NMSR No.: E3214






JUNE 2009

N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029


This site was located in the townland of Ballyrogan Lower, c. 8.5km north northeast of Arklow, Co. Wicklow. The archaeological excavation was carried out by Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd. on behalf of Wicklow County Council and the National Roads Authority in advance of the construction of the N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement.

The site was identified during archaeological testing carried out by IAC Ltd. under the same contract during July 2005. The testing revealed three pits and a linear feature.

The excavation at this site revealed three pits and a linear feature. These pits were dated to the post-medieval/modern period where a two sigma radiocarbon date of AD 1660–1950 was recorded from a sample of ash (Fraxinus excelsior), willow (Salix sp) and hazel (Corylus avellana) charcoal which was recovered from the fill of one of the pits. The species identified are generally not preferred for charcoal production which rules out this possible interpretation. The fact that the charcoal was collected from freshly growing trees rather than dead wood would suggest that the pits were used for burning timber/scrub associated with field clearance.

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd i N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029


The archaeological excavation at Ballyrogan Lower Co. Wicklow was carried out on behalf of Wicklow County Council and the National Roads Authority in advance of the construction of the N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement.

Consulting Engineers Engineer – Halcrow Barry Consulting Engineers Resident Engineer – Steve Hannaby and Rob Merridew

RDO Wicklow County Council Senior Engineer – Tom O’Leary Project Archaeologist – Noel Dunne Project Liaison Officer – Ruwelly Shenje

National Monuments, DoEHLG Archaeologist – Martin Reid

Irish Antiquities Division, National Museum of Ireland Keeper – Nessa O’Connor

ii Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029


Abstract i

Acknowledgements ii

Contents iii

List of Figures v

List of Plates v

1 Introduction 1 1.1 Site Location 1 1.2 The Scope of the Project 1 1.3 Circumstances and Dates of Fieldwork 2

2 Archaeological Background 3 2.1 Project Location and Site Topography 3 2.2 Archaeological Landscape 3 2.2.1 Post-medieval / Modern landscape 4 2.2.2 Site Specific Archaeological Landscape 4 2.2.3 Typological Background 5

3 Methodology 6 3.1 Introduction 6 3.2 Methodology 6 3.3 Report Production Methodology 6

4 Excavation Results 8 4.1 Group I – Natural Geology 8 4.2 Group II – 18th/19th Century Activity 8 4.3 Group III – Topsoil/Modern Material 10

5 Synthesis and Discussion 12 5.1 Physical Setting 12 5.2 Summary of the Site Specific Archaeological Landscape 12 5.3 Summary of Excavation Results 12 5.4 Summary of the Specialist Analysis 12 5.5 Discussion 13

6 Bibliography 14



Appendix 1 Catalogue of Primary Data Appendix 1.1 Context Register Appendix 1.2 Artefact Catalogue Appendix 1.3 Archive Index Appendix 2 Specialist Reports Appendix 2.1 Charcoal and Wood ID Report Appendix 2.2 Radiocarbon Dating Report

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Appendix 2.3 Medieval, Post – Medieval and Modern Pottery Report Appendix 3 List of N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Site Names

iv Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029

List of Figures Figure 1 Site A022/029 E3214, Site location on OS Discovery Series Background Figure 2 Site A022/029 E3214, Showing RMP and OS background Figure 3 Site A022/029 E3214, Showing detail of site within development Figure 4 Site A022/029 E3214, Plan Figure 5 Site A022/029 E3214, Sections through [C8], [C14] and [C10] Figure 6 Site A022/029 E3214, Site Matrix

List of Plates Plate 1 Mid-excavation view of pit [C8], facing east Plate 2 Post-excavation view of pit [C8], facing east Plate 3 Post-excavation view of pit [C10], facing east Plate 4 Mid-excavation view of ditch/gully [C14], facing northwest

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This final report provides comment and analysis on the archaeological excavation carried out in the townland of Ballyrogan Lower, Co. Wicklow (Figure 1) as part of an archaeological mitigation programme associated with the N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement. Archaeological fieldwork was directed by Goorik Dehaene for Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd. (IAC Ltd.) and was funded by Wicklow County Council and the National Roads Authority.

1.1 Site Location This site was located in Ballyrogan Lower townland, parish and the barony of Arklow to the immediate west of the current N11, c. 8.5km north northeast of Arklow town (Wicklow OS sheet 36). The site was:

• Site Ballyrogan Lower, Ministerial Direction No.: A022/029, NMS Registration No.: E3214, Route Chainage (Ch) 4100 NGR 327702/181146.

The site was identified as a result of a test trenching exercise undertaken by IAC Ltd. under the same contract in July 2005 (Ministerial Direction No.: A022/003, Dave Bayley). The route was divided into 14 different test areas for the initial ground testing / assessment phase. The site was located c. 50m northeast of an area of archaeological potential recognised by the EIS (Margeret Gowen Ltd., 2004) as the remnants of a possible field boundary. This site is located in gently undulating land that was under rough pasture. The site area measured 20m by 20m (400m²).

1.2 The Scope of the Project The proposed N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement is located between the northern limit of the N11 Arklow By-pass dual carriageway in the townland of Ballinaskea and the southern limit of the N11 to Ballynabarney Road Improvement in the townland of Ballinaclogh, . It consists of approximately 16.3km of new dual carriageway, approximately 19km of new single carriageway local, regional and accommodation access roads, two grade separated interchanges, and several bridge/culvert river crossings. There are also a significant number of minor road realignments/modifications included in the scheme.

The route commences at the north end of the full width dual carriageway section of the N11 Arklow By-pass. It involves the widening of the existing N11 corridor on it’s east side as far as Scratenagh Cross Roads where it crosses the proposed mainline to run generally on-line with widening to the west side of the existing carriageway.

An overbridge is proposed immediately north of Scratenagh to allow local traffic from adjacent county roads to cross over the dual carriageway. Access to existing communities and properties adjacent to the existing N11 will be maintained by the provision of an all-purpose local access road which will run parallel to the proposed dual carriageway. This all purpose road (to be called the R772) will utilise significant lengths of existing N11 carriageway, with new single carriageway constructed where required to complete the route.

