“Together We Make A Difference” The Official Newsletter of the Filipino-American Association of Greater Columbia, SC www.FilAmSC.org (A Non-Profit Organization to Promote Inter-Cultural Education and Understanding )

 Volume 19, Number 2  P.O. Box 24112, Columbia, SC 29224  Winter 2010  Annual Christmas Party on Dec. 12 inal preparations are un- F derway for the annual fun and festive holiday get- together of Fil-Am families and friends. The Columbia Fil-Am Annual Christmas Party will be held on Satur- day, December 12 , 2009 (6:30 pm - 11:30 pm) at the St. Jo- seph Catholic Church Parish Hall/ (3600 Devine St. Columbia, SC 29205). The festive event will fea- ture a Filipino menu (, ▲Philippine Ambassador to the U.S. Willy C. Gaa (sixth from left) poses with the newly inducted pancit, dinuguan, puto, adobo, FAAGC officers during the 19th Annual Gala & 13th Induction Ball held on August 29, 2009 at the Marriott Hotel of Columbia. (left to right): Jojo Flora, Grace Balanquit, Wyda Viray, Nieves McNulty, Dan Adcock, lumpia, etc .) and desserts Amb. Gaa, Maribel Tijing, Cecilia Jacobsen, Cecille Geoghegan, Lisa Edwards, Marj Peña, Grace Collins. (biko , cassava cake, “ food for Photo: Carlton Edwards the gods ,” among others), an entertainment program, and an Philippine Ambassador Columbia Fil-Am Sends Funds appearance by Santa Claus. Inducts FAAGC Officers DJ Mike Lamb (the DJ at the for Philippine Calamity Victims last gala) will play holiday hilippine Ambassador to the U.S. and dance music for the atten- P Willy C. Gaa and his wife Erlinda s part of its on- relief fund: Grace Bal- dees. were the surprise special guests of honor A going charitable anquit, David & Odess Families who are bringing of the FAAGC’s 19th Annual Gala and program to help the Brinkman, Leah their children to this fun-for- 13th Induction Ball held on August 29 needy in the , Cuaresma, Joy & (continued on Page 3) (continued on Page 4) the Filipino-American Diosa Dean, Butch & Association of Greater Dhel Elamparo, Galen Columbia (FAAGC) re- Manapat, George & cently donated over Nieves McNulty, Polly $1,400.00 to benefit the Pearson, Edsel & Marj victims of the recent ty- Peña, Vic & Julie Ri- phoons and resulting zalde, and Yang Yang floods in the Philippines. Xing. The money came from If you wish to contrib- proceeds from the last ute to the on-going Phil- gala, matching Associa- ippine calamity relief tion funds, and addi- fund, please contact Marj tional donations from Peña at (803) 360-2469, individuals. To facilitate or see the donation form immediate use of the insert in this newsletter. funds for the intended Last year’s gala raised recipients, the donation funds for the Philippine was coursed through the Red Cross to benefit Catholic Relief Services. Philippine calamity vic- Special thanks to the tims. Previously, the following for their indi- FAAGC gala benefited ▲ The Columbia Fil-Am Cultural Dance Troupe performers take time to vidual donations (three four Philippine orphan- pose before performing the bulaklakan , Jovencita , and tinikling dances during the International Day of Peace celebration held at the Unitarian-Universalist Fel- gave at the $100 level) to ages and child welfare lowship of Columbia on September 20, 2009. Photo: Carlton Edwards the Philippine calamity institutions. O PAGE 2 FIL-AM BULLETIN WINTER 2010

The President’s Corner ...... by Marj Pena How To Reach Us

Be & Stay Involved in the FAAGC F A A G C P.O. Box 24112 I hope that everyone Annual Gala, the International Peace Day Columbia, SC 29224

had a great Thanksgiv- Festival at the Unitarian Universalist Fellow- www.FilAmSC.org ing Holiday with fam- ship of Columbia and at the Fifth Annual ily and friends! Korean Festival of Columbia . Currently, we e-mail: Thanksgiving marks have several groups practicing performances [email protected] [email protected] the beginning of the for the Christmas Party, including the chil- JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

