Emerging nationalism in Portuguese : a bibliography of documentary epherema through 1965


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Author/Creator Chilcote, Ronald H. Publisher Hoover Institution Press (Stanford) Date 1969 Resource type Books Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) , , Sao Tome and Principe, , Angola, , Guinea-, Lusophone Africa (region) Coverage (temporal) 1959-1965 Source Northwestern University Libraries, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies, L016.9673 C535e Rights By kind permission of Ronald Chilcote. Description This is an extensive bibliography of pamphlets, newsletters, reports, and other material collected by Ronald Chilcote on nationalism in Portugal's African colonies. A selection of documents from the same set of materials appears in another book by Chilcote in the Aluka Digital Library. The material was collected over the period 1959-1965, and includes primarily documents from these years. Format extent 134 pages (length/size)


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HOOVER INSTITUTION BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SERIES; XXXIX EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA A Bibliography of Documentary Ephemera Through 1965 BY RONALD H. CHILCOTE .Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace Stanford University,- Stanford, California

L_/-i, 9/ 73' The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, founded at Stanford University in 1919 by the late President Herbert Hoover, is a center for advanced study and research on public and international affairs in the twentieth century. The views expressed in its publications are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hoover Institution. @ 1969 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University All rights reserved Catalog Card Number: 68-8810 Printed in the United States of America

INTRODUCTION This bibliography is one product of a project to collect, translate, and edit a volume of documents issued by Portuguese African nationalist movements.* The project was formally initiated in 1963 with the encouragement of Dr. Peter Duignan, Curator of the African Collection at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, and with financial support granted by the Institution's Research and Publications Committee. Collection of ephemeral materials was actually begun by the editor as early as 1959, and continued during eight months' residence in Portugal during 1960-61, a visit to in the summer of 1964, and extensive travels throughout Africa in the summer of 1965. The bibliography includes the editor's comprehensive collection of ephemera but covers only the period through 1965.** For the most part these documents are written in French, Portuguese, and Spanish, although for some an English version is available. The material is separated into ephemera (generally mimeographed) and other sources (published pamphlets and articles in periodicals) and has been ordered into (1) a general section on Portuguese Africa; (2) individual sections for each territory; (3) a section on publications; and (4) a section drawn from the "International Development series" of the Joint Publications Research Service. Excluded are the hundreds of secondary references in periodicals and books which focus on nationalist activities but are written by non- Portuguese African authors. A number of persons and organizations have contributed significantly to this enterprise. For their assistance in building the documents collection, I wish to thank Abflio de Oliveira Aguas, Chairman of the Committee Pro-Democracy in Portugal; Lufs D'Almeida, representative of the Movimento Popular de Libertago de Angola (MPLA) in Algiers; Mirio de Andrade, Algiers; Perry Anderson, editor of New Left Review in London; Carlos Gonqalves of the Angola Office, New York; Eduardo Webber, editor of The Angolan Student; A.J. Bosgra of the Actiecomit6 Angola, Amsterdam; Aquino de Braganga, Algiers; the Centro de Estudos Angolanos, Algiers; Daniel-JMilio Chipenda, representative of the MPLA in Dar es Salaam; Jos6 Chipenda of Unido Nacional dos Estudantes Angolanos (UNEA) in New York; the Coordinating Secretariat of the International Student Conference (COSEC) of Leiden, ; *The accompanying volume of documents, Emerging Nationalism in Portuguese Africa: Documentary Ephemera through 1965, also will be published by the Hoover Institution. **Microfilm of the collection is deposited in the library of the Hoover Institution. For earlier published bibliographies of nationalist ephemera, see Ronald H. Chilcote, "African Ephemeral Materials: Portuguese African Nationalist Movements," Africana Newsletter, I (winter 1963), 9-17; and 'Nationalist Documents on Portuguese Guin6 and Mogambique," African Studies Bulletin (April 1967), 22-42. General bibliographic references may be found in Ronald H. Chilcote, Portuguese Africa (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1967), pp. 12941.

Miguel Trovoada of the Comit6 de Libertago de Sdo Tom6 e Prfncipe (CLSTP) in Libreville; the Comit6 de Soutien A 'Angola, Paris; the Confederagdo das Organizag6es Nacionalistas das Col6nias Portugu8sas (CONCP) in Rabat; Johnny Eduardo of the Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de 'Angola en Exil (GRAE) office in Algiers; the Frente de Luta pela Independ~ncia Nacional da Guin6-Bissau (FLING) in Dakar; Gil Fernandes; various members of the Frente de Libertaqao de Moqambique (FRELIMO) in Dar es Salaam, including Dr. Eduardo Mondlane, Marcelino dos Santos, and the late Jaime Sikauke; Janet Mondlane and Betty King of the Instituto Moqambicano; the Frente Patri6tica de Libertaqfo Nacional (FPLN), including the late General , Piteiro Santos, and Manuel Sert6rio; Henrique Galvfo of Sao Paulo; David and Jim Grenfell in Moerueke Kwilu, Congo; Emmanuel Kounzika of the Partido Democrdtico de Angola (PDA) in ; Jacques Lauret, Lausanne; Marcel Levaux, Paris; Jos6 Lima de Azevedo, former MPLA representative in Brazil; Joseph Massinga, FRELIMO representative in New York; Malcolm McVeigh; the Movimento de Defesa dos Interdsses de Angola (MDIA) in Kinshasa; the MPLA in Brazzaville; the Mogambique African National Union (MANU) in Khartoum; the leaders of the Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) in Conakry, especially Amfilcar Cabral, his brother Luiz Cabral, and Aristides Pereira; Abflio Duarte of the PAIGC office in Algiers; Paul Touba of UNEA; the COREMO in Lusaka and Cairo; , Eduardo Pinnock, and the GRAE in Kinshasa; Jorge Valentim of Oegatgeest, Netherlands, S6rgio Vieira of the FRELIMO office in Algiers; and the World Assembly of Youth, Brussels. I am grateful to Mrs. Patricia Tsien, who assisted me in gathering United Nations documents. For permission to microfilm and photocopy their documents I am greatly indebted to Collin Gonze and George Hauser of the American Committee on Africa; Winifred Armstrong, New York; and John Cooley of Casablanca; as well as Professors James Duffy of Brandeis University, John Marcum of Lincoln University, Immanuel Wallerstein of Columbia University, Douglas Wheeler of the University of New Hampshire, and I. William Zartman of New York University. This extensive list is perhaps indicative of the great effort necessary to bring together a collection comprehensive in scope. Yet even after the generous efforts and cooperation of so many persons, there are still gaps in the collection. Assisting me in the task of organizing and cataloging the materials were Sally McBean Harms and Elsa Johnson. I am grateful for their help and especially wish to thank research assistant Natalie Lippman, whose months of persistent and precise work brought great improvement to the bibliography. I must also thank Russell Bartley for the translation of one document from Russian; Kathryn McCormick for extensive translation assistance in the initial phase of the project; Hildeliza Arias, who carefully typed the manuscript; and Eva Nyqvist, who edited the work for style and language consistency. Without the contribution of two other persons, Sarah K. Myers and my wife, Frances Bunker Chilcote, this project would have remained unfinished. Mrs. Myers translated into rough draft several hundreds of pages of documentary material; skilled as a translator, she has retained in English the style, expression, and content of the original. The temptation was great to edit and rewrite many of the documents and to correct misspellings in some of the titles, but we have adhered to our intention to present the material, however awkwardly expressed, in its original form. My wife helped coordinate the many phases of the project. Her demands for perfection, consistency, and scholarship have rendered substantial improvement to this work, and her unfailing support and advice have guided me from beginning to end in a project which we hope will serve as a foundation for future research on nationalism and related subjects in the Portuguese African territories.* Lastly, I acknowledge with gratitude the assistance of Dr. Duignan throughout the projects various phases, as well as the generous financial support of the Hoover Institution; a University of California faculty fellowship which provided research and travel assistance in Africa during the summer of 1965; and a John Randolph and Dora Haynes Foundation grant which, combined with intramural research funds of the Riverside campus of the University of California, allowed for research, translation of documents, and typing of the manuscript. *The editor's attention has turned to a second phase in the study of African nationalism in the Portuguese territories, specifically the content analysis of documents in his collection in an attempt to relate manifestations of nationalism to development. The theoretical basis for this research and related research in Brazil is in Ronald H. Chilcote, "Nationalism and Development: A Conceptual Synthesis and Framework for Comparative Inquiry" (Riverside: University of California, Latin American Research Program, Draft Research Paper No. 2, July 1967), 23 p.

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...... iii GENERAL PORTUGUESE AFRICA Ephem era ...... I O ther Sources ...... 4 Periodicals ...... 6 ANGOLA AND CABINDA Ephem era ...... 10 O ther Sources ...... 56 PORTUGUESE GUIN, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMt AND PRfNCIPE Ephem era ...... 64 O ther Sources ...... 76 MOCAMBIQUE Ephem era ...... 81 O ther Sources ...... 89 UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA General Resolutions ...... 93 Other Docum ents ...... 93 GeneralAssembly ...... 93 General Assembly. Agenda Items ...... 94 General Assembly. Plenary Meetings ...... 96 General Assembly. Committees ...... 97 General Committee ...... 97 First Committee ...... 97 Third Committee ...... 97 Fourth Committee ...... 97 Sixth Committee ...... 99 Ad Hoc Political Committee ...... 99 Executive Committee on the High Commissioner's Programme ...... 99 Special Committee on Admission of New Members ...... 99 Special Committee of Six on Transmission of Information ...... 100 Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration ...... 100 Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples ...... 106 Security Council ...... 109 Secretariat ...... 110 Economic and Social Council ...... 110 JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE DOCUMENTS General Portuguese Africa ...... 111 Angola and Cabinda ...... 112 Portuguese Guin6 and the Cape Verde Archipelago ...... 113 M ogam bique ...... 114

GENERAL PORTUGUESE AFRICA EPHEMERA ALMEIDA, LUiS DE, AND JOSE CARLOS HORTA Letter. Birkesdorf bei Diaren, German Federal Republic: Uniao Geral dos Estudantes da Africa Negra sob Dominaqfio Colonial Portugu~sa, January 1, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Discours d'ouverture par...." Casablanca: Conference des Organisations Nationalistes des Colonies Portugaises, April 18-20, 1961. Pp. 5, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Opening speech to the first conference of the CONCP. Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. Pp. 5, mimeographed. ANTITOTALITARIAN FRONT OF THE FREE PORTUGUESE IN EXILE Summary of a manifesto published in Bulletin No. 1. Translated by Carlos Gongalves. Sdo Paulo, n. d. P. 1, typed. BULLETIN D'INFORMA TIONS (RABAT) Organ of the Conf6rence des Organisations Nationalistes des Colonies Portugaises (CONCP). 1 (December 30, 1961), pp. 12, containing statements relating to the liberation of , a press conference by Mdrio de Andrade, and notes on the formation of the UGEAN and the CVAAR; 2/3 (May 10, 1962), pp. 47, dealing with unity and disunity among the Portuguese African nationalist movements; 4 (September 5, 1962), pp. 24, published in English; 5 (November 1962), pp. 24, published in English. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Communique." Rabat. February 1 (p. 1), February 9 (p. 1), February 12 (p. 1), March 15 (pp. 2), March 20 (pp. 2), March 29 (p. 1), April 18 (p. 1), 1963. Mimeographed. Reprints of documents issued by the PAIGC and signed by Amilcar CabraL CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES Confirence des Organisations Nationalistes des Colonies Portugaises. Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. Pp. 99. Includes declarations, resolutions, and speeches of the conference.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "D6claration." Rabat, February 13, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Reprint of document issued by PAIGC and signed by Amflcar Cabral. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "D6claration g6n6rale: unit6, solidarit6 et coop6ration." Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. Pp. 5, mimeographed. Declaration of the first conference of the CONCP. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "26me anniversaire de la guerre d'Angola." Rabat, January 20, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "List of delegates to first conference of the CONCP." Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Message A Sa Majest6 Hassan II," Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Signed by Mdrio de Andrade at the first conference of the CONCP. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Message aux chefs d'6tat des pays d'Afrique et d'Asie." Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. Message of the first conference of the CONCP. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "4 f6vrier 1963. 26me anniversaire de la guerre d'Angola." Rabat, January 20, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "R6solution sur l'Angola." Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. Pp. 6, mimeographed. Includes also resolutions on Portuguese Guing and the Cape Verde Islands, Sdo Tomd and Principe, Mogambique, Goa, Damdo, and Diu-presented at the first conference of the CONCP. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "R6solution sur I'ONU." Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. Resolution to the first conference of the CONCP. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "R6solution sur l'opposition portugaise." Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. Resolution to the first conference of the CONCP. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "T616gramme." Casablanca, April 19, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. Telegram to the first conference of the CONCP by Mdrio de Andrade.

GENERAL PORTUGUESE AFRICA CONFERENCE OF NATIONALIST LEADERS FROM PORTUGUESE COLONIES "Communiqu6, London, December 6, 1960." London: Movement for Colonial Freedom, 1960. Pp. 3, mimeographed. CONFERENCIA DAS ORGANIZAqOES NATIONALISTAS DAS COL6NIAS PORTUGUfSAS "Press Release." London, June 8, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. Two different documents with same title and date. CONFERENC1A DAS ORGANIZA4OES NATIONALISTAS DAS COL6NIAS PORTUGUESAS "Press Release. Dr. ." Rabat, March 1961 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. CONFERENCIA DAS ORGANIZAqOES NATIONALISTAS DAS COLONIAS PORTUGUESAS "Segunda Confer6ncia das Organizag~es Nacionalistas das Col6nias Portuguesas: Resolug~es." Dar es Salaam, October 3-8, 1965. Pp. 24, mimeographed. COUNCIL FOR FREEDOM IN PORTUGAL AND COLONIES Statement of Aims and List of Sponsors. London, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. 'DECLARATION DE PROTESTATION APRES L'AGRESSION AMERICAINE A LA REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU VIET-NAM." Algiers, February 10, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. DJASSI, ABEL (PSEUD. OF AMiLCAR CABRAL) SEE UNDER PORTUGUESE GUINE ETUDIANTS UNIVERSITAIRES REPRESENTANT LES COLONIES DE ANGOLA, CABO VERDE, GUINEE DITE PORTUGAISE, MOZAMBIQUE, SXO TOME ET PRiNCIPE "Message au peuple portugais." , November 20, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRONT R.VOLUTIONNAIRE AFRICAIN POUR L'INDEPENDANCE NATIONALE DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Appel." In Marcel Levaux et al., Le procs des cinquante (Cheratte, Belgium, 1960) along with a list of the condemned. Also in Tam Tam, 3-4 (April-May 1961), 91 and in Portugal Democritico, II (July 1960). FRONT REVOLUTIONNAIRE AFRICAIN POUR L'INDIPENDANCE NATIONALE DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Le proc6s des cinquante." Reprinted in Marcel Levaux et al., Le procs des cinquante (Cheratte, Belgium, 1960). Also in Tam Tam, 3-4 (April-May 1961), 81-84. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS "Press Release." Geneva, July 27, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOVEMENT FOR COLONIAL FREEDOM Protest letter to "H.E. The Ambassador of Portugal," dated May 9, 1961. London, May 11, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO ANTI-COLONIALISTA Aspects du massacre fait par le colonialisme portugais de plus de mille Africains de l'!le de St. Thom6. Leiden: COSEC, 196(?). Pp. 2.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA MOVIMENTO ANTI-COLONIALISTA Pr6sent par le MAC A la 26me Conf6rence des Peuples Africains. "Rapport sur le colonialisme portugais (Extraits)." Tunis, January 1960. Reprinted in Marcel Levaux et al., Le proc6s des cinquante (Cheratte, Belgium, 1960). Also reprinted in Tam Tam, 3-4 (April-May 1961), 93-97 MOVIMENTO ANTI-COLONIALISTA, AND UNIXO DAS POPULA OES DE ANGOLA "Resolugao da II Confer~ncia dos Povos Africanos sabre as col6nias portugu~sas." Tunis, January 1960. P. 1, mimeographed. REPORT OF THE SEMINAR ON PROBLEMS OF THE PORTUGUESE COLONIES New Delhi: Indian Council for Africa, 1961. Pp. 40. Conference of October 1961. SANTOS, MARCELINO DOS "D6claration au Comit6 Sp6cial de 'ONU pour les territoires administr6s par le Portugal." Rabat (?), June 1962. Pp. 10, mimeographed. OTHER SOURCES CABRAL, J. "Nationalism in the Portuguese Colonies," New Outlook, IV (January 1961), 15- 18. CABRAL, J.C. "Africans' Rights under Portugal's Laws," Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, I (February 1961), 3-5. CABRAL, JOAO "Forced Labour in the Portuguese Colonies," Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, I (April 1961), 22-24. CABRAL, JOAO "Liberation of Goa-History May Praise Nehru." Reprint from Asia and Africa Review, 1962(?), 12-13. CABRAL, JOXO "Portuguese Colonial Policy-I (Angola and Mozambique)." Reprint from Africa Quarterly, V (October-December 1965), 153-73. CABRAL, JOXO "Portuguese Colonial Policy-II." Reprint from Africa Quarterly, V (January-March 1966), 287-99. CABRAL, JOXO "The Silent Apartheid," The Spectator, CCIV (April 29, 1960), 601. "COLONIALISMO E ANTICOLONIALISMO" Portugal Democrdtico, VIII (June-July 1964), 4. Reprinted statements from the bulletins of the FNLA, FRELIMO, and PAIGC.

GENERAL PORTUGUESE AFRICA "COLONIALISMO E ANTICOLONIALISMO" Portugal Democrdtico, VIII (November 1963), 4. Review of reports issued by Portuguese Africain nationalist groups. CONFERENCE OF NATIONALIST ORGANIZATIONS IN THE PORTUGUESE COLONIES "Notes: Declaration of Principle by the CONCP," Presence Africaine, XIV-XV, 42-3 (1962), 165-69. CONFERENCIA DAS ORGANIZACOES NACIONALISTAS DAS COLONIAS PORTUGUESAS "Declaragao Geral e das Resolug~es sbbre as Col6nias Portugu~sas," Portugal Democrdtico, V (July 1961), 4. "DAR ES SALAAM: REUNEM-SE ORGANIZAQOES NACIONALISTAS DAS COLONIAS" Portugal Democrdtico, X (December 1965), 7. ETUDIANTS D'AFRIQUE PORTUGAISE "Situation des 6tudiants noirs dans le monde," Presence Africaine, Original Series, French ed., 14 (November 1952), 223-40. FIRST CONFERENCE OF NATIONALIST ORGANISATIONS OF THE PORTUGUESE COLONIES "General Declaration of Unity, Solidarity, and Co-operation," Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, I (August 1961), 49-50. First part of resolutions adopted in Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. FIRST CONFERENCE OF NATIONALIST ORGANISATIONS OF THE PORTUGUESE COLONIES Resolutions adopted at Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, I (September-October 1961), 54-56. FRENTE REVOLUCIONARIA AFRICANA PARA A INDEPENDENCIA NACIONAL DAS COLONIAS PORTUGUtSAS "Aplo," Portugal Democrdtico, IV (July 1960). FRENTE REVOLUCIONARIA AFRICANA PARA A INDEPENDtNCIA NACIONAL DAS COLONIAS PORTUGUESAS "A Guin6 contra Salazar," Portugal Democrdtico, V (October 1960), 2. FRENTE REVOLUCIONARIA AFRICANA PARA A INDEPENDINCIA NACIONAL DAS COLONIAS PORTUGUESAS "Tm a palavra os povos africanos," Portugal Democrdtico, VI (July 1960). "GENERAL DECLARATION OF UNITY, SOLIDARITY, AND CO- OPERATION" Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, I (August 1961), 49-50. Declaration of the First Conference of Nationalist Organisations of the Portuguese Colonies, Casablanca, April 18-20, 1961. LEMOS, VIRGILIO DE "Portugal y sus dominios en Africa," Cuadernos, 86 (July 1964), 3-7. MOVIMENTO ANTI-COLONIALISTA "Nas col6nias africanas de Portugal," Portugal Livre (May 1960), 8. NEVES, JOAO DAS (ED.) Poetas e contistas africanos de expressdo portugu6sa. Sao Paulo: Edit6ra Brasiliense, 1963. Pp. 211.

6 EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA 'NOUVELLE SOMME DE POESIE DU MONDE NOIR" Presence Africaine, 57 (1965?), 433-99 include poetry on Portuguese Africa. 'Ob EN SONT LES MOUVEMENTS DE LIBERATION DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES?" Fiches d'Information (Paris), 2 (December 1962), 8, mimeographed. -QUELQUES RESOLUTIONS DES TRAVAUX DU MOUVEMENT PANAFRICAIN DES ETUDIANTS: LE MPE ET LES COLONIES PORTUGAISES" Rdvolution Universitg, 2 (March 1965), 13. SANTOS, MARCELINO DOS "Une annie de lutte de la CONCP," L'Avant-Garde (Casablanca), 160 (April 28, 1962), 11-12. Interview with secretary general of the CONCP. 'SITUATION DEPUIS JANVIER 1961 DANS LES TERRITOIRES ADMINISTRES PAR LE PORTUGAL" Pr~sence Africaine, 45 (First Quarter 1963), 136-57. ANNOTATED PERIODICAL TITLES OF NATIONALIST MOVEMENTS IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA ANGOLA (LEOPOLDVILLE) FNLA monthly mimeographed bulletin issued since 1964 by the FNLA. B.P. 1205. ANGOLA. BULLETIN D'INFORMATION (LEOPOLDVILLE) FNLA monthly mimeographed bulletin issued in 1963 and superseded by new title, ANGOLA. ANGOLA. BULLETIN D'INFORMA TION (TUNIS) First issue dated January 1963. Distributed by FNLA. No address available. ANGOLA CALLING (NEW YORK) Mimeographed publication of the Angola office of the UPA Information Service. Edited by Carlos Gon~alves. Title changed in 1962 to FREE ANGOLA. ANGOLA COMITE (AMSTERDAM) Untitled monthly mimeographed news information. Vinkenstraat 13, Amsterdam. ANGOLA: CULTURA E REVOLUgXO (ALGIERS) Bulletin and monographs issued since August 1964 by the Centro de Estudos Angolanos. 20 Ave. Dujonchay, Algiers. ANGOLA INFORMA TIONS (ALGIERS) Mimeographed monthly issued by the GRAE foreign office, edited by Johnny Eduardo. B.P. 223. ANGOLA LIBRE (PARIS) First issue in January 1963. Published by the Comiti de Soutien d l'Angola et aux Peuples des Colonies Portugaises, 42 Avenue du Parc de Montsouris, Paris XIVe, .

GENERAL PORTUGUESE AFRICA 7 THE ANGOLAN STUDENT (AN ORGAN FOR PROMOTION OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE STUDENTS OF ANGOLA-VIENNA, AUSTRIA) Mimeographed monthly news bulletin edited by Eduardo Webber since 1962. Kuefsteingasse, 2. BOLETIMDEINFORMAq.ZO (DAR ES SALAAM) Monthly mimeographed bulletin published August 1963 to August 1964 by the Frente de Liberta9ao de Mocambique (FRELIMO). Title changed to Boletim Nacional. 201 Nkrumah St., P.O. Box 15274. BOLETIMNACIONAL (DAR ES SALAAM) Monthly mimeographed bulletin published by the Frente de Liberta¢do deMozambique (FRELIMO), Departamento de Informa io e Propaganda. Issued since August 1963 until August 1964 under the title, Boletim de Informaglo. 201 Nkrumah St., P.O. Box 15274. BULLETIN (LEOPOLDVILLE) Mimeographed bimonthly organ of the CVAAR first issued in 1961 until 1962. In French and English. BULLETIN D INFORMA TION (ALGIERS) Organ of the Permanent Bureau of the Front de Liberation de Mozambique a Alger (FRELIMO). First issued in 1964. 26, Rue de la Libert. BULLETIN D'INFORMATIONS (RABAT) Organ of the CONCP issued in English in 1961 and 1962. BULLETIN POUR L 'ETRANGER (CASABLANCA) Mimeographed organ of the Union Nationale des Forces Populaires. COMBATE (CAIRO) Mimeographed organ of UDENAMO published in English and Portuguese since June 1963. 5, Ahmed Heshmat St., Zamalek, Cairo. CULTURA (?) Short-lived African magazine founded about 1957 and issued clandestinely. FICHES D'INFORMATION DES ETUDES ANTICOLONIALISTES (PARIS) Mimeographed and issued in 1962. FREE ANGOLA (NEW YORK) FNLA information bulletin issued sporadically by Carlos Gonfalves. Title changed from Angola Calling in 1962. P.O. Box 3558, Grand Central Station. INFORMATION BULLETIN (CAIRO) Publication of the FRELIMO. Issue No. 1 dated October 14, 1963. JUVENTUDE E REVOLUCXO (BRAZZAVILLE) Mimeographed organ of the Juventude do Movimento Popular de Libertaffo de Angola, first issued in 1964.

8 EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA JUVENTUDE REVOLUCIONARIA (ORGAO DE COMBATE DA JUPA- LEOPOLDVILLE) Mimeographed organ of the UPA youth issued since 1962. B.P. No. 709. LIBER TACA0 (CONAKRY) Monthly publication of the Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine e Cabo Verde, mimeographed and issued since 1960. B.P. 298. MENSA GEM (LISBON?) Founded by Viriato Francisco Clemente da Cruz and published by the Casa dos Estudantes do Impdrio. Magazine banned by Portugal after its second issue, in late 1940's. MONDO: BOLETIM DE INFORMAgO DO PARTIDO DEMOCRA TICO DE ANGOLA (LtOPOLDVILLE) Official mimeographed organ of the PDA first issued about 1962. B.P. 8085. MONDO! ORGANE DE COMBAT DEL 'ALIAZO (LEOPOLDVILLE) Official publication issued during 1961. THE MOZAMBICAN (INDIANAPOLIS) Since 1964 edited by Guilherme A. Mabunda. Organ of the UNEMO in the United States. Published irregularly in mimeographed form. MOZAMBICAN REVOLUTION (DAR ES SALAAM) Monthly begun in December 1963 and published by the FRELIMO Information Department. P.O. Box 15274. MOZAMBICAN REVOLUTION (NEW YORK) Edited by Joseph Massinga in mimeographed form since about 1964. 556 West 183rd St. NEWSLETTER (KHARTOUM) Monthly information bulletin of the Mozambique African National Union (MANU) issued since 1964 (?). P.O. Box 2302. LE PA TRIOTE ANGOLAIS (L EOPOLDVILLE) Organ of the Mouvement de Defense des Inter~ts de l'Angola (MDIA) issued in mimeographed form since 1963. B.P. No. 51. RESOLUTE: COMBAT!! (LUSAKA) Official organ of the UDENAMO issued in English and Portuguese. Issued in 1964 in mimeographed form. P.O. Box 2217. LE TRA VAILLEUR ANGOLAIS (LIOPOLDVILLE) Newspaper of LGTA. UHUR U-ANGOLA (?) Monthly "Bulletin du Service de presse europ~enne du Front National de Liberation de l'Angola" issued in mimeographed form. No. 3 dated June 1963. UNIDADE ANGOLANA (LEOPOLDVILLE) Monthly publication of MPLA that is published in three languages: Kimbundu, French, and Portuguese. Mimeographed and issued in 1961 and 1962.

