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CONGR.ESSION AL RECORD-SEN ATE JUNE 6 by Mr • 10154 CONGR.ESSION AL RECORD-SEN ATE JUNE 6 By Mr. DOUGHTON: A bill (H. R. 12794) for the relief of Oklahoma, urging pa age of the Couzens joint resolution pro­ W. E. McNeill, Lee Allman, and John Allman, stockholders of viding for the temporary suspension of consolidation of rail­ McNeill, Allman Construction Co. (Inc.), and W. E. McNeill, roads until Congre s provides protection for the railroad em­ uis ·olution agent of the McNeill-Allman Construction Co. ; to ployees as well as the public; to the Committee on Inter.., tate the Committee on the Judiciary. and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. HULL of Wisconsin: A bill (H. R. 12795) granting a 7483. By Mr. PEAVEY: Resolution from the County Board of pension to Catherine Millet; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Sawyer County, Wis., protesting the use of butter ub titutes ions. in State and Federal institutions, becau e such substitute CUl'­ By Mr. KIESS: A bill (H. R. 12796) granting an increase of tail the farmer's market, set a bad example for private in­ pen ..Jon to Matilda IIurer; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. stitutions and indiYiduals, and impair the health and entlanger By Mr. KI~CHELOE: A bill (II. R. 12797) granting an in­ the lives of those per ons \"\·ho subsist thereon ; to the Com­ crea. e of pension to Burley L. Van Fleet; to the Committee on mittee on Agriculture. Invalid Pensions. 7484. By Mr. S::\IITII of West Virginia: Re olution by the By 1\lr. KINZER: A bill (H. R. 12798) for the relief of John Crawford Bu ines Men's League, of Chicago, urging the pas. age K. Lintner; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. of legislation which shall check the monovoly of the chain-store By Mr. McMILLAN: A bill (H. R. 12799) for the relief of system; to the Committee on Inter..., t ate and Foreign Com­ Nellie Philips France ; to the Committee on Claims. merce. By ;.rr. SMITH of We t Virginia: A bill (II. R. 12800) grant­ ing a pension to Martha J. Hannah; to the Committee on Invalid SENATE Pensions. FRIDAY, June 6, 1930 PETITIONS, ETC. (Legi.s~ati-ve day ot Th:ttrsdO!y, May 29, 1990) Under clau e 1, of Rule XXII. petitions and papers were laid The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of on the Clerk' de~ k and referred a follows: the rece s. 7469. By :\lr. BOY~~: Letter from Overseas Automotive The VICE PRE !DENT. The Senate "ill receive a me sage Club, of New York City, opposing the pas age of the tariff from the Hou e of Repre...~ntatives. act ; to the Committee on Ways and 1\leans. ~470. Also, letter from Redfield-Downey-Odell Co., New York MESSAGE FRO:ll THE HOUSE City, opposing House bill 11096, which provides for a postage A message from the House of llepre entative by Mr. Halli­ charge of 5 cent for directory service to be collected from the gan, one of its clerks, announced that the House had agreed to sender of all mail that requires such service; to the Committee the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing on the Post Office and Po t Roads. votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to 7471. By Mr. CRADDOCK: Petition of the Woman's Tem­ the bill (H. R. 10175) to amend an act entitled "An act to pro­ perance Union, of Campbellsville, Ky., at its April meeting vide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons adopted a resolution petitioning the Congress to enact a law disabled in industry or otherwise and their return to civil em­ for the Federal supervision of motion pictures establishing ployment," approved June 2, 1920, as amended. higher standards before production for films that are to be The me ~ sage also announced that the Hou e had pas ed tbe licen..,ed for interstate and international commerce, signed by bill (S. 4017) to amend the act of May 29, 1928, pertaining to Lula Smith, .. ecretary, and Lottie Smith, president; to the certain War Department contracts by repealing the expii·ation Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. date of that act, with an amendment, in which it reque ted the 7472. By Mr. GARBER of Oklahoma: Petition of county concurrence of the Senate. clerk, Oklahoma City, Okla., in support of House bill 10366 ; The mes age further announced that the IIouse had pa ed to the Committee on Claims. the following bills, in which it requested the concurrence of the 7473. Also, petition of Carpenters Local No. 763, Enid, Okla., Senate: in support of Sproul bill, H. R. 0323; to the Committee on ll. R. 1420. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to loan Labor. atronautical equipment and material for purpose · of research 7474. Also petition of Division 030, Brotherhood of Locomo­ and experimentation; tive Engineer , Enid, Okla., in support of Couzens resolution ; H. R. 2030. An act to authorize an appropriation for the pur­ to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. chase of land adjoining Fort Bli , Tex. ; 7475. Al o, petition of Immigration Study Commi ion, acra­ H. R. 2755. An act to increa e the efficiency of the Veterinary mento, Calif.; to the Committee on Immigration and Nat­ Corps of the Reoooular Army ; uralization. H. R. 6340. An act to authorize an appropriation for construc­ 7476. Also, petition of Edwin Murphy, acting department tion at the Mountain Branch of the National Home for Di - commander, department of Florida, United Spanish War Vet­ abled Volunteer Soldiers, Johnson City, Tenn:; eran , in support of bill establishing branch of National Soldiers' H. R. 6871. An act to amend the acts of March 12, 1926, and Home in Southeastern States; to the Committee on Military March 30, 1928, authorizing the ale of the Jack on Barracks Affairs. Military Reservation, La., and for other purpo es; 7477. Also, petition of Train Dispatchers' As ociation, Okla­ H. R. 749f.). An act authorizing an appropriation for improve-­ homa City, Okla., in support of Couzens resolution, S. J. Res. ment at the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park; 161; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H. R. 8159. An act to authorize appropriation for con truc­ 7478. Also, petition of Western Regional Association of Sys­ tion at the United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.; tem and/or Terminal Boards of Adjustment, Brotherhood of Fort Lewis, Wash.; Fort Benning, Ga. ; and for other purpoQes; Railway and Steamship Clerk , Freight Handlers, Expre s, and H. R.11405. An act to amend an act approved February 25, Station Employee , Denver, Colo., in full upport of Couzens 1929, entitled "An act to authorize appropriations for con­ re olution; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ " tructlon at military posts, and for other purpo es" ; and merce. H. R. 12263. An act to authorize the acquisition of 1,000 acres 7479. By Mr. HALL of Mississippi: Telegram of FlOiian of land, more or less, for aerial bombing range pu1·po es at Yo te, president Retail Jewelers' Association, Vicksburg, 1\iiss., Kelly Field, Tex., and in settlement of certain damage claim . urging Rules Committee to secure special ruling on Capper­ Kelly fair trade bill; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ ENROLLED BILLS .AND JOrNT RESOLUTION STG~Jro eign Commerce. The mes age also announced that the Speaker had affixed his 7480. AI o, telegram of A. E. Wallace, president Brother­ sjgnature to the following enrolled bills and joint resolution, hood Railway Clerks, Hattiesburg, 1\Iiss., urging adoption of and they were signed by the Vice President: Couzens joint re olution, uspending consolidation of railroads; S. 1906. An act for the appointment of an additional circuit to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. judge for the fifth judicial circuit; 7481. Also, petition of citizens of Lumberton, Miss., not to S. 3493. An act to provide for the appointment of an addi· recommend the calling of an international conference by the tiona! circuit judge for the third judicial circuit; President of the United States or the acceptance by him of an H. R. 851. An act for the relief of Richard Kii·chhoff ; invitation to participate in such a conference for the purpose H. R. 1158. .An act for the relief of Eugene A. Dubrule; of revising the present calendar unless a proviso be attached · H. R. 1160. An act for the relief of Henry P. Biehl ; thereto definitely guaranteeing the preservation of the con­ H. R. 3175. An act to authorize Lieut. Commander James C. tinuity of the weekly cycle without the in ertion of blank days; Monfort, of the United States :Navy, to accept a decoration con­ to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ferred upon him by the Government of Italy ; 74 2. By Mr. McKEOWN: Petition of the legislative rep1·e· H. R. 3257. An act for the relief of Ellen B. Monahan; sentative of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, State of H. R. 3610. An act for the relief of William Geravis Hill; 1930 CONGRESSIONAL REOOR.D-SENATE 10155 II. R. 3801. An act wa1vmg the limiting period of two years tory tariff or a competitive tariff. They are now coyly mrting wlth in Executive Oruer No. 4576 to enable the Board of Awards of the llepublic:m principle of protection. This is a far cry from their the Navy Department to eonsider recommendation of the award former position, proving the willingness of that party, if not to recognize of the tlistinguished flying eros to members of the Alaskan a principle, at least to bow to a condition.
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