Holiday Season, usher- dren, teen-age, and adult groups. We truly 2009-2011 EXECUTIVE BOARD ing in the hustle and bustle of Christmas appreciate the time and talent that the per- shopping and parties. Through it all, let’s formers and their parents are in investing in President keep in mind that the best presents come these performances. Let us show our support MARJ PEÑA (803) 360-2469 from the heart: the camaraderie, sharing, by applauding their efforts at the Christmas First Vice-President kindness, and generosity to young and old Party. I can already promise you that these CECILLE JACOBSEN alike and it comes for free, sometimes simply performances will melt your hearts! (803) 494-5613 through a warm smile or a friendly hello! Christmas Party Second Vice-President Gala I would like to invite everyone to the 2009 LISA EDWARDS

(803) 360-2636 The 2009-11 Executive Board hit the FAAGC Christmas Party on December ground running with the organization of the 12th starting at 6:30 PM at St. Joseph’s Secretary SHIRLEY MCGUINNESS 21st Annual Gala and 19th Induction Ball on Catholic Church Gymnasium on 3600 De- (803) 794-3138

August 29th. They were inducted into office vine Street. Details are provided in this Assistant Secretary by no less than His Excellency Philippine newsletter and in the FAAGC website BAMBI TIJING Ambassador to the United States Willy (www.FilAmSC.org ). We will serve Fili- (803) 749-2177

Gaa , who drove from Washington, DC, with pino delicacies and desserts. A great pro- Treasurer his wife Mrs. Erlinda Gaa , as guests of gram and dance music is in store for all to NIEVES MCNULTY (803) 781-9509 honor at the Gala. I would like to thank eve- enjoy. Santa Claus will be present to hand Assistant Treasurer ryone who made the Gala a success: the gifts to the children (one gift only per child, WYDA VIRAY guests, benefactors, sponsors, donors, and please) . A raffle with a grand prize of $100 (803) 699-5265 advertisers for their contributions and every- in cash will be conducted whose proceeds Executive Board Members: one from the current and past executive will support the Columbia Fil-Am Dance DANIEL ADCOCK boards for their “labor of love” in making Troupe. The officers and I look forward to (803) 926-5163 this event a success. I would also like to seeing you and your families at the party! GRACE BALANQUIT thank the performers who invested time and Getting Involved (803) 467-9426 talent to showcase our Filipino culture. The Finally, I invite everyone to stay involved. GRACE COLLINS

(843) 808-5740 proceeds from the gala and additional dona- There are many ways to find out about the tions allowed us to donate over $1,400.00 to FAAGC activities: JOJO FLORA (803) 788-2183 benefit the victims of the flood in the Philip- 1) The FAAGC website ( www.filamsc.org ) pines resulting from typhoon Ondoy. has the latest updates on all our activities CECILLE GEOGHEGAN (803) 787-5255 Membership Meeting through the efforts of our webmaster Noel We hosted a General Membership Meet- Alon. ing on October 17th at the Ridge View High 2) If you have a Facebook account, be a fan FIL-AM BULLETIN

School cafeteria. Approximately 60 mem- of the Filipino American Association of The Official Newsletter of the bers were on hand. I enjoyed the part where Greater Columbia (FAAGC). This site has Filipino-American each guest stood up to introduce themselves complete pictures from the activities and Association of Greater Columbia, SC and learned about everyone’s background events of the FAAGC and a list of upcoming P.O. Box 24112 Columbia, SC 29224 and aspirations for the organization. We events. raised additional funds for the flood victims 3) The Fil-Am Bulletin is published three The Fil-Am Bulletin is one and for the World War II Veterans Honor times a year. Send your address to vehicle of the Association to achieve its objectives and maintain regular Flight. [email protected] or [email protected] communication with its members and Most importantly, we proudly welcomed to receive the newsletter. interested parties. Contributions of the Filipino American Youth Club of 4) Be on the e-mail list. Starting this articles (as well as financial Ridge View High School led by its Presi- month, we will send reminders of upcoming donations) are most welcome; contact the Editor for more details. dent, Miss Fides Elamparo . It is indeed activities by e-mail. Send your e-mail ad- exciting to see our youth involved in the cul- dress to the FAAGC email addresses above NOEL ALON tural activities. Plans are in place to expand to be included. Editor Tel. (803) 738-0372 If you are not yet one, I INVITE YOU TO BE- the membership of the Youth Club to other e-mail: [email protected]

