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P l y m o u t h M a i l

PLYMOUTH, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1913 WHOLE l|lo. j I ^ * Memories of the Past ^ 8*®* Local Items To solve tbe problem of what to buy Tbe pl8]T *‘ln Louisiana” given by for him, visii Shingleton’s. In Thie Paper Twonty-fivo Yoara Ago . talent umlpr the direction of Hu'' What Shall I Buy Edison Disc Phonographs Tadap. Lsbadie for ttte benefit of Piym- Mrs. Geo. Lane and son 'Vernon visit' outb Lodge No. 238, Knights of Pythias ed friends in Detmis the latter part of at the opera house Monday evening was last week. Indistructable Plate Records, largely attencied and was presented in a L. H. Bennett is building an additicNQ most creditable m ^ner in d e ed L. L. Mrs. Myron Willet and Mrs. Ed. ...For Christmas Real Diamond Points 1 the west end of hia fanning mill shop.^ £all of NorAviu^ as Joe~*^leigh, Willet were guests of relatives in De­ Fred Burch, after an iltaesa of a weeE* Willard Annrtioog, troit this week. No Changing of Needles is out again. Miss EUsabethGilesasSavannah Blake, Tile question is .s c h jii answered when you ^nter (Wr StOlBfr Mrs. ilarry Brown as Yrola Mendoza, Mr. and “Mrs. E.C. Leach visited their and view our lar^e line of Christnia.s Gifts. SonfeminK lu these two models is eliminated We have had lovely winter weather Aichie Collins as Rastus, Howard Brown granddaughter, Madeline Bennett at everyone and just a little more for your money than anywhcjfl?. far, and many farmers have fovind it a< Colonel Blake and Jesse Hake Monroe last Sunday. every unnecessary item of e.ypense “Nutbin” took the more prominent else. Besides wt- ,s4i\ e Piauo Contest ^•otes with every’ without in anj" wa}' .saeritioing any convenient to do ploughing. parts of the play in a manner that re­ Jay Sackett and family have moved H. H. Saflord dug his potatoes last flected great credit upon their efforts. into part of the bouse with Mr. Perkins essential to the proper and artistic Tuesday and did some ploughing also. Stephen Jewell as Tom Perkins, W. J. on E7 Ann Arbor street. Wednesday, Dec.' 17th rendering of tlx' Edison Disc Victrola He was in something of a hurry with TboupsoD as Judge Anthony Wilkins, Qten Jewell as Dick Sellers, Robt. Todd Harry Brown who bad the misfortune We offer < loo.uiM^ votes with every ti.ix) purchase of any of and Columbia Recsrrds. We also bis potatoes, as he wanted to get them *as Bill, Mrs. Romeo W c^ as Mrs. to break one of his ribs Thanksgiving taken care of before tbe holidays. Raleigl^ Mies Florence McLeod as the following articles: , have Victrola ami Columbia Ma­ Maud Fletcher, Miss Zadia White as day is able to be out again. chines in stock. Do not miss hear­ Mrs. C. W. Valentine and Mrs. A. K' Jessie Miller all took their parts in Mrs. Hulda Everett has sold .her farm BOOKS _^heeler spent Thanksgiving at Toledo. ing the Xmas Record^. Prices are most able manner.^ The stage settings to Chas. and Albert Schmidt of Detroit, A 5iie line of the latest Books, also popular .copyrights at 50c. '^ A t about half*pasi two o’clock Wed* were tbe best that ^Ss ever been seen m uniform the world over. on tbe stage of tbe local opera bouse Cbas. Decker negotiating the sale. each ami Children’s Books from 2 .sc. up to 75c. each. nesday morning Dan , Chas. and added greatly to the success of the Mrs. G. A. Ravil.er v)as called to Miller, and two or three others dieoover* play. The electrical effects and ar­ Detroit last week on account of the STATtONERY ed a bright light in tbe First National rangement was in charge of Arthur death of her raother^Mrs. Emily Braden. Many beautiful Christmas Boxes from 25c. up. BEVER PHARMACY bank and without making any investiga: Hood. During tbe evening music was tton they proceeded to the residenee of furnished by Miss Czarina Penney, Mrs. Ruth Hensley and little daugh­ Block South of Lester VanDeCar, Ezra Routnour, ter Irene have gone to Bag'-naw where FOUNTAIN PENS P. M. Dope! O. A. Fraser, tbe cashier, to notify him Hoken and Nona Anderson.’••■y fiiu- line from $i.oO ud to 415.0 0 . of the discovery. Mr. Fraser lives in a they will n'main with friends during the winter. ^ double house, about forty rods from tbe TOILET SETS , Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Chaffee enter­ bank, W. H. Boyt.ooou^ies one-bali of I\'or\' I \V.>uenuli(til of the'supper, w d it was all^e^ that ■ c-.'-es. convenient for ladies to carr}’ in th e it and seeing three men standing in front tbe meat purchased at our store was at a cost of $2,000, has been tested and hand ba^s, I’riud from >i .0 0 up. of the house, and not recognising their tainted and that thie was tbe cause of and found satisfactory. Froni 40 to 60 voioee, tb o u ^ t them desperadoes, who the sickness. A sample, of tbe meat pie horse-power can be depended upon, HAND MIRRORS were trying to entice Mr. Fraser out of was sent to the State board of health ' which is enough to take care of a large ■ .. ■ *1 I Lansing for examination and a report proportion of the village lighting system. tbe house f(^ the purpose ol bank rob­ has been made by tbe state bacteriolo - bery, and raising his window fired his gist, from which it will be seen that the, ^Dorothy Dibble ^reeably entertained Extra Special for Wednesday revolver in the air to frighten them meat as taken from our store was not about thirty of her schoolmates and MO.»>oo voles \\iin>e with every $ 1.00 purchase of any iW EEK aw ay ^^ d it had that effect. Adams, the cause of tbe trouble. A copy of tbe friends at her home last Saturday after- report is given below, to correct auy kind of •Talcum I'owder ' or “ W inter Toilet Cream” ^faich ,te‘ who supposed Hoyt was firing at him^ fhlse reports that have been made that noon in honor of her tenth birthdajy* ^ Kunrnnteed to k « p the d u i p . « « r . soon put a gap between himself and the concern us. Games were the entertainment of tfie-' . . -.i, -.i , house. Miller then called out and in­ Yours truly, . 5 5 .fMio voie.s will l)c «'U1i a 50c. purchase and 2 S.0 0 0 votei- afternoon, after which sunoersupper was 'with -.i a 25 __ c. ])urohnse. ‘ ‘ ™ formed Hoyt and Fraser who they were Todd Bros. served. The guests returned to their and their errand there, ao^^^bey all Lansing, December 4,1913. homes wishing her many more happy r i • went to the bank to learn ^ cause. Mr. W. I. Smith, birthdays. MAKE your savings account a family proposition.— Everything was found to be in order Wixoro, Michigan. Saturday, Dec. 13 Interest that little wife of yours. there and the only cause that they were Dear Sir: SCHOOL NOTES. .Anoihvr s]>ecial on .Lowney’s and Brooks Box- Cbocolitefl. able to give for the light seen, was Chat The sample of meat pie de­ The seventh grade had their picture Same mimiK;r of votes as given last week. ' Conduct the affairs of the household along busines lines, a small piece of wood among the coal livered to this laboratory by Mr. Barnes taken last Friday. has been examined and found to be free W'e iiave a fine line- of all ilie niakts of Cigars put up in gjfk* koxes or bulk, Stationary, Calltomla Woman Sortoualy Alemed far these purpasig, jvtiitber or imt the' Tha Mapnoot Mnn.ln Town ceived a fine assortment of Xjmas 6tationer^' district haa voted flv a Uhfaiy. fiducar “ A abor^ Hum ago 1 eo ttfrtad a ••• la toe one yfao ie Nwgye orou, di^ will sell/for 25c. and 50c. year choice. Tore cold irtdA ■titled m m f lUigo and. teta today spxrsidsfn the fact-toat agreeable, abort and e b ^ in hie u - worth, w . and $1.00. ' , - . : lei. Q oa^tee Label from r-veiy OMMod a o a greot deatot— ------’ (bod lihvary. is tlia most valuaUe equip- •van* la nine eaaae oitt-of ten it is hot WOQn— - ---* BSTO BM OpOglttlg •- - - tow poor tellow^ Nsih bis liver and Ijeiijltt brin)^ them in and we h w a WWO IT ------’ marepatof m w and he feels Buy Eariy.' O nly 12 to M ■eribi m t i : A k iw i ...... ils. Am yon g e tt^ into tost itffiMiili G w ak NOTICE osoditiott?— ------’IbeD atert. «t ooea. teidfte XiteiB. ;h i i JLygl aqDtoktean tor (bo townalHp of ele«a ' xJoM aiN toto* . .-terter. ^riee W. Bli< _ T B c n b i i — ------KteflK h r w . BOsktei S « lte A g t Kteae,Ctf. BogteB-C “No w 's PiisrmMy.- Afln. VI

'-A-. hat poUtaly to the sister o t the ceaafol young broker who tipped h ia geaerousty. "Iliat young mah who waa Just here*" she seld—"is he the person who loet his hetr* ‘Tes, Miss Haldane.” replied the starter. From what be says it wms By ELIZABETH BCHOEN COBB. the only one he bed. end he is with­ "Oh. such fonl ” out the money to buy enother one. 1 “Let me try, ZlHa." loaned him a stray cap, 1 happened **No, me—I know I can land a vlo- to have, and he insisted on giving me tlm the first time!" his name and addreks, so I would be . The three high class stenographers sure to know it would - be returned, in the oifico of Haldane te Co. were which doesn't matter in the least grouped about a table where one . of "Will you show me the oardf their number was filling a itarafllnod "Why, certainly," aasented paper bag from a water bottle. starter, promptly, but wonderingly. It was tbe 2d of September, the Precioea felt like a guilty criminal. D7 « WOnUB. H* OQW : postponed "Straw Hat" day of tbe Her tender soul deplored tbe Innocent year. The sensible office girls of Hul- mind of hit I . mischief she bed wrought She was H« tlsbod. W lui 6!m OmM t e 4 » t;. dane ft Co. were usually precise and strangely unlike herself all tbe ride dignified, but they could not sesist home with her brother. Within ea- tolly as it flleis. All day long from hour she had made a confidant of her ^CALY PSORIi^S ON the great skyscraper building, mis­ best friend, Mary Bird, and before chievous office boys and teasing type­ two bad passed by Mary's brother. Troop H. €th T7. 8 . ’OavalTT. A P V writers had gazed from the window in­ Will, was- taken into a conspiracy. - MoCJoy, Sparta, WU.—*T I * quest of a belated straw hat in the He was deputized to visit this Dale with peoriaala to r navlT tfto: \ passing^ throng. Once spotted. It. be­ Wintera as the representative of "(our Pofttona of my n n n a came a target for all kinds of mis­ giddy girls" who bad destroyed bis affected mostly wltn IL tt < siles, such as paper wads, soaked tow­ b a t and replace It with tbe best fall in scaly form, breaking m t A els, and one unfortunate Panama style money could supply. small dots and gradually gifiw went skithering from the head of Us More than that the clever young and white eealee formed wheR abemt wearer, borne along by a well direct­ man did. He learned that Dale Win­ the size of an ordinary ; ed bar of soap. ters was a most estimable and effi­ Tbe looks ^ ft was horzlbla, ' The infection had spread to the cient young man, temporarily out of made ft very un^easant tor ma. j l H8 RB are two days of sopreme importance to i tqerry group In the Huldane office. Itched a little at timea. all Christendom when, no matter what the work. How the artful Precloaa work­ One of the Ingenious trio of misses ed it she told nobody, but within a "I {Tied several treatments whlA . difference in creeds, the whole Christian world bad thought of a new projectile. It cured me for a month,'tat It alwayn nnitee in the ('heerrance of what are rightly week Dale was induced by young Bird consisted of a paper bag filled with to apply for a irasltlon with Huldane c broke out again. One day a trMto regarded as tftO moat significant annlrersa- water and tied with a piece of string. saw tbe advertlaemant of Gstlooia rles In the year. On Easter and Christmas all & Co. and was readily engaged. Miss Preclosa Huldane, who had It was a lucky day for the big bond Soap and Ointment In the i the chnrehes are at one. Just arrived In the family automobile I sent for a sample. They helped i The story of the first Christmas Is so uni- firm. Six months later while tbe to take her brother, Ransom Huldane, bead of the house was absent, a near,r so 1 pnrehased two more tassa BE Tersally known that it needs no repetition, home, smiling indulgently at the ex­ Cutlcnm Ointment i ' and one hesitates to repeat it for tear of mar­ panic hit tbe money market. Forced citement of the girls. *nen moving to act on bis own Initiative, Dale did Soap and they completely eanad sm ring the besnty and simplicity of. the original narrative to the window and gazing down, her It took jthree montha tor <3Btleam The story of the origin of the observance of Christmas is Just the right thing, and saved the eyes lit upon the crown of a neat house from ruin. Soap and Ointment to eompleto tog quite another thing, however, and may be approached In but weather beaten straw haL almost cure." (Signed) Walter Kahony« QfiL a more mnndane spirit We take part in the time honored That made him "solid’’ with Ran­ within dropping range from her lofty som Huldane. In the meantime poor, 22. 