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And it's one enormous expandability if you ever need Z-80 monitor and 3K Control BASIC (in that's complete. It lets you be up and it. And it's easy to expand. First, you two ROMs). With this optional software running fast. All you need is a power can expand with the new Cromemco you're ready to go. The monitor gives supply and your ROM software. 32K BYTESAVER PROM card mentioned you 12 commands. The BASIC, with 36 The computer itself is super. Fast above. Then there's Cromemco's broad commands/functions, will directly ac- 4 MHz operation. Capacity for 8K bytes line of S100-bus-compatible memory cess I/O ports and memory locations — of ROM (uses 2716 PROMs which can and I/O interface cards. Cards with fea- and call machine language subroutines. be programmed by our new 32K BYTE- tures such as relay interface, analog Finally, to simplify things to the ulti- SAVER* PROM card). There's also 1K of interface, graphics interface, opto- mate, we even have convenient card on-board static RAM. Further, you get isolator input, and A/D and D/A con- cages. Rugged card cages. They hold straightforward interfacing through an version. RAM and ROM cards, too. cards firmly. No jiggling out of sockets. RS-232 serial interface with ultra-fast speed of up to 76,800 baud — software AVAILABLE NOW/LOW PRICE programmable. The Cromemco Model SCC is avail- Other features include 24 bits of bi- J able now at a low price of only $450 directional parallel I/O and five on- factory assembled ($395 kit). board programmable timers. I So act today. Get this high-capability Add to that vectored interrupts. computer working for you right away. Card Cage 32K BYTESAVER PROM card Cromemcoincorporated Specialists in computers and peripherals Q 280 BERNARDO AVE., MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 • (415) 964-7400 CIRCLE 114 ON READER SERVICE CARD What every educator should knowabout desk-topcomputers. It's easy to get into classroom computing. What's tough desk-top computer, you'll be using Apple in ways you is to do it right. With so much talk about computers in never dreamed of. That's when the capabilities of the the classroom, educators like yourself want all the facts computer you recommend will really count. You don't before they recommend any system for classroom use. want to be limited by the availability of pre-programmed That's why Apple Computer's new "Curriculum Materials cartridges. You'll want a computer, like Apple, that you Kit" can help, with answers to your questions and some can also program yourself. You don't want to setde for a very important data you may not have considered before. black and white display that limits you to just putting words and numbers onto the screen. You'll want a com- Who uses desk-top computers. puter, like Apple, that can turn any color tv into a dazzling Hundreds of innovative educators have already discov- array of color graphics.* The more you and your students ered the Apple Computer for instructional applications learn about computers, the more your imagination will from kindergarten through college. Apple gives you demand. So you'll want a computer that can grow with computer-assisted instruction capabilities, including drill you as your skills and experience grow. Apple's the one. and practice, tutorial, problem-solving, games, simulations, and more. How to learn more. Apple engages student The quickest way to interest with sound and learn more about desk- color video. In fact, your top computers is to students will be able to request your free copy write programs and of Apple's Curriculum create high-resolution Materials Kit (specify graphics. And you can level). Get yours by call- use your Apple for testing, ing 800/538-96%; in counseling, even class- California, 408/996-1010. room data processing. Or by writing us. Then That's just the beginning. visit your local Apple dealer. We'll give you his What to look for. name and address Once you've unlocked __- when you call. "= = 'Apple II plugs intnany the power of the - =i_ "^. standard TV using an inexpensive modulator (n-'I included). apple computer 10260 Bandley Dr.. Cupertino. CA 95014 K in this issue articles ROM section 62 Personal Computing 78 Craig 116 INDXA — A Basic Routine File Index .... Hallen 86 Critical Path Analysis Dwyer 124 Robot Programming Karshmer Not As Easty As It Looks 94 Nephis — A Subject Index Craven 126 The Last Laugh Etra 98 Random Thoughts on RND Ronayne 1 27 PROMpuzzle Solution from last issue 1 04 Games — Not Just For Fun Butterfield 1 30 Microurologistically, Of Course Felsenstein 1 06 Experiment in Teaching Strategic Thinking Brady & Emanual things to do — games evaluations & profiles 78 Patterns Games 52 CP/M Disk Operating System North 110 On Solving Alphametrics Beidier 115 Puzzles & Problems 54 The "Most Software Machine" Craig North Star's Horizon 146 Snowflake Jones Plotting in Algol & Basic 70 Smart Electronic Games & Video Games . Ahl Xmas Shopping Guide 1 50 Three Great New Games 76 Guide to Consumer Computers North 151 CORRAL Keay 82 Backgammon Computers Gaines 152 JOUST Yarbrough Ancient War game put into microprocessors 154 PUZZLE Zolman 1 56 Season's Greetings Flamming Computer Generated Christmas Letters business computing Mail List Programs departments 134 Solving Those Mail List Problems Williams 6 Notices 138 Mailing List System Young 1 1 Input/Output 1 7 Catalogue 28 Random Ramblings Ahl fiction & foolishness 36 TRS-80 Strings Gray 40 Personal Electronic Transactions Yob Wolverton 58 Computer Myths Explained (#6) 44 Operating Systems Q & A Sotos 60 GABBING 46 The Apple Cart Milewski Generation of Acronyms by 48 Reviews Buzzword I NteG ration 1 02 T was The Night Before Christmas 123 Crossword Puzzle Owens Domestic Subscriptions 1 2 issues. $1 5. 24 issues $28. 36 issues S40 Send subscription Nov-Dec 1978 Volume 4, Number 6 orders or change of address (P O Form 3575) to Creative Computing. PO Box 789-M. Momstown. NJ 07960 Call 800-631-81 12 toll-tree (in New Jersey call 201-540-0445) to order a subscription (to be charged only to a bank card) Foreign Subscriptions Creative Computing magazine is published bi-monthly by Creative Computing.