High Schools in Columbia and surrounding COME A MEMBER! THE FAAGC NEEDS YOU and we will do our best to make your member- Helen Alon communities. ship a worthwhile Production/Circulation Coordinator Dance Troupe Performances endeavor and your e-mail: [email protected]

The Columbia Fil-Am Dance Troupe has connection to our Carlton Edwards country far away ! been very active with performances at the Photographer WINTER 2010 FIL-AM BULLETIN PAGE 3

M o t I o n s & t r a n s I t I o n s ~ Congratulations ~~~

A warm Welcome W E L C O M E N e w M e m b e r s BACK to the following for ® to Marsha Furagganan re-joining FAAGC: on her upcoming marriage to ) GABRIEL (“Gabe”) & ) ANTHONY & Todd Hill in Columbia, SC, STEPHANIE BAUTISTA LEONICAR (“Onie”) ) OSWALD & ROW- on December 19, 2009. One of Elgin, SC. A longtime ABALLE JABER of Co- ENA ARROYO of Colum- of the teachers from the Phil- South Carolina resident, he is lumbia, SC. Newly arrived in bia, SC. ippines who arrived in the area originally from Camiling, Tar- the area when he was trans- ) SUSAN ZAMORA of two years ago, she has per- lac and works as supply spe- ferred to Ft. Jackson, she is Columbia, SC. O formed with the Columbia Fil cialist at USC. She works for originally from Cebu. They are -Am Cultural Dance Troupe the All South Federal Credit expecting their first child. Maraming Salamat and co-emceed the 2008

Union. They have two chil- THANKS FOR YOUR FAAGC gala. O dren: Ashley, 18, and Joshua, ) DAVID (“Dave”) & CONTINUED SUPPORT 14. ALMA ROBICHAUD of ~ ~ Condolences ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Condolences ~~

Columbia, SC. She is origi- ) JONATHAN (“Jon”) & Recent Membership Renewals

GINALYN (“Gina”) CAS- nally from Carmen, Cebu. In ¨ to Helen Alon, whose * Dr. Felicitas B. Santos TANEDA of Lexington, SC. the Columbia area for over 14 mother passed away on No- years, they have two children: * Keith Seymour vember 7, 2009, in Iriga City, Both from Ilocos Norte (she * Rodel & Wendy Bobadilla Angelica, 10 and Andrea, 8. Philippines. O from Paoay and he from Din-

* Butch & Dhel Elamparo gras), they have been in SC for ) MITCH & MARIA * Ken & Ronelin Zearfoss 10 years. He is an electonics By-Laws Amendments SILVER of Columbia, SC. * Lu & Merlyn Bajamunde technician with Lockheed- * Dan & Tess Adcock She is originally from San Possible amendments Martin. Interested in ethnic * Grace Collins Antonio, Pampanga. A native to the Association By- dancing, they have a child, * Edith Alston of Columbia, he works at Laws are being sought Jaxen, 4. * Grace Balanquit

Sears. They have a daughter, from members to make * Luis & Mary Barradas ) CHONA COBB of Co- Marie, 14. the FAAGC more respon- * William & Joy Clark

sive to current condi- lumbia, SC. * Ed & Yani Gould

) JULIUS (“Jon”) & tions . * Jim & Juvie Lowder ) FARHEEN (“Marie”) JENNIFER (“Jen”) The current By-Laws speci- * Marvin & Beth Noble fies that “amendments...may COLEMAN & DOUG- VALIAO of Columbia, SC. * Neil & Bambie Tijing LAS (“Doug”) SANDY of be proposed by the By-laws Ten years in the area, he con- * Roger & Naty Roberts Committee, the Executive Summerville, SC. Originally siders Baguio City and * Bong & Rosa Rances Board, or…by any member .” from Quezon City, Metro Ma- as his hometowns. He works * Vic & Julie Rizalde For details, contact Noel nila, she works in customer with Aflac and Lincoln Heri- * Mike Padua Alon (738-0372 ; FilAmSC service with Old Dominion tage insurance. From Pensa- We hope others will con- @yahoo.com ). Copies of the Freight Line. He is from Chi- cola, Florida, she is with the tinue their support of the Co- By-Laws can be downloaded cago, Illinois, and is a supervi- lumbia Fil-Am Association by from the FAAGC website: South Carolina Department of renewing their membership for O sor at Brown Trucking. In Health and Human Services Association Year 2009-2010. www.filamsc.org South Carolina for three years, (SCDHHS). They have joined they hope the Association can the Association to help provide them with “”good “develop business and per- opportunity to have more sonal relationships.” friends and to socialize.”

