New Castle County Capital Program and Budget Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Matthew Meyer Approved County Executive TABLE OF CONTENTS

Page Page Distinguished Budget Presentation Award 1 Departmental and Project Profiles Department of Administration 17 Elected Officials and County Planning Board 2 Department of Community Services 20 County Executive 24 FY2022 Capital Budget Overview 3 Department of Public Safety 27 Department of Public Works 31 FY2022 Capital Project Authorizations and Detail 4 Capital Expenditure Activity 61 Development of the Capital Program and Budget Overview 6 Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget and Program Funding Summary 62 Capital Projects Strategies and Review System (CAPSTARS) 6 Key Financial Policies (KFP's) 7 Active Capital Project Directory 63 Quarterly Capital Review 9 Linkage with the Comprehensive Development Planning 10 Process and the Capital Program and Budget Process Debt Management Bond Rating 12 Legal Debt Margin 12 Policy Statement 12 Debt Service as a Percentage of the Operating Revenue 13 Bond Authorizations 13 Investment Policy 13 Existing and Proposed Debt Service as a Percentage of the 14 Operating Revenue Development Impact Fees 15 Definitions 16 DISTINGUISHED BUDGET PRESENTATION AWARD

This prestigious award is the highest form of recognition in government budgeting that a local government can receive. Of nearly 40,000 units of local government eligible, an average of only 2% each year receive this honor.

This is the 31st consecutive year that New Castle County has merited this award.

The Government Finance Officers Association of the and Canada presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to New Castle County, for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020.

In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan and as a communications device.

The award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award.


Executive County Council County Executive Matthew Meyer President of Council Karen Hartley-Nagle First District Kenneth R. Woods Row Offices Second District Dee Durham Clerk of the Peace Lisa M. Darrah Third District Janet Kilpatrick Recorder of Deeds Michael E. Kozikowski Fourth District Penrose Hollins Register of Wills Ciro Poppiti, III Fifth District Lisa Diller Sheriff Scott T. Phillips Sixth District David B. Carter Seventh District George Smiley Eighth District John J. Cartier Ninth District Timothy P. Sheldon Tenth District Jea P. Street Eleventh District David L. Tackett Twelfth District J. William Bell County Planning Board Karen Peterson, Chairperson Leone Cahill-Krout Jonathan Cochran Joseph Daigle Leah Gray William V. McGlinchey Robert Snowden Ruth Visvardis Kiana Williams


Community Capital Budget Services Public Safety Facilities/Equipment 0.2% -1.1% Authorizations and Landfill Facilities 4.8% $60,375,522 Administration 1.1% Parks 4.6% Major Capital Programs Sewer/Stormwater $54,500,910 Facilities/Equipment $ 2,967,300 Parks $ 2,836,007 Sewer and Stormwater Public Safety $ (678,695) 88.3% Administration $ 650,000 Community Services $ 100,000


FY2022 Budget Project Authorization Fiscal Year 2022 Project Detail Page # Administration Information Systems Expansion II $ 650,000 Complete implementation of the Human Capital Management Project 19 Total Administration $ 650,000

Community Services Surratte Pool Renovations II $ 100,000 Renovations and upgrades to the Bath House and office. 23 Total Community Services $ 100,000

Public Safety EMS Stations $ (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 29 Public Safety Building Renovations 562,305 Replace HVAC system in 911 Center and demolition of adjacent property. 30 Public Safety Equipment 99,000 Purchase specialized equipment such as AED's, tasers and technology equipment. 30 Public Safety Vest Protection Program 160,000 Purchase protective vests for police officers and EMS staff. 30 Total Public Safety $ (678,695)

Public Works Facilities / Equipment Fleet Equipment 2021 / 2022 $ 3,067,300 Lease of heavy equipment, off-road equipment and vehicles. 49 Vehicle Lift System (100,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 52 Total Facilities / Equipment $ 2,967,300

Parks Banning Park Improvements $ 2,650,000 Enhancements to turf fields and park entrance. 54 Delcastle Park Improvements (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 55 Game Court Improvements 2021 75,000 Improvements and renovations to existing game courts. 55 General Parkland Improvements 2021 750,000 Improvements and renovations to neighborhood parks and local park revitalization effort. 56 Glasgow Regional Park (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 56 Greenway Systems 2,245,881 Cross county pathway connector system for multi-use walking and biking. 56 Maintenance Base Renovations (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 57 Middle Run Valley Reforestation 14,126 Tree planting and invasive species management in Middle Run Natural Area. 58 Open Space Preservation 1,275,000 Acquire properties and/or easements for the protection of natural resources and conservation. 58 Parkland Acquisition (1,275,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 58 Pavilion Renovations (200,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 58 Play Area Improvements 2021 25,000 Replacement of aging neighborhood playgrounds. 59


FY2022 Budget Project Authorization Fiscal Year 2022 Project Detail Page # Public Works (continued) Parks (continued) Route 9 TAP Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements$ 26,000 Design/construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the Route 9 corridor. 59 Sports Lighting (250,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 60 Total Parks $ 2,836,007

Sewer/Stormwater Airport Road System Rehabilitation$ 3,500,000 Investigate, rehabilitate and/or replace sanitary sewer assets. 34 South Rehabilitation (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 35 Edgemoor System Rehabilitation (4,000,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 37 General Sewer Improvements 625,000 Design review and inspections of sewer systems installed by private land development. 38 Glasgow Area Sewer Improvements (1,000,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 38 Kirkwood Trunkline Interceptor (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 39 Lea Eara Farms Treatment Plant Closure 444,400 Permitting, design, construction and management required to close. 39 Muddy-6 Trunkline Interceptor 30,000 Capacity improvements to a portion of the trunkline. -- North Delaware Interceptor System 1,359,800 Construction improvements to support First State Crossing/City Steel site development. 40 Pump Station Rehabilitation 2022-2023 2,000,000 Rehabilitate pump stations including electricity, controls, pumps, infrastructure and buildings. 41 Richardson Park Pump Station Upgrade 1,000,000 Continue phased replacement of pump station. 41 Richardson Park System Rehabilitation (1,000,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 41 Sewer Fleet Equipment 2021 / 2022 1,622,310 Lease purchase heavy equipment, off-road equipment and vehicles. 42 Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation 2021 (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 43 Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation 2022-2023 4,555,000 Unplanned and/or emergency repairs, mostly identified by operations and maintenance activities. 43 Southern Sewer Service Area 55,000,000 Design and construction of the regional sewer system, study of future treatment and disposal 44 requirements and options. SR 72 Sewer Extension 2,000 Construct sanitary sewer along Wrangle Hill Road. 44 Stoney Creek Basin (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 44 Terminal Avenue System Rehabilitation (2,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 45 Water Farm 1 System Rehabilitation (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 45 Water Quality Improvement Plans 362,400 Develop and implement the Water Quality Improvement Plans (WQIPs). 45 White Clay System Rehabilitation (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 46 Wilmington System Rehabilitation (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 46 Total Sewer/Stormwater$ 54,500,910 Total Public Works$ 60,304,217

Total FY2022 Budget Authorizations $ 60,375,522


Development of the Capital Program and Budget County Council may not amend the capital program as submitted by the County Executive until it has received from same, recommendations with respect to the proposed amendment. County Overview Council shall not be bound by such recommendations and may act without them if they are not received within 15 days from the date Title 9 of the Delaware Code requires the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to they are requested. annually prepare a Capital Program and Budget under the direction of the County Executive. In preparing the Capital Program and Budget, the CAO shall confer with the The reader is referred to the appropriate sections of Title 9 of the Department of Land Use to ascertain that the proposed program is in accordance with Delaware Code which are Sections 1134, 1135, 1136, 1137, 1159, the County Comprehensive Development Plan. In Fiscal Year 1989, the Budget Office 1332, 1341, 1343 and 1361 for further details regarding the capital within the Office of Finance became the principal agency responsible for assisting the programming and budget process. CAO in the coordination and preparation of the Capital Program and Capital Budget. In Fiscal Year 2018, the Executive Office re-established the Capital Strategies and Review Capital Projects Strategies and Review System Committee (CSRC) consisting of the Executive Office, Office of Finance, Procurement, Land Use, Public Works and County Council. (CAPSTARS)

No later than the first day of April of each year, the County Executive shall The CSRC is operationally responsible for the County’s Capital recommend to County Council a capital program for the ensuing six years and a capital Projects Strategies and Review System (CAPSTARS). CAPSTARS budget for the ensuing year. No later than the date that the program is submitted to is intended to establish quantitative fiscal strategies that would County Council, the County Executive shall submit it to the Department of Land Use provide greater linkage to the County’s Comprehensive Development for its review and recommendations to County Council. The County Executive shall Plan; and to provide a unified review system that would evaluate also submit it to the Planning Board for the sole purpose of determining if it is in strategic plan considerations and financial compliance. Results accordance with the Comprehensive Development Plan. achieved through the implementation of CAPSTARS include seven key quantitative fiscal strategies which are consistent with the No later than the first day of June of each year, the County Council is required to Comprehensive Development Plan; cost standards to more readily approve a capital program and adopt a capital budget before it ordains the annual quantify the impact of certain capital improvements upon the annual operating budget. The program shall detail each capital project. Each project shall show operating budget; and a quarterly capital review with each County the amount of appropriations that have been expended or are to be expended and the agency to evaluate program/plan conformance and fiscal compliance. funding sources for each of the fiscal years presented in the program. The Capital Additional benefits are also provided to the County Council in the Budget Ordinance shall show in detail the capital expenditures to be made or incurred form of more timely and quantitative information regarding each of in accordance with the capital program. their district’s capital projects. Overall, the entire capital program and budget administration is substantially more fiscally significant to management and is more closely linked to the County’s Comprehensive Development Plan.


The County has adopted, as a part of the annual budget, quantitative KFP #2 financial policies that address: The recommended percentage of debt service to the operating revenue is: 1) project duration, (a) General Fund - 10% 2) the recommended percentage of debt service to the (b) Sewer Fund - 20% operating revenue, 3) the limitations to amendments during the year, Rationale 4) the three-year operating budget impact, Growing debt service payments as a percentage of the operating revenue 5) the quarterly capital project and program review, and must be limited to maintain the financial flexibility of the County. 6) the monthly capital cash forecast for twelve months and a quarterly variance analysis. Impact Capital expenditures funded by general obligation debt will have to be The following are the “Key Financial Policies” for the fiscal programmed to avoid increasing the future debt burden upon the residents. year beginning July 1, 2021. Exceptions to this policy may be considered only for projects with a contemporary impact upon the health, safety and welfare of the residents KFP #1 and county employees. Pages 13 and 14 illustrate the County’s debt service Each capital project will have a “sunset provision” after 24 months as a percentage of the operating revenue. which can be lifted only by a resolution adopted by County Council.

