Announcements St Michael the Archangel The Bulletin is Downloadable from our website at Latin Mass Chaplaincy, PRO-LIFE PRAYER TO END ABORTION ADULT CATECHISM Canberra Rosary gatherings are held at the fol- Served by The Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) lowing time and place EVERY FRIDAY. Every Saturday, 10:30-11:30am, Sts 8:00AM & 4:00PM—meet opposite to Peter and Paul, Garran Next chapters: 75-77 City Community Health Centre, 1 Moore Street, in the city. Every Thursday: 6:30-7:30pm @ Chaplain: Postal Address: Rev. Paul Leung, FSSP PO Box 6241, Mawson, TALK ON THE FSSP House, 4 Venn Pl, Kambah. Tel: 0405 527 880 ACT 2607, Australia. FUTURE OF THE APOSTOLATE Next Chapters: 57-60 Fr Leung will give a report on the Assistant Priest: Presbytery Address: further development of the aposto- People who are discerning to be- Rev. Adrian Wee, 4 Venn Pl, Kambah, come Catholics or hoping to review ACT 2902, Australia. late on: 25 July (Sunday), after FSSP 10:00am Mass, at St Jude’s. their Catechism are most welcome Tel: 0407 557 264 Prebystery Tel: to join us. 02-6161 5320 Please contact Fr Leung for any fur- Website: SUGGESTIONS/CONCERNS TO ther questions, http://fssp- Facebook: THE PLENARY COUNCIL 2021 The Australian Plenary Council which CLASS ON HOLY SCRIPTURE St Bonaventure /FSSP-Canberra-St-Michael- Email: Pray for us! the-Archangel-Latin-Mass- will take place in October this year, has Introduction to the 4 gospels
[email protected] asked for input on a variety of topics.