Camberwell Community Council Agenda

Date: Tuesday January 23 2007 Time: 7.00pm Place: Town Hall, 31 Road, London SE5 8UB

1. Introduction, welcome and Chair’s announcements. 2. Apologies 3. Disclosure of Members’ interests and dispensations 4. Items of business that the Chair deems urgent

Matters from the previous meeting

5. Minutes to be agreed from the meetings held on December 4 2006 (7.05pm) (pages inclusive) 6. Community Council Sub-Groups (7.10pm) 7. Deputations (if any) (7.15pm)

Community items:

8. Refugee Communities Forum’s work in - (7.25pm) 9. Youth Offending Team - Mike Montrose-Francis (7.30pm)

Public Question Time Members of the public are invited to raise issues not already covered on the agenda. There is a question form on page 13 of this agenda, if you wish to submit your question in writing. (7.45pm)

TEA BREAK (8.05pm) An opportunity to talk to Camberwell Councillors, Police and Council officers

Main Business 10. Camberwell Leisure Centre update – Fusion rep (8.20pm) 11. Pest Control update – Allen MacPherson (8.30pm) 12. Elmington Estate Regeneration – Allen MacPherson (8.40pm) 13. Camberwell Street Audit –Diana Bunyan (8.50pm) 14. Section 106 – Alison Squires (8.55pm) 15. Grove Park SPD – Alison Squires (9.00pm) 16. Model Byelaws – David Littleton (9.05pm) 17. Camberwell Post Office (9.10pm)

Chair’s closing remarks (9.15pm)


Dates of all future Main meetings: Dates of all future Planning meetings (all held in the Town Hall)

Monday 5 March 2007 Monday 29 January 2007 Wednesday 25 April 2007 Wednesday 28 February 2007 Monday 2 April 2007 Wednesday 30 May 2007


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Camberwell Community Council Membership

Councillor Ian Wingfield Chair Councillor Sandra Rhule Vice-Chair Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle Councillor John Friary Councillor Peter John Councillor Jenny Jones Councillor Alison McGovern Councillor Christopher Page Councillor Veronica Ward

Carers’ Allowances If you are a Southwark resident and have paid someone to look after your children, or an elderly dependant or a dependant with disabilities, so that you can attend this meeting, you may claim an allowance from the Council. Please collect a claim form from the clerk at the meeting.

Deputations For information on deputations please ask the clerk for the relevant hand-out.

Exclusion of Press and Public The following motion should be moved, seconded and approved if the Community Council wishes to exclude the press and public to deal with reports revealing exempt information.

“That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of information as defined in paragraphs 1-15, Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Constitution.”

Transport Assistance for Disabled Members of the Public Members of the public with a disability who wish to attend Community Council meetings and who require transport assistance in order to access the meeting, are requested to call the meeting clerk at the number below to give his/her contact and address details. The clerk will arrange for a driver to collect the person and provide return transport after the meeting. There will be no charge to the person collected. Please note that it is necessary to call the clerk as far in advance as possible, at least three working days before the meeting.

Wheelchair access The centre is wheelchair accessible. For further information, please contact the Camberwell Community Council Development Officer: Caroline Chalklin Phone: 020 7525 7385 E-mail: [email protected] Council Website:

Language Needs If you want information on the Community Councils translated into your language please telephone 020 7525 57514/. To inform us of any special needs or requirements, such as transport or signer/interpreter, please telephone 020 752 57514


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Date Monday December 4 2006 Venue Southwark Town Hall, Peckham Road, SE5 8UB Start time 7.00pm Finish time 10.10pm In attendance Cllrs Wingfield, Rhule, Ward, Friary, John, Page, Jones, and McGovern Absent Apologies received Councillor Dixon-Fyle, Councillor McGovern (lateness) Urgent items There were none Members’ interests Two Members declared interests in Item12: Cleaner Greener Safer: and dispensations Councillor Friary declared an interest as a trustee of Camberwell After school Club; Councillor Page declared an interest in the Havil Street Transport Feasibility Study.