The proposed dual carriageway alignment passes west of Jack White’s Cross Roads and a grade-separated interchange is proposed at this location to provide local access from the all purpose road. Continuing north the alignment follows the line of the existing N11 to Kilmurry North where the preferred route then runs off-line to the east before crossing over the existing N11 at Ballinameesda Upper adjacent to Lil Doyle’s Public House. It then swings to the northwest, off the line of the existing

1 Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029

N11, passing between the townlands of Ballinameesda Upper and Ballinameesda Lower before sweeping northeast. Access will be maintained by the construction of three new underbridges where the proposed mainline crosses the existing side roads on the L5664 to Kilbride, the L5158 to Kilboy and the L1157 to Ballinameesda Upper.

To the north of Ballinameesda Upper the alignment runs parallel and to the west of the existing carriageway swinging from a northwest line at Ballinameesda Upper to a northeast direction at Roscath. This alignment avoids crossing the line of the existing N11 at the Tap which enables the existing N11 to be used as an all purpose road for local traffic between the Beehive and Jack White’s.

North of Coolacork and Roscath the preferred route will run parallel with the west side of the N11 until it reaches the R751 and the ‘The Beehive’ junction. A second grade-separated interchange is proposed just to the west of ‘The Beehive’ junction. Thereafter the preferred route converges on the tie-in point with the south end of the N11 Newtownmountkennedy to Ballynabarney Road Improvement near Ballinaclogh.

1.3 Circumstances and Dates of Fieldwork

The excavations were undertaken to offset the adverse impact of road construction on known and potential subsoil archaeological remains in order to preserve these sites by record.

Topsoil stripping of the area commenced on 29/06/2006. The order and date of the excavation is as follows:

• Cleaning back and pre-excavation planning commenced on the 29/06/2006 with a team of 1 field director, 1 assistant archaeologist and 2 general operatives.

• All features were subsequently fully excavated and recorded by hand, using the single context recording system with plans and sections being produced at a scale of 1:50 or 1:20 (sections were recorded generally at 1:10) and photographs where necessary. All works were carried out in agreement with the Project Archaeologist, the National Monuments Section of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Samples were taken of any environmental and dateable material.

• Excavation and recording of all features were completed by 07/07/2006.

The archive is currently stored in IAC’s facility in Lismore, Co Waterford and will ultimately be deposited with the National Museum of Ireland. All excavation and post excavation works were carried out in consultation and agreement with the Project Archaeologist, the National Monuments Section of the DOEHLG and the National Museum of Ireland.

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2.1 Project Location and Site Topography Wicklow is a coastal county in the southeast corner of Ireland. It has an area of 2025 square kilometres of diverse topography and 40km of coastline along the . The physical characteristics of the county have created two dramatically different environments, divided by a ridge of granite known as the that extend south from Bay as far as Mount Brandon in Co Kilkenny. The soils of the county have developed on glacial materials deposited by successive glaciations. Generally, the soils in the county are fertile except for the peaty podzols, notable in the central upland areas (Stout 1994).The lowland coastal plains with fertile glacial soils are on the east whilst the peaty podzols in the upland mountainous region of the northwest and southwest pose a more isolated terrain. The Ballinaskea to Ballinaclogh section of the N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement travels approximately south to north through relatively flat countryside in the southeast of County Wicklow. There are gentle hills in the area, for example, Ballymurrin and Ballinameesda Upper and Lower – but generally the landscape is below 120m. Drainage is provided by small rivers, such as Potter’s River, Three Mile Water River, Redcross River and the many streams and tributaries feeding into them. Much of the land through which the proposed route passes are grazing fields, and there are boggy areas in several places, such as Roscath, Ballinameesda Upper, Togher, Ballyclogh North, Scratenagh and Cranagh. Plantation forestry exists in the townland of Ballinameesda Upper, mainly overlying the poorer land and pockets of mature woodland occur in Ballard Upper and Lower and Ballyrogan Lower.

Traditionally this is an area consisting of good farmland and through the practices of farming the enclosed landscape has changed very little from 1838 (the 1st edition Ordnance Survey map). The majority of the land is under pasture with little tillage. A survey of the townland names of the region has revealed that they clearly reflect the topography and land use of this small area, particularly before the advent of intensive farming and land drainage schemes. The townland names echo a landscape of scrubby thickets, pasture, perhaps cultivated hazel and willow groves and one or two ploughed fields, punctuated with a few small churches and houses; a landscape that alternates between small rock-strewn hills and low marshy basins (Halcrow Barry Ltd., 2004). It was determined that none of the names of the thirty townlands through which this stretch of road passes relates directly to pre-Christian monuments.

This site was located in Ballyrogan Lower townland, Redcross parish and the barony of Arklow to the immediate west of the current N11, c. 8.5km north northeast of Arklow. The site was situated in flat land previously being used for pasture, located c. 50m northeast of an area of archaeological potential recognised by the EIS (Margeret Gowen Ltd., 2004).

2.2 Archaeological Landscape As part of the general research along the scheme and the particular research focussed on this site, the known archaeology from the surrounding environment was assessed. This involved the review of information from the EIS (Margeret Gowen Ltd., 2004), SMR records, previous excavations and developments, as well as any other relevant documentary sources including mapping, and the results of other excavations carried out as part of the N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement. It also involved typological research based on the nature and date of the excavated archaeology. The predominant archaeology identified across the scheme consisted of burnt mounds dating mostly to the early and middle Bronze Age. The excavation

3 Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 at this site revealed three pits and a linear feature. This has been dated to the post medieval / modern period.

2.2.1 Post Medieval / Modern Landscape With the ending of the Williamite Wars, County Wicklow, like the rest of Ireland, entered an era of comparative political calm. Consequently, the county's landowners, now secure in their positions, commenced the building of new mansions. They were now in a position to experiment with the latest styles of architecture without the need to refer to defensive matters. At the outset many landowners were constrained by a lack of resources and therefore the first generation mansions were of relatively modest scale and relatively plain in appearance. However as the sense of security of the Irish aristocracy grew over the following decades their greater access to wealth helped foster a shift towards more ostentatious buildings.