GENERAL PORTUGUESE AFRICA UNIDADE ANGOLANA (NEW YORK) "Orgdo de Expansdfo Cultural e Revoluciondria dos Estudantes Angolanos, Secvdo da UNEA nos Estados Unidos" first issued in February 1965. 255 W. 108th St., Apt. 5-C-1. UNTA (LEOPOLDVILLE) Monthly "Organe de Combat de la Classe Ouvri~re et de la Paysannerie, "first published in October 1961 by the Union Nationale des Travailleurs Angolais. VIT6RIA OUMORTE (LEOPOLDVILLE AND BRAZZAVILLE) MPLA organ issued irregularly during 1962 and 1963 in French and Portuguese. Thereafter also issued in English. LA VOIX DE LA NATION ANGOLAISE (A VOZ DA NAgAO ANGOLANA- LFOPOLDVILLE) Newspaper of the Unido das PopulafSes de Angola (UPA) in French, Portuguese, Kimbundu, and Kikongo. A VOZ DA NA qAO ANGOLANA (LA VOIX DE LA NATIONANGOLAISE- THE VOICE OF THE ANGOLAN NATION -LEOPOLDVILLE) UPA organ published since 1960 in French, Portuguese, Kimbundu, and Kikongo. A VOZ DO ESTUDANTE ANGOLANO (PHILADELPHIA) Bimonthly of Unido Nacional dos Estudantes Angolanos issued in 1963. Mimeographed, edited by Jorge Valentim.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA EPHEMERA ACTIECOMITI ANGOLA "Amnestie in Portugal." Amsterdam, January-February 1963. Pp. 6, mimeographed. ACTIECOMITt ANGOLA "Een derde onafhankelijkheidsbeweging in Angola." Amsterdam, November 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ACTIECOMITE ANGOLA Hoe Portugal koloniseert in Mozambique. Foreword by S. Bosgra and A. Dijk. Amsterdam, 196 (?). Pp. 20. ACTIECOMITE ANGOLA "Verzet in Angola." Amsterdam, 196 (?). Pp. 25, mimeographed. ADOULA, CYRILLE "Discours prononc6 par... A la XVIII~me session de l'Assembl~e G~n~rale des NationsUnies, New York-8 octobre 1963." New York (?), 1963 (?). Pp. 8, mimeographed. ADOULA, CYRILLE, AND HOLDEN ROBERTO "Texts of the Speeches Delivered at L~opoldville, March 15, 1963, on the Occasion of the Second Anniversary of the Angolan Revolution." L6opoldville (?): National Front for the Liberation of Angola, 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed. ADOULA, CYRILLE, HOLDEN ROBERTO, AND EMMANUEL KOUNZIKA "Le 15 mars 1961. Textes des allocutions prononc~es A L6opoldville le 15 mars 1963 A l'occasion du deuxi~me anniversaire de la revolution angolaise. .. " L~opoldville (?), 1963. Pp. 8, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Address to the World Congress for General Disarmament and Peace, Moscow, July 9-14, 1962. Pp.2, mimeographed. Translated from the French. (See below.) ANDRADE, MARIO DE "L'Angola et le probl~me de 1'unit6." Algiers: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de l'Angola en Alg~rie, n.d. Pp. 7, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA ANDRADE, MARIO DE Antologia da poesia negra de expressdo portugu6sa. Paris: Editorial Pierre Jean Oswald, 1958. Poetry preceded by essay. Reviewed by Jodo A Ives das Neves in Anh~mbi, Vol. XXXIX, No. 115 (), 147-48. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Conf6rence de Casablanca." April 18, 1961. Reprinted in Andrade's Libert6 pour I'Angola, pp. 29-34. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "D6claration." Lopoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola, October 30, 1961. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "D6claration; le 27 avril 1963, M. Mdrio de Andrade, chef du d6partement des affaires ext6rieures du MPLA a donn6 A Bruxelles, au si6ge de l'Assembl6e Mondiale de la Jeunesse une conference de presse sur la situation actuelle du probl6me angolais." Algiers: D616gation Permanente du MPLA en Alg6rie, April 1963. Pp. 8, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Discurso de abertura, primeira confer~ncia nacional de MPLA." Lopoldville, December 1, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Entretien avec Mdrio de Andrade, sur la lib6ration de 'Angola." Algiers, May 15, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. Interview with Elio Rogati. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Intervention de M ... Pr6sident du Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola." Bandung: Conseil de Solidarit6 Afro-Asiatique, April 10-15, 1961. Pp. 3, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Libertd pour l'Angola. Paris: Frangois Maspero, 1962. Pp. 58. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "La lutte du peuple angolais et la solidarit6 africaine." D6claration in Conakry, May 1961. Reprinted in Libert6 pour l'Angola, pp. 35-37. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Message du MPLA A la Conf6rence au Sommet des Pays Ind6pendants Africains." AddisAbaba: Mouvement Populaire pour la Lib6ration de l'Angola, May 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Pour le d6sarmement g6n6ral et la paix." Moscow, July 9-14, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Address to the World Congress for General Disarmament and Peace.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA ANDRADE, MARIO DE Press conference, L~opoldville, October 30, 1961. Reprinted in Andrade's Libert pour l'Angola, pp. 43-4 7. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Press conference, Rabat, December 11, 1961. Reprinted in Andrade's Libert6 pour 'Angola, pp. 48-51. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Le proc~s des nationalistes angolais." Reprinted in Marcel Levaux et al., Le proc~s des cinquante (Cheratte, Belgium, 1960). Also in Tam Tam, April-May, 1961, pp. 85-89. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "La question angolaise." L~opoldville, April 1962. Reprinted in Andrade's Libert6 pour l'Angola, pp. 5-11. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Rapport pr~sent6 devant le Comit6 Sp6cial des Nations Unies sur les territoires sous administration portugaise." L~opoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Lib&ration de l'Angola, May 24, 1962. Pp. 9, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Report by Mr. Andrade before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration. L6opoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de 'Angola, May 24, 1962. Pp. 9, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Transcription de l'interview accord6e par M. Mirio de Andrade, chef du d~partement des affaires ext~rieures, du MPLA, A M. Elio Rogati, redacteur de l' dition africaine de l'Agenzia Giornalistica Italia." L6opoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de 'Angola, 1963 (?). Pp. 5, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE, AND "Appel aux 6tats membres de I'ONU." Algiers: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de 'Angola, September 13, 1960. Pp. 6, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE, AND VIRIATO DA CRUZ "Appel aux 6tats membres de l'ONU." Conakry: Mouvement Populaire de Libdration de l'Angola, September 13, 1960. Pp. 6, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE, AND VIRIATO DA CRUZ "Communiqu6." Conakry: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de l'Angola, August 3, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE, AND VIRIATO DA CRUZ "D6claration." Conakry: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de l'Angola, October 25, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA ANDRADE, MARIO DE, AND ABEL DJASSI "Communiqu6." Conakry, July 3, 1960. P. 1, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE, AND AGOSTINHO NETO "Message au Concile Oecum6nique." L6opoldville, October 2, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. ANDRADE, MARIO DE, ETAL. "Aux nationalistes angolais." L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Libertagdo de Angola, 1961 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. ANGOLA (LEOPOLDVILLE) All issues mimeographed: I, 16 (November 1-15, 1964), 1-35 1, 17 (November 30, 1964), 1-39 ANGOLA, BULLETIN D'INFORMATION "Autour de la r6volution angolaise," 1, 2 (March 10, 1963), 1-5. Mimeographed extract. ANGOLA. BULLETIN D'INFORMA TION (LEOPOLDVILLE) All issues mimeographed: I, 1 (February 19, 1963), 1-18 I, 2 (March 10, 1963), 1-10 I, 3 (April 10, 1963), 1-10 I, 4-5 (October 15-31, 1963), 1-13 I, 6 (November 15, 1963), 1-13 I, 7 (November 30, 1963), 1-18 I, 11 (June 1-15, 1964), 1-18 Name of publication changed in 1964 to Angola. See Angola. ANGOLA. BULLETIN D'INFORMATION (TUNIS) 1 (January 1963), 1-5. Mimeographed. ANGOLA CALLING (NEW YORK) All issues mimeographed: March 12 and 15, 1962, 1-4; June 1962, 1-7; July 1962, 1-4. ANGOLA: CULTURA E REVOLUqAO (ALGIERS: CENTRO DE ESTUDOS ANGOLANOS) Issued in French and Portuguese. All issues mimeographed: 1 (August 1964), 1-79; 2 (November 1964), 1-54; 3 (February 4, 1964), 1-27. ANGOLA INFORMATIONS (ALGIERS) All issues mimeographed: 1 (August 24, 1963), 1-6 2 (September 4, 1963), 1-9 3 (September 16, 1963), 1-10 4 (October 1, 1963), 1-10 5 (November 4, 1963), 1-13 7 (January 8, 1964), 1-14 8 (May 3, 1964), 1-5 9 (June 21, 1964), 1-12 11 (October 27, 1964), 1-12 12 (November 30, 1964), 1- 15 15 (April 24, 1965), 1-12 16 (August 31, 1965), 1-13 ANGOLA LIBRE (PARIS) 1 (January 1963), 1-27, mimeographed. Contains articles on the geography and , the African presence in Angola, the national conference of the MPLA, the Convention of the FNLA, military news of the GRAE.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA ANGOLA NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT (THE ANGOLA OFFICE) Angola Today. New York, n.d. P. 1. Pictures of forced labor. ANGOLAN FREEDOM SONGS (RECORDED BY THE UPA FIGHTERS IN ANGOLA) Folkways Records Album No. FD5442, issued 1962 (?). Descriptive notes included. ANGOLAN NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT "Memorandum from the Angolan National Liberation Front (FNLA) to the Conference of the Chiefs of States and Chiefs of Governments of the African and Malagasy Union (UAM) held at Libreville (Gabon)." L6opoldville, September 1962. Pp. 7, mimeographed. ANGOLAN REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT IN EXILE. SEEALSO: GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA GOVERNO DA REPUBLICA DE ANGOLA NO EXILIO ANGOLAN REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT IN EXILE. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 45. Military Operations." L6opoldville, April 24, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. THE ANGOLAN STUDENT (VIENNA) All issues mimeographed: 3 (May 15, 1962), 1-5 12 (February 15, 1963), 1-5 4 (June 15, 1962), 1-7 13 (March 15, 1963), 1-4 5 (July 15, 1962), 1-5 14 (April 15, 1963), 1-4 6 (August 15, 1962), 1-5 19/20 (August/September 1963), 1-5 7 (September 15, 1962), 1-4 21 (October 15, 1963), 1-4 8 (October 15, 1962), 1-4 22 (November 15, 1963), 1-6 9 (November 15, 1962), 1-4 23 (December 15, 1963), 1-5 10 (December 15, 1962), 1-2 26 (March 15, 1964), 1-4 11 (January 15, 1963), 1-5 "APPEAL BY THE ANGOLAN AND MOZAMBICAN STUDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES BEFORE THE USNSA 15TH CONGRESS" Philadelphia (?), 196(?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. ARME DE LIBERATION NATIONALE DE L'ANGOLA "M6morandum A 1'intention du American Committee of Africa." L6opoldville, March 11, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ARMEE DE LIBERATION NATIONALE DE L'ANGOLA "Programme des manifestations A l'occasion du 26me anniversaire de la r6volution angolaise-mars 1963." Kinkouzou, March 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. ASSEMBLEE MONDIALE DE LA JEUNESSE Vers l'indipendance de l'Angola: rapport d'un sdminaire organisi 6 Lgopoldville en avril 1963. Brussels, 1964 (?). Pp. 48. ASSEMBLIA MUNDIAL DA JUVENTUDE Para a independencia de Angola: relat6rio dum semindrio organizado em L~opoldville em abril de 1963. Brussels, 1963 (?). Pp. 51.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA "BACKGROUND ON ANGOLA" December 6, 196 1. Pp. 2, mimeographed. "BACKGROUND ON HOLDEN ROBERTO AND THE UNION OF THE PEOPLES OF ANGOLA" L6opoldville (?), 196(?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. BALA, JEAN-PIERRE "Petition du Mouvement de D6fense des Int6rts de l'Angola pr6sent6e au Comit6 Sp6cial de I'ONU pour 'Angola." L6opoldville: Mouvement de D6fense des Int6rets de 'Angola, May 28, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. BALA, JEAN-PIERRE, AND AUGUSTIN KAZILUKI "Ptition du Mouvement de D6fense des Int6rts de 'Angola pr~sent~e A la Commission de Tutelle de la dix-septi6me Assembl6e G6ndrale de l'Organisation des Nations-Unies ONU." L6opoldville: Mouvement de Defense des Int6r~ts de 'Angola. November 28, 1962. Pp. 8, mimeographed. BRAUNDI, D'EMILE-R. "Extraits de l'article paru dans France Observateur, No. 731 du 7 mai 1964, '"L'Afrique entre deux 6poques'." Algiers: Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de 'Angola, D6l6gation Permanente en Alg6rie, 1964 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. BULLETIN (LEOPOLDVILLE: CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTENCIA AOS REFUGIADOS) All issues mimeographed (* in French, ** in English): 1 (August-November 196 1), 1-11* 4 (April-June 1962), 1-9** 2 (November 1961-January 1962), 1-11* 5 (July-September 1962), 1-l0"* 3 (January-March 1962), 1-9* BULLETIN POUR Lt'ATRANGER (CASABLANCA) 4 (March 1963), 1-16, mimeographed. CABRAL, JOAO "Angola, Mass Emigration, Torture and Terror." London: Movimento Popular de Libertagdo de Angola, February 1, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, JOAO "Political Prisoners Executed in Angola." London: Movimento Popular de Libertaqgo de Angola, November 24, 1960. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, JOSE "Massacre in Angola." London: Movement for Colonial Freedom, October 10, 1960. P. 1, mimeographed. CASSINDA, ANDRE. SEE ALSO KASSINDA CASSINDA, ANDRE "Communiqu6 de presse." Ldopoldville (?): Ligue Gdn~rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA CASSINDA, ANDRE "Lettre-circulaire." L6opoldvile: Ligue G~n~rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, July 17, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. CASSINDA, ANDRt, AND HENRI LABERY "Declaration commune des repr6sentants de 'Union des Populations de l'Angola (UPA) et du Mouvement de Lib6ration de la Guin~e et des ties du Cap-Vert (MLGC) faite A Dakar le mercredi 17 janvier 1962." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de 'Angola, January 1962 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. CENTRO DE ESTUDOS ANGOLANOS. GRUPO DE TRABALHO HISTORIA E ETNOLOGIA "Hist6ria de Angola (Apontamentos)." Algiers: Centro de Estudos Angolanos (2), July 1965. Pp. 163, mimeographed. CENTRO DE ESTUDOS ANGOLANOS. GRUPO DE TRAVAIL ECONOMIE ET SOCIOLOGIE "Contribution A l'6tude de certains aspects de 1'exploitation colonialiste sur les masses populaires en Angola." Algiers: Centro de Estudos Angolanos (1), May 1965. Pp. 37, mimeographed. COMITE DE SOUTIEN A L'ANGOLA ET AUX PEUPLES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Communiqu6." Paris, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Concerning arrest of R.P. Pinto de Andrade. COMITE DE SOUTIEN A L'ANGOLA ET AUX PEUPLES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Les conditions de retention du R.P. Pinto de Andrade," and "Deposition du R.P. de Andrade faite devant 'la PIDE,' i Luanda, le 30 juin 1960." Paris, 1960 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. "CONDITIONS IN " N.p., 196(?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. CONSEIL NATIONAL DE LIBERATION "D6claration du Conseil National de Liberation." L6opoldville, January 13, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTENCIA AOS REFUGIADOS. SEE ALSO: CORPS VOLONTAIRE ANGOLAIS D'ASSISTANCE AUX REFUGItS CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTtNCIA AOS REFUGIADOS "M~dicaments n~cessaires pour le fonctionnement des postes m~dicaux et dispensaires du CVAAR par mois." N.p., n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. CORPO VOLUNTA.RIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTENCIA AOS REFUGIADOS "Refugees' Witnesses." N.p., n.d. Pp. 4, mimeographed. CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTtNCIA AOS REFUGIADOS "Reports for the Month of January, 1963." L~opoldville, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTENCIA AOS REFUGIADOS "Reports of Border Dispensaries, Messages of Flying Brigades, May, 1963." Doc. No. 8/963. L6opoldville, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTENCIA AOS REFUGIADOS "Statutes." L6opoldville, August 21, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTENCIA AOS REFUGIADOS Statuts. L6opoldville, 1961. Pp. 3. CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTENCIA AOS REFUGIADOS What Is the CVAAR. L6opoldville (?), n.d. Pp. 2. CORPO VOLUNTARIO ANGOLANO DE ASSISTE2NCIA AOS REFUGIADOS "What Is the 'CVAAR'-This Organization Requesting Your Help?" L~opoldville (?), n.d. Pp. 3, mimeographed. CORPS VOLONTAIRE ANGOLAIS D'ASSISTANCE AUX RFUGIES "Rapports des dispensaires de fronti~re au dispensaire Central-Leo, mois de d6cembre, ann6e 1962." Doc. No. 2/963. L6opoldville, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. "CRENTES E SIMPATIZANTES EVANGELICOS" L6opoldville, April 1963. Pp. 2, typescript. Protest against Protestant missionary favoritism toward the UPA. CRUZ, VIRIATO DA "Intervention de Viriato Cruz A la Deuxi~me Conf6rence de Solidarit6 des Peuples AfroAsiatiques." Tunis, January 1960. Mimeographed. Reprinted in Marcel Levaux et al., Le proc6s des cinquante (Cheratte, Belgium, 1960). Also in Tam Tam, April-May 1961, pp. 100-02. CRUZ, VIRIATO DA, AND MARIO DE ANDRADE Untitled communiqu6. Conakry: Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola, July 12, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CRUZ, VIRIATO DA, MARIO DE ANDRADE, AND LUCIO LARA "Appeal to the Member States of the UN." Conakry: Movimento Popular de Libertaqdo de Angola, June 13, 1960. Pp. 8, mimeographed. CRUZ, VIRIATO DA, MARIO DE ANDRADE, AND LUCIO LARA "D6claration adress6e au gouvernement portugais par le Mouvement Populaire de Lib& ration de l'Angola." Conakry: Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola, June 13, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CUMBA, DE ALMEIDA "Sbbre o trabalho forgado em Angola." Lisbon (?), August 1961. Pp. 9, mimeographed. A subtitle states: "Relat6rio apresentado por De Almeida Cumba, angolano de 28 anos de idade, natural de Luanda, estudante do altimo ano de medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, ag6sto de 1961." DASKALOS, sOCRATES MENDON A, ETAL. "Ao chairman da Sub-Comissfo para a situagdo de Angola, da Organizaqdo das Naq6es Unidas." New York (?): Frente de Unidade Angolana, September 4, 1962. Pp. 5, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA DAVID, MUANZA, AND CARLOS PINTO NUNES VUNZI "Statuts Constitutifs de l'Union Progressiste de Nso [sic] en Angola," and "Annexe aux Statuts de l'Union Progressiste de Nsoso." L6opoldville: Union Progressiste de Nsoso en Angola, August 8, 1965. Pp. 5, mimeographed. "DESENVOLVER A LUTA ARMADA, MOBILIZAR AS MASSAS E FAZER LARGA POLITIZA AO SO TAREFAS A QUE NOS DEVEMOS DEDICAR INTENSAMENTE" Angola: Cultura e Revolu~do, 3 (February 4, 1964), 17-27. Introductory comment plus excerpts from the book, Guerra do povo, ex6rcito do povo, by the FLN Vietcong general Vo Nguyen Giap. DOMBELE, FERDINAND, AND EMMANUEL KOUNZIKA "Lettre ouverte A Leurs Excellences: Messieurs les chefs d'6tat des pays africains, et monsieur le secr6taire g6n6ral de l'Organisation de l'Unit6 Africaine." LUopoldville: Parti D& mocratique de l'Angola, November 22, 1965. Pp. 3. DOMBELE, FERDINAND, AND EMMANUEL KUNZIKA (SIC] Letter to Agostinho Neto. L6opoldville: Gouvernement de la R6publique Angolaise en Exil, August 13, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. See under "GRAE, le FNLA et l'unitg angolaise." EDOUARD PINOCK, JOHNNY "Conf6rence de presse tenue par Monsieur. . , directeur g6n6ral adjoint A l'information et A la presse de I'UPA.. ." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, April 21, 1961. Pp. 6, mimeographed. EDUARDO, JOHNNY "Conf6rence de presse." Algiers: Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de 'Angola en Exil, November 27, 1964. Pp.3 , mimeographed. A ESPERANqA (LtOPOLDVILLE) All issues mimeographed, French edition: 1 (January-February 1965), 1-8 4 (October-November 1965), 1-4 2 (March-April 1965), 1-7 ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS "R6solution: Les tudiants angolais repr6sentants plus de 300 de leurs coll6gues r6unis en assembl6e, du 22 au 24 f6vrier 1964 en R6publique F6d6rale Allemande." N.p., 1964. Pp. 3, mimeographed. EXERCITO NACIONAL DE LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Programa das manifestag~es a quando do 2' aniversdrio da revoluqfo angolana- margo de 1963." Kinkouzou, March 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. FEDERATION GENERALE DU TRAVAIL DU KONGO Untitled communiqu6 on Portuguese Africa. L6opoldville, 196(?). P. 1, mimeographed. FIGUEREIDO, FIDELINO LOY DE "A la direction de l'Union des Populations de l'Angola 'UPA'." L6opoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de l'Angola, July 28, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA FREEANGOLA (NEW YORK) All issues mimeographed, described as follows: September 1962. Pp. 6, mimeographed. Includes comrnunique by the LGTA. November 1962. Pp. 5, mimeographed. Includes a presentation of Mr. Rosdrio Neto before the 21st Ecumenical Council of the Vatican I on "Portuguese in Angola.' July 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed. Includes: "U.N. versus the Orthodox Imperialists and Colonialists" and "Soon It Will Be a General Root." "Communiqu6 No. 39. Dix pr~tres angolais risquent la mort." November 3, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Also in English. Originally published by the Gouvernement R~volutionnaire de l'Angola en Exil, Leopoldville. "More African States Recognize GRAE." 196(?). P. 1, mimeographed. "Press Conference of the President of the GRAE, Mr. Holden Roberto, September 4, 1963, L6opoldville" and other documents. 1963. Pp. 12, mimeographed. "Press Release." June 19, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. "Press Release: Open Letter to Pravda." December 21, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. "Press Release: Portuguese Kill Angolan Women and Children Near Congo Frontier" and "Professional Criminals in Angola." 1963 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRENTE DEMOCRATICA PARA LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA. SEEALSO: FRONT DEMOCRATIQUE POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA FRENTE DEMOCRATICA PARA LIBERTA4;,O DE ANGOLA "Convenqio da Frente Democrdtica para Libertaqao de Angola." L6opoldville, July 7, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. FRONT COMMUN DES PARTIS POLITIQUES DE L'ANGOLA Letter to "Monsieur le Pr6sident de l'Assembl6e G6n6rale de l'Organisation des NationsUnies." L6opoldville, December 13, 1960. Pp. 4, mimeographed. FRONT COMMUN DES PARTIS POLITIQUES DE L'ANGOLA Letter to "Monsieur le Pr6sident de l'Assembl6e G6n6rale de l'Organisation des NationsUnies 'ONU'." L6opoldville, October 31, 1960. Pp. 3, mimeographed. FRONT DEMOCRATIQUE POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Convention du Front D6mocratique pour la Lib6ration de l'Angola." L6opoldville, July 8, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. FRONT DEMOCR ATIQUE POUR .A T (BtRATION DE L'ANGOLA "Mise au point du FDLA sur la d6claration faite A Luanda par M. Angelino Alberto." Lopoldville, 1963 (?). P. 1, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA FRENTE NACIONAL DE LIBERTAAO DE ANGOLA. SEE ALSO: FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA FRONT NATIONAL POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA FRENTE NACIONAL DE LIBERTAQAO DE ANGOLA "Convengao." L6opoldville, March 27, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." L6opoldville, May 16, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "M6morandum adress6 par le Front National de Lib6ration de l'Angola (FNLA) A la Conf6rence des Chefs d']stats et de Gouvernements de l'Union Africaine et Malgache (UAM) qui se tiendra A Libreville (Gabon) le 10 septembre 1962." L6opoldville, September 8, 1962. Pp. 7, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "M6morandum pr6sent6 par le ... . A la Commission ... des mouvements nationalistes angolais A L6opoldville." L6opoldville (?), 1963 (?). Pp. 3, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "R6union du 10 mai 1962 avec le ministre Kamitatu." L6opoldville, 1962. Pp. 9, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA Uhuru: Angola, 3 (June 1963), 18, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA Untitled document addressed to "Monsieur le Pr6sident, Messieurs les Honorables Membres du Sous-Comit6" and commencing with "C'est au nom du Front ... que nous avons l'honneur... " L6opoldville, August 19, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA,AND MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 conjoint FNLA-MPLA." L6opoldville, August 5, 1962. Pp. 10, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA, AND MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE LANGOLA "Entretien FNLA-MPLA le 5 aoft 1962." L6opoldville, August 1962 (?). Pp. 4, mimeographed. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA,AND MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Meeting Between the FNLA and the MPLA, August 5, 1962.' L6opoldville (?), August 1962 (?). Pp. 4. FRONT NATIONAL POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Convention." L~opoldville, March 27, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Statement announcing the formation of the new coalition front. Includes policy statement, structure of the new organization, and list of executive members.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA FRONT NATIONAL POUR LA LIB9RATION DE L'ANGOLA "Messieurs, Les repr6sentants de... ." N.p., March 27, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. Announcement of the formation of the FNLA. FRONT POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ENCLAVE DE CABINDA "Congr6s des partis politiques cabindais tenu A Pointe-Noire (R6publique du Congo Brazzaville) du 2 au 4 aofit 1963." Pointe-Noire, August 4, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. FULBERT, YOULOU "Traduqao em portugu~s do discurso do Presidente Youlou Fulbert A Confer6ncia dos Movimentos Nacionalistas Angolanos em 1 de julho de 1963 em Brazzaville no h6tel de ville." Doc. 88/63. L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Libertagdo de Angola, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. GENERAL LEAGUE OF ANGOLAN WORKERS "Manifesto." L6opoldville, n.d. Pp. 2, mimeographed. GILMORE, JOSE (PSEUD. OF HOLDEN ROBERTO) "Conf6rence de presse donn6e par Monsieur Gilmore, pr6sident de I'Union des Populations de l'Angola." Tunis, May 2, 1961. Pp. 3, mimeographed. GILMORE, JOSE (PSEUD. OF HOLDEN ROBERTO) "Conference de presse donn6e par Monsieur Gilmore, president de l'Union des Populations de l'Angola A Tunis le 21.3.1961 ." Tunis (?), 1961. Pp. 3, mimeographed. GILMORE, JOSt ((PSEUD. OF HOLDEN ROBERTO) "Conference de presse faite par Mr. J. Gilmore, d~l~gu6 de l'Union des Populations de l'Angola." L~opoldville (?), October'6, 1960. Pp. 3, mimeographed. GILMORE, JOSE (PSEUD. OF HOLDEN ROBERTO) "Intervention de Mr. J. Gilmore, d616gu6 de l'Union des Populations de l'Angola A la Conf6rence des 8tats Ind6pendants d'Afrique tenue A Addis-Ab6ba du 14 au 24 juin 1960." Addis-Ababa (?), 1960. Pp. 4, mimeographed. GONCALVES, CARLOS "Letter. We Appeal to You." New York: Angolan Office, 1962 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. GONqALVES, CARLOS "Memorandum." New York: Angola Calling, March 8, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. GON4ALVES, CARLOS "Portugal's Traditional Way of Ruling Is Suicidal (Says Angolan Nationalist)." New York: Angola Calling, June 1962 (?). Pp. 4, mimeographed. GONqALVES, CARLOS "Rapport sur des 6v6nements r6cents en Angola." New York (?), March 12, 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RtPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. SEEALSO: GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA GOVERNO DA REPUJBLICA DE ANGOLA NO EXfLIO G6VERNO REVOLUCIONRIO DE ANGOLA NO EXiLIO GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL List of cabinet ministers and secretaries of state of the newly formed Angolan government in exile, April 5, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RfPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6." L6opoldville. Mimeographed series: June 12, 1962, p. 1; June 14, 1962, p. 1;June 18, 1962, p.1;July 16, 1962, p.1;July 18, 1962, p.1;August 8, 1962, p. 1. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 de presse." L6opoldville. Mimeographed series: April 20, 1962, p. 1; April 21, 1962, p. 1; April 24, 1962, p. 1; April 25, 1962, p. 1. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RIPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Le FNLA et l'Unit6 Angolaise." L6opoldville, 1962. Exchange of letters between Holden Roberto, Emmanuel Kounzika, and Agostinho Neto in August 1962. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 1." L6opoldville, April 18, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 2." L6opoldville, May 8, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 4." L6opoldville, June 12, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 5." L6opoldville, July 5, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTRE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 6." L6opoldville, July 18, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE LINFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 8." L6opoldville, September 15, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTIRE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat." L6opoldville, April 30, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 4." L6opoldville, June 13, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. Hereafter entries in this series are under Gouvernement Rdvolutionnaire de l'Angola en Exil. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RtPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 4." L6opoldville, May 17, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Reprint from World News Service, May 11, 1962.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RtPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 8 (Quelques extraits d'un article publi6 par World News Service bulletin de I'ANP de Chicago)." Lopoldville, June 16, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 10 (Je reviens du maquis angolais, par A. Herzog)." Lopoldville, June 21, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Reprint from Jeune Afrique, May 27-June 2, 1962. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RIPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 11 (Un d6serteur parle, par N. Vitorovic)." L6opoldville, June 21, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Reprint from Jeune Afrique, June 11-17, 1962. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 14. Importante d6claration du ministre des Affaires 6trang6res A propos de la lutte arm6e du peuple angolais." Lopoldville, August 28, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 15. Importante d6claration de Son Excellence M. le premier ministre sur l'Angola." Lopoldville, September 3, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL, MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 16. Apr~s la d6claration du minist6re portugais des Affaires 6trang~res." Lopoldville, September 5, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTtRE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 19. Communiqu6 de 1'6tat-major de 'UPG." Lopoldville, September 15, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 21. L'Angola s'adresse au concile. Un ancien s6minariste, adjoint de Holden Roberto, est venu A Rome demander le soutien de l'Pglise." LUopoldville, November 16, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. Reprint from Jeune Afrique, November 12-18, 1962. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ANGOLAISE EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 22. Aperqu des organisations nationalistes angolaises." L6opoldville, December 11, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Reprint from Uhuru: Angola, November 1962. Hereafter entries in this series are under GouvernementR~volutionnaire de l'Angola en Exi. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 28. Le GRAE r6pond i Savimbi par le canal de l'ONU." Algiers, July 21, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 44. Tshombe menace la r6volution angolaise." Algiers, February 3, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 45. Conf6rence de presse de M. Rezende Alvaro, directeur du Service d'Information du Gouvernement Angolais en Exil faite A Bruxelles, le 4 f6vrier 1965." Algiers and Brussels, February 4, 1965. Pp. 4, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 46." Algiers, February 15, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 49. Le Conseil Minist6riel de I'OUA n'a pas adopt6 le rapport du Congo-Brazzaville et du Ghana." Algiers, March 10, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 5 1." Algiers, March 26, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 54. Travestissement intol6rable des ralit~s." Algiers, April 15, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 58." Algiers, May 12, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Communiqu6 No. 67." Algiers, June 25, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL "Extrait de l'organe de r'opposition portugaise Portugal Democrdtico No. 91 du mois de f6vrier 1965, 'La guerre de l'Angola et les communiqu6s des hauts commandements fascistes'." Doc. 20. Algiers, February 1965 (?). Pp. 5, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 17." L6opoldville, July 10, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 3 1. Les portugais tuent des femmes et des enfants angolais A proximit6 de la fronti~re du Congo." L6opoldville, September 28, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 37." L6opoldville, November 25, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 51. Message du . . . au president Massamba-Debat." L6opoldville, December 21, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. Signed by Holden Roberto. See Roberto. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 3." L6opoldville, January 17, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. ANGOLA AND CABINDA GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTIRE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 5." L6opoldville, January 22, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT RIVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 7. Le Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de 'Angola en Exil 'GRAE' reconnaft les gouvernements du Congo Brazzaville et du Kenya." L6opoldville, January 22, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 13. Une d616gation du GRAE se rendra en Chine." Lopoldville, February 13, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 31. Messages du Ghana et d'Autriche A l'occasion du III anniversaire de la r6volution angolaise." Lopoldville, March 26, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 35. Le Nigeria [sic] et le Rwanda [sic] viennent de reconnaftre le GRAE." Lopoldville, April 7, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 40: Nouvelles du front de combat." Lopoldville, April 16,1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 44: Le MPLA dirig6 par Viriato rejoint le FNLA." Lopoldville, April 21, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 49. Le president Edouard Bulundwe a visit6 les bureaux du GRAE." Lopoldville, April 29, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 52. Le GRAE proteste contre 'arrestation des 6tudiants angolais au Br6sil." L6opoldville, May 2, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 71. L'Angola est officiellement invit6 A participer A la conf6rence au sommet du Caire." LUopoldville, July 1, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 72. Message de M. Holden Roberto, president du GRAE au groupe Afro-Asiatique et A M. U Thant." L6opoldville, July 3, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 73. Le conseil des ministres du GRAE a examind la conjuncture internationale." Lopoldville, July 3, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 74. Cinglante r6plique de nos 6tudiants aux manoeuvres de quelques perturbateurs." L6opoldville, July 4, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTRE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 81. Le GRAE r6pond A Savimbi par le canal de I'OUA." L6opoldville, July 21, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. Also in English. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 85. Le GRAE r6voque M. Savimbi de toutes ses fonctions." L6opoldville, July 29, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 91. I1 n'y a eu aucun incident A la base de Kinkuzu." Lopoldville, August 13, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. Superseded by communiqui No. 92 with same title. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Communiqu6 No. 31. Le conseil des ministres de I'OUA n'a pas reconnu le MPLA." L6opoldville, March 30, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTRE DE L'INFORMATION "Essai de 'Agence angolaise de presse et d'information sur le combat de lib6ration nationale en Angola." Doc. No. 4.501. L6opoldville, August 1965. Pp. 6, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 5." Ldopoldville, July 24, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 10." L6opoldville, September 7, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 13. La guerre fait rage en Angola." L6opoldville, November 12, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 14." L6opoldville, December 19, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Nouvelles du front de combat No. 9." L6opoldville, January 31, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Oa en est la r6volution angolaise? Mise au point du Minist~re de rInformation du GRAE No. 113." L6opoldville, November 11, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 7: Scission au MPLA." L6opoldville, July 8, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. Issued by the Agence Congolaise de Presse.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 9: Brillante victoire de la diplomatie congolaise: la commission de conciliation a reconnu le gouvernement de monsieur Holden Roberto." L6opoldville, July 20, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Issued by the Agence Congolaise de Presse. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 10: Le Portugal se d6fend." L6opoldville, July 22, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. Reprint from Jeune Afrique, July 15-21, 1963. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 13: La reconnaissance du gouvernement en exil par les 6tats africains acc616rera la lutte lib6ratrice du peuple angolais." L6opoldville, July 24, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 15: Message au peuple angolais." L6opoldville, August 2, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DE L'INFORMATION "Revue de presse No. 16. Ghana, Maroc et Philippines: Projet de r6solution commun." Lopoldville, August 5, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Resolution presented in the Security Council of the U.N. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES "Le 'GRAE' et la 'CONCP' Conf6rence des organisations nationalistes des colonies portugaises." Lopoldville, April 17, 1965. Pp. 7, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES 9TRANGERES "La r6volution angolaise dans le contexte africain et extra-africain." L~opoldville, March 15, 1965. Pp. 12, mimeographed. GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA "Press Review No. 22: Glimpses of the Angolan Nationalist Organizations." L6opoldville (?), December 11, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA "Declaration of Principles." New York: Angola Office Information Service, April 17, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. GOVE2RNO DA REPUBLICA DE ANGOLA NO EXiLIO. MINISTERIO DA INFORMAqAO "Comunicado No. 001.' L6opoldville, April 6, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOVERNO DA REPUBLICA DE ANGOLA NO EXILIO. MINISTERIO DA INFORMACXO "Comunicado No. 35." L6opoldville, November 18, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. GOVERNO DA REPUBLICA DE ANGOLA NO EXiLIO. MINISTERIO DA INFORMAqAO "Notfcias da frente de combate No. 9." L6opoldville, October 11, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GOVtRNO DA REPUBLICA DE ANGOLA NO EXILIO. MINISTIRIO DA INFORMAAO "Noticias da frente de combate em Angola No. 10." L6opoldville, November 8, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. GOVIERNO REVOLUCIONARIO DE ANGOLA NO EXiLIO. MINISTERIO DA INFORMACXO "Os paises africanos reconhecem o govdrno revoluciondrio de Angola no exflio." L6opoldville, 1963 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. GRENFELL, DAVID "Notes." Kibentele. All notes mimeographed: No. 8 (May 26-28, 1963), 1-2 No. 9 (May 30-June 3, 1963), 1 No. 10 (June 4-5, 1963), 1 No. 11 (June 8-14, 1963), 1-2 No. 12 (June 15-17, 1963), 1 No. 12.A. (June 19-20, 1963), 1 No. 13 (June 23-26, 1963), 1 No. 13.A. (July 7-11, 1963), 1-2 No. 14 (July 17-22, 1963), 1-2 No. 16 (July 24-August 2, 1963), 1 No. 17 (August 2-4, 1963), 1-2 No. 18 (August 10, 1963), 1 No. 19 (August 14-16, 1963), 1-2 (February 2-March 2, 1964), 1 (Letter from Vera Harrison) No. 1 (March 12-13, 1964), 1-2 No. 2 (March 17-22, 1964), 1-2 No. 3 (March 25-April 3, 1964), 1-2 No. 5 (April 11-18, 1964), 1-2 No. 6 (April 21-24, 1964), 1-2 No. 8 (May 4-10, 1964), 1-2 No. 9 (April 11-16 and May 18, 1964), 1-2 No. 10 (May 18-26, 1964), 1-2 No. 11 (May 27-31, 1964), 1-2 No. 12 (June 1-13, 1964), 1-2 No. 14 (June 22-27, 1964), 1-2 No. 15 (June 30-July 4, 1964), 1- 2 No. 16 (July 6-11, 1964), 1-2 No. 17 (July 13-18, 1964), 1-2 No. 18 (July 20-21, 1964), 2-3 No. 19 (July 27-August 1, 1964), 1-2 No. 1 (January 4-9, 1965), 1-2 No. 2 (January 11-17, 1965), 1-2 No. 3 (January 17-22, 1965), 1-2 No. 4 (January 25-30, 1965), 1-2 No. 5 (February 1-5, 1965), 1- 2 No. 6 (February 8-13, 1965), 1-2 No. 20 (August 20-29, 1963), 1-2 No. 21 (September 7, 1963), 1 No. 22 (September 12-13, 1963), 1 No. 23 (September 15-20, 1963), 1-2 No. 24 (September 21-26, 1963), 1 No. 25 (September 29-October 4, 1963), 1-2 No. 26 (October 1-10, 1963), 1-3 No. 27 (October 11-18, 1963), 1 No. 28 (October 21- 25, 1963), 1 No. 29 (October 29-November 7, 1963), 1-2 No. 30 (November 8/9- 14, 1963), 1-2 No. 31 (November 19-28, 1963), 1 (November 29, 1963-January 7, 1964), 1-2 No. 20 (August 3-4, 1964), 1-3 No. 21 (August 13-14, 1964), 3-4 No. 22 (August 17-22, 1964), 1-2 No. 24 (August 30-September 4, 1964), 1-2 No. 25 (September 7-12, 1964), 1-2 No. 26 (September 14-19, 1964), 1-2 No. 27 (September 21-25, 1964), 1-2 No. 28 (September 28-October 3, 1964), 1-2 No. 29 (October 5-10, 1964), 2-4 No. 30 (October 12-17, 1964), 1-2 No. 32 (October 26-30, 1964), 1-2 No. 33 (November 2-6, 1964), 1-2 No. 34 (November 9-14, 1964), 1-2 No. 35 (November 16-20, 1964), 1-2 No. 36 (November 23-28, 1964), 1-2 No. 37 (December 1-4, 1964), 1-2 No. 39 (December 14-18, 1964), 1-2 No. 40 (December 21-26, 1964), 1-2 No. 7 (February 15-19, 1965), 1-2 No. 8 (February 22-26, 1965), 1-2 No. 9 (March 1-5, 1965), 1-2 No. 10 (March 8-12, 1965), 1-2 No. 11 (March 15-19, 1965), 1-2 No. 13 (March 29-April 1, 1965), 1-2