Christmas Party ...... (continued from Page 1) their children to this fun-for-the- also requested to bring one 2- whole-family-affair are enjoined liter bottle of soda per family. to bring a wrapped present for Call now to reserve tickets each child (just ONE each, at advance purchase prices. please) to be placed under the Tickets will be needed for entry Christmas tree for distribution by into the hall and for food service. Santa during the party. Each gift For more information on should be clearly and LEGI- purchasing tickets or about the BLY marked with the child’s event itself, contact Marj Pena FULL NAME. (360-2469), Cecilia Jacobsen ▲ Columbia Fil-Am golfers show off the trophies they won at TICKETS purchased by De- (494-5613), Lisa Edw ards (360- the Philippine Typhoon Relief Golf Tournament held in Charlotte, NC, cember 5 are $12 for members, 2636), or any FAAGC officer/ on October 31, 2009. From left: Van de la Cruz (second place), Manny $14 for non-members, $6 for Executive Board member listed Cuaresma (first place), Jim Kenerson, Alan Matienzo (second place). children 6-12 years old, and free on Page 2. With participants from North Carolina (Raleigh-Durham, Monroe, to children under six years. Adult For directions to the venue, Gastonia, Kings Mountain and mostly from Charlotte-Mecklenburg area) and South Carolina (Columbia and Rock Hill) , the charity fund-raiser tickets purchased after Dec. 5 and other details or updates, tournament netted over $1,200 to help the recent calamity victims in are $14 for members, $16 for please visit our website: the Philippines. The tournament used the modified Callaway scoring non-members. Attendees are www.filamsc.org . O system to give all players of different levels a chance to win . PAGE 4 FIL-AM BULLETIN WINTER 2010 Committees Set Up For Efficient Association Work, More Involvement To accomplish and facili- Imelda Go, Marj Peña, Keith tate the various tasks and pro- Seymour jects of the Association, the ● Continue publishing the Fil- following committees (* indi- Am newsletter cates chair) have been formed ● Publicize FAAGC activities based on the sign-up sheets at ● Maintain FAAGC website the last membership meeting: ● General media promotion through radio, news and TV Cultural Events Committee Tessie Kenerson*, Helen Alon, Spiritual Affairs Committee Odess Brinkman, Grace Balanquit, Dan Adcock* RVHS Fil-Am Youth Club

Bambi Tijing, Bernadette Yavis ▲THE RVHS Fil-Am Youth Club : (front, from left): Nichole Transportation: George McNulty Telephone-CallingCommittee Marj Peña* , Executive Board, Daquileña, Kyla Solomon, Sadhana Panti, Fides Elamparo (president).

