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THYROFORTTHYROFORT Special Engineering Steels THYROFORTTHYROFORT THYROFORTTHYROFORT Heat-Treatable Steels EDELSTAHL WITTEN-KREFELD GMBH THYROFORTTHYROFORT Special engineering steels THYROFORTTHYROFORT THYROFORTTHYROFORT Heat-treatable steels Contents Page 4 – 5 General Page 6 – 7 Special features Page 8 – 9 Steel portraits Page 10 – 13 Application examples Page 14 – 15 Steel production Page 16 – 17 Steel processing Technical information Page 18 – 20 Overview of grades and chemical composition Page 21 – 22 Minimum yield points and tensile strength ranges Material data Page 24 – 65 Material data sheets Technical information Page 66 – 68 Thyrofort – The basics Page 69 – 70 Heat treatment – Schematic representation Page 71 Sampling according to DIN EN 10083 Page 72 – 73 Ruling heat treatment diameter Page 74 Comparison of international standards Page 75 Hardness comparison table Page 76 Forms supplied Page 77 Temperature Comparison Page 78 List of photos 3 THYROFORT A tough type through and Wherever machines and their Heat-treatable steels acquire components have to withstand their high yield point, tensile Thyrofort, high dynamic stresses, the use of strength and fatigue strength special, high-performance steel (combined with great toughness!) grades is essential. If a compo- by being hardened and tempered nent breaks, the machine grinds to at above 450 °C but below the a halt, the entire installation has to microstructural transformation be stopped! Choosing the opti- temperature. The great strength of mum steel for the respective com- our Thyrofort steels is their opti- ponent is of decisive importance mum adaptation to the respective for productivity, cost-efficiency application. and, above all, for safety. Thyrofort Optimum full quenching and tem- is our brand name for high- pering is guaranteed by choosing strength heat-treatable steels. the suitable steel as a function of Compared to case-hardening the workpiece cross-section. steels, these grades have a higher The extraordinary purity and the carbon content in the region of homogeneity of the microstructure about 0.20 to 0.60%. While case- ensure consistent mechanical hardened steels have a hard case properties, even with large cross- and a tough core, heat-treated sections. steels are characterized by high Edelstahl Witten-Krefeld is in a strength all the way from the case position to supply round billets of to the core. up to 750 mm diameter and ma- These two types of steel are a chined material of up to 400 mm perfect match in large gearboxes: diameter. In this context, the the gearwheels are made of case- strength and toughness can be hardened steel, while heat-treated specifically adjusted and combined steel is used for the shafts. to meet the demands on the re- spective component. 4 General through - if you have big things in mind Thyrofort heat-treatable steels offer excellent hot formability. Cold formability and machinability are dependent on the carbon con- tent and the crystalline structure. Appropriate alloying and heat treatment permit adjustment of the microstructure for optimum machinability. The top quality of Thyrofort steels is achieved through high process reliability and modern installations for melting, highly developed sec- ondary metallurgy, vertical contin- uous casting, remelting, hot forming and modern test facilities. Edelstahl Witten-Krefeld is in a position to offer you a tailor-made heat-treatable steel for every application and every component. Ask our material specialists for advice. Thyrofort – designed for extraordinary stresses 5 Thyrofort – accura Spot-on analysis The strength and toughness of the base material are determined to precise by its chemical composition and the heat treatment it undergoes. Consequently, the required prop- steels and nickel-chromium- erties are already specifically molybdenum heat-treatable aimed for when melting the steel. steels. The facilities in Witten and Krefeld enable us to achieve a Maximum purity spot-on, reliably reproducible Extremely high purity is achieved chemical composition. by secondary metallurgical treat- ment, vertical continuous casting, Specific hardenability or by remelting. Undesirable non- By selecting the right alloying ele- metallic inclusions are virtually ments, we can specifically adapt ruled out. the hardenability of the material to the geometry of the respective Highly reliable fine grain component. The fine grain of our Thyrofort The most important alloying ele- grades is achieved in a highly reli- ments for heat-treatable steels able and controllable manner by are chromium, nickel, molyb- targeted adjustment of the alu- denum and vanadium. In addition minium and nitrogen contents. High fatigue strength to unalloyed heat-treatable steels, No other manufacturer of special In heat-treatable steels, the differ- we also