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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

7-13-1950 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1950). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2543.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. C' • BACKWARD LOOK Social • Clubs • I I ,TEN YEARS AGO From Bulloch Times. Jul7 11. 1940 Funeral servrces for H. L. Sowell, IOJUl'.... r\ in an automobile wreek neal' were (STATESBORO Savannah, held Saturlla)1 after· NJ:W8-8TATI!8B0!lO EAGLE) nO��a�:s�::��thN��:��i' Guard outfit BnIIo\!b TImM., Illtabllabed 18111 ! will leave 120 for two CoILIoIldaWd J_urr '17. 1tt7 strong S�tubol'Q N...... Eitabllibed 11101 f JULY \\ a Penaacola un­ STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY. 13,1950 eek's encampment Stataborc Eqle, Eatabllibed 1.1'7""'OOuoUcwtec! D_ber '. UIO del command of Capt.�ndayothwell John. son. Local Boy Scouts-Dun Groover, I Remer Brady Passes Robel t Brannen. JunAor Poindexter, TOBACCO MARKKr GROUP Kimball Johnston. Wanen Barton and After Brief �ISTRICT Herman Jenkins-left Sunday after· lUness

noon for annual at .. Activities, 4IIIcampment Camp OPENING DAY SKr .Remer L. Brody Sr &!(e 56. one of HERE NEXT Weekly Strachan. WEEK Statesboro's merchants. own- human wa. leading Badly decayed body Unfavorable Seasons Seem Farm Bureau " er .of a store. died Members And found 10 swamp near Upper Black larlf8 department ldenti­ To Threaten Short at the- Bul- Assocrated Women In Creek church Sunday evening; Crop, early Tuesday morning Convene Farm .BUreaus ty not yet established; no record .of But With PrieM loch County HOlpl_l. He aulfered a At Statt!8boro High 8ehool recent in that com­ .-Uer The Mlddleground Farm Bureau any disappearance heart attack following a conftnement munity. In cummon with all thelother mar. The First Conifreilional District Its -annual ladles' of ten at the hospital. ��Id night Thurs­ Bulloch county tobacco growers in­ d�ys Farm kete in Florida and Georgia. States- Bureau meeting will be held In As FARM vited to attend grading classes of in­ A life-long resident of Bulloch coun- day. in the past, ample fresh P�TS HELP boro's tobacco Statesboro at various in the sales woIli belfin on Mr. with Friday. July at the struction points ' ty Brady had been Identifted 21, water ftsh wei" nailable to serve the the C. 24th. School county durinIf coming week; Monday, July the buslnll'Ba life of Stateaboro for a High audltoriUl". R. P. Mikell. entire W. C, Jr RESTRICf CROPS 'OW. Dcnaldson, with United Georgia Messrs. W. E. Cobb and H. P. Pox- Bulloch Ifroup. Hodges .• �he long time. He was a veteran of World county president. announces. Farmers. will condUct the classes. the GrB88hoppers Come Upon hall, of the warehouse ftrm of Cobb . W. H. Smith Jr. and A. M Mlddlegrou,nd prealdent. named Editor's family feasted by kind­ War 1. Norman. Seene Shortly & have arrived for the are his directors from t e a moftth to and Followinr ness of friends; D. W. Bragan Foxhall. open. Survlvlnlf wife. Mrs. KltUe First Dlatrlct oil .&m�ttee alfO prepare Show'e... of the market. men 'I'urner Brady; one son, Remer Brad:r tho state Droueht-Breaking brought two cantaloupes wellfbing ing These who board of directors of the serve bile supper. In the selection of a Mrs. John F. God- seven pounds; Mrs. Arthur Riggs have been down several Jr.; daulfhter. Farm Grasshoppers are now near days and have Bureau. will preside at the worryln� bro.ght ba3ket of choice peaches and bee; his Iffiother. MFII. Lilla Brady; Jlte committee he appointed all the Bulloch made a survey of the tobacco crop Mrs. Willett dia­ cOllnty farmers. Wbat �ext' mammoth watermelon; Arthur John­ two small grandchildren, two auntl meeting. Robinson. better known fishermen In tbe group. Boll around Statesboro and Bulloch eoun- and two ullcles. ttlct weevils. ..rew worms, son brought 50-pound Cui)an Queen Ass,oelated Women's director, armt No elfort was made to account for and F. C. Tem. state Funeral aervlces were h�ld at 11 worms. plant lice and of watermelon; 1m Lord ty. that the crop as a whole' Is "Jill bo In charge of the Farm Bureau aphids all choice tomatoes. o'clock Wedneada'9 mornlnr at States- the pounds at this meeting. hbm' pies contributed not good in this In which carr'led serve,ct kind. worms. pud worms, ball territory. fact, bore Methodist of which Mr. queen centest,- wlll,be ... church. when some 150 men and women had wonns and \" estimate on at many other Insects and they that Bulloch county will Brady was a member, with Rev John the same time the business TEARS AGO. all the fresh ftah wanted TWENT.Y . they pesta have combined thalr not make much more than .lxty per S. Loulrh offlclatlnlf. Activ�t paObear· meeting is belDg held. �or elfort. In From Tim.... Jul,.. 19SO en were Wallis Cobb RuIUs Ander. I supper, but some two years ago these the county to make the Bull"1h. .10. cent of a normal crop of tobacco. H. L. Wingate. Georgia Farm Bu. orop'ln 1860 T. J Morrl o, men C. H. Anderson. age 68. died from, • son. •• William Smith �ame put more than 400 the most O·n f the 0fitan s reau pounds expensive ever Ifrown. Now ae- account,o scarcity p Olin Smith and J. Frank Ollilf. president, alonlf with several sustained In automollile Hon- betore t.he The inj\lries the group, entire meet- the Ifl'....hoppera have shown In cident in Andenonvllle Saturoay. unusually dry planting sea- orar" pallbearers were the active from the offtce in Macon. will be here up a?d 109 was to a aoclal hour ot numbers of the Emit son a of the a members of the board of �tewarda of for I adequate to cauae conaidar­ A. F. Harris. 'farmer good many crops have the meeting alld Iflve the mem- dev�ted Time. a_ort· the church. Interment was In Ea1lt good telloWilhlp and eating the abund­ able damage. community, broulfht very poor stand and was se� at dif. belJ! alld offtcers a report 011 actlvltlell ance of ftah. R. P. the eoun- ferent times which makes Ir- of the Mikell. Paul Nesmith. Clulse Smith .. very oganltation since the eenven- .;.. :!:t a. ::�::����h-:;�� :t�:��If"!'��r:::. wal the :!dc����:::a�tables-Irbh which ty .nly "outalder" Henry Blitch noticed some 3380-12 to 20 - Congressman Wash Larson, of the regular growth. means that it Mortuary in charlfe. tlon last fall, Mr. Mikell stated that preSident: damare Style fOI' the annual 3370-12 to in eon- present alfalr. The from In corn 3381-14li to 24'b' Style 20 Twelfth District. Introduced will not npen tOll"ther. and It' will the buainess session will tart at 10 I gra.shoppers about twit a measure to members of the Home Demonstration weeks gress be hard for the to from a. m. alfO. showed · ho!ipers re'lmbun� grower keep In the Statesboro • :rhe up slav�.s H�Db Schooli ... Lincolnpota-I .. owners freed In e for slaves by CI".,.. th coInmunIty aI way. II1VIte In the Aaron Navy a lot of tobacco auditorium and will be over m. 10mmunlty the IIl'1t dI. sa i d havm� g.reen gOlDg DISrRlCf .GROUP by 1 p. Chartreuse-Navy emancipation 'proclamntion; men to '. barns. a auppe In December. the week. Buster Field. seemecI t& Teal-Brawn Grey "United States had no right to de· in the The queen. will be judged In the th� I Mlddlelfl'ound still haa men only at be the worst hurt them. Red stroy property rllfht. which exjtlted." The rains in the peat week will NOTIFY PRES'IV\N11 U band room, accordlDg to plana made by Gold-lrown In last week a at Its regular Bureau stranlfer make practically all of thl. tobacco with Su t. S. H. Sherman, MI.. �arm meeti"ga. Grasshoppers ulually .tart tro. -_.. a railroad reo . . the offtwe of company The Ivanhoe met "'rid�. a turn and start Convention Rere Tu_ay Boote Is the ,rouP ay fteld that been In small trraIn funded 40 cents for two cash fares green alralD gl·OWlDg. Beaaley Bulloch county. ha� night. the basket supper. or and not turned. which he aald he had owend the road Both these gentlemen caution the to· Draws Big Delegation From queen. She will compete with the Followln� lupine 'lIhey dct he wal spent watching It not aeem to lin In for the past twenty years; laid I bacco farmen against pullinl tltls The District from the other seventeen eve�nlf clean cultlVJIW he Throu,hoat qaeens �e was sixteen years of age when rain. community had not had a ftelen. are t b t'l'tI t's Th countlel in the Flnt Dhltrlct, The Many 'hatehed out In rode and had I \ �he ,without paying fa",. Conlfressman Prince H. of lood ram In the slow raln- rows and us wa u. I r e en Prestan, winner he- meets sq.lonr. hedge lanes. 'n\ey' m.,.,. been conscience·strlcken ever- since. jO :cco I�n t:1 �e ge:pejpe. ": sal� the First In'� the' other district I Conlfreallonal tite kind that wets the soil-was to the clean for state have to a week or ten Dlsfr'P.!, cultivated lIelda and .... Statement called banking· tJhey �kip days accepting the nomlnatl"n on the Dem- w1nnen III Macon durlnlf the �tate condition ample entertainment. tures from such department showe4 folllnif in pullinlf; don't Ifet panicky, but ocratic ticket at the dlsrlct con".n- c�nv"ntlon In Noyember. Mrs. Joe areu, .nd In a ve� of depOlllts In Bulloch county banks: tlon Tuesday at Statesboro. sated that short time can olean • wB'tI until It rineu S• Ra Ident 0f tlIe Ia literally 1111 of .,,' y, Georg Buk Portal. demand deposita, the Issue to face the Elgliy._nd pret; �8- .. field. The will open and .ales • baa $18,154.01; time certlftcataa. '20,· will be communism venus Women, seleoted the - �arket Conlfreh �Iated 'f H 'l'o control It 578.28; Bank of Broeklet, demand de· continue. until all the tobacco In this democracy.' juidgj!a fol' �he contest. CLUBS REPORT ....s.hoppera, II beH time aertiftcatee, to kill them while In the pOllts. $26,Il00.'70&; territaPy is 'sold. Some farmers have The convention. beld In the Bulloch the meetlq a Dutch bar- .till .... Bank of de· - ,19,786.48; Statesboro. �_ county court hou.., found .___ eultl-tln.- Bal"• and du.. 01' go.",n the I'd.. "'-t..... the G'eorela sea· dele,._ U8 d...... r baa been for 'by If· maad time ..,r. from all of the .,l0lloWlng arranpd STEADY PROGR� depOllltll, '1111,158.10; present eightae1l on son llineteen ..Ies .prays can be useei' them. WheII tlfteatP.s, �8,,�8.ll; Ilea Island will onlylut daYI; counties In the district. Hinton Booth, 'by Yr. Mikell. All the Farm Bureau in West Virginia. for Balik, demand .-""Ita. '146,886 fIOI this· II not BO, the ",arket Will MmaiD of Statesboro. acted as temporary In Bulloch county who can they conifrecate in Ia)'lnl, tjIef Mr. and Mrs. McElveen and l\Iemben Harry time '250&,1'71.112; First chairman until of can be killed .... 100 08_ certtll_I, opell until tb.. arop BOla: Jobn B. Spivey. arr..... to be away from their work ''' tlcall' par Allen of visited I� son, Rimes, Sylvania, Natlona'l Bank. temalld deposlte. _-Z Swainlboro was permanent to ... .. ''''1 In re to thellrIce thl• S..lon, !',!med th_ q� III Sunday with 1Ilrs. W. R. Woodcock $1111,1811.86; till" tenlAlIlItelt 1225,· ",-lnnlUl. ·W. W I'IMdIll'1l 1IiIIo,� f�e �UI'I 06..... Ii .�I-"::,.l":';, _.nlle1 count" ...... \ and other relatives here. \ po!l'IIIi- !i!�' �A I �v! " .• • e • !t!'!la.aroflPII- ... that the price will be r thaI! \n.n� secretary. ThIB them. a "'i"'���'i�Firld'id��.nr.�!Prftrat·itaDd MISS Banks and Dekle Banks tt 'WI1111'�.8 more --"!hours...... In the Patty I Invocation was wlencIllllr "' man the" Ith.1was and that all The mven Rev. the m Bu- 4'"*,,, mlRTY BARS AGO ; last season Iradea b;f chance to learn what .... the week end in Macon and vis· home. This iB true of ru· spent I B. E. Whittlnlfton. of Etilngham coun- putlcularl7 even to ht. 01lnl tobacco will be much In reau and how much atop, Fro. Balleeh. TIM... 9. 