New Castle County Capital Program and Budget Fiscal Year 2022-2027 Matthew Meyer Approved County Executive TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page Distinguished Budget Presentation Award 1 Departmental and Project Profiles Department of Administration 17 Elected Officials and County Planning Board 2 Department of Community Services 20 County Executive 24 FY2022 Capital Budget Overview 3 Department of Public Safety 27 Department of Public Works 31 FY2022 Capital Project Authorizations and Detail 4 Capital Expenditure Activity 61 Development of the Capital Program and Budget Overview 6 Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget and Program Funding Summary 62 Capital Projects Strategies and Review System (CAPSTARS) 6 Key Financial Policies (KFP's) 7 Active Capital Project Directory 63 Quarterly Capital Review 9 Linkage with the Comprehensive Development Planning 10 Process and the Capital Program and Budget Process Debt Management Bond Rating 12 Legal Debt Margin 12 Policy Statement 12 Debt Service as a Percentage of the Operating Revenue 13 Bond Authorizations 13 Investment Policy 13 Existing and Proposed Debt Service as a Percentage of the 14 Operating Revenue Development Impact Fees 15 Definitions 16 DISTINGUISHED BUDGET PRESENTATION AWARD This prestigious award is the highest form of recognition in government budgeting that a local government can receive. Of nearly 40,000 units of local government eligible, an average of only 2% each year receive this honor. This is the 31st consecutive year that New Castle County has merited this award. The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to New Castle County, Delaware for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan and as a communications device. The award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. 1 ELECTED OFFICIALS AND COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Executive County Council County Executive Matthew Meyer President of Council Karen Hartley-Nagle First District Kenneth R. Woods Row Offices Second District Dee Durham Clerk of the Peace Lisa M. Darrah Third District Janet Kilpatrick Recorder of Deeds Michael E. Kozikowski Fourth District Penrose Hollins Register of Wills Ciro Poppiti, III Fifth District Lisa Diller Sheriff Scott T. Phillips Sixth District David B. Carter Seventh District George Smiley Eighth District John J. Cartier Ninth District Timothy P. Sheldon Tenth District Jea P. Street Eleventh District David L. Tackett Twelfth District J. William Bell County Planning Board Karen Peterson, Chairperson Leone Cahill-Krout Jonathan Cochran Joseph Daigle Leah Gray William V. McGlinchey Robert Snowden Ruth Visvardis Kiana Williams 2 FY2022 APPROVED CAPITAL BUDGET OVERVIEW Community Capital Budget Services Public Safety Facilities/Equipment 0.2% -1.1% Authorizations and Landfill Facilities 4.8% $60,375,522 Administration 1.1% Parks 4.6% Major Capital Programs Sewer/Stormwater $54,500,910 Facilities/Equipment $ 2,967,300 Parks $ 2,836,007 Sewer and Stormwater Public Safety $ (678,695) 88.3% Administration $ 650,000 Community Services $ 100,000 3 FISCAL YEAR 2022 CAPITAL PROJECT AUTHORIZATIONS AND DETAIL FY2022 Budget Project Authorization Fiscal Year 2022 Project Detail Page # Administration Information Systems Expansion II $ 650,000 Complete implementation of the Human Capital Management Project 19 Total Administration $ 650,000 Community Services Surratte Pool Renovations II $ 100,000 Renovations and upgrades to the Bath House and office. 23 Total Community Services $ 100,000 Public Safety EMS Stations $ (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 29 Public Safety Building Renovations 562,305 Replace HVAC system in 911 Center and demolition of adjacent property. 30 Public Safety Equipment 99,000 Purchase specialized equipment such as AED's, tasers and technology equipment. 30 Public Safety Vest Protection Program 160,000 Purchase protective vests for police officers and EMS staff. 30 Total Public Safety $ (678,695) Public Works Facilities / Equipment Fleet Equipment 2021 / 2022 $ 3,067,300 Lease of heavy equipment, off-road equipment and vehicles. 49 Vehicle Lift System (100,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 52 Total Facilities / Equipment $ 2,967,300 Parks Banning Park Improvements $ 2,650,000 Enhancements to turf fields and park entrance. 54 Delcastle Park Improvements (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 55 Game Court Improvements 2021 75,000 Improvements and renovations to existing game courts. 55 General Parkland Improvements 2021 750,000 Improvements and renovations to neighborhood parks and local park revitalization effort. 