Palladianism was to dominate architecture in both Ireland and Britain in the half century after 1714. County Wicklow possesses two of the finest examples of large Palladian mansions to be seen anywhere in both countries, Powerscourt House (1731–40) and Russborough House (1741–48), both the work of the German-born architect, Richard Castle (1690–1751). Although few landowners could aspire to the exuberant grandeur of a Powerscourt or a Russborough, many of the succeeding generations of landowners were affluent enough to make important architectural statements. The boom in country house building, which characterised much of the first half of the 19th century, and indeed, the century before that, tailed off almost completely by the 20th century. There are no large estates within the immediate vicinity of the proposed route, and it does not truncate any areas of parkland.

2.2.2 Site Specific Archaeological Landscape The immediate landscape in Ballyrogan Lower contains two burnt spread sites. Site A022/027 returned a middle Bronze Age date, while Site A022/030 was not dated but is interpreted as being Bronze Age. The present site (A022/029) and Site A022/028 were also excavated in Ballyrogan Lower, but were not of archaeological significance.

To the south of Ballyrogan Lower, in Scratenagh several sites were recorded dating from the late Neolithic to the middle Bronze Age. Six burnt mound sites (Sites A022/021 – 026) were excavated in Scratenagh. Five of these sites were dated to between the late Neolithic and the middle Bronze Age while the sixth (Site A022/025) returned a late Bronze Age / early Iron Age date.

To the north, in Ballynapark, three burnt mound sites were excavated. Of these, lithic analysis at Site A022/035 dated one phase of activity to the Neolithic, probably the middle Neolithic. Radiocarbon dating indicted an early Bronze Age date for the remainder of the activity on site. Site A022/038 returned an early to middle Bronze Age date. No radiocarbon date was returned from Site A022/039, but it is interpreted as being Bronze Age in date. Site A022/032 in nearby townland Cranagh returned an early Bronze Age date. Two other sites in Cranagh, Sites A022/033 and A022/034, also returned early Bronze Age dates. Both were possible pit burials.

Post-medieval sites in the vicinity of the N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement comprise Raths and Ringforts in Ballinacor. These typically earlier monuments in Ballinacor have shown continuous settlement up to the early modern period (Long 1994, 257). Lewis also notes the presence of an old rath in Ballyrogan (1837, Vol 2, 511).

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There are two recorded monuments within 1km of the site, an enclosure (WI036:019) c. 780m east-southeast of the site in Raherd townland and a mound (WI036:021) c. 925m southeast of the site in Coolmore townland. Neither of these sites are contemporary, post-medieval sites.

2.2.3 Typological Background The pits recorded at this site were initially thought to be charcoal production pits. However, analysis of the charcoal recovered indicated that the species identified, ash, hazel and willow were lighter woods and are generally not preferred for charcoal production. The charcoal was also fresh, which suggests it was collected from freshly growing trees. This would suggest that the pits were associated with tree/scrub burning associated with field clearance or land improvement.

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3.1 Introduction The excavation of Site A022/029, Ballyrogan Lower was undertaken as part of archaeological mitigation for the N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement in the townland of Ballyrogan Lower.

3.2 Methodology The topsoil was reduced to the interface between natural and topsoil using a 20 tonne excavator machine equipped with a flat toothless bucket under strict archaeological supervision. The remaining topsoil was removed by the archaeological team with the use of shovels, hoes and trowels in order to expose and identify the archaeological remains. A site grid was set up at 5m intervals and was subsequently calibrated to the national grid using GPS survey equipment.

All features were subsequently fully excavated by hand and recorded using the single context recording system with plans and sections being produced at a scale of 1:50, 1:20 or 1:10 as appropriate.

A complete photographic record was maintained throughout the excavation. Digital photographs were taken of all features and of work in progress.

An environmental strategy was devised at the beginning of the excavation. Features exhibiting large amounts of carbonised material were the primary targets.

All artefacts uncovered on site were dealt with in accordance with the guidelines as issued by the NMI and where warranted in consultation with the relevant specialists. The archive is currently stored in IAC’s facility in Lismore, Co Waterford and will ultimately be deposited with the National Museum of Ireland.

All dating of the site was carried out by means of AMS (Accellerator Mass Spectometry) Radiocarbon Dating of identified and recommended charcoal samples. The calibrated radiocarbon date is quoted to two sigma.

3.3 Report Production Methodology Groups and subgroups For the purpose of this report the archaeological remains are described by way of sub-groups (stratigraphically connected contexts, generally derived from a defined and stratigraphically independent archaeological action or sequence of actions). Groups define related sub-groups. Phasing of the site is based on the grouping of the groups, and this is described in the discussion (Section 5).

In the following text, the author has used three types of brackets: { } = These enclose Subgroup numbers. ( ) = These enclose Deposit/Fill numbers [ ] = These enclose both Cut and Masonry Structure numbers

The author has allocated Subgroup numbers starting from {1000} to avoid confusion with existing context numbers.

Example: • Subgroup {1005} consists of Cut [x] and fills (y) and (z)

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• Subgroup {1007} consists of Cut [a] and fill (b), Cut [c] and fill (d), Cut [e] and fill (f). Cuts [a], [c], and [e] have been shown to be related and can therefore be placed in one collective Subgroup.

All sites on the scheme have been referenced in the text with their site code and townland. A full list of sites from the scheme is available in Appendix 3.

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4.1 GROUP I: Natural Geology

4.1.1 Subgroup: {1001} Natural Subsoil Contexts: C Type Fill of Filled Depth Length Width Description Interpretation Area by (m) (m) (m) 2 Subsoil - - - - - Varied subsoil. Mid-brown sandy Subsoil - clay and grey sandy gravel

Finds: None

Interpretation: The natural subsoil was uniform across the site. The composition was consistent and the topography was level.

GROUP I Discussion: Natural Geology Group Subgroup Subgroup Type Period by Finds/Stratigraphy Period by Group Interpretation Interpretation 1 1001 Natural Subsoil N/A Natural Geology

The natural geology of the site comprised a level mid brown sandy clay.