1920 of smoking I. dolnlf Prolf' . ited with Miss Jerrie Thompson. Wes· Jul, 'ty. Following the roll call of del.. ral folk. Many ha". recently electrl. comlnl back. • Local station of Preilerving demand. However. they say that due and a .....olutio ress It is maklnlf on the program of student. Georgia gates by Francis 8ed their homes, addilld and leyan Conservatory DEAL REUNION at this haa been or· tel.pho.;',. Bait WIth .I,t POUndl Of HIII_ of � Company place to the bad season. Mnthews. Emanuel count)l'. cartl· work the at the ... ., unusually growilll Jri"". modem farm • Mr. and Mrs. Bamie Lee Kennedy The Immediate members of the dered closed; after �ay no sucum· fying the delegatea. tbe maOlllllery. Consequen Ituoslllcata In IIi poundl of bran, 8i1 there Is bound to be a Iarlfe percent. permllnent last atate· At· bel'll will be conv!ntion. farm families are more con· have returned to their home in family and friends of Mrs. W. D. acceptsd. chalrme made a short add...a 4n Iy IflviJlir bushels of lIIIwduat. mixed with o. lower and Inferlol .. �O Deal and the late Mr. Deal Deftnlte announcement that Thos. age of the gl'lldes which he declared that tIlIloe in slderatlOn to the comfort and lanta after spending a few days With! gathered beauty 12 IfBlIona of wate.. lind ,..tterM _ at the old Billie W. candidate for governor, In this than last seallOn. are us fast into 80clal- Deal home Sunday Hardwick. crop leadhil 0f th eIr dweII' f vaIue relllhve3 here and in the county. power lOp. particular the rate of about 20 _ for a family dinner. which is now the ",II speak In Stateaboro on July 17th; The recent rains have benelltted Ism, but the Firat. District has a man G"TIX'1"£a,') R pounds ..... and D'OTARIAN[�"!P In this direction Is the National 4·H Mrs. Jimmy Rogere son. Mike. home of Mrs. W. D. Deal and Mr. and will probably be accompanied by in Conpe... wbo will not be o� to will kill them. D""t or 'Pray WttIt the youn, tobacco more than It has are her Mrs. Inman TIaoa. E. Watson. lead us home prolfl'am now In ()f Tallahassee. Fla .• visltmg Deal. astray." Improvement 01' chlordane will Idll if, the farmers will BHC. toxophene Members of Lovely tomatoes were presented to the older, and jUlt C. E. DeLoach, of Evans county. '1 IIU Its fourth Enrollment has In: mother. Mrs. H. Dougherty. Mr. Rog· family enjoy· FIRS'" HAND. SrrnRY year. t!iem. It Is not belt to Jet IIIlIk ed this occaSIon were Mr. and Mrs. editor during the week; B. H. f wait until thla tobaceo rl)lent before olfered the resolution adopting the ers a few viSit. creased almost 15,000 In tile year. was here for days' of Emit one past cows .. on t1e1da 01' da. Albeit Deal. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey R.i�gs. most of them should get rul•• of the House of Representatlvell Local Putor S,..t Years Ifral sprayed Deal and chll· barnlq and .Le·... number of •'-H'e-•• awarded Mr. and Mrs. James Deal and son. Mr. and Mrs. ....elghed pOllnddiatrict'dbroughtan half; J. H. Pewlichote''I of Georcla as rules of the convention. .., D_' ed with these m.wrlal. for a ,.., Craig;· more than th.y FI III •f _tIe WLlIere cluster of ftve much good teb!cco .,ear medals from to dren. James Jr. and Roscoff. of Darrel Deal and son. Jimmy; Mr. and brought which weilfhed Secretary W. W. Flandel'll read the � county jumped 2,'88 )jut do not laeM to 11_ Judy. or three weeks days. they Mrs Zach 1T0nes and Yvonne three pounds. thought pos,ible two result of the June 28th primaPy In Woriil Conllet 11 Brewbic Savannah. VISited Sunday With his daughter, 8,052, cattle or Their will be Inter- • bee, hOls, Mr. and Mr3. Elton Jean many (rlends • wblch Prl""" H. Preston was nomi· Kennedy and ago In some club memo ts. Mr. and M A M . D I of those lace·.· Georlfla 2.725 palen and Wayne; Mrs. Bertie Lee Moore ested In marrlllife of Miss Mamie nated without opposition.. 'One Intere.tlnlf rs... �a. t¥. In MIS. Puul Sr. 18 a and of and C. Chairman Con· hI!n will part the 1950 pro· LeWl� spendIng son, Marvin, of Savannah; Mr. McDaniel, Ilublin. George !I Spivey presented face which command InWI" home of bride's BeIc er Melon pictures ,ke vacation in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Hollis Kitchings, Mr. and Hallll, at the the h Bn'ngs gressman Preston's family. which In· ...... m. according to the .taw exten· LOCAL�TDIS I will est In world w... Mrs. George Benson and daughter. mother In 'Du!llln; make their cluded hie mother. Mrs. P; H. Pres· Important events, slon offtce which conducts the actlv· Paul Lewis and Ernest LeWIS • and in on farm' near WhIC'h The Record of and home Statesboro. • ton his wife and Mrs N. Teresa, Langley. S. C.; Mr. Tops Sr.; aunt, that me...a- presented at the Rotary exteulon and 10' D n hi With Rev. Mrs. A . C • I�y. Count� alents onega and Mrs. Harold BrYant, Mrs. Elzie Bry. With reference to. the recent cap' Snow. of Monroe. and his executlve·- HNTm CONTESTS' Another of those anderstandable luncheon Monday by Rev. T.'L. Barns· leaders' Johnson. ant and children. Mrs. Johnny Car· tUN! of Philip. Gathers. later burned secretary. J. Brantley Johnson. cal cl"b Iflve demonstrations. Three Day.' Cham,IOIUIItl, ter and at the In Efftngham I of friendship which tends Frank M. of was berger, pastor of the lI'Cal Presby', and Inatruct the In of Mr. Oliver, MI and Mrs. Frank Olliff Sr. arid children, Macon; and 3�ke cO';lnty �or I expressions displays youth E"ent With the of a Opens Today Mrs. Dock Mr. white girl, wag that recognized and made the nomlriating terian church. ' !llr and Ml'S. Frank Olliff Jr. of �cAlhany, Vidalia; slaYing. .'young to cheer an editor's heart, phases of home Improvement. Mem· • and Mr.. Wmton and Dan G. LaDleI' writes: "I 'happened speech. Seconding speeches were Twenty-Six (Jountl. ShariDa' Pevy children. master waterme I on ht 'In last With a vivld·Ita·nty with the skilled In some wele of Mr. and to be closelOt to him when the broug made Julian of bers who become p.r· Millen. holiday gue3ts Greenville, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Sam dogs by Shearouse. EfHng. Bulloch 4·H Club cham· friend R. E. Belcher. of both from a reo county's !Ills Lunnle Simmons at thell' Suvan· Ft. Mr. and were closing in on him; he rose out week end by ham county. and Porter Carswell. of situation, geographical ticular job. such as upholster'ng, Carroll. Lauderltale. Fla.; will with (he cha_ of the looked at me On the scales Burke Chairman and the pions compete nah Beach home. MI". Claude Kersey. Mary Hilda, bushes. straight the Brooklet community. county. Spivey ap· political standpoint. speaker ftnishlng furniture or workinlf with and said. 'Boss. I give up.'''' a commiltee of ftve to escort In- pions from twenty·slx soubiteast Geor­ and . 62 and pointed a which the 1.11' and Mrs. MarIOn and Emory. Sandra. Faye W;fnette it measured up to pounds. gave pictu", broulfht color, also give demonstrations. The Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cox. of Ohio. was noml· the nommeo to the platform. counties In Tifton Jl'rt. Kersey. Halcyondale; I S eart was 0f cldent I'nto a clearness not to be Inad gia Thursday, insl'de-weII't• h pure enthusiasm shown b y their 80ns and "Cl\11dlen, Nona, Cherry and Marlon Palal Mr. nated for preSident by the Demcoratlc . In presenting Congressman Pre'S' JImmy mo, Bloommgdalej 1 It from read- day and Saturday. July 18·15. ;' and Mrs. convention in San Francisco. receiving gold. On Ice for a couple of dayo. ton. Mr. Spivey Intl'oduced the rep· from reading newspapers. inspires parents to co·oper· J1., have retulned to theu homE:: in Wtnton Cannon, Mr. and I daughters Mrs. Howald 134 votes on ftrst ballot, and grew to of resentative as the "workmgest alld or from study of the pe· Raymond ·Hagan. county president, after a with lela- Merriman and children, came .tate perfectIOn poss&.!sed IIIg history. ate 10 car�lIIg out long.range plans BilOXI, MISS, VISit till he received I Wanda and Mr. and steadily a best Congressman the First District Holdin,7 a will lead the competition with hi. Early; Mrs. ecent d on the variety aU books. � homes mOI'e II vabl e. tIves h'ele �m d In Savannah. m "r ays Y by o"-phy page.size i0 make their vote III the W. G. , evur had." Horace Deal, Charles, Edgar, Hugh forty.fourth ballot;two.thlrds'i· the to drive a tractor In the rodeo as whICh had been ability to which it known recently pre· • for Mr. and Mrs. Horace MISS and MISS Helen McAdoo received 266 on ftrst ballot' belonged. After Elxpresstng his gratitude to picture A favorltte starting place girls Smith. Deal; Mr. and Mr3. afternoon. This event car­ and on Palmer of of the the the di�trict for return· sented In a natIOnal magazme, Rev. been their OWII Thursday 13etty Smith and Bobby Smith have Truy Mallard, Mr. and Mrs. BobbY 266% la.t; opened' Garrison. A sort offsprlllg voters of -and boys. too-has and him rie. maintenance and aU· Mr. and Mrs. With 256 closed With 267 'AI. old rattiesnnke It ,had its outside ap· 109 to Congress Without opposi. Harnesberger placed his ftnger upon have done nmazing general. retul'lled from ten at Savannah Stringer. Harvey Denl. • •• • bedrooms. They days . . tlOn, Congressman Preston reVIewed round abihty With it. MI•• Buddy. Donald. Elbert. Marie. Larry. an Ismttlerna goodness the various POSItions mentIoned and with u httIe I oto 0f machinelY B each . While there were pearance, d' a Inlfeunity. they hosts to Jean and FORTY YEARS AGO the four years he has served with thmg3 Tl·avls. Mildred. Richard; II names With Brannen. the newly elected of all that their cans of and Beverly a number of MISS Smlth's fnends at Mr. and Mm. Inman was a combinatIon short review of hiS recold. He callea plonounced a_ !'!'ad. hard work. a few paint Deal and daugh­ From Bulloch Time•• July 3. 1910 bel.ongs that will take offtce I of variety. attentIOn to several lIIess whICh a lamaliar. rooms county preSident '"' house tel'. Carolyn. Other relatives and to good watermelons any projects effectmg only personal bright new fabrics. Living party. e Ie 1,i.. • M II' Nesml.'th empIoyed E III he was will also be friends were I'y 'I the First Di'.trict which would make I competinc 'Mr. Mrs. plesent Mr. lind Mrs. M. Ity pOSSible. should be hlgh on the IIst thIS year, Sqptember, and . Wendel Oliver and fell from loaded 'wagon Tom Anderson. inerested and in which he a in most the Deal. Mr. and lrlrs. H. B. Deal. ' played a worker from his the event of pre­ M. Ann Monday mornlnlf; struck his head As mmis810nary because the ftnds extra time girl.a ISS 01'Iver spent last week at Mr. and Mrs. WAS 1'HIS ,YOU? part. famll), Gordon Deal and chll. So so new •• the DOODLE Tevue. bright, PRI�T and almost broke his neck. of Rev. Harn.berger spent thirty •• Club memo fer, style :Savannah. Beach and had as Mr. Following the session member> church. to togeth ' lndoora. guests dren. and Mrs. Menjamin Best are a with spend . LAid •ust' en You younl( mat�on the Dress-Up at home in H d a b k the were at t bari>e- from 1909 to 1989-in In home Mjja "anlce Deal will represent Miss children. and Mrs. a white dress delegation Irue.t.. years-those bers who have been aetlve the Shirley Helmly and MISS Betty �r. Pershing Dre.. I w en s ruc.. own an au omo· dark'halr. You wore Step-in Coat er h' tern:!,nd ablney tro cue dinner at Center. clubsters in Md and children and Mrs. W. D. shoes Wednesday theColllmunity the Chineae missionary fteId,�nd'In the olq�r public spealdDc, Jean Mikell and Mr. and Mrs. Wendel �his gentle-mannered shee� hile driven by,Dr. L. W. Williams and dl}rk green " improvement prolf\'am during past . ill ' loIiss Dot will D:!�S of cool idtemoon: You have two clrildren. that time some time in the see- 10 renovat· while Knilfht 'repiele1d Oliver of Claxton. •••• front of Raines Hardware store Sat· spent years are ikllled Jr., with hiS yew no", Lind· -You a3sist your husband LO"iN'G-AGO CITIZEN DIES now involved in the the younger girls and Johnn] Mr. and Bernard and MEETS NEXT Sanforized urday.· tlOn of Asia old furDiture and redecoratl'ng. Mrs., Scott THURSDAY I businesa. I�g Uprising again.t,Jews in Russia; war he the eod IN NEW YORK Due to conditions. kabl e sey junior boys. , !l>WcU strug�le.b have done remar carpen· dJ.uIi _ children, Sandra, Susan and BemaI'd MEET NEXT THURSDAY that 000 will call at R_!!:CENTLf estimated 20 men women If the lad, described l'1any will com­ The returlled to Americs ten '1go Miss Melva Creasy alfaln Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ern ••t Rush. regular July meeting of the and children have' been t�rn from the Times "If Ice she will b. given Long.ago readers of these columns. yean try woN< buildlOr closete, cupboards of Lawn in Miss Levlte Burn­ JUDlor Woman's Club WIll be held Lovely their homes and driven out of the two ticket. to the "Bright and more recent friends who recall and for the past four years has served pete yea.t bread. jng and then little grandson, El nle pi�ture and at 3:30 Rnd tomor· and bookaHelvesy. home n:,xt ThUlsday. July 13th, country; moat of them penniless. Leaf." showing today the Lee family, will be interested the State3boro church as pastor. HIS will sed Will be in improvement; Rushmg. of Athens. 