ANGOLA AND CABINDA GRENFELL (CONTINUED) No. 14 (April 5-9, 1965), 1-2 No. 15 (April 12-16, 1965), 1-2 No. 16 (April 19-23, 1965), 1-2 No. 17 (April 26- 30, 1965), 1-2 No. 20 (May 21, 1965). 1 No. 21 (September 17, 1965), 1-2 No. 22 (September 20-24, 1965), 1-2 No. 23 (September 27-October 1, 1965), 1-2 No. 24 (October 4-8, 1965), 1-2 No. 25 (October 11-15, 1965), 1-2 No. 26 (October 18-22, 1965), 1-2 No. 27 (October 25-29, 1965), 1-2 No. 28 (November 1-5, 1965), 1-2 No. 29 (November 8-12, 1965), 1-2 No. 30 (November 15-19, 1965), 1-2 No. 31 (November 22-26, 1965), 1-2 No. 32 (November 30-December 3, 1965), 1-2 No. 33 (December 6-10, 1965), 1-2 No. 34 (December 13-17, 1965), 1-2 No. 35 (December 20-25, 1965), 1-2 GRENFELL, DAVID "Totals of Refugees from Angola. Arrived since January 1964." Kibentele, April 3, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. GRENFELL, DAVID "The Work Amongst the Angolan Refugees in the Lower Congo, Annual Report for 1965." Kibentele, December 31, 1965. Pp. 12, mimeographed. GRENFELL, W.D. "Angolan Refugees in the Congo Republic." Kibentele, June 10, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Press conference. HABITANTS DU TERRITOIRE DU CONGO PORTUGAIS Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations. Sao-Salvador do Congo, June 1957. Pp. 8, mimeographed. In French. HAKKI, MOHAMED "Un nouveau pas important vers la lib6ration de l'Angola grace A l'intervention d'un comit6 de trois membres (dont la RAU) en faveur du mouvement populaire (extrait du journal Al-Ahram du 7 d6cembre, 1964)." S6rie: Etudes et Documents (6). Algiers: D& 16gation Permanente du Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola en Alg6rie, January 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CONFERENCE. RESEARCH AND INFORMATION COMMISSION "Working Paper for the 10th International Student Conference." Leiden: COSEC, 1963. Pp. 38, mimeographed. JEUNESSE DU MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. SEEALSO: JUVENTUDE DO MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAgAO DE ANGOLA JEUNESSE DU MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Doc. 26/64. Brazzaville, August 18, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. JEUNESSE DU MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Intervention du D616gu6 de la JMPLA A la rencontre internationale de la jeunesse et des 6tudiants pour la solidarit6 avec le Viet-Nam et la paix." Paris, May 18-20, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA JEUNESSE DU MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Jeune angolais, reste vigilant." Brazzaville, July 3, 1964. Pp. 3, mimeographed. JEUNESSE DU PARTI SOLIDAIRE AFRICAIN "Nos chers amis.. ." L6opoldville. Pp. 2, mimeographed. JUVENTUDE DO MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAXAO DE ANGOLA "Comunicado." Brazzaville, May 29, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. JUVENTUDE DO MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Comunicado." Doc. 26/64. Brazzavile, August 18, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. JUVENTUDE EREVOLU AO (BRAZZAVILLE) 2 (November 30, 1964), 1-14. Mimeographed. JUVENTUDE REVOLUCIONARIA (LEOPOLDVILLE) All issues mimeographed: 2 (October 2, 1962), 1-10 9 (December 15, 1962), 1-10 5 (October 27, 1962), 1-10 10 (January 11, 1963), 1-12 6 (November 8, 1962), 1-10 Special Number (March 15, 1963), 1-21 7 (November 15, 1962), 1-9 12 (April 30, 1963), 1-16 8 (December 5, 1962), 1-10 KALUNDUNGO, JOSt, AND JOSE JOXO LIAHUCA "D6claration A ]a presse." Algiers: Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de 'Angola, October 2, 1964. Pp. 7, mimeographed. KAMBANDU "Statement Made by Kambandu, African Inhabitant of Angola." London, July 23, 1961. Pp. 7, mimeographed. KASSANGA, MARCOS "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Arm6e de Lib6ration de 1'Angola, March 4, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. KASSANGA, MARCOS "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Arm6e de Lib6ration Nationale de l'Angola, February 26, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. KASSANGA, MARCOS "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Arm6e de Lib6ration Nationale de 1'Angola, February 24, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. KASSANGA, MARCOS "Communiqu6 A la presse et au peuple angolais." L6opoldville: Arm6e Nationale de Lib6ration, March 8, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. KASSANGA, MARCOS "Conf6rence de presse faite par le Chef de 1'Etat-Major de l'Arm6e de Lib6ration de l'Angola." L6opoldville: Arm6e de Lib6ration Nationale de l'Angola, March 3, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA KASSANGA, MARCOS, AND HOLDEN ROBERTO "Communiqu6 conjoint UPA-ALNA." L6opoldville: Arm6e de Lib6ration Nationale de 'Angola and Union des Populations de l'Angola, January 9, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. KASSINDA, ANDRE. SEE ALSO CASSINDA KASSINDA, ANDRE "Communiqu6 i la presse." L6opoldville: Ligue G6n6rale des Travaileurs de l'Angola, March 8, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. KASSINDA, ANDRE "Conf6rence de presse donn6e par Soma..... , leader nationaliste angolais et membre du Conseil du Peuple Angolais 'CPA'." L6opoldville: Conseil du Peuple Angolais, May 1, 1965. Pp. 7, mimeographed. KASSINDA, ANDRE "Conference de presse faite par Andr6 Martins-Kassinda, S6cretaire Gn6ral de la Ligue G6n~rale des Travaileurs de l'Angola." Lopoldville: Ligue G~n~rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, March 16, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. KASSINDA, ANDRE "Statuts, Union G6n~rale des Travailleurs." L~opoldville: Union Gdnrale des Travaileurs Angolais, n.d. Pp. 5, mimeographed. KEITA, BENOIT "Libert6 d'action pour le MPLA, extrait de Sous le drapeau du socialisme, No. 10, Octobre 1964." Algiers: D61gation Permanente du Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de l'Angola en Alg6rie, October 1964. Pp. 4, mimeographed. KISANGELA KIA AKUA NGOLA. SEE UPA KISANGELA KIA AKUA NGOLA "Mala ni ahetu a Ngola: Kua biti kia.... ." L~opoldville: Unido das Populaq6es de Angola, August 30, 1960. P. 1, mimeographed. KISANGELA KIA AKUA NGOLA "Mala ni ahetu a Ngola: Mu mesage ia dimatekenu...." L~opoldvile: Unifo das Populaqes de Angola, September 6, 1960. P. 1, mimeographed. KISANGELA KIA AKUA NGOLA "Pange jetu ja 'xi imoxi: Mu kuinhi dia mivu. . . ." L6opoldville: Uniao das Populaq6es de Angola, August 23, 1960. P. 1, mimeographed. KOUNZIKA, EMMANUEL "Allocution prononc6e A la base militaire de Kinkuzu par M. Emmanuel Kunzika-vicepremier ministre du GRAF et vice-pr6sident du Parti D~mocrate de l'Angola 'PDA' le 25 mars 1963 A l'occasion du 26me anniversaire de la rdvolution angolaise." L6opoldville (?): Gouvernement de la R~publique Angolaise en Exil, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA KOUNZIKA, EMMANUEL "Allocution prononc6e par M. Emmanuel Kunzika A l'occasion du deuxi6me anniversaire de la r6volution angolaise le 16 mars 1963." L6opoldville (?): Front National de Lib6ration de l'Angola, 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed. KOUNZIKA, EMMANUEL "Conf6rence de presse de.. . vice-premier ministre du GRAE et pr6sident du MPLA: La r6volution angolaise et ses trames." L6opoldville, July 30, 1965. Pp. 9, mimeographed. KOUZIKA [SIC] , EMMANUEL "D6claration de Monsieur ... A New York." New York (?), December 13, 1962. Pp. 5, mimeographed. KOUNZIKA, EMMANUEL "Discours prononc6 par... vice-premier ministre du GRAE et vice-pr6sident g6n6ral de PDA au Congr~s M6diterran6en de la culture A Florence (Italie)." L6opoldville: Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de 'Angola en Exil, July 1, 1964. Pp. 5. KOUNZIKA, EMMANUEL "Mr. Emmanuel Kounzika, Vice-Pr6sident du GRAE et du PDA fait le point sur le voyage de l'Amiral Am6rico Tomaz en Angola." L6opoldville: Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de l'Angola en Exil, October 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. KOUNZIKA, EMMANUEL P~tition pour l'Angola prdsentge d la 16e assembl~e g~n~rale des Nations-Unies d New York et texte de la r~solution sur l'Angola adopt~e par l'assemblke g~n~rale des Nations-Unies. New York, 1961. Pp. 24. KOUNZIKA, EMMANUEL "Programme de 'enseignement de l'6cole primaire. . . secondaire ... de l'6ducation g6n6rale." L6opoldville: Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de l'Angola en Exil, January 5, 1965. Pp. 3. KOUNZIKA, EMMANUEL "A unidade angolana" in Assembl6ia Mundial da Juventude, Para a independgncia de Angola: relat6rio dum semindrio organizado em Lgopoldville em abril de 1963. (Brussels, 1963 1?]),pp. 16-21: LEVAUX, MARCEL, ETAL. (EDS.) Le proces aes cinquante: A Luanda cinquante patriotes angolais devant les juges portugais pour le crime de libert6. Cheratte, Belgium, 1960. 2nd ed. Unpaged. Series of documents published on August 3, 1960, focused on the Journee de Solidarit6 avec les Peuples et les Patriotes des Colonies Portugaises. Excerpts also in Tam Tam, April-May 1961, pp. 81-84. LIAHUCA, JOSE JOAO "Communiqu6 de presse." Brazzaville, July 25, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. Liahuca announces his voluntary resignation from SARA in protest against the "tribalistic"measures of Holden Roberto.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA LIAHUCA, JOSE JOAO "Comunicado de imprensa." Brazzaville, July 25, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGA GERAL DOS TRABALHADORES DE ANGOLA. SEE ALSO: LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA LIGA GERAL DOS TRABALHADORES DE ANGOLA "Comunicado." Lopoldville, February 22, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGA GERAL DOS TRABALHADORES DE ANGOLA "Comunicado a inten~go dos afiliados: criaqdo do circulo de estudos sindicais 'Ferhat Hached'." Lopoldville, April 16, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGA GERAL DOS TRABALHADORES DE ANGOLA "A democracia." Lopoldville, August 13, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. LIGA GERAL DOS TRABALHADORES DE ANGOLA "Manifesto da CIOSL na ocasigo do primeiro de maio." Lopoldville, April 18, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. LIGA GERAL DOS TRABALHADORES DE ANGOLA. DEPARTAMENTO EDUCATIVO "Apontamentos." Lopoldville (?), December 10, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS ANGOLAIS "Le camarade Amed Tlili ...." Lopoldville, January 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGUE GtENRALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Lopoldville, April 26, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Lopoldville, August 25, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. Two documents with same entry but different content. LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA "Communique." Lopoldville, February 22, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Lopoldville, February 24, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 l'intention des affili6s. " Lopoldville, April 16, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 A la presse." Lopoldville, August 5, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 de presse." Lopoldville, June 18, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. LIGUE GENERALE DES TRAVAILLEURS DE L'ANGOLA "D6claration des principes." Lopoldvi~le, n.d. Pp. 2.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA LIVROMENTOS, DAVID "Lettre adress6e au Comit6-Directeur du Mouvement Populaire pour la Lib6ration de l'Angola. . . ." L6opoldville: Gouvernement de la R6publique Angolaise en Exil, July 25, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. LOUREIRO, A. EMMANUEL "D6claration de l'ouverture de Bureau de Front D6mocratique pour la Lib6ration de l'Angola . . . A Brazzaville." Brazzaville: Front D6mocratique pour la Lib6ration de l'Angola, July 27, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. LULENDO, PEDRO BARREIRO "Communiqu6." L6opoldvi~le: Ligue G6n6rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, July 31, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. On the first national congress. LULENDO, PEDRO BARREIRO "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Ligue G6n6rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, July 31, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. On support from West . LULENDO, PEDRO BARREIRO "Press Review." L6opoldville: Angolan Workers' General League, August 6, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. LUVINGA, J. MAGLIONI "Vangandiange va kua sulu yo ngola." L6opoldville: Gov~rno da Repilblica de Angola no Exflio, May 19, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. LUVUALU, PASCAL "Le Front D6mocratique pour la Lib6ration de l'Angola... et le testament de Salazar." L6opoldville: Front D6mocratique pour la Lib6ration de I'Angola, August 17, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. LUWAU, MICHEL (ED.) Angola martyr des portugais. L~opoldville, n.d. Pp. 23. LUZEMO, ANTOINE Open letter requesting support at the next session of the United Nations General Assembly. L~opoldville: Confederation G~n~rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, August 23, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. LUZEMO, ANTOINE Letter addressed to "Messieurs les Charges de la Sous-Commission de I'ONU A L6opoldville." L6opoldville: Confederation G~n6rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, August 18, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. LUZEMO, ANTOINE "Revendication." L6opoldville: Conf~d6ration G6n~rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, August 18, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA MASSAKI, ANDRE "Discours prononc6 par... lors de l'inhumation de Mr. David Livromentos." L6opoldville, October 22, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Document includes speech by Holden Roberto. MASSAKI, ANDRE, ETAL. Letter to Ant6nio de Oliveira Salazar. L6opoldville: Alliance des Ressortissants de Zombo, March 26, 1961. MELO, ANBAL DE "Declaraqao." L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Libertagdo de Angola, Doc. 66/1963, May 19, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MELO, ANIBAL DE "Declaraqfo." L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Libertaqgo de Angola, June 5, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MELO, ANIBAL DE "D6claration A la presse." L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Liberta9go de Angola. Doc. 65/1963, June 17, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. MELO, ANIBAL DE Letter to Mdrio de Andrade. L6opoldville, May 9, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. MINGIEDI DIALLO, SIMON "Conf6rence de presse prononc6e par Mr .... directeur politique du Mouvement de D6fense des Int6r~ts de l'Angola." Brazzaville: Mouvement de D6fense des Int6r~ts de l'Angola, April 8, 1962. Pp. 9, mimeographed. MONDO: BOLETIM DE INFORMAAO DO PAR TIDO DEMOCRA TICO DE ANGOLA (LEOPOLDVILLE) I issue (no date, no number), mimeographed, 1-17. MONDO! ORGANE DE COMBATDE L 'ALIAZO (LEOPOLDVILLE) I, 1 (July 1, 1961), 1-8; I, 2 (August 3, 1961), 1-8; I, 3 (September 25, 1961), 1-8. MONZEMU, MARTIN "Will the GRAE Continue to Exist after the Fall of Mr. Adoula?" Lopoldville (?), July 4, 1963 (?). Pp. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT DE DEFENSE DES INTERtTS DE L'ANGOLA "Le probl~me angolais. Textes et documents vus par le comit6 directeur du.... ." L6opoldville, 1962. Pp. 17, mimeographed. Documents by Andre Martin Kassinda (Cassinda); UNTA; A. Menga and Augustin Kaziluki; Simon Mingiedi Diallo, Albert Matundu, and Augustin Kaziluki. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. SEEALSO: MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTA AO DE ANGOLA MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTAcXO DE ANGOLA PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA POPULAR LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA Angola: Exploitation esclavagiste, rsistance nationale. N.p., Department of Culture and Propaganda, MPLA, June 23-30, 1961. Pp. 70. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Appel." Conakry, June 9, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Appel au Gouvernement du Congo-L6opoldville et A 'Organisation de l'Unit6 Africaine." Brazzaville, August 9, 1964. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Conakry, August 3, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Doc. 57. Brazzaville, December 21, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Brazzaville, March 13, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBtRATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." L6opoldville. Mimeographed series: March 26, 1962, pp. 3; Doc. 91/ 63, July 6, 1963, p. 1; Doc. 93/63, July 9, 1963, p. 1; Doc. 94/63, July 9, 1963, pp. 3. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 A l'opinion publique angolaise." N.p., April 7, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 de guerre." Brazzaville, August 12, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. Also in English. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 de presse." Doc. 43/64. Brazzaville, August 13, 1964. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6: Premiere conf6rence nationale du MPLA." L6opoldville, December 5, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "D6claration." L6opoldville, n.d. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBtRATION DE L'ANGOLA "D6claration." L6opoldville, November 3, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "D6claration: Le MPLA et les propositions du gouvernement portugais pour un dialogue avec les pays africains." Doc. No. 75/63. L6opoldville, June 10, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "D6claration du secr6tariat de 'Association Internationale des Juristes D6mocrates sur 'Angola"; "La situation en Angola." Lopoldville, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Fichas de informa~go do MPLA." Lopoldville (?), No. 2, May 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Fiches d'informations du MPLA." Lopoldville, No. 1, April 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Journ6e de Solidarit6." Lopoldville, August 2, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Liberez le Dr. Agostinho Neto et l'Abb6 Pinto de Andrade! " Lopoldville (?), n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA Libertg pour le R.P. Pinto de Andrade. L6opoldville, January 17, 1963. Pp. 2. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "M6morandum la Conf6rence de Chef d'Etat et de Gouvernement de I'OUA: Le Caire, le 17 juillet 1964." Brazzavile, July 12, 1964. Pp. 11, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "MEmorandum aux gouvernements africains sur la formation d'un pr6tendu 'Gouvernement Provisoire de la R6publique de 'Angola'." Lopoldville, April 15, 1962. Pp. 15, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE'LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Memorandum aux gouvernements africains sur la formation d'un pr6tendu 'Gouvernement Provisoire de la R6publique de l'Angola'." Lopoldville, April 15, 1962. Pp. 25, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "M6morandum sur la question angolaise A l'intention de la conf6rence de I'OUA au niveau des ministres des Affaires 6trang6res." Nairobi, February 26, 1965. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Message A Leurs Excellences les Chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement participant A la II6me Conf6rence des Pays Non-align6s." Brazzaville, October 5, 1964. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Message A Leurs Excellences les Chefs d'ttat et de gouvernement participant A la II6me Conf6rence des Pays Non-align6s, au Caire." Brazzaville, October 5, 1964. Pp. 5, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Le MPLA reconnu par le Comit6 de Lib6ration de 'Afrique." Doc. 53. Brazzaville, December 3, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Le peuple angolais exige l'unit6." Lukala, September 27, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA Premiere conftrence nationale du Mouvement Populaire de Libdration de l'Angola. Leopoldville, December 1962. Pp. 31. Speeches by Agostinho Neto, Mdrio de Andrade, MPLA political platform and organization. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Quelques faits qui d6montrent l'incapacit6 du 'GRAE' A conduire la lutte du peuple angolais et la conduite arbitraire du 'Comit6 des Neuf dans la question angolaise." L6opoldville, 1964 (?). Pp. 11, mimeographed. Included are letters dated as follows: June 18, 1963;March 10, 1964;March 19, 1964;March 24, 1964; March 28, 1964; April 10, 1964; April 11, 1964. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Questions et r6ponses." L6opoldville, November 1961. Pp. 14, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Rapport du comit6 du conciliation entre le Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de l'Angola . . et le Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola.... ." Brazzaville, 1964 (?). Pp. 4, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Rapport pr6sent6 devant le comit6 sp6cial des Nations Unies sur les territoires sous administration portugaise." L6opoldville, May 24, 1962. Pp. 9, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "R6solution: les 6tudiants angolais repr6sentants plus de 300 de leurs coll6gues r6unis en assembl6e, du 22 au 24 f6vrier 1964 en R6publique F6d6rale Allemande." N.p., 1964 (?). Pp. 3, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "R6solution sur le rapport du 'Comit6 des Trois' (Ghana, Congo-Brazzaville, RAU) sur la r6conciliation des partis politiques en Angola. Dar es Salaam, November 25, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA Statuts et programme. L6opoldville (?): Ddpartement de Propagande et Culture du MPLA, n.d. Pp. 18. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. "Communiqu6 de presse." Brazzaville, October 14, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. BUREAU D'ALGER "Communiqu6." Brazzaville, July 30, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "Angola. Holden perd du terrain (extrait de Jeune Afrique, No. 213, Janvier 3, 1965)." S6rie: Etudes et Documents (4). Algiers, January 3, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTEDU MPLA EN ALG ERIE "Appel: Libert6 pour les prisonniers politiques angolais, guin~ens et mozambicains soumis a des tortures dans les camps de concentration portugais." Brazzaville, June 2, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "Les combattants et les politiciens (extrait du journal Pravda du 16 d6cembre, 1964)." S6rie: Etudes et Documents (5). Algiers, December 1964. Pp. 3, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "Communiqu6." Algiers, May 12, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELtGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "Communiqu6." Brazzaville, May 5, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "Conf6rence au sommet des pays ind6pendants africains et Malgache: Projet de r6solutions." Algiers, May 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DtLEGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "D6claration." Algiers, April 27, 9963. Pp. 8, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "Declaration du Conseil National de Lib6ration (CNL/Congo-L6opoldville)." S~rie: E tudes et Documents (7). Algiers, January 1965. Pp. 3, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "Quatri~me Conference de la solidarit6 des peuples Afro-Asiatiques." S6rie: Etudes et Documents (11). Algiers, May 9-16, 1965. Pp. 14, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DL EGATION PERMANENTE DU MPLA EN ALGERIE "Y-a-t-il des angolais parmi les troupes de M. Tschombe?" Algiers, February 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE EN ALGERIE "Angola: Exploitation esclavagiste, resistance nationale." Algiers, 196(?). Pp. 7, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE EN ALGERIE "Au coeur des maquis angolais." S6rie: ttudes et Documents (9). Algiers, March 1965. Pp.4, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE EN ALGERIE "Communiqu6." Algiers, June 29, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE EN ALGERIE "Communiqu6 de presse." Algiers, January 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DELEGATION PERMANENTE EN ALGERIE "Rapport du comit6 de conciliation entre le Gouvernement R~volutionnaire de l'Angola (GRAE) et le Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola (MPLA)." Cairo, October 12-14, 1964. Pp. 4, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DtLtGATION PERMANENTE EN ALGtRIE "Troisi~me Conf6rence de Solidarit6 des Peuples Afro-Asiatiques, 4-11 f6vrier 1963: r6solutions sur les colonies portugaises." Algiers, February 1963 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. DEPARTEMENT DE LA GUERRE "Communiqu6." L6opoldville. Mimeographed series: January 25, 1963, p. 1; No. 3/63, Doc. 22/63, February 11, 1963, p. 1; No. 4/63, Doc. 23/63, February 11, 1963, p. 1; No. 5/63, Doc. 32/63, February 21,1963, p. 1; No. 6/63, Doc. 38/63, March 8, 1963, p. 1. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA. 3ime CONFERENCE DES PEUPLES AFRICAINS "L'Angola sous l'oppression colonialiste portugaise." Cairo, March 31, 1961. Pp. 3, mimeographed. MOVEMENT FOR COLONIAL FREEDOM "Press Conference of Nationalist Leaders from Portuguese Colonies." London, December 5, 1960. P. 1, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqO DE ANGOLA "L'Angola en bref." L6opoldville (?), n.d. Pp. 5, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTA XO DE ANGOLA "Appeal to the Member States of the U.N." Conakry, June 13, 1960. Pp. 8, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTA,,O DE ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Doc. 8/64. Brazzaville, February 2, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAC.O DE ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Doc. 61/63. L6opoldville, May 14, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqcO DE ANGOLA "Communiqu6 A l'intention du peuple angolais." L6opoldville, November 23, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Communiqu6 de presse." Doc. 7/64. Brazzaville, February 2, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTA4AO DE ANGOLA "Comunicado." Doc. 67. Brazzaville, March 2, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Comunicado." L6opoldville. Mimeographed series: November 3, 1962, pp. 2; June 13, 1963, pp. 3; July 6, 1963, pp. 2. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqO DE ANGOLA "Circular." Doc. 96/63. L6opoldville, July 12, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqXO DE ANGOLA "Circular: aos representantes do MPLA no exterior, aos estudantes militantes ou simpatizantes do MPLA." Brazzaville, n.d. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAQAO DE ANGOLA "Comunicado aos militantes do MPLA." L6opoldville, June 29, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTA4.AO DE ANGOLA "Le d6partement de propagande et culture du Movimento Popular de Liberta~go de Angola ... porte A la connaissance de l'opinion angolaise les documents suivants: R6solution sur l'Angola; Motion pr6sent6e par le Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola." N.p. April 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTA4,AO DE ANGOLA "Nouvelles des proc6s politiques." Conakry, February 7, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Proclamation aux membres du Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola." L6opoldville, July 5, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqO DE ANGOLA "Requete du Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de 1'Angola au Conseil de Ministres des Affaires etrang6res de 'OUA tenu A Lagos le 24 f6vrier 1964." Brazzaville, February 20, 1964. Pp. 6, mimeographed. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqXO DE ANGOLA. DEPARTAMENTO DA GUERRA "Comunicado." L6opoldville. Mimeographed series: January 24, 1963, p. 1; January 25, 1963, p. l; No. 3/63, Doc. 24/63, February 11, 1963, p. 1; No. 4/63, Doc. 25/63, February 11, 1963, p. 1; No. 5/63, Doc. 33/63, February 18, 1963, p. 1. MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Statement." L6opoldville, February 4, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT OF ANGOLA "Memorandum of the ... to the Conference of Heads of State of Independent Africa, 23-25 May 1963." L6opoldville, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. NETO, AGOSTINHO "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Front D6mocratique pour la Lib6ration de l'Angola, July 19, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. NETO, AGOSTINHO "Comunicado." L6opoldville: Frente Democrdtica para a Liberta~go de Angola, July 19, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. NETO, AGOSTINHO "Conference de presse du . L~opoldville: Front D6mocratique pour la Lib6ration de l'Angola, July 10, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. NETO, AGOSTINHO "Confer~ncia de imprensa do ... presidente do FDLA." L~opoldville: Frente Democrdtica para a Liberta9fo de Angola, July 10, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA NETO, AGOSTINHO "Conferancia de imprensa do Snr .... presidente de honra do MPLA: Declara9go." L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Libertagdo de Angola, August 10, 1962. Pp. 7, mimeographed. NETO, AGOSTINHO "D6claration." L6opoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola, August 10, 1962. Pp. 6, mimeographed. Press conference. NETO, AGOSTINHO "0 desenvolvimento hist6rico," in Assembl6ia Mundial da Juventude, Para a independ~ncia de Angola: relat6rio dum semindrio organizado em Lgopoldville em abril de 1963. (Brussels, 1963 [?]), pp. 9-15. NETO, AGOSTINHO "Le d6veloppement historique de la situation en Angola." Doc. /53. L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Liberta~go de Angola, April 1963. Pp. 7, mimeographed. Speech by the president of the MPLA. NETO, AGOSTINHO Letter in French to Holden Roberto. L6opoldville, August 8, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Two-page English translation attached. NETO, AGOSTINHO Letter to Cyrille Adoula. Doc. 127/F/Pres/63. L6opoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola, March 15, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. NETO AGOSTINHO Letter to Holden Roberto. Lopoldville: Gouvernement de la R~publique Angolaise en Exil, August 8, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. See under GRAE, "Le FNLA et l'unitM angolaise." NETO, AGOSTINHO Letter to Joseph Kasavubu. Doc. 128/F/Pres/63. L6opoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de I'Angola, March 15, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. NETO, AGOSTINHO Letter to the President of the Senate and the President of the Chamber of Representatives in L6opoldville. Doc. 162/F/Pres/63. L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Libertaqdo de Angola, March 26, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. NETO, AGOSTINHO "Memorandum." Dakar: Popular Liberation Movement of Angola, August 1963. Pp. 18, mimeographed. NETO, AGOSTINHO "M6morandum: A la conf6rence du Comit6 de Coordination de l'Aide aux Mouvements de Lib6ration Nationale." Dar es Salaam, June 25, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA NETO, AGOSTINHO A pamphlet of poems. L~opoldville: Departamento de Propaganda e Cultura do Movimento Popular de Libertaqdo de Angola, n.d. Unpaged, mimeographed. NETO, MARIA DA CONCEIqXO ROSARIO "Discours prononc6 par . . . A l'occasion de la distribution des habits aux enfants r6fugi6s, effectu6e le 22 d6cembre 1963." L6opoldville: Associagao das Mulheres de Angola, 1963 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. NETO, MARIA DA CONCEIq4O ROSA RIO "M6morandum adress6 par . A l'Union Nationale des Femmes Alg6riennes lors de son s6jour A Alger, en novembre 1963." L6opoldville: Associagdo das Mulheres de Angola, 1964 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. NETO, ROSARIO "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, December 20, 196 1. P. 1, mimeographed. NETO, ROSARIO "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, February 23, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. NETO, ROSARIO "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, February 27, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. NETO, ROSARIO "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, March 3, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. Two separate documents with identical entry. NETO, ROSARIO "Communiqu6 de presse." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de 'Angola, 1961 or 1962 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. NETO, ROSARIO "Communiqu6 de presse." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. NETO, ROSARIO "The Minister of Information of GRAE .. Mr. Rosirio Neto presents before the 21st Ecumenical Council of Vatican II 'Portuguese Colonialism in Angola' including 'Treatment of Angolan Nationalist Priests.' " New York: Angola Office (Free Angola), November 1962. Pp. 5, mimeographed. NETO, ROSARIO "Press communiqu6." L6opoldville: Union of the Populations of Angola, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. NETO, ROSARIO, AND MARCOS CASSANGA "Communiqu6." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de 'Angola, December 1961 or January 1962 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA NETO, ROSARIO, AND MARCOS CASSANGA "Communique." L~opoldville: Union of the Populations of Angola, December 1961 or January 1962 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. Different content than above. NKRUMAN (SIC), KWAME, ROSARIO NETO, AND MARIO DE ANDRADE "Probl~me angolais: formation d'une alliance militaire et cr6ation d'une commande militaire nouvelles des combattants angolais pour la lib6ration." : Freedom Fighters Conference (?), July 1962 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. PARTI DtMOCRATE DE L'ANGOLA "Communique." L6opoldville, October 22, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. PARTI DEMOCRATE DE L'ANGOLA "Fonctionnement des commissions du Comit6 Central." L6opoldville (?), n.d. Pp. 8, mimeographed. PARTI DEMOCRATE DE L'ANGOLA "Information." L6opoldville, August 22, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. PARTI DEMOCRATE DE L'ANGOLA "Information G6n6rale." L6opoldville, October 22, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. PARTI DEMOCRATIQUE DE L'ANGOLA "Statuts, fonctionnement des commissions, r~glement d'ordre int6rieur du Parti D6mocratique de l'Angola." L6opoldville, November 17, 1965. Pp. 16 (not consecutively numbered), mimeographed. LE PA TRIOTEANGOLAIS (LEOPOLDVILLE) All issues mimeographed: 2 (October 1-15, 1963), 1-9; 3 (November 15-30, 1963), 1-7. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "Appeal to the Congo-L6opoldville Government and the Organisation of African Unity." Brazzaville, August 9, 1964. Pp. 5, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "Communique." Doc. 46. Brazzaville, September 26, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "MPLA and Positions from the Congolese Authorities of the Provinces Bordering Angola after 'GRAE' Recognition." Brazzaville, 1964. Pp. 14, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "MPLA Delegation Intervention at the Liberation Committee of the Organization of African Unity." Dares Salaam, June 3, 1964. Pp. 8, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "MPLA Statement on Africa's Liberation Day." Doc. 37/64. Brazzaville, May 24, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "Press Communiqu6." Doc. 43/64. Brazzaville, August 13,1964. Pp. 4, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "Press Statement." Doc. 2. Dares Salaam, November 17, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "Statement." Brazzaville, May 14, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "War Communiqu6." Doc. 42/64. Brazzaville, August 12, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA. OPERATIONAL COMMAND "War Communiqu6." Dar es Salaam, October 11, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA. OPERATIONAL COMMAND "War Communiqu6." Doc. 95. Dares Salaam, September 6, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA. OPERATIONAL COMMAND "War Communiqu6." Doc. 97. Dares Salaam, September 15, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA. OPERATIONAL COMMAND "War Communiqu6." Doc. 100. Dares Salaam, October 27, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT FOR THE LIBERATION OF ANGOLA "Communiqu6." Lopoldville, March 26, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT FOR THE LIBERATION OF ANGOLA First National Conference of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola. L6opoldville (?), December 1962. Pp. 32. POPULAR LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "Reminder on the Angolan Question for the AUO Conference of Foreign Affairs Ministers: Lagos, February 24, 1964." Brazzaville, February 12, 1964. Pp. 23, mimeographed. POPULAR LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA. DEPARTMENT OF WAR "Communiqu6." L6opoldville, January 24, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. RANA, PEDRO "CommuniquL" L6opoldville: Ligue G6n6rale des Travailleurs de l'Angola, July 17, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. RANA, PEDRO "Communiqu6 de presse." L6opoldville: Ligue G6n6rale des Travailleurs de 'Angola, March 5, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. RANA, PEDRO "Discours prononc6 par ... au cours de la r6ception des camarades syndicalistes venant de diff6rents pays en Bad Godesberg (Allemagne Fdfrale), le 6 novembre 1963." L6opoldville: Liga Geral dos Trabalhadores de Angola, December 14, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA ROBERTO, HOLDEN "A d6clar6 M. Holden Roberto, Pr6sident du Comit6 Ex6cutif du Front National de Lib6ration de l'Angola devant l'Association des Etudiants de 'Afrique Australe aux EtatsUnis A l'International House le 30 d6cembre 1962, A New York.. ," A Voz do Estudante Angolano, 2 (December 1962-January 1963), 1-4, mimeographed. Also mimeographed in English, 3 pp. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Allocution prononc6e par M. Holden Roberto, A l'occasion du deuxi6me anniversaire de la r6volution angolaise le 15 mars 1963." N.p., March 15, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Allocution prononc6e par Mr. . . l la radio nationale congolaise, A L6opoldville." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de I'Angola, August 9, 1960. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Radio broadcast. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Allocution prononcde par Monsieur . .. A la radio nationale congolaise, L6opoldville, le 30 aofit 1960." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, August 30, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Allocution prononc6e par Mr. le 16 aofit 1960, A la radio nationale congolaise, L6opoldville." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, August 16, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Radio broadcast. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Angola-Portugal's Medieval Colony." New York: American Committee on Africa, 196(?). Pp. 7, typescript. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Aux micros de la radio nationale congolaise le 23 aofit 1960 M. .. a parl6 aux Angolais." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, August 23, 1960. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Radio broadcast. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Combattants de la libert6." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, 1961 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Communiqu6 No. 51: Message du Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de l'Angola en ExilGRAE-au Pr6sident Massamba-Debat." L6opoldville, December 21, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Conf6rence de presse de M. Holden Roberto, Pr6sident de l'Union des Populations de l'Angola." New York: Angola Calling, March 12, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. Copy of letter published in Liopoldville.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Confer6ncia de imprensa, dada em L6opoldville, pelo Senhor .... presidente da Uni~o das Populaqes de Angola, a 12 de marqo de 1962." L6opoldville: Unido das Populaq~es de Angola, March 12, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed, plus 2 mimeographed pages. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Conference de presse donn~e par Monsieur ... , pr6sident de l'Union des Populations de l'Angola." New York, November 22, 1961. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Conf6rence de presse ... le 4 sept. 1963." L6opoldville: Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de l'Angola en Exil, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Discours prononc6 A l'Universit6 Georgetown A Washington." December 6, 1961. Pp. 9, typescript. In English. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Discours prononc6 devant les membres de plusieurs d6partements du gouvernement A Washington." December 6, 1961. Pp. 13, typescript. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Discours prononc6 par .. lors de l'inhumation de Mr. David Livromentos." L6opoldville, October 22, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Document includes speech by Andr6 Massaki. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Discours prononc6 par Mr .... le 6 septembre 1960, A la radio nationale congolaise." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, September 6, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Radio broadcast. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Excerpts from a speech by ... on the occasion of the anniversary of the war, in L6opoldville, on March 15, 1962." New York: Angola Calling, March 15, 1962. Pp. 1 and 2 of four pages, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Expos6 fait par ... devant les participants au S6minaire de la WAY sur 'Angola, organis6 en avril 1962 A L6opoldville." L6opoldville, April 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Intervention de Mr. Holden Roberto, Pr6sident du Comit6 Ex6cutif du Front National de Lib6ration Angolaise, devant la 46me Commission des Nations Unies, le 27 novembre 1962." New York (?), 1962. Pp. 15, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN Letter to Agostinho Neto. L6opoldville: Gouvernement de la R6publique Angolaise en Exil, August 9, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. See under GRAE, "Le FNLA et l'unitd angolaise."