4.2 GROUP II: 18th/19th Century Activity

4.2.1 Subgroup {1002}: Pit C10 Contexts: C Type Fill of Filled Depth Length Width Description Interpretation Area by (m) (m) (m) 10 Cut - C11 0.55 1.08 0.87 Semi oval in shape. Gradual break Pit Cut 101E of slope at top. Imperceptible 94N break of slope at base. Concave base. 11 Fill C10 - 0.25 1.23 0.83 Black charcoal-rich fill with a very Pit Fill 101E loose compaction. Occasional 94N small stone inclusions.

Finds: None

Interpretation: This feature comprised a pit in the centre of the site. The feature comprised a rounded cut [C10] with a rounded base filled with a charcoal rich fill (C11) (Figures 4 and 5; Plate 3). This fill (C11) was almost entirely composed of charcoal.

A sample of this charcoal rich material (C11) was processed for species identification. This analysis identified the presence of hazel (Corylus avellana), ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and willow (Salix sp). It was noted that the charcoal was fresh, which suggests that it was collected from freshly growing trees rather than dead wood gathered as dry kindling from the forest floor. The species identified indicate dryland (ash and hazel) and wetter (willow) environments (O’Carroll, Appendix 2.1).

A sample of this charcoal was submitted for AMS dating and returned a two sigma radiocarbon date of AD 1660–1950 (WK 20662, Appendix 2.2). This late date indicates that the pit was associated with tree-burning connected with land improvement. The species identified are generally not preferred for charcoal

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd 8 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 production as they are light woods and do not burn for as long as denser wood such as oak.

4.2.2 Subgroup: {1003} Pit C8 Contexts: C Type Fill of Filled Depth Length Width Description Interpretation Area by (m) (m) (m) 4 Fill C8 - 0.08 0.79 0.56 Grey, sandy clay with a tight Pit fill 100E compaction. Occasional small 95N stones and charcoal inclusions.

6 Fill C8 0.1 1.63 0.83 Black, charcoal-rich fill of loose Pit fill 100E compaction. 96N 7 Fill C8 - 0.09 1.63 0.8 Grey clay of hard compaction. Pit fill 100E Occasional charcoal inclusions 96N from fill from C6. 8 Cut - C4, C6, 0.2 1.63 0.83 Semi oval in shape with a gradual Pit cut 100E C7 break. The sides were concave 96N and the break of the slope at the base was imperceptible.

Finds: None

Interpretation: This feature comprised a sub-oval shaped pit in the centre of the site, 0.6 m north of pit [C10]. The cut of the feature, [C8] was shallow with a rounded base (Figures 4 and 5; Plates 1 and 2). The three fills of the feature, (C4), (C6) and (C7) differed greatly. The earliest fill of the feature (C7) comprised grey compact silt, indicating gradual deposition. The second fill of the feature (C6) comprised a charcoal rich fill. The uppermost fill (C4) comprised grey compact sandy clay. This pit probably served a similar function to [C10] and was used for tree/scrub burning relating to field clearance.

4.2.3 Subgroup {1004}: Pit C12 Contexts: C Type Fill of Filled Depth Length Width Description Interpretation Area by (m) (m) (m) 12 Cut - 13 0.2 1 0.5 Semi oval in shape with a gradual Pit cut 101E break leading onto a flat base. 96N 13 Fill 12 - 0.3 0.78 0.4 Black, charcoal-rich fill of very Pit fill 101E loose compaction. 96N

Finds: None

Interpretation: This feature was located in the centre of the site, c. 0.2 m east of [C8]. The feature comprised an oval cut [C12] with a single charcoal rich fill (C13) (Figure 4). The nature of this feature indicates a common function with the pit [C10] and a similar late 18th/early 19th century date is probable.

4.2.4 Subgroup {1005} Ditch/Gully C14 Contexts: C Type Fill of Filled Depth Length Width Description Interpretation Area by (m) (m) (m) 3 Fill C14 - 0.1 5.0 1.0 Grey, sandy clay with a hard Ditch/Gully 103E compaction. Occasional small 97N stone inclusions.

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9 Fill C14 - 0.1 1.7 0.9 Grey, sandy clay with a hard Ditch/Gully 101E compaction. Occasional small 94N stone and charcoal inclusions. 14 Cut - C3, 0.2 5.0 1.0 Linear shallow ditch/ gully. Ditch/Gully - C9

Finds: Find # Context # Material Period Description E3214/A022/029:3:1 3 Ceramic Post medieval / modern Cup handle

Interpretation: This subgroup is comprised of a northeast/southwest aligned ditch or gully in the centre of the site. The cut comprised a shallow rounded cut [C14] with two fills (C3) and (C9) (Figures 4 and 5; Plate 4). This gully cut pit [C10], which indicates that it was later or broadly contemporary with the field clearance activity. The single find from (C3) was identified as the narrow handle of a black glazed cup or mug, dating to the 18th/19th century (McCutcheon, Appendix 2.3).

GROUP II Discussion: Pits

Group Subgroup Subgroup Type Period by Finds/Stratigraphy Period by Group Interpretation Interpretation 2 {1002} Pit Post Med /Modern 18th /19th Century Activity 2 {1003} Pit Post Med /Modern 18th /19th Century Activity 2 {1004} Pit Post Med /Modern 18th /19th Century Activity 2 {1005} Ditch/gully Modern Post Med /Modern 18th /19th Century Activity

This group comprises three pits [C10], [C8] and [C12]. The pits all contained charcoal rich fills and have been interpreted as pits associated with tree/scrub burning took place. This was probably associated with field clearance. Charcoal samples of willow, hazel and ash taken from [C10] were sent for radiocarbon dating and returned a two sigma radiocarbon date of AD 1660–1950; a date which places the activity in the post medieval/modern period (Appendix 2.2).

4.3 GROUP III: Topsoil/Modern Material

4.3.1 Subgroup {1006} Topsoil, Non-Archaeological Feature Contexts: C Type Fill of Filled Depth Length Width Description Interpretation Area by (m) (m) (m) 1 ------Topsoil Topsoil 5 Deposit - - 0.12 0.8 0.68 Mottled grey silt NA 100E 95N

Finds: Find # Context # Material Period Description E3214/A022/029:1:1 1 Flint Prehistoric Various natural chunks flints

Interpretation: This subgroup comprises the non-archaeological deposits identified on the site. The shallow deposit (C5) comprised mottled grey silt in the centre of the site. The topsoil (C1) was uniform across the site. The flint assemblage recovered from topsoil was of no archaeological significance, so a specialist lithic report was not compiled.