'are bhe o clock In the etched snowflake.and·dot Outstandmg a"ccomplishments> spendlllg OommuDlty Center insets of white trim Delicately lIt was a to their friends row at the Georgia Theatre. saddened to learn of the denth eorne in Diagonal frosty embroide\'Y bayadere pleasure reSidence that distant country the Sellrs·Roe· Bobby 'llhompson henlth. Reger week at Savannah Beach bUilding. All members are urged to to welcome back to Statesboro 11 the two weeks of 'Claude C. Lee. fol' long !n agam be reward II by is mitred for an unusual Friday After receivillif ho. tickets, ago will do the rifte shooting, Jrrmlt attend und mterested In the waist and of this unusual modern stripe skilfully patteril him familiarity with the spirit· j\ Bchol· Hagan Ml S. E S. Lewis retut'J1ed Wednes- anyone jOln­ pocket C. H. Wilson and his mother, call at the Statesboro long years having busmess connec· gave buck FoundatIOn. $800 college w)lo lady will the hvestock MI.a mg thiS organizatIOn, plen!3e contuct effect in sheer lawn. have been for the will be a tion 10 New York City. whose home ual and confhcts. It is plac· awarded to the Jr. is judge, flom D C where scroll •.. for hot weather Good, linea 1, past eighteen F'lornl Shop she ,.iven political Will be eight A'fo�d day Washmgton, I MI. Ell comfort. printed simple ...... arslup Hodges 01 Mrs. J F. simply styled months in New Mexl· of was in Conn. he Boots IS back in her favorite Splem r'" living R03well. with Stamford. to that In th e natI on . Beasley she has been for sometIme and at­ lovely orchid compliments mg the pomt mindly say 40H"era befole above mentIoned date. a to summer 'and a cute little in the "We are 1I0me to declared top·rl.nklDg It's dress wear all pocket - co; of softly.gathered s� , stay." Bill and Miss Martha light.hearted long. the proprietor Holloway. ApprOXImately, seventy.ftve'" year. smaII tlence and be a roll of canning, ' mlltlifests pa will given tended the weddmg of her MRS. E. B. STUBBS. Mrs. WI·lson. Iaude 'Phe state champion daughtel. a last week was age at the' time of hi. death. C Cool as breeze, launders like a breeze. The lady d.scribed commUDIsm which is Clark ana her brother. Jimmy, alonlf Press Reporter. Lightly priced, too. SUI't Mrs. La. toleration of the to the National 4.H Club Con· Niss and H F. brought by Vlrgl'nl'a for lier Lee went North like a half tr.I·P" Sybil Le\"s. Oltmey· . . .. Mrs. Jack Gros", who called some�hing war wibit Cartee will do the tal· nier against the Savannah & and had continued there now to be wagmg the winnerts a trip to State Douglas r, which was a beautiful event of WITH DELTA AIR tlckes Friday, attended the show, century ago, recognized gre38J district LINES boro Railrolld for damages with occasIOnal VISits home. As mit numbers for the county. • Third Floor $g5.000 received her orchid and phoned her only Club and win· June 30th. Delta Air Lmes announcea a 4.H Congress, today for the death of her son. Lee Lanle� a man he was a .. member of C,ounty is the $2.98 reelation . young went to Mi3s Shirley Groover junior that al'P ners a medal. State honors Mr. and M1'3. W. L Jones Sr have John Richard of Stutes. was settled ui city court ladt week family of five brothers and one sister. Gulledge. dres revue winner for Bulloch coun­ upon oaym.ent of to the The eldest was Walter Lee. of Nelson. :as their guests for a few days thiS bOlo) has been 33 ttans­ $160 plaID' brother Holcomb, employed will and Rachael Dean Anderson the tiff; H. B. Strange wa. her attorney.StateS-I,SUE'S KINDERGARTEN open an employe Central railroad at ty. 'week MI. and MIS. W. L. Jones Jr. 'Porta'ion agent at the S. ot..!lle Columbia. The crowd ·tha:t, at the 4th. Religtous was of Mrs. did not gather

\ " THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1950 THURSDAY, JULY 13,1950 PORTAL NEWS BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS Jones are glad to learn she continues Mrs. Ella of Saunders, Augusta, to Improve after several weeks in vilited Mr. and ARCOLA NEWS . M,·s. Harold Hendrix the Oglethoroe Sanitarium. Sunday. Waat Chance Jr. and Mr. and �f,,,. J. H. Shearouse and The True Miss Rose Davis, of Atlanta, is George son, George Col. Memonal III, have returned f'rom Atlanta, Haltridge Shearouse, of Spring­ .pending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. were where visited relatives. field, guests qf Mr. lind M,-s, J. 18 AN UNwnrrrEN 8ex they W. BUT BLOo Trapnell. Mrs. L. W. Robertson S'·. this week. Mt'S. of Teachers £.DIi Hart and Mia. Shirley l/Jxley Brown, Mr. lind QUENT Hart, of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Woodcock, of Of' AU TIlA.T College, spent the week end with Mr. Suvaanah, visited STORY UPPORTIJNITY Mrs. W. E. Lester- the week. Charlotte, N. C., spent II few days and Mrs. G. W. Turner. . �ul'ing last week IS BEST IN LIFE. 1IIr. and Mrs. Chatles Kendricks and with his brother, .r. S. Mrs. Garnett Reddick and Mrs. Ru­ KNOCKS HERE Mrs. Bessie of visit- Woodcock, lind Mra. Woodcock. were in Bvrd, Suvunnnh, Our work pert Gay business. visitors Mr. lind M,·s. A. helps tn ""fleet. ". ed Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Akins F. Cox und chil­ Jacksonville, F'la. during dren spirit which Monday, the Fourth. and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Town­ prompts ,ou to erect Colonial . Mr. and Mrs. Charles of Stewart, ley and of th.o stone as an - Mr. and Mrs. Bruce. Deal and fum- fumily, Atlanta, visited act of """_ were of Dr. and ANTIQUES FOR SALE Victoria " Glenwood, guest Shop Mr. lind Mrs. D. L. last and of Snvnnnah were Alderman devotion • • • Mrs. J. H. Steware Sunday, sofa with medallion back, ilYt week-end' guests Our QPeri_ matching of their week. Victorian baby bed, spe­ mother, Mrs. A. P. Dannelly, is at your •• Mr. and' Mrs. Howard Greenwood, chairs; ver� the mll!ll. fruitwood rocker refinished, arid Mr. Dannelly. Monday.afternoon Women's So- 01 Joplin, Mo., are visitlng' her par­ cial, $40; cl':.y of Christian three Mr. and 1111'S. Harold McElveen Service met ut the - ents Mr. and Lawton forDl8rly ·,,6, reduced to 'SO; . MI'S. Hodges, Miss home of M,s. Lester Bland with ·Mrs. THI AYER and Mrs. C. Miller have return­ chaIrs each under $10; fine Essie Segall, of Rocky Moun,an� 't.. MONUMEN'T COMP D�. captains' L. C. and Mrs. Joe � and old N. C., were gu••ts of Mr. Wimberly Ingram A ed from Raleigh, N. C., where t1!.ey china, brass, copper, g1B'S8 week�end as Loct&I IndUitry SI... and IIfrs. J. B. co-hostesses. After" �hort pro- 1111t Mr. • • • in every price clocks, visited and Mrs. Candler Miller. prints bracket! Akm... . the JOHN Sure 10 Mr. and Mrs. Willie BarnhIll and gram hostesses served refresh- M. THAYER, Proprilltor You're embrclderlea; Mrs. Ora Franklin and Mrs. Lee Save: lampa, figurines, !Ie ments in old heir­ Janis Barnhill and Kel- 41i West Main Street. Anderson, of Statesboro, wore spend­ supply the unusual fine Patsy The' PHONE 488 I·y, of have home I sub-district Youth Fellowship \ Statcrero,a.. of Mrs. loono. OLDE WAGON WHEEL, returned 1hnr-ttl , the-day guests Edna Brannen YEo ��v�nnah, of this met after e, and L�- charge with New Hope S miles' southeast Savan­ VISltlO1r M Mrs. Earl - . Statesboro, tel'. church Monday night and a Colonial's Prices are Lower. •• lower the week ••• Check noh Hlfhway. MISS VIVIAN enjoyed Mrs. Gene day . Fr::,y�nd Weatherford and Yes, �very . (6ju,!tp) "======ANDE�ON- I program arranged the New i� . and Mrs. C. M. Kendriek, Mr.. by Bope little son; of Hilliard, Fla., spent the ZINNIA'SFOR SALE--Will sell .any ....__ M�. After the items listed below-see for how save when BeSSIe Byrd, of Savannah, and Mr. group. the program the young week end with her mother, Mrs. Har­ yourself you you shop Colomal. size bouquet. MRS. OLL­ of New , FRAN� ANDERSON-MOBLEY and 14",. Ollie Akins have returned people Hope served refresh­ ville Marsh. WF, 339 East Main .treet. (13Julltp) ments from a in North Carolina and Mrs. Lillie Finch .her son Miss Vivian of trip joined' FOR RENT-Two unfurnished rooms, Andeflon, daughter Tennessee. Mr: 'and Mrs. M. J. Parrish and SOli, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Inman E. Mr. water, lights and bath. GEO�GE and' Mrs. John L. Anderson, and _ � _ _ Ri.chard, of Green Cove Spring., Fla.; Farm Loans! Hulsey, from Columbus, at Daytona Oak M,.s Cream HODGES, 506 street. (l!J�lltp) Harris W. son Mr. and Mury Agne. Flake, of Savannah, for week Mobley, of BIBLE CLASS ME·ETS Beach, Fla., the end. furnished and M". and Mrs. Lewis Foster and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Finch and FOR RENT-TW02·room Mrs. O. B. MobleY', of Savannah, were If you need . The Lane's Bible cia•• held Its reg­ of money-QUlCKLY_n a Corn canl 25c will be vacant July 20. children, Spartanburg, S. C., were. short or Ion. term 'Sty,le apartments married daughter, Miss Jackie Waters; Mi�s Mayfield Sunday afternoon, June 21\, ular meeting Wednesda'y afternoon at guests of Mr. and Mrs. 16'-J. Flake bll8l.a a , 341 South Main street, phone Grady at low rate of fnterest to Verna Collina, Miss Elaine West, Mr. at Cavalry Baptist Church, Savannah, the home of Mrs. L. D. Sanders. Miss recently. , .. purchase a farm, re-ftaurnce and Mrs. Hewlett Roberto and Mrs. (l2j\llltp) Sanders the The lb. with Rev. John S. Wilder officiating. Angelyn gave devotional, Ladies' Aid Society of th CHAS. E. QONE ., lovely reception D. E. Lanier Jr. for u few Mr. and Mrs. WaUi. of States­ lawnRE�[TYYCO, days. I Cobb, on Forty-First street. Assisting in '\ill be held at the home of Mrs. Mr. ·Mrs. B. F. Lb. 43c (12julltp) . M,·s. H. Dollar and children, of boro; visited. and. sel'Ving 'were Mrs. Otis Waters, Mrs. M.\ Amanda Simmons. Mrs. Simmons Woodward TRUCKS FOR SALE We Sta'rke, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Sunday afternoon. QUICK I Mrs. A. G. and Mrs. Pennington will b co-host- Dayton Anderson, Kemp, )U.s have two 1',.-ton Mrs. C. B. Lanier for alew week•... Marybeth LeWil, of Savan­ Dod�e M,·s. E.'W. Hartsell and Mrs. Martin csses. FREE! taken ontruct�,, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robertson and lIah, .pent the weel, end with Jrer and Drawn 1946 and 1947 ",odel, In. d� iJ Drel!J�ed {rgra. little daughter, Amy, o.f Albany, are II.",,"tl, Mr••nd Mrs. J. M. Lewl•• in excellent condition; After the ( .f'llIDAY ONLY! reception the y?ung Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bulloch Circuit Mr. • 1� SEAbargaIsL��i'i visiting �obert- County and Mrs. William Cromley, of NlpHT, -J,!LY monthly payment. left on a �,4 c couple wedding trip ,tljUtulltr 80n Sr. F. J. Pastor were dinner BANK.' (15'Juntf) JORDAN,. Brooklet, Sunday guests 29c Potato B.KlNG HENS" Florida. On their return will Mr. Regular Chips they and Mrs. Willie Denmark and Services ore U8 of Mr. and Ml'II. H. Package. . follow8 in of H. Zetterower. iano live in TalIahasse, where Mr. eoch, .... FOR ht p $75" Fla., ·Mrs. Sallie' Denmark, of Meldrim, the churehe.: first Mr. .nd Mrs, Waldo of with wtal purcha� of $5.001 For The Oven is connected with the Com- Register, Sunday; Waters, k,tc en ca t '15.', 9x12 Mobley were Mr. and Mrs. Ready InrogeSA�Eh- UWlbl!;me, .... guests of Grady Union, 'second Sund.8Yi Langston, Stilson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Emory all mod'tI y Loan CO. Flake last week. or more. wool rug, $20; 9x12 grass ·rug, $5; third Sunday; Eureka, fourth Sunday. and Mr. and Mrs, Wa­ JOHN ------DeJ.oach. TOlh in good condition. MRS. Mrs. A. C. Wyli'y, of Lake City, Services at each of thes. church will .::::;:_ __; ters Sunday. COME 119 boulevard, and ·Miss of Mt. ..".__ AND THE FAMILY! ·Lb. 43c STRICKLAND Coilege Fla., �thel Elder, be at 11:30 a. m. and S:OO m. �-=�=,_----_ � . p. Mrs C. BRING, visited Mrs. Joho 1(. FOR SALE-Few tens of C. DeLoach spent a rew hpone 369-L. '(13julltc) Gillad, Ohio, In all of these church communities good, RENT-Fumllhed'room tor en- N·E".n.' IIAJ last week. peanut MRS. JOHN days during the week end with Mr_ Robertson the are invIted to hay. B. EV- pie or MRS. T. O. ,. on people worship with lady. MACON, T FOR SALE"":New The friends of Mrs. M. ERETT, 144 North 'MaIn and Mrs. Walter Ryals and falnily hous,:" �e many W. us. phone 20S South Main Itreet, lIII-lL FAMILY two bedroom3, Master of SavaR� 851. phoa. ' - VliIlinm Waters, street; . in Savannah. . Package dl�appl!a.rtng street](29 unUp)brlghtlFOR(29junlte) stairway. ftoor furnace, ca�net kltch- nah, spent this week with Buddy An­ Friends of Mrs. Griffin re­ CHEWING'GUM of 6 l7c Hoyt PAC� en sink hot water heater;, ready_ for deraon. to hear of of COLONI4LS' rret the. serious 11I,!