1912. cnstoms which are so intimately associated with the day height Its wearer was a brisk, erect CuUcura Soap and Ointment j without stopping to eon^der whether they had tbelr incep­ pitiful Preclosa found that In exercis­ tod pleasing appearing young mao. ing sympathy and Interest in behalf throughout tbe world. Sample of e tion in the Christmas idea or. whether they ever bad any The spirit of mischief seised her un­ tree,with 32-p. Skin 5 9 ok. Addraas poto - other algnifldhnce th a n ^ e y now bare. We trim the of Dale, she bad learned to love'him. card “CuUcura, Dept L, Boatoa.">^ikftft carols f o r s e v e r a l accountably. So she came often to tbe office, and C h ris ti^ tree, dlstrlbnte our present, decorate with holly and mistletoe and "Give me the bag, quick!" she call­ - sit down to a''blg dinner, and If we ever stop to think why we do these ihlnga nights before Christ- Dale called at tbe Huldane home oc­ Oversight. iqaB. ed to tbe girls. casionally. (and it IS more than likely that we don’t) why. it la Just the Christmas cus- Preclosa drew back slightly In some Tbe steembont came cplaatong toifi u 4fthat's all there Is to IL Similarly In some of It was the 2d of September, a year along her courae at full spee^ aad t a the country districts In dismay from the window frame as But It is very far from being all The customs which seem such an in­ she witnessed the commotion her im­ to the day, and Preclosa sat in tbe first tbtng tbe passengers knew wbsB' France the children office ostensibly awaiting her broth­ it stopped was that It has eraahed tegral part of the festival are Inextricably tangled up with Roman. Scandi­ make the rounds o t the pulsive action had created. The navian. German and Celtic ceremonials, In which very many of them bad weighted paper bag had grazed its er’s arrival when Dale entered. bead on into the /iler. village, carrying a lit­ Preclosa smiled as he took off his "Mercy!" cried a passenger. ^ their origin. Onr Christmas, when we investigate it, is found to be a melting tle cradle on tbelr destined target the straw hat This pot of pagan traditions and practices without number, purged of tbelr old It had knocked promptly from the hat—a straw hat! He read inquiry wonder what's tbe matter?" backs and singing in her eyes. , "Nothin’,” said PaL one of the significance and adapted to the higher faith. carols for pennies. head of Its wearer. The c^erver halta before the contemplation of the countless variety of Tbe bag bad struck the stone pave­ "Do not think that I am defying deck hands. "Nothin’. rna’Sm ‘ Ot Santa Claus Is not as nsage and propriety. Miss Huldane, looks to me as If the *»*p*«<" Jnsttor- customs associated with Christmas in all lands, both in the past and the familiar a figure in ment It burst with a report like tbe present day. To describe them all Vrould fill a good sized book, so we can explosion of an automobile tire. Its he said laughingly. "I am defying got that we stop here." France as he Is among the custom (or this one day because Only refer briefiy here to some of the most prominent of them. us. There, instead of contents spattered over the owner of ^ The early fathers of the church, however much they might have desired ^ the hat. He naturally looked up­ it Is an anniversary." Important to tatoara ^ hanging up their stock­ "Of what, may I ask?” spoke Pre- Examine oarafnl^ tvary botda al to banish all pagan practices from the exercises of religion, were perforce ings to be filled by him, wards. and Miss Preclosa caught CA8TOR1A, a safe and sdra ramady t a obliged to allow their converts to retain part ef the old usages. It was an flitting sight of a reproachful but ciosa. half guessing. Infanta aad chUdr^ aad aaa tax ft they place their shoes "Of the day of my life when with Impossibility to put am end to them, so they wisely decided thst it was better handsome face. Then Dale Winters Bears tha to let the people follow their bent along certain lines rather than to antag- In front ot the fireplace the loss of my bat there seemed to on Christmas eve. so follow nothing but good fortune—and Signature of ( them by insisting too strongly on a course which they were bound to that the Chrlstcblld oppose. The mere glaringly heathenish rites were eradicated, and those the greatest blessing of it all has been In Use For Ow . . may leave their pres­ to know you." Children Cry for ngtatag Ctofoiis which remained were purged of tbelr more objectionable features and Infused ents in them. with a new spirit , He read her full realization of the In north Germany, sentiment expressed. Her eyes, quick­ Durable. Christmas was nptjObserved at all, so far as we can find any record, for however, It Is not the BIi—My lawyer tells me I have a SOO' or SOO years after the birth of Christ and as the event bad occurred in ly downcast, her brightening color r : Chrlstcblld who gives gave his soul hope. strong case. such an humble fashion men were .qulde unable to determine its date when the presents, but his Dlx—^e probably meana that It ft tikoy began to intereat themselves In keeping the anniversary. There Is not "Yoa have something to tell me?" servant, Knecht Ru- she said falterlngly. one that will last tor years. ‘ n month in the year for which some authority has not claimed the nonor of precht. This Individual la usually represented by a man who clothes hlnh the nctlvlty.' One thing is certain, and that la that it could not have occerred "Of the love 1 bear you,” he self In a wbltd robe and high buskins, a mask and an enormous wig. So Re (beefbtfulpmea SMS liquid bias. iFsa on the S6th of December, as this date Is the height of the rainy season in plied clearly. plB«bofbIuiuaurnbottlso(aaMr. AtoCov attired he pre^nts himself at the door and announces that he is sent by '"Then first let me tell you a story Judea, as in Callfwnia. and it is quite unlikely that the shepherds could the Cbristchlld tc distribute gifts among tbe children. The parents receive W i OoM BUI Blns.ilebi^tfttt'ssU Mas id r have been watching their flocks by night under those conditions. and Preclosa did; of the straw haL btm ceirmrniously, and be Inquires whether each child has been good, and Whst She out the event it is supposed to com­ land again, and In more ambitious hnilil hirdi man ■waij events la ynrrW : .tba ooa heralds new life to the physical world and the memorate. Had Knocked the Hat From the Head other tha ddlverance ef'the human race from the powers of evil. of Its Owner. form than ever. The last plan con-' CARTER’S UTILE The old custom of burning the yule log still endures In certain parts of templated draining about 130,000 U hM ’haaa SDlatad oat that in the early period of the church it was'con- UVER PUIS Europe. It Is an outgrowth of the feast of Jul among the-ancient Seandl- made a dash to recover hit hat This acres. The present plan proposes to Puitiy Veee*«hle- j aldered wise to allow (be eoaverte to retain some of the old customs. The navians. when every winter at the aolstlce they kindled enormous fires in unwater more than three times that aetftr OB •'WJ Ohgeevanee a t (Cbrlstmaa waa therefore encouraged as a substitute for the had rolled towards the curb. The honor of the god Thor. Among the Slavonians of southeastern Europe the wind sent It under the wheels of a much. Dikes are to be built, shntting pi^aa faafiTars, la pattteplar (or the Roman aatamalla, which occurred in bringing In and burning of tbe yule log Is an elaborate cer^ony. Some DeeemSar aad which waa ao pt^ular that while it originally lasted for one day passing truck, and it was crushed to off the sea from tbe famous bay. time during the week before Christmas, or on the day before, an oak or atoms. Then four great “polders” are to be . aaty ,{tha R waSkhrat extended to three days and later, under the Em- beech tree t i selected, but on account of the supersUtlon such trees pw er OgafilBB, ba aarw featival waa opened by public sacrifice before Tbe crowd Isughed, messen­ walled off and pumped dry, while the e n s r - are endowed with souls it is necessary to observe certain precantions while ger boys "yah-yahed!” observers at rest of the area Is left as a fresh aeto aaS la> t^ 't e a il R a f 'BiInnu Mktwad by a great public banquet, in which all classes cutting It down. Tbe hewers must wear gloves throughout the whole pro SMALL n m SMALL 1 pTTtlol^tiBil thla tliie all the people teemed to go mad: the com- tbe various office windows tittered, water lake, with canala leading to ceedlng and before they dare lay an ax to the tree they must face the east and the outalde street, waa one broad various ports. Geooine i platMt l^orty pAvaDad and.lt waa a time of universal festivity and merry and cross themselves three times, and in felling ft thy must take care that Croeada aatTmeil through the streets shouting "To Saturnalia." a smile. The young man put his hand Whether the Dutch government un­ it falls toward the east Evil Consequences will follow if they do not chop to bla head In an embarrassed way. dertakes this task now or not, tbs IV b ' qg,gaasdM **™^^**^ to the modern "Merry Christmas." It was a holiday off a chicken’s head on the freah stump, using the same ax with which they hkfhie wMlst eenee; aehools and law courts were cloeed and the aenate Then he darted through the open door^ work is sure to he done. Holland la % cut down the tree. The first chip Is the prize of the housewife, who pre­ way and into the lobby of the big both rich and land hungry. The engi­ ' h d ^ a n M i BO ertmlnal waa exocuted and no war was proclaimed. The slaves serves it to put under the cream dish, lo that the cream' will be rich and anjnyad aa aqnallty with their amaters, and even served them at the table. building. neering problems Involved are simple abundant during the year. The estimated cost is about 176.000,- TMt paoplt oocmpied thomsidves in calling on one another, in exchanging After sprinkling the newly hewn log wlth’^harley to insure good crops Preclosa looked serious as she ‘‘^MaaMka and attenAng banquets. There waa always one day especially de- draw back from the window, som^ 000—a large sum for a small country, for the coming year It Is ready to load on the o|M|fhgon and the homeward perhaps, but the land' thus brought -vuhad 'ta.tite ohUdyen. a custom to which we may trace the particular slg- Journey Is so timed that the house Is not reachw iintll after twilight falls. what ashamed, sincerely sorry, lh a t of Chrlstmaa to children down to the present time. flitting glimpse of the face below had under cultivation will produce crops The housewife Is on the lookout for U and as soon as she eees U coming worth $28,000,000 per year. - Ctrl*** pmettees of the Saturnalia which Christmas has preserved she hastens.- to hide the table, the spoons, the fire shovel and the dining shown s seriousness not at sU in ao (g eandlea. tmages aad cakea. Candles were ti;eB7s In evidence at card with the recklees episode of the The Zuyder Zee as it stands today' chairs, which are not brought to light again unUl the log has been kindled. is tbe result of a terrific storm la the ^ -^.ct-thia **"«* aa were omelT images made either of baked clay or dough. The It Is generally about midnight when the log is1}rought Into the house, moment. A neat bat threadbare suit tiuMT mifte a practice of baking great quantities of all of clothes made the ^gei^e hearted thirteenth century. Before that time niiiaiiis alvays and It Is received at the doorway by the father, who wishes his famUy a a freah water lake occupied part o£ P ^ Chrtdmna. egkee, which are an im putant aad indispensable adjunct to the "Good morning and merry Christmas" three times. They, on greeting him miss wonder if she had not acted un­ wisely. nay, cruelly. In depriving .the the area now covered by the waves : deoiahnkaw- In turn, shake over him some barley and. this ceremonial having been ob- of this inlet and the rest was marsh lie-enetoan of dewioratlng with evergreens at Christmas has the tradition sefved, he drags the log up to the hearth by means of a chain wound around young man of a possession be could poorly spare. and meadow. A great hurricane came, it. An Car beck aa hletwr goes people have been in the habit i t In rase the log is brought into the house before evening three sticks are piling the waters of the North sea ^ ‘ I'w 'aalhi 'fcrrnr~ and greena te all aorta of festivals. The use of the mistletoe. cut from It and leaned against the eastern wall, where they remain, crowned “Iff. too bad—why did I do ft?" she ^ * aw vlv^ from the a n c te t Celts and Scandinavians, to whom with ivy, until the log Is burned out dilded herself. Besides, the emhar- agalu t the Dutch coast. The feeble rassmenL the Inconvenience, and she dikes then In existence gave way, tbe an oMsed cf partkalar veaeratlon at all times and especially when It Tbe log must be paid marked respect by everybody op to the very last ocean rolle i In, tbe soil waa flooded" SiSvSN ^en.ph onlL When found growing on ttis tree tha Dhilds cut It with if good luck Is to be enjoyed during the year, and no . Christmas eve is disUngolahed by feasting and If a visitor sp e a rs he around the TaotHmle. Tbe Mevmtor The proposed drainage wpnk vwin M.V. tahiMB. / v M l l N i : i n t t*ff*n** aimdlmi of-m Ghrlattna tree was made in Strasburg Is sprinkled wUh grain from g sieve by the master of the h o m in return ^to re the shore line of the donatry' ~Mmfea/go tafthit ttan that. They have a sweet old for whloh ffwetlng ha plaoes three candles wooad around vith gold aad starter waa Jnat ctoaxins (ran a store ( to tha ttoa whan Aaagnr Irat preached Chrlattaatty to the room to a haClssa person standing In to something like its early ooodftkm silver thread In the bottom o t lha alava. Theee are Ut at the o t aad will reverse tbe only vietosy ____i .ia tol^'hnw Jtoa In rd aaak Ma.thiaa anaasagsri. fWto, the meal and when tr m tjk o p has had hft flU the of the bonoe m - (he shadow of a atOM ebluali.* He to hath A n t a g Chxtaaaa tree. They aoaglit tor one that tlngulaheedham with a Mt o( htoad dipped In wliw. bore hi hft bead an oU battered oap. ever wem by tbe ocean acalaat .1 Batch. I hMh hnhnpn and wlda aa love, and thot bare tha eign of the Much moiw eoald he told cw ooijlng tito way Chrlstmaa ft observed la a ftttaiar aceeptod. I t Perns few different ftcalltleo aad many earftoa befteft and ptnctlees woold thto bo ------die hard, and the brought to fight Some can be trnosd directly to a purely Christian sonniB ' Alee Bmltk. HMB sard, garo ft to tha alartsr. aad haw Jones was always soft hearted. This ^ ii j ■■■ ■■ totO th e Old COAomO whlcb the origin of ethsrs ft unexplalaeale, and very many piwva' to bo rtolv s< '^ H h W«ra ta .toftfifto ployx ond dramatic repre- the ages grecedlng (bo introdootSon of Chrlstftatty. Tfts f-gfirto brftdy ftmsd friMSi t a talHnat is what he wrote: Aedhr C M t a Mn. t o t a laealved great actentloo tooehod ugoo above Am oaly (be aldmmlago of to------ihlij' uaogoa tto a lta ' r a tftaBM o t i *Dear Ura. talfti: Tear basbaad : u li m ar ha ooaMdared to this one day- th o to ft no oibar day In t a ytor A nal wtoto anA n g r iS raadtaftdf t a ] oaaaet eomAheeae today beeaasa Us It an lafope. hat par- varietr bd tfadUtOBA aade bathlag soft waa waahed away. ea-j-wpqw ft ft caatooBary tor pisople so .daUsht to. e ^ ”P. 8. Poor Sadth waa Inside t a l.talftlitft ln.cn-tam dDorto'door alngiac deep and lalvenal . . - v . v - ■ wmmm^