● Organize groups Vic & Julie Rizalde (back, from leftt: Scott Krote, Josh Negley, Josh Bautista (secretary), and practices for association Kirk Bautista, Michael Sanchez. Not in photo: Bridget Anderson (vice activities Friends of the Columbia -president) and Vanessa White (treasurer). Photo: Carlton Edwards ● Organize cultural events for Fil-Am Dance Troupe Since its formation in April 2004 under the direction of past FAAGC FAAGC President Peter Liunoras , the Ridge View High School Helen Alon, Grace Balanquit, Leah Social Events Committee Cuaresma, Lisa Edwards, Sally (RVHS ) Fil-Am Youth Club has been instrumental in raising funds Cecille Jacobsen* , Cecille Geog- Ellis, Jojo Flora, Tessie Kenerson, for the Columbia Fil-Am Scholarship program. The club has con- hegan, Onie Jaber, Nieves Marj Peña, Wyda Viray, Myrna ducted car washes and bake sales with proceeds donated to the McNulty, Bambi Tijing, Wyda Viray Whitmire, Bernadette Yavis scholarship fund. ● Prepare program of activities ● Assist the dance troupe in Plans are being finalized to expand the membership of the Fil-Am for FAAGC functions driving, providing snacks, and Youth Club to other high schools in Columbia and surrounding com- munities. Club members together with other Fil-Am youth from other ● Organize food preparation any kind of help during dance schools are currently practicing for dance performances during the for FAAGC gatherings practices and performances Christmas Party and upcoming events. O Sports Committee Other FAAGC members and Jojo Flora* , Manny Cuaresma, supporters can still become Ambassador ...... (continued from Page 1) Van dela Cruz, Jim Kenerson, members of the committees by at the Marriott Hotel of Colum- she made the presentation, is “a Peter Liunoras, Mario Viray, contacting the chair/s of the bia . book of ‘beautiful places’ of the Bernadette Yavis committee/s they want to be After inducting the new offi- state and signed by ‘the smiling ● Organize activities for playing involved in for details about cers, Ambassador Gaa, in his faces’ of the FAAGC Executive various sports for fun speech, urged everyone, “as we Board and members.” the specific needs and tasks. O Membership Committee celebrate our cultural heritage, Also in attendance at the gala … to continue drawing from the was Columbia City Councilman Nieves McNulty* , Helen Alon, inspirational spirit of bayanihan“ Kirkman Finlay III , representing Odess Brinkman, Lisa Edwards, DVDs of the Marj Peña, Vic Rizalde, Keith Sey- and invited “all to renew the the Columbia City Council and mour, Bambi Tijing, Wyda Viray 2009 Fil-Am Gala commitment to do our part in Mayor Bob Coble. Mayor Coble building a more peaceful, pro- had earlier indicated he would ● Maintain and update member- can be ordered gressive and prosperous Philip- be attending and be the induct- ship information for $15 each from pines.” ing officer, but had to cancel due ● Develop programs to increase Alan Geoghegan He was presented a FAAGC to a pressing family commitment. membership. (803) 787-5255 plaque of appreciation and a This was the first time since it (803) 318-6659 Scholarship Committee copy of “ Reflections of South started in 1991 that the FAAGC Shirley McGuinness* , Leah [email protected] Carolina ,” which as FAAGC gala had an official representa- Cuaresma, Jojo Flora, Peter President Marj Peña noted as tive from the City of Columbia. O Liunoras, Nieves McNulty, ● Determine scholarship recipi- ents ● Assist graduating high school students of member families in their pursuit of higher education

Volunteer / Fundraising Committee Marj Peña* , Executive Board ● Develop ideas/plans on how to raise money ● Establish community service credits, if needed

Publicity / Newsletter Committee FAAGC held a potluck informal reception for Ambassador Willy Gaa (seated center) and Noel Alon* , Shirley McGuiness* , his wife Erlinda (second from left, front row) at the residence of David & Odess Brinkman on August 30, Lisa Edwards, Alan Geoghegan, 2009. WINTER 2010 FIL-AM BULLETIN PAGE 5 he Philippines is famous captivity.

T for its biodiversity. How- Philippine Treasures At Risk ever, changes in animal habi- by I.C. Go (Pithecophaga jefferyi) tats often caused by human interference pose a continuing and even ants, which eat the 14 to 20 inches in a “V” form. It became the Philippines’ threat to species on land, in the eggs; birds, dogs, and cats, Its bulky body and short legs national bird in 1995. A giant air, and in the water. This which eat the baby turtles or give it a squat appearance, forest article features six animals hatchlings; and sharks and while its agility and strong raptor, found in the Philippines that killer whales, which eat adult legs allowed to push through it is are increasingly at risk of turtles. Humans pose a great dense jungle and climb steep one of extinction. danger to them because turtle mountains. t h e

largest Dugong (Dugong dugon) shells, meat, and eggs are sold Philippine Tarsier at high prices. a n d

(Tarsius syrichta)