�. occupan�y in' about two weeks. ,CHAS. 14 .... and Mrs. R, C. Martin and chil- her Mrs. IS in a mother, FIelds, who No Vz E. CONE REALTY CO.: IJ::lC. dran, Gary and Gale, visited in Sa- Savallnah CROWN .. sospital. vannah Sunday. . 2 Cans 25c. (12jul.ltp) ..j. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Jack Ansley and chil­ VIENN�. -SAU_$AGE, Budget.i.ef Mr. and Mr•. J. L. Ne.mith, of Sa­ -- Now dren a few as YOU NEED A TRtiCIt? were . last week DOU .pent da� vannah, guests Sunday of Mr•• 12 oz. one we guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stone ROUND lb. S3c is your chance to get cheap; and Mfl. Buie Nesmith. and at S. Steak, haYe two 1',.-ton Dodge trucks,. 1946 Mr. and Mrs. fnmily Sumter, C. ARMOU,R�S. TREEI' 'Can· 39c Layton Sike•. and 1947 taken in oil debt, that Misses June and Janis Miller and SmLOIN lb. 83C' aad model, son, of S1>atesboro, �pent Sunday with Steak, we MUST sell at once; excellent con- and Mrs. Sikes. Sylvia Anne Zetterower are Mr;. Coy spen��lJg No. dition' price; easy terms. Mr. and Mrs. this week a8 of Alice � bargain Robert, Warnock, of guests. .mll­ AMERICAN lb. 83c BANK. Mr. T-BONE. Steak, SEA iSLAND (16juntfc) Suvannah, were guests of Mr. ler, and Mrs. Miller -- ... - Sunday Heyward and, SARDINES. 3 ,. Ca!,s 19c --_._-- other relatives in Fla. and Mrs. J. T. Creasy Jr. . Jacksonville, AT ONCE-Man or woman Rqast, lb. 57c WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harn and children, 1\(1'. and Mrs. G. D. Woodward, CHU� to household ne- 'If , 12 oz. supply Rawleigh of last week with . Savannah, spent Savannah, and Mr. and Mrs. John , to consumers town of Bo, DOLE lb. 55c ceasities In. �he Mr. and "I's. Josh Martin. . quine, of Washington, D were the Can l7c Beef, full·or a C., FRUI� COCKTAIL OROUNP StatesboTOj part ttme; V�· Mrs. Louise Barne3, of Savannah, of Mr. and Mr.: B. F. Wood­ will full detaIls guests tal card bring you spent the week end with her . parents, ward and Mrs. A. E Woodward dur­ STEW lb� without obligation. Write RAW- No.2 Beef, 35� Mr. and Mrs. Josh Martin . the week Mem- I ing GAF 1040-216, cs LEIGH'S, Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Go�, CalJlP, Mr. SLICED' Can Tenn. of and Mrs. Carl Durden and chil­ PINEAPPLE 25'c phis, (16jun-27juJ-p) LeJeune, N. C" spent the week end dren have returned to their horne in . with COLONIALS' - Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Waters. acres m I Savannah after their FOR SALE-43 acres, 39 c!, having spent 1 Lb. house WIth ·Mrs. Leta Waters and daughter, •. tivation, vacation here. with Mr. and Mrs. JR VAN CAMP four.!o0'!l Billie J of are &. metal ·roof, electroc lights, barn and , Puia3ki, visiting Denmark and Mrs. J. A, Denmark and PORK. BEANS ,'Can lOc awhile her sistei' Mrs. Josh Pride Beef �ith ' 1'"' acres tobacco other relatives other outbuildings, . R' -- allotment, five acres gs pec�n . Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Watson visited co�ton, �2 '�"". of Standard Cut Green tre�, water and Avery Bragg, Savannah, 14 .... A. E. Woodward the week' PEANUT Bth'TER ROUND lb. 99c Mr•. during Steak, p0'ld; fl,shdng c'i1��s En spent Saturday night with ToJ'll end. Dr. and Mrs. Watson are mh�­ Martin and 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald CONE l,eaaAoIILaTYQIYCPOl'lcleN'CRE. ., .,. from BEANS, No.2 can lOc PETER 29c , (12l'ulitPi sionaries Brazil. Both huve been PAN, 1�-oz. jar SIRLOIN Steak, lb $1.65 Martin. '.' in a Columbia ho.pital and have re­ POULTRY AND ·HOG. RAISERS. _ Mr. and Mf3. O.�Neal W.illiams and coveied, but will not return to B....iI. Fresh Green and White Watermaid Now is the time for for sons, of Canal Pomt, last Tasty 'I'-BONE lb. - Chick-Tone, Fla., spent Steak, $1.09 week with On F'iday of last week members of worms, ga,pes white ..�iarrhoea' Jour hi. parents" Mr. and Mrs. d I • G WllliamB Drive the Denmark LIMA �thi ,home Club and the No.2 can the Sewing BEANS, 16c RICE,,3-lb.· .,.r .�.- !,' pkg. (acfsI) lb. 69c as�urance and Home Demonetration Club enjoyed a CHPCK Roast, clucks. Aftr mH�e c���:.n th': wo": M�. 'and' ¥";'. '�lId�lii� Myers - the - at i:'at n:ver fails;. ea'BY to son, of Savannah,. and Mrs. Mar­ ..;� �-... ;'J .pend day party SavannaJr Standaril Red Ripe Delicious White Tom. Beach. were Phillip'r results. Sold tin spent wltli Mr. and Mrs. I �" They a.companied 'II, treatme!,� �n-try , our air-conditioned fittIng ro�m_nd Hall, at First and Fln••t First and FI_t -·��4 llnms, Mr. and Mr.. oJ. M. Williams, Wrightsville. First and Fln"t First and Fln••t for 10 Ib's. 37;c be assured of a fit by our trained 1It- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Proctor Mr. and 'M.... 0 C. Williambs, of Mil­ and. ,for for al!-around . ORANGE Juice,,46 oz. can 30c tel' No waiting, no Ilostage, no COD and Mrs. Ethan of sar.ty 'or .tyllng comfort and .... len; and Mr. and Ml'II. Emory WOl­ �OAP Powd�rs, 19. pkg. 25c daughter Proctor, anc# driving riding Fancy W�st East No,..Il nah. ana Mrs. om Martin. dainty l'Cf�eBhments were serve,d. Mrs. Parrish Statesb 1'0, \.ieorgln. Mr. and Mrs. Walton , received many useful street. esmith a\ld Floyd gifts. This the 29tb of Miss Harriett is with day, June, !l9�. children, Judy apd Mr. and May visiting HATJl'IE MaI1Y; . POWELL, IIbs. friends ia Savannah this week. C. J. Martin Mr. anill rs. H. Clerk Bulloch . !lullerior Court, W. -Nesmitb, Mr. and. MI'II. John" Bulloell County, Georgia. i aarnes and MI.s Rainonla Nesmith .' (8juI2tp) . . . enjoyed a flab fry the Fourth. , ,


I ARRIVE FOR BIRTHDAY BIBLE SCHOOL RETURN FROM FLORFIDA COO L'! has returned JUNIOR WOMAN'S TIMES Pl1LASKI NEWS Cpl. T. Jesse Strickland, 64th Mili- OOn Sunday mprning, July 16th, Mrs. W. S. Hanner CLUB BULLOCH Pollee Fort N. the Bible school with Lt. The of tary Platoon, Jax, ·Y., I there will be regular from a visit of several days July meeting the Junior Wp­ is to arrive this week for a few at 10 :30 at Hill and AND Mt's. C. L, Turner left Sunday days' Temple church, and Mrs. Shelton Brannen at Panama man's Club will be held f�r THEATRE leave. 'He will Thursday, LOANS! with friends and relutives In GEORGIA be home ""ith hifi par' in addition we will have with us our NEWB n visit She was by' July 13th, at �:30 o'clock in the com­ 'I'IIB STATESHORO ents, Rev. and Mrs. J. E R. L. with a City, Fla. accompanied Miumi, Flo. STATESBORO Strickland, pastor, the Rev Owen, FHA 215 West Main in time in for Mrs. John R. Godbee, of Griffin, and munity house. Ow' drive 10r new HOM� LOANS, FARM Mr. and Mrs. George Kilgo, of Sa­ street, arriving \ special message preparation LOANS, D. B. TURNER, Editof'Owner. AIR CONDITIONED! for his father's 15th, ,the week of cottage of Stilson. members will close with thia vannah were week-end visitors of Mr. birthday July following prayer Mrs. Shell' Brannen, meeting. BUSINESS LOANS AND which the and friends to He has one Sun- • and Mrs. M, F. Kilgo. NOW SHOWING family plan meeting.. given up • • • We urge all old and new members to AR SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER yE Mrs. Waiter' Lee attended celebrate Sunda)" at their home. day of his varied church and mission G.I.LOANS Mr. and t TO WASHINGTON Leaf" •• • • RETURNS attend" We are anxious to our "Bright so that he begin the Waters reunion given at the An­ programs in Savannah may and Mrs. Prince Pres­ Lauren Bacall HERE FOR THE FOURTH Congressman new year with an increased member. CAN GET LOAN APPROVED ass mattor March on Starring Gary Cooper, us more' of hi. time, and asks BEFORE BUILDING. ...tered a.. second-cl derson pond the Fourth. give Mount, N. and Jack Carson Rev. and Mrs, Malvin are ton are visiting in Rocky and much IF YOU 83, 1905, ai the pOBtoffiee at Statel­ Mrs. D. C, Coursey and daughter, Blewett, of -for our co-operation. Also plans ship enthusiasm to tackie INThND TO BUILD OR BUY SEE . Con­ in The story' of early tobacco markets several last week to for the will return home af­ Ga., under the Act of n1'C visiting relatives Augusta, spent days be perfected home-coming C. Mrs, Preston our next the children's boro, Katherine, in the South Mis. Hazel play, theater oi. March 3. 1879. this weck. with her mother, Mrs, John Everett. to be held on the fourth Sunday, Nevil IB visiting in New­ It'Ils. Jacksonville, F'la., day ter a few visit and CongressMan which we were for day's project, plan to ptesent In Mns. Jnnie Jones and Miss Ruth They joined the Fourth by July 23rd, the first itay of our annual port, Tenn., with Mr. and Mrs. Jack FIRST on to Washing­ SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Preston will continue the fall. FEDERAL SAVINGS & '.oAN Allmond, of Metter, visited Mr. and Wright Everett and lit- revival m,\eting. Cope. ,early Williams "Flaming Fury", Ue son, Bill, of Metter. REPORTER. ton. E. B. 1111'3. Linton Sunday, Beaver STUBBS, Taken from fed'eral files. �t!. Roy and children, Jane MR�. DEARTS ARE Mr. and 1111'''. Charlie Collins, of Press ASSOCIATION OF SA_DDENED and apent in Sa­ Reporter. STAT�BOPO Bartow, Fla., were week-end visitors RoyRoberts George Cooper ,an Johnnie, •••• to- - ALSO­ -OR- The Times goes to its readers of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones. vannah. fLORIDA VISITOR Mrs. Robert Drane and "Horsemen of Sierras" enshrouded in a cloud of acrrcw son, Brent, the b. J. W. of is·the day Snow, Monroe, Mi'BS Malvina Trussell has of of Savannah, visited her parents, Mr. Chas. Starrett and Burnette returned in the home circle. The hand Smiley gue.t of gressman and Mra, P. H. and Mrs. John Everett, Saturday. Don't forget the Kiddie Show to her home in 'I'allnbussea, Fla., after GEORGE M. JOHNSTON come and left its stern Preston. death h�s Mrs .• Linton with 'some Williams, Saturday morning. Wee�-En'd a visit to Dr'. and Mrs. Feilding Rus- has been imprint. A member cull�d friends fr:om Metter, left Monday for Ml'S. Jon. H. Preston, of Dougles, IB sell end other friends. She wns accom- our the New by that finnl Voice which rules (I trip through England SUNDAY and MONDAY the guest of Congressman and Mrs. panied to her horne by Miss Mae Mich-' A. M. Seligman Is spending Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore 'have re­ lives. "Conspirator" , Preston. I and Mrs . .Jim Warren and little In New he I. turned from Robert Taylor and Elizabeth !]'aylor ael, wh will be' her guest for several days York, �here buy- Atlanta, where Mr. Moore a Mrs. '. Almost a third-of century ago. son, Jimmy" of Mt. Vernon, spent the SPE'CIAL a�d ):.ohmon Brantley and merchandise for his has been Also and ing fall store. receiving medical a man novelty comedy �r. d.yi. a\tentlon., Remer Brady, young week end With his mother, M·rs. Mary Sale! of are several! Logan children, Atlanta, visiting rela­ imbued with strength of and Ist���.Warren. ' , body TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY tive. h�re: character and courage, entered the' Mr. and' Mrs. Earl Stanfield, of "When Willie Comes Marching Mr. and Mrs. JameB Aldred circle. Every moment since that day Soperton, visited her parents, Mr. spent I contribution to that circle ,ha� and Mrs. J. H. the Home" several at St. Simona r his Johnson, through I Sale of Dre••e. and Hat. daYB recently tended to betterment. As has been week end, Starring Dan Dailey, Corrinne Calvert 8y Special Reque.t Repeat and Brunswick. his attitude in the family circle, so Mrs, Celia of and and Colleen Townsend. Jones, Statesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Griner and has been his community life. Quiet- Mrs. Ralph Henderson, of Americus, contribu- and Mrs. THURSDAY and FRIDAY daughters, Sybil and Patricia, have Iy and modestly making were Sunday guests of Dr. and those which called for Z. Friday, Monday returned tion to things J, Patrick. "Young Man With a Horn" Saturday Atlanta, where they lIEYRE OFF! TRUCII every Mrs. Walter Bacon fr�m _EST responsibility facing and'daughters, a , action, Starring Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall spent few daYB. . and wisely. He did not and Ruth, of D. . fearless!y Mary WashingtonJ• and Doris Day. Mr. and MI.