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA ROBERTO, HOLDEN Letter with attached bulletin. New York: Union of the Populations of Angola, February 15, 1962. Pp. 2, typescript. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Memorandum from the Union of the Populations of Angola to the Honorable Delegates of the Fifteenth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the General Situation in Angola." N.p., 1960 (?). Pp. 10, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Memorandum on the Situation Regarding Angola and the Portuguese Colonies." L6opoldville, October 1960. Pp. 5, mimeographed. Presented by the UPA to the delegates to the 15th General Assembly of the United Nations. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Message du Gouvernement Revolutionnaire de I'Angola en Exil au pr6sident MassambaDebat." L6opoldville: Gouvernement R6volutionnaire de l'Angola en Exil, Communiqu6 No. 51, December 21, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Mvovo a mfumu Holden Roberto, kia 23/8/1960, muna radio nationale ya Kongo ku L6opoldville." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, August 23, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Radio broadcast. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Mvovo a mfumu Holden Roberto, kia 6/9/960, muna radio nationale ya Kongo ku L6opoldville." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, September 6, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Radio broadcast. ROBERTO, HOLDEN Official text of speech made at the Connaissance Conference. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, December 2, 1961. Pp. 5, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Press Conference Held by ... ." New York (?): Union of the Populations of Angola, March 12, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Press Conference Held by Mr. Holden Roberto, President of the Union des Populations de l'Angola." L6opoldville: Union des Populations de l'Angola, March 12, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Press Conference of the President of the GRAE, Mr. Holden Roberto, September 4, 1963, L6opoldville." New York: Free Angola, 1963. Pp. 12, mimeographed. Reprinted from Rdvolution Africaine, 7 (August 3, 1963). ROBERTO, HOLDEN A 15 de margo comegou a revoluqgo angolana." L6opoldville: Unifo das Populaqes de Angola, 1962 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA ROBERTO, HOLDEN Reply to letter of August 8, 1962, written by Agostinho Neto. L6opoldville, August 9, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. In French. ROBERTO, HOLDEN Reply to letter of August 8, 1962, written by Agostinho Neto. L6opoldville, August 9, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. In French. Different letter than above. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "0 significado da revolugao." in Assembl6ia Mundial da Juventude, Para a independencia de Angola: relat6rio dum semindrio organizado em Lgopoldville em abril de 1963. (Brussels, 1963 [?]),pp. 7-8. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Speech by Mr. Holden Roberto, President of the Executive Committee of the Angolan National Liberation Front, before the Fourth Committee of the United Nations, November 27, 1962. Pp. 10, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Speech by Prime Minister Holden Roberto delivered before the Conference of NonAligned Countries in Cairo, October 1964." New York: Free Angola, 1964. Pp. 4, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Speech by Prime Minister Holden Roberto on the Occasion of the 3rd Anniversary of the Angolan Revolution." New York: Free Angola, II (1964), 1-7, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Speech delivered by ... , President of the Executive Committee of the National Front for the Liberation of Angola before the Central African Students Association in the United States at International House." New York, December 30, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Statement Made by Mr. Holden Roberto." New York, November 22, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Statement Made by Mr. Holden Roberto." New York (?), December 18, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Press statement. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Statement of Mr. Holden Roberto, President of the Union of the Populations of Angola." New York (?), March 15, 1961. Pp. 5, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN Text of speech. L6opoldville: Unido das Populaqes de Angola, 1961 (?). P. 1, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA ROBERTO, HOLDEN,AND JOAO BATISTA "D6claration commune de MM. Holden Roberto et Joao Batista." L6opoldville, 1960 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. ROBERTO, HOLDEN, AND JOAO BATISTA "Joint Declaration of Messrs. Holden Roberto and Joao Batista." L6opoldville, 1960 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. RODRIGUES, NUN4O MANUEL, AND HONORIO CHANTRE FORTES "Conferncia de imprensa prestada pelos oficiais milicianos, desertados do ex6rcito portugu~s, Snrs. . . ." L6opoldville, May 22, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. SABLONItRE, MARGRIT DE Angola. Feiten en achtergronden van de opstand. Amsterdam: Actiecomit6 Angola, n.d. Pp. 32. SABLONILRE, MARGRIT DE Feiten en achtergronden van de opstand Angola. Amsterdam: Actiecomit6 Angola, 196(?). Pp. 21. SANTOS, EDUARDO DOS "D6claration: conf6rence de presse de . . . membre du comit6 directeur du MPLA." L6opoldville: Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola, April 5, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. SAVIMBI, JONAS "Declaration." Cairo: Gouvernement de la R6publique Angolaise en Exil, July 16, 1964. Pp. 3, mimeographed. SAVIMBI, JONAS "Declaration de Monsieur , Ministre des Affaires ttrang~res du GRAE." Doc. 44/64. Brazzaville: Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de l'Angola, August 17, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. SAVIMBI, JONAS "Oi en est la r6volution angolaise?, article paru dans Remarques Congolaises et Africaines, No. 21 du 25 novembre 1964." Etudes et Documents (2). Algiers: D616gation Permanente du Mouvement Populaire de Liberation de l'Angola et Alg6rie, October 1964. Pp. 10, mimeographed. SAVIMBI, JONAS, AND HOLDEN ROBERTO Letter to Sr. Carlos Salamanca, Chairman, Sub-Commission on Angola, United Nations Secretariat. N.p.: Union of the Populations of Angola, November 22, 1961. Pp. 3, mimeographed. SAVIMBI, JONAS, AND HOLDEN ROBERTO "M6morandum pr6sentd par l'Union des Populations de l'Angola aux honorables d616gu6s de la 16me session de 'Assembl6e G6n6rale des Nations Unies sur la situation en Angola." L6opoldville and New York: Union des Populations de l'Angola, 1962 (?). Pp. 10, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA SEMINAIRE DES ETUDIANTS DU MONDE SOUS-DEVELOPPE "Rapport de la d616gation d'Angola: notes sur les conditions dans lesquelles fut arrt6 le R6v6rend Pare Pinto de Andrade.'" Salvador de Bahia, July 7-14, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. SILVA, DOMINGOS DA, ANIBAL MELO, ETAL. Letter from the Comit6 Director of the Movimento Popular de Libertagdo de Angola to the Comit6 Director da UPA. Ref. No. 304/CiCDi1963. L6opoldville: Movimento Popular de Libertagao de Angola, May 17, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. Also in French. UHURU-ANGOLA (BULLETIN DU SERVICE DE PRESSE EUROPEENNE DU FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA) 3 (June 1963), mimeographed. UNIAO DAS POPULAgOES DE ANGOLA. SEE ALSO: KISANGELA KIA AKUA NGOLA UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA UNION OF ANGOLAN PEOPLES UNION OF THE PEOPLE OF ANGOLA UNIAO DAS POPULACOES DE ANGOLA "The Angola Drama." N.p., 1958 or 1959 (?). Pp. 8, mimeographed. UNIAO DAS POPULACOES DE ANGOLA "Aos membros da UPA: Atenqo! Muitos sao lbbos vestidos de pele de ovelha." L6opoldville, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. UNIXO DAS POPULAqOES DE ANGOLA "Atenqo angolanos! " L6opoldville, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. UNIXO DAS POPULAgES DE ANGOLA "Le drame de l'Angola." L6opoldville (?), 196(?). Pp. 11, mimeographed. In French. UNIAO DAS POPULAqOES DE ANGOLA "A intenqo do povo angolano." L6opoldville, March 31, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. UNIXO DAS POPULAqOES DE ANGOLA "La lutte du peuple angolais pour l'ind6pendance nationale et 'unit6 africaine." Accra (?), 1960 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. UNIXO DAS POPULAqOES DE ANGOLA "Memorandum apresentado ao Concflio Ecum~nico, Vaticano II pela delagaqo da Uniao das PopulaqSes de Angola." L6opoldville, November 1, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. UNIAO DAS POPULACOES DE ANGOLA "Revista de presse. Resoluqdo da Assembl6ia Geral sabre a discriminaqqo racial nos territ6rios ndo-aut nomos." L6opoldville, April 5, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. UNIAO DAS POPULAqOES DE ANGOLA Statement on the war in Northern Angola. N.p., April 1961. Pp. 4, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA UNIAO DAS POPULA OES DE ANGOLA "To the Delegates to the 14th Session of the General Assembly." New York and L6opoldville (?), Autumn 1959. Pp. 14, mimeographed. UNIAO NACIONAL DOS ESTUDANTES ANGOLANOS "Constituigao da. .. ." Lucerne (?), 1965 (?). Pp. 16, mimeographed. UNIAO NACIONAL PARA A INDEPENDENCIA TOTAL DE ANGOLA "Constitution of UNITA," Kwacha-Angola, 1 (1966), 10-11. UNIDADE ANGOL4NA (LEOPOLDVILLE) All issues mimeographed: 1 (December 1961), 1-4. In Portuguese and French. (February 4, 1962), 1-4. In Portuguese. Dedicated to the first anniversary of the "comeco da luta armada em Angola." UNIDADE ANGOLANA (NEW YORK) All issues mimeographed: 1 (February 1965), 1-19. 'UNIDADE ESTUDIANTIL ANGOLANA: ENCONTRO ENTRE UNEA E CNA DA UGEAN, ESTUDANTES NAOAFILIADOS" Switzerland, June 15, 1965. Pp. 4, mimeographed. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA "Angolais, Angolaises, En ce jour du 3 aot... " L6opoldville, August 3, 1960. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Radio broadcast. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 de presse." L6opoldville, June 28, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA "D6claration commune des repr6sentants de l'Union des Populations de l'Angola et du Mouvement de Lib6ration de la Guin6e et des Iles du Cap-Vert faite i Dakar le mercredi 17 janvier 1962." L6opoldville, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA Excerpts from a communiqu6 to the Party Leaders. N.p., April 1, 1961. P. 1. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA La lutte pour l'ind~pendance de l'Angola: ddclaration du comit -directeur de l'Union des Populations de l'Angola. Angola (L6opoldville [?1), 1960. Pp. 16. Other edition, 1960. Pp. 18. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA "Memorandum pr6sent6 au Conseil de Securit6 des Nations Unies par.. . ." L6opoldville, 196(?). Pp. 4, mimeographed. Also in English. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA "Nouvelles du front de combat, No. 2." L6opoldville, March 26, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA. ARMEE DE LIBERATION NATIONALE DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." L6opoldville, December 21, 196 1. P. 1, mimeographed. Signed by Le Commandant Batista Traves, Chef d'Op~rations. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA. ARMEE DE LIBERATION NATIONALE DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu." L6opoldville, December 21, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. Signed by Le Commandant Tati, Chef Militaire au Cabinda. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA. ARM]1E DE LIBERATION NATIONALE DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6." L6opoldville, February 21, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA. ARMEE DE LIBERATION NATIONALE DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6 A l'intention du peuple angolais." L6opoldville, December 27, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA. ARMEE DE LIBERATION NATIONALE DE L'ANGOLA "D6claration commune de MM. Holden Roberto et Joao Batista." L6opoldvi1e, 196(?). P. 1, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE ANGOLAISE "Programme." N.p., n.d. Pp. 12, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE ANGOLAISE "Statuts." N.p., n.d. Pp. 7, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS "Compte rendu de l'Assembl6e Extraordinaire de l'Union Nationale des Etudiants Angolais." Utrecht (?), August 31-September 3, 1965. Pp. 21, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS "Comunicado." N.p., August 25, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS (?) "Information importante." New York (?), 196(?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS Letter to Mr. Ed. Garvey. New York, September 10, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS List of resolutions and participants from the Extraordinary Assembly of the UNEA held in Wisen, Switzerland, on May 2 and 3, 1964. Wisen (?), 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS "R6glement de I'UNEA." N.p., 196(?). Pp. 5, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS "S6ance du 27-6-65 (9 h.)." N.p., June 1965 (?). Pp. 7, mimeographed. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS ANGOLAIS "S6ance du 27-6-65 (14 h. 30)." N.p., June 1965 (?), Pp. 9, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA UNION NATIONALE DES TRAVAILLEURS ANGOLAIS "Premier Congr~s: aperqu sur la vie des travailleurs angolais." L6opoldville, n.d. Pp. 4, mimeographed. UNION OF ANGOLAN PEOPLES "Statutes." N.p., n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION OF THE PEOPLE OF ANGOLA "Appeal to All African People's Conference." N.p., 196(?). P. 1, typewritten. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA "Angolan Nationalists Intensify Military Activities." New York: Angola Office, March 8, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA Announcement of establishment of Information Office in New York. New York: Angola Office, February 15, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA "Invitation to a press conference for Holden Roberto." New York, December 14, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA "Joint Angolan- Liberation Committee Formed." New York: Angola Office, March 8, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA "Memorandum on the Situation in Angola presented by the Union of the Populations of Angola (UPA) to the Honorable Delegates of the Sixteenth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations." N.p., 1961. Pp. 10, mimeographed. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA "Nationalist Commander Killed in Battle." New York: Angola Office, March 8, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA "Press Communiqu6." L6opoldville, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA The Struggle for the Independence of Angola. Declaration of the Steering Committee of Union of the Populations of Angola. Angola (L6opoldville [? ]), 1960. Pp. 18. UNION OF THE POPULATIONS OF ANGOLA "The War in Angola: Combat News." New York: Angola Information Office, 196(?). Pp. 3, mimeographed. UNTA (LEOPOLDVILLE) 1 (October 1961), 1-9. Mimeographed. VALENTIM, JORGE A. "Informations sur l'6volution de la lutte angolaise." N.p.: Union Nationale des Itudiants Angolais, May 28, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA VITORIA OUMORTE (BRAZZAVILLE) English edition. Mimeographed. 4 (February 20, 1964), 1-2, 1-5, 1-2, 1-5. VITRIA OUMORTE (LIOPOLDVILLE) French edition. All issues mimeographed: 1 (February 4, 1963), 1-10 VITc5RIA OU MORTE (LEOPOLDVILLE) Portuguese edition. All issues mimeographed: 7 (October 6, 1962), 1-6 8 (October 13, 1962), 1-6 10 (October 27, 1962), 1-6 11 (November 3, 1962), 1-6 12 (November 12, 1962), 1-6 13 (November 17, 1962), 1-6 LA VOIXDELA NATIONANGOLAISE (LEOPOLDVILLE) First Year: (September 15, 1960), 1-12 (September 30, 1960), 1-16 3 (October 18, 1960), 1-12 4-5 (November 15, 1960), 1-16 Second Year: 1 (January 18, 1961), 1-16 2 (February 2, 1961), 1-16 2 (May 20, 1963), 1-18 14 (December 31, 1962), 1-10 17 (March 12, 1963), 1-20 18 (April 27, 1963), 1- 22 20 (June 20, 1963), 1-18 May 31, 1965, 1-9 3 (February 21, 1961), 1-16 4 (March 16, 1961), 1-16 5 (May 19, 1961), 1-12 6 (July 13, 1961), 1-16 7 (September 22, 1961), 1-16 8 (November 29, 1961), 1-16 Third Year: 1-3 (April 30, 1962), 1-16 A VOZ DO ESTUDANTE ANGOLANO (PHILADE LPHIA) All issues mimeographed: 2 (December 1962-January 1963), 1-12. In English and Portuguese. 2 (December 1962-January 1963), 1-14. In French. 3 (February-March 1963), 1-16. In English and French. 5 (July 1963), 1-19. In English, French, and Portuguese. 6 (August-September 1963), 1-20. In English, French, and Portuguese. 7 (October 1963), 1-16. In English, French, and Portuguese. 8 (November-December 1963), 1-17. In English, French, and Portuguese. Special Issue (After June 1963 [?]), 1-27. In English, French, and Portuguese. 9 (January 1964), 1-13. WANGA, JARONIMO Letter to Mr. Andr6 Massaki, President of the Front National de Lib6ration de l'Angola. Lausanne, Switzerland, May 1964 (?). P. 1, typescript. WASHINGTON COMMITTEE ON ANGOLA "Preliminary Bibliography." Washington, D.C., December 8, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. YOUTH OF THE PEOPLE'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA "Countryfellow." Brazzaville, June 15, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA OTHER SOURCES ALBERTO, ANGELINO "I Was Taken in by Anti-Portuguese Propagandists," Portugal. An Informative Review, 1 (March 1963), 27 Summary and quotations of statement to the United Nations. ALMEIDA, LUIS DE "Angola," Information Bulletin (Supplement to World Marxist Review), 42 (May 13, 1965), 55-56. Report of MPLA representative. ALMEIDA, LuIS DE "Discours de Lufs de Almeida au meeting de solidarit6 avec l'Angola" Rdvolution Universit6, 2 (March 1965), 23-26. ALMEIDA, LUiS DE "Une lettre du Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola," Bulletin d'Information, II (May 1965), 6. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Les Africains et le Portugal." Interview with Simon Malley of Afrique Action, July 1961. Reprinted in Andrade's Libertd pour l'Angola, pp. 38-42. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Angola," Afrique Action, 41 (July 24, 1961), 19-20. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Angola," Jeune Afrique, 110 (November 26-December 2, 1962), 16-17. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Angola e a Africa," Portugal Democrdtico, VI (October 1961), 2. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Angolese Nationalism," Prdsence Africaine, XIV-XV, 24-43 (1962), 7-23. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Antologia da poesia negra de expressdo portuguesa. Paris: Editorial Pierre Jean Oswald, 1955. Pp. 106. Poetry preceded by essay. Reviewed by Jodo Alves das Neves in Anh6mbi, XXXIX (June 1960), 147-48. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Bient6t appel A l'Afrique," Jeune Afrique, 73 (February 20-26, 1962), 20-21. Interview after Andrade's return from Washington. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Chairman of Angola Liberation Group Tells of Fight Against Colonialists," The Worker, November 12, 1961. pp. 7, 9.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA 57 ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Down with Colonialism; Freedom Will Come to Angola as Well," Pravda, February 6, 1961. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Extracts from press conference in Rabat, December 11, 1961, printed in Foreign Radio Broadcasts, December 12, 1961, pp. 11-12. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Folkfront mot terrorn," Expressen (Sweden), June 27, 1961. P. 4. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "The Growth of Nationalism in Angola," Voice of Africa, IV (March-April 1964), 2327, 29-32. ANDRADE, MA RIO DE "Guerrilla Warfare," Peking Review, VI (May 24, 1963), 21. Andrade's press conference about Angolan guerrillas, given May 10, 1963. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Interview, "Mdrio Andrade Speaks," Spearhead, (January 1963), 24-27. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Interview, pp. 97-104 in Angola atrav~s dos textos (Sao Paulo: Editbra Felman- Rago, 1962). Reprinted from France Nouvelle, August 1962. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Interview with C. Haroche of France Nouvelle, July 1962. Reprinted in his Libert6 pour I'Angola (Paris: Francois Maspero, 1962), 52-58. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Libert pour l'Angola. Paris: Frangois Maspero, 1962. Pp. 58. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Literature and Nationalism in Angola," Presence Africaine, XIII, 41 (1962), 115- 122. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "La lutte du peuple angolais et la solidarit6 africaine," Horoya, 18 (June 3, 1961). ANDRADE, MARIO DE "Le MPLA dans l'action directe," Partisans, II (April-May 1962), 139-41. Press conference in Rabat on December 11, 1961. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "El nacionalismo angol6s," Tribuna Socialista, 6-7 (February-May 1963), 27-34. ANDRADE, MARIO DE "A New Phase in the Struggle for Independence in Angola," (title translated), Aziia i Afrika Segodnia, 12 (December 1962), 29-31. Text of interview published in the weekly France Nouvelle.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA "L'ANGOLA: 1) L'ANGOLA D'HIER ET D'AUJOURD'HUI, 2) L'ANGOLA ET L'ONU, 3) TEMOIGNAGES ET DOCUMENTS" Prdsence Africaine, New Series, French ed., 42 (Third Quarter, 1962), 1-220. Entire issue on Angola. See also English edition, XIV-XV, 42-43 (1962), 1-208, including articles by Mdrio de Andrade, Costa Andrade, and others. ANGOLA A TRA VES DOS TEXTOS Sdo Paulo: Edit6ra Felman-R~go, 1962. Pp. 223. Part one includes documents on the Portuguese Democrats and Their Relation to Angola; Part two, documents of the MPLA; Part three, International Public Opinion and Angola,; Part four, NATO and Angola. -ANGOLA, AN I DE LA REVOLUTION" Prisence Africaine, New Series, French ed., 36 (1961), 55-57. "ANGOLA CASEBOOK" Prdsence Africaine, XVII, 45 (First Quarter 1963), 151-96. Includes statements by the UPA, the FUA, and the report of the U.N. special committee investigating the situation in the Portuguese African territories. BALL, DAVID, AND JEREMY LARNER "The Mind of an Angolan Revolutionary," New Politics, I, 4 (1962), 34-44. Interview with an Angolan student in Paris. Erroneous impressions of Communism and the Soviet Union's role in a future Angola. BENEDITO, COMMANDER "Five Months of Independence in Angola... " African Revolution, I (May 1963), 26-29. COMITE DE CONCILIATION ENTRE LE GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA (GRAE) ET LE MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA (MPLA) "Angola: oh en est la r&volution angolaise?," Remarques Congolaises et Africaines, VII (January 20, 1965), 14-16. Statement dated December 11, 1964, and signed by Jonas Savimbi, Jose Jotio Liahuca, Alexandre Magno Pedro, Rev. Marcelino Nyani, Jos6 Kalundungu, and others. "CONNAISSANCE DU FRONT DE L'UNITE POUR L'ANGOLA (FUA); LA NAISSANCE D'UN MOUVEMENT" Presence Africaine, XVIII (First Quarter, 1963), 127-35. CONSEIL NACIONAL DE LIBERATION "Declaration du Conseil National de Lib6ration," Remarques Congolaises et Africaines, VII (February 17, 1965), 21-22. Communiqui dated January 13, 1965. COSTA, ANDRADE Tempo angolano em Italia: poemas. Sao Paulo: Edit6ra Felman-R~go, 1963. Pp. 77. COSTA, ANDRADE "Two Expressions of Angolanity," Presence Africaine, XIV-XV, 42-43 (1962), 70-84.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA CRUZ, VIRIATO DA "Des responsabilit6s de l'intellectuel noir," Presence Africaine, 27-28 (June-July 1959), 321-39. CRUZ, VIRIATO DA Interview in Portugal Livre, March 1961. Reprinted as "0 futuro dos brancos em Angola, "pp. 83-85 in Angola atrav6s dos textos (Sdo Paulo: Editara Felman-Rfgo, 1962). CRUZ, VIRIATO DA "Problems of the Angolan Revolution," Voice of Africa, IV (September-October 1964), 18-24. Reprint of article in Revolution. CRUZ, VIRIATO DA "What Kind of Independence for Angola?," Revolution, 1 (January 1964), 11-22. DASKALOS, SOCRATES, ADOLFO MARIA, CARLOS MORAIS, JOAO MENDES, ERNESTO F. LARA, AND ARTHUR PESTANA "Carta aberta aos brancos de Angola," Portugal Democrdtico, VII (January 1963), 6. DAVEZIES, ROBERT Les Angolais. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1965. Pp. 259. Impressions, recorded interviews, and interpretation of the nationalist movements. DAVEZIES, ROBERT "Les Angolais," Partisans, 19 (February-March 1965), 56-61. Extracts from his book of the same title. DEMBA, DIOP "Angola," JeuneAfrique, 98 (September 3-9, 1962), 18-19. "DOSSIER ANGOLAIS' Presence Africaine, XVII, 45 (1963), 105-57. Documents comprise: I-"La R6volution Angolaise (UPA)," II-"Connaissance du Front de l'Unit6 pour l'Angola (FUA)," III"Rapport du comit6 sp6cial de I'ONU pour les territoires administr6s par le Portugal." FELE, BUANGA (PSEUD. OF MARIO DE ANDRADE) "Crise de l'enseignement dans les colonies portugaises," Presence Africaine, New Series, French ed., 7 (April-May 1956), 85-95. FELE, BUANGA (PSEUD. OF MARIO DE ANDRADE) "Massacres A Sao Tom6," Presence Africaine, New Series, French ed., 1-2 (April-July 1955), 146-52. FIGUEIREDO, ELISIO "Angolan Resistance to Portuguese Atrocities," Voice of Africa, II (July 1962), 16-17. "FNLA-PROGRAMME, DEUXItME ANNIVERSAIRE DE LA REVOLUTION ANGOLAISE (16 MARS 1963)" Etudes Congolaises, III (April 1963), 72-78. Includes speeches of Emmanuel Kounzika, Cyrille Adoula, and Holden Roberto.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA FRONT NATIONAL POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Conf6rence," Etudes Congolaises, III (November 1962), 67-70. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "M6morandum adress6 par le Front National de Lib6ration de l'Angola (FNLA) A la conf6rence des Chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement de 'Union Africaine et Malgache (UAM) tenue A Libreville (Gabon) le 10 septembre 1962 (Extraits)," Etudes Congolaises, III (November 1962), 76-78. GOUJON, SYLVAIN "L'an II de la r6volution angolaise," Le Peuple (August 2, 1962), 1. GOUJON, SYLVAIN "L'Angola: Liquidation politique de la 'Bourgeoisie nationale'," La Sentinelle, 193 (August 22, 1963), 3. GOUJON, SYLVAIN "L'Angola, terre disput6e," Construire, 46 (November 13, 1963), 6. KASSANGA, MARCOS "La lutte contre le colonialisme et le n6o-colonialisme," L'Essor (March 19, 1962), 8. LARA, LUCIO "The Struggle for Freedom in Angola," Voice of Africa, I (November 1961), 26- 27, 29. LEADERS OF FUA "Angola: la troisi~me force," Jeune Afrique, 107 (November 5-11, 1962), 20. Interview. "A LUTA ARMADA EM ANGOLA" Unidade Angolana (December 1961). Reprinted in Angola atrav6s dos textos (S~o Paulo: Edit6ra Felman-Rdgo, 1962), 93-96. MARGARIDO, ALFREDO "Processus de domination fondant un empire: cas de Lunda," Prdsence Africaine, 55 (Third Quarter 1965), 100-17. MATUMONA, ANTOINE "Angolan Disunity," pp. 120-29 in Angola: A Symposium, Reviews of a Revolt (London: Oxford University Press, 1962). MAUGIS, MARIE-THtRtSE "Entretien avec des 'pieds noirs' angolais," Partisans, II (November-December 1962), 92-99. MAZER, SANDE "Portuguese Student Here Relates Angola's Fight for Independence," Temple University News (March 14, 1963), 1, 4. "A MEMORANDUM ON THE SITUATION IN ANGOLA,' Presence Africaine, XIV-XV, 42-43 (1962), 180-87.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqu6," Etudes Congolaises, 9 (November 1962), 64-67. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "La domination coloniale pourrait aboutir A una r6volte," Afrique Nouvelle, 695 (November 30, 1960), 9. MOUVEMENT POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA "Programme du Mouvement Populaire de Lib6ration de l'Angola (MPLA)," pp. 158-64 in Annexe 3 to Perry Anderson, Le Portugal et la fin de l'ultra- colonialisme (Paris: Franqois Maspero, 1963). MOVIMENTO AFRO-BRASILEIRO PELA LIBERTA(;AO DE ANGOLA "Pronunciamento do MABLA," Portugal Democrdtico, V (July 1961), 3. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqO DE ANGOLA "Comunicado do MPLA s6bre a luta em Angola," Portugal Democrdtico, VI (September 1961), 3. MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Major Program of Movimento Popular de Libertaqo de Angola (MPLA)," pp. 112-17 in Thomas Okuma, Angola in Ferment (Boston: The Beacon Press, 1962). MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAqXO DE ANGOLA "Mensagem ao povo portugu~s," Portugal Democrdtico, V (October 1960), 2, 6. MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Appeal to Africa: MPLA's (People's Liberation Mouvement of Angola)," Voice of Africa, IV (September-October 1964), 25. MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTA AO DE ANGOLA "Declaraqo do MPLA ao Govfrno Portugu~s, pp. 65-67 in Angola atrav~s dos textos (Sao Paulo: Edit6ra Felman-R go, 1962). Dated June 13, 1960. MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTAqAO DE ANGOLA "Mensagem do MPLA ao povo portugu~s," pp. 68-74 in Angola atrav~s dos textos (Sao Paulo: Edit6ra Felman-R8go, 1962). Dated June 30, 1960. MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTA(AO DE ANGOLA Party program published as "Struggle 'By Every Means' for Angola's Freedom," Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, I (March 1961), 1, 16. MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTAqO DE ANGOLA "Programa do MPLA," pp. 75-82 in Angola atravds dos textos (Sao Paulo: Editbra Felman-R~go, 1962). Dated January 1961. MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTA4-O DE ANGOLA. STEERING COMMITTEE "Committee of Nine Recognizes MPLA," Voice of Africa, V (January-February 1965), 37. Also "Report" of Committee on pp. 37-38.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA NARINO DE CAMPOS, PADRE JOSE A verdade e o mito do Salazarismo. Sao Paulo: Edit6ra Felman-R6go, 1962. Pp. 189. Chapter entitled "A questdo de Angola, "pp. 55-76, includes short biographies of many Portuguese African nationalist leaders. NETO, AGOSTINHO " o gov~rno portugu~s que nos obriga a fazer a guerra," Portugal Democrdtico, VII (September 1962), 4. NETO, AGOSTINHO Interview, pp. 105-11 in Angola atrav~s dos textos (Sao Paulo: Edit6ra Felman- R~go, 1962). Dated L6opoldville, August 1962. NETO, AGOSTINHO Interview in Mondo Nuovo (Rome), December 9, 1962. Mondo Nuovo is the Italian Socialist Party biweekly. Reference cited in Africa Report, VIII (May 1963), 25. NETO, AGOSTINHO "N6o-colonialisme en Angola," La Voix du Kamerun, XIV, New Series (July- August 1964), 2. NETO, AGOSTINHO "Pote de l'Angola," Partisans, II (April -May 1962), 84-87. Brief description plus some poetry translated to French. NETO, AGOSTINHO, ETAL. "The Days of Portuguese Colonialism Are Numbered: Interviews with Leaders of the National-Liberation Movement," World Marxist Review, VIII (January 1965), 43- 47. "OS OBJETIVOS DA REVOLUCAO ANGOLANA" Unidade Angolana, I (December 1961). Reprinted in Angola atrav6s dos textos (Sdo Paulo: Edit6ra Felman-R~go, 1962), 86-89. PADUA, MARIO MOUTINHO DE Guerra em Angola. Didrio de urn mddico em campanha. Sao Paulo: S6rie Documentos de Hoje (2), Editbra Brasiliense, 1963. Pp. 113. "LE PEUPLE ANGOLAIS EXIGE L'UNITE" Vit6ria ou Morte, 7 (October 6, 1962). Reprinted in Partisans, II (November-December 1962), 99-101. -POESIE OUMBOUNDOU" Rdvolution Universitg, 2 (March 1965), 32. 'A POLITICA DO MPLA" Unidade Angolana, I (December 1961). Reprinted in Angola atrav6s dos textos (Sdo Paulo: Edit6ra Felman-Rggo, 1962), 90-92.