Q1 Is our Community Council aware of the diabolical way the Grosvenor Estate has been treated by our Written Council in relation to a 5-storey block of flats to be erected at 45 Urlwin Street? The Head of Question Department & the Borough Solicitor in their report actually state “the failure of officers to actively support the Planning Committee’s decision has the potential to erode community confidence” – well, let me tell you it has! Why is there not a challenge at the High Court when Planning Aid provided the ammunition to do this? This is not even mentioned in the Report. We believe maladministration has taken place. A1 The Strategic Director of Regeneration took the decision not to proceed with a legal challenge to the Inspector’s decision. This decision took into account the strength of feeling as expressed by residents directly and through this question. It also took into account advice on the views expressed by Planning Aid.

The decision has been called in by Overview and Scrutiny. Q2 As Editor of Peckham Society News, last week yet again I had a bad experience with the call centre. I Written needed information from the excellent Newington Reference Library. I wasted six minutes before Question being cut off, without getting through to the library. What action is being taken to stop the inefficiency of the very expensive call centre? Residents are becoming angry and frustrated. The next day he was put through to the wrong part of the Newington Library. A2 From March 2006 Southwark's Customer Service Centre took over the answering of first contact library calls made by the public. It was envisioned that this would mean that librarians, instead of answering calls, would be able to better run the libraries and add value to the service. The main aim of this was for roles such as PC bookings and book renewals to be centralised to add efficiency and give a better service to the public Overall

5 this has worked. Currently the average call waiting on the libraries services is 32 seconds and we answer 93% of all the calls that are offered. This has been a huge improvement from earlier this year and we are working to achieve even more.

This being said we do understand that problems do arise, especially with services such as the reference library. Because of the nature of the library some people will need to speak to them directly, and we do try to connect these people to the library. We are working closely with Libraries such as the Newington Reference Library to see how we can provide a better service and how customers can access information easier and talk to the librarians without having to wait.

For the moment if you do need to speak to the reference library then please do not hesitate to call. If you do experience any problems then please ask to speak to a resolution officer or a supervisor who will be happy to assist.

Q3 All responsible dog owners are very disturbed by the Parks Department ushering in a new policy about Written dogs in parks. This is on the back of “new signage”, whereby all dogs must be kept on leads in the Question majority of Southwark’s parks. There was no expert advice sought (veterinary surgeons or the RSPCA), nor were dog walkers consulted. This will have a drastic effect upon the physical and psychological welfare of owners and animals alike.

We would like the Parks Department to reverse the decision and maintain the policy of the last 30 years of “Keep dogs under control”. A majority of users in parks on weekdays and in the winter months are dog walkers. A3 The Council does not intend to ban dogs being allowed to exercise off the lead in Southwark's parks from January 2007. No additional resources will be allocated to make owners put their dogs on leads.

The Council has, however, introduced new signage asking dog owners to keep their dogs on lead in public open spaces. This has been done because there is a small minority of dog owners who do not keep their dogs under control and do not clear up after their animals to the detriment of other park users. In some instances, unrestrained dogs are intimidating other park users and there have been several biting incidents. The new signage will make it possible for the Warden service to give clear instructions to members of the public to bring their animals under control in such circumstances.

The Council recognises that many dog owners are responsible and do control their dogs and pick up after them. Responsible dog owners need have no fear of being penalised for having their dogs off lead as long as they can demonstrate that their animals are under control.

The Council does recognise the importance of dogs to many of the Borough's residents and the contribution that they make to the physical and mental health of their owners. Considerable sums are expended to provide dog bins and dog exercise areas, to remove dog waste from the public domain and on programmes to support responsible dog ownership across the Borough.

Extensive consultation took place in advance of putting up the new signage (including the Friends of Burgess Park).

It is not the Council’s intention to discourage dog owners from using Southwark’s parks. This measure is solely aimed at the mindless minority who are not concerned to act responsibly and respect the needs of the many and varied users of Southwark's parks.