offer the following alloyed steel can beat the high degree of ent service properties required for versions: chromium-alloyed heat- macroscopic and microscopic the individual components, such treatable steels, chromium- purity and the homogeneity of the as high strength under static and molybdenum heat-treatable microstructure of our Thyrofort dynamic stress, toughness and steels, chromium-nickel-molybde- steels. hardness, are set by way of the num heat-treatable steels, chemical composition and a se- chromium-vanadium heat-treatable quence of heat treatment opera- 6 Special features tely adapted requirements The machinability of heat-treated steels is influenced by the microstructure, the strength and the non-metallic inclusions (sul- phides, oxides). Further optimisation of the machinability can be achieved through increasing the level of sulphidic inclusions, by calcium treatment and by heat treatment, i.e. by specifically adjusting the microstructure. Customised heat treatment Depending on the envisaged ap- plication and processing, we can supply you with Thyrofort steel tions. Additional surface harden- Good machinability grades in a wide variety of treated ing by inductive heating increases The larger the quantity of compo- conditions, e.g. with reduced the wear resistance. nents to be manufactured, the hardness or within a given more important it is for the materi- strength range. al to have good machinability. This Detailed technical information on means the cost-effectiveness of as-delivered conditions and pro- series production is already partly cessing can be found starting on determined when ordering a spe- Page 66. cific steel grade. 7 Unalloyed • THYROFORT C22E Unalloyed carbon steel for low-stress auto- motive and mechanical engineering parts offering good weldability • THYROFORT C35E • THYROFORT C35R Unalloyed carbon steel for low-stress auto- motive and mechanical engineering parts We’ve got far more than Unalloyed or alloyed Unalloyed or alloyed heat- just the average treatable steels – the choice of material is determined by the na- ture of the load, the component geometry and the processing method. The unalloyed Thyrofort grades contain not only manganese, but also carbon as the main alloying element. The tensile strength and yield point rise with increasing carbon content. The alloyed steels are character- ized by greater hardenability and better resistance to tempering. Compared to the unalloyed grades, they offer better through- Our partners in the steel trade Make use of our extensive capa- hardening, enhanced toughness offer a wide selection of Thyrofort bilities and let us act as your and a higher ratio of yield stress grades in all standard sizes. “extended workbench”. to tensile strength. Talk to our specialists about the Unmachined or machined individual, tailor-made solution Rolled or forged Our strength are steel grades not you require. Edelstahl Witten-Krefeld supplies only in a variety of hot-formed a wide variety of rolled and forged products, but also in various pro- products, from bar steel, universal cessing stages. Our processing plate/flat dimensions and semis, operations range from rough- all the way to open-die forgings in machining to bright surfaces with different heat-treated conditions. close tolerances, all the way to ready-to-install components. 8 Steel portraits • THYROFORT Cf35 Alloyed Unalloyed carbon steel for low-stress auto- • THYROFORT 34 CrMo 4 motive and mechanical engineering parts, • THYROFORT 46 Cr 2 • THYROFORT 34 CrMoS 4 also suitable for surface hardening • THYROFORT 46 CrS 2 CrMo-alloyed heat-treatable steel with high Cr-alloyed heat-treatable steel for low-stress toughness, for mechanical engineering and • THYROFORT C45E automotive and mechanical engineering automotive parts, e.g. axle shafts, tyres, • THYROFORT C45R parts, as well as for fastening elements steering stubs, gas cylinders Unalloyed carbon steel for low-stress auto- motive and mechanical engineering parts, • THYROFORT 34 Cr 4 • THYROFORT 42 CrMo 4 also suitable for surface hardening • THYROFORT 34 CrS 4 • THYROFORT 42 CrMoS 4 Cr-alloyed heat-treatable steel for automotive CrMo-alloyed heat-treatable steel with high • THYROFORT Cf45 and mechanical engineering parts, e.g. drive, toughness, for mechanical engineering and Unalloyed carbon steel for low-stress auto- axle and steering components automotive parts, e.g. spars, connecting motive and mechanical engineering parts, rods, gears, pinions and tyres, as well as for also suitable for surface hardening components for low-temperature applica- tions • THYROFORT 50 CrMo 4 in stock CrMo-alloyed heat-treatable steel with high toughness, for automotive parts, e.g. rings, tyres, liners, shafts, axles, steering compo- nents • THYROFORT 30 CrMoV 9 CrMoV-alloyed heat-treatable steel with high yield
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