing: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ The mainresults are thefollowing: will beevaluated, sothatthere will beafeedback for thenext one. final product, whichwill bebasedonthismaterial gathered after every LTT activity. EachLTT activity gradually form the various typesof thefinal products. Eachschool will beresponsible for atleast one its work onacertain topic for eachmeetingandwill present itduringthismeeting. All thismaterial will learning methods, such as problem-solving, creative thinking, collaborating. Each school will prepare The work to bedoneandpresented intheseactivitieswill bebasedonmodern, active andinnovative of historical interest, museumsetc. own works anddiscussingtheworks of studentsof other countries andparticipatingin visits to places present of totalitarian regimes in their country and in other European countries, by presenting their contain LTT activities, duringwhichstudentswill acquire basicknowledge aboutthehistory andthe democratic education(taking partindemocratic debate, recognizing fake news). The project will also to thefinal results of theproject (making adocumentaryfilm, interviewing, makingasurvey) or to The activitiesof theproject contain workshops whichwill helpstudentsacquire basicskills, relevant BASIC SKILLS ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ to realize theinternational and, more specific, European dimensionof thispolitical phenomenon. ideologies inour society isconcerned to beencouraged to show social political awareness, asfar asthere-appearance of totalitarian to enrichtheir knowledge abouttotalitarianism inEurope to promote democratic values anddefense againstradicalism andpopulismamongtheir students to learn to useinnovative tools insideandoutsideclassroom. to enhance theEuropean ideaintheir lessons to collaborate withteachers from other European countries andexchange ideas to acquire basicsocial skills. to realize thecommon pastandpresent of European nations to promote their social responsibility andawareness to learn to protect themselves from moderntotalitarian ideologies, radicalism andextremism to acquire basicknowledge aboutthephenomenonof totalitarianism kahoot games. a “museum of totalitarianism” Short theatrical plays 25 posters an e-book a CDcontaining thepresentations an Android mobile application a documentaryfilm a web page ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 81 Γυμνάσιο Ρόδου Γυμνάσιο o 7 Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz- SAS, GROUP ATENEO - VINCI ISTITUTI BEATRIZ SECUNDARIA ENSEÑANZA DE INSTITUTO Gesamtschule, DE SUABIA Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062435_1 and Inside Us Around Theatre CTIVES cultivate critical thinking. critical cultivate and constructive communication decision making, confrontation, problem initiative, encourage emotions. management of intelligence. emotional empathy, develop and self-confidence. self-awareness their strengthen and learning for responsible more become to process in the learning engage and participate performance. overall their improve emancipation and self-esteem. initiative, the sense of increase the partners. of issues and cultural on social and feelings trends views, express to be facilitated skills. the relevant acquire to events theatrical and share create to be able educational innovative creating for schools European the four between a relationship develop practices. good educational and exchanging processes partnerships. future encourage schools to between a relationship develop and pupils in the theatre. teachers between cooperation and develop create and teachers. pupils of teamwork promote develop their creativity and imagination. and creativity their develop JE

Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής c) d) e) f) g) h) i) hope to: we meetings, international through Furthermore, a) b) c) d) OB schools at the beginning the involved of analysis a needs’ from that emerged objectives The individual to: are the project of a) b) η Σχεδίου Περίληψ AIM For etc. immigration globalization, crisis, financial as challenges new are there century 21st the In computers, phones, (mobile technologies that new It is noted changing. are the students this reason, skills and self-knowledge emotional empathy, hand, On the other day life. students’ influence tablets) as a meth- techniques use theatrical is to project this Erasmus+ The main aim of exist. to ceased have bullying, school diversity, topics: four with the in issues related behaviour change children’s od to human rights. relationships, interpersonal 82 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 ƒ ƒ IMP on thefour topics. The results will bepresented ontheproject’s blog andonthe Twinspace. By usingdrama techniques, we shall tryto increase students’ awareness andchangetheir attitudes RESULTS the studentscome backhometheywill present themobility’s result to their peers. teachers from theother countries, inorder to discussandevaluate the progress of theproject. When be answered to evaluate themeeting’s results. Also, teachers will also participate inmeetingswiththe differences andsimilaritiesappreciate thediversity of cultures. At theendaquestionnaire must change their thoughtswithstudentsfrom adifferent culture inEurope. They will notice stereotypes, Students will critically reflect ontheir views of theenvironment theylive in, theywill compare andex b. a. During eachmeetingitwill betwo more activities: preparation. order to pre-evaluate students’ views experimental gameswould beuseful atthebeginningof the perience. They will make ashortplay/performance relevant to thespecifictopic of themeeting. In plays could bebasedonatrigger question, image, video, documentetc. or/and ontheir personal ex ultimately create their shortplay, whichtheyare goingto perform duringthemobilities. These short The studentswill usedrama ineducationfor their survey andreflection onthechosentopic and b. a. Before eachmobilityandfor thechosentopic theparticipantshave to prepare two activities: will bedeveloped andexchanged between thepartners. involved intheproject will beeducated withtheatrical techniques. Methodsondrama ineducation niques inspired from Augusto Boal. Initially there will beaninternational meetingwhere theteachers the other. Our activitieswill bebasedontheatrical pedagogueprogrammes andForum Theatre tech- Arts- Center Teaching). The mPPACT process focuses ontheidentityof the self andtheidentityof We will useastudent-centered methodology mPPACT (Methodology for aPupil andPerforming METHODOLOG 4) 3) 2) 1) BASIC SKILLS P ƒ ƒ AR