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GROUP III Discussion: Modern Material and Topsoil Group Subgroup Subgroup Type Period by Finds/Stratigraphy Period by Group Interpretation Interpretation 3 {1006} Topsoil / Non Modern Modern Modern Material and Archaeological Topsoil

This group represents a shallow, naturally accumulated deposit and the topsoil that sealed all the activity on site. The topsoil was a uniform depth across the site.

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5.1 Physical Setting The geology of the region surrounding Ballyrogan Lower is within a plain based on Palaeozoic rocks. The soils of the region have developed on glacial materials deposited by successive glaciations. The subsoil within the site comprises level sandy clay. The site at Ballyrogan Lower occupies a low-lying area, on a gentle east facing slope within a field under rough pasture, immediately west of the present N11.

5.2 Summary of the Site Specific Archaeological Landscape The immediate landscape in Ballyrogan Lower contains two burnt spread sites. Site A022/027 returned a middle Bronze Age date, while Site A022/030 was not dated but is interpreted as being Bronze Age. The present site (A022/029) and Site A022/028 were also excavated in Ballyrogan Lower, but were not of archaeological significance.

To the south of Ballyrogan Lower in Scratenagh, several sites were recorded dating from the late Neolithic to the middle Bronze Age. Five burnt mound sites (Sites A022/021 – 026) were excavated in Scratenagh. Five of these sites were dated to between the late Neolithic and the middle Bronze Age while the sixth (Site A022/025) returned a late Bronze Age / early Iron Age date.

To the north, in Ballynapark, three burnt mound sites were excavated. Of these, lithic analysis at Site A022/035 dated one phase of activity to the Neolithic, probably the middle Neolithic. Radiocarbon dating indicted an early Bronze Age date for the remainder of the activity on site. Site A022/038 returned an early to middle Bronze Age date. No radiocarbon date was returned from Site A022/039, but it is interpreted as being Bronze Age in date. Site A022/032 in nearby townland Cranagh returned an early Bronze Age date. Two other sites in Cranagh, Sites A022/033 and A022/034, also returned early Bronze Age dates. Both were possible pit burials.

5.3 Summary of Excavation Results The excavation at this site revealed three pits and a shallow gully. The pits were all filled with charcoal-rich clay. A sample of this charcoal rich material was processed for species identification. This analysis identified the presence of hazel (Corylus avellana), ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and willow (Salix sp). It was noted that the charcoal was fresh, which suggests that it was collected from freshly growing trees rather than dead wood gathered as dry kindling from the forest floor. The species identified indicate dryland (ash and hazel) and wetter (willow) environments. The species identified are lighter woods and are generally not preferred for charcoal production.

A sample of this charcoal was submitted for AMS dating and returned a two sigma radiocarbon date of AD 1660 – 1950. This late date indicates that the pit was associated with tree/scrub burning connected with field clearance.

5.4 Summary of the Specialist Analysis A number of specialists provided analysis of samples and artefacts recovered from the site as part of the post-excavation works. This work in part formed the basis for the dating evidence for the site. The detailed reports on the results of all analysis are in Appendix 2.

5.4.1 Species Identification of Charcoal Samples

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It is clear from the results that the local environment of the site included both dryland and wetland terrain. Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and hazel (Corylus avellana) are dryland species, while willow (Salix sp) prefers wetter areas. The willow and hazel charcoal identified were brushwood, 1.2cm in maximum diameter and between 7 and 10ys in age. The charcoal was also fresh which suggests it was collected from freshly growing trees and was not dead branches or twigs picked up from the forest floors.

5.4.2 Radiocarbon Dating One charcoal sample was sent for radiocarbon dating. This sample was processed in the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Sample WK20662 was from a sample of willow (Salix sp), hazel (Corylus avellana) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) charcoal taken from the fill (C11) of the pit [C10]. It returned a two sigma radiocarbon date of AD 1660–1950 and was processed using the Accellerator Mass Spectometry method.

5.4.3 Post Medieval Pottery Analysis A single sherd of pottery was presented for study. The sherd is identified as the narrow handle of a black glazed cup or mug, dating to the 18th/19th century. These vessels were widely available in Ireland and some may also have been made here. The principal source of black glazed ware, however, is Lancashire and North Wales, often termed simply Buckley ware.

5.4.4 Lithics Analysis The lithics recovered from topsoil were all natural chunks and so a detailed lithics report was deemed unnecessary.

5.5 Discussion The results of the excavation have identified three pits and a shallow gully where substantial burning took place. The species identified in the charcoal were not suitable for charcoal production, which rules this function out. The burning of wood in a fresh, un-dried state is more consistent with the burning of wood during land improvement works. The subsequent dating of this sample indicates that the activity on site was consistent with post-medieval or modern land clearance.

13 Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029


Bayley, D 2005 Archaeological Assessment for A022/003 Test Area 3: Ballyrogan Lower and Clonpadden. Unpublished report, Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd.

DAHGI (1999a) Framework & Principles for the Protection of Archaeological Heritage. Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands.

DOEHLG 2004 An Introduction to the Architectural Heritage of County Wicklow National Inventory of Architectural Heritage.

Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics 2005 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement. A Geopyhsical Investigation at Test Area 3: A022/003.

Grogan, E and Kilfeather, A 1997 Archaeological Inventory of County Wicklow, OPW The Stationery Office, Dublin.

Halcrow Barry Ltd., Wicklow County Council 2004 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Environmental Impact Statement.

Harbison, P 1972 (and later editions), Guide to the national monuments of Ireland, Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.

Lewis, S. 1937, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 2 Vols, Lewis and Co, London.

Margaret Gowen Ltd. 2004 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement. Archaeology Part 2, Chapter 14 Environmental Impact Statement for Halcrow Barry Ltd.

NRA 2005 Archaeological Guidelines for Reporting on Constraint, Route Selection, Environmental Impact Assessment on Archaeological Aspects of NRA Road Schemes. National Roads Authority.

