I could learn anywhere but I couldn’t have a family anywhere. Michelle Sigman Great Neck, NY We have a lot of Chavrutas with teachers. Some will even stay until one in the morning. Miriam Gutstein, Skokie, Illinois

Inspiration The Vaads are a great way to continue my learning for that day in an informal way. The teachers pick topics that I am interested in and can relate to. Leora Penn, Queens, NY Inspiration Tiferet is your family, your support system. It’s your home away from home. It makes it not just a one year experience but a lifetime experience. Michelle Sigman Great Neck, NY

Relationships I came in not knowing one person and was very hesitant and nervous, but Tiferet’s warmth, genuine care and compassion made the adjustment the most positive and exciting experience for me. There is no other school like Tiferet. Tiferet is a home away from home in every sense. Itty Koth,Melbourne, Relationships My teachers and my Rabbis, they know more than my name and where I’m from, since the teachers know us so well, they really tailor their curriculum towards us. Julie Schwartz, Clifton, NJ

Challenges There are teachers that everyone can relate to. They helped provide my year of learning with all the tools necessary to learn on my own. Liora Posin Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Challenges Tiferet is always open. You can come for Shabbat or the Chagim, any time. At Tiferet, you know that you are always welcome and there’s always a place for you to go. Racheli Simon, Miami Beach, Florida Family I’m not sure what their secret is, but we’ve become like a family. After the first Shabbat in school, everyone was already so close. It’s more than just a school here. Michal Raskas, Baltimore, Maryland

Family Tiferet is hands down one of the most unique schools out there for your year in . The relationships you build there are beyond exceptional and ever lasting. My closest friends are Tifereters. Ilana Weberman, Miami, Florida Friends The Tiferet environment enabled me to socially connect with peers and teachers with great ease and feel as though I was a part of the family. Friends Daniella Sperling, London, England I took on doing chesed at a family’s house with their 8 month old son who has Down’s Syndrome. They ended up being my adopted family. They help me out in so many ways but I’m also able to give back. Ilana Mael, , Massachusetts Chesed The Chesed options in Tiferet are endless. And it’s a great feeling to be able to help someone and enjoy helping them at the same time. Chesed Liat Sachs, West Hempstead, NY The atmosphere in the dorm is so comfortable, you can join anyone’s conversation without feeling awkward or

Scan for a unwanted. Virtual Tour of Danielle Lowinger, Highland Park, NJ our campus

Campus Tiferet’s dorms are incredible. They are spacious and homey, and set up in a way that fosters interaction with the other girls in the school. Tamar Lyons, Toronto, Canada Campus I’ve been to Israel several times before, but Tiferet’s tiyulim left me with a stronger love and appreciation of Israel than I ever had before. Paulette Franco Silver Spring, Maryland You get to learn things in the classroom and then go and experience them - it’s like the comes to life. Samara Sone, Toronto, Canada you go to Israel for and stimulating environment. You’ll When the year after high create relationships both in and out of the school, you probably know what to expect. classroom which will last a lifetime. And regardless of which school you attend, At Tiferet , you’ll discover the modern you expect a great deal in terms of learning, miracle of the State of Israel when we personal growth and spiritual enrichment. utilize all of Eretz Yisrael as your classroom. But if you want something more... Through our exciting trips and meaningful if you want an experience which has chesed opportunities, you’ll participate in everything you look forward to in an Israel a holistic educational experience, which program, with so many extras... if you enables you to get the most out of your want a top notch school which is also a full year in Israel.