leagues atschool. These teachers withthe new acquired experience andknowledge will instruct inturntheir col of issuesintheschool community. The participatingteachers will beeducated inusingdrama techniques to cope withdifferent kind ACT Evaluation andDevelopment From Personal to Communal Personal Engagement-Exploration/Research Group dynamicsandpre­ INSTITUTO DEENSEÑANZA SECUNDARIA BEATRIZ DESUABIA from Spain ISTITUTI VINCI - ATENEO GROUP SASfrom Italy GOTTFRIED-WILHELM-LEIBNIZ-GESAMTSCHULE from Germany 7o GYMNASIO RODOUfrom Greece (Coordinator) TICIP ANTS Y & TOOLS -evaluation - - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 83 ill be aimed activities by the teachers for the management of students’ problems. problems. students’ of the management for activities by the teachers be aimed will There will term- the long which -in school every within teams students’ and train develop aim to We issues. relevant confront identify and the of values the disseminate to order in school, at activities in drama participate The students will etc.). in diversity tolerance the other, of (respect project on stu- techniques drama and develop level at European best practices share will The teachers management. dents’ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 84 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 the water related sights. workshops too, meetings, presentations, exploratory studies, in-classjobshadowing andfield tripsto acquainted to thewater factor andtherelated activitiesto it. The teachers will have to take partin in-class learning processes, presentations, games, theatrical performances, dances, field tripsto get goals. The pupilswill have to studythewater factor near their hometown, take partinworkshops, meetings awiderange of activitieswill undoubtedly lead to thesuccessful accomplishment of our and activitiesof theproject mustbeproduced before eachmeetingbyschool, while duringthe pupils andShort-term jointstaff training events. The working material, basicfor thecollective study Our project includes 6meetings, onein eachschool, combining Short-term exchanges of group of ticipate mostly byoffering their hospitalityto the guestpupilsduringthemeetings. pupils, aged12-15 years old and approximately 80teachers. About 200parents’ pupilswill alsopar each school are theonesto implement theactivitiesof theproject. Our project involves about270 There are sixschoolsinour project, all participatingasequal partners. The pupilsand teachers of attractive teaching techniques andtheexpansion of thepupils’ professional horizon. in our objectives thedevelopment and applicationof innovative techniques ineducation, theuseof munication andcollaboration andparticipate actively inpubliclife. Furthermore, we have included an ecological conscience, beaware of thecultural diversity inEurope, develop an intercultural com - develop their critical thinkingandcooperative skills, improve their self-expression techniques, obtain economy, tourism andart. They should improve their digital abilitiesandtheir proficiency inEnglish, the water factor near theminterms of geography, history, cultural heritage, environment, ecology, Considering all theabove, we have definedour objectives. The pupilsandteachers should study to useall theadvantages thatICT offers duringtheeducational process. learning process andtheir future social andprofessional life. Likewise, theteachers should learn how our age isextremely digital. The pupilsshould behighly efficientinICTs to perform well duringthe factor are inextricably linked together inaway thattheonecannotexist withouttheother. Moreover, are connected withthe water in every aspect and daily activity and as a result the city and thewater ed close to alake, ariver or thesea. Throughout theages, thelives of theinhabitantsof theseareas bly connected to thedevelopment of humancivilisation. All thehometowns of thepartners are locat Water isoneof themostsignificantenvironmental factors for life itself ontheplanetEarth, insepara - apparently more pleasant thananyindividual one. decided to cooperate inthisproject becausewe thinkthatcollective effort ismore productive and All the partners, the schools from Greece, Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, Spain and Portugal, have Περίληψη Σχεδίου BASIC SKILLS Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες Kauno Rokugimnazija, GymnasioPeramatos COMPRENSIVO “MICHELI-BOLOGNESI”, PrimarySchool of Dr. M. Tyrs, Escola SecundáriaManuel Cargaleiro, I.E.S. LA ALBERICIA, ISTITUTO Γυμνάσιο Περάματος WaterBeside The Living 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062471_1 - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 85 pupils and teachers will acquire plenty of knowledge about the water factor near near factor about the water knowledge of plenty acquire will teachers pupils and The participating - be importance great and its relation the dynamic understand deeply will and they hometown their improve products, digital create skills, digital their supplement They will water. the city and the tween teaching and attractive practices educational innovative to get acquainted in English, proficiency their with also be familiar They will working. and group self-expression abilities in their improve methods, diversity and cultural social national, the linguistic, recognize to be able language, partners’ the other them. between collaboration an intercultural develop to be able they will and finally in Europe these the pupils, For in. involved the people all to benefits term be longer will there In conclusion, of and an expanding self-completion of a sense capacity, learning their of be the improvement will not only improvement be the expected will the teachers The benefits to horizon. professional their linguistic and cultural the of awareness the Moreover, well. as but in professional level personal in peo- about other respect and understanding a greater help them acquire will them between diversity on the focused citizens European modern become gradually and they will and traditions culture ple’s of be the creation actually will the schools in this partnership benefit to term a longer Finally, future. methods. and learning teaching the new all one that can incorporate ment, a modern environ 86 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 The p the year 2020. 2020 package isasetof bindinglegislation to ensure theEUmeetsitsclimate andenergy targets for dependence onforeign fossil fuels, andkeep energy affordable for consumers andbusinesses. The the attainmentof thesetargets, theEUcanhelpcombat climate changeandair pollution, decrease its EU countries mustalsoachieve a10%share of renewable energy intheir transport sector. Through renewable energy to atleast 20% of consumption, andachieve energy savings of 20%or more. All By 2020, the EUaimsto reduce itsgreenhouse gasemissionsbyatleast 20%, increase theshare of deliver greater value withless input.” Inorder to protect thenatural resources EUappliedmeasures. manner while minimisingimpactsontheenvironment. Itallows usto create more withless andto Using environmental sources efficiently means “using theEarth’s limited resources inasustainable to obtaintheresource suchasmetal ores, mineral oil, andmostforms of energy. well asalivingorganism suchasafish, or itmayexist inanalternate form whichmustbeprocessed fundamental level). A natural resource may exist as a separate entity such as fresh water and air, as you canfindintheenvironment. Every man-madeproduct iscomposed of natural resources (at its Natural resources may be further classified in different ways. Natural resources are materials that Summar