The programme of events which are scheduled for Commence- ment Week this year is announced as follows: Saturday, June 22: xi a. m.-Meeting of the executive committee of the Alumni Advisory Board in Woolsey Hall. 3 P. m.-Meeting of the Advisory Board. Sunday, June 23: 10:3o a. m.-Baccalaureate Address by the President in Woolsey Hall. 5 p. m.-Organ Recital by Professor Jepson in Woolsey Hall. 8 p. m.-Annual meeting of the Yale Foreign Missionary Society in Dwight Hall, with report by Professor F. Wells Williams, chairman of the executive committee. Monday, June 24: 10:3o a. m.-Class Day exercises of the Sheffield Scientific School. x2:3o to 2 p. m.-Annual meeting of the Yale Alumni Association, with collation and address by distinguished alumni and others, in Hendrie Hall. 2 p. m.-Presentation exercises of the Senior Class in College, with the Class Oration, Poem and Class History, on the College Campus, followed by planting of the Class Ivy. 2:30 p. m.-Anniversary ex- ercises of the Law School in the auditorium of Hendrie Hall, with Townsend Prize speaking by members of the Senior Class, followed by an address to the Graduating classes by Hon. Philander C. Knox. 5 p. m.-Address before the Medical School in the College Street Hall by Professor Frederick C. Shattuck, M. D., of Harvard University, on "The Art and Science of Medi- cir.e." Meeting of the Class Secretaries' Association at the Graduates' Club. 5 to 7 P. m.-Reception in Byers Hall by the Governing Board and the Senior Class of the Sheffield Scientific School. S:x5 p. m.-Glee Club con- cert in Woolsey Hall. io p. m.-Promenade of the Senior Class in Woolsey Hall. Tuesday, June 25: io a. m.-Meeting of the alumni in Alumni Hall, with address by the President. io a m. to x p. M.-Polls open in Woodbridge Hall for the election of a member of the Corporation. 3 P. m.-University baseball game, Harvard vs. Yale. 7 P. m.-Third annual graduate Com- mencement dinner in University Hall. Wednesday, June 26: 1o a. m.-Procession of the officers, graduates, on candidates for degrees and invited guests, formed in the College Campus, the arrival of which at Woolsey Hall the exercises will begin. i p m.- of Assembly of alumni in the new University Campus. 1:30 p. m.-Dinner for the Alumni in the University Hall. 5 to 7 P. m. -President's reception graduates, with their families, and invited guests, in Memorial Hall. The alumni are requested to call for "cards of invitation" (which are necessary), at the Library, after Tuesday noon. The alumni are requested, on arriving in town, to enter their names in friends the Alumni Register in the University Library. Graduates and their may take their meals at the University Dining Hall The course of lectures by Mr. Roger Foster, of New York City, on "Liberty of Contract" began May 17 th. SCHOOL AND ALUMNI NOTES

William T. Stead, editor of the Reviews of Reviews, spoke in Hendrie Hall recently under the auspices of the Law School Political Club, on the subject: "America's Opportunities at the Hague Conference." The William L. Storrs lectures will not be given this year owing to the inability of Judge George R. Peck, who had been selected to deliver the lectures, to fulfil the engagement. The following members of the class of 1907 have been selected to compete in the preliminary contest for the Townsend Prize: William Kernan Camblos, Philadelphia, Pa.; Ferdinand D'Esopo, Hartford, Conn.; William James Maher, Chicago, Ill.; Arthur Packer McKinstry, Worcester, Mass.; Albert Clayton Moss, Lancester, Pa.; John Carroll Slade, Kelloggsville, N. Y.; George Slingerland Van Schaick, Cobleskill, N. Y.; George Price Whit- man, , Ga. The Law School society of Corbey Court and Phi Delta Phi announces the election of the following men: Herbert Bradley Foster, 19o8, of Chicago, Ill.; Robert Casper Hoerle, 19o8, of Johnstown, Pa; William Webb, x9o9, of Niota, Ill. '72.-William A. Wright addressed the first of a series of meetings of the Senior class of the Academic Department held April 14 th. At these meetings the members of the Senior Class will be addressed during the remainder of the college year by representative men from a number of professions, who will describe the work and ideals of their respective professions. ' 9 3 .- Philip P. Wells, formerly Librarian of the Law School and who has been with the government for the past year, has been made chief of the office of law of the National Forest Service. I'93.-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. David C. Griggs on January 27 th. He has been named Henry Charles Griggs. ' 9 3 .- Dwight Eliot Bowers died after a short illness at his home, 209 Crown Street, New Haven, April 9 th. Mr. Bowers was admitted to the bar in 1893 and has been active- ly engaged in the practice of law in New Haven since that time. In 1896 he was candidate for Town Auditor of New Haven on the National Democratic ticket. ' 9 6.-Charles E. Pickett has been appointed a member of the Board of Charities of New Haven, Conn. 6o8 YALE LAW JO URNAL

' 9 7 .- Nehemiah Candee has moved to Chicago, Ill., to become a member of the law firm of Magruder, Thompson and Candee, with offices in the Chicago Opera House block.

' 9 7 .- Richard C. Stoll of Lexington, Ky., was recently elected Secretary of the Kentucky State Bar Association.

'9 9 -The present address of Charles H. Garnett, is 22! Nat- ional Security Bank Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 'oo.-Miss Edna Woolworth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank- April lin W. Woolworth, was married on Thursday afternoon, New 26th, at 4 o'clock in the Church of the Heavenly Rest, York City, to Franklin Laws Hutton. 'o.-John R. Waller, has returned to the after and is taking a graduate course in Oxford University, , of now preparing for State Bar examinations at the University the Iowa, Iowa City, Idaho. While abroad Mr. Waller visited grave of Yale at Wrexam, Wasel. 'o6.-G. Stanleigh Arnold is now chief of the section of tres- pass in the office of law of the National Forest Service. 'o6--Jbseph H. Reich has opened offices for the general Street and practice of law at 5o-51! Berger Building, Grant Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.