Q4 Recently the pavement area around the bus stop outside McDonald’s was restricted, as there was a Written large hole and cracked pavement. Was this due to the Council’s contractors, and who is responsible Question for repairing it? This really needs of instant attention. A4 The area outside McDonald’s was inspected and a number of serious defects were reported for immediate repair. The carriageway and footway repairs are due for completion on 6/12/06. Responsibility for the repairs lies with the Council’s highway maintenance team and our partner contractors.


Q5 Could we ask TfL, or the Bus Company to provide gutters on bus shelters, as rain pours off the edge Written of shelters (Dulwich has lovely shelters!)? Question A5 An officer is writing to TfL and the bus companies on this issue, to ask what their policy is regarding bus shelter design and rainwater run off. Q6 Councillor Friary stated that two stray bullets had hit the outside of his flat during the fatal shooting outside the Aristocrats nightclub in Camberwell. The club had applied to the Council’s Licensing Committee for a variation in its licence for the extension of hours, been turned down, and then successfully applied for an occasional event licence. Why can’t the club have its licence revoked? A6 The Council now has the power to revoke premises licences should there be evidence of a linkage between the operation of the club and criminal activity. In the case of the Aristocrats nightclub there is no such linkage. The Borough Commander stated that there is a social need for nightclubs, but managers of club have a responsibility to the community to make their premises safe for the community. Q7 Councillor Friary asked if there had been any arrests for the fatal shooting. A7 The Borough Commander responded that an arrest had been made as a consequence of the police investigation, but that no one had been charged with the actual shooting. Teams of police have been obtaining warrants and storming premises suspected of containing weapons in co-operation with officers from Operation Trident. A number of weapons have been recovered and thereby removed from circulation. Q8 A resident expressed concern that the Government was cutting funding for Police & Community Support Officers. A8 The Borough Commander said that he, too, was concerned, and he would be fighting to retain PCSOs. Q9 Are the reserve Cleaner Greener Safer projects listed in priority order? A9 No, the choice of substitute projects would be a Member Decision. Q10 Why was the bid for gates for Hascombe Terrace left out off the list of approved projects? A10 No gates can be put up for Hascombe Terrace without the agreement of all residents in the Terrace. Q11 A resident objected to the building at 67 Crawford Road not being called by its correct name ‘The King George VI Memorial Hall’. He said that the Queen Mother had herself planted trees in the garden. Councillor Page expressed concern that a community resource was being lost A11 The Council has spent 18 months in discussions with the Primary Care Trust and King’s College Hospital, trying to find viable options for the use of the site, without success.

The Council has only a small financial interest in the site; the leaseholders, represented by Age Concern, will have to be bought out to acquire possession, and the Council will have to sell the site to recover the cost of buying out the lessee. The Council was protective of the site’s D1 use (that is, community use). Q12 Why was the building reroofed? Work to re-roof the property at 67 Crawford Road began in August 1999.This work was done to make the property wind and water tight and was prompted because of fears that flooding and water ingress caused by the defective roof covering posed a danger to the users of the building. Particular concern was raised in relation to the interaction of water and the electrical system/fittings.

7 The following identifies the actions arising from the above meeting.

The first named Officer is the person responsible for initiating and coordinating the action required.

NB: The item number relates to the agenda item number where possible.

Item number Summary of the action or decision 4 Action: That the Executive be requested to support the routing of the Cross-River Tram down Wells Way and Southampton Way (the ‘Blue’ route). [The motion was carried with one abstention.] 4 Action: That the Youth Offending Team present a report on their services to the next meeting. 5 Decision: That the Community Council supports the judicial review of the decision to uphold the Planning Application for development of 45 Urlwin Street at appeal. Public Questions Action: That the Chair write to the Leader and the Chief Executive about the scheduling of meetings concurrent with Camberwell Community Council meetings. 12. Action: That John Marten be given full details of the Business AlertBox scheme 12. Decision: That the Cleaner Greener Safer projects in the schedule of projects E prioritised for funding below be approved, subject to the removal of project 56 (Greendale cycle path bollards) and the £8,000 funding from project 56 be transferred to reserve project 65 (Sunray Avenue to Denmark Hill Estate bollards). 12. Action: That the Executive be requested to provide additional resources to the officers researching Cleaner Greener Safer bids. 12. Action: That the Executive be requested to provide funding for a feasibility study of environmental improvements to Camberwell Town Centre. 12. Action: That the Executive be requested to provide funding for the late bids from the Grosvenor Estate. Members’ Decision: That Ms V Deejua be appointed to Dog Kennel Hill Primary School Decisions Governing body. E