Περίληψη Σχεδίου BASIC SKILLS project isgivingthesenseof importance of theenvironment to our youngsters whoare theadults, all people andthebest way to educate themisfrom anearly age. The mostimportantaspectof the vanish. We will have nothingto inheritto theposterity. Ontheother handthisis the responsibility of stop wasting andstartusingmore wisely all thesesuppliesandkeep polluting them, theywill soon resources inorder to live. Just like everything else, natural suppliesalsohave anendandif we don’t This isaProject aboutthebiggestproblem; misuseof natural resources. We all needthesenatural saving energy. increase their awareness on recycling, natural resources and also protecting the environment and we aimto inform themabouttheimportance of theenvironment andnature andwe alsoaimto As apartof thisstrategy inthisproject we are working withprimaryschoolsandkindergartens and ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 20% improvement inenergy efficiency 20% of EUenergy from renewables 20% cutingreenhouse gasemissions(from 1990levels) acka y and ob ge sets three key ta rgets je 24 Μήνες PENTRU DEFICIENTIDE VEDERE, Kedainiu lopselis-darzelis “Puriena” SELÇUKLU KESKESLER ANAOKULU, SCOALA GIMNAZIALA SPECIALA Διαδραστικό Ευρωπαϊκό Σχολείο Eco Child 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062519_1 ctives of the proje ct ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 87 - (https://www.prodigygame.com/blog/inquiry-based-learningdefinition-bene ities v the acti ants ticip ycling, saving energy and the importance of renewable energy. renewable of and the importance energy saving ycling, r Pa responsible with their work They will primary school. or kindergarten each partner 25 pupils from They them. in participate actively chosen and they will that are the mini projects to according teacher and sometimes they may need the help of research to help in order parents’ also need their will visit them to which will etc. centres research universities, like institutions different from professionals of the effects lives, on our the environment of them on both artistic skills and also the effect inspire energy. renewable of and the importance energy saving recycling, responsible with their work They will primary school. or kindergarten each partner 25 pupils from They them. in participate actively will they and chosen are that projects mini the to according teacher and sometimes they may need the help of research to help in order parents’ also need their will visit them to which will etc. centres research universities, like institutions different from professionals of the effects lives, on our the environment of them on both artistic skills and also the effect inspire rec ents and ministers of the future. As we are users of the etwinning platform we will will we etwinning platform the of users are As we the future. of ministers ents and presid governors, and twinningspace. project etwinning on our and findings activities our all share Description of care to start will they and skills artistic and presentation creativity, children’s improve will project Our own their create they will materials, waste recycle/reuse start to they will about the environment; and objects they the toys with the help of artistic abilities brush up their or improve they will stories. establish will Teachers sketches. and small the dramatizations the help of and also with create will various by observing abilities teaching their also improve and projects future friendships for new language and in the target phrases new learn Students will institutions. methods in different teaching language. communication as this is the project’s skills, English their improve will teachers a as part of or by themselves, “Students can work be inquiry based learning will methodology Our discussion and guided research. methods such as involves typically Inquiry itself group. large or small such manipulatives physical or virtual video and audio, text, of in form content can also provide You blocks” building as . fits-trategies/#strategies) 88 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 school through team work and collaborative/co-opperative learning methodactivities;studentswill Furthermore, theproject will motivate studentswhohave no interest or show low performance at munity whichisbasedonproductive dialogue, richculture, critical thinkinganddemocratic values. Additionally participants in theproject activitieswill alsofeel thattheyare partof aEuropean com- ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ The project results are expected to bethefollowing: Particular attention will begiven to mediationasamethodof peaceful andcreative conflict resolution. techniques inthepartner school communities andbeyondto European Unionschool community. and thrive. The specificobjective isto enhance analytical andcreative conflict resolution skillsand active citizens of tomorrow whowill build apeaceful andtolerant societywhere all people grow The overall objective of the proposed project is to contribute to the development of responsible and citizens wholive inanextremely complex society full of challenges andconflicts. kinds of conflicts andtensions atschool. Additionally, conflict resolution skillsare crucial for young conflict resolution skills, tools andtechniques suchasmediationisaneffective response to different ly occur among students in contemporary schools leading to negative/destructive results. Creative This project seeksto address theproblem of conflicts (e.g. bullying, racist attacks) thatfrequent staff training events, oneintheopening,one inmiddle periodandonefinal. and european levels. There are planned4International meetingsall along the two years and3 joint teachers, but the range of the project is going to influence wider groups on local, regional, national Portugal withstudents from 15 to 19 years old. The direct target group is madeof 30 students and 18 years (2019-2021) andcomprises schoolsfrom Greece, Poland, Italy: Crema, Italy: Bari, Malta and “Cre@T1ve ConflictResolution andPeer-to-Peer School Mediation” isaproject whichwill lasttwo Περίληψη Σχεδίου BASIC SKILLS ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός Improved understanding of diversity asasource for cooperation andnotconflict. operation. Our schoolsto become communities of improved communication, mutual understanding andco- Mediation skillsinparticular developed andpracticed bybothstudentsandteachers. growth andpersonal development. Improved knowledge of our studentsinhow to useconflicts and tension asopportunitiesfor peaceful andcreative way. Improved knowledge andskillsof teachers to supporttheir studentsin handlingconflicts ina 24 Μήνες “P. SRAFFA” CONVITTO NAZIONALEDOMENICO CIRILLO-SCUOLE ANNESSE, I.I.S. Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Krola Zygmunta Augusta wBialymstoku, Newark School, Agrupamento deEscolas Dr. João Araújo Correia, VI 4 Cre@t1ve ConflictResolution andPeer-to-Peer School Mediation 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062543_1 o Γενικό «ΜΑΚΡΥΓΙΑΝΝΕΙΟ» Λύκειο Αλίμου

- ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 89 Mediation groups established in each partner school which will keep operating after the end of end of the after operating keep will which school established in each partner Mediation groups the project. collected conflicts, / resolved mediated successfully guide with cases of Online good practices teachers. their by the students with the support of kills in research and their ICT skills; English language teaching will become more more become will teaching language English skills; ICT their and research in skills their enhance and cha- workshops resolution conflict in creative participate as they will the students for appealing them also teach that will experience learning valuable a countries, other friends from with trooms constructively. problems interpersonal resolve to how bringing resolution, conflict of and praxis theory combining is innovative methodology The project skills life key and develop experiences who share a team of members as and students teachers closer meth- and activities interactive meetings during all Additionally, community. and their school their for in the project participate the students who Not only is boosted. and creativity applied are odologies be involved part and will take will communities school also the whole but and collaborate, work will families. also the hosting activities including the different in it - through creative of in terms teaching and learning of ways innovative investigate collaborate, will Teachers gender modern societies such as diversity, in our problems and crucial mediation, solving, problem stu- them with their share materials, teaching appropriate develop They will (cyber)bullying. equality, too. schools other to methods teaching the interactive and spread dents and colleagues be the following: will project our The outputs of 1. 2. vlog, a project chatrooms, EU platforms, media, social website, project: our communicate to Materials different guide, a good practices e-newsletter, e-book case study, releases, press videos, photos, song and project’s composed already dancing performance, play, role (e.g. performances kinds of the participating schools. among the pupils of debates face-to-face music), and more performed, related which is inseparably context based on sociological is mainly this project of The background The mediation meth- nowadays. appear and conflicts many problems where environment school to contemporary in the problems school sorts of with all deal to response be the perfect od seems to schools. 90 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 the impactwill make itpossible for usto reach asmanyschoolspossible. This project will have numerous dissemination activities, apartfrom theyoutubeand radio channel, so telligences. creative writingsessions, linguistic workshops, getfamiliar with Augmented reality anddifferent in- and collaborate withartists, musicians, TV presenters andjournalists, interview local authorities, have of students, oneineachcountry. Duringthese, thestudentsandteachers will work inmixed teams Romania andPortugal will train theother teachers andpresent bestpractices and5short-exchanges The project entailsatraining short-term staff meeting, where thetwo etwinningschoolsinvolved, hosted by their school. (10-14), buttheyounger oneswill beable to produce materials aswell andtake partintheLTTAs involve roughly 30%of our teachers (languages, native language, arts, ICT)and30%of our students radio channel, games to be used as listening comprehension, bringing realia into the class. We will We will produce digital audio-video content, ayoutubechannel, chainstories, international songs, a would cover thoseinnewscasts. be agateway for promoting other projects andactivitieswe undergo inour schools, asour students respectful andresponsible studentsandanincrease inthe visibility of our schools. Our project would creased fluency inEnglish, acquisition of basicskillsinthepartner languages, more sociable, tolerant, our goals are anincrease inthenumber of teachers usingICT andmodernstorytelling methods, in- want their teachers to usemore engagingmeansof teaching, more web 2.0, more flippedclasses, so Greece, Turkey, Romania, LatviaandPortugal will work together inthisproject. All schoolsinvolved setting would bebeneficial for their individual growth andfor their 21stcentury skills. part in real, not virtual workshops together, experiencing other cultures and languages in their natural oration. Sowe decidedto turnthisinto anErasmus+ project, asworking ininternational teams, taking news, studentsaged10-14 have beenimproving their linguisticskills, their communication andcollab- sharing responsibility andassumingitaswell. Bycreating podcasts, promos, ads, films, reporting deal with all thechallenges, from technical issuesto hearingeveryone outandaccepting all ideas, 2018, allows studentsto create content, to chooseteams, plays, write them, direct them, filmthem, Languages are madefor speaking, soour project, basedonan etwinning project started inSeptember something astheyusually focus onthemistakes theymightmake andnotthecontent. they are not graded based on creativity, innovation, and so they are less interested in producing pitch, becausetheyare notasked to produce real-life content, theydon’t getfeedback from peers, Students inmostschoolsstruggle withlearning foreign languages, how to sell their ideas, how to Περίληψη Σχεδίου BASIC SKILLS Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες de Escolas Infanta D. Mafalda, Gondomar, Scoala Gimnazialanr.17 Denizli BasmaSanayiOrtaokulu, RigasImantas vidusskola, Agrupamento 7 a European TV Channel! Let’s SharpenOur MindsandEnrichOur Lives byCreating 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062647_1 ο Δημοτικό χολείο Αλίμου «ΜΕΓΑΣχολείο Αλίμου Σ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟ Σ» ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 91 - ΕΠΑΛ Αγριάς Szkol Zespol VECCHIO, PLINIO IL COMPRENSIVO ISTITUTO Zarco, Gonçalves Básica e Secundária Escola Ponadgimnazjalnych, LISESI ANADOLU KURTKOY School, Grammar State Cesis Appeal Friendly Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062934_1 and Nutrition Publicity training students, as well as parents and the wider public, to be suspicious of bright adverts and bright adverts be suspicious of to public, the wider and as parents as well students, training packaging. and on food the hidden messages in commercials decipher to conducive that are on the foods public, and the wider as parents as well educating students, us as well to fresh and can be brought produced locally those that are preferably good health, dietary needs. as suit our the public on the foods and awakening diets healthy of the news students in spreading Involving fridges with. their fill choose to that they impulsively

Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής opment of arguments that convince, a critical view of information and creation of conventional and conventional of and creation information of view a critical that convince, arguments opment of students, in skills century 21st of development the to contributes project the materials, multimedia will involved, indirectly or directly Participants, success. professional and personal their for necessary teachers. and about 50 school 12-18) be about 1500 students (aged both at be produced will and materials be performed activities will of variety a During the project game will computer A be culminated. the job done at schools will where and during meetings, school Minor the project. throughout collected the knowledge and consolidate incorporate to be developed Leaflets information. and the students with public the provide made to be will online quizzes thematic - every awaken be made to will and an anti-advertisement painted be will posters composed, be will and activities materials the project’s of be the collection e-book will An diets. our of the flaws one as to party. interested and every parents to use at schools but also for educators to be available to η Σχεδίου Περίληψ from resulting problems Health than ever. prevalent is more on junk food dependence Teenagers’ the jeopardised have era our of the beauty stereotypes due to bad eating habits and eating disorders the health just some of are diabetes heart disease, bulimia, anorexia, Obesity, the young. of health the situation. for blame to publicity is largely Misleading today. issues encountered to on how and teens children educate basic skills but also to teach is not just to responsibility School bad eating habits tackle to aspires this project Therefore illness. and avoid life an enjoyable achieve ways: in three a) b) c) - and Eu national boost the students’ to it aspires project, At the same time by being a transnational them to encourage but also to in them, and tolerance awareness cultural develop identity, ropean various in practices and marketing marketing food to related laws eating habits, and contrast compare in Europe. places devel and processing, collection information and cooperation, communication by requiring Finally, 92 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 structive changesandeducational projects makingschool life satisfyingandmotivating for everyone. educators where teachers will exchange goodpractices andtake leadership inthelaunchingof con- Finally, theproject will boosttheschool’s European identitybyplacingitinanetwork of schoolsand against unethical advertising practices byimposingstricter regulations. choices and will take steps towards a healthier diet. Stakeholders may decide to protect the young Students andthewider publicwill reconsider their eatinghabits, theinfluence of marketing infood our project will beintensified andsustained. ination together withthemassmediaandpublicevents. Inthisway, we expect thattheimpactof schools or for personal reference. Our website andtheeTwinning platform will beforums of dissem- All information will bemadeavailable to thepublic(educators, stakeholders andothers) for useat proven to beeffective ways of teaching andlearning. learn bydoingandwill cooperate to reach common goals. According to bibliography, theabove have teredness, experiential learning andgroup-work. Studentswill beinvolved indecision-making, will all studentswill make themostof their talents andskills. The maincharacteristic isstudent-cen - The project comprises a variety of activitiesandways of implementing themwhichensures that how theyare advertised, will speakto experts andparticipate inworkshops. and report ontheir findingsregarding misleading messages, will taste foods andcompare them to Students will goshoppingandorganise ahealthy picnic, observe food packages andadvertisements BASIC SKILLS ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 93 ΕΠΑΛ Θεσσαλονίκης ο 7 municipality`s Aluksne Lisesi, Anadolu Paker Sehit Selcuk Atakent prispevkova Ivancice, Jana Blahoslava Gymnazium school, secondary Escola Fermi, E. Superiore Istruzione Secondaria Istituto organizace, Secundária Cam Μήνες 24 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062985_1 & Creative Comics Educational through Europe Meet C.W.: M.E.T.E.C.& Writing Εταίροι Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής η Σχεδίου Περίληψ a bridge represent will Writing” Creative Comics & Educational through Meet Europe C.W.: “M.E.T.E.C.& - organiza 6 European between good practices and exchanging cooperation educational of in terms education. the quality of enhance to tions in order skills and and social emotional academic, of the acquisition is promoting the project of The focus as an effective creation and comics writing techniques by using creative students our of competences emphasis on English with a particular learn, them to motivate to in classes in order teaching of way language. - eco emotional, health, (educational, difficulties facing students to addressed is mainly This project learning and concrete a meaningful by providing motivate to want social) that we cultural, nomic, In outcomes. in learning disparities skills and help reduce of acquisition promote will which context to and consequently failure limit school to tool an effective it can also be considered this connection in competence their increase students willing to It is also open to leaving. school fight against early supports models This project technologies. in digital creation, in comics’ interested English language, - an environ but also create disadvantages benefit students with education which not only inclusive of be successful. the opportunity to have will student ment in which every be divid- possibly which will in each country 50 students of the maximum number fixed have We and to environment learning inclusive a student-centered, create to intend groups.We ed in smaller to methodology and CLIL learning ,non Formal Learning based on Cooperative contexts implement activities. creation and comics’ writing creative language through learning stimulate becan that and people young to related problems social on based topics develop to going are We as an alternative use comics We language: English. a common under works with literary connected skills and competences. and emotional both educational aquisition of promote to holistic environment learning. own on their perspectives and gain new understanding intercultural develop Students will situations and life real and simulation of roles based on the assumption of be an activity will “Comics” also a becomes comics of The creation language. in a foreign communication the use of stimulate of with the problem faced students are in group, working because, relationships foster to tool valuable communicate to and the desire diversity for starting with the respect with the others, the relationship individual of the increase pedagogy because it aims to into develops creation The comics’ emotions. each one. the uniqueness of pect of in the res creativity 94 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 expect all participantsandstakeholders will gainknowledge andexperience bytheproject. have positive effects onstudents’ literacy development, academicsuccess and social interaction. We term exchange of groups of pupilswhere studentswill participate inworkshops. All theactivitieswill how to build astory anddiscover of digital tools for comics’ creation; Bestphoto of theProject; short The activitiesto becarriedoutinclude: Creating onlinelogo, poster, motto; Creative Workshop on BASIC SKILLS ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 95

