November 7, 2019 IGAUSECT/11-19/04 To To National Stock Exchange of India Limited Department of Corporate Services Exchange Plaza, C - l , Block G BSE Limited Bandra Kurla Complex Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Bandra - (E) Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 051 Mumbai - 400 001 Symbol: INDIGO Scrip Code: 539448 Dear Sir, Sub : Disclosure under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 - Press Release In compliance with Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed a copy of the Press Release, to be released by the Company. This is for your information and record. njoy ....,u,� " Cornpany Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer lnte,c;k>beAv;o1, 0n lirnited Registered Omci= Central Wing, Ground Floor, Thopor House, 124 Jonpoth, New Delhl-110 001, Indio. F 011-43513200. Email:
[email protected] J Corpoiote Off;,� Level 1, Tower C. Globol Business Pork.MG Rood. Gurgoon-122 002. Horyono. Indio. T +91 124 435 2500. f +91 124 40 6 85 36 9olndl90.ln ,. , 1nTeRGLOBe CINno: L6S:!1 O(J()U!CJQ4pl(129768 IndiGo and Qatar Airways announce Codeshare Agreement to strengthen connectivity between India and Qatar The airlines have signed a one-way codeshare agreement where-in Qatar Airways will place its code on IndiGo flights between Doha and Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad National, November 07, 2019: In-line with its international expansion plans, IndiGo, India’s leading airline, today signed a one-way codeshare agreement with Qatar Airways, world’s best airline as per 2019 World Airline Awards. With the sale starting from today, the one-way codeshare agreement between the two carriers will enable Qatar Airways to place its code on IndiGo flights between Doha and Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad.