Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2019–20 to 2022–23 Wide Bay Burnett 48,503 km2 Area covered by district1 5.92% Population of Queensland1 2,700 km Other state-controlled road network 271 km National Land Transport Network 242 km National rail network 1Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (Queensland Treasury) Queensland Regional Profiles. www.qgso.qld.gov.au (retrieved 16 May 2019) Legend Bundaberg Office 23 Quay Street | Bundaberg | Qld 4670 National road network Locked Bag 486 | Bundaberg | Qld 4670 State strategic road network (07) 4154 0200 |
[email protected] State regional and other district road National rail network Gympie Office Other railway 50 River Road | Gympie | Qld 4570 PO Box 183 | Gympie | Qld 4570 Local government boundary (07) 5482 0333 |
[email protected] Divider image: Looking north at the construction of a southbound overtaking lane on the Bruce Highway at Woco Creek, just north of Apple Tree Creek. District program highlights • complete intersection upgrades and widening on the • continue planning and design for flood immunity Bruce Highway between the Maryborough Showgrounds upgrades on the Bruce Highway at Tiaro and in the In 2018–19 we completed: and Howard Heights Road, jointly funded by the vicinity of Saltwater Creek, north of Maryborough, Australian Government and Queensland Government jointly funded by the Australian Government and • works to realign and signalise the Pialba-Burrum Heads Queensland Government Road intersections with Scrub Hill Road and Wide