Rainer Rosengren
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Myrmecologische Nachrichten 6 85 - 87 Wien, Dezember 2004 Obituary: Rainer Rosengren Lotta SUNDSTRÖM Prof. Lotta Sundström, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, P.O.Box 65, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: [email protected] One of the pioneers in ant research, Rainer Rosengren, Among his first PhD students were Kari Vepsäläinen passed away on February 4th, a couple of months and Pekka Pamilo, both internationally well known, before his 70th birthday. Rosengren’s work focused and others were to follow later. During the 1990s he on red wood ants and his work on route fidelity, vis- was actively participating in several research projects. ual memory and recruitment behaviour in these ants Most of his efforts he devoted to experimental work has gained much attention among students of so- on learning and memory in ants, but also several pro- cial insects. A lesser known part of his literary pro- jects on the genetic population structure of Formica duction concerns humans as biological creatures. In polyctena and Formica rufa were on his agenda. this vein he wrote several essays on ethology and Rosengren's most recent literary contributions evolutionary biology in a true Darwinian spirit dur- comprise an extensive essay on the Finnish philo- ing the 1960s. These essays build on a Lorenzian tradi- sopher Edward Westermarck's relation to Darwin. tion and picture him as a persuasive writer eager to This essay was finished already a few years ago, but engage in debates. Indeed, these essays brought into still awaits publication. It uniquely captures Rosen- focus issues that later were championed by E.O. Wil- gren's scientific qualities, including his perpetual wil- son and set off the sociobiology controversy. lingness to learn new concepts, to adopt new meth- During his entire career he worked in Helsinki ods and to question conventional wisdom. This atti- University at the Department of Zoology, later re- named to the Department of Ecology and Systema- tics, where he held a position as a lecturer. In 1999 he was awarded the title Professor by the president of Finland, for his scientific achievements. His own work centered on red wood ants in the Formica group, and his interest in these ants began long be- fore he began his studies at the university. Despite his strong focus on social insects, he had an ex- tremely broad interest in all issues related to evolu- tionary biology. Being a broadly educated person, he also was an inspiring teacher. Consequently he at- tracted a number of gifted students who were not afraid to tackle also difficult problems. The research topics encompassed orientation, memory and diurnal rhythms as well as reproductive allocation and sex ratio studies. In collaboration with Pekka Pamilo, he published several seminal papers on the reproduc- tive biology of Formica ants, among the first ones to use genetic markers in assessing colony kin struc- ture and population structure in these ants. In a paper published already in 1983 together with Pamilo in Acta Entomologica Fennica, he outlined many of the ideas and concepts that were to become central to social insect research a decade later. This paper fo- cused on the causes and consequences of polygyny and polydomy. Rosengren acted as a catalyst for social insect re- search in Finland. Without his initiative and inspira- tion ant research in Finland would probably not exist. Rainer Rosengren, 2001 (photograph by Christine Johnson). tude, combined with an exceptionally broad general ROSENGREN, M., ROSENGREN, R. & SODERLUND, V. 1980: education, a kind understanding of all things human Chromosome-numbers in the genus Formica with special and a wonderful sense of humour made him a truly reference to the taxonomical position of Formica ural- inspiring colleague and dear friend. His multifaceted ensis RUZSKY and Formica truncorum FABR. – Here- character and interests were perhaps best captured ditas 92: 321-325. by the literature he had on his bedside when he died ROSENGREN, R. 1981: En tredje fyndort av den svarta häst- – The Book of Job and a 500 page manual for ad- myran Camponotus vagus (SCOPOLI) i sydvästra Finland vanced statistics. (Formicidae) (with English summary). – Notulae Ento- List of scientific publications by Rainer Rosengren (except mologicae 61: 227. abstracts of congress contributions and purely popular work) ROSENGREN, R. & CHERIX, D. 1981: The pupa-carrying test as a taxonomic tool in the Formica rufa group. In: ROSENGREN, R. 1969: Orientering och signalering hos HOWSE, P.E. & CLÉMENT, J.