Rationale Each department must commit to the timely completion of each project adopted by the County Council and approved by the County Executive.

Impact Each department will have 24 months from the date of authorization to complete all projects. Projects authorized prior to July 1, 2019 must be completed on or before June 30, 2021. The Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Program sunsets 7 projects Projects approved for continuance are to be completed on or with no anticipated savings. before June 30, 2022.


KFP #3 KFP #5 Capital project amendments during a year shall not exceed the annually Quarterly capital project and program reviews conducted by the CSRC are to monitor adopted budget and funding levels. All amendments shall be reviewed existing project performance and to update the six-year capital program. and evaluated by the CSRC. Rationale Rationale Each department must actively manage each project and provide quarterly Each department must manage their Capital Program within a reports on the physical and fiscal status of each project to management and certain timeframe and budget to maintain effective project and County Council. cost controls. Impact Impact A Capital Project Status Report and a Proposed Capital Program and Budget Project amendments will require each department to adjust their Summary are prepared by each department for each of the capital projects in existing projects and program to conform to existing the budget and for the proposed Capital Program and Budget for the next authorizations. This will limit project addition and project cost fiscal year. overruns. Exceptions to this policy may be considered only for projects with a contemporary impact upon the health, safety and welfare of the residents and County employees. KFP #6 Each department shall submit to the CSRC a quarterly capital cash forecast (receipts KFP #4 and disbursements) for a twelve-month period and a quarterly variance analysis Each department shall submit a three-year operating budget impact for (forecast to actual). personnel services, materials and supplies and debt service costs with each project request. Rationale Each department must actively oversee and report the fiscal activity of each Rationale project in order to maximize the County’s investment opportunities and to Each department must disclose the operating budget impact so meet the Treasury arbitrage regulations. that total project-related costs can be considered in the decision-making process. Impact Quarterly, each department will project the next twelve months’ activity for Impact each project. Quarterly, a “forecast to actual” report is prepared by the Annual operating budget costs will be considered in the project Budget Office for each department to explain the variances for each project. acceptance process. These operating costs will provide management and County Council with total project-related costs.


Quarterly Capital Review

The Chief Administrative Officer and the members of CSRC will meet quarterly to review and monitor the status of all approved capital projects and programmed capital projects. The quarterly review will be held with each County department that has authorized capital projects or programmed capital projects to determine:

 Status of existing projects • Financial liquidity • Estimated completion date • Changes in project scope

 Status of the program for the next six years • Planned project scope and/or cost adjustments • Conformance with the County’s Comprehensive Development Plan and, if applicable, the department’s Comprehensive Plan • New and/or deleted planned projects

 Impact of Capital Spending upon the Operating Budget • Project acceptability • Additional costs/or savings to the Operating Budget • Fiscal Planning


The Linkage Between the Comprehensive While the goals and policies must, of necessity, be pursued individually and in Development Planning Process and concert with the agencies (Federal, State, and Municipal) and County departments responsible for implementing them, the overall planning process synthesizes and the Capital Program and Budget Process coordinates them. The development of specific objectives should be the results of more specific analyses on the part of each County operating department, of each issue — The Comprehensive Development Planning process has three long range, mid-range, or short-range as indicated. essential components: As a result of system-wide changes identified by the annual profiles and the analysis 1) Long-Range - The New Castle County updated of the probable impacts of those changes, the mid-range program can be updated in Comprehensive Development Plan (20-25 years). terms of trends, goals and policies, capital projects, and implementation programs — 2) Mid-Range - The Capital Improvements Program (6 within the context of the long-range issues. years). 3) Short-Range - The annual Capital Budget and the Annual One of the basic purposes of capital improvement programming is to coordinate Profile (1 year). physical and fiscal planning to achieve the greatest possible benefits from the County’s existing and anticipated financial resources. In order to accomplish this, a ranking of The Comprehensive Development Plan (the long-range element) is desired public improvements is established by assigning a need-based priority to each not an end-state plan, but a component of a planning process, i.e., a project. This ranking is then related to the County’s ability to pay for the projects over generalized model of the future which expresses policy direction for a time. By this procedure, a prioritized sequence of projects (the program itself) is 20-25 year period. It contains background information, a land use established. concept map, implementation considerations, goals and policies with which to address the following issues: Other positive results of the Capital Program and Budget process include:

 Growth Management Translation of the County’s Comprehensive Development Plan, individual department’s functional plans, and other programs and policies into tangible  Natural Resources projects.  Transportation  Community Character and Land Use Intensity Potential to guide private development to occur in a way that conforms with the Comprehensive Development Plan. Coordination of the capital projects of  Housing all County departments to further the implementation of the Comprehensive  Agriculture Development Plan.  Economic Development Keeping the public informed of the County’s long-range development plans.  Community Facilities  Intergovernmental Coordination Enabling the County Executive and the County Council to better understand long-term cash needs and better plan the financing necessary for both capital and operating activities.


Another short-range component of the planning process is the • Protection of the County’s investment in existing facilities, where Annual Profile, which is the culmination of the previous year’s appropriate, to avoid the higher cost of rehabilitation and/or replacement monitoring of demographic data; developmental trends; changing associated with deferment; regulatory and environmental conditions; and the impact of all these factors on the mid and long-range programs. This analysis provides the • Authorization of new projects only as consistent with each department’s basis for the next year’s plan of action for the capital budget. ability to complete prior authorized projects;

The Annual Profile serves three basic purposes: • Utilization (where appropriate) of user fees as a revenue source to offset (in full or in part) the operating and debt service expenses resulting from 1) It monitors changes in baseline conditions and so informs capital projects when completed; decision-makers; • Fostering economies of scale through inter-jurisdictional cooperation; and 2) It analyzes the impacts of changes in baseline conditions on goals and policies; and • Promotion of economic development and its inherent contributions (leverage; private sector investment; expansion of existing job market). 3) It provides an update, via the modification of objectives, to the mid-range component of the planning process; and This entire process can be summarized as follows: thence, to the long-range component - thus completing the cycle. • The continuous monitoring of change;

The general policies or strategies which are utilized in developing the • The continuous refinement of goals and policies in order to reorganize capital program include: change in such a way to give direction to fiscal and development-related decisions; • Conformance with New Castle County’s Comprehensive Development Plan, as updated; • Ensuring the inter-relationship of capital programming and budgeting with the Comprehensive Development Plan; and • Maintenance or improvement of the ratio of debt service to the total operating budget, with the life of specific issues • Ensuring the Capital Program and Budget are in conformity with the State of paralleling the life (three year minimum) of respective assets Delaware’s Quality of Life Legislation. ($5,000 minimum), utilizing the analytical tool of constant principal repayment;

• Maximization of intergovernmental funding (Federal, State, Municipal and Private) of activities which are in conformance with New Castle County’s Comprehensive Development Plan;


AAA Bond Rating Policy Statement

Concentrated efforts have been made to maintain the AAA ratings for the Active debt management provides fiscal advantages to the citizens of this County’s general obligation bonds. In May 2019, all three major rating County. Overuse of debt places a burden on the financial resources of the agencies reaffirmed the County’s triple-A credit rating. Attaining the top County and its taxpayers. The following legislative fundamentals and rating from all three agencies reflects the County’s strong financial administrative guidelines provide a framework and limit on debt utilization. management and planning capabilities and the quality of its elected and administrative leadership. These ratings allow the County to borrow money at the most competitive interest rates, which maximize the County’s ability to  Debt subject to legal debt margin shall not exceed Currently 0.8% invest in critical infrastructure at the lowest cost to improve County services. 3 percent of taxable assessed valuation The County will continue to seek ways to maintain these ratings to provide (Legislative). the finest quality services at the lowest cost.  General Fund debt principal to be retired in 10 Currently 76.1% years. Legal Debt Margin  Sewer Fund debt principal to be retired in 20 Currently 81.5% Title 9 of the Delaware Code, Section 1163(a)(7) establishes a debt ceiling years. of three percent of the assessed value of taxable real estate excluding debt for certain special assessments and enterprise funds.  Annual debt service requirements shall not exceed Key Financial Policy #2 limitations as presented in the chart on Page 14 “Debt Service as a The County traditionally makes prudent use of its debt authority. Based on Percentage of the Operating Revenue". the certified 2021 taxable assessed value, the three percent debt limit permits $588.3 million in debt. The amount of outstanding debt applicable to the three percent debt limit as of February 28, 2021 is $155.6 million. Additionally, there is $338.0 million of enterprise fund debt outstanding not subject to the debt limit. This includes loans totalling $19.8 million payable to the State of Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund for sewer and stormwater projects. Percentage

Type Debt Taxable Assessed Value Current Allowable Subject to Debt Margin $155.6 Million $19.6 Billion 0.8% 3.0%

All General Obligation Debt $493.6 Million $19.6 Billion 2.5% N/A

The table above presents the County's General Obligation debt position as a percent of taxable assessed value.


In accordance with Key Financial Policy #2, debt service as a Debt Service as a Percentage of the Operating Revenue percentage of the general and sewer fund is as follows for the Fiscal Year 2022 Approved Operating Revenue. New Castle County’s debt service funding in the operating budget for the past five years and the current fiscal year as a Maximum Percentage Percentage percentage of the operating budget is presented in the following per KFP #2 for FY 2022 bar chart: General Fund 10% 9.4%

Sewer Fund (G.O. Bond) 20% 28.8% Debt Service as a Percentage of the Operating Revenue Fiscal Years 2017 - 2022 Sewer Fund (All Debt) 20% 31.8%

$350.0 Bond Authorizations $298.3 $285.1 $289.3 $300.0 $272.6 $248.7 $251.2 Future issuance of debt based on available bond authorizations as of $250.0 February 28, 2021 is limited to $185.5 million. This amount excludes $200.0 $10.7 million authorized but not yet drawn from the State of Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund. Available spending authority

Millions $150.0 vis-a-vis capital appropriations as of February 28, 2021 is limited to $100.0 14.3% 17.1% 16.1% 16.7% 15.5% 16.0% $158.2 million, of which $150.9 million is held in reserve pending project $50.0 need. $0.0 17 18 19 20 21 22 Investment Policy Fiscal Year The investment of capital funds is incorporated into the County’s cash management program. All unexpended bond proceeds are deposited in a custodial account for arbitrage tracking. All other funds are deposited into a consolidated treasurer’s account and invested with other funds in order to obtain maximum earnings. The segregation of each project’s equity is preserved in the financial management system.