not sold by them, but leased ot rmited. The renter erects, at his own expense, such buildings as he needs, and pays WOmOIAGEIITOIIT- all the taxea. When hla lease expiree M aking Tomorrow’s he must pay tte Increased rmit which his own Improvements aemka possible to obacge, or else move, Abandomlng his own building. Some recent sales W o r l d =^ show the almost .Dibulous price which By W JiLTEJi WILLIAMS, LL.D. the absentee landowner receives when Ticket Seller Refuses Demands (Ckm ^dmSeiarlefJmntaaam efUm Vi/tawO he does sell London estate In the Scientific farming can be pursued more favored sections. of Holdup Man Who Threat­ with more profit and advantage in What is Great Britain to do about ens Her Life. Weetem Canada, probably than In it? Democracy, which is, or at least any other portion of. the continent should be, the policeman and the parq ^'h at may be achieved by 4t may be UNO MONOPOLY IN GREAT BRITAIN. oer of Industry. Is already. Jn the Uni­ ascertained when it is known wbat ted Kingdom' doing something and has been accomplished by 'the thou- Louden. Eng- has promoted agricultural depression, CALLED POLICE landv—.More than plans to do more. “Let well enough sands who have been following the low wages, unemployment and discon­ alone” ho longer satlsfleB, mnch less occupation for some time ajfd made a one-half the land tent. ”It is DotdriouB,” said a city, of success of it with not even a theore­ of England and “let had alone, lest the ctw ge bring While the Argumeht Progressed She London barrister, ‘^hat large areas of worse.” ' tical knowledge. They “have tickled tVales Is owned land which might be with advantage Calmly Sold Tickets to a Score of National Ownership Makes Headway. the land with a hoe" and become rlcb- by «,£00 persons. farmed by desirable tenants willing to Passengers Who Entered the Sta­ But the question is bow long could 50.000.000 Three general plana of land reform Nearly pay a fair market rent are kept back tion, Keeping Nerve to End. that continue. The soil and the cli­ —or two-thirds of by owners, who either sit on the prop­ have been'seriously considered, and mate and every other condition favor the entire ponu- erty in the hope of being eventually each, to a degree, has been adopted. Chicago.—For half an hour the oth­ er day Miss Elizabeth Lilley argued great results hy a pursuit of such latton—arc land­ able to batch a higher price, or pre­ The three 'plans are nationalization methods as a technical and practical less. Eight per serve it for the purpose of game or of the land, the small holdings policy, with a robber not to kill her. While the argument progressed she knowledge will bring. There is in cent, of the pop­ ornament for reasons of social' pres­ and taxation. Twenty years ago the the writer’s opinion no possibility of ulation of Great tige or sheer spoi^ng instinct The great Gladatooe said: “It the time calmly sold tickets to a score of pas-- sengers who entered the East Thirty- failure. Fully aware of this and Britain live in extent of this retention of land la con­ comes when the British natfoo finds of the great potentialitlea that exist houses'^wlth only clusively evidenced by the numerous that the land should be nationalized, first street station of the Illinois Cen­ tral railroad. in Western Canada for the following one bedroom. Es­ applicatloDB that flow In for every and it la wise to do It, they have a of the profession of farming, as It timating the to­ farm that is thrown upon the market perfect right to do so.” Nationalize Miss Lilley won the argumeoL the holdup man departed without the could be developed and carried on in tal national in­ and by the frequent abortive endeav­ tioD, which means the ownership by Western Canada, the various govern­ come at J9.2U5.- ors by actual or would-be small farm­ all the people of all the land, is open­ money from her cash drawer and with­ out shooting her. ments have established the machlh- 000.000, this In­ ers to obtain at current market yate ly talked^. Indebd, it is put Into prac­ ery, that there may be developed a come is divided new or additional land for agricultur­ tical effect to a degree In government The robber appeared at Miss Lll- class of farmers, who In the jrasses- ___ __ one-half to five al purposes.” ' The evils of this state purchase and ownership in the land ley‘s window and pointed a revolver at her. Bion of the rich soli of that country, and one-half mil­ of affairs are manifest Not only are purchase acts. That striking form of with Its abundant humus and its phos­ lion persons and one-half to the re­ many persons thus deprived of the Datlonallzation known as the single “Come across with that money or phates and other properties with maining thirty-nine millions of the employment which otherwise they tax, which “prides itself on being ef­ 111 shoot your head off,” he com­ which it is so largely endowed; wll) population. would be enjoying, but thi^ swelling ol fected without compensation and by manded. make of the country, the greatest Wt I ts iMhjMHsM the confiscation by the state of eco "Please don't shoot me." pleaded One-Third of Land for Pleasure. the ranks of the unemployed, some of farming portion of the known world. » d hays as see to pM m bat «er ea» Elxcludlng Scotland and Ireland, whom remain In the country and some nomic renL" bus many strong advo­ Mies LiUey. The Dominion government showed ten en .' Wa have b M BSUna at this income is divided go to the cities, tends to diminish cates. Rent being a value created by “Well, give me the money, then.” its paternalism years ago when It es- sradenrhiastftheccefoc aomtaaa the whole community, say Its supporb- Two men came into the statioa at haM aenturr aad."Wlld Prelt"is aw one>half to five and one-half million wages, and. so tar as farm products tabllsbed experimental farms In Mani­ beateffeit. B isU a lo B M ^ PWbSt penoDB and one'half to the remaining are concerned, to increase prices. era, should belong to the whole oonv this point and bought tickets, the toba and Saskatchewan. The benefits ia five cant fbil aa < live in bouses with only one bedrodm. Poverty, taxation, agriculture, unem­ munity. All economic rent, the rent robber concealing his weapon after' of these In the matter of practical cloth peuchee, eld* «id daaa* e Blatlmating the total national income ployment housing, the whole economy of the actual land apart-from the lai- whispering to Miss Lilley that he tins. PremieaooapoeeMa8pael6i„— education have been wideepread, but SboQld yen IMl tofiad tba "WMPdA ^ Vhere the condition is worse, in Eng­ of the social system, are affected hy provements, is unearned Increment would kill her If she signaled to the the greatest benefit is to be observed is yoor dmler's Mock, • * land sad Wales one-third of all the the land problem. Th^ single taxers would confiscate hot patrons that her life waa in danger. Q « ^ in the Immediate vicinity of these will mail -yoe aa.oritiMi i land is unused for agriculture, Indus­ Very “Soft" for Noble Duke. the land to the state, but the rent "Now. come across!" the man de­ farms, where the occui>anta have manded when the coaat was clear. try or housing. In the striking phrase The unnecessary burden which falls Compulsory Sale aiMi Leasing. brought their holdings into a high JM.i.BitlqfcCi.,IMnlt.lllck .of the late Sir Henry . Campbell-Ban­ upon Industry by landlordism In the Miss Lilley toeaed him 32-35 in silver. state of cultivation, and year after Another form of land nationalization He threw it on the floor in disgust and nerman. It is "more of a pleasure form of mining royalties is another Is considered, though not seriously. year sees an added value. [sZSiSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSESZS J a ^^^^oia H^CkM ia of ground for the rich than a treasure evil result. Mr. Lloyd-George, the Lib­ flourfshed his revolver menacingly...... Gahnnetiiiiiglieftootoolsr In This Involves the taking over of all The Province of Manitoba is sup­ house for the uatlon." Four hundred j eral chancelor, estimated it at |40, "Give me those bills. I know you plementing this work by its excellent Iwt ja 'lt^^/twiagpjitm r wM yell • Iieers and peeresses, to use Mr. L. G. the land by the state, with compenaa- have got a lot of them. Hurry or I’ll w U rginirm fri pTiiintftthnrThTTrwi ^nil 000,000 a year. The average amount 'tion to the landlord. SmaM holding agricultural college, manned by pro­ RAW FURS veodeiftilly ficonwnicat In use. Ask yoos Chlozza Money's carefully prepared of royalty on iron ore is 60 cents a shoot you. I mean what I say." fessors of the highest standing In and remit the aama day ■ooda oMieeal'ma by compulsory purchases and small “If you shoot zde you will hang for youao resQMt we will hold yonr faro aaaoMa grocer. And tzy Cslomet nert Imke ds/« figures, own 5,730,000 acres; 1,300 ton on every ton brotlght to the surf­ holdings by compulsory leasing are their various branches. “rhat this for yoar appyoTal of onr nliaflnti. WilM great landowners own S.500,000 acres: ace and 18 cents on coal. This is paid iL” the young woman argued. “You work is appreciated is shown b^ the today for Price Uat, ahlpplac taea, ate. other plans actually pursued. Under can’t have the money. It doesn’t be­ Recdred Awards 2,600 squires own 4.320,000; 9,<>00 to landlords for mining royalties in these- schemes the landlord is com­ large attendance, not only of the far­ . BEHR BROTHBRS greater yeomen own 4,780.000; 24,400 long to me." addlHon to ordinary leases or “dead pelled to sell or lease small acreages mer’s sons, but by the farmer him- ■aw Fur Department, W. F aLARt, MgfW lesser yeomen own 4,140,000; 220,000 So the argument proceeded, the rob­ e e r Oratlot A«#., Detroit, MIotb rents,” in British phrase. Of the coal for actual farm use. Land hire by the self-and also by the sons of business Hioca PCLTR WOOL - small proprietors own 4,000,000;. TOO.- mines visited one example will suf­ ber becoming more and more enrag­ men and professors who Intend fol­ 000 cottagers own 150.000; while of state and land purchase are involved ed and the young woman more and fice. A coal mine operating company in this general scheme. A more dras­ lowing farming as a profession, and the, remaining 3,000,000 acres half is fourteen years ago sank the mine at more Insistent Several times they tbat Is what it Is fast becoming. tic measure has just been proposed by were interrupted by patrons entering VIOLINS ab'VUPPUES owned by public bodies and half lies an expense of 12,500,000, and. although Mr. Will Thome on the house of com­ The Province of Saskatchewan, waste. If the ownership be averaged. as yet no coal has been taken out, the and buying tickets. alive to the necessity of a higher and It will be found that a peer holds an mons. Under the Thome bill it would “You can’t have the money and if cfimpany bas paid in mining royalties be illegal for any person to hold, In ag­ a better system of farming, has in average of 14,325 acres; a great land- to the duke of Newcastle more than you shoot me you will be caught, for connection with its university an ag­ ricultural dlstiicts, any land, exceed­ there are hundreds of people around ing fifty acres in extenL in a waste or ricultural college and what It la do­ The True Soorce here," Miss Lilley finally said. The ing today in the matter of education uncultivated state, unless it shall not robber, convinced, pocketed bis re- be possible to cultivate such land at a will be felt for all time to come, and o f B e a u i y proflL or unless It shall have been it will not be long before it will be an devoted to some purpose of public easy matter to pick out the farms b, and must good hesiUbi utility. manned by graduates of this college, S^ow skin am tilmiMiie or the farms owned by those who are usual^ caused by tta “A Tax to Burst Land Monopoly." have gained from the experience presence of impurities far O e The real attack upon the evils of the taught by their neighbor. blood—imnuiities’ whiA i te present land ownership, the one about The same may .be said of Alberta. which the fiercest contention has ta­ The unlverBlty at Edmonton has a cause headache, harbatihe^ laD-.. ken place, is that in Lloyd-George’s complete agricultural college. Fuil saor, neironsnesa and dgpnoa budget of taxation. Many forms of advantage of this Is taken by hundreds sion of spirits. H, at tunaa land taxation have been proposed, of students anxious to better their ag­ -when there ia need you viU ns* considered and, occasicmally, adopted. ricultural knowledge, and fit them to .Land value taxation, in som'e form, en­ take hold successfully of the lands ters into discussion everywhere. This that they expect to occupy. This new land taxation, however, recently province has also added demonstra­ carried Into effect by the Liberal gov­ tion farms in various parts, which are What She Get. ernment, is not a tax to raise revenue, very successful, inasmuch aa farmers \ **1 Uked m y husband for a little but, to quote the pungent phrase of visit them from all parts, and take ad­ yon -will find yourself better ie ao n e r this morning.” the chancelor of the exchequer in pro­ vantage of educating themselves for every way. With purified “Did 70U get anyt” posing iL “a tax to burst the land short' periods during each winter. ' 'a ^ m o n j. monopoly.”