ANGOLA AND CABINDA "LE PROBLEME ANGOLAIS" Etudes Congolaises, III (November 1962), 1-10. Also see series of documents issued by the Angolan nationalist groups in 1962, pp. 63-78. ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Interview with an Angolan Nationalist," Africa Weekly, IV (November 18, 1960), 2-3. ROBERTO, HOLDEN Letter to The New York Times, dated January 17,1962. The New York Times, January 24, 1962. ROBERTO, HOLDEN Recorded interview with Tunis Domestic Service, August 9, 1963. Printed in Federal Radio Broadcasts, August 12, 1963, pp. 19-20. ROBERTO, HOLDEN, JOXO BATISTA, AND MARIO DE ANDRADE "Two Statements from Angola Explain Position of Major Organizations," The Liberator, II (February 1962). SAVIMBI, JONAS "Angola: la paix au Congo et la lib6ration de l'Angola," Remarques Congolaises et Africaines, VII (February 17, 1965), 20-21. Statement dated January 18, 1965. UNIAO DAS POPULAIOES DE ANGOLA "Declaration of the Steering Committee of Uniao das Populaq~es de Angola (UPA)," pp. 118-22 in Thomas Okuma, Angola in Ferment (Boston: The Beacon Press, 1962). UNIAO DEMOCRATICA NACIONAL DE MOqAMBIQUE "Comunicado," Portugal Democrdtico, VI (October 1961), 4. UNION DES POPULATIONS DE L'ANGOLA "Communiqud," Etudes Congolaises, 9 (November 1962), 63-64. "U.N. DEBATE ON ANGOLA" Presence Africaine, XIV-XV, 42-43 (1962), 85-164. Extracts from speeches made by theAfrican delegates to the Sixteenth Session of the U.N. General Assembly during the period January 16-30, 1962. VALENTIM, JORGE ALICERCES Interview with Sande Mazer, News (Philadelphia), March 14, 1963, pp. 1, 4. VIEIRA, NICOLAS, VIRIATO DA CRUZ, AND PATRICIA MCGOWAN PINHEIRO "Three Years of the Angolan Revolution," World Outlook, II (February 28, 1964), 16-26. Panel discussion reprinted from the February 15, 1964, issue of El Moudjahid.

PORTUGUESE GUINE, CAPE VERDE SAO TOMt AND PRiNCIPE EPHEMERA ALMADA, MARIA DULCE (ED.) "Pontes des ties du Cap-Vert: 1) Osvaldo Alcdntara, 2) Jorge Barbosa, 3) Gabriel Mariano." Conakry (?): D~partement Social et Cultural du Partido Africano da Independ~ncia de la Guin~e "Portugaise" et des Iles du Cap-Vert, February 13- 17, 1962. Pp. 7, mimeographed. Presented at the second Conference des tcrivains Afro-Asiatiques. ALMADA, MARIA DULCE "S6bre a situagdo do povo de Cabo Verde." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1962. Pp. 26, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMfLCAR. SEEALSO ABEL DJASSI (PSEUD.) CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde. Mimeographed series: March 24, 1962, pp. 2; April 5, 1962, p. 1; August 3, 1962, p. 1; March 25, 1963, p. 1; March 30, 1963, p. 1; April 5, 1963, p. 1; April 22, 1963, p. 1; June 5, 1963, p. 1; June 12, 1963, p. 1;July 1, 1963, p. 1; July 3, 1963, p. 1; July 25, 1963, p. 1; July 26, 1963, p. 1; July 27, 1963, pp. 2; July 29, 1963, pp. 2; September 17, 1963, p. 1; October 4, 1963, p. 1; October 26, 1963, p. 1; October 30, 1963, pp. 2; November 26, 1963, p. 1; January 14, 1964, pp. 2; January 28 (?), 1964, p. 1; January 30, 1964, p. 1; March 27, 1964, pp. 2; April 3, 1964, pp. 2; April 10, 1964, pp. 2; April 14, 1964, p. 1; April 20, 1964, p. 1 plus "Annexe," pp. 2; April 22, 1964, p. 1; April 24, 1964, p. 1; April 27, 1964, p. 1; April 29, 1964, p. 1; June 1, 1964, p. 1; June 3, 1964, p. 1; June 5, 1964, p. 1; June 9, 1964, p. 1; June 19, 1964, pp. 2; June 23, 1964, pp. 2; June 29, 1964, pp. 2 including "Annexe"; July 2, 1964, pp. 2; July 15, 1964, pp. 2; July 20, 1964, p. 1; July 22, 1964, pp. 2; August 31, 1964, pp. 2; September 2, 1964, p. 1, attached "Fiche Biographique" of Chantre Forte; September 4, 1964, p. 1; September 14, 1964, p. 1; September 16, 1964, p. 1; September 18, 1964, p. 1; September 21, 1964, p. 1; June 8 (?), 1965, p. 1; June 10, 1965, p. 1; July 2, 1965, pp. 2; July 16, 1965, p. 1; July 20, 1965, p. 1; July 27, 1965, p. 1; July 29, 1965, p. 1; August 3, 1965, p. 1; September 13, 1965, pp. 2; September 20, 1965, p. 1; November 4, 1965, pp. 2; November 5, 1965, pp. 2; November 9, 1965, p. 1; November 11, 1965, p. 1.

PORTUGUESE GUIN, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMt AND PRfNCIPE CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6." Dakar: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, February 7, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6." Dakar: Partido Africano da IndependEncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, February 12, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6." Rabat: Conf6rence des Organisations Nationalistes des Colonies Portugaises, February 12, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6." Rabat: Conf6rence des Organisations Nationalistes des Colonies Portugaises, March 1, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6 A la presse." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independencia (Frente da Liberta~go da Guine e Cabo Verde), June 9, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6: la bataille de Cafine." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ6ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, July 19, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6: la bataille de Cafine." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, September 18, 1964. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6: D6claration faite, en exclusif, par le Secr6taire G6n6ral du PAIGC, A I'AGP, A l'occasion du 3 aofit, anniversaire du massacre de Pijiguiti et journ6e de solidarit6 avec les peuples des colonies portugaises." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, August 3, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6: destruction des casernes portugaises de Guiledge et Sanconha." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, September 15, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6: la lib6ration de la r6gion de Bo6." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 3, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Communiqu6 sur le d6veloppement de la lutte de lib6ration nationale en Guin6e 'Portugaise' et aux Iles du Cap-Vert, en 1963." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, January 17, 1964. Pp. 3, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Communiqu6 sur le d6veloppement de la lutte de lib6ration nationale en Guin6e 'Portugaise' et aux Iles du Cap-Vert en 1964. (Texte de la Conf6rence de presse donn6e A Alger par le Secr6taire G6n6ral du PAIGC, M. Amfilcar Cabral, le 22 mars 1965.)" Algiers: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, March 22, 1965. Pp. 7, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Conf6rence de presse." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 24, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Conf6rence de presse, donn6e par le Secr6taire G6n6ral du PAIGC Ing6nieur Amilcar Cabral le 24 juin 1963, A Conakry." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ6ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 24, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMLCAR "D6claration." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, October 13, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMfLCAR "D6claration." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, October 15, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "D6claration." Dakar: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, February 15, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "D6claration." Rabat: Conf6rence des Organisations Nationalistes des Colonies Portugaises, February 13, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMLCAR "D~claration A l'occasion du 36me anniversaire des gr~ves de Bissao et du massacre de Pigiguiti." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, August 3, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "D6claration du PAIGC sur l'6vacuation par les autorit6s portugaises des civils europ6ens du sud." Paris: Comit6 de Soutien A l'Angola et aux Peuples des Colonies Portugaises, February 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMfLCAR "D6claration faite par M. Amflcar Cabral du Parti Africain de l'Ind6pendance de ]a Guin6e et du Cap-Vert (PAIGC) lors de la 14206me s6ance de la Quatri6me Commission le 12 d6cembre 1962." New York: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, December 1962. Pp. 19, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "D6claration sur la situation actuelle de la lutte de lib6ration en Guin6e 'Portugaise' et aux Iles du Cap-Vert." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, January 20, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

PORTUGUESE GUINt, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMt AND PRfNCIPE CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Le d6veloppement de la lutte de lib6ration nationale en Guin6e 'Portugaise' et aux Iles du Cap-Vert en 1964, par Amilcar Cabral Secr6taire G6n6ral du PAIGC." Conakry (?): Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, February 1964. Pp. 6, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Discours prononc6 par.., chef de la d6l6gation de la Guin6e 'Portugaise' et des Iles du Cap-Vert, Secr6taire G6n6ral du PAIGC." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independancia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. Delivered at the second Confirence des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques, October 15-22, 1962, Conakry. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Discurso proferido pelo Delegado da Guin6 'Portugu6sa' e das Ilhas de Cabo Verde, Amflcar Cabral (Abel DJASSI), Secretdrio Geral do Partido Africano da Independ~ncia." Cairo: Partido Africano da Independ6ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, March 25-31, 1961. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Speech to the third Conferdncia dos Povos Africanos, Cairo. CABRAL, AMILCAR "La lutte de lib6ration nationale en Guin6e 'Portugaise' et aux Iles du Cap-Vert." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1962. Unpaged, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Memorandum AAssembl6iaGeral daOrganizago dasNa94esUnidas." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ6ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, September 26, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "M6morandum A la XVIII~me session de l'Assembl6e G6n6rale de l'Organisation des Nations Unies." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, October 5, 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "M6morandum A Son Excellence le Pr6sident du Groupe Africain, Assembl6e G6n6rale des Nations Unies (ONU), New York." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, October 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "M6morandum A Ses Excellences les chefs d'Etat de l'Union Africaine et Malgache." Ouagadougou, March 1963. Pp. 14, mimeographed, plus unpaged annexes. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Memorandum au Comit6 de Coordination de 1'Aide aux Nationalistes Africains, Organisation de l'Unit6 Africaine, Dar es Salam." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independancia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 20, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA CABRAL, AMILCAR "M6morandum pr6sent6 au Comit6 de D6colonisation de I'ONU, A Addis- Ab6ba, en juin 1965, par le Secr6taire G6n6ral du PAIGC, M. Amflcar Cabral, au nom du peuple et des combattants de la libert6 de Guin6e 'Portugaise' et des Iles du Cap-Vert." Addis Ababa: Partido Africano da Independfncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1965. Pp. 6, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Message A Ses Excellences les chefs d'Etat africain." Addis Ababa: Partido Africano da Independ6ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, May 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Presented to the first Confirence des Chefs d'ttat Africains. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Message aux soldats, officiers et sergents de l'arm6e coloniale portugaise." Conakry (?): Partido Africano da Independfncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, February 22, 1963. Pp. 4. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Note A la presse." Dakar: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, December 25, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Note ouverte au gouvernement portugais." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, October 13, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Notre peuple et r'Organisation des Nations Unies. Extrait de la d6claration faite par M. Amflcar Cabral, Secr6taire G6n6ral du PAIGC, devant la Commission Sp6ciale de I'ONU pour les territoires administr6s par le Portugal, le 6 juin 1962." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 6, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Nous avons lutt6 par des moyens pacifiques. Nous n'avons eu que les massacres et le g6nocide." Addis Ababa: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia de Guin6 e Cabo Verde, May 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed. Presented to the first Conference des Chefs d'ttat Africains. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Nous sommes les combattants anonymes de la cause de I'ONU. Extrait de la d6claration faite par M. Amflcar Cabral, Secr6taire G6n6ral du PAIGC lors de la 1420me s6ance de la Iv6me Commission de 'ONU, le 12 d6cembre 1962." N.p.: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, December 12, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Le peuple de la Guin6e 'Portugu~sa' devant l'Organisation des Nations Unies: pr6sent6e au Comit6 Sp6cial de I'ONU pour les territoires administr6s par le Portugal." Conakry (?): Partido Africano da Independncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1962. Pp. 85, mimeographed. PORTUGUESE GUIN8, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMt AND PRfNCIPE CABRAL, AMILCAR "Pour une solution pacifique du probl~me de l'acc~s de la Guin6e 'Portugaise' et des Iles du Cap-Vert A l'ind6pendance nationale." Conakry, June 1962. Unpaged, mimeographed. Extract of declaration presented to the U.N. Special Committee. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Pourquoi nous avons pris les armes pour lib6rer notre pays." Addis Ababa: Partido Africano da Independncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, May 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed. Presented to the first Confirence des Chefs d'Etat Africains. CABRAL, AMILCAR Rapport g~ngral sur la lutte de libgration nationale. Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia de la Guin6e 'Portugaise' et des fles du Cap-Vert, July 1961. Pp. 38. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Rapport sur la lutte de lib6ration des peuples de la Guin6e 'Portugaise' et des fles du Cap-Vert." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ6ncia de la Guin6e 'Portugaise' et des tles du Cap-Vert, 1961 (?). Pp. 5, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "La r6pression coloniale en Guin6e 'Portugaise' et aux tles du Cap-Vert." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1962. Unpaged, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR "T616gramme." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, August 5, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. Sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations. CABRAL, AMiLCAR, AND ARISTIDES PEREIRA "Communiqu6 A la presse." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, January 28, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMILCAR, AND ARISTIDES PEREIRA "Rapport sur la lutte de lib6ration des peuples de la Guin~e Portugaise et des ies du Cap-Vert." Cairo: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia de la Guin6e "Portugaise" et des tles du Cap Vert, March 23-25, 1961. Pp. 5, mimeographed. Presented to the third Confirence des Peuples Africains. CABRAL, AMILCAR, ETAL. "Comunicado aos povos da Guin6 e Cabo Verde." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, December 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, AMiLCAR, ARMANDO RAMOS, ADRIANE ARAUJO, RICHARD TURPIN, AND INACIO SILVA "Proclamagdo." Conakry: Movimento de Libertagdo da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, November 1, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, JOXO TOMAZ "D6position d'un ouvrier linotypiste de l'imprimerie des missions catholiques A Bissao, en Guin6e 'Portugaise'." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1962. Pp. 11, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA CABRAL, LUIZ "Communiqu6." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, March 31, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. CABRAL, LUIZ "Communiqu6: intensification de la lutte dans la r6gion du Gabu." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, July 22, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. COMITE DE SOUTIEN A L'ANGOLA ET AUX PEUPLES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Bilan d'une ann6e de lutte: janvier-d6cembre, 1963." Paris, 1964 (?). Pp. 13, mimeographed. COMITE DE SOUTIEN A L'ANGOLA ET AUX PEUPLES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Communiqu6. Guin6e 'Portugaise': Bilan des derniers six mois de lutte." Paris, July 13, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. COMITE DE SOUTIEN .L L'ANGOLA ET AUX PEUPLES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES (ED.) "Guin6e 'Portugaise' et ties du Cap-Vert, 1'an deux de la guerre de Guin6e, janvierd6cembre, 1964." Paris, 1965 (?). Pp. 15, mimeographed. COMITE DE SOUTIEN A, L'ANGOLA ET AUX PEUPLES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "La lutte continue, janvier-avril, 1964." Paris, 1964. Pp. 5, mimeographed. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Communiqu6." Rabat, March 12, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. Communiqu6 originally issued by the PAIGC in Conakry on March 9, 1963. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Communiqu6." Rabat, March 15, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Communiqu6 originally issued by the PAIGC in Conakry on March 11, 1963. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES "Communiqu6." Rabat, March 20, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. Communiqu6 originally issued by the PAIGC in Conakry on March 15, 1963. COSTA, OLiMPIO BALBINO DA, BENJAMIN PINTO-BULL, AND CARLOS BATICAM FERREIRA "Sur convocation de la Commission charg6e ...." Dakar: Front de Lutte pour l'Ind6pendance Nationale de la Guin6e dite Portugaise, November 16, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. COSTA, OLIMPIO BALBINO DA, BENJAMIN PINTO-BULL, AND CARLOS BATICAM FERREIRA "Le Bureau Directeur de Fling-Combattant, en sa r6union de 9 novembre 1965. . Dakar: Front de Lutte pour l'Ind6pendance Nationale de la Guin6e dite Portugaise, November 1965 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. DJASSI, ABEL (PSEUD. OF AMiLCAR CABRAL) The Facts about Portugal's African Colonies. Introduction by Basil Davidson. London: Union of Democratic Control, 1961 (?). Pp. 20.

PORTUGUESE GUIN, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMI AND PRfNCIPE DJASSI, ABEL (PSEUD. OF AMILCAR CABRAL) "Portuguese Colonialism on Trial for the First Time-A Statement to the Press and Radio." London: Frente Revolucioniria Africana para a Independ~ncia Nacional das Col6nias Portuguesas, March 3, 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Attached page "Some Facts about the Trial." FERNANDES VAZ, JOSt MANUEL, AND FERNANDO FONTES "Declaragdo feita A imprensa pelos desertores do ex6rcito colonial portugu~s da Guin6, o alferes miliciano Manuel Jos6 Fernandes Vaz e o sargento miliciano Fernando Fontes." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, November 21, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LUTA PELA INDEPENDENCIA NACIONAL DA GUINE- BISSAU. SEE ALSO: FRENTE DE LUTA PELA INDEPENDtNCIA NACIONAL DA GUIN DITA PORTUGUESA FRONT DE LUTTE POUR L'INDtPENDANCE NATIONALE DE LA GUINE FRONT DE LUTTE POUR L'INDEPENDANCE NATIONALE DE LA GUINEE DITE PORTUGAISE FRENTE DE LUTA PELA INDEPENDENCIA NACIONAL DA GUINEE- BISSAU "M6morandum adress6 au comit6 militaire de I'OUA A Dakar, le 28 juillet 1965." Dakar, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LUTA PELA INDEPENDENCIA NACIONAL DA GUINEE- BISSAU "Message au combattants du FLING et au peuple de la Guin6e-Bissao." Dakar, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LUTA PELA INDEPENDIENCIA NACIONAL DA GUINt DITA PORTUGUESA "Communiqu6 A la presse." Dakar, June 11, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRONT DE LUTTE POUR L'INDEPENDANCE NATIONALE DE LA GUINE "Charte Pr6ambule." Dakar (?), 1962 (?). Pp. 5, mimeographed. FRONT DE LUTTE POUR L'INDEPENDANCE NATIONALE DE LA GUINE "Journal du maquisard Joao Bico Penaque." Dakar, May 14, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. FRONT DE LUTTE POUR L'INDEPENDANCE NATIONALE DE LA GUINEE DITE PORTUGAISE "M6morandum." Dakar, May 15, 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed. GOMES BARBOSA, JOSE LOIS "Os funcionarios e assalariados do estado." Conakry (?), 196(?). Pp. 6, mimeographed. LABERY, HENRI "Discours du camarade . . A la conf6rence des organisations nationalistes de la Guin6e 'Portugaise' et des fles du Cap-Vert. N.p., July 12-14, 1961. Pp. 7, mimeographed. LABERY, HENRI, AND ANDRE CASSINDA "Joint Angolan-Portuguese Guinea Liberation Committee Formed." N.p., 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA LIBER TAgO (CONAKRY) All issues mimeographed: 4 (March 1961), 1-4 12 (November 1961), 1-4 16 (March 1962), 1-4 17 (April 1962), 1-4 18 (May 1962), 1-4 19 (June 1962), 1- 4 21 (August 1962), 1-6 22 (September 1962), 1-4 25 (December 1962), 1-8, in Portuguese and French 26 (January 1963), 1-4 43 (June 1964), 1-4 44 (July 1964), 1-4 45 (August 1964), 1-4 46 (September 1964), 1-4 47 (October 1964), 1-4 48 (November 1964), 1-4 49 (December 1964), 1-4 50 (January 1965), 1-4 51 (February 1965), 1-6 52 (March 1965), 1-4 53 (April 1965), 1-4 54 (May 1965), 1-4 55 (June 1965), 1-4 56 (July 1965), 1-4 57 (August 1965), 1-4 58 (September 1965), 1-4 59 (October 1965), 1-12 60 (November 1965), 1-4 61 (December 1965), 1-4 LOPES DA SILVA, MANUEL "Communiqu6." Conakry: Etat-Major de l'Arm6e de Lib6ration Nationale de la Guin6e "Portugu~sa," Frente de Luta pela Independ~ncia Nacional da Guin6 "Portuguesa," May 8, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. LOPES DA SILVA, MANUEL "Communiqu6." Conakry: Front de Lutte pour l'Ind6pendance Nationale de la Guin6e Portugaise, March 15, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. MOUVEMENT DE LA LIBERATION DE LA GUINEE DITE PORTUGAISE "Motion contre traftre Balbino et consorts par le Congr6s du MLG." Dakar, April 16, 1962. Pp. 6. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDEtNCIA. SEE ALSO: PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA (GUINEE "PORTUGAISE" ET ILES DU CAP-VERT) PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DE LA GUINEE "PORTUGAISE" ET DES ILES DU CAP-VERT PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA (GUINEE "PORTUGAISE" ET iLES DU CAP-VERT) "M6morandum adress6 au gouvernement portugais." Conakry (?), 1960 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Comunicado." Conakry, October 13, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDkNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Communiqu6." Conakry, n.d. P. 1. Begins "Le 15 juillet dernier." PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Communiqu6." Conakry. Mimeographed series: August 19, 1961, p. 1; October 13, 1961, p. 1; June 27, 1962, p. 1; December 21, 1962, p. 1; February 9, 1963, p. 1; February 13, 1963, p. 1; March 9, 1963, p. 1; March 11, 1963, p. 1; March 15, 1963, p. 1;

PORTUGUESE GUIN, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMt AND PRINCIPE PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPEND ENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE (CONTINUED) June 1, 1963, p. 1;June 17, 1963, p. 1;July 1, 1963, p. 1;July 8, 1963, p. 1;July 17, 1963, p. 1; July 21, 1963, p. 1; July 23, 1963, p. 1; July 24, 1963, p. 1; August 20, 1963, p. 1; August 22, 1963, p. 1; August 28, 1963, p. 1; September 7, 1963, p. 1; October 16, 1963, p. 1; November 21, 1963, p. 1; December 6, 1963, p. 1; December 9, 1963, p. 1; March 7, 1964, p. 1; November 19, 1964, p. 1; November 30, 1964, p. 1; December 14, 1964, p. 1; December 24, 1964, p. 1; January 14, 1965, p. 1; February 25, 1965, pp. 2; May 19, 1965, p. 1; May 22, 1965, p. 1; October 6, 1965, p. 1; December 14, 1965, pp. 2. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDINCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Communique." Dakar. Mimeographed series: March 9, 1963, p. 1; July 4, 1963, p. 1; July 15, 1963, p. 1; July 22, 1963, p. 1. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDINCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "D~veloppement de ]a lutte de liberation nationale: l'action du PAIGC." Algiers (?), 1963 (?). Pp. 8, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Les droits de l'homme et les libert6s fondamentales." Conakry, October 15-22, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Presented at the Confirence des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "L'6migration et le travail forc6 aux Iles du Cap-Vert." Conakry, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Presented at the Confirence des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques, October 15-22, 1962. Extract from the declaration presented to the Special Commission of the U.N. for Territories Administered by Portugal. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Esta 6 a nossa patria amada. Hino." Bissau, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Extraits de quelques articles de l'organe du Partido Africano da Independ~ncia de la Guin6e 'Portugaise' et des ties du Cap-Vert." Conakry (?), April 1963. Pp. 17, mimeographed. Extracts from the PAIGC organ, Libertaq5o, presented at the Conf6rence des Journalistes AfroAsiatiques in Djakarta, Indonesia. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "La lutte de lib6ration nationale." Conakry, October 15-22, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Presented at the Confirence des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Mensagem." Conakry, 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Mensagem aos colonos portuguases da Guin6 e Cabo Verde." Conakry, October 1960. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDfNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Mensagem aos soldados portugu~ses na Guin6 e em Cabo Verde." Conakry (?), 1962. Pp. 2, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDINCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Message (aux soldats, officiers et sergents de l'arm6e coloniale portugaise)." Conakry (?), February 22, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDfNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Notre peuple, le gouvernement portugais et l'Organisation des Nations Unies." Conakry, October 15-22, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Presented at the Confirence des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Nouveaux crimes des colonialistes portugais." Conakry, March 24, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Partis politiques et syndicats." Conakry, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Presented at the Confirence des Juristes Afro-A siatiques, October 15-22, 1962. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Le PAIGC A la conf6rence des chefs d'tat et de gouvernement des pays non- alignsLe Caire, octobre 1964." Conakry, n.d. Pp. 11, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDIENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Le peuple de la Guin6e 'Portugu6sa' devant l'Organisation des Nations Unies." New York (?), June (?), 1962. Pp. 85, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Un peuple soumis par la force des armes." Conakry, October 15-22, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Presented at the Confirence des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Quelques crimes perp6tr6s par les colonialistes portugais contre notre peuple en 1963." Conakry, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Quelques faits de la lutte arm6e en Guin6e 'Portugaise'." Conakry, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Quelques renseignements sur ]a Guin6e 'Portugaise'," Conakry, 1962 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Quelques renseignements sur la Guin6e 'Portugaise' et les ties du Cap-Vert." Conakry, April 26-30, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. Presented at the first Confirence Pan-A ficaine de la Jeunesse-Conakry.

