Vice President of Shri.Venkaiah Naidu expressing his happiness that Goa has been the front runner on the march of development with highest Per Capita Income and best human development parameters said Goa is also the most urbanized State in the country with over 62% of its people living in towns and cities. The Vice President gracing the Annual Legislator’s Day Celebration, organized to commemorate 60th year of Goa’s Liberation jointly organized by the and Goa Legislators Forum at the lawns of Goa Legislative Assembly Complex, today lauded the progress and tremendous development made by Goa post liberation in every spheres of life and further mentioned that success in this direction could be attributed to the efforts made by the successive Governments. Stressing on Goa’s beauty Vice President said blue skies and the golden palm fringed beaches, Goa is also called as the 'Pearl of the Orient' and is rightly among the most preferred tourist destinations in the world, he added. Shri Naidu paying his homage to the leaders of the long drawn liberation movement and the people who had suffered the worst in their quest for freedom said Goa has entered the 60th year of liberation solely for their efforts and are thereby masters of their own destiny. Former MLA and freedom fighter, Shri Rohidas Naik; Former Member of Shri ; Former MLA, Shri Chandrakant Chodankar, Ex MLA Shri Anil Prabhudesai the members of Third Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu were felicitated at the hands of Vice President. Former Chief Minister and Ex Speaker of Goa Legislative Assembly Shri will be felicitated later. Mementos were presented to Shri Teotino Pereira, Shri Gopal Mayekar and Shri Gajanan Raikar at the hands of Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu. Governor of Goa, Shri complimented the work of legislature. He said, elected representatives should do what they say and should say what they will do and appealed to the legislators to work dedicatedly to lead the society on the right path. Chief Minister, Dr. said, Goa is celebrating 60th year of Goa Liberation in State and mentioned that Goa has done commendable development in all aspects and sectors for which the tiny Goa State is shinning all over. Chief Minister said that he is ready to listen the problems of common people and urged people to come out with constructive ideas. Government is very much sensitive towards the public sentiments, he added. Minister for Legislative Affairs, Shri. Mauvin Godinho urged to come out with positive ideas in building up the nation and appealed to the people to supplement government’s efforts for overall development of the State. Leader of Opposition Shri. also spoke on the occasion. Earlier Speaker of Goa Legislative Assembly, Shri welcomed the dignitaries. Deputy Speaker Shri Isidore Fernandes proposed the vote of thanks. Musical troupe of Kala Academy presented welcome song, Sundar Mhaza Goa. The function was compered by Dr. Dayanand Rao.


Issued by: Department of Information and Publicity