CHAIRINA is a premium tea company headquartered in Singapore. Our brand strategy is built on the promise of providing the high-quality tea experience. We value our strong relationships with tea growers and together with our tea specialists constantly work on creating unique taste experiences and luxury feeling of our distinctive flavors. This Exclusive Collection was prepared for special people from the precious Asian tea leaves:

Baihao Yinzhen Tea (White Hair Silver Ne edle) Type: Origin: Province, Shelf life: no expiry – place longer taste better Description: The most famous Chinese White Tea. Freshly bright colored and covered with tiny white hairs. The flavor and fragrance is delicate, light, fresh and sweet. This tea is perfect for improving digestion, especially for when you feel stomach cramps or nausea. It also helps to relieve stomach acidity and to detoxify the digestive system. Time: 8’-12’ Quantity: 2g/100ml Temperature of Infusion: 70 C̊

Junshan Yinzhen Tea (Master Mountain Silver Needle) Type: Origin: Junshan Island of the Hunan Province, China Shelf life: 1.6 year (better stored in fridge) Description: The most exclusive tea among the rare yellow . Unique higly floral sugarcane aroma and very complex flavor with mineral undertones and notes of sweet corn. This tea protects the body against free radical damage and slows down the process of aging. It reduces the level of cholesterol in our body and prevents heart disorders. Infusion Time: 5’ Quantity: 2g/100ml Temperature of Infusion: 85 C̊

Tieguanyin (Iron Goddess of Mercy)

Type: Tea Origin: Anxi Country, Fujian Province, China Shelf life: 1 year (better stored in fridge) Description: Chinese’s most favorite oolong tea. Along with its amazing taste and strong aroma, this tea also has a lot of health benefits as it is rich in , vitamins and amino acids. Boost up energy –it contains in high levels that helps to energize the drinker and also help them experience better mental performance. Infusion Time: 5’-7’ Quantity: 2g/100ml Temperature of Infusion: 95 C̊

Pu’er Tea

Type: Origin: Pu’er Country, Yunnan Province, China Shelf life: no expiry – place longer taste better Description: It is a Chinese specialty. It has powerful flavor described as long woody, liquorice notes. Pu’Er tea is highly regarded in Chinese medicine for its curative properties. It is said to lower cholesterol levels, dissolve fat, aid in digestion, improve blood circulation and reduce the effects of alcohol. This tea improves with age, owing to the specific type of that affects the tannins. Infusion Time: 4’ Quantity: 2g/100ml Temperature of Infusion: 95 C̊

Long Jing (Dragon Well)

Type: Origin: Xi Hu () Shelf life: 1 year (better stored in fridge) Description: One of most famous Chinese green teas. This loose leaf tea is distinguished by its exquisite flavor, which is mellow and delicate with a sweet aftertaste. With extraordinarily high levels of the natural ’, vitamin C and amino acids, this king of teas provides the perfect pick-me-up at any time of the day. Infusion Time: 3’-5’ Quantity: 1g/100ml Temperature of Infusion: 75 C̊

Jin Jun Mei Tea (Beautiful Golden Eyebrows) Black Tea Queen

Type: Black Tea Origin: Wuyi Mountains, Fujian Province, China Shelf life: 2-3 years Description: In China, this variety of tea is viewed as one of most prestigious of all teas. It is made exclusively from the buds plucked in early spring from the tea plant. It has a sweet, fruity and flowery flavor with a long lasting sweet after-taste. It can combine with cholesterol in stomach and intestines, and reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. Thus Jin Jun Mei is helpful for protecting heart from hyperlipidemia and heart disease without side-effects. Besides, tea in Jin Jun Mei can protect your liver. Infusion Time: 3’-5’ Quantity: 2g/100ml Temperature of Infusion: 95 C̊

Jasmine Tea

Origin: Hengxian, Guangxi province, China Shelf life: 1 year Description: Jasmine bud tea is made by fresh Jasmin flowers bud from drying. Regarded and adored by the Chinese as the “world’s best fragrance”, fresh Jasmine flowers are often used to scent and add flavor to Green teas. Its taste is sweet and delicate while the aroma is soothing and very pleasant. The lovely fragrance is known to have a calmative effect that soothe the nerves, while the liquor is refreshing and has a cooling effect on the body. Infusion Time: 5’ -7’ Quantity: 3g/150ml Temperature of Infusion: 80 C̊

Rose Tea (Golden edge rose tea buds)

Origin: Yulong Snow Mountain in , Yunnan Province, China Shelf life: 1 year Description: The buds are known to contain a higher amount of vitamin C and the polyphenol group called “”. Combination of all these natural components makes rosebud tea a healthy beverage and some of the benefits includes, easing depression, soothes the nerves, benefits circulation and reduces indigestion.

Infusion Time:4’ - 5’ Quantity: 3g/150ml Temperature of Infusion: 70 C̊