[The :Fossils of which the names are printed in italics are figured.]

Aber Fault, 251, 255. phyritee from the Lower Old Red Abereidy Bay, 294. Sandstone of Scotland, Proc. 75; Abu Gerayeh, 579. of trachyte from Jedburgh, Proc. Abu Gurdi, 578. 75 ; of acid eruptive rocks from the Abu Tiur, 579. Lower Old Red Sandstone, Proc. Acanthopholis, 375. 77; of olivine-basalt from the Accessory minerals of plutonic rocks, Garlton Hills, _Proc. I i x ; of bedded 111. trachytes ibid., _Proe. i I2 ; of Trap- Aehneigie, 227 et seq~I. rain Law rock, l~roc, x i4; of Aehub, 245. plutonic rocks from Garabal Hill Additions to the Library,Proc. x93 -26z. and Meall Breac, 115 ; of Barbados Addlestone station, 43. limestones and chalk, 185; of Aiitosaurus, t)roc, x89. foraminiferal oozes, 186; of radio- ,4ffelacrinites, Messrs. G. Sharman and larian marls of Barbados, 187, 188; E. T. Newton on a new form of, of Barbadian argillaceous earths, 150-]52. 189; of oceanic red clays, 190; of Agglomerates and tufts of the Lower Barbadian volcanic sands, etc., 192 ; Old Red Sandstone, Proc. 78-80. of Trinidad microzoic rocks, 219, Airy Cot marl, 173. 525 ; of mica-augite-andesite of Albania (Griqualand West), Mesa- Killerton, 507. saurus tenuidens from, 591. Anchor Head Hill (Somerset), section Alexandria (Barbados), 203, 204. at, 287. Allomorphina trigona, 197. Andesites of the plateau.series, _Proe. Allt a Chip, 230. III. , Allt Dhu slates, 251. Annandale, Permian volcanic rocks in, Allt-na-Lairige, 105 et .~qq. _Proe. 148 et se~q. Allt Righ Ian section, 228-230. Anniversary Address of the President, Ally Creek (Trinidad), 524, 540. 2roc. 38-179. Alth, H. yon, on 1Jal~as~is, 548, Annual Report for 1891, Proe. 7-~.7. 549. Antrim, Tertiary volcanic rocks in, Ambarrow, 51. Proc. 164 et seqq. Ammonites euryodus, 447, 450. Aplites in Sark, 128, 129. Amphistegiua-rock of Trinidad, 523 Arch~ean gneiss, overthrust near Ix)ch et se~q. an Nid, 231, 233. Analyses of Diabase-lavas from the Archa~opneustes abruTtus, Mr. ft. W. Pentland Hills, _Proc. 73; of por- Gregory on, 163-169. 2T2 606 GENERAL INDEX.

Argiline of Naparilna Hill, 525 eg Bath (Barbados), Ooeanie Deposits serlq. near, 206, 215. ArgiUaceous earths of Barbados, che- Beach-pebbles in Glen Roy, 19-20. mical composition of the, 189-192. Beacon Hill (Cornw.), rubble-drif~ on, Arnan Burn, 104 eg se~q. 316. Arthur Seat, Prec. xzS, Iz6, ~57. Bcarwood, 36, 53. Ascot, Bagshot Beds near, 49-50, Beath, Hill of, _Prec. x 3 I. 55. Bedded tufts and lavas, Lower Old Ashley Hill, 40. l~ed, -Prec. 80-85; of the plateau- Ashprington Volcanic Series, Proc. series, Prec. xi5-I18 ; of the puy- IO]. series, t)roc, x38-I4 o; in the Assiout, 482, 484. Permian, Prec. i5o-i53. Assistant Secretary, appointment of, Belodon, _Prec. 189. Prec. 3. Bembridge, raised beach and ' head' Assouan, 483; geology of country E. at, 274. of, 577. Ben Arkle, 234. Asteropecten Orion, orig. specim, ex- Ben Damhain, 104 et seqg. hibited, Prec. 185. Ben Eay Forest, 234. Asterostoma, 165 et seqq. Benaun ~Iore, felsite of, Prec. 99. Auckland Park (Transvaal), section, Berenice, 576. 421. Bethesda (N. ), 245, 247. Augite in plutonic rocks of Oarabal Bettws Garmon, 246, 251. Hill, etc., 109. Bibliography of South African geo- Aurum estate (Transvaal), 417. ]og~r, 406-408 ; of basalts and andesites of Devonshire, 496-497. Babbaeombe Bay, 62. Bill Hill, 51, 54. Bacon Hole (Gower), 2~9, 290. Binn of Burntisland, Prec. ~37. Baggy Point, section at, 285. Biotite, in plutonic rocks of Garabal B@shot Beds of Bagshot Heath, Mr. Hill, etc., 110; replacing horn- H. W. Monckton on, 48-58; Rev. blende, 131,136. A. Irving on, 485, 486. ' Bird's-eye' diorite of Guernsey, 135. Bagshot Beds, irony concretions in, 43, Birling Gap, rubble-drift at, 266-267. 44. Birtle Heath, 53. Bahnesa, 483. Bishop's Clist, 72, 74. Banded gneisses of Sark, 125-127. Bissex Hill rocks, minute structure of, Bangor Breccias, 244 et seq~., 257- 176-177, 212-214. 258. Black Rock Quarry (Tenby), section -- Conglomerate, 244 et se~l~., 256- in, 320. 257. Blackwater River to Farnham Park, ' Banket,' use of term, 410. section from, 31. Barbados, Arch~eopneustes abruptu8 Blake, Rev. J. F., on the rocks mapped from, 163 ; geology of, 170-225. as Cambrian in Caernarvonshire, Barkas, Mr. T. P., obituary notice of, 243-261. Prec. 55. Blown sands in connexion with raised Barlow-Jameson Fund, award of pro- beaches, 285. eeeds to Prof. O. Mayer-Eymar, Blue Clay of the l~'orthern Etbai, Prec. 35. 576, 579. Barnstaple Bay, raised beach in, 284- Blue Laminated Grits, 244, 258-259. 285. Bohuntine, alluvium at, 11-12. Bart~)n Limestone, 379 ; residues from, Boksburg Colliery, section at, 416. 385. Bolivina strigillaga, 515. Basal Quartzites (Durness), 228 et Bonney, Prof. T. G., on the so-called seqq. Gneiss of Carboniferous age at Basalts of the ]plateau-series, Prec. Guttannen, 393--399; and Rev. xio-zzx; of the puy series, Prec. Edwin Hill, on the Hornblende- Iz9-I3O; and andesites of Devon- schists, Gneisses, and other Crystal- shire, 496-507. line Rocks of Sark, 122-146. Basement gneiss of Sark, 124. Bontour Point, 52l, 523. Bases and silica in plutonic rocks, Bosco's Den (Gower), 289, 290. molecular relations of, 116. Boulders from Glen Spean syenite, Bass Rock, Prec. x x 3. dispersion of, 23-24; foreign, in GENERAL INDEX. 607