Existing and Proposed Debt Service as a Percentage of Operating Revenue Fiscal Years 2012 - 2031

The chart below reflects principal and interest payments for existing debt service, as well as projected debt service payments based on debt offerings of $100 million in Fiscal Year 2022 and $90 million every two years beginning in Fiscal Year 2024. Operating growth after Fiscal Year 2022 is estimated at 3.0% a year.

$70.0 Existing Debt Service Proposed Debt Service 17.5% 15.2% 16.5% $60.0 17.1% 17.0% 15.5% 15.1% 16.6% 16.6% 16.0% 16.7% $50.0 15.5% 17.1% 16.1% 17.5% 16.6% 16.4% 16.3% $40.0 14.8% 14.3% Millions $30.0



$0.0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Fiscal Year


In Fiscal Year 1998, New Castle County adopted the New Castle County Unified Development Code (UDC). Included in the UDC are provisions to allow New Castle County to charge development impact fees to be used for future infrastructure needs of the County. Impact fees are one-time payments used to generally fund capital facility improvements necessary to accommodate new development (i.e. libraries, fire service, emergency medical services, police, county facilities, parks and sewers) while maintaining the quality of life within communities. As of February 28, 2021, impact fees collected and projected uses for New Castle County operations are presented below:

Parks - North C & D Parks - South C & D Balance 6/30/2020 $ 42,709.39 Balance 6/30/2020 $ 276,954.70 Revenue 83,870.81 Revenue 121,669.59 Expenditures - Expenditures (328.00) Balance 2/28/2021 $ 126,580.20 Balance 2/28/2021 $ 398,296.29 Libraries - North C & D Libraries - South C & D Balance 6/30/2020 $ 22,280.28 Balance 6/30/2020 $ 121,945.55 Revenue 35,480.80 Revenue 51,334.79 Expenditures - Expenditures - Balance 2/28/2021 $ 57,761.08 Balance 2/28/2021 $ 173,280.34 Emergency Medical Services - North C & D Emergency Medical Services - South C & D Balance 6/30/2020 $ 1,465.36 Balance 6/30/2020 $ 8,050.72 Revenue 3,622.66 Revenue 2,843.61 Expenditures - Expenditures (41.60) Balance 2/28/2021 $ 5,088.02 Balance 2/28/2021 $ 10,852.73 Law Enforcement - North C & D Law Enforcement - South C & D Balance 6/30/2020 $ 28,464.14 Balance 6/30/2020 $ 122,459.24 Revenue 20,848.43 Revenue 23,614.08 Expenditures - Expenditures (72.80) Balance 2/28/2021 $ 49,312.57 Balance 2/28/2021 $ 146,000.52 Sewer - North C & D Sewer - South C & D* Balance 6/30/2020 $ - Balance 6/30/2020 $ 1,396,641.61 Revenue Revenue 1,571.65 Expenditures Expenditures (1,350,000.00) Balance 2/28/2021 $ - Balance 2/28/2021 $ 48,213.26 Fire Service County Facilities Balance 6/30/2020 $ 309,278.74 Balance 6/30/2020 $ 33,319.62 Revenue 370,772.61 Revenue 105,614.68 Expenditures (410,035.46) Expenditures (624.00) Balance 2/28/2021 $ 270,015.89 Balance 2/28/2021 $ 138,310.30


An Activity includes all capital improvements required to Fiscal Year (FY) refers to a year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. Fiscal perform one type of service for the public. It may encompass one or years are referred to by the year in which they end. more development programs and one or more projects. Funding Source identifies the source of revenue to fund the capital Available Authorizations represent the total available budget appropriations, i.e., Bonds, Federal, State, Other. less encumbrances. The Long-Range Departmental Master Plans (LRP’s) are based on the The Capital Budget is a detailed list of capital spending demographic projections, facilities standards and demand coefficients of the CDP. authorizations (appropriations) to be made or incurred in accordance The LRP’s project departmental capital needs for a period of 18 years beyond the with the Capital Program from funds subject to the control or budget year. The LRP’s are a major means of carrying out long-range capital appropriation of the County Council. planning and determining the conformity of capital projects with the CDP.

A Capital Improvement is any permanent physical improvement Prior Authorizations are the total cumulative-to-date appropriations and/or activity with a normal life of three years or more and a cost previously approved by County Council. exceeding $5,000. The $5,000 limit may be waived in the case of a series of small project expenditures which are essentially elements A Project is the basic unit of the capital improvements program. A project is a of a large development program, the total of which exceeds $5,000. capital improvement which generally will span a shorter period of time for completion. The Capital Program is a schedule of all County capital improvements anticipated to be undertaken during the next six fiscal The Sunset Provision requires that each capital project be completed within 24 years. It states the time schedule, estimated costs and sources of months of the date of authorization. Projects not completed within that timeframe financing. must be approved for continuance by County Council. All project related expenditures shall be completed and no encumbrances shall remain at the time the The adopted Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) is the project is sunset. County’s primary policy document with respect to land development. Management of natural and cultural resources, preservation of existing development quality and direction of infrastructural initiatives. The CDP will ultimately contain the adopted service standards for all types of community facilities.


Department of Administration


Department of Administration The accompanying chart is a five-year line-graph for the Department of Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Capital Program and Budget Administration expenditures. Annotated below the chart is the amount of available appropriations as of February 28, 2021 and the appropriations approved for Fiscal The Department of Administration provides support service to all Year 2022. County departments and offices. Centralized services provided by this department include: Administration Expenditure Activity for 5 Years • Finance $10.0 • Human Resources • Law $8.0 • Risk Management • Technology and Administrative Services $6.0

$4.0 Program objectives for Fiscal Year 2022 and throughout the Millions remainder of the program years include: $2.0

Technology - Provide a County-wide computer $0.0 communications network and implement additional technical 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 business solutions throughout the County. Estimated Fiscal Year

Administration Appropriation Summary


$2.0 $0.9 $0.7 Millions $1.0

$0.0 Available Appropriations FY2022 Financial Management System Replacement as of 2/28/2021 Approved Budget


Project Name (Number): Information Systems Expansion II (C121606) Description: Upgrade and implement technology countywide. Council Districts: All

Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 10,124,628 $ - $ - $ 2,212,385 $ 12,337,012 FY2022 650,000 - - - 650,000 FY2023 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 FY2024 2,500,000 - - - 2,500,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 16,274,628 $ - $ - $ 2,212,385 $ 18,487,012 Available Authorizations: $ 841,464 Operating Budget Impact: $ 1,430

Project Name (Number): Technology Improvement Electronic Plan Review (C121508) Description: Upgrade Project Docs for the Department of Land Council Districts: All Use.

Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 258,200 $ - $ - $ 459,000 $ 717,200 FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 258,200 $ - $ - $ 459,000 $ 717,200 Available Authorizations: $ 33,330 Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Department of Community Services

20 DEPARTMENT PROFILES COMMUNITY SERVICES Department of Community Services The accompanying chart is a five-year line-graph for Community Services Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Capital Program and Budget expenditures. Annotated below the chart is the amount of available appropriations as of February 28, 2021 and the appropriations approved for Fiscal Year 2022. The Department of Community Services provides cultural, educational and recreational programming and housing services for County residents. Community Services Expenditure Activity for 5 Years Sports and recreational programs offered include sports leagues $20.0 and tournaments, the Senior Sports Center at PAL, Smart Beginnings, summer camps, Safety Town, Arts Studio courses and $16.0 workshops, equestrian events and programs at Carousel Park and Special Events programming, e.g. Cub-A-Ree. $12.0

Millions $8.0 The County’s library system is comprised of 16 public libraries. Ten facilities are directly administered by the Department $4.0 (Appoquinimink, Claymont, Brandywine Hundred, Hockessin, Kirkwood, Newark, Bear, Route 9, Elsmere and Woodlawn), and six $0.0 are contractually managed (Corbit-Calloway, Delaware City, New 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Castle, Wilmington and its two branches, La Biblioteca del Pueblo Fiscal Year Estimated and the North Wilmington Branch).

Capital program objectives include: Community Services Appropriation Summary Library Facilities - Rehabilitation and modification of County library facilities and equipment and facility acquisition. $6.0 Recreational Facilities - Rehabilitation and modification of County recreational facilities and equipment. $4.0 $2.3 Millions $2.0 $0.1 Rendering of new Appoquinimink Library $0.0 Available Appropriations FY2022 as of 2/28/2021 Approved Budget


Project Name (Number): Appoquinimink Library (C400329) Project Name (Number): Library Rehabilitation (C402001) Description: Construction of a 25,000 square foot regional Council Districts: 6, 12 Description: Renovations to library facilities. Council Districts: All library. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 11,772,079 -$ $ 11,027,500 $ 1,450,251 $ 24,249,830 Prior Authorizations$ 314,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 314,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 11,772,079 -$ $ 11,027,500 $ 1,450,251 $ 24,249,830 Total $ 314,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 314,000

Available Authorizations: $ 681,631 Available Authorizations: $ 46 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$

Project Name (Number): Claymont Library (C400905) Project Name (Number): Route 9 Community Library (C401205) Description: Construction of a 17,500 square foot library. Council Districts: 2 Description: Construction of a 40,000 square foot community Council Districts: 10 library.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 5,447,575 -$ $ 5,132,271 $ 1,306,925 $ 11,886,771 Prior Authorizations$ 16,770,624 -$ $ 12,677,841 $ 1,121,664 $ 30,570,129 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 5,447,575 -$ $ 5,132,271 $ 1,306,925 $ 11,886,771 Total $ 16,770,624 -$ $ 12,677,841 $ 1,121,664 $ 30,570,129

Available Authorizations: $ 1,058,050 Available Authorizations: $ 459,204

Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): Surratte Pool Renovations II (C402004) Description: Renovations and upgrades to the Bath House; Council Districts: 10 upgrade electric/pumps for pool operations. Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 200,000 FY2022 100,000 - - - 100,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 300,000 Available Authorizations: $ 63,746 Operating Budget Impact: $ 220


County Executive

24 DEPARTMENT PROFILES COUNTY EXECUTIVE County Executive Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Capital Program and Budget

The County Executive section of the Capital Program is utilized to provide contingency project funding to meet increased costs of an authorized project, not to exceed 10% of original authorization; or as the County Executive deems necessary.

A five-year expenditure activity graph is not presented since expenditure activity is recorded in the respective departments where the project is authorized. Annotated below is the amount of available appropriations as of February 28, 2021 and the appropriations approved for Fiscal Year 2022.

County Executive Appropriation Summary

$4.0 $3.0

$2.0 $0.7 Millions $0.0 $1.0 $0.0 Available Appropriations FY2022 as of 2/28/2021 Approved Budget


Project Name (Number): Executive Capital Contingency (C118933) Description: Allocated by the County Executive for increased Council Districts: All costs of an authorized project, not to exceed 10% of original authorization; or as the County Executive deems necessary.

Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 750,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 750,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 750,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 750,000 Available Authorizations: $ 668,000 Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Department of Public Safety


Department of Public Safety The accompanying chart is a five-year line-graph for Public Safety Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Capital Program and Budget expenditures. Annotated below the chart is the amount of available appropriations as of February 28, 2021 and the appropriations approved for Fiscal Year 2022. The Department of Public Safety provides county law enforcement, emergency communications (911), emergency medical services and emergency preparedness services to the residents of Public Safety New Castle County. Expenditure Activity for 5 Years $10.0 The New Castle County Police represent the largest municipal law enforcement agency in the State of Delaware, providing $8.0 jurisdictional Police services to over 500,000 residents. The police respond to all emergency and non-emergency calls for service in all $6.0 unincorporated and some incorporated areas. $4.0 Millions The Emergency Medical Services division provides for direct $2.0 medical services to all life threatening and non-life threatening emergencies. The advanced life support units, working in $0.0 conjunction with all volunteer fire companies, now provide for a 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Estimated program which establishes the best in initial medical observations Fiscal Year and stabilization during medical situations.

The Emergency Communications Division serves as the vital link between the populace of New Castle County and all other related Public Safety requests for emergency police, fire, rescue and medical service. Appropriation Summary Additionally, the Emergency Communications Division assists in the dispatch of other municipal user groups and other incorporated municipal police agencies. $10.0 $6.6 $7.0 $(0.7) Capital Program objectives include: $4.0

Millions $1.0 Public Safety Facilities - Centralize facilities to coordinate the -$2.0 service needs of County residents by optimizing logistical placement Available FY2022 of police officers. Appropriations Approved as of 2/28/2021 Budget Communication Improvements - Protect the lives of police officers and residents through state-of-the-art equipment and technology.


Project Name (Number): 800MgHZ Communications Equipment (C201307) Project Name (Number): EMS Stations (C200710) Description: Purchase new equipment and/or enhancements to Council Districts: All Description: Design, construction and/or renovations to Council Districts: All system. paramedic emergency medical stations. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 5,600,000 -$ $ 400,000 -$ $ 6,000,000 Prior Authorizations$ 8,050,999 -$ $ 44,326 $ 400,000 $ 8,495,325 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 (1,500,000) - - - (1,500,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 7,000,000 -$ $ 400,000 -$ $ 7,400,000 Total $ 6,550,999 -$ $ 44,326 $ 400,000 $ 6,995,325

Available Authorizations: $ 809,669 Available Authorizations: $ 2,754,726 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: $ (3,300)

Project Name (Number): Communications Upgrade (C201108) Project Name (Number): Police Range (C201306) Description: Upgrade communications equipment as needed. Council Districts: All Description: Design and construction of a new police shooting Council Districts: All range and emergency vehicle operations course; and purchase of related equipment. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,980,000 -$ -$ $ 120,000 $ 2,100,000 Prior Authorizations$ 600,000 -$ $ 400,000 $ 300,000 $ 1,300,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 3,380,000 -$ -$ $ 120,000 $ 3,500,000 Total $ 600,000 -$ $ 400,000 $ 300,000 $ 1,300,000

Available Authorizations: $ 450,497 Available Authorizations: $ 603,912

Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): Public Safety Building Renovations (C201505) Project Name (Number): Public Safety Vest Protection Program (C201509) Description: Repair or replace critical systems such as HVAC, Council Districts: All Description: Purchase protective vests for police officers and Council Districts: All sprinklers, electrical and water systems; and purchase land in EMS staff. close proximity. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 7,784,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 7,784,000 Prior Authorizations$ 187,080 -$ $ 2,826 $ 735,229 $ 925,135 FY2022 562,305 - - - 562,305 FY2022 - - - 160,000 160,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - 201,000 201,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - 201,000 201,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - 201,000 201,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - 201,000 201,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - 201,000 201,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 8,346,305 -$ -$ -$ $ 8,346,305 Total $ 187,080 -$ $ 2,826 $ 1,900,229 $ 2,090,135

Available Authorizations: $ 1,805,495 Available Authorizations: $ 41,343 Operating Budget Impact: $ 1,237 Operating Budget Impact: -$

Project Name (Number): Public Safety Equipment (C201607) Description: Purchase of specialized equipment such as AED's, Council Districts: All tasers and technology. Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 659,500 $ 121,500 -$ $ 1,074,753 $ 1,855,753 FY2022 - - - 99,000 99,000 FY2023 - - - 121,000 121,000 FY2024 - - - 121,000 121,000 FY2025 - - - 121,000 121,000 FY2026 - - - 121,000 121,000 FY2027 - - - 121,000 121,000 Future Years - - - - - Total$ 659,500 $ 121,500 -$ $ 1,778,753 $ 2,559,753 Available Authorizations: $ 87,047 Operating Budget Impact: -$


Department of Public Works

31 DEPARTMENT PROFILES PUBLIC WORKS Department of Public Works Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Capital Program and Budget Sewer Sanitary Facilities The quality of the County's living environment depends in a The rehabilitation of existing facilities, particularly the White Clay Sewer number of significant ways on functions performed by the Basin, Brandywine Hundred North and South and Naamans Creek basins, Department of Public Works: including rehabilitation of various pumping stations and the DelDOT Coordination project.  Safe treatment and disposal of wastewater is achieved through the County's sanitary sewer system which Stormwater currently includes 3 treatment plants, nearly 1,800 miles Protection of existing commercial, industrial and residental investments. A of sewers, over 44,000 manholes and 175 pump stations. major rehabilitation program has been developed to address long-term In addition to carrying out a major program of stormwater needs. improvements to this system, the Department monitors the discharge of industrial wastewater.

 To control erosion and flooding, the Department maintains 60 stormwater managment facilities, reviews development proposals for compliance with the drainage code and constructs stormwater systems.

 Protection of the County's investment in existing facilities will continue to be a major goal.

 The development and maintenance of parkland controlled by New Castle County.

In order to achieve these functions, the Department has developed program objectives for the Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget and Program and throughout the remainder of the program's years. These objectives include: Stormwater Pond retrofit completed by Construction Support.

32 DEPARTMENT PROFILES PUBLIC WORKS (continued) Department of Public Works Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Capital Program and Budget

Sewer and Stormwater The accompanying chart is a five-year line-graph for sewer and Expenditure Activity for 5 Years stormwater expenditures. Annotated below the chart is the amount $50.0 of available appropriations for each category as of February 28, 2021 $40.0 and the appropriations approved for Fiscal Year 2022. $30.0

$20.0 Millions $10.0

$0.0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Estimated Fiscal Year

Sewer and Stormwater Appropriation Summary

$87.6 $100.0 $80.0 $54.5 $60.0

Millions $40.0 $20.0 $0.0 Available Appropriations FY2022 as of 2/28/2021 Approved Budget


Project Name (Number): Airport Road System Rehabilitation (C301702) Project Name (Number): Backwater Valve Improvement (C300101) Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: Description: Install backwater sewage valves in infiltration and Council Districts: All of sanitary sewer assets. 1, 6, 7, 11, 12 inflow areas to prevent sewage backups during wet weather periods. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 7,109,150 -$ -$ $ 850 $ 7,110,000 Prior Authorizations$ 1,099,602 -$ -$ $ 398 $ 1,100,000 FY2022 (3,000,000) - 6,500,000 - 3,500,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 100,000 - - - 100,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 100,000 - - - 100,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 100,000 - - - 100,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 100,000 - - - 100,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 4,109,150 -$ $ 6,500,000 $ 850 $ 10,610,000 Total $ 1,499,602 -$ -$ $ 398 $ 1,500,000 Available Authorizations: $ 3,777,094 Available Authorizations: $ 66,312 Operating Budget Impact: $ (11,700) Operating Budget Impact: -$

Project Name (Number): Asset Management (C300220) Project Name (Number): Brandywine Hundred North Rehab Phase I (C300005) Description: System analysis and real-time dynamic modeling of Council Districts: All Description: Rehabilitation of sewer system area to correct Council Districts: 2, 8 the sewer collection system to assist with planning and capacity shortages due to infiltration and inflow, and deteriorated prioritizing rehabilitation work. pipe. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 3,249,640 -$ $ 100,000 $ 1,200,360 $ 4,550,000 Prior Authorizations$ 61,824,305 -$ -$ $ 24,573,400 $ 86,397,705 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 3,249,640 -$ $ 100,000 $ 1,200,360 $ 4,550,000 Total $ 61,824,305 -$ -$ $ 24,573,400 $ 86,397,705 Available Authorizations: $ 158,409 Available Authorizations: $ 31,654 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): Brandywine Hundred South Rehab Phase I (C300218) Project Name (Number): Christiana Pump Station Upgrade (C300615) Description: Rehabilitation of sewer system (Shellpot Council Districts: 2, 8 Description: Rehabilitation of Christiana Pump Station. Council Districts: 7 Interceptor) area to correct capacity shortages due to infiltration and inflow. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 58,615,743 $ 985,000 $ 183,440 $ 18,049,889 $ 77,834,072 Prior Authorizations$ 1,000,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,000,000 FY2022 (1,500,000) - - - (1,500,000) FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 57,115,743 $ 985,000 $ 183,440 $ 18,049,889 $ 76,334,072 Total $ 1,000,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,000,000 Available Authorizations: $ 2,365,442 Available Authorizations: $ 563,063 Operating Budget Impact: $ (5,850) Operating Budget Impact: -$

Project Name (Number): Brandywine Interceptor Renovation (C301603) Project Name (Number): Christina River Force Main (C300705) Description: Renovations to the Brandywine Interceptor west of Council Districts: 2 Description: Evaluation of the Christina River Force Main to Council Districts: All Route 202. determine present condition and develop a long-term plan.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 6,050,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 6,050,000 Prior Authorizations$ 15,525,000 -$ $ 18,000,000 -$ $ 33,525,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 25,000,000 - - - 25,000,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 25,000,000 - - - 25,000,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 25,000,000 - - - 25,000,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 25,000,000 - - - 25,000,000 Future Years 5,000,000 - - - 5,000,000 Future Years 400,000,000 - - - 400,000,000 Total $ 11,050,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 11,050,000 Total $ 515,525,000 $ - $ 18,000,000 -$ $ 533,525,000 Available Authorizations: $ 3,963,988 Available Authorizations: $ 8,428,611 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): Countywide Drainage Problems (C300413) Project Name (Number): Delaware City System Rehabilitation (C301705) Description: Storm drainage projects as identified. Council Districts: All Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: 12 of sanitary sewer assets.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 331,713 -$ -$ $ 3,287 $ 335,000 Prior Authorizations$ 500,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 500,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2024 250,000 - - - 250,000 FY2025 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2025 250,000 - - - 250,000 FY2026 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2026 250,000 - - - 250,000 FY2027 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2027 250,000 - - - 250,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 2,331,713 -$ -$ $ 3,287 $ 2,335,000 Total $ 1,500,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,500,000 Available Authorizations: $ 252,006 Available Authorizations: $ 129,383 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$

