P.G. Wodehouse Society’s nieuwsblad NOTHING SERIOUS Jaargang 36 nummer 3 oktober 2019 WESTMINSTER ABBEY – 20 SEPTEMBER 2019 P.G. WODEHOUSE WORDT GEËERD MET EEN GEDENKSTEEN In deze NOTHING SERIOUS : Het speciale programma voor 12 oktober 2019, Een Wodehouse bibliotheek in Zweden, een schrijvende kloosterling uit Australië, pruimentaart, de Boekenkast van John Kroes, een boekbespreking, Impressies vanuit Szmulewicz. En nog veel meer…… Nothing Serious, oktober 2019 Het Programma voor 12 oktober De bijeenkomst is om 13.00 uur in Restaurant Szmulewicz, Bakkersstraat 12, 1017 CW Amsterdam Het thema van deze speciale vergadering is: “Wodehouse en andere Grote Schrijvers in Westminster Abbey” . Oproep aan de leden: zoek in de werken van Wodehouse naar vermeldingen, citaten of referenties van Grote Schrijvers die naast Wodehouse in de Westminster Abbey herdacht worden. Denk aan: Chaucer, Kipling, Browning, Dickens, Tennyson, Shakespeare, Byron, Burns, Wordsworth, Keats, etc. Lees je vondst voor tijdens de vergadering Verder in willekeurige volgorde Opening en mededelingen van het bestuur Bezoek Tony Ring Een Favoriet Fragment Het 3 de Wodehouse Filmfestival Een bijzondere onderscheiding Eggs, Beans and Crumpets Presentpremie DE VOLGENDE BIJEENKOMST IS OP ZATERDAG 15 FEBRUARI 2020 kopijdatum Nothing Serious: 5 januari, 17 mei en 20 september 2020 NOTHING SERIOUS ISSN 1382-0265 verschijnt in februari, mei en oktober. Redactie: Herman van Riel, Helkantsedijk 24, 4927 RJ Hooge Zwaluwe [email protected], 0162 687232 De P.G. Wodehouse Society is officieel opgericht op 27 november 1981 en staat ingeschreven bij de KvK te Amsterdam onder nummer 40534603. De doelstelling van de vereniging is het werk van de schrijver P.G. Wodehouse onder de aandacht te blijven brengen van lezers en het te bewaren voor het nageslacht. Het lidmaatschap kost (vanaf 2017) 25 euro per jaar, voor jeugdleden (t/m 18 jaar) 5 euro per jaar. Eenmalig inschrijfgeld ad 10 euro. Bankrekening IBAN NL17INGB0008558315 t.n.v. P.G. Wodehouse Society. De leden komen in 2019 op 15 februari, 13 juni en 17 oktober vanaf 13.00 uur samen. Het bestuur bestaat uit Peter Nieuwenhuizen (voorzitter), Elsbeth Westerman (penningmeester), Marcel Gijbels (secretaris, [email protected]), Herman van Riel (redacteur Nothing Serious) en Tony Roodnat (commissaris bijzondere activiteiten) wodehouse-society.nl 2 Nothing Serious, oktober 2019 SALAMANDERS , SALAMANDERS EN NOG EENS SALAMANDERS : IMPRESSIES VANUIT SZMULEWICZ , 15 JUNI 2019 De presentielijst werd door onderstaande personen getekend: Dick Vleeskruijer, Marieke Mooij-Vleeskruijer, Willem Pekelder, Jelle Caro, Tense Bilgoe, Josepha Olsthoorn, Hans Jung, Jos Boer, Marjan de Vreij, Carel Coops (5), Leonard Beuger, Hans Muller, Peter Glas, Erik van Munster, Lars van Eesteren, Alex van Zundert, Wim van Es, Jannes Koster, Wil Brouwer, Herman van Riel, Peter Nieuwenhuizen, John Kroes, Vikas Sonak, Peter Uges, Renze Hasper, Elsbeth Westerman, Marcel Gijbels. Afmeldingen ontvingen wij van: Ole van Luyn, Ronald Duk, Thijs de Jong, Jan Paul Kruimel, Tony Roodnat, Gera Wemmenhove, Johan Buiskool, Anton Weda, Dolf Weverink, Ans Olie, Wiesje Foppen, Hans Sprokkreeff, Anne-Sophie Andela, Els Huisman, Pjottr Hatzmann, Lucas Viruly, Rob Sander, Jan Jaap Omvlee. Als gast was aanwezig: Serg é Bogaerts (herpetoloog). Ons bestuur kan zeker geen gebrek aan doortastendheid worden verweten: als reactie op een suggestie tijdens de vorige bijeenkomst kregen wij bij binnenkomst in het gezellige Szmulewicz een badge waarop een naamkaartje kon worden bevestigd. Handig voor nieuwkomers, maar zeker ook voor leden die niet altijd de naam bij het bekende gezicht paraat hebben. Het was dan ook al snel een ware kakofonie van stemmen van leden die met elkaar bijpraatten. Om 13:35 heette voorzitter Peter Nieuwenhuizen ons allen