THE ICON-Newsletter of the Interactive Computer Owners Network August 2014 WHAT’S INSIDE —- Page Andrew Cummins President, ICON Computer Users Group August & September
[email protected] Program Schedules ….……. 2 You are ICON! Word of the month ………… 2 Interesting Sites to Summer is almost over, but not before our annual picnic. We’ve Visit on the Internet ..….…... 3 moved it inside and to the second Saturday of August at Golden Corral. So, no weather worries. If we haven’t seen you around for Minutes of 12 July 14……….4 a while, be all the more sure to come and catch up with old friends. Q&A Google Drive (Part 1) . 4 We’ve had some good classes over the past several months. New Trends in Laptop And, I regret not being able to make it to some of the classes in Computing....……….…. ...5-6 the first quarter of the year. Even when the topic of a class isn’t my cup of tea, I’m still thrilled with getting to chat and talk about Computer Tutor.…....………..7 computers with the others in class. Skype for Windows 8……8-10 You’re a part of ICON, and you can make ICON better. As al- 3 Better Ways to Store Files ways, if you have a new gadget or are familiar with some soft- ware or an app, come and share with us what you’ve learned. Than on Your Desktop...10-12 Share with us your experience. I know each of you have experi- Create & Save a Custom ence with something you could tell us about, just between friends.