Project Name (Number): Delaware City Industrial Sewer Expansion (C301716) Project Name (Number): Delaware City Treatment Plant Rehabilitation (C300004) Description: Expansion of sanitary sewer service to large parcels Council Districts: 12 Description: Rehabilitation of treatment plant; including Council Districts: 12 zoned for heavy industrial use near the Delaware City Refinery, disinfection, removal, treatment and processes. including a pump station, force main and gravity sewer lines. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 7,499,075 -$ $ 925 -$ $ 7,500,000 Prior Authorizations$ 5,264,558 -$ -$ $ 35,442 $ 5,300,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 129,000 - - - 129,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 7,628,075 -$ $ 925 -$ $ 7,629,000 Total $ 5,264,558 -$ -$ $ 35,442 $ 5,300,000 Available Authorizations: $ 3,440,502 Available Authorizations: $ 609,263 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): DelDOT Coordination Project II (C301303) Project Name (Number): Edgemoor System Rehabilitation (C301708) Description: Replacement and repairs of sanitary sewer in Council Districts: All Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: 2, 8 coordination with DelDOT paving projects. of sanitary sewer assets. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 6,000,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 6,000,000 Prior Authorizations$ 9,550,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 9,550,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 (4,000,000) - - - (4,000,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 2,500,000 - - - 2,500,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 2,500,000 - - - 2,500,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 2,500,000 - - - 2,500,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 5,000,000 - - - 5,000,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 6,000,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 6,000,000 Total $ 18,050,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 18,050,000 Available Authorizations: $ 28,600 Available Authorizations: $ 4,335,629 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: $ (15,600)

Project Name (Number): DelDOT Coordination Project 2021 (C302112) Project Name (Number): Electrical Power Distribution Upgrade (C300616) Description: Replacement and repairs of sanitary sewer in Council Districts: All Description: Evaluation and upgrade of power equipment at Council Districts: All coordination with DelDOT paving projects. various pump stations.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,000,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,000,000 Prior Authorizations$ 2,249,723 -$ -$ $ 277 $ 2,250,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 1,200,000 - - - 1,200,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 5,200,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 5,200,000 Total $ 2,249,723 -$ -$ $ 277 $ 2,250,000 Available Authorizations: $ 998,800 Available Authorizations: $ 289,238 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): General Sewer Improvements (C300622) Project Name (Number): General Stormwater Improvements 2021 (C302115) Description: Force account for major capital improvements, Council Districts: All Description: Force account for major capital improvements, Council Districts: All design, review and inspections. design, review and inspections. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 5,375,000 -$ -$ $ 1,350,000 $ 6,725,000 Prior Authorizations -$ -$ -$ $ 274,000 $ 274,000 FY2022 - - - 625,000 625,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - 710,000 710,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - 720,000 720,000 FY2024 - - - 314,000 314,000 FY2025 - - - 730,000 730,000 FY2025 - - - 319,000 319,000 FY2026 - - - 740,000 740,000 FY2026 - - - 322,000 322,000 FY2027 - - - 750,000 750,000 FY2027 - - - 325,000 325,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 5,375,000 -$ -$ $ 5,625,000 $ 11,000,000 Total -$ -$ -$ $ 1,554,000 $ 1,554,000 Available Authorizations: $ 342,791 Available Authorizations: $ 274,000 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$

Project Name (Number): General Stormwater Improvements (C301110) Project Name (Number): Glasgow Area Sewer Improvements (C301102) Description: Force account for major capital improvements, Council Districts: All Description: Upgrade 10", 12" and 15" diameter sewer; Council Districts: 11 design, review and inspections. rehabilitate 12" gravity sewer and demolish/decommission the Glasgow Heights pump station. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations -$ -$ -$ $ 1,103,262 $ 1,103,262 Prior Authorizations$ 1,700,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,700,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 (1,000,000) - - - (1,000,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total -$ -$ -$ $ 1,103,262 $ 1,103,262 Total $ 700,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 700,000 Available Authorizations: $ 400,949 Available Authorizations: $ 1,484,900 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: $ (3,900)


Project Name (Number): Holloway Terrace Outfall (C301801) Project Name (Number): Lea Eara Farms Treatment Plant Closure (C301712) Description: Replacement of failing sanitary sewer outfall. Council Districts: 10 Description: Permitting, design, construction and management Council Districts: 12 required to close. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,600,000 Prior Authorizations$ 6,748,875 $ - $ - $ 1,125 $ 6,750,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 444,400 - - - 444,400 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 1,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,600,000 Total$ 7,193,275 $ - $ - $ 1,125 $ 7,194,400 Available Authorizations: $ 1,407,991 Available Authorizations: $ 3,553,790 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ 1,733

Project Name (Number): Kirkwood Trunkline Interceptor (C301004) Project Name (Number): Market Street System Rehabilitation (C301703) Description: Design and construct approximately 4,000 linear Council Districts: 12 Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: 7, 10 feet of sanitary sewer improvements. of sanitary sewer assets. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 4,098,600 $ - $ - $ 1,400 $ 4,100,000 Prior Authorizations$ 1,496,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,496,000 FY2022 (500,000) - - - (500,000) FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2024 600,000 - - - 600,000 FY2025 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2025 600,000 - - - 600,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 600,000 - - - 600,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 4,598,600 $ - $ - $ 1,400 $ 4,600,000 Total$ 3,296,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,296,000 Available Authorizations: $ 904,418 Available Authorizations: $ 556,190 Operating Budget Impact: $ (1,950) Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Project Name (Number): North Delaware Interceptor System (C300612) Project Name (Number): Public Works Complex (C300107) Description: Rehabilitation and replacement of Old North Council Districts: 8 Description: Site improvements including storage sheds and Council Districts: 7 Delaware Governor Printz Interceptor. domes, expanded parking facilities and other improvements as needed.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 69,853,236 -$ -$ $ 2,818,764 $ 72,672,000 Prior Authorizations$ 6,750,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 6,750,000 FY2022 1,359,800 - - - 1,359,800 FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 74,213,036 -$ -$ $ 2,818,764 $ 77,031,800 Total $ 6,750,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 6,750,000 Available Authorizations: $ 5,607,313 Available Authorizations: $ 87,640 Operating Budget Impact: $ 5,303 Operating Budget Impact: -$

Project Name (Number): Port Penn System Rehabilitation (C301709) Project Name (Number): Pump Station Rehabilitation (C300106) Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: 12 Description: Rehabilitation including electricity, controls, Council Districts: All of sanitary sewer assets. pumps, infrastructure and buildings. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 850,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 850,000 Prior Authorizations$ 13,984,683 -$ -$ $ 778,317 $ 14,763,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 150,000 - - - 150,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 150,000 - - - 150,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 150,000 - - - 150,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 150,000 - - - 150,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 1,450,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,450,000 Total $ 13,984,683 -$ -$ $ 778,317 $ 14,763,000 Available Authorizations: $ 262,548 Available Authorizations: $ 43,129 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): Pump Station Rehabilitation 2021 (C302114) Project Name (Number): Richardson Park Pump Station Upgrade (C300618) Description: Rehabilitation including electricity, controls, Council Districts: All Description: Upgrade/replacement of the pumps, generators, Council Districts: 1 pumps, infrastructure and buildings. electrical motor control center and power distribution equipment.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,400,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,400,000 Prior Authorizations$ 16,998,310 -$ -$ $ 1,001,690 $ 18,000,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 (9,000,000) - 10,000,000 - 1,000,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 1,400,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,400,000 Total $ 7,998,310 -$ $ 10,000,000 $ 1,001,690 $ 19,000,000 Available Authorizations: $ 249,521 Available Authorizations: $ 9,698,196 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: $ (35,100)

Project Name (Number): Pump Station Rehab 2022-2023 (C302214) Project Name (Number): Richardson Park System Rehabilitation (C301704) Description: Rehabilitation including electricity, controls, Council Districts: All Description: Investigate/rehabilitate and/or replace sanitary Council Districts: 1, 2, 9 pumps, infrastructure and buildings. sewer assets. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Prior Authorizations$ 4,859,563 -$ -$ $ 437 $ 4,860,000

FY2022 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 FY2022 (1,000,000) - - - (1,000,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 1,400,000 - - - 1,400,000 FY2024 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2025 1,400,000 - - - 1,400,000 FY2025 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2026 1,400,000 - - - 1,400,000 FY2026 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2027 1,400,000 - - - 1,400,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 7,600,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 7,600,000 Total $ 6,859,563 -$ -$ $ 437 $ 6,860,000 Available Authorizations: -$ Available Authorizations: $ 1,702,072 Operating Budget Impact: $ 7,800 Operating Budget Impact: $ (3,900)


Project Name (Number): Septage Receiving Station Upgrade (C300708) Project Name (Number): Sewer Fleet Equipment 2021 (C302113) Description: Rehabilitation of the septage receiving station to Council Districts: 7 Description: Purchase of heavy equipment, off-road equipment Council Districts: All address potential fats, oils and grease (FOG) issues, odor issues and vehicles. and other concerns.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 400,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 400,000 Prior Authorizations -$ -$ -$ $ 1,967,831 $ 1,967,831 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - (300,000) (300,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 400,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 400,000 Total -$ -$ -$ $ 1,667,831 $ 1,667,831 Available Authorizations: $ 76,743 Available Authorizations: $ 964,913 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$

Project Name (Number): Sewer Fleet Equipment (C302113) Project Name (Number): Sewer Fleet Equipment 2022 (C302213) Description: Purchase of heavy equipment, off-road equipment Council Districts: All Description: Purchase of heavy equipment, off-road equipment Council Districts: All and vehicles. and vehicles.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations -$ -$ -$ $ 9,246,359 $ 9,246,359 Prior Authorizations -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - 1,922,310 1,922,310 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - 2,023,193 2,023,193 FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - 2,068,427 2,068,427 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - 2,343,047 2,343,047 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - 2,015,786 2,015,786 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - 1,915,710 1,915,710 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total -$ -$ -$ $ 9,246,359 $ 9,246,359 Total -$ -$ -$ $ 12,288,473 $ 12,288,473 Available Authorizations: $ 3,519 Available Authorizations: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation II (C301304) Project Name (Number): Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation 2022-2023 (C302211) Description: Sewer repairs and rehabilitation as determined from Council Districts: All Description: Sewer repairs and rehabilitation as determined from Council Districts: All analysis. analysis. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 8,308,951 $ - $ 782,469 $ 8,580 $ 9,100,000 Prior Authorizations $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 2,045,649 - - 2,509,351 4,555,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 8,308,951 $ - $ 782,469 $ 8,580 $ 9,100,000 Total $ 10,045,649 $ - $ - $ 2,509,351 $ 12,555,000 Available Authorizations: $ 629,893 Available Authorizations: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ 7,978

Project Name (Number): Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation 2021 (C302111) Project Name (Number): Sewer System Expansion (232003) Description: Sewer repairs and rehabilitation as determined from Council Districts: All Description: Enable department to respond to resident requests Council Districts: All analysis. for public sewer. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 Prior Authorizations$ 250,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000 FY2022 (500,000) - - - (500,000) FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total$ 250,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000 Available Authorizations: $ 500,000 Available Authorizations: $ 250,000 Operating Budget Impact: $ (1,950) Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Project Name (Number): Southern Sewer Service Area (C309603) Project Name (Number): Stoney Creek Basin Rehabilitation (C301604) Description: Construction of sanitary sewer system south of the Council Districts: 6, 12 Description: Reduce wet-weather sanitary sewer overflows. Council Districts: 2, 8 C&D Canal to include treatment plant, pump stations, force mains and interceptor sewer lines.