: EDUCATION eaching Professions the T Strengthening the Profiles of the Profiles Strengthening SCHOOL TEACHING TEACHING PROFESSION 96 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Through theproject activitieswe target thefollowing objectives for students: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ teachers: Through the local andtransnational activitieswe determine asetof objectives for the beneficiariesof OB process. of how andwhatkindof technology andmobile learning are usedduringtheteaching andlearning Our aim isto examine thesimilar partner institutions from all over Europe byobservingseveral ways fective. Itseems, thatthefuture isnotto learn from printed booksbutto usedigital materials. teach andlearn. Itisfunto work withthem, interactive, andwhichisthemostimportanttheyare ef are able to raise thequalityof educationandlearning anddrastically changethemethodshow we cated to usethese modern devices andthey often seemto be worthless. Those modernmobile tools the schoolshave beenowned theappropriate equipment, theteachers are notall thetimewell-edu- tries inEurope are unfortunately insufficientinterms regarding mobile devices. Moreover, someof online society. A growing tendency of their usagecan alsobefound inschools, however mostcoun- technology effectively. Mobile devices like smartphones, iPadsor tablets spread rapidly innowadays´ Through modernteaching andlearning 21stcentury abilitiescanbe developed, especially byusing Περίληψη Σχεδίου TEACHER PROFESSION ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός to practice usingmobile appsandGoogle tools for educational purposes to increase their creativity andinitiative sense to improve communication andcollaboration skills to develop motivation for studying to develop digital competence for educational reasons to develop their multiculturalism to increase their creativity andinitiative sense to improve communication andcollaboration skills to improve their confidence withusingmoderntechnology intheclassroom to practice theusageof digital tools to improve digital competence to benefit/develop knowledge of mobile appsandGoogle tools JE CTIVES 24 Μήνες Vainicher», DjaniRodariprivate school, Agrupamento deEscolas deOurem AFYON SPORLISESI, Istituto IstruzioneSuperiore «IsaConti-Eller Μουσικό Σχολείο Κομοτηνής Digital Competences 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062509_1 - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 97 - - - - ANTS TICIP ACT th students from the other countries and share experiences and share countries the other from with students communicate to competence. and intercultural awareness cultural improve to AR ƒ ƒ son plans or smaller activities, presentations of partner schools, feedback surveys, self-assessment self-assessment surveys, feedback schools, partner of presentations activities, smaller son plans or management papers. project forms; S RESULT more motivated, be more will Participants products. and tangible both intangible create aim to We Schools will process. the learning-teaching engaged in this more of result as a and proficient digitally the 21st century. for students ready educate to capable more students, for attractive more become apps in the and mobile tools Google descriptions about the use of include products tangible Our les feedback, teachers’ courses, training for materials Questionnaires; process. teaching-learning IMP in the teaching apps and tools in using mobile experience get hands-on and students will Teachers active more become as they will school, benefit the entire obviously which will process, and learning and participants interactive more become Classes will modern methods. in the use of and competent ef bear these benefits will All process. in the educational and involved motivated more become will P and they age is 16-17 Students’ – students and teachers. groups main target two involves The project group. the target part of Both boys and girls are students. education general or vocational either are partic will them in each country 20 of too. the exchanges for pool the selection represent They will room.” LTTA3, student exchange, follows the same procedure as above. The topic is mobile apps and apps mobile is topic The as above. the same procedure follows student exchange, LTTA3, room.” tools 2.0 web apps and mobile - student exchange LTTA4, learning. collaborative for tools 2.0 web short- LTTA6, - game-based learning. student exchange LTTA5, and assessment. creation content for report. the Final discussing and compiling the project, of – evaluation training joint-staff term be applied with students. an activity which will prepares country each exchanges, student Before dissemi- the intensive of be the target will the others while events, in the transnational directly ipate the exchanges. after nation activities developed will 52 teachers of meetings – a total in the other country 2 per and in LTTA1 country – 3 per Teachers teachers as accompanying or and LTTA6 as beneficiaries in LTTA1 either events, transnational attend specialisations too. but other Maths teachers, Science, language, IT, mainly They are in LTTA2-5. these, of As a result activities and results. project of dissemination through school on the entire fects - there Schools will teaching. in their use modern technologies to teachers more attract to intend we students in to attractive more become will demands, the 21st century suitability for their increase fore institutions in this field. with local partnerships establish and will areas their VITIES ACTI appsand devices mobile of use the and tools Google on course - training joint-staff short-term LTTA1, use in the class and their tools “Google on 2 is a student exchange LTTA purposes. educational for ƒ ƒ 98 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 Education andCare and H I SCHOOL EDUCATION EARLY SCHOOL ncreasing A igh QualityEarlyChildhood EDUCATION: ccess to Affordableccess ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 99 - - Νηπιαγωγείο Αγίου Μηνά Νεοχωρείου Χίου- Κουτσουράδειος Σχολή Χίου- Κουτσουράδειος Νεοχωρείου Μηνά Αγίου Νηπιαγωγείο o 1 ΠΑΦΟΥ-ΑΝΑΒΑΡΓΟΥ ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ Η’ 12 Μήνες 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062480_1 της Κύπρου Χίου και της πλούτο φυσικό τον Ανακαλύπτοντας Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Διάρκεια Κωδικός Σχεδίου Τίτλος Συντονιστής Εταίροι ities of students’ using digital tools. using digital students’ ities of the impact of to in relation perspectives both teachers’ include will outcomes The assessment of to related attitudes and knowledge and children’s development professional on their the program be will and interviews questionnaires this purpose, For plants. diverse the islands’ of the protection teachers, and parents