�. Joe Joiner and chil­ to has wus manfully -are her MTS. t:re'sil'e go-but C., visiting mother, Also news and Pete .Smlth short ready. Mllry Warren. dren, of Screven, spent the week end Mr, and Mrs. Lamon Williams, Mr. with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ben That his worth as a citizen ,has I ancl Mrs. Paul Foss and Mrs. Wal­ of been and appreciated has SPENCE-LOVINGOOD Special Deal. KGI recognized Group ••••IM.IEDI· ker Whaley spent the week end at Mr•. B. W. ,of been made clear by the attitude of Mr. and Hill, Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lltchman friends Beach. of Statesboro, announce the the throng of thoughtful formerly I , Sava�nahMr. and Elan Warren an­ and son, Oharles Henry, of Marble­ who rallied to vthe member'S of his �IS. marriage of their daughter, Bertha <, JHOUIAND. 0' IOID I'IUCKS STAIT nounce the birth of a are household' in their moments of dark daughter, bo:n G race Spence, to Fred Thomas Lov­ head, Mass., visiting friends and at the Kennedy MemOria) of Fla. and Athens, despair.. For all these munlfesta- Sund�y in"ood, Barasotn, relatlves here. , NArIONW'". IOID ICONOMY IUN' . ' Hospital Metter. The took Feb, tions of Iove an d respect,t the fami'1y Tenn., ceremony place end Summer Mr. and Mrs. Inman Dekle and chil­ Mr. a�d Mrs. Mlrtln have are Dresses is humbly thapkful. Jimmy 6, at Okeechobee City, Fla. They returned to their home In Atlanta Spring dren, Margaret Ann and John, have making their home at Crossville, cov., IIVIIlY .OID TlUCK MOOIL IN here with after spending several day'! Tenn. returned from a week's vis,t to Jack­ IIVIIlY tRUCK·USING VOCaftONI friends and relatives. Mf3. Lovingood is a granddaughter $ 8.95 Dresses .at .$'6.00 Bonville Beach. mOil I Mr. and Mrs. Preston Ivey, Mr. and ,,[ MrB. B. T. of Stilson. The ._,,""'" io INa YOUNG MAN Reynoid'B. Miss Ellis has returned home billOry STATESBORO Mrs. Aiton Daniels and of Nancy I. DOW TboUlancf. of Ford daughter, •••• Dresses at 7.00 Doder _y. Truck PURSUES MEDICAL STUDY and Frank of Miamt, $10.95 .$ after spending several weeks with _ will record. of Atlanta, Daniels, GROOVER-JONES MISS SYBIL ELIZABETH LEWIS keep complete day-Io-day Fla., were guests of Mr. Pond Mrs. her Mr. and Mrs. loecie baalM, mile. "a..Ued, fuel CODlumeel and First Lieut. John D. Deal has re­ the gf1lndparents, Pip­ Gordon for the week end. Ml's. T. G. Groover announces at Hartley $12.95 Dresses .s 9.00 Julian H. Roberts, 01 Florence, pin, in Midville. toeaI npllln aod maiDleoance for a .h.-monlb ported to Brooke Army Hospital Cen­ engagement of her youngest daugh­ �ISS LEWIS BECOMES 'Mrs.s, C., sister of the bride, was matron Mrs. E. E. Purvis (the former .,.noel. ter at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, for Mildred to Ruufs Leh­ BRIDE OF �Is'. PHARMACY tol', Annetto, . MR. ORTMEYER IN Dresses at " of honor. GRADUATES $14.95 .,$10.00 She wore a pink silk or- Leona Anderoon), of Rocky Mount, IUllAnc ...... -anoN fIlA, _. active d'uty with the MedlcJlI Depart­ Pete former gtateaboto mon Jones, of Atlanta and Register. 110. I Royal, Miss Sybil Elizabeth Lewis, daugh- gandie gown and pink taffeta' tiara. N. is here with her husband for' • _IC'/I'I 1IltICII YAWlI a C., ment of bhe and hlU! begun man and son of Mr. and MrB. The is a of Army, young bride-elect graduate 'Dresses at ... . I Her '!'be Ford a.... wDI $16.95 $12.00 ter of Mrs, Elbert Lewis•• flowers were a bowel' of orchid the tobacco season. IIcoOODlJ H. M. of was Shepherd forthcoming medical intel'llship at BI'ooke Royal, Metter, recently Teache.. attend­ f, lot �oe 10 _ wbal Pord _Ders lIear's ,College High School, became the bl'ide of Homer' The other were from the Southern School Stat�bol'O, gladoli, attendants Mr. ,and Mrs., Oscar Simmons and ha.. UDWO Pord Truck. do graduated and "'.,aloo•. General Hospital. Teachers and . of in Atlanta. He has ed�Georgia College, fo� $18.95 Dresses at son Patricia of S. ilion in Pharmacy pass­ $19.95 .$14.00 Frede,ick Ortmeyer', of' Dr: and Roberts, Flol'ence, C., Bon, Will, have returned from Savan­ PI' dollu-iD,..,. hUlln.... "'" of the Medical has been a A recent grDd�ate ed the state board and is a member of the past several yearB as busl_. lei ... toda,1 Cb...... from over Mrs. FI'ederilli< W. Ortmeyer, of AI- junior bridesmaid; MrB. Richard nah Beach, where they have been vis­ Bon of the Pharmaceutical Association. He 17' 'CIf'! Truck mod.I.1 of Geor.gia, he is th� member of the Middleground school Dresses at . &ODom, College $25.00 .$17.00 gonn, , in a double ceremony Martin, of Alexandria, Va., and Mi'8s is a of Statesboro High ring iting Mr. at)d Mrs._Lannie Simmons. Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Deal, Statesboro. graduate Mr. ha3 a with faculty. on June 30th. The cere- Betty Jane Eckman, of Atlanta and W E.' School. Royal position candlelight Ml�. Ed BrunBon, .. BrunBon, World Lt. Deal served a of During War'II Atlanta. Mr. Jones, graduate Register D. aB Costa-Jones 'Pharmacy, mony was 'solemnized at the West- Washington, C., bridesmaids; Mis's Vivian Phillip,. and Carlton Bow­ three in the U. S. and Baw, • • • • attended Teach­ years Army High S�hool, Georgia ern church in Master Julian Roberts as as Presbytorian Washing- Hartridge en spent Sunday In Mllledreville ser.vice in both the European theater AT DAYTONA BEACH ers C�lIege, University of Georgia, and Min 25 PER ton, D. C., the father of the groom dnll' bearer, Ginny Sowell guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. BrunBon. Miss Southern CENT ON ALL, of operations the Far E!lst-Ja­ MI.. Aim Brown and Shirley and is now a student at the and as f'.8 Joll I\..nd REDU�ION and Rev. C. Stuart McKenzie officiat- Libby Robert. ftower girls. Mrs. Ed Brunson, W. E. Brunson, III II.T,W. ,..", " Miss . .000 .... Oft, lin... r""k to Walters, Macon; Beverly Po�lc, of Atlanta. " __ I pan. College Pharmacy, Eckert Wipf, of Chevy GhaBe, Md·., and Carlton .. _ of y., " ••. tnck Cum",ing' Miss Sue Simmons, SUMMER COTTONS. ing. Miss Vivian �hlllip. ,fI:4"'", cytI" ..... 1 The will take place in Barbara Ann Brannen, Miss Pat�y wedding Paul McMahon, Columbia, S. C., acted IU! best man and ushers were Bowen, of ReriBter, 1Ipent Sunday In Odom and MiiiS :Ann Water., accom­ August. Richard and Hold Public Hearing early s'ftg "Because" and "The Lord's Martin, Alexandria, Va., Milledgeville as ro";'h of Mr., and by Mrs. Frank Simmons and • • • • panied Prayer." Julian H. Roberts, Florence, S. C. Mrs. Brunson. I On left for I Heywa!:JI • , MaRt bleLi'luid8 M.... Loy W"ten, Tuesday '., f' l . FORDHAM FAMILY The 'motller of the bride wore a Elinor Beadt,' Daytona Beach, Fia., The bride waB riven in marri!,ge Mrs. Ida S. Matz and Miss Ruth commi.­ �e Georeia ftre '&afe�y the week. TO .A:LL of a of' where they will spend HAVF;·REUNION LADIES' SUMMER HA1'S by her brother, 'Harold S. Lewis, of gown aqua �nd ha(;"ade pink Seligman are Bpending the week at Zack D. Cravey, has 'announc­ .- ... The Fordham reunion will eloner, family S. C. She wore a of and aqu!, forget-me-not.. Her ftow­ with 1 Columbia, gown Savannah Beach their parentB, be held ed that a public hearing will AT SAVANNAH BEACH be held at Upper AT ers were a of Sunday, July 28rd, GOING HALF PRICE. traditional white Batin fashioned on eorsage pink sweet­ Mr. and Mr.. L. Seligman, who are at the state loIr. Mrs. Gene L. _Rodges and Friends are in­ Friday, July 14, capitol, an� Black Creek church. The-fitted bodice with heart roses. 'The mother there. Charles and and princess lines. groom's spendlnr the summer to consider state t'llies and Aons, Rusty, Jim, be served at Atlanta, vited. Basket lunch will alencon lace wore a gown of rose CI'Cpe and a hat i. . an of M.�. G. W. Hodges, have returned overlay imported Mrs. A. L. Sutherland spendin; III .". """ - the -Perrl r"""" ee regulations governing �torage where noon. B. C. FORDHAM, of rose Her flowers were a from Savannah Beach, they ...... buttoned up the back to form a stand- flow,erB, several weeks with ht;r m.ot�er, Mrs. handli!lg and transportation of flam­ last week at the Akinfi cottage. President. of whito spent ing collar. The skirt of unpreased corsage gardenias. Braddock, in Burlington, N. C. She MI'. and Mrs. Hubert Wators .... mable liquids. joined at ended in a full ftowing scal- A reception was held the Roger will be lator Mr. Sutherland, "I=,ORD IRUCD LAST them for the week end. pleats joined by LONGIR Tohis conference will �erve a double BEASLEY REUNION Smith Hotel. _.Iet." ,••Iotr__ ...... 1.- _".1Ife .._...... ,.v. PeN ,...... "'" ,,_, loped train. The bride's headdress , who will accompany her horile. a of the George R. and purpose, being both public hearing The. reu"ion a to Mr. was.a tiara of seed with a fin- After wedding trip Na�sau Mr. and Brunson STRA setter with lem- Sarah was held July pearls �... Heyward and a meet­ YED-EngIiBh Beasley fammily on rules ajloption regular Store carried a and Mrs. will reside at 3517 after She Ortmeyer to on cars, has been mining 2 weeks: 4th at uRed Bug Haven," near Lowe1' Brady's Dept. ger-tip illusion Xeil. have returned 'Milledgeville I s. W. I'NC. Fire advis­ Ing of the Georgia Saftey from 108 In­ Mill Creek church. rela­ ,whito Martha Curtis drive, Park Fairfax, with LEWIS, disappeared home, Sixty-two whito satin prayer book, a�d spending the holidaYB their 38·42 NORTH 'MAIN ST. GA. board. The meeting will convene man street; m:r to my kidB and tives and close friend. attended. An 19 North Main STATESBORO, ory belonge S,., �tatel"oro orchid. Virginia. ents, Mrs. W. E., Brun�on and Mr. like to have him in­ ba�ket lunch at 10 a. room state would back; any abunJlant and deliciou. m., 235, capitol. and Ml's. Claude at Register. formation the dog will be was served. Aftor lunch singing, led Phillips, All inter�ted are invited and OF GARDEN CLUB par-I persons CLUB MEETS greatly appreciate.regardin:r. ELI by !tev. Lovell and. Miss Patly Ha­ CIVIC GARDEN HODGE�, The Gal'den Club held their to attend. or FEDERA'l'ED regular urged phone 596 402-R. (18juI2tl') gan, was �njoyed. STATESBORO all at the Hotel A new club has been federated, July meeting Jaeckel Ask eilhtr ••. HI" E. for ii way requirements have been met, all dues with a luncheon in honor of Mrs. """.-marla Ihe sam. thing. have been paid, admission card, has W. Clapp, director of the Garden Cen­ of been received and there is not�jng tel' uf Savannah. In the absence Refresh ... welcome MIS. Arnold Mrs. Bu­ else to say but ask thllt you Rose, presiden,t, StutesboJ'o'ij first Federated Garden ford Knigl1t, pl'ogram chuirman, pre­ The of Club, whose ambition is to ma�e sided, llighlight the meeting Statesbo:o'o and Bulloch county more was a talk by MI'3. Clapp on ftower add zest and With your' support arrangement. Each nKlm»er had been .OW4-roSII r..•.,.d·Pr."".. C.r ",ft. r"\. bea�tiIlil. I GM _,"r•.M."" .r'v.· L,I' co-opel'ation, this will be an easy asked to bl'ing n container and fl..ow­ "r'." •• eo"".,,'ellee et'S 'them at the _'".a ••• � task. arid arrange meetIng. of had been com­ The foregoing is an outgrowth Aftel' the arrangements to States- were criticised Mrs. the,hour the arden committee of the pleted they by "S'i-BAD which has done and on Those at­ 01' Club Clapp judged points. 3 harog Woman's two were Mesdames outstanding work during the past tending the meeting he isk most anyone, and H. R. Neal Jr., C. M. Jr., F. Perteet Pertormanee CombilUltUJnl yea.s. RObbi.ns .. trav.1 r...... h... in , of our acc<>lII- C. Parker Carl Harry the _---- some Jr., Frankhn, lowe... fi.leI! .... eould point out pri�. Sam , and Sack, Harry Strapss, '. plishments ... undma�ings. B�unson, "I members 'Lehman M. C. With the following thIrty Frankhn, Cowart, B�­ . , forward to taking up ford Knight, Lawrence Bill we are looking Mallard,: AS 1110_ to leave Wendell J. C. h. this committee had I Alderman, Burke, HI�e5, ":';' Mrs. Dell T. Lanier and SftIDEIAIEI CHAMPION :ff�reMrs. Dean Anderson, H�zel Smallwood,'F. Jr, " L. Bame., Mrs. MISS Irma �ASS., �-DOOIt CUSTOM SEIDl.. Ander,son, Mrs. E. Spears. Mrs. Percy Mrs. Cliff Bradley, B�and, VISITORS' FOR FOURTH _ ' Bran- . B rannen, Mrs Juhan Aulbert • Mr, and Mrs. Grover Oglesliy had Mrs, Jame. P . Mrs, J. Branan ' nen, 1m, as for the Fourth Mr. Mrs. rs. J' guests !,nd M[s. 1:)ekle, M Collins, 'Inn7'dn 'Oglesby and daughter, Chris, of $1,590.54 d �m Ray Statesboro, Ga Mrs. Delivered in Donaldson, Florence, S. C., and Mr. nnd Mr... O. Lo�on'J. ., M�: Alfred Dorman, Mr,. �ur",en, and SIlo,. 