raised beaches, origin of, 295-298 ; Butler, Mr. G. W., and Prof. G. A. J. at Selsey, origin of, 351. Cole, on the Lithophyses in the Boulder Clay in Essex, 367 et seq~. Obsidian of the Rocehe Rosse, Boutiques dyke, 139. Lipari, 438-445. Bowsey Hill, 40. Butts Green, 367. Boyle(Roseommon),felspathic breccias near, _Prec. 97- Cae Seri, 257. Braamfontein, section, 421. Caerhdn, 259. Bracknell, Bagshot Beds at, 54-55, Caernarvonshire, Rev. J. F. Blake on 485. rocks mapped as ' Cambrian' in, Bradfield, 39, 41. 243-262. Brady, Dr. H. B., report on Bar- C~esar's Camp (Aldershot), section badian microzoic rocks, 195-199. near, 32. Braich Melyn, 247, 248. Cairo, 481. Braid Hills, Prec. 70, 78 et se~q. Calcareous and calcareo-silieeous marls Brcecias~ Red, in Devon, age of, 75- of Barbados, 173. 77. Calceola Beds, 377 et se~q. Brecciated structure in hornblende- Calcified earths of Barbados, 176-177. rock, 130. Caldy IsIand, ossiferous fissures on, Brecqhou rocks, 139, 141. 320. Brent Valley, age of the, 371. Caledonia, Lake, Prec. 67 et se~. Brighton, ' head' and raised beach at, Camberley, gravel at, 34. 267-270. ' Cambrian' in Caernarvonshire, l~ev. Brithdir quartz-felspar grit, 244 et J. F. Blake on rocks mapped as, se~q., 259-260. 243-262. British Isles, periods of volcanic action Campsie Fells plateau, Prec. x o 7 et in the, Prec. I69. se~q. . Bron-y-foel, 252. Cane Garden (Barbados), 216. Bronllwyd Grit, 245 et seqq. ; junction Canefleld (Barbados), Oceanic De- of, with Pale Slate, 247. posits at, 208; basal chalk from, Brook Cliff', rubble-drlft on, 275. 173, 177; red earth from, 181. :Browne, Mr. R. G. Mackley, on the Canterland, Den of, Prec. 86. Precipitation and Depositi,'m of Carapace in trilobites, 235. Sea-borne Sediment, _Prec. 184. Carbonaceous rocks in , 483, Bryn Cfil, 226. 484. Bryn Derw, 255. Carboniferous volcanic rocks, _Prec. Bryn Efail, section at, 243-244. lO4.--147. Bryn Hafod-y-wern, fault at, 245. Careg Ludan grit, 250. Bryn Madog, 257. Careg-y-Fedwen, 259. Bryn Ogwen, 247. Careg-y-Gath, 257. Bryniau Bangor, 255. Caribbean region, change in physical Brynllwyd, 257. geography of the, 221-225, 536- Bryozoa, North Italian, 153-162. 538. :Buckhurst, 54. Caroni Series of Trinidad, 520. Bucklebury Common, 39-40. Carson, Mr. A., on the Rise and Fall Buckman, ]Y[r. S. S., on the Morpho- of Lake Tanganyika, 401-403. logy of ' Stephanoceraz' zigzag, Cassiduli~a subglobosa, 197. 447-452. Castle Grant (Barbados), Oceanic De- Buddo Ness, Prec. 158. posits near, 206-208; minute Budleigh Salterton Conglomerate, 64- structure of rocks from, 174-176, 65. 180, 181. Buffelsdoorn, 433; section, P1. X. ' Cataract' rock of Upper Egypt, 576 .Bulimina trigona, 515. et se~q. Bunter Beds in South Devon, 64-65, Cattedown , ossiferous breccia in, 68-71. 319. Burghfield Common, gravel on, 39. Cawsand, ' felspathic trap' at, 498- Burleigh, 36. 5OO. Burnt l:Iill (Barbados), 205; minute Cawsand Bay, raised beach and' head' structure of rock from, 174. in, 279-280. Burons islets, 124. Cedar Grove (Trinidad), rock from, Burtley Heath, gravel on, 39. 219. 608 .GENERAL I~DEX.

Cerithioides, 573. Obsidian of fl~e Rocche Rome, Cetiosauria, group of the, tu x88- Lipari, 438-445. I8 9. Colds Cave marl, 215. Chalk, English and Barbadian, com- Comparison of the Red Rocks of South pared, 179-180. Devon with those of the Midland Chalky earths of Barbados, 173. and Western Counties, 60-67. Chalky Mount (Barbados), 204. Concretions, irony, in Bagshot Beds, Chapman, Mr. F., on Microzoa from 43, 44; siliceous, in Barbados the Phosphatic Chalk of Taplow, rocks, 175-176. 514-518. Conglomerates, gold-bearing, south Chavey Down, 33-34, 36, 43. of Johannesburg, 416--418. Chemical composition of Barbadian Conglomerates, north of Main Reef rocks, 182-193. Series (Transvaal), 418-420. Cherry Tree Hill (Barbados), 211. Conset Bay rock, 174. Chesilt~m, marsh-shells at, 278. Contemporaneous character of Devon Cheviot Hills, porphyrites of the, ' felspatbic traps,' 497-498. Prec. 74-75, 93;trachy tes of the, Contortions in gravel, 35, 36. Prec. 7 6. Coomb End Limestone, 379. Chichestcr, rubble-drift near, 271; Coombe Wood, 53. raised beach near, 272. Coppid Beech Lane, gravel at, 36-37 ; Chilton (Berks.), rubble-drift at, 312- Bagshot Beds at, 54. 313. Cornwall and Devon, volcanic rocks Chilton Trinity, raised beach at, 286. in, Prec. 159. Chimborazo (Barbados), Oceanic De- Correlation of South African strata, posits near, 206-208 ; minute struc- 406. ture of rocks from, 174. Corry N'Eoin glacier, 12-13. Chimes Mine and Heidelberg districts Cotteswolds, rubble-drift on the, 314- (Transvaal), geoh)gy of, 429-432. 315. Chit Rock, 65. Coupde, the, 126, 134, 143. Chobham Ridges type of Southern Craig-llwyd, 258. Drift, 33-37. Crassohornera arbuser 160. Chobham Ridges, section from, to the Crawford, Mr. J., Notes from a Geo- Hale Bourne, 42. logical Survey in Nicaragua, Prec. Chwarel Fawr, 2,50. I91-192. Cinderella Gold-mine, 415-416. Cray Valley, rubble-drift in the, 309. Classification of the Mesosauria, 604. Cretaceo-Eocene succession in Trini- Claypole, Prof. E. W., on the Struc- dad, 538. ture of the American Pteraspidian, Creux Harbour gneiss, 123 et seqq. Pal~aspis (Claypole), 542-561. Crisia subvequalis, 154. Clays, fine, of Barbados, 181; blue, Crushing, effects of; 391. of Upper ~gypt, 576 et seqq. Crystalline rocks of Sark, 122-146. Cleland (Barbados), Oceanic Deposits r in Barbados rocks, 177- at, 211. 179. Cleland Hill rocks, minute structure , radiolarian earths in, 221. of, 173, 175. Cuckmere Valley, 267. Clevedon, 'head' near, 287. Cumberland, Agelavrinites from, 150- Clogwyn Mawr, 246. 152. Cluff's Estate, rock from, 173. C~/clostomata, Mr. A. W. Waters on, Clynnog, 247. 153-162. Coast-, of the, 304-306. Cyrn-y-Bwch, high-level Glacial gra- Coceoliths in Barbados rocks, 177- vels near, 86-93. 179; in Trinidad rocks, 529, 539. Cystechinus crassus, 194. Coch Winllan, 251, 256. Cockcrow Rock (Barbados), 211. JDac~/gherium ovinum, Mr. R. Ly- Codrington (Barbados), Oceanic De- dekker on, 1-4. posits at, 205-206; minute struc- Daddy Hole Limestones, 378-379; ture of rocks from, 173, 174. residues from, 384. Coed Madog, 255. Dakyns, Mr. J. R., and Mr. J. J. H. Cceloeaulus, 572. Teall, on the Plutonie Rocks of Cole, Prof. G. A. J., and Mr. G. W. Garabal Hill and Meall Breac, Butler, on the Lithophyses in the 104-120. GENERAL INDEX. 609

Dalmellington coalfield, necks in the, Dolomite crystals in Devonian lime- Prec. I54- ; sills in the, Prec. i59. stone, 381-382. Dar~moor, rubble-drifts near, 318. Dolomitio grit, 234. Dartmoor granite and Devon 'fen Donald, Miss Jane, on some new and spathic traps,' connexion between, little-known species of Carbo- 498-499. nii~rous Murchisoni~, 562-575. Dawlish, raised beach and 'head' Donations to the Library, Prec. x93. near, 279. Dorset, rubble-drift in, 320. ])aymer :Bay, beach-reef in, 282. Dove Point, 99. Deeside granite, 120. Dover, rubble-drift at, 264. Definition of Palveastgs , amended, Dover. Mr. W. K., obituary notice of, 561. Prec. 5o. Defrancea trrendolensis, 161. Dowles Farm sandpit, 53. Dentition of DelphiTwgnathus cono- Drew, Mr. Frederic, obituary notice cephalus, 473-474; of Endothiodon of, Prec. 49-50. bathystoma, 478-479. Dumyat, agglomerates of, Prec. 83. Derby, Mr. Orville A., award of Duncan, Prof. P. Martin, obituary balance of proceeds of Wollaston notice of, Prec. 4.7-48. Donation Fund to, Prec. 3o. Dundee Law, Prec. 7o, 8g. Dermal armour of Polacanthus, 149. Dundonnell Forest, physical features Derrible Bay, 125, 127 et seqq. of, 227-228. Devon, Permian volcanic rocks in, Dungoil, Hill of,/),roe. 12o. P,roe. 159-I62. Dunscomba Limestone, 379-380 ; Devonian volcanic rooks, ]~roe. ioi- residues from, 385. xo4. Durn~ss Limestone, 228 et seqq. Devonshire, Duke of, obituary notice Dust, volcanic, in Barbados, 181. of, Trot. 48-49. Dykes and sills, Lower Old Rod Diabaso-lavas of the Pentlands, Proe. Sandstone, _Prec. 75-78, 91-93; 73. plateau-series, Prec. I22-z2~ ; puy- Diagram of Godrevy Beach, 281; of series, _Prec. I4.o-I43 ; Tertiary, a Gower Coast Cave, 290; of cliff Prec. x63-I64, x66. in Wbitesand Bay, 294 ; of rubble- Dykes, faults, and igneous rock- drift on Malvern Hill, 315; of masses of the Witwatersrandt, 425- rubble-drift and stream-tin de- 427. tritus, 317 ; of formation of' head,' 833 ; showing direction of currents Eagle's Nest (Transvaal), 417; section, on a hill-range during uplift, 339 ; P1. X. of erratic blocks embedded in Earley Court, 45. Braeklesham Clays at Selsey, 348 ; Earthquakes in Tanganyika District, of embankment near southern end 403. of Lake Tanganyika, 402 ; showing Eastbourne, rubble-drift at, 266. molecular relations of bases and Edfu, 483. silica in certain plutonie rocks, Eigg, Seuir of, Prec. x68. facing p. 116. Ekersund ore-deposits, 119. Diastopora tenuis, 154; D. suborbicu- EUesmere Port, section from, to Ince laris, 154; D. brendolensis, 155. Ferry, 100. Diatomaceous earths of Barbados, 194. Emerald Mines of Upper Egypt, the, ~Dichobune ovina, 1, 3. 580-581. Dinas Bay, 294. :Encombe, rubble-drift at, 277. Dinas Dinorwig, 2~), 259. Endsleigh Gardens, section in, 458- Dinas Mawr, 255, 257. 461. Dingle Beds, _Prec. 97-98. Endsleigh Street, mammoth and Diorite, in the Wj Highlands, 104 et other remains in, 455-458. seqq. Enstatite, in plutonie rooks of Gara- Diplaspis (Matthew), discovery of, bal Hill, etc., 109. 546-548. Entalophora raripora, 157; E. Tul- Dirrington Laws, _Prec. 86. chella, 158; E. tenuissima, 159. Ditrupa-rock of Trinidad, 531, 540. Eperqueries granite, 125 ; dyke in the, Dixeart Bay, 125 et seqq. 140-141. Dolerites of the puy-series, Prec. Erosion of the Glacial drift, subter- I3I-I32. ranean, 96-103. 610 GENERAL INDEX.

