A non-profit official publication the Department of the Pacific Areas, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States

Volume XVIII – Number 6 January 2015 FREE “Fight for our Vets!”

Typhoon / Around the Pacific Table of Contents Section: Page:

Department Officer’s Comments 2 HHaappppyy Commander 2 Senior Vice Commander 3 Junior Vice Commander 6 Junior Past Department Commander 7 Chief of Staff 7 Adjutant 8 NNeeww YYeeaarr!! Quartermaster 8 Judge Advocate 10 Certified National Recruiter 12 Historian 13 = EDITION HIGHLIGHTS = Inspector 14 Surgeon 14 Department Committee Reports 17 DECEMBER 2014 COUNCIL OF Americanism Chairman 17 ADMINISTRATION Clark Cemetery Committee Chairman 18 Convention Chairman 19 Convention Book Chairman 19 Legislative Committee Chairman 20 Life Membership Chairman 21 National Home for Children Chairman 22 Publicity Chairman 23 POW-MIA Chairman 24 Public Servant Award Chairman 25 VOD / PP / Teachers Award Chairman 25 Safety Chairman 26 Scouting Team Chairman 27 Assistant Department Service Officer 28 (See Page 38.) Editor 28 ------Around the Pacific - Community Report 31 Department Special Event 38 NEW COMBINED TYPHOON / AROUND THE VFW Pacific Areas General Announcements 45 PACIFIC NEWSLETTER Cootie Corner Announcements 50 Pacific Areas Photo of the Edition 52 Pacific Areas Joke of the Edition 52 Letters of Intent 53

(See Editor’s Comments on Page 28.)

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Volume XVIII – Number 6 TYPHOON / AROUND THE PACIFIC January 2015

DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt OOffffiicceerr’’ss CCoommmmeennttss

From the Commander:

Hello Comrades,

We had an excellent Mid-Term Department Council of Administration meeting. Many very positive actions resulted.

First, it was determined that the “Around the Pacific” publication, which showcases photographically, many of the activities you are accomplishing in support of Veterans, local communities, our military and much more, would be published monthly as a second part to our monthly Publication of the “Typhoon.” As you know, the “Typhoon” is designed to update you on the latest policies, inform you of the various statistics showing where you are at and reporting your accomplishments.

Our Department stands high among the other Departments and States within VFW. For this, I wish to thank you all for the hard work and dedication you have put in to helping to improve our VFW, thus helping the causes of our Veterans, families and communities. Your dedication to these causes is truly appreciated by so very many.

In this regard, we are doing well in membership and recruiting, however, we have slowed and are starting to drag behind a little. It is most important that we re-energize our recruiting efforts and meet the goal of exceeding our previous 100% membership goal set by National. Most Districts are doing well; however, not all are there yet.

I can’t emphasize enough how important our larger membership is when working to help our Veterans, families, widows and orphans. Remember, our clout in Congress, which enables us to make positive movement via the Government towards improving VA and other services to Veterans, is exceedingly contingent upon our membership ranks and numbers. Recruiting – absolutely a key to better assisting our Vets.

I will be attending the Legislative Affairs Conference in Washington, D.C. soon, as we (VFW) meet with the Congressional Joint Committee on Veteran’s Affairs on March 4th. Our Commander in Chief John Stroud will testify on behalf of our Veterans. We will be “Fighting for our Vets!”

““FFiigghhtt ffoorr oouurr VVeettss!!””

Warmest Regards,

Bear ------

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Volume XVIII – Number 6 TYPHOON / AROUND THE PACIFIC January 2015

From the Senior Vice Commander:


First of all I would like to send a belated Happy New Year to all the Comrades of the Pacific. I hope all enjoyed their Holiday Season and now it is time to ensure the Department of the Pacific will enjoy the New Year by reaching the 100% membership goal. At the midterm C of A the DPA was ranked #3 Nationally as well as being only 1 of 3 to reach to reach the 90% goal in membership prior to December 1st. Thanks to all the Comrades who recruited and put the PACIFIC on the map for success.

The second half of the year has started and I am disappointed to report that our membership percentage ranking Nationally has decreased from #3 to #7. The National leader is currently Europe at 95.01% and our current percentage is 92.07% as of January 5th 2015. We have also gone from # 2 to # 3 in the Western Conference Standings. Comrades we are also behind last year’s total recruited Comrades within the DPA as well as some Districts and Post’s membership percentages have decreased from last year’s percentages. Comrades we need to focus on recruiting and put the Department of Pacific BACK on TOP and STAY on TOP where we belong.

I have posted the current DPA membership statistics from National as of Jan 5th 2015 and the percentages speak for themselves. Also congratulation’s to Post’s and District’s who have reached or exceeded 100% ahead of schedule.

I would like to also extend a job well done to the current top 4 recruiters: David Wykes Post 9612 (38), Cliff Wilsey Post 2485 (35), Gasper Delise Post 9985 (30), Larry Lyons Post 10216 (19), Daniel McMillan Post 10216 (15). There are 73 Comrades who have also recruited members as of January 5th whom I would also like to extend special thanks to all recruiting Comrades and please keep up drive and initiative toward membership your time and effort will benefit your Post, District, and Department.

I would like challenge each and every Comrade of the Pacific try to accomplish the 2014-2015 VFW National Commander-in-Chief John Stroud three basic goals:

1) Every Comrade recruit or reinstate one new member.

2) Share your VFW story.

3) Get involved.

Comrades please ask yourself what have I done about the three R’s in the past month? Did you R-cruit new members? Did you reach out and R-einstate members? Did remind annual members to pay their dues and R-etain continuous members? Thanks for all your support and lets have a great year Fighting for Our VETS!

Once again thanks to all the Comrades of the Pacific Areas for your support this year as the SVC as well as the Membership Chairmen. The numbers and percentages are growing daily on members and it is visible that there has been a lot of time and effort put into your recruiting. Please take the time and effort and ask the simple question to all that you meet are you a VFW member and always carry your applications!

Yours in Comradeship and Service, Homer Kemper Senior Vice Commander Department of Pacific Areas

See MEMSTATS and Recruiting Tips on the following pages.

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MEMSTATS (as of 05 January 2015)

State Post Dst Life New Reinst Cont Total Prior Year Percent Div City N/R LM Prior Annual Retention DPA 9723 1 743 15 6 43 807 800 100.87% 1 OKINAWA 8 59 50.85% D. Totals 1 743 15 6 43 807 800 100.87% 8

DPA 1054 2 694 3 0 7 704 700 100.57% 2 YOKOSUKA CITY 12 17 41.18% DPA 9555 2 339 3 1 18 361 390 92.56% 2 YOKOTA AFB 1 42 45.24% DPA 9612 2 368 3 28 14 413 367 112.53% 2 CAMP ZAMA 10 12 100.00% D. Totals 2 1401 9 29 39 1478 1457 101.44% 23

DPA 8180 3 623 2 1 20 646 779 82.92% 1 SEOUL 4 151 16.56% TONGDUCHON- DPA 9985 3 186 32 2 33 253 473 53.48% 2 1 285 12.63% UPREA DPA 10033 3 456 5 2 20 483 510 94.70% 2 TAEGU 1 46 41.30% DPA 10216 3 887 36 4 65 992 1193 83.15% 1 SONGTAN-SI 10 343 29.15% DPA 10223 3 218 24 0 12 254 275 92.36% 3 CAMP HUMPHREYS 2 66 25.76% DPA 12109 3 17 2 0 16 35 51 68.62% 9 WAEGWAN 0 34 44.12% D. Totals 3 2387 101 9 166 2663 3281 81.16% 18

DPA 727 4 73 0 0 5 78 79 98.73% 8 TAICHUNG 0 5 100.00% DPA 9957 4 325 0 0 14 339 350 96.85% 3 TAIPEI 0 19 78.95% D. Totals 4 398 0 0 19 417 429 97.20% 0

DPA 9876 5 398 10 0 46 454 468 97.00% 2 PATTAYA CITY 0 74 64.86% DPA 9951 5 231 3 0 14 248 255 97.25% 3 BANGKOK 0 27 66.67% DPA 10217 5 115 1 1 13 130 139 93.52% 6 KORAT AF BASE 0 26 65.38% DPA 10249 5 237 1 1 23 262 269 97.39% 3 UDORN 3 39 76.92% DPA 11575 5 90 0 0 9 99 102 97.05% 7 PHNOM PENH 0 13 76.92% DPA 12074 5 64 1 1 26 92 114 80.70% 6 CHIANG MAI 1 55 49.09% D. Totals 5 1135 16 3 131 1285 1347 95.39% 4

DPA 1509 6 332 5 1 13 351 385 91.16% 2 YIGO 1 50 28.00% DPA 2917 6 164 3 1 5 173 223 77.57% 4 AGAT 0 60 16.67% DPA 3457 6 196 14 5 8 223 219 101.82% 4 SAIPAN 6 32 34.38% D. Totals 6 692 22 7 26 747 827 90.32% 7

DPA 124 7 110 0 0 0 110 103 106.79% 7 BAGUIO CITY 10 0 100.00% DPA 2485 7 1553 11 1 46 1611 1682 95.77% 1 ANGELES CITY 24 134 43.28% DPA 9892 7 234 9 0 4 247 244 101.22% 4 BAUANG,LA UNION 4 12 50.00% DPA 11447 7 376 3 2 10 391 407 96.06% 2 SUBIC BAYN 10 36 47.22% DPA 12130 7 36 9 0 24 69 65 106.15% 9 CEBUNES 0 47 72.34% D. Totals 7 2309 32 3 84 2428 2501 97.08% 48

DPA 15055 99 480 17 3 32 532 606 87.78% 2 DPA 8

D. Totals 99 480 17 3 32 532 606 87.78% 8

DPA 9545 212 60 540 10357 11248 92.07% 116 Total

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I. With every new person you meet ask, “Are you a veteran?” and “Did you serve overseas?” You can immediately establish a common bond and confirm their eligibility.