- This new system of taxa­ Dean Curtiss of Ames Agripnltural 1, you win iminove diges* tion Included five per cent, duty on College, Iowa, says: tiozL sleep more restfufiy a»l SSr*.mosJcrWa SootUair Sjnip te r OhUdFoi nerves wiU' be qnietee aUSaiBCt aoruas tk« fans, radsem ipflamae-. mining roysdties, a taxation of gifts of “We of the think • S|a.eUaye p»la.ear«e wind eoiicjfc B bottieae nature or windfalls. It included a tax tbat we know how to get behind agri­ rill recover ebatm on the capital value of unworked min­ culture and push, but the Canadians iparkling eye^ a ifpotiesk eoBil- Hiindaama la aa Handaome Ooaar erals, thus stimulating the exploitation dare to do even more than we do in jlerioh, toeylipsandiiVaeiaas ' .... Saiubrd—So ybu don't beliere In of mines hitherto unwerked. The im­ some respects. They have wonderful roirits. Good foriall the tear.: >A Jadglas a man hr ^ clothes? portant principles of the new taxation, faith in the future; they hesitate at no Beecham’s F ils cnwrisSr .Crabahav—^No. indeed! That's the however, are involved in the incre­ undertaking tbat offers prospects of s woman, and look how ment tax. the tax on undeveloped results. More significant still Is the are fo4^ed!pJudge. building land and on leasehold rever­ wide co-operation fox agricultural pro­ H e l p W g i n ^ , sions. - Under these sections two tax motion, including the government, '^bakl bfoaji a wwk poiation, Avoid it. values are placed on land, the site private Individuals and corporations To Good H enltii “ ' BiV^Bed <$aai'Bsli Bine, the Mae that’s Village on Duke of Norfolk's Estate. “Now,-Come Aeroaa!" and the railroads.” ‘ a d l^ ^ Ask ^ur Kioeer. Adv. value and the improved value. The owner, 6,538; a squire, 1,661; a greater 1500.000. Nearby is a quarry from tendency of the tax, as shown by its volver and walked ouL As soon 'as he “Canadians are putting great faith Its P la^' yeoman, 496; a lesser yeoman, 170; a which the landlord drew 37,500 for actual workings. Is to bring more was gone Miss Lilley called up the in education for the development of # ■ c * . *Thai breakwater ought to make email m prletor, 18, and a cottager, the clay extracted.* building land Into the market, .thus police, but by the time they arrived their resources—not the old education, ahoold It?” less th ^ h a lf an acre. As in agriculture and in mining, so relieving congestion in the cities and the disappointed holdup man had dis­ but vocational and technical. Prov­ ' asorw show.” in the towns for factory and business the country. appeared. inces tbat have less than half the pop­ 300.000 Leave Farms In Decade. ulation of Iowa and much lesa wealth "Because it aims to cut such a What is the effect of this concen­ sites the land concentration makes for Under the system of long lease­ "1 don’t know how I managed to higher burdens. Some concrete In­ holds, which is peculiar to Great Bri­ keep from screaming,” Miss Lilley said are appropriating more liberally for tration of land in the hands of the colleges and schools. Manitoba^ fox few? stances. vouched for by Mr. H*. R. tain, the owner of the freehold db- later at her home at 5021 Lake Park In Another Category. avenue. "I just kuew I bad to keep my instance, has In the last two yean “Land is the mother and labor the Stockman, who has made a study of taina, on the expiration of the lease^ . ; Ja p te l^ —There 'goes Miss Roxley. the question; will show the resnlL its “falling in," to employ an English nerve, I guess.” provided about as much money tor the ' V l^ a a y she Just hates men. father of wealth," a distinguished phrase—"a property which has snb- building of an agricultural - plant as reconomlst has written. Land concen­ “The obvious creator of land wealth.” Knox—Quite true. Come, let said that canny Scotchman, Andrew stantially increased In value by reason Iowa bas appropriated in half a cen­ i^.ist^uce you. It’s great chance. trated in a few bands increases the RATS HOLD SWAY ON ISUNO tury. It baa given in two yeara 32,- problem of poverty, which Mr. Horace Carnegie, “is not the indlvlduaL but of the general growth of the commua- >the community.” Mr. Balfour, in an Uy and independently of any expendi­ 500,000 for buildings and grounde for •B, defines as “the economic Entire Population is Threatonod With- its agricultural institutions. discomfort occasioned to vast m as^s address in the house of commons, ture of labor or enterprise on the part said:, "The value of all land, any­ of the owner.” Exterminatlen—Rodente Even "Saskatchewan is building a plant of the iK>pulation by the undiual dla- Attack Cattle. for its university and agricultural ool- trlhuUon of wealth." The use of t ^ where, Just as the value of a railway, The bndget levlee ten per cent du^ wherever it may he and by whoms^ lege on,a broader and more subetan- land la neeessaryforeconomicprodac- upon the margin'''by' which the leas^ Toklo.—The entire population of tial plan than has been applied to any tiOB, whether agricultural or indus­ 8^ it was made, by the state or hy hold has apprecUt^ Since it was last private indiridusls, the talue*of this, the small island of Nakasbima of the similar Inatitutlon In thtu co u n ^ . Yet trial, and tor housing, whetherr in (dty granted. A^icuftnral lessee are ex­ Ten group in southern Japan neither province bas more than half a or country. The whole trend of clnll- aa well aa of every other kind of pro^ empt from this gtity, as are all leases has been threatened with exteminar erty, depends upon the community.” million population. satto^ JusL now Is away from agricul­ made within the last twenty-one years. don by a veritable plague of rats. pnbllo scboola equally gener­ ture and toward induatriallam. In But to whom dost the unetmed lacrw u;ent go? SO Per Cent. Iwqiament Duty. Nskashlma is Inhabited by a fioseii ous provision Is made. 'They are be­ Xu^and this tendency Is most marked. families, all esigaged In agricultnm ing built up to give tocatloaal and Uftsamed FoKunee for Lundlerds. “PMunded on the same principle," Less than nine per cent, of the popu­ pointed out Mr. Borace B. Samuel, fca The rodents Increased there at such technical training as as coltoral. lation of England are now engaged in In fifty years the ground runt of the discusalng this effort to burst the land an enoriBoas rate that they absoluthty They fit the needs of the country ex- acrieulture.-a00.000 having abandoned town of Burton-on-Trent increased monopoly, ‘is the aeUial increment took posseeslon of the Island, ravag­ cellrotly and should tom out fine the farm in the last ten years, as from 310,000 to 3S60.000. An absent^ duty itself, n ils Is s duty of 20 ptf ing the farms and devastating the types of boys shd girls. They do tMs many leaving the farm In a single owner, ti>e marquis of Anglesey, gs cent, levied at death, on transfer, or crops, and -actually attacking cattle with a remarkable faith In the value decade as the entire number of farm landlord receives this renL His local and other llYe stock. of rlglit education. taxes or rates are 3390. . at intervals of fifteen years (about the oiAers In the state of Missouri. In average period at which all land In the *The inhabitants killed or captured "Dean Curtiss was murii interested the United States one person in three SheSeld, one <0, the greatest manq- United Ktngdqm, th ro n g one oauge 5,000 of them, hnt not before they had In the many othqr ways the is engaged la agriculture in some fscturing cities In England, is owne^ or another, changes hands) on the ae- lost sU their proviafona The authori- Bpvenunent aids agricultuz^ aside fbrm; In all Oiuat Britain and Ireland in greater part, hy the duke uf Nor­ tnal site value.” Sapplementary to Uee were- forced to save them from from appropriations for educatfooal only one in ten Is so engaged, and the folk. A dry goods mMchant 'In- that these novd Ibnns of taxation—regard, starvation. MeaDtime a campatga w u They are aiding la solving proportion is growing rapidly less, city held a lease on land at ITS a ed hy many In Great Biitafli as revoli- organised from without to extermlnato ' n e general tendmicy the sltusUon. year. • 8e v « years before, the lease tioBary—la a provision fOr a universal aging better breeding of llrestoek by to quote the significant and measured would have expired the dnke grunted tar, aa they had biu rowed retreats fa TsJpatlM «ff sJl tlw land afleeted. all parts of the haying sires sind reselling Jdiem at words of Mr. Asquith, the British a renewal w condition m t O e tmi- The organlatkm of ^partnnity Cor eoat, and they are dofog mday oilier j^rime' minister, is **a process of deple­ ant anirendered the nnezptred part of; things of like character, tion at One end and congestion at the theplease, paid 3750 u year m t ta- all, is jUM program oC the British, dens- Ovsnfees af Ifoaiurts FataL ocraey -todqy. ^ this euL moQopqlp Greeae, Me.-r-WBBaaa Phllbrocte,' h “I.fouad that the goyenmaat Is other, h y whidt every year fresh ad> steed of 375, epsnt 36.000 Imlalgoriiic ownerridp of 4 a i^ which Uallts o* n a d u tram M to K pac « o it o lf ■dltioQS of reeruUs ard being made to the bntiding and continttod t» pay, uB tamer and pi'ggitacnt oldiea of fW poctanitr to Uie taw, a a s t in soois town, dropped deaden attreetiirlrfnK. ^ moUriuiMMltT to.lmllA-■>">«»* m ica' itf tbs anrf unejzh the.taxeu; , way he abohritsd. T q .ti^ ]Wsb taqk ; - A large part of the.- groan*- npaiiI 7 ^ ______.|Mn^-:


HiE PLYMOUTH MAIL — BY— H. W . SAM5 EN The following is the number oi votes L. B. SAMSEN, Editor and Manager given the contestants in the big piiuio oonteet which is being eondueted by SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Pinckney’s Pharmaoy, for the week >B* Tear, payable in advaai-e— ...... H M ending Wednesday, December 10. Tbe SI* Boatha— ...... J? HOnding of oontestaots wQltoepabtished r h r a e a o o tb e ...... -* in the Mail each week 'during tbe con­ test: CHURCH NEWS Even if ^ n ta Ciaushad helped usbtiy the Holiday goods we are showing No. .4487966 CBIUSnAIf SCIBimST. .3070780 ^^pur store, couldn't have l>een made to look more like a corner of his great Christ- First Church of Christ, Seiestist 82.. .3178636 bolds seirioeB st church edifice, comer 10.. ..372402683.. .3066766 ’^ihas Gift Shop. The^e are gifts for hoys and gifts for girls, and we haven’t for- 8 6 . . .3 0 B M 4 D of Msin and Dodge sHcets, Sunday 18.. ..346476090.. .3076636 gotten that fathers and mothers are just hoys and girls grown up, and that they monuog at 10:10. Subject, **Qod the 19.. ..428414097.. .3362796 P r ^ r r e r of Man.” Sonday- 24.. ..3040730100.. 8033740 like things in their stockings loo. sebool at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening, 26.. ..4004706106.. .3686020 testiznonial serrioe 7:10. Everyone 30.. ..303B016107.. -4042710 w e l c o m e . ______32.. ..3033430110.. .3040680 BAPTIST 36.. ..3066010116.. .8340* R«v. Arcblbeld L. Bell. P vtor. 117.. .3496615 ' FOR THE BOY 124.. .3809645 Baptist church notices for Sunday, 128.. 10677360 Dec. 14. Morning subject, ‘*The Pale 133.. .3697690 Ice Skates, a Sled, a Wagon, a Pocket Knife. Horse.” Evening subject, “Tbe Search 48. .3424776 141.. .8106710 for a Man.” 49. .9977960 147.. .30461^ 66. .3437045 161.. 104139Ui) ST. JOEK’S EPISCOPAL MISSION. .3479665 162.. .383278U .3362666 163.. .3160010 FOR THE GIRL On S u^ay next. Holy Communion 64.. ..3033926164.. .3036726 will be wTministered in above ohoroh at 66.. ..3171666166.. .3683166 2:15 p. m. Service will be conducted 168.. 3406005 A Doll, Doll Cabs, Doll Houses, Doll Beds, Books by a supply minister from Detroit. All members are uiged to be present. / C l / T T B R and Gam es. Visitors and strangers heartily welcom* Read Sbingleton’s ad. ed. LUTBBBAN. Do You Know This? CUTLERY We have Toys for the Baby, Child’s Tea Sets, J.Roekle. Pastor. The middle verse of the Bible is tbe Senrices Sunday morning 9:90 stand­ eighth verse of tbe 118th psalm. The Banks, Books, Blocks, Rubber Dolls, Rattles, and ard. The pastor will take eb a r^ of twenty-first verse of the seventh chap­ •this service. Sunday-school at 10:46. ter of Ezra contalnb all the letters of The public is welcome. The children the alphabet except the letter “J." Tbe many other Children’s Toys. of this church are very busy preparing longest verae is th^' ninth verse of Knives that — ^Razt^ that Shan^. for the Christmas exercises. the eighth chapter of Esther. Tbe V' . • 1 Thumb the blade of a Keen KUtter Pocket Knife and feel the keen, trne edge. 4 s v lU T H O D lB T shortest verse is the ninth verse of it. use it (or rouch work orfihe. and that edge stays. tbe eleventh chapter of St. John. Keen Kutter ^ e iy Razonguaraateearec/sftai>A beeaose they are bulUiignt sad. FOR THE GROWN UP’S Her. Dutton. Psetor. because the blades are righL* Made with a "haBC.” these safety razors fit tbs. nstursl shaving motion. Keen Kutter blades are made of tbe finest Swedish cut­ 10 a. m. public worship. Communion lery steel, ground with great accuracy sod thick enough to hold their own t s t i n * service. 11:30 Sunday-school. 6 p . m . - Include Shingleton’s store in your the Etitfest heard. The Keen Kutter Junior is a wonderful value at tI.0S, Whies - includes case, razor and seven blades. The Keen Kutter regular Safety is aUtPitV An Electric Lamp, an Electric Irdn, a 100-piece Epworth League. 7 p. ra. public wor­ shopping list. longer and different in pattern, with sal^r-plated frame and genuine black ship. Sermon Subject, ‘‘The Court­ leather ca: e. with 12 blades. , Dinner Set, and a large line of Fancy China ship of and Rebekah.” This is the first in a series of .special addresses Deaf, Dur/...,, and Blind at Wedding. A weddinf g ok place the other day offers many suggestions for a gift for wife or ‘‘Home Life.” Everybody welcome. The Conner Hardware Co. at St. Geoitics church, Oravesend, a m other. Young people especially invited. England, when Mr. Herbert Thorndike Plymouth, Mich. PRESBYTERIAN was married to Miss Stiles. Both R ev. B. F. Farlier. Paator. bride and bridegroom are deaf and We have gifts of Smoking Sets at 25c., We retucp to our renovated church dumb, and Canon Gedge, who Is total­ borne next Sunday, December 14tb. ly blind, performed tbe ceremony. Services throughout tbe day as follows I 50c. and $1.00. Morning worship at 10 o’clock. Tbe pastor preaches. Theaie: ‘*Tbe Silent Partner.” . Sunday-sobooi at tbe close oi tbe morning service. Presbyterian Holiday buying is easy in our store. The question of “Wlmt to give” is Guild at 6 o’clock. Subject, ‘‘Lessons solved W'hen you see our stock, a study of our offerings is a ple;i.sure, rich in lioli- from the Men and Women of the Bible.' Leader, George Loomis. Eveningserv- E. L. RIGGS day inspirations and ?uggestion.«. We have gifts for I'vervlioily at prices that ice at 7 o’clock. Special music. Ser­ mon theme, ‘‘The Measurements of De- please. Lome and see. vine Love.” On Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock will be given another of oursocial even­ ings. Preparatory service forcommun ion will be held on Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. A cordial invitation is ex QAYDE BROS. tended to the public to attend these services.