welkom en in het bijzonder Carel Coops, lid nr. 5. Nadat hij in een boekenkast 2 Wodehouse titels aantrof, een daarvan THE HEART OF A GOOF , bleef hij Wodehouse lezen en herlezen. In 1989 kwam hij na een leven als stuurman aan wal, las in de krant over de PGWS in Mulliner's en werd lid. Verder werd Sergé Bogaerts voorgesteld, in 2014 de winnaar van de Lendersprijs, die jaarlijks wordt uitgereikt aan iemand die een grote bijdrage heeft geleverd aan de bescherming van reptielen, amfibieën en/of vissen. In ons geval zijn wij vanwege de connectie met Gussie Fink-Nottle met name geïnteresseerd in watersalamanders. Zijn kennis hierover bleek schier onuitputtelijk. In het kader van de Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG) werden leden die niet - of slechts met een zwart balkje over de ogen - op foto's in NOTHING SERIOUS afgebeeld wensen te worden, verzocht dit door te geven aan onze redacteur Herman. Secretaris Marcel las de afmeldingen voor, wegens onder meer verhuizing, jaarclub, kleinkinderen, oude tante, zoon, vakantie en orkestrepetitie. Met een kaarsje herdachten wij onze helaas overleden oud-voorzitter Jelle Otten. Peter memoreerde het vele wat hij voor ons genootschap gedaan heeft. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk op 20 september 2019 zal er een gedenkteken aan P.G. Wodehouse worden geplaatst in Westminster Abbey. Het zal helaas een besloten 3 Nothing Serious, oktober 2019 bijeenkomst zijn, dat wil zeggen uitsluitend voor leden van PGWS UK die een plaats gereserveerd hebben. In oktober zal ons erelid Tony Ring bij onze bijeenkomst aanwezig zijn. Hans Jung en Jelle Caro gaven een levendig verslag van hun deelname aan de Arenberg Trophy. 1 Alleen al de rit ernaartoe - door storm en regen in een weliswaar prachtige, maar oude auto - was een avontuur. Dank zij de TomTom arriveerden zij tijdig in Luik. Bij aanvang van de rally werden zij uitgezwaaid door de Schepen van Luik. Een gevaarlijke tocht naar en door diverse kastelen c.q. ruïnes volgde. Na afloop van de eerste dag werden zij, na urenlang champagne drinken, onthaald op een copieuze maaltijd. Dag twee was er ook weer een van noeste arbeid, eveneens afgesloten met veel champagne. Aangezien de chauffeur zo verstandig was zich te beperken tot glazen gevuld met water, zijn zij uiteindelijk toch veilig thuisgekomen. De salamander stond centraal tijdens de bijeenkomst. Alex startte met een verhaal over een ritueel bij Belgische corpora dat geïnspireerd is door de salamander. Het is een heildronk, gevolgd door een ad fundum. Sergé vertelde over een Amerikaanse student die overleed nadat hij gedwongen werd om water te drinken waarin een (giftige) salamander gezwommen had. De leden was in de NOTHING SERIOUS gevraagd om fragmenten te zoeken in de boeken van Wodehouse waarin de salamander figureerde. Niet geheel verrassend was de geweldige scène uit RIGHT HO, JEEVES waarin Gussie sprak over de hofmakerij van de mannelijke salamander door meerdere aanwezigen gekozen. Leonard las hem voor uit een Nederlandse vertaling. Die heb ik niet. Hieronder een stukje van de Engelse tekst: [...] Colour does make a difference. Look at newts. During the courting season the male newt is brilliantly coloured. It helps him a lot." "But you aren't a male newt." "I wish I were. Do you know how a male newt proposes, Bertie? He just stands in front of the female newt vibrating his tail and bending his body in a semi-circle. I could do that on my head. No, you wouldn't find me grousing if I were a male newt." "But if you were a male newt, Madeline Bassett wouldn't look at you. Not with the eye of love, I mean." "She would, if she were a female newt." "But she isn't a female newt." "No, but suppose she was." "Well. if she was, you wouldn't be in love with her." "Yes, I would, if I were a male newt." A slight throbbing about the temples told me that this discussion had reached saturation point. 