II. Have every member, old and new to complete a list of eligible family members and friends. Often, they have never been asked.

III. Always visit a prospective member in person. Calling and writing are great campaign tools, but nothing works better than a handshake and eye-to-eye contact.

IV. Always carry an application and a membership brochure. Insist that everyone on your team carry them too. It is hard to recover a lost opportunity.

V. Set up recruiting booths at malls, department stores, fairs, special public events and other high traffic areas. Use the videotapes available through National Headquarters. Plan your display carefully. Be prepared to follow up.

VI. Do not overlook lapsed members. Their circumstances may have changed and they are ready to return.

VII. Use the “Shotgun Mailer” as part of your membership campaign (Many All Americans have used it).

VIII. Visit other Veteran, Fraternal and Civic Organizations. Let your concern and willingness to help be known and understood by all.

IX. Include membership in other programs. For example, while promoting Buddy Poppies – don’t forget to ask, “Are you a veteran?” and “Did you serve overseas?”

X. Membership is more than a reflection of recruiting ability. It also reflects your leadership ability, the quality of your programs and the overall health of the organization. ------

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Volume XVIII – Number 6 TYPHOON / AROUND THE PACIFIC January 2015

From the Junior Vice Commander:


Happy 2015 to all and do hope that all comrades had a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. I would like to thank everyone so much for your dedicated and hard work in supporting our Department’s Community Service. I am very proud of the Department comrade’s for their efforts on each submissions by Community Service Officers and individual comrades. We are headed into the 9th month of this reporting period and that leaves only 3 months. Remember that in order to make All-American as a Post at least one report for each month is required. As mentioned in previous articles, I will continue to accept any entries that may have not been documented from the months that have passed.

Yours in Comradeship, Robert Moses Junior Vice Commander Department of Pacific Areas

Community Service Reporting

Post District May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Total 9723 1 15 10 14 17 21 17 19 15 0 0 0 0 128 1054 10 24 23 31 25 27 27 10 2 0 0 0 179 9555 2 18 3 13 17 28 27 14 9 0 0 0 0 129 9612 95 98 78 59 94 91 86 31 0 0 0 0 632 8180 13 12 14 3 2 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 57 9985 7 1 1 6 7 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 34 10033 0 0 0 1 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 11 3 10216 22 28 11 6 9 12 13 12 0 0 0 0 113 10223 5 5 4 6 6 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 33 12109 4 2 1 1 1 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 17 727 8 8 6 6 5 6 7 7 0 0 0 0 53 4 9957 2 0 5 7 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 22 9876 35 36 25 27 25 26 29 24 0 0 0 0 227 9951 47 13 4 22 19 21 16 19 0 0 0 0 161 10217 17 20 22 16 15 21 12 14 0 0 0 0 137 5 10249 9 1 3 1 1 10 12 8 0 0 0 0 45 11575 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12074 2 20 25 37 32 17 13 13 0 0 0 2 159 1509 36 25 11 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 2917 6 0 1 4 2 2 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 19 3457 17 16 17 9 18 14 3 0 0 0 0 0 94 124 6 6 6 7 14 6 9 5 0 0 0 0 59 2485 56 54 60 77 75 75 70 80 0 0 0 0 547 7 9892 4 22 10 18 20 14 14 2 0 0 0 0 104 11447 4 4 9 5 5 5 4 5 0 0 0 0 41 12130 12 3 10 5 14 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 62

Total 432 409 366 385 427 424 373 256 2 1 1 36 3112


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From the Junior Past Department Commander:


I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! It was great seeing those of you that attended the Council of Administration in Subic Bay. Hope everyone made it home safely.

Now that the Holidays are behind us, it's now time to review your VFW goals. There are only just over 5 months left in this VFW year. Each Post and District needs to review the All State and All American requirements. Now is also the time to start thinking about inputs for the Department Awards. This will allow the Post Commander's to acknowledge the key people that have been doing an outstanding job thus far.

Yours Always in Comradeship, Shawn Watson Junior Past Department Commander Department of Pacific Areas ------From the Chief of Staff:

Greetings Comrades

At our Mid-Term CofA Subic Bay Philippines all went well and National Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Brian Duffy had a great visit. Meeting many District and Post Commanders and talking to many Comrades one on one. Brian chaired two round table meetings with Post 2485 Commander Carl Burke and Post 11447 Commander Mike Verville and their members. A much different approached on getting the VFW message out and members had the opportunity to ask the National Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief some interesting questions, a very productive meeting. Department Commander Bear Hudson was very pleased on how these meetings went and a much thank you to Post 11447 for hosting a successful CofA.


Yours in comradeship, Bob Zaher Chief of Staff Department of Pacific Areas ------

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From the Adjutant:


Well we are half way through the year and everything is looking good. I have just updated the General Order and Memorandum. Please check them out to make sure they are correct. Let me know if I missed something or made some errors. If you have any ideas on what I can do to make our Department better or more efficient, please let me know so we can see what we can do. As a simple reminder, if you have ANY correspondence with VFW National Headquarters, please courtesy copy me on the email for our records. I highly encourage Comrades to communicate with their respective National Program manager IF I am copied on communication. The National Headquarters staff is very professional and responsive.

On a personal note, I want to express my deepest appreciation for the Department’s support in my endeavor to be the next Western Conference Vice Chairman. I am humbled by your overwhelming support and will do my very best to not only get elected but to represent the Department with pride.

Please feel free to contact me if you need anything. You may email me at [email protected] and I will do my best to get back to you within 24 hours.

Yours in comradeship and service, Darin Combs Adjutant Department of Pacific Areas

------From the Quartermaster:

Happy New Year Comrades,

If you’ve tried to check MEMSTATS lately, you’ve noticed that the VFW computers are down for “year-end processing”. They should be back online after only a few days because there are only minor adjustments for this time of year.

January 1 marks the one year point for Subscription Dues. That means your membership percentage will fluctuate every time an Annual Member renews his membership or fails to renew his membership. You may actually see your Post’s membership percentage decline if Annual Members do not renew. This should give you added incentive to renew those members and recruit new ones.

There are still a few Posts which have not set up online dues processing. This puts your Post at an enormous disadvantage, relying on snail mail to process membership. New members could wait up to an extra month to receive their membership card and experience the benefits of membership. Plus there are many other advantages of having your Quartermaster enrolled in the online membership system. He/she can renew members, transfer members, change a member’s address and other information, order a replacement card, process an Annual Member to Life Member, and stay up to date on your Post’s membership percentage. And new members show up in your percentage two days after they are processed online, not two weeks or longer. You owe it to yourself and your Post to have your QM enrolled.

All Post and District Quartermasters are successfully bonded for this year. Well done! Please check the chart below to see if your required Quarterly Audits are up to date. I may have missed a few, so if you notice a mistake, please let me know so we can get it right. Please help share our organization with others - recruit! Safe and prosperous New Year to all.

Yours in comradeship, Pete Callaghan Quartermaster Department of Pacific Areas

Please see 2014-2015 Post and District Audits / Poppies / QM Bonds on the following page.

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AUDITS BUDDY POPPIES QM BOND JUNE 14 SEP 14 DEC 14 MAR 15 SUBMITTED ORDERED 14-15 ORDERED 2014-15 9723 X X $58.00/500 $100.00/$40.000. Pd. District I X X X $9.00/$3,000 Pd. 1054 X $58.00/500 $45.00/$15,000 Pd. 9555 X $58.00/500 $60.00/$20,000. Pd. 9612 X X $58.00/500 $65.00/$26,000. Pd. District II X X X $12.00/$4,000 Pd. 8180 X X $58.00/500 $60.00/$20,000 Pd. 9985 $58.00/500 $24.00/$8,000 Pd. 10033 X X $58.00/500 $60.00/$20,000. Pd. 10216 X $58.00/500 $75.00/$30,000 Pd. 10223 $58.00/500 $45.00/$15,000 Pd. 12109 $58.00/500 $9.00/$3,000 Pd. District III X X X $12.00/$4,000. Pd. 727 X X $58.00/500 $9.00/$3,000 Pd. 9957 X X $58.00/500 $100.00/$40,000 Pd. District IV X X X $9.00/$3,000. Pd. 9876 X $58.00/500 $150.00/$60,000. Pd. 9951 X X $15.00/$5,000 Pd. 10217 X X $58.00/500 $39.00/$13,000. Pd. 10249 X X $58.00/500 $39.00/$13,000. Pd. 11575 X X $58.00/500 $12.00/$4,000 Pd. 12074 X X $45.00/$15,000. Pd. District V X X $39.00/$13,000. Pd. 1509 X $58.00/500 $60.00/$20,000 Pd. 2917 X X $58.00/500 $60.00/$20,000. Pd. 3457 X X $58.00/500 $45.00/$15,000. Pd. District VI X X $9.00/$3,000. Pd. 124 $58.00/500 $9.00/$3,000. Pd. 2485 X X $58.00/500 $175.00/$70,000. Pd. 9892 X X $58.00/500 $30.00/ $10,000. Pd. 11447 X X $58.00/500 $36.00/$12,000 Pd. 12130 X X $58.00/500 $9.00/$3,000 Pd. District VII X X X $21.00/$7,000 Pd. ------

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From the Judge Advocate:


In a few months it will be time to consider nominations and election of officers for both Posts and Districts for 2015-2016 term of office. So, in this months’ issue I will present questions and render answers on some by-laws and parliamentary procedures concerning the forthcoming elections.