The information included in this form, together with the attached notes, form the minutes from the above meeting and have been agreed as a true and accurate recording of that meeting. Any necessary amendments shall be detailed in the Summary of Actions held at the Town Hall by the relevant Community Councils Development Officer.

Chair Date

9 TAKEnote Camberwell Community Council

Notes from the meeting of Monday December 4 2006 Issue no. 9 The Council Chamber, Southwark Town Hall, SE5 8UB

Main items at this meeting Gun crime and policing issues Gun crime and policing issues The community council meeting was focused on providing information to special meeting residents, on the actions of the council and the metropolitan police to reduce or prevent violent crime in Camberwell. This followed a fatal shooting of a young • Licensing of clubs man outside a Camberwell nightclub called ‘Aristocrats’. • The Borough Commander

• Southwark Police Community Consultative Committee Licensing of clubs and pubs Richard Parkin, head of Southwark’s licensing unit, addressed the community council. Main business He told residents that a local group had been formed with the licensing unit, the • Results of cleaner greener trading standards team, the police, the social services department and the planning safer unit. This group means that intelligence can be shared about the operation of premises holding licenses. Recently, work has started in partnership with the police • The King George VI Memorial and customs & excise towards reducing alcohol misuse. Finally, a nightclub has had its Hall, at 67 Crawford Road licence revoked, due to a clear link between the operation of the club and crime. Meanwhile, a review has taken place of the council’s licensing policy, and Southwark’s • Sub-groups council assembly will hear a report on this in January 2007. There was no evidence that a ‘saturation’ policy was required in Southwark – that is refusing licenses when there are too many licensed premises in an area. The licensing unit is concentrating on working with 40-50 licensed premises to ensure they are operated responsibly. Concern was expressed that nightclubs that had criminal incidents outside their premises were still allowed to operate; Richard Parkin explained that there had to be a clear link between the operation of a club and the criminal activity before a club could have its licence revoked. A resident spoke up for Aristocrats, saying that the premises were used for the training of security staff during the day, and the owner tries hard to deal with any problems in the club. The resident said that just because the club was open late did not mean that it was responsible for the actions of people in the street. Another resident said that she lived between two clubs, and, after hours patrons stand in the street playing loud music. She felt that the management of the clubs were responsible for the behaviour of their patrons. For further information please contact Richard Parkins at [email protected] TAKEnote

Cleaner greener safer Camberwell residents submitted proposals for environmental improvements costing in total £2,000,000. The number of bids was Crime in Camberwell double the number of bids last year. In all, 22 projects have been approved, and there Malcolm Tillyer, the Borough Commander for Southwark, told is a short ‘reserve’ list of projects that will Camberwell residents that the hotspots for crime in be funded if one of the approved projects Southwark do not change over time; he had set up two teams cannot go ahead. If money becomes to cover the hotspots in north & south Southwark for street available for an additional project members robbery. These will be dedicated teams that will patrol crime will choose off the ‘reserve’ list. The projects hotspots. on the reserve list are in no particular order. Work is taking place, using innovative methods, with young For further details, please contact people and children, with the intention of steering them Sophie Wedgewood Charlotte Glazier on 020 7525 0859 away from crime. An arrest has been made in connection with the incident outside Aristocrats club, but no one has yet been charged The King George VI Memorial with the shooting. Malcolm Tillyer said the police are aware Hall, at 67 Crawford Road of the number of shootings that have taken place in Camberwell. Local police are co-operating with officers from The Memorial Hall is owned by Southwark Council, but had Operation Trident in raiding households suspected of hiding been let to an organisation providing care for the elderly; Age weapons, and a number of weapons have been recovered. Concern represents the lessee organisation. The council withdrew funding for the services of the original lessee in The Borough Commander said that only a very small minority 2000, as concern grew about the dilapidation of the building. commit crimes, and it is safe to walk round the borough. The Since then the building has been left vacant, used by street total number of violent crimes has decreased by 20% since drinkers and is the focus of anti-social behaviour. This has April 2006. contributed to the further deterioration of the building. Residents expressed concern that the number of police and To resolve this situation, council officers have been in community support officers will be reduced, as the negotiation with King’s College Hospital and the Southwark government is cutting funding. The Borough Commander Primary Care Trust for 18 months. However, the talks have not said that he would fight to retain the number of P&CS officers. resulted in a use for the building. He felt that nightclubs meet a social need, but managers need The council has now decided to resolve the situation by buying to realise they have a big responsibility to the community. the remainder of the lease from Age Concern, and recovering He told residents that if club managers worked with the the cost of this by selling the building and site on the open police to make their premises safe, the police would cause no market. Property services are protective of the building’s D1 problems. If managers would not work with the police, then use, that is, the site is designated for community use. the police would work to shut the clubs down. For further information please contact Phil Davies on 020 7525 2387

