Mubalama Kakira L. 2010. Monitoring Law Enforcement Effort and Illegal

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Mubalama Kakira L. 2010. Monitoring Law Enforcement Effort and Illegal Mubalama Kakira L. 2010. Monitoring law enforcement effort and illegal activity in selected protected areas: Implications for management and conservation, Democratic Republic of Congo [dissertation]. Ghent University. 1 p. Keywords: 1CD/1UG/Acinonyx jubatus/cheetah/law enforcement/poaching Abstract: Poaching remains a sensitive and controversial issue, especially amidst a diversity of combined political upheaval and economic turmoil when biodiversity is being lost at an accelerated rate resulting in some of charismatic species becoming plummeted amidst the wave of illegal offtake caused by a number of factors acting in concert. Overall, defaunation and habitat encroachment viewed largely as a function of human action were the two major factors that caused contraction of large herbivores in both the Kahuzi-Biega and Virunga National Parks. These two show pieces of conservation areas are still grappling with ever-growing population growth in a region where conflict over ownership and control of land and its natural resources poses daunting impediments to community-based development making it more difficult to secure sustainable solutions. This research work seeks to shed light on illegal activity patterns and trends as well as law enforcementeffort implications using a wide range of GIS analysis applications with a focus on the hotspot analysis. Analysis carried out here typically answers four fairly key questions, (i) what is the illegal resource use? (ii) Where is the best illegal activity location? (iii) Who extracts resources illegally? and (iv) Why does illegal resource use occur on recurrent basis? The thesis highlights practical issues which must be addressed to improve the effectiveness of conservation strategies. To my parents In love and gratitude “Respect your father and mother” is the first commandment that has a promise added: “so that all may go well with you, and you may live a long time in the land” Ephesians 6, 2-3 Copyright@2010 Leonard K. Mubalama Printed in Ghent, Belgium All rights reserved This book is printed on acid-free paper, and its binding materials have been chosen for strength and durability EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Poaching remains a sensitive and controversial issue, especially amidst a diversity of combined political upheaval and economic turmoil when biodiversity is being lost at an accelerated rate resulting in some of charismatic species becoming plummeted amidst the wave of illegal offtake caused by a number of factors acting in concert. Overall, defaunation and habitat encroachment viewed largely as a function of human action were the two major factors that caused contraction of large herbivores in both the Kahuzi-Biega and Virunga National Parks. These two show pieces of conservation areas are still grappling with ever-growing population growth in a region where conflict over ownership and control of land and its natural resources poses daunting impediments to community-based development making it more difficult to secure sustainable solutions. This research work seeks to shed light on illegal activity patterns and trends as well as law enforcementeffort implications using a wide range of GIS analysis applications with a focus on the hotspot analysis. Analysis carried out here typically answers four fairly key questions, (i) what is the illegal resource use? (ii) Where is the best illegal activity location? (iii) Who extracts resources illegally? and (iv) Why does illegal resource use occur on recurrent basis? The thesis highlights practical issues which must be addressed to improve the effectiveness of conservation strategies. I examined the spatial distribution of wildlife crime incidents in both parks using ArcGIS software, including the hotspot spatial analysis technique. The primary objective was to examine whether patterns existed in the spatial distribution of wildlife crime and to explore the relationship of patterns to other geographic features while making allowances for registering all spatial data layers to common spatial projection to facilitate reliable comparisons between all data layers. The research investigation provided insight into the magnitude of wildlife crime impacts on park management unit level. Predictive understanding of either poaching patterns or wildlife occurrence remains a challenge as both hunter and hunted are elusive. I assessed the spatial scale of illegal wildlife use against target species distribution, habitat types, and patrol effort using the state-of-the art GIS applications. In short, the striking finding to emerge from the study indicates a clear tendency towards threats and wildlife clumping into both hot and cold spots areas. One major management