1 De Arenberg Trophy is een oldtimer rally georganiseerd door The Drones Club of Belgium, onder de bescherming van Z.D.H. de hertog van Arenberg en Aarschot. Er wordt een parcours afgelegd dat domeinen verbindt die eertijds toebehoorden aan het huis van Arenberg of aan andere Europese adellijke families. 4 Nothing Serious, oktober 2019 Sergé toonde een boek waarin de paringsdans van the great crested newt was afgebeeld, waaruit bleek dat Wodehouse zijn huiswerk had gedaan alvorens over het liefdesleven van salamanders te schrijven. Tense las vervolgens het stukje voor uit BRAVO , JEEVES (RIGHT HO, JEEVES ) waarin Gussie van plan is Madeline Bassett een huwelijksaanzoek te doen, maar uit zenuwachtigheid alleen over salamanders - in sickness and in health - blijft praten . "Bad, Jeeves." "Yes, sir." "And how long did this nuisance continue?" "For some not inconsiderable time, I gather, sir. According to Mr. Fink-Nottle, he supplied Miss Bassett with very full and complete information not only with respect to the common newt, but also the crested and palmated varieties. He described to her how newts, during the breeding season, live in the water, subsisting upon tadpoles, insect larvae, and crustaceans; how, later, they make their way to the land and eat slugs and worms; and how the newly born newt has three pairs of long, plumlike, external gills. And he was just observing that newts differ from salamanders in the shape of the tail, which is compressed, and that a marked sexual dimorphism prevails in most species, when the young lady rose and said that she thought she would go back to the house." "And then——" "She went, sir." En ook Dick, Marieke en Josepha lazen een fragment voor uit RIGHT HO, JEEVES , waarin Jeeves aan Bertie vertelt dat Gussie enkele malen een bezoek aan hun Londense flat gebracht heeft . "Well, it's the most extraordinary thing. It must be five years since he was in London. He makes no secret of the fact that the place gives him the pip. Until now, he has always stayed glued to the country, completely surrounded by newts." "Sir?" "Newts, Jeeves. Mr. Fink-Nottle has a strong newt complex. You must have heard of newts. Those little sort of lizard things that charge about in ponds." "Oh, yes, sir.
BY THE WAY Occasional Newsletters from The P G Wodehouse Society (UK) Number 34 June 2008 Wodehouse’s Russian References: History and Spirit Following BTW 28 and 31, we are presenting the final selection of Wodehouse’s Russian references to accompany Masha Lebedeva’s recent series of articles in Wooster Sauce. From Excelsior in Nothing Serious (1950) From Thank You, Jeeves, ch 13 (1934) He looked like a Volga boatman who has just learned All the householder awoke in me. I forgot that it was that Stalin has purged his employer. injudicious of me to allow myself to be seen. All I From The Swoop, pt 2, ch 5 (1909) could think of was that this bally Five-Year-Planner was smashing up the Wooster home. Nor were the invaders satisfied and happy. The late English summer had set in with all its usual severity, From The Purification of Rodney Spelvin in The Heart and the Cossacks, reared in the kindlier climate of of a Goof (1925) Siberia, were feeling it terribly. Colds were the rule Also, they began to avoid one another in the house. rather than the exception in the Russian lines. Jane would sit in the drawing-room, while William From Summer Lighting, ch 8 (1933) retired down the passage to his den. In short, if you had added a couple of ikons and a photograph of “Let’s hope this girl of Johnnie Schoonmaker’s will Trotsky, you would have had a mise en scène which cheer us up. If she’s anything like her father, she ought would have fitted a Russian novel like the paper on the to be a nice, lively girl.
