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Measuring Impact of Suryanamaskar and for the Improvement in Medical Condition of Obese People in Rajasthan

Dr. Guneet Monga Head of Department, Department of , Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. E-mail: & Lalit Kumar Trivedi Research Scholar, #*Department of Yoga, Pacific Academy of higher Education and Research University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Abstract: Obesity is the newer chronic non- communicable disease, though is increasing in an epidemic proportion is one of the today’s most neglected public health problems according to the World Health Organization. Obesity is fast becoming the developed world's greatest health problem. Adult obesity rates have almost quadrupled, become four times as great over the last 25 years. They are at least two to three stone overweight and putting their health at serious risk. The introduction of suryanamaskar and pranayama by our forefathers is to control and remove the obesity from our life. I the current era with the same problem this study analyses that whether the same can be used for the improvement in the medical conditions of the respondents. For this purpose the two groups of 60 respondents each are take for the same purpose. The results of the study revealed that both suryanamaskar and pranayama is helpful for improving their medical condition as it Decreased body weight significantly, Decrease the abdominal growth and Decrease in low-density lipoprotein.

I. INTRODUCTION Most of people eat more food than they require, and much of it is higher in calories that the human body was originally designed to cope with. Fast food, high calorie snacks, cold drink and large portion of meals given more energy than required. Thus, obesity is generated in the body. According to figures, being obese can take up to nine years off the lifespan. It also makes a person far more likely to develop a range of health related problems or psycho-somatic disease, including: Heart Disease, Arthritis, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Spondylitis, Infetility, Depression etc. First symptom of obesity is increase in weight, body loses its shape and due to accumulation of fats in various parts of body sometimes body balance is affected. The obese person has to spend extra energy for any movement, So we need to control the weight from the beginning. For the daily work we spend calories, which we get from the food we eat. But if we take more calories and spend less than the calories are accumulated in the form of fats. Increase in fats reduces body movements, which again increases the weight. So as to reduce the fat one must control the food habits. Weight can increase because of digestive problems. Useful part of the food is absorbed in blood during the digestion. If there are some problems in this process then it may result in accumulation of fats. If the digestive problem is cured then obesity can reduce. A number of clinical measurements for obesity have been used to determine susceptibility to different diseases. These include anthropometric indices such as body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR) and waist circumference (WC). Body Mass Index (BMI) is considered to be one of the most useful indices for obesity in adults. BMI is determined by dividing weight (wt) in kilograms by height (ht) in meters square. Nowadays Obesity is considered as global epidemic. It cause a large number of health problems. Other than the genetic predisposition, favorable environment for development of obesity due to sedentary life style, inappropriate intake of caloric rich easily available junk food and automated working profile. Various measures with variable results are used to reduce weight like dieting, hydrotherapy, steam bath, pharmacological therapy, surgical therapy, etc. In many third world countries women are gradually becoming obese than men. Irregular food habits, stress, sleeplessness, hormonal imbalance and sedentary lifestyle are some of the factors which affect directly to the obesity in women. Rise in the prevalence of obesity is one of the alarming public health issues facing the world.

II. Objectives of Study To study the role of Suryanamaskar & Pranayam on improving medical condition of human health

AIJRHASS 18-416; © 2018, AIJRHASS All Rights Reserved Page 76 Guneet Monga et al., American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 24(1), September-November, 2018, pp. 76-80

III. Reviews of literature (Year of Basic demographics Sample Type of yoga Findings Publication) of population population intervention Benavides (2009) Obese children; 8-15 14 12 weeks of Astanga There was a loss of an average of 2 Kg; years of age of yoga self-esteem improved; HDL increased Hispanic population while total cholesterol decreased. Berger (2009) Inner-city children; 71 [Yoga group 1 hour of yoga per In the yoga group, there were fewer 4th grade -5th grade -39; control week for 12 weeks negative behaviors in response to stress; group -32] children experienced better balance. Rajpoot (2014) Emotionally abused 40 25 mins of Subjects were less stressed. Levels of children; 13-19 years (deep relaxation); 5 nervousness dropped. Emotional stability of age. days a week for 2 improved. Mental health improved. months. Hainsworth 16 obese youth; 11- 16 Iyengar style; 5 min Non-significant decrease in BMI; (2014) 17 years of age of warm-up; 45-50 significant improvements in physical and min of ; 5-10 psychosocial functioning min of relaxation. Seo (2012) Obese boys; 13-15 20 [yoga group - 1 hour of yoga per Significant decrease in BMI and TC was years of age of 10; control session; 3 sessions found in the yoga group; non-significant Korean nationality group -10] per week for 8 weeks. change in TG

IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Type To the best of researcher knowledge, there are some studies in the context of the Indian Cement industry, which attempt to capture the unique dimension on welfare activities inside and outside the workplace. The present study followed both exploratory and descriptive research approach. Exploratory research is carried out via review of existing literatures in formation of Hypothesis. Further descriptive research approach is used to test the hypotheses and present conclusions from data analysis. The present study uses quantitative approach of problem solving.

Scope of Study The purpose of this research is not to construct a fresh theory, but to investigate the research questions and fulfill research objectives based on empirical research and secondary data. Furthermore, in this thesis, we have generated hypotheses from theories and then empirically the research data were analysed to test the hypotheses.

Sampling Sampling is the process of obtaining information about an entire population by examining only a part of it. A sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from the sampling frame. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting some sampling units from which inferences about the population is drawn. Sampling design incorporates population and sampling unit, determining the sampling techniques and sampling size.

Sample size The study includes 120 persons/respondents on which experiment will be conducted. The respondents are selected of age between 20-40 years with BMI above 25.

Sampling Technique In present research, the participants were selected using convenience sampling (using a cross-sectional design). The sample of the present study, represented the population with respect to demographic dimensions i.e. gender, age, qualification and occupation. Care was taken to make the sample representative of the actual population.

Data Type For achieving the objective of this study and to conduct the investigation, data was collected from both primary and secondary sources:

Primary data source Primary data was collected from participants of the experiment. This study involves primary data collection through structured questionnaire filled by participants of Pranayama and Surya Namaskar during the experiment.

Secondary data source Secondary data was collected through Books, Periodicals, Journals, Research papers, and case–study, Websites, Articles, and Newspapers. The use of internet was also of great help to the researcher as various search engines

AIJRHASS 18-416; © 2018, AIJRHASS All Rights Reserved Page 77 Guneet Monga et al., American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 24(1), September-November, 2018, pp. 76-80 namely, Online Directories like EBSCO and Google Scholar websites also proved very helpful where researcher found a good repository of international research papers. Data Analysis The data of the respondents collected are analysed and presented in this section. First the demographical profile is presented as under:

Table-1: Demographic profile of respondents Age Group Frequency % 20-24 11 9.2 100 25-29 54 45.0 54 30-34 39 32.5 39 35-40 16 13.3 50 Total 120 100.0 11 16 0 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-40

Gender Male 79 65.8 100 79 Female 41 34.2 41 Total 120 100.0 50 0 Male Female

Weight Below 60 20 16.7 100 77 60-80 23 19.2 Above 80 77 64.2 50 20 23 Total 120 100.0 0 Below 60 60-80 Above 80

Height wise classification Below 5 14 11.7 60 44 38 5 to 5.5 44 36.7 40 5.5 to 6 38 31.7 24 6 and above 24 20.0 20 14 Total 120 100.0 0 Below 5 5 to 5.5 5.5 to 6 6 and above

The perceptions of the beneficiaries were sought in relation to Medical condition improvement as an impact of the session. The following hypothesis was developed: H1: The attributes configuring Medical condition improvement of session significantly influence improvement in Medical condition due to Suryanamaskar and Pranayam. To identify key variables in Suryanamaskar and Pranayam session multivariate regression analysis has been used with SPSS-19 software and results were shown in table-2 as under: Table-2: Multiple regression of Medical condition improvement Descriptive Statistics Variables SPSS Code Mean Std. Deviation N Medical condition improvement medi_con_Imp 2.1333 .96086 120 Physical and psychological improvement in obesity medi_conImp_1 2.4250 1.05848 120 Decreased body weight significantly medi_conImp_2 2.1667 .91057 120 Decrease the abdominal growth medi_conImp_3 2.1917 .99828 120 Low cholesterol medi_conImp_4 2.2000 .79494 120 Decrease in low-density lipoprotein medi_conImp_5 2.3000 1.26757 120 Low fasting glucose medi_conImp_6 2.2833 .98034 120

