Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity
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SKETCHES IMPOSTUEE, DECEPTION, CREDULITY. PHILADELPHIA: G. B. ZIEBER & CO. 1845. C. SHERMAN, PRINTER. — CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Eftects of Incredulity and Credulity—Knowledge supposed to be Remembrance—Purpose of this Volume— Progress of ra- tional Belief—Resemblance of Error to Truth—Contagious Nature of Excitement—Improved Stale of the Human Mind in Modern Times 13 CHAPTER II. Remote Origin of Oracles—Influence of Oracles—Opinions re- specting them—Cause of the Cessation of Oracles— Supersti- tion early systematized in Egypt—Bocotia early famous for Oracles—Origin of the Oracle of Dodona—Ambiguity of Oracular Responses—Stratagem of a Peasant—Oracles disbe- lieved by Ancient Philosophers—Cyrus and the Idol Bel Source of Fire-Worshipping—Victory of Canopus over Fire The Sphinx—Sounds heard from it—Supposed Cause of them—Mysterious Sounds at jNakous—Frauds of the Priests ol' Serapis—The Statue of Memnon—Oracle of Delphi— Its Origin—Changes which it underwent — The Pythoness 1 — I CONTENTS. Danger ntiondnnt on her office—Tricks played by Heathen Priesis— Origin of the Gordian Knot—Tlie Knot is cut by Alexander— Ainbrosian, Logan or Rocking Stones— Repre- senlalioiis of thorn on Ancient Coins— Pliny's Description of a Lognn Slotie in Asia —Stones al Sitney, in Cornwall, and at Castle Treryn—The latter is overthrown, and replaced Logan Stones are Druidical Monuments - - - 17 CHAPTER in. Susceptibility of the Imagination in the East—Mahomet—His Origin —He assumes the Title of the Apostle of God —Oppo- sition to him— Revelations brought to Him by the Angel Ga- briel — His Flight to Medina— Success of his Imposture— At- tempt to poison him — His Death—Tradition respecting his Tomb—Account of his Intercourse with Heaven— Sabatai Sevi, a false Messiah— Superstitious Tradition among the Jews— Reports respecting the Coming of the Messiah— Sa- batai protends to be the Messiah—He is assisted by Nathan —Follies committed by the Jews—Honours paid to Sabatai —He embarks for Constantinople— His Arrest—He embraces Mahomelanism to avoid Death— Rosenfeld, a German, pro- claims himself the Messiah—His knavery—Ho is whipped and imprisoned — Richard Brothers announces himself as the revealed Prince and Prophet of the Jews—He dies in Bed- lam—Thomas Muncer and his Associates—Their Fate Matthias, John of Leyden, arrd other Anabaptist Leaders They are defeated and executed—The French Prophets Punishment of them —Miracles at the Grave of the Deacon Paris— Horrible Self-inflictions of the Convulsionaries—The Brothers of Brugglen—They are executed— Prophecy of a Lifeguardsman in London—Joanna Soulheott—Her Origin, Progress, and Death—Folly of her Disciples—Miracles of Prince Hohenlohe. 34 — CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. Acrount of Pope Joan— Artifice of Pope Sextus V.—Some Christian Ceremonies borrowed from the Jews and Pagans — Melting of the Blood of St. Jantiarius— Addison's opinion of it — Description of the Performance of the Miracle— Mira- culous Image of our Saviour at Rome—Ludicrous Metamor- phosis of a Statue—Relics—Head of St. John the Baptist Sword of Balaam— St. Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins— Self-Tormenting—Penances of St. Dominic the Cuirassier—The Crusades—Their Cause and Progress, and the immense numbers engaged in them. - - - 62 CHAPTER V. Pretenders to Royalty numerous—Contest between the Houses of York and Lancaster gives rise to various Pretenders—In- surrection of Jack Cade—He is killed —Lambert Simnel is tutored to pensonate the Earl of Warwick—He is crowned at Dublin—He is taken Prisoner, pardoned, and made Scul- lion in the Royal Kitchen — Perkin Warbeck pretends to be the murdered Duke of York—Ho is countenanced by the King of France—He is acknowledged by the Duchess of Burgundy— Perkin lands in Scoiland, and is aided by King James—He is married to Lady Catherine Gordon —He in- vades England, but fails—?Iis Death— Pretenders in Portu- gal —Gabriel de Spinosa —He is hanged —The Son of a Tiler pretends to be Sebastian—He is sent to the Galleys—Gon- galo Alvarez succeeds him —He is e.xecuted —An Individual of talents assumes the Character of Sebasiian — His extraor- dinary Behaviour in his Examinations—He is given up to the Spaniards—His Sufferings and dignified Deportment His Fate not known—Pretenders in Russia—The first false — Demetrius—He obtains the Throne, but is driven from it by Insurrection, and is slain—Other Impostors assume the same Name—Revolt of Pugalscheff— Pretenders in France—Iler- vegault and Bruneau assume the Character of the deceased Louis XVI. ^3 CHAPTER VI. Disguiseof Achilles—Of Ulysses— Of Codrus—Fiction employ- ed by Numa Pompilius—King Alfred disguised in the Swine- herd's Cottage—His Visit, as a Harper, to the Danish Camp- Richard Coeur de Lion lalces the Garb of a Pilgrim —He is discovered and imprisoned —Disguises and Escape of Mary, Queen of Scots—Escape of Charles