INDEX TO PLUM LINES 1980–2020 Guide to the Index: While there are all sorts of rules and guidelines on the subject of indexing, virtually none can be applied to the formidable task of indexing Plum Lines (and its predecessor, Comments in Passing), the quarterly journal of The Wodehouse Society, which was founded in 1980. Too many variables confront the task’s indexer—not to mention a few too many errors in how issues were numbered over the years (see Index to the Index, below). Consequently, a new sort of index has been created in such a way (we hope) as to make it as easy as possible to use. Following are some guidelines. 1. Finding what you want: Whatever you are looking for, it should be possible to find it using our handy-dandy system of cross-referencing: • SUBJECTS are in BOLD CAPS followed by a list of the relevant articles. (See the list of Subject Headings, below.) • Authors and Contributors (note that some articles have both an author and a contributor) are listed in uppercase-lowercase bold, last name first, with a list of articles following the name. • Regular columns are simply listed in bold under their own titles rather than under a subject heading. 2. Locating the listed article: Any article listed in the index is followed by a series of numbers indicating its volume number, issue number, and page number. For example, one can find articles on Across the pale parabola: 14.2.17; 15.4.13 in Volume 14, Number 2, Page 17 and Volume 15, Number 4, Page 13.
Plum Lines Winter I99S Toni Rudersdorps Kazoo Chorus, Missy Ratcliffe Neil Midkiff Christine Dorffi Belting out a Few Hot Ones Felton, Calif
P lum Lines The quarterly journal of The Wodehouse Society Vol. 15 N o 4 W inter 1995 WODEHOUSE CONVENTION 'CJ^t he latest and maybe the was smack in the midst o f much that made it so. You will realize that Bostonians aren’t too far T happiest gathering of wrong when I tell you that even in fairly total Wodehousians took place darkness some of their architecture is impres from Thursday to Sunday, sive. We did more than absorb culture. I have a October 19-22,1995, at the photograph, taken that evening, o f our very Copley Plaza Hotel in own Tony Ring giving a policeman’s helmet Boston, Massachusetts. the forward tilt which precedes the canoni cal upward lift. (The fact that the policeman 'THURSDAY had been clued in on this drama ahead of We began gathering at the time is irrelevant.) M y only regret is that the grand hotel on Thursday picture won’t reproduce well and you evening, when glad won’t see it. shouts of recognition Back at the hotel there was much rang out in the vast ‘What- ho’-ing and renewing o f old lobby —Wodehouse friends acquaintance by later arrivals, and if Miss meeting after a two-year void are Postlethwaite had been present much busi not shy. (The lobby is most im ness would have resulted for her. (The small pressive in white and gold, with The clever ‘Minuteman’ dark bar of the hotel, quite clubbish in walnut imposing pillars, glittering chan logo of the convention, shown paneling and discreet light, did remind me of deliers, and huge mirrors, and above and on many conven the bar parlour o f a far more famous place.) Versailles had better look slippy tion items, was designed by Each registrant for the convention was pro or it will lose the tourist trade.) Kate Harmon of the Boston vided with a tote bag filled with useful good Even the endemic rain could not NEWTS.
Beyond Anatole: Dining with Wodehouse b y D a n C o h en FTER stuffing myself to the eyeballs at Thanks eats and drinks so much that about twice a year he has to A giving and still facing several days of cold turkey go to one of the spas to get planed down. and turkey hash, I began to brood upon the subject Bertie himself is a big eater. He starts with tea in of food and eating as they appear in Plums stories and bed— no calories in that—but it is sometimes accom novels. panied by toast. Then there is breakfast, usually eggs and Like me, most of Wodehouse’s characters were bacon, with toast and marmalade. Then there is coffee. hearty eaters. So a good place to start an examination of With cream? We don’t know. There are some variations: food in Wodehouse is with the intriguing little article in he will take kippers, sausages, ham, or kidneys on toast the September issue of Wooster Sauce, the journal of the and mushrooms. UK Wodehouse Society, by James Clayton. The title asks Lunch is usually at the Drones. But it is invariably the question, “Why Isn’t Bertie Fat?” Bertie is consistent preceded by a cocktail or two. In Right Hoy Jeeves, he ly described as being slender, willowy or lissome. No describes having two dry martinis before lunch. I don’t hint of fat. know how many calories there are in a martini, but it’s Can it be heredity? We know nothing of Bertie’s par not a diet drink.
