Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

A Noodle Lover’s Paradise in For Listening and Discussion Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

1. Have you ever been to Japan? Do you like Japan?

2. What is your favorite Japanese food? Why?

3. What are the differences between Chinese food and Japanese food? Do you know that serves many more uncooked ingredients and foods than does Chinese cuisine? Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

速食麵之父- 安藤百福 安藤百福(1910-2017)為台 裔日籍企業家與發明家,本名吳 百福,出生於嘉義,在二戰後歸 化日本。當時由於對政府獎勵吃 麵包感到不滿,認為應該以日本 Momofuku Ando (1910-2017) 傳統麵食為獎勵,因此開始用自 • A Japanese-Taiwanese 己的力量來推廣麵食。 inventor and businessman • Founder of Nissin Food 他後來成功製作出第一款雞 Products Co., Ltd. 湯泡麵,推出後大受歡迎,並成 • One of the inventors of instant 立日清食品。他改良麵條製成泡 noodles, instant , and 麵,為飲食文化帶來重大革命。 Cup Noodles. Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

Tonkatsu Dorayaki 吉列豬排 壽喜燒 銅鑼燒

Onigiri Ramen 飯糰 拉麵 蛋包飯 Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

• Instructions: Listen and fill in the blanks. (A) dedicated to (B) transcended (C) revolutionized (D) conceivable

 JOJO STRUYS, “JOJO'S DIARY OF ASIA” This is the cup noodle [Noodles] Museum, ______the1 life of Momofuku Ando, who ______,2 round the world, how people eat, because he invented the world's first cup noodle [noodles].

Momofuku Ando lived to the age of ninety-six and dedicated his whole life to innovating new and creative ideas around food. His dreams even ______3 beyond planet Earth where [when] he invented a way people can also eat noodles in space.

Cup noodles of every ______4 brand on the planet was [are] all housed in this one room. Just standing in his room made me realize the awesome power of one man’s vision. Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

 JOJO STRUYS, “JOJO'S DIARY OF ASIA” This is the cup noodle [Noodles] Museum, dedicated to the life of Momofuku Ando, who revolutionized, round the world, how people eat, because he invented the world's first cup noodle [noodles].

Momofuku Ando lived to the age of ninety-six and dedicated his whole life to innovating new and creative ideas around food. His dreams even transcended beyond planet Earth where [when] he invented a way people can also eat noodles in space.

Cup noodles of every conceivable brand on the planet was [are] all housed in this one room. Just standing in his room made me realize the awesome power of one man’s vision.

Answer Key: 1. (A)、 2. (C) 、 3. (B) 、 4. (D) Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

• Instructions: Listen and fill in the blanks. (A) artistry (B) curiosity (C) section (D) interactive (E) flattened

This museum was very ______;5 where you can touch, feel, see, and learn how a cup noodles gets [cup noodles get] made. You can actually experience the life of a noodle. This ______6 was great for kids because they physically learned the entire process, from climbing up the nets to where the noodles first get ______,7 and then they even walk into this giant cup noodle, and out they come though the slider, which is the conveyor belt.

This entire place was designed to stir your ______8 and imagination, and it was so unique. Like any museums, it expands one’s sense of creativity and ______,9 but I had never been to a museum dedicated to the world of noodles. Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

This museum was very interactive; where you can touch, feel, see, and learn how a cup noodles gets [cup noodles get] made. You can actually experience the life of a noodle. This section was great for kids because they physically learned the entire process, from climbing up the nets to where the noodles first get flattened, and then they even walk into this giant cup noodle, and out they come though the slider, which is the conveyor belt.

This entire place was designed to stir your curiosity and imagination, and it was so unique. Like any museums, it expands one’s sense of creativity and artistry, but I had never been to a museum dedicated to the world of noodles.

Answer Key: 5. (D)、 6. (C) 、 7. (E) 、 8. (B) 、 9. (A) Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

• Instructions: Please listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.

 10. What is the woman looking forward to? (A) A pineapple cake made by his grandma (B) A rice dumplings from the neighbors (C) A cup of the tea from the owner of the restaurant (D) A quick bowl of noodles from the noodle bazaar

 11. What did the woman decide to eat? (A) A bowl of Chinese noodles (B) A bowl of chicken soup (C) A bowl of Japanese ramen (D) A bowl of pork dumplings Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

It's amazing, right, how one man's vision can literally spread all over the world. I mean, we all know what cup noodles is [are]. If you're rushing around, traveling on an airplane or on the go, having a cup noodle [cup noodles] is convenient, and it's a hot and tasty meal, all in the one cup. Some of the best ideas are the simplest.

I was looking forward to a quick bowl of noodles from the noodle bazaar. They served [serve] all sorts of noodle dishes here from different countries. I decided to have some Japanese ramen. Ramen is a type of Japanese noodle soup dish.

Answer Key: 10. (D)、 11. (C) Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

• revolutionize (v.) 使徹底變革 The invention of the jet engine revolutionized air travel. 小型飛機引擎的發明徹底變革了空中運輸。

• transcend (v.) 超越;勝過 China’s pollution problem is so great that it transcends national boundaries. 中國的人口問題是個超越國界的巨大問題。

• conceivable (adj.) 可想到的 You’re the best student in the class; it’s simply not conceivable that you failed the exam. 你是班上最優秀的學生,實在是想不到你會考試不及格。 Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

• interactive (adj.) 互動的 For more information, you can visit our company’s interactive Web site. 想知道更多資訊,你可以造訪我們公司的互動網站。

• section (n.) 區域;部分 You can find yogurt in the dairy section of this supermarket. 你可以在這間超市的乳製品區域找到優格。

• flatten (v.) 使變平;壓扁 The girl’s bicycle was flattened by a heavy truck. 那個女孩的腳踏車被貨車重重壓扁。

• curiosity (n.) 好奇心 Pandora’s curiosity about the universe led her to become an astronomer. 潘朵拉對於宇宙的好奇心使她成為一位太空人。

• artistry (n.) 藝術才華 Yoshi prepares with a high level of artistry. 悠西才華洋溢的製作了一盤壽司。 Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

• bazaar (n.) 市場;市集 In many parts of the world, people still do their shopping at traditional bazaars. 世界各地的角落裡,有些地方的人們還是會到傳統市集購物。 Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

• dedicate to 致力於 • 動詞 dedicate 指「致力於、獻身於某事物」。常用在以下兩種句型: a. sth + be dedicated to… 某物獻給….. All Victor’s energy is dedicated to making his restaurant a success. 維克多將所有的精力都放在餐廳的經營上。 b. dedicate oneself / one’s life to 某人獻身於….. After graduating from medical school, Herbert dedicated himself to helping people in developing countries. 賀伯特從醫學院畢業後,致力於幫助發展中國家的人民。 Live ABC雜誌授權 第5號

1. Do you know that in Japan, rice was introduced from Southeast Asia a couple of centuries before the common era, and became the staple food of the upper classes?

2. Do you know why are noodles typical to many countries in East Asia - China, Japan, Vietnam?

3. Is it rude if you don't make slurping noise when you eat noodles in Japan?