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 68,123,844 -$ $ 5,446,641 $ 7,299,515 $ 80,870,000 Prior Authorizations$ 2,250,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 2,250,000 FY2022 - - 55,000,000 - 55,000,000 FY2022 (1,500,000) - - - (1,500,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 2,500,000 - - - 2,500,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 600,000 - - - 600,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 68,123,844 -$ $ 60,446,641 $ 7,299,515 $ 135,870,000 Total $ 4,350,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 4,350,000 Available Authorizations: $ 11,573,816 Available Authorizations: $ 2,097,046 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: $ (5,850)

Project Name (Number): SR 72 Sewer Expansion (C301902) Project Name (Number): Stormwater Basin Renovation II (C301305) Description: Construct sanitary sewer along Wrangle Hill Road. Council Districts: 12 Description: Major structural rehabilitation as defined in the Council Districts: All UDC and failed basin rehabilitation. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,000,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,000,000 Prior Authorizations$ 7,738,300 -$ $ 1,660,000 $ 1,700 $ 9,400,000 FY2022 2,000 - - - 2,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 1,002,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,002,000 Total $ 13,738,300 -$ $ 1,660,000 $ 1,700 $ 15,400,000 Available Authorizations: $ 956,046 Available Authorizations: $ 3,074,897 Operating Budget Impact: $ 8 Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): Terminal Avenue System Rehabilitation (C301707) Project Name (Number): Water Farm 1 System Rehabilitation (C301714) Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: 6, 12 of the sanitary sewer assets. 6, 7, 10, 12 of sanitary sewer assets. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 4,893,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,893,000 Prior Authorizations$ 3,475,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,475,000 FY2022 (2,500,000) - - - (2,500,000) FY2022 (1,500,000) - - - (1,500,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 FY2024 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 FY2025 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 FY2025 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 FY2026 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 FY2026 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 11,393,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 11,393,000 Total$ 6,475,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 6,475,000 Available Authorizations: $ 3,171,189 Available Authorizations: $ 2,385,686 Operating Budget Impact: $ (9,750) Operating Budget Impact: $ (5,850)

Project Name (Number): Turkey Run Interceptor Rehabilitation (C300224) Project Name (Number): Water Quality Improvement Plan (C301903) Description: Rehabilitation between Washington Street and the Council Districts: 2, 8 Description: Develop and implement the Water Quality Council Districts: All Fairfax Development. Improvement Plans (WQIP's). Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 3,748,900 $ 300,000 $ - $ 501,100 $ 4,550,000 Prior Authorizations$ 1,400,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,400,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 362,400 - - - 362,400 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 3,748,900 $ 300,000 $ - $ 501,100 $ 4,550,000 Total$ 5,762,400 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,762,400 Available Authorizations: $ 860,685 Available Authorizations: $ 1,287,684 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ 1,413


Project Name (Number): White Clay System Rehabilitation (C301710) Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: of the sanitary sewer assets. 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 10,543,515 $ - $ 1,675,885 $ 600 $ 12,220,000 FY2022 (1,500,000) - - - (1,500,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 5,900,000 - - - 5,900,000 FY2025 5,900,000 - - - 5,900,000 FY2026 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 FY2027 5,900,000 - - - 5,900,000 Future Years - - - - - Total$ 29,743,515 $ - $ 1,675,885 $ 600 $ 31,420,000 Available Authorizations: $ 2,496,721 Operating Budget Impact: $ (5,850)

Project Name (Number): Wilmington System Rehabilitation (C301711) Description: Investigation and rehabilitation and/or replacement Council Districts: of the sanitary sewer assets. 1, 2, 10 Funding Schedule Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 2,124,825 $ - $ - $ 175 $ 2,125,000 FY2022 (500,000) - - - (500,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 750,000 - - - 750,000 FY2025 750,000 - - - 750,000 FY2026 750,000 - - - 750,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 3,874,825 $ - $ - $ 175 $ 3,875,000 Available Authorizations: $ 762,525 Operating Budget Impact: $ (1,950)

46 DEPARTMENT PROFILES PUBLIC WORKS (continued) Department of Public Works The accompanying chart is a five-year line-graph for Facilities/Equipment and Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Capital Program and Budget Landfill Facilities expenditures. Annotated below the chart is the amount of available appropriations as of February 28, 2021 and the appropriations approved Facilities/Equipment for Fiscal Year 2022.

Environmental Protection - Protection of environment and facilities from hazardous substances (asbestos, PCB’s, Facilities/Equipment radon, chemicals) and underground fuel tanks (fuel oil, Expenditure Activity for 5 Years gasoline, diesel). $20.0

Building and Facilities Improvement/Additions - $16.0 Rehabilitation and modification of County agencies’ $12.0 facilities and equipment and facility acquisition. $8.0 Landfills - Prevention of further movement of leachate from Millions the Army Creek Landfill. This facility has been closed for $4.0 many years. Remediation at this facility is ongoing. $0.0 Fleet Equipment - Purchase and upgrade County fleet 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Estimated equipment as needed and required. Fiscal Year

Facilities/Equipment Appropriation Summary $27.4 $30.0


Millions $10.0 $3.0

$0.0 New Castle County Government Center Available Appropriations FY2022 as of 2/28/2021 Approved Budget


Project Name (Number): Army Creek Landfill Upgrade (C300126) Project Name (Number): Building Rehabilitation (C300401) Description: Install various wells as required by EPA. Council Districts: 12 Description: Capital improvements to county buildings as Council Districts: All required. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,000,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 Prior Authorizations$ 14,868,422 $ - $ - $ 251,710 $ 15,120,131 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 1,000,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 Total$ 14,868,422 $ - $ - $ 251,710 $ 15,120,131 Available Authorizations: $ 100,090 Available Authorizations: $ 435,492 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): Brandywine Library HVAC Upgrade (C302107) Project Name (Number): Building Rehabilitation 2021 (C302103) Description: Installation of new HVAC equipment. Council Districts: 2 Description: Capital improvements to county buildings as Council Districts: All required. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,200,000 Prior Authorizations$ 5,300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,300,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 2,025,000 - - - 2,025,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 2,025,000 - - - 2,025,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 2,025,000 - - - 2,025,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 2,025,000 - - - 2,025,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 1,200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,200,000 Total$ 13,400,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 13,400,000 Available Authorizations: $ 1,200,000 Available Authorizations: $ 5,211,850 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Project Name (Number): City/County Building Rehabilitation (C301401) Project Name (Number): Fleet Equipment 2021 (C302102) Description: Infrastructure improvements to the City/County Council Districts: 10 Description: Lease of heavy equipment, off-road equipment and Council Districts: All building. vehicles. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 6,220,150 $ - $ - $ - $ 6,220,150 Prior Authorizations $ - $ - $ - $ 5,055,783 $ 5,055,783 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - (2,000,000) (2,000,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 600,000 - - - 600,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 600,000 - - - 600,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 600,000 - - - 600,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 600,000 - - - 600,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 8,620,150 $ - $ - $ - $ 8,620,150 Total $ - $ - $ - $ 3,055,783 $ 3,055,783 Available Authorizations: $ 2,608,688 Available Authorizations: $ 3,910,846 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): Fleet Equipment (C301406) Project Name (Number): Fleet Equipment 2022 (C302203) Description: Lease of heavy equipment, off-road equipment and Council Districts: All Description: Lease of heavy equipment, off-road equipment and Council Districts: All vehicles. vehicles. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations $ - $ - $ - $ 26,207,246 $ 26,207,246 Prior Authorizations $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - 5,067,300 5,067,300 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - 5,721,085 5,721,085 FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - 5,780,677 5,780,677 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - 5,586,265 5,586,265 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - 5,511,051 5,511,051 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - 5,512,608 5,512,608 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ - $ - $ - $ 26,207,246 $ 26,207,246 Total $ - $ - $ - $ 33,178,986 $ 33,178,986 Available Authorizations: $ 889 Available Authorizations: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Project Name (Number): Fuel Dispensary and Island Replacement (C302106) Project Name (Number): General Paving (C309808) Description: Replacement of fuel distribution system and Council Districts: 7 Description: Paving at various County locations including: Council Districts: All islands. curbs, sidewalks and drainage repairs. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 200,000 Prior Authorizations$ 3,728,835 $ - $ 270,970 $ - $ 3,999,805 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 250,000 - - - 250,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 250,000 - - - 250,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 250,000 - - - 250,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 250,000 - - - 250,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 200,000 Total$ 4,728,835 $ - $ 270,970 $ - $ 4,999,805 Available Authorizations: $ 200,000 Available Authorizations: $ 809,425 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): Garage Renovations (C301601) Project Name (Number): General Roof Renovations (C309909) Description: Electrical and mechanical system upgrades. Council Districts: 7 Description: Major roof rehabilitation at various County Council Districts: All facilities. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 5,700,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,700,000 Prior Authorizations$ 2,265,840 $ - $ - $ 160 $ 2,266,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 500,000 - - - 500,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 5,700,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,700,000 Total$ 4,265,840 $ - $ - $ 160 $ 4,266,000 Available Authorizations: $ 5,481,085 Available Authorizations: $ 1,730,054 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Project Name (Number): Government Center Electrical Upgrade (C302105) Project Name (Number): Hazardous Substances and Asbestos Abatement (C309035) Description: Electrical infrastructure, switchgear and power Council Districts: 7 Description: Abatement and/or disposal of asbestos and Council Districts: All distribution upgrades. hazardous materials. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 2,000,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000,000 Prior Authorizations$ 1,221,485 $ - $ - $ 250,515 $ 1,472,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 2,000,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000,000 Total$ 1,221,485 $ - $ - $ 250,515 $ 1,472,000 Available Authorizations: $ 2,000,000 Available Authorizations: $ 35,268 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): Government Center Parking Lot (C300711) Project Name (Number): Inspection of Tanks Environmental Control (C308919) Description: Paving of the parking lot(s). Council Districts: 7 Description: Inspecting, replacing, retrofitting and monitoring Council Districts: All tanks. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,894,230 $ - $ 9,270 $ - $ 1,903,500 Prior Authorizations$ 1,765,790 $ - $ - $ 210 $ 1,766,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 1,894,230 $ - $ 9,270 $ - $ 1,903,500 Total$ 1,765,790 $ - $ - $ 210 $ 1,766,000 Available Authorizations: $ 1,692,932 Available Authorizations: $ 28,819 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Project Name (Number): PAL Building Rehabilitation (C301713) Project Name (Number): Security 2021 (C302104) Description: Rehabilitation to Garfield and Hockessin PAL Council Districts: 3, 10 Description: Install upgraded integrated security systems at Council Districts: All centers to include floors/ceiling, HVAC, signage and paving. various County facilities. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,156,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,156,000 Prior Authorizations$ 650,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 650,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 750,000 - - - 750,000 FY2024 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2025 750,000 - - - 750,000 FY2025 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2026 750,000 - - - 750,000 FY2026 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2027 750,000 - - - 750,000 FY2027 500,000 - - - 500,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 4,156,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,156,000 Total$ 2,650,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,650,000 Available Authorizations: $ 1,070,403 Available Authorizations: $ 650,000 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): Security (C309910) Project Name (Number): Vehicle Lift System (C301204) Description: Install upgraded integrated security systems at Council Districts: All Description: Replacement of vehicle lifts in the garage. Council Districts: 7 various County facilities. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 6,482,235 $ - $ - $ 819,912 $ 7,302,147 Prior Authorizations$ 591,400 $ - $ - $ - $ 591,400 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 (100,000) - - - (100,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 6,482,235 $ - $ - $ 819,912 $ 7,302,147 Total$ 491,400 $ - $ - $ - $ 491,400 Available Authorizations: $ 52,610 Available Authorizations: $ 198,901 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ (220)