PORTUGUESE GUIN, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMI AND PRfNCIPE PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Quelques renseignements sur notre parti." Conakry, 1962 (?). Pp. 2, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDINCIA DA GUIN E CABO VERDE "R6solution concernant la Guin~e 'Portugaise' et les iles du Cap-Vert." Moshi, Tanganyika, February 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. Presented at the third Confirence des Peuples Afro-Asiatiques. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "La situation actuelle ...." Algiers, 1964. Pp. 3, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUIN E CABO VERDE "Situation judiciaire." Conakry, October 15-22, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Presented at the Confirence des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDINCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "La situation politique aux tles du Cap-Vert." Conakry, October 15-22, 1962. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Presented at the Conf.rence des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDtNCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "S6bre os filtimos acontecimentos em Cabo Verde." Conakry, 1961. P. 1, mimeographed. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Le statut politique." Conakry, October 15-22, 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. Presented at the Conference des Juristes Afro-Asiatiques. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DE LA GUINEIE "PORTUGAISE" ET DES ILES DU CAP-VERT 'Deux communiqu6s A la presse." Cairo, March 23-25, 1961. Pp. 3, mimeographed. Presented at the third Confirence des Peuples Africains. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DE LA GUINEE "PORTUGAISE" ET DES ILES DU CAP-VERT Statuts et programme. Conakry, n.d. Pp. 27. PINTO-BULL, BENJAMIN "Communiqu6." Dakar: Front de Lutte pour l'Ind6pendance de la Guin6e dite Portugaise," December 1, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. PIRES, RUI JORGE, ANTONIO MANUEL MARQUES BARRACOSA, AND JOSt FERNANDO AMORIM "D6claration faite, au cours d'une conf6rence de presse tenue A Conakry le 27 mai 1965, par les militaires portugais, les caporaux-chefs Rui Jorge Pires, Ant6nio Manuel Marques Barracosa et Jos6 Fernando Amorim, qui ont abandonn6 l'arm6e pour rejoindre les bases du PAIGC." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, May 27, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. SANTOS CARVALHO, EDMUNDO DOS, ETAL. "Declaragdo feita no decurso duma confer~ncia de imprensa, em Conakry, a 16 de julho de 1964, pelos militares portugu8ses Santos Carvalho, Sardinha Crespo e Trindade Tavares, que abandonaram a tropa colonial, juntando-se As bases do PAIGC." Conakry, July 16, 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA TAVARES, ESTEVAO "L'enseignement en Guin6e 'Portugaise'." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ6ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1962. Pp. 11, mimeographed. TAVARES, ESTEVAO, ETAL. "Deposition des ex-d6tenus par la police politique portugaise (PIDE), A Bissau, en Guin6e 'Portugaise'." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1962. Pp. 6, mimeographed. TEIXEIRA, LUIS "D6position d'un marin du port de Bissau, en Guin6e 'Portugaise'." Conakry: Partido Africano da Independ~ncia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde, June 1962. Pp. 4, mimeographed. TROVOADA, M. MIGUEL "Expos6 sur les Iles de Sao Tom6 et Prfncipe." New York: Comit6 de Lib6ration de Sao Tom6 et Prfncipe, January 1963. Pp. 19, mimeographed. Presented to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations by the president of the CLSTP. UNIAO DEMOCRATICA DAS MULHERES DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Statuts." Conakry, 196(?). Pp. 5, mimeographed. UNIAO NACIONAL DOS TRABALHADORES DA GUIN Estatutos. Conakry, August 1962 (?). Pp. 20. VASCO CABRAL, M. "Discours de M. Vasco Cabral, Chef de la D616gation du Parti Africain d'Ind~pendance de la Guin~e et Cap-Vert-PAIGC." DOC/045/A. S~minaire Economique de Solidarit6 Afro-Asiatique, February 22-27, 1965. Pp. 8, mimeographed. OTHER SOURCES ARAUJO, ADRIANO "A situaqgo na Guin6," Portugal Democrdtico, VII (December 1962), 3. Statement of the Movimento de Liberta do da Guine before the U.N. investigating committee. CABRAL, AMiLCAR. SEE ALSO CABRAL, AMiLCAR LOPES CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Contra a guerra colonial: mensagem de Amflcar Cabral ao povo da Guin6 e de Cabo Verde," FPLN Boletim (August 1965), 14-15. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Contre la guerre coloniale," FPLN Portugal (August 1965), 14-15. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Em defesa da terra," Cabo Verde: Boletim de Propaganda e Informafdo, I (November 1, 1949), 2-5. At the time of publication the author was a fifth-year student at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia de Lisboa. Continued in I (March 1, 1950), 15-18; II (November 1950), 19-22;II (December 1, 1950), 6-8.

PORTUGUESE GUINI, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOM9 AND PRfNCIPE 77 CABRAL, AMiLCAR "A guerra na Guin6," Portugal Democrdtico, VIII (October 1963), 3. CABRAL, AMILCAR "Guin6e, Cap-Vert, face au colonialisme portugais," Partisans, II (November- December 1962), 80-91. CABRAL, AMILCAR "La Guin6e Portugaise et les ies du Cap-Vert," Voice of Africa, II (May 1962), 37, 39. CABRAL, AMILCAR Letter to Sekou Tour6. Radio broadcast from Conakry, printed in Foreign Radio Broadcasts, October 11, 1963, pp. 17-18. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Liberating Portuguese Guinea from Within," The New African, IV (June 1965), 85. Interview with Frene Ginwala. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Liberation Movement in Portuguese Guinea," Voice of Africa, II (March 1962), 32. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "La lutte du PAIGC," Remarques Africaines, VII (May 26, 1965), 19-22. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "0 PAIGC pede A ONU auxflio concreto," Portugal Democrdtico, VIII (December 1963), 4. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "Regresso ... " Cabo Verde: Boletim de Propaganda e Inforrnavdo, I (November 1, 1949), 11. Poem. CABRAL, AMILCAR "The Struggle in Guinea," International Socialist Journal, I (August 1964), 428- 46. CABRAL, AMiLCAR "The War in 'Portuguese Guinea,'" African Revolution, I (June 1963), 103-08. CABRAL, AMILCAR LOPES "Acrca da contribuigao dos 'povos' guineenses para a produggo agrfcola da Guin6," Boletim Cultural da Guing Portugu~sa, IX (October 1954), 771-77. CABRAL, AMILCAR LOPES "Ac~rca da utilizagao da terra na Africa negra," Boletim Cultural da Guin6 Portuguesa, IX (April 1954), 401-16. CABRAL, AMILCAR LOPES "Apontamentos s6bre poesia cabo-verdiana," Cabo Verde: Boletim de Propaganda e Informagdo, III (December 1, 1951), 5-8. EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA CABRAL, AMiLCAR LOPES "Em defesa da terra," Cabo Verde: Boletim de Propaganda e Informapeo, III (February 1, 1952), 24-25. CABRAL, AMiLCAR LOPES "Feux de brousse et jach6res dans le cycle cultural arachide-mils," Boletim Cultural da Guing Portugu~sa, XIII (July 1958), 257-68. CABRAL, AMiLCAR LOPES "Para o conhecimento do problema da erosdo do solo na Guin6. I-S6bre o conceito de erosdo," Boletim Cultural da Guin Portugu~sa, IX (January 1954), 163-94. CABRAL, AMILCAR LOPES "A propos du cycle cultural arachide-mils en Guin6e Portugaise," Boletim Cultural da Guin6 Portugusa, XIII (April 1958), 149-56. Text of speech at the Confirence Arachide-Mils in Banbey, Senegal, September 1954. CABRAL, AMiLCAR LOPES "A prop6sito de mecanizagdo da agricultura na Guin6 Portugu~sa," Boletim Cultural da Guin6 Portugu~sa, IX (April 1954), 389-400. CABRAL, AMiLCAR LOPES "Queimadas e pousios na circunscrigdo de Fulacunda em 1954," Boletim Cultural da Guing Portuguesa, IX (July 1954), 627-43. CABRAL, AMILCAR LOPES "Recenseamento agricola da Guin6: estimativa em 1953," Boletim Cultural da Guing Portuguesa, XI (July 1956), 7-243. Without question, one of the most important contributions to the knowledge of Guine. CABRAL, FIDELIS Interview with Portugal Democrdtico, IX (March 1964), 3. Cabral is a representative of the Partido Africano daIndependencia da Guini e Cabo Verde (PAIGC). CABRAL, MARIA HELENA, AND AMiLCAR LOPES CABRAL "Breves notas acrca da raz~o de ser, objectivos e processo da execuqdo do recenseamento agricola da Guin6," Boletim Cultural da Guing Portugu~sa, IX (January 1954), 195-201. DIAS, H. "'Portuguese' Guinea," Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, V, 6 (December 1965- January 1966), 300. DUARTE, ABILIO " 'Portuguese' Guinea," Information Bulletin (Supplement to World Marxist Review), 42 (May 13, 1965), 53-54. Report of representatives of the PAIGC, reprinted from L'Alger R6publicain, March 10, 1965. DUARTE, ABfLIO MONTEIRO "Aiding the Struggle in 'Portuguese' Guinea," Revolution, I (August-September 1963), 44-47.

PORTUGUESE GUINt, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMt AND PRfNCIPE FARES, NADIA "Guin6e portugaise," Afrique Action, 23 (March 20, 1961). "LA GUERRE DE GUINEE. GUINEE 'PORTUGAISE' 1964" Fiches d'Information, X (January 1964), 1-10. LABERY, HENRI "Le Cabo Verde aussi est africain," Afrique Nouvelle, 660 (March 30, 1960), 2. LABERY, HENRI "Encore une mise au point i propos de 'Angola," Afrique Nouvelle, 695 (November 30, 1960), 7. MARIA, VICTOR "La Guin6e 'Portugaise'," Voice of Africa, 1I (March 1962), 34-35. "0 PAIGC VAI PASSAR , AC4 O ARMADA EM C. VERDE" Portugal Democrdtico, VIII (March 1964), 3. Interview with Fidelis Cabral. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDPNCIA "Memorandum enviado ao gov~rno portugu6s pelo Partido Africano da Independancia (Guin6 e Cabo Verde)," Portugal Democrdtico, IV (January 1960), 6-7. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA "Propositions du Parti de rInd6pendance," Afrique Nouvelle, 699 (December 28,1960), 7. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Comunicado," Portugal Democrdtico, VI (October 1961), 4. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Declaragdo," Portugal Democrdtico, VIII (October 1963), 3. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDIENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "0 problema da Guin6 e do Cabo Verde analisado na Confer~ncia de Dakar," Portugal Democrdtico, VI (October 1961), 3. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE "Programa mfnimo," Portugal Democrdtico, V (June 1961), 6. PINTO-BULL, JAIME "Subsfdios para o estudo da circunscrigo entre os Balantas," Boletim Cultural da Guin Portugu~sa, VI (October 1951), 947-54. The author, administrator of "circunscrido," later became leader of a nationalist group in Dakar. Also published short story, "Amor e trabalho, "in VII (January 1952), 181-84. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE MPLA, ANC, ZAPU, SWAPO, FNL (VIETNAM), AND THE ORGANISATION DE LA LIB ERATION DE LA PALESTINE 'Communiqu6: 3 aoft,journ6e de solidarit6 avec la lutte du peuple de Guin6e dite 'portugaise' et du Cap-Vert," El Moudjahid, (August 4, 1965), 1.

80 EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA -SOLUqAO PACIFICA PARA GUINt E CABO VERDE" Portugal Democrdtico, VII (February-March 1963), 6. Statement ofAmilcar Cabral before the U.N. Fourth Committee. VIEYRA, JUSTIN "Amficar Cabral: libert6 pour 350.000 Guin6ens," Jeune Afrique, 230 (May 2, 1965), 23. "THE WAR IN GUINEA-BISSAU" Voice of Africa, IV (September-October 1964), 26-29, 35, 45.

MOCAMBIQUE EPHEMERA THE AD HOC COMMITTEE OF THE MOZAMBIQUE LIBERATION FRONT "Declaration." June 25, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. AFRICA, P.E. (PSEUD.) Protest from Mozambique to the United Nations. N.p., July 7, 1957. Pp. 2, typescript translated to English. ALMEIDA, LUIS D., ROBERT RESHA, ALULIC DUARTE, PASCOAL MACUMBI, AND M. NOKO "Declaration de solidarit6 des mouvements de lib6ration africaine avec le peuple du Vietnam i l'occasion de la semaine de solidarit6 avec le peuple du Vietnam." Algiers, July 19, 1965. Pp. 3, mimeographed. BOLETIM DE INFORMAgAO (DAR ES SALAAM) All issues mimeographed: 1 (August 1963), 1-6 2 (September 1963 [?]), 1-9 3 (October 1963), 1-11 4 (January 1964), 1-8 5 (February 1964 [?]), 1-10 BOLETIMNACIONAL (DAR ES SALAAM) All issues mimeographed: 11 (September 1964), 1-10 12 (October 1964), 1-12 13 (October 1964), 1-8 14 (November 1964), 1-13 15 (December 1964), 1-15 16 (January 1965), 1-12 BULLETIN D'INFORMATION (ALGIERS) All issues mimeographed: I, 1 (January 1964), 1-30 I, 2 (March 1964), 1-20, in Portuguese I, 2 (March 1964), 1-21, in French I, 3 (April-May 1964), 1-11 No number (4?) (July 1964), 1-13 6 (March 1964), 1-11 7 (April 1964), 1-8 8 (May 1964), 1-9 9 June 1964), 1-8 10 (August 1964), 1-10 17 (February 1965), 1-13 18 (March 1965), 1-12 19 (April 1965), 1-12 20 (May 1965), 1-14 21 (June 1965), 1-12 Special Number (October 24, 1964), 1-7, in French II, 1 (January 1964), 1-13 II, 2 (February 1965), 1-15 II, 3-5 (March-May 1965), 1-33, in French

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA COMBATE (CAIRO) 1 (June 1963), 1-12, in English and Portuguese 7 (?) (1965 [?] ), 1-16, in English, 2 (1963 [?]), 1-26, in Portuguese mimeographed 3 (1963 [?] ), 1-20, in English and Portuguese 8 (?) (1965 [?] ), 1-10, in English, 4 (January 1964), 1-15, in English mimeographed 5-6 (1964 [?] ), 1-18, in English COMITE REVOLUCIONARIO DE MOCAMBIQUE "Constitui~go." Lusaka, 196(?). Pp. 13, mimeographed. COMITE REVOLUCIONARIO DE MOI AMBIQUE "Mogambique." Lusaka (?), 196(?). Pp. 20, typescript. A seventeen-point party position. COMITE REVOLUCIONARIO DE MOZAMBIQUE "Open Letter." Lusaka, , December 29, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. COMITE SECRETO DA RESTAURA(;AO DA UDENAMO "Press Communiqu6." Kampala, May 14, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. CONFERENCIA DAS ORGANIZAqOES NACIONALISTAS DAS COLONIAS PORTUGUESAS "2a Confer~ncia das OrganizaqSes Nacionalistas das Col6nias Portugusas- Resoluq~es." Dar es Salaam, October 3-8, 1965. Pp. 24, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LIBERTACAO DE MOqAMBIQUE. SEE ALSO: FRONT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE LIBERATION DU MOZAMBIQUE MOZAMBIQUE LIBERATION FRONT FRENTE DE LIBERTAq.O DE MO(4AMBIQUE "Combateremos sem tr6guas pela nossa independ~ncia: a prop6sito do discurso que o Sr. Salazar pronunciou em 12 de ag6sto de 1963." Dar es Salaam, August 26, 1963. Pp. 4, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LIBERTAq.O DE MOI;AMBIQUE "Comunicado No. 27." July 26, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LIBERTAqAO DE MOZAMBIQUE "Estatutos." Dar es Salaam, n.d. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LIBERTAAO DE MOZAMBIQUE Estatutos e programa. Dar es Salaam, September 1963. Pp. 19. FRENTE DE LIBERTA .O DE MOqAMBIQUE First Congress-Documents. Paris: Comit6 de Soutien A l'Angola et aux Peuples des Colonies Portugaises, September 23-28, 1962. Pp. 16. Includes speeches by Eduardo Mondlane, Marcelino dos Santos, the FRELIMO general declaration, and resolutions. FRENTE DE LIBERTAQAO DE MOCAMBIQUE General statement of organization and leadership. Dar es Salaam, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

MOZAMBIQUE FRENTE DE LIBERTAgX0 DE MOqAMBIQUE "Mozambique Liberation Front: Constitution." Dares Salaam, n.d. Pp. 5, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LIBERTAqXO DE MOqAMBIQUE "News-Dar es Salaam: FRELIMO." Dar es Salaam, 1963 (?). Pp. 6, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LIBERTAqXO DE MOqAMBIQUE 1.0 Congresso. Documentos. Dar es Salaam, September 23-28, 1962. Pp. 39. FRENTE DE LIBERTAqAO DE MOqAMBIQUE "Proclamaqao ao povo mogambicano." Dares Salaam, 1962 (?). P. 1, mimeographed. Extracted from decisions of the First Congress of the FRELIMO, September 23- 28, 1962. FRENTE DE LIBERTA( AO DE MOZAMBIQUE "Programa." Dar es Salaam, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LIBERTAqAO DE MO§AMBIQUE "Programme and Standing Orders." Dar es Salaam (?), n.d. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRENTE DE LIBERTAI;AO DE MO(AMBIQUE "We Shall Fight for Our Independence Without Truce," Information Bulletin, 1 (October 14, 1963), 1-6. FRENTE UNIDA ANTI-IMPERIALISTA POPULAR AFRICANA DE MOAMBIQUE "Declaration of Dissolution of FRELIMO." Kampala, Uganda, May 21, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. FRENTE UNIDA ANTI-IMPERIALISTA POPULAR AFRICANA DE MOZAMBIQUE "Draft Constitution and Rules." Kampala, Uganda (?), n.d. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRENTE UNIDA ANTI-IMPERIALISTA POPULAR AFRICANA DE MOqAMBIQUE "Memoranda Supporting Declaration of Dissolution of FRELIMO." Kampala, Uganda, May 27, 1963. Pp. 5, mimeographed. FRENTE UNIDA ANTI-IMPERIALISTA POPULAR AFRICANA DE MO AMBIQUE "Telegram Message to the Conference of the Heads of African Independent States and Prime Ministers at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." Kampala, Uganda, May 22, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. FRONT DE LIBERATION DU MOZAMBIQUE "Nouveaux succ~s pour le peuple mozambicain." Ref. BPF/65/102. Algiers, June 30, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. FRONT DE LIBERATION DU MOZAMBIQUE jer Congr~s, Dar es Salaam, 23-28 septembre 1962-Documents. Paris: Comit6 de Soutien A l'Angola et aux Peuples des Colonies Portugaises, 1962. Pp. 16. FRONT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE LIBIRATION DU MOZAMBIQUE "Angola, Mozambique. Implantation du capitalisme." Algiers, 1964 (?). Pp. 6, mimeographed. FRONT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE LIBERATION DU MOZAMBIQUE "Circulaire." Algiers, November 1964. P. 1, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA FRONT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE LIBERATION DU MOZAMBIQUE "Communiqu6." Algiers. Mimeographed series: November 18, 1964, pp. 2; November 20, 1964, p. 1; December 9, 1964, p. 1; December 15, 1964, pp. 2; January 4, 1965, pp. 2; January 12, 1965, p. 1; January 19, 1965, p. 1; January 21, 1965, p. 1; January 27, 1965, p. 1; February 12, 1965, p. 1; February 13, 1965, p. 1; February 24, 1965, p. 1; March 15, 1965, p. 1; March 25, 1965, p. 1; April 13, 1965, p. 1; April 24, 1965, p. 1; May 3, 1965, pp. 2; May 4, 1965, pp. 2; June 3, 1965, pp. 2; July 19, 1965, p. 1. FRONT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE LIBERATION DU MOZAMBIQUE "Message pour le IV anniversaire du Front de Lib6ration Nationale-Sud Vietnam." Algiers, December 14, 1964. Pp. 2, typescript. FRONT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE LIBERATION DU MOZAMBIQUE "La population mozambicaine participe activement dans la lutte arm6e." Algiers, June 18, 1965. P. 1. GAMBAO, FERNANDO "La lutte du peuple mozambicain provoque une nouvelle suspension d'un journal portugais au Mozambique." Algiers: Front R~volutionnaire de Liberation du Mozambique, July 20, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. GOUVERNEMENT REVOLUTIONNAIRE DE L'ANGOLA EN EXIL. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES "Le GRAE et la CONCP-Conf6rence des Organisations Nationalistes des Colonies Portugaises." Algiers: Reprinted by Front R6volutionnaire de Lib6ration du Mozambique, 1965. Pp. 6, mimeographed. GUMANE, PAULO JOSE "Open Letter." Lusaka: Comit6 Revolutiondrio de Moqambique, December 29, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. Reprinted in Cairo in January 1966. INFORMATION BULLETIN (CAIRO) I (October 14, 1963), 1-6, mimeographed. "L'INSURRECTION GENERALE ARMEtE DU PEUPLE MOZAMBICAIN, CONTRE LE COLONIALISME PORTUGAIS ET L'IMPERIALISME" Bulletin d'Information (Algiers). Special Number (October 1964), 7, mimeographed. -LETTER, PRESENTATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SWEDISH GOVERNMENT GIFT TO THE MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE" Dares Salaam, May 15, 1965. Pp. 3: 1 typescript (letter), 2 mimeographed (documents). MACUMBI, PASCOAL "Journ6e internationale de solidarit6 avec les 6tudiants et les jeunes en lutte contre le colonialisme: Message du Front de Lib6ration du Mozambique." Algiers: Front de Lib6ration du Mozambique, February 20, 1965. Pp. 2, typescript. MACUMBI, PASCOAL, ETAL. "D6claration de protestation apr~s l'agression am6ricaine A la R6publique D6mocratique du Vietnam." Algiers, February 10, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

MOqAMBIQUE MADR, MILAN "Tonnerre sur le Mozambique," Solidarit (Prague), IV (April 1965). Reprinted by Front Rivolutionnaire de Liberation du Mozambique, Algiers, 1965. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MADZODZERE, FILIP JOHANNES "Press Conference. The Situation in the Portuguese Prisons in Mozambique." Dar es Salaam (?): Frente de Libertagdo de Mogambique. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MASSINGA, JOSEPH C. "Mozambique and the Portuguese Supremacy," The Mozambican, II, 1 (1965 [? ]), 11-15. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Development of Nationalism in Mozambique." December 3, 1964. Pp. 11, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Liberation Struggle in Mozambique." August 1965. Pp. 11, typescript. Interview with R.H. Chilcote. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "Memorandum to the Foreign Ministers of the Organization for African Unity Meeting in Cairo, UAR, July 12-20. Deceptive Moves by Portugal; FRELIMO's attitude." Dar es Salaam, July 12, 1964. Pp. 9, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "Mensagem do ano novo: radiodifundida em 1 de janeiro de 1964 numa emissao directa para Moqambique." Dar es Salaam: Frente de Libertagdo de Mogambique, December 28, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "Message au Congr~s du FLN, Alger." Algiers: Front R~volutionnaire de Lib6ration du Mozambique, 1964. Pp. 3, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Movement for Freedom in Mozambique." Paper read at the Mediterranean Congress for Culture, June 20-24, 1964, Florence, Italy. Pp. 29, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Mozambique Liberation Front: The Crystalization of a Struggle for Freedom." Dar es Salaam, 196(?). Pp. 13, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "Press Conference: FRELIMO Action Forces Portuguese Ban on African Organisation." Dar es Salaam: Mozambique Liberation Front, August 6, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "Press Release: First Annual Conference Mozambique Liberation Front." Dar es Salaam: Mozambique Liberation Front, July 6, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Struggle for Independence in Mozambique." Dar es Salaam, March 1963. Pp. 10, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Struggle for Independence in Mozambique." Dar es Salaam: Mozambique Liberation Front, April 1963. Pp. 13, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Struggle for Independence in Mozambique." Paper presented to the Fourth International Conference "Southern Africa in Transition," April 11-13, 1963. Howard University, Washington, D.C. Pp. 26, mimeographed. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C., AND JANET RAE "Notes on Speeches by Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo C. Mondlane of FRELIMO (American Committee on Africa meeting... )." New York, December 2, 1965. Pp. 4, typescript. MONDLANE, JANET RAE "Background Information and Progress." Dar es Salaam: Mozambique Institute, March 10, 1965. Pp. 11, mimeographed. MONDLANE, JANET RAE "Mozambique." Dar es Salaam: Mozambique Institute, April 1964. Pp. 15, mimeographed. MONDLANE, JANET RAE "The Mozambique Institute (Instituto Moqambicano)." Dar es Salaam, 1963. Pp. 3, mimeographed. MONDLANE, JANET RAE "The Mozambique Refugee Situation." Dares Salaam, 1963 (?). Pp. 13, mimeographed. THE MOZAMBICAN (BOLETIM DE INFORMA qO- INDIANAPOLIS) In English. Mimeographed: 7 (June 23, 1964), 1-23 MOZAMBICAN REVOLUTION (DAR ES SALAAM) All issues mimeographed: 1 (December 1963), 1-10 2 (January 1964), 1-10 3 (February 1964), 1-10 4 (March 1964), 1-10 5 (April 1964), 1-9 6 (May 1964), 1-8 7 (June 1964), 1-11 8 (July 1964), 1-9 9 (August 1964), 1-10 10 (September 1964), 1-10 11 (October 1964), 1-7 12 (November 1964), 1-14 13 (December 1964), 1-14 14 (January 1965), 1-11 15 (February 1965), 1-11 16 (March 1965), 1-13 18 (May 1965), 1-15 19 (June 1965), 1-16 22 (October-November 1965), 1-13 23 (December 1965, JanuaryFebruary 1966), 1-16 MOZAMBIQUE MOZAMBICAN REVOL UTION (NEW YORK) All issues mimeographed: I, I (n.d.), not consecutively paged I, 4 (n.d.), 1-11 I, 2 (n.d.), 1-11 I, 4 (March 25, 1965), 1-14 I, 3 (n.d.), 1-11 I, 5 (June, 1965), 1-14 MOZAMBIQUE AFRICAN NATIONAL UNION "The National Conference of MANU Held Successfully." Khartoum, Sudan, May 11, 1965. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE "Budget for Fiscal Year 1964." Dar es Salaam, n.d. Pp. 4, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE "The Crisis Among Mozambican Student Refugees in Dar es Salaam." Dar es Salaam, January 1964. Pp. 2, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE Mozambique Institute 1965. Dares Salaam, 1965. Pp. 11. MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE "Plan for Primary School Programme." Dar es Salaam, n.d. P. 1, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE "Progress and Plans, 1963-1964." Dares Salaam, 1964 (?). Pp. 13, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE "Report." Dar es Salaam, September 1, 1965. Pp. 9, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE "The Spirit of Freedom.. . ." Dar es Salaam, October 9, 1964. Pp. 6, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE INSTITUTE "Three Year Working Budget." Dar es Salaam, October 9, 1964. Pp. 5, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE LIBERATION FRONT "Communiqu6 No. 27." Dar es Salaam, July 26, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE LIBERATION FRONT "Communiqu6 No. 29." Dares Salaam: August 15, 1965. P. 1, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE LIBERATION FRONT "The Mozambique Liberation Front." Dares Salaam, 1963. Pp. 6, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE LIBERATION FRONT "Press Release. Mozambique Political Parties Fuse." Dar es Salaam, June 26, 1962. P. 1, mimeographed. MOZAMBIQUE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC UNION The UDENAMO at the United Nations. Cairo, November 1963. Pp. 20. MOZAMBIQUE REFUGEE SURVEY: A PRE-TEST OF BASIC SCHEDULES CONDUCTED DURING FEBRUARYMARCH 1964 Dar es Salaam: Market Research in Association with Marco Surveys Limited (Nairobi) for The Mozambique Institute, 196(?). Unpaged.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE REVOLUTIONARY COMMITTEE Series of communiqu6s entitled: "Memorandum Submitted to the 3rd Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the Organisation of African Unity Accra/Ghana, 21st-27th October, 1965"; "Press Conference"; and "Declaration." Lusaka, Zambia, 1965. Pp. 5. NDIMENI, ELI "Portuguese Futile Efforts in Their Determination to Create Other Brazils in Their Colonies," The Mozambican, II, 1 (965 [?]), 16-18. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC UNION OF MOZAMBIQUE "Programme." N.p., 1961 (?). Pp. 3, mimeographed. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC UNION OF MOZAMBIQUE "Statutes." N.p., 1961 (?). Pp. 4, mimeographed. RESOLUTE: COMBATI! (LUSAKA) All issues mimeographed: No number (1964 [?]), 1-9, in English and Portuguese. Subtitle: "Peace or War We Shall Win." II (October 1964), 1-16, in English. Subtitle: "One Man, One Gun." SANTOS, MARCELINO DOS, AND PASCOAL MACUMBI "Meeting du 24 avril: journ6e internationale contre le colonialisme." Algiers: Front R6volutionnaire de Lib6ration du Mozambique, 1965. Pp. 4, mimeographed. SITHOLE, VALENTINO "Letter to the Secretary-General, Permanent Secretariat of the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organisation." Cairo: Comit6 Revoluciondrio de Mogambique, n.d. Pp. 2, mimeographed. In reply to letter dated November 2, 1965. SITHOLE, VALENTINO Mozambique: Speech of COREMO Delegation at the First International Conference for the Liquidation of Foreign Military Bases by.... Cairo (?), 196(?). Pp. 2. STUDENTS' INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN NEW ZEALAND "Resolution of Commission on RIC Studies," The Mozambican, II, 1 (1965 [?]), 3-4. UNIAO DEMOCRATICA NACIONAL DE MOCAMBIQUE "America, the Country Responsible for the Colonial Wars in Africa!" Dar es Salaam, October 8, 1961. Pp. 2, mimeographed. UNIAO DEMOCRATICA NACIONAL DE MOqAMBIQUE Constitution and Programme. Cairo, 1963 (?). Pp. 22. UNIAO DEMOCRATICA NACIONAL DE MOZAMBIQUE "Press Communiqu6." Cairo, August 22, 1963. Pp. 2, mimeographed.