The following are questions with answers that may come up at nominations and election time:

Question: When do nominations commence and for how long? Answer: Nominations for Posts normally shall start at the March meeting and end in April at election time. Districts may open nominations in the meeting prior to their Convention and then continue at the annual Convention prior to elections.

Question: Does a member have to be at a meeting or Convention to be nominated? Answer: No, if the comrade making the nomination of an absentee for any office presents to the Adjutant, in writing, the consent of the member being nominated prior to the opening of nominations.

Question: If I’m nominated for office do I have the right to decline the position for which I was nominated? Answer: Yes, any nominee may have the opportunity to decline the position for which he has been nominated before the close of nominations.

Question: Who determines what form of elections shall be used? Answer: The membership, at the March Post meeting prior to opening nominations, or governing body to a Convention shall decide the form of election to use, unless By-Laws indicate the manner of elections. Normally, balloting for officers may be conducted by open or written secret ballot. Another method of balloting that may be used is the poll system and pre-printed ballots.

Question: If the Post decides at the March meeting to use the poll system with pre-printed ballots, are nominations held open until the April meeting? Answer: No, in the poll system, nominations are closed at the March meeting. Then the Post shall determine certain procedures used to conduct polling of the vote.

Question: What kinds of procedures are used in the poll system? Answer: The Post may determine procedures such as date, time and where polling shall take place, who does the tallying and what happens in case of a tie. A Notice and pre-printed ballots shall be distributed to members in good standing within a reasonable time prior to the date of voting. The notice shall contain the names of the candidates. Also, there shall be no absentee or proxy votes when the poll system is used. Also, the greater number of votes rule when using the poll system.

Question: What’s the difference between a majority vote and plurality vote? Answer: A majority vote at election time is considered more than half of all votes actually cast. Whereas, a plurality vote means a person having more votes than any other person is the winner. (Note: National By-Laws call for majority vote of all votes cast, except where otherwise designated, shall be necessary to elect.)

Question: Who is eligible to vote at election time? Answer: In Posts any member in good standing at the time of elections and at District Conventions those members in good standing that are part of the governing body defined in the District and/or National By-Laws.

Question: When is a member considered to be in good standing to vote at elections? Answer: Any Life members and a member whose current dues are paid through their anniversary date the year of elections is in good standing to vote.

Question: If I’m an elected two year House Committee member, can I be elected to another Post office?

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Answer: Yes, as elected committee members are not considered Post Officers, so you may concurrently hold an elected Post office.

Question: What happens when more than two candidates are nominated and there is no majority vote realized? Answer: You would drop the comrade with the lowest amount of votes and continue successive ballots until the election is made.

Question: If the final vote is deadlocked, how is it decided? Answer: There are two ways to decide a tie which are as follows; 1) the units by-laws specify that in event of a tie vote, the candidates or their nominator or designated representative shall determine the result by lot or coin, or 2) if the by- laws are silent, a motion can be adopted in advance of vote stating in the event of a tie vote for a final choice, the candidates or their representatives or nominator shall decide the result by lot, or toss of the coin. (Note: At conventions normally Rules of Order for the convention will state the second choice and shall be voted at start of the convention.)

Question: What happens if the By-Laws are silent and no motion was made in advance of voting concerning a deadlock? Answer: Pursuant to Demeter’s Manual the Chair can’t break a tie in elections, however, the Chair can call for unanimous consent meaning everyone in the meeting or delegates to a convention must be in favor for the candidates or their representatives or nominator to decide the election by lot, or toss of the coin. The Chair should normally ask if there is any objection to having the method of deciding the election by lot, or toss of the coin. If there is one objection then a motion shall have to be made in advance for the method of breaking a tie and then re-election at the current meeting or convention shall be held again.

Question: Who do I submit my grievances’ to as I want to challenge the Post elections for irregularities? Answer: If irregularities are being claimed to the election to any office, such challenge shall be made in writing containing specific details concerning the irregularities. The letter shall be signed by the challenger and forwarded to the District Commander, mailed no later than three (3) days after the election. Remember, any complaint sent direct to National shall be returned via the chain of command to the District Commander. (Refer: VFW By-Laws and Manual of Procedure, Section 109 – Right to Appeal.)

Question: What if I’m elected as an officer in the Post and can’t make the installation? Answer: If you’re an officer-elect and absent for good reason you may be installed at any regular or special meeting prior to the convening of the Department Convention. If not then installed, the office will automatically become vacant. Then after the Department Convention the Post shall go through the election process to fill the position and if elected you would be installed.

As you can see from above comrades, there are a few questions that may come up during the course of nominations and voting during election time, which can be answered by reviewing the various By-Laws at different levels of command, as well as consulting Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure.

If you have any questions on the above Q and A or by-laws please contact me at [email protected] or [email protected] and I will be ready to assist anyway I can. "God bless you comrades and God bless America."


Yours in comradeship, Bill Wichman Judge Advocate Department of Pacific Areas


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Volume XVIII – Number 6 TYPHOON / AROUND THE PACIFIC January 2015

From the Certified National Recruiter:

Comrades of the Pacific,

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and I wish all the best for everyone through-out our New Year 2015.

As my father told me you learn something every day and I just found out that when you log into the VFW National Web Site under “My VFW” you can see all the comrades doing recruiting in our Department. So thus I have a new list of outstanding recruiters I like to follow David Letterman and let’s call this our TOP 10 Recruiters and they are:

1. David Wykes from Post 9612 with 38 members, 2. Cliff Wilsey from Post 2485 with 35 members, 3. Gasper Delise from Post 9895 with 30 Members, 4. Larry Lyons from Post 10216 with 19 members, 5. George Beck from Post 10223 with 14 members, 6. Pete Callaghan from Post 3457 with 14 members, 7. Dennis Provencher from Post 9723 with 11 Members, 8. Rhett Weber from Post 9892 with 11 members, 9. Jimmy Bosch from Post 10216 with 10 members. 10. Rounding out our Top Ten Recruiters, tied for 10th place are: Richard Hagaman from Post 10033 with 6 members and Stanley Stewart from Post 9723 also with 6 members.

Special thanks to these recruiters, but thanks also to all recruiters working out there getting the ones and twos and finding those lost members to bring back into their Post’s.

Comrades our VFW year is now half over and we need to kick start some of our Post’s and Members to get out there and get the blood of the VFW and that’s members. We are currently in 7th place at National as you know we are normally in the top 3 each year. As our DPA inspector would say Full Speed ahead. We have done it before and we WILL continue to do it again, yes it is work so it’s time to roll up those sleeves and get busy and bring our Department back on top.

Congrats to the following Post’s that are already over 100% they are 9723, 1054, 9612, 3457, 124, 9892, and 12130 Great job all of you. But your Department still needs your help. It is great that you have made that goal but we could use some more support in the Department that others Post’s are having trouble with so please do not stop recruiting and go get some more to help our Department get back on top.

At the CofA, I passed out recruiting bags along with recruiting material to all the District Commanders. If you need more just let me know. I am here to assist you in any way possible.

Yours Always in Comradeship, Larry Lyons Certified National Recruiter Department of Pacific Areas ------

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From the Historian:

Fellow VFW Comrades,

Fellow VFW Comrades,

This month will commemorate Medal of Honor recipient Pappy Boyington.

Major Gregory “Pappy” Boyington

Gregory "Pappy" Boyington (December 4, 1912 – January 11, 1988) was a highly decorated American combat pilot who was a United States Marine Corps fighter ace during World War II. He received both the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross.

Born on December 4, 1912 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Boyington attended college at the University of Washington. He was a member of the ROTC and graduated with BS in Aeronautical Engineering in 1934. On February 18, 1936, Boyington accepted an appointment as an aviation cadet in the Marine Corps Reserve. He was assigned to the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, for flight training. He was designated a Naval Aviator on March 11, 1937. He was discharged from the Marine Corps Reserve on July 1, 1937 in order to accept a second lieutenant's commission in the regular Marine Corps the following day.

In September 1943, he became Commanding Officer (CO) of Marine Fighter Squadron 214, better known by its nickname, the "Black Sheep Squadron” and where he picked up his nickname of Gramps because he was more than 10 years older than the men in the squadron. Later he became know as Pappy and his legend as a skilled fighter pilot began.

Boyington is best known for his exploits flying the Vought F4U Corsair in VMF-214 in the Pacific Theater. During his squadron's first tour of combat duty, the major shot down 14 enemy fighter planes in 32 days. By December 27, his record had climbed to 25.

On January 3, 1944, he tied the American record of 26 enemy planes destroyed before being shot down. Following a determined but futile search, Boyington was declared missing in action. He had been picked up by a Japanese submarine and became a prisoner of war. During mid-August 1945, after the atomic bombs and the Japanese capitulation, Boyington was liberated from Japanese custody at Omori Prison Camp on August 29. Boyington returned to the United States at Naval Air Station Alameda on September 12, 1945.

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On October 4, 1945, Boyington received the Navy Cross from the Commandant of the Marine Corps for the Rabaul raid; the following day, "Nimitz Day," he and other Sailors and Marines were decorated at the White House by President Harry S. Truman. Boyington received the Medal of Honor.

He retired from the Marine Corps on August 1, 1947, and because he was specially commended for the performance of duty in actual combat, he was promoted to colonel.

Pappy Boyington is just one of many colorful veterans in the Pacific. You may find out more details about the Colonel Boyington on the web.

Please remember to send me changes or updates to Post or District History. I prefer my personal email address: [email protected]

Thanks for everyone's support in assisting our Commander in his charter to Fight for our Vets.

Yours in Comradeship, Tom “Bergie” Bergam Historian Department of Pacific Areas ------From the Inspector:

Comrade District and Assistant Inspectors,

I am happy to report, that as of the date of the C of A in December, all Districts had completed their Inspections, with the exception of District 3. They still have 3 Inspections to go.

