Wildcat5 for Windows, a Rainfall-Runoff Hydrograph Model: User Manual and Documentation
United States Department of Agriculture Wildcat5 for Windows, A Rainfall-Runoff Hydrograph Model: User Manual and Documentation Richard H. Hawkins and Armando Barreto-Munoz Forest Rocky Mountain General Technical Service Research Station Report RMRS-GTR-334 April 2016 Hawkins, R.H.; Barreto-Munoz, A. 2016. Wildcat5 for Windows, a rainfall-runoff hydrograph model: user manual and documentation. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-334. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 68 p. Abstract Wildcat5 for Windows (Wildcat5) is an interactive Windows Excel®-based software package designed to assist watershed specialists in analyzing rainfall runoff events to predict peak flow and runoff volumes generated by single-event rainstorms for a variety of watershed soil and vegetation conditions. Model inputs are: (1) rainstorm characteristics, (2) parameters related to watershed soil and cover, (3) runoff timing parameters, and (4) unit hydrograph shape and scale selections. Many choices are available for each of the input categories and guidance is provided for their appropriate selection. The model is intended for small catchments responsive to conditions of upland soils and cover. Its peak flow estimation techniques are appropriate for projects such as gully control, culvert sizing and forest roads, environmental impact analyses, and post-wildfire hydrologic response. Keywords: hydrology, model, Curve Number, hydrograph, fire, grazing Authors Richard H. Hawkins is a professor emeritus, Watershed Resources and Ecohydrology, School of Natural Resources, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, and Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 (Emeritus, October 1, 2011). Armando Barreto-Munoz is a research assistant, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721.
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