Connotations Vol. 20.2-3 (2010/2011) Worcestershirewards: Wodehouse and the Baroque*1 LAWRENCE DUGAN I should define as baroque that style which deli- berately exhausts (or tries to exhaust) all its pos- sibilities and which borders on its own parody. (Jorge Luis Borges, The Universal History of Infamy 11) Unfortunately, however, if there was one thing circumstances weren’t, it was different from what they were, and there was no suspicion of a song on the lips. The more I thought of what lay before me at these bally Towers, the bowed- downer did the heart become. (P. G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters 31) A good way to understand the achievement of P. G. Wodehouse is to look closely at the style in which he wrote his Jeeves and Wooster novels, which began in the 1920s, and to realise how different it is from that used in the dozens of other books he wrote, some of them as much admired as the famous master-and-servant stories. Indeed, those other novels and stories, including the Psmith books of the 1910s and the later Blandings Castle series, are useful in showing just how distinct a style it is. It is a unique, vernacular, contorted, slangy idiom which I have labeled baroque because it is in such sharp con- trast to the almost bland classical sentences of the other Wodehouse books. The Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary describes the ba- roque style as “marked generally by use of complex forms, bold or- *For debates inspired by this article, please check the Connotations website at <http://www.connotations.de/debdugan02023.htm>.
{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~Download Heavy Weather by P.G. Wodehouse
{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~download Heavy Weather by P.G. Wodehouse [PDF] Heavy Weather Book (Blandings Castle) Free Download (321 pages) Free download or read online Heavy Weather pdf (ePUB) (Blandings Castle Series) book. The first edition of the novel was published in 1933, and was written by P.G. Wodehouse. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 321 pages and is available in Hardcover format. The main characters of this fiction, humor story are Clarence Threepwood, Sebastian Beach. The book has been awarded with , and many others. Heavy Weather PDF Details. Author: P.G. Wodehouse Original Title: Heavy Weather Book Format: Hardcover Number Of Pages: 321 pages First Published in: 1933 Latest Edition: 2002 Series: Blandings Castle #5 Language: English Main Characters: Clarence Threepwood, Sebastian Beach, Constance Keeble, Galahad Threepwood, George Alexander Pyke category: fiction, humor, classics, humor, comedy, european literature, british literature, literature, audiobook, novels, historical, historical fiction, literature, 20th century Formats: ePUB(Android), audible mp3, audiobook and kindle. The translated version of this book is available in Spanish, English, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Bengali, Arabic, Portuguese, Indonesian / Malaysian, French, Japanese, German and many others for free download. Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator. We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Some of the techniques listed in Heavy Weather may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis, users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them. DMCA and Copyright : The book is not hosted on our servers, to remove the file please contact the source url.
P lum Lines The quarterly journal of The Wodehouse Society Vol. 17 N o 2 S u m m er 1996 I h i l l I f \ i\ ilSI | PAUL SARGFNT ,„ 1hc highly unlikely even, of the euneelton of ,o„igh,'« f t * . C»>eer, l,y Mr. Wooster, the following emergency entertainment m . performed in its stead. By Jeeves a diversionary entertainment A review by Tony Ring Wodehouse, with some excellent and vibrant songs, also eminently suitable for a life with rep, amateur and school The Special Notice above, copied from the theater program, companies. indicates just how fluffy this ‘Almost Entirely New Musical’ is. First, the theatre. It seats just over 400 in four banks of Many members have sent reviews and comments about this seats, between which the aisles are productively used for popular musical and I can’t begin to print them all. My apolo the introduction o f the deliberately home-made props, gies to all contributors not mentioned here.—OM such as Bertie Wooster’s car, crafted principally out of a sofa and cardboard boxes. Backstage staff are used to h e choice o f B y Jeeves to open the new Stephen bring some o f the props to life, such as the verges on the Joseph Theatre in Scarborough has given us the edge o f the road, replete with hedgehogs, and die com T opportunity to see what can be done by the combinationpany cow has evidently not been struck down with BSE. o f a great popular composer, a top playwright, some ideas The production is well suited to this size o f theatre: it and dialogue from the century’s greatest humorist, a would not sit easily in one of the more spectacular auditoria talented and competent cast, and a friendly new theatre in frequently used for Lloyd Webber productions.