MOqAMBIQUE UNIAO DEMOCRkTICA NACIONAL DE MONOMOTAPA, MOZAMBIQUE AFRICAN NATIONAL UNION, AND MOZAMBIQUE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS "Declaration of Dissolution of FRELIMO." Kampala, Uganda, May 21, 1963. P. 1, mimeographed. UNIAO NACIONAL DOS ESTUDANTES DE MOqAMBIQUE. SEE ALSO: UNION NATIONALE DES fTUDIANTS DU MOZAMBIQUE UNIAO NACIONAL DOS ESTUDANTES DE MOCAMBIQUE "Second Annual General Assembly of UNEMO (Section of U.S.A.). Report," The Mozambican, I, 1 (1965 [?], 32-36. UNION NATIONALE DES ETUDIANTS DE MOZAMBIQUE "Resolution No. 1 on Mozambique-Facts," "Declaration," "Resolution No. 2 on Angola," and "Resolution No. 3." Philadelphia, n.d. Pp. 4, mimeographed. OTHER SOURCES AZEREDO [SIC], J. "The Countries Which Prey on Mozambique," Voice of Africa, V (March-April 1965), 22-23. AZEVEDO. J. "Mozambique," Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin, IV (August-September 1964), 220-22. CHILCOTE, RONALD H. "Eduardo Mondlane and the Mozambique Struggle," Africa Today, XII (November 1965), 4-7. Interview. DELEMOS, VIRGfLI0 "Au Mozambique la longue route vers l'ind6pendance," La Gauche, 14 (April 10, 1965), 12. FRENTE DE LIBERTA(AO DE MOqAMBIQUE "A FRELIMO anuncia novas vit6rias em Mogambique," Portugal Democrdtico. IX (December 1964), 8. FRENTE DE LIBERTAqO NACIONAL. BUREAU PERMANENT DU FRELIMO A ALGER "Mozambique: Communiqu6 Front de Lib6ration du Mozambique," Remarques Congolaises et Africaines, VII (February 3, 1965), 17-18. GUMANE, PAULO J. "Mozambique Enslaved," Review of International Affairs, XV (April 5, 1964), 9- 10. GUMANE, PAULO J. "Salazar's Misconception," Review of International Affairs, XV (June 5, 1964), 12-13. GUMANE, PAULO J. "Salazar's Misconception," Voice of Africa, IV (May-June 1964), 23, 28.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GWAMBE, A.C. "Dangers of New Colonialism in Mozambique," Voice of Africa, I (November 1961), 31-32. KHAMBA, JAIME M.A. "Historical Background to the National Liberation Struggle in Mozambique," Voice of Africa, IV (May-June 1964), 29-32. KHAMBA, JAIME M.A. "Portuguese Atrocities in Mozambique," Voice of Africa, IV (July-August 1964), 27. LEMOS, VIRGfLIO "Journal de prison: exp6riences d'un prisonnier politique au Mozambique," Prdsence Africaine, New Series, French ed., 54 (Second Quarter 1965), 203-20. MABUNDA, DAVID "Portuguese Colonisation of Monomotapa (Mozambique)," Voice of Africa, II (July 1962), 23-24, 26. MAHALA, C. "Le Portugal et les colonies d'Angola et de Guin6e," Prdsence Africaine, New Series, French ed., 30 (February-March 1960), 25-39. Also in English ed., I, 30 (1960), 14-28. "MANIFESTO DOS DEMOCRATAS DE MOqAMBIQUE DIRIGIDO A POPULAC.O" Portugal Democrdtico, V (November 1960), 8. MILAS, LEO SEIFAK-AZIZ "OAU Must Probe FRELIMO," Voice of Africa, V (January-February 1965), 39- 40. "MOqAMBIQUE CONTRA SALAZAR" Portugal Democrdtico, IV (December 1959), 4, 7. A manifesto addressed to the Portuguese Overseas Minister. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "Anti-Colonialism in the United States," pp. 185-206 in Inquiry on Anti- Colonialism (Lisbon: Minist6rio do Ultramar, Junta de Investigaq9es do Ultramar, Centro de Estudos Polfticos e Sociais, 1957). MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "E. Mondlane: 20.000 presos nos campos de concentraqdo," Portugal Democrdtico, IX (September 1964), 4. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "La lutte pour l'ind6pendance au Mozambique," Prdsence Africaine, 48 (Fourth Quarter 1963), 8-31. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "Le mouvement de lib6ration au Mozambique," Prdsence Africaine, New Series, French ed., 53 (First Quarter 1965), 9-35.

PORTUGUESE GUIN, CAPE VERDE, SAO TOMP AND PRfNCIPE MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Movement for Freedom in Mozambique," Pr~sence Africaine, English ed., XXV, 53 (First Quarter 1965), 8-37. Speech given at the Mediterranean Congress for Culture in Florence, June 20-24, 1964. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "Mozambique," pp. 233-44 in Calvin W. Stillman (ed.), Africa in the Modern World (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955). MONDLANE, EDUARDO "Our Chances," The New African, IV (July 1965), 104-05. Interview with the Swiss journalist, Hans Dahlberg. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Struggle for Independence in Mozambique," pp. 197-2 10 in John A. Davis and James K. Baker (eds.), Southern Africa in Transition (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966). MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. "The Struggle for Independence in Mozambique," Presence Africaine, English ed., 20 (Fourth Quarter 1963), 28-46. Text of speech delivered on April 11, 1963, at the AMBA C conference. MONDLANE, JANET RAE "Mozambique." Letter to the Christian Science Monitor, April 16, 1963. Protest against articles written in the Monitor by Pieter Lessing. MONDLANE, JANET, AND EDUARDO MONDLANE "Portuguese Africa," Chapter 16, pp. 235-45 in Helen Kitchen (ed.), The Educated African: A Country-by-Country Survey of Educational Development in Africa. Compiled by Ruth Sloan Associates (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1962). "MOZAMBIQUE: EDUCATION FOR BARBARISM" Voice of Africa, V (January-February 1965), 32-33. By a freedom fighter. Discussion of forced labor, , etc. MUTACA, LOURENqO, AND SARFU KHAN MOHAMMED "Mozambique," Information Bulletin (Supplement to World Marxist Review), 42 (May 13, 1965), 54-55. Report of FRELIMO representatives reprinted from L'Alger R6publicain, March 10, 1965. "PORTUGUESE COLONISATION OF MONOMOTAPA (MOZAMBIQUE)Voice of Africa, II (April 1962), 23, 25. 'PORTUGUESE COLONISATION OF MOZAMBIQUE" Voice of Africa, V (January-February 1965), 28-29. SANTOS, MARCELINO DOS "Une ann6e de lutte de la CONCP," L'Avant-garde, IV (April 28, 1962), 11-12. Interview.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA SANTOS, MARCELINO DOS Interview with Al Chaab, November 13, 1962, p. 6. SANTOS, MARCELINO DOS "La lutte pour l'ind6pendance nationale des peuples des colonies portugaises," Bulletin d'Information, 2 (March 1964), 15-21. SANTOS, MARCELINO DOS "The Voice of the Awakened Continent," World Marxist Review, VII (January 1964), 55-57. 'THE STORY OF MOZAMBIQUEVoice of Africa, IV (December 1964), 7-8, 17-23. UNIAO PROGRESSIVA DE MOqAMBIQUE (MANICA E SOFALA) "Primeiro comunicado do partido Unido Progressiva de Mogambique (Manica e Sofala)," Portugal Democrdtico, V (June 1961), 6. -WOMEN IN MOZAMBIQUE" Voice of Africa, V (January-February 1965), 36.

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA* GENERAL RESOLUTIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY Resolutions Relevant to Portuguese Africa. See resolutions 556 (VI), January 18, 1952; 647 (VII), December 10, 1952; 742-744 (VIII), November 27, 1953; 845 (IX), November 22, 1954; 1466-1471 (XIV), December 12, 1959; 1514 (XV), December 14, 1960; 1534-1542 (XV), December 15, 1960; 1603 (XV),April 20, 1961; 1671 (XVI), December 18, 1961; 1699 (XVI), December 19, 1961; 1742 (XVI), January 30, 1962; 18071809 (XVII), December 14, 1962; 1819 (XVII), December 18, 1962; 1846-1850 (XVII), December 19, 1962; 1913 (XVIII), December 3, 1963; 1973 (XVIII), December 1963; 2105 (XX), December 20, 1965; 2107-2110 (XX), December 21, 1965. SECURITY COUNCIL Resolutions Relevant to Portuguese Africa. See resolutions S/4835, June 9, 1961; S/ 5293, April 24, 1963; S/5380, July 31, 1963; S/5481, December 11, 1963; 218, November 23, 1965. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (ECOSOC) Resolutions Relevant to Portuguese Africa. See resolutions 974 D III (XXXVI), July 24, 1963; 974 D II (XXXVI), July 30, 1963. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL. ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA Resolutions Relevant to Portuguese Africa. See resolutions 42 (IV), February 24, 1962; 68-69 (V), February 23, 1963; 94 (VI), February 28, 1964. OTHER DOCUMENTS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. A/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/2100, Admission of New Members, Paris, January 30, 1952, pp. 16; A/2208, Admission of New Members, October 1, 1952, pp. 2; A/2400, Report of the Special Committee United Nations documents pertaining to Portuguese Africa are ordered by series with descriptive notes of important material and also by individual entry where the document includes a statement by a nationalist figure.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY (CONTINUED) on Admission of New Members, June 25, 1953, pp. 20; A/3079, Admission of New Members, December 7, 1955, pp. 7; A/4173, Draft Convention on Freedom of Information, August 4, 1959, pp. 15; A/4712, Request of the Inclusion of an Additional Item ... Situation in Angola..., March 20, 1961, pp. 4; A/4738, letter, February 20, 1961, pp. 7; A/4800, Annual Report of the Secretary General, July 1961, pp. 181; A/4816, letter, July 25, 1961, pp. 3; A/4846, letter, August 17, 1961, p. 1; A/4846/ Add. 1,Note on Angolan Refugees, September 9, 1961, pp. 3; A/4846/Add. 2, October 12, 1961, p. 1; A/4978, Report, January 1962; A/5018, Report of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.... ,December 8, 1961, pp. 15; A/5082, Agenda Item 27 (XVI), The Situation in Angola.... January 17, 1962, pp. 27; A/5085, The Situation in Angola..., January 25, 1962, p. 1; A/5085/Rev. 1, January 26, 1962, pp. 2; A/5087, Letter from Portugal, January 30, 1962, p. 1; A/5088, The Situation in Angola, Letter.... January 30, 1962, p. 1; A/5089, The Situation in Angola, Letter.. . , January 30,1962, pp. 7; A/5160, Report of the Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration, August 15, 1962, pp. 149; A/5201, Annual Report of the Secretary General, July 1962, pp. 182; A/5202, Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly, October 1962, pp. 82; A/5238, Report of the Special Committee, October 8, 1962, pp. 550; A/5349 and Add. 1, December 19, 1962, p. l; A/5446/Add. 1, Territories under Portuguese Administration, July 19, 1963, pp. 88; A/5501, Annual Report of the Secretary General, July 1963, pp. 150; A/5502, Report of the Security Council, September 1963, pp. 43; A/5629, Report of the Special Committee.... November 29, 1963, pp. 7; A/5629/Add. 1, December 13, 1963, p. 1; A/5800/Add. 3, Report .... January 5, 1965, pp. 118, including annex; A/5946, Letter, August 20, 1965, pp. 2; A/6000, Report of the Special Committee... , November 17, 1965, pp. 178; A/6000/Add. 1, September 24, 1965, pp. 170; A/6002, Report of the Security Council, November 1965, pp. 162; A/6076, Special Training Program for Territories under Portuguese Administration... , October 26, 1965, pp. 17; A/6076/Add. I and 2, November 19 and 30, 1965, p. 1, each; A/6209, Report of the Fourth Committee, December 20, 1965, pp. 10. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/L. 142, Admission of New Members, December 20, 1952, p. 1; A/L. 208, Admission. . . , Draft Resolution, December 14, 1955, p. 1; A/L. 345, The Situation in Angola, Agenda Item 92 (XV). . . ,Draft Resolution, April 13, 1961, pp. 2; L. 383, Agenda Item 27 (XVI), Draft Resolution, January 15, 1962, pp. 2; L. 384/Rev. 1, Agenda Item 27, Revised Draft Resolution, January 25, 1962, pp. 2; L. 384/Rev. 1/Add. 1, January 29, 1962, p. 1; L. 413, Situation. .. Independence to Colonial Countries.. ., December 13, 1962, pp. 9; L. 415, The Situation in Angola, Agenda Item 29.... DraftResolution, December 17, 1962, pp. 3 and Add. 1, December 18, 1962, p. 1; L. 420, The Situation in Angola, Agenda Item 29... , Draft Resolution, December 18, 1962, p. 1; L. 423.... Amendments to Draft Resolution, December 19, 1962. p. 1. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. AGENDA ITEMS. A/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVI) Agenda Item 27, The Situation in Angola: Report of the Sub-Committee Established by General Assembly Resolution 1603 (XV). Official Records, Annexes, including A/4816, letter of July 16, 1961; A/5082, letter of January 16, 1962; A/5085/Rev. 1;

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVI) (CONTINUED) A/5087, letter of January 27, 1962; A/5088, letter of January 29, 1962; A/5089, letter of January 29, 1962; A/L. 383 and A/L. 384/Rev. 1 and Rev. I/Add. 1, draft resolution. New York, 1961-1962. Pp. 24. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVI) Agenda Item 79, Non-Compliance of the with Chapter XI of the Charter of the United Nations and with General Assembly Resolution 1542 (XV). Official Records, Annexes, including A/4841; A/C. 4/L. 704 and Add. 1, draft resolution; A/C. 4/L. 706; A/4998, report of the Fourth Committee. New York, 1961-1962. Pp. 7. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVII) Official Records, A/4978, Report of the Sub-Committee on the Situation in Angola. New York, 1962. Pp. 49. Originally issued in mimeographed form as document S/4993, November 1961, pp. 143, and in mimeographed form as A/4978, November 1961, pp. 143. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVII) Agenda Item 25, Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (Covering the Period from February 20, 1962, to September 19, 1962). A/5238, October 8, 1962. Pp. 537, annex, mimeographed. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVII) Agenda Item 29, The Situation in Angola; Reports of the Sub-Committee Established under General Assembly Resolution 1603 (XV) and of the Government of Portugal. Official Records, Annexes, Addendum to Agenda Item 29, including A/5286, "Report of the Sub-Committee on the Situation in Angola," November 14, 1962. New York, 1962. Pp. 28. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVII) Agenda Item 54, Non-Complaince of the Government of Portugal with Chapter XI of the Charter of the United Nations and with General Assembly Resolution 1542 (XV): Report of the Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration. Official Records, Annexes, including A/C. 4/593; A/C. 4/L. 759; A/C. 4/L. 760 and Add. 1; A/C. 5/964; A/5349 and Add. 1; A/5357. New York, 1962. Pp. 12. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVIII) Agenda Item 23, Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Official Records, Annexes, A/5446/Rev. 1. New York, 1963. Pp. 294. Document consists of A/5446 and Corr. 1, October 30 and December 6, 1963; A/ 5446/Add. 1 and Corr. 1 and 2, July 19, 23, and October 25, 1963; A/5446/Add. 4 and Corr. 1, October 8 and November 6, 1963. Based on other relevant documents, including A/4785, Report of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories; A/5124; A/5238; A/5286; A/5396; A/5501; A/5504; and A/L. 216, 218, 220.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVIII) Agenda Items 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. Official Records, Annexes, including A/5523; 5524, 5531/Rev. 1 and Add. 1 and 2; 5548 and Add. 1; 5673, report of the Fourth Committee; 5674; A/C. 4/635; A/C. 5/1006. New York, 1963. Pp. 35. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XIX) Agenda Item 21, Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples ... Official Records, Annex No. 8 (Part I), A/5800 /Rev. 1, especially Chapter 5, "Territories under Portuguese Administration," pp. 13473. New York, 1964-1965. Pp. 519. Document based on A/5800 and Corr. 1, December 31, 1964 and January 12, 1965; A/5800/Add. 1 and Add. 1 (Part II), August 10 and December 30, 1964; A/5800/Add. 2, December 18, 1964; A/5800/Add. 3 and 4, January 5, 1965; A/5800/Add. 5, January 12, 1965; and A/5800/Add. 6 and 7, January 18, 1965. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. PLENARY MEETINGS. A/PV. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (V) Plenary Meetings 344, 369-370. Official Records A/PV. 344, 369-370. New York, November 14, 1951, and February 1, 1952. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (VIII) Plenary Meetings 519, 552, 555-556. OfficialRecords A/PV. 519, 552, 555-556, New York, September 22, December 8, 14-15, 1955. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XIV AND XV) Plenary Meetings 823-824, 869, 891-892, 896-897, 926, 928, 934. Official Records A/PV. 823-824, 869, 891-892, 896-897, 926, 928, 934, October 6-7, 1959-December 3, 1960. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XV) Plenary Meetings 966-995. Official Records A/PV. 966-995. New York, March 7- April 21, 1961. Pp. 41-5 10. See especially meetings 966, 990-995, pp. 41-44, 381-435. Focus on agenda item 92, the situation in Angola. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVI) Plenary Meetings 1011, 1012, 1015, 1017, 1019-1022, 1024, 1025, 1027-1032, 10351037, 1039, 1048, 1051, 1056, 1088-1102. OfficialRecords A/PV. 1011, 1012, 1015, 1017,1019-1022, 1024, 1025, 1027-1032,1035-1037,1039, 1048, 1051, 1056, 10881102. New York, September 22, 1961 -January 30, 1962. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVII) Plenary Meetings 1136-1201. Official Records A/PV. 1136-1201. A/PV. 1136- 1201. New York, September 28-December 20, 1962. Pp. 203-1223. See especially meetings 1155,1167-1178,1180-1181, 1183-1188, 1192, 1194- 1196, 1198, 12001201, pp. 525-45, 707-902, 919-950, 965-1072,1103-1118, 1133-1168, 1181-1192, 1203-1223. On agenda items 25 and 29, dealing with the situation regarding granting independence to colonial countries and with the situation in Angola.

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY (XVlII) Plenary Meetings 1211-1284. Official Records A/PV. 1211-1284. New York, September 23-December 17, 1963. Pages not numbered consecutively. See especially meetings 1266-1284, dealing with agenda item 23 on the report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 1654 (XVI). GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 23, 26. Official Records A/PV/SR. 23, 26. New York, November 9 and 12, 1954. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. COMMITTEES General Committee. A/BUR/SR. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 134-136. Official Records A/BUR/SR. 134-136. New York, March 22 and September 21, 1961. First Committee. A/C. 1 GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/C. 1/703, Draft Resolution, Paris, January 21, 1952, p. 1; A/C. 1/710, Resolution, Paris, January 25, 1952, p. 1; GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 495,497,499. Official Records A/C. 1/SR. 495, 497, 499, New York, January 21-24, 1952. Third Committee. A/C. 3/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/C. 3/L. 970, Problem Raised by the Situation of Angolan Refugees in the Congo.... Draft Resolution, November 22, 1961, p. 1; L. 960/Add. 1, November 23, 1961, p. 1. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 1112-1117. Official Records A/C. 3/SR, 1112-1117. New York, November 22-28, 1961. Fourth Committee. A/C. 4/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/C. 4/566, request for hearing from Lufs Ranque Franque of the MLEC, October 17, 1962; 577, letter from Angelino Alberto of Nto-Bako, November 6, 1962; 582, statement by representative of Guin6; 583, telegram from Eduardo Mondlane of FRELIMO, November 20, 1962; 583/Add. 1, letter from Jos6 Chicuarra Massinga, November 26, 1962; 584, letter from Holden Roberto of FNLA, November 26, 1962; 584/Add. 1, telegram from Emmanuel Kounzika of the FNLA, November 26, 1962; 586, letter from

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY. FOURTH COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) Benjamin P. Bull and Gano Oumarie of the URGP, November 24, 1962; 587, letter from A. Kaziluki and J.P. Bala of the MDIA, November 27, 1962; 588, statement by Jos6 Chicuarra Massinga; 590, letter from of the CLSTP, November 28, 1962; 592, telegram from Benedito Mapanje of the UDENAMO, December 1, 1962; 594, telegram from Mdrio de Andrade and Agostinho Neto of MPLA, December 10, 1962; 595, telegram from Amfilcar Cabral, December 10, 1962; 597, telegram from Henri Labery of FLING, December 14, 1962. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/C. 4/600 and Add. 1; Add. 2, letter from Eduardo Mondlane of FRELIMO, October 25, 1963; Add. 3, letter from David J.M. Mabunda of UDENAMO, October 23, 1963; Add. 4, letter from Oliveira Aguas, Chairman of the Committee Pro-Democracy in Portugal, November 7, 1963; Add. 5, letter from Henrique Galvfo, November 11, 1963; Add. 6, telegram from Holden Roberto, November 21, 1963; Add. 7, telegram from Leo de Souza and others, December 3, 1963; 618, letter from AmfIcar Cabral of PAIGC, October 31, 1963; 620, statement by African bloc in the United Nations on relations with Portugal, November 13, 1963; 621, November 15, 1963; 622, U.S. request for hearing on Portuguese territories, November 15, 1963; 623, Ghana statement, November 22, 1963; 624, Ceylon statement, November 22, 1963; 625 and Add. 1, statement by Holden Roberto of GRAE, November 27, 1963. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/C. 4/L. 416, 418, 420, draft resolutions of June 1961. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/C. 4/L. 759/Rev. 1; L. 762; L. 763; L. 764; L. 765. Draft resolution and amendments, 1962. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/C. 4/L. 760 and Add. 1; A/C. 4/L. 781 and Add. 1, 2. Draft resolutions, December 10, 1963. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 616-619, 621. Official Records A/C. 4/SR. 616-619, 621. New York, January 30-February 4, 1957. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 1010, 1014-1015, 1017, 1018, 1031, 1042, 1046. OfficialRecords A/C. 4/SR. 1010, 1014-1015, 1017, 1018, 1031, 1042, 1046. New York, October 14- November 11, 1960. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 1175, 1180, 1182-1183, 1188, 1192-1209, 1255-1257. OfficialRecords A/ C. 4/SR. 1175, 1180, 1182-1185, 1188, 1192-1209, 1255-1257. New York, October 17, 1961-December 20, 1961. On agenda item 79, the general debate on Portugal's noncompliance with Chapter XI of the U.N. Charter and the General Assembly Resolution 1542 (XV).

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 1391-1408, 1412, 1420, 1427. Official Records A/C. 4/SR. 1391-1408, 1412, 1420, 1427. New York, November 20-December 17, 1962. Pp. 413- 545,567-72,61726, 671-76. On agenda item 54, noncompliance with Chapter XI of the U.N. Charter and with the General Assembly Resolution 1542 (XV). GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 1457, 1462, 1470,1493-1495, 1498, 1507-1508. OfficialRecords A/C. 4/SR. 1457, 1462, 1470, 1493-1495, 1498, 1507-1508. New York, October 25- December 9, 1963. Pp. 149-56, 197-206, 241-46, 411-36, 451-58,525-39. On agenda item 23, report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (chapter on Territories under Portuguese Administration). Sixth Committee. A/C. 6/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/C. 6/L. 415, November 29, 1957, p. 1. Ad Hoc Political Committee. A/AC. 61 GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 61/L. 35, Admission of New Members, December 13, 1952. p. 1. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 72/L. 2, Admission of New Members: Report of the Special Committee, September 30, 1953, p. 1. A/AC. 76/L. 7, 9, 9/Rev. 1, 14, November 2-12, 1954. A/AC. 80/L. 5, November 18, 1955, p. 1. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meetings 42, 44, 46-50. Official Records A/AC. 61/SR. 42, 44, 46-50. New York, December 13-19, 1952. Meetings 3-5,9. OfficialRecords A/AC. 72/SR. 3-5, 9. New York, October 2-12, 1953. Meetings 19-20, 22. Official Records A/AC. 76/SR. 19-20, 22. New York, November 2-8, 1954. Meetings 25-26, 28, 30-32. Official Records A/AC. 80/SR. 25-26, 28, 30-32, December 1-7, 1955. Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme. A/AC. 96/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 96/189, 200, 207, 1963, reports on refugees in the Congo. A/AC. 96/229, April 15, 1964, including information on Angolan refugees in the Congo. Special Committee on Admission of New Members. A/AC. 64/L. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 64/L. 2, Draft Resolution.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA Special Committee of Six on Transmission of Information under Article 73E. A/AC. 100/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 100/1, Replies of Governments, July 1, 1960, pp. 60. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 108/1-33, February 19, 1962-November 15, 1962. 108/1-10, on committee organization and communications; 108/11, statement by Eduardo Mondlane; 108/22, statement by Hlomulo Chitofo Gwambe of UDENAMO; 108/23, statement by Lawrence Mallinga of the MANU; 108/24, statement by Mdrio de Andrade of the MPLA; 108/25, statement by Holden Roberto of the FNLA; 108/26, statement by Mdrio Moutinho de Padua; 108/27, statement by Miguel Trovoada of the Committee for the Liberation of Sao Tom6 and Principe; 108/28, statement by AmfIcar Cabral of the PAIGC; 108/29, statement by Franqois Mendy of the MLG; 108/30, statement by Manuel Lopez da Silva of the UPG; 108/3 1, statement by Maria Dulce Almada of the PAIGC; 108/32, statement by M. dos Santos of CONCP. Important A/AC. 108 documents alphabetized by author: ALMADA, MARIA DULCE Statement made by Miss Almada of PAIGC at the 51 st meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at Rabat on June 14, 1962. A/AC. 108/31. Pp. 8. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Statement made by Mr. de Andrade, President of MPLA, at the 32nd meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at L6opoldville on May 24, 1962. A/AC. 108/24. Pp. 11. CABRAL, AMILCAR Statement made by Mr. Cabral of the PAIGC at the 44th meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at Conakry on June 5, 1962. A/ AC. 108/28. Pp. 33. FRANCO NOGUEIRA, ALBERTO Communication dated March 23, 1962, to the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/7. Pp. 3. FRANCO NOGUEIRA, ALBERTO, AND ZENON ROSSIDES Communication of August 11, 1962, from Franco Nogueira to the Chairman of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI) and reply of the Chairman dated November 14, 1962. A/AC. 108/33. Pp. 5.

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA GWAMBE, HLOMULO CHITOFO Statement made by Mr. Gwambe of UDENAMO at the 22nd and 23rd meetings of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at Dar es Salaam on May 14, 1962. A/AC. 108/22. Pp. 45. LOPEZ DA SILVA, MANUEL Statement made by Mr. Lopez da Silva of the UPG at the 50th meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at Dakar on June 12, 1962. A/AC. 108/30. Pp. 17. MALLINGA, LAWRENCE Statement made by Mr. Mallinga of MANU at the 26th meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at Dar es Salaam on May 16, 1962. A/AC. 108/23. Pp. 10. MENDY, FRANqOIS Statement made by Mr. Mendy of the MLG at the 48th meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at Dakar on June 11, 1962. A/AC. 108/29. Pp. 4. MONDLANE, EDUARDO C. Statement submitted to the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/11. New York, April 10, 1962. Pp. 31. PADUA, MARIO MOUTINHO DE Statement made at the 37th meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held in L~opoldville on May 26, 1962. A/AC. 108/26. Pp. 20. Padua was a former medical officer in the in Angola. ROBERTO, HOLDEN Statement made by Mr. Roberto of the FNLA at the 33rd meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at L6opoldville on May 24, 1962. A/AC. 108/25. Pp. 6. SANTOS, MARCELINO DOS "Statement Made by Mr. Marcelino dos Santos . . . at the 52nd Meeting of the Special Committee, Held at Rabat, , on June 15, 1962." New York: United Nations Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), August 9, 1962. A/AC. 108/32. Pp. 9, mimeographed. TROVOADA, MIGUEL Statement made by Mr. Trovoada, President of the Committee for the Liberation of Sao Tom6 and Prfncipe, at the 43rd meeting of the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at Accra on June 2, 1962. A/AC. 108/27. Pp. 7.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 108/INF. 1, list of committee representatives; A/AC. 108/INF. 2, list of documents published as of August 30, 1962. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 108/L. 1-12, February 19, 1962-March 11, 1963. L. 5 and L. 5/Add. 1 concern Portuguese legislation in the overseas territories; L. 6 concerns the constitutional status of Portuguese territories; L. 8, report on Mogambique; L. 9, background paper on Portuguese Guin6; L. 10, background paper on Cape Verde; L. 11, background paper on Sdo Tom6 and Prfncipe; L. 12, background paper on Macau. Important A/AC. 108/L. 1-12 documents alphabetized by subject: "CAPE VERDE" A/AC. 108/L. 10. New York, November 28, 1962. Pp. 39 (Annex, pp. 3). Information concerning the geography, population, present status and administration of the territory, education, public health, labor, and economic conditions of Cape Verde up to the end of 1960. "CONSTITUTIONAL STATUS OF TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION" A/AC. 108/L. 6, New York, February 4, 1963. Pp. 45. "MACAU" A/AC. 108/L. 12. New York, December 5, 1962. Pp. 40. Information concerning the geography, history, current-status and administration, population, education, public health, and economic conditions of Macau up to the end of 1960. -MOZAMBIQUE" A/AC. 108/L. 8. New York, October 16, 1962. Pp. 73. Information concerning population, government, development of political movements, education, public health, labor, and economic conditions of Mozambique up to the end of 1960. 'SAO TOME AND PRiNCIPE" A/AC. 108/L. 11. New York, November 19, 1962. Pp. 29. Information concerning the geography, population, government, status of inhabitants, education, public health, labor, and economic conditions of Sdo Tom6 and Principe up to the end of 1960. "SOME MEASURES RELATING TO THE TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION PROMULGATED SINCE JANUARY 1961" A/AC. 108/L. 5. New York, October 15, 1962. Pp. 40. Part I is a general survey of measures-legislation relating to the abolition of the Native Statute, to the settlement and development of the Territories, and new measures. Part II is an analysis of provisions affecting indigenous inhabitants. Part III concerns new legislation relating to economic and social conditions. "SOME MEASURES RELATING TO THE TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION PROMULGATED SINCE 1 JANUARY 1961" A/AC. 108/L. 5/Add. 1. New York, October 19, 1962. Pp. 77 (Annex, pp. 15). List of various decrees dealing with Portuguese Overseas Provinces-land, the judiciary, municipal governments and extracts of legislation relating to economic and social conditions. (Annex: speech delivered by the Minister for Overseas Territories of Portugal at Oporto on August 28, 1961.)