Camberwell community council’s The Southwark Police sub groups underway Community Consultative The community council’s sub groups are now well on the way Committee (PCCC) to becoming established with almost all meeting before Christmas. The groups are led by Camberwell councillors, and The Vice-Chair of the PCCG said that gang warfare was on the each group covers a topic that affects all Camberwell residents. increase; some young people are prone to take out a gun or There are still a few places left on the groups, residents can knife rather than respect each other. Such gangs are the choose between transport, regeneration, crime & safety, , the Muslim Boys and the Peckham Boys. This is a health, youth and the environment. cross-borough problem in the Camberwell area. However, it was important to concentrate on the 99% of young people To join a sub group, contact Caroline Chalklin on 020 7525 7385, who are doing well. who will pass your details on to the appropriate councillor.

Next meeting Tuesday January 23 2007 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, 31 Peckham Road, SE5 8UB.

Take Note and agendas available in other languages, Braille, tape or large print. Call 020 7525 7514 to order.

Camberwell Community Council Tuesday January 23 2007

Public Question form

Your name:

Your mailing address:

What is your question or comment?

Please return to Nadine James or any Councillor at the start of the meeting or send in advance (at least three days before the meeting) to Caroline Chalklin, Community Council Development Team, Room 34, West House, Town Hall, Peckham Road, London SE5 8UB. 12



NOTE: Original held by Community Councils Development Team; amendments to Caroline Chalklin (Tel: 020 7525 7385) OPEN COPIES OPEN COPIES

To all Members of the Community Council: EXTERNAL Councillor Ian Wingfield Chair Geoffrey Banister Councillor Sandra RhuleVice-Chair Audit Commission Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle 2nd Floor, Central House, Town Hall 1 Councillor Peter John Councillor Alison McGovern Councillor John Friary S.A.V.O. 1 Councillor Christopher Page Hannibal House , Councillor Veronica Ward Elephant & Castle , Councillor Jenny Jones 9 London SE1 6TE

Other Councillors Chief Superintendent Malcolm Tyller 1 Councillor Fiona Colley 1 Borough Commander Southwark Police Station 323 Borough High Street London SE1 1JL Libraries 6 Local Studies Library 1 Press: TRADE UNIONS Southwark News 1 John Mulrenan, UNISON Southwark Branch 1 Evening Standard 1 Roy Fielding, GMB/APEX 1 South London Press 1 Alan Milne TGWU/ACTS 1 Tony O’Brien, UCATT 1 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT Harriet Harman, M.P. 1 NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSING OFFICES Tessa Jowell, M.P. 1 Camberwell Area Housing Office 1

Valerie Shawcross 1 GLA Building City Hall TOTAL DISTRIBUTION 230 Queen's Walk London SE17 2AA Dated: 15 January 2007

Constitutional Support Officer 160