the Second, after the Battle of Worcester—Of Stanislaus from Dantzic— Of Prince Charles Edward from Scotland — Peter the Great takes the Dress of a Ship Carpenter—His^Visit to England— Anecdote of his Conduct to a Dutch Skipper—Stratagem of the Prin- cess Ulrica of Prussia—Pleasant Deception practised by Ca- therine the Second of Russia—Joan of Arc—Her early Life Discovers the King when first introduced at Court—She compels the English to raise the Siege of Orleans—Joan leads the King to be crowned at Rheims—She is taken Pri- soner—Base and barbarous Conduct of her Enemies—She is burned at Rouen—The Devil of Woodstock— Annoying Pranks played by it—Explanation of the Mystery—Fair Rosamond ....... .80 CHAPTER VII. Characteristic Mark of a skilful General—Importance anciently attached to military Stratagems—The Stratagem of Joshua — at Ai, the first which is recorded— Stratagem of Julias Ciesar in Gaul—Favourable Omen derived from Sneezing— Artifice of Bias at Priene — Telegraphic Communication — Mode adopted by Hystiajus to convey Intelligence— Relief of Casi- linum by Gracchus—Stratagem of the Chevalier de Luxem- bourg to convey Ammunition into Lisle — Importance of concealing the Death of a General—The manner in which the Death of Sultan Solyman was kept secret —Stratagem of John Visconti—Stratagem of Lord Norwich at Angouleme —Capture of Amiens by the Spaniards—Manner in which the Natives of Sonia threw off the Yoke - - - 109 CHAPTER VIII. Former Prevalence of Malingering in (he Army; and the Mo- tives for it— Decline of the Practice—Where most Preva- lent—The means of Simulation reduced to a System—Cases of simulated Ophthalmia in the 50th Regiment—The Decep- tion wonderfully kept up by many Malingerers—Means of Detection— Simulated Paralysis—Impudent Triumph mani- fested by Malingerers—Curious case of HoUidge—Gutta Serena, and Nyctalopia counterfeited — Blind Soldiers em- ployed in Egypt—Cure, by actual cautery, of a Malingerer —Simulation of Consumption and other Diseases—Feigned Deafness—Detection of a Man who simulated Deafness Instances of Self-mutilation committed by Soldiers—Simu- lation of Death 118 1* — CHAPTER IX. The Bottle Conjuror—Advertisements on this Occasion— Riot produced by the Frand— Squibs and Epigrams to which it gave rise —Case of Elizabeth Canning—Violent Controversy which arose out of it—She is found guilty of Perjury and transported—The Cock Lane Ghost— Public Excitement oc- casioned by it—Detection of the Fraud—Motive for the Im- posture—The Stockwell Ghost—The Sampford Ghost Mystery in which the Affair was involved— Astonishing In- stance of Credulity in Perigo and his Wife—Diabolical Con- duct of Mary Bateman—She is hanged for Murder—Meta- morphosis of the Chevalier d'Eon—Multifarious Disguises of Price, the Forger—Miss Robertson—The fortunate Youth The Princess Olive —Caraboo—Pretended Fasting—Marga- ret Senfrit—Catherine Binder—The Girl of Unna—The Os- naburg Girl—Anne Moore 12G CHAPTER X. Controversy respecting the Works of Homer; Arguments of the Disputants—Controversy on the supposed Epistles of Phalaris—Opinion of Sir William Temple on the Superiority of the Ancients—Dissertation of Dr. Bentley on the Epistles of Phalaris—He proves them to be a Forgery—Doubts as to the Anabasis being the Work of Xenophon—Arguments of Mr. Mitford in the Affirmative—Alcyonius accused of having plagiarised from, and destroyed, Cicero's Treatise " De Glo- ria"—Curious Mistake as to SirT.More's Utopia—The Icon Basilike— Disputes to which it gave rise— .Arguments, pro and con, as to the real Author of it— Lauder's Attempt to prove Milton a Plagiarist— Refutation of him by Dr. Douglas —His interpolations—George Psalmaiiazar—His Account of — Formosa—His Repentance and Piety—Publication of Os- sian's Poems by Mr. Macpberson—Their Authenticity is doubted—Report of the Highland Society on the Subject Pseudonymous and anonymous Works—Letters of Junius The Drapier's Letters—Tale of a Tub—Gulliver's Travels —The Waverley Novels—Chatterton and the Rowley Poems —W. H. Ireland and the Shakspeariaii Forgeries—Bam- berger's pretended Travels—Poems of Clotilda de Survillo —VValladmor—Hunter, the American—Donville's Travels in Africa 147 CHAPTER XI. Fashion of decrying modern Artists—M. Picart asserts the Merit of modern Engravers—Means employed by him to prove the Truth of his Assertions—" The innocent Impos- tors"—Goltzius imitates perfectly the Engravings of Albert Durer—Marc Antonio Raimondi is equally successful—Ex- cellent Imitation of Rembrandt's Portrait of Burgomaster Six—Modern Tricks played with respect to Engraved Por- traits — Sir Joshua Reynolds metamorphosed into "The Monster." 191 CHAPTER XII, Ancient Memorials of Geographical Discoveries— Mistakes arising from them—Frauds to which they gave occasion Imposture of Evemerus — Annius of Viterbo wrongfully charged with forging Inscriptions—Spurious works given to — Ill CONTENTS. the World by him—Forged Inscriptions put on statues by ignorant modern Sculplors— Spurious Medals—Instances of them in the Cabinet of Dr.