for seminars through be achieved findings will The dissemination of collected. and by publishing a book. platform twinspace websites, schools’ through out the and organizations three the of development the to contribute significantly will program The activities the implemented of value The added the study. of completion the be used after will comes in Chios age children the preschool to education offered impact on the quality of term a long have will countries. other from with teachers collaborations re futu assist in developing and Cyprus and will prevention measure to school failure and early and early failure school to measure prevention education is a strong childhood High quality early is a significant teachers preschool of development the professional and therefore, learning school The ob- countries. other from colleagues from and learn collaborate wish to we As teachers, priority. a unique constitute will program the Erasmus through teachers participation of active and servation the chance have participants will experiences, of the exchange as apart from experience intercultural culture. local of the development to each island is related of the environment how observe to schools thus, and priority top a as issues environmental on awareness children’s consider Teachers the na- “Discovering titled program an environmental of the implementation through collaborate will be which will the program The participants co-designed Chios and Cyprus Islands”. of treasures ture old) years 4-6 children 51 & teachers (8 Minas Agios of school Kindergarten 1st the at implemented and the old) 4-6 years & 95 children teachers (8 Pafos of the 1st Public kindergarten in Chios-Greece, in Cyprus. 3-6 year-old) & 100 children teachers (9 Pafos of 8th Public Kindergarten the upgrading teachers, of development the professional to related are the program of The objectives - communica digital activities in authentic contexts, learning (open experiences learning students’ of method, English with Clil (teaching practices learning innovative of the promotion students), tion of and the exchange centers) (learning strategies and instructional earth balloon) classroom, outdoor development. sustainable manage and handle countries two the way the to relation in information of by ideas among teachers, of the discussion and exchange through be achieved will The objectives and seminars training by participating in in-service practices, teaching colleagues’ observing other activ collaborative and through both countries of centers by the environmental organized programs η Σχεδίου Περίληψ 100 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 sense thattheyare partof alarger world called Europe. of theparticipantcountries, accept their co -existences and imaginingacommon future, gettingthe ropean countries using various web tools andinternet environments andlearning abouttheculture feeling thejoyof creativity. Duringtheproject children will share their work withchildren of other Eu- the spiritof cooperation andresponsibility produce themselves materials andparticipate inactivities, act andtheyexperience success inthework process. They will implement their new skills, develop have thechance to bemore active, to explore, to observe, analyse andsolve problems, to experiment, responsibilities,accepting thediversity. Teaching will bemore interesting for thechildren andtheywill ferent materials, will learnt through play, cooperation withother children, respecting therules and develop their skillsinresearch, critical andcreative thinkingapproach. They will experiment withdif learning activitiesincombination withselected activitiesof curriculum of pre school education, will ing and teaching process of pre school education. Through using ICT and robotic equipment in daily tional robots andICT equipmentandtheintegration of ICT (including STEAM androbotics) inlearn- The mainproject aimisto improve educators andchildren digital andtechnology skillsusingeduca- 3-6 years old. ties.Equal opportunitieswill begiven to all children withanykindof disabilities. Project isfor children attractive and more interesting activites, using ICT and smart devices in teaching and learning activi- cooperator andmentor ,we will give pupilstheopportunityto gainknowledge bytakingpartinmore and energetic acquisition of knowledge andskillsdefinesthe role of theteacher ascouncilor, By usingcooperative teaching approaches thatrequires theadoptionof methodsof active learning helps children development andtheir smoothsocialization. their deeper comprehension ,enhances to thedevelopment of analytical andsyntheticthinking enhancement of exploratory learning of many different cognitive subjectsandsciences ,facilitates experimenting and searching in thehands of pre school educationpupils ,because contribute to the Τhe new technologies are able to become a valuable tool for expressing, communicating, exploring, kindergartens, asthe first stageof systematic education. required skills andabilitiesthatwill prepare theEuropean citizens of tomorrow societystartingfrom mation andknowledge society”,where they are goingto live in. Itisthuscrucial to give children all the children’s all sidesdevelopment andtheir smoothsocialization, inorder to beready to face the “infor requires a qualityeducationanddevelopment of participatory teaching methods, having asa goal Nowadays, therapidly growing of ICT, shapesanew operation framework of the nursery school that Περίληψη Σχεδίου EARLY SCHOOLEDUCATION Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός 24 Μήνες VIRGEN DELA VEGA, Preschool Põngerjas Aluksnes pirmsskolas izglitibas iestade«SPRIDITIS», Kättilsmålaförskola, Vilniaus r. Mickunu vaiku lopselis-darzelis, 1/Θ Νηπιαγωγείο Ριζαρίου Τρικάλων for Learning! ICT andRoboticsinPre-School Education: A More Attractive Way 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062896_1 - - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 101 - - xpected results are: are: results xpected The creation of web site with learning material, e-twinning project, e books and educational e books and educational e-twinning project, material, learning with site web of The creation games, skill, and pupils digital teachers of The development process. and learning teaching and STEAM)in robotics ICT(including of The Integration ƒ ƒ ƒ ticipate institutions will have materials, equipment, skills and knowledge about their using in learning learning in using their about knowledge skills and equipment, materials, have will institutions ticipate tools web that 50 new use more to learn will that the participating teachers activities.It is expected chil ,by giving to activities learning these skills in daily implement and will applications and internet teaching. of way qualitative and more attractive more a new, dren changes systemic expected It’s institution. partner impact on every a long-term have will This project - method and their knowledge their of the quality improve will Educators in each participant school. curricu- the existing changes to make to be able so they will enough skills, acquire and will ologies