1_" if ••" ,,.,,.. d B. Cole and daughters, Barbara Waldo Floyd, Mrs. ';i'll ...... _, Wiry ,Ift",ofby � •• R?ger Connie, of 'thomasville. Miss Mae, ... 10 dlffete 1n troMPGI'tution Mrs. J. 0 °J:;n�' charge. Ml's, Glenn Jennmgs, ,: accompanied her brother aud F'. T Oglesby H. P. ston, Mrs. his famjly to their home in Floren,"" ��:.!:;,:�C·:.::'::!':d.l.: You know driving something G: .. .you·� Jon�s'h�rsM 4-4loor _e4aD. IS �••. 8tadivht Mrs. Clyde a .. In- coupe, when command the exua Lanier, Mlt� and the grollP will make vi it to ••• special .you "uin ooupe Mrs. Bruce �ll'ffI,r� 'rk.. 10 power, the luxurious and M. Newton, in North 'lUbject chong. without notlce smoolbne�s T3. teresting places Carolina. the effortless ease of a Pontiac Silver Mrs. B, H. Mrs. C. P. Olliff, Ram�ey, I , •••• Slreak Suaighl Eighl. ADd how i. Mrs. e� Olin Smith Ml's AI Sutherland, RETURN TO ATLANTA is to command with Hydra-Malic Drive! rs. F. I. Williams, ,Mrs. Jones and No clutch pedal, no con�t�nt 5hifting­ D. B. Tur�er, Eugene childr�?, just set a lever, celax and go! 'MI's. R. L. Winburn. I Jack and Jerry, have Pontiac �s the tar in returne� �o �h�1r lowest-priced REPORTER. nome in Atlanta after a VISit With America offering the perfect perform. • •• • relatives here. were ance combination of straight-eight. They TO MEET and Cecli power and Hydra-Malic Drive. Come W.S.C.S. af- nied home by June Kennedy IVI'II 111eet Monday see how and accompa-I , in and easily economically The W.S,C.S, will be their' for sev- at 4 Jr., who guests you can enjoy traveling first·class. Methodist church -. ternoon at the .Oplin"/OIII .1I..a.b III utr. "". eral days. o'clock for the literary program. T?e. • ••• will be "Pil­ topic for the aftcrnoon LOSES BROTHER H. C. and lars of the Earth." Mr. and Mn.. Bagby I?ale Three. Germa: the week end in" ALTMAN PONIIAC the college Will Bagby spent �OMPANY' students from where the . lenceville; they atte"dell .. A " J. Franklin .. .. been arrange��ea Sam .. has 'Company 37 North Main Street, .. . . Ga. !i!pecial music funeral of Mr. Bagby's brother, who SOUTH MAIN ST. PHON E Statesbor(,), .' .42-L , large attendance is urged. died there Friday. t, JULY 1950 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1960 SIX BULLOCH TIMES AND STAT,ESBORO �EWS THURSDAY, 13, BULI.OCR TIMES AND STATE,SBORO NEWS --- CITATION \0. ' DEPARTMENT OF BANKING, STATE OF GEORGIA of In of said 'loan deed has the DEPARTMENT OF BANKING, STATE'OF GEORGIA SALE OF ESTATE LANDS Land Under Powers declared GEORGIA-Bulloch County Atlanta, Georgia Loan entire unpaid balance due and col- Atlanta. Georgia. To It GEORGIA-Bulloch ISaie Deed To Secure Debt. AI! W!'0m �ay Concern: LEEFIELD NEWS. County. lectible, and said sale will be made NotIce IS of an order of the ordl- REPORT OF CONDITION OF GElORGIA-Bulioch County. REPORT OF CONDITION OF hereby given that P. B. By virtue for the purpose of paying the balance of GloMa Brown nary of said state and there Under and by virtue of the powers Brannen, oitusband Daisy A. Bran- b visitin� friends In county; due on said 10Bn deed and note or late will be sold at on the BULLOCH COUNTY BANK ofl sale contained in that certain loan SEA ISLAND BANK nen, o� sa!d county, deceased, has Savannah this week. public "utcry, - I $467.56, together with the made first in at the expense to Tuesday August, 1950, ddt d I> d d al?phcatlOn convey the prop- Lila and Meta GlgniJIiat, of Savan- of at the close of busiuess June 1050 of this sale and sur- at the close of business June of Statesboro, ip the State Georgiu, 30. o foreclosure. The. of in the State of Georgia. 30. 1950 which was set court house door In Geor- l'lev'cc' I'cdo bsecuJrey esseeLtee mer atn0 The-e Statesboro. erty aside a's a yea'.... nah, were visitors here last week. Statesboro, exLaecut.ed I I'f' wIII be ASSETS Prudential of, I) us. any, turned over to ASSETS support for the benefit of gla, between the legal hours of sale, Insurance Com puny said minor P I M ha II of the said Lincoln �u ' .. a;s r Greensboro, to for A' on b Womllck. with reserve balances, and child. Sue N., the highest and he1!t bidder other reserve and I mertca th e 16 th d ay of Decem er, Cash, balances other banks, including Brannen. minor child IS hIS Mr. Cash, balances with banks, including balances, This the 1st of 1950. !3ett� C., vlsltmg grandparents, the described land In day , of July, collection .. DaiSY *. cash, following of colleetion., 1040. and recorded February 4, 1941. cash items in process uf '0$ 751.751.83 Brannan, deceased, by and Mrs. I. H. cash items ill process $ 450.924.89 THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANOE court Beasley. said t,o-wit: m the office of the clerk of Bullooh United States Government obligations. direct and guaranteed. . 904.750.00 the of of said county, States Government direct and 684.735.00 ordinary county Mr. and United obligations. guaranteed.. COMPANY OF as recorded Mrs. James Edendfield and All that certain tract Or of superior court tn deed book on AMERICA, of States and' subdivisions I. 25.000.00 in minute book 3 on parcel Loans and discounts (including no overdrafts) 981,137.32 142. J. A. Obligations political page of visited rela- By • land and In the Amerman, Vice-President. for _ Swainsboro, there will old by t"an. discounts ovcrdrnfts 1.159.479.97 ., the purpose of said" conve c!'lIdren, situate, lying being Bank owned $7.000.00 'pages be F'red Laniel' and (including $4.890.7R tives here premises 247-24.8, T. and ance that Sunday afternoon. 48th G. M. district of Bulloch county, . the the Prudential Insurance Bank owned . $11.575.00 being miaor Furniture and fixtures 8,572.67- 15.572.67 Company Robert S. premises child 1 Lanier. Attorneys. has a and Ml'8. Bob' and one huncbed of America at in tront Furniture and fixtures 15 ..394.83- one-fourteenth undivided Gigniillat Georgia, contalDiq (100) _____ public outcry 26,969.83 in��:' �r. ! est same of. visited rela- acre'S, more or known as the house door assets ...•...... •...... :... 15,184.75 and. is needed for support children, Savannah, tess,· TOTAL ASSETS $2.132,369.88 i� ADVERTISEMENT tives here William R. Newton home and u e - Ot�fr and during the week end. pla.e, °bf010..theB cloulhtloc �ounty, Georgia, Statesh-o� t. maintenance. LIABILITJES ' No. PHC as follows: North first m- within Project Georgia, No. 58; TOTAL ASSETS : ,Said application will be heard' I Mr. and Mra. A. B. Garrick. and being bounded b)' . . be- . .. $2,883,146.38 . Tuesday August. �950. , .of Place, Bullooll fore the I lands of Joe Hart, east by lancht. of D�mand deposits .lndlvldulIls. partnerships, and corporntions $1.457.142.96 the legal hours of sale, to the highest Statesboro, county. L1AUlLITIES., ,ordinary of said county, at son. of Atlanta, visited her parents, ia: • ". court Anna Newton and Stothard Deal, Time �eposlts �f individuals, pnrtnershlp�. and, corporations: . . . 196,120.57 bidder for cash, the following de. Georg Demand deposits of individuals. partnerships, and corporations $2.293.607.03 the house in said county at 10 Mr. and Mrs. G,..dy Williams, last "r'Untted Name of Bul- o'clock a. on south by land. of and States Project, . Bill Deposita G.oyernment. postal savmga 28,712.26 scribed prope.rty: State�boro 'rIme deposits of individuals. pnrtnerships, and corporations. . . 224,845,56 m:, the of July, week. Bradley (,,'.cludmg 'I loch Health l�th �ay Ml'8. Mart and west lands States and at Miller, Deposits of political subdivislons 186,776.83 That certain tract or of lanel County Center\ of United' States Government 7,018.75 1950, time if any. Mr. and Mrs. and by parcel Deposits (including postal savings) whlc� objections, Bobby Stringer T. ., of New of Mra. J. Connie of banks ,...... Type work, Construction. to the, Williams, Quat- Deposits 11.839.57 situate lying and being in the 46th Deposits of State and political subdivisions ...... •..... 118,458.10 grantIng of said application Miss Ruth Ellen Cowart. of. States- Other lind officers' On or about June 26. will heard. tlebaum and Joe Hart. • deposits (certified checks. G. district 1950. drawings of banks ...... •..•..... were etc.) 8,119.68 M.' of Bulloch county, Depesite . 28.823.93 .be bora, Sunday guests of Mr. and and for the construction ThiS The sale will continue from day to TOTAr,. DEPOSITS $1,883.711.87 Georgia, containing ninety-two (92) specifications Other deposits (certified and officers' checks. etc.) 8,227.10 Brd day pi July. 1950. Mrs. N. G. Cowart. between the snme untU all . . of Statesboro Bulloch hours Other liubilitlee more or on County Health TOTAL F I day :...... 8.800.00 acres. less, and bounded DEPOSITS .•... $2.675,980.47 WILLIA ,..uS , : Bob Bradley has returned to Rome of said Is sold. the north of F. Worn- Center at Statesboro, Georgia. wili be o d; af Ii uIioch property by Innds Mrs, TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obliga- County, Ga. after ten with his . spending d'aY" par- BEN TOTAL LIABILITIES subordinated east !lvail"ble for distribution jo general S. MOONEY, (not including obllga- lands of Mrs. F. Womack; shown ...... • aok; by tions below) . $2,675'1980.47 '(6jul�1�ary ents, Mr. and Mrs. J,·H.- and tlons shown contractors by Ben P. Ritzert, A.I.A. Bradley, Adnllnistrator with Will Annexed below) '.' $1.887.511.87 south by lands of B. L. Gay, and west ACCOUNTS other 21 EIIst YOI'I( Savan- CAPITAL PETIT1'tJN FOR relatives here. "Of the Estate of. Newton, other us Architect, St., CUSTODY . W. R. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 'by lands of J. W. Clark. : Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee and chll- . Ga. from contract- 50,000.00 GEORGIA-Bullocit Harry Deceased .. C h bit f d D nah, Applications County _ I .. '. .': :::::::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::' '50,900.00 Petition has dren, Franklin and Ginny. attended 50.000.00 su�: ors interested in bidding on this work, ����� been filed' 'with me . �e;;'b�r . the '. '. k.a1�1�. �y j��ebIiTt�n� Undivided ...... •. Brannen reunion at the steel Notice To Creclilorl. S�:;��; ::::::::::::::::::: .:; :: :: .: :::: ::: : :::::: :: :' not to exceed 1 set of and profits 74,528.78 J. M. Lewis which Dehlora and veyor, which plat is recorded in the drawings by shows the f.ol- . Undivided profits ...... Reserves (nnd retirement account for . bridge the Fourth. .,...... l��,,��:g� specifications together with payment preferred capltal) 82,642.13 facts: Freddy is a!' GEORGIA-Bulloch County. 10- Reserve retirement office of the clerk of Bulloch superior 10wl!,g That, Wiley and MrD. D. W. Jr. and Model 1.0150,142- , (and acccunt /01' j,�ef��red' TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUN'rS $207.165.91 a minor whose Beasley To The Creditors of Emest L. Poin- ��pitdli 40,000.00 court on place of residence i. �r. ' foot ltllko 9000 pounell OVW­ in-deed book 64, page 157. . body. TOTAL CAPITAL ..CCOUNT . . children. Diane and Robert have $24'4' 858 '01 Bulloch county and who ia in the ae- .. dexter. Deceased: OM of 87 different ba'le Int.matioaal ',' On October 21, 1946, the suid J esae wofl't$h25thPeerasercthsl.hteOcUtl,d abendfiletdhePrbo,.mddPltnlgy TOTAL turned to hIS . Atlanta after LIABILITIES AND ACCOUNTS .' .... VIsiting You ate notified to Lee deed the materia' will be forwarded, shipping �PITAL $2,883,146.38 tual custody of Minnie Taylor Hen- hereby J;ender modell, ••ch all oow,.11 proVwd. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND Lanle� conveyed bank'" parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. .... br ·This CAPITAL • 8S 800n of: that Beasley all account to the of M-:COUNTS . t , 6S available. capital certificate filed "'-I undersigned your $213236988 above land to Lmcoln WOnlw chal'ges collect, consists drlx; herewith! -This bank's stock 'd�scrlbed Common with total value of Sr. stock reveals . demand. the estate of the capita) consl'sts' o'f.. - bidder '.uch Bet par $50,000.00 ttrat the agai""t ack wh ICh d d was reeordeaved N m Any upon returning appointment of a Common stock with �e MISS Cora Carnes and Horace Good- named or to631 . par value of opu,".0 000 • 00 and I'n • condl'tl'on will is for above deceaaed lose b'er 4, 1946. m the office of the clerk pl'omptly gRad MEMORANDA guardian necessary the proper man, of Wi!jnsboro, S. C., and Mr. as to es MEMORANDA of be refunded his payment, and any non- Assets or to secure Iiabilitll!'l! and for other disposal of the sum of $1,000 which ty your claim. 