BIBLE BTUDENTS. Meeting again for Bible Students as usual Sunday afternoon at 2 p. Never before have we l>een so well prepared ftir your Christiiuis- shopping Subject, “The Kingdoms of This this season, Large stock of good staple useful inerchnndi.se that l>e World.” Query—Is the basic principle underlying thesj governments selfish­ appreciated. loin the Early Gift Buyers Club | ness or rigbtousoess? Have many great or good men been entirely satisfied with all the existing conditions? If so, why , Treat yourself to .1 surprise this sea.soM mill see just liow much ti^ne and wo.rry ^ Uie political controversy, or why so Men’s aiid Boys’ Silits and Overcoats you will save by doing your Christmas Jmyiiig early. This is a year of sensible ^ many contending factions teth in church and state. Would it be putting it too Fine up to the minute goo'ds'and always a hue present. Men's Suits and Qvfer-j ygifts and our stores are crowded with articles that make most acceptable Christmas ^ strong to say as tbe great i^Mstle (Rom. coats, $10, $12, $15 and $18 that can’t he duplicated for the price anywhere. ' presents. j ^ 8:19-12) does, that the “ whole creation Boys’ Suits and Overcoats, $8.5(1, $4, $5, and up to $7.50. (treat \ alues. .,.1 is not satisfied with present conditions, but “ groans and travails in pain” wait­ ------—— ^ Speaking of Gifts: Don’tforget the hoy who wants that new (tVERCOAT or the J ing for something better even the boy orgirl who surely expects those HIGH CI'T SHOES. J “ manifestation of the spiritual eons of God” in kingdom power and glory to Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Cloaks and S ^ | bring order out of ooofusk>n, and all N eckw ear UmbreUas the “promised blessings” of earth now The popular Redfem and Worth makes. Nothing lietter anywhere and I'mlirelhis due to mankind as soon as the “curse’ fine presents. Special values in Ladies’ Suits and Cloaks at f7.50, $10, ^12 an^ * Over .>00_ Patterns in Neckwear. in Holiday Boxes, is rolled away. Fancy and Plain Silks, Velvets in all Something every one wants. For up to $25. Children’s Cloaks $2.50 and up to $10. ‘ 'i’liO greatest vdhies'ever i shades, Knitted Ties in all the differ­ Men. Ladies and Children, .50c. to Visit Shingleton’s store. shown in any store. $.^.50. ent color combinations. Each in a A CARD—Miss Delila K ell^ wishes tc to extend her most profound thanks to handsome box. 2ne., 50e , 7, . the friends of Plymouth, for the kmd- Sweated Coats ness-shown her in tbe burial of her ,\ n ideal gift for Man or Boy. Ma­ father. Ladies’ Sets______-$C 00 to $25 00 Make llfim Comfortable Why the Name “Flag,” Misses'Sets...... 5 00 to 15 (X) roon, Gray and Blue, .5tlo. to t.5.00. The name ‘’fiag” is given to the _ . : | AA pmrp of slippers is just thi thing. His because of its fiat fourteen leavaa, Children’s Sets------1 50 5 00 y . - !H)e. to which sway with the wind. Shake­ Muffs...... -- ______2 50to .10 00 ^ “ T|m oior Riack, Kid or Felt. Mackinaw Coats speare’s use of the word applies ♦1,50. any long-leaved water plant that la Coliani___ -...... 2*50 to 12 00 J Every boy wants one of these. swayed to and fro by the stream. Gray, Red and Brown Plaids, $5.00 to w Buy Your Furs Here. It Pays. . SUppers. $9.00. W. C. T. U. I Tbe last meetiitf of the year 1913 Ladies Fur,'and Riblam Trim Fur Coats and Caps heM Thursday, December 4th, at the Ladies’, Gents and CSiildren’s Slippers and Shoes. home o£ lira. E. O. Huston and was well Uppers. Ask any lady who has worn Solid eomfort for the man who attended. The topics were “ kairiage Beautiful line of Handkerchiefs, Neckties, SusMUders, — pair of these Uppers if she would do of the l^ Q t” arid ^'Should Wives Have Mufflers, knitted arid Silk, in Holiday drives. Coats, $21.00 to $32.00. Wages?” Tbe leader, Mrs. J. C. ■—t: ft; without them. Black, Maroon, Brown Caps, $2.50 to $6.00. 0*Bryan, made the meeting most inter- Ladies’ and_ Gents' Jewelry, Gloves and Mittens, * p j ^ -randgray. $1.00 to |1.50. eating, giving some fine thoughts on the Hats and Caps and Hoods, Liadies’ lopg and short Ktu|oiiSlk p: first snbjeot and reading a very bamor- Misses and Children’s Slippers ouB story bearing npoa.tbe seeond topic Silk Waists and Skirts, Dress SkirtSi Blankets and (guilts, ^ Red Felt, Fur Trim, 70c. to 8.5c. Should Wives Hava Images.” Rugs and Draperies, Hand Bags, Suit CasM; Shirts mkt | r ~ Holiday Sets Tbe first meeting of tins new year win Underwear, D re^ Gottds, SilkS'and Ribbqni^ be held Janonry 8th at the home of the Handkerchief, How and . Tie. Knitted Caps, Plain or £gicy 2.5c. wee Pathna, and te a e w programs Combs, Backcombs, Back Combs, Overshoes, N i^t Robes, ^iRoeketbocA apd Tie. Handkerchief and 50c. will be randy for distribution. It is and tboassnds of other artit^les too numerous to mention in our space.’ ' aiqdTie. Each set handsomely laixed, Golf and Kid Gloves----2Sc;^$1.50^ hopsd timt (here will he n gsoil sttepd. 1 ■ e. • \ fail to look through our greit holiday stock before purchasing your gifts. It and | | . 00; Lisle^iid Silk Hosiery— -jOi. to 50c. to trade at home and we can sure satisfy your wants. Suspenders in holiday boxes, 25c. How to ■oaferawk tho Deetsra. A promineat Mew York phyrisl Wishing You All A Merry Christmas,.We. Are Yours Truly, _ ft and 50c 5 ■pt, *V]t«anaotlortim ttb ifeofll . Hsndltevdiiefe " aa d ' tUn atled shoes irant . kv[ -I’r T i fc' Plain ajid Fancy Shirts-.-50c.to$1.50 , nsnen tiie do^ m woeld psobMtiy 00. to oOc. Mufflers...... 2.5c. to K.OO ■!, obenknipt.” whsn jam. IglmtqBet m ■ ■ ■ ■ "tr - tt to new enin b e eem it SB «i “ ■ if HBLE & SQN beriiriBi’b’ Oongh H sn i^ r : iwMI M W .