The dugong most powerful eagles in the (seacow) can Visayan Spotted Deer It is a world. It is approximately 1 (Cervus alfredi) weigh up to primate with meter (~3.3 feet) in length and 350 kilograms T h e very unusual has about a 2-meter (~6.6 feet) (~770 pounds) spotted features. It wing span, which make it and measure up to 3.5 meters deer is has enormous suited for long hours of (~11.5 feet) in length. It lives small with eyes excellent soaring high above the forest in warm waters and can eat up r o u n d for seeing at canopy. to 30 kilograms (~66 pounds) spots on night but not It is amazingly loyal and of seagrass daily. Seagrass its flanks. It measures only in daylight. Its neck is chooses one mate. Geo- thrives in clean water and the about 80 cm (~2.6 feet) tall at extremely flexible and can graphically restricted to presence of dugongs in an area the shoulder. Formerly found turn almost 360 degrees to Luzon, Samar, Leyte, and is a major water quality from sea levels to locate prey. It has a tail that Mindanao, it prefers to nest indicator. mountaintops, it now makes exceeds the length of its body. almost exclusively in large old Historically found its home in forest clearings Its fingers and toes have pads, -growth rainforests 100 to throughout the Philippines, where young plants grow. which allow it to climb trees, 1,000 meters (~330 to 3,280 they are now only in Palawan, They once lived in the sleep, and even give birth feet) above sea level, which Southern Mindanao, and the dense tropical forests of while clinging to one. Its makes it susceptible to habitat Sulu Archipelago because they Visayan Islands. A survey in special elongated tarsal bones, loss. It gives birth to one chick are vulnerable to entanglement 1991 revealed that there were which form the ankles enable every two-to-three years. in fish nets due to their size, only small populations in it to leap almost 10 feet from There may be fewer than 100 weight, and shape; and wide- Panay and Negros and the deer tree to tree. However, it cannot birds known to exist. spread habitat destruction due had been rooted out of 95% of walk on land but only hop. It to dredging, pollution, and its former range. Today, it is is only found in the References: conversion to fish ponds. one of the rarest mammals in Philippines (Bohol, Samar, Text from Fort Ilocandia Resort Mini- Zoo Area, Laoag, Ilocos Norte, The dugong moves slowly the world. The decline is due Leyte and Mindanao). Captive Philippines, December 16, 2005. unless alarmed. It is shy to hunting presence and breeding is difficult because Images from Wikimedia Commons. around humans but habitat loss due to clearing and tarsiers rarely live long in http://commons.wikimedia.org O affectionate and playful agriculture.

towards one another. It may be Help Make The Philippines Become Part of the seen rolling around in the Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) water, hugging objects like anchor lines or each other. T h e

tamaraw is Green Sea Turtle the largest (Chelonia mydas) endangered A Philippine natural tourist the final new seven natural C a l l e d land animal attraction is now one of the 28 wonders of the world. The final “pawikan ” in in the country and is known Official Finalist Candidates for declaration of the New7Wonders of most dialects, only to occur in Mindoro. Just the New 7 Wonders of Nature . Nature will be in 2011 . it has Turtle a century ago, a large number Located 30 miles north of Anyone with an email address Islands, Tawi- of tamaraws populated most Puerto Princesa, Palawan, the can register and vote at the Tawi, as its significant nesting parts of the island. Puerto Princesa Subterranean sponsor’s website: site. The Green Sea Turtle is It was hunted, owing to its River National Park features a www.new7wonders.com . unique limestone karst mountain considered not only the largest reputation as a wild and landscape with five miles of The New7Wonders of Nature shelled sea turtle but also one aggressive animal, and its natu navigable campaign seeks to “raise of the most threatened. -ral habitat destroyed, which underground river awareness of the Its flesh is colored brown drove the remaining popula- (reputed to be the incredible variety and it was named after the tion to a few remote areas in world’s longest) and beauty of winding through a nature around us.” green fats in its body as it is the mountains. A solitary With the slogan “If herbivorous. The turtle can creature, it also became cave before it flows directly into we want to save grow up to 4 feet in length and nocturnal due to encroachment the South China anything, we first weigh more than 400 pounds. and disturbance caused by Sea. need to truly It is powerful and fast at sea humans. A panel of appreciate it!,” but awkward and slow on Similar to the , the experts selected from the Top 77 organizers hope “these natural land. Its natural enemies tamaraw has horns, which nominees the 28 finalists, from treasures can be better preserved for future generations.” O include monitor lizards, crabs, grow straight upward to about which voters worldwide will select PAGE 6 FIL-AM BULLETIN WINTER 2010 he sleek Airbus jetliner was home again. The pride of the T full. There were no bawling WANTED: World War II Vets, Able to Fly welcoming party was exceeded toddlers or harried mothers try- only by the pride of those hon- ing to soothe their children. The An Honor Flight Experience orees being welcomed. mostly male and decidedly eld- by Jim Kenerson To a man, and the two erly passengers sat patiently vice members, a band, and air- Avenue, and stops at the new women, these veterans experi- while others boarded, settled in, port personnel. They were es- Air Force Memorial and the enced an overwhelming emo- and waited for takeoff. There corted though the lobby by the USMC Iwo Jima Memorial in tional outpouring of gratitude was no luggage in the cargo area members of the Rolling Arlington, VA. and patriotism from the folks hold, but an abundance of Thunder motorcycle club who One of the highlights of the they encountered that they had wheelchairs. would provide a rolling escort trip (the entire trip was a high- never suspected before. Some This was a special flight, with local police for the veter- light!) was a ride through the had remained silent about their with special passengers, an ans’ four buses from Reagan shaded roadways of Arlington service and experiences for over Honor Flight , a flight full of National Airport, across Memo- National Cemetery to the Am- 60 years, yet many today shared veterans of World War II en rial Bridge and past the Lincoln phitheater where the Vets were their stories with total strangers, route to Washington, DC, to Memorial to the Mall and the able to visit the Tomb of the kids and adults, just merely for view, in their final years, the World War II Memorial. Unknowns and witness the sol- the asking. It was a day full of Memorial erected in their honor Special moments followed for emn Changing of the Guard events that were fulfilling, re- and dedicated in 2004 on the each veteran, he or she in his or ceremony. It was a profound warding, exciting and intensely National Mall between the her own memories. There were moment for all. emotional for all involved.