FREE BLANDINGS PDF P. G. Wodehouse | 400 pages | 03 Jan 2013 | Cornerstone | 9780099580690 | English | London, United Kingdom P.G. Wodehouse reading list: the Blandings stories | Plumtopia Connie is trying to impress Colonel Fanshawe, in the hope Blandings Clarence might succeed Fanshawe as Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire; but Beach is behaving very oddly indeed. Clarence's bid to win the Pumpkin prize is threatened by Connie's ambition to Blandings Freddie off to Sir Gregory's niece. Clarence has grown an appalling beard, to the dismay of Beach and Connie, but Freddie needs Clarence to convince Hollywood starlet Pauline Petite of his bona-fides. Build up your Halloween Watchlist with our list of the most popular horror titles on Netflix in October. See the list. Blandings Blandings is dysfunction junction, the home of a chaotic family struggling to keep itself in order. Clarence Threepwood, Ninth Earl of Emsworth and master of Blandings Castle, yearns with all his soul to be left in peace; Blandings in the company of his beloved pig, The Empress. But he never is. There is always someone who wants him to do something. Presiding over the blitzkrieg on his equilibrium is the baleful figure of his sister Connie, with whom he shares the house; at her shoulder Blandings Clarence's brainless younger son Freddie and a panoply of friends, Blandings, servants, spongers, private detectives, bookies and confidence tricksters Written by Guy Andrews. I've been reading Wodehouse pretty much all my life. I love the lightness, the frothy confusion and the way he wove the characters into living, breathing people on the page.
CCFB - Cercle de Lecture 2019-2020 SCHEDULE and SELECTED READING LIST: PROPOSED MEETING DATES: Session 1 - Monday 28th October: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. (Published by Alfred A. Knopf, 2013). 477 pages. ISBN: 978-0-307-96212-6 Session 2 - Monday 16th December: The Runaways by Fatima Bhutto (Published by Viking, 2018). 432 pages. ISBN: 0241346991 (ISBN13: 9780241346990) Session 3 - Monday 3rd February: Good Omens - The Nice & Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman (First published in 1990. New edition published by William Morrow, 2006). 412 pages. ISBN: 0060853980 (ISBN13: 9780060853983) Session 4 - Monday 23rd March: Warlight by Michael Ondaatje (Published by Jonathan Cape, 2018). 304 pages. ISBN: 1787330729 (ISBN13: 9781787330726) Session 5 - Monday 11th May: I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh (Published by Sphere, 2014). 371 pages. ISBN: 0751554154 (ISBN13: 9780751554151) Session 6 - Monday 22nd June: Right Ho, Jeeves by PG Wodehouse (First published 1934. New edition published by WW Norton Company, 2011). 272 pages. ISBN: 0393339785 (ISBN13: 9780393339789) CCFB - Cercle de Lecture 2019-2020 BOOK 1: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (a Nigerian author) Americanah tells the story of a young Nigerian woman, Ifemelu, who immigrates to the United States to attend university. The novel traces Ifemelu's life in both countries, threaded by her love story with high school classmate Obinze. It was Adichie's third novel, published on May 14, 2013 by Alfred A. Knopf. A television miniseries, starring and produced by Lupita Nyong'o, is currently in development. As teenagers in a Lagos secondary school, Ifemelu and Obinze fall in love.