'All partr.riori­ MEDIUM-DUTY truck, with Bulloch superior court in deed book pledged as.lgned and Mrs. J. C. of lEW, so now due Carnes, Brooklet, debted to said e.tate are to such set will . is said requested I·163 on bidder upon returning purposes . minor under terms Loans as shown above are after d.t!uction of reserveB of...... 3990.07 pnge 608, which deed provides $ 162,000.00 were be refunded Bids on work recited in an supper guests Saturday night make wih the that It an out- $25.00. this existing document from settlemen� undersign- I. W. G. Cobb. vice-president, oC the above-named bank do Is made aubject to I, C. B. McAllister. vice-president of the above-named bank do of Mr. and Mr•. Roland Carnl!1!. "oiemnly will be Mr. Fred W. solemnly' the Veteran. that ed' In-, In and - the opened by Administration, ITAMINA aCfirm) that the above statement i. and that It cor- security deed in favor of (swear-affinn) that the above .tatement i3 true,.and that it Dr. Mrs. of every part (.w�ar true, and standinK: fully repre.ent. nam Watson, This the 1st of heavy-duty 'fully commissioner of roads and ... and of �nd Law�on day July, 1950. th" true Insurance o.f Hodg"", the true .tate of the several matters herein contained and th� places residence of rectly represents state of the several matters herein and Company . set forth to the S. relatives of Mr. contained Prude.nttal on date the nearest Coillmbla. C., JEAN T. ·revenue, the named in . the relative of said minor are a!,d MnS. POINDEXTER, set the AmerIca. betrt of my and belief. . forth, to best of my and belief . knowledge H. and mIs- to tool Can or knowledge which will be about 21 as follows: Minnie �rs, fonnerly As Admlni.tratrix of the Estate ..... •• - _w k'J...... _...... !It mighty euy handle, __ Said loan deed that the specification, Taylor Hendrix. J: Bradley. � .-,- Correct-Attest: W. G. provides Correct-Atte.t: C. B. McALLISTER. VIc.:President. Slonaries to BraZil, weI" week-end I COBB. the Inaterial is Rt of Em""t L. Deceased. In for a aoon. . maker of same shall all. days after bidding 1, Statesboro. Ga.; John L. Hen- Poindexter, tbeoe Int t1onal Truclat -.ncI they.... demolllttration, ... th� pay D. P. of Mr. and Mr•. FRED'" LANIER for distribution. AVERITT. Rt. guests Bradley. , Ga. 'taxes or s I d available drix, 1, ,Statesboro, Ga and Evie Statesboro, t'don SUI HINTON Mr. and Mrs. r. H. Beasley and R. J. KENNEDY, aB.essmen. �n Bid bond, performance bond and BOOTH, Etta Jackson, Ga. Notice "red T Lanier .and I '\Vhen due and pro�ldes further that ALF.RED Statesboro, and and Mrs. D. W. Beas- H..W' SMITH DOR�AN, family Robert' S. in the loan payment bond will be required. i. hereby given that said application �r. Lanier, ADDRESI event the maker of said DirectoN. ley family the funeral DEALER'S NAMI AND 'Directors. will be heard at on an? attend�d Attorneys for Administratrix. • office the first deed fails to pay any interest. in- STATE OF GEORGIA, County oJ my of theIr brother, Lanme Beasley, Ilt STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Bulloch. NotIce to Creditors. B"Uoch: Monday 'In August, 1950. (6juI6t) stallment taxes said . Or provided in Sworn to and subscribed b<.fore me this 7th of before me this 8th of day July 1950'' and . Sworn to and subscribed day July, 1950. and loan deed when of This 28rd day of June, 1950. due, the bolder GEORGIA-Bulloch County. that I am not an officer or director this PETITION FOR DIVORCE n .... ,.. -., that I am not an officer or director in this bank. hereby certify of bank! I. Re�h:ri�e�i�rdh ����s�a��ft'::tno�hn� Nt ..... '_"-IJIDr-f4IIy €tv!iDIItII,. hereby certify said loan deed shull have the right All creditors of the estate of H. E. F. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. Erastus Lockhart VS. Eva Lena FRANCES Public. HERMAN E. BRAY, Notary' Public:' church Monday afterno'on with Mrs. !!pivey THOMPSON, Notary to declare the entire of the lute of are Divorce In , amount Cartledge. sair! county. commission Mrs. A. J. Lockhart, Suit lor Sur March 23. 195(,' My expires March 31, 1953. PETITION FOR LETTERS Harl'y Lee, pI'Csiding. My cotn�lission expil·.s unpaid bulance on said loan deed and hereby notified to render their de- had of the Court of Bulloch, County, 0 GEORGIA-Bulloch County. Knight charge program .perlor ,_UC�S the note secured and collect- mands to the as . 1960. thereby undersigned required All from Royal Service and also led the .July Term, INIERNAIIO.AL. To Whom It on - Coricern: ible at once. The Baid Je3'ile Lee La- law. LOST-POSSibly streets Frl- FOR RENT Four-room May To de- Lee, presiding. The d'evotional was by t�e apartment Carl Anderson in devotional, with Mrs. J. H. Br.dley Ev� �na Spivey Lockhart, of last ladles' with can having proper Items Mr.. A. J. who led nier and the said Lincoln Womack 'l1his July 7, 1950. �ay we.ek, yellow gold garage; get possession in Thirteen ladie. fendant In aald matter: Register given by Swint. wriSt form applied to me for permanent leading prayer. STATESBORO TRUCK & COMPANY- to I watch; WIll reward finder. MRS. now. W. C. AKINS 6\: are commanded to· be the Lord's Minutes of the having failed pay the 1949 taxes REX HODGES. Executor. SON. weI" all of whom took part You herby TRACTO� Prayer. J. . letters of admini,tration on the es- present, M. CREASY. Rt. 1, Brooklet. term of su- Mrs .. Rebecca Franklin Morehouse. Mrs. assessed against said land, the holder (13jul!>tc) Statesboro. (It) (29jun2tc) on the and appear at the nen EAST VINE STREET PHONE 362 STATESBORO, GA. previous mee�ing were read by Ga.' I tate of W. H. Anderson, late of said program. of New York. arrived here Sunday and Mrs. r. H. had as court of Bulloch Geor- H. S. Warnock in the absence of the Mr. Beasley cou!'ty, _ county, this is to cite all and singular p�rior -;-:===-:=,..-=.-===_==---, and will several days with her for the and Mrs. gla, to the complaInt of the court of Bulloch spend secretary, HI'S. E. L. Proctor. The the creditors and next of kin of W. H. guests holidays !\ir. PETITIO)! FOR DIVORCE superior county H. V. and the In mother Mrs. Franklin. was led in Mrs. W. Marvin Marshall and' son Paul of plaintiff, mentioned ill caption Georgia, to answer the cemplalnt 01 group singing by Anderson to be and appear at my of- Mr. Morehouse will join the N. Mr. and his ar.ll)st you for divorce. Allie Pennington w. John C. Pennlng- the mentioned in the family.' A. Groover. The club was delighted flee within the time allowed Greensbo�<>, C.; Mrs. J�hn- ·�ult plaintiff, caption DETERMINATION by law, I WItness the J. L. Ren- for family this to have Miss Luetta of Nev­ nie Sowell and daughters. of Port Honorable ton, Suit Divorce in Superior in her suit aealn.t you for divorce. Burnsed. and show cause. if any they can, why we;k.cnt. .. . of of Bulloch _'I. Mrs. Eulie and troe, judge laid court. Court County, Ga., July Witnesa the Honoruble J. L. Ren- V. ils, who gave a very interesting dem­ t d Wentworth; BYrd ., Mr3. H. V. Franklin and H. Thi. 17th of • on Uldine and Mr. and day June, 195.0. Term. froe, judge of said court., the onstration lighting. Miss children, Brunswick. Fra!jklin Jr. had a. guests during ��r�:.:::';�d atomC'::�tr�t�d�r::,�u�� W� of HATTIE To John C. defendant In This the 20th of 1950. Shuman was a visitor. Miss Dorothy H. Anderson's Mrs. George Beasley and chilliren, POWELL, Pennington, day June, week Col. and Mrs. Barney Daughtry estate. Olerk aaid nlatter. Johnson a demonstration 'On Portal. All nttended the Superior Court, ROWENA BEALL, FOR RENT-One four-room hou•• gave I Witne.s my hand and official Beasley're- ! Rnd Mrs. C. C. Daugtry. who recently sig- Bulloch You are to be A social hour was enjoyed union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. County, Georgia. heriby C?Qmmanded Dep. Olerk, Bulloch Superior Oourt. lights, water and bath_ 816 W_ from ·Iran and Bre painting. nature, this 24th day of June, 1950. arrived here on the Fourth. (22jun{te) and at the next term of the Main J. G. STUBBS. with Mrs. W. A. Groover. Mr,. A. J. F. WILLIAMS Joe Beasley appear. (22jun4tp)' droet. (29junU) sometime with their parents I. •. Ordinary; ------;_---- - ..... spending Swint and Mrs. Francis Groover as The Leefield Home Demonstration ------:------, here being transferred to Cali- befQre. . hostesses. Hostesses for the August Notice of Special' Meeting' of Club met at the home of Mi.. Har­ fornia. will be Mrs. Lizzie Barnhill' .... meeting Stockholdus of Southeastern rison Olliff with "rs. J. H. Bradley H. G. Lee. The H. V. Franklin family celebrnt­ and II{n. 'as .eo-hoste.s.. Miss Mary Jo Moore Railroad C·ompa'ily' ild the Fourth of July under the spa- presided In the absence of the pre.l- Notice is given that a cious oaks in front of their home. EXECUTOR'S SALE hereby dent. Mrs. Olliff led the devotional, special meeting 01 the stockholder. Ml'8. had as and Mrs. D. fo�lowed by prayer by Beasley. They guests Mr: G.EORGIA-Bulloch County. of Southeastern Railroad Mrs. Fl'ank and Company We had a demonstration by R. Dekle. Richardson Under authority of an order of_sale ".ainting, will be held at 9 o'clOCk a. m. on Au- D h tl son. Mr. and Mrs. of the MI tli J l'b �" �r"nne'.'; the ordh:lUry said county. gust 14th, 1950:at theJaeckel Hotel, Bl'ltt and Carlene Carl\by the will of futde�!�st:ati�nn:�n�:.��i�g ek':rii: FI·ankl!n. Frank-, undersigned as execufor of Bulloch Doiif new Jean Ann of Statesboro, county, Georgia, sene into electric ones a hn, MISS Steadma�n, E. Cartledge, deceased, will, on the lamp. by A to consider a resolution adopted by -(-H Club from Nevils. The host­ Atlantu. and Ml's. D. B. .fir,t in within girl · huy Fl'ankh!". Tuesday August. 1950, on -any- IH. the director. of said company April Berved salad and large table was With deltclous the ihours of the 'esses punch. �pread legal sllie. be.fore 17, 1950, recommending an Increase and cold drl1lks. court door in seil Mi.s June Joyner honored her �ood house said county. of the capital ...:.ock of said South- at to the cousins, Bruce Joyner, of ·Ft. M�yers, public outcry highest bidder, eastem Railroad' Company to a total ASSOCIATED ·WOMEN stated the and of Frost Proof, . terms Ray Joyner, . IIon below, fol.10wmg of shareo non-assessable com- 'Fla:, 200.000 The AW chapter have I d""cribed lnnds and stocks Fla., with a party on Monday night Reg.lster �III corporate mon stock III $50 par value each, ag- It thelT evemng. July at the home of her Mr. and driVt}D meeting Thursday to the estate of said de- . --,. parenta, belonging· gregating $10,000,000.00, and to au- at o'clock in the home eco- Jo�er•. Husic and 1l1d'oor 20th, 8 :30 ceased Hn. Edgar .- YOn'Vt} I '>, thorize the filing .of a pgtltlot! wit\, nomics room of the high Bill I certain tract of land in the games 'Were enjoyed during the even� �chool. (1) That the secretary of state of Georgia to Statesboro fiort,t. WIll IDhooe were Prince Hollo_way, 48th District. Bulloch county, Gear­ amend he charter 'of said Southeaat- ing. ,present en-Ion Brook- tertam and instruct the chapter 108 more Of Gould, Statesboro; Nell Wells, gill, containing acres, ern Railroad Company to permit the flower All members 1 Bertie Mae Barnes, Jean Joyner, arra.'ngement. less bounded north by Eureka road issuance of said stock. let. Franklin Thomas a�e. invited to be prment anLam, Wagner, That certain and Iooct •. payme�t, ID ..Id W..., the .ne" car v...., �r'. of. (5) lot of land in the experience, lro�!If'!'F�Phtr.::�, detllJl!lllDt " . hand. MOrriSO. rItA"'C.HANOr ",� ' WIth her ' , the week end aunt,SYd-, IIZI, I... ., 'ItJ-. C., .pent city of Statesboro Bulloch over_oil 'd'an t matter·... Mr. ty 'engtlt lOT. I Planl.' specifications;, cql',tl1l,c Mrs. S. and are I' il. J p. a�d Georgi;l, frontinR' GO teet on D:��rk garaging. ."or, documents may' be obtained from'WI!, Y!'u h��l!Y c91i11!11'�ded' whll!> �. If so.., ...... ell lite Pr�cto.r,.emamed forProc�r�a 10 u. - ,f",*,110 �, '!ffl."� flol C� McLain g and back There's a Buick dealer near �oo;:lng ,,,rItA'''''D' 'ur:�n� Greene St., and appear at t1ie heitt· teMll' of the FI'a�ces �treet running northward be­ liArs orodlod lis Irvin Arcititect, 722 ...... We er••" wHIt olfler car on the wlll.,Ye,_ . ,It. • of Bulloch .. so 01('., not to ell- Ga., "' . tween superior county, EASY V!Slt. pparaliel lines a distance of 210 you.'He delights in oft' SO" Ga. Applicationt! Cjlurt marlt.,-af!!! price. MISS Mnrtm Has d showing I,orn .",eK AuguHta; to anawer the. of the .J .