Power, P 1994 A Survey: Some Wicklow Maps 1500-1888 in K Hannigan and W Nolan (eds), Wicklow: History and Society, Geography Publications, Dublin.

Reilly, E 2000 Archaeological Appraisal: Rathnew to Arklow Feeder Mains Pipeline, Co Wicklow. Unpublished report, Margaret Gowen & Co Ltd., Dublin.

Stout, G 1994 Wicklow’s Prehistoric Landscape. In K Hanningan and W Nolan (eds) Wicklow: History and Society, 1-40. Geography Publications, Dublin.

Waddell, J 1998 The prehistoric archaeology of Ireland, Dublin, 14-24.

Wicklow County Council 1999 County Development Plan.

Other Sources

Record of Monuments and Places (RMP), The Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 7 Ely Place Upper, Dublin 2.

Topographical Files of the National Museum of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.

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N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029


Appendix 1.1 Context Register

C Type Fill Filled Definition Group Subgroup Subgroup summary Group Group Group of with {XXX} 1 - - - Topsoil 3 {1006} Topsoil/Non-Archaeological - - - Feature 2 - - - Natural subsoil 1 {1001} Natural Subsoil - - - 3 Fill C14 - Compact, grey sandy clay pit fill 2 {1005} Ditch/Gully 0.1 5.00 1.0

4 Fill C8 - Compact, grey sandy clay, with 2 {1003} Pit 0.08 0.79 0.56 occasional charcoal, pit fill 5 Fill - - Non archaeological deposit 3 {1006} Topsoil/Non-Archaeological 0.12 0.8 0.68 Feature 6 Fill C8 - Loose charcoal pit fill 2 {1003} Pit 0.1 1.63 0.83

7 Fill C8 - Compact grey clay, with 2 {1003} Pit 0.09 1.63 0.8 occasional charcoal, pit fill 8 Cut - C4, C6, Oval pit cut 2 {1003} Pit 0.2 1.63 0.83 C7 9 Fill C14 - Grey sandy clay with a hard 2 {1005} Ditch/Gully 0.1 1.7 0.9 compaction. Sub oval in shape with occasional stones and charcoal. 10 Cut - C11 Oval pit cut 2 {1002} Pit 0.55 1.08 0.87

11 Fill C10 - Loose charcoal pit fill 2 {1002} Pit 0.25 1.23 0.83

12 Cut - C13 Oval pit cut 2 {1004} Pit 0.2 1.00 0.5

13 Fill C12 - Loose charcoal pit fill 2 {1004} Pit 0.3 0.78 0.4

14 Cut - C3, C9 Linear ditch/gully cut 2 {1005} Ditch/Gully 0.2 5.00 1.0

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 1.1 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029

Appendix 1.2 Artefact Catalogue

C Find Number Description and comments Material

1 E3214/A022/029:1:1 Various natural chunks of flints Flint 3 E3214/A022/029:3:1 Post medieval cup handle Ceramic

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 1.1 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029

Appendix 1.3 Archive Index

Project: N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Site Name: Ballyrogan Lower Ministerial Number: A022/029 Site director: Goorik Dehaene Date: May 2009

Field Records Items (quantity) Comments Site drawings (plans) 3 Site sections, profiles, elevations 4 Other plans, sketches, etc. 0 Timber drawings 0 Stone structural drawings 0

Site diary/note books 0 Site registers (folders) 5

Survey/levels data (origin information) On plans Digital copy also

Context sheets 13 Wood Sheets 0 Skeleton Sheets 0 Worked stone sheets 0

Digital photographs 11 Photographs (print) 0 Photographs (slide) 0

Finds and Environmental Archive Flint/chert 1 Stone artefacts 0 Pottery (specify periods/typology) 1 Post medieval / modern Ceramic Building Material (specify types eg daub, tile) 0 Metal artefacts (specify types - bronze, iron) 0 Glass 0 Other find types or special finds (specify) 0

Human bone (specify type eg cremated, skeleton, 0 disarticulated) Animal bone 0 Metallurgical waste 0 Enviro bulk soil (specify no. of samples) 4 Enviro monolith (specify number of samples and 0 number of tins per sample) Security copy of archive Yes Digitised

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 1.3 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029


Appendix 2.1 Charcoal and Wood ID Report – Ellen O’ Carroll

Appendix 2.2 Radiocarbon Dating Results – Waikato University Laboratory

Appendix 2.3 Medieval, Post-Medieval and Modern Pottery Report – Clare Mc Cutcheon

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 2 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 E3214 Final Report

Appendix 2.1 Charcoal and Wood ID Report – Ellen O’ Carroll

1. INTRODUCTION One charcoal sample was submitted for analysis. The charcoal was sent for species identification prior to 14C dating and also to give an indication of the range of tree species, which grew in the area at the time of use of the site. Charcoal analyses may provide information on the utilization of certain species for various functions. Wood used for fuel at pre-historic sites would generally have been collected at locations close to the site. Therefore charcoal identifications may, but do not necessarily, reflect the composition of the local woodlands. Larger pieces of charcoal, when identified, can provide information regarding the use of a species for certain structural requirements or particular functions.

This site comprised 3 pits which may have functioned as charcoal preparation pits. Samples analysed were from C11, the fill of pit C10. The site has returned a two sigma radiocarbon date of AD 1660–1950, therefore it may be modern in date. The classification of a charcoal production pit is tentative as medieval charcoal preparation pits are more commonly associated with more elaborate sites including settlement evidence and industrial activity. In this site no such evidence was revealed.

2. METHODS The process for identifying wood, whether it is charred, dried or waterlogged is carried out by comparing the anatomical structure of wood samples with known comparative material or keys (Schweingruber 1990). The identification of charcoal material involves breaking the charcoal piece along its three sections (transverse, tangential and radial) so clean sections of the wood pieces can be obtained. This charcoal is then identified to species under a Nikon SMZ800 zoom stereomicroscope at magnifications x 10 -190. By close examination of the microanatomical features of the samples the species were determined. The diagnostic features used for the identification of charcoal are micro-structural characteristics such as the vessels and their arrangement, the size and arrangement of rays, vessel pit arrangement and also the type of perforation plates. The charcoal samples were identified by weight whereby each species was grouped together and a total weight was obtained.