community... you want Tiferet . At Tiferet , you’ll enjoy our wonderful At Tiferet , you’ll actively participate in facilities and extracurricular programming, all the most stimulating classes you’ve ever designed to help you have the best, safest, had. You’ll discover layers of meaning to most meaningful, and most complete Israel Torah study you never dreamed existed, experience possible. while participating in discussions with our Whether you’re immersed in a thought- phenomenal, personable, full time faculty. provoking class or involved in an animated At Tiferet , you’ll join a genuine discussion, whether you’re on campus or community of students and teachers, all in a teacher’s home,Tiferet will provide you working together in a warm, dynamic, with the most inspiring learning experience you can imagine. Tiferet truly stands apart because of the Our phenomenal group of some of relationships you build with your teachers the best educators in Israel will engage, throughout the year. excite, and stimulate your mind. We offer Teachers’ homes are extensions of the intermediate and advanced classes in classroom, and you are encouraged to drop Chumash, Nach, Practical Halacha, Tefilla, in at any time, for any reason. When you Jewish Philosophy and Mussar, along with want to continue an exciting discussion from optional classes in Zionism, the Shoah, earlier in the day, when you have a problem Chassidut, and Gemara – all taught by our and need someone to talk to, when you young, dynamic teachers. In addition, with just want to stop by for a cup of coffee in a our Beit Midrash program, you will gain the warm, family atmosphere – our doors are

skills necessary to feel comfortable learning always open for you. That’s why almost all sefarim on your own. of Tiferet’s faculty members live within easy But at Tiferet , you don’t just learn from walking distance of our campus. our dedicated, full-time staff; you become When you attend Tiferet , you become an active participant in discussions and an integral part of a real community. And workshops, all taught in a friendly, informal because we are a community, Tiferet setting. And with so much of our faculty remains open at all times. On all Shabbatot spending their full day at Tiferet , you never and Chagim, you are welcome to stay at have to remind your teachers of your name. Tiferet , invite guests, and enjoy seudot with Aside from its outstanding curriculum, your teachers. You don’t have to make off- campus plans for the Yamim Nora’im or the trips to nearby national parks, landmarks, Seudah. You’ll have an inspiring Rosh and archeological sites. Spontaneous hikes Hashana and Yom Kippur together with in the local mountains, along with extensive your friends and teachers in our own Bet overnight trips, are enlightening and fun, Midrash. Because at Tiferet, we make sure and help take your Israel experience well that your year in Israel – both in and out of beyond the classroom walls. All tiyulim are the classroom – is the most meaningful and led by experienced and inspiring guides, complete experience you can possibly have. and every tiyul is planned with safety and The Tiferet experience doesn’t stop at security as our greatest concerns. the edge of Ramat ; we view The chesed program at Tiferet lets all of Medinat Yisrael as an extension of our you translate your Torah knowledge into

campus. By exploring the rich history and action. There is a large variety of chesed stunning beauty of Israel, you deepen your opportunities to choose from in Beit Shemesh love for the Land, strengthen your bonds and Yerushalayim – from packing food for with other students and teachers, and allow needy families, to aiding victims of terror, the theoretical knowledge you possess to to helping children with special needs, to become tangible before your eyes... all while participating in big sister programs. Chesed having an incredibly good time. at Tiferet, however, involves not just regularly Because Tiferet is located in such a planned activities, but also visits to hospitals, breathtaking and historical region of Israel, soup kitchens, retirement homes, army bases we have the opportunity to take many day and other places that need our help. Because we place such a strong emphasis on derech surrounding the building and an outdoor eretz, mitzvot bein adam l’chaveiro, and basketball half-court with lighting. Our spacious midot improvement, chesed at Tiferet dining room offers a delicious and healthful is more than just part of our program; it lunch and dinner every day – prepared by the becomes a fundamental part of everyone’s best caterer in Bet Shemesh. The 6 student lives. apartments include 3 comfortable bedrooms Our magnificent newly built campus in the with views, en-suite bathrooms, full kitchen center of the Religious-Zionist community of facilities and a living room. Ramat Bet Shemesh has been designed to All of our facilities are centrally heated and give you the best, most complete and most air-conditioned. enjoyable Israel experience possible. You’ll enjoy the Tiferet experience even