-L. (Eds.): Biosystematics myror. – Nordenskiöld-samfundets tidskrift 29: 62-73. of Social Insects. – Academic Press, London, New ROSENGREN, R. 1969: Notes regarding the growth of a poly- York, pp. 263-281. calic nest system in Formica uralensis RUZSKY. – Notu- ROSENGREN, R., CHERIX, D. & POUTANEN, R. 1981: The lae Entomologicae 49: 211-230. pupa-carrying test as a taxonomic tool in the Formica ROSENGREN, R. 1971: Route fidelity, visual memory and rufa group. – Memoranda Societatis Fauna Flora Fen- recruitment behaviour in foraging wood ants of the nica 57: 14. genus Formica (Hymenoptera, Formiciade). – Acta Zoo- logica Fennica 133: 1-106. ROSENGREN, R., VEPSÄLÄINEN, K. & WUORENRINNE, H. 1981: Distribuzione, densità delle colonie ed impor- PAMILO, P., VEPSÄLÄINEN, K. & ROSENGREN, R. 1975: tanza ecologica delle formiche del gruppo Formica Low allozymic variability in Formica ants. – Hereditas rufa in Finlandia. – Collana Verde 59: 239-259. 80: 293-296. PAMILO, P. & ROSENGREN, R. 1983: Sex-ratio strategies ROSENGREN, R. 1977: Foraging strategy of wood ants (For- in Formica ants. – Oikos 40: 24-35. mica rufa group) I. Age polyethism and topographic traditions. – Acta Zoologica Fennica 149: 2-30. ROSENGREN, R. & PAMILO, P. 1983: The evolution of polygyny and polydomy in mound building Formica ROSENGREN, R. 1977: Foraging strategy of wood ants (For- ants. – Acta Entomologica Fennica 42: 65-77. mica rufa group). II. Nocturnal orientation and diel periodicity. – Acta Zoologica Fennica 150: 1-30. GYLLENBERG, G. & ROSENGREN, R. 1984: The oxygen- consumption of submerged Formica queens (Hymeno- ELGERT, B. & ROSENGREN, R. 1977: The guest ant Formico- xenus nitidulus follows the scent trail of its wood ant ptera, Formicidae) as related to habitat and hydrocho- host (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). – Memoranda Soci- ric transport. – Annales Entomologici Fennici 50: 76-80. etatis Fauna Flora Fennica 53: 35-38. PAMILO, P. & ROSENGREN, R. 1984: Evolution of nesting ROSENGREN, R. & PAMILO, P. 1978: Effect of winter timber strategies of ants – genetic evidence from different felling on behaviour of foraging wood ants (Formica population types of Formica ants. – Biological Journal rufa group) in early spring. – Memorabilia Zoologica of the Linnean Society 21: 331-348. 29: 143-155. ROSENGREN, R. 1985: Internest relations in polydomous PAMILO, P., ROSENGREN, R., VEPSÄLÄINEN, K., VARVIO- Formica-colonies (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). – Mittei- AHO, S. & PISARSKI, B. 1978: Population-genetics of lungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und Formica ants. 1. Patterns of enzyme gene variation. – angewandte Entomologie 4: 288-291. Hereditas 89: 233-248. ROSENGREN, R., CHERIX, D. & PAMILO, P. 1985: Insular PAMILO, P., VEPSÄLÄINEN, K., ROSENGREN, R., VARVIO- ecology of the red wood ant Formica truncorum FABR. AHO, S. & PISARSKI, B. 1979: Population-genetics of I. Polydomous nesting, population size and foraging. – Formica ants. 2. Genetic differentiation between spe- Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen cies. – Annales Entomologici Fennici 45: 65-76. Gesellschaft 58: 147-175. ROSENGREN, R., VEPSÄLÄINEN, K. & WUORENRINNE, H. ROSENGREN, R. & FORTELIUS, W. 1986: Ortstreue in for- 1979: Distribution, nest densities and ecological signi- aging ants of the Formica rufa group – hierarchy of ficance of wood ants (the Formica rufa group) in Fin- orienting cues and long-term-memory. – Insectes Soci- land. – Bulletin SROP 2: 181-213. aux 33: 306-337. ROSENGREN, R. 1979: Labialkörtlesyndromet som "epi- ROSENGREN, R. 1986: Competition and coexistence in an demi" i en tät stackpopulation av Formica aquilonia insular ant community – a manipulation experiment (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). – Memoranda Societatis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). – Annales Zoologici Fen- Fauna Flora Fennica 55: 73-84. nici 23: 297-302. 86 ROSENGREN, R. 1986: Nest founding in Camponotus hercu- ROSENGREN, R. & SUNDSTRÖM, L. 1991: The interaction leanus and Formica fusca (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). between red wood ants, Cinara aphids and pines – a – Notulae Entomologicae 66: 121-123. ghost of a mutualism past? In: CUTLER, D.F. & HUX- ROSENGREN, R. & PAMILO, P. 1986: Sex-ratio strategy as LEY, C.R. (eds.): Interaction between ants and plants. related to queen number, dispersal behavior and habi- – Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 80-92. tat quality in Formica ants (Hymenoptera, Formic- GORDON, D.M., ROSENGREN, R. & SUNDSTRÖM, L. 1992: idae). – Entomologia Generalis 11: 139-151. The allocation of foragers in red wood ants. – Eco- ROSENGREN, R. & FORTELIUS, W. 1986: Light-dark-in- logical Entomology 17: 114-120. duced activity rhythms in Formica ants (Hymenoptera, CHERIX, D., FLETCHER, D.J.C., CHAUTEMS, D., FORTELIUS, Formicidae). – Entomologia Generalis 11: 221-228. W., GRIS, G., KELLER, L., ROSENGREN, R., VARGO, E.L. ROSENGREN, R., CHERIX, D. & PAMILO, P. 1986: Insular & WALTER, F. 1993: Attraction of the sexes in For- ecology of the red wood ant Formica truncorum