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Correlations medi_conImp medi_conImp medi_conIm medi_conIm medi_conI medi_conI

medi_con_Imp _1 _2 p_3 p_4 mp_5 mp_6 Pearso medi_con_Imp 1.000 .150 .311 .350 .218 .264 .031 n medi_conImp_1 .150 1.000 .048 .065 .108 .061 -.125 Correl medi_conImp_2 .311 .048 1.000 .103 .081 -.066 -.025 ation medi_conImp_3 .350 .065 .103 1.000 .057 .041 -.056 medi_conImp_4 .218 .108 .081 .057 1.000 -.085 .002 medi_conImp_5 .264 .061 -.066 .041 -.085 1.000 .161 medi_conImp_6 .031 -.125 -.025 -.056 .002 .161 1.000 Sig. medi_con_Imp . .051 .000 .000 .008 .002 .369 (1- medi_conImp_1 .051 . .301 .239 .120 .255 .087 tailed) medi_conImp_2 .000 .301 . .131 .189 .239 .393 medi_conImp_3 .000 .239 .131 . .268 .330 .272 medi_conImp_4 .008 .120 .189 .268 . .178 .491 medi_conImp_5 .002 .255 .239 .330 .178 . .040 medi_conImp_6 .369 .087 .393 .272 .491 .040 . N 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

Model Summary Change Statistics Adjusted R Std. Error of the R Square Model R R Square Square Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change 4 .558d .311 .288 .81103 .040 6.729 1 115 .011 d. Predictors: (Constant), medi_conImp_3, medi_conImp_2, medi_conImp_5, medi_conImp_4

ANOVAe Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 4 Regression 34.223 4 8.556 13.007 .000d Residual 75.644 115 .658 Total 109.867 119 d. Predictors: (Constant), medi_conImp_3, medi_conImp_2, medi_conImp_5, medi_conImp_4 e. Dependent Variable: medi_con_Imp

Coefficientsa Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity Coefficients Coefficients Correlations Statistics Zero- Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. order Partial Part Tolerance VIF 4 (Constant) -.178 .341 -.522 .603 medi_conImp_3 .286 .075 .298 3.815 .000 .350 .335 .295 .984 1.01 medi_conImp_2 .298 .082 .282 3.610 .000 .311 .319 .279 .980 1.02 medi_conImp_5 .218 .059 .287 3.687 .000 .264 .325 .285 .987 1.01 medi_conImp_4 .245 .094 .202 2.594 .011 .218 .235 .201 .984 1.01 a. Dependent Variable: medi_con_Imp Empirical Result The regression results show that: R= 0.558, Adjusted R square=28.8 percent, Dependent Variable= Overall_quality Predictors= medi_conImp_3, medi_conImp_2, medi_conImp_5and medi_conImp_4, Model fit ANOVA=13.007 with Significant=.000d Revealed that as a result this model is fit to predict future.

V. CONCLUSION Suryanamaskar and Pranayama both are an effective method proven for the weight loss. Due to our busy lifestyle we tend to have less time for attending fitness programs, going to a gym or going for a morning walk. Practice of pranayama is simple and can be done at home. It can be easily integrated with our daily routine. Most weight loss programs are focused around exercises, aerobics, yogic postures and dieting. Pranayama or the science of breathing usually takes a back seat, but the practice of yogic breathing techniques is an effective way to reduce body fat. Once learned, the benefits of pranayama are tremendous. This study has proven that both can be used for improving the medical condition too. As per the above result points it can be revealed that alternative hypothesis is accepted and four variables Rate_yoga_1 medi_conImp_3, medi_conImp_2, medi_conImp_5and medi_conImp_4 are predicting the Medical condition improvement under session of Suryanamaskar and Pranayam.

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