Our campus includes a state-of-the-art Beit when you’re away from our first-rate facilities. Midrash with an extensive library of Hebrew In beautiful Ramat Bet Shemesh – Israel’s and English sefarim, as well as a large area fastest growing all Jewish community – you’ll for private or chavruta learning including a find close-knit neighborhoods, malls, parks, picturesque outdoor patio. It also features pizza shops, cafes, restaurants, gift shops, attractive classrooms, a computer area offering health clubs, supermarkets, and many high-speed internet access, a full-size outdoor other stores all within a short walk from our terrace with a breathtaking view of the Judean campus... all the extras you need to ensure a Hills, exercise room equipped with a treadmill, safe, relaxing, enjoyable, and fulfilling year in elliptical, bike and weights, huge courtyards Israel. Tiferet Weekly Schedule Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Chaburot Chaburot ספר החינוך ספר החינוך הלכות בין אדם לחברו הלכות בין אדם לחברו מכתב מאליהו מכתב מאליהו ליקוטי מוהר״ן ליקוטי מוהר״ן שיחות מוסר שיחות מוסר למען אחי ורעי למען אחי ורעי הלכות דעות הלכות דעות

9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30 סדר א' סדר ג' סדר ג' סדר ב' סדר א’ Personalities in Tefilla Workshop Hilchot Berachot אשה והמצוות Sichot HaRan Rav Noah Cohen Mrs. Bracha Stefansky Sefer Bereishit Rav Azriel Rosner Rav Noah Cohen) Mrs. Dina EtigsonMrs. Mrs. Leba Schneider Mrs. Leba Schneider אשת חיל פרקי אבות Esther Wachstock Rav Simi Sherman פרקי אבות Mrs. Bracha Stefansky This Week in Jewish Mrs. Bracha Stefansky Mrs. Anna Bankier History Chagim U’Zmanim with Rav Azriel Rosner The 10 Sins of the the Gedolei HaMussar Desert Mrs. Yael Gelertner Shabbos Table Torah Mrs. Yael Gelertner Rav Simi Sherman (H) Lessons from Leaders משעבוד :Sefer Shmot Mrs. Yael Abramowitz לגאולה הפטרת השבוע Mrs. Yael Abramowitz Survey of Tanach Mrs. Karen Hochhauser Mrs. Karen Hochhauser (H) (H)

9:30-10:30 9:00-10:15 9:30 - 10:30 9:00-10:15 9:30-10:30 סדר ב' סדר ד' סדר א' סדר ד' סדר ג' אשה והמצוות The Power of Speech אותך אבקש Personalities in Sefer Mishlei Bereishit Mrs. Lori Esses Rav Noah Cohen Mrs. Lori Esses Mrs. Bracha Stefansky Mrs. Leba Schneider Jewish Literacy Mrs. Dina Etigson אגרת הרמב”ן Jewish Literacy Black and White Mrs. Karen Hochhauser Mrs. Karen Hochhauser Mrs. Esther Wachstock Mrs. Bracha Stefansky Mrs. Anna Bankier Rav Azriel Rosner Spiritual Growth The 10 Sins of the Spiritual Growth Desert Mrs. Dina Etigson ספרSpiritual Life-Hacks Mrs. Dina Etigson חמש מגילות Mrs. Yael Gelertner שמואל (Rav Simi Sherman (H Mrs. Deena Kahana (H) Lessons from Leaders Rav Yosef Ginsburg (H) Mrs. Yael Abramowitz Survey of Tanach Mrs. Karen Hochhauser

10:35 - 11:35 10:20 - 11:35 10:35 - 11:35 10:20 - 11:35 10:35-11:35 בית מדרש Musar with Rabbi בית מדרש בית מדרש בית מדרש Chavruta Learning Chavruta Learning or Chavruta Learning Wagensberg or Chavruta Learning or Beginner’s Holocaust or Inspiration or Advanced Gemara Psychology and Torah or Advanced Gemara Gemara through Interpretation or Ulpan

11:40 - 12:40 11:40 - 12:40 11:40 - 12:40 11:40 - 12:40 11:40 - 12:40 Lunch Break—Announcements—3:00