�••I"'....- Caro!Y:D. return� north landti-of all.coil set of dr,wings and 8Jl8C16- complaint plalll­ Mt's. WII- feot,/bounded by Roy ROADMASTBR. .pilng/nlll SoI.,,_ ceed'ione 110me Mr. and He'll .:D., mentioned 111 the !It hill . .aft�r-V1Sltlng Aldred, east 'by lands of F. W Mock. arrange­ d.11",.,/ow-P'."ur. f1r•• cations with deposit of $50.00 .tlff caption , ,_. __ ...,. She was ac- ,rid.'"eod,_ together W.., to ..". without lette at south Denmark unless all his �ng.forquo·lubo • with suit aeai� yon for divorce. .hlftlna' R�bmsoll Dove�. by street and �eat by dem'onstration cars ""D' 'AlfItAr 0' per set should be filed promptly _tid, ..., y_ home MIS. Ann . Wltn.... the Honorable J. L. Ren- TO'BUY by Mary lands of W. Mock. MODIU with and the bidding mater- companted F. have been' snatched lody b, f/.h..• tile Architect, Then � drive 0 De Solo wIIlbo _ Robmson. away fr�m • of said Court . willi Seventeen shares of &.� ... charge. froe, Judge in'O(Id (6) the capital RO";'MAS'•• ...... , ial will be forwarded, shipping Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Newman and suP•• ..., ...... bid- ThIs 200tb day of June, 1950. -IJ -...._� stock . 8PwCL4£ of Sea Island Bank of the pat' -. ...::. collect as soon as possible. Any rip-Toe HydrovIic Shiftond FIvId Sandra and Robert. HA!l'TIE POWELL, gyrol DriYe, 00 __ .. children. have. �e- value of $50.00 per share and 186 such promptly _ Ala VISit- det up�n retunUn,g. .set TOO! tumed to Gadsden. .• after Clerk Balloch Superior Court. shares of �he capital stock of Union IIl1d in condItion will be re�und- hiS parents,. Mr. Ml'3. B. I good mg and: Warehouse Compl1ny, of of and any ,non-h�der Want _ Iconomlcal ccir, and hele.B: Metter, cd his payment, (22juH,_t_P_) ...;. -'-_ GIItr DE SOTO GMS rou un other relatiVes the wi1l be re- YAWlS .. Newman" pal' value of $5.UO per share. so returning such set MI". Lavont Proctor and lIpan PETITION . • and . F'OR LE'I"l'ER8 M�s Terms of sale: De Solo', low -... n,.T.. SItJlt • --.....,_ .. Lot3 described in , amazingly COIf �",,", .,..... left funded $26.00. upkeep 'Son, R�nuld Pl(_,ctor, Thursr.iny 2 and a and of and .pee- GEORGIA-Bulloch Connty. IebY.. _WJllJoet c ... pllrngrapphE corporate nN, (UflP� 1,0ItI eNJ (lJ .." '1M .lyl. not., Additional seh' plans ..... for their to -�-- h�me In. Benum.ont, :rexa�, stocks, all cash; lots described in par-. iflcations shall be available gen- To "-II Whom It May Concem: wi'''''')'011 money ..,." mile, IIY." yeor. h_'Iot S'lflli, IS'oMf.rd Oft their' vacatIOn hiS (2, to"" on ,.�, "",,-.,.rll,oI bart or. • ...... of and F. Finch Sr. in ," nft�r spendm.g �Ith. agraphs 1, 4 and 5, one-third cash, eral contractors and set plana Hardy having C..,_ ...... Op"-' palents, Mr. and E. L. tn.dMduoHz fsP#{!&MJbI" (3) a'lolcl, "'oding ••"12-ltJcJJ ...... Ploct�r. in to sub- form to me for •• , ...... S �lrs. Ibalance one and two years with 60/0 are available proper applied penna­ .f Ira nNf .. entertaIned IJnd eou.r. specification...... ••••'1 ..., •• E�10ry .Newman interest "f.rom dilte, deferred paymentf; 'UUI'I/'tA,IJ}[lir.RJpqfJt.lftfJ garagIng ·a deposit of $60.00. nent lette". of administration on the ,-y y ctlr - _J .. Ml"�.�I contractors upon ..... W-,...! JeoIIIoe -'�I'" Oo�ers to be secured by security deed on of will be made up�n estate of John Thomas Finch, late of ",It�,\etc �Ulkey.fOI d�n.ner Sund�y. Got'Clon A r"fund $25.00 .. Pr...n' "IT laid �h. nnd MIS. I '" De S--PlyntOUlh Dealer PAYS TO.IE property purcho3ed return of such sets said county. this is to, cite all and IG�ORANT" • Sandl'a and Robert the prompt Newman, This 5th, 1950. Bingular the creditors and next of � Tom Howard. Ev•.,. nigh, ov... clu'Qs $toliono NeW-I July condition. . W.,dneldoy mnn, Gadsden, AlII.; MISS Eugenta good RB� HODGES has' the right to kin of John Thomas Finch to be and Lake Mr. Tile Authority re- Shankltn, Worth. Fla.� and waIve at will of H E . Cartl ed'ge. all bids to appear my oftlce within the time Mrs. B. B. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. jec. any and and. HINTONEXT. BOOTH' in connectIOn there- allowed by law and show cause if any technicalities Stevens, Stevens, admln- L�ste[' Judr "R:0n- ·.(ttorney for E'ts a te. HOKE S. 'th any they can. w�y. permanent me Newman and MISS Evelyn R1Ch� I BRUNSON' no extension of the istration should not be granted to ardson. w'There will be - Hardy F. Finch Sr. on John Thomas • • .. • FOR RENT Two-bedroom apart- biddinl! period. BUILDING Finch'. estate. • menti floor furnace in walk- • SYSTEM heati I 58-62 East UNIVERSITY H. D. CLUB MEETS ing distance to business section' close ,.,ain St., Statesboro, Ga•. AUTHORITY. Witness my hand and offiCial signa- The of the Home Dem· II in on N, Chairman. ture this 24th. day of June, meeting street. DR. Jr., July Grady E. . Thrasher 1950: '. B. E. --'-O:-O�-�_�_-'-- - onstration Club was held Monday :rl't- BROWN, pl\one8 557-R and F. I. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. 263. • .. (13juI2tc) e''IIoon with the president, Mrs. Dan 252-J. (29jun1t,p) _1 _. �EN �l AUTOMOIILI. All IWT BUICK WIll BUILD TIIIM "

BULWCH AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY. JULY 13. 1950 ------;------'------.------...... -...::.::----rIME,8 --- <;:ELEBRATE BIR'fHD:AY ATTEND FUNERAL 1XIC��===a:t:I:�:�t:lX�IX�:Jt8:8X8:IX�JC8C;NxaaN for '. Delores and Derita Olliff daughters Among -those £J om� out of town of MI and MIs Thomas Olliff', celo­ the funer olaf Remer L Brady Sr on were Mr. and • ..... brated their fifth birthday FrIday af­ Wednesday morning tel noon at tho home of then grand­ MIS. E T Denmut-k, Mnriana, Fla., .,::-eo::Ti'!'!!. Se ..irs, Moultrie: Social : Clubs : Personal parents, Mr and MIS. Lester Olhff. Ml and MIS Geolge and Their WIO bnthd.1Y cakes centered 1'111 and MIS ft"ttoert Wllhams MI Frolll Bulloch ... RF.RVJCB the tufile where fifteen httle guests MIS Willie Bnrnhill, gnvnnnuh: Tim July 18. 1940. SI MI and enjoyed Ice cream, cukes cold and MIS H E Godbee • D. B. Franklin his can­ TIM..,._ ; and, a�nounced BUELoeH WHERE NEEDED I W. tt� �hs W �==� drinks A Vet Y mterestmg und de­ MI3 Harry Godbee and dldac to succeed tilmltelf 111 the 1�1f- Mrs Fled r lightful feutui e was the opemng of HIlls. Snrdis : MI and "latUlc. (STATESBOROI �ATB880RO RAGLE) ' Duncan Mc­ MISS COLLINS BRIDE their gifts Games were enjoyed dur- Shenrcuse, gnvannnh ; County tax digest just and others. completed Personal OF KIMBALL JOHNSTON 109 the aftqmoon Dougald, Claxton, shows tax val\!,ei of $8.080.175-a Purely (}/{E'!nNC� gain of $119.300 over last year. JULY 1960 BY MRS ERNEST BRAl'NEN STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY. 20. VOL. 59-NO. 19 ======I I _ \ •• .. Second summer 'seBslon of Teach­ I, Between. Us � MI ss ers WIll next S H Shei man and MISS Betty Mary Joyce Collins, daughter College bertn Monday; of MI and MIs Robert Herschel Col­ WIth etnrollment of the esssron Shelman are VI iting relatives In Ala­ RUTH BEAVER 713. of became the bride of bama lins, Metter, cl0'8mg tomorrow was the laflfest on Kimball 30n of MIs record MI3S Julin Cal michael, of Chicago, Grady Johnston. Ancient Journalistic Statesboro Low Ii II haven't had a History K Johnston and the late Mr you young son. age MISS eoun­ . l' f;ontractor 111 Grudy Jeasie Kate Bulloch IS spending awhile With relatives Iler, , Johnston, on Thursday evemng, June three, to receive a Gene gun ty 4-H was one of four win­ tnt sboro , Autry clubster, 29th The tmpresstve double cere- ners In the revue held last week AI nold Anderson left Saturday for ling and wake at 3 10 the morntng and style Not of many was solemmzed In the First. at WIll In the state Unlike,'Events Today whete he Will en­ Douglas. compete Washington, DC, proceed to shoot out the wmdows un- Bapttst church m Metter WIth the contest tn the Southeast­ tei FBI school forthcoming Things which often seem strange. conditlou, and does credit to Mr and Mr. Ben TUllier an­ Rev Grover F TYner be- til 6. you haven't begun yet. thrivinG' MI and Mrs of In- Ray offlclatmg hvmg ern Fair- tn Atlanta. bUllder.-We George Parks. may "fter all be more the community and the of a Ben fore a of relatives and Recently 'Mr. Braswell made a local automobile coincidental, dtnne were recent of Mr und nounce the birth son, Ray �atherlDg 'trip Herbert Mntsh. to see our old fl iend Jack , guests but Irlad the editor' with a 51- thia column has had It. evesJ a�e Mrs J B Averitt Jr. July 9. at the Bulloch CounJY to Atlanta. and. hke all grandfathers, dealer. presented BIrd. bettcr known u� BIg Jack, church was beautiful WIth the and MIS. Jane frITh�·· pound watermelon, Cuban Queen. opened by of which our MISS Lynn Smith was he couldn't come home WIthout a repetition hIstory I a in neighbor­ Mrs. Turner fonnat­ gift spending' f'1-w days N Hosplbnl background decorations of f�rn which S9WI.I, '''1 111 p.AI3,a. JUS os ls.lI.111 MOITIS are at Camp Tonawanda, for AI. his young grandson. He Wetllt seemed beyond belief. hood from his home In Snvannah­ MISS Anne Attaway. veiled the choir loft. From the een- Marsh truckload to Sa­ for seve 1 nl weeks Iy to with the In efflce. carrted Better bread have never C., sleep gun his mind. and in the of ago prospects and MIS Elma tral mass of greenery white satin vannah for sale-and IIlghest offer Somebody age's long �or It Tupper Snussy Jr not beml{ a ve,y good judge of time been seen in the 45th dlstrict. Mr and Mr3 John W Swmt an- ribbons WIth a lacy 'pattern of plu- was 3 cents each, IS credited WIth the philasaphy th a t Par trick, of 'Tampa, FIn, 11Ie m the wee cmall honrs he couldn't shows that the farmers have had • v�sltmg down bu th of a Mnrce­ moso f�rn the center extended SOCIal events' MI'S. E L. Barnes en­ ever has MI. A J. Mooney SI nounce the daughter. understand why Dottle and Albert did nothing IS new-what I •• their shoulde rs ,� the wheeL-The of Mc­ fan-wise to massive arrangements of tel tamed after­ Dr and Mr. J E Carruth. at the Bulloch not take the WIth as much informally TUesday what has been will be farmers of \hIs have laid by Iyn Day. July 2. County white' and white gun enthus­ been; agam, �ctlon were recent VISitors 10 gladiol] chrysunthe- noon in honor of her slater, Mrs. J. Comb, MISS, iasm as he did about 6 when theIr com crop. and have turned their Mrs SWInt was formerly mums m altar vases The choir- ruil Along How far that phIlosophy reaches Statesboro for a short time Hcspital. E Down. of Valdosta.--A suppri'

- the BUlld- offices and \Va.s flanked sti­ followlllg m Bulloch. The Oconee rIver .own John E SIms. director of Elementary Schools and all Instant Hot or Cold lovely centerpIece by Y-8 he had stronll '1209th Bee Line crooses the have a sister your age. (Statesboro�-Bruce ver candelabra tn state senate Aktn'S., at holdtng tapers. BIll was a ton. at has notIfied PreSIdent classrooms of the dIVIsion ltghted presented M . J hns Ion the once described WIll c.1I AuthorIty. collegc {rom the Bruce.Olhff. George politically ptomment If the lady Ing TENDER LEAF Later In the evening Mr and MI'S. yeste,day to transfer Bulloch TEA, jar 39c 1320th W. Parri3h. in the TImes �fflce she will b. given Zach S Henderson cducatton. Johnston left for a to MIddle to the AtlantIC Judllal circuit. '(Bay)-E. Ferry brIdge, completed wedding tnp "Young under a 'w111 lie 97 per cent Caffem R Lee Moore 1939 a mIl· two ttckets to the picture Funds WIll be plovlded Elementary Schuol pupIls Free FlorIda The brIde tl a veled In a PItt!< If measure becomes law. E. Cannady. at the cost of nearly half Man WIth a Hot'll." showmll' today SIlk SUIt WIth fitted coat. for sohcltorshlp of self-hquldatmg progl am removed from a small. outmoded Instant shantung WIll be candIdate 1523rd (Brooklet)-W. C. W'lllalls'han dollars. Theater. $6.000.000 Sanka Cromley., and at the GeorgIa COFFEE, jar 55c Her' hat via a straw cover­ A • Fnday of •• matchmg the CirCUit. a.oI launched the board of regents at another end of the camp'll J H. Wyatt. BuII OCoU county cItIzens have After recelYltlg hAl: tickets, .t the by plant ed w1th old-fashioned flowers tn nun­ July 18-Endmg a "Sylvanta. Ga. The m an Kounty Crisp Golden afternoon 'R. I Ul