Arxiv:1604.00041V1 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 31 Mar 2016

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Arxiv:1604.00041V1 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 31 Mar 2016 , Structural and excited-state properties of oligoacene crystals from first principles 1, 2, 3 4, 1 1, 5 Tonatiuh Rangel, ∗ Kristian Berland, Sahar Sharifzadeh, Florian Brown-Altvater, Kyuho Lee,1 Per Hyldgaard,6, 7 Leeor Kronik,8 and Jeffrey B. Neaton1, 2, 9 1Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720,USA 2Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-7300, USA 3Centre for Material Science and Nanotechnology, University of Oslo, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway 4Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA 5Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-7300, USA 6Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, MC2, Chalmers University of Technology,SE-41296 G¨oteborg, Sweden 7Materials Science and Applied Mathematics, Malm¨oUniversity, Malm¨oSE-205 06, Sweden 8Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth 76100, Israel 9Kavli Energy NanoSciences Institute at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720-7300, USA (Dated: March 27, 2018) Molecular crystals are a prototypical class of van der Waals (vdW)-bound organic materials with excited state properties relevant for optoelectronics applications. Predicting the structure and excited state properties of molecular crystals presents a challenge for electronic structure theory, as standard approximations to density functional theory (DFT) do not capture long-range vdW dispersion interactions and do not yield excited-state properties. In this work, we use a combination of DFT including vdW forces{ using both non-local correlation functionals and pair-wise correction methods { together with many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) to study the geometry and excited states, respectively, of the entire series of oligoacene crystals, from benzene to hexacene. We find that vdW methods can predict lattice constants within 1% of the experimental measurements, on par with the previously reported accuracy of pair-wise approximations for the same systems. We further find that excitation energies are sensitive to geometry, but if optimized geometries are used MBPT can yield excited state properties within a few tenths of an eV from experiment. We elucidate trends in MBPT-computed charged and neutral excitation energies across the acene series and discuss the role of common approximations used in MBPT. I. INTRODUCTION As shown in Fig. 1, acene crystals consist of aromatic monomers packed in ordered arrangements. Their con- Organic solids are promising candidates for optoelec- stituent monomers possess strong intramolecular cova- tronics applications due to their strong absorption, chem- lent bonds, but weak intermolecular dispersive interac- ical tunability, flexibility, and relatively inexpensive pro- tions govern the crystal structure. Because the approx- cessing costs, among other reasons. The acene crys- imate exchange-correlation functionals most commonly tals, a specific class of organic semiconductors, are used in DFT calculations do not account for dispersive in- well-characterized, known to possess relatively high car- teractions, the above-mentioned theoretical calculations rier mobilities,1 and exhibit a propensity for unique have nearly always made use of experimental data for in- excited-state transport phenomena, notably singlet fis- termolecular distances and orientation. This limits pre- sion (SF).2{7 The larger acenes in particular have re- dictive power, because experimental lattice parameters ceived recent attention because SF was reported to be can be scarce or conflicting. In particular, different poly- morphs of the same material may exist, sometimes even exothermic, or nearly so, for tetracene, pentacene, and 22,27{3326 hexacene.8{12 coexisting in the same sample. The interesting optoelectronic properties of acene crys- Fortunately, the last decade has seen rapid develop- tals, combined with the potential for materials design ment of DFT-based methods that can capture disper- arXiv:1604.00041v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 31 Mar 2016 via functionalization at the monomer level, have gener- sive interactions and several studies have demonstrated ated significant fundamental theoretical interest in these that addressing these interactions allows for predicting systems. Theoretical studies of excited state proper- accurate geometries and cohesive energies of molecular ties of acene crystals have often been performed with solids in general and acenes in particular { see, e.g., Refs. small molecular clusters, using wavefuction-based meth- 22, 34{46. Specifically, Ambrosch-Draxl et al.22 have sug- ods7,13{18, or with extended