3. RESULTS Context Context Type & Sample Species Weight & No. Date No. Comment 11 Fill of pit C10, AD 4 Fraxinus excelsior (2.2g), Willow and hazel 1660 - 1950 Corylus avellana (3.5g), are brushwood of Salix sp (5g) 7-10yrs in age very fresh. Table 1: Results from charcoal identifications

Botanical Name Species Weight Fraxinus excelsior Ash 2.2g Corylus avellana Hazel 3.5g Salix sp Willow 5g Table 2: Results from charcoal identifications

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 2.1 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 E3214 Final Report

Ash 21% Willow 46%

Fraxinus excelsior (2.2g) Corylus avellana (3.5g) Salix sp (5g) Hazel 33%

Figure 1: Results from charcoal identifications

4. DISCUSSION Ash (Fraxinus excelsior), hazel (Corylus avellana) and willow (Salix sp) charcoal were identified from the pit C10. The macro characteristics of the charcoal identified from this assemblage differed from the charcoal identified from the surrounding burnt mound sites. The willow and hazel charcoal identified were brushwood, 1.2cm in maximum diameter and between 7 and 10ys in age. The charcoal was also fresh which suggests it was collected from freshly growing trees and was not dead branches or twigs picked up from the forest floors. These species are representative of dryland (ash, hazel) and wetter areas (willow).

The charcoal may represent charcoal burning activities which took place at the site although charcoal from charcoal burning pits, particularly in association with metal working activities, is normally oak. The fact that hazel, willow and ash charcoal was identified from the pit may be indicative of a wattle lining surrounding the pit which was later burnt. Hazel, willow and ash are all species used in the construction of wattle and would have been very suitable for such a function. The fact that the identified charcoal was brushwood and of 7-10yrs in age also supports that theory.

Willow was the dominant species identified from the assemblage (Figure 1). It is a native species to Ireland and can be found in tree or shrub form. According to Webb (1971, 160-2) 13 species of willow are found growing wild in Ireland, of which 8 are certainly native. It is a strong wood in tree form and is commonly used for wooden posts. It can be coppiced easily and its rods or sallys would be woven into wattle structures. All willows appear to favour wet conditions.

Hazel (Corylus avellana) was also identified from the pit C10. Hazel was very common up to the end of the 17th century and was used for the manufacture of many wooden structures such as wattle walls, posts, trackways and baskets. McCracken (1971, 19) points out that “it was once widespread to a degree that is hard to imagine today”. With the introduction of brick, steel and slate the crafts associated with hazel became obsolete, and today the woods that supplied hazel have diminished rapidly. Hazel is normally only about 3-5m in height and is often found as an understory tree in deciduous woods dominated by oak. It also occurs as pure copses on shallow soils over limestone as in The Burren in Co. Clare and survives for 30 to 50 years. Its main advantage is seen in the production of long flexible straight rods through the process known as coppicing.

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 2.1 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 E3214 Final Report

Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is a native species preferring lime-rich freely draining soils. It is not a very durable timber in waterlogged conditions but has a strong elastic nature. It is easily worked and lends itself well to a range of different requirements like the turning of wooden bowls and the weaving of its coppiced rods into wattle structures.

5. COMPARATIVE MATERIAL Recent excavations along the many road schemes have produced a large quantity of isolated pits some of which may have functioned as charcoal production pits. Pits where oak is the main species identified from the charcoal remains suggests charcoal-burning pits. Charcoal-burning pits can in a lot of cases be isolated features and unassociated with any other structure types therefore the charcoal identifications can and has in the past helped the excavator in the interpretation of the site.

A series of isolated pits were uncovered during the construction of the Charlestown Bypass (A020) in Co. Mayo and the Mayo-Galway Gas pipeline (05E0584) in Polraddy, Cloonsheen, Davros and Maltpool townlands. The identifications from the aforementioned sites produced thousands of grammes of oak-charcoal therefore based on the charcoal identifications as well as discussions with the director they have now been interpreted as charcoal-production pits. The pits were all of similar size and all produced oak as their dominant species when identified.

In another part of the country in Co. Meath there is a similar scenario where oak charcoal was identified from isolated pits determining their function as charcoal production pits. Two charcoal burning pits were excavated at Ardnamullan 1, Co. Meath (02E1147) by Stephen Linnane of ACS and were dated to AD 1020-1250. These pits were isolated rectangular pits measuring approximately 20cm in depth. Over 250 grammes of oak charcoal were identified from one of the pits and 200 grammes from the second pit.

Therefore based on comparative material for charcoal production pits it is unlikely that these pits were charcoal production pits particularly in association with metal working or smelting activities.

6. SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS The charcoal identified from this pit at Ballyrogan represents the burning of small ash, hazel and willow brushwood in significant quantities. The wood may have been a wattle structure which surrounded the pit which later burnt down. Denser woods such as oak and ash will produce a longer lasting source of heat as opposed to lighter woods such as hazel, willow and alder and therefore the latter species are generally not preferred for charcoal production.

The ash points to the presence of a woodland environment along with the hazel which may have grown as scrub in hedgerows near to the site. The willow would have probably grown in a wetter environment close to a river or wetland margins.

7. REFERENCES Beckett, J.K., 1979, Planting Native Trees and Shrubs. Jarrold & Sons Ltd, Norwich.

Irish Archaeological Wetland Unit, 1993, Excavations at Clonfinlough, County Offaly. Transactions 2. Dublin

Nelson E.C., 1993 Trees of Ireland. The Lilliput Press, Dublin.

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 2.1 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 E3214 Final Report

OCarroll, E. 2005. The analysis of charcoal remains from Ardnamullan, Co. Meath. Unpublished specialist report for ACS Ltd

OCarroll, E. 2007. The analysis of charcoal remains from the Charlestown by-pass, Co. Mayo. Unpublished specialist report for Mayo Co.

OCarroll, E. 2006. The analysis of charcoal remains from the Mayo Galway Gas pipe line. Unpublished specialist report for ACS ltd.