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 108/PET/L. 1-9. Petitions received by the committee from UDENAMO, MANU, Committee Pro-Democracy in Portugal, Henrique Galvao, PAIGC, Eduardo C. Mondlane, Soma Valente, MLGCV-FLGCV, American Committee on Africa, and Elfsio Figueiredo. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 108/SR. 1-67, May 7-September 4, 1962. Summary record of the committee hearings, including: SR. 1-7, organization of work meetings; SR. 8-10, hearings of Soma Valente, and Angolan; SR. 14, hearings of an Angolan refugee; SR. 15, hearings of George Hauser, Director of the American Committee on Africa; SR. 22-25, hearings of representatives of UDENAMO; SR. 26-27, hearings of representatives of MANU; SR. 28, hearings of petitioners from UNAMI; SR. 29, hearings of petitioners from the African National Congress and from South-West Africa; SR. 34, statement by the FNLA; SR. 35, statement by the MLEC; SR. 36, statement by Angolan refugees; SR. 37, hearing of the MPLA; SR. 38, hearings of petitioners from the MDLA and UNTA; SR. 39, hearings of the FNLA, NGWIZAKO, and the FNA; SR. 40, hearings of MLGP, UMA, UDENAMO; SR. 41, hearings of UDENAMO, MLGP, UMA; SR. 42, hearings of CLSTP; SR. 43, hearings of LGTA; SR. 44, hearings of PAIGC; SR. 45, hearings of PAIGC and the MLGsection UPG, Conakry; SR. 46, hearings of MLG-section UPG, Conakry; SR. 48, hearings of MLG; SR. 49, hearings of MLG-Bissau, MLICV-Senegal section, and the RDAG; SR. 50, hearings of UPLG, UPG-ex MLGC, and FNLG; SR. 51, hearings of PAIGC and UGEAN; SR. 52, hearings of UGEAN and CONCP; SR. 53-67, consideration of draft report of the committee. Important A/AC. 108/SR. 1-67 documents in alphabetical order: AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (OF SOUTH AFRICA) Hearing of petitioner Makiwane before the U.N. Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 29. ANDRADE, MARIO DE Statement and reply to questions before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), May 24, 1962. A/AC. 108/SR. 32. COMITE DE LIBERTA.,AO DE SAO TOME AND PRfNCIPE (CLSTP) Hearing of President Trovoada (see A/AC. 108/27) before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 42. Accra, June 2, 1962. CONFERENCE DES ORGANISATIONS NATIONALISTES DES COLONIES PORTUGAISES (CONCP) Hearing of Secretary-General Marcelino dos Santos before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 52. Rabat, June 15, 1962. FRONT NATIONAL ANGOLAIS (FNA) Hearing of petitioner Maembe before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 39. L6opoldville, May 28, 1962.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA FRONT NATIONAL POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA (FNLA) Hearing of petitioners (Roberto, Kounzika, Gourgel Neto) before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), held at L6opoldville, May 25, 1962. A/AC. 108/SR. 33-34. Hearing of Rev. Paulo Gomes, A/AC. 108/SR. 39. FRONT NATIONAL DE LIBERATION DE LA GUINEE DITE PORTUGAISE (FNLG) Hearing of Ibrahim Diallo before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 50. Dakar, June 12, 1962. LIGA GERAL DOS TRABALHADORES DE ANGOLA (LGTA) Hearing of Secretary-General Kassinda before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 43. Accra, June 2, 1962. MONDLANE, EDUARDO Statement before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI), April 9-10, 1962. A/AC. 108/SR. 8-10. MOUVEMENT DE DEFENSE DES INTERITS DE L'ANGOLA (MDLA) Hearing of petitioner Bala, secretary-general, before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 38. L6opoldville, May 28, 1962. MOUVEMENT DE LA LIBERATION DE LA GUINEE DITE PORTUGAISE (MLGP) Hearing of Miss Ernestina da Silva before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 40, Accra, June 1, 1962; SR. 41, Accra, June 1, 1962. A/AC. 108/SR. 34, Conakry, June 6, 1962, statement by Louis da Silva of the MLG-section UPG, Conakry; also A/AC. 108/SR. 46, Conakry, June 7, 1962. A/AC. 108/SR. 49, Dakar, June 11, 1962, hearing of Balbino da Costa, vice president of MLG-Bissau section of MLGP, and Sr. Francisco. MOUVEMENT POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ENCLAVE DE CABINDA (MLEC) Hearing of petitioner de Padua before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 35. L6opoldville, May 25, 1962. A/AC. 108/SR. 37, May 26, 1962. MOUVEMENT DE LIBERATION DES ILES DU CAP-VERT (SENEGAL SECTION-MLICV) Hearing of Jos6 Andrade, secretary-general of MLICV, and Honor6 Cabral before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 49. Dakar, June 11, 1962. MOVIMENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTAq.O DE ANGOLA (MPLA) Hearing of petitioner Azevedo before U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 34. L6opoldville, May 25, 1962. A/AC. 108/SR. 37, May 26, 1962.

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE AFRICAN NATIONAL UNION (MANU) Hearings of petitioners (Mmole, Millinga, Viegas, Lala) before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 26-27. Dares Salaam, August 26, 1962. NGWIZANI , KONGO (NGWIZAKO) Hearing of petitioner Loureiro, vice chairman of party, before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 39. L~opoldville, May 28, 1962. PARTIDO AFRICANO DA INDEPENDENCIA DA GUINE E CABO VERDE (PAIGC) Hearing of Amflcar Cabral, secretary-general, before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 44. Conakry, June 5, 1962 (see Cabral's statement, A/AC. 108/28); A/AC. 108/SR. 45, Conakry, June 6, 1962; A/AC. 108/SR. 51, Rabat, June 14, 1962. RASSEMBLEMENT DtMOCRATIQUE AFRICAIN DE LA GUINEE PORTUGAISE (RDAG) Hearing of Sr. Cheick, secretary-general of RDAG, before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 49. Dakar, June 11, 1962. SOUTH-WEST AFRICA NATIONAL UNION Hearing of petitioner Mbaeva before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 29. UNIAO DEMOCRATICA NACIONAL DE MOqAMBIQUE (UDENAMO) Hearings of petitioners (Gwambe, Bahule, Gumane, Simango, Murupa, Magaia, Marapendo, Mungwambe, Mahlayete, Nungu, Chapo, Numgaka, Ndimeni, Tembe, Matsoko, Ndeyo, Ngwenya) before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 22-25, Dar es Salaam, May 14-15, 1962; A/AC. 108/ SR. 40, Accra, June 1, 1962; A/AC. 108/SR. 41, Accra, June 1, 1962. UNIAO DAS MULHERES DE ANGOLA (UMA) Hearing of Miss Serafina de Assis before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 40. Accra, June 1, 1962. A/AC. 108/SR. 41. UNIAO NACIONAL AFRICANA DE MOCAMBIQUE INDEPENDENTE (UNAMI) Hearings of petitioners before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 28. Dar es Salaam, August 21, 1962. UNIAO DAS POPULA4;OES DA GUINE (UPG-EX. MLGC) Hearing of Lopez da Silva, secretary-general, Jos6 Mendy, vice president of UPG, and Srs. Fernandez, Faria, and Labery, before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 50. Dakar, June 12, 1962.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA UNION GENERALE DES ETUDIANTS D'AFRIQUE NOIRE SOUS DOMINATION PORTUGAISE (UGEAN) Hearing of Secretary-General Fret before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 51-52. Rabat, June 14-15, 1962. UNION NATIONALE DES TRAVAILLEURS ANGOLAIS (UNTA) Hearing of petitioner Luvualu, secretary-general, before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 38. L6opoldville, May 28, 1962. UNION POPULAIRE DE LIBERATION DE LA GUINEE PORTUGAISE (UPLG) Hearing of Secretary-General Barry Mamadou before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 50. Dakar, June 12, 1962. VALENTE, SOMA An Angolan's statement before the U.N. Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration Established under General Assembly Resolution 1699 (XVI). A/AC. 108/SR. 12. New York, April 11, 1962. Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. A/AC. 109/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 109/24, Question, of Mozambique, Draft Resolution, August 24, 1962, pp. 2; 30, Question of Angola, Draft Resolution, September 20, 1962. pp. 2; 36, 38, December 23, 1963, including adopted resolution; 87, 90, June 25 and July 3, 1964, including adopted resolution; 119, 124, Territories under Portuguese Administration, Resolution Adopted.... June 1l, 1965, pp. 3; 128, June 30, 1965, and Corr. 1 and 2, July 9, 1965, and Rev. 1, July 20, 1965, p. 1, each; 132, August 24, 1965, pp. 2. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 109/L. 31, Question of Mozambique, Draft Resolution, August 7, 1962, pp. 2; L. 37, Question of Angola, Joint Draft Resolution, September 17, 1962, pp. 2; L. 46/ Rev. 1, December 10, 1963; L. 67, Draft Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples... , July 10, 1963, pp. 88; L. 92, 40th Report of the Sub-Committee on Petitions, October 14,1963; L. 110, 115, 121, 126, 127, 130, 134, 135/Rev. 1, Reports of the Sub- Committee on Petitions, May 20-July 1, 1964; L. 157, October 30, 1964, pp. 8; L. 192, April 16, 1965, pp. 38; L. 212, June 9, 1965, pp. 6; L. 214, July 7, 1965, pp. 3; L. 244, Draft Report of the Special Committee on the Situation in... ; L. 257, "The Activities of Foreign Economic Interests which are Impeding the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence in the Territories under Portuguese Administration, " October 15, 1964, pp. 98; L. 257/ Add. 1, October 19, 1964, pp. 96. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 109/Pet. 36; Pet. 53, S6crates Diskalos of FUA, March 7, 1963; Pet. 54, Jofo Francisco Quintdo of MLEC, March 7, 1963; Pet. 58/Add. 1, three statements from

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY. A/AC. 109/PET. (CONTINUED) Ngwizani A Kongo, October 22, 1963; Pet. 59, J.B.C. Chagonga of Unido Nacional Africana de Mogambique Independente, March 7, 1963; Pet. 60, FRELIMO, March 8, 1963; Pet. 61, March 8, 1963; Pet. 75, Carlos Gonqalves, March 12, 1963; Pet. 86; Pet. 122, Agostinho Neto, May 14, 1963; Pet. 123, Helena Silveira, concerning Cape Verde, May 28, 1963; Pet. 124, Benjamin Pinto-Bull of URGP, May 17, 1963; Pet. 125, Edouard Makoumbi of the Alliance de Jeunes Angolais pour la Libert6, May 14, 1963; Pet. 126, Dr. F. Ian Gilchrist, concerning Angola, May 17, 1963; Pet. 147 and Add. 1, Nto-Bako, October 22, 1963; Pet. 149, Movimento Nacional Angolano, August 8, 1963; Pet. 164, Ngwizani A Kongo, October 22, 1963; Pet. 165, Ngwizani A Kongo, October 22, 1963; Pet. 166, FLEC, October 22, 1963; Pet. 167, Union Nationale des ttudiants Angolais, October 22, 1963; Pet. 232, Luemba Simon and Lufs Ranque Franque of the FLEC, April 28, 1964; Pet. 233, Albert Nauk, concerning Angola, April 28, 1964; Pet. 233/Add. 1, Albert Nauk, concerning Portuguese Guin6, April 28, 1964; Pet. 234, two petitions from Lukeki Lunzinga of Nto-Bako, April 28, 1964; Pet. 235, Frangois Lele on behalf of Nto-Bako, April 28, 1964; Pet. 235/Add. 1, Frangois Lele, November 19, 1964; Pet. 236, National Union of Angolan Students, April 28, 1964; Pet. 237, Isidore Kiala and Pierre Tecka of MDIA, April 28, 1964; Pet. 238, Fred Wilde, concerning Angola, April 28, 1964; Pet. 239, Pedro Soares of FPLN, April 28, 1964; Pet. 240, Nicholas Vieira of GRAE, April 28, 1964; Pet. 240/Add. 1, Carlos Gongalves, June 30, 1964; Pet. 240/Add. 2, Holden Roberto of GRAE, November 18, 1964; Pet. 241, Groupe Angolais, URSS, April 28, 1964; Pet. 242, from a group of Angolan students, April 28, 1964; Pet. 257, four petitions from the Mozambique African National Congress, May 8, 1964; Pet. 258, David J.M. Mabunda of Unido Democrdtica Nacional Mogambique, May 8, 1964; Pet. 258/Add. 1, Calvino Mahlayeye of Mozambique National Democratic Union, June 22, 1964; Pet. 258/Add. 2, David J.M. Mabunda, November 24, 1964; Pet. 267, General Mohammed Nabin Amin, concerning territories under Portuguese administration, May 8, 1964; Pet. 268, George M. Hauser, May 20, 1964; Pet. 269, Agostinho Neto of MPLA, May 27, 1964; Pet. 273, Jos6 Baltazar da Costa Chagonga of Unifo Nacional Africana de Mogambique Independente, May 27, 1964; Pet. 274, AmfIcar Cabral of PAIGC, May 27, 1964; Pet. 277, G.M. Chilambe of Mozambique African National Union, June 12, 1964; Pet. 282, Artur Manuel da Costa on Angola, June 26, 1964; Pet. 283, FLEC, June 26, 1964; Pet. 284, Alphonse Kita et al., Comit6 de l'Unit6 Nationale Angolaise, June 26, 1964; Pet. 292, Jos6 Malheiro Egreja Borges Ervedosa, concerning Angola, November 3, 1964; Pet. 337, Front pour la Lib6ration de l'Enclave de Cabinda (FLEC), concerning Angola, April 9, 1965; Pet. 356, F. de Mello e Castro of the MLICV, concerning Cape Verde, April 13, 1965; Pet. 364, Mathew S. Kambexo and D.L. Maibeki, Mozambique African National Congress, concerning Mozambique, April 13, 1965; Pet. 365, M. Trovoada of CLSTP, concerning Sao Tom6 and Prfncipe, April 13, 1965; Pet. 376, Carlos Gongalves Cambando of GRAE, April 29, 1965; Pet. 392, Zarica J. Sakupwanya of COREMO, June 21, 1965; Pet. 396, Eduardo Mondlane of FRELIMO, June 21, 1965; Pet. 396/Add. 1, July 7, 1965; Pet. 397, S.K. Njolomba, D.K. Mapulanga, S.G. Chata and W.G. Ndumba, concerning Angola, June 21, 1965; Pet. 398, Addo Jos6 Domingos Kapilango of UPA, June 21, 1965; Pet. 398/Add. 1, July 7, 1965; Pet. 399, Anfbal de Melo of MPLA, June 21, 1965; Pet. 399/Add. 1, Agostinho Neto of MPLA, July 7,1965; Pet. 401, Kassongo Paul and John Victor of UNA, July 14, 1965; Pet. 411, Amfilcar Cabral of PAIGC, July 7, 1965; Pet. 416, Lukoki Lunzinga, Muanza Fernandes and Tshingani Mingiedi of Nto-Bako, August 23, 1965; Pet. 416/Add. 1, Frangois Lele of NtoBako, September 14, 1965; Pet. 416/Add. 2, petition from Lukoki Lunzinga, Muanza Fernandes, and Tshingani Mingiedi of Nto-Bako, October 29, 1965; Pet. 421, Marcos

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY. A/AC. 109/PET. (CONTINUED) Kassanga of CPA, September 14, 1965; Pet. 424, Francisco Thomaz of Nto-Bako, October 29, 1965. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Sub-Committee on Petitions. A/AC. 108/SR. I/SR. 27, March 7, 1963; 42, 46, 49, 51, 53, 54, 56, May 26-October 28, 1964. A/AC. 109/SC. 2/SR. 16, 17, 18/Rev. 1, 19, 20, 21. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A/AC. 109/SR. 66, 68, 69, 71, 85, 88, 91-99, 113, 114, 124-129, 139, 140, 141, July 5, 1962-May 15, 1963; SR. 264, 275-277, 283-284, 311, 313, 348-356, 361- 364, 368, 372, 373, 387, June 9, 1964-September 22, 1965. Important A/AC. 109/ documents in alphabetical order: BALTAZAR, JOSE Summary of the hearing of Mr. Baltazar, president of the Unifo Nacional Africana de Mogambique Independente before the U.N. Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, held at Dar es Salaam on June 6, 1962. A/AC. 109/SR. 68. P. 3. KASSANGA, MARCOS Hearing of Marcos Kassanga, president of the Conseil du Peuple Angolais, before the United Nations Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, held at New York on September 20, 1965. A/AC. 109/SR. 387. Pp. 9-15. KUNNUMBARA, D.M., S.M. MAKABA, AND GABRIEL SIMXO ZANDEMELA Summary of the hearing of Messrs. Kunnumbara, Makaba, and Zandemela, representatives of the MANU party of Mozambique before the U.N. Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, held at Dar es Salaam on June 5, 1962. A/AC. 109/SR. 66. Pp. 4-10. MONDLANE, E. CHIVAMBO Summary of the hearing of Mr. Mondlane before the U.N. Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, held at Dar es Salaam on June 8, 1962. A/AC. 109/SR. 71. Pp. 15-16. SIMANGO, URIA Summary of the hearing of Mr. Simango, representative of the Mozambique National Democratic Union before the U.N. Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, held at Dar es Salaam on June 7, 1962. A/AC. 109/SR. 69. Pp. 12-14.

UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS ON PORTUGUESE AFRICA SECURITY COUNCIL. S/ SECURITY COUNCIL S/2449, Draft Resolution..., Paris, December 19, 1951, p. 1; 2449/Rev. 1, Paris, February 6, 1952, p. 1; 2509, Note. , Paris, February 2, 1952; 2664, Draft Resolution, June 16, 1952, p. 1;3475, December 8, 1955, p. 1;3487, 3502, 3509, on admission of Portugal to the United Nations, December 10-14, 1955, p. 1, each; 4738, Letter, February 20, 1961, p. 1; 4760, Letter, March 7, 1961, pp. 2; 4762, Letter, March 14, 1961, pp. 2; 4766, Letter, March 13, 1961, p. 1; 4767, Letter, March 13, 1961, p. 1 ; 4762, Resolution. March 14, 1961, p. 1; 4813, Letter, May 27, 1961, pp. 7; 4816, Letter, May 31, 1961, pp. 2; 4816/Add. I and 2, June 2 and 9, 1961 ; 4819,Letter, June 5, 1961, pp. 2; 4821, Letter, June 5, 1961,pp. 2; 4822, Cable, June 5, 1961, p. 1; 4823, Telegram, June 5, 1961, p. 1; 4824, Letter, June 5, 1961, pp. 5; 4825, Letter, June 6, 1961, p. 1; 4826, Letter, June 6, 1961, p. 1; 4827, Letter, June 6, 1961, p. 1; 4831, Letter, June 7, 1961, p. 1; 4832, Letter, June 7, 1961, p. 1; 4833/Rev. 1, June 9, 1961, p. 1; 4834, June 9, 1961, p. 1; 4891, Letter, July 25, 1961, pp. 3; 4898, Letter, July 28, 1961, pp. 5; 5039, Cable, Alleging Aggressive Action by Portugal against Senegal, December 22, 1961, p. 1; 5205, Report of the Sub-Committee on the Situation in Angola, Letter, November 15, 1962, p. 1; 5281, Letter, April 11, 1963, pp. 2; 5283, Telegram, April 16, 1963, p. 1; 5284, Letter, April 16, 1963, p. 1; 5285, Report, April 17, 1963, p. 1; 5286, Telegram, April 17, 1963, p. 1; 5287, Text of Documents, April 18, 1963, pp. 11; 5288, Letter, April 17, 1963, p. 1; 5290, Letter, April 22, 1963, pp. 2; 5347, Letter, July 11, 1963, p. 1, 5351, Letter, July 17, 1963, p. 1; 5354, Letter, July 18, 1963, p. 1; 5355, Telegram, July 18, 1963, p. 1; 5356, Letter, July 19, 1963, p. 1; 5357, Letter, July 19, 1963, p. 1; 5358, Telegram, July 19, 1963, p. 1; 5361, Report, July 22, 1963, p. 1; 5366, Letter, July 22, 1963, p. 1; 5368, July 23, 1963, p. 1; 5369, Letter, July 24, 1963, p. 1; 5371, Letter, July 25, 1963, p. 1; 5372, July 26, 1963, p. 1, 5376, Cable, July 29, 1963, p. 1; 5379, July 30, 1963; 5427, September 16, 1963; 5463, November 26, 1963; 5470, December 3, 1963, 5472, December 5, 1963; 5473, Letter, December 5, 1963, p. 1; 5474, Letter, December 5, 1963, p. 1; 5475, December 5, 1963; 5480, December 10, 1963; 5481, December 11, 1963; 5727,Note, August 26, 1964, p. 1; 5782, Report, November 11, 1964, pp. 15; 5801, Annual Report of the Secretary General, June 1964, pp. 148; 5803, Report, September 1964, pp. 108; 6177, Letter, February 8, 1965, pp. 2; 6192, Letter, February 17, 1965, pp. 2; 6196, Letter, February 24, 1965, p. 1; 6338, Letter, May 7, 1965, p. 1; 6349,Letter, May 12, 1965, p. 1; 6359,Letter, May 17, 1965, pp. 2, 6366/Rev. 1, May 18, 1965, p. 1; 6460, Telegram, June 21, 1965, pp. 3; 6567, Cable, June 22, 1965, p. 1; 6585, Letter, August 2, 1965, pp. 4; 6791, Letter, October 15, 1965, p. 1; 6859, Telegram, November 2, 1965, p. 1; 6860, Letter, November 2, 1965, p. 1; 6861, Letter, November 2, 1965, p. 1; 6868, Letter, November 3, 1965, p. 1; 6871, Letter, November 4, 1965, p. 1; 6886, Letter, November 10, 1965, pp. 14; 6892, Letter, November 10, 1965, p. 1; 6958, Note, November 19, 1965, p. 1; 6962, Letter, November 24, 1965, pp. 4; 7011, Letter, December 14, 1965, pp. 4; 7046, Letter, December 28, 1965, p. 1; SECURITY COUNCIL S/PV. 943-946, March 10-15, 1961, debate on the Angolan question; S/PV. 950, June 6, 1961; S/PV. 953-956, June 7-9, 1961, continuation of debate. S/PV. 1040- 1050, July 22-31, 1963, meetings 1040-1050, on the Portuguese African question; S/PV. 1079-1083, December 6-11, 1963, debate on Portuguese Africa.

EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA SECRETARIAT SECRETARIAT "Angola: A Bibliography, 1963." New York, July 25, 1963. ST/LIB/10. Pp. 11, mimegraphed. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OfficialRecords E/2408, April 27, 1953, pp. 314; 2431, Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Forced Labour, Geneva, 1953, pp. 619; 2565/Add. 13, Employment.... October 14, 1954, pp. 45; 2726/Add. 2, World Economic Situation, May 13, 1955, pp. 64; 2815, Forced Labour, December 15, 1955, pp. 356; 2815/Add. 5, April 26, 1956, pp. 9; 3182,Membership .... October 3, 1958, p. 1. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL E/CONF. 24/L. 4-6, 14, 22, 32, 45/Rev. 1, August 15-September 3, 1956, p. 1, each; E/CN. 4/771/Add. 7, Study of Discrimination in Education, February 16, 1959, pp. 3; E/CN. 14/L. 31, Portugal, Draft Resolution, January 5, 1959, pp. 2; E/L. 592, Agenda Item 8 (XVII), April 16, 1954, p. 1; ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Ad Hoc Committee on Slavery. E/AC. 33/10/Add. 71, Questionnaire on Slavery and Servitude (Reply of the Portuguese Government), August 27, 1951, p. 1.


EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA ANGOLA AND CABINDA 25,211 "ACTIVITIES OF NLF OF ANGOLATranslations on Africa, No. 60. Film D3, reel No. 9, June 22, 1964. Pp. 21. 25,211 "TRANSLATIONS OF ANGOLA INFORMA TIONS" Translations on Africa, No. 60. Film D3, reel No. 9, May 3, 1964. 25,610 "POPULAR ANGOLAN ASSOCIATIONS" Translations on Africa, No. 72. Film D3, reel No. 11, 1964. Pp. 24-32. 25,775 "PEREIRA BASTOS CHARGES NATO AIDS SALAZAR IN ANGOLA CONFLICT" Translations on Africa, No. 77. Film D3, reel No. 11, 1964. Pp. 9-11. 25,775 "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE FLNA? " Translations on Africa, No. 77. Film D3, reel No. 11, 1964. Pp. 12-14. 26,175 'REPORT ON VISIT TO CABINDA GUERRILLAS" Translations on Africa, No. 88. Film D3, reel No. 11, 1964. Pp. 13-18. 26,248 "BRIEF NOTE ON THE SOCIAL ACTION FOR LABOR IN ANGOLA" Translations on Africa, No. 90. Film D3, reel No. 14, 1964. Pp. 13-19. 26,346 "SOME ASPECTS OF 'QUIOCO' CULTURE: AN OUTLINE" Translations on Africa, No. 95. Film D3, reel No. 14, 1964. Pp. 42-53. 26,553 "MPLA APPEALS TO LIOPOLDVILLE AND OAU FOR HALT TO 'DOUBLE REPRESSION'" Translations on Africa, No. 102. Film D3, reel No. 14, 1964. Pp. 126-29. 26,553 "MPLA DENOUNCES GRAE IN STATEMENT ON SITUATION IN ANGOLA" Translations on Africa, No. 102. Film D3, reel No. 14, 1964. Pp. 130-34. 26,624 ROBERTO, HOLDEN "Roberto Holden Interviewed Concerning Present Situation of Angolan Nationalists," Translations on Africa, No. 106. Film D3, reel No. 14, 1964. Pp. 48-55. 26,683 "PORTUGUESE VICTORY IN ANGOLA CALLED A MUST" Translations on Africa, No. 108. Film D3, reel No. 16, 1964. Pp. 4-7. 27,157 "PRESENT SITUATION OF THE ANGOLAN REVOLUTION" Translations on Africa, No. 123. Film D3, reel No. 16, 1964. Pp. 1-5. 27,295 "INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ANGOLA" Translations on Africa, No. 126. Film D3, reel No. 17, 1964. Pp. 20-37. 27,295 "NATIVE RELIGIONS OF ANGOLA" Translations of Africa, No. 126. Film D3, reel No. 17, 1964. Pp. 1-19. 27,295 "POLITICAL MAKE-UP OF THE TERRORIST MOVEMENT IN ANGOLA" Translations on Africa, No. 126. Film D3, reel No. 17, 1964. Pp. 38-49.

JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE DOCUMENTS 113 27,443 -THE TWA PEOPLE OF SOUTHWESTERN ANGOLA" Translations on Africa, No. 129. Film D3, reel No. 17, 1964. Pp. 37-47. 27,612 -THE OVIMBA OF CALUQUEMBE: TRADITIONS, CUSTOMS AND RITES OF THE ROYAL FAMILIES OF CALUQUEMBE OF THE OVIMBUNDU TRIBE IN ANGOLA" Translations on Africa, No. 134. Film D3, reel No. 19, 1964. Pp. 1-75. 27,920 'PRESENT STATUS OF THE ANGOLAN REVOLUTION" Translations on Africa, No. 146. Film D3, reel No. 19, 1964. Pp. 20-29. 27,942 "MPLA VIEW OF PRESENT SITUATION OF ANGOLAN INSURGENT MOVEMENT" Translations on Africa, No. 147. Film D3, reel No. 19, 1964. Pp. 7-10. 28,107 'INSIGNIA AND SYMBOLS OF AUTHORITY OF THE NATIVE CHIEFS OF ANGOLA" Translations on Africa, No. 156. ID/21, 1964. Pp. 27-52. 28,457 "STAND OF CGTA ON ANGOLAN PROBLEMS" Translations on Africa, No. 167. ID/21, 1964. Pp. 57-63. 32,218 "HOW ANGOLA TIES IN WITH THE IMPERIALISTS' PLANS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA" Translations on Africa, No. 264. ID/MF-165, ID32, 1965. Pp. 1-15. 32,288 'ANGOLAN COMMANDO TRAINING CENTER ESTABLISHED BY DECREE" Translations on Africa, No. 266. ID/MF-474, ID40, 1965. Pp. 27-29. 32,394 "API GIVES VIEWS ON LIBERATION STRUGGLE IN ANGOLA" Translations on Africa, No. 270. ID/MF-171, ID32, 1965. Pp. 31-37. 34,760 EDUARDO, JOHNNY "Johnny Eduardo States His Views on the Angola Problem," Translations on Africa, No. 348. ID/MF-472, ID40, 1965. Pp. 17-21. 34,791 "FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ANGOLAN INSURRECTION" Translations on Africa, No. 349. ID/MF-473, ID40, 1965. Pp. 46-48. PORTUGUESE GUINt AND THE CAPE VERDE ARCHIPELAGO 24,314 "GUERRILLAS OF PORTUGUESE GUINEA" Translations on Africa. Film D3, reel No. 7, 1963. Pp. 20-23. 24,923 "PORTUGUESE GUINEA'S WAR OF LIBERATION" Translations on Africa. Film D3, reel No. 7, 1964. Pp. 15-19. 25,775 "THE STRUGGLE OF 'PORTUGUESE' GUINEA" Translations on Africa, No. 77, Film D3, reel No. 11, 1964. Pp. 29-40. 26,683 "THE SITUATION OF PORTUGUESE GUINEAN REFUGEES IN THE CASAMANCE REGION OF SENEGAL" Translations on Africa, No. 108. Film D3, reel No. 16, 1964. Pp. 17-21.

114 EMERGING NATIONALISM IN PORTUGUESE AFRICA 27,669 "ETHNOLOGICAL STUDIES ON PORTUGUESE GUINEA" Estudos s6bre a Etnologia do Ultramar (Ethnological Studies on Portuguese Overseas Possessions), Lisbon, Vol. III, 1963, Translations on Africa, No. 137. Film D3, reel No. 19, 1964. Pp. 1-55. 30,946 'LIBERATION MOVEMENT IN PORTUGUESE GUINEA (PAIGC) TOTES UP 1964 ACHIEVEMENTS" Translations on Africa, No. 220. ID/28, 1964. Pp. 5-10. 31,337 "ULTIMATE VICTORY FORESEEN FOR PAIGC" Translations on Africa, No. 229. ID/28, 1964. Pp. 19-22. 32,288 "TACTICS OF THE PAIGC DISCUSSED" Translations on Africa, No. 266. ID/MF-167, ID/32, 1965. Pp. 58-60. 32,428 "TOTEMISM IN PORTUGUESE GUINEA" Translations on Africa, No. 271. ID/MF-172, ID/32, 1965. Pp. 20-41. MOIAMBIQUE 19,138 "THE MACUAS AND THE MOGOVOLAS AREA, MOZAMBIQUE" Translations on Africa, No. 11, May-June 1963. Pp. 31-63. 26,775 "MOZAMBIQUE, THE LEAST TROUBLE OF PORTUGAL'S AFRICAN" Translations on Africa, No. 110. Film D3, reel No. 16, 1964. Pp. 71-74. 27,379 "FRELIMO PROCLAIMS ARMED INSURRECTION IN MOZAMBIQUE: ANTI-SALAZAR WAR IN-; STATEMENT OF ALGERIAN AMBASSADOR TO DAR ES SALAAM ON FRELIMO PROCLAMATION" Translations on Africa, No. 128. Film D3, reel No. 17, 1964. Pp. 51-54. 28,392 'AFRICAN NATIONALIST VIEW OF SOCIAL-ECONOMIC SITUATION IN MOZAMBIQUE" Translations on Africa, No. 165. ID/21, 1964. Pp. 18-27. 32,647 "SOLIDARITY MEETING REVEALS GOALS AND TACTICS OF FRELIMO" Translations on Africa, No. 279. ID/MF-180, ID/32, 1965. Pp. 91-94.