Department of Public Works The accompanying chart is a five-year line-graph for Parks expenditures. Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Capital Program and Budget Annotated below the chart is the amount of available appropriations as of February 28, 2021 and the appropriations approved for Fiscal Year 2022. Parks

Public Works has responsibility for developing and maintaining over 7,000 acres of parkland controlled by the County. Parks Expenditure Activity for 5 Years Land Development - Expansion and development of existing $10.0 and new parks/recreational facilities consistent with the $8.0 Department’s Comprehensive Development Plan. $6.0 Land Acquisition - Expansion of strategic land holdings for $4.0 the preservation of natural areas, farmland, and the Millions development of District Parks, when approved, in the Long- Range Departmental Master Plan. $2.0 $0.0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Estimated Fiscal Year

Parks Appropriation Summary

$33.5 $40.0 $30.0 $20.0

Millions $2.8 $10.0 One of many community playgrounds maintained by the Parks Section. $0.0 Available Appropriations FY2022 as of 2/28/2021 Approved Budget


Project Name (Number): Agricultural Preservation (C300330) Project Name (Number): Brandywine Springs Park Rehabilitation (C300115) Description: Acquire land or development rights for Council Districts: All Description: Renovation, restoration of histroic bridge abutment Council Districts: 9 unincorporated New Castle County. and pedestrian bridge (Lake Washington). Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 17,244,302 $ - $ - $ 2,600 $ 17,246,902 Prior Authorizations$ 800,000 $ - $ 4,200 $ - $ 804,200 FY2022 (1,500,000) - - 1,500,000 - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 15,744,302 $ - $ - $ 9,002,600 $ 24,746,902 Total$ 800,000 $ - $ 4,200 $ - $ 804,200 Available Authorizations: $ 5,293,778 Available Authorizations: $ 476,440 Operating Budget Impact: $ (3,300) Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): Banning Park Improvements (C302202) Project Name (Number): Carousel Park (C301408) Description: Enhancements to turf fields and park entrance. Council Districts: 1 Description: Restoration and renovation of the facility and Council Districts: 9 grounds. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Authorizations$ 4,669,320 $ - $ 250,000 $ 24,060 $ 4,943,380 FY2022 2,650,000 - - - 2,650,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 2,650,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,650,000 Total $ 5,169,320 $ - $ 250,000 $ 24,060 $ 5,443,380 Available Authorizations: $ - Available Authorizations: $ 1,746,066 Operating Budget Impact: $ 5,830 Operating Budget Impact: $ -


Project Name (Number): Delcastle Park Improvements (C302110) Project Name (Number): Game Court Improvements (C300510) Description: Upgrade walking path and restrooms at softball Council Districts: 9 Description: Improvements and renovations to existing game Council Districts: All complex. courts. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 2,065,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,065,000 Prior Authorizations$ 1,799,980 $ - $ - $ 20 $ 1,800,000 FY2022 (500,000) - - - (500,000) FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 1,565,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,565,000 Total$ 1,799,980 $ - $ - $ 20 $ 1,800,000 Available Authorizations: $ 2,065,000 Available Authorizations: $ 151,554 Operating Budget Impact: $ (1,100) Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): District Park #5 (C300117) Project Name (Number): Game Court Improvements 2021 (C302108) Description: Master plan, design and construction to develop a Council Districts: 12 Description: Improvements and renovations to existing game Council Districts: All district park located in Red Lion. courts. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,250,000 $ - $ - $ 300,000 $ 1,550,000 Prior Authorizations$ 175,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 175,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 75,000 - - - 75,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2024 175,000 - - - 175,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 175,000 - - - 175,000 FY2026 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2026 175,000 - - - 175,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 175,000 - - - 175,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 2,250,000 $ - $ - $ 300,000 $ 2,550,000 Total$ 950,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 950,000 Available Authorizations: $ 907,143 Available Authorizations: $ 175,000 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ 165


Project Name (Number): General Parkland Improvements (C300509) Project Name (Number): Glasgow Regional Park (C309916) Description: Improvements in parks, including Hann, Banning, Council Districts: All Description: Development of a regional park facility in the Council Districts: 11 Delcastle Quad and Northcrest parks. Glasgow area. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 3,716,727 $ - $ 718,912 $ 131,321 $ 4,566,960 Prior Authorizations$ 28,413,135 $ - $ 285,000 $ 3,191,865 $ 31,890,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 (1,500,000) - - - (1,500,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 3,716,727 $ - $ 718,912 $ 131,321 $ 4,566,960 Total$ 26,913,135 $ - $ 285,000 $ 3,191,865 $ 30,390,000 Available Authorizations: $ 1,647,353 Available Authorizations: $ 2,475,125 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ (3,300)

Project Name (Number): General Parkland Improvements 2021 (C302101) Project Name (Number): Greenway Systems (C300515) Description: Improvements in parks, including Hann, Banning, Council Districts: All Description: Cross county pathway connector system for multi- Council Districts: All Delcastle Quad and Northcrest parks. use walking and biking. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 350,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 350,000 Prior Authorizations$ 1,686,795 $ - $ 1,343,554 $ 208,305 $ 3,238,654 FY2022 750,000 - - - 750,000 FY2022 2,245,881 - - - 2,245,881 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 350,000 - - - 350,000 FY2024 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2025 1,200,000 - - - 1,200,000 FY2025 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2026 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 FY2026 500,000 - - - 500,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 500,000 - - - 500,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 4,650,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,650,000 Total$ 5,932,676 $ - $ 1,343,554 $ 208,305 $ 7,484,535 Available Authorizations: $ 350,000 Available Authorizations: $ 1,245,375 Operating Budget Impact: $ 1,650 Operating Budget Impact: $ 4,941


Project Name (Number): Historic Structure Rehabilitation (C301701) Project Name (Number): Maintenance Base Renovations (C309809) Description: Rehabilitation of historic structures to encourage Council Districts: 2, 8 Description: Construct new crew space and storage facilties and Council Districts: All Curatorship Program participation: Jester Farm House (non- renovations as required. historic), Ivyside (Bechtel Park).

Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,500,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,500,000 Prior Authorizations$ 2,655,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 2,655,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 (500,000) - - - (500,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 1,750,000 - - - 1,750,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 1,750,000 - - - 1,750,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 1,750,000 - - - 1,750,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 1,500,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 1,500,000 Total $ 7,405,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 7,405,000 Available Authorizations: $ 565 Available Authorizations: $ 951,358 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: $ (1,100)

Project Name (Number): Jester Walking Path (C301608) Project Name (Number): Middle Run Valley Bicycle Skills Area (C301403) Description: Construction of paved loop trail around perimeter Council Districts: 2 Description: Construction of small bicycle track and skills Council Districts: 9 of Jester Park. facility for children and bike users. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 800,000 -$ $ 275,000 -$ $ 1,075,000 Prior Authorizations$ 570,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 570,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ 800,000 -$ $ 275,000 -$ $ 1,075,000 Total $ 570,000 -$ -$ -$ $ 570,000 Available Authorizations: $ 851,605 Available Authorizations: $ 491,949 Operating Budget Impact: -$ Operating Budget Impact: -$


Project Name (Number): Middle Run Valley Reforestation (C301402) Project Name (Number): Parkland Acquisition (C300331) Description: Development and improvements to the Middle Run Council Districts: 9 Description: Acquire parkland and open space. Council Districts: All Valley Natural Area property. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 850,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 850,000 Prior Authorizations$ 10,586,300 $ - $ 601,046 $ 750,000 $ 11,937,346 FY2022 14,126 - - - 14,126 FY2022 (1,275,000) - - - (1,275,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 200,000 - - - 200,000 FY2024 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2026 200,000 - - - 200,000 FY2026 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 1,264,126 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,264,126 Total$ 13,311,300 $ - $ 601,046 $ 750,000 $ 14,662,346 Available Authorizations: $ 161,054 Available Authorizations: $ 4,440,145 Operating Budget Impact: $ 31 Operating Budget Impact: $ (2,805)