(H) indicates an honours class 5779 (2018/19)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday סדר ה' סדר ה' סדר ה’ סדר ה' הלכות שבת, הלכות CHESED הלכות שבת, הלכות הלכות שבת, הלכות הלכות שבת, הלכות כשרות, הלכות תפילה, כשרות, הלכות תפילה, כשרות, הלכות תפילה, כשרות, הלכות תפילה, הלכות בין אדם לחבירו Yad Lekashish הלכות בין אדם לחבירו הלכות בין אדם לחבירו הלכות בין אדם לחבירו Rav Michael Bramson, Rav Michael Bramson, Rav Michael Bramson, Medical Clowning Rav Michael Bramson, Rav Elie Mayer, Rav Elie Mayer, Rav Elie Mayer, Yad Eliezer Rav Elie Mayer, Rav Azriel Rosner, Rav Azriel Rosner, Rav Azriel Rosner, Rav Azriel Rosner, Rav Yehoshua Landau, Rav Yehoshua Landau, Rav Yehoshua Landau, Shalva Rav Yehoshua Landau, Rav Yechiel Weisz Rav Yechiel Weisz Rav Yechiel Weisz Victims of Terror Rav Yechiel Weisz

3:15 - 4:30 3:15 - 4:30 3:15 - 4:30 Lemaan Achai 3:15 - 4:30 Beit Haelah תפילת מנחה תפילת מנחה תפילת מנחה תפילת מנחה Ezrat Achim - Arts and סדר ו' Crafts for Special Needs סדר ו׳ סדר ו' דע מה להשיב Back to the Future Midrash and Aggada Children Rav Michael Bramson Rav Michael Bramson Helping the Hearing Rav Michael Bramson Topics in Musar and Topics in Musar and Impaired Topics in Musar and Avodat Hashem Avodat Hashem Yachad Big Sister Program Avodat Hashem Rav Yehoshua Landau Rav Yehoshua Landau Rav Yosef Ginsberg Adopt-a-Bubbie Pearls on the Parsha Topics in Musar and דרך ה׳ Visit a Holocaust Survivor Avodat Hashem שיעור כללי (Rav Yechiel Weisz (H) Rav Yechiel Weisz (H Rav Yehoshua Landau A Chassidic Approach Ohr Gedalyahu: Deeper Chai Lifeline תורה מסיני to Judaism’s Most Meaning in the Parsha Tutoring Ethiopian Children Rav Robby Charnoff Rav Yechiel Weisz (H) Important Topics Battered Women’s Shelter Rav Robby Charnoff The Story of Chumash Karmei Hair Soup Kitchen from Bereishit to Pantry Packers Devarim Rav Robby Charnoff

4:45 - 6:00 4:45 - 6:00 4:45 - 6:00 4:45 - 6:00 Dinner Break סדר ערב סדר ערב סדר ערב The Writings of Rebbe Chug with your Questions You Should The End of Days Nachman of Breslov, Rakezet Ask, Answers You Rav Elie Mayer (H) Rav Soloveitchik and Mrs. Aleeza Lebowitz Should Know Shalom: Rav Kook in Depth Mrs. Dena Rich Rav Elie Mayer (H) Chassidic Wisdom on Rav Elie Mayer (H) Mrs. Brie Reich Sefer Devarim: the Parsha Sefer Devarim: Moshe’s Mrs. Devori Weichholz Moshe’s Guide to Life Rav Robby Charnoff Guide to Life Mrs. Aviva Meshwork Rav Robby Charnoff Mrs. Shuli Sohn Our Forefathers: This Rav Robby Charnoff Ourselves: Mesillat Week’s Parasha A Conversation: Tehillim Yesharim Rabbi Yosef Ginsburg Rabbi Yosef Ginsburg Rabbi Yosef Ginsburg Echoes From Above Faith Through Complex Dialogue With Hashem Rav Netanel Lebowitz Times Rav Netanel Lebowitz Rav Netanel Lebowitz

8:00 - 9:30 8:00 - 9:15 8:00 - 9:30 8:00 - 9:30

דברי התעוררות (Vaad (optional) Vaad (optional 9:30 - 10:30 9:30 - 10:30 9:30 - 10:15 Tiferet Center 2 Nachal Shimshon Ramat Beit Shemesh, 99622 ISRAEL Tel: (972)2-999-7957 Fax: (972)76-510-5088 [email protected] American Friends of Tiferet 843 Jefferson Street Woodmere, NY 11598 Tel: (718) 253-0230 Fax: (718) 338-1250 [email protected] www.TiferetCenter.com TiferetCenter