Erratic-gravel of Selsey Bill, 347-354. Fore limbs of Mesosaurus, 595 et seq~. Esneh, 481,483. Forgia Vecchia lava, 4;58. Essential minerals of plutonic rocks, Fremington, raised beach and ' head' 108-111. near, 283. E~notosaurus africanus, Prof. 1~. G. Freshwater Gate, 274, 276. Seeley on, 583-585. Fronheulog, 256. Euskelesaurus Browni, Proe. 19 o. ' Fucoid Beds,' 228 et seqq. :Exe valley, an old estuary, 278. :Exmouth, Red Rocks near, 62 et Oabbros, Tertiary, _Proc. x 65- f 57. se~., 72. Garabal Hill, plutonic rocks of, 104- 120. Faehell quarries, 259. Garlton Hills, Proc. xo$ ; analysis of Fair Head, sills of, Proc. i66. rocks from the, _Proc. x, ~, i x z. Falmouth, raised beach and ' head' Geikic, Sir A. (President), Address on near, 280. handing the Wollaston Medal to Farallon (Trinidad), islet of, 523. Mr. W. Topley for transmission Farley HiD, 37, 53, 486. to Bi~ron F. yon Richthofen, Proc. Farley Hill (Barbados), 211. ~8; Address on presenting the Farnham Park to Blaekwater R., Murchison Medal to Prof. A. H. section from, 31. Green, l~roc. 3' ; Address on pre- Faulted boundary between Cambrian senting the Lyell Medal to Mr. and Silurian in Oaernarvonshire, G. H. Morton, Proc. 33 ; Address 244-247. on handingthe balance of the pro- Faults, dykes, and igneous rock- ceeds of the Wollastou Donation masses of the Witwatersrandt, 425-- Fund to Mr. H. Bauerman for 427. transmission to Mr. O. A. Derby, Fauna of the coast-caves, 304-306; _Proc. 30; Address on presenting of the rubble-drift, 322. the balance of the proceeds of the Faversham, rubble-drift near, 308- Murchison Geological Fund to Mr. 309. Beeby Thompson, Proe. 3z; Address Felin Fawr, 250. on presenting one half of the Felin Hen, section near, 253,258, 259. balance of the proceeds of the Lyell Felsites of the Lower Old Red Sand- Geological Fund to Mr. J. W. stone, Proc. 76 ; of Sark, 139-140. Gregory, Proc. 34; Address on Feistone dykes of Sark, 139-140. presenting the other half of the Ffridd-y-fedw, 248. said balance to Mr. Edw. A. Wal- Fife, East, Permian volcanic rocks in, ford, Proc. 35 ; Address on handing 1)roe. x 57-x 58. the proceeds of the Bar]ow-J am eson Filisparsa varians, 157 ; FI astalis (?), Fund to Dr. W. T. Blanfbrd for 157. transmission to Prof. C. Mayer- Finchampstead l~idges, 36. Eymar, Proc. 35 ; Address on pre- ' Fins' of 2almasTis, 553-557. senting the Murchison Centenary Fistral Bay, raised beach in, 281; (Memorial) Fund to Messrs. B. ~l. section in, 282. Peach and J. Horne, lJroc. 36-37 ; Flow-structure in Cawsand and Anniversary Address, Feb. 19th, Withnoe rocks, 500. 1892 :--Obituary Notices of l)e- Floyer, Mr. E. A., on the Geology of ceased Fellows: Sir Andrew C. the 5Torthern Etbai, 576-581. Ramsay, Proc. 38-47; Profi P. Folkestone, rubble-drift at, 265, 309- Martin Duncan, Proe. 47-48 ; the 310. Duke of Devonshire, _Proc. 48-49 ; Foraminifera in Barbados rocks, the :Earl of Northesk, Proc. 49; table of, ].98-199 ; from the Taplow Mr. Frederic Drew, Proc. 49-50; Chalk, list of, 516-517; from Mr. W. K. Dover, Pros. 50; Mr. Trinidad microzoic rocks, 532-535. R. B. Grantham, Proc. 5o-51 ; Mr. ForaminHbral beds of Barbados, che- J. Thornhill Harrison, Proc. 5 I-SZ ; mical composition of the, 184-187 ; Sir John Hawkshaw, Proc. 5z-53 ; ibraminiferalmuds(Barbados),215 ; Mr. S. Collett Homersham, Proc. limestone, ibid., 216 ; marls of Tri- 53-54; Mr. E. B. Lindon, Proc. nidad, 521 et seqq., 539. 54; Mr. Thos. Roberts, Proc. 54; Foreign boulders in raised beaches, Mr. C. S. Wilkinson, Proc. 54-55 ; origin of, 295-298. Mr. T. P. Barkas, Proc. 55; Dr. 6ENERAL INDEX. 611

Jos. Leidy, Proe. 55-58; Prof. C. Goniostropha, 563-564. Ferd. yon Pd3mer, ~Proc. 58-6o; Gordon Square and Gordon Street, and Baron A. de Zigno, Proc. 60; sections in, 461-466. Address on the History of Volcanic Gouliot Caves, 142. Actioa in the British Isles, from Gower Caves, 289-290. the end of the Silurian period down Grange (Fife), vent near, Prec. I35- to older Tertiary time, Prec. 60- x37. I79 :--Old Bed Sandstone, Prec. Granite, porphyritic, in the W. High- 62-xoi ; Devonian, 1)roe. lot-iv4 ; lands, ] 05 et seqq. Carboniferous, t)roe, xo4-x47 ; Per- Granite vein in banded gneiss, 134. mian, /)roc. x47-x6z ; Tertiary, Granophyrie quartz-diorite, _Prec. 77, Proe. i62-i68. 87. Gelli, 256. Grant's Bay (Barbados), 211-212. Genealogy of (Steph.) zigzag-series, Grantham, Mr. R. B., obituary notice table showing the, 451. of, Prec. 50-51. Geological Congress, International, Granulitie Group (Lizard), 12;3, 124, Proc. x84, 187. 125. Germiston (Transvaal), beds near, Gr~vels south of the Thames, .-~r. H. 418. W. Monekton on, 29-45. Gibson, Mr. Walter, on the Geology Gravel Pit Hill (Easthampstead), 34. of the Gold-bearing and Associated Gravity, specific, of plutonic rocks, Rocks of the Southern Transvaal, 107. 4O4-435. Grays Thurroek, sections on the new Glacial drift, subterranean erosion of railway, 365. the, Mr. W. Shone on, 96-103. Great Autelet, 141. Glacial gravels south of Thames, 40- Green, Prof. A. H., M urchison Medal 41, 44-45. awarded to, Prec. 3 ~. Glacial gravels at Gloppa, Cyrn-y- Green Slates (' Cambrian '), 249. Bwch, near Oswestry, Mr. A. C. Greensand Shell-bed, South :Napa- Nieholson on, 86-93. rima, 524, 540. Glacially-striated erratic from Selsey ' Greenstone' dykes of Sark, 140. Bill, photograph of, 352. Gregory, Mr. J. W., award of one Glen-y-gets, 247, 248, 250. half of balance of proceeds of the Glen Collnrig, 12. Lyell Geological Fund to, Prec. 34 ; Glen Glaster, 10 et se~q. on Archrsopneustes abruptus, 163- Glen Gluey, 7, 15, 17. 169 ; on Trinidad Mierozoic Rocks, Glen Logan thrust-plane, 231. 538-541. Glen Roy, Mr. T. F. Jamieson on, Grenade Hall (Barbados), 204. 5-27. Gr6s fcldspathique, 398. Glen S])ean, ice-dam at mouth of, GrAve de la Ville, 125, 139. 12-13; dispersion of boulders from, Grey mudstones of Barbados, 180- 23-24. 181. Globigerina-marls of Trinidad, 521 et Grimsbury Castle, 40. se~. Griqualand West, ~!esosaurus tenui- Globigerina-oozes, 186, 197. dens from, 591. Gloppa, sections at, 87, 88, 89 ; mol- Groves (Barbados), 210. lusea from, 91-93. Guernsey rocks, banded structure in, Gloucester, marine beds near, 287. 134-137. Glyn Peris Hotel, rocks near, 254, Guildford and Newbury, gravels be- 256. tween, 29-45. Gneisses, etc., of Sark, 122-146. Guildford, rubble-drift near, :310-311. Goathurst Hill, 36, 55. Guppy, Mr. R. J. L., on the Tertiary Godrevy, raised beach and' head' at, Mierozoie Formations of Trinidad, 281. West Indies, 519-538. Gold-bearing conglomerates, south of Johannesburg, 416-418. Hale Bourne, section from 0hobham Golden Vale of Limerick, puys in the, Ridges to the, 42. Prec. x28. t[~lleflintas, ' Cambrian,' "244 et seq~., Goldsworthy Hill section, 48-49, 485, 254-257. 487. Ham~ta, 578. Goniatite Limestone, the, 380. Hampshire, rubble-drift in~ 320-321. 612 GE~ERAZINDEX.

Harlech Grits, 245. Holmes, ]~Ir. T. V., on sections be- Harrison, Prof. J. B., and Mr. A.J. tween Upminster and Romford, Jukes-Browne, on the Geology of 365-370. Barbados.--Part II. The Oceanic Holmia, 236. Deposits, 170-225. Homersham, Mr. S. Oollett, obituary Harrison, Mr. J. Thornhill, obituary notice of, Prec. 53-54. notice of, _Prec. 5I-5~.. Hope's Nose, raised beach and' head' Harrison's Cave rock, 216. at, 279. Hartford Bridge Flats, 35-36. Hope's Nose Limestones, 377-378 ; Harz, plutonic rocks in the, 120. residues from, 383-384. Haslithal, section in the, 392. Hornblende, in plutonic rocks of Hause Gill, 508, 510. Garabal Hill, etc., 109. Havre Gosselin, 125, 142-143. Hornblende-schists, eta., of Sark, 122- Hawkshaw, Sir John, obituary notice 146. of, Prec. 5z-53. Hornehurch, 366 e~ seqq. ; section and Hayling Island, drift in, 273. map, 368. Hayti, radiolarian earth from, 219. Horne, Mr. J., award of Murchison Hazeley Heath, 37. Centenary Fund to, Prec. 37 ; and ' Head' of Southern England, Prof. Mr. B. N. Peach on the Olenellus- J. Prestwieh on the, 263-343. zone in the North-west Highlands Hebrides, Inner, volcanic rocks in the, of Scotland, 227-240. Prec. 166 et seq~. Hornets concatenata, 159 ; H. serrata, Heckfield, sketch-map of country 159; /'/. asperula, 160; H. frondi- round, 38. culata, 160. Heekfield Heath, 37. Hortalotarsus skirtopodus, Prec. x 9o. Heidelberg (Transvaal) and Chimes Houghton Gold-mine, 422, 423. Mine districts, geology of, 429-432. Hove, seetion at, 270. Heighten, rubble-drift at, 267. Hey, island ot, Prec. ioo-Iol. Henry l~ourse Gold-mine, 412--414; Huk (Christiania), dyke near, 119. section in, 411. Hull, Prof Edw., a Comparison of Hermitage (Trinidad), rock from, the Red Rocks of the South Devon 219. coast with those of the Midland Heteropora subreticulata, 162. and Western Counties, 60-67. Hicks, Dr. Henry, on the Discovery Hullus, peaks of, 576, 578. of Mammoth and other Remains in Hurlet (Main) Limestone, Prec. x x6, Endsleigh Street, and on sections I23. exposed in :Endsleigh Gardens, Hyolithes, 230, 240. Gordon Street, Gordon Square, Hypergonia, 565-572. and Tavistock Square, London, Hythe, rubble-drift at, 265. 453-468. ]=[igh Peake cliffs, 68. Idmonea eoncava, 156 ; /. reticulata, High-level Glacial gravels at Gloppa, 156. 86-93. Igneous rocks of the Southern Trans- Hill, Rev. Edwin, and Prof. T. G. vaal, 434. Bonney, on the Hornblende-~hists, Igneous rock-masses, dykes, and faults Gneisses, and other Crystalline of the Witwatersrandt, 425-427. Rocks of Sark, 122-146. " Ilfracombe, rubble-drift near, 318- I[i11, Mr. W., report on Barbados 319. microzoic rocks, 172-176, 177-180, Ince Ferry, section from, to Ellesmere 216. Port, 100. Hillaby, Mount, Oceanic DeposiLs at, Inchcolm picrite, Prec. 13i. 202, 209-211 ; minute structure of Included masses of hornblendic rock rocks from, 173, 174, 180, 181. (Sark), 127-138. ~[ind limb of Mesosaurus, 589-590. Ingrebourne, the, 367 et seqq. Hobson, Mr. B., on the Basalts and Inland range of rubble-drift, 306-322. Andesites of Devonshire, known as Instow, raised beach at, 283. ' Felspathic Traps,' 496-507. Interglacial period, 359, 361. Hogue A la Perre, 135. International Geological Congress, Holaspis, Lankester, 545-546. Prec. I$4, xg7. tlollow spherulites in altered rocks, Intrusive dykes in'felspathie traps' 443-444. of Devon, 499-501. GENERAL r~Dm~. 613

Intrusive rocks, later, of Sark, 139- Klerksdorp and Kroonstad districts, 144. geology of the, 433. Inverarnan, 104. Kolosna, 482. Iron ore, in plutonic rocks, 108. Komombo, 483. Ironsand in I~ile water, 481. Kosair, 576. Irving, Rev. A., supplementary Note Kunth's diseoveryof P~eraspis integra, to the paper on the ' Red Rocks of 543-544. the Devon Coast-section' (Q. J. G. S. 1888), 68-77 ; on the BagshotBeds Labrador Hotel, 62. of Bagshot Heath, 485--486. Lackenby, boring at, 491. Isle of Wight, ~acr~/therium ovinum Lake-basins of the Old Red Sand- from the, 1-4; 2olacanthus f~om stone, Proo. 65 et se~q. the, 148-149 ; rubble-drift and Lake-margin in Glen Roy, action of raised beaches in the, 274-277. the, 20-23. Italian (North) Bryozoa, Mr. A. W. Laminated Grits, Blue, 244, 2'58- Waters on, 153-162. 259. Ithell's sandpit, section at, 97. Lamport, 150. Land's :End, raised beaches and ' head' , White Limestone of, 180, near, 281. 219-220; pteropod ooze of, 220- Lapis psaronius, 577. 221. Largo Law, Prec. x 58. Jamieson, Mr. T. F., supplementary Lateral plates of Pal~aspis , 551-553 ; remarks on Glen Roy, 5. lateral organs, 'fins,' of Palwaspis, Javan foraminiferal muds, 215-216. 553-557. Jebel Dukhan, 576 ; J. Ferayeg, 576 ; Lavas and tufts, bedded, in Lower J. :Fatirah, 577 ; J. Zabara, 579. Old Red, Prec. 8o-86 ; of' the pla- Jeppe's Township, section near, 418- teau-series, Prec. ixS-ix8 ; of the 420. puy-series, Prec. I38-x4o ; in tile Joe's River (Barbados) rock, 174. Fermian, Prec. I5o-i53. Johannesburg, features of district, Leasowe, 99. 409 ; gold-bearing conglomerates Leidy, Dr. Jos., obittmry notice of, south of, 416-418 ; lower quartzite- 2roe. 55-58. and-sha]e group north of, 420-423 ; Zepidodiscus ~rilleri, n. sp., 150-152. section, 421. Lichenopora hispida, 161; L.(?) in- Johnson Pasha, F.. A., and Mr. IL D. ~'ust~ns, 161-162. Richmond, on the Geology of the Lightfoot's (Barbados) rock, 216. Nile Valley, 481-484. Limerick, puys in Lhe Golden Vale of, Jukes-Browne, Mr. A. J., and Prof. J. Prec. I z 8. B. Harrison, on the Geology of Limestone, White, of Jamaica, 180, Barbados.--P~rt II. The Oceanic 219-220. Deposits, 170-225. Limestones in l~ile Valley, 481 et Junction of Bronllwyd Grit and Pale se~tq. ; of South Devon, insoluble resi- Slates, 247. dues in, and microscopic structure of. 377-387. Kalabsheh, 483. Lindequisfontein, 432. Kemp Town, section at, 268. IAndon, Mr. E. B., obituary notice of', Keneh (Kina), 482, 576. Prec. 54- :Kent and Sussex Chalk district, rub- Liquid inclusions in Devonian lime- ble-drift in, 321-322. stones, 387. Keuper Series in South Devon, 66, Little Knott, picrite of, 512, 513. 68-71. Little Sark, 140. Khareit valley, 577. Llanberis, 246, 251. Kilbirnie, 2roe. i17, ~24. Llyn-Padarn, 251, 254 ; age of felsite Killerton, Mica-augite-andesite of, of, 261. 507. Llys Dinorwig, 255. Kilpatrick ttills, 29roc. 116. Localities, list of (Devon 'felspathie :Kilsyth, _Prec. x l 8. traps '), 501-502. Kimberley, Mesosau~s T[euroffaster Loch an Nid, sections near, 231-232. from, 587. Loch Kishorn, 234, 235. Kina (Keneh), 482, 576. Loch Maree, 227, 234. Kitsou Hill, section at, 318. London Clay in Essex, 365 et seq~. 614 GENERAL INDEX.