Project Name (Number): Open Space Preservation (C302201) Project Name (Number): Pavilion Renovations (C309815) Description: Acquire properties and/or easements for the Council Districts: All Description: Renovate pavilions at various County facilties. Council Districts: All protection of natural resources and conservation land. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Authorizations$ 742,181 $ - $ - $ 130 $ 742,311 FY2022 - - - 1,275,000 1,275,000 FY2022 (200,000) - - - (200,000) FY2023 - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 FY2024 225,000 - - - 225,000 FY2025 - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 FY2025 225,000 - - - 225,000 FY2026 - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 FY2026 225,000 - - - 225,000 FY2027 - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 FY2027 225,000 - - - 225,000 Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total $ - $ - $ - $ 6,275,000 $ 6,275,000 Total $ 1,442,181 $ - $ - $ 130 $ 1,442,311 Available Authorizations: $ - Available Authorizations: $ 438,086 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ (440)


Project Name (Number): Play Area Improvements (C301302) Project Name (Number): Rockwood Park (C301409) Description: Installation of play eqiupment in various parks as Council Districts: All Description: Renovate parking lot at the Carriage House Council Districts: 8 required. (design); upgrade walking path at Mansion. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 2,360,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,360,000 Prior Authorizations$ 3,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,600,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 2,360,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,360,000 Total$ 3,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,600,000 Available Authorizations: $ 183,368 Available Authorizations: $ 735,167 Operating Budget Impact: $ - Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): Play Area Improvements 2021 (C302109) Project Name (Number): Route 9 TAP Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements (C302002) Description: Installation of play eqiupment in various parks as Council Districts: All Description: Design and construct pedestrian/bicycle Council Districts: 10 required. improvements identified in the Route 9 Master Plan. Funding Schedule Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 375,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 375,000 Prior Authorizations$ 174,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 174,000 FY2022 25,000 - - - 25,000 FY2022 26,000 - - - 26,000 FY2023 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 375,000 - - - 375,000 FY2024 - - - - - FY2025 375,000 - - - 375,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 375,000 - - - 375,000 FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 375,000 - - - 375,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 1,900,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,900,000 Total$ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 200,000 Available Authorizations: $ 375,000 Available Authorizations: $ 174,000 Operating Budget Impact: $ 55 Operating Budget Impact: $ 57


Project Name (Number): Southern Regional Park (C300336) Description: Development of a southern regional park. Council Districts: 6, 12

Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 4,490,025 $ - $ - $ 1,709,975 $ 6,200,000 FY2022 - - - - - FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 FY2025 - - - - - FY2026 - - - - - FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 5,490,025 $ - $ - $ 1,709,975 $ 7,200,000 Available Authorizations: $ 5,501,408 Operating Budget Impact: $ -

Project Name (Number): Sports Lighting (C300121) Description: Lighting of existing sports fields. Council Districts: All

Funding Schedule

Bonds Federal State Other Total Prior Authorizations$ 1,424,438 $ - $ - $ 562 $ 1,425,000 FY2022 (250,000) - - - (250,000) FY2023 - - - - - FY2024 100,000 - - - 100,000 FY2025 100,000 - - - 100,000 FY2026 100,000 - - - 100,000 FY2027 - - - - - Future Years - - - - - Total$ 1,474,438 $ - $ - $ 562 $ 1,475,000 Available Authorizations: $ 626,661 Operating Budget Impact: $ (550)


Capital Expenditure Activity E Fiscal Years 2017 - 2021 $80.0 Sewer Fund General Fund



$37.0 $43.1 $34.2 $40.0

Millions $26.3

$20.0 $39.1 $25.4 $28.2 $24.0 $20.8

$0.0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Estimated Fiscal Year

2021 Category 2017 2018 2019 2020 Estimated Sewer / Stormwater $28.4 $34.2 $37.0 $43.1 $26.3 Facilities/Equipment $11.6 $10.3 $12.0 $15.6 $6.6 Parks $5.5 $3.8 $4.7 $1.0 $1.5 Community Services $14.9 $6.3 $5.1 $2.1 $5.5 Public Safety $4.7 $1.2 $4.2 $2.3 $4.6 Administration $2.4 $3.8 $2.2 $3.0 $2.7


Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget and Program Funding Summary (in thousands)

Fiscal Year

Prior Available Obligated Balance to

Department Authorization Balance as of Amount as of % 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost Complete s 2/28/2021 2/28/2021 Obligated Public Works $ 745,810 $ 148,521 $ 597,289 80% 60,304$ 10,954$ 76,662$ 71,178$ 68,789$ 62,203$ $ - $ 1,095,901 Community Services 67,221 2,263 64,958 97% 100 ------67,321 Public Safety 28,461 6,553 21,908 77% (679) 322 1,022 1,022 1,022 1,022 - 32,192 Administration 13,054 875 12,179 93% 650 3,000 2,500 - - - - 19,204 County Executive 750 668 82 11% ------750

Total New Castle County$ 855,295 $ 158,879 $ 696,416 81% 60,376$ 14,276$ 80,184$ 72,200$ 69,811$ 63,225$ $ - $ 1,215,367

Prior Available Obligated Balance to Source of Funds Authorization Balance as of Amount as of 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost Complete s 2/28/2021 2/28/2021 Bonds $ 672,323 $ (21,982) 11,342$ 73,906$ $ 65,282 62,407$ 59,659$ $ - $ 922,936 Federal 1,407 ------1,407 State 62,994 71,500 ------134,494 General Fund 37,048 6,101 2,934 6,278 6,918 7,404 3,567 - 70,250 Sewer Fund 14,270 4,757 ------19,027 Other 67,253 ------67,253

Total New Castle County$ 855,295 $ 158,879 $ 696,416 60,376$ 14,276$ 80,184$ 72,200$ 69,811$ 63,225$ $ - $ 1,215,367

*Numbers may not add due to rounding.


Project Project # Page # Project Project # Page # Administration Public Works Information Systems Expansion II C121606 19 Facilities / Equipment Technology Improvement Electronic Plan Review C121508 19 Army Creek Landfill Upgrade C300126 48 Brandywine Library HVAC Upgrade C302107 48 Community Services Building Rehabilitation C300401 48 Appoquinimink Library C400329 22 Building Rehabilitation 2021 C302103 48 Claymont Library C400905 22 City/County Building Rehabilitation C301401 49 Library Rehabilitation C402001 22 Fleet Equipment C301406 49 Route 9 Community Library C401205 22 Fleet Equipment 2021 C302102 49 Surratte Pool Renovations II C402004 23 Fleet Equipment 2022 C302203 49 Fuel Dispensary and Island Replacement C302106 50 County Executive Garage Renovations C301601 50 Executive Capital Contingency C118933 26 General Paving C309808 50 General Roof Renovations C309909 50 Public Safety Government Center Electrical Upgrade C302105 51 800 MgHZ Communication Equipment C209229 29 Government Center Parking Lot C300711 51 Communications Upgrade C201108 29 Hazardous Substances and Asbestos Abatement C309035 51 EMS Stations C200710 29 Inspection of Tanks Environmental Control C308919 51 Police Range C201306 29 PAL Building Rehabilitation C301713 52 Public Safety Building Renovations C201505 30 Security C309910 52 Public Safety Equipment C201607 30 Security 2021 C302104 52 Public Safety Vest Protection Program C201509 30 Vehicle Lift System C301204 52


Project Project # Page # Project Project # Page # Public Works (continued) Public Works (continued) Parks Sewer/Stormwater Agricultural Preservation C300330 54 Airport Road System Rehabilitation C301702 34 Banning Park Improvements C302202 54 Asset Management C300220 34 Brandywine Springs Park Rehabilitation C300115 54 Backwater Valve Improvement C300101 34 Carousel Park C301408 54 Brandywine Hundred North Rehab Phase I C300005 34 Delcastle Park Improvements C302110 55 Brandywine Hundred South Rehab Phase I C300218 35 District Park #5 C300117 55 Brandywine Interceptor Renovation C301603 35 Game Court Improvements C300510 55 Christiana Pump Station Upgrade C300615 35 Game Court Improvements 2021 C302108 55 Christina River Force Main C300705 35 General Parkland Improvements C300509 56 Countywide Drainage Problems C300413 36 General Parkland Improvements 2021 C302101 56 Delaware City Industrial Sewer Expansion C301716 36 Glasgow Regional Park C309916 56 Delaware City System Rehabilitation C301705 36 Greenway Systems C300515 56 Delaware City Treatment Plant Rehabilitation C300004 36 Historic Structure Rehabilitation C301701 57 DelDOT Coordination Project II C301303 37 Jester Walking Path C301608 57 DelDOT Coordination Project 2021 C302112 37 Maintenance Base Renovations C309809 57 Edgemoor System Rehabilitation C301708 37 Middle Run Valley Bicycle Skills Area C301403 57 Electrical Power Distribution Upgrade C300616 37 Middle Run Valley Reforestation C301402 58 General Sewer Improvements C300622 38 Open Space Preservation C302201 58 General Stormwater Improvements C301110 38 Parkland Acquisition C300331 58 General Stormwater Improvements 2021 C302115 38 Pavilion Renovations C309815 58 Glasgow Area Sewer Improvements C301102 38 Play Area Improvements C301302 59 Holloway Terrace Outfall C301801 39 Play Area Improvements 2021 C302109 59 Kirkwood Trunkline Interceptor C301004 39 Rockwood Park C301409 59 Lea Eara Farms Treatment Plant Closure C301712 39 Route 9 TAP Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements C302002 59 Market Street System Rehabilitation C301703 39 Southern Regional Park C300336 60 North Delaware Interceptor System C300612 40 Sports Lighting C300121 60 Port Penn System Rehabilitation C301709 40 Public Works Complex C300107 40


Project Project # Page # Project Project # Page # Public Works (continued) Sewer/Stormwater (continued) Pump Station Rehabilitation C300106 40 Pump Station Rehabilitation 2021 C302114 41 Pump Station Rehabilitation 2022-2023 C302214 41 Richardson Park Pump Station Upgrade C300618 41 Richardson Park System Rehabilitation C301704 41 Septage Receiving Station Upgrade C300708 42 Sewer Fleet Equipment C301407 42 Sewer Fleet Equipment 2021 C302113 42 Sewer Fleet Equipment 2022 C302213 42 Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation II C301304 43 Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation 2021 C302111 43 Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation 2022-2023 C302211 43 Sewer System Expansion C302003 43 Southern Sewer Service Area C309603 44 SR 72 Sewer Extension C301902 44 Stoney Creek Basin Rehabilitation C301604 44 Stormwater Basin Renovation II C301305 44 Terminal Avenue System Rehabilitation C301707 45 Turkey Run Interceptor Rehabilitation C300224 45 Water Farm 1 System Rehabilitation C301714 45 Water Quality Improvement Plans C301903 45 White Clay System Rehabilitation C301710 46 Wilmington System Rehabilitation C301711 46