implication is how to best direct wildlife crime prevention and mitigation resources. Decisions support efforts should include identifying places where illegal activity is prevalent and i determining where crime types occur with greatest frequency. In this regard, GIS through spatial analysis can provide a pathway for managers to better understand the relationship between natural resources and crime occurrence. Poaching phenomenon still shows no sign of fading away, hence, the thesis results point out to several avenues of further research where modeling can contribute more to the understanding rule-breaking behavior in conservation, including which factors influence the hunting sustainability and determining the hunting index of catchability. Although wildlife Acts exist as a global conservation tool for the protection of species, most remain unenforced, especially during wartime when human resources and funding are inadequate to monitor illegal activity and enforce existing wildlife law. The study findings show how fragile is national park to poaching, particularly if surrounded by a hungry human population that receives limited benefits from the presence of the park. The long-term sustainability of conservation efforts depends on the social and political context within which they take place, thus for a better monitoring systems, both law enforcement and socio-economic are an integrated part of adaptive management, suggesting a need to blend them into the management perspectives. Future efforts could examine geographic profiling, crime prediction, and the spatial displacement of offenders as a means to mitigating wildlife crime. More sophisticated wildlife crime analyses using space-time accessibility approach might address causality in relation to protection efforts. Rules, and the measures to enforce them, are at the heart of conservation. Wildlife Act by itself cannot deal with all known anthropogenic threats; on-the-ground complementary actions are needed to back up legislation. Although there was no evidence for the effectiveness of wildlife protection laws aimed at preventing the overexploitation of large mammals, but looking back over ten years of war, I learned that the three crucial factors in mitigating the effects of conflict on biodiversity were the continuous on-the-ground well trained field staff, continuous law enforcement information flow, and secured funding. They are as crucial now as they were at the height of the spiraling war if these parks are to survive. To all intends and purposes, protected areas must be cleared of both unchecked government soldiers and militia gangs before major progress are possible in the framework of ongoing wildlife agency restructuring. Only so, can we express the hope to put an end to current pernicious effects of the tragedy of the commons within the parks. ii SAMENVATTING Stroperij blijft een gevoelige en controversiële aangelegenheid, in het bijzonder in een context van politieke omwentelingen en economische onrust. Biodiversiteit gaat in versneld tempo verloren, en sommige karakteristieke soorten sterven uit als gevolg van een aantal samenlopende factoren. Het uitsterven van soorten, en de aantasting van hun habitat, grotendeels ten gevolge van menselijk handelen, zijn meestal de twee belangrijkste factoren die het in aantal afnemen van grote herbivoren in de nationale parken van Kahuzi-Biega en Virunga veroorzaken. Deze twee voorbeelden tonen aan dat gebieden van natuurbehoud nog steeds worstelen met continu toenemende bevolkingsgroei, en dit in een regio waar conflict over eigendom en controle van land en zijn natuurlijke hulpbronnen een serieuze hindernis vormt voor community-based ontwikkeling. Duurzame oplossingen zijn hierdoor moeilijker te realiseren. Dit onderzoek wil licht werpen op illegale activiteitenpatronen en trends en op de gevolgen van inspanningen die gedaan worden rond ordehandhaving, daarbij gebruik makend van een breed spectrum aan GIS analyse toepassingen met focus op hotspot analyse. Het voorliggend onderzoek wil antwoord geven op vier kernvragen, (i) wat is de toestand m.b.t. het illegale gebruik van hulpbronnen? (ii) wat is de beste locatie voor illegale activiteiten? (iii) wie boort hulpbronnen aan op illegale manier? en (iv) waarom is illegaal gebruik van hulpbronnen een terugkerend verschijnsel? Het proefschrift toont aan dat een aantal praktische kwesties aangepakt moeten worden, wil men de effectiviteit van strategieën voor natuurbehoud verbeteren. De ruimtelijke verspreiding van stroperij in beide parken werden onderzocht door gebruik te maken van ArcGIS software, o.a. de hotspot ruimtelijke analyse techniek. De voornaamste doelstelling was te onderzoeken of er patronen waren in de ruimtelijke verspreiding van stroperij en het verband na te gaan tussen deze patronen en andere geografische kenmerken. Er werd voor gezorgd
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