
Capella Scripts

This Guide contains translations of pages assembled by the German users of capella. Our thanks go to the following script authors

Note. 1. The dialogue box bitmaps in this guide are taken from the German guide and in German. Most of the scripts, however, are translated. 2. Script names are put in <> brackets to make them easier to locate.

An introduction to the capella scripts 1

STAR SCRIPTS – THE ONES WE WERE DELIGHTED TO SEE! 2 by Peter Becker 2 Triplet bracket fix 2 by Bernd Youngman 3 Extending beaming over marked rests 3 by Urs Ganz 4 by Peter Becker 5

NOTATION SECTION 7 Covering: 7 Note formatting 7 Score formatting 7 Graphics by Peter Becker 7 by Peter Becker 2 Automatic overlapping accidentals adjustment 2 by Hartmut Ring 3 Close to open score 3 by Paul Villiger 4 by Peter Becker 5 by Hartmut Ring 6 by Andreas Hertzog 7 by Paul Villiger 8 by Paul Villager 10 by Andreas Herzog 11 by Andreas Herzog 12 by Paul Villiger 14 by Andreas Herzog 15 by Paul Villiger 16 by Paul Villiger 17 Splitting up chords 17 by Hartmut Ring 18 by Hartmut Lemmel 19 by Paul Villiger 20