Long Hole Cave (Gower), 290. glcal), facing p. 124 ; of a part of Long Lane (Loxbear), basalt of, 506- Barbados (geological), facing p. 202 ; 507. illustrating the sequence of the ' Longrain,' 135, 147. ' Cambrian' Rocks in Caernarvon- Lorne basin, Prec. 95-96 shire, P1. VI. ; illustrating the oc- Lower Bagshot Beds, mariue fossils currence of Raised Beaches and in, 487. 'Head' (or Rubble-dritt) in the Lower Carboniferous Limestone, new south of England, P1. VIII. ; of form of Agelaerinites from the, country near Hornchurch, 368 ; of 150-152. the Witwatersrandt Goldfields (geo- Lower Dunscombe Limestone, 379- logical), P1. XI. ; of a part of I~.W. 380 ; residues from, 385. London, 454; of part of Bassen- ' Lower Freshwater Series,' 49, 51. thwaite and Skiddaw Forest (geo- Lower Old Red Sandstone, contem- logical), 509 ; of the Island of Trini- poraneous volcanic rocks, _Prec. 62- dad and neighbouring mainland, 99- facing p. 519; of part of Upper Lower Permian breccia, 62-63. Egypt, facing p. 576. Lower Red Sandstones of Devon, 72- Marchlyn Bach, 246. 75. Mardyke, the, 365 et seqq. Lukuga river, blocking up of the, Marine fossils in Lower Bagshot Beds, 401,402. 487. Lummaton Limestones, 379 ; residues M~sospondylus, Proe. XgOo from, 384-385. Mattingley, 37, 39. Luxor, 482, 483. Mauchline Hill picrite, Prec. x 5x. Lydekker, Mr. R., on Dac~.~herium Mayer-Eymar, Prof. C., award of ovinum from the Isle of Wight and roceeds of the Barlow-Jameson Quercy, 1-4; on part of the Pelvis und to, Prec. 35. of 1)olaeanthus, 148-149; on the Meall Breac, plutonic rocks of, 104- occurrence of the so-called Yiverra 120. ttastingsi~ of Hord~vell in the Medmerry Farm, Pleistocene deposits French Phosphorites, 373-374; on near, 348 et seqq. two Dinosaurian Foot-bones from Melvin's Hill (Barbados) rocks, 173, the Wealden, 375-376. 180. Lye]l, presentation of bust of, Prec. Mer~ of Berwiekshire, plateau-erup- I86. tion in, Prec. xo8. ~yell Geological Fund, award of Mesonacis, 236. balance of proceeds of, to Messrs. 2desosaurus Tleurogaster,587 ; M. ten ui- ft. W. Gregory and Edw. A. ~ral- dens, 591. ford, Prec. 34-35; Lyell Medal Metropolitan (Transvaal), section, awarded to Mr. G. H. Morton, 421. Prec. 33. Mewslade, raised beach and ' head' near, 291. Maghagha, great fault at, 482. Mica-augite-andesite of Killerton, Magnesian Limestone in Tees District, 507. 499 et seqq. Mica-porphyrite of Eperqueries, 140- Main (Iturlet) Limestone, Prec. x I 6, 141. I2 S. Mica-traps of Sark, 142-144. Main Reef Series (Witwatersrandt), Micro-crystals of quartz in Devonian 410-416. limestones, 383 et seqq. Mah, ern Hills, rubble-drift on the, Micro-pegmatite of plutonic rocks, 315-316. 117. Mammalian remains in Endsleigh Microeline, in plutonic rocks of Gara- Street, 457-458. bal Hill, etc., 110. Manganese in hmestones of Egypt, Microlitie needles in Devonian lime- 482. stones, 383 et seqq. Manorbeer Bay, 293. Microporella distoma, 162. Manzanilla, Eocene series of, 521. Microscopic structure of some Trini- Map of the country round Heckfield, dad rocks, Mr. J. W. Gregory on 38 ; Of the plutonic area of Garabal the, 538-540. Hill and Meall Breac,faeing p. 104 ; Midgham, rubble-drift at, 311-312. of Sark and adjacent islets (geolo- Miliolina venusta, 197. GENER&L I~r 615

Minchin Hole Cave, 289. Naparima Hill and San Fernando, Mineralogical composition of plutonic view of, 527. rocks, 108-115. Naparima microzoic rocks, characters Minffordd, 255, 258. of some of the, 525-530, 538-540. Minieh, 482, 484. Nariva Series, 520, 521. Minute structure of Barbados Rocks, Needles, mierolitic, in Devonian 172-182. limestones, 383 et seqq. Mochrum, Hill of, Prec. 88. Neural arch of Eunotosaurus, 583 ; of Moel Gronw, 250. Mesosaurus, 588 et seqq. Moel-y-Ci, 251, 252 et seqq. Neusticosauria defined, 604. Moel-Rhiw-wen, 252 eg seqq. Neusticosaurus, 600. Moel Tryfaen, 246, 251. New England Hill, gravel on, 42-43. Moel Tryfaen Drifts, Prec. i8I-182. Newbury and Guildford, gravels be- Moine Thrust, 229. tween, 29-45. Mokattam Hills, 483. Newhaven (Sussex), rubble-drift at, Molecular relations of bases and silica 267. in certain plutonic rocks, diagram l~ewlands Corner, gravel worked near, illustrating the, facing p. 116. 33. Mollusca of the raised beaches, 298- Newton, ~[r. E. T., and Mr. @. Shar- 302 ; from West Wittering (Pleisto- man, on a new form of Affelacri- cene), 357 ; from the Gloppa Drift, hires ( Lepidodiscus Milleri, n. sp.) 91-93; Tertiary, of West Indic% from the Lower Carboniferous 53,5-536. Limestone of Cumberland, 150- Monckton, Mr. H. W., on the Gravels 152. south of the Thames from Guildford Nicholson, Mr. A. C., on High-level to Newbury, 29-45 ; on the Bagshot Glacial Gravels, Gloppa, Cyrn-y- Beds of Bagshot Heath, 48-58. Bwch, near Oswestry, 86. Monte Pelato, 438. Nicker HiLl, _Prec. i46-I47. Moray Firth volcanic rocks, Prec. 94. l~icol's theory of the ' Parallel Roads,' Morosaurus brevis, 376. 15-17. Mortimer Hill, 39. Nigel Gold-mine, section, 430. Morton, Mr. G. H., award of the Nigel Mynpaeht, section, 431. Lyell Medal to, _Prec. 33. l~ithsdale, Permian co!tunic rocks in, Morton Castle rock, Prey. x 5 I. Prec. I48 et seqq. Mosses (Pleistocene) from West Wit- Nodosaria hispida, 197 ; N. raphanis- tering and Selsey, 358. trum, 535. Mosspaul (Ewesdale), Prec. x t 9. Nodular felsite, Prec. 98. Moaant Misery (Barbados) rock, 174. Noir Bee crag, 128. Mudstones, grey, of Barbados, 180- Nooitgedacht, section from, to Notre- 181. Dame, P1. X. Murchison Centenary ~und, awarded North Berwlck Law, _Prec. x J 3. to Messrs. Peach &Horne, Prec. 36- North Italian Bryozoa, Mr. h. W. 37 ; Murchison Geological Fund, Waters on, 153-162. award of balance of proceeds to Mr. North-west Highlands, Olenellus-zone Beeby Thompson, Prec. 3z; Mur- in the, 227-241. ehison Medal awarded to Prof. A. Northesk, Earl of, obituary notice of, H. Green, _Prec. 3 I. Prec. 49. Murchisonia hibernica, 563 ; M. Tatei, Noss Sound, -Prec. 95. 563; 21I. quadricarinata, 564; M. Nothosaurus mirabilis, 603. quinquecarinata, var. Tulchella , 566 ; z~'ubecularia Jonesiana, 514-515. 3I. conula, vat. convexa, 567; 21I. pentonen~is, 569; 211, Kirk- Oceanic Deposits of Barbados, Mr. byi, 570; M. plana, 571 ; 21/. e/o~- A. J. Jukes-Browne and Prof. J.B. gala, 571 ; M. tuedia, 572 ; M. tele- Harrison on the, 170-225. scopium, 573. Oehil Hills, Prec. 59, 74 et se~. Mushroom-.~haped structures within Oddicombe Bay, section in, 62. vesicles in obsidian, 439. Ogwen Valley fault, 254; Ogwen river, 255. Nant Era, 259. Old Oswestry, section fi'om Gloppa Nantlle, section near, 246, 251. to, 89. Naparima Beds, 217-218, b20 et seqq. Olenellus-zone in the North-west 616 G:ENERA_L INDEX.