Washington Monument and the photos galore at the beautiful The buses then returned to Honor Flight has only one Lincoln Memorial. memorial for each and all veter- Reagan National Airport where goal: to transport FREE of Unfortunately, most of the ans. the vets re-boarded their jetliner CHARGE as many World War veterans of that great conflict One of the War’s more nota- after passing through security II veterans to see the World War passed on before the Monu- ble heroes, former Senator Bob and the concourse in a little II Memorial as are able. Any ment’s dedication, so to some it Dole met the group at the Me- more subdued manner than upon person who has a family mem- became a crucial matter to see morial and shared in the story- their arrival earlier in the day. ber, or friend who is a veteran of that those surviving veterans get telling and photo ops. It is said Although some took advantage World War II who has not vis- to see the monument while they that Senator Dole, or his wife, of the smooth flight to grab a ited the Memorial in Washing- still are able. And this is done at former Senator and former Di- quick and hard earned nap, ton is encouraged to put that no expense to the veteran. rector of the American Red many did not, due to the height- person in touch with Honor Arrival at Reagan National Cross, Elizabeth Dole, try to ened excitement level of the Flight South Carolina or the Airport was auspicious, indeed. meet and greet every Honor day. national Honor Flight organiza- The plane was presented the Flight of WWII Veterans to visit If one had been napping, the tion to get that loved one on signal honor of being met on the the Memorial. “welcome home to Columbia” board a flight as soon as possi- airport taxiway by the Fire De- Departing from the WWII reception was enough to arouse ble. partment’s water cannons, and Memorial, the four motor even the soundest sleeper. The Time is of the essence for baggage carts bedecked with the coaches took the vets on a roll- Fort Jackson army band, Cub many of them. And remember, Stars and Stripes, the Palmetto ing tour of Capitol Hill, Penn- Scouts, Rolling Thunder and many of this generation will not flag, and those of other states, sylvania Avenue, and The Mall Patriot Guard make a big deal of it and may and the POW-MIA flag. What a with a stop to visit the Viet Nam motorcycle riders, military ser- even express a reluctance to welcome! and Korean War Memorials and vice members, police, and ordi- make the flight because they Inside the concourse, the the Lincoln Memorial. There nary travelers, US, SC and don’t want to be fussed over. On veterans were greeted by a loud, was also a drive-by of the Navy POW-MIA flags, patriotic mu- the other hand, some unfortu- rowdy, proud, and thankful Memorial across from The Na- sic --- all arrayed to welcome nately are just too physically group of travelers, military ser- tional Archives on Pennsylvania each and every honored traveler impaired, but the Honor Flight organization is experienced in FAAGC Annual Financial Report performing the proper screening (Fiscal Year 2008-09: July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009; unaudited ) to determine who is and who is (As reported by Myrna C. Whitmire , 2007-2009 FAAGC Treasurer) not able to undertake such a