What a Fine Line of Holiday Goods That’s die remark we are oootiiiaany bearing from our maDy early shoppers. We bare'been preparing for f.Riw “LaBELTIt aed HUFI season (or a month back we ^re prond of our stock. We invite you to visit our store. We Never Grocery Specmls, Saturday, December 13 Only What Are They?? None Such Meat Meat...... ?c. per pke. Gold Band R a i^ s ...... ,r ' 7c. pej pkg Pure (I>eamei7 Bntter, extra fine...... I^33e. -per lb. l : ^ f r ■ Had Before (No stainpe on these specialB.) R. W, SHINGLETON’S WHY, GOe^El - ■ t NORTH VILLAGE J How Much Are They? ^ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burrows were n e sts of relatives in Detroit over Sun- Wants, For Sale, To Rent, etc Xocal 1KIcw8 day. ^ ^ r s . F. F. Bennett and Miss Rose 5c. pe Line, One toseitlen Try Waghome’s famous bread. Hawthorne were eotertaiaedatlunrheon $1.50 ^ U pw aill C. L. FOR RENT—House on South Main W e have secured the services of one of Horn. j the Dixie- street. Enquire _ of_ Mrs. Geo. w. G rocery. 11^,,^ tea rooms, Detroit ——^ .Jackson. Phone 250-3 rings. t^e best candy m akers in the country and Where Found? At j't Mrs. Elizabeth Teiry is visitinf ^ LadiesI I have!JI. just received- ...... _a ____ new friends in Detroit. lot of ladies’ Pelt Juliettsj' .. and Slippers FOR SALE- An oak diaing room will have a com plete line of the Stall colors. They will make a nice, table with built in leaves. D. M. Ber- Mrs. Wm. Travis visited friends in dan. ' Ypsilaoti this week. te^pensive Christmas preset'. Come m before the sizes are broken H. B. Mrs. Carl Heide visited relatives in ^ liffe . FOR SALE—A Jewell Base Burner Giles G Bartholoiiil^ Ann Arbor last Tuesday. stove. Enquire at Carson’s store, New-' ^ E . O. Huston was happily surprised burg. Millinery uiid Dressmaking. PlyinOlitk' Bast Hiid Purest To solve the problem of wh t to buy ^ t his home last evening by about forty for her, visit Sbingletoo’s. of his gentlemen friends, who came to FOR SALE—Pianola and 32 records Mrs. Amelia Mott of Mt. Clemens, help him appropriately observe his for sale or exchange for a bicycle. visited friends here this week. birthday. A six o’clock dinner was serv­ PrM Bogert. in Town. Why? ed and the evening was greatly eo- \ Telephone your orders lor bread and ioyed by .all present. The genUemen House to rent. Enquire of Because it is Home Made. pastry to W ^hom e’s oakery. left with Mr. Huston a handsome daven • Streng. s THE HOilKv Orlow Taylor of Birmiugham, visited relatives in town last Sunday. ef aualtty :erM|ifcji| ...... ’A Watch the Window. LOST—A gold wreath broach. _ Find­ Elmer D. Kay of Nortbville, visited NOTICEI er please leave at this office. at Lewis Galpin’s last Sunday. Tlie Proof ? I am now in a position to do family FOR SALE—The old Wilske home­ iri" For Angel Food, other c ^ e s and washings at the most reasonable prices. stead, corner Mill and Spring streets. CENTRAL GROCERY, I oookies, write Afrs. £ . J. Burr. Will call for and deliver. • If interested THE PUDDING Fred Eklifl of Detroit, was a Plym- notify O. C. Stewart, Plymouth. FOR S A L E -23 lots known as the R . G . SAMSEN , iuitb. visitor the first of the week. Price property, comer of Roe and Depot •Plaone 13, 3r Tree Delivery streets. Good house, barn and chicken f ’^OTO, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagen- coop. One acre strawberries. Reason schuHl, a SOD, Friday, Dec. 5th. Home Keeping Women for selling on account of sickness. En­ Will Brown made a business trip to quire of Will Waterman. The Eating Thereof Marine City the first of the week. Need Health and Strength Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Markham of FOR SALE—House on Ann Arbor Hollywood, Cal., are visiting here. The work of a home keeping woman street, down, balance easy. En­ makes a oonotaot call on her strength quire of J. E. Nash. Sweaters Sweaters ^M rs. E. L. Riggs has purchased the and vitality, and sickness results from Prove the Quality of O ur G roceri^ LaVon Pattal house on Main street. week inactive kidneys, and irregular WANTED—Nursing work, confine­ The Sweater season is here* and so are we with a large stock Mrs. Samuel Bench of Benton Hvbor, bladder action more often than she ment cases preferred. Euquire of 17 » visiting friends in town this ,wenk. knows. So many times it turns out Harvey street, Plymouth. of exta fine sweaters at prices from Ir.oo to $6.oo. We guaran- that her weakness, tired out nervous­ BY ACTUAL TEST tae to give yon th ^ t^ t sweater for the mone)- that you can get ^ M rs . Jacob Streng was the guest ef ness, headaches, depression and weak FOR SALE—A 3)« horse power gas­ friends in Detroit the first of the week.' in town. Wehave^them in grays, maroon.s and blue.s with both back are caused by kidney trouble in­ olene engine. Condition like new. ^Cbas. Olds, who bss been wooing in stead of female trouble and Foley Kid­ Will sell at a bargain. Bert Stanbro, And Come to Know That They’re, Byron and high collars. Detroit for the past summer is at home. ney Klls have helped many a woman ’phone 905-2R. back to a state ofstrongbuoyantbealtb- Little Travis Isbell, who has been ful activity. Foley Kidney Pills are House to rent, Euquire at Riggs’ the Best. i Regular $6.00 values for $4.00 critically ill with pneumonia is recover­ a blessing in the home. A lady of •tore. — Regular $5.00 values for $3.00 ing. Saginaw, Mich., Mrs. Anna Drebold, ^M iss Bess Hutton of Pontiac, is visit­ 162 Oakwood, Ave., writes :-“I had FOR SALE—A six room house and Regular $4.00 values for $2.00 ing her cousin, Mrs. Frank Rambo this terrible pains across my back, I was Buve lot at a bargain. Geo. C. Gale, week. very nervous and felt all tired out. I 16 Church street, ’phone No. 188. Brown & took Foley Kidney Pills and in just a Mr. Helm and family have moved into few days the pain and nervousness all Board and room by the week or board THE WHITE FRONT 6ROCGRY How About the Chiidrens Underwear? the bouse recently vacated by Fred Saaaed away and I no longer suffer.” without room. Mrs, Thomas Fleming, Telephone No. 40. Free Delivery ^ , Eklifl. ohn W. Buckenstafl A Co. 35 Union street, Plymouth, Mich. ' ^ ^ r s . Coello Hamilton and daughters Just received a new shipment of Children’s FU ec- Ruth and Clarice are visting relatives at ^ Lined Union Suits in all sizes at Fremont, Ohio. Mrs. Jennie Voorbies was a guest of friends in Ann Arbor over Sun&y and , 5 Q c . t o 7 5 c . the first of the week. The Woman’s Baptist Mission Circle Pre-Holiday ‘ Don’t fail to see these before you buy or you will iuis.'< will meet With Mrs. S. M. Reed next XMAS the best underwear bargain of the season. Wednesday afternoon. Be suit' to sec our lim* of Xmas goods,! ^Burton Galpin of Dlxboro, and Philo Galpin of Ann .Arbor, were visitors at L. H. Galpin’s the first of the week. b . A. JOLLIFFE G SON The bazaar and dinner at the Baptist Announcement Toys, Dishes, •OTH .’PHONES FREE DELIVERY church last week Friday was well 'r - , patronized, over. $70 being taken in. Mrs. D. G. Jones of Detroit, d i ^ c t Decorative Novelties superintendent of the W. C. T. U. Conearning tha-Mamory. virited Mrs. M. A. Patterson Tuesday. and a complete line of jlN gaad tba maiBMy in Mtar Ute Deadi of Mrs. Sanb Wheeler Mrs. Wm. Whittaker underwent a \ Ika Dr. Jowatt a t Oa> successful operation at Harper Hospital A Few Suggestions \ when W raaehad tL hut ha toond Monday. She is getting mong nicely Fancy Grocei ies for the Xm as Table "At •tty-flva you (aO to Mrs*! Sarah Wheeler, aged 74 years, at this writing. p a s ^ away at her home in this village Tlie Christinas season is near at liand and our htaga—words, pleturss. J. B. Horan has gone to Shginaw r six mooths' or a yaar’s late Wednesday afternoon, after an 111- where be has a position as operator in store never contained a lai's'er or more complete stork As usual we cAwy a large-line of Tat tha d r ^ o< objaets oeas of several months. She is survived the depot. Mrs. Horan expects to move I'gou raeogulss is erar beoomlBg by six children, foursonsandtwodaugh- there the first of the year. of useful Xmas gifts than at the piesont time. You Drain Tile, American Fence, .j ; sad O ls pofwar e< rOeofuMon ten, Mies Ameda Wheelerof this place, /M r . and Mrs. B. E. Giles and daugh­ can find something here for all. We conlially* invite t griht gift if cattWatad. Tbasa la ter of Adrian, and Miss Margaret Ones s#wataia valaa la lotgoeti kaavL with whom she resided, being one of the Fence Posts, Feed, Hard and daughters. A brief service will be held of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. Bertha you to come to our store and take a look before pur­ ' I of tha sOstaa of maia- Bartholomew” • • and idh Miss Elisabetii Giles at her late residence this evening at 7:30 Soft Coal i 70% with a mOa.Iipa- Monday. chasing your Xmas gifts. I esB raoaiB that Is ueefsl'or o’clock, Rev. Joseph Dutton officiating. Tbe'remains will be taken to Tweed, All owners of National Loan and AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. j -Aad to Lady W eeye. *•» Investment Co. stock can have their Ladies and Gents Silk Hosiery in Holiday Boxes. pm OlaaaB. hA wraOa: *Uka Canada, her former home, for burial. coupons caidied Dec. 2utb or thereafter il H a d a bask OniiR^ aafi As not by presenting them to E. N. Passage, Gents Neckwear in boxes at 25c., 50c., 75c. raw acdafit lttaik,hMs> agent for the company in Plymonth. BENTLEY BROl t tha na d ta g of tho hook hao SsddcD L’eath of Mrs. Geo. Lee, Sr. was pleasantly Gents Suspenders in Fancy Holiday Boxes. Both ’Phones ' ELM,i MICB4 1 It 1 raad tt agate I aa* surprised at her home on Penniman ave­ l UbMtar. I taMm itat u nue last Wedneeday afternoon a few Handkerchiefs galore at all pri *es. See the Seal o n of M Bory - wa Newbnrg Man friends. The occasion was her butbday. I powar of raaftea After a social afternoon tea was aerved. Package Handkerchiefs, always sanitary and k^thai.lB, gf'raoaatag w hat :iva Dr. G. A. Clement, an aged gentleman Thebaiaar, chicken pie dinner and always ready for use. We have a fine line of f t e QMsfl qasatlttoO ter a short living near Newbnrg, came to Plymouth self-setred suppt.r given by the ladies of Fancy Box Handkerchiefs. the Methodist dtmrch in Orange hall from Detroit early Wednesday morning, last week Wedneeday was well attended. W6 have a fine line of Mufflers. leted some business here and left The gross reOeipts of tbaday were W.OO. Jewelnr-llie Gift of for Newbnrg on the eleven o'clock car. About 200 people attended the fish We are showing a pretty line of Pillow Tops, Table Oa reaching there he did some trading supper at the Baptist church last Tues­ Runners, Stamped Towels, Stamped Pillow Ca.«es ^ Our line is very complete and have dii__ r t h v M c n ii te MH«k altbe store and then left for home' with day evening. The men took charge of for eveybody. Here is a list of a few- helpful augge ra n wot ptm G. N. Dean. After they had gone a the supper and did great credit to Biem- and Fancy Art Linens of all kinds. «t vklek th* selves not only in preparing bnt in aerv- ions selected from our beautiful holiday stocl^ . . Maottdistenoe Mr. Dean noticed that the ing, as everything was done Jntt right. L at ■ TNteikstls aa^ tlM» doctor was not acting Just right smd on I^adies ane Gents Kid Gloves. Also a full litre of hooaaailM \ of Mrs. James Powell passed away st leeching Mr. Dean’s home, Mr. and her home west of town *rnnedey evening, ' ladies Cassimere and Kaiser ilouble silk and silk For M en Fig Hm Sweaters and Sweater Coats. Bill Elooks, Society Banners, Post CW“ Wedaeahy. V m Fit Mis Cam Kxantly. nison’s Decorations in Ctbpe PmetJ Wmneae of Mr. StepXne. ‘•When tefhekwas 8 Make this Store your Christmas Headquarters. and Caperas. Bpeakteg of Alexander U. Stephens* sgo be read w advertlsM Mteaeae, perhaps It was never better b S ^ * s attta te te ttas p OPEN EVENINGS DL teraeUrlsed tkaa by the iMn in Wiik iHhw who said that when he C en p M o ^ F t. Smfth, J tea ateadlsg on tha steps of the cspl- abased a box el J - — ~ C. G, ■tjte empty bask drove sp sad Ala» tvenbleaMlPMa H. Mspkeaa got ooL Soldi ~ ■ -

f.’H, fl J.. [J- V ■

aW T O iiiE TIIAT HAY n.Y ACROSS THE ATUNTIC M m John Pattmsoa NE.W « o r Music Teacher . ' 1- 1 1 * PRESpENT SAYS HE. FAyOBS 54 Penniraan Avenue “HOUSE COMMITTEE” ON MICHIGAN Mens I SUFFRAGE. W'. Ann Arbor—Judge Klnne has sen­ tenced John Lambert of l>etroit to Frank Stepkens HE CANT START ANYTHING Jackson for from 3 to 15 years tor' stealing a horse from Sheriff Stark. I CONCERT PIANIST, Menominee.—George Legault, fa­ " TEACHER Chief Executive Asserts He 'Wont ther of Gregory Legault. ten years In Plymouth-on-Thursds^ V-ii? vr-r^ Write Meseage to Congress—-Tells old, who died last summer of Detroit address, Detroit ‘H' Suffrage Leaders Party Prinelplee hydrophobia, haq started a 810.000 suit Hazelwood Are. 123 Prevent Urging Legislation. against John Malacher, owner of the Effective Maj dog that hit the child. R. E. C(^PER, M.D.C.M., Washington, Dec. 10.—The pm ldent Kalamazoo.—To discuss questions EAST Wwx'*' ^'3. of interest to all the normal on Monday told a delegattcm from the Physician & Surgeon, cbsBglsKstWsyBe. ■] i-'1> National American Woman's Suffrage schools in the state, the presidents of those institutions met here. The fol­ OFFICE OVER RAUCH’S STOBF NORTH ' . ‘ association that he favored a standing Lm ^o J^lxmouth for MwtikvH* f:lB « ia^'6 lowing attended; J. H. Kays. Mar­ And evnry boor to 7.-S8 p. ta:aUo9:tt p a S - woman’s suffrage committee in the Bc)]Pbose36; Local 20. Md 10:41 pm. i ■ ■ bouse of representatives, but be re­ quette; C. T. Grawn, Mt. Pleasant; C. Loove Detroit forn^mouttoeiSOo'm'andeveryv. fused their request that be send a P. McKenny. Ypsllantl, and D. B. Wal­ boar to S:30 p-m'r7;9>pm: stao 9.p maaa fei: ll pm. — - special message to congress urging do, Kalamazoo.. Dr.A.E.PATTERSON LeoTo Wayse for PlrnwQth >1:44’e m sad, lL| the reform. Grand Rapids.—Charles Q. Tur­ every bo'or to 4:44 p, m 8:44 p m; sine- ''" ner, a prominent attorney and for­ OUice^nu residence, Main street, 10:15 p IB and Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, president Core oo&ceot afi V TSyn'Cbr.TiaU aati «ud of the association, summarized brief­ mer member of the atate pardon next to Express ofiiue. polatswentto Jocksom: '•“'i ■ j ly their appeal to the president to as­ board', stands a good chance of being Hour*—uotilOa.'m., 2 to 4 p. m. and afior reappointed to the board. He has re­ '-I '■ ■ '■ ’ sist the movement eifher by sending •tephonSB ,Plyinuutb, Micb. a special message to congress, by in­ ceived a favorable letter from Gov­ cluding reference to suffrage in any ernor Ferris as have several of his general message' he might deliver or close friends. W. ESm ytii 3^ OwOBso.—Relatives here were noti­ DR. W. FRED DODSLEY by using bis influence to have Watchmaker and OptidlN . special committee of the house ap­ fied of the death, at Covington. DENTIST pointed to consider the subjecL Ky., of Edward A. Thompson a re­ Office and Residence 138 Main Street, Citpt. '^latthew Jl Batson’s *%iBioyacht” or moltlpiane, which has been under construcUon near Savannah, tired farmer and widower seventy-fonr “I want you, ladles.” said the presi­ Plymouth, Mich. tim ^ Is now completsd and Its dostgner Is planning a trial trip from Savannah to New York. If that Is sue- dent to the delegation, '"to realize years old, of Owosso. who waa fatally osssfttl ho will try to

