+971 4 2942006
[email protected] +971 56 922 2281 www.sphinxrealestate.com DUBAI 200 + 3.1 MN DIRHAM $30.22 BN NATIONALITIES RESIDENTS STABLE CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS IN FIRST HALF 2018 WORLD CLASS INFRASTRUCUTRE 25 MN $77,55 BN 27,642 VISITORS TRANSACTIONS IN TRANSACTIONS EXPO 2020 2017 IN FIRST HALF 2018 AL JADDAF 5 MINUTES FROM VIEWS TO 5 MINUTES FROM , EASY ACCESS TO DOWNTOWN DUBAI CREEK THE WORLD S AL JADDAF DUBAI WATERFRONT TALLEST TOWER METRO STATION 5 5 MIN FROM DUBAI CREEK TOWER 5 AL JADDAF 5 Al Jaddaf is a mixed-use community surrounded by the Dubai Creek and Royal Za’abeel Community. The name ‘Al Jaddaf’ literally translates to ‘The Rower’, a testament to the area’s historic use as a traditional dhow sailboat building hub. The area is developing into a hospitality oasis with up to 5 Hotels at present in construction and 3 hotels build namely Marriott Al Jadaf, 5 MIN FROM The community is home to progressive young professionals seeking a fast-paced lifestyle within minutes of every major DOWNTOWN landmark in Dubai. Residents enjoy easy access to the Dubai Metro, amenities are also in near proximity such as Latifa 5 minutes away, DUBAI together with DIFC. AN A W ARD WINN ING DE V ELO PER W INNER G ULF REAL E S TATE A W ARDS 2 019 W INNER G ULF REAL E S TATEA W ARDS 2018 W INNER REAL E S TATE TYC O O N A W ARD 2017 W INNER D ESIGN MIDDL E EAS T A W ARDS 2 018 W INNER INTERN ATIO NAL PRO PER TY A W ARDS D UBAI 2 0 18-2 019 W INNER ARABIAN PROPER TY A W ARDS 2017- 2018 BINGHATTI DEVELOPERS W INNER ARABIAN BUSIN E S S REAL E S TATE