Hopefully, they will complete these shortly and the Department will be at 100%. [email protected] Alt: [email protected]

Yours in comradeship, Jerry Prinz Inspector Department of Pacific Areas ------From the Surgeon:

Well Comrades,

It is that time again for me to provide some medical information that can be helpful to each of us. Most of my information usually leans toward our male members however, this time we I am focusing on information meant primarily for our female members.

This month is HPV and Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and to that end I will begin.

HPV / Cervical Cancer Overview:

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the name of a group of viruses that infect the skin. There are more than 100 different types of HPV. Some types of genital HPV may cause genital warts, while other types of genital HPV are linked to abnormal cell changes on the cervix (detected through Pap tests) that can lead to cervical cancer. However, this cancer can almost always be prevented through regular screening and, if needed, treatment of abnormal cell changes. Approximately 14 million new cases of sexually transmitted HPV occur in the U.S. each year, with at least 79 million people estimated to be currently infected. Most people with HPV, though, do not know that they are infected. It is

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Volume XVIII – Number 6 TYPHOON / AROUND THE PACIFIC January 2015 estimated that 70% of women and men will come into contact with it during their life. Fortunately 80 to 90% of cases the human papilloma virus will be naturally eliminated.


- HPV can infect anyone who has ever had a sexual encounter, even without going “all the way.”

- HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact, not through an exchange of bodily fluid.

- In most cases, the virus is harmless and most people have no symptoms. The body clears most HPV infections naturally.

- HPV can be contracted from one partner, remain dormant, and then later be unknowingly transmitted to another sexual partner, including a spouse.

- Though usually harmless, some high-risk types cause cervical cell changes that, if not detected in time, can turn into cancer. The majority of women with an HPV infection will not develop cervical cancer, but regular PAP tests are important.

- Cervical cancer most commonly takes 10 years to 20 years or more to develop; women who are no longer sexually active should still have PAP tests.

- Cervical cancer is the first cancer in women to be identified as being caused almost exclusively by a virus.

- The best way to screen for cervical cancer is a Pap test, which may be done alone or, for women age 30 and older, in combination with an HPV DNA test.

- HPV infections in women over 30 are less likely to be cleared naturally, so an HPV test can be helpful in letting health care providers know which women are at greatest risk of cervical cancer.

- Regular Pap tests, supplemented by appropriate HPV testing, will detect virtually all pre-cancerous changes and cervical cancers.

- Cervical cancer is completely preventable if precancerous cell changes are detected and treated early

- Genital warts usually appear as a small bump or group of bumps in the genital area. They can be small or large, raised or flat, or shaped like a cauliflower. Health care providers typically diagnose warts by looking at the genital area during an office visit. Warts can appear within weeks or months after sexual contact with an infected partner—even if the infected partner has no signs of genital warts. If left untreated, genital warts might go away, remain unchanged, or increase in size or number. They will not turn into cancer.

Cervical Cancer Overview:

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix, the narrow opening into the uterus from the vagina. The normal "ectocervix" (the portion of the uterus extending into the vagina) is a healthy pink color and is covered with flat, thin cells called squamous cells. The "endocervix" or cervical canal is made up of another kind of cell called columnar cells. The area where these cells meet is called the "transformation zone" (T-zone) and is the most likely location for abnormal or precancerous cells to develop. More than 12,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, and more than 4,000 of women will die. Cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer for women worldwide, but because it develops over time, it is also one of the most preventable types of cancer. Because of the use of the PAP Smear Test deaths from cancer continue to drop approximately 2% each year in the U.S. There are over 100 different types of HPV, most of

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Volume XVIII – Number 6 TYPHOON / AROUND THE PACIFIC January 2015 which are considered low-risk and do not cause cervical cancer. HPV is estimated to be the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. In fact, by age 50 approximately 80% of women have been infected with some type of HPV. The majority of women infected with the HPV virus do NOT develop cervical cancer. For most women the HPV infection does not last long; 90% of HPV infections resolve on their own within 2 years.

How is Cervical Cancer diagnosed?

Precancerous cervical cell changes and early cancers of the cervix generally do not cause symptoms. Cervical cell changes are often detected through screening, including Pap and HPV test. Once these changes have been detected the next stage of confirming diagnosis begins and there are several different procedures this confirmation can take:

Colposcopy: A colposcopy is an examination of the vagina and cervix using a lighted magnifying instrument called a colposcope.

Cervical biopsy: In a biopsy, the healthcare provider removes a small amount of tissue for examination under a microscope to look for precancerous cells or cancer cells. Most women have the biopsy in the doctor's office, and no anesthesia is needed. To do the biopsy, the doctor will insert a speculum to hold the vagina open and take a very small sample. After the sample is taken, it will be sent to a laboratory where another doctor checks the tissue using a microscope. You may experience some bleeding and discharge after the exam and discomfort similar to menstrual cramps. Ibuprofen can be taken to relieve these symptoms.

Colposcopic biopsy: While viewing your cervix with a colposcope, the healthcare provider removes a tiny portion of abnormal tissue from the surface of the cervix with a special tweezers. The cells are then examined under a microscope.

Endocervical curettage: A procedure in which the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is scraped using a spoon- shaped instrument called a curette. This can be done in your healthcare provider's office and does not require anesthesia. There may be some cramping and bleeding after the procedure.

Cone biopsy: A cone-shaped sample of tissue is removed from the cervix to see if abnormal cells are in the tissue beneath the surface of the cervix. This specimen is much bigger than the biopsy done in the office without anaesthesia. A sample of tissue can be removed for a cone biopsy using a LEEP cone procedure, which can be done under local anaesthesia, or a knife cone procedure, done in an operating room under local or general anaesthesia. You may have some vaginal bleeding for about a week and some spotting for about three weeks after the procedure.

LEEP (Loop Electro-Surgical Excision Procedure): The LEEP is performed using a small heated wire to remove tissue and precancerous cells from the cervix. This procedure can be done in your provider's office and requires local anaesthesia. There may be some cramping during and after the procedure. You may have moderate to heavy vaginal discharge that lasts for up to three weeks.

There are also several Procedures / Tests that will be performed if above tests show cancerous cells and these will be used to determine if the cells have spread to other parts of the body. These are:

Cystoscopy or proctoscopy to check to see if cancer has spread to the urethra or bladder

Computed tomography scan (CT), which combines multiple X-rays to provide three-dimensional clarity and show various types of tissue, including blood vessels.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), using magnets and radio waves provide three-dimensional body images. It may also be used to determine if a tumor is benign or malignant.

Positron emission tomography scan (PET), called a PET scan. A PET scan is an imaging test that can help reveal how your tissues and organs are functioning. A small amount of radioactive material is necessary to show this activity.

Treatment of cervical cancer depends on:

The stage of the cancer, the size and shape of the tumor, the woman’s age and general health and her desire to have children in the future.

The types of surgical intervention used for early cervical cancer are:

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1. loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) - Uses electricity

2. Cryotherapy – freezes abnormal cells

3. Laser Therapy – uses light to burn abnormal tissue.

Well Comrades, that is a lot of information to digest but it is important for ourselves if we are women and for our significant others to assist with decisions in our medical care.

Take care and see you next month.

Yours in Comradeship, Patrick “Doc” Higgins Surgeon Department of Pacific Areas ======Department Committee Reports

From the Americanism Chairman:


On January 1, 1776 during the Revolution, George Washington unveiled The Grand Union Flag, the first National Flag of our fledgling country.

The Grand Union 1775: Also known as the Continental flag, it is the first true U.S. Flag. It combined the British King's Colors and the thirteen stripes signifying Colonial unity. George Washington liked this design so well that he chose it to be flown to celebrate the formation of the Continental Army on New Years Day, 1776. On that day the Grand Union Flag was proudly raised on Prospect Hill in Somerville, near his headquarters at Cambridge, Massachusetts.

For the second half of this VFW year, let’s go forward and endeavor to do better for ourselves, our comrades and the Department. Pray for each other and for our Commanders.

Remember, you don’t have to be a Chaplain to pray.

May God Bless you all, the VFW and the United States of America.

Yours in Comradeship, Billy Q. Quintero Americanism Chairman Department of Pacific Areas ------

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From the Clark Cemetery Chairman:


BURIAL UPDATE: Following a three month suspension of new Burials at Clark Veterans Cemetery by order of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority, (BCDA), burials have resumed per a policy change announced by BCDA on 04 December 2014. We have conducted four Burial Services since without complication, and an additional four are scheduled or requested.

Our thanks to VFW National Senior Vice Commander in Chief, John Biedrzycki, and DPA Commander Bear Hudson for raising our concerns and personally discussing the situation with the US Ambassador to the Philippines. A special thanks as well to U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte, for contacting the U.S. State Department and the Philippine Ambassador to the U.S. and urging a speedy resolution.

Hopefully, whatever issues precipitated the suspension have been resolved.

Significant Activities:

08 December 2014 … Conducted Cemetery Tour for VFW National Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Brian J. Duffy. (Clark)

12 December 2014 … VFW Post 2485 provided military burial honors for David J. Hurst, MSgt, USAF. (Clark)

12 December 2014 … VFW Post 2485 provided military burial honors for Peter F. Kearns, A1C, USAF. (Clark)

17 December 2014 … VFW Post 2485 provided military burial honors for Willie M. Lee, Jr., TSgt, USAF. (Clark)

18 December 2014 … VFW Post 2485 provided military burial honors for Larry B. Rader, SFC, USA. (Clark)

As of 31 December 2014, Grave Digger membership stands at 1,272, an increase of 1 since last month. Grave Digger Memberships will continue to be offered as a legacy commemorative program, with donations used for indigent Veteran burials, upgrade of burial equipment, and to help defray the expenses of our annual Veterans Day Ceremony.