Highlands, Messrs. B. N. Peach and Peat-and forest-beds, submerged, J.Horne on the, 227-241. probable cause of, 96-103. Olenellus Lapworthi, 236-239. P~g~ne Bay, 134. Olivine in plutonie rocks of Garabal Pelvis of Polacanthus, Mr. R. Lydek- Hill, etc., 108-109. ker on part of the, 148-149. Olivine-augite rocks, Prec. x 3 x. Pembr0keshire, raised beaches and Olivine-basalts from the Garlton ' head' in, 293. Hills, _Prec. Izx; of the puy- Pen Careg-y-fran, 246. series, Prec. x3x-I3z ; of Devon, Pen Isa'r Waen, 258. altered, 502-505. Penrhyn Quarry slates, 248. Olton's Cave marl, 173. Pentland Hills, Prec. 7o, 72 et se~q. Orange Grove (S. Africa), section, 421. Pentuan Valley, 317. Orbitoides-beds of Trinidad, 5o_,3 et Penzance, raised beach and ' head ' seqq. near, 280. Orbulina, 535. Peridotites, age of, 117. Orcadie, Lake, Prec. 94, xoo. Periods of volcanic action in the Oreston Cave, ossiferous breccia in, British Isles, Prec. z69. 319. Permian breccia, 62-63, 75-77. Organic remains found in Bar badian Permian sandstones in South Devon, rocks, 193-201. 72-75. Origin of foreign boulders in raised Permian volcanic rocks, Prec. ~47- beaches, 295-298; of boulders at x6z. Selsey, 351; of the rubble-drift, Petroclistow, rubble-drift at, 318. 322-328 ; of gravels of the Thames Petroleum at Whitehouse, Norton, Valley, 360; of gold, discussed, 489; in Upper Egypt, 580. 436-437. Phenoerysts, olivine, in Devon ha- Oropuch Lagoon, section, 522. salts, 503-504; plagioclase, ibid., Orthoclase, in plutonic rocks of 504. Garabal Hill, et~., 110. Philippine Estate (Trinidad), rock Os pubis of Polacanthus Foxii, Prof. from, 219. H. G. Seeley on the, 81-85. Pholas crispata at Selsey, 354. Ossiferous eaves in Gower, 289-290; Physical changes in the Caribbean in Devon, 319. region, 221-225, 536-538. Ostracoda in Taplow Chalk, 514. Pico Teneritre (Barbados), marl from, Oswestry, high-level Glacial gravels 173. near, 86-93. Picrite of the puy-series, Prec. xz3- Overlap of Bagshot Beds, 52, 55-56. I29, t3x ; of Port du Moulin, 141- 142 ; dioritic, of White Hause and Pagbam, section near, 271. Great Cockup, 508-513. _Pal~asTis, Prof. E.W. Claypole on the ' Pipe Rock,' 228 d seqq. structure of, 542-561. Pipeclay in Bagshot Beds, 52-53. Pal~eopneustes, 163 et se~. Pistachio-breceia, 579. Pal~eosaurus,/)roe. x89. Pitandrew limburgite, Prec. 13 i. Palagonite-tuff, Prec. z 33. Plagioclase, in plutonic rocks of Pale Banded Slates, 254-256. Garabal Hill, etc., 110 ; plagioclase Pale Slates, 244 et se~q., 249; junc- phenocrysts in Devon basalts, 504. tion with Bronllwyd Grit, 247. Plants (Pleistocene) from West Wit- Pandy, 256. tering, 358. Pap Craig, Prec. 78. Plant-remains in Endsleigh Street, Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, 9 et 458 ; in Gordon Street, 463. seq~t. ; height and horizontality of, Plateau-eruptions, Prec. i vS-xz 5. 17-19. Plateau-gravels, 41. Pare Bryniau, 255. Plates of -PalwasTis, lateral, 551- Pare Bwlch, 251. 553. Pare Drysgol, 250. Pleistocene deposits of the Sussex Pavotubigera flabella~a, 161. Coast, Mr. Clement Reid on the, Peach, Mr. B. N., award of Murchi- 344-364. son Centenary Fund to, Prec. 37; Pleurostomella, 197. and Mr. J. Horne, on the Olenellus- Plumtree Gully rock, 216-217. zone in the North-west Highlands Plut~)nic rocks of Garabal Hill and of Scotland, 227-240. ]~eall Breac, Messrs. J. R. Dakyns @ENERALINDEX. 617

and J. J. H. Teall on the, 104- Purple Slates, 244 et se~q., 249- 120. 252. Plymouth, raised beach at, 279. Pay-eruptions, Prec. zz5-i45. Point Derrible (Sark), section at eastern corner of, 128. Quartz, in platonic rocks of Garabal Point Norman (Guernsey), 135. Hill, etc., 110-111 ; micro-crystals Pointapier (Trinidad) section, the, of, in Devonian :Limestones, 383 530-531. et seqq. ; inclusions in ' felspathic' Polacanthus, Mr. R. Lydekker on part traps of Devon, 505-506. of the pelvis of, 148-149. Quartz-diorite in the W. Highlands, _Polacanthus Foxii, Prof. H. G. Seeley 104 et seqq. on the os pubis of, 81-85. Quartz-porphyry at Dunchideock, Polymorphina angusta, 197. 506 ; at Withnoe, 500. Polyzoa, North Italian, Mr. A. W. Quartzites (Durness), basal, 228 et Waters on, 153-162. seqq. Pomeroy porphyrites, Prec. 97. Quartzite-and-shale Group, Lower, Pontrhythallt, 254, 259. north of Johannesburg, 420-423; Percy's Spring (Barbados), Oceanic relations of, to underlying rocks, Deposits at, 208-209. 423-424. Porlock, 317. Quercy, Dacrytherium ovinum from, Porphyrites of the Lower Old Red 1-4; Viverra from, 373-374. Sandstone, Prec. 73-75 ; Carboni- Quintynes (Barbados), Oceanic De- ferous, Proc. I I I. posits near, 206. Porphyritic granite, in the West Quothquan Hill,/~roc. 89. Highlands, 105 et seqq. Porphyry in Upper Egypt, 576, 580. Radiolarian beds of Barbados, chemi- Port s la Jument (Sark), 123 et seqq. cal composition of the, 186-189; Port du Moulin (Sark), 123 et seqq. ; marls of South Naparima, 525 et section near, 128-132. seqq., 538-539. Port-~s-Saies (Sark), 125 eg seqfl. Rain-map of Scotland, 6. Perth Claus Harbour, raised beach Raised Beaches of Southern England, near, 293. Prof. J. Prestwich on the, 263-343. Portland Bill, section at, 277-278. Raisin, Miss, report on Barbados Portsdown, raised beach at, 274. rocks, 176, 180-181,215, 216. Portsea, boulders at, 274. Ramsay, Sit. k. C., obituary notice of, Portslade, section at, 270-271. _Proc. 38-47. Postlethwaite, Mr. J., on the Dioritic Rannoeh diorite, 120. Picrite of White Hause and Great Reade, Mr. T. Mellard, on the Drift Cockup, 508-513. Beds of the :North Wales and Mid- Potchefstroom and Vredefort district, Wales Coast, t~roc. 18 I. geology of, 439433. Reading, gravel near, 44. Pre-Cambrian age of Torridon Sand- Red argillaceous earths of Barbados, stone, 235, 242. chemical composition of the, 189- Pressure metamorphism in the AJps, 192. 395-396. Red Rocks of South Devon, Prof. Prestwich's remarks on Glen Roy, Edw. Hull on the, 60~i7 ; Rev. A. combated, 24-27. Irving on the, 68-77; in Tees Prestwich, Prof. J., on the Raised District, 488 eg se~q. :Beaches, and 'Head' or Rubble- Redan Hill, 52. drift of the South of England, and Redesieh (Egypt), carbonaceous shale on a late post, Glacial Submergence, at, 483. 263-343. Reid, Mr. Clement, on the Pleistocene Proganosauria defil)ed, 604. Deposits of the Sussex Coast, and Pseudasterostoma, 166. their equivalents in other Districts, Pteraspis integra, Kunth's discovery 344-361. of, 543-544. Relation of raised beaches to valley- Pteropod ooze of Jamaica, 220-221. drifts, 302-303 ; molecular and Pumiceous earths of Barbados, 180; chronological, of constituents of of Trinidad, 528, 539. platonic rocks, 116-120; physical, Purbeck, Isle of, raised beach and of the Witwatersrandt Rocks, 423- ' head' in the, 277. 427, 618 GENERAL INDEX.