in the value added European thus achieving modern times, of the requirements to that responds lum attitude positive children’s to help will project this that believe We education. school pre of quality the necessary who have tomorrow, of citizen European prepare to and contributes learning towards better a for decision right and action for able be to preparing is and life of values the respects skills, taking as a starting point the children. world, ting in a better inves are tomorrow.We The most important e The most ƒ ƒ ƒ be will partners all between cooperation after project, at the end of be created that will results All than more representing shools Six Europe. around teachers for available and active important, very to the opportunity and give in this project cooperate will Europe north and south of 1000 pupils from - Europe their strengthen this cooperation, skills and trough digital their increase to and trainees, staff in the future. be continue will an identity.Cooperation par all and activities and learning teaching to be integrated will technology end, ‘s project the After 102 Βασική Δράση 2 Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 2019 atory andcooperative material, formed for studentsaged4-9. The studentswill acquire knowledge best results. The plannedactivities aimto the studyof thetopic through multiple experiential, explor as asetof interdependent activitiesinwhichall thepartners will playanactive role to achieve the activities andcooperation rules through videos and electronic presentations.The project isdesigned At thefirst meetingeachschool will present thepurpose, theobjectives of theproject, theplanned ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Teachers from 5countries and6schoolsparticipate inthisproject: consciousness andinspire studentsto become active European citizens. interaction with European people and the development of social skills; finally to obtain environmental also to understand thebenefitsof exercise asameansof prevention incombination withdiet, the objectives are thestudents’ learning aboutherbsandto realize thatNature isthebest “pharmacy”; Health andthe value of healthy eatingthrough theinvestigation of theHippocratic theory. Secondary social well-being of thestudentsbyparticipatinginactivitiessoasto understand theimportance of Main purposeof this project is the improvement and promotion of mental, physical health and the “The Importance of DietandExercise from the Age of Hippocrates to Today”. eΤwinning programs ataEuropean level, namely “The Hippocrates inLarissa”, “Cultural Routes” and tudes towards environment andsustainability. The project isacontinuation andexpansion of previous is theideathathumanscansearch for ways of prevention andcure innature andform positive atti- negative effects onhealth, themeaningof theHippocratic sayingsisapriority. The core of theproject other factors- for thepreservation of goodphysical condition. Inaworld constantly changingcausing therapist Hippocrates, who acknowedged the significance of exercise – in combination with diet and healthy eating, exercise andwell-being. Itsinnovation isbasedonthephilosophy of theancientGreek The project “Prevention isbetter thanCure”, addressed to early years educationstudents, ison Περίληψη Σχεδίου EARLY SCHOOLEDUCATION ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Διάρκεια Σχεδίου Εταίροι Συντονιστής Τίτλος Σχεδίου Κωδικός Preschool educationorganization “Saulite”, Latvia, publicschool. labels, International award of BesteTwinning school. Vilkaviskio vaiku lopselis-darzelis Buratinas, Lithuania, publicschool. Οwner of eTwinning school AVE MARIA ESPARRAGUERA, Spain, private school, owner of eTwinning school labels. I.c.1 Imola, Italy, publicschool. 5th publicKindergarten of Farsala, Greece, partner andcoordinator in2Erasmus+KA2 projects. and T4Europe programs, owner of eTwinning labels, awarded withtheeTwinning School Label. 23rd publicKindergarten of Larissa, Greece, applicant organization. ParticipationineTwinning 24 Μήνες Istituto Comprensivo N.1 Imola lopselis-darzelis Buratinas, Pres school educational institution “Saulite”, 5th nipiagogioFarsala, AVE MARIA ESPARRAGUERA, Vilkaviskio vaiku 23 “Prevention isBetter thanCure”, asHippocrates said 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062931_1 ο Νηπιαγωγείο Λάρισας - ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΩΝ 103 - rs the prevention and preservation of health. of and preservation the prevention rs ant habits during adulthood. Also, students will obtain environmental consciousness; will recognize recognize will consciousness; obtain environmental students will Also, ant habits during adulthood. the right choices. make to in order and the environment, health that threaten dangers and attitudes which will standards beneficial assimilates generation that new importance vital of It’s habits and stand- shaping for As young age is the most appropriate life. the quality of affect positively Thus this direction. towards influence a positive have will project that this particular consider we ards, of source be an important will knowledge, transferring being the most important means of school, that in a way behave to benefit students and parents education will Health habits. healthy influencing favo regarding Hippocrates’ viewpoints with the support of TIC, while they ’ll participate in an experiential in an experiential participate ’ll they while TIC, the support of with viewpoints Hippocrates’ regarding study in a field guides” “young be They will city. the coordinating of Museum the Diachronic action at and organize ’ll They Museum. Diachronic the and monument the Hippocrates’ school, Medical the at countries the European of games and recipes traditional know get to Games”, “Olympic in participate In addition the partner project. during the whole be active participation will Parents’ art. and explore schools. at their results the activities and their share schools will in- collaboration, group teaching, exploratory such as applied, are approach experiential Methods of learning. transforming art in education, use of open type dialogues, brainstorming, terdisciplinary, teachers, students, of development and social on the personal effect a positive have will Cooperation an- learn ’ll They identity. European the strengthening thus as a whole, and the school collaborators relationship a healthy develop to be able They’ll games. diet and traditional to related cient phrases, dissimilarity, towards respect By promoting sports. various with in touch as get as well with food, and hygiene in games, safety of rules follow they’ll be reduced; students will of exclusion the social - acting con benefits on students, term long have will results The project’s life. sports and everyday resist that become dietary standards and adopting strong health which affect about issues sciously ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ∆ΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙ∆ΕΙΑΣ, ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ www.iky.gr


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