T>C pM ^ ^ T T H P^AY;PgCTJ^]

ready drjlsliiatloo Idr sn ^ eondltiou nsnallj In. that the food has been standing on contact wj^h some mtfal. LEHERFIIOMDIE aa copper, tins, ilnc, lead or iron. The presence of traces was formerly suggessed by soma cuemlsta 'In ex­ SMWI planation of certain cwaeB of poison- In*. “More recently It has been shown DPL DIXON SAYS NEW8PAPCM that such metals when found are gHOULD BE BOOSTEDp present only In traces and net In NOT KNOCKED. snfflelent qnanlty to produce eerlous reaulte. The true eaoae ot such food poisoning Is found In the byproducts ARE WILLINO TO HELP CREATE of bacterial growth. Such products HEALTHY SENTIMENT. are frequently highly poisonous and commonly known aa ptomaines. 'Ptomaine poisoning results when a State Baeterlelofllst M. Holm Coiw class of food known as protold, of tributes An Excellent Article which meat is the most Important type, Is consumed after being acted i p ^ H9 SoM Coat He Had Intended for Newsboy On Ptomaine Poisoning and upon. by bacteria. In order to pro­ T O I^ —Stepping brtiUy is th« ehlUr air ot early morning, bnt enngly Its Causes. duce the greatest amount of poison, 'w'^wn n ^ e d ^ Us gre^ eoat, a reteran commuter from Douglaston. L. L, it is necessary for such bacteria to be Us CaTprito ‘‘newsboy,” an aged m«n who bolds forth at Broad- [By Qurd M. Hayes.] inclosed within the food and not di­ way and Thlrty'^ourth street, and whose bent form rectly exposed to air. Most cases of ' ^ i O W l Q was shaking violently as be shifted from one foot Iwnsing—"Too much knocking and ptomaine poisoning, therefore, occur WMfeHTYTHeRCj to another at the Intersection of the wind-swept not enough boosting Is banded tbe with food that has been chopped, thoroughfares. A light summer coat, with no newspapers.’’ said Dr. .R L. iMxon. sec­ hashed, ground, or otherwise disin­ waistcoat, was all the protection be bad from the retary of the state board of health In tegrated. thus carrying bacteria to cold. (Certainly, the man wore tronsers. although discussing tbe means of enforcing the the Interior. new legislation for health conserva^ the reporter forgot to mention It) Sausages and preparations such, as “Jnst a bit chilly for you. old man," said the Uon and educating the people along sanitary lines. creamed chicken, meat pie, Irish stew, commuter, with an undiscouoted note of compas­ etc., are among the most frequent sion in Us voice. “The legislature of 1913 enact^ to cause ptomaine poisoning for that “Yes, It is very, very cold on this corner," h« re­ tome excellent legislation, passed turned in shivery tones. reason. Some of the seafoods as some laws that may be of great valne clams, oysters, etc., frequently con­ The warmth of his big coat spread to the heart in health conservation, if public senti­ • o t the from Douglaston. He had another tain large numbers of bacteria In ment will respond to the spirit of the their interior and may also produce overcoat at home, a coat he wore on country enactments,” declared Dr. Dixon. tramps and In bad weather. The election having ptomaine poisoning when exposed to "Laws however, are not self-enforcing. conditions under which bacteria mul- been to Us liking and everything else in the world When there is a demand for lawg and METAL-WORK GIFTS FOR CHRIST. The candlestick shown In Hg. 6 that he desired, he made np'hls mind to bring along the second overcoat ^tiply rapidly. Recently in one In­ a public sentiment requiring their stance over 40 persons were made MAS. makes a very neat appearing article -foe the “newsboy” next morning. enforcement the work of the legisla­ If the metal covering is put on care­ East Buffalo Markets. s .CMFiyliig the coat psi hia arm, and chtAlng Just a little with the emotion sick from eating creamed chicken Very attractive Christmalt gifts can fully; Fig. 7 shows the sizes of the tbat-flSs the breast of man when rendering a kindly deed, he debated-how he tion becomes efficacious. But the en­ that had been served at a pubUe sup­ EAST BUFFALO—CatUe—Reeelpta actment only of laws to the supiXMt be made with brass and copper, and In pieces of metal, together with the 1 6 0 cars: nil handy weight grades s jpa ^ooMmt of how she had jost been robbed of state board of health, "but the twen­ 1 suggests m CMiventionallsed wato^ hooked into the othfir as the edges ^ 68.06. pie we must look for their enfOrce- tieth century city Is several years be­ /Sheep and lambs: Receipts, - ffitr hw pwoa by a man whom she pointed ont scar* menL lUy design that may be marked ont a tin can are joined, and the two ham­ . q te s bto tile crowd on the. other side ot the hind. It is on the way and It will ar­ upon the covering for piercing. Use mered down BO as to make a neat cars; market strong; top lambs, |Silg ^ M t Mtebsel calmly surveyed her in the de- "Public sentiment must be develop rive. It Is a matter ot evolution, just a 16-penny nail that has Its end sharp­ edge. If you make the shade out of @8.26; culls to fair, 66.600$; year­ ailstoer^ie way Imposalble to all save •d, educated and directed so as to as all charges are a matter of either ened to a point for a piercing toot brass, fasten brass chain fringe to lings, [email protected]; wethers, fS06JiS yilloemen and. membors of the British nobUlty. aid in the enforcement of sanitary leg­ revolution or evolution. Follow the outlines of the design, and the edge. This can to puitdiased at a ewes, 64.2504.76. a ^ lAan die stopped to get her breath he sententlously and authoritatively islation. Oar commlBBloners ot “Improvements In municipal govern­ pierce a continuous row of small hardware store. Cut tbe chain Into Calves strong, $6@12. . IHjfWiiisd her that she w i r “talking through her hat” What l^dy No. 2 then •chools, teachers, women’s clu>e, ments are slow to-establish. This Is boles along them, placing the holes 3-lnch lengths, and hook and-clinch Patrolman No. 23 la, not set down, but probably it was interesting. granges, homes, schools, churches and due to poor leadership, foreign ele­ as close together as possible and the end links of the chains through Qrains Ete. ' Anyway, Mg^^^ been summoned to api>ear before tbe board newspapers should. be active agenjia ments nnused to liberty and a lew mttiriiic them ot equal size; then fill holes pierced through the edge of the DETROIT—Wheat—Cash No. 2 red. In a propaganda for a virile pnblfc _^pO&eo I commissioners. And tbe board doesn't quite know what to do. It civlo standard. In a aeries of coarser boles In the shade. A candle shade holder such 99c; December opened with a drop o( '^.drytttd to find ont w h e ^ r “talking tluongh your hat" Is equivalent to an sentiment In the development of a spaces between these rows of holes as shown in Fig. 9 can be purchased 'The movement from country to l-4e at 98 l-2c and advanced to 99c; —jpCobrioos epithet or Is & delicate compliment to the language of a queen sanitary law enforcemenL Nearly all to form a background to the design. at a light fixture store (or 1 0 cents. city Is not confined to the United May opened at $1.03 3-4, advanoad t» hearts df men,' 1 these agencies have done and are do­ As the piercing tool la tapered to a All the metal work,of these articles States although we are rapidly becom­ 61.04 1-4 and closed at 6L04; No. I ing excellent work. But this work has must be polished, and this can to done white, 99c. been somewhat wanting In a well ing a nation of cities. The grave by nibbing with metal polish or sconr- problem conifrontlng many nations . Com—Cash, No. 3, 68@69c; No. 1 though out coarse to follow. Some ing powder. lAcquers may to. pnr^ yellow, 71c; No. 4 yeUoW, 67c; on Quesfi(^n of “How to Beat a Board Bill” oounty commisaloaars of schools have now Is the city where wealth is be­ chased at the art stores for keeping ing nmsssed and it la there that the heating, 1 ear at 60c. MBIANAPOUS, IND.—^New light on the question, "How to Beat a Board suggested p^eca and lecturea. upon brass from tarnishing. Rye—Cash, No. 2 , 66e. I sanitation for taaehers' Instltntea, hlghect order of - Intelligence Is neei^ (Copyrlsht. by A. Neely Bah.) tundahed by the employment department of the Children’s Aid as- ed to oonfront problems which threat- Beans—Immediate, prompt and siiflpyTnii. Which uneoBseioosly was made to be of service In a successful effort summer schools and assoelatlona. cember shipment, 6L90; Januaryv Orange lecturers have suggested that our national life. Policeman Looked Ahead. of that kind. Among the interesting tales in "A 61.95. Mrs. 'C. R Collins, 421 East New York street, sanitary snbjecte be placed upon the 'The Increase of wealth within the Cloverseed—^Prime spot, M.$0: DW' programs of grange meetings. An ex­ past half century Is simply enormoua Little Tour in India”'Is one concern­ was holding the suit case of a young French wom­ ing on official who was approached by cemtor, 66.90; March, |9; — redL an for the boaril 'bUl of herself and her uncle, a cellent suggestion comee to ns from There hac been a like Increase of 20 bags at 68.50. 26 at $l.26, $0 at members of women’s tiubi that a knewle^e but often wealth and a Tn»n irho said that his camels had gray-haired Tnan. been impounded by a policeman for 67.75; prime alsike. IIO.W; saiaiff “You pay me the money and I will let you havoh program be given cceasloa* kaowle^e hare been horded op—have alsike, 14 bags at 99-76. U at 98.76. ,, Bot been placed la elreolatioa. BO just cause. Investigation duly rw tbe salt ease.” she told the young woman. -=sSy to which the public bo Invited vealed the camels In.the pound, to the Timothy—Prime spot, M-66. ' *. “I win get see and pay.” was the young and asked to take part ThsM are all - **The developmeat of the 'United number of seventy-six./ The pollcw. Alfalfa—Prime spot, t woman’s confident return . excellent snggestiona and ealettiated States has been along atate and an- man, qaestloned, said: “Sahib, these Barley-r-Sample,* 1 car at $1.40 |jsr I She wan unhsnally neat and attractive and told to' create a health pttbllb aanltasr tttma] Unea rathar than iJonf mn- camels were trampling and spoiling OWL employment department of the CUldren's Aid sentiment The newspapers are ~al- alelpal lines and this Is so today. The the young trees planted by the canal Hay—Carlots, track Detrott:11: Ndili ' I aimoolatlan. In the Baldwin block, that she wished ways pleased to report the papers and prlaelplee of waHowsI and state gov­ timothy, $16016.60; standard, nejs n»TTi8Hor Rm-iMo’fioTTon side, and this rascal refused to -ve- ' npoeltlim as a Fren^ governess. lecturea of all meMlnga bald by the ernment are well settled and clearly attaln them.” So the official tnmed 16.60; No. 2 timothy, $14A0O18jlU: i a ^ f ?"Thwe are iwt many such positions to be had, aasoelattoBB which have been ref«^ defined but those of municipal govern- crossly to the man and said: “'What mixed, $16O10A0; No. b«tt m win aeo wbat we can do." red to If they can get them. Pub­ meat are oenfnsed aad unoertela. We point, the size of the hole la, ot ooorse, the deuce do you mean by complain­ 014; No: 1 ctover, $1801840; ;|rhe young woman left and Hiss Edith Spray licly la a great Whereby sani­ are as yet la the experimental stage determined by the depth to which It Is ing to me?” or veniacalar to that e^ straw, [email protected]; wheat and sat strapi' ‘ pM in te many North side families where a tary sentiment may ba Wa afid- need the In sist aad genius of driven throagh the metsL fec^ Bot the man shook his bead $7©7.B0 per ton. ’ m l^ t be needed, bnt wltiMot result Later In the day there do not use the newspapers enough. the hltfiest statesmanship to solve The pen trey lUnstrated In Fig. 8 sadly and said: “Tbere were- Ftoni^In one-eighth p the efiea a grmy4alrM man c^iylng a grip, who said he wished a Too much knocking and not mtough the n e w ^ d Comdex problems of the required a bottom U o ^ % inchee Irag. trees.” Thinking this little dlscr^ per 196 pounds, jobbing for U s chttdhcn, ^I d could pay |8 a week and give tbe teacher boosting Is handed them. These pub­ dty. 2^ Inches wide and % Inch thick. ancy rather enrions, the official rode patent. $6.30; second , —^ __ .. lic educators df tbe people publish Cat a piece of brass'or copper of the down to tbe canal, taking both par­ straight, $A60; spring pstSnL 9S.X8y i'T & r.Wwwfie huiatding house was oalled and the applicant not being at ”^ m e s are disappearing in the what their readers want to read. It la cUy' at^ the two social extremes. same length and width and fasten It ties with him, thoagh the poUcemaa rye, $4.60 per fel. ' j ^ ' iMMSgo wma glyen to the woman who answered the telephone. np to tha puUte to select what K to the top with round bead brass o r remembered an urgent engagement Feed—In 100-lb sacks, jsj^hlgg to ta s:^ — —we b h ^ a poisltton for hear and that she Is to come here to- Among the "money bags” hotel and wants to appear In the newspapers. dab life is being substituted lor home copper nslls, siiaclng the nails about dsewhere. Arrived at the canal, no Bimn, $28; cderse mlddUngq;ft7; ^ |lji Bing and bring her salt case pcrepcred to leave If everything is all The editors would ^ f e r to- pubUlrii. as shown in Fig. 3. Then' reprodned sign of a tree. So the official frees* middlings, $27; craclMd osov 9VK»4IL^" rahettito twMe. *sr-r* life. At the other extreme we have sanitary Information rather than ^ t ^ tenemmitB. the design shown In Fig. 6, the Isgly' Inquired where the trees coarse eornmoal, $30; com-aad dag eaee had went and neither the French governess nor voree acandala and prise Stfita, & Jhe process of enlarging by sqnaree. Each been trampled were, “Oh, sahib, the chop, $26.60 per ton. -t A . ,.;' . | ’ ' I employer appeared to .meet and talk things over. ^ "1‘he housliMr . pcolriem must have public were aa much Interasted * attention. We must also have more of the small sqoares drawn across the trees which this accursed man’s cam­ 1 / - f' former aa tbe latter. Otva tiie deMgn reivesenta a space on the fnll- els trampled are to to planted next Qenval MaHasta-v . * [ playgrounds where we caa spring! ” papers a dianoe to create a .teach chlldrm from the tome of Blze pattern H Ih^ eqaare. Ftrkt ■PotaUwH” PArs laHtsd About in Milwaukee sanitary sentiment and they -will do ■qaalor.' Then ttie 20th centnry city lay ont upon a piece of p^per a series In sacks. 70076c per t^ lpafvcip^ssm their p ^ In preparing tha pnbUe to win become a dominating; sanitary, of! wieans In dufdfcata ot those shown Time te Be Taxed, Dressed tnaentaady o f each Indtvidaat. etaoh u t » ty .o the laae ibiaek; hot aeeirdteg to ffiie. Jc; M A'ueiW S Me. Nny eystemnaii'iMMl I s ftilil «( aetid % tuAiwMii ■U itM■!»■, ,, i * « , ' hffan t o i . 1 it-tF'ttt ;nad K o* SM Him WWi tiH 4 street .thn tdgd. l|b F the i ■4,- pad. - ->8M ^ee-‘'a v gmi get ^ Mta-td; i^perT- bK -tU lm MqtK.aM, THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER Li, I9J3.