systems, using density func- gested that a combination of dispersion-inclusive DFT tional theory (DFT) and many-body perturbation theory methods { which they found to predict lattice parame- (MBPT).19{26 These calculations have often yielded ex- ters in agreement with experiments for acene crystals { cellent agreement with experiment and new insights into followed by MBPT calculations, can be used to explore excited-state properties of acene crystals. quantitative differences in optical properties of pentacene 2 polymorphs. Their work suggests that a broader study of the-art methods. the entire acene family with MBPT methods, especially The manuscript is organized as follows. First, we sum- their recent refinements, would be highly desirable. marize the computational methods used in this work in Section. II. Next, in Section. III A we provide a detailed account of our calculations for the structural properties of a) n[ 1 b) − the acene crystals, demonstrating and reviewing the ac- curacy of several different vdW-corrected DFT methods. [ We then turn to presenting MBPT results for charged and neutral excitations. We start with charged and neu- tral excitations in gas-phase acene molecules, given in c) Section III B, followed by similar results for the solid- state in Sections III C and III D, where we provide calcu- lations for charged and neutral excitations, respectively, at the experimental Geometry. In Section III E we crit- ically examine the sensitivity of GW and GW-BSE cal- culations to structures optimized with different DFT- based approaches. Finally, we present conclusions in Sec- tion IV. FIG. 1. (Color online) The acene family. a) General formula. b) Herringbone structure, taken up by most acenes in the P21/a solid state, with space group for naphthalene and an- II. COMPUTATIONAL METHODS thracene and P1 for larger acenes. c) Benzene crystallizes in an orthorhombic unit cell with four molecules per unit cell, with space group Pbca. A. Treatment of dispersive interactions In this article, we combine dispersion-inclusive DFT As mentioned above, great strides have been made and MBPT to study the geometry and excited states of over the past decade in the treatment of dispersive in- the entire series of acene crystals, from benzene to hex- teractions within DFT { see, e.g., Refs. 52 and 53 for acene. In each case, we compare the computed geometry, overviews. Of the many approaches suggested, one electronic structure, and optical excitations with experi- commonly used method is the augmentation of exist- ment, for both the gas-phase and solid-state. To account ing (typically semi-local or hybrid) exchange-correlation for long-range vdW dispersive interactions, we use pri- (xc) functionals by pairwise corrections to the inter- marily non-local vdW density functionals (vdW-DFs), nuclear energy expression, which are damped at short but also employ Grimme "D2" pair-wise corrections47 range but provide the desired long-range asymptotic 47,48,54{59 and compare our results where possible with previ- behavior. The most widely used examples of 47 57 ously reported data computed with the Tkatchenko- this idea are the D2 and D3 corrections due to 48 Scheffler (TS)48 pair-wise correction approach.37,49 We Grimme and the Tkatchenko-Scheffler (TS) correction find that the new consistent-exchange (cx) vdW density scheme. A different commonly used approach, known functional (vdW-DF-cx)50,51 can predict acene lattice pa- as vdW-DF, includes dispersion interactions via an ex- 60{62 rameters within 1% of low-temperature measurements, plicit non-local correlation functional. Several vdW- as can the TS method. For optimized acene crystal DF versions are in use, starting with the original vdW- 63 structures, our MBPT calculations within the GW ap- DF1 functional. These include, e.g., an improved ver- 64 proximation and using the Bethe-Salpeter equation ap- sion, vdW-DF2 , making use of a more accurate semilo- proach lead to gas-phase ionization potential energies, cal exchange functional and an updated vdW kernel; the solid-state electronic band structures, and low-lying sin- simplified yet accurate form of Vydrov and van Voorhis, 65 50 glet and triplet excitations in good quantitative agree- VV10 ; and the more recently developed vdW-DF-cx ment with experiments. For larger acene crystals, we functional, an update with improved performance for lat- demonstrate that a standard G0W0 approach based on tice constants and bulk moduli of layered materials and a semi-local DFT starting point is insufficient, and that dense solids. In the following, we abbreviate vdW-DF1 eigenvalue-self-consistent GW calculations are required. as DF1, etc., for functionals in the vdW-DF class. Interestingly, we find that low lying excited states are sensitive to crystal geometry, particularly so for singlets, which
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