:Replacement, partial, of hornblende Bwch, near Oswestry, 87; ibid., by biotite, 131,136. facing p. 88; from Gloppa to Old Reticulate ornamentation of Olenellus, Oswestry, 89; from Ithell's sand- 239. pit, Upton, Chester, to the Chester Review of discovery of Pal~aspis, and Birkenhead road, 97; from 542-543. Ellesmere Port to Inee Ferry, 100; Rhiw-wen grit, 244 et seqq., 252-254. through Welsh Town and Grenade Rhos Sill Bay, 'head,' etc., in, 291- Hall (Barbados), '204; along rail- 292. way near Bath (Barbados), 206; Ribs of Eunotosaurus, 583 ; of Meso- from Chimborazo to Castle Grant saurus, 587 et seqq. (Barbados), 207; through Mount Richmond, Mr. H. D., and E. A. Hillaby (Barbados), 210, 211; in Johnson Pasha, on the Geology of Allt Righ Inn, 229; from Sgurr the Nile Valley, 481-484. Ban to Loeh an ~id Craig, 283; Richthofen, Baron F. yon, award of in Bryn - Hafod - y - Wern slate the Wollaston Medal to, Prec. 28. quarry, 245; in quarry S. of Nantlle, Riseley Common, 37. 246; at Braich Melyn, 247; from Roberts, Mr. Thos., obituary notice Dinas Dinorwig to Moel Rhiw-wen of, Prec. 54. and Parr Drysgol, 250 ; across Moel- Rock Dundo limestone, 216. y-Ci, 253 ; between Felin Hen and RSmer~ Prof. C. Ferd. yon, obituary Tregarth, 253 ; west of Eastbourne, notice of, Prec. 58-6o. 266 ; of rubble-drift at Birling Gap, Romola Gold-mine, section, 430. 267 ; east of Kemp Town, 268 ; near :Rotalia Soldanii, 197. Portslade, 270 ; near Pagham, 271 ; Rothell, river, 251,254, 256. on western side of Portland Bill, ' Rotten Marl,' 488. 277 ; in Fistral Bay, 282 ; at Baggy Rettingdean, rubble-drift at, 267. Point, 285 ; at Anchor Head Bill, Rough Burn, 13, 16, 23. 287 ; west of Perth Claus ttarbour, Round Butt, gravel-pit near, 35. 293 ; at Upchurch, 308 ; near Ilfra- Rubble-drift of Southern England, combe, 318 ; at Black Rock (Tenby), Prof. ft. Prestwich, on the, 263- 320; at Sepham Farm, 321; ~om 343. Brighton to Eastbourne, P1. VII. ; from Southwick to Portslade, Saignie Bay (Sark), 124 et seqq. PI. VII. ; from Guildford to Chil- St,. Ann's Grit, 244 et se~q.. 249-252. worth Valley, P1. VII. ; from Did- Salcombe fishing-grounds, foreign cot to Chilton, P1. VII. ; at Frem- boulders from, 297. ington, PI. VII. ; in Mews]ade Bay, Salcombe Hill, 60, 66. PI. VII. ; ill Rhos Sill Bay, Saliferous marls in Tees District, 488, PI. VII. ; at Medmerry Farm, 349; 490 et se~q. at Selsey Bill, 355 ; in Hornchurch Salisbury Gold-mine (Transvaal), cutting, 368; along the Haslithal, 410412 ; section in, 411. 392; across Salisbury Mine, 411; Salterella in Olenellus-zone, 240. across Henry Nourse Mine, 411; San Fernando and l~aparima Hill, across Cinderella Gold-mine and view of, 527. Boksburg Colliery, 416 ; of hill be- Sandstone enclosed in lava, _Prec. 82. hind Jeppe's Township, 419; from Sandy Gate, 72, 74. Johannesburg to Braamfontein, Sark, crystalline rocks ot, 122-146. 421 ; from Orange Grove to Metro- Scotland, rain-map of, 6. politan, 421 ; across Nigel and Ro- Scotland Beds (Barbados), 170, 201, mola Gold-mines, 430 ; east of Nigel 203 et se~q. Mynpaeht, 431 ; (diagrammatic) Scuir of Eigg, Proc. I68. from Johannesburg to Vaal River, Second Reef Series (Witwatersrandt), P1. X. ; (diagrammatic) from 1Nooit- 417. gedacht to Notre-Dame, PI. X. ; Secondary quartz, 71. (diagrammatic) from Vredefort to Section from Farnham Park to the Buffelsdoorn, P1. X. ; through River Blackwater, 31; at Upper Hale, Endsleigh Street and along western C~esar's Camp, Aldershot, 32 ; from side of Tavistock Square, 456 ; along Chobham Ridges to the Hale Bourne, southern side of Endsleigh Gardens, 42 ; above Oddicombe Bay, 62 ; at 459 ; along southern sides of Tavi- Sidmouth, 66; at Gloppa, Cyrn-y- stock and Gordon Squares, 462; e~RALr~v~x. 619

through Gordon Street and along Sills and dykes, Lower Old Red Sand~ western side of Gordon Square, 465 ; stone, Prec. 76-78, 9t-93 ; plateau- from Taruba Crebk to Oropueh series, Prec. i22-x23; puy-serms, Lagoon, 522. Prec. x4o--xr ; Permian, Prec. x59 ; Section (microscopic) showing partial Tertiary, Prec. 163-x64, x66. replacement of hornblende by bio- Sipero Creek, 523, 524. tite, 131; showing dolomite crys- Sittingbourne, rubble-drift near, 308. tals in Devonian Limestone, 381. Sketch of country near Gloppa, 88; Seeley, Prof. H. G., on the Os pubis sketch-diagrams illustrating subter- of Polacanthus Foxii, 81-85; on ranean erosion, 98; of rocks near DelThinognathus conocephalus from the Natural Arch, Port du Moulin, the Middle Karoo Beds, Cape 129 ; of hornblende-rock, with brec- Colony, 469-475; on further evi- ciated structure, ibid., 130; of banded dence of Endothiodon bathystoma rocks, Port ~ la Jument, 133; of (Owen) from Oude Kloof in the rocks above the shore, ibid., 132; Nicuwveldt Mountains, Cape of granite vein in P6ggne Bay, 134 ; Colony, 476-480 ; on a new Reptile of crystalloids and coccoliths in Bar- fromWelte Vreden (Beaufort West), hades rocks, 178; of block of Bron- Eunotosawrus afrieanus ( Seeley ),583; llwyd Grit, 247; of dolomite in on the Mesosauria of , Devonian Limestone,381 ; of shields 586-604; contribution to a know- of -Pal~asTis, 550 ; of lateral plates, ledge of the Saurischia of Europe .id., 552; of 'fins,' id., 554, 555; and Africa, Prec. x88-i9x. of restoration of ~al~a~2is, 560. Selattyn Hill, 86. Skull of Delphi~wgnathus conocephatu~, Selsey Bill, erratic-gravel of, 347-354 ; figures of, 470, 472 ; skull of Meso- mud-deposit of, 355. saurus, 591 et se~q. Sepham Farm (Shoreham), section at, Sling, 249, 255. 321. Snow-line in Lochaber, level of the, ' Serpulitc GEt,' 228 et seqq. 8-9. Serpulites Maceullochii, 231,234, 235. Solent-river hypothesis, 274. Sevenoaks district, rubble-drift in the, Solway basin, platcau-eruptions in, 310. _Prec. XO8-IO9. Severn Straits hypothesis, 287. South Devon, l~ed Rocks of, Prof. Edw. Sgurr Ban, ,'227 et seqq. Hull on, 60-67; Roy. A. Irving Sgurr Dearg breccia, Prec. 165. on, 68-77. Shapinshay,/u 94. South Naparima marls, 525 et seqq. Shapley Heath, gravel on, 39. Southern Drift, 30-40. Sharman, Mr. G., and Mr. E. T. Southwiek, rubble-drift at, 270. Newton, on a new form of Agela- Specific gravity of plutonic rocks, 107. crinites ( LeTidodiscus Milleri, n. sp.) Spencerwood Common, gravel at, 37. from the Lower CarboniferousLime- Spherulites, hollow, in altered rocks, stone of Cumberland, 150-152. 443-444. Shetland Isles, Prec. 94-95. Spiroplecta americana, 535. Shields of Palwaz2is, the two, 549- Spor~gfield (Barbados) rook, 174, 175, 551. Shone, Mr. Win., on the Subterranean Staganolepis, lVroe. ] 89. Erosion of the Glacial Drift, a pro- Stanniferous gravel, 316-317. bab]e cause of submerged peat- and 8teyhanoceras subproc~rum, 449; S forest-beds, 96-103. procerum, 448, 449 ; S. crassizigzag, Shoulder-girdle of Mesosaurus, 592 et 449. segq. Stereosternum, relations of Mesosaurus Sidlaw Hills, Prec. 69, 85, 87. with, 598 et seq~. Sidmouth, section at, 66. Stomatopora major, 161. Silchester type of Southern Drift, 37- Stonehaven, conglomerates near, _Proe, 40. 85. Silica and bases in plutonic rocks, ' Strain-slip' cleavage, 126. molecular relations of, 116. Stratigraphy of the Naparima Beds, Silica percentage in tufts, lVroc. 79. 520-525. Siliceous and siliceo-calcareous earths Stream-tin detritus, 316-317. of Barbados, 174-175. Striated erratic from Selsey Bill, pho- Silicified earths of Barbados, 175--176. tograph of, 382. Q.J.G.S. No. 192. 2v 620 .o~z~'aAL I~D~.X.