- NEWBURG. There were 30 in attMdanoe at Sun- day'«chooI Sunday. That goes to show _ .r w bit the contest is ^ d n g . I t was pretty stormy for the little folks to get but but they were there. Rev. Dutton preached espeeialfy to.the boys, also told-them How . to Detect tw aintw esti^ stories at tite beginning - , Detroit Business of S. S. The blues will have g e ts University badly beaten. The Sunday-school has decided to Th'e oldest and most influent- have Xmas exercises and a tree on Xmas eve.at Newbui^ hall. ' ial business trainime school in ** W hich are the alum hakag powRSd${4.f Michigan is givii^ today the Word was received from Leigh Ryder most modem aiid^tbOTOugh and A rthur LeVan Chat they are having bow can i aToid them im les thi^^are nanied^'* ^ ■; courses wtuch fully qualify its a fine time with their motor -boat hunt­ asks a housekeeper. G^duateS'forhigh grade posi- ing and fishing. ■V. Mrs. Hattie Ostrander is risiting Mr. Here i|S one way: take tbe can of a W - mition costs more in this •and Mrs. Mark Joy. school than in many others, but priced po\^der in your band and read ) die ’ the results prove it to be the Mrs. Elmer Kline of Detroit, spent cheapest in the ehd. Low last Saturday night at the home of bei ingredient clause upon the back labpL The grade work and cheap instruc- grqndpareotSj Mr. and Mrs. James law requires diat if die powder contains alum ' -tionsare found in cheap schools. LeVan. The D. B. U. is not in that class. Mr. and Mrs. Wall’s threeysons and that fact must be there stated. If you find ■’We invite you to write for their families of Detroit, spe^ Sunday one of the ingrediaits rtum t^ ahim, or sid* our curriculum and to spend with them in their new home on the old six months with us during the Meinbart place. phate of aluminum, you have found an a i m present school seasort __ Mrs. Cameron is spending a few da; r baf^ing paader. with friends in Port Huron. E. R. Shaw. President, - There is anodier and a better '^ y . You B5-69 West Grand River Ave., Mrs- J . Jewell returned Tuesday from / £ «eil a crcat nm grraet Aee^ene KrfitiDg fdantt Tor acetylene can be and is tised in gas cooking ranges m I Detroit. Mich. visiting her daughter in New York City. don't have to know the namea of~the «hwn / 1». dairy &nacra. ' tk cw e dairy £aifla« can get thoussods of country homes, just as its cousin, city gas, is James Woodard of Detroit, spent aflMieoot €t an Acetyfaac inat anatwn than anybody else. u s ^ m nulUoos of city bonnes. Monday night at the Pickett hpme, tak­ powders. Use Royal Baking Powder only; Cm 4Uirj t e n c r patrnoa make these Acetylene plants Lu every one of these homes the gm range has sbortested ing his mother, Mrs. Esther Loomis that assures you a cream of tartar powdtf, . d» t a l i te vprk. nm an fine of pipe to each Cl r/idng hours and has done entirely away with the drudgery LAPHAM’S CORNERS. back with him Tuesday morning. and the purest and most heald^ baking im S—maS other ieutbuilADgs. &i these of, H^dlmg coal, wood and ashes. James LeVan attended the funeral of tiiey fHtea tte; great hiAa of Acetylene fi|^ t to Mrs. Richard Heike’s little dau^lter Mrs. Wm. Rogers in Detroit Tue^ey powder beyond quadon. You will be intensely interested in the sim ]^ mechanism is quite ill with pneumonia. ^ tinifceca and rafters . ' of the Pilot whidi makes it differmt from aH others in afternoon prnciple. On Friday evening fire broke out in Some of our yuung folks attended the j nian eq u ^ t in e sritt ignition devices—to the rear of Mack Holmes dwelling house. light with the vcH of a cham witiwut ma rches. home talent play in Plymouth Monday Its patent safety features have made it qmte “trouble Mr. and Mrs. Holmes who had retired evening. • Two of tin e A e e ty l^ a h n li^ ta a 'in make a big dairy p ro f.“ They have given such perfect satiaEaction that we were awakened by the smell of smoke. bmn as tigbt m daiy. They viB' 1^ ime than a havi‘ been a l^ to sell no leas than sixty thousand Pilot The aiama-was given and although the Isiiinm anri — ^«*i«**« they cannot be tioped plan's in fifteen years. whole neighborhood turned out to help, LIVONIA CENTER. • over. Whh these dxty thousand plants working incessantly the fire gained such headway that MURRAY’S CORNERS. little could do'ne and house and The ladies of the cemetery society Local Notes. The same is true of Ace^lae house Tti^ >:um in eoentry hosnes. undergoing all lands of misuse and abuse, Miss Sadie Walker gave amiscellean- we have only beard of two accidents. During the same period tents burned to the ground. wilt meet with Mrs. Julius Lando for] Try that home made candy at th« in hiMvtfng braeas or brass fixtures seeureiy ous shower in honor of Mise Minnie dinner Docemher I8ih. A cordial invi­ f a i l e d to ceilmga or wai t thare has been or/er one bondred thousand accidents charged Miss Laura Blaich spent several days (Central tirocery.. to atbrr illumhiants. last week in NoTthville. Rengert Wednesday afternoon. tation is extended to all. w t td l one of t in e Aeetjdene lighted dairy'--rns Hiiliday paeko l uifiaior cverjr- emv)- Walter Roarbacher spent severaj Hay.' Mrs. S. W. Spieerspent part of this Word was received here W>»dne.sday ' 4 - the road—a quarter of a 1^ away. The fie xt is For this r«eson the Engineers of the National Board ef- of the death of Mrs. Kate Maiiausa, who i L«*r . of ihc family a’, Shingleton's. InsuraiKS onderwriters called Acetylene safer than any last week in Fimtiuc"as witness in tin AL-ek with Mrs. D. H. Moore at Butter- ^ ^ white in eolo. —so ince lived at the Center. No partieu-A’^^lr. and-Mrs. Frame Durm and little' BW^y-gke f»*-iignt th*t st irfaiati have used it With lU*, OXWELD ACETYLENE CO. atives at Rushton. v.Ule Friday. cian who attended a banquet at which tertainment Gouree was given at the S l H — • CHICAGO Eugene t^elson spent the week-end in It was expected important speeches opera bruse' last Friday evening when Fenton. Cured of Liver Complaint. would be made. A dish of whitebait the Four A>'riRi Company appeared be­ Mr.'and Mrs. Harmon Gale spent ‘*I was suffering with liver complaint,” was set before him and. after looking fore the ppfij)lc (if Plymouth. H ie pro­ Sunday at J. K. Rich’s. - says Iva Smith of Point BTatik, Texas, at the Qsb and then at the other gram cniisi>t( Mrs. Sadie Hurom will entertain-tne 5 10 give you votes arpounting to 10 times the amount of the pui'chase on all JK. D. S. Gilt Edge Larkin club Friday. X m a s eparations, Doctor’s Prescriptions and ^'al Dona Prescriptions. Mrs. Theresa Lyke has returned home after sppnding several days at Dixboro. Mrs. Fred Judson entertained com $2,150 IN PRIZES FREE buskers Wednesday. IfemembeL votes we are Mrs. William Strang entertained the Cut this oat and presestit at W . T. M. society Tuesday. now must be tum- William Ljrke delivered a load of Cl) TO C.M.E’S PINCKNEY’S PHARMACY dressed pork to William Quirk of Yps» in not later than Dec. Plymouth, Mich, lanta, Wednesday. and it will be ezcfaacgpd for Miss Gracia Martin jvbo has been seriously sick at the St. Joseph Hospital tth when the color will 500 VOTES FREE Trith typhoid fever, is dowly improvmg. •'sia Listen I We will soon hear wedding ,\ll KimL .imil.Siws. Good until Tueeday, Dec. 16 (ooe week) bells. Mrs. George Nelson and grandson Vernon Lyke is spending several days In the Toy line we have Tops, See-saw, Areo Flyer, PacinS^ in Ann Arbor. Burton Galpin sold a load of hogs to Assorted Banks, Tin Animals, Pitch-a-Ring, Locomotives, Tefc Ed. Popkins. Printer^ Sets, Tricycles, Freight Cars. Sand Toys, Steam Don’t forget the chicken pie dinner at Elvin Pooler’s Saturday. Child’s & ts, Moinkey Climbers, Hot Air Toys, Simplex SpeHers, Horse and Rider,* Stables, Comical Ladders, Checkers, Lotto, The Dairy Man Says Tocil Chests, Circus Car, Pan Drums, Violins, Rocking Horses, Hehaamore milk and bettef'eream since he began uaing HARVELL*8 Slates, Swings, Smoke Sets, Shoo Flys. ra inducement for contestants to get CONDITION POWDER. It keeps his cows in prime shape. It is a strictly new sub^riptions and renewals medicinal powder, not a food, and is a Cigars by the box, 25, 50 and 100. gener^ oonditteniug powder for cows, horses, wortr cattle, sheep, hbgs and TO^try. Prioe.25ct8. Sold Igr J. w. Pq>es, 25c., 75c. and $2.00. ^ BUokenstair ft Co. and Beyere Phar­ PLYMOUTH MAIL macy.—Advt.: WEST ^YMOUTH. I Christmas Candy, 10c/ ISe,'206, ' WUl make the following special offer Ifr. and Mrs. C. F. Smith ware la LARGE STOCK OF------■ Detroit Tuesday doing their OuistiBaa shopping.' Mrs. Emory Shook virited her suRar, sTcir I Yearly Subscriptions 25,000 Votes Hra. Will Cole at LBpham’s Comdis- CHINA AND GLASSWARE S^ttirday Sondhy. ..i6 v 4 V . M n. L$8i$ Ebecspl^ entertofned AT A PRICE TO PLEASE. EVERYBOJDTit: S Subscriptions10,000 Votes Gp^ma Cometo** ; Helping H tid i 6 b ^ ePn R.enewal!ll5,00P Vot^i ' mrV. L, ! j r ; 3 'Hdiy. V. -; ‘ ^jbfliMfng’. liw a a Nuts^and IB i i » .ltd get Busy on ■- : -. ’5 ■— , .. f ...... and Egg& Evb! i CLOSES DECEMBER 3lrt, M J‘ ^