56 Glasgow Regional Park (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 56 Greenway Systems 2,245,881 Cross county pathway connector system for multi-use walking and biking. 56 Maintenance Base Renovations (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 57 Middle Run Valley Reforestation 14,126 Tree planting and invasive species management in Middle Run Natural Area. 58 Open Space Preservation 1,275,000 Acquire properties and/or easements for the protection of natural resources and conservation. 58 Parkland Acquisition (1,275,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 58 Pavilion Renovations (200,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 58 Play Area Improvements 2021 25,000 Replacement of aging neighborhood playgrounds. 59 4 FISCAL YEAR 2022 CAPITAL PROJECT AUTHORIZATIONS AND DETAIL FY2022 Budget Project Authorization Fiscal Year 2022 Project Detail Page # Public Works (continued) Parks (continued) Route 9 TAP Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements$ 26,000 Design/construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the Route 9 corridor. 59 Sports Lighting (250,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 60 Total Parks $ 2,836,007 Sewer/Stormwater Airport Road System Rehabilitation$ 3,500,000 Investigate, rehabilitate and/or replace sanitary sewer assets. 34 Brandywine Hundred South Rehabilitation (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 35 Edgemoor System Rehabilitation (4,000,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 37 General Sewer Improvements 625,000 Design review and inspections of sewer systems installed by private land development. 38 Glasgow Area Sewer Improvements (1,000,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 38 Kirkwood Trunkline Interceptor (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 39 Lea Eara Farms Treatment Plant Closure 444,400 Permitting, design, construction and management required to close. 39 Muddy-6 Trunkline Interceptor 30,000 Capacity improvements to a portion of the trunkline. -- North Delaware Interceptor System 1,359,800 Construction improvements to support First State Crossing/City Steel site development. 40 Pump Station Rehabilitation 2022-2023 2,000,000 Rehabilitate pump stations including electricity, controls, pumps, infrastructure and buildings. 41 Richardson Park Pump Station Upgrade 1,000,000 Continue phased replacement of pump station. 41 Richardson Park System Rehabilitation (1,000,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 41 Sewer Fleet Equipment 2021 / 2022 1,622,310 Lease purchase heavy equipment, off-road equipment and vehicles. 42 Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation 2021 (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 43 Sewer Repairs and Rehabilitation 2022-2023 4,555,000 Unplanned and/or emergency repairs, mostly identified by operations and maintenance activities. 43 Southern Sewer Service Area 55,000,000 Design and construction of the regional sewer system, study of future treatment and disposal 44 requirements and options. SR 72 Sewer Extension 2,000 Construct sanitary sewer along Wrangle Hill Road. 44 Stoney Creek Basin (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 44 Terminal Avenue System Rehabilitation (2,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 45 Water Farm 1 System Rehabilitation (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 45 Water Quality Improvement Plans 362,400 Develop and implement the Water Quality Improvement Plans (WQIPs). 45 White Clay System Rehabilitation (1,500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 46 Wilmington System Rehabilitation (500,000) Reduce authorizations based on anticipated spend. 46 Total Sewer/Stormwater$ 54,500,910 Total Public Works$ 60,304,217 Total FY2022 Budget Authorizations $ 60,375,522 5 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPITAL PROGRAM AND BUDGET OVERVIEW AND CAPITAL PROJECTS STRATEGIES AND REVIEW SYSTEM (CAPSTARS) Development of the Capital Program and Budget County Council may not amend the capital program as submitted by the County Executive until it has received from same, recommendations with respect to the proposed amendment. County Overview Council shall not be bound by such recommendations and may act without them if they are not received within 15 days from the date Title 9 of the Delaware Code requires the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to they are requested. annually prepare a Capital Program and Budget under the direction of the County Executive. In preparing the Capital Program and Budget, the
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