Information Sheet Number 9A a Simplified Chronology of PG
The P G Wodehouse Society (UK) Information Sheet Number 9a A Simplified Chronology of P G Wodehouse Fiction Revised December 2018 Note: In this Chronology, asterisked numbers (*1) refer to the notes on pages (iv) and (v) of Information Sheet Number 9 The titles of Novels are printed in a bold italic font. The titles of serialisations of Novels are printed in a bold roman font. The titles of Short Stories are printed in a plain roman font. The titles of Books of Collections of Short Stories are printed in italics and underlined in the first column, and in italics, without being underlined, when cited in the last column. Published Novel [Collection] Published Short Story [Serial] Relevant Collection [Novel] 1901 SC The Prize Poem Tales of St Austin’s (1903) SC L’Affaire Uncle John Tales of St Austin’s (1903) SC Author! Tales of St Austin’s (1903) 1902 SC The Pothunters The Pothunters SC The Babe and the Dragon Tales of St Austin’s (1903) SC “ The Tabby Terror ” Tales of St Austin’s (1903) SC Bradshaw’s Little Story Tales of St Austin’s (1903) SC The Odd Trick Tales of St Austin’s (1903) SC The Pothunters SC How Payne Bucked Up Tales of St Austin’s (1903) 1903 SC Harrison’s Slight Error Tales of St Austin’s SC How Pillingshot Scored Tales of St Austin’s SC The Manoeuvres of Charteris Tales of St Austin’s SC A Prefect’s Uncle SC The Gold Bat The Gold Bat (1904) SC Tales of St Austin’s A Shocking Affair 1 Published Novel [Collection] Published Short Story [Serial] Relevant Collection [Novel] 1904 SC The Gold Bat SC The Head of Kay’s The Head
2009_CATALOGO DEFINITIVO.qxd 02/12/2008 14.34 Pagina 1 SOMMARIOSOMMARIO i bassotti 2 i Jeeves 23 varia 29 Kerry Greenwood 30 obladì obladà 31 i polillini 34 indice 46 2009_CATALOGO DEFINITIVO.qxd 02/12/2008 14.34 Pagina 2 Questa piccola biblioteca del giallo da salvare si propo- ne di presentare al pubblico della libreria una produzio- ne letteraria pressoché irreperibile, rivalutando un gene- re che resiste con successo da oltre 150 anni e in cui si sono cimentati, tra gli altri, poeti, economisti, storici, scienziati, filosofi. Costruita con la passione del colle- zionista, attingendo soprattutto alla grande tradizione angloamericana, la collana riserva molte sorprese: a romanzi fondamentali, ma spesso misco- nosciuti, dell’età d’oro del mystery – tra il 1920 e il 1940 – e ad alcuni ine- diti in Italia, si affiancano singolari riscoperte, libri di autori poco noti, tal- volta con al loro attivo una sola grande storia poliziesca, geniali divertis- sement intellettuali e opere che hanno aperto la strada al thriller moderno. 2 John Rhode I DELITTI DI PRAED STREET “Un classico del delitto seriale che ci fa fare pace con questo sottogenere malamente abusato da scrittori e registi contemporanei.” Corriere della Sera Magazine I delitti di Praed Street è considerato il capolavoro assoluto di John Rhode, uno dei maggiori protagonisti della cosiddetta “età d’oro” del mystery, nonché uno dei più prolifici giallisti di tutti i tempi. Al centro del romanzo, pubbli- cato nel 1928, c’è una serie di sconcertanti omicidi apparentemente slegati fra loro. L’unico nesso, oltre al fatto che avvengono tutti nella medesima stra- da londinese, è che le vittime avevano ricevuto un gettone di osso come una sorta di memento mori.
Number 52 June 2013 Wodehouse’s Magistrates and Magistrates’ Courts In this issue, we look at the other side of the Coin of Justice, and consider the individuals responsible for its administration at first instance, and their places of work. The Magistrates Sir Watkyn Bassett Esmond Haddock, JP The one-time resident beak at Bosher Street Police The Squire of King’s Deverill, Hants, enjoyed himself Court, he presided when Bertie Wooster was when hearing a charge against Catsmeat Potter- charged with trying to separate a policeman from Pirbright on the evidence of Constable Dobbs, which his helmet. When Sir Watkyn retired from the bench was discredited when it was realised that Catsmeat shortly afterwards, Bertie decried his story of a large was the brother of Esmond’s fiancée Corky. inheritance, and commented that he had amassed (The Mating Seaso n) enough in fines to live in luxury. Sir Joseph Moresby He continued to administer justice from Totleigh Towers, whilst self-evidently committing such A magistrate at Bosher Street, he spoke harsh words offences as blackmail and breach of contract. to Bobbie Wickham after convicting her for speeding, and took ten pounds off Bingo Little. (‘Without the Option’ in Carry On, Jeeves; The Code of the Woosters; Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit; Stiff (‘Something Squishy’ in Mr Mulliner Speakin g; ‘The Upper Lip, Jeeve s) Word in Season’ in its Punch original) Jimmy Briscoe Sir Gregory Parsloe-Parsloe, Bart, JP Chairman of the Board of Magistrates at Maiden The view of history will be that this unscrupulous Eggesford, he fined his friend Mr Cook for moving baronet had no right to carry the proud title of pigs without a licence.