flight. OPENING FUND BALANCES 2008-09 Net Income : 2008-09 It was ironic that the date on as of July 1, 2008: Net Operating Expenses : Membership Dues $ 1,693.00 General Fund $ 12,655.02 which this Honor Flight from 18th Annual Gala 1,318.03 Newsletter/Website/ Columbia took place, September Building Fund 12,910.00 Directory/Postage $ 495.83 Scholarship Fund 1,960.00 Christmas Party 259.99 5, 2009, was the 70th anniver- Dance Troupe Fund 800.00 Donations/Pin Sales 101.00 Dance Costumes 577.68 sary of the date on which the Petty Cash 124.00 Interest Earned 27.83 Scholarship Fund 129.00 United States declared its neu- ======Easter Picnic 108.59 trality following Hitler’s inva- Total $ 28,449.02

Summer Picnic 216.08

Total Income $ 3,399.85 sion of Poland.

CLOSING FUND BALANCES Bank Service Charges 44.83 For more information and spon- as of June 30, 2009: FY 2008-09 International Festival sorship opportunities, contact General Fund $ 14,858.04 Net Annual Proceeds: Displays 95.82 Honor Flight SC at (803) 582-

8826 or visit its website: P.O. Box 42.00 Building Fund 12,910.00 $ 1,489.02

www.honorflightsc.com Insurance 201.00 Scholarship Fund 1,848.00 Dance Troupe Fund 222.00 (The amounts for the Dance Troupe, Build- ======——— ing, and Scholarship funds in the closing Petty Cash 100.00 balances have been increased by less than Special Thanks to Vic & Julie Total Expenses $ (1,910.83) $1 each from the General Fund, to avoid Rizalde, Marj Peña, and Nieves Total $ 29,938.04 keeping track of pennies.) McNulty for their recent donation

to the Honor Flight SC. O WINTER 2010 FIL-AM BULLETIN PAGE 7 PAGE 8 FIL-AM BULLETIN WINTER 2010 * * * Just A Reminder * * * Membership renewal for the Fil-Am Associa- tion Year 2009-10 is now due for many mem- bers. Please check the mailing address label Your Source for Philippine & Oriental Specialty Prod- below — if there are three asterisks ( *** ) on the line above your name, then your member-  Grocery  Gifts  Balikbayan Box Delivery  Money Remittance  Phone Cards ship has expired or will expire on the date Mallard Plaza - Ste. A Store Hours : specified after the asterisks. Mon—Sat: 10:00 am—7:00 pm Your membership renewal and prompt payment 1217 Highway 441 Sunday: Noon—6:00 pm of dues are crucial to the continued operations and Sumter, SC 29154 Tel. (803) 494-5613 Fax (803) 494-3160 success of the FAAGC in our community. Please send your membership dues as soon as possible (see CECILIA JACOBSEN www.FilAmStoreSC.com enclosed form in this issue). Dues can also be paid at Owner [email protected] the upcoming Christmas party. If there are membership renewal questions,

contact Nieves McNulty (781-9509; Visit & Bookmark the FAAGC Website [email protected]) or Helen Alon (738-0372; [email protected]).

www.FilAmSC.org O O O O O

for the clickable direct links to the websites The FAAGC 2009-2010 Directory of Members book- mentioned in this issue of the Fil-Am Bulletin.

let is currently being revised and will be distributed soon to all members. Current and some past issues (in color) of the Fil-Am Bulletin are also available online. Anyone who would like to place a three-line (25 characters per line) business listing (free to mem- Copies of the By-laws and application forms bers) or a business-card-size ad (for a small fee to can be downloaded from the website.

help cover printing expenses) in the directory is urged Be Our Fan on Facebook with this quick-link: to contact the Fil-Am Bulletin Editor (738-0372; tinyurl.com/FAAGC1 [email protected]). O

Fil-Am Bulletin of the Filipino-American Association of Greater Columbia, SC P.O. Box 24112, Columbia, SC 29224  Winter 2010  Volume 19, Number 2 

Reminder :

* Columbia FIL-AM Annual Christmas Party on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Hall/Gym (3600 Devine St. Columbia, SC 29205)