Names Mentioned More Than Once in a Page Are Indexed Only Once
INDEX Names mentioned more than once in a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ABBEYS. Bardsey Island (Caerns.), Agincourt, battle of, 70, 78, 87, 99, 106; Bourne (Lines.), 98, 106; 127 Bridlington, 104, 106; Bristol, 98, Alcock, Jn, 81 104; Bruton (Som.), 105-6; Burs- Altrincham, 64 cough (Lanes.), 101; Castle Acre, Alvanley, 62, 71 109; Christchurch (London), Anglesey, g, 118, 127 105-6; Cirencester (Glos.), 99, Angouleme, 143 104, 106; Combwell, 99; Darley, Anjou, duke of, 147, 151-2 99, 106; Dorchester (Oxon), 98, Antwerp, 63 106; Dover, 99; Hartland Appleton, Wm, 81, 85 (Devon), 98, 106; Haughmond Aquitaine, 2; duchy of, 10; princi (Salop), 98, 106, 109; Hexham, pality of, 139-160 99; Kenilworth, 105-6; Keyn- Aragon, 62 sham (Som.), 98, 106; Leicester, Arderne, Rob, 62, 71 99, 106; Lemes (Kent), 98, 106; Arley Charters, 65 Lilleshall (Salop), 98, 106; Mis- Armagnac, count of, 140, 147; Jean senden (Bucks), 98, 106; Muchel- de, 141 ney (Som.), log; North Creake Arques, lieutenant of, 74 (Norfolk), 99, 100, 106; Norton, Arrouasian abbeys, 98, 106 97-112; Notley (Bucks), 98, 106; Arundel, earl of, 118, 143 Osney (Oxon), 100, 105-6; O va Aston, family, 83; Sir Ric, 83; Sir st on (Leics.), 98, 106; Rocester Rob, 83 (Staffs.), 99, 106; Runcorn, 98, Attelbrig, Jn, 136 100; St Botolph's, Colchester, 98, Audley, Sir Jas, 16, 145, 149, 151 100, 106; St Frideswide's, Ox Augustine, St, of Hippo, 97 ford, 101, 104, 106; St Helen's Augustinian abbeys 97-112 Derby, 99; St James, Northamp Avignon, court at, 139
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