Pilcher, J & Hall, V. 2001. Flora Hibernica, The Collins press, Wilton, Cork

Schweingruber, F.H. 1990. Microscopic Wood Anatomy. 3rd edition. Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research

Warner, R.B., 1987, "A proposed adjustment for the « Old-Wood Effect »", in Mook, W. & Waterbolk, H. (Eds) Proc. 2nd Symp of 14C & Archaeology, Groningen 1987, 29, 159-172.

Webb, D.A., 1977, An Irish Flora. Dundalgan Press Ltd, Dundalk.

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 2.1 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 E3214 Final Report

Appendix 2.2 Radiocarbon Dating Results – Waikato University Laboratory

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Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 2.2 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 E3214 Final Report

Appendix 2.3 Medieval, Post-Medieval and Modern Pottery Report – Clare Mc Cutcheon

A note on the post-medieval pottery from Ballyrogan, Co. Wicklow (Site A022/029) Clare McCutcheon MA MIAI

A single sherd was presented for study. The site is described as charcoal preparation pits with a charcoal-rich spread and the context containing the pottery (C3) is described as the fill of a feature variously described as a cut/shallow ditch/big gully/shallow rounded cut with two fills (C3 & C9).

The sherd is identified as the narrow handle of a black glazed cup or mug, dating to the 18th/19th century. These vessels were widely available in Ireland and some may also have been made here. The principal source of black glazed ware, however, is Lancashire and North Wales, often termed simply Buckley ware. The clay can be intermixed with white clay giving a marbled effect, or near stoneware in dark red/brown, or soft red earthenware. The black glaze results from the addition of iron to the overall lead glaze.

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix: 2.3 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 E3214 Final Report


Ministerial Direction No. Townland NMS Registration Number Director A022/016 Ballinaskea E3201 Yvonne Whitty A022/017 Ballinaskea E3202 Yvonne Whitty A022/018 Ballinaskea E3203 Yvonne Whitty A022/019 Ballymoyle E3204 Yvonne Whitty A022/020 Ballymoyle E3205 Yvonne Whitty A022/021 Scratenagh E3206 Goorik Dehaene A022/022 Scratenagh E3207 Goorik Dehaene A022/023 Scratenagh E3208 Goorik Dehaene A022/024 Scratenagh E3209 Goorik Dehaene A022/025 Scratenagh E3210 Goorik Dehaene A022/026 Scratenagh E3211 Goorik Dehaene A022/027 Ballyrogan Lower E3212 Goorik Dehaene A022/028 Ballyrogan Lower E3213 Goorik Dehaene A022/029 Ballyrogan Lower E3214 Goorik Dehaene A022/030 Ballyrogan Lower E3215 Yvonne Whitty A022/031 Cranagh E3216 Yvonne Whitty A022/032 Cranagh E3217 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/033 Cranagh E3218 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/034 Cranagh E3219 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/035 Ballynapark E3220 Goorik Dehaene A022/036 Cloghoge E3221 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/037 Ballynapark E3222 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/038 Ballynapark E3223 Goorik Dehaene A022/039 Cloghoge E3224 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/040 Ballyclogh South E3226 Yvonne Whitty A022/041 Ballyclogh North E3227 Yvonne Whitty A022/042 Ballyclogh North E3228 Yvonne Whitty A022/043 Ballyclogh North E3229 Yvonne Whitty A022/044 Ballyclogh North E3230 Yvonne Whitty A022/045 Ballyclogh North E3231 Yvonne Whitty A022/046 Ballyclogh North E3232 Yvonne Whitty A022/047 Kilmurry South E3233 Yvonne Whitty A022/048 Kilmurry South E3234 Yvonne Whitty A022/049 Kilmurry South E3235 Red Tobin A022/050 Kilmurry North E3236 Red Tobin A022/051 Ballyvaltron E3237 Goorik Dehaene A022/052 Ballyvaltron E3238 Goorik Dehaene A022/053 Ballyvaltron E3239 Goorik Dehaene A022/054 Ballinacor East E3240 Red Tobin A022/055 Ballinacor East E3241 Red Tobin A022/056 Ballinacor East E3242 Red Tobin A022/057 Ballard Lower E3243 Red Tobin A022/058 Breagura E3244 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/059 Breagura E3245 Goorik Dehaene A022/060 Ballinameesda Upper E3246 Yvonne Whitty A022/061 Coolacork E3247 Yvonne Whitty A022/062 Coolacork E3248 Yvonne Whitty A022/063 Roscath E3249 Yvonne Whitty A022/064 Coolbeg E3250 Goorik Dehaene A022/065 Coolbeg E3251 Goorik Dehaene A022/066 Coolbeg E3252 Goorik Dehaene

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix 3 N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement Ballyrogan Lower A022/029 E3214 Final Report

Ministerial Direction No. Townland NMS Registration Number Director A022/067 Coolbeg E3253 Goorik Dehaene A022/068 Coolbeg E3254 Goorik Dehaene A022/069 Coolbeg E3255 Goorik Dehaene A022/070 Coolbeg E3256 Goorik Dehaene A022/071 Coolbeg E3257 Goorik Dehaene A022/072 Coolbeg E3258 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/073 Coolbeg E3259 Red Tobin A022/074 Ballinaclogh E3260 Goorik Dehaene A022/075 Ballinaclogh E3261 Goorik Dehaene A022/076 Ballinaclogh E3262 Goorik Dehaene A022/077 Ballinaclogh E3263 Ellen O’ Carroll A022/081 Cloghoge E3225 Ellen O’ Carroll

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Appendix 3

{1006} Topsoil/Non-Archaeological Feature



GROUP II: 18th/19th Century Activity 4 11 13 3 6 {1003} Pit 9 {1005} Ditch/Gully 7 10 12 14 8


{1001} Natural Subsoil N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029

Plate 1: Post-excavation view of pit [C10], facing east

Plate 2: Mid-excavation view of pit [C8], facing east

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Plates N11 Rathnew to Arklow Road Improvement E3214 Final Report Ballyrogan Lower A022/029

Plate 3: Post-excavation view of pit [C8], facing east

Plate 4: Mid-excavation view of ditch/gully [C14], facing northwest

Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd Plates