New Grave Digger:

David Cain (Supporter)

A copy of the monthly Clark American Cemetery report can be downloaded from the Post 2485 website at:


Yours in comradeship, John H. Gilbert, Ed.D. Clark Cemetery Chairman Department of Pacific Areas http://www.vfwpost2485.com/cemetery.htm ------

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From the Convention Chairman:


A Happy New Year to all Department Comrades.

Our Department Convention is only 5 ½ months away, 14-18 June 2015 at Oasis Hotel, Angeles City, Philippines. Our Department Webmaster and Past Department All American Commander Shawn Watson predicts he will have the website online by February timeframe. It is not too early to be planning on attending our Department Convention. Hope to see you there.


Yours in Comradeship, Bob Zaher Chairman, 2014-2015 Convention Department of Pacific Areas ------From the Convention Book Chairman:


The cut-off date for this year’s convention book is 31 May 2015.

Please submit your District, Post, and Pup Tent ads as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the last day to submit your inputs.

Here are the current price list:

1 Page, Color $200.00 ½ Page Color $100.00 1 Page, B/W $100.00 ½ Page, B/W $50.00 Business Cards $10.00 Booster Ads $2.00

Rebates of 50% per ad start once your Post, District, or Pup Tent gets $500.00 worth of ads. Rebates of 50 cents per booster ad begin after 35 names.

Besides the ads, captioned photographs of Post and District commanders in action with their unit members always enliven and add spice to the convention book. Send in your best and we will do our best to include them in the book, though we cannot promise to publish all photos submitted. Also, if you need any help designing your Post, District or Pup Tent ads, the convention book staff can assist you in this regard.

You can contact me at: [email protected]


Yours in Comradeship, Bob Zaher Chairman, 2014-2015 Convention Book Department of Pacific Areas ------

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From the Legislative Committee Chairman:


It is a new year, and since out last Typhoon, we went through our midterms elections. I hope everyone voted. Each of our votes makes a difference. In my home district, the incumbent lost a close election. Despite there being an Air Force base in his district, and despite his website proclaiming his support for veterans, the fact was that veterans were not high on his agenda. I personally sent two e-mails to him, and his military liaison didn’t seem to think it was necessary to respond. The vets in the area (with quite a few VFW and Legion posts in his district), supported his opponent, and the incumbent lost by a very small margin. Our voice, as veterans, was heard.

Not to sound like a broken record, but once again, I highly recommend that each member sign up for the VFW Action Corps Weekly. This weekly e-mail highlights VFW legislative issues of interest and is a good way to remain up-to-date on items that could affect veterans. To sign up, simply go to vfw.org, click on “VFW in D.D.,” then go the National Legislative Service” link where you will find the current newsletter as well as being able to sign up for the newsletters to be e-mailed to you.

Here are some of the current legislative highlights concerning vets:

1. Veterans Win Seats in Congress: Election Day 2014 was a huge victory for veterans running for Congress. Eleven new veterans were elected to the House, bringing its total number to 81. Still, this is slightly down from the total of 87 at the beginning of last Congress. Only two incumbent veterans lost their House races on Tuesday. Four new veterans were elected to the Senate, bringing the total number of veterans up to 21 from 20. This marks the first election since 1982 in which the number of Senate veterans increased. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Joni Ernst of Iowa won their races, making them the first two Iraq veterans ever elected to the Senate. If a veteran was newly elected in your district or state, take the opportunity in the coming weeks to reach out to them. Share the VFW Priority Goals with them and their staff, and look for opportunities to host veterans’ roundtables and town hall meetings with them at your posts. The Military Times compiled a list of current era veterans who were elected on Tuesday. To view it, click here: http://projects.militarytimes.com/elections/candidates

2. Veterans Groups Push for Putting Veterans Funding First Act: In response to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s promise to schedule time for a vote on S. 932, the “Putting Veterans Funding First Act” a coalition of Veterans and Military Service Organizations sent a letter thanking him for his commitment. This act would fund all VA budgetary accounts a year in advance. This continues to be a priority goal for the VFW and we will be calling on you to take action once we know when the vote will be held. Read the letter to Senator Reid here: http://www.vfw.org/uploadedFiles/VFW.org/VFW_in_DC/111314_ReidAdvanceAppropriationsVote.pdf

3. MyVA Reorganization Plans Announced: Bob McDonald, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, announced his plans to reorganize the Department of Veterans Affairs to ensure veterans have a clear understanding of VA’s structure and how to obtain needed care and benefits, train and enable employees to solve problems and take action, and to integrate VA products and services. To achieve these goals, Secretary McDonald plans to establish a VA-wide customer service organization to understand and respond to the expectations of veterans; establish a single regional framework to simplify internal coordination, facilitate partnering and enhance customer service; establish Community Veteran Advisory Councils to better coordinate with local, state, and community partners; and develop a shared services model to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase productivity across VA. Secretary McDonald asks that veterans submit their feedback, ideas, and perspective though the MyVA Idea House. Read more at: www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/pressrelease.cfm?id=2657

4. Congress Approves New VFW Charter: VFW National Commander John Stroud is thanking the 113th Congress for their unanimous support this week to approve a change to the VFW’s congressional charter that was signed 78 years ago by President Franklin D. Roosevelt when the military was comprised almost entirely of men. Prompted by VFW Resolution 301 that was passed in July by delegates attending the 115th VFW National Convention in St. Louis, the charter update consists of two wording changes — replacing men with veterans, and widows with surviving spouses — and was supported by two companion bills introduced by Senate VA Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and House VA Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-Fla.). “We didn’t change our congressional charter to be politically correct,” said Stroud, “we changed it because being an eligible service member or veteran is what’s important to our great

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Volume XVIII – Number 6 TYPHOON / AROUND THE PACIFIC January 2015 organization, not one’s gender, and changing widows to surviving spouses is more representative of today’s military.” The bill now heads to the President for his signature.

5. Suicide Prevention Bill Blocked from Passage: The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans (SAV) Act failed to pass the Senate after Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) put a hold on the bill, citing cost considerations. The SAV Act was considered non-controversial in the House, and passed that chamber by voice vote the previous week. This critical legislation would have begun to address the crisis of veterans’ suicide by allowing VA to hire more psychiatrists, collaborate with local non-profit mental health organizations, and expand successful peer support networks. The SAV Act was named after Clay Hunt, an OIF/OEF Marine from Texas who became active in the veterans’ community after leaving the military. After years of battling PTSD, Clay tragically took his own life in 2011. The VFW strongly supported the SAV Act, assisting with its creation, testifying in support, and speaking at press conferences when it was first introduced and shortly before it hit the Senate floor. Because the Senate adjourned before the procedural hurdles could be overcome, the bill never came to a final vote. The VFW is deeply disappointed by this, but plans to immediately begin pushing for its reintroduction and passage in the 114th Congress. We would like to thank all of our advocates who helped raise awareness about the SAV Act, and will be calling for your support again in the new year. To read VFW testimony on the SAV Act (H.R. 5059), click here: http://veterans.house.gov/hearing/legislative-hearing

Comrades, this concludes my report on legislative matters concerning veterans. If you have any questions you may contact me at: [email protected]

Yours in Comradeship, Jonathan Brazee Legislative Chairman Department of Pacific Areas ------From the Life Membership Chairman:

Greetings from DPA Life Membership Chairman,

We are now at 9543 Life Members and adding new Life Members daily. At present we are 101 Lifers ahead of last years end figure.

To date the Department has paid for four (4) Life Members in accordance with the DPA Membership Awards Program. Congratulations to Posts 9612, 124, 2485, and 11447.

Additional Posts that have earned DPA paid Life Memberships are 124 (second award), 9612 (second award), 3457, and 11447 (second award). These Posts need to scan applications to me at: [email protected] or directly to the Department Quartermaster for processing.

Post 9723 and Post 10249 needs only 2 more N/R Life Members to qualify for DPA paid Life Memberships.

Looks like a banner year. Thanks much to all those in the trenches that continue to make this Program a success.

Yours in Comradeship, Cliff Wilsey Life Membership Chairman Department of Pacific Areas ------

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From the National Home for Children Chairman:


Let me start out with saying it was great to meet everyone that attended the Council of Administration early December. A few Post Commanders issued me checks for making donation for their Post. These donations have been made and I have sent out confirmation email showing the donation so the Quartermaster can keep their paperwork straight.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015!

The holidays have been very merry and bright here at the VFW National Home for Children! All of us at the National Home would like wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Here is a short holiday video of our children and residents’ Christmas for you to enjoy on our YouTube channel !

It has been a wonderful year for the VFW National Home for Children! Our families are rebuilding their lives, the children are learning and growing, and everyone is taking part in the fun and educational activities offered here.

The National Home will celebrate its 90th Anniversary of taking care of our nation’s veteran and military families in 2015. It is a very exciting time! You can expect to learn more about the National Home’s history through articles and historical pictures posted here throughout the year, and there are much more planned for the 90th Anniversary.

The giving spirit of Christmas filled the VFW National Home for Children community during the month of December. The next year promises to be an exciting and wonderful time for our families, staff, and supporters. Here’s to the next 90 years! For more information as to what our National Home for Children did during the 2014 year. Please click on the link and check out their Blog at the National Home:

The VFW National Home for Children serves as a living memorial to America’s Veterans by helping our nation’s veteran and military families during difficult times.

National Home Donation Report

On the following page is the updated report from the National Home. Commands and Quartermaster Please check this report and let me know if your Post Donations are not listed for this year. If you send me a copy of the receipt that the National Home sends to you I can make easier updates for your Post donations.

This report was for November 30 – December 30 2014. I will be requesting this report again by the end of each month so make you donation before then.