Submerged peat- and forest-beds, pro- Trachytes of the Lower Old Red Sand- bable cause of, 96-103. stone, Prec. 75-76; Carboniferous, Submergence of Caribbean region, 221 s I 12. et se~f/., 536-538. Traprain Law, Proc. x x3 ; analysis of Submergence, late post-Glaclal, Prof. rock from, Prec. I x 4. J. Prestwich on, 329-343. Tregarth, 252=2,53, 256 et seqq. Subterranean erosion of the glacial Treig, Loeb and Glen, 19, 20, 23. drift, 96-103. Tridymite crystals in vesicles in obsi- Succession, Cambrian, 244 ; Cretaceo' dian, 441. Eocene (in Trinidad), 538. Trinidad microzoie rocks, 217-219; Sussex Coast, Pleistocene deposits of Mr. R. J. L. Guppy on the, 519- the, 344-364. 538. Sussex Coast Plain, rubble-drift and Troisgeaeh, 105 et sefq. rai~ed beach in the, 271-273. Tubules in Devonian Limestone, 378. Syenite boulders (Glen Spean), 23-24. Tufts and agglomerates of Lower Old Systematic position of Olenellids, 240, Red Sandstone, Prec. 78-80 ; of the 242. plateau-series, Prec. x 14 ; of the puy-series, Prec. 133 -134. Tairffynnon Conglomerate, 244 et Tunnel Hill, 52. se99., 258-259. Turnberry Point,, Prec. 82, 83. Tal-y-Sarn, 251. Turret, Glen, 15, 24, 25. Taruba Creek, section, 522. Tate, Mr. Thos., on Recent Borings Unmodified earths and marls of Bar- for Salt and Coal in the Tees Dis- hades, 172-175. trict, 488-495. Upchurch, rubble-drift near, 307- Tavistock Square, section in, 461-463. 308. Teall, Mr. J. J. H., and Mr. J. R. Upheaval of Caribbean region, 221 e~ Dakyns, on the Plutonic Rocks of seqq., 537. Garabal Hill and Meall Breae, 104- Upper Hale, section at, 32. 120. of So ther Tenmb~, , raised beach and ' head' at, Upper Mottled Sandstone (Bunter), Textularia decurren.s, 515 ; T. serrata, 6~. 515. Upper Old Red Sandstone, contempo- Thames, gravels south of, 29-45. raneous volcanic rocks in, Prec. 99- ' Thames Straits theory,' 41. IOl. Thames Valley, rubble-drift in the, Upton (Chester), section near, 97. 311--312; orion of gravels of the, 360. Vaal River, section from Johannes- Thanet, Isle of, rubble-drift in the, burg to, P1. X. 264. Valley-drifts, relation of raised beaches Thecodonto~urus, .Pine. x89. to, 302-303. Third Reef Series (Witwatersrandt), Vein-quartz boulders, 34. 417. Vents, Lower Old Red, Proc. 86-91 ; Thompson; Mr. Beeby, award of Carboniferous, Prec. 118-izz, 135- balance of proceeds of Murchison x38 ; Permian, Prec. x53-x58. Geological Fund to, _Prec. 32. Vermand6 Bay (Sark), 140. Thornhill (Dumfries), Prec. x 5 L Verneuilina triquetra, 197. Tilehurst plateau, 40--41. Vertebrm of E~notosaurus, 5~3; of Tilliooultry, granophyrio quartz-dio- Mesosaurus, 587. et seq~. rite near, Prec. 77, 87. Virginia Water, Bagshot Beds near, Tinoporus asteriscus, 534-535. 58. Tinto Hill, intrusive rock of, Prec. 78, Volcanic action in the British Isles, 88-89 . history of, Prec. 6o-x79. Tom-na-fersit, 14. Volcanic rocks in Nile Valley, 483- Tonalite, in the W. Highlands, 104 et 484. s~q. Volcanic sands, etc., of Barbados, che- Torbay, raised beach in, 279. mical composition of the, 192-193. Torquay District, Lower Permian Vorsaas, gneiss at, 393, 398. breccia in, 62. Vredefort and Potchefstroom districts, Torridon Sandstone, 228 et eeqq. geology of the, 432-433. GENERAL r~Dsx. 621

Wadhurst Clay, Dinosaurian foot- White Limestone of Jamaica, 180, bones from the, 375-376. 219-220. Wadi Jemal area, geology of the, Whitelaw Hill, Prec. IIO. 578-579. Whitesand Bay, raised beach and Wadis Abbad, Natash, and Sbaid, 579- ' head' in, 293-294. 580. Wight, Isle of, Dacrythe~'iura from the, Wady Halfa, geological features of 1--4 ; _Polaeanthus from the, 148- country near, 481. 149; raised beaches, etc., in the, Waen Pentir, 257. 274-277. Wagbullock Hill, 35. Wilkinson, Mr. C. S., obituary notice Waltbrd, Mr. Edw. A., award of one of, _Prec. 54-55. half of balance of proceeds of the Williamson, Prof. W. C., on the Mine- Lyell Geological Fund to, Prec. 35. ralizatlou of Fossil Remains, t)roc. Wallingford, rubble-drift at, 313- ~84-I85. 314. Windlesham, gravels at, 36. Washfield, ' felspathic trap' at, 497. Withnoe, igneous rocks at, 500. Waterhead, 150. Witwatersrandt, geology of the, 409- Waters, Mr. A. W., on North Italian 429. Bryozoa (Cyclostomata), 153-162. Woburn Place, Upper, section in, 461. Wave-action, in Glen Roy, 19-23. Wokingham, 54. Webbina, 535. Wollaston Donation Fund, award to Well Hill, Chelsfield, 33. Mr. O. A. Derby, Prec. 30; Wol- Wellington College well-section, 48, laston Medal awarded to Baron F. 51, 56, 485. yon Richthofen, Prec. z8. Welsh Town (Barbados), 203, 204. Woodcote Lodge, 33. Wembley Park, Pleistocene deposits Woodspring Hill, raised beach at, at, 468. 286. West Wittering, Pleistocene deposits at, 350, 355 et seqq. Yoredale Beds at Whitehouse, Norton, Westleton Shingle, 40. 490 et seqq. Weston-super-Mare, raised beach at, 286 ; section near, 287. Zanclodon, Prec. 189. Westward He, raised beach and'head' Zigno, Baron Achille de, obituary near, 283. notice of, Prec. 6o. Wethered, ]~r. :Edw., on the Micro- Zone of raised Dunes or Blown Sands, scopic Structure and Residues in- 304-306. soluble iu Hydrochloric Acid in Zoues of the Durness Series, 232-235. the Devonian Limestones of South Zoutpansberg, 405. Devon, 377-387. Zygomatic bar of Endothiodon bathy- White Hill, gravel at, 42. stoma, 476.


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