For inquires about any of our services, call the National Home Helpline at 800.313.4200 or email: [email protected]

Please report any and all donations that you make to the National Home to me so they can be recorded and tracked. Email them to: [email protected]

Yours in Comradeship, Randell E. Himes National Home for Children Chairman Department of Pacific Areas

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POST Members Life POST Members Life Post District Post District Donated Donations Members Donated Donations Members 9723 1 $60.00 142 9876 4 1054 $100.00 66 9951 7 9555 2 $100.00 157 10217 $90.00 12 5 9612 $200.00 $450.00 26 10249 3 8180 $250.00 10 11575 4 9985 6 12074 0 10033 15 1509 27 3 10216 78 2917 6 1 10223 8 3457 2 12109 0 124 0 727 10 2485 $269.85 21 4 9957 53 9892 7 $120.00 3 11447 7 12130 Total $710.00 $450.00 571 Total $479.85 $0.00 91 Red = Not verified ------From the Publicity Chairman:


DPA Tidbit’s

An important part of any Post web site is Related links. A link to the VFW National and the DPA sites will keep your members informed. If your District has a site, add it too.

Veterans of Foreign Wars: www.vfw.org

Department of Pacific Areas: www.vfwdeptpacific.org

The Department Facebook Page stands at 326 members as of this writing, that is only 2.8% of the total members in the Department, Face book is a great way to keep in touch and lets you share your activities with the other Post throughout the department. Join Today!


Yours in Comradeship, Al Fitchett Publicity Chairman Department of Pacific Areas ------

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From the POW-MIA Chairman:



On November 22, 2014, at the Army versus Fordham football game during Military Appreciation Day at West Point, members of Rolling Thunder Chapter 3 NY presented West Point with a POW/MIA Chair of Honor that was placed in Michie Stadium. The chair symbolizes that there are still some 83,000 MIAs from all wars. The chair remains empty to show that these men and women will always have a place in the stadium should they ever come home. On hand to accept the chair was Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen Jr., superintendent of West Point, and state Sen. Bill Larkin. West Point is the first service academy to have such a chair in its stadium.

Rolling Thunder places Chair of Honor at Michie Stadium

Yours in Comradeship, Alex Roese POW-MIA Chairman Department of Pacific Areas ------

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From the Public Servant Award Chairman:

Howdy Comrade District and Post Commanders of the Great Department of Pacific Areas,

I have the results in for that sick horse and the following entries have cured our sick friend:

A qualified Medical Person to revive him: EMT Rashaid L. Brown submitted by District 2, VFW Post 1054, Yokosuka, Japan

A qualified Law Enforcement Person to protect him: LEO Jason M. Qualls submitted by District 2, VFW Post 1054, Yokosuka, Japan

A qualified Firefighter to put out the gassy fire coming out his rear: FFOY Gifton A. Lawrence Jr. submitted by District 2, VFW Post 1054, Yokosuka, Japan

I want to that all that participated. Program ahead and get your entries in early, information will be in the July 2015 Typhoon / Around the Pacific newsletter.

Any question can be sent to me at: [email protected]

Thanking you all for your support.

Yours in Comradeship, Fred W Berg, Sr. Public Servant Award Chairman Department of Pacific Areas ------From the Voice of Democracy / Patriot’s Pen / Teacher’s Award Chairman:

Hello Comrades,

I want to thank all the District Commanders and Post Commanders for their timely submission of applicants to the VOD / PP / TA. Competition was great and judging was close.

The winners are as follows:

TA 9-12 David Weissgerber from District 1, VFW Post 9723, Okinawa, Japan

TA 7-8 Jim Franklin from District 3, VFW Post 9985

TA K-6 Don Dittmeier from District 2, VFW Post 9555, Yokota, Japan

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PP Benson Lin from District 4, VFW Post 727

VOD Genevieve R. Suchyta from District 3, VFW Post 8180

All won $500.00 from Department of Pacific Areas and the VOD Winner gets a free trip to Washington DC, were her entry will be entered into the National VOD Competition.

The next competition will start in March 2015 with new subjects, I’ll get this posted with the March 2015 Typhoon / Around the Pacific newsletter. Start early and don’t wait till the last minute to submit your winners.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact me at: [email protected]

May everyone have a Happy New Year.

Yours in comradeship and service, Fred W Berg, Sr. Voice of Democracy / Patriot’s Pen / Teacher’s Award Chairman Department of Pacific Areas ------From the Safety Chairman:


Rose and I wish you all had a very Merry Christmas and will have a safe and prosperous Happy New Year!!

1. Merry and Bright: Carefully inspect holiday light strings each year and discard any with frayed cords, cracked lamp holders, or loose connections. When replacing bulbs, unplug the light string and be sure to match voltage and wattage to the original bulb.

2. Lights Out: Always turn off holiday lights when you leave the house unattended or when going to bed.

3. Fresh Is Best: Try to purchase a freshly cut tree, as they are more resistant to ignition. Keep your Christmas tree watered and away from open candles.

4. Timing Is Everything: Use an outdoor timer certified by CSA International to switch lights on and off. Lights should be turned on after 7 p.m. to avoid the electricity rush hour.

5. Check for the Certification Mark: When purchasing light strings, extension cords, spotlights, electrical decorations, gas appliances, or carbon monoxide alarms, look for the certification mark of an accredited certification organization such as CSA International, UL, or ELT to ensure that the products comply with applicable standards for safety and performance.

6. One and Done: Never connect more than one extension cord together; instead use a single cord that is long enough to reach the outlet without stretching, but not so long that it can get easily tangled.

7. The Great Outdoors: When hanging outdoor lights, keep electrical connectors off the ground and away from metal rain gutters. Use insulated tape or plastic clips instead of metal nails or tacks to hold them in place.

8. Climbing Up: Using a ladder when you put up lights? Choose the correct ladder for the job and double check for a certification mark to ensure your portable ladder complies with applicable standards.

9. Keep the Gas Behind Glass: Do not use your gas fireplace if the glass panel is removed, cracked, or broken, and only allow a qualified service person to replace fireplace parts.

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10. Sound the Alarm: Test your smoke alarms monthly to make sure they work, and be sure to install smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms on every level of your home -- especially near sleeping areas.

11. Filter-Friendly Furnace: To help prevent CO hazards in your home, have a qualified heating contractor perform a yearly maintenance check of your furnace and venting system, and clean or replace your furnace filter frequently during the heating seasons.

12. Clean the Clutter: Do not store combustible materials such as gasoline, propane, paper, chemicals, paint, rags, and cleaning products near your gas furnace. Gasoline or propane cylinders should be stored outside the home.

Yours in Comradeship, Rhett O. Webber Safety Chairman Department of Pacific Areas 63-45-458-0159 or 63 921-374-7857 [email protected] ------From the Scouting Chairman:


I hope your Post is actively involved in the Scouting Program. We have many Posts who serve as Chartered Organizations for Scouting Troops, Packs, and Venturing Crews. I hope you are in contact with your local Eagle Scouts, Gold Award Scouts (Girl Scouts) or Silver Award Scouts (Venturing Crew), Quartermaster Award (Sea Scouts) about the VFW Scout of the Year Award and get them started with their nomination package. If you have been involved before, you know that the package is pretty in depth and takes awhile to put together. The Scout must be 15 years of age and have demonstrated practical citizenship in school, scouting, and the community. The Scout must be enrolled in high school at the time of selection as well. Scouts should submit the completed VFW Scouting Scholarship form, resume of high school activities, scouting record, community service record and letters of recommendation no later than March 1st. I need the nomination package no later than April 1st. The VFW National first place winner will receive a $5,000 award, the second place winner will receive a $3,000 award, and the third place winner will receive a $1,000 award. The winner at the Department of the Pacific level will receive a $500 award. I look forward to receiving your inputs

Yours in Comradeship and Service, Darin Combs Scouting Chairman Department of Pacific Areas ------

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From the Assistant Department Service Officer:


New PTSD Website for Veterans

Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) who were discharged under "other than honorable" conditions can apply on a new webpage to have their discharge upgraded if it was due to PTSD. The new Army Review Boards Agency website gives timely information and ultimately enables veterans to apply for the change in status. PTSD was not recognized as a diagnosis at the time of service in past conflicts such as the Vietnam War, and often diagnoses were not made until decades after service was completed. Veterans who were previously denied an upgrade can reapply. The Army Board for Correction of Military Records would consider such an application as a new case. The above information only applies to veterans with "other than honorable" discharges. Fight For Our Vets!

Yours in Comradeship, Barry P. Moshinsky Assistant Department Service Officer Department of Pacific Areas ------From the Typhoon / Around the Pacific Editor:


New Guidance

As per the December 2014 VFW Department of Pacific Areas Council of Administration, the Typhoon and Around the Pacific have now been combined into one publication. Inputs for both are due on the 5th of the month and publishing will be between 10th - 15th of the month. That means the Around the Pacific inputs are now due monthly vice bi-monthly.

Your Submissions Are Important

The “Typhoon / Around the Pacific” Newsletter is a non-profit publication of the VFW Department of Pacific Areas reporting on VFW programs and activities. This is YOUR newsletter and it will only be as good as the submissions YOU send, so I solicit your support on providing articles and photos. All Department officers and chairmen have a piece of this pie and need to submit their report for the month. Please do not wait until the last minute. Anything sent to me after the 5th of the month, I am not able to guarantee late submissions will be able to get in. It takes time (several days) to edit, move things around, see what fits where, etc., and it is difficult to do if I have to continually readjust due to late submissions.

NOTE: If a slight delay is needed please notify me in advance, so I can coordinate your submission. As Editor I need time for preparing the newsletter for publication to meet the distribution deadline. I thank you in advance for your support.

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Submission Format

VFW DPA Typhoon / Around the Pacific Newsletter: (Monthly)

Format: Arial Font / 10 Pitch / Single Page (Two pages if needing to use charts, etc.)

Photos / Graphics: JPG, PNG, GIF, etc., ok / No larger than 1MB each / No PDFs

Date Due: 5th of the Month (except for July and December)

Published: Between 10th - 15th of the Month (except for July and December)

Send to: [email protected]

Label File as: Typhoon Jan 2015 Position Name.docx ATP Jan 2015 Post Number.docx

Sample Label File: Typhoon Jan 2015 JVC Moses.docx ATP Jan 2015 Post 2485.docx

If your Post or District has a website, send the information to me so I may post it here. Here is some information of the VFW Annual Publications Contest:

VFW Announces Annual Publications Contest

The VFW Publications Department announced today that it is accepting submissions for the VFW's 2015 National Publications Contest. This year, the VFW National Publications Contest will be judged in different categories than in the past. Additionally, the categories will not be judged within sub-categories based on circulation, but rather on publication frequency (one to three times per year and four or more times per year).

This year, the categories will include:


* Overall Design and Content of Newspaper (defined as being printed on newsprint) * Best Feature Story (all frequencies judged together in this category and submitted separately) * Magazine (defined by physical size and paper stock)

Post / District (now combined):

* Overall Design and Content

Each category will be awarded three places: a grand award (first overall), silver (second overall) and bronze (third overall). The silver and bronze awards will take the form of a certificate suitable for framing.

Our new awards system conforms to that of professional societies within the association publishing industry: National Mature Media Awards, Association Trends, Society of National Association Publications, Society of Professional Journalists and Communications Concepts. In other words, the same types of awards for which VFW magazine competes.

Please note that we are adding a whole new category to the publications contest. It is called the Best Feature Story. The story must be a published article of at least 300 words. It can be originally written by your newspaper staff or by a freelance writer or be reprinted from a newspaper within your state.

Examples of eligible subjects include operations at state VA departments, National Guard / Reserve unit deployments to Afghanistan / Iraq, troop-support activities, Department VFW programs, dedication of state memorials, state

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Volume XVIII – Number 6 TYPHOON / AROUND THE PACIFIC January 2015 commemorative events for the 50th anniversary of Vietnam and editorials advocating positions on veteran issues within your state.

The new contest for feature stories is retroactive a decade to 2004, so you can submit articles published on home-state units supported while serving overseas in the war zones. In the future, entries will come from the current calendar year.

All national entries must place first in Department-level contests. One copy of each winning Post and District publication- as well as one issue of the Department newspaper and one copy of the Department's selected "Best Feature Article"-must be mailed by Department adjutants, Department quartermasters or Department editors by April 3, 2015, to:

Publications Contest 406 W. 34th St., Suite 523 Kansas City, MO 64111

Issues published between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2014, are eligible, with the exception of "Best Feature Article" submissions, which could have been published between 2004-2014.

Questions may be directed to Kelly Gibson at: [email protected]

Click here to download the contest entry form: http://www.vfw.org/uploadedFiles/VFW.org/News_and_Events/Press/Publications%20Contest%20Entry%20Form.docx

Download the updated judging sheets using the individual category links below:

Department Newsletter: http://www.vfw.org/uploadedFiles/VFW.org/News_and_Events/Press/Judging%20Department.docx

Department Magazine: http://www.vfw.org/uploadedFiles/VFW.org/News_and_Events/Press/Judging%20Magazine.docx

Best Feature Article: http://www.vfw.org/uploadedFiles/VFW.org/News_and_Events/Press/Judging%20Feature.docx

Post / District: http://www.vfw.org/uploadedFiles/VFW.org/News_and_Events/Press/Judging%20Post.docx

Thanks for helping me to help you and thank you all for everything you do for our military active duty, veterans, and their families!


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DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt SSppeecciiaall EEvveenntt


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Casey Roberts, David Wykes, and Cliff Wilsey with Department Commander Bear Hudson

Barry Moshinsky (left), Jonathan Portis (center), and Shawn Watson (right) with National Junior Vice Commander-in- Chief Brian Duffy and Department Commander Bear Hudson

John Gilbert (left), Comrades of VFW Post 2485 (Center), and Bill Bradford (right) with National Junior Vice Commander- in-Chief Brian Duffy and Department Commander Bear Hudson

Jerry Krause and Bill Bradford (left), Casey Roberts (center and right) with National Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Brian Duffy and Department Commander Bear Hudson

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Bill Bradford, Tom Burnett, and Dennis Doty with Department Commander Bear Hudson

Casey Roberts, Ron Davis, and Al Serrato with Department Commander Bear Hudson

Robert Moses, Casey Roberts, and John Gilbert with Department Commander Bear Hudson

Patrick “Doc” Higgins, Willie T, and Rick Ferris, with Department Commander Bear Hudson

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Rhett Webber, Larry Lyons, and Pete Callaghan with Department Commander Bear Hudson

David Wykes, Casey Roberts, and Carl Burke with Department Commander Bear Hudson

VFW Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Brian Duffy addresses the forum.

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AArroouunndd tthhee PPaacciiffiicc CCoommmmuunniittyy RReeppoorrtt

District 1 Okinawa Japan District 1 Okinawa Japan


Comrade CSM(R) Jackline S. Fountain, U.S. Army

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District 2 Mainland Japan District 2 Mainland Japan


YOKOSUKA, JAPAN - On 27 November 2014, Comrades from VFW Post 1054, Sailors from Afloat Training Group Western Pacific (ATGWP – Post 1054 AAU) and staff and volunteers from the Yokosuka USO served a Thanksgiving Lunch to over 600 Single Sailors and Geographic Bachelors. A VFW MAP grant of $1,444.33 funded 33 Turkeys, 140lbs Mashed Potatoes, 35 bottles Sparkling Apple Cider and other sundry items. VIPs supporting the event included Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Japan Commander, Navy Region Japan Naval Component, U.S. Forces Japan, Rear Admiral Terry B. Kraft, Deputy and Chief of Staff, U.S. Naval Forces, Japan Captain Steven J. Wieman, Commander, Fleet Activity Yokosuka, Captain David T. Glenister and Department of Pacific Areas Senior Vice Commander Homer Kemper. Post Senior Vice Commander Gary Shearing, Post Quartermaster Rick Farris, Megumi Farris, Service Officer

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Mike Castro, Chaplain Chris Smith and Past Commander Kevin Clarke and family all pitched in to ensure that our Single Sailors knew they were remembered and appreciated on a day when many others have the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with family members. Post Adjutant Mike Lutman, the Post event coordinator, along with another USO volunteer made the rounds on base serving lunches to very surprised and appreciative watchstanders. Sailors at Naval Hospital Yokosuka ER, Base Security and both gate sentry posts expressed surprise and gratitude for being remembered on Thanksgiving. On this day, both the VFW and the USO went the extra mile to let them know that America has not forgotten them and that we are exceptionally grateful to them and their families for their service to our great nation. It was truly a day of Thanks and Giving. ------VFW POST 1054 CONDUCTS BUDDY POPPY BENEFIT CONCERT

YOKOSUKA, JAPAN - On 14 November 2014, Past Post 1054 Commander and current DPA ASO Mike Castro recently coordinated and executed a Buddy Poppy Benefit Concert raising money for the Post Relief Fund. The “Nuthin Fancy” Band donated their time and talents to the event at Angelo’s in Yokosuka. Post 1054 Life Member Gary Beckwith is a member of the band which also donated over $500.00 in fees. Current plans are to continue this event annually. WELL DONE MIKE! ------

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ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA - Comrade Joe Mortimer has been assisting VFW Post 1513 Escondido California in a variety of ways to include hospital visits, and other Post events. He also assists MOC Pup Tent 40 Vista and MOC Pup Tent 6 Mission Valley. ------VFW POST 9555, YOKOTA AIR BASE, JAPAN

Comrades (Left to right) Manny DePaiva, SVC Robert Post Commander Mike Breazell showed that he was still Moses, Capt Grey, and Past Post Commander Dr. Tim had his grill Sergeant skills working alongside of Don, a Williams stop for a photo during the recent VFW/Red Cross USO volunteer. “Thank a Veteran burger/hotdog burn over 600 active duty members were served and we recruited 4 members for the Post.

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Post Senior Vice Commander Robert Moses led our latest Cub Scout Pack 49’s flag detail professionally performed Poppy drive at the Yokota Commissary the posting of the colors at the our recent Veteran’s Day ceremony

The 2013 National Citizenship Teacher’s award was The Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, American Legion, Active presented to Tony Frances at the Yokota High School. Mr. duty personnel and their families attended our Memorial Frances was the VFW Department of the Pacific nominee for day ceremony despite the rainy weather. the national competition. ------District 7 Philippines District 7 Philippines


ANGELES CITY, PAMPANGA, PHILIPPINES - VFW Post 2485 Commander Carl Burke, DPA Chaplain Brian Merenda, and District 7 Commander John Gilbert at the VFW Post 9892 Chili Cook Off on 29 November 2014. Revealing the not so secret ingredient.


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ANGELES CITY, PAMPANGA, PHILIPPINES - Veterans Tour of Clark Medical City at the former Clark Air Base on 19 December 2014. The opening of this world-class facility in January 2015 should significantly improve the level of care available in northern Luzon for our Veterans and families. ------

ANGELES CITY, PAMPANGA, PHILIPPINES - Burials have resumed at Clark Veterans Cemetery and we are hopeful that the issues causing the suspension of Burials have been resolved. Burial Service for David J. Hurst, MSgt, USAF (left) and A1C Peter F. Kearns, USAF (right) on 12 December 2014. ------

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ANGELES CITY, PAMPANGA, PHILIPPINES - VFW Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Brian Duffy toured Clark Cemetery with John Gilbert, District 7 Commander and VFW Clark Veterans Cemetery Chairman, and discussed the continuing efforts to restore the Cemetery to a dignified condition.

VFW Post 2485 maintained the cemetery from 1994 until 2013 when the responsibility was transitioned to the American Battle Monument Commission. The Post continues to coordinate and conduct Veteran Burials at the Cemetery. ======

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PPaacciiffiicc AArreeaass GGeenneerraall AAnnnnoouunncceemmeennttss


If moving, be sure to let your Post Quartermaster / Adjutant know and provide your change of address, so you will not miss any of your VFW Magazine subscriptions and other VFW benefits. ------IS YOUR MEMBERSHIP UP TO DATE

Are you a member in good standing? Look at your membership card. If it is about to expire, renew it today or better yet, go LIFE MEMBERSHIP and save money over time. It’s never too late to switch to a Life Membership and you never have to worry about rate increases or remembering to renew! Log onto:


Membership is the future of our organization. All comrades should be willing assist with a membership growth and/or help the post in whatever needs to be done. When you are submitting an application for membership for a perspective new member, it is important to ensure you have it completed properly so as not to delay the processing. At the next Post Monthly General Business Meeting, the applications will be reviewed for completeness and voted on before submission to the VFW National Headquarters. To ensure no delays in processing:

- Ensure you complete the application fully, - Include proof of eligibility,

- Payment in the form of a check, money order, credit card, or cash for either Life Membership or Annual Membership. (Checks and money orders will be made out to “VFW Post ______.”)

Temporary membership is then granted to attend VFW Meetings and events with the Post until such time as the newly recruited Comrade receives their VFW Membership Card from the VFW National Headquarters with full membership benefits. ------

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Legacy Life Member levels (left to right) are Gold, Silver, and Bronze.

VFW Life Members can now take the next step in ensuring veterans a better tomorrow by becoming a Legacy Life Member today. Be remembered for your service as a veteran and VFW member. It’s easy to get started. Choose from Gold, Silver or Bronze, each with its own prestigious benefits.

Gold $1,200 / Silver $800 / Bronze $400

Legacy is tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed. Use the installment plan option to make quarterly payments.

For more information logon to: http://emem.vfw.org/ ------DEPARTMENT OF PACIFIC AREAS CLARK CEMETERY

Clark Cemetery Maintenance Fund donations accepted to support the maintenance of this cemetery, which is completely dependent on individual and group donations. VFW Post 2485, located in Angeles City, Philippines, is the caretaker of Clark Cemetery for the VFW Department of Pacific Areas and is in need of your help.

http://www.vfwpost2485.com/cemetery.htm If you make a donation, we thank you very much and ask you to please inform your Post Adjutant / Quartermaster. ------

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Become a member and support the Department of Pacific Areas Grave Diggers Program which is open to anyone who has a desire to support the Clark Cemetery. To use our PDF "fill-able" application form log:


- Please mail your application and membership fee, as well as any future donations to:

VFW Post 2485 Attn: Grave Diggers PSC 517, Box RC-V FPO AP 96517-1000

If you make a donation or become a member of the Grave Diggers, we thank you very much and ask you to please inform your Post Adjutant / Quartermaster. ------POST COMMUNITY SERVICE REPORTS All members please submit!

Reminder to submit your Monthly Volunteer / Community Service Reports to your Post Junior Vice Commander as directed by your Posts. Reports are due on the Department Website on or before the last day of each month for that month. ------

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“It’s not what you paid to be a member, it’s what you paid to be eligible.”


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Cootie Corner Announcements Cootie Corner Announcements


M.O.C. Grand of the Pacific Areas is asking you to help support the Paddy Daddy Program.

Applications are available online on the VFW Department of Pacific Areas website. The Paddy Daddy Application for signing up Comrades, Cooties, Friends, Family, and yes, even your Pets can be signed up!

Please fill out as many applications as you like for a very good cause. The VFW National Home Special Project is the recipient of the proceeds from our very own program in the Pacific Areas.

Send the application to me along with a check made out to “Ee CHI GAE Pup Tent #2, in the amount of US$25.00, and I will promptly prepare your Certificate, Card and Pin and mail them to you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail [email protected].

Yours in Comradeship, L.O.T.C.S. Billy Haney Seam Squirrel Pup Tent #2 Military Order of the Cootie Paddy Daddy Chairman ------The Great Blue Louse invites all Cooties Join his Blue ‘Louse’ Guard

The funds raised will be set aside in a Special Fund to support the Cootie Courier

Philippines Coordinator, Greg Korder, Hide Gimlet, MOC Pup Tent 15, [email protected]

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Pacific Areas Coordinator, Patrick 'Doc' Higgins, Junior Vice Commander, Grand of Pacific Areas 2014-2015, Chairman for the Pacific Areas Blue Guard Program E-mail: [email protected]

Ken Swierzewski, Past Grand Commander E-mail: [email protected]

A. Darin Combs, All Star Past Grand Commander E-mail: [email protected]

RECEIVING THE COOTIE COURIER: We encourage all Cooties to get the Cootie Courier delivered via electronic mail. Postage is increasing and the bulk mail is getting slower. If you elect to get your paper via electronic mail, send your request and e-mail address to the Editor at [email protected]

The Workings of the Blue “Louse” Guard Program Supporting the Cootie Courier

To become a member of the Blue “Louse” Guard you must:

Begin at Private Step 1, and buy, bribe, or donate your way through the ranks, 1 year at a time; -or- Buy, bribe, or donate your way through the ranks, up to any level you prefer, or one that we offer, at one time. -and- Pay annual dues of $1.00 per year. -or- Purchase a Life-time worth of Annual Dues for a one-time fee of $25.00 and forgo the agony of remembering to pay your annual dues of $1.00.

(Doing the quick math: To Private = $10 (rank) + (life time dues) $25 = $35.00)

• Step 1: Private, $10.00 which includes your $1.00 annual dues for the first year and your Private stripe. You must serve one year as a Private before your next promotion. • Step 2: Sergeant, $15.00 which includes your $1.00 annual dues, and your Sergeant stripes. You must serve one year as a Sergeant before your next promotion. • Step 3: Master Sergeant, $20.00 which includes your $1.00 annual dues, and your Master Sergeant stripes. You must serve one year as a Master Sergeant before your next promotion. • Step 4: Lieutenant, $25.00 which includes your $1.00 annual dues, and your Lieutenant bar. You must serve one year as a Lieutenant before your next promotion. • Step 5: Captain, $30.00 which includes your $1.00 annual dues, and your Captain bars. You must serve one year as a Captain before your next promotion. • Step 6-12: Reserved for special ranks TBD by General Garcia (PSC). His contact info is in the Cootie Courier.

Examples of buying, bribing, and/or donating your way through the ranks: To Sergeant = $10 + $15 = (rank) $25 + (life time dues) $25 = $50.00 To Master Sergeant = $10 + $15 + $20 = (rank) $45 + (life time dues) $25 = $70.00 To Captain = $10 + $15 + $20 + $25 + 30 = (rank) $100 + (life time dues) $25 = $125.00

Remember: In July of each year you may upgrade or send in your $1.00 dues to remain in good standing! (If your dues are not received by 31 July each year, you have to start over at Step 1) (If you miss an annual dues payment you’ll be busted back to Private and have to start all over again.) That’s the advantage of the Life Membership! No worries! ------

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PPaacciiffiicc AArreeaass PPhhoottoo ooff tthhee EEddiittiioonn




PPaacciiffiicc AArreeaass JJookkee ooff tthhee EEddiittiioonn


A Soldier who just enlisted asked the Commanding Officer for a 3-day pass. The CO says "Are you crazy? You just join the Army, and you already want a 3-day pass? You must do something really spectacular for that kind of recognition!"

So the Soldier comes back a day later in an enemy tank! The CO was so impressed, he asked, "How did you do it?" "Well, Sir, I jumped in a tank, and went toward the border looking for the enemy. I approached the border, and saw an enemy tank. I put my white flag up, the enemy tank put his white flag up. I said to the enemy soldier, "Do you want to get a three-day pass? So we exchanged tanks!"


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LLeetttteerrss ooff IInntteenntt -- 22001155--22001166 VVFFWW YYeeaarr


Junior Vice Commander

John H. Gilbert

I am proud to announce my candidacy for the position as Department Junior Vice Commander for the 2015-2016 term. As a Gold Legacy Life member of VFW Post 2485 in Angeles City Philippines, and current VFW District 7 Commander, I have established a solid record of accomplishments which have enhanced services to our members, benefited our local communities and improved support of VFW National programs. I would like to bring my experience, expertise and energy to Department level and contribute to furthering our Department and National goals.

My record in a range of elected and appointed positions at the Post, District and Department levels makes me uniquely qualified for the position of Department Junior Vice Commander. Please consider my previous experience:

Department Clark Veterans Cemetery Chairman (2011-Present) Post 2485 Commander (2012-2014) (All American 2013-2014) Department Chaplain (2013-2014) District 7 Commander (2014-Present) National Aide de Camp (2011-2012)

I believe strongly in the aims of the VFW and, if elected, I will work tirelessly to advocate for our Veterans, families, and active duty personnel. I’ve developed a firm grasp of national issues, as well those unique to our geographic location, and will be an active advocate for our cause. If elected to serve as Department Junior Vice Commander I will strive to represent our Department in a positive light and be responsive to the needs of our membership.

I look forward to seeing each of you at the upcoming 2015 Department Convention in Angeles City, Philippines in June.

Yours in Comradeship and Service to Veterans,

John H. Gilbert Candidate for Junior Vice Commander Department of Pacific Areas